Social system in the 30s presentation. Show trials


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consider the types of political regimes; determine the political regime that existed in the USSR in the 1930s; get acquainted with the political life of the country in the 30s and the personality of Stalin; assess the policy of repression; find out what needs to be done in order to prevent the formation of an anti-democratic regime in Russia; continue the development of speech and logical thinking.

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Types of political regimes:

Democratic freedom of speech and press; variety of parties; democratic elections; inviolability of the person and private property. Antidemocratic lack of political freedoms; one-party system; the merging of the state and party apparatus; repression against the individual; control over the population.

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(lat. totalis - universal) - a kind of anti-democratic regime, characterized by the general control of the state over the population.

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The role of the party in the life of the state

members of the CPSU (b) occupied all government posts; The All-Russian Central Executive Committee could not pass a single law without the Politburo; party symbols (red banner and anthem "Internationale") became state; within the party, all questions were decided by the Politburo; the ideology of the party (Marxism-Leninism) became state.

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The cult of personality - the exaltation of the historical role of one person

general organizer of October; creator of the Red Army; an outstanding commander; leader of the world proletariat; "father of nations"; the great strategist of the five-year plan; "the best friend of Soviet children."

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On August 7, 1932, the law “On the protection of the property of state enterprises, collective farms and cooperatives” (“on five spikelets”) was adopted. On December 1, 1934, in connection with the murder of S.M. Kirov, mass repressions on political matters begin.

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repressive apparatus

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    Show trials:

    1936 - the trial of Zinoviev and Kamenev; 1937 - the trial of the highest officers; 1938 - the trial of Rykov and Bukharin.

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    Keeping the latent years incandescent, A note flows from the past. A live channel is in front of me ... A. Maltseva

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    Constitution of 1936 (adopted by the YIII All-Union Congress of Soviets)

    VKP(b) - the leading core of society; Marxism-Leninism is the state ideology; completion of the construction of socialism; basic democratic rights and freedoms (conscience, speech, press, equal direct suffrage).

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    The system of state administration according to the Constitution

    All-Union Congress of Soviets of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Supreme Soviet Soviet of the Union Council of Nationalities Presidium

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    Stalinist repressions hit the Red Army because:

    A) Trotsky's supporters were strong in the army; B) army cadres opposed measures to mechanize the army, relying on the experience of the Civil War; C) it was a real force, representing a potential danger to the Stalinist dictatorship.

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    The repressions of the 1930s were directed against the “Leninist Guard”, since it:

    A) had a negative attitude towards the personality of Stalin and his methods of building socialism; B) realized that the construction of socialism is an impossible dream; C) tried to implement Lenin's advice on the need to move Stalin from the post of general secretary.

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    What outcome was legally enshrined in the "Stalinist" Constitution of the USSR?

    A) Completion of the reconstruction of the national economy. B) Building the foundations of socialism in the USSR. C) Building developed socialism in the USSR.

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    In this way,

    The USSR in the 30s was a totalitarian state with a republican form of government, a powerful repressive apparatus, where there were no democratic rights and freedoms.

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    “... it is impossible to allow the horrors of the past to be consigned to oblivion. We must always remind ourselves of the past. It was, it turned out to be possible, and this possibility remains. Only knowledge can prevent it. The danger here is in the unwillingness to know, in the desire to forget and in disbelief that this really happened ... ”K. Jaspers“ The Meaning and Purpose of History ”

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    Danilov A.A. History of Russia, XX-beginning of the XXI century / A.A. Danilov, L.G. Kosulina, M.Yu. Brandt.- M.: Enlightenment, 2005.- 381s. Danilov A.A. Workbook on the history of Russia in the XX - early XXI century. Issue. /A.A. Danilov, L.G. Kosulina.- M.: Enlightenment, 2006. - 112p. Kravchenko A.I. Social science: a textbook for grade 9 / A.I. Kravchenko, E.A. Pevtsova.- M.: Russian word, 2001.- 24p. Materials from the presentation "White Sea-Baltic Canal" by L. Pomortseva, teacher of the Nadvoitsk secondary school of the Republic of Karelia were used

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    Presentation prepared

    Teacher of History, Social Studies and Foreign Languages, Municipal Educational Institution "Pushninskaya Secondary School" of the Belomorsky District of the Republic of Karelia Klementyev A.V. 2007

    View all slides

    slide 1

    What features were most characteristic of the political system of the USSR in the 30s?
    The political system of Stalinism

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    Constitution of victorious socialism 1936
    Stalin's personality cult
    Mass repressions 3.8 million 30-40 years
    One-party political system
    Ideologization of public life. Marxism-Leninism
    Trials of intra-party opposition

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    Party hierarchy

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    General Secretaries of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (1898) - RSDLP (b) (1903-1918) - RCP (b) (1918-1925) - VKP (b) (1925-1952) - CPSU (1952-1991) - Communist Party of the Russian Federation

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    Borrowed from A. Berdnikov's presentation

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    Children's and youth organizations

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    Intra-party struggle
    "New Opposition" Trotsky Kamenev Zinoviev
    The idea of ​​world revolution
    The possibility of the victory of socialism in a single country
    For the development and deepening of the NEP
    Against the deepening of the NEP
    "Right Deviation" Bukharin Rykov
    The collapse of the NEP, the transition to collectivization
    Not against collectivization, but for the preservation of private farms
    slide with animation

    Slide 8

    Stalin's personality cult. Causes
    Organizational abilities Promotion of one's allies to key positions in the center and localities Control by the party of state security agencies Tactics of disunity and rivalry against one's opponents The centuries-old Russian tradition of paternalism was embodied in leaderism, characteristic of a multi-million peasant country. The psychology of leaderism, the bureaucratic deification of authority served as a breeding ground for Stalin's personality cult. By the beginning of the 30s. the totalitarian regime has become a harsh political reality.

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    Manifestation of the cult of personality - exaltation of the role of one person
    Stalin is a faithful continuer of the teachings of Marx, Engels, Lenin (the idea of ​​building socialism in a single country) The victory of the Bolshevik Party in October and the Civil War became possible for Stalin's "wise leadership" Any criticism of the General Secretary is a counter-revolutionary conspiracy
    Soviet propaganda created around Stalin a semi-divine halo of an infallible "great leader and teacher." Cities, factories, collective farms, military equipment were named after Stalin and his closest associates. Stalin is deeper than the ocean, higher than the Himalayas, brighter than the Sun. He is the teacher of the Universe, the Great Leader, the first student of Lenin, an outstanding commander, the leader of the world proletariat, the wise, the father of peoples, the genius

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    Stalinism is an attempt to modernize the country in a short time through the accelerated construction of socialism

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    Theoretical substantiation of repressions - Stalin's thesis about the inevitability of exacerbation of the class struggle in the process of building socialism
    The reason for the deployment of mass repressions was the murder of 01.12.34 S.M. sentences were carried out immediately Repressions 1936-1938 - trials of the internal party opposition

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    August 1936 Trotskyist-Zinoviev terrorist center: Zinoviev, Kamenev Preparation of terrorist attacks against the leaders of the Soviet state and party, assassination of Kirov, espionage. sabotage
    1937 Pyatakov, Radek Anti-Soviet activities, espionage, sabotage
    March 1938 Bukharin, Rykov Espionage, accusations of murdering Kirov, assassination attempt on Lenin, Stalin
    1938 "The Case of Tukhachevsky" Undermining the combat power of the Red Army, communications with German intelligence, training of the state. coup
    Political processes 1936-1938

    slide 13

    Repressions of 1936-1938 - trials of the inner-party opposition
    1936 Zinoviev
    1936 Kamenev
    1938 Bukharin
    1937 Tukhachevsky
    1938 Rykov

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    Slides captions:

    "An answer to a peer from 1937".

    "Literature is an eyewitness of history". Marina Tsvetaeva.

    I learned how faces fall, How fear peeps out from under the eyelids, How hard cuneiform pages, Suffering is displayed on the cheeks. A. Akhmatova.

    "The political system in the 30s of the twentieth century"

    final meeting of the editorial board of the newspaper "Future of Russia". Purpose: "An answer to a peer from 1937." Editorial departments Tasks Archival and documentary Statement of the problem Political Analysis of the political situation in the USSR in the 1930s Literary response to a peer

    The main features of totalitarianism. the forcible establishment of the power of one party; lack of separation of powers; building a system of mass organizations; destruction of political freedoms; cult of the national leader; mass repression.

    Repressions are ... punitive measures, punishments applied by the state.

    You can string lines More difficult, simpler, But no one will call us To the Senate Square. We will not be crowned, And in wagons with snow Real women Will not follow us. (Naum Korzhavin)

    I've been screaming for seventeen months, I'm calling you home, I threw myself at the executioner's feet, You are my son and my horror. Everything is messed up forever, And I can't make out Now, who is the beast, who is the man, And how long to wait for the execution. (A.A. Akhmatova “Requiem”)

    History teaches to correct mistakes, literature teaches not to forget.

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    "Psychomotor development of a child in the first year of life"

    "Psychomotor development of a child in the first year of life" Speech therapist recommends paying attention. “Is our child developing correctly?” This question worries almost every one of the "newly minted" relatives...

    The development of agriculture during the reign of N.S. Khrushchev.

    The theme of the lesson is “Development Agriculture in the USSR during the reign of N.S. Khrushchev. Educational goal: to get acquainted with the achievements and miscalculations in the development of agriculture in 1953-1964 in Raz...

    The murder of S.M. Kirov December 1, 1934 Repressions are punitive measures, punishments applied by the state. The political system in the USSR in the 30s of the 20th century Conformism - opportunism, lack of one's own positions; passive acceptance of the existing order, the prevailing opinion. Totalitarian regime- this is a political regime in which the state seeks to establish absolute (total) control over various aspects of the life of each person and society as a whole. The main features of totalitarianism in the USSR: * Lack of opposition; * One-party system; * Merging party and state apparatuses; * Command economy; * Fight against religion; * Destruction of literature that does not fit into the ideological framework; * State control over the media; * International isolation of the state; The cult of personality is the exaltation of the role of one person, attributing to him during his lifetime a decisive influence on the course of historical development.

    Stalin is deeper than the ocean, higher than the Himalayas, brighter than the sun. He is the teacher of the universe

    1937 – 1938

    Years of the Great Terror

    Organizers and perpetrators of terror

    N.I. Yezhov - head of the NKVD

    G.G.Yagoda - the creator of the Gulag system

    • Main Directorate of Camps and Places of Detention (Gulag) - subdivision NKVD USSR, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Ministry of Justice of the USSR, who managed the places of mass forced imprisonment and detention in 1934-1960.

    Official statistics of the NKVD

    1,344,923 arrested; 681,692 shot.

    Renowned historian Conquest names the number of victims of "BT"

    12-14 million people arrested; at least 1 million shot.

    The Commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1962 named even more:

    19 million arrested; at least 7 million shot.

    "Black Raven" taking away the arrested

    "Troika" makes a verdict

    Political repression against the elite of the party. Shot 1936-1937


    Repressions against the leadership of the army. Shot

    Vasily Blucher

    Marshall Mikhail Tukhachevsky

    Repressed in 1937
    • out of 5 marshals - 3
    • out of 9 commanders of the 1st rank - 5
    • out of 10 commanders of II rank - 10
    • out of 57 commanders - 50
    • out of 186 division commanders - 154
    • out of 16 army commissars of I and II ranks - 16
    • out of 26 corps commissars - 25
    • out of 64 divisional commissars - 58
    • out of 456 regimental commanders - 401
    The meaning of mass repression:
    • restore order in the country;
    • elimination of enemies of the Soviet power;
    • shift the responsibility for failures to "enemies of the people";
    • the desire to destroy the thinking part of society;
    • the need for a large number of forced labor.
    I've been screaming for seventeen months, I'm calling you home, I threw myself at the executioner's feet, You are my son and my horror. Everything is messed up forever, And I can't make out Now, who is the beast, who is the man, And how long to wait for the execution. (A.A. Akhmatova “Requiem”) Anna Akhmatova "Epilogue". I learned how faces fall, How fear peeps out from under the eyelids, How hard cuneiform pages Suffering draws on the cheeks, How curls from ashen and black turn to Silver suddenly, The smile withers on the lips of the submissive, And fright trembles in a dry laugh. And I pray not for myself alone, but for all who stood there with me And in the bitter cold, and in the July heat Under the red, blinded wall.
    • In 1991, a decree of the President of Russia was issued on the establishment of the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repressions - this date is October 30th.
    • 1. 30s in the history of my native land, in the history of my family.
    • 2. Tell about the show trials in the 30s. (1-2 examples)
    • 3. What goals did Stalin pursue by organizing open show trials?

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    1. Formation of a totalitarian regime. 2. Ideologization of public life. 3. Formation of Stalin's personality cult. 4. Massive repressions. 5. Show trials. 6.Constitution of "victorious socialism". Lesson plan.

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    What features were most characteristic of the political system of the USSR in the 30s? Lesson assignment.

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    The implementation of grandiose socio-economic plans led to the formation of totalitarianism. Power was concentrated in the hands of the top party leadership. It destroyed democratic freedoms, the opposition, subordinated society to its interests. Not a single law was passed without the approval of the Politburo. It determined the main directions of domestic and foreign policy. The party itself also gradually changed—ordinary members were removed from real solution questions. 1. Formation of a totalitarian regime. Politburo. 1936

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    A huge role in the formation of totalitarianism was played by party control over the media. The cessation of contacts with the West made it possible to avoid the influence of other ideological views on the population. attack on creative unions. In 1934, all writers were united in the Union of Soviet Writers, headed by M. Gorky. 2. Ideologization of public life. Demonstration against the kulaks.

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    Subsequently, similar unions arose among filmmakers, artists, composers. Those who worked within the framework of the official ideology were supported by material benefits and privileges. The rest of the population also consisted of public organizations-trade unions, Komsomol, Pioneer and October organizations. Athletes, inventors, women, etc. united in various organizations. 2. Ideologization of public life. Icon confiscation.

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    A characteristic feature of the political life of this period was the cult of the personality of I. Stalin. On December 21, 1929, on the day of Stalin’s 50th birthday, the country learned that it had a great leader. He was declared “the first student of Lenin “Soon, they began to attribute all the successes of the country to Stalin. He was called “great”, “wise”, “waiting for the world proletariat”, “great strategist of the five-year plan. 3. Formation of Stalin's personality cult. 1932 poster

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    At the same time, punitive bodies were being formed to persecute dissidents. The last trials of the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks took place in the 1930s. The "Shakhty affair" of 1928 led to repressions against bourgeois specialists. This was followed by a campaign against the kulaks. In 1932, the “Law on Three Spikelets” gave rise to the persecution of even the poorest peasantry. 4. Massive repressions. Prisoners at the construction of the White Sea Canal.

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    The reason for the deployment of mass repressions was the murder of S. Kirov on December 1, 1934, after which it was decided to conduct an investigation into "terrorist cases" in an abbreviated manner, within 10 days, the prosecutor and lawyer at the trial were absent, pardons were prohibited, and death sentences were carried out immediately. In 1935, the law was supplemented, and adolescents from the age of 12 fell under its action. The families of "enemies of the people" began to be treated as criminals. 4. Massive repressions. Funeral of S.M. Kirov

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    In the mid-1930s, Stalin set about liquidating all the dissatisfied. In 1936, a trial took place in the case of Zinoviev, Kamenev and their supporters, the defendants were accused of the murder of Kirov, the attempt on Stalin and other crimes. you carried the death sentence. Following these, new processes followed. 5. Show trials. L.B. Kamenev. G.E. Zinoviev.

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    In 1937, the heroes of the civil war - Tukhachevsky, Yakir, Uborevich and other military commanders - were shot in the "case of the marshals". In March 1938, N. Bukharin, A. Rykov, K. Radek and others. The country plunged into an atmosphere of fear. The secret department of the NKVD overtook its victims even abroad - in 1940 L. Trotsky was killed in Mexico. 5. Show trials. K. Radek N.I. Bukharin

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    The “Great Terror” was intended to relieve social tension caused by the failures of the economic and political decisions of the leadership. The Constitution adopted on December 5, 1936 corresponded to the same goal. It proclaimed democratic rights and freedoms and masked the totalitarian regime. The constitution proclaimed the building of socialism in the USSR and the creation of state and collective farm cooperative ownership of the means of production. 6.Constitution of "victorious socialism". Constitution of 1936.

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    The Soviets were declared the political basis of the state, and Marxism-Leninism was the state ideology. The Supreme Soviet became the supreme body of the state. The USSR included 11 union republics. In real life, most of the norms of the Constitution were not implemented, and "Stalin's socialism" had a very remote resemblance to what K. Marx wrote about. 6.Constitution of "victorious socialism". Poster from 1936.

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