Professional competence of the cook. Formation of professional competencies in the classroom of educational practice in the profession "Cook, confectioner" teaching aid on the topic. Professional skills and abilities of the cook


E. M. Starobina

Specificity vocational education people with disabilities

The article reveals the features of vocational education for people with disabilities, which consists in an interdisciplinary approach, rehabilitation and educational essence, taking into account the characteristics of people with disabilities, in particular, limitations on the ability to learn and subsequently work.

The article describes the specific of vocational education for people with disabilities, which is an interdisciplinary approach, rehabilitation and educational essence, taking into account the characteristics of people with disabilities, particularly educational employment and opportunities.

Keywords Keywords: vocational education of persons with disabilities, rehabilitation and educational environment, rehabilitation and educational technologies, accompanying services.

Key words: vocational education of persons with disabilities, rehabilitation and educational environment, rehabilitation educational and technology, accompanying services.

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2007, proposes to recognize the valuable current and potential contribution of persons with disabilities to the general welfare. Promoting the full enjoyment by persons with disabilities of human rights and fundamental freedoms will enable them to make significant progress in the human, social and economic development of society. The right of persons with disabilities to education and work on an equal basis with others must be recognized; persons with disabilities should have access to vocational guidance, general and vocational education, adult education throughout life, without discrimination and on an equal basis with others.

The convention determines that states must recognize the right of persons with disabilities to education. In order to realize this right on the basis of equality of opportunity, inclusive education at all levels and lifelong learning must be ensured, while striving:

Toward the full development of human potential, fundamental freedoms and human diversity;

To the development of the personality, talents and creativity of the disabled, as well as their mental and physical abilities to the fullest extent;

© Starobina E.M., 2014

To empower people with disabilities to participate effectively in society.

The norms of Article 19 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in Russian Federation» our state provides disabled people with basic general, secondary (complete) general education, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education in accordance with an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person.

In accordance with the provisions of h.h. 5, 6 art. 19 of the same law for disabled people who need special conditions to receive vocational education, special vocational institutions of various types and types are created or appropriate conditions are created in vocational educational institutions of a general type.

However, in practice, these declarations are implemented with great difficulty.

Currently, in studies related to the study of vocational education of various categories of people with disabilities, the problems of forming a system of continuous multi-level, variable in form of vocational education for this category of students, integrating the existing system of specialized and mass institutions into a single educational space and improving specialized institutions of vocational education based on the introduction of effective rehabilitation and educational technologies and uniform educational standards.

The theory of vocational education of people with disabilities (PWD) is currently only being formed at the intersection of several sciences: pedagogy, rehabilitation, psychology, sociology, medicine, etc. The specificity of the theory of vocational education of people with disabilities lies in its interdisciplinarity, rehabilitation and educational entities. It is based on taking into account the characteristics of people with disabilities, in particular, various restrictions on the ability to learn and subsequently work. At the same time, it is necessary to note the high social significance of this problem.

The problem of theoretical substantiation of the system of vocational education for persons with disabilities has arisen relatively recently due to the need to ensure access for this category of students to high-quality vocational education. At the same time, we can state the absence of special educational conditions, special educational technologies, comprehensive psychological and pedagogical and medical and social support for students with special needs, trained pedagogical personnel that ensure the preservation of their health and

functional adaptation in the conditions of the existing system of vocational education.

As the basic principles of the system of vocational education for persons with disabilities, the principles of accessibility to all levels and levels of vocational education, the optimal content and scope of special educational and rehabilitation services, the combination of a strict vertical hierarchy and broad (developed) horizontal (regional and interregional) connections of educational institutions are put forward. , regardless of their departmental subordination and forms of ownership.

The theory of vocational education of people with disabilities, being integrative in essence, in the rehabilitation aspect is characterized by specific concepts: "disabled", "person with disabilities", "limitation of life", "limitation of the ability to work", "limitation of the ability to learn ”, “social protection”, “rehabilitation of the disabled”, “professional rehabilitation”.

From the point of view of rehabilitation, vocational education is one of its aspects, an element of vocational rehabilitation. Vocational training as a central link in vocational rehabilitation is determined by the relationship with career guidance, choice of profession, pre-professional training, on the one hand, and with employment and industrial adaptation as criteria for its effectiveness, on the other.

The most important categories of professional rehabilitation of disabled people are: labor potential, labor forecast, rational employment. Labor potential determines the possibility of training a disabled person in the specialty available to him and subsequent work in it, taking into account both individual and external factors and conditions. In the process of vocational education, the student is prepared for work in the recommended conditions and forms of labor organization. There are ordinary and specially created production conditions. Special working conditions and training in specialized educational institutions are mainly needed by people with disabilities, people with disabilities who have limited ability to learn.

Vocational education is designed to solve the problems of not only mastering the profession, but also social adaptation, integration into educational and labor collectives, and society.

The composition of the rehabilitation component of the process of vocational education of disabled people is substantiated by an integrated approach to rehabilitation, the concept of psychological and pedagogical medical and social support of a person during the educational process (E.I. Kazakova), which defines a comprehensive method of support, including the unity of diagnostics, information retrieval,

planning, advising and assisting in the implementation of the maintenance plan, in general view the functions and activities of the escort service are defined.

The main elements of the rehabilitation component of the process of vocational education for disabled people include: an accessible rehabilitation and educational learning environment, special rehabilitation and educational technologies, accompanying services.

The rehabilitation and educational environment is an environment adapted to the special needs of a disabled person in an educational institution, which provides conditions for the development of professional programs, the adaptation of a person in an educational institution and in society, and the solution of problems associated with learning. This environment should fully or partially compensate for the limitations of the disabled person's life and provide conditions for an optimal rehabilitation and educational process.

The rehabilitation and educational environment should be adapted not only to the educational needs of a disabled person, but also to his social, social, environmental, sociocultural needs (moving around the building, communication, informing, eating, performing basic hygiene procedures, etc.) . The environment should create conditions for rehabilitation in the process of education and subsequent most complete integration into society and the workforce. It is also necessary to take into account that not all persons with disabilities can be competitive in the labor market and their employment requires specially created working conditions.

The following components of the rehabilitation and educational environment can be distinguished:

Special rehabilitation and educational technologies;

An unhindered environment for learning, communication and life of disabled people due to architectural and planning solutions and technical support (individual and group technical means of training and rehabilitation);

Information Support rehabilitation and educational process for the disabled in an accessible form for them, their relatives, teachers and other professionals;

Psychological-pedagogical and medical-social support of the educational process;

Favorable, friendly, psychologically comfortable atmosphere in a rehabilitation and educational institution.

It should be clarified that in an educational institution during the vocational training of disabled people, the rehabilitation and educational environment provides not only unhindered communication and life of disabled people to overcome the difficulties of social adaptation, but

the main thing is the optimal learning conditions in accordance with the special rehabilitation and educational needs of the disabled.

In socio-psychological terms, the formation of a rehabilitation and educational environment, for example, institutions of primary vocational education, is determined to a decisive extent by the action of subjective factors of socio-psychological adaptation of persons with disabilities among students who are not.

The environment is the most important means of rehabilitation, being at the same time a healing, therapeutic tool for the disabled. The concept of "environment" also includes the inner circle, the social circle of a disabled person: this is the family, and those who surround him in a specialized institution, and those who are next to him at work, study, during leisure hours. The nature of communication and relations (relationships) of a disabled person with other people depends not only on the characteristics of his personal properties, but also on the perception of him by others. They cannot be interpreted as a subjective reflection of human relations or taken as a basis only material or organizational aspects, it is necessary to consider them as a psycho-social factor with a guided nature of relationships. At the same time, the "clothing environment" (interior, comfort, informal atmosphere in the institution, etc.) is also important.

Rehabilitation and educational technologies are a set of organizational forms, methods and means that provide professional education. This is a pedagogical process and an aspect of vocational rehabilitation at the optimal level, taking into account the specifics of the contingent of students and specific conditions. educational institution with access to specific both educational and rehabilitation results in accordance with the current educational and rehabilitation standards.

Rehabilitation and educational technologies should provide:

Organic connection and unity of educational and rehabilitation processes;

Optimal absorption educational material both theoretical and practical;

Physical access to training and production equipment,

Information accessibility;

Availability of interpersonal communication;

Psychological comfort of the rehabilitation and educational process;

Access to intensive, high technology education, communication and rehabilitation, when access to them is difficult due to specific

life restrictions;

Perhaps a more complete correction and compensation (and / or replacement) of violations of body functions (for example, "artificial ear" processors, programmable and digital hearing aids, etc.).

The technological base should include special material and technical and educational and methodological bases that ensure the availability and optimal efficiency of the rehabilitation and educational process for each disabled person, the creation of a special rehabilitation environment and educational space adapted to the needs of disabled people.

The organization of accompanying services is substantiated by the theory of integrated development support, which is also transferred to the vocational education of people with disabilities, which is due to a number of reasons:

Recognition of the principles of humanistic pedagogy, proclaiming the personality of a person as the greatest value, obliging to create conditions for the maximum development of this personality;

Recognition of new approaches to the goals, content and effectiveness of education;

The presence of a clearly visible trend of an annual increase in the number of disabled people wishing to receive vocational education, including in educational institutions of a general type;

A significant increase in the difficulties of an organizational, legal, technical, methodological, psychological, ethical nature that arise in the way of a disabled person during the period of vocational education and after its completion.

The main goals of accompanying disabled people in the process of vocational education are the following: organization of psychological, methodological, technical and educational support for this category of students. As forms of organization of support, both specialized departments (at institutions of a general type or specialized for accompanying students of a given educational institution) and accompanying services are offered.

Accompanying services that provide an integrated approach to the rehabilitation of a disabled person in the learning process, his psychological, pedagogical and medical and social support, include methodological, psychological, social, medical, technical services.

The methodological service ensures the adaptation of curricula and teaching methods, the introduction of modern educational, including specialized, and rehabilitation technologies, methodological support, the interaction of accompanying services, the supply of adapted educational materials and manuals.

The psychological service solves the following tasks: development of individual programs for psychological support of students in an educational institution; participation in professional selection and professional selection; psychological diagnostics; psychological patronage, psychological assistance in the form of psychotherapy, psychocorrection, consultations and trainings in group and individual form; teaching students self-knowledge, methods of social and business communication, psychological self-regulation and self-realization; psychological assistance to teaching staff; psychological assistance to the family.

The social service solves the following tasks: coordination and control of the work of all accompanying services, keeping individual rehabilitation diaries; development of individual programs of social support for students in an educational institution; participation in professional selection, professional selection and enrollment, conducting social diagnostics and organizing work on the registration of applicants and staffing groups; social diagnostics; implementation of social patronage; identifying a “risk” group from a social point of view, taking measures to social rehabilitation; intermediary function between students and the institution, as well as institutions public service rehabilitation in the implementation of personal and professional plans; counseling for people with disabilities social protection, benefits and guarantees, assistance in the realization of their rights; social training (social and social and environmental skills), organization of cultural and mass and sports and recreational work; promotion of rational employment of graduates in accordance with the acquired specialty and qualifications, cooperating with the employment service and employers; track job performance and professional activity graduates, identifying the difficulties and problems they encounter in professional rehabilitation.

The medical service participates in professional selection and professional selection by assessing the health status of applicants, clarifying the indications and contraindications for a particular specialty; c develops individual medical support programs for students in an educational institution; coordinates and coordinates its activities with medical institutions; sends students to medical institutions to receive narrow specialized medical care, to sanatorium-and-spa treatment, prosthetics and orthotics; teaches students and their parents how to implement medical rehabilitation measures at home, transfers medical knowledge, skills and abilities, carries out medical advisory and preventive work, sanitary and hygienic and medical education; controls the state of health

view of students, medical patronage, setting of permissible training and production loads and training regime; selection from the number of students of the "risk" and "high risk" groups from a medical point of view; making decisions when emergency medical care is needed; control of the sanitary condition of the institution, quality control and recommendations for catering, including dietary; carries out medical and recreational activities.

The technical service provides support technical means training (e.g. specialized work tables, seating and repositioning supports, etc.), accessibility of premises (bridges, ramps, descents, sound environment, visual environment, etc.), work safety and adaptation of training and workplaces for industrial training, equipment for educational, recreational and residential environments for various categories of disabled people; individual consulting on the equipment of workplaces and dwellings of students.

Such a provision of the rehabilitation component in the process of vocational education of disabled people will ensure the high efficiency of mastering the profession of systemic, multidisciplinary support, its continuous nature, reliance on the positive internal potential of the child’s development, interaction instead of influence, as well as the priority of the interests of the accompanied, the independence and autonomy of support service specialists (always on the side child).

Long-term practice of the activities of specialized institutions of vocational education of the social protection system has shown that such an organization of the rehabilitation component of the learning process, based on the principles of continuous systemic, multidisciplinary support of the learning process based on the positive internal development potential of the individual, ensures high efficiency in mastering the profession of people with disabilities.

Currently, more and more educational institutions of general vocational education are creating specialized departments, groups for the vocational training of students with disabilities on their basis, and an integrated approach to learning is gradually being implemented. However, this activity is not provided neither normatively, nor methodically, nor technically, nor by personnel, which does not contribute to ensuring the preservation of the health of this category of students, their functional adaptation in the conditions of the existing system of vocational education.

The problem of effective integrated vocational education for people with disabilities in accordance with world standards should be addressed in line with the directions outlined above, both at the federal and regional levels.


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Topic: Features of vocational training for children with disabilities.


    Features of vocational training of children with disabilities.

    Components of the pedagogical technology of correctional and developmental education in vocational training of mentally retarded schoolchildren.

3. Features of adaptation to work activities of students with disabilities.




One of the priority areas of special (correctional) education for children with developmental disabilities, along with general education, is to provide them with a real opportunity to receive labor training. This is due to the fact that for the majority of graduates, only labor training in special (correctional) general education schools, aimed at vocational training, correction and compensation for their mental and physical development, provides employment opportunities.

The differences in the labor training of children with disabilities in comparison with their normally developing peers are caused by the need to strengthen it in order to correct deviant development and prepare graduates for full participation in working life in modern conditions of the economic development of society. The tasks of labor training of students with developmental disabilities are: the education of a motivated, vitally interested attitude to work and the formation of appropriate personal qualities (the ability to work in a team, a sense of independence, self-affirmation, responsibility); correction and compensation by means of labor training of shortcomings in physical and mental development; vocational training for productive work, which allows school graduates to work in production.

These tasks are of particular importance in relation to mentally retarded students, who, due to their intellectual and psychophysical characteristics and capabilities, are the most deficient in terms of providing them with general education, labor training, and especially employment.

The further fate of graduates of special (correctional) schools is problematic, since they cannot compete with their normally developing peers in the labor market. The problem of employment is especially acute, since in addition to a decrease in intelligence, students, as a rule, have concomitant psycho-neurological, physical and somatic complications that interfere with the development of professional skills leading to qualification skills. Features of memory and thinking in mentally retarded students lead to difficulties in the formation of technical and technological knowledge, which in turn affects the awareness and mobility of skills and abilities.

1. Features of vocational training for children with disabilities.

A person with problems in intellectual and physical development, as a citizen, does not differ in the right to work from other members of society. But he needs special help in developing his abilities for work and exercising his rights to it with mutual benefit for himself and others (G.M. Dulnev, S.L. Mirsky, B.I. Pinsky).

The educational-adaptive and rehabilitation environment of schools of the VIII type meets the tasks of the most open for labor training and employment of persons with special needs.

As practice shows, correctly created conditions, forms and content of vocational training in them are able to provide the student with the development of labor skills and skills, professional programs, the formation of a general culture of the individual, its socialization and the solution of related problems of social, domestic, leisure activities in accordance with its capabilities. , moral and ethical. This environment should, if possible, compensate for the limitations of the mentally retarded child, allowing him, after graduation from school, to enter the labor market in areas accessible to him.

The educational process for labor training in special (correctional) schools of the VIII type allows solving a number of problems:

    the formation of intellectual skills in work;

    correction and development of purposeful motor skills, taking into account the synthetic period for their formation (12-15 years);

    conscious regulation labor actions technological operations;

    training in self-service and self-sufficiency skills in everyday life;

5) the formation of the personality of the student in the process of vocational training and career guidance based on general labor skills and abilities;

    student socialization.

The modern school is focused on accessibility, variability, individualization of educational services that maximize the interests of a developing personality. These directions in the activities of the special school are meaningful and priority in the organization of the educational environment for children with intellectual disabilities.

In contrast to the developed system of vocational training of workers with normal intellectual development, the problem of training persons with disabilities has not been sufficiently developed either in theoretical or practical terms, and there is essentially no effective solution to it. As a result, graduates of special (correctional) general education schools of the VIII type, having a certain potential for labor opportunities, are not able to realize them in production conditions.

For a long time, graduates of our school have the opportunity to study at two vocational schools in the city - vocational school No. 14, vocational school No. 49. Orphans continue their education at the Spassky Agro-Industrial College, vocational school No. 12 in the memory of the Paris Commune of the Borsky District, and the agricultural technical school in the village of Voskresenskoye . Also, after school, children are registered with the City Employment Center, where, as necessary, short-term professional courses are opened for children with disabilities in the specialties that they are able to master. After graduating from a vocational school, many of them quite successfully work in various industries as seamstresses, carpenters, tilers, plasterers, painters, etc. Some are engaged in maintenance work (nurses, cleaners).

At the same time, there are still many issues, the solution of which will depend on the improvement of the social and labor adaptation of graduates. In summary, these questions address the following issues:

Improving labor training, taking into account the further education of students in the vocational education system or on the basis, together with the school of small manufacturing enterprises;

Strengthening work on the social and domestic orientation of persons with developmental disabilities;

Organization of assistance to the family of a disabled child.

Vocational training, as an important and socially significant subject, is aimed at the social and labor adaptation of mentally retarded schoolchildren. This involves improving the organization educational process, scientific substantiation of the content of training, the level of its methodological support.

The presence of deviations in mental development is reflected in the fact that the choice of a profession for mentally retarded students, as well as for other children with developmental disabilities, narrows down to employment in a limited number of specialties available to them. Therefore, the main direction of career guidance in a special (correctional) general education school, boarding schoolVIIItype is the education of students' interests and inclinations for the recommended types of work, taking into account their potential, the implementation of which is ensured by the corrective nature of education. Solving this problem is more difficultthe originality of the labor activity itself, its special specifics in the educational process.

Severe mental retardation retarded children of psychophysiology labor processes and formationtechnical and technological knowledge, speech-thinking activity,determined the need to develop specific requirements fororganization of their labor training, its practical and correctiveorientation (G.M. Dulnev, S.L. Mirsky, B.N. Pinsky and others). In this regard, one of the main conditions in the professional and labortraining adolescents with developmental problems, it is necessary to linkgeneral correctional orientation of training, taking into account individual and typological featurestrained on the basis of the target, energy and executive side of theirlabor activity with the basics of psychophysiology of labor. Thus, in the system of remedial education for mentally retarded schoolchildren, contradictions between:

The existing system of their vocational training and modern socio-economic conditions that make it difficult for them to find employment;

The increased qualification requirements for the training of specialists and the peculiarities of the mental and psychophysical development of students, which make it difficult for them to master even professions that are accessible to them;

A limited number of professions in which persons with mental retardation can be employed, and an even smaller number of professions in which it is possible to provide vocational training for students of correctional schools of the VIII type.

All the indicated contradictions make it difficult for mentally retarded graduates to be competitive in the labor market, especially since most of them are not disabled, and therefore do not have any benefits in employment. They are subject to the same requirements as their normally developing peers, graduates of general education schools.

2. Components of the pedagogical technology of correctional and developmental education in the vocational training of mentally retarded schoolchildren.

Pedagogical technology- this is a set of means and methods for reproducing theoretically substantiated processes of education and upbringing, which make it possible to successfully implement the set educational goals. Pedagogical technology implies an appropriate scientific design, in which these goals are set quite unambiguously, and the possibility of objective step-by-step measurements and a final assessment of the results achieved is retained. The components of the pedagogical technology developed by us for teaching mentally retarded schoolchildren to work are: knowledge of the ontogeny of the student and the features of psychophysiology in labor training, as well as dysontogenesis (diffuse perception of the surrounding reality). Implementation of the didactic principle "teaching - study"; typology of students in labor education for a differentiated and individual approach; creation of an arsenal of corrective means that promote learning and development of the emotional-volitional sphere and sensorimotor processes; selection effective methods taking into account the typology of the lesson and the stage of training; selection of TCO funds and the effectiveness of their application.

The main task of the technology of correctional and developmental education in the labor education of mentally retarded students is to work on the relationship between the formed cognitive and operational images of labor actions of various technological operations, as a result of which a product or semi-finished product is created.

Solving the main problem of social and labor adaptation of mentally retarded schoolchildren, it is necessary to take into account four main factors of the technology of correctional and developmental education (Scheme 1).

Factors of technology of correctional and developmental education

Social environment Social environment

Social environment.

Based on the concept of special education:

Correctional and pedagogical work should occupy a central position in the system, since it determines the defectological orientation of the educational process in a special school

Correction should be at the crossroads of the constituent parts of general education and at the same time have its own specific shades (orientation) in the implementation of the training, education and development of abnormal schoolchildren;

In terms of the volume and significance of the correctional and pedagogical process in the system of special education, it should be given a prominent place at the crossroads of the components of education;

Correction like social system, should have independent access to the environment, since any system does not function in isolation, but in specific social conditions.

3. Features of adaptation to labor
activities of students with disabilities.

From the point of view of labor psychology, the content of the concept of labor
activity includes, first of all, the psychophysiological features of this process, which in mentally retarded schoolchildren differ significantly from the course of these processes in their normally developing peers. Without taking into account specific features, an effective process of vocational training of mentally retarded schoolchildren is impossible.
Their unformed higher forms cognitive activity, first of all, analytical-synthetic, concreteness and superficiality of thinking, violation of the verbal regulation of labor activity negatively affects the formation of cognitive and operational images in the processing of technological operations, which in turn leads to the difficulty of forming the mobility of professional skills and abilities.

A system-structural approach to the analysis of the characteristics of labor
activities and opportunities for learning by mentally retarded students of educational material allows, on the basis of identifying their individual and typological characteristics, manifested in work activities, to create pedagogical technologies that have a corrective orientation in order to ensure the development of students, i.e. mastering them not only simple labor skills, but also general labor skills.

Expressed deviations in professional and labor
The activities of mentally retarded children are directly manifested in insufficient success in the development of purposeful labor actions and movements in the process of forming normatively approved methods of professional work, leading to dexterity in work in general and in the difficulties of mastering terminological concepts at the first stage of education in grades 5-7 (product, parts, tools, materials and technological operations). Mastering the initial skills, knowledge and abilities on the basis of the developed methods creates positive prerequisites both for the further professional training of mentally retarded adolescents in high school or in the PU system, and for the development of a socially significant personality in general.

Efficiency initial stage vocationallearning is largely associated with the correction and developmentspeech-thinking activity and positive motivation to work onthe basis of the formation of emotional and volitional activity of students withproblems of psychophysical development.

4. The problem of vocational training of children with developmental disabilities.

The problem of vocational training of mentally retarded schoolchildren is closely related to their psychophysiological readiness to master professional labor activity. The origins of this problem are the studies of many foreign and domestic speech pathologists, who introduced the defining classifiers of the mental and psychophysiological characteristics of mentally retarded students in mastering educational material.

In the studies of G.E. Sukhareva and M.S. Pevzner, the difference in motor disorders with different types of intellectual underdevelopment is pointed out. G.E.Sukhareva notes violations of tempo, rhythm and smoothness of movements. The author pays special attention to the violation of their precise movements and underdevelopment of the ability to "develop motor formulas for coordinated movements, to quickly change motor settings" (1965), which affects the mastery of labor skills. Exploring persistent mental disorders due to organic lesions of the brain, the author creates a clear clinical classification that lays the foundation for the education and correction of the development of mentally retarded schoolchildren.

Fundamental and practically significant research for the education of mentally retarded students was carried out by L.V. Zankov, who, to a large extent, studied the psychology of a mentally retarded child from a practical point of view. The author draws attention to certain difficulties of mentally retarded children, which they experience if necessary at the same time to observe several objects, to control and regulate their actions accordingly. Particular attention is paid to violations of abstract thinking in the assimilation of educational material. The author gives a special place to the role of development and correction of the emotional-volitional sphere of children and adolescents with psychophysiological disorders through, among other things, labor education. Deep and serious research and the conclusions drawn from them contribute to the formation and development of the didactics of special education to this day.

The problems of psychophysiological readiness of mentally retarded schoolchildren to master educational activities were also dealt with by V.M. Mastyukova, I.M. Soloviev, Zh.I. Shif. During their examination of children, certain manifestations of gross underdevelopment of static and locomotive functions were often found. Signs of motor insufficiency are found, first of all, when performing fine and precise movements. The studied students suffered from the ability to develop motor systems. There was also a lack of muscle strength, pace, voluntary movements, which in turn affects labor activity.

The majority of students in special (correctional) schools can develop highly automated skills for performing simple labor operations, but it is difficult to form generalized skills, i.e. the ability to perform work tasks, both in a certain situation and when conditions change. Only in such work, which is specially organized for the solution of this pedagogical task, is it possible to effectively develop mentally retarded schoolchildren.

Fundamental in the system of labor education of mentally retarded schoolchildren were the studies of G.M. these students to independent work.

It was G. M. Dulnev who made the first attempt "to present the system of labor education for mentally retarded children in the aspect of correctional and educational tasks of an auxiliary school."

In subsequent years, under his leadership, a large research on giving labor education at school a professional orientation with the aim of more successful socialization of mentally retarded schoolchildren.

In the new social economic conditions life modern society a new problem has arisen that has identified priority areas. The economic collapse and the decline in the growth rate of domestic industry in the early 1990s disrupted the connection between schools and basic enterprises. Reorganization of production in the conditions market economy demanded a qualitatively new approach to the workforce of enterprises, the mobility of professional knowledge, skills and qualifications.

5. The concept of improving the system of organization and methods of vocational training for schoolchildren with problems of psychophysical development.

The materials of the ascertaining experiment allowed us to determine the main priority areas in the development of the system of vocational training for mentally retarded schoolchildren.

Vocational training in correctional schools of the VIII type is a broader concept than the acquisition of new professional technological and practical skills. The effectiveness of vocational training should ensure the overall development of the individual. The development of social skills for a positive attitude to work should be a significant part of vocational training. Individually oriented professional education increases the chances of people with disabilities finding work and promotes their integration into society. This task can be achieved through theoretical and practical training with a strong focus on the profession and workplace. Individual motivation is an important component of the professional training of people with disabilities. Vocational education, in addition to fulfilling the important task of developing students, must be consistent with the changing needs of the labor market, be a dynamic process, and not a system bound by clumsy and sometimes outdated technologies. The correlation of vocational training with the individual abilities of schoolchildren is an important condition for education at all levels. Accounting for individual opportunities suggests that vocational training for people with developmental disabilities does not differ from general vocational training.

The development of the personality of mentally retarded schoolchildren to a large extent occurs in the course of their vocational training. It is important to encourage individuals with intellectual disabilities early in their education to take an active role in their vocational training. High school students with intellectual disabilities should play an active role in their professional learning and professional career. An active role should be manifested in the following aspects: choosing one's own professional route, participating in the acquisition of relevant professional and labor knowledge, skills, and, most importantly, the ability to solve various professional and labor tasks. Thus, a practice-oriented approach is the basic aspect of an activity approach to any education. The main way to improve the teaching of any subject is a broad reliance on the practice, life and experience of schoolchildren, which is especially important in the context of special (correctional) education. It is the subject-practical activity that lies in the sphere of cognitive interests of mentally retarded schoolchildren and is the main condition for the effectiveness of their education. The intellectual passivity of schoolchildren can be overcome, first of all, by organizing their activities. Interest in practical consciousness, the material and practical activities of schoolchildren has increased markedly at the present time, when, under the influence of profound transformations in society, the importance of practical application knowledge.

The implementation of the concept of a practice-oriented approach to the professional education of persons with intellectual disabilities cannot be carried out without certain principles of special education and the organization of professional training itself, aimed at the effectiveness of the social and labor adaptation of mentally retarded graduates in society.

Subject to the unity of the well-known principles of special (correctional) education: pedagogical optimism, corrective-compensating orientation and an active approach to training and education, as well as the implementation of a differentiated and individual approach, subject to the need for special pedagogical guidance, it is possible to achieve certain desired results of social and labor adaptation mentally. retarded students. The peculiarities of the development of students make it necessary to make specific changes in the content and methods of presenting educational material. Violations of perceptual operations necessitate recoding or special structuring educational information in accordance with the cognitive capabilities of adolescents; violations of mental activity require such an organization of learning, which ensures the formation of a specific (sensual and effective) basis of mental actions. The need for compensatory ways and mechanisms of development requires a special teacher to choose possible areas of correctional and pedagogical influence and select adequate content and specific teaching aids. Knowing the patterns and characteristics of the development and cognitive capabilities of each student, the ways and means of providing corrective compensatory assistance, it is possible to organize the process of educational and cognitive activity and manage it.

An urgent problem is the correction of the emotional-volitional sphere in the process of vocational training of mentally retarded adolescents. Labor activity contributes to its stabilization in the performance of the assigned labor tasks, which in turn is dominant in their production activities. The effectiveness of the organization of professional training of mentally retarded students also depends on the selection of the content of the educational process in relation to the development of the individual as a future specialist in a particular professional activity. Based on the proposed concept of the study, we also determined the conditions for its implementation.

Organizational and pedagogical conditions. Of great importance is a holistic approach to the personality of the trainees, taking into account all their problems, way of thinking and behavior, social background, individual needs, hopes and interests. Providing a balance of personal problems, rehabilitation ultimately serves the ideas of harmonizing social relations. The main principles of rehabilitation and adaptation are: partnership, diversity of efforts, complexity of impact and gradation - the creation of transitions from one stage to another. An important aspect is the process and system of restoring the competitiveness of graduates of correctional schools of the VIII type in the labor market.

Organization of systematic vocational guidance work. As the main parameters and criteria for successful social and labor training of mentally retarded high school students, one can take as a basis exemplary forms, methods and content of their training. (T.V. Bezyuleva, V.A. Malysheva, I.A. Panina). The authors note that career guidance is carried out in two ways: from profession: the study of the abilities, skills, abilities of a person and their correlation with the requirements of a particular profession, depending on or taking into account his “want”. Occupational sampling is the most developed and widely used in practical work; from a person: the study of a person's potential - his abilities, inclinations, motivations and the selection of an appropriate profession. Practice shows that in the process of vocational guidance for the mentally retarded, it is necessary to combine both approaches. An integral part of vocational guidance is the availability of data characterizing professional activities, which are contained in the descriptions of professions. Career guidance research and professional counseling involves: familiarization with the results of a clinical examination, functional and psychophysiological diagnostics; conducting psychological diagnostics in three areas: determining the degree of preservation of psychophysiological functions necessary for the formation of general professionally important qualities. Definition of the zone of proximal development; strategy further development or compensation.

Professional and psychological competence of teachers and masters of vocational training. Providing teachers with the necessary program-methodical and educational-methodical literature in order to optimally use it in the educational process to implement the didactic and methodological goals of the classes is the main condition for their professional and psychological competence. Special requirements should be placed on the verbal pedagogical activity of the teacher.

To achieve an effective organization of educational work of teachers engaged in labor training, an important condition is the creation of a personal motivational need for self-education. Teachers and masters of vocational training, teachers who improve their qualifications are much more successful in teaching and developing their pupils.

The content of the educational process in the course of vocational training. The content of vocational training of mentally retarded students on the basis of production and vocational schools should include: obtaining skills and abilities in the profession; realization of the professional and labor potential of the individual through the mobilization of resources and hidden opportunities; the formation of public consciousness, understanding the role of a person's place in society, participation in social processes; formation of physical health and moral values.

The educational process should be organized in accordance with modern didactic principles, special teaching methods, pedagogical technologies for monitoring the quality of training. The effectiveness of the process of professional training of mentally retarded students depends on the optimal construction of individual and group work, taking into account their target, energy and executive sides of educational activity. Training should be built on the basis of tracking the development of students, taking into account their differentiated typology in vocational training.

Rational employment and vocational adaptation of graduates.Rational employment- this is a system and process of organizing and legal regulation of the labor activity of disabled people or persons with limited vital abilities, aimed at providing conditions for the effective implementation of their professional abilities. the level of mastering the profession, social adaptability.

The tasks of educational institutions engaged in vocational training of persons with intellectual development problems should be: organization of interaction with employers in the selection of jobs for the employment of students; organization of interaction with employment services for the employment of students; work with students and their parents (consulting and informing). Occupational adaptation should solve the system and process of determining the optimal level of workloads associated with the fulfillment of the requirements of the recommended professional activity in a particular production environment, with the adaptation of persons with disabilities to them. The solution of these problems is to some extent helped by the development of uniform requirements for children with disabilities by vocational schools, where they continue their education, and by special (correctional) schools. The accompanying documents with which the graduate is sent to the school are also important: a detailed psychological and pedagogical description, observation diaries that track the dynamics of the child's development throughout the entire period of schooling, recommendations of the social teacher on working with the graduate's family.

Thus, from the above, we can conclude:

When creating the appropriate conditions for the material and technical base of workshop equipment and methodological approaches to the system of correctional and developmental training in the vocational training of mentally retarded students, it is possible to prepare them for professional labor activity as much as possible;

Based on an individual and differentiated approach, develop effective technologies for correctional and developmental education based on methods and forms of education known in special pedagogy and psychology;

To carry out development on the typology of students in labor training and the forms of criteria for assessing their development in professional and labor activities;

To carry out and constantly improve career guidance work on the basis of close ties with basic enterprises and services in the labor market;

To train personnel specialists who are able to provide psychological and pedagogical support to students in the course of their professional and labor activities and on the basis of innovative approaches to correctional and developmental education in the learning process.

The educational process for vocational training should provide for the solution of the following tasks:

Professional orientation of students to the specialty (education of a positive attitude towards the profession being studied);

Formation of professional knowledge, which is an important condition for the independence of students in the performance of practical work;

Formation of professional skills and general labor skills for performing operations by manual and machine methods;

Education of industriousness and the moral qualities of the individual necessary in labor;

Correction (correction) of psychophysical deficiencies.

In the process of vocational training, correctional work should be closely related to the basics of labor psychology and should be aimed at developing the most important professional qualities personalities: the development of conscious regulation of labor activity, the pace and rhythm of work, the organization of the workplace and an increase in the level of student activity in learning.

6. Organizational forms and methods of vocational training based on pedagogical technologies of correctional and developmental education.

The existing system of special education should ensure the preparation of children for independent adult life in such a radically changed conditions of modern production.

A practice-oriented approach to the education of schoolchildren suggests the possibility for the active development of their work skills. Some methods of active learning are effective in perceiving, comprehending, consolidating and reproducing educational information and contribute to the formation of theoretical skills in high school students, others are aimed at developing practical skills of professional and labor activity. In the learning process, a wide range of active didactic methods are used: illustrative and explanatory (using generalizing support-logical and classification schemes of the studied material), problematic, imitation, activity-developing.

Teaching children in labor training lessons should be built on the basis of an optimal combination of teaching methods common for the development of mental activity (comparison, juxtaposition, opposition, analogies, analysis, synthesis, generalization, establishing cause-and-effect relationships) with specific didactic techniques for the subject (reading simple sketches and drawings), real facts, up-to-date technological information and its application in practical work.

The use of the training demonstration method to reveal the structure of the basic technical and technological concepts has its own specifics, due to the fact that many processes are characterized by a hidden essence that cannot be observed directly, visually. This circumstance leads to the widespread use of graphic visualization in labor lessons, especially supporting-logical and classification schemes that allow generalizing and systematizing the material being studied, which greatly facilitates the process of perception, processing and assimilation of new educational information.

Structuring educational information should be carried out depending on the inductive or deductive approach to its presentation.

In the learning process, active learning methods are widely used, aimed at developing practical skills (exercises, creating problem situations, analyzing the technology of manufacturing products, compiling technological maps aimed at successfully completed practical work, etc.) Independent work of students is one of the main features this teaching method.

The main shortcomings that prevent a graduate of a correctional school from gaining labor independence, first of all, include the underdevelopment of orienting activity. Its main components are attention, speech development and understanding of speech information, as well as the formation of subject images. This is the root cause of the weakness in the assimilation of technical and technological knowledge. The more complex the material, the more this deficiency manifests itself.

In the book of G.V. Vasenkov "Forms and methods of vocational training of mentally retarded students in the new economic conditions" an experiment is given that made it possible to identify a number of methods, the use of which increases the effectiveness of the educational process for labor training.

Methods for the gradual formation of knowledge in the process of professional labor training for students of correctional schoolsVIII kind. The basis of this methodology for teaching students in grade 9 by the developers of the experiment was the gradual formation of knowledge in mentally retarded students in the process of vocational training, developed by Mirsky S.L.

The presentation of new educational material was carried out in the form of a story, conversation or explanation, depending on the characteristics of the material. At the same time, it was taken into account that verbal methods contribute to the development of abstract thinking, but are not sufficient for the formation of the skills of mentally retarded students; visual methods increase the effectiveness of teaching, but their excessive use hinders the development of abstract thinking and coherent speech; practical methods form skills and abilities, but do not provide a systematic and deep assimilation of theoretical knowledge. The effectiveness of a combination of visual, verbal and practical teaching methods in working with mentally retarded schoolchildren in the educational process was confirmed in the study.

In the process of gradual formation of knowledge, scientists used:

- natural models direct object of labor (tools, machines and machines, product samples) or their models;

At as if-graphic images(schemes, posters and drawings), reflecting the properties of the studied production object (process, phenomenon) hidden from direct perception and its essential features and connections;

W nak models(diagrams, tables for generalization, symbols of the code-graphic representation of the device of machine tools and machines, as well as technological operations), which made it possible to effectively form technical and technological knowledge among high school students.

In the process of forming students' knowledge in the classroom, the main emphasis was placed on their mobility, that is, the ability to apply in practice, according to the principle qualification requirements- "should know and be able to." This approach, used in the course of the experiment, in the formation of technical and technological knowledge, contributed to the development of independent and skillful work of a graduate of a special (correctional) general education school of the VIII type, who must have the ability to acquire new knowledge and methods of work, navigate the work situation, plan future actions. , to control not only the object of labor, but also their activities in general. The acquisition of such qualities allows the worker to reorganize his activity in a timely manner in accordance with changing working conditions, i.e. shape their labor mobility.

In the learning process, the criteria for their formation among students were developed in four stages - from lack of knowledge to the fourth stage of completeness of their understanding and ability to apply in practice. The mechanism of students' understanding of theoretical material from various sources (explanation, demonstration, work with a textbook, dictionary and on a computer simulator) was studied. The results of the study showed that the use of the above methods in a system-complex use and enclosed in a reference scheme or table made it possible to very successfully solve the development and correction of students in the classroom.

The results of the learning experiment showed that the majority of students increased the level of their cognitive abilities, which in turn affected the level of perception of educational material and their development in the learning process.

Thus, in the process of knowledge formation in mentally retarded students in the lessons of vocational training, it is possible to use the whole range of didactic methods of active learning: illustrative and explanatory (using basic logical schemes of the material being studied and other symbolic visualization), problematic, design, simulation, activity - developing. A practice-oriented approach to the selection of the content of the subject and its teaching creates optimal conditions for the formation of functional professional and labor literacy of schoolchildren and the assimilation of the types of labor activity available to them.

Methods of correctional and developmental training in professional motor skills of mentally retarded schoolchildren. The mechanism of the formation of professional motor skills in mentally retarded schoolchildren, studied in the experiment, made it possible to develop a number of effective methods and techniques for the correction and development of their sensorimotor processes, purposeful actions and movements in the formation of skills, as well as a disturbed relationship between the representation of work methods (cognitive image) and its implementation. (operational image).

Labor professional skills in mentally retarded children are formed in close relationship with the acquired knowledge and skills. It is important to establish the difference between concepts and the interaction between them in the context of vocational training from the point of view of labor psychology. Assimilated knowledge forms a cognitive image of labor actions, which contributes to the successful mastering of practical skills, and the knowledge and skills obtained in the set indicate certain skills.

Organizing the process of forming professional skills, the scientists took into account the well-known provisions on the influence of learning conditions on their assimilation. The external and internal conditions for the formation of skills were taken as a basis. External conditions include: the effectiveness of the teacher's explanation labor practices; organization of the system of exercises; assessment by the teacher of students' actions; differentiated approach to students; the availability of devices for urgent information about the results of labor actions.

The number of internal conditions for the formation of skills includes: the intellectual level of trainees (the ability to form the image of the labor standard and to understand labor actions); level of touch sensitivity; work experience; self-assessment of labor activity; development of self-control of labor actions; ability to transfer skills; the state of the motor sphere; the energy potential of the child's personality (emotions, performance); differentiation of students in the experimental groups according to their ability to master labor skills.

Experimental training was carried out during school year. The process of teaching motor skills to different groups students progressed unevenly. This is due to the heterogeneity of the composition of students, their different potentialities, and is associated with the peculiarities of their inherent defects, which were overcome in the process of an individual and differentiated approach to teaching. At each stage of formation, various exercises and training actions were used to develop and correct sensorimotor processes in labor.

At the stage of trial actions, a developed cycle of exercises was used to develop the techniques of technological operations. In the process of forming the correct methods of performing labor actions, students were given tasks to fix them on a certain part of the product.

In the process of the learning experiment, methodological methods were also used to stimulate the activity of students in learning, based on the successful results obtained in the work.

Thus, in the process of developing skills, to control their formation, the following were distinguished: a preliminary stage, when students got acquainted with the purpose of the technological operation, the purpose and design of the tool, the properties of the material, as well as the rules for handling them, i.e. received knowledge about the upcoming action; the analytical stage, during which the students practically mastered the individual elements of the action, analyzed the features of each working movement included in the skill; a synthetic stage aimed at combining a number of movements into a single action; the stage of consolidating and automating the action to create the possibility of arbitrary regulation of the pace of work, switching attention from action to result and rebuilding the student's perception. The variability of the formulation of both the exercises themselves and the organization of tasks in the lessons were used. The conducted experimental training in professional motor skills significantly increased the level of purposeful actions and movements in the process of performing practical work by students, which in turn testified to their formation in accordance with normative methods of work. If at the beginning of the training experiment the sum of the corresponding skills in the control and experimental groups was only 30-35%, then after the training experiment, 75-80% of the students in the experimental group worked with correct, conscious methods, and the results of the control group improved slightly and amounted to only 40%.


As studies by scientists show, improving the system and methods of vocational training of mentally retarded schoolchildren depends not only on the effectiveness of the technology used for their education, but also on the self-organization of the educational system of the educational institution with vocational training itself. The development of a system of vocational training for students with psychophysiological disabilities should ensure the success of introducing students of correctional schools of the VIII type into the labor market in the new socio-economic conditions of our society and its attitude towards mentally handicapped citizens.


1. Vasenkov G.V. Forms and methods of vocational training of mentally retarded students in the new economic conditions. Innovation in Russian education(correctional pedagogy) .- M.; 1999.

2. Vasenkov G.V. Explanatory dictionary of psychological and pedagogical terms of vocational training in auxiliary schools. - M .; 1995

3. Vlasova T.A., Pevzner M.S. Teacher about children with developmental disabilities. - Moscow, Enlightenment, 1967.

4. Defectology: Dictionary-reference book. Edited by B.P. Puzanov - Moscow, New School, 1996.

5. The corrective role of teaching in the auxiliary school. Edited by G.M. Dulnev. - Moscow, Pedagogy, 1971.

6. Correctional and developmental orientation of education and upbringing of mentally retarded children. Collection of scientific papers. – Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin. - 1983.

7. Lapshin V.A., Puzanov B.P. Fundamentals of defectology - Moscow, Education, 1990.

8. Pinsky B.I. Correctional and educational value of labor for mental development. - Moscow, Pedagogy, 1985.

9. Plakhova N.S. School is an enterprise: new approaches to corrective work with mentally retarded schoolchildren. // Defectology. – 1995 - No. 5 - p.39.

10. Psychological issues of correctional work in an auxiliary school. Under the editorship of Zh.I. Shif - Moscow, Pedagogy, 1972.

11. Rubinstein S.Ya. Psychology of a mentally retarded schoolchild - Moscow, Education, 1979.

Teacher GKOU Dzerzhinsk special correctional boarding school

Gradov V. Yu.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Thesis - 480 rubles, shipping 10 minutes 24 hours a day, seven days a week and holidays

Khamatgaleeva Gulia Agzamtdinovna. Formation of production and technological competence of the future chef of the food industry: dissertation ... Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.08 / Khamatgaleeva Guliya Agzamtdinovna; [Place of protection: Kazan. state technol. un-t].- Kazan, 2010.- 274 p.: ill. RSL OD, 61 10-13/1690


CHAPTER 1. Theoretical prerequisites for the formation of production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry 12

1.1. The essential characteristic of a professional chef in the food industry 12

1.2. Requirements for the professional competence of a future chef in the food industry 35

1.3. Model of formation of production and technological competence of the future chef of the food industry 72

Chapter 80 Conclusions

CHAPTER 2. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry 84

2.1. Modular learning technology in the preparation of a chef in the food industry 84

2.2. The structure and content of the special discipline "Cooking" as a means of implementing the model for the formation of production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry 94

2.3. The relationship of forms and methods of training in the preparation of a cook in the food industry 122

2.4. Experimental - experimental work and substantiation of the effectiveness of the model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry 145

Chapter 174 Conclusions

Conclusion 177

Bibliography 181

Applications 199

Introduction to work

The relevance of research. The rapid development of the food industry, the emergence of innovations in the field of technology for the production of culinary products and trade and technological equipment impose new requirements on the professional training of a cook by primary vocational education institutions.

However, according to the President of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia I.O. Bukharov, the existing training of cooks does not satisfy employers. The employer, as the main customer of the quality of vocational education and the "consumer" of its results, requires the food industry chef to have professional competence, mobility, competitiveness, personal and professional qualities that affect the production of high-quality culinary products, as well as the success of the enterprise and the team in which he is working.

In the scientific literature, issues related to the formation of a competitive specialist, including for the food industry, are reflected in the works of G.F. Avdeeva, V.I. Andreev, P.N. Osipov, S.A. Otstavnova, V.S. Suvorova, R.A. Fakhrutdinova and others. In many ways, this was facilitated by studies on the improvement of labor and vocational training (S.Ya. Batyshev, A.P. Belyaeva, E.F. Zeer, M.I. Makhmutov, G.V. Mukhametzyanova, A.M. Novikov and others), the formation of motivation for learning and work (O.V. Gorbushina, O.S. Grebenyuk, G.I. Ibragimov, V.I. Kovalev, S.N. Kozlova, Yu P. Povarenkov and others), the formation of professional competence of cooks and technologists of the food industry (A.F. Amelchenko, I.A. Chebannaya, L.I. Nepogoda, etc.).

An analysis of the structure of the professional activity of a cook in the food industry shows that he needs to master several types of professional activities (production-technological, organizational-technological, control-technological, economic-technological), among which production-technological directly affects the performance of production operations related to cooking , registration, portioning and release of culinary products at the enterprise of the food industry. This allows you to highlight the production and technological competence among others. professional competencies as the most important, directly affecting the production of high-quality culinary products by a cook and including a set of knowledge, skills, professionally important qualities that contribute to the effective training of a cook by primary vocational education institutions.

Unfortunately, the studies conducted earlier did not affect the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry at the stage of his training in the institution of primary vocational education (UNPO), which negatively affects his professional training. There is a series contradictions :

between the requirements of the modern labor market for the competencies of a cook in the food industry and the insufficient development of the mechanisms for their formation in theory and practice;

between the objective need to organize the learning process for students in UNPO, focused on the professional competence of the cook and the primary focus of the content of professional training on the formation of knowledge, skills;

between the demand for professionally competent chefs in the food industry and the insufficient development of pedagogical conditions for ensuring the process of their education.

Hence follows research problem: what are the model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef of the food industry in the institution of primary vocational education?

An object- the process of professional training of the future chef of the food industry in the institution of primary vocational education.

Thing– formation of production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry.

Target– theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry in the system of vocational education.

Research hypothesis. The formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef of the food industry in a professional school can be successful if:

1. Production and technological competence is considered as the leading competence in the structure of his professional competence and includes cognitive, operational and activity and personal motivational components.

2. Taking into account the requirements of potential employers, a model for the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry was developed and introduced into the educational process.

3. The implementation of this model is provided by a set of the following pedagogical conditions:

selection and structuring of the content of the special discipline "Cookery" in the form of training modules, including an invariant part based on the content of the curriculum of the discipline and reflecting the requirements of the NGO State Educational Standard, and a variable part based on the use of technology for the production of culinary products of basic enterprises;

construction organizational structure a training module in the form of a system of a step-by-step process of mastering blocks by students: entry and updating, informational, practical and control;

the use of problematic tasks, workshops, laboratory and practical work, projects that reflect the professional activities of the future chef in the food industry;

study and analysis of the effectiveness of the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef of the food industry in the educational process of UNPO with the involvement of potential employers.

Research objectives:

1. Based on the analysis of professional activity, identify the requirements for a future chef in the food industry and determine the structure of his professional competence.

2. Determine the structure, criteria and indicators of the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry.

3. To develop a model for the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry.

4. Substantiate the structure and content of the special discipline "Cooking" as a means of implementing this model.

5. Check during the experimental work the effectiveness of the model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry.

Methodological basis studies are the psychological and pedagogical foundations of education (V.P. Bespalko, P.I. Pidkasisty and others); the main ideas of pedagogical modeling of the educational process (V.P. Bespalko, B.S. Gershunsky, L.I. Gurye, V.G. Ivanov, etc.); concepts of building a specialist model and professiogram (A.A. Kirsanov, E.A. Klimov, P.N. Osipov, V.S. Suvorov, N.F. Talyzina, etc.); modern approaches and methods of professional training of specialists in technological education (P.S. Lerner, V.D. Simonenko, etc.); ideas of a systematic approach to the phenomena of pedagogical reality (V.P. Bespalko, V.V. Kondratiev, A.M. Novikov, S.L. Rubinshtein, etc.); personal-activity approach to the organization of the educational process (B.G. Ananiev, V.I. Andreev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.V. Davydov, A.N. Leontiev, A.V. Petrovsky, V.V. Serikov , E.N. Shiyanov, I.S. Yakimanskaya and others); the concept of the phased formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin, B.S. Gershunsky, N.F. Talyzina, etc.); ideas of a competency-based approach to training and education (V.I. Baidenko, E.F. Zeer, I.A. Zimnyaya, V.D. Shadrikov, etc.); the theory of problem-based learning (I.Ya. Lerner, T.V. Kudryavtsev, M.I. Makhmutov, M.N. Skatkin, etc.); technologies for designing and implementing modular programs (K.Ya. Vazina, E.V. Zagainova, G.I. Ibragimov, I.Ya. Kuramshin, E.I. Sokolova, S.V. Sokolova, M.A. Choshanov, F .T.Shageeva, P.A.Yutsevichene and others).

Research methods:

theoretical - analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature, directive and regulatory documents, study and generalization of pedagogical experience, analogy, modeling;

empirical: observation, surveys (questionnaires, individual and group conversations), studying the results of educational and extracurricular activities (products of activity) of students;

pedagogical experiment;

statistical methods for processing results.

Research base: experimental work was carried out on the basis of the State Budget educational institution primary vocational education "Professional School No. 67", Naberezhnye Chelny.

The study was conducted in three interrelated stage:

At the first stage(2006-2007) the state of the problem under study in the theory and practice of education was studied, the scientific apparatus of the study, its program and methodology were developed, its ascertaining part was carried out, preliminary results were generalized.

At the second stage(2007-2009) the development of a model for the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry was carried out, the pedagogical conditions for its implementation were determined; the content of the special discipline "Cooking" was structured in the form of didactic modules; a formative experiment was carried out and its results were summarized.

At the third stage (2009-2010), the obtained data were generalized, the results of the study were drawn up, the hypothesis put forward was statistically tested, the main conclusions of the experimental work were formulated, and the dissertation was drawn up.

Scientific novelty of the research:

the concept of "production and technological competence" is substantiated as the leading competence in the structure of the professional competence of the future cook in the food industry, including a set of knowledge, skills, professionally important qualities that allow solving problems related to the production and technological activities of the cook at food industry enterprises;

the structure of the professional competence of a cook in the food industry, which consists of a set of competencies: production-technological, organizational-technological, control-technological and economic-technological;

the structure of the production and technological competence of the future chef of the food industry has been developed, consisting of the following components: professional knowledge, skills, and professionally important qualities, the content of which has a variable and invariant part;

the criteria and indicators of the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef of the food industry are determined and justified, allowing to track its levels and correct the educational process;

a model for the formation of the production and technological competence of a future chef in the food industry in the process of professional training in an institution of primary vocational education has been developed, which consists of four structural blocks: target, content, organizational and executive and procedural;

the structure and content of the special discipline "Cookery" are defined and substantiated in the form of training modules, including an invariant part based on the content of the curriculum of the discipline and reflecting the requirements of the NGO State Educational Standards, and a variable part based on the use of technology for the production of culinary products of basic enterprises.

Theoretical significance of the study consists in the fact that it introduces into scientific circulation the concepts of "professional chef in the food industry", "competitive chef"; the essence of the concept of "production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry" is revealed, the three-component structure of this competence is substantiated, which is given the status of the leading competence in the structure of the professional competence of this worker; a model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef of the food industry in the institution of primary vocational education have been developed.

Practical significance The research lies in the fact that a technology has been developed for the formation of production and technological competence among future chefs in the food industry, implemented with the help of an educational and methodological complex of the discipline "Cooking", including information, practical, control modules; guidelines organization and conduct of training sessions, independent work, preparation for seminars and laboratory-practical classes; regulations on holding professional competitions, subject Olympiads, creative projects by profession "Cook". The results of the study have been introduced into the practice of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Primary Vocational Education "Professional School No. 67" and can be used by other educational institutions.

Reliability and validity of the research results are provided with a systematic and holistic approach to studying the problem, based on fundamental research according to it, a wide range of sources used, the adequacy of the selected research methods (including the pedagogical experiment) to its logic and tasks, a wide coverage of subjects; statistical processing and analysis of the obtained results.

Approbation of the research results. The course and results of the study at its various stages were reported and discussed at meetings of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Higher Professional Education of KSTU, pedagogical councils of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Primary Vocational Education "Vocational School No. 67", international, All-Russian and republican scientific and practical conferences ( see the author's publications).

Taken for defense the following provisions:

1. The production and technological competence of a professional cook is the leading one in the structure of professional competence, which ensures the effectiveness of his production and technological activities in food industry enterprises.

2. The effectiveness of the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef depends on how much the requirements of potential employers are taken into account in the educational process of a professional school and the model developed and tested in the course of the study is implemented, built taking into account the personal-activity, competence, systemic approaches and the principles of modular learning (structuring, continuity, problematic, adaptability, flexibility, feedback implementation), which includes four structural blocks (target, content, organizational and executive and productive).

3. The following pedagogical conditions contribute to the implementation of the developed model for the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry: a) selection and structuring of the content of the special discipline "Cooking" in the form of training modules, including an invariant part based on the content of the curriculum of the discipline and reflecting the requirements of the SES NGO , and variable, based on the use of technology for the production of culinary products of basic enterprises; b) building the organizational structure of the training module in the form of a system of a step-by-step process of mastering blocks by students: entry and updating, informational, practical and control; c) the use of problematic tasks, workshops, laboratory and practical work, projects that reflect the professional activities of the future chef in the food industry; d) study and analysis of the effectiveness of the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry in the educational process of UNPO with the involvement of potential employers.

4. The criteria for the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry are: cognitive - the level of formation of professional knowledge, operational and activity - the level of formation of professional skills and abilities; personal-motivational - the level of formation of the development of educational motivation and the manifestation of professionally important qualities.

Work structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, including 203 sources, 22 appendices, contains 10 figures and 40 tables. The volume of the main text is 198 pages.

In administered the relevance of the research topic is substantiated, its object, subject, goal are defined, the hypothesis and tasks are formulated, the theoretical and methodological foundations and methods are presented, the scientific novelty of the work, its theoretical and practical significance, the provisions submitted for defense.

In the first chapter"Theoretical prerequisites for the formation of production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry" contains an analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem under study; the structure of professional competence of the future chef in the food industry is determined, the essence of production and technological competence is revealed; substantiates the stages and content of the process of its formation.

In the second chapter"Pedagogical conditions for the formation of production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry" reveals and substantiates the structured content of the training of a chef in the food industry based on a holistic view of professional activity; ways of structuring the content of the special discipline "Cookery" are determined, the relationship between methods and forms of training in the preparation of a cook in the food industry is considered, the methodology and results of experimental work are given.

In conclusion, the main conclusions of the study are presented.

Requirements for the professional competence of a future chef in the food industry

In recent years, the quality of vocational education is directly related to the implementation of the competence-based approach. Within the framework of our study, the tasks of which do not include a comprehensive consideration of the rationale for the transition to a competency-based approach, we will only note the main contradictions and reasons indicated by V.I. Baidenko. The author refers to them “the requirements of current professional standards and the existing real needs of society; the presence of a narrow specialization of knowledge instead of a broad profile of professional training of a person; fast rates of knowledge updating and limited possibilities of mastering knowledge by the subject; human mobility, the emergence of new professions, and so on. At the same time, V.I. Baidenko notes that “the educational program does not indicate what abilities, readiness, knowledge and attitudes are optimally associated with effective human life” . As A.A. Verbitsky notes, it is important for a modern specialist “to be able to solve problems, not tasks with ready-made answers” ​​.

The competency-based approach allows, on the basis of practice-oriented and individually-oriented learning, to solve problems related to the development of various kinds of skills by students that will allow them to act effectively in their professional, personal and social life. At the same time, special attention is paid to human learning, self-determination, self-actualization, socialization and development of personality. Only in the conditions of "open" standards and curricula, V.I. Baidenko notes, can the goals of the educational process be achieved.

E.F. Zeer identifies constructs as tools for achieving goals - competencies and competencies that are “embedded” in the educational process through technologies, learning content, and close interaction between the subjects of the educational process.

As the main provisions of the competency-based approach, the priority of competencies and competencies is singled out; identification and formation of students' competence through the use of active teaching methods in the process of professional training; Competence is a criterion for the quality of a graduate's readiness for professional activity. However, despite the validity of using the competency-based approach, there are problems in defining the concepts of "competence" and "competence". The difficulty lies in the fact that at present there is no generally accepted definition of the concepts of "competence" and "competence", as well as a unified classification, nomenclature and composition of competence.

An analysis of the scientific literature shows that almost all authors of definitions focus on the fact that competence is relative and is maintained only with the constant mastery of new information and updating on its basis of existing knowledge and skills, experience, personal qualities and others for effective activity in a certain area. ; it is adequate to the behavior of a specialist in production, from which it follows that professional competence is the main condition for the competitiveness of a worker in the labor market. To clarify the concept of "professional competence", it is necessary to correlate it with another concept used to evaluate specialists, such as "competitiveness".

R.A. Fakhrutdinov defines the competitiveness of a specialist as “the advantage of one specialist in comparison with another specialist, which is expressed in better fulfillment of the necessary requirements for quality and quantity, costs and terms of manufacturing certain products”; V.I. Andreev - as "the desire and ability of the individual to high quality and efficiency of their activities, as well as to leadership in the conditions of competitiveness, rivalry and intense struggle with their competitors" . According to G.A. Avdeeva, “coercive incentives reduce the competitiveness of the worker, which entails the strengthening and reproduction of forced labor; the weakening of forced motivation, on the contrary, increases the competitiveness of the employee, thereby reducing the sensitivity of the latter to forced labor.

EA Galuzo under the competitiveness of a worker understands the degree of development of his professionally important qualities and qualifications at a given level of organization of relations between production and labor at the enterprise. High level the competitiveness of the worker allows him to withstand competition from other applicants for his job or to apply for another, more prestigious position himself. From the position of a worker, the level of his competitiveness is regarded as an indicator of the stability of his position in the enterprise. From the position of the enterprise, an assessment of the level of competitiveness of the worker is necessary to determine the sustainable activities of the staff, the direction of investment, attraction, selection, distribution, redistribution of workers.

At the same time, it should be noted that the level of competitiveness of a specialist depends on external and internal factors affecting a person. External factors include the supply and demand for labor, the employer's assessment technologies (education, work experience, age), working conditions, size wages, additional payments and allowances, bonuses, the presence of a social package, the mode of work and rest (Fig. 1). The professional competence of a cook in the food industry acts as an internal factor affecting his competitiveness.

An analysis of the scientific literature shows that scientists consider human competitiveness from different points of view: as the ability of a subject to manage his competitive advantages; as a property human capital, as a source of maximum satisfaction for the workers of the market demand for goods and services.

As a property of the ability to work, competitiveness characterizes the qualitative side of the worker's labor potential. Therefore, the specificity depends on the level of competitiveness. professional conduct the future chef of the food industry and the degree of development of his potential.

Thus, under the professional competence of a future chef in the food industry, we mean a special integrative quality, which is expressed in his willingness to apply the relevant professional competencies related to the production of culinary products, customer service and the provision of services as a cook at food industry enterprises of various organizational and legal forms of ownership. The process of forming the professional competence of the future chef takes place throughout the entire working life.

We consider the formation of the professional competence of a future cook in the food industry as a process of formation and development of a student at the stages of mastering the profession of a cook in UNPO. Only according to the results of the final qualifying work of the student, one can speak about the formation of professional competence.

Model of formation of production and technological competence of the future chef of the food industry

In the Kamensk-Uralsk vocational agrolyceum, Beloyarsk vocational school, Kamyshlov vocational lyceum, the preparation of a competitive graduate includes: studying the requirements of employers; designing the educational process and the system of phased development of professional qualifications; implementation of the learning process - conducting stage-by-stage qualification tests and certification of professional qualifications.

In vocational schools of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Zyryanovsk, East Kazakhstan region, the following organizational and pedagogical conditions have been created: organization of a stepwise mode of education; providing a functional analysis of vocational education standards and employers' requirements; structuring the content of training programs; differentiation of educational routes of students in accordance with psychophysiological characteristics; implementation of strategic planning of health-saving educational activities based on monitoring the professional adaptation of students.

Kazan Vocational School No. 10 has developed a quality management system for the training of workers for the food industry, which is based on the use of situational and system-functional approaches, the principle of egalitarianism and includes interrelated and complementary activities of the engineering and teaching staff.

In the St. George Regional College, training for the food industry includes the following areas: adjustment of curricula and programs; integration of the content of general and vocational education; implementation modern system quality; increasing the methodological competence of the teaching staff; introduction of modern pedagogical technologies into the educational process; development of intellectual, creative, research activities; providing a system of psychological and pedagogical support for students.

Let us consider the training of personnel for food industry enterprises in SBEI NPO PU-67, where the author of this study conducted experimental work for five years. GBOU NPO PU-67 received the status of a vocational school in 1994. From 1978 to 1984 - technical school. From 1984 to 1994 - secondary vocational school. From 1994 to 2010 - Professional institute. In 2007, the teaching staff was awarded the Kayum Nasyri Prize for their contribution to the preservation and development of national cultural traditions. The activities of the institution as the only vocational school in the Republic of Tatarstan that trains personnel in the Tatar language for the food and trade industry were discussed in the report of President M.Sh. Shaimiev in 2008 at the republican August pedagogical conference.

One of the directions strategic development GBOU NPO PU-67 is the creation of a fund of methodological and educational literature in the Tatar language for trained professions. The museum of Yunys Akhmetzyanov, the famous propagandist of the Tatar national cuisine, is a special pride of the teaching staff.

Developed program social partnership allows the teaching staff to study the needs of the basic enterprises of the food industry, to monitor the labor activity of graduates; to employ students of graduate groups; to coordinate schedules and workplaces for internships, internships for masters and teachers; equip classrooms and laboratories; create educational films and educational and methodical literature on professions; develop the content of the variable part of the disciplines of the professional cycle, hold pedagogical councils for the training of skilled workers and other activities. Every year, students take part in professional skill competitions that take place at food industry enterprises. Heads and specialists of basic enterprises are chairmen of attestation commissions and take part in stage-by-stage qualification tests and certification of professional qualifications of students.

Development of new ones (tram driver (by order of KamAZ-Electrotransport OJSC), hairdresser (by order of Larcon LLC), poultry processor (by order of Chelny-Broiler OJSC, electrician (by order of Chelny-Khleb OJSC) ) and integrated (cook - controller-cashier, cook - seller of food and non-food food products) professions provides an opportunity for graduates to be more mobile in employment.

The training of workers includes the following stages: vocational guidance, vocational training, coursework. Career guidance work with students of schools in the city and the republic begins a year before the entrance exams. The main elements of career guidance work are: psychodiagnostics of the professional orientation of schoolchildren; propaganda of working dynasties; organization of excursions to the basic enterprises of the city; conducting master classes; organization of exhibitions; participation of schoolchildren (entrants) in educational activities of the school; individual counseling and practical assistance to schoolchildren in professional self-determination; participation of the teaching staff and students in school events; involvement of the city's media in the career guidance activities of the school and more.

The training of workers is carried out from among the graduates of a general education school on the basis of secondary general and secondary (complete) general education according to the developed curricula, reflecting the content of the SES of NGOs, the specifics of the region, and the requests of employers. Students who have completed the 9th grade of a basic general education school can receive one profession within two years (cook, food seller, non-food seller, waiter) without obtaining a certificate of secondary (complete) general education or two professions within three years ( cook - confectioner, seller of food products - controller-cashier, seller of non-food products - controller-cashier, waiter - bartender, cook - waiter, cook - bartender) with a certificate of secondary (complete) general education at the level of 3-4 categories. At the 1st, 2nd, 3rd courses, students simultaneously study the programs of a general education school for grades 10-11, a cycle of vocational training disciplines, undergo industrial training and practice at a food industry enterprise.

Applicants who entered on the basis of secondary (complete) general education can receive one profession within one year (cook, food seller, non-food seller, waiter, poultry handler, baker, tram driver, electrician) or within two years, two professions (cook - confectioner, seller of food products - controller-cashier, seller of non-food products - controller-cashier, waiter - bartender, cook - waiter, cook - bartender) at the level of 3-4 categories with obtaining the appropriate document on education .

Theoretical and industrial training is carried out in classrooms and laboratories of the school, Internship- at the basic enterprises of the food industry. Qualitative assessment of the development of professional educational programs includes the current control of knowledge, intermediate and state (final) certification of students. Students with positive final grades for the previous stage of education are transferred to the next course by the decision of the pedagogical council based on the results of the intermediate qualification certification.

The structure and content of the special discipline "Cooking" as a means of implementing the model for the formation of production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry

Determination of the taxonomy of the goals of the modular program of the special discipline "Cookery", aimed at the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry, is associated with the general goals of education. - The authors of scientific research in the field of modular formation of the content of educational programs distinguish the following taxonomy of didactic goals - general pedagogical, subject, operational, associated with three levels of education, and cognitive, operational, which are associated with didactic functions. The content of general pedagogical goals reflects the model of training a worker by profession 34.2 "Cook" and provides for the necessary professional knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as "the development of those professional qualities that are needed by the state and society" . At this level, the content of general pedagogical goals is differentiated according to the stages of preparation of the future cook and is set by the State Educational Standard of the NGO and the Charter of the educational institution. GOS NGO by profession 34.2 "Cook" determines the preparation of a worker of this profile in qualification characteristic graduate. A graduate by profession "Cook" should be prepared to perform the following types of professional activities: production and technological, organizational and technological, control and technological, economic and technological. Thus, at the UNPO level, the goal of training a worker by profession 34.2 "Cook" is to educate the personality of a professional cook who is ready theoretically and practically to carry out all types of professional activities that form the professional competence of this worker. In modular learning, subject goals are realized through a modular program. The subject goal reflects the content and specifics of the special discipline "Cookery", which is part of the content of the professional training of a cook. Structuring the content of the special discipline "Cookery" into certain modules allows us to single out integrating didactic goals. The module consists of separate educational elements, each of which has its own particular didactic goal. The solution of these goals ensures the achievement of a comprehensive didactic goal. The complex didactic goal of preparing a future chef in the food industry is the gradual formation of the components of professional competence: professional orientation; professional knowledge, skills, professionally important qualities.

The implementation of operational goals is ensured by the practical part of the content of the module of the special discipline "Cookery" and involves the formation of professional skills and abilities of students. The content of the practical part of the module is formed on a functional basis in order to form a system of professional skills and abilities of students, that is, around technology, methods and techniques for making culinary products.

Experimental - experimental work and substantiation of the effectiveness of the model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of production and technological competence of the future chef of the food industry

The modular training technology, aimed at the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry, consists of a substantive and procedural part. We attribute this technology to general didactic technologies due to the fact that it is aimed at solving one of the tasks of vocational education - the training of competent workers. Next, we will consider the structural elements and principles for the implementation of the modular program of the special discipline "Cooking".

Determination of the taxonomy of the goals of the modular program of the special discipline "Cookery", aimed at the formation of the production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry, is associated with the general goals of education. - The authors of scientific research in the field of modular formation of the content of educational programs distinguish the following taxonomy of didactic goals - general pedagogical, subject, operational, associated with three levels of education, and cognitive, operational, which are associated with didactic functions.

The content of general pedagogical goals reflects the model of training a worker by profession 34.2 "Cook" and provides for the necessary professional knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as "the development of those professional qualities that are needed by the state and society" . At this level, the content of general pedagogical goals is differentiated by the stages of preparation of the future chef and is set by the State Educational Standard of the NGO and the Charter of the educational institution. SES NGO by profession 34.2 "Cook" determines the preparation of a worker of this profile in the qualification characteristics of a graduate.

A graduate by profession "Cook" should be prepared to perform the following types of professional activities: production and technological, organizational and technological, control and technological, economic and technological. Thus, at the UNPO level, the goal of training a worker by profession 34.2 "Cook" is to educate the personality of a professional cook who is ready theoretically and practically to carry out all types of professional activities that form the professional competence of this worker.

In modular learning, subject goals are realized through a modular program. The subject goal reflects the content and specifics of the special discipline "Cookery", which is part of the content of the professional training of a cook. Structuring the content of the special discipline "Cookery" into certain modules allows us to single out integrating didactic goals. The module consists of separate educational elements, each of which has its own particular didactic goal. The solution of these goals ensures the achievement of a comprehensive didactic goal. The complex didactic goal of preparing a future chef in the food industry is the gradual formation of the components of professional competence: professional orientation; professional knowledge, skills, professionally important qualities.

The operational goals of the training sessions of the special discipline "Cooking" allow you to consistently organize educational activities and are formulated with the help of knowledge, skills, mental operations, social and communication skills. In addition, using modular technology in the lessons of the special discipline "Cooking", we single out cognitive (epistemological) and operational (functional) learning objectives. The implementation of cognitive gels is provided by the theoretical content of the educational material in the special discipline "Cookery". So the information material of the modules of the special discipline "Cooking" is formed on an epistemological basis in order to form a system of professional knowledge of students, that is, around professional terminology, planning a sequence of skills that form the production and technological competence of the future chef in the food industry.

The implementation of operational goals is ensured by the practical part of the content of the module of the special discipline "Cooking" and involves the formation of professional skills and abilities of students.

Speaking about the goals of V.P. Bespalko, Yu.G. Tatur pay attention to the diagnostics of the goal. The authors identify the following conditions for the diagnostic goal: exact description formed quality that distinguishes it from other personality traits; availability of tools for measuring the intensity of manifestation of quality in the process of its formation, and a quality assessment scale on which the measurement results are based. The parameters of the diagnostic description of the purpose of studying the discipline include the number of educational elements; level of assimilation; degree of abstraction; degree of development of activities (degree of automation); the degree of awareness of the performance of the activity.

Much attention in the preparation of the worker is paid to the developing function of the educational process, which forms the personality of a professional, capable of self-education and lifelong learning, as well as the development of professional competence.

So, the taxonomy of didactic goals in the context of modular learning involves their classification by level (complex, integrating, private) and by type (cognitive (informational) and operational (practical)). As you know, the achievement of learning goals is ensured by the selection of educational material (content) and didactic processes that contribute to its translation into knowledge, skills, and professionally important qualities of a specialist. The content of training is understood as the information that constitutes the indicative basis of the activity, that is, the basic information of the discipline that the student must learn in order to effectively perform professional activities.

Main normative document in the preparation of the worker is the curriculum. Structuring the content of training specialists, according to L.L. Nikitina, F.T. Shageeva, V.G. Ivanov, it is advisable to carry out on the basis of the thesaurus approach; V.M. Gareev, S.I. Kulikov, E.M. Durko, V.V. Karpov, M.N. Kathanov consider an interdisciplinary approach. From the standpoint of the logic of cognitive activity, VFBasharin structures modular programs and modules; I.Ya.Kuramshin, V.G.Ivanov, E.V.Zagainova propose to structure in accordance with the graph theory (A.M.Sohor) and the theory of Z.A.Reshetov and others.

Of interest to us is the method of constructing a structural-semantic model of training a cook in the food industry. The content of the worker's training is carried out according to the curriculum for the profession 34.2 "Cook", consisting of a list of academic disciplines and electives that are studied necessarily and consistently.

©, 2022
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