Methods for improving marketing activities. Development of measures to improve sales activities. Improving the marketing activities of the organization



With the transition to market relations, an increasingly important role is played by marketing policy, market research, product quality improvement, sales management, that is, what constitutes the essence of the content of the concept of marketing.

It is known that the most successful in the market are those manufacturers who are engaged in product marketing, which have significantly expanded their activities beyond the purchase and sale. Their responsibilities include both control over production processes and non-production stages, including advertising.

It is in the marketing programs that measures are taken to improve the product and its range, to study buyers, competitors and competition, to ensure pricing policy, demand formation, sales promotion and advertising, optimization of distribution channels and sales organization, expansion of the range of services provided, as well as their improvement.

At present, it is the consumer with all the numerous shades of his requests that attracts the attention of commodity producers. Successful marketing of products is the ultimate and main goal of an enterprise of any form of ownership, which is why the proposed topic of work is relevant.

The main and determining factor in the well-being of the company is the market, or rather the buyer. Ultimately, the entire activity of the firm finds its concentrated expression in his position.

When forming a marketing policy, the manufacturer faces problems related to the choice of channels for the sale of products, and their improvement, the formation of prices for goods, and the study of the competitive environment. In order to maximize the satisfaction of demand for manufactured products, the manufacturer needs an optimal scheme for delivering products to the consumer.

The purpose of the final qualifying work is to improve the organization of marketing activities of a trade organization.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

to study the theoretical foundations of the organization of marketing activities in modern conditions;

explore the methodology for determining the channels for the sale of goods;

determine the functions and methods of marketing;

reveal the organizational and economic activities of the enterprise;

analyze the marketing activities of the enterprise, having previously disclosed its organizational and economic characteristics;

to study the methods of marketing policy of the organization;

identify areas for improving the marketing activities of the organization and determine the effectiveness of the proposed activities.

The object of the study is Stik LLC, Blagoveshchensk.

The subject of the final qualification work is the sales activity of Stik LLC.

When writing the work, the methods of comparative analysis, the economic-statistical method, the balance method, observations and questionnaires were used.

The main sources of information are annual reports for 2007-2009, statistical reports on trading activities, reports on the sale of goods, financial plans, technological maps, documents used in the activities of the enterprise, reference books and literary publications on marketing.

1. Theoretical foundations of the organization of marketing of goods in market conditions

1.1 The role of the marketing activities of the enterprise

In the process of marketing activities, the problem of sales is solved already at the stage of developing the company's policy. The choice of the most effective system, channels and methods of marketing in relation to specific markets is carried out. This means that the production of products from the very beginning focuses on specific forms and methods of marketing, the most favorable conditions. Therefore, the development of a marketing policy is aimed at determining the optimal directions and means necessary to ensure the greatest efficiency in the process of selling goods, which implies a reasonable choice of organizational forms and methods of marketing activities focused on achieving the intended final results.

In countries with developed market economies, the share of marketing commercial operations of industrial firms is constantly growing. Industrial firms that have established a well-functioning sales apparatus have a great competitive advantage.

The development and justification of a marketing policy involves the solution of the following issues in relation to a particular product:

Choice of channels and methods of sale, method and time of entering the market;

The choice of a marketing system and the determination of the necessary financial costs;

Determination of the system of distribution of goods and the cost of delivery of goods;

Definition of forms and methods of sales promotion.

According to Gerchikova I.N. when developing a marketing policy, specific methods of working with consumers are analyzed and developed, and the most effective means recommended for implementing the marketing policy are identified.

These include:

skills and preferences of end users regarding the nature of distribution: wholesale, retail, mail order;

fame and reputation of the company, the attitude of consumers to the trademark of the company;

availability of connections and contacts with potential buyers;

forms of attracting the attention of a potential buyer to a new product;

evaluation by buyers of a new product and analysis of customer feedback on its technical and economic indicators and other characteristics.

When forming a marketing policy, it is of great importance to address the issue of improving the methods of working with end users. At the same time, the main role is given to assessing the costs of introducing technical means of customer service (receiving orders), computer equipment for accounting for goods received at warehouses and sold to consumers through a retail network or directly from a warehouse.

Resellers, especially large firms, have their own sales network - dealers; have their own material and technical base - warehouses, shops, showrooms, workshops for maintenance and repair; equipped with computer technology for constant accounting and control over the quantity of products sold through stores, over the availability of spare parts in warehouses. They have the ability to deliver the right spare part to the dealer at any point in a matter of hours.

When choosing a reseller, consider the following questions:

The scope of services provided by the intermediary to the manufacturer;

The relationship of the intermediary to the brand of the manufacturer;

The possibility of increasing sales with the help of an intermediary;

Expenses necessary to maintain the intermediary;

Location of the intermediary in relation to customers;

The extent to which the intermediary's practice conforms to the manufacturer's requirements;

Participation of an intermediary in sales promotion activities;

The financial position of the intermediary;

Forms of management of an intermediary firm;

The amount of expenses in connection with the use of an intermediary;

The attitude of the intermediary to the activities of a competitor;

Regularity of payment of invoices by an intermediary;

The volume of information provided by the intermediary about the market;

Availability of complaints from end users about the work of an intermediary;

The effectiveness of transactions carried out through an intermediary.

When selling industrial goods, it is possible to send a written offer to a potential buyer, enter into negotiations or consider a specific seller's offer (offer), as well as establish personal contacts at an exhibition, in a showroom.

When selling consumer goods, this is, first of all, the choice of the most suitable and reliable reseller.

The right choice of a way to enter the market largely depends on the following factors: experience in the market; availability of business relations with counterparties in the market; availability of suitable intermediaries or other trading partners in the market; fame and reputation of the company in the market; availability of infrastructure in the market and its features.

The development of a marketing policy is preceded by an analysis of the effectiveness of the existing marketing system, both as a whole and by its individual elements, and the compliance of the marketing policy pursued by the company with specific market conditions.

The analysis of the sales system involves identifying the effectiveness of each element of this system, evaluating the activities of the sales apparatus. Distribution cost analysis provides for a comparison of actual sales costs for each distribution channel and type of expenses with plan indicators in order to detect unreasonable expenses, eliminate losses arising in the process of product distribution, and increase the profitability of a functioning sales system. It is not so much the quantitative indicators of sales by product and by region that are analyzed, but the whole complex of factors influencing the size of sales: the organization of the sales network, the effectiveness of advertising and other means of sales promotion, the correct choice of the market, time and methods of entering the market.

When choosing channels and methods of distribution, first of all, the role of each channel in the overall program of the production department, its effectiveness, the size of distribution costs, the system for locating warehouse and other service premises, as well as pricing features are revealed.

The justification for the effectiveness of marketing activities is the multivariate calculation of distribution costs and the choice on its basis of the optimal option for the main areas of marketing activities in the market or its segment.

V. A. Goremykin points out that it is expedient for a manufacturing enterprise to evaluate the possibilities of selling its products. The result of this assessment is the development of a sound and realistic marketing policy and the choice of a marketing system that covers the most significant aspects of the market, including pricing policy, sales promotion and promotion activities, distribution and delivery systems.

The organization of the distribution system includes everything that happens to the product in the period of time from the moment of its production to the beginning of consumption.

The goods distribution system ensures the creation of such conditions under which the goods will be where they are needed, at the time they are needed, in the quantities in which they are in demand, and of the quality (meaning safety during transportation) that the consumer. In addition to transport and forwarding services, this includes the organization of optimal storage facilities and the creation of a distribution network, both wholesale and retail.

The sales system implies the presence in the structure of the company of such divisions that are directly involved in the sale of products on the market, both external and internal. The functions and scope of authority of such units are different.

Own sales system - subsidiaries and branches abroad and in their own country: production and marketing; marketing abroad; export in their country.

Representatives of the firm are leaders abroad and in their own country; foreign universal representatives, permanent and temporary; traveling salesmen in the domestic market; sales offices, agencies in their own country and abroad; sales offices, retail outlets.

Joint marketing activities - joint marketing firms; joint marketing agreements; participation in sales associations and associations.

The creation of own sales companies in the foreign target market is due to the following advantages: the ability to maintain product prices at a higher level and quickly adapt them to existing demand; savings on the costs of promoting goods to the market, on transportation costs and advertising; ensuring the rapid and effective dissemination of information on new products; providing high-quality after-sales technical service; using the experience of management and marketing activities accumulated in the parent company, which conducts training and retraining of managers and administrators, as well as ordinary employees.

The parent company provides its own dealers with a fairly wide range of services and financial support, in particular, in organizing and holding product demonstrations in showrooms, at exhibitions and fairs, in organizing permanent exhibitions of samples of products sold by the dealer. Financial support is provided to dealers through the provision of loans, price discounts, subsidies, funds for advertising and promotion in the target market.

Joint ventures that carry out marketing operations are created when it is necessary to take into account the specific conditions of a particular country - national legislation prohibiting the creation of firms wholly owned by foreign capital; when direct contacts with buyers are hindered by existing trade rules (for example, the mandatory use of tenders in import operations); when the market is divided between large firms or is difficult to access.

The sales apparatus of other firms is used on the basis of agreements on the sale of products through the sales system of the corresponding firm.

The choice of a marketing system depends on the size of the necessary financial costs, their feasibility and effectiveness, which is determined by comparing alternative options and making appropriate calculations.

Overseas production and marketing branches and subsidiaries allow large firms to more thoroughly study the markets, customer demand, take into account their tastes and needs, more actively generate demand, and better perform maintenance. At the same time, the creation of one's own foreign base requires large investments, the payback of which must be known in advance.

The choice of a distribution system involves finding the cheapest and most convenient option for delivering goods to the buyer, taking into account the conditions of transportation, warehousing and storage of goods on the way, loading and unloading from vehicles, reliability in terms of maintaining the quality indicators of the goods.

The term "goods movement" is used in the management activities of firms and means an integrated approach to the implementation of transport, storage, insurance operations and related paperwork.

Merchandising can have a significant impact on the size and structure of costs, especially overheads. Thus, the costs associated with the organization of the movement of such goods as metals, chemicals, fertilizers, some petroleum products can be up to 25% of export earnings, in the food industry - up to 30%. Significantly affect the amount of profit received by the cost of moving machinery and equipment.

Distribution costs in a distribution system may include the following costs:

For the transportation of goods (transportation costs), calculated as paid transport tariffs;

For the transportation of goods from the enterprise to the point of transportation (to vehicles or to a warehouse);

For the transportation of goods from vehicles to the buyer's warehouse;

For loading the goods at the sender, unloading at the recipient and possible reloading along the way (stevedoring costs);

For storage of goods in the process of transportation, repacking, re-sorting;

For the supply and maintenance of goods in warehouses until they are sold (at auctions, from consignment warehouses);

For packaging, labeling, paperwork, insurance of goods in transit;

For payment of cargo dues in ports and border stations, payment of taxes, administrative expenses, etc.

In cases where the seller considers it inappropriate to engage in the process of commodity circulation himself, he entrusts it to a freight forwarding company and pays her the appropriate remuneration.

The choice of a distribution system requires careful consideration in terms of costs and the achievement of an optimal result with comparable indicators. The most important factors are minimizing the costs of product distribution, determining the level of service and the duration of delivery of goods to the target market and a specific buyer.

The most effective means of sales promotion in the target market are advertising of the product, use of the trademark, and maintenance of the products sold.

Determining the effectiveness of advertising activities involves analyzing the structure of advertising costs, both in general and by individual elements: for advertising campaigns, for the use of specific advertising media, for the production of advertising materials and their distribution.

The organization of advertising activities includes: the choice of the most effective advertising media for a given product and market; conducting targeted advertising campaigns; placement in the periodicals of carefully crafted advertisements, open and indirect advertising, customer reviews about the product; use for advertising purposes of specialized newspapers and magazines, reference books, scientific journals; holding promotional events for journalists, scientists, medical workers about new products - equipment, achievements in the field of science and technology; use of a trademark for promotional purposes.

The effectiveness of advertising activities is determined by analyzing the following indicators: advertising costs per thousand potential buyers for each medium and type of advertising; the percentage of buyers who paid attention to advertising and bought the product; the popularity of the company's products as a result of advertising activities. Determining the effectiveness of advertising also involves finding out to what extent advertising promotes sales. This is done using the ratio of the cost of promotional activities to the results achieved with its help (increase in sales). Such an analysis contributes to the correct choice of advertising media and the timing of its implementation, as well as more reasonable planning of financial costs for advertising when developing a marketing program. The organization of the maintenance system plays a paramount role in determining the marketing policy of the company, since the position of the company in the market depends on its functioning. A good organization of maintenance attracts buyers more than high technical and economic characteristics of the goods when it is impossible to quickly and efficiently repair.

Efficient customer service requires a high level of warranty maintenance and repair; providing customers with services, long-term guarantees and free services.

The assessment of the financial resources necessary for organizing a correct and efficient system of customer service involves the calculation of the costs of creating and equipping service stations, spare parts warehouses, repair shops with modern computer technology, providing qualified personnel for mobile workshops that provide services at the place of operation of the goods, and others. costs that are taken into account when developing a marketing program.

Among the most important methods of sales promotion, it is also necessary to include the system of formation of consumer demand and their needs. This system involves establishing personal contacts with consumers at points of sale, at business meetings, presentations, symposiums, exhibitions and fairs, targeted distribution of catalogs and brochures of the company, display and demonstration of goods. First of all, machinery and equipment in operation with the expectation of specialists and company managers, provision of goods for temporary free use to potential consumers, sale of goods on credit and with installment payment.

A large diversified company needs an omnichannel distribution system that has its own characteristics in each target market. But such a system is being created consistently, step by step.

At the initial stage, when sporadic export deliveries are carried out, there is no need to create a specialized apparatus, they are handled by the sales department of the production department. As the volume of exports increases, it becomes necessary either to create an export department or to use independent export firms located in the country.

At the second stage, when a stable entry into the foreign target market is planned, it becomes necessary to select an independent reseller based on the goals and strategy developed for this market. Perhaps the use of several intermediaries of different categories at the same time.

Subsequently, a reseller who has proven himself in the best way may be granted the exclusive right to sell products in the territory assigned to him. After establishing well-established stable relations, it is possible to introduce a representative to the board of the intermediary firm, and then acquire a controlling stake in the intermediary firm and include it in the manufacturer's sales system as a branch or subsidiary.

1.2 Choice of distribution and distribution channel

Merchandise planning is the systematic, informed decision making regarding the physical movement and transfer of ownership of a product or service from producer to consumer, including transportation, storage, and transactions.

The functions of commodity circulation (distribution) are carried out through channels, which include all organizations associated with the movement and exchange of goods and services, which are participants in distribution channels or intermediaries.

The decision to choose a distribution channel is one of the most important decisions to be made by the management of an enterprise, since the characteristics of the chosen channel significantly affect all other marketing decisions. In terms of its importance, the distribution system of goods is comparable to such important internal factors as production, research, and the level of technical support.

Moreover, it is a significant part of the entire policy adopted in the company, the foundation for building all long-term relationships.

It takes a long time to build good relationships with channel members. When they are already formed, it is quite difficult for a new enterprise to maneuver, and it is easier for an old one to organize the sale of new goods. The choice of channels also affects costs and profits. An enterprise that takes on all the functions must pay for them: accordingly, it receives all the income.

An enterprise that uses independent (external) channels can reduce the relative costs of product distribution; however, it also has a lower relative profit, since the relevant sales organizations must receive their share. In this case, the total profit can increase if the sales enterprises help to increase sales beyond what the enterprise itself can achieve.

A distribution channel is a set of individuals and legal entities that assume ownership of goods or services along their route from producer to consumer.

Distribution channel participants perform the following functions:

Research work (gathering information for planning and improving the exchange);

Sales promotion (creation and dissemination of information about the product);

Establishing contacts (establishing and maintaining communication with existing and potential buyers);

Adaptation of goods to the requirements of the buyer (sorting, installation, packaging);

Negotiating (agreeing on prices and other conditions for the implementation of an active transfer of property);

Organization of commodity circulation (transportation and warehousing);

Financing (search and use of funds to cover the costs of the channel);

Acceptance of risk (acceptance of consequences and responsibility for the functioning of the channel).

There are two main types of distribution:

Direct distribution channels are associated with the movement of goods and services from the producer to the consumer without the use of independent intermediaries. They are most commonly used by businesses that want to control their entire marketing program, seek close contact with consumers, and have limited target markets.

Indirect distribution channels are associated with the movement of goods and services from the producer to an independent participant in the distribution of goods, and then to the consumer. They usually attract companies that, in order to increase their markets and sales, are willing to give up many sales functions and expenses. Due to the fact that indirect channels include independent participants, it is necessary to develop an overall marketing plan and distribution of responsibilities. Under contractual agreements, all conditions relating to the movement of goods, prices, etc., are clearly stipulated for each participant in writing. For example, a manufacturer and a retailer may sign a contract specifying delivery times, discounts on supply sizes, commissions, terms of payment, promotional and handling support, and display case labeling. With a controlled channel, the dominant enterprise in the processes of product distribution, the leader, plans a marketing program and distributes responsibility. Depending on the balance of power, the leader may be a manufacturer, wholesaler, or retail store. Distribution channels are characterized by the number of channel levels.

Channel level - any intermediary that does some work to bring the product and ownership of it closer to the final recipient.

Four levels of distribution channels are distinguished and applied in practice.

The zero-level channel consists of the firm that produces the goods and the direct consumer. In this case, the following methods of direct sale are used: peddling, mail order, trade through its own retail network. A single-level channel includes one intermediary, in the consumer market this is usually a retailer.

Two-level channel - includes two intermediaries, a wholesaler and a retailer. Three-level channel - three intermediaries, i.e. wholesaler, wholesaler and retailer. The firm chooses for itself the length of the channel, depending on market conditions.

The strongest is the zero-level channel, called the marketing channel, which consists of the manufacturer selling the product directly to the consumer. Direct marketing without intermediaries is optimal if the product requires a complex after-sales service, is not subject to additional processing in the warehouse, if the consumer is concentrated in one or two regions, the difference between production costs and the market price is sufficient to ensure high costs for direct marketing, if the price is not is subject to frequent changes, so the use of a large number of market experts is not necessary.

Although the direct marketing channel is the simplest, it is not necessarily the cheapest. In the case of a fairly diverse range of products, a large number of markets, economic feasibility dictates the study of more complex types of distribution channels.

From the manufacturer's point of view, the longer the channel, the more difficult it is to control its functioning. In a corrupt economy, intermediate links in the administrative system can serve as a source of profit through higher prices for consumers, without creating any value for them. It is impossible to effectively manage the distribution channel without the selection and motivation of intermediaries. The main goal of management is to achieve a long-term partnership - such that all participants in the channel can make a profit. Periodically, individual participants should be assessed, checking their compliance with certain requirements.

When choosing a distribution channel, the main condition is its availability for the manufacturer. To achieve commercial success when using a particular distribution channel, you need to carefully analyze all financial issues. It is necessary to conduct a comparative description of the costs of the enterprise for possible distribution channels. These costs include: the cost of recruiting and training sales personnel; Administrative expenses; the cost of advertising and sales promotion, the organization of product distribution, including the cost of transportation, warehousing; commission level. It should be borne in mind that at the initial stage of the enterprise, marketing costs increase, but they are not of a permanent nature.

A comparative assessment of the cost of individual distribution channels should also be linked to the prospects for growth in the volume of sales of goods. It is also important to note that the choice of a distribution channel is usually associated with the conclusion of long-term agreements between counterparties. The wrong choice of distribution channel can lead to the annulment of legal agreements, which, of course, will affect the results of the enterprise and the intermediaries participating in this agreement. The commercial relations of the manufacturer with intermediaries are fixed by a contract, which stipulates the responsibility and obligations of the parties in the event of losses, unclear fulfillment of contractual obligations, the amount of commission and bonus deductions, etc. The conclusion of a contract with an intermediary serves as a legal basis for resolving disputes and disagreements. The contract usually includes a clause prohibiting the intermediary from making any changes to the product without the written consent of the manufacturer. To guarantee the uninterrupted sale of products, as a rule, a clause is introduced obliging the intermediary to purchase a certain number of products and spare parts immediately after signing the contract in order to create a warehouse stock. The contract must clearly and precisely stipulate the procedure for terminating it. In world practice, the following reasons are considered valid and to some extent justifying the actions of the initiator of termination of the contract: gross violation by any party of the articles of the contract, bankruptcy of one of the partners or its self-liquidation, frequent violation of payment terms. When preparing a draft contract with an intermediary, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the agreements already concluded, with the practice of drawing them up at other enterprises, to analyze their advantages and disadvantages, and the causes of disagreements between the parties.

Once the distribution channels are selected, the management of the enterprise faces a number of tasks for the successful management of these channels. The solution of each of them pursues a specific goal and is achieved by specific methods.

Intermediaries occupy an intermediate position between manufacturers and consumers of products and do not always go into close contact with suppliers, preferring to communicate with consumers. The reason for the conflicts that sometimes arise between suppliers and intermediaries is the conviction of the latter that they do not receive sufficient assistance from suppliers in training personnel, organizing promotional materials, etc. Intermediaries, in particular wholesalers, want manufacturers to sell goods to them, and not through them, since in the latter case, the manufacturer does not consider intermediaries as consumers whose needs must be studied and satisfied. Selling through wholesalers means that the manufacturer pays the main attention to end users, and the needs of intermediary organizations are not of great importance to him. When organizing work with intermediaries, such issues need to be analyzed and taken into account. This will help create good relationships between manufacturers and intermediary organizations.

1.3 Functions and methods of marketing

Within the framework of the national economic division of labor, the sales sector assumes certain functions.

Procurement - functions. The marketing sector, by changing agricultural raw materials in form, in space and in time, makes them ready for consumption. Changes in form come as a result of processing, standardization and packaging of goods; changes in space - a consequence of the spatial separation of producers and consumers; changes in time - due to the gap between the moment of purchase of an agricultural product and the moment of sale of goods ready for consumption. The time difference is especially pronounced in seasonal agricultural products and products that can be stored for more than a year.

Exchange functions. The marketing sector can reduce costs for both the producer and the consumer by providing information about products and prices, for example through informational advertising and product standardization. The functions of exchange will be fulfilled only if the goods at any time and in all places of sale can satisfy consumer demand. This requires the formation of an appropriate product range.

When implementing the exchange function, the value of general economic costs should tend to a minimum, which means minimizing the total costs of the exchange of goods, which must be borne by producers, trade and consumers.

Functions to reduce transaction costs. The sales sector is faced with the task of helping to reduce the cost of finding a market partner. The producer of a certain agricultural product may incur high transaction costs if he himself must look for the final consumer. The inclusion of the marketing sector in the distribution chain (for example, the creation of marketing organizations) makes it easier for the agricultural producer to sell products.

The following factors influence the reduction of transaction costs. Availability of information markets. The ability to quickly and cheaply obtain information, ceteris paribus, is determined by the presence of communication systems in the national and international economy. If a country has a poor telephone network, trade develops slowly and inefficiently. The use of modern information transmission systems helps to reduce transaction costs.

The possibility of free movement in the economic space. When trading between countries and regions, transaction costs depend on the duration of travel and the ability to travel when necessary. Travel may be necessary to inspect goods or establish business relationships. With the formation of the internal market, transport costs are reduced and trade is developing.

Developed legislation. If the legal system is not sufficiently developed, the risk that arises in the process of exchange increases. As a result, transactions between business entities do not always lead to satisfactory results.

Choice of marketing routes. If processors of agricultural products are not able to obtain the required quantity of homogeneous raw materials of the desired quality and at the desired time, then the exchange of products through the market can occur at high transaction costs. In these cases, processing enterprises seek to conclude contracts with producers of agricultural products for its supply. Agricultural producers are also interested in such forms of vertical integration.

If we are talking about homogeneous (homogeneous) products, the properties of which can be described using standards, transaction costs will be low: in this case, it is easier for the seller to change the trading partner without high costs. The influence of consumer demand is less significant here than in relation to inhomogeneous (heterogeneous) goods, in which the change of trading partner may be associated with increased risk and costs.

Risk insurance and limited capital mobility. As a rule, trade ensures the purchase of goods at one point in time, and its sale at a later date. Since at the time of its purchase, the selling prices are unknown, the acquisition of goods is associated with a certain risk. At the same time, capital is tied up. Consequently, the sales sector takes on the functions of risk insurance and limiting capital mobility.

The development of the production and marketing sphere is impossible without further ecologization of the agro-industrial complex, which makes it possible to improve the use of agricultural raw materials, eliminate their losses, and improve product quality. The development of marketing infrastructure (roads, storage facilities, etc.) and processing industries (food and light) is important for stabilizing the environmental situation and solving the food problem.

At present, losses due to a lag in the development of infrastructure and the processing industry amount to 20-30%. This means that part of the natural resources of the agro-industrial complex, in demand for the production of lost products, is used irrationally. Losses have to be compensated by expanding agricultural production and, consequently, putting into operation more and more new natural resources or increasing the pressure on existing ones. Due to the elimination of losses of agricultural products, the use of reserves, it is possible to release significant amounts of natural resources without reducing the consumption fund (up to 30-40% of all agricultural land used).

The resource-saving way of developing the agro-industrial complex based on the development of infrastructure and the processing industry is the most effective in the short term due to the deteriorating situation in agriculture.

In essence, the formation of a rational production and marketing sphere of the agro-industrial complex is an alternative option for solving environmental problems in agriculture. First, the environmental compensation costs required to eliminate environmental damage from certain activities in the agro-industrial complex (external effects) in the "raw material-saving" investment option are minimal. Capital investments in improving the process of bringing agricultural products to the consumer are practically environmentally friendly. Secondly, the complete utilization and integrated use of agricultural raw materials based on low-waste and waste-free technologies in the processing industry prevent environmental pollution. Thirdly, the elimination of losses of agricultural products will lead to the fact that there will be no need to increase the material and technical base of agricultural production, increase the gross yield of products, which will reduce the burden on agroecosystems. Fourth, capital investments in the production and marketing sector pay off faster than in other areas of the agro-industrial complex.

This direction provides for a deep restructuring of the agro-industrial complex, in which there will be a decrease in the share of agriculture in fixed assets, the number of employees, the final production of the agro-industrial complex and the growth of these indicators in the infrastructure and processing industry. In order to conserve land and water resources, such alternative options for increasing final consumption should be used more widely.

In order for the released product to find its grateful buyer, who is ready to “lay out” money for the purchase, the manufacturer can use several marketing methods.

Direct or immediate sales allows you to establish direct contacts with buyers without resorting to the services of independent intermediaries.

Direct marketing is widespread in the market of means of production. Direct sales are typical for oil, coal, machine tool companies that supply the main types of raw materials for the manufacturing industry. Direct marketing allows you to maintain full control over the conduct of trading operations, better study the market of your goods, establish long-term relationships with key consumers, and conduct scientific research with consumers to improve product quality. However, it is unlikely that saving money on paying for intermediary services and direct contact with the consumer can replace the high professional level of the same intermediary in the sales and commercial areas.

Less often, direct marketing is used in the consumer goods market. Firms prefer to use the services of independent intermediaries, and invest in their core business, which brings higher returns.

Indirect marketing is a method of marketing in which producers of goods use the services of various kinds of independent intermediaries.

Already well-known intermediaries take on a significant part of the sales functions, in addition, they purchase raw materials and materials necessary for production for manufacturers, explore the market and consumer needs, establish direct contact with consumers, implement a policy of stimulating the promotion of goods to the consumer, advertising and exhibition events .

We will show the possible forms of work of the manufacturing enterprise with intermediaries.

Extensive sales - placement and sale of goods at any enterprises of resellers who are ready and able to do this.

Currently, technologically simple, small and inexpensive products of mass demand are distributed in this way. In this case, the manufacturer releases its products in large batches and makes them available to many consumers at once through a very dense distribution network.

Exclusive distribution - the choice of one reseller in a given region, who will sell the manufacturer's products.

This intermediary, as a rule, is granted the exclusive right to sell goods in a given region.

Selective (selective) marketing - the choice of a limited number of intermediaries, depending on their nature, clientele, capabilities for servicing and repairing products, and the level of staff training.

This method is applied when the goods require special maintenance, provision of spare parts, establishment of repair shops or specially trained service personnel.

This method is beneficial when selling expensive, prestigious products that are more sensible to sell in an appropriate environment.

In marketing, a distinction is made between simple and complex marketing systems.

A simple system - the distribution chain consists of two links - the producer and the consumer.

Recently, there has been a steady desire on the part of industrial firms to get closer to their consumers. This leads to the creation and expansion of a network of own stores and the rejection of the services of an independent intermediary. The sales office is created as part of the manufacturer. Individual manufacturers sell their products through their own retail network. This is what oil companies do when they sell fuel at “branded” gas stations; brewing companies that own beer bars; manufacturers of clothing, footwear, and some electrical household goods.

Complex system - the distribution system consists of the manufacturer's own sales branches and subsidiaries, independent sales intermediaries, wholesalers and retailers.

This type of complex marketing system, such as a dual channel system, has become widespread. In this case, the manufacturer in the same market uses two independent or interconnected distribution channels.

A modern firm manages a complex system of marketing communications (communication). It maintains communications with its intermediaries, consumers and various contact audiences.

The complex of marketing communications consists of four main means of influence:

Sales promotions are short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service;

Propaganda is a non-personal and unpaid form of stimulating demand for goods or services by disseminating important information about them in printed sources and the media;

Personal selling - verbal presentation of goods during a conversation with one or more buyers for the purpose of making sales.

Let us consider in more detail the main components of the stimulation complex.

Advertising is carried out through paid means of disseminating information, indicating sources of funding. Significant funds are spent on it, and it is a fairly cost-effective way to disseminate information.

There are three types of advertising: informative - carries information about a new product, price changes, description of services, performs the functions of creating and maintaining a favorable image of the enterprise; exhortation is used to change the perception of the buyer in relation to the goods of the enterprise, to demonstrate the advantages of goods and services over competitors, to convince the consumer to make a purchase without delay; reminiscent - used to keep the product in the memory of the buyer, a reminder of its exceptional properties, price, place and time of sale.

The choice of an advertising medium depends on the nature of the advertised product, the amount of allocations for advertising, the goals of advertising, the scale of the advertising company, the range of potential consumers, and the technical capabilities of advertising production.

The ever-increasing importance of advertising, its influence on the market situation, should serve as the basis for a serious and professional attitude of firms to their advertising activities. In the marketing mix, advertising activities are usually complemented by sales promotion activities.

Sales promotion - the use of means of influence on buyers or intermediaries in order to change their preferences in favor of the goods and services of the enterprise. These include: stimulating consumers, stimulating the sphere of trade (trading activities), stimulating their own sales staff (sellers).

The solution of stimulation problems is achieved using a variety of means:

distribution of samples - the offer of goods to the consumer free of charge or for testing.

coupons - certificates giving the consumer the right to the agreed savings when buying a specific product

premium - a product that is offered at a fairly low price or free of charge as an incentive for the purchase of another product.

credit coupons - a specific type of premium that consumers receive when making a purchase and which they can then exchange for goods at special exchange offices.

expositions with demonstrations of goods at points of sale.

professional meetings and exhibitions.

contests, lotteries.

In the system of marketing communications, participation in exhibitions and fairs, which promote the promotion of goods and services on the market and increase their sales by up to 10%, is now particularly widespread.

An exhibition is a display whose main purpose is to educate the public by demonstrating the means at the disposal of mankind to meet the needs, as well as to progress in one or more areas of activity.

A fair is an exhibition of samples, which, regardless of its name, in accordance with the customs of the country in which it is held, is a large market for consumer goods and equipment, operates on a fixed date, for a limited period of time, in the same place and where exhibitors are allowed to present samples of their products for national and international trade deals.

It is difficult to draw a dividing line between exhibitions and fairs. Perhaps the only difference between the fairs is that they are held periodically at the same time, in the same places. Participation in exhibitions and fairs enables the manufacturer to strengthen the position of their products in the eyes of potential customers by explaining their quality features, to demonstrate their products in action, to provide the buyer with the opportunity to work independently and to be convinced of the merits of the goods, to improve the image of the company, to find new customers, to stimulate demand. from regular customers, to establish useful contacts in the business world, including with competitors, to find objective information about the market, to conclude profitable deals, etc.

Sales promotion, extended to customers, is to offer him a tangible commercial benefit, which can lead to a significant increase in demand.

Stimulation in relation to various merchants is aimed at improving their work on the sale of goods. Incentives designed for business partners and sales agents should encourage the latter to recommend goods to intermediaries and directly to buyers, who often show hesitation, to revive the places of trade, to intensify trade.

Sales promotion is becoming the most active form of communication policy, especially when combined with advertising. Most often, sales promotion tools are used when a company sells goods that practically do not differ from competitors' goods, and the buyer is not very sensitive to the brand of goods.

Propaganda is an unpaid stimulation of demand for a product, service and firm by disseminating important information about them in all media. Propaganda is an integral part of the firm's activities in organizing public opinion. In this area, the company solves the following tasks: ensuring favorable publicity, shaping the image of the company, counteracting unfavorable rumors and actions. A similar goal is pursued by the enterprise in the implementation of sponsorship activities.

Sponsorship is the activity of providing funds by a firm to individuals or organizations involved in sports, culture, health, education, etc.

Personal selling is direct interaction with one or more potential buyers.

This activity is carried out by traveling salesmen or simply sales agents. Their work includes: identifying and evaluating potential buyers, preliminary preparation for the visit, approaching the client and demonstrating the product, overcoming objections, closing the deal.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that in a particular situation, certain forms of marketing communications can play a different role. At the same time, only their use in the aggregate allows you to get the greatest result.

2. Evaluation of sales activity of STIK LLC

.1 Organizational and legal characteristics of Stik LLC

With the development of a market economy, cooperatives, firms, and small enterprises began to appear. Free from the centralized way of managing, they had to work in the new tough economic conditions. Not everyone has stood up to the competition. Time tested for stamina, the most hardworking, energetic, purposeful remained. One of these enterprises is the staff of the STIK company, the general director of which is Storozhkova Natalya Sergeevna.

Storozhkova N.S. works on the basis of the certificate of a private entrepreneur No. 15893 RP dated December 15, 1998, issued by the Administration of the city of Blagoveshchensk. The main legislative act regulating the entrepreneurial activity of citizens (individuals) is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Enterprise PBOYuL Storozhkova N.S. engaged in the sale of food products. The company strives to provide and satisfy the needs of the population of the Amur Region and the Far East Region in a wide range of high-quality food products, making a profit and providing employees with jobs.

The main efforts are being made to create a powerful commodity distribution network, including: its own retail network, a small wholesale system and a large wholesale system.

The objectives of the enterprise are to expand the market for goods and services, as well as profit.

The main areas of activity at present are:

Trade and purchasing activities;

implementation of wholesale, small wholesale, retail trade, opening of shops;

provision of buildings and premises for rent;

commercial activity.

All of the above activities are carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The main contracts for the supply of food products are drawn up at PBOYuL Storozhkova N.S., she is also the consignee of the goods, after which the food products are distributed between the divisions of the entrepreneur himself: the trading department, the delivery department, small wholesale trade, and retail stores of the individual entrepreneur Storozhkova N.S., located in the city of Blagoveshchensk.

The main activity of the enterprise is wholesale and retail trade in a wide range of food products:


Tea coffee;

oil and fat products;

fruit and vegetable, meat, fish conservation;

juices and drinks;

The company has its own production and warehouse base, a developed trading network, established relationships with the largest food suppliers in the region, as well as customers throughout the Amur Region. The enterprise is located in the city of Blagoveshchensk - the administrative center of the Amur region, at the address: st. Textile, 47 building 4. It has its own production and warehouse base, 7 wholesale warehouses with a total area of ​​​​5000 sq.m., 3 retail stores, a department for delivering goods to retail stores in the city and across the territory of the Amur Region. Sales representatives of the company work with the majority of stores in the city (350 stores) and the region (200 stores). At the moment, fifteen vehicles are operating within the city and in satellite cities in the Amur Region. At the same time, sales representatives serve wholesale depots and small wholesale markets of the city.

To date, at the enterprise Storozhkova N.S. there is a tendency to increase the number of sales representatives and expand activities within the region and in satellite cities.

The main work of the company for the sale of goods in the region is on the sale of goods from wholesale warehouses. The sale of goods by sales representatives is 40% of the total sale of food products. Stable prices, regularity of deliveries, flexible system of discounts - this is the attraction of regular customers. Some of them work under contracts. Clients are provided with one-time and cumulative discounts. In addition, the company offers customers: deferred payment, free delivery of goods, advertising support.

There is a good market reputation. Established business cooperation with many suppliers and buyers.

The mission of the enterprise is to provide and meet the needs of the population of Blagoveshchensk in a wide range of high-quality food products, make a profit and provide employees with jobs.

The plans and prospects of the company can be formulated as follows:

Increase in market share;

conquering new markets;

creation of a powerful commodity distribution network, including its own retail network, a small wholesale system and a large wholesale system;

full satisfaction of customer requests;

opening of an automated supermarket.

It should be noted that the main goal at this stage of development is to increase competitiveness. In addition, tactical objectives can be defined as:

Receiving a profit;

constant analysis of consumers, market conditions, competitors;

expanding the range of products offered;

reduction of company costs;

gaining competitive advantages;

sales growth;

improvement of the level of organization of trade and technological processes.

2.2 Economic characteristics of the activities of OOO "Stik"

In order to get an idea of ​​the scale of activities of LLC "Stik", the features of its activities, it is necessary to analyze the main indicators of the enterprise's activities (table 1). The indicators are presented and calculated on the basis of financial statements.

Table 1 - Key indicators of the size of LLC "Stik" for 2007-2009

Indicator 2007 2008 2009 Ratio 2009 to 2007, in %1 Cost of marketable products, thousand rubles 248353282822263611106.12 Average annual cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles 511855560757276102.13 Average annual balance of working capital, thousand rubles 455806271749 Average number of employees, persons 768484110.55 Power capacities, hp 102610321032100.6

During the analyzed period, commodity output increased by 6.1% compared to 2007.

The average annual cost of fixed assets increased by 2.1% in 2009 and amounted to 57,276 thousand rubles compared to 2007.

The average annual balance of working capital increased slightly by 1.5%, the average number of employees of the enterprise increased by 10.5% in 2009 compared to 2007.

Thus, Stik LLC is a small enterprise.

The number of employees increased by 8 people and in 2009 amounted to 84 employees.

The value of energy capacities also increased by 6 hp. and in 2009 amounted to 1032 thousand rubles.

The "Stik" chain of stores has a well-established range of products, the choice of which is determined by the needs of consumers.

The structure of the main groups of goods is shown in Figures 1,2 and 3.

Figure 1 - Structure of trade in 2007

According to Figure 1, the largest share in the company's turnover in 2007 was occupied by meat and fish food products, and the smallest 0.1% was sugar.

Figure 2 - Structure of trade turnover in 2008

According to Figure 2, the largest share in the turnover of products in 2008 is occupied by meat and fish products - 33.0%, as in 2007, and the smallest by 1.0% is sugar and milk and sour-milk products.

Figure 3 - Structure of trade turnover in 2009

In the structure of trade turnover in 2009, the largest share is occupied by meat and fish products - 20.0%, and the smallest - 4.0% by other groups of goods.

It can be seen from the figures that Stik LLC receives the largest income from the sale of meat and fish products, and the smallest from the sale of other types of goods. The structure of trade has changed over the past three years. Thus, in two years the range of goods has expanded, and the shares of the turnover of all goods by 2009 are distributed almost evenly.

Let us analyze the composition and structure of the fixed assets of LLC "Stik" using the indicators presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Composition and structure of fixed assets

Fixed assets 2007 2008 2009 Deviation from 2009 to 2007 Growth rate % thous. руб.%Промышленно-производственные основные средства51185100,055607100,057276100,060910111,90а) здания3741273,093892770,004058370,863171-2,23108,48б) сооружения871217,02812414,61824014,39-472-2,6394,58в) оборудование18423,6048728 ,7647088.2228664.62255.60d) machines 32196.2936846.6337456.545260.25116.34 active part (item 1c + item 1d) 50619.89855615.39845314.7633924.87167.02

As shown in the table, for the period 2007-2009. the availability and composition of fixed assets has changed significantly. Throughout the study period, there is an increase in fixed assets.

Equipment is growing at the fastest pace, their value has increased by 2.5 times, as a result, the value of the active part has increased by 67.02% and in 2009 amounted to 8453 thousand rubles. Also, the cost of machines and buildings increased by 16.34% and 8.48%, respectively. .

In 2009, the value of fixed assets amounted to 57276 thousand rubles, of which the active part is 8453 thousand rubles.

The largest share in the total volume of fixed assets is occupied by buildings. Their share compared with 2007 decreased by 2.23% and in 2009 amounted to 70.86%.

The share of the active part of fixed assets increased slightly - by 4.87%.

The coefficients reflecting the efficiency of the use of fixed assets are presented in table 3.

Table 3 - Analysis of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets of OOO "Stik"

Indicator 2007 2008 2009 Change from 2009 to 2007 absolute growth rate, %1. The average annual cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles 5118555607572766091111.902. Average annual number of employees, persons 7684848110.533. Sales proceeds, thousand rubles 24835328282226361115258106.144. Net profit, thousand rubles 459562211999-259643.505. Capital productivity, rub. (Item 3 / Item 1)4,855,094.60-0.2594.856. Capital intensity, rub. (clause 1 / clause 3) Capital return, rub. (clause 4 / clause 1)

The efficiency of the use of fixed assets decreased due to the fact that the average annual cost of fixed assets increased by 11.9%, while revenue increased by 6.14%. In 2009, for 1 rub. fixed assets accounted for 4.6 rubles. revenue, which is 0.25 rubles. lower than it was in 2007. Accordingly, the capital intensity of production increased by 4.76%.

If in 2007 21 kopecks of fixed assets were spent per 1 rub.

revenue, then in 2009 it is 1 kopeck more. There was also a decrease in the profitability of funds. In 2007, for 1 rub. fixed assets accounted for 9 kopecks of net profit, and in 2009 it was 6 kopecks or 66.67% less. Thus, we can say about the decrease in the efficiency of the use of fixed assets in the enterprise.

The labor resources of a commercial enterprise are an important economic reserve.

Let's consider the composition and structure of labor resources for the three reporting years of Stik LLC.

Table 4 - Composition and structure of labor resources

Indicator 2007 2008 2009 Ratio 2009 to 2007 people % to total people % to total people % to total absolute, people % to total-managers68.3367.7067.41098.32-specialists1012.501011.541214.813130.95-employees3850.04553.854451.856114.62-workers2226.172322 ,912225.93098.25 Average annual population, total 7610084100841008110.53

As can be seen from the table, labor resources include workers, managers, specialists and employees.

During the study period, the average annual number of employees increased by 8 people and in 2009 amounted to 84 people.

The increase in the number is associated with an increase in employees by 6 employees (their number in 2009 was 44 people) and an increase in the number of specialists by 2 employees (their number in 2009 was 12 employees). The number of managers and workers throughout the study period remains unchanged. Analysis of the efficiency of the use of labor resources is presented in table 5

Table 5 - Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of labor resources

Indicator 2007 2008 2009 Change from 2009 to 2007 Absolute (+,-) growth rate, % Average number of employees, persons 7684848110.53 Sales proceeds, thousand rubles 24835328282226361115258106.14 ,803366.933138.23-129.5796.03

It follows from the calculations that labor productivity decreased by 129.57 thousand rubles per employee and in 2009 amounted to 3138.23 thousand rubles. The decrease in labor productivity is associated with the outstripping growth rate of the average number of employees over the growth rate of sales proceeds, respectively, the labor intensity increased by 3.23%.

We will present the assessment of financial activity using the indicators in table 6.

Table 6 - Analysis of financial activity in LLC "Stik" Thousand rubles

Indicator 2007 2008 2009 Change in 2009 to 2007 absolute, (+,-) growth rate, % Proceeds from the sale of goods, thousand rubles 248353282822263611115258106.14 Cost of goods sold, thousand rubles 14895164548387-650856.31 Selling expenses, thousand rubles 495445312758-219655.67 Profit from sales, thousand rubles 9941119235629-431256.62 Balance of other income and expenses, thousand rubles RUB666685843613-305354.20

In general, the financial activity of the enterprise tends to decrease. Only in 2008 was there a positive trend in profit indicators. During the study period, the proceeds from the sale of goods increased by 15258 thousand rubles, the cost increased by 21766 thousand rubles. Due to the fact that the growth rate of revenue is lower than the growth rate of cost, gross profit tends to decrease. For 2007-2009 it decreased by 6508 thousand rubles or by 43.69% and in 2009 amounted to 8387 thousand rubles. Commercial expenses also decreased - by 2196 thousand rubles or by 44.33%. Accordingly, the profit from sales also has a negative trend. If in 2007 this value was 9941 thousand rubles, then in 2009 it decreased by 43.38% and amounted to 5629 thousand rubles.

Profit before tax in 2009 decreased by 45.8% and amounted to 3613 thousand rubles. Net profit in 2009 amounted to 1999 thousand rubles, which is 2596 thousand rubles or 56.5% lower than in 2007.

Profitability indicators more fully than profit characterize the final results of management, because their value reflects the ratio of the effect to the invested capital or consumed resources. They are used to evaluate the activities of the enterprise and as a tool in investment policy and pricing. We calculate the main indicators of profitability, which we summarize in table 7.

Table 7 - Profitability indicators of Stik LLC in percent

Показатель2007г.2008г.2009г.Отклонения2008 к 20072009 к 20081234561 Рентабельность оказанных услуг4,264,482,210,22-2,272 Рентабельность продаж4,04,222,140,22-2,083 Чистая рентабельность1,852,20,760,35-1,44Продолжение таблицы 74 Экономическая рентабельность4,575,121,950,55-3,175 Return on equity9,0911,273,592.18-7,686 Return on permanent capital6,829,233,092.41-6.14 Analysis of the profitability of LLC "Stik" activities revealed the presence of positive indicators with a downward trend in the reporting period.

The return on sales indicator shows the share of net profit in the company's sales volume. In 2009, this indicator decreased by 2 times compared to the previous year and amounted to 2.14 rubles. However, the positive point is that the indicator has a non-negative value.

The return on equity ratio allows you to determine the efficiency of capital use, shows how many monetary units of net profit each unit invested by the company's owners earned.

This indicator at the enterprise under consideration has the greatest value compared to other indicators, but there is also a downward trend (in 2009 compared to 2008 it decreased three times). For 1 rub. own capital in 2008 was received 11.27 rubles. profits, and in 2009 - only 3.59 kopecks. This indicates a low efficiency of the use of own capital.

It should be noted that the dynamics of all indicators in 2009 has a negative sign, so the return on equity and the return on permanent capital suffered the greatest decrease - by 7.68% and 6.14%, respectively.

Such a drop in indicators is associated with a reduction in the organization's net profit in 2009 by 4222 thousand rubles. in comparison with 2008, which is associated with an increase in the cost of the enterprise for production.

2.3 Organization of marketing activities of OOO "Stik"

The supply and marketing activities of Stik LLC are carried out by the trading department, the organizational structure of which is shown in Figure 4.

Having considered the organizational structure of the trading department, which has retained its structure since 2004, when LLC "Stik" sold fewer goods, and the department's work system met the modern requirements of the market of that period, we can conclude that the existing organizational structure of the trading department needs to be improved. for the following reasons:

The sales manager is engaged in providing the shops of the plant with its products and controls the completeness of its assortment. Every day, he accepts applications from store managers for the supply of products of the relevant types, controls the shelf life of products supplied to stores.

The responsibilities of the sales manager include working with wholesalers: solving problems related to non-compliance with contractual obligations on one or both sides. Wholesalers are interested in both product quality and shelf life.

Sometimes there are conflicts when receiving products from the warehouse. It is not profitable for storekeepers to keep products with an expiring shelf life and they try to “shove them out”, regardless of the fact that they will stay on the road for some time until they reach the consumer. Such conflicts are resolved through the sales manager. The employees of the finished goods warehouse are subordinate to him, therefore, the sales manager himself has the right to impose various penalties for such an attitude towards the buyer.

From production, finished products go to the finished product warehouse, from where they are released to customers and transported to the shops of the plant.

Storekeepers carry out the acceptance of products from production, release to buyers and forwarders of the enterprise, keep records of the quantity of all types, monitor the shelf life.

Registration of documents for receiving products from the warehouse begins in the control room. The control room employees maintain contact with the finished product warehouse. Employees of the control room, based on these data, write out products to customers. Applications for products from buyers are accepted by dispatchers in advance. Applications are submitted in writing to the warehouse of finished products. If the quantity of any type of product is not enough to fulfill the requests, warehouse workers transfer it to production, so that there, in turn, they are oriented in the priority of the release of a certain type of product.

Such extracts of products in the control room, buyers draw up an invoice in the machine and accounting bureau, which is led by a senior operator.

If the buyer transfers money to the settlement account of the enterprise, then the operator draws up an invoice immediately for presentation to storekeepers. If the buyer takes the products for cash, then a receipt note is attached to the invoice. With these documents, the buyer goes to the cashier for payment, then to the accounting department, where they register and certify the invoice with a signature and seal, and only after that, the invoice is presented to the storekeepers to receive the products.

Supply agents, daily, at the very beginning of the day, accept applications from stores for the supply of necessary goods. Applications are executed promptly, as the continuity of the trading process of Stik LLC depends on it. Ensuring the trading process and its continuity is one of the main tasks of supply chain workers. To perform this task, supply agents are required to keep a careful record of goods in stock, accounting for the production needs for each type of goods (standards for the consumption of goods for each sort and size). Purchasing agents control not only the timeliness of the delivery of goods, but also their quality. Every year the range of goods sold is expanding. The task of supply workers is also the purchase of goods of appropriate quality and at the lowest cost, in order to save money allocated by the enterprise for supply.

The tasks of sales promotion of Stik LLC follow from the tasks of product marketing. Specific incentive objectives will vary depending on the type of target market. Among the tasks of stimulating consumers are encouraging more intensive use of the product, buying it in larger packaging, encouraging people who do not use the product to try it, attracting those who buy competitors' brands to it. For retailers, these are encouraging them to add new products to their range, maintaining higher inventory levels of the product and related products, undermining incentives taken by competitors, building brand loyalty among retailers, and penetrating new retailers with their product. outlets. As for in-house salespeople, they are rewards for maintaining a new product or new model, encouragement for them to have a high number of customer visits, and encouragement for efforts to raise the level of out-of-season sales.

The main incentives for LLC "Stik" will be combined in accordance with the object of influence (table 8).

Table 8 - Basic incentives

Sales apparatus Intermediary Consumer Target premium: Contests; Games.Coupon for sale at a discount; discounts; Sale at reduced prices; Contests; Games. Coupons for sale at a discount; Sale at reduced prices: Samples of goods; Additional quantity of goods Packing, for further use; Product testing, tasting, awards, contests, lotteries

Solving the problems of sales promotion in LLC "Sbyt" is achieved using a variety of different means. At the same time, the developer of the plan takes into account the type of market, and specific tasks in the field of sales promotion, and the current market situation, and the profitability of each of the means used.

The choice of incentives depends on the goals set. All funds can be combined into three large groups:

Price promotion (sale at reduced prices, preferential coupons that give the right to a discount);

Offers in kind (bonuses, product samples);

Active offer (buyer contests, games, lotteries).

The classification of sales markets is possible according to various criteria, but it must be taken into account that with any approach to the classification of markets, the boundaries between them are conditional. The classification features of the sales market of LLC "Stik" are presented in table 9.

Table 9 - Classification of market types

Classification signTypes of markets1. Territorial coverage1.1. Regional market: Blagoveshchensk 2. Market mechanism of state influence 2.1. Market with the participation of the state3. Type of competition 3.1. Market of monopolistic competition: many firms selling similar products, influence is limited by the possibility of substitution, products are differentiated for market segments, difficult entry and exit for large firms. The ratio of supply and demand4.1. Buyer's Market. The buyer has a large selection of different types of goods, his restrictions are related only to his desires, because. There are many sellers in the market offering the products he needs. His preference is given to one or another product, depending on price, quality and service. This is characterized by an excess of supply over demand. Degree of maturity of market relations5.1. developed markets. The presence of the majority of firms engaged in similar activities for many years. 6. Compliance with market legislation6.1. Legal market 7. The period of use of the goods 7.1. Market for medium-term goods 8. Material specificity of the product 8.1 Food products 9. Type of consumption Consumer market: people with an average income level, regardless of social status.

The analysis carried out helps to identify markets for the products of Stik LLC. For our company, this is a wholesale and retail food market.

The sales market is limited to the city of Blagoveshchensk, buyers are the population. A compromise with smaller competitors is achieved through the sale of goods at large wholesale prices, which allows increasing turnover.

Partners are large wholesale suppliers of food products, with whom they have long-term business ties and in the future it is possible to plan for their orders in terms of quantity and assortment.

Difficulties in organizing a grocery business faced by Stik LLC:

a wide assortment list of small goods in terms of its production and sale is among the labor-intensive products.

high level of competition;

there is insufficient working capital to maintain a wide range of goods.

At the same time, the lack of a range of products leads to the loss of customers.

low solvency of the population of Blagoveshchensk.

Business benefits:

a wide range of consumers;

constant demand for products;

due to the popularity of the business, there is no need for aggressive advertising.

Advantages of Stik LLC over competitors:

The presence of a small wholesale store. Buyers who purchase goods in excess of 1000 rubles are offered wholesale prices for goods;

There is a delivery system. At the same time, delivery within the city is carried out free of charge, subject to an order for an amount of at least 1000 rubles;

Possibility of making an application by phone;

Realization of goods under contracts with a deferred payment for 2 weeks;

A compromise with smaller competitors is achieved through the sale of goods at large wholesale prices, which allows increasing turnover. Discounts are provided for regular partners.

With the existing range of goods and volumes of their sales for LLC "Stik": direct marketing allows you to maintain control over the conduct of trade operations, better study the market of your goods, establish long-term relationships with major consumers.

Stik LLC uses the following areas of the sales promotion system:

providing a discount for a large volume of purchased goods;

the use of coupons in various printed publications;

The task of promoting the goods of Stick LLC is to form knowledge about the enterprise and a favorable attitude towards it among potential users, to consolidate consumer preferences among regular customers, and then the conviction to make a purchase from Stick LLC and, finally, to push consumers to make a purchase, for example , with a price discount. Stik LLC needs to create a prestigious image of its enterprise, which should help increase its competitiveness.

When setting prices for goods sold, Stik LLC should be guided, first of all, by its goals.

Such goals at the present stage are obtaining a certain amount of profit and strengthening leadership in terms of market share.

For segmentation of the consumer goods market, the main features will be: socio-demographic, consumer status.

For a complete description of the marketing activities of LLC "Stik" it is necessary to analyze the costs of marketing products.

It is currently not possible to single out the net amount of marketing costs from the total amount of costs due to the lack of accounting for them, therefore, we will analyze the costs of trading LLC "Stik", the data will be summarized in table 10.

Table 10 - Characteristics of the costs of trading activities of LLC "Stik" for 2007-2009, in thousand rubles.

Cost items 2007 2008 2009 Expenses for railway and road transportation349.6257.1263.8 Expenses for maintenance of buildings1236.81045.31156.3 ,9Storage expenses9,46,17.8Expenses on payment for the use of a bank loan840,325,427.8Expenses on advertising9,219,122.4Expenses on labor protection18,217,918.6Expenses on packaging01,21.4Other expenses125,21910,51090.0Total6294,2401912 .3

Table 12 shows that the overall level of costs in 2008-2009. decreased. Thus, in 2009, costs decreased by 21.9% compared to 2007, and in 2009 by 18.7% compared to 2009. In general, in 2009 compared to 2008. costs decreased by 36.14%.

To assess the effectiveness of marketing activities, we analyze the ratio of profit from product sales (sales service profit) to the total profit of the enterprise. We summarize the data in table 11.

Table 11 - Evaluation of the effectiveness of sales activities of LLC "Stik" for 2007-2009

Indicator 2007 2008 20092. The number of sales service employees, persons 4553. Gross proceeds from product sales, thousand rubles 611253045285. The volume of profit of the sales service per employee (p. 1: p. 2) 23224.526116.226142.46. Sales growth rate, % -140.5100.17. Sales profitability, % (p. 4: p. 3)

According to the table, we can talk about the effectiveness of the marketing activities of the trading department: the profitability of sales during the period under review increased from 0.6% to 3.4%. At the same time, the growth rate of sales in 2009 compared to 2008 was only 100.1% against 140.5% in 2008 compared to 2007.

Thus, after analyzing the marketing activities of LLC "Stik", we can draw the following conclusions about the existing shortcomings:

Having considered the organizational structure of the trade department, which has retained its structure since 2004, when Stik LLC produced fewer products, and the department’s work system met the modern requirements of the market of that period, we came to the conclusion that the existing organizational structure of the trade department needs to be improved in for the following reasons:

lack of a clear delineation of job responsibilities between employees of the sales department;

irrationality of building an organizational structure - three levels of management in the structure of one department do not meet modern management requirements, and therefore require improvement.

Thus, the transition to new activities requires a revision of the organization of the sales department, which will be presented in the third part of the work.

3. Improving the marketing activities of OOO "Stik"

.1 Optimization of the management of the sales activities of Stik LLC

The functional area of ​​sales is the most significant for the enterprise. The receipt of funds from the market ensures sales. The lion's share of the interactions of the enterprise with the market are closed on sales. In sales, all the problems that have arisen in strategies, management, and the organizational structure of the sales service are identified.

To distribute the products of an enterprise of its own production, one or another structure of the sales department is used, which is necessarily based on the market through sellers, sales agents, managers who directly interact with buyers.

This interaction is a primary subject for sales optimization.

As a rule, it is most expedient to reach large customers directly by the enterprise through sales agents. This method allows you to get big profits by eliminating unnecessary links. In addition, large buyers normally prefer to work directly with the supplier.

Average buyers are served by agents or dealers, depending on the specifics of the enterprise.

The most progressive way to cover the market with the help of agents is currently considered to be territorial division.

The logic of sales development of a manufacturing or large-scale wholesale trade enterprise provides for the coverage of large buyers first, then medium-sized ones, and finally small ones.

The structure of the enterprise is evolving, first focusing on the creation of an agent network, and then - a dealer network and a network of its own branches.

The interaction of an agent, a dealer and its own branch is competitive in nature, since their activities are aimed at the same territory. sales products distribution optimization

Therefore, it should be organized especially carefully, being reflected in the management structure of sales.

Improving the management of marketing activities is currently possible in two directions: improving the system of marketing goods, namely the management of the sales department, and expanding sales markets.

This is necessary primarily because of the start of vigorous activity of competitors, which forces LLC Stik, despite the increase in sales in previous periods, to quickly respond to changes in the external environment.

In accordance with the indicated directions for improving sales, we will present the specific measures developed for Stik LLC.

Based on the results of the work of the enterprise, it is proposed to expand the marketing activities of the enterprise in the Far East region in the cities of Zeya, Zavitinsk and Chita.

This decision was made based on the results of market research by Stik LLC.

The first step in improving the marketing activities of the enterprise should be the improvement of the organizational structure of the sales department.

Since the volumes of production and sales are increasing, and, as was revealed in the second part of the work, the existing structure of the sales department needs to be improved, we will develop the organizational structure of the sales department of Stik LLC (Figure 5).

Let's give a justification for the need to introduce staff units of the sales department (see table 12).

Table 12 - Benefits of introducing staff units

Name of the staff unitMain tasks and benefitsOffice managerImproving the level of customer service aimed at increasing the quantity of purchased goods at a higher price satisfying the needs of a larger number of buyers, which will avoid losing part of the potential profit. Wholesale Account Manager This person must find the best approach to institutions, create a base of enterprises, and offer the right product at the right time. The result of the work will be an increase in the number of repeat purchases, as a result of which the revenue will increase. Cashier Dispatcher Answer phone calls from customers, informing them about the availability of goods on sale; calculate buyers in the wholesale trading floor. Manager for work with regions On the basis of ongoing market research, organize your own sales network of the enterprise, ensuring uninterrupted supply of products in the right quantity and at the right time. Marketer Conduct market research and analysis, marketing and sociological research by order of the head of the sales department .Head of the sales departmentCoordination of the work of the employees of the sales department; Based on the analysis of sales, plan such requests for production, the quantity of which is successfully sold according to demand.

For the competent and efficient work of the sales department, job responsibilities were developed for each manager in order to specify their work. Thus, the ability to control the actions of each employee of the department is enhanced.

Since the existing sales department of Stik LLC does not have a clearly developed strategy, as part of the course work we will develop the following strategic directions for the marketing activities of the sales department:

  1. study of possible markets for products in the Far East.

This research should be carried out by a marketer. The study should be carried out through the analysis of newspapers of the Far East region, Internet resources, special literature, statistical collections. Thus, a special archive would be created to study the situation on the ice cream market in the Far East. The weekly additions to the archive will make it a practical guide for guiding the sales department in developing a long-term marketing strategy;

  1. supplier analysis.

The participation of Stik LLC as a manufacturer in various fairs and exhibitions allows establishing contacts with new suppliers. Positive past experience with existing suppliers reinforces old relationships. The work of regional representatives gives its result in the form of reliable and decent suppliers. Supplier selection criteria: quality level, delivery terms, past business relationships, offer price, cost reduction opportunities.

This is very important, as the sales department will conclude a supply contract with the supplier under its own responsibility.

) analysis of competitors - once a week to collect information on prices, assortment and advertising activities of competitors in the Amur region. Monthly analyze the marketing policy of competitors in terms of pricing, assortment and advertising strategy. Possession of complete reliable information about the activities of competitors will allow you to most accurately and successfully plan the overall marketing strategy of the enterprise and maintain the position of a leader in the market of the Amur Region;

  1. the sales department will be responsible for the pricing of goods LLC "Stik" Pricing should be carried out on the basis of an analysis of competitors, profitability of goods, turnover of funds, etc.

The general directions of the marketing policy of the sales department of Stik LLC for the next six months are:

  • increase in sales volumes, and consequently, profits from the sale of goods;
  • holding image events to attract more customers and strengthen existing relationships;

So, to ensure the normal operation of the department, you need to purchase the following equipment (see table 13):

Table 13 - Costs for the formation of the sales department

Name Amount, rub. One-time costs: Furniture (tables, chairs) Office equipment: 2 computers xerox fax Office repair (10x6 m) 24500 40000 10000 6000 7000

So, the cost of forming a sales department will be 87,500 rubles. The monthly salary of the staff and the rental of vehicles will amount to 125,000 rubles. But these costs are fully recouped, as evidenced by the calculation below.

3.2 Improving the channels for the sale of goods

Due to the fact that at present OOO "Stik" is expanding the range of goods sold, the need to expand the sales department is relevant. To determine the effectiveness of investments in new labor resources, it is possible to calculate the forecasted market capacity and potential income.

Let us calculate the possible market capacity for the sale of goods in the cities of Zeya, Zavitinsk and Chita.

Information on the population in these regions is presented in Table 14.

Table 14 - Population in potential branch cities of LLC "Stik"

CityPopulation, thousand people Including single people, thousand people Including families, thousand * the average number of people in a family is 3.5 people.

The activities of Stik LLC in the sale of goods in the selected regions will be directed to the entire market, satisfying the needs of as many buyers as possible.

Potential consumers are all segments of the population, regardless of gender, age, income level or marital status. They will make purchases regularly and often to meet their needs.

Suppose that, on average, family purchases goods for 146,000 (400 rubles x 365) rubles, and singles 54,750 rubles. Thus, we obtain the potential market capacity (see Table 15).

Table 15 - Calculation of the potential market capacity in potential cities - branches of OOO "Stik" in thousands of rubles

CityPotential market capacityZeya1436Zavitinsk961.48Chita16022.15Total18,419.63

It follows from the calculations that when selling goods in the cities of Zeya, Zavitinsk and Chita, the potential market capacity as a whole increased by 18,419.63 thousand rubles.

Thus, the potential income of Stik LLC necessitates the expansion of the sales department and the expansion of channels for the sale of goods.

4. Life safety

.1 Workplace safety

4.1.1 Analysis of the organization of work on labor protection

The overall responsibility for the state of working conditions and labor protection in Stik LLC rests with the employer. The heads of production departments have the following functional responsibilities for labor protection:

determination of lists of professions and works for which preliminary and periodic medical examination is required;

determination of the list of hard work, which prohibits the use of labor of women of childbearing age and persons under the age of 21 years;

familiarization of the employee with the conditions and labor protection at the workplace, with the possible risk of damage to health, with official duties, including labor protection requirements, with benefits and compensations for working conditions;

determination of the list of professions and positions of employees exempted from primary briefing at the workplace, the list of jobs that are subject to additional (increased) labor safety requirements;

conducting safety briefings;

familiarization of managers and specialists with the state of working conditions at the facility, protective equipment, injuries, regulations and job responsibilities for labor protection;

development and provision of employees with instructions on labor protection and production instructions;

development of lists of jobs and professions for which personal protective equipment should be issued, and monitoring the correctness of their use;

organization of first aid to the victim and his delivery to a medical facility;

notification of an accident to specified addresses;

development of measures to prevent accidents, improve and improve working conditions, bring jobs in line with the requirements of labor standards and rules;

certification of workplaces;

equipping production facilities, equipment and workplaces with collective protective equipment and organizing their efficient operation;

organization of control over the level of harmful and dangerous production factors;

providing workers with sanitary facilities and devices based on the specifics of production.

Functional responsibilities of the heads of enterprise services:

HR Department:

organization of a preliminary medical examination upon admission to work;

determination of the contingent subject to periodic medical examinations;

professional selection of working individual specialties;

determination of the list of heavy work with harmful or dangerous working conditions;

familiarization of applicants with benefits and compensations for working conditions.

Supply Department:

providing divisions of the enterprise with means of protection, control and signaling.


payment to the employee of compensation for harm caused by a labor injury;

implementation of compulsory insurance of employees against temporary disability due to illness, as well as against accidents at work and occupational diseases.

Department of the chief power engineer:

ensuring the safety of electrical networks and electrical installations.

The distribution of functional responsibilities for labor protection among the management staff is supported by the issuance of an order for the enterprise.

4.1.2 Analysis of the level and causes of injuries and morbidity

To study the level of labor safety, we analyze the level and causes of accidents and the organization of work on labor protection.

Calculate injury rates. The frequency coefficient shows the frequency of injuries and is calculated using the following formula:

where N is the number of accidents per year,

P - the average number of employees.

Next, the injury severity coefficient is calculated by the formula:

where D is the total number of working days lost as a result of accidents. The loss factor is determined by:

Injury rates are shown in Table 16.

Table 16 - Indicators of the level of injuries in LLC "Stik"

Indicator 2007 2008 2009 Average for 3 years Number of accidents 3122 Days of disability due to injuries, days 1273618.3 Payments for temporary disability associated with injuries, rub. 545560610571.67 Days of disability associated with morbidity, days temporary disability associated with morbidity, rub. working days, Кn157.8983.33391.30210.84

On average, for three years, payments for temporary disability for 1 day accounted for 571.67 rubles. The cost of funds for labor protection amounted to 83 thousand rubles a year. The accident rate was the highest in 2007, averaging 25.5 accidents per 1,000 employees. Injury severity in 2009 increased by 14 days compared to 2007 and increased by 11 days compared to 2008. 2008 saw the highest rate of lost workdays. On average, it was 210.84 days per 1,000 employees.

Thus, based on the data in the table, we can talk about a decrease in injuries.

To prevent accidents at the enterprise, it is necessary to identify the causes of their occurrence, to take into account all the shortcomings and take measures.

Table 17 - Causes of accidents at the enterprise

Causes 2007 2008 2009 Total Violation of safety requirements in the operation of vehicles - 11 Unsatisfactory content and shortcomings in the organization of workplaces 1-12 Violation of labor and production discipline 21-3 Total 3126

Thus, in order to reduce accidents, it is necessary to strengthen control over compliance with labor discipline, employ workers only in accordance with their work qualifications, and improve the reliability of machinery and equipment. In total, 6 accidents were recorded during the period from 2007 to 2009.

4.1.3 Calculation of the economic consequences of injuries and morbidity

Let us determine the economic consequences of injuries and morbidity.

The total losses of the enterprise associated with injuries and morbidity (Ps) for the analyzed period are determined by:

where is the sum of losses associated with injuries;

The amount of losses associated with morbidity.

The sum of losses () associated with the consequences of injuries is equal to:

where SLT is the cost of treatment associated with the consequences of injuries, rub.;

SNT - the amount of tax shortfall associated with the consequences of injuries, rub.;

SBT - the amount of sick leave payments associated with the consequences of injuries, rubles;

SVT - the cost of gross output lost due to injuries, rub.;

CPT - the cost of investigations of accidents at work, rub.

The cost of treatment associated with the consequences of injuries (SLT) is determined by:

DNT - the number of days of disability associated with injuries, days.

The amount of lost tax SN is determined by the formula:

The amount of payments for temporary disability (sick leaves) (SB) associated with the consequences of injuries:

The value of gross output lost due to injuries and diseases (GBT):

The cost of investigating accidents at work

where DR is the number of days of investigation of one accident at work (three days are taken), days;

NHC - the number of accidents at work for the reporting period;

NChK - the number of members of the commission for the investigation of accidents at work, people. (at least three people).

Losses from diseases resulting from unsatisfactory working conditions are determined by:

where SLZ is the cost of treatment associated with morbidity, rubles;

SNZ - the amount of tax lost due to morbidity, rub.;

SBZ - the amount of sick leave payments associated with morbidity, rubles;

SVT - the cost of gross output lost due to the incidence of workers, rub.

Illness-related treatment costs (CCO) are determined by:

where SP is the average cost of one visit to a medical institution, rub.

DNZ - the number of days of disability associated with morbidity, days.

The amount of the under-received morbidity-related tax (SAT) is determined by the formula:

where SZ is the average daily wage of employees, rubles;

NESN - single social tax rate, %;

NT - percentage of deductions for social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, %.

The amount of payments for temporary disability (sick leaves) (SB) associated with morbidity:

where SB - payments for one day for temporary disability of the employee, rub.

The value of gross output lost due to morbidity (SVZ):

where SVG is the cost of all gross output for the year, rubles;

P - the average number of employees at the enterprise, people;

D - the number of working days per year, days.

Cost savings is determined by the formula:

where PS1, PS2 - total losses from injuries and morbidity for the analyzed years, respectively, rub.

Let's define the cost of funds indicator:

where Zn - the cost of nomenclature measures for labor protection, rub.

Zd - the cost of official measures for labor protection, rub.

Fo - the average annual cost of OPF, rub.

4.2 Life safety in emergency situations

An emergency situation is a situation in a certain territory that has developed as a result of an accident, a natural hazard, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may or have caused human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and violation of people's living conditions. .

The planetary scale of the development of science and technology has sharpened attention to all earthly problems. Now you can count more than a dozen so-called global problems: environmental protection, energy, information and a number of others. And there is an equally global problem in this series - this is the problem of fires on the ground. The role of fire in the history of human development cannot be overestimated. Mastery of fire, combustion processes created human civilization. However, the dialectic of the development of mankind is such that in many and for various reasons the fire went out and goes out of human control, becomes uncontrollable and turns into a formidable enemy - a fire that brings people huge losses and misfortunes.

Often, the causes of fires at national economy facilities are violations by workers and employees of elementary fire safety requirements. In order to avoid such phenomena, Stik LLC has established the following procedure, in which each newly hired person, before starting to perform his duties, undergoes a fire-fighting briefing, i.e. gets acquainted with the rules and instructions in force at the enterprise, as well as with the available means of calling fire assistance and extinguishing fires. The head issues an order that determines the place, procedure and time for the fire safety briefing of newly hired employees, and also appoints the person who conducts the briefing. Personal responsibility for ensuring fire safety rests with the head of the enterprise. Responsible for the fire safety of individual premises is determined by the head of the household. The housekeeping order defines the duties of a fire brigade from among the employees of the enterprise.

Fire extinguishers in the premises are installed in accessible places, a box with sand is installed near the building. All electrical equipment is grounded, the premises are equipped with fire alarms. Entrances, passages to the building and access to fire equipment are always free, and in winter they are cleared of snow and ice.

The primary duty of every worker is to save lives in case of fire. In the event of a fire, the head of Stik LLC is obliged to:

immediately report a fire to the nearest fire department, give an alarm to the local voluntary fire brigade;

  • take all measures depending on him to evacuate workers and employees from the premises. Evacuation must begin from the premises where the fire occurred, as well as from premises that are at risk of spreading the fire; at the same time, immediately start extinguishing the fire on their own and with the available fire extinguishing equipment;

To meet the fire brigade, it is necessary to select a person from the personnel of the enterprise, who must clearly inform the head of the arrived fire brigade about whether all people have been evacuated from the burning or smoky building, and in which rooms there are still people.

To ensure a clear, organized movement of people during evacuation and avoid panic, the enterprise has developed an evacuation plan from the building in case of fire.

5. Nature conservation

Nature protection is a general designation of measures (technological, economic, biotechnical, administrative and legal, international, educational, etc.) that ensure the possibility of preserving natural resource and environment-reproducing functions, the gene pool, as well as the conservation of non-renewable natural resources. Nature protection is closely connected with nature management. The important principles of nature conservation are; prevention, complexity, ubiquity, territorial differentiation and scientific validity.

The main tasks of nature conservation are the rational use of natural resources, the protection of nature from pollution, and the conservation of biological diversity.

The problem of environmental protection is very relevant. After all, the used share of non-renewable natural resources (for example, some minerals) becomes comparable to their total reserves on the planet. The same can be said about renewable resources - fresh water, forests and others. Nature is a source of resources for human economic activity. And at the same time, natural is its environment with such vital components that provide for the physiological needs of a person, such as solar energy, atmospheric air, water, flora and fauna. The human impact on the natural environment is increasing.

The most important task of environmental protection at the present stage is to reveal cause-and-effect relationships in the interaction of human society and nature. An even more difficult task is to find measures to eliminate the cause or adverse consequences of human activity.

The system of nature protection in Russia includes four groups of legal measures:

Legal regulation of relations on the use, conservation and renewal of natural resources.

Organization of education and training of personnel, financing and material and technical support of environmental protection activities.

State and public control over the fulfillment of environmental protection requirements.

Legal responsibility of offenders.

Environmental relations in the Russian Federation are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection", developed in accordance with it by legislative acts of the Russian Federation and territorial units within the Russian Federation. In accordance with environmental legislation, the object of legal protection is the natural environment - an objective reality that exists outside of a person and regardless of his consciousness, serving as a habitat, condition and means of his existence. Important principles of environmental protection are:

the priority of protecting human life and health, ensuring favorable environmental conditions for life, work and recreation of the population;

scientifically substantiated combination of environmental and economic interests of society, providing real guarantees of human rights to a favorable environment for life;

compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, the irreversibility of liability for their violation;

rational use of natural resources, taking into account the laws of nature, the potential of the natural environment, the need for the reproduction of natural resources;

publicity in work and close connection with public organizations and the population in solving environmental problems;

international cooperation in environmental protection.

Consider the state of the environment on the example of Stik LLC.

The most significant factor in changing the atmosphere inside the enterprise and in nearby areas is the oversaturation of these areas with motor vehicles. Freight vehicles at the enterprise carry out loading and unloading operations almost throughout the day. Consequently, the negative impact of transport emissions on the ecological situation increases. Road transport is one of the main sources of environmental pollution. The exhaust gases of automobile engines contain about two hundred substances, most of which are toxic. In the emissions of carburetor engines, the main share of harmful products falls on carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide, in emissions of diesel engines - on nitrogen oxide and soot.

Old tires can serve as a raw material for the production of crumb rubber and reclaimed rubber - a plastic material that partially replaces rubber in various rubber products, including new tires. A lot of useful building and technical materials are obtained from crumbs and bitumen. A ton of recycled tire product saves 400 kg of synthetic rubber. You can dispose of old car tires using a Finnish installation. The plant cuts them into small pieces and forms granules, which are used in the construction of roads and sports fields.

The same applies to the disposal of fluorescent lamps: it is forbidden to take them to a landfill for environmental reasons. In Russia, installations have been developed for the disposal of fluorescent lamps, which make it possible to extract mercury from them. Currently, fundamentally new fluorescent lamps are being produced, which differ from those previously produced in that they contain 5 times less mercury. New lamps have become environmentally friendly and safe, and their performance has improved.

Attention should also be paid to how the problem of garbage disposal is solved: despite the fact that the garbage is thrown into the established containers, it is necessary to sort it for recycling. This problem needs to be solved not at the enterprise level, since waste recycling is an expensive and environmentally hazardous production.

Green spaces are an integral part of a set of measures to protect and transform the environment. When creating protective green areas, it is recommended to plant trees and shrubs that are resistant to pollution and allow increasing the productivity of photosynthesis: birch, poplar, conifers. At the same time, evergreen conifers absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere for most of the year, unlike hardwoods.

In Stik LLC, for environmental purposes, it is necessary to:

Plan environmental protection measures in an inseparable complex with other main indicators of the economic development of the enterprise;

Maintain machinery and equipment in good condition and use them for their intended purpose;

Do not set fire to garbage, sort it out, take it out of the territory of the enterprise;

Maintain financial records of ongoing environmental activities;

Determine the effectiveness of spending money on nature protection from the standpoint of economic development;

Management should take a more strict approach to violations of environmental protection measures.

Thus, the solution of environmental problems is possible only with the interaction of Nature and Society, which is possible only with a wide range of measures to protect the environment.


Sales activities have their own characteristics in each country. So, for example, in Italy, the northern regions with highly developed industrial production are of the greatest interest to suppliers. Basically, the organization of sales activities in Italy, as well as in other Western countries, focuses on the use of various distribution channels with the involvement of specialized services and sales agents. To organize the sale of industrial equipment, raw materials and semi-finished products, firms in other countries are encouraged to use the services of brokers, wholesalers and independent agents.

However, it should be noted that purely national traditions exist and are maintained in marketing organization. Thus, the most advantageous form of marketing for a foreign supplier in Italy is the conclusion of an agreement with an Italian marketing company, which provides for the sale of goods on behalf of the latter. In this case, the Italian side assumes certain sales obligations, expressed in the private distribution of risk between the exporting company and the sales company. The advantage of such trade is a significant reduction in various taxes and financial fees. A characteristic feature of the sale on the Italian market is the implementation, in a fairly pure form, of the direct act of purchasing goods, when large institutions or sales firms purchase products through their sales agents in the country of origin.

The mechanisms of marketing activities are constantly changing depending on the prevailing external conditions. It should be expected that in the next 15 years the process of structural transformations in the field of marketing activities will continue in the Western market. This is, firstly, the centralization of distribution systems, which will increase the reliability of supplies while reducing the level of stocks at enterprises and at the same time provide access to markets for small suppliers; secondly, the concentration of volumes of orders for the supply of products for most goods; thirdly, the actions of suppliers to combine sales promotion of their products with advertising of a trade enterprise; fourthly, the development of information support for all participants in economic contracts for the supply of goods.

As a result of the work done, the role of the sales service at the enterprise, the impact of sales on indicators, and sales methods were considered using the example of Stik LLC.

After analyzing the marketing activities of LLC "Stik", the following conclusions were drawn about the existing shortcomings.

Market research has shown that the competitive environment is characterized by its passivity, large trading companies have divided the market, found their segments and do not take active steps to promote the product, fearing unnecessary costs and rising prices for products. Demand is not stimulated, but it has reserves, and with active stimulation, it can recoup the costs associated with promoting the product. In general, the situation can be characterized as waiting: the merchant hopes that some firm will take the lead in pricing and promotion of goods and take the risk of possible losses, and everyone else will follow.

Demand in the product market is notable for its heterogeneity, it is weakly elastic for assortment groups from the main products and highly elastic for assortment groups of prestigious products.

The ability of a firm to respond constructively to a crisis depends on the nature of the business. If the business turns out to be unprofitable, it means that the main element was missing in the management - the product strategy. So, often company executives have no idea what product in their market niche can be useful to the consumer to such an extent that he will pay for it under any conditions. One entrepreneur shared his method for solving this problem: “I keep in mind a list of fifty potential products and evaluate them from time to time in relation to a particular situation.

But regardless of the specific mechanism for developing a product strategy, the result is the same: during a crisis, a company will certainly find a way out if it finds itself with a useful product at the time of the crisis. If a firm can develop a product line based on customer needs, and not just on the basis of speculative transactions, it can stay afloat and even make a profit.

Having considered the organizational structure of the trade department, which has retained its structure since 2004, when Stik LLC sold fewer goods, and the department’s work system met the modern requirements of the market of that period, we came to the conclusion that the existing organizational structure of the trade department needs to be improved due to the following reasons:

lack of a clear delineation of job responsibilities between employees of the sales department;

irrationality of building an organizational structure - three levels of management in the structure of one department do not meet modern management requirements, and therefore require improvement.

In a market economy, sales become inextricably linked with marketing. When planning the production of products, the enterprise, first of all, needs to assess the demand and needs of potential consumers for specific products. In addition, in order to increase sales of products, the enterprise should effectively apply the entire marketing mix, which includes, in addition to the marketing policy, product, pricing and communication policies.

Thus, the transition to new activities requires a review of the organization of the sales department.

Based on the results of 2009, the management of Stik LLC decided to expand the sales activities of the enterprise in the Far East region, specifically in Zeya, Zavitinsk and Chita. This decision was made based on the results of market research by specialists of the sales department of Stik LLC.

The first step in optimizing sales activities was the improvement of the organizational structure of the sales department.

Since the existing sales department of Stik LLC does not have a clearly developed strategy, as part of the course work, strategic directions for the marketing activities of the sales department were developed, the main ones are:

  • increase in sales volumes, and consequently, profits from the sale of products of Stik LLC;
  • expanding the company's sales network - entering the market of the Far East;
  • conducting research in the field of sales of manufactured products and collecting information on customer satisfaction with them.


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Yakovlev V.B., Kornev G.N. Analysis of production efficiency - M.; Rosagropromizdat, 2008 - 220 p.

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"Improving the marketing activities of a commercial enterprise"


1.4 Buyer analysis

1.5 SWOT analysis Spektr LLC

Conclusions to chapter 1

3.2 Calculation of the economic efficiency of bringing a new product to the market

Chapter 4. Safety

4.1 Safety instructions for working on a computer


Bibliographic list


The relevance of the topic of the final qualifying workSuccess in the market in the sale of a particular product depends not so much on the production and financial capabilities of firms, but on the characteristics of the organization of the marketing activities of the enterprise.

Improving the marketing activities of the enterprise is to bring goods to the consumer in the place, in the quantity and quality that are required, as well as to maximize their opportunities to improve customer service.

With the improvement of marketing activities, the achievement of the company's goals occurs through the assessment and satisfaction of consumer requirements. Due to the fact that trade is currently characterized by a decrease in demand, especially for goods that are not essential goods, many aspects of the activities of enterprises need to be carefully analyzed and modernized. In particular, it is necessary to improve sales activities, since it is they who determine the profitability of the enterprise. The phenomena taking place in the market are due to a decrease in the level of income, and hence the solvency of the population.

The purpose of writing a graduation qualificationwork is to study and improve the organization of marketing activities on the example of a commercial enterprise

Tasks of the final qualifying work:

analysis of the activities of the selected enterprise;

-determination of the level of competitiveness of a commercial enterprise;

identify weaknesses and strengths in the current state of the organization;

develop methods to improve sales and calculate the effectiveness of their implementation.

The object of the final qualifying workis an enterprise LLC "Spektr", engaged in wholesale and retail sales of electrical products.

The purpose of the final qualifying workis to develop proposals for improving the company's marketing policy, which will allow the company to increase sales, receive additional profit and strengthen its position in the market of electrical products in St. Petersburg.

sales competitor supplier buyer

Chapter 1

1.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

"Limited Liability Company" Spektr - established by several legal entities economical society<#"justify">3.Cabling and wiring products;

4.Drive technology, el. engines;

.Plumbing and climate equipment.

The company has more than 50,000 items of electrical products.

Spektr LLC is located at the following address:

St. Petersburg, st. Magnitogorskaya 51, Letter E, room 106.

There is also the issuance of goods, to those customers who prefer self-delivery, in order to save. The company is an "intermediary", so there is no large warehouse, all products are stored with manufacturers or large suppliers.

Mediator- a person, firm, organization that assists in establishing contacts and concluding transactions, contracts between producers and consumers, sellers and buyers of goods and services. Agents, brokers, dealers, brokers, commission agents, traveling salesmen act as an intermediary. Mediation is one of the types of entrepreneurship.

Below is the structure of the enterprise, it refers to a linear organizational structure.

Fig.1.1.1 - Organizational structure of the enterprise

Linear-functional structure - appointment of functional services - preparation of data for line managers in order to make competent decisions in emerging production and management tasks. The role of functional bodies (services) depends on the scale of economic activity and the structure of enterprise management as a whole. Linear-functional management structures are used in most enterprises.

The total number of staff is 12 people:

CEO- organizes all the work of the enterprise and bears full responsibility for its condition.

Represents the enterprise in all institutions and organizations, manages the property of the enterprise, concludes contracts;

Chief Accountant- manages accounting and reporting at the enterprise, ensures the preparation of payroll calculations, charges and transfers of taxes and fees to budgets of different levels, payments to banking institutions;

sales managers- are engaged in the search for clients, organizing a meeting with potential clients, processing a deal, organizing the execution of a trade order and monitoring compliance with terms and conditions;

purchasing managers- perform the selection of suppliers (the best prices and conditions), placing orders, control payments, control the timing of shipment of goods, control the movement of goods, resolve claims with suppliers (payment for non-delivery, etc.), control product quality;

drivers - couriers- carry out transportation and escort of material values ​​from the supplier to customers, fill out transport documentation.

1.2 Spektr Suppliers Analysis

The supplier- natural or legal person<#"justify">Large reputable manufacturing firms are interested in selling their products in large volumes and finding new markets. But even a very rich company is not easy to deliver their goods to every locality.

This is where the services of distributors and dealers - resellers are required.

A distributor (English distributor - distributor) is, as a rule, a fairly large wholesaler that trades entirely on its own behalf. It concludes bilateral agreements with both manufacturers and buyers. It has its own warehouses and vehicles for freight transportation, independently studies the market and sets prices, provides service. A distributor can also be an individual.

Dealer (dealer - merchant, sales agent) - a small independent firm or entrepreneur who buys goods at a discount from manufacturers and sells them to consumers. They operate on the basis of contracts with manufacturers and, as a rule, participate in their advertising campaigns. Reputable firms do not just "push" their products for sale to the first available intermediaries, but carefully work with their dealers and distributors. Provide them with various benefits and discounts, train them, attract them to advertising.

Manufacturers expand their sales network and enter new markets, and intermediaries, purchasing goods at prices "below factory prices", have the opportunity to make a solid profit when selling them.

The right choice of supplier is of great importance for the intermediary business, as it allows you to keep prices at a competitive level. Spektr LLC is a dealer of a number of manufacturers of electrical products, including foreign ones.

Consider the main suppliers of the company.

ETM- one of the leading suppliers of electrical products of domestic and foreign manufacturers. The company has been operating on the market for 20 years, since September 24, 1991. For the first time, the company specialized in electrical work. Gradually, the company fully concentrated on trade and purchasing activities. Official distributor of more than 200 Russian and foreign manufacturers. The company offers not only a wide range of electrical products, but also a number of additional services. Which, of course, allows it to be called a customer-oriented company:

Personal terms of cooperation - deferred payment and commodity credit, the amount of which is determined by the volume of products consumed

-Order management system via the Internet "ETM iPro".

Technical consultations, seminars, new products, catalogs and booklets.

NAVIGATOR-manufacturer from China.

First appeared on the market in 2009. Brenda NAVIGATORin a short time, we managed to firmly consolidate our positions in the market and form a positive image of the brand among consumers. Releases:

energy-saving, halogen, fluorescent lamps;

-incandescent lamps;

lanterns, lamps for household and industrial purposes;

extension cords, batteries, electronic devices;

electrical products.

The assortment range is constantly expanding.

Ardatovsky lighting plant- one of the largest lighting engineering enterprises in Russia, the main field of activity of which is the production and sale of lighting fixtures for general and special purposes. Equipped with high-performance equipment, it carries out the entire production process: from scientific development to the production of finished products. The company uses modern technologies and design that meets international standards.

At present JSC "ASTZ" produces more than 500 modifications of lamps. Having a great scientific and technical potential, the company is constantly improving its range. Much attention is paid to quality. The plant has its own test lighting laboratory, accredited by the State Standard. All products are certified and comply with Russian and IEC standards.

JSC "ASTZ" specializes in the production of products for the following purposes:

lighting devices for industrial premises with fluorescent lamps, high-pressure gas discharge lamps, incandescent lamps for industrial premises of various industries for operation in premises with normal and aggressive environmental conditions;

-lighting fixtures for administrative and public premises with fluorescent lamps such as T5, T8, CFL;

lighting devices for outdoor lighting with energy-saving lamps;

bactericidal and erythema irradiators for agricultural, public and administrative premises;

ballasts for fluorescent lamps.

Ecola-Chinese company, a leading manufacturer of energy-saving lamps. An innovator in this field - thanks to this company, gradually fading, and gradually flaring up fluorescent lamps were released to the market. First appeared on the market in 2004.

IEC -the largest Russian manufacturer of electrical products for construction, housing and communal services and industrial enterprises.

Today IEK is a holding that controls the activities of its own production facilities in Russia and abroad.

The trademark has been known in Russia and the CIS for 10 years. This is a time-tested Russian electrical brand. The company guarantees a high level of security.

Their products are installed in the construction of large residential and industrial facilities; IEK is trusted to equip schools, hospitals, renovate architectural monuments and work on vital infrastructure.

Light technologies -an international group of companies, a leading manufacturer of lighting equipment in the CIS. The main field of activity of the group of companies is the production and sale of lighting devices for general and special purposes. The unique combination of high quality products and a wide range of products ensures the leadership of the Lighting Technologies trademark.

To date, under the trademark "Lighting Technologies" more than 1000 modifications of lamps for 49 areas of application from administrative and office buildings to industrial facilities and stadiums are produced at our own production.

Work with the range of manufactured products of the trademark "Lighting Technologies" is carried out in two directions - increasing the number of models and their modifications and bringing to the market new products that are not yet very well known in the CIS countries, but are already popular in Europe.

1.3 Analysis of the main competitors of Spektr LLC

Competitionis one of the main driving forces of the market.

Without knowing your competitors, without knowing what their strengths and weaknesses are, you cannot gain competitive advantage.

But, in addition to knowing your competitors, it is necessary to take into account the influence of competitive forces operating in the market.

To build an effective system for monitoring the competitive environment for a company, it is necessary to determine its own position regarding the breadth of use of the concept of a competitive environment, a set of structural units to be researched.

Figure 1.3.1 - Forces that determine the nature of competition in the industry

The classic model of the structure of the company's operating environment is the model of market forces by M. Porter (Fig. 1.3.1)

According to this model, the nature of competition in the industry is formed by five groups of factors (forces) that determine the marginal profit potential of this industry:

.rivalry among sellers competing in this market - the situation in the industry;

2.competition from goods that are substitutes - the impact of substitute goods;

.the threat of new competitors - the influence of potential competitors;

.positions of suppliers, their economic opportunities - influence of suppliers;

.position of consumers, their economic opportunities - the influence of buyers.

Each of the considered forces of competition can have a different impact on the situation in the industry, both in direction and in significance, and their total impact ultimately determines the characteristics of competition in the industry, the profitability of the industry, the company's place in the market and its success.

I propose to consider the main competitors of the company in the electrical market of St. Petersburg.

Minimax -has been operating in the electrical engineering market of Russia since 1993, being one of the recognized leaders among suppliers of low-voltage equipment; cable and wire, lighting and switchboard products; electrical installation and wiring products.

The Minimax company carries out complex deliveries of electrical equipment for construction projects, housing and communal services, and industrial enterprises. Our clients include both professional electrical installation organizations, private electricians, construction companies and industrial organizations, as well as individuals who purchase electrical equipment for the renovation of apartments or the construction of private houses.

Minimax today is:

more than 15 thousand items of products

Minimax today is:

more than 40 sales offices throughout Russia

more than 55 thousand m2 of warehouse space;

more than 3.5 thousand m2 of trade and exhibition space;

more than 15 thousand items of products.

ElectroTrade- has been engaged in complex deliveries of electrical products since 2007. It is a dealer of leading world and Russian manufacturers such as DKC, ABB, Siemens, Legrand, Shneider Electric, OSRAM, PHILIPS, General Electric, HELVAR, GALAD, VOSSLOH, SCHWABE, Lighting Technologies, ASTZ. The range includes cable and wire products, lamps (domestic, spot, decorative, special), light sources (OSRAM, PHILIPS, ECOLA, GE), low-voltage equipment, electrical installation products and consumables.

Eco Trading Neva -The company was founded in 2006. Engaged in the wholesale of lighting equipment for industrial and civil (offices, shopping centers) facilities. Highly qualified specialists will help you choose exactly what buyers need. It is one of the largest distributors of world famous manufacturers: OSRAM, Philips, BLV, TechnoLux, SBP. The largest range of light bulbs on the market. Covers 20% of the light market (6 branches in Russia and 1 branch in Minsk).

Table 1.3.2 below provides comparative information on competing companies.

Table 1.3.2 - Comparative table of the main competing enterprises

Name of the organization Used marketing techniques and competition strategies Period of work in the market Minimaxcomplex solution for the supply of electrical equipment; product quality; Product availability- large storage areas and a logistics system debugged over the years, allow us to maintain about 7,000 items of goods in stock; individual approach- the company's specialists work individually with each client, offering him the best combination of discounts, terms of delivery and payment freedom of choice- the product line of the company is focused on different requests and price segments8 years Electrotradestrategic partnership with a reliable supplier guided by the interests and needs of the buyer; complex deliveries of a wide range of electrical products, from a standard socket to an exclusive design creation; individual approach and attention to each of the clients, allowing to develop the optimal scheme and conditions of cooperation in each specific case; professional technical support. minimum terms of delivery of custom items free delivery within St. Petersburg. Delivery by road to any point of the North-West region. 4 years Eco Trading Nevaunique lighting projects; the best selection of lamps, lighting components, fixtures; individual approach to each client prompt delivery and packaging of goods for 6 years Rangecooperation with the largest manufacturers of electrical products; a wide range of products, more than 70,000 items; professional advice to clients, and offer the best option that satisfies in all respects; loyal pricing policy and flexible system of discounts individual approach to each client prompt response to orders and delivery in the shortest possible time Free delivery within the city for 4 years

1.4 Buyer analysis

Buyers LLC "Spektr" can be divided into three groups:

Corporate- These are organizations that purchase electrical goods in large volumes and cooperate on a long-term basis, which are then used in the production of other goods or services that are sold, supplied to other consumers.

-Intermediaries- are a kind of corporate consumers, as they use the purchased goods to organize and implement business processes in order to satisfy the need for profit. Basically, they turn to purchase an item that is not available in their warehouse. The volume of purchases varies depending on the application of the buyers who turn to them. The call rate is low.

Individual consumer- individuals and households purchasing goods and services for personal consumption

Spectrum's corporate clients include:

Business - centers;

-Construction companies;

Large hotels and hotels;

Chain of restaurants and cafes.


Electrical installation companies;

-small wholesale companies;

Retail Stores.

Individual consumer:



Private persons.

Considering the structure of buyers, it can be noted that the share of sales to individuals is approximately 30%, to corporate 60%. This is due to the fact that the amounts of purchases of legal entities, as a rule, are greater than the amounts that individuals can spend. Clearly, the distribution of sales shares between customers is shown in Figure 1.4.1.

Figure 1.4.1 - Diagram of the distribution of sales shares between customers

1.5 SWOT analysis Spektr LLC

SWOT - analysis provides the necessary information to determine the possible development strategies for Spektr LLC. With the help of SWOT analysis, it is also possible to identify and eliminate problems that the company may face in the future.

SWOT method analysis<#"justify">S StrengthsW WeaknessesLow prices for products A wide range of products Qualified specialists Free delivery of goods within the city Presence of regular customers High-quality competitive products Providing deferred payments to regular customers Working directly with manufacturers Not very large sales volumes Lack of financial resources A small number of large orders No permanent inventory Weak advertising campaign of the enterprise Insufficient coverage of the sales market No up-to-date information about the available product Opportunities Threats Entering new markets Acquisition of new customers Expanding the organization and opening retail stores Improving the marketing strategy of the enterprise Emergence of new competing firms Termination of deferrals from suppliers so tough competition

Lack of financial resources leads to limited opportunities for the enterprise.

The company needs its own warehouse to store inventory.

The company needs to enter new markets with the search for new regular solvent customers.

It is necessary to expand activities and open retail stores.

1.5.1 Spektr LLC business analysis

Table 1.5.1 - General performance indicators of Spektr LLC for 2008-2010

IndicatorYears200820092010Revenue (net) from the sale of services, thousand rubles 287456422118459873 Cost of sales of services, thousand rubles. 246789357256459873 Gross profit, thousand rubles 4066764862389720 Commercial expenses, thousand rubles. 378904468970153Administrative expenses, thousand rubles 037754897 Profit (loss) from the sale of services, thousand rubles. 277719796408 Other income, thousand rubles 227831214848 Other expenses, thousand rubles 28334104219 Result from other activities, thousand rubles -555-37923355 Profit (loss) before tax, thousand rubles 222216004-3136 Deferred tax assets, thousand rubles 0011712 Deferred tax liabilities, thousand rubles 000 Income tax, thousand rubles 47928790Net profit (loss) of the reporting period, thousand rubles. 1743131253008

Since the enterprise is not engaged in the production of products, it would be more correct to consider the costs associated with promoting the product, ignoring the purchase price, which society is not able to influence.

Analysis of the dynamics and cost structure by cost items is shown in table 1.5.2

Table 1.5.2 - Analysis of the dynamics and cost structure by cost items

Indicators200820092010Growth rate, % to previous thousand years rub. %ths. rub. %ths. rub. %Материальные затраты689718, 20873519,551286423,4347,27Затраты на оплату труда1137930,031678237,551835433,439,37Отчисления на социальные нужды31868,41453110,1449569,039,37Амортизация570,15630,14490,09-22,22Прочие затраты1637143,211457832,621867434,0228 .10Total by cost elements37890100.044689100.054897100.022.84

Table 1.5.2 shows that the leading positions in costs are other expenses and labor costs. Moreover, if in 2008 the leading position belonged to other costs (43.21%), then in 2009 a large share falls on labor costs (37.55%).

The increase in the share of labor costs is associated with the personnel policy pursued by the enterprise, designed to reduce turnover and increase the attractiveness of jobs.

Material costs are also continuously increasing, which indicates the modernization of the means and methods of promoting goods.

Analysis of the dynamics of average prices for products is shown in Table 1.5.3

Table 1.5.3 - Analysis of the dynamics of average prices for products

ProductsAverage product pricesGrowth rate, % to previous 200820092010 rub. %rub. %rub. %Mechanism of sockets ELJO Trend18010,621759,911859,905,71 Switch ELJO Trend,352,06351,98402,1414,29 Lamp HPS 250 W OSRAM. 25014.7527015.2928014.993.70 Plastic wall panels, m 21005,901106,231306,9618,18Bulb OSRAM 30 64841 FL 75Wt E27 30017,7031517,8432017,131,59CT Clip for mounting the ceiling in plasterboard ceilings 502,95502,83552,9410,00KVVG 27*1.5 cable, m18510.9119010.7619010.170.00Lamp NSB 45-1501458.551508.491608.576.67Halogen lamp. JCDR 220V/20W221,30231,30231,230,00LL lamp 13W L 13W/93017510,3217910,141849,852,79CFL lamp 14W Genie 6y1257,371206,801306,968,33Lamp 40W 201,18301,70351,8716,67Lamp LSH 60W E27251,47281,59291,553,57Lamp MO 12V/40W E27191,12221,25271,4522,73Lamp MO 12V/60W E27191,3FL5 27191,3FL5 lamp Т5 8 W452,65472,66532,8412,77

Table 1.5.3 shows that the increase in prices for some types of products is greater than for other types. This is primarily due to the increase in prices from suppliers, as well as an increase in transportation costs when purchasing products.

To determine the use of fixed assets, first of all, you should consider the structure of fixed assets (Tables 1.5.4 and 1.5.5)

Table 1.5.4 - Analysis of the structure and dynamics of fixed assets in 2009

Indicators At the beginning of the year Received Retired At the end of the year thous. rub. %ths. rub. %ths. rub. %ths. rub. %one. Buildings and structures00,0000,0000,0000,002. Structures and transmission devices00,0000,0000,0000,003. Working machines and equipment722,48285,24142,22863,064. Vehicles201369.2515228.4618729.68197870.375. Production and household inventory100,34325,99243,81180,646. Other81227.9332260.3040564.2972925.93TOTAL OF2907100.0534100.0630100.02811100.0 Depreciation80143

From tables 1.5.4 and 1.5.5 it can be seen that the largest share of fixed assets falls on vehicles. This is due to the fact that the enterprise does not own such resource-intensive assets as buildings and structures. Commercial and warehouse premises are leased. The dynamics of the structure of fixed assets shows that the share of vehicles does not change significantly and remains at the level of 70%.

At the same time, a significant share falls on "Other", which includes commercial equipment and office equipment.

Table 1.5.5 - Analysis of the structure and dynamics of fixed assets in 2010

Indicators At the beginning of the year Received Retired At the end of the year thous. rub. %ths. rub. %ths. rub. %ths. rub. %one. Buildings and structures0,000,000,0000,002. Structures and transmission devices0,000,000,0000,003. Working machines and equipment863,06132,06162,64832,934. Vehicles197870.3720232.0619131.57198970.135. Production and household inventory180,64284,44264,30200,716. Other72925.9338761.4337261.4974426.23TOTAL OF2811100.0630100.0605100.02836100.0 Depreciation143192

Analysis of the technical condition and movement of fixed assets is shown in Table 1.5.6.

In 2009, the commissioning rate turned out to be less than the retirement rate, but in 2010 the situation changed and this indicates that the company's management monitors the timely renewal of fixed assets. The wear factor by the end of 2009 was 5% and increased by the end of 2010 to 6.8%, thereby reducing the shelf life by 1.8%.

Table 1.5.6 - Analysis of the technical condition and movement of fixed assets

Name of indicator 20092010 Growth rate, % to the previous year Input coefficient 0.19000.222116.94% Disposal coefficient 0.22410.2133-4.81% .77%

Analysis of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets is shown in Table 1.5.7.

Table 1.5.7 - Analysis of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets

Indicator name 20082009 Growth rate, % to the previous year 2010 Growth rate, % to the previous year1. Sales proceeds, thousand rubles 28745642211846.854598738.942. The average value of fixed assets at their original cost, thousand rubles. 29072811-3.3028360.893. Net profit (loss), thousand rubles 1743.3713125.1652.868704.42-33.684. Return on assets (at historical cost) 98.884150.16651.86162.1567.985. Capital intensity 0.010110.00666-34.150.00617-7.396. Return on equity, %59.97466.92678.57306.93-34.27

The return on assets continuously increases throughout the period under review. Moreover, the largest growth occurred in 2009 (51.86%).

Capital intensity, respectively, decreases throughout the period under review. A more than threefold increase in profits in 2009 led to a similar increase in return on equity.

In 2010, the return on equity decreased slightly, however, remaining at a higher level than in 2008.

To analyze the use of material resources, one should consider the dynamics of such indicators as material return and material intensity (Table 1.5.8)

Table 1.5.8 - Analysis of the use of material resources

Indicator name 20082009 Growth rate, % to the previous year 2010 Growth rate, % to the previous year1. Revenue from the provision of services, thousand rubles 287 456422 11846.85%459 8738.94%2. Material costs for the production and sale of services, thousand rubles. 25368636599144.27%40258410.00%3. Material consumption of products 0.88250.8670-1.75% 0.87540.97%4. Material return1.13311.15341.79%1.1423-0.96%5. Relative savings (overspending) of material resources thousand rubles. 33 77056 12766, 20%57 2892.07%

From table 1.5.8 it can be seen that with an increase in revenue, material costs increased. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the enterprise in question is not engaged in the production of products and the cost price here is the purchase price of goods for resale.

At the same time, the material consumption and material yield changes insignificantly, for the most part due to changes in material costs for the sale of products.

Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise begins with an analysis of the balance sheet structure.

Consider the composition and analysis and balance sheet structure in table 1.5.9

Table 1.5.9 - Analysis of the composition and structure of the balance sheet

IndicatorsAbsolute valuesSpecific weights (%) to the total of the balance sheet / to the total of the section Deviations at the beginning of the year at the end of the year at the beginning of the year at the end of the year +, - thousand rubles. %Fixed assets228124055.07%6.09%1241.02%Other non-current assets87240, 19%0.06%-63-0.13%Total non-current assets236824295.26%6.15%610.89%Inventories309412612668.76%66 .13%-4,815-2.64%VAT on acquired assets4608399910.24%10.12%-609-0.12%Short-term receivables5257441211.68%11.17%-845-0.52%Cash182225434.05 %6.44%7212.39%Total current assets426283708094.74%93.85%-5,548-0.89%Share capital2002000.44%0.51%00.06%Retained earnings (uncovered loss) 47220.10% 0.06%-25-0.05%Total real equity capital (net assets) 2472220.55%0.56%-250.01%Current liabilities399693574588.83%90.47%-4 2241.65%Long-term liabilities4780354210, 62%8.97%-1,238-1.66%Total borrowings447493928799.45%99.44%-5462-0.01%Balance4499639509100.00%100.00%-54870.00%

The structure of the asset balance shows that the largest share in 2009 accounted for current assets (94%). Of these, the main share falls on stocks.

In the liabilities side of the balance sheet, the largest share belongs to short-term liabilities. More precisely, the nature of financial stability can be said by considering its indicators separately (Table 1.5.10).

Table 1.5.10 - Analysis of financial stability indicators

Indicators 2008200920101. Real equity capital2472222792. Non-current assets2 3682 4292 5503. Current assets42 62837 08040 5054. Availability of own working capital (p.1-p.2) -2 121-2 207-2 2715. Long-term liabilities4 7803 5424 2196. Presence of long-term sources of stock formation (p.4 +p.5) 2 6591 3351 9487. Short-term loans and borrowings39 96935 74538 5578. Total value of the main sources of inventory formation (p.6+p.7) 42 62837 08040 5059. Total amount of reserves (including unwritten VAT) 35 54930 12532 96210. Surplus (+) or shortage (-) of own current assets (clause 3-clause 9) 7 0796 9557 54311. Surplus (+) or shortage (-) of long-term sources of stock formation (clause 6-clause 9) -32 890-28 790-31 01412. Surplus (+) or shortage (-) of the main sources of reserves formation (p.8-p.9) 7 0796 9557 54313. Type of financial stability11114. Coverage ratio of non-current assets with own capital (clause 2/clause 1) Autonomy coefficient (level of equity capital) (p.1/p.5+p.7) The coefficient of security of current assets with own working capital (clause 4 / clause 3) -0.05-0.06-0.0617. Ratio of borrowed and own funds (clause 5+clause 7) / clause 1181177153

Table 1.5.10 shows that the company has normal financial stability. Own working capital is clearly not enough to pay off current liabilities, however, in the medium term, the company is stable.

Own current assets do not provide current assets, which is indicated by the ratio of current assets security with own current assets.

At the same time, the ratio of borrowed and own funds shows that the enterprise has very little own funds, and they do not provide financial stability.

Table 1.5.11 - Analysis of liquidity and solvency indicators

IndicatorsNorms restrictions2008200920101. Cash - 1 8222 5432 2642. Short-term financial investments - 0003. Accounts receivable-5 2574 4125 2794-5. Reserves, VAT on acquired valuables - 35 54930 12532 9626. Total assets - 44 99639 50943 0557. Treasury shares repurchased from shareholders - 8. Capital and reserves - 2472222799. Long-term liabilities-4 7803 5424 21910. Short-term liabilities-39 96935 74538 55711. Absolute liquidity ratio (clause 1+clause 2) /clause 10> Critical liquidity ratio (p.1+p.2+p.3) /p.10>10,180, 190, 2013. Coverage ratio (current liquidity) (p.1+p.2+p.3+p.4+ p.5) /p.10>21,071,041,05

As can be seen from Table 11, the enterprise under consideration has low liquidity and solvency.

In fact, for all three years, not a single liquidity ratio approached the normative value. Nevertheless, the enterprise remains profitable and even makes a profit.

It is obvious that the merit of this is the stable economic situation in the country and the region, and not the economic activity of the enterprise.

Analysis of the liquidity of the balance sheet is considered in Table 1.5.12

Table 1.5.12 - Analysis of balance sheet liquidity

Group of assets At the beginning of the year At the end of the year Group of liabilities At the beginning of the year At the end of the year Surplus / Shortage At the beginning of the year At the end of the year PKO170848421A2-P2-11827-4009Slowly realizable (A3) Z+VAT3554930125Long-term liabilities (P3) DO4 7803542A3-P330 76926583Hardly realizable (A4) VA23682429Permanent liabilities (P4) SK247A2222

Table 12 shows that the enterprise does not have absolute liquidity, since the required inequality is not met for the first two indicators. This suggests that in the event of an emergency, the firm risks becoming insolvent, which can lead to bankruptcy.

General turnover rates are shown in Table 1.5.13

Table 1.5.13 - Analysis of turnover indicators

IndicatorYearsGrowth rate, % to the previous year20092010Revenue (net) from the provision of services, thousand rubles. 4221184598738.94 The average annual amount of all assets, thousand rubles. 4225341282-2.30 Average annual cost of fixed assets and intangible assets (initial cost), thousand rubles. 28592824-1.24 Average annual balances of working capital, thousand rubles. 3985438793-2.66 Average annual inventory balances, thousand rubles 2853427149-4.85 Average annual amount of receivables, thousand rubles. 483548460.23 Average annual amount of cash and short-term financial investments, thousand rubles. 2183240410.12 Average annual amount of accounts payable, thousand rubles. 251052898315.45 Average annual value of credits and loans, thousand rubles. 41613881-6.73 Average annual amount of adjusted liabilities, thousand rubles. 000.00 Turnover of all assets p. 1 / p. 29,9911,1411.51 Average turnover of all assets in days 360 / p. 65162.8710.31Turnover of current assets p.1/p.410.5911.8511.92Average term of turnover of current assets in days360/p.1433.9930.37-10.65Inventory turnover (by revenue) p.1/p.514 ,7916,9414,50Average inventory turnover period in days 360/p.1624,3321.25-12.67Receivables turnover p.1/p.687,3094,908.70Average receivables turnover period in days 360/p.184,123 .79-8.00Turnover of funds and short-term financial investments p.1/p.7193.37191.29-1.07 201,861,881.08 Accounts payable turnover ratio p.1/p.816,8115.87-5.63Average term of accounts payable turnover in days 360/p.2221,4122,695.97Credits and loans turnover p.1/p. ,4916.80Average maturity of loans and borrowings in days 360/p.243,553.04-14.39Turnover of adjusted liabilities p.1/p.100,000,000.00Average maturity of adjusted liabilities in days 360/p. .17+p. 1928.4625.05-11.99 Financial cycle in days p. 28-p. 237.052.36-66.55 Average headcount, pers. 971025.15 Labor productivity item 1/item 304 351.734 508.563.60

According to the results of Table 1.5.13, it can be seen that the turnover of all assets is extremely low, although it tends to improve - 36 and 32 days, respectively.

The average period of turnover of current assets in general and the stock in particular has decreased, which indicates the intensification of production. Cash turnover is very high, which indicates a stable and intensive cash flow.

The terms of turnover of passive indicators have also increased, which generally indicates an increase in the financial turnover of the company.

The analysis of profitability indicators is shown in Table 1.5.14

Table 1.5.14 - Analysis of profitability indicators

IndicatorYears200920101. Revenue (net) from the provision of services, thousand rubles 4221184598732. Profit from the provision of services, thousand rubles. 19796148483. Net profit, thousand rubles. 1312587044. The average annual amount of all assets, thousand rubles. 42253412825. Average annual value of fixed assets and intangible assets (according to residual value), thousand rubles. 285928246. The average annual value of current assets, thousand rubles. 39854387937. The average annual amount of real equity capital (net assets), thousand rubles. 239924908. Return on assets based on net profit p.3/p.431,0621,089. Return on non-current assets in terms of net profit p.3/p.5459,08308,2710. Return on current assets based on net profit p.3/p.632,9322,4411. Return on real equity capital based on net profit p.3/p.7547,10349,5612. Return on sales based on profit from sales p.2/p.14,693,2313. Return on sales based on net profit p.3/p.13,111,89

According to the results of the profitability assessment, it can be noted that almost all profitability indicators have a very high value. Given the existing turnover and relatively low capital costs, the profitability of non-current assets and equity capital significantly exceeds the 100% level.

Return on sales in terms of profit and net profit is the lowest, but taking into account the existing turnover of capital, this indicator is normal.

Conclusions to chapter 1

After analyzing all the parameters described above, taking into account the results of the SWOT analysis and the development trends of the electrical products market, it was decided to improve sales activities through:

-improving the structure of the assortment through the introduction of new types of products;

These implementations would make it possible to change a number of problem areas in the current state of the company, for the better and more profitable.

Chapter 2

2.1 Essence and purpose of marketing activities

The organization of marketing activities at the enterprise is one of the most important components of its functioning. Marketing activity provides the enterprise with the main cash flow for its operation. It is from the formulation and development of marketing activities at the enterprise that its market success or defeat depends.

Marketing activity, according to M. Akulich, is the practice of exchanging material values ​​and services, i.e. a special type of activity on which the final results of the economic activity of the company as a whole depend. Sales activities are aimed at the sale of specific types of products, regardless of when it is carried out: before the start of production (based on an order) or after production is completed (search for buyers of already produced goods when the manufacturer works in an unknown market).

In the works of domestic theorists of the organization, you can find several interpretations of marketing activities. Here are some of them:

sales activity - commodity-money exchange, during which goods from the supplier become the property of a trading enterprise with a focus on the needs of market demand;

marketing activity is everything that ensures the maximum profitability of a trade transaction for each of the partners, while taking into account the interests and needs of consumers;

marketing activity - a special type of activity associated with the sale of goods, on which the final results of the company depend.

The concept of sales activities was first formulated by the Harvard Business School in 1958: "Sales activities exist in order to satisfy consumer requirements at a profit."

The essence of this logic can be represented as the sale and purchase of goods, aimed at market (consumer) demand and earning a well-deserved profit. The statements of A. Fayol, the founder of the French administrative school, are very instructive: "The art of selling is characterized by a deep knowledge of the market and the strength of rivals, distant foresight and practice of agreements. The sales function makes sure that prices assigned to higher organizations are not a source of dangerous delusions."

Sales activities are carried out through the mechanism of operations, which, according to V. Burtsev, have the following content:

find a buyer conclude a deal with him (i.e. competently draw up a contract or an agreement in which it is necessary to stipulate all the conditions: goods, its quantity, quality, price, term) of delivery, basic terms of delivery, form of payment, circumstances of force majeure, terms of delivery - acceptance of goods, etc.);

-fulfill the contract, i.e. prepare the goods for delivery, deliver them to the buyer, make payments for the delivered goods.

The transformations carried out in trade and marketing cannot but take into account a number of circumstances.

First, the ongoing economic changes, the peculiarities of the transition period, the mentality and purchasing behavior of the population.

Secondly, all elements of the macro- and microenvironment should work as a single and well-coordinated mechanism operating in the new economic conditions.

Thirdly, market reforms must be carried out in conjunction with economic processes and market principles that have been established in world practice.

Sales activity is reflected in a variety of manifestations, so it is necessary to highlight its basis.

This approach will most fully reveal the essence of sales and concretize its capabilities.

The formation of a marketing policy, as noted by one of the most famous domestic experts in the field of marketing E.P. Golubkov, is based on the use of the element of the marketing mix "bringing the product to the consumer", which characterizes the organization's activities aimed at making the product available to target consumers.

The main content of the element of the marketing complex "bringing the product to the consumer" is the choice of the optimal scheme for delivering the product from the manufacturer to the consumer, its physical embodiment, called physical distribution or merchandising (organization of transportation, storage, cargo handling), as well as after-sales (service) customer service. In these areas, a certain marketing policy is being formed, which includes both strategic and tactical marketing decisions. To strategic decisions, according to E.P. Golubkov, include the following:

determining through which channels and in what proportions the marketing (sales) of products should be carried out;

-determination, if appropriate, of the forms of integration of participants in the process of commodity circulation;

choice of marketing methods;

formation of a "logistic" marketing system.

Practice shows that sales are the driving factor of the consumer market. If an enterprise sells goods, it means that it receives money and develops, and if not, it becomes bankrupt. The key provisions of sales are subject to generalization of results, to the test of life, i.e. their implementation in the practice of firms and companies. M. Porter and D. Stock emphasize a strategic approach to solving sales problems. They believe that the marketing system has gone beyond its traditional narrow influence as the exclusive sale of one product or another and is of great importance in strategic intent, i.e. the arsenal of marketing tools is inexhaustible.

After analyzing the points of view of researchers, we can conclude that different interpretations of marketing activities are determined by its multidimensionality. They consider the sales category from the standpoint of an entrepreneur, businessman, economist, financier, etc. At the same time, science, practice, the level of market development, and the scope of sales are in a forming position. Nevertheless, despite the noted differences, many theorists agree that the essence of marketing comes down to the sale and purchase of goods in the sphere of circulation, taking into account market (purchasing) demand and receiving money from the buyer. The purchase and sale of goods, due to the change in the forms of value, is presented as an important component of marketing activity. However, the purchases of goods and exchange transactions with product suppliers, based on a marketing basis, do not exhaust the entire variety of commercial functions.

The completeness and integrated approach in the marketing policy are reduced to covering all stages of the product's passage from the producer to the consumer. At the same time, the marketing mechanism should be aimed at realizing the emerging demand and interests of buyers. And in this aspect it is connected with marketing.

At the heart of the forming conditions of marketing activities, market relations and the technology of promoting products from producer to consumer are an objective reality.

Planning is a determining factor in building an enterprise development system. Medium - and short-term forecasting allows you to foresee not only the problems that may arise in the enterprise, but also ways to solve them. For more accurate forecasting, it is necessary to monitor market development trends, the competitive environment, and macroeconomic parameters. Sales planning allows you to optimize the inventory and financial resources of the enterprise and link them into a single scheme.

In general, sales planning includes: the study of external and internal conditions; setting goals; development of market and demand forecasts; preparation of forecasts for the sale of goods; drawing up plans for the supply of finished products; planning of optimal economic relations; choice of channels for distribution of goods; planning of additional services, foreign trade operations, advertising activities; preparation of cost estimates for sales and distribution management, profitability planning.

The organization of the sales service includes two main blocks - search and profitable customer service. To implement the first block, it is necessary to establish a clear consumer search system using the entire spectrum of information - the media, television, radio. To implement the second block, it is necessary to establish the marketing policy of the enterprise, maximize profits in the sale of products, and analyze competitors' prices. In addition, the sales organization includes: organizing the collection of information about demand; conclusion of economic contracts with consumers for the supply of products; the choice of forms and methods for the sale of products, methods of delivery to its consumer; preparation of products for shipment to the consumer; commodity distribution technology; organization of information and dispatching service, reporting; organization of trade communication, legal and claims work; organization of demand stimulation and promotional activities.

Control and coordination of the work of the sales service involves: assessing the compliance of the implementation of marketing functions with the marketing research program; analysis of the action of the sales service, as well as the developed measures to coordinate sales activities and improve its efficiency; monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of sales promotion and promotional activities; tactical control; control over the supply of products, the implementation of foreign trade operations, compliance with contractual obligations, timely payment of invoices; adjustment of the production program in accordance with the received orders; filing claims against consumers for breach of contractual obligations and late payment of bills.

The initial stage of sales planning (as well as others in the system of marketing activities of the enterprise) is the study of external and internal conditions for the functioning of the enterprise. Depending on changes in external conditions, it becomes necessary to adjust internal ones. The existing problems associated with the sale of products are identified, goals are set, the achievement of which will contribute to their solution. Such goals can be: achieving a certain amount of income, sales volume, market share and wholesale turnover in terms of assortment; establishment of optimal economic relations; improving the efficiency of sales personnel; optimization of stocks of finished products; the effectiveness of additional services provided to the consumer; rationalization of commodity circulation; increasing the effectiveness of claims work; selection of optimal channels for the sale of products; minimization of transportation costs; optimization of all types of sales costs; increasing the profitability of foreign trade transactions of the enterprise; strengthening the effectiveness of the company's advertising policy; stimulation of demand of buyers.

Control is a necessary function of successful marketing activities and is carried out to fix deviations in the main parameters of activity. In case of deviations (drop in sales, decrease in the number of customers, decrease in sales in a particular region), it is necessary to take measures to improve the situation and carry out their prompt implementation.

Motivation is one of the defining catalysts of marketing organization. Without proper labor incentives, the staff will not perform their functions efficiently and work for results, striving to increase sales. And here it is important to link the payment of personnel to the volume of products sold, which is a good incentive for growth.

An important element of the study of marketing activities is not only the development, but also the implementation of the strategy through the organization of marketing activities. Any sales activity is tested by time. In the end, it all comes down to the effectiveness of the marketing organization. Sales research involves the analysis of several components. Indicators such as the dynamics of sales volume and customer base, sales structure by regions and the share of exports give an idea of ​​the company's sales activities.

Figure 2.1 - Study of the marketing policy of the enterprise

If the sales strategy is implemented and the predicted result is achieved - the company has achieved its intended goal, then it is effective. If the goals are not achieved, the marketing strategy must be reviewed or improved or abandoned. It is also important to understand that one of the determining factors in organizing and researching sales is planning and forecasting market development trends. Organization of sales activities is a constant analysis of consumers, the search for new customers and the satisfaction of their needs, the choice of markets, increasing the profitability of sales.

A well-thought-out management vision prepares the company for the future, establishes early directions for development and determines the company's intention to take specific business positions, its place in the market. Strategy development and forecasting is one of the main functions of the sales service in organizing its work. It should be especially noted that it is problematic for a person without knowledge of the basics of marketing to do this, he may initially go the wrong way.

Obviously, the development of a sales strategy has a significant impact on the well-being of the company, the development of competitive and effective strategic actions and business approaches and the implementation of the strategy in such a way as to achieve the intended results. Indeed, a successful strategy and its skillful implementation are precisely the signs of a skillful organization that should be strived for.

In order for the company to acquire maximum potential, managers must combine a clear development of a marketing strategy with a successful organization of the process of its implementation in real conditions with many internal and external problems that arise. The better the thought-out strategy and the more skillfully it is organized, the more chances for a strong position in the company. The successful organization of the implementation of the strategy is not only a proven recipe for business success, but also the best test for the organization exam. This is an ideal to strive for.

Of course, a sales strategy, coupled with a good organization, does not guarantee that a company will be able to avoid periods of decline. Sometimes it takes time for the efforts of managers to lead to positive results, it is also necessary to take into account the stages of the product life cycle, each of which requires different marketing activities. Note that not always and everywhere the marketing strategy gave a positive result. Even successful companies make mistakes. The main thing in such situations is to draw a conclusion and not repeat them in the future.

Depending on the motivational beginnings in making a managerial decision, the previous choice of goals for the sales service is carried out, and then, the organization of the entire process of implementing these goals. This may be the goal of the firm's survival - ensuring the lowest possible cash flow at the maximum sale price of an existing product, or the goal of obtaining the maximum market share - selling the same product with a minimum profitability, but with a significant increase in volumes.

In this aspect, it should be noted that all subsequent actions of the sales service depend on the correctness and clarity of the organization. In turn, it is not effective to form and set goals without a preliminary system for forecasting the development of both macro and micro environments.

Only goals that are set on the basis of a deep preliminary analysis and forecasting can be real and adequate to the environment.

The function of analysis in the organization of marketing activities - is implemented by performing external analysis and intra-organizational analysis. The results of the performed analytical activities make it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organization and possible threats from the external environment. The orientation of the analysis (the requirement of a systematic approach) is provided by a previously chosen goal. Additional information about the reaction of the external environment to the strategic activity of the organization is provided by the analysis and forecasting of influencing factors.

The organization of marketing activities is carried out on the basis of information: strategic analysis of the market, competitors, analysis of the economic situation, risk assessment. The choice of strategy and the next mechanism for its implementation is directed by the chosen strategic goal. The result in the organization of marketing activities is the idea of ​​​​action at a commercial level: the goal, the stages of its implementation and control are approved.

The organization of marketing activities at the enterprise largely depends on the goals, principles of organizing the work of the enterprise, the prospects for its development and the adopted planning methods. It defines the organization on the basis of the development of fundamentally new strategies, new development trends that require the adoption of new styles and principles of organization, new strategic positions, and the development of strategic plans for periods.

As the founder of scientific marketing F. Kotler notes, one of the fundamental components of the advantages is the advantage in the market. Its main goal is to regulate the position of the company in the market in order to obtain its maximum possible share. If the enterprise does not solve this problem, competitors will force it out of the market and, ultimately, it will become bankrupt.

To analyze the market and determine market advantages in this aspect, it is necessary to know: market capacity, capacity of individual segments, market trends, market share of the company in general and in individual segments, market saturation with goods, seasonal sales structure.

An analysis of the internal environment of an enterprise gives an understanding of what internal factors achieve a competitive advantage, how to organize marketing activities in order to increase this advantage. Market share, image, sales structure (by regions of Russia), exports to the domestic market, share of the largest consumer firms in the overall sales structure, share of each product group, barter share, inventory/sales volume. An analysis of the external environment of an enterprise provides for organizing the management of the activities of the environment and the threats that it poses: the main competitors (who is behind them, their market share, the commodity-company structure of the market, production capacity and utilization rate, the share of barter, the number of personnel, development prospects who potential investor, marketing system) Competitors' strategy and their goals.

Thus, after analyzing the important aspects of marketing, it is possible to determine how to organize marketing activities so that they can have competitive advantages and in what types of goods.

The problem of organizing sales activities is well studied, but not all companies implement it well in practice. Each has a specificity. Marketing activities should be set up in such a way that the enterprise would earn maximum money with a minimum of finance. There are no clear rules and recommendations, which means that there is scope for the application of various methods of work. However, having studied the basics of theory, in practical life a businessman will make fewer mistakes - each of his mistakes leads to financial losses. As a result, we can draw the following conclusions:

The essence of marketing activities is to ensure the profitable operation of the enterprise.

Sales activity is one of the main activities for the enterprise, as it provides cash receipts.

The effectiveness of the organization of marketing activities depends on the organization of interaction with other components of the enterprise - marketing, logistics, service departments. In many ways, it also depends on the choice of intermediaries when promoting products to the consumer.

2.2 Types and forms of marketing activities

The choice of the method of marketing products is an integral part of the logistics of marketing at the enterprise and involves the interpretation of all the activities of the company, it is necessary to plan and organize the system of marketing products from the manufacturer to the recipient accordingly. The process of organizing the distribution of goods includes the following steps:

choice of stock storage location and storage method;

-determination of the system of movement of goods;

introduction of a stock management system;

establishing an order processing procedure;

choice of means of transportation of products.

With the effective organization of the movement of goods, each of these stages is planned as an integral part of a well-balanced and logically constructed overall system. Relations between the manufacturer, resellers and end users can take many forms and forms.

The most active role in these relations belongs to the manufacturer, which, when choosing a sales system, first of all takes into account the risk factor of product distribution, and also evaluates the costs of sales and profit. The positions occupied by firms in relation to sales have features that allow classifying sales by type (table 2.2.1).

Table 2.2.1 - Classification of types of sales

SignsTypes of sales1. According to the organization of the marketing system 1.1 Direct - the direct sale of the manufacturer's products to a specific consumer; 1.2 Indirect - use of independent resellers in the distribution channel; 2. By the number of intermediaries 2.1 Intensive - a large number of wholesale and various intermediaries. Purpose: expansion of sales, bringing the product closer to the consumer; 2.2 Selective - limiting the number of intermediaries. Goal: Achieve high sales volume while maintaining control over sales capital; 2.3 Exclusive - a small (or single) number of intermediaries. Goal: Preservation of a prestigious image and control over the distribution channel. 3. Depending on the relationship between the participants 3.1 Traditional distribution system - consists of an independent manufacturer, one or more wholesalers and one or more retailers. All participants in the system are independent and not controlled by others, they pursue the goal of maximizing profits only in their section of the marketing system 3.2 Vertical marketing system - acts as a single system, includes a manufacturer, one or more wholesalers and retailers pursuing common goals. As a rule, one of the participants plays a dominant role. Vertical systems can be corporate, contractual or administrative. 3.3 Horizontal marketing system - the association of two or more firms in the joint development of opening marketing opportunities in a particular market. 4. Depending on the characteristics of the product 4.1 Targeted sales - aimed at a specific group of buyers (market segment). 4.2 Non-targeted marketing - marketing activities are addressed to all groups of buyers.

The direct marketing system provides for the direct sale of products to the final consumer. Accordingly, they are connected by a direct distribution channel. Its distinguishing feature is the ability for the manufacturer to control the way the product passes to the final consumer, as well as the conditions for its implementation. However, in this case, the company incurs significant non-production costs due to the need to create expensive inventory, and spends a large amount of resources on the function of directly bringing (selling) the goods to the end consumer, while assuming all the commercial risks of product distribution. At the same time, from the position of the manufacturer, the advantage of this form of marketing is its right to the maximum amount of profit that can be earned from the sale of manufactured products (services). The commercial benefit of a direct distribution channel is enhanced by the possibility of directly studying the market of their products, maintaining close relationships with consumers, conducting research to improve the quality of goods, influencing the speed of implementation in order to reduce the additional need for working capital. Direct sales are carried out using the following owned by the manufacturer: regional sales branches with a staff of qualified specialists who know the local market, competitors who are able to offer the conditions for the sale of goods and services that meet the needs of consumers; sales offices or services without creating inventories with the functions of concluding transactions "on order", studying the market, maintaining contacts with consumers; special agencies with or without the right to conclude transactions, the functional duties of which, among others, include the demonstration of goods to the client; retail network (kiosks, shops, salons, etc.). Direct marketing is beneficial if the money saved due to a higher trade margin is higher than the costs associated with organizing the ownership of the sales structure (table 2.2.2)

With direct marketing, there is a direct impact on the consumer, so you can control the quality of the goods and quickly respond to market requirements.

Table 2.2.2 - Characteristics of some costs for organizing direct marketing

Distribution bodyMain items of costs for the organization of distributionSales department: sales through advertising with subsequent acceptance of applications by phone. Possible delivery of goods Advertising costs (advertising must run continuously) Acquisition of transport for delivery (or rental of transport) Sales department: sales by calling consumers. Delivery of goods is possible. Expenses for representative and informational materials (price lists, newsletters, advertising leaflets) Payment for telephone conversations Purchase or rental of vehicles Sales department: sales through sales agents and traveling salesmen. Possible delivery of goods Costs for representative and informational materials Costs for commissions for agents Possible payment for vehicles (partial depreciation) of an agent or traveling salesman Selling through your own retail network (shop, stall, tray, car) Costs associated with buying or renting a store located outside the enterprise Security of a retail outlet Acquisition of vehicles Sales through branches and representative offices Costs for organizing a branch or representative office (search for a partner, renting premises, security, etc.) Maintaining its activities for the first 6-12 months Sales through subsidiaries Costs for organizing a subsidiary (there is a risk that it may later engage in other activities) Wholesale and retail trade from a warehouse Costs for organizing a warehouse (repair, equipping it) and its functioning (staff, security, etc.) Sale at fairs, auctions, exhibitions, exchanges Costs for renting retail space Payment

In the case when the system provides for the participation of resellers in the sale, and the differences between the producer and the end user are mediated, such their connection is called the indirect channel. Such channels are built on the experience of intermediaries and various forms of cooperation with the trading network. Here, the company shifts a significant part of the distribution costs and the corresponding share of the risk to formally independent counterparties, reducing control over the movement of goods, and, as a result, cedes a part of the commercial benefit to them. With indirect sales, it is difficult to maintain the brand image of the manufacturer, organize the necessary service, and control prices. There is no contact with the end consumer, which may ultimately affect the competitiveness of the product. The marketing policy in the field of sales differs significantly when the seller is the manufacturer and when the intermediary. Direct and indirect marketing have a number of their specific characteristics. These characteristics are shown in Table 2.2.3 below.

Table 2.2.3 - Difference between direct and indirect marketing policies

Sales policyDirect marketingIndirect marketingPricing policySingle selling price, striving for a single retail price. Moderate trade marginPrice differentiation based on demand, region, consumer High retail marginsProduct policy Keeping your product on the market is usually a conservative trade policy, because product innovation requires investmentChoice of such a product that is in demand. Intermediary requires manufacturer modifications or new product Distribution policy Large orders, large permanent intermediaries or consumers. Imposition of the entire assortmentSmall order quantities. Demand for an assortment that is in demandAdvertising and image policyPromotion of your own brand. Formation of the image of the manufacturer Formation of the image of the intermediary due to the trademark and image of the manufacturer

There are also mixed channels that combine the features of the first two distribution channels.

When organizing an indirect distribution channel, there is a need to determine its length and width. The channel length is the number of channel levels, that is, single-function intermediaries, and the channel width is the number of intermediaries that are conditionally at the same level. By the number of intermediaries at each level of channels, marketing can be intensive selective or exclusive.

As the product moves to the market, the manufacturer is looking for intermediaries for further distribution of products, and depending on the number of intermediaries through which the product has passed, the distribution channel may have different lengths and widths.

Obviously, as the goods move through the distribution channels with the participation of intermediaries, its physical movement may be accompanied by the transfer of the owner's rights. In this case, the completeness of the rights to the goods transferred to the intermediary, the form of transfer, the degree of his responsibility and risk are different. Accordingly, intermediaries are typified, and channels with their participation acquire a complex structure.

Sales logistics begins where production is oriented to the market, to the demands of buyers. But this is only one side of it. On the other hand, he himself has an active influence on the market and the buyer. These functions essentially include two sub-functions: - influencing the public in order to get people to buy the product. This sub-function is called "demand generation"; - influence on sales workers, on sales personnel in order to force them to work actively and proactively. This sub-function is called "sales promotion". Naturally, these subfunctions are mutually connected, intertwined, so their selection is to some extent conditional.

List of works on the formation of demand. This function includes the following types of work:

attracting people's attention to the goods;

-activation of human requests;

the formation of people's motives to buy goods;

the formation of a better attitude towards these products among buyers.

Advertising methods include: printed advertising (catalogues, booklets, brochures, leaflets, etc.); advertising in the press (advertising advertisements in magazines, newspapers, etc.); branded publications; address books; telephone directories; advertising in books; TV advertising; radio advertising; film advertising; outdoor advertising (posters, signboards, illuminated, etc.).

Other ways to create demand include: car rides, demonstrations, demonstration flights, packaging, branding and trademark. An advertising campaign is a special type of work on the formation of demand. Demand generation activities and, first of all, advertising, vary depending on many factors, except for the following:

product life cycle stages;

-product features;

market features.

Sales promotion is a set of indirect influences on buyers, as well as on commercial and industrial personnel in order to attract the former to intensify purchases, and the latter to more active and proactive work. This sub-function is implemented through the following activities:

trade negotiations at the level of managers or trade representatives;

-offer of services;

redistribution of buyers in the sales process;

product advice;

demonstration of goods, sometimes theatrical;

offer of goods (figures from goods);

The objects of influence in the process of sales promotion are buyers, intermediaries, wholesalers and small traders, sales personnel, salespeople of trading floors; it is also its sales staff, all people and organizations that can influence the behavior of buyers and consumers, organizations and experts whose conclusions affect the sale of products, methods of information.

Ways to stimulate goods and services:

coverage of industrial entrepreneurs (price reduction when buying a large consignment of goods, payment benefits, etc.);

-bonuses and gifts to representatives of purchasing organizations;

the interest of commercial entrepreneurs (lower prices, bonuses, gifts);

organization of receptions for representatives of entrepreneurs and trade;

stimulating the labor of trade workers (establishing a contract or bonus system of remuneration, special gifts for sellers, competitions for the best knowledge of the seller of their goods, competitions for sellers for the best professional skills);

coverage of mass buyers (sending out the first copies of the goods for free; adding free souvenirs to the main purchase; reducing prices when buying not one thing, but a certain amount; applying brands or coupons to goods; reducing the price or issuing a certain amount of goods free of charge upon presentation of a certain number of packages, stickers, etc.; buyer contest - who knows our product best; rewards for buyers of goods for a certain amount; development of packaging that can be used for some other purpose; money-back guarantee; coupon lottery, etc.);

the use of special trading methods (self-service, home delivery, mail-order trading, credit trading, accepting obsolete goods as a down payment for a new one).

Ways to stimulate sales are exhibitions and fairs, as well as the establishment of public relations, which are to overcome the "barrier of distrust" to the product and the company. For this, an image of the company "image" is created. Selling through intermediaries has both positive and negative sides. On the one hand, the use of intermediaries is beneficial, since many manufacturers simply do not have the resources to carry out direct marketing. Even if a manufacturer can afford to create its own distribution channels, in many cases it will be able to earn more if it directs money into its core business. If manufacturing generates a 20% rate of return and retailing only 10%, the firm will naturally not want to retail itself. Through their contacts, experience, specialization and scope, intermediaries offer the firm more than it could do alone. Also, the advantage of this distribution system for the manufacturer is the ability to immediately supply large quantities of goods to large wholesalers. Thus, there is no need to create and finance the activities of their own distribution channels. On the other hand, working through intermediaries, the manufacturer to some extent loses control over the quality of service and consumer satisfaction and does not always receive the necessary and sufficiently effective information from trading companies about the position on the market and product promotion. In addition, the longer the distribution route, the greater the cost of selling the product.

Of great importance in the formation of the marketing policy of the enterprise is the solution of the issue of improving the methods of work with end users. The primary role in this matter is played by the assessment of the costs of introducing technical means of customer service (receiving orders), computer equipment for accounting for goods received at warehouses and sold to consumers through a retail network or directly from a warehouse.

In modern conditions, no company, both large in terms of trading volume and small, can practically do without the use of computer technology and automated information processing systems. Therefore, when developing a marketing program, it is necessary to take into account all the costs necessary for the sale of products and their payback.

The justification for the effectiveness of the marketing policy is a multivariate calculation of distribution costs and the choice on its basis of the optimal variant in the main areas of marketing activities in the target market or its segment.

An important step in creating a sales system is the planning of the sales system.

Algorithm of the process of planning marketing activities:

analysis of market conditions;

-determination of types of products for sale;

preparation of cost estimates for sales;

selection of sales channels;

organization of trade communications;

planning and analysis of the progress and dynamics of sales;

planning and evaluation of sales personnel activities;

coordination of activities of the sales system.

The starting point for marketing policy planning is the analysis of market conditions.

The conjuncture is the economic situation that has developed in the market, characterized by a certain ratio of supply and demand, the level of prices and inventories. Market analysis involves the study of factors that are of particular importance in the past, present and future. A form of market analysis is a market review or reference, which gives an idea of ​​the features of market development, its trends, and identifies the main causal relationships between various phenomena.

When determining product groups for sale, a trading and intermediary firm must solve the following tasks:

meeting consumer needs;

optimal use of the potential of the enterprise;

optimization of the financial results of the enterprise;

winning new customers.

In addition, when choosing a product, the following factors should be taken into account: the ratio of price and quality of the product, the stage of the product's life cycle, the level of competition, the availability of substitute products. All these issues are resolved within the assortment policy.

The sales budget is a document that records sales volumes, selling expenses and sales profits. On the basis of individual estimates for each type of product, a summary estimate of the sale of products is compiled. An approximate structure of such a cost estimate:

sales turnover;

-production costs;

distribution costs;

formation and stimulation of demand;

general costs;

net profit.

Distribution channel selection is a strategic decision of the enterprise. A distribution channel is a collection of organizations or individuals that assume or help transfer ownership of a particular product or service to another entity on its way from producer to end consumer. The use of distribution channels is based on the following premises:

the need and possibility of saving financial resources in the distribution of products;

organizing the sale of goods in a more efficient way;

increase in sales volumes and more affordable sale of goods in target markets. At the same time, it is necessary to know exactly what type of marketing is appropriate for a particular product.

The organization of trade communications includes the organization of relations with existing and prospective customers, the development and implementation of measures to stimulate resellers, public relations, etc.

When choosing the location of a retail outlet, the main criterion is the level of purchasing power of the area. When evaluating the preferred option, the following are also evaluated: the cost of transport for the delivery of goods, the development of competition, the frequency of purchases, the availability of public transport routes, the availability of parking.

Sales planning ends with a forecast of sales volumes, taking into account the planned restrictions. The sales forecast is necessary for planning the company's trading operations in the short and medium term, cost estimates, inventory management, and profit planning. This issue should be given special attention in view of its importance in assessing the effectiveness of marketing activities.

Targeted sales - aimed at a specific group of buyers (market segment).

Non-targeted sales - marketing activities are addressed to all groups of buyers.

To achieve commercial success when using one or another type of sales activity, you need to carefully analyze all financial issues, conduct a comparative description of costs and results.

When forming a marketing system for a certain product, a production and intermediary company has to take into account many factors, the main of which are:

Features of end consumers - their number, concentration, the value of the average one-time purchase. The level of income, the pattern of behavior when buying goods, the required mode of operation of the seller, the services of sales personnel, etc.

The capabilities of the enterprise itself are its financial position, competitiveness, the main directions of the market strategy, and the scale of production.

Product characteristics - type, average price, seasonality of production and demand, requirements for storage and transportation.

The level of competition and the marketing policy of competitors - the number and concentration of competitors, their marketing strategy and tactics, relationships in the sales system.

Characteristics and features of the sales market - actual and potential capacity, customs and trade practices, density of distribution of buyers, average income of buyers.

Comparative cost of various marketing systems.

The development of a marketing policy is preceded by an analysis of the effectiveness of the existing marketing system as a whole, and by its individual elements, the compliance of the marketing policy pursued by the company with specific market conditions. The analysis is carried out not only by quantitative sales volumes by product, but also by regions, but by the whole complex of factors influencing the size of sales: the organization of the sales network, the effectiveness of advertising and other means of sales promotion, the correct choice of the market, time and methods of entering the market.

The analysis of the sales system involves identifying the effectiveness of each element of this system, evaluating the activities of the sales apparatus. Distribution cost analysis provides for a comparison of actual sales costs for each distribution channel and type of expenses with plan indicators in order to detect unreasonable expenses, eliminate losses arising in the process of product distribution, and increase the profitability of functioning sales.

Of great importance in the formation of the marketing policy of the enterprise is the solution of the issue of improving the methods of work with end users. The primary role in this matter is played by the assessment of the costs of introducing technical means of customer service (receiving orders), computer equipment for accounting for goods received at warehouses and sold to consumers through a retail network or directly from a warehouse. In modern conditions, no company, both large in terms of trading volume and small, can practically do without the use of computer technology and automated information processing systems. Therefore, when developing a marketing program, it is necessary to take into account all the costs necessary for the sale of products and their payback. The justification for the effectiveness of the marketing policy is a multivariate calculation of distribution costs and the choice on its basis of the optimal variant in the main areas of marketing activities in the target market or its segment.

2.3 Marketing decisions in the marketing activities of a wholesaler

The position of a wholesale company or a manufacturer engaged in wholesale trade depends significantly on the chosen marketing strategy, marketing policy and the nature of marketing decisions.

The tasks (functions) of wholesale marketing are presented in table 2.3.1

Table 2.3.1 - Marketing tasks in the wholesale trade system

Marketing tasksContentsDevelopment of marketing strategiesRetaining and increasing market share; marketing channel design; development of competitive behavior. Carrying out marketing research professional sales market research: competitors, small wholesale and retail networks; consumer research; supplier market research. Segmentation of the sales market; segmentation of professional intermediary buyers; consumer segmentation; selection of target segments. Purchasing marketing determination of the relationship between the nature of commodity demand and procurement requirements; marketing evaluation of suppliers; development of procurement policy. Marketing-logistics determination of buyers' requirements for the logistics structure of the wholesaler's distribution system; search for competitive advantages in the field of sales logistics. Marketing solutions for sales price policy of the wholesale company; commodity and assortment policy; marketing policy; service policy; communication policy. Organization of merchandisingOrganization of merchandising on the initiative of the manufacturer; organization of merchandising at the initiative of the wholesale company. Marketing audit of the sales system; organization of work with retail trade complaints; organization of work with claims of buyers; development of a sales marketing audit program.

Marketing strategies in the field of marketing activities of the enterprise are developed in the case of expanding sales in the old market, entering new markets, when designing new marketing channels, for example, when the old sales system has ceased to be effective.

In marketing activities, an enterprise inevitably encounters competing firms, and sometimes it specifically provides for competition between its own distribution channels (horizontal or vertical types).

In relation to external competitors, a competitive strategy or a cooperation strategy is being developed. In the case of choosing a rivalry strategy, the enterprise determines the type of competition (price, non-price) and predicts the behavior of competitors.

Marketing research carried out by a wholesaler covers the three most important areas:

research of professional subjects of the sales market: competitors, retail network, other buyers of goods, for example, a restaurant catering system, cafes, small wholesalers operating in wholesale and retail markets, etc.;

-research of consumers - the population in order to obtain information from them about goods in demand, and about the level of dissatisfaction with different brands;

market research of suppliers to solve their own problems related to procurement.

Other studies may be carried out based on the strategic goals of companies.

The organization of marketing research depends on the qualifications and availability of marketers. In their absence, third-party researchers can be involved or a ready-made report compiled by a marketing firm based on previous research can be bought.

At the initiative of the supplier-manufacturer, it is possible to conduct various experimental studies to assess the consumer qualities of the goods.

Market segmentation is a mandatory marketing function of a wholesale enterprise. For example, to select target segments of professional buyers and to know the purchasing preferences of different segments of the population and their reaction to the supplied product.

The professional sales market is segmented according to such criteria as: purchase volumes, breadth of assortment, business reputation, solvency, pricing policy, etc.

If the consumer is the population, then various systems of indicators are used, choosing from them those that best characterize the consumer segment (social, demographic, economic, behavioral and other indicators).

Purchasing marketing serves to gain competitive advantages already at the stage of working with suppliers through the acquisition of goods that can satisfy the needs of end customers.

In this case, the following tasks are solved:

purchase goods that are in demand by the consumer;

-the procurement process should provide economic benefits for the wholesaler (due to obtaining discounts, deferred payment);

in the case of substandard goods, the wholesaler should be able to replace it.

The manufacturing enterprise makes purchases of raw materials, parts of components, also taking into account the required quality of the goods produced. The procurement process consists of a number of sequential steps:

.determination of needs for a particular product, a particular brand with the establishment of its quantity;

2.determination of needs in the assortment, which is desirable to buy from one supplier;

.determination of the criteria that form the initial basis for assessing suppliers and negotiating with them (economic, marketing, technical, logistical requirements);

.search and analysis of suppliers by methods of marketing research of the market;

.selection of suppliers and organization of negotiations with them;

.placement of trial orders;

.evaluation of results;

.conclusion of long-term contractual agreements.

We can formulate the main requirements for suppliers:

popularity (fame of the brand;



interest in working together;

understanding the role of marketing in promoting your products;

minimum delivery time;

take a share of the risk, for example, associated with transportation.

When selecting suppliers, the wholesale company decides whether to choose one supplier (principle of concentration of orders) or select several suppliers (principle of dispersion of orders).

The advantage of concentrating orders with one supplier allows you to get big discounts due to the larger order size. This is also facilitated by close cooperation, including the implementation of joint projects for the production of new goods. The wholesale company can provide information about new demand trends, new products entering the market from other manufacturers.

However, working with a single supplier increases the risk of the wholesaler and limits his ability to quickly adapt to the requirements of the retail network.

To reduce this kind of risk, the wholesale company works simultaneously with several suppliers. If suppliers are interested in working with a wholesaler, then this can be used to obtain additional benefits by extracting concessions from them.

The marketing logistics of a wholesale company is to develop such a transport and warehouse scheme that would take into account the requirements of procurement marketing and sales marketing. Like other enterprise structures focused on a marketing approach in their work, logistics services must take into account the specifics of the behavior and requirements of retailers that they impose on their suppliers - wholesalers. This is, first of all, the size of the consignment of goods and the speed of delivery.

Often such requirements lead to the fact that the wholesale company is forced to place trading warehouses closest to the stores. On the other hand, the wholesaler's own purchases of large quantities of goods from manufacturers forces him to solve the following problem: to have a central distribution warehouse or, bypassing it, to deliver goods to regional warehouses.

Marketing solutions in the distribution system are intended to support the implementation of the planned volume of goods in the local and regional markets.

Marketing information that fuels the sale helps to reduce the risk of the sales activity.

Sales marketing solutions cover the entire marketing mix.

product line decision

When making decisions on the assortment, it is necessary to take into account the degree of proximity between goods of various product groups, the capabilities of the enterprise (financial, personnel, warehouse, etc.), customer requirements, and the presence of competitors.

From a financial point of view, the formation of the assortment takes place taking into account the turnover of goods, the size of the turnover and the profit received.

The expansion of the range is carried out for several reasons, including:

for some products of the main assortment, it is necessary to have complementary products (complement products);

the activity of a wholesale company with this assortment is unprofitable (small turnover);

other marketing tasks are solved: new products are promoted, the company switches to larger retail segments, etc.

Wholesale company solution in the field of communications

The communication policy of the majority of wholesalers is aimed primarily at the professional market.

The most commonly used communication methods are:

personal selling

sales promotion

Business advertising - placement in selected channels of a business proposal on the possibility of supplying goods at specific prices. Sometimes discounts and shipping conditions are also published. Advertising channels are selected such as those used by professionals: prefabricated catalogs (wholesaler, St. Petersburg store, Apraksin Dvor, etc.), specialized magazines, some popular newspapers and magazines.

Personal selling is carried out at all hierarchical levels of employees of the sales department: the director, managers and sales agents. Sometimes personal communications are performed by the heads of the wholesale company. For successful work, sales department employees must have representative advertising in the form of business cards, souvenirs, branded folders, pens, etc.

The professional behavior of the seller contributes to successful negotiations, and his authority influences the formation of the image of the entire wholesale company.

Sales promotion in wholesale trade is carried out in three directions:

a) consumer incentives;

b) stimulation of intermediaries;

c) stimulation of own sales personnel.

A. Stimulation of consumers is carried out in order to attract buyers to make a purchase of this particular product. The buyer is emotionally pressured through intense advertising.

Specific methods and incentives depend on the type of buyers and the type of product.

The most common incentives are:

distribution of samples for display or for testing. This can be done in the form of posting, mailing, distribution in the store, attached to any product. For some foods, tasting is effective.

Coupons - give the right to purchase goods at a certain discount. Coupons can be sent by mail, attached to the first purchase, included in an advertisement. Coupons may be included in the package. They are effective for stimulating a product that is in the growth or maturity phase.

Quantity discount, when several packages of prepackaged goods or a set of different goods (set) are sold at a reduced price.

A premium is a product sold at a discount or free of charge attached to another product as a promotion (10 pcs + 1 can for free).

Vouchers are a type of bonus that you receive when you purchase a product to receive a discount on your next purchase.

Free service (delivery of furniture to your home).

Discount or free issue of goods upon presentation of a specified number of packages (lids, etc.) as evidence of previous purchases.

Rewards when buying goods for a certain amount. In this case, one of the attractive products available in the store is usually used as a premium.

The use of packaging that can be used for other purposes after the product is consumed, such as a jar of instant coffee in the form of a coffee pot, which is quite suitable for making this drink.

Money back guarantee if the product does not fit or you do not like it for some reason. The usual condition for this is the return of the goods in safety. At the same time, they do not require any explanation of the reasons for refusing the goods, and the procedure for receiving money is extremely simplified.

Acceptance of obsolete goods as a down payment for a new one in an installment sale.

Lottery coupons attached to the purchased product. The prize(s) are often very expensive things - cars, fur coats, especially high-quality consumer electronics, etc.

The meaning of sales promotion measures is not only to increase sales and a corresponding increase in the mass of profits. An increase in sales means a decrease in storage costs, and this circumstance must be taken into account when determining the amount of the discount resulting from a particular event. In the practice of foreign firms, the usual size of such a discount is about 2.5%.

B. Incentives for intermediaries

The main means of stimulating trade are:

providing discounts from the price for volumes (cumulative, non-cumulative discounts);

-providing discounts for the inclusion of a new product in the purchased assortment;

discount discount;

providing distributor (dealer) discounts;

provision of representative materials with advertising of the manufacturer's trademark;

organization of professional meetings and specialized exhibitions;

contests, lotteries, games for dealers and other intermediaries to encourage an increase in purchases;

service organization;

organization of training;

consumer discounts (manufacturer price reduction to reduce prices in the entire chain of intermediaries);

Stimulation of buyers of industrial goods:

supply of spare parts;

Installation, adjustment;


repair of equipment;

warranty and post-warranty service;

acceptance of worn-out equipment.

The main stages of developing an incentive program:

goal setting;

-determination of stimulation intensity;

determination of the conditions for the participation of the manufacturer in the incentive program;

identification of channels for disseminating information about the incentive program;

setting the duration of the incentive program;

timing of promotional activities;

drawing up a consolidated budget for the implementation of the incentive program;

assessment of the results of stimulation.

Before starting a full-scale incentive program, a preliminary test of the chosen method should be carried out.

B. Incentives for own sales force

The success of sales activities largely depends on how the employees of the sales department are interested in the results of their work. To do this, the company must have a system of incentives for sales personnel.

In its most general form, the incentive system has a financial and non-financial basis. Financial incentive methods involve a combination of a fixed part of the salary with a bonus, commission form of remuneration for specific results.

Non-financial methods - material (free lunches, payment for transport, etc.) and non-material (cups, certificates, etc.) incentives can apply both to an individual employee and to any group.

Service policy plays a big role when the product is technically complex and requires a large amount of after-sales service. Recently, the role of the service has greatly increased and this is a powerful marketing factor in a competitive market. Large enterprises, both manufacturers and intermediaries, create a network of service centers located as close as possible to consumers.

The manufacturer organizes service in two ways:

a) full service maintenance through the creation of their own (branded) service centers;

b) the manufacturer only undertakes to supply spare parts to an independent service company.

From the standpoint of marketing, the task of organizing service maintenance is to increase the value of the product. At the same time, it is assumed that the service is included as an important attribute of the product for the buyer, including its intangible, intangible component (attention, goodwill). Communication in the field of service is characterized by the individualization of personal communication, great flexibility, transparency of the production process (for example, the installation of a washing machine, an electric stove takes place in front of the buyer).

Orientation to the constantly changing needs of consumers leads to the need for interactive relations between the seller and the buyer, and in this case, the service plays an invaluable role. Specialists of service centers, periodically meeting with customers, are well aware of their product and the opinion of consumers about it. This can serve as the basis for developing interaction marketing principles.

Chapter 3. Development of measures to improve sales activities

3.1 Improving sales activities through the introduction of a product of market novelty

Modern marketing requires the company not only to create a good product, to set an acceptable price for it, to ensure its availability for target consumers, but also to carry out regular communications with its regular and potential customers.

To ensure effective communication, many businesses use the services of marketing intermediaries such as advertising agencies, sales promotion specialists, public opinion specialists, in order to create a positive image of the organization. For most manufacturers and intermediaries, the question is not whether to engage in communication or not, but how much and how to spend money in this area.

An important element in the system of marketing communications is the sales promotion of the company entering the market of energy-saving lamps. Navigator. Based on the characteristics of the consumer properties of the new product, a sales promotion program should be developed, covering resellers, end users and construction organizations.

Based on the analysis of the market for energy-saving lamps, it was revealed that in order to promote lamps Navigatorto the market of the North-West region, the most effective sales channels and the least expensive are the zero and single-level channels. The zero-level channel (direct marketing) involves the sale of energy-saving lamps to construction and electrical installation organizations through personal sales. The one-tier channel includes retailers selling construction products.

For the most complete use of such a tool as personal selling, a well-built system of motivation for managers and staff training is necessary.

A sales promotion program has been developed, containing various incentive tools in relation to construction organizations and intermediaries, the main purpose of which is to increase their activity and increase the volume of purchases and sales (table 3.1). A sales promotion program with respect to its customers aims to offer them a substantial commercial benefit from the acquisition.

Table 3.1 - Matrix of the set of main incentive methods when promoting energy-saving lamps to the market of the North-West Navigator

Incentive methodDirect sales Intermediaries 1 Free distribution of prototype products for construction organizations + 2 Money back guarantee for purchased products in cases where the lamps burn out before the warranty period ++ 3 Presentation of gifts when buying a lot of 1000 pcs. ++4 Holding a competition for the title of the best partner of the year (the intermediary who purchased the largest volume of products during the year receives a gift ticket abroad) - 5% from 3000 pcs. - 7%++7 Provision of transport services when purchasing a batch of 1500 pcs. ++8 Share in paying expenses for advertising and other events + 9 Low price compared to competitors ++ 10 Sale of products on credit + 11 Presentations of new types of products in construction organizations ++

For products entering the regional market for the first time, it is necessary to conduct an advertising campaign in order to familiarize potential consumers. The advertising campaign budget is shown in Table 3.1.2.

Type of advertisingDescriptionFrequency, placementRationaleArticle 1. Print ads Design and production of promotional business cards With the corporate logo of Spektr LLC, phone numbers and addresses of the organization, an inscription with the slogan "A new word in the world of energy saving" 1500 "Industrial Wholesaler" Black and white module in the newspaper Page number three, 60 sq. cm, 8 numbersDistributed free of charge in large cities of Russia5200 2. Advertising on the Internet Creating groups in social networks Creation of a thematic group. The activity of the company and the products of 1700 Energy Portal are described. RU

Tags: Improving the sales activities of a commercial enterprise Diploma Marketing





Course work

in the discipline "Marketing"

on the topic: "Development of measures to improve the marketing policy and organization of product distribution on the example of the enterprise MPK Chernysheva"


1.2. Distribution channel functions.

1.4 Market features

Conclusions for chapter 1

2. Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise on the example of the IPC Chernysheva.

2.2. Analysis of the elements and forms of implementation of the marketing policy at the IPC Chernysheva.

2.3. Analysis of the factors influencing the choice of the distribution channel of the IPC Chernysheva.

2.4. Analysis of pricing for the Chernysheva MPK as an element of the marketing policy.

Conclusions on chapter 2

3.1. Organization of direct sales at the IPC Chernysheva.

3.2. Assortment management solution for MPK Chernysheva.



The modern economy is characterized by the fact that the place of production and the place of consumption of the product do not coincide in time. In time, these processes also do not follow directly one after another. Eliminating the problems that arise for this reason requires a lot of money. In some cases, these costs require up to 70% of the retail price of a consumer product.

The task of distributing manufactured products must be expanded by the manufacturer in a rational way. This gives him a certain chance to stand out in relation to competitors.

The distribution system of goods is a key link in marketing and a kind of finishing complex in all the activities of the company in the creation, production and delivery of goods to the consumer. Actually, it is here that the consumer either recognizes or does not recognize all the efforts of the company as useful and necessary for himself and, accordingly, buys or does not buy its products and services.

But still, the sale of products must be considered as a constituent element of the marketing mix. Other components of the marketing mix are the product, price, and promotion system. Before making direct distribution of products, it is necessary to make sure that the product is of proper quality, at an acceptable price, and work has been done in the field of promotion measures.

There are several reasons that determine the role of marketing systems in the economy. One of them is a necessity. Of course, when it comes to selling a unique, specialized production line, both the seller and the buyer get along just fine without a dedicated marketing system. But the world lives in the era of mass goods, and buying them at the gates of a factory or company today is not very convenient.

The second reason is the struggle for the consumer's money. Living in abundance has led hundreds of millions of consumers around the world to believe that the convenience of purchasing a product is an essential part of a normal lifestyle. And this means that the consumer requires a good familiarization with the product set; minimum time to purchase goods; maximum convenience before, during and after the purchase.

All these requirements can be met by developing the sales network in every possible way, bringing its end points closer to the consumer, creating maximum convenience for him at these points. And if the firm managed to do this, it (ceteris paribus) attracted a buyer and achieved an advantage in the market struggle.

The next reason is the rationalization of production processes. Economists of the last century wrote about this role of the distribution network. Specifically, we are talking about the fact that there are a number of finishing operations of production, which are associated to a greater extent not with manufacturing, but with the preparation of goods for sale (sorting, packing, packaging). It is expedient to carry out all these operations already at the “factory-consumer” stage, that is, before transportation, in warehouses, in stores, in the pre-sale process; and the timeliness, quality and rationality of their implementation significantly depends on sales as such. Accordingly, the marketing system to a certain extent involves some (sometimes quite significant) "technological component". The above justifies this: the closer and closer the product comes into contact with the buyer, the more it makes sense to entrust the marketing service with its refinement and preparation for sale.

The fourth reason is the problem of the efficiency of market behavior and the development of the firm. The most important thing in knowing and satisfying the needs of consumers is to study their opinion about the company's products, competing products, problems and prospects for the life and work of consumers. Who and where can do it most effectively? The answer of world practice is unequivocal: first of all, this can be done where the company is in direct contact with the consumer, that is, in the sales system. And this should be done by the personnel employed in this system.

As one of the most important conditions for the promotion of their employees on the administrative ladder, many firms call their work in the sales system, and directly in the sale of goods to the buyer.

These reasons are enough to understand how important the sales subsystem is in marketing and why, in conditions of abundant markets, huge amounts of money are spent on it.

In Russia, the sales system is at a transitional stage of development, which greatly complicates sales in the market of our country. It is usually characterized by the following features:

poor channel management;

incomplete fulfillment of obligations within the channel;

decisions are made on each transaction separately as a result of ongoing negotiations;

frequent violation of "contractual" obligations.

The goal is to develop theoretical and methodological provisions, as well as practical recommendations for the formation of a marketing policy aimed at ensuring the economic sustainability of an industrial enterprise.

Achieving this goal required solving the following tasks:

To study the current state of the theory of formation of the marketing policy of an enterprise, to clarify the economic content of this concept, to theoretically substantiate the structural and functional relationship of its elements;

Explore alternative concepts for the formation of the marketing policy of the enterprise and its financial support;

Develop a methodology for the formation of a marketing policy that allows making management decisions in the context of ensuring the economic sustainability of the manufacturer;

Explore the conceptual and methodological problems of determining the effectiveness of programs for the formation of the marketing potential of an enterprise;

Experimentally test the proposed methodology for the formation of a marketing policy on the basis of an existing industrial enterprise.

The subject is a set of economic relations arising in the course of development and implementation of the marketing activities of the enterprise.

The object is the management system of the enterprise's marketing policy as a necessary condition for ensuring the economic sustainability of the enterprise.

The scientific novelty lies in the development of methodological recommendations and practical proposals for improving the process of forming the marketing policy of an enterprise, which makes it possible to ensure an optimal financial strategy in a market economy.

1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of the marketing policy of the manufacturer.

1.1. Sales policy, its elements and forms of implementation.

The main elements of the marketing policy are the following:

Transportation of products - its physical movement from the producer to the consumer;

Finalization of products - selection, sorting, assembly of the finished product, etc., which increases the degree of availability and readiness of products for consumption;

Storage of products - the organization of the creation and maintenance of its necessary stocks;

Contacts with consumers - actions for the physical transfer of goods, placing orders, organizing payment and settlement transactions, legal registration of the transfer of ownership of the goods, informing the consumer about the product and the company, as well as collecting information about the market.

The positions occupied by firms in relation to sales have features that allow classifying sales by type (table No. 1), [Dubrovsky V.Zh.,
Chaikin B.I. "Economics and Enterprise Management": Textbook
Yekaterinburg, 1995 p. 308].

Table number 1. Appendix 1.

Despite the fact that there are only two main classification features
(the basis of the organization of the system and the number of intermediaries), the relationship between the manufacturer, resellers and end users can take on many types and forms. The most active role in these relations belongs to the manufacturer, which, when choosing a marketing system, first of all takes into account the risk factor of product distribution, and also evaluates the costs of sales and profit.

The direct marketing system provides for the direct sale of products to the final consumer. Accordingly, they are connected by a direct distribution channel. Its distinguishing feature is the ability for the company
- the manufacturer to control the path of the product to the final consumer, as well as the conditions for its implementation. However, in this case, the company incurs significant non-manufacturing costs due to the need to create expensive inventory. Spends a large amount of resources on the implementation of the function of direct communication
(sales) of goods to the end consumer, while assuming all the commercial risks of product distribution. At the same time, from the position of the manufacturer, the advantage of this form of marketing is its right to the maximum amount of profit that can be earned from the sale of manufactured products (services). The commercial benefit of a direct distribution channel is enhanced by the possibility of directly studying the market of their products, maintaining close relationships with consumers, conducting research to improve the quality of goods, influencing the speed of implementation in order to reduce the additional need for working capital.

Direct sales are carried out using the following belonging to the manufacturer:

Regional sales branches with a staff of qualified specialists who know the local market, competitors, able to offer the conditions for the sale of goods and services that meet the needs of consumers;

Sales offices or services without creating inventories with the functions of concluding transactions "on order", studying the market, maintaining contacts with consumers;

Special agencies with or without the right to conclude transactions, the functional duties of which, among others, include the demonstration of goods to the client;

Retail network (kiosks, shops, salons, etc.).

It also provides for the use of the media and personal contacts of the owner of the company - the manufacturer with the end user.

In the case when the system provides for the participation of resellers in the sale and the difference between the manufacturer and the final consumer is indirect, such a connection is called indirect. Such channels are built on the experience of intermediaries and various forms of cooperation with the trading network. Here, the company shifts a significant part of the distribution costs and the corresponding share of the risk to formally independent counterparties, reducing control over the movement of goods, and, as a result, cedes a part of the commercial benefit to them.

When organizing an indirect distribution channel, there is a need to determine its length and width:

The channel length is the number of channel layers, that is, single-function intermediaries;

Channel width - the number of intermediaries that are conditionally at the same level

1.2. Distribution channel functions.

The role of the distribution channel is to move goods from the producer to the buyers. The channel bridges the gaps in time, place, and ownership that separate goods and services from those who would like to use them. Distribution channel participants perform several very important functions:

    Information: collection and dissemination of information about existing and potential customers, competitors and other participants and factors of the marketing environment.

    Promotions: development and dissemination of information in order to attract buyers.

    Negotiating: reaching an agreement on price and other issues to ensure the transfer of ownership or disposal of goods.

    Orders: conclusion of agreements with other channel members for the purchase of goods from the manufacturer.

    Funding: Finding and distributing the funds necessary to cover the costs arising at various levels of the channel.

    Acceptance of risk: accepting responsibility for the functioning of the channel.

    Goods ownership6 sequential storage and movement of the products themselves, from the manufacturer's warehouse to the final consumer.

    Payments: transfer of buyer's money to seller's accounts through banks and other financial institutions.

    Markings: the transfer of ownership from one person or entity to another.

Some of these functions belong to the direct stream, i.e. actions are directed from the producer to the buyer. Others make up the reverse flow, from buyer to seller. Other features are present in both directions.

1.2.1. Promotion of products on the market.

The study of advertising activity is, in essence, an analysis and evaluation of the comparative effectiveness of various methods of promoting products and services on the market. Under the promotion of a product in modern marketing, it is understood, first of all, the effort of an enterprise - a manufacturer or a company - a supplier, to communicate with its consumers to find the right answers to incoming questions. Product promotion includes elements such as:

Sales promotion. These are short-term incentives (discounts, gifts and souvenirs) for consumers that interest them in making a purchase of a particular product or service.

Public, or public, fame and public relations.

This refers to any form of stimulating demand for a product that is not directed to a specific consumer, or the idea of ​​​​distributing commercially significant news about a product in the media (television, radio and print).

Personal sales. This is a presentation of a product or service of this company for the purpose of selling to a potential buyer.

Each of these elements has certain strengths and weaknesses.
Some forms are more important (Figure No. 6.) [Shaughnessy O. "Principles of company management": per. from English. M.: Nauka 1968 p. 38] for the sale of consumer goods (advertising), others - for the sale of high-tech products (personal sales).

Components of product promotion on the market.

In choosing from the general arsenal of the above forms of product promotion the most effective, best suited to the specifics of this enterprise and the products it sells;

Determining the nature of the relationship between forms and methods of promoting products with other elements of marketing, taking into account, first of all, the selected target segments and consumer profile, and the characteristics of the distribution network.

Figure No. 6. Formation of a strategy for promoting goods on the market.

Figure No. 7. The effectiveness of the main methods of product promotion at various stages of the life cycle.

Implementation costs for each of the methods of product promotion
(advertising, sales promotion, for example) may include different cost items

All these costs are usually allocated to individual products, items, and services in the same way as the general overhead costs of the enterprise. Although selling costs are determined primarily for pricing purposes, the main goal of preparing budgeted selling costs is to achieve the right proportions between selling costs and sales volumes.
(turnover) or gross profit. The budget for sales costs is usually detailed to show the costs of individual promotional activities, the costs of individual regions where the company's products are sold.

The calculation of advertising costs, as well as sales costs, is determined based on the projected total sales volumes. It is on the basis of the estimates obtained that the management of the enterprise can decide how much it can spend to achieve its goals, both in the field of sales and market conquest, and in terms of making a profit. But if we are talking about a large enterprise that implements a wide range of products, then such an approach to calculating costs is completely unrealistic. The management of such an enterprise must calculate the sales costs for each type of product separately, and only then, summing them up, get the total advertising budget for the enterprise. Otherwise, it turns out that the company spent most of the sales costs on activities that bring the least profit.

In general, all the costs of the enterprise for the implementation can be divided into two groups - direct and indirect (overhead).

Direct marketing costs are those types of costs that can be identified and attributed to each product, type of service, customer or reseller. These costs are usually directly proportional to the volume of sales.

Indirect, or overhead, costs are carried out for different purposes and do not directly depend on the volume of sales, and it is difficult to "tie" them to a particular product.

The cost of promoting a product on the market in a particular region includes funds provided to all resellers (including local advertising, organizing special shows to attract consumers, the cost of incentives issued to them at the expense of manufacturers, etc.). Naturally, the management of the enterprise must decide how to allocate all these and similar types of costs for the sale of products.
It should only be borne in mind that when budgeting for overhead costs for advertising, all costs for measures to sell all the products of the enterprise are grouped together, and only then these costs are distributed proportionally among individual types of products.


The goals of advertising can be combined into groups according to the tasks to which this advertisement is directed. In any case, one should always keep in mind the type of advertising is most closely related to its goals, and the goals, in turn, to population groups, market segments, and consumers of this product.

Sales promotion. Along with advertising, an important place in promoting a product on the market is occupied by sales promotion - the development of events, various innovations to stimulate sales, accelerate the perception of a product (especially a new one) by potential consumers, pushing them to make a purchase. But sales promotion is not limited to this element. If we have chosen the segment in which our company will operate, we have identified the target market, then we will also have to determine those methods, sets of measures for working with resellers and consumers to stimulate their interest in selling your products.

In general, sales promotion includes the following methods:

Providing free samples of goods;

Free demonstration and possibility to test the product;

Direct distribution of information leaflets with offers of benefits and discounts by sales agents;

Distribution of information materials and offers on discounts and benefits through specialized magazines and supplements to them;

Money-back guarantee announcements;

Supplying the purchase with a small gift;

Formation of a package of several products at a discount;

Organization of competitions and lotteries for potential consumers;

Demonstration of goods at the point of sale.

Evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of advertising marketing methods to stimulate sales (providing benefits and discounts to consumers).
Table number 2.




1.Providing free product samples

Attracts new consumers. Gives them the opportunity to fully evaluate the product. Promotes faster product acceptance

Involves significant costs. Does not allow to fully assess the prospects for the implementation of the product

2. Free demo and product test

Overcoming immunity to a new, unusual product. Formation of a new product

Complicated and expensive to organize and conduct. Big time investment. Coverage of a narrow circle of consumers

3. Distribution of information with offers of benefits and discounts by sales agents

High selectivity, targeting a pre-selected range of consumers. High degree of consumer receptivity and attention to the product

A very laborious process that requires a lot of time to achieve a tangible effect. Needs careful monitoring

Very high selectivity and good consumer acceptance of the product. The ability to catch consumers in a familiar environment for using the product

It takes a lot of time to get tangible results. High dependence on the quality of the written information message to consumers

5.Dissemination of information about discounts and benefits through newspapers

Speed ​​and convenience in practical use. Accounting for geographical features of sales

Low degree of consumer susceptibility. Retailers may not recognize discounts and benefits. Careful planning required

6. Distribution of information about discounts and benefits through special editions

The most accurate orientation to pre-selected consumer groups. Effective coverage of the most important consumer groups

Can be quite costly. The most important consumers do not always respond to the benefits that are offered

7. Announcements about money-back guarantees

Increases the prestige of the company. Forms a market for new products Results do not appear immediately.

Very limited impact on sales growth

8. Supplying the purchase with a small gift

Contributes to the growth of sales volumes. Minor additional distribution costs There is a risk of petty theft (especially from retailers).

Insufficient incentive for a loyal customer

9. Discount multi-pack

Promotes a rapid increase in sales. Intuitive and easy to use

Low selectivity to pre-selected consumer groups. Can undermine brand image

10. Contests and lotteries

Helps build brand trust

Expensive to use. Participation of a limited number of clients

11. Demonstration of goods at the point of sale

An effective means of attracting the attention of consumers

Dealer consent required

When communicating with a dealer or reseller, the “language of money” continues to be the most understandable and accessible. In other words, it is important to economically interest the dealer in the sale of your products, in increasing attention to the brand of your company. To do this, you have to identify opportunities to share part of your profits with them. Other ways are price concession with an increase in order volumes, joint advertising, participation of the manufacturer in financing part of the dealer for local advertising.

1.3. The choice of a distribution channel and the stages of formation of a marketing policy.

The choice of a distribution channel, and the entire subsequent organization of the distribution of the product, depend on the influence of both internal and external environmental factors of the manufacturer.

To assess the degree of influence of product characteristics on the choice of distribution channel, one should take into account its place in the classification of types of goods by purpose and consumer habits.

In the presented classification, each type of product corresponds to a set of specific requirements for the method and terms of storage, transportation conditions, and the possibility of offering the consumer special conditions of sale. In addition, the degree of linkage of a particular product with services or other related (as well as complementary) products, as well as the number of product options offered by the manufacturer, is taken into account.
The system goals of the company determine the setting of sales goals for goods in cases where they contain an indication: to the direction of activity, to a specific market, to the category of consumers of the goods. With the help of the firm's strategy, methods of relations with resellers and consumers are established (cooperation with sellers or control over distribution channels), as well as a list of functions that are assigned to sellers, intermediaries and other participants in the marketing activities of the manufacturer.

The company's production resources, as a factor in choosing a distribution channel, are the material basis for making the whole range of decisions on the organization of marketing activities.

This takes into account both the actual possibility of providing it with financial, material, labor and information resources, as well as the economic feasibility of the associated costs.

Consumers tend to place special demands on the marketing organization due to their awareness of market alternatives, as well as their individual needs and subjective habits. The method of segmenting the market by consumers helps to take into account the characteristics and characteristics of the behavior of consumers of any product.

1.4 Features of the market.

At its core, the service market, which develops according to the laws of a market economy, is a kind of commodity market and, at the same time, has a number of specific features, which leads to a special approach to entrepreneurial and marketing activities designed to meet the demand for services.

Features of the services market are seen, first of all:

In the high dynamism of market processes (Provision of services is aimed at direct satisfaction of human needs);

In territorial segmentation (Forms of service provision, demand and conditions for the operation of service enterprises depend on the characteristics of the territory covered by a particular market);

In a high rate of capital turnover (One of the main advantages of a business in the service sector, which is a consequence of a shorter production cycle);

In high sensitivity to changes in market conditions (Property due to the impossibility of storage, warehousing and transportation of services, as well as the temporal and spatial coincidence of their production and consumption);

In the specifics of the organization of the production of services (Having greater mobility, small and medium-sized enterprises that are producers of services have ample opportunities for flexible response to changes in the market situation);

In the specifics of the process of providing services (personal contact between the manufacturer and the consumer, on the one hand, creates conditions for expanding communication ties, and on the other hand, increases the requirements for professional qualifications, experience, ethics and the general culture of the manufacturer);

In a high degree of differentiation of services (Associated with the diversification, personalization and individualization of demand for services, is considered as the most important incentive for innovative activities in the service sector, since the complex structure of demand causes the emergence of new, non-standard services, the search for a novelty service becomes a permanent process that receives all greater development as market demand is saturated);

In the uncertainty of the result of the activity for the provision of services (The result of the activity for the provision of services, which in many cases is influenced by various qualities of the producer, cannot be determined in advance with sufficient accuracy; the final assessment of the result is possible only after the consumption of the service).

Conclusions for chapter 1.

The marketing policy of the company - the manufacturer of products should be considered as a purposeful activity, principles and methods, the implementation of which is designed to organize the movement of the flow of goods to the final consumer. The main task is to create conditions for the transformation of the needs of a potential buyer into a real demand for a particular product. These conditions include elements of marketing policy, distribution capital (sales, distribution of goods) along with the functions they are endowed with.

Thus, the movement of goods (firms) of the manufacturer is an activity aimed at organizing the movement of the flow of goods to the final consumer, the purpose of which is to create conditions for the transformation of the needs of a potential buyer into a real demand for a specific product and to obtain the greatest profit of the enterprise from the sale of its products.

First of all, the management of an enterprise or firm must determine the goals and objectives both in the field of advertising and in the field of sales. Depending on the goals that the company faces in the field of sales, the goals and the corresponding type of advertising are determined. It is customary to distinguish the following types of advertising:

the appropriateness of the associated costs.

Consumers tend to place special demands on the marketing organization due to their awareness of market alternatives, as well as their individual needs and subjective habits. The method of segmenting the market by consumers helps to take into account the characteristics and characteristics of consumer behavior of any product.

2. Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise on the example of the IPC

2.1. General characteristics of the enterprise.

MPK "Chernysheva" rents production facilities with equipment
(refrigeration unit) at a sausage factory owned by the city's main enterprise - VSMPO (Verkhnesalda Metallurgical Production Association). The lease includes utilities and energy supply, depends on the volume of products produced and is 5% of the sale price.

2.2. Analysis of the elements and forms of implementation of the marketing policy of the IPC

Let's reveal the main elements of the sales policy of the IPC "Chernysheva":

Transportation of products to the IPC "Chernysheva" is as follows:

Trade independent intermediaries (forwarders of stores, trade pavilions in Verkhnyaya Salda) pick up products with their own vehicles;

Storage of products - since the refrigeration unit of the MPK "Chernysheva" allows, according to its technical capabilities, to keep stocks of products, we try to have about 200 packages of dumplings in reserve for unforeseen circumstances (an unexpected order for products is possible, sick leave of one of the employees, etc. .d.

Contacts with consumers (in this case, for the IPC "Chernysheva" the main consumers of products are shops and trade pavilions in the city of Verkhnyaya Salda, which, in the form of business organization, are either limited liability companies or individual private entrepreneurs) - this is an action for - placing orders :

It is given by consumers for the required volume of products two days before the release of products from the warehouse by phone call to the IPC "Chernysheva";

Organization of payment and settlement documents, legal registration of the transfer of ownership of the goods: the cashier of the IPC "Chernysheva" issues an invoice, invoice, receipt order at the time of receipt and payment of goods from the warehouse by the consumer;

Informing consumers about the product and the company: purchase and sale agreements have been concluded with all the main consumers of products, to date, the number of contracts concluded by the IPC Chernysheva is 30 copies, the contracts contain information about the IPC Chernysheva, the procedure for settlements; for all products sold, the IPC "Chernysheva" issues a quality certificate, certified by the chief veterinarian of the city;

Gathering information about the market: the head of the company, as well as the cashier (since they work directly with consumers, dealing with issuing documents) are constantly interested in and collect feedback on products - how the product is sold out, what does not suit the taste of the product, dumplings of which manufacturer at the moment are in high demand and for what reasons.

2.3. Analysis of the factors influencing the choice of the distribution channel of the IPC "Chernysheva".

Let's analyze these factors in relation to the IPC "Chernysheva"

1) Product features. The products of the IPC "Chernysheva" take the following place in the classification of types of goods:

By purpose - these are consumer products;

According to consumer habits - products of everyday demand.

The product meets the following specific requirements:

According to the method of storage, it is necessary at each outlet, as well as at the manufacturer, to have refrigeration units, which requires additional costs, but entrepreneurs have found a way out by combining one refrigeration unit to sell several types of goods (ice cream, deep-frozen products, dumplings) ;

There are no additional problems with terms of storage, because the product is not perishable, which is one of its advantages, the shelf life reaches up to 6 months under special temperature conditions;

According to the conditions of transportation - if the company is located at a fairly large distance from the manufacturer, then in the summer period there may be problems with the transportation of products, it will be necessary to use only isothermal transport that maintains the storage temperature, which will lead to an increase in costs. But while the IPC "Chernysheva" has concluded contracts only with shops and pavilions operating in the city of Verkhnyaya Salda, there are no problems with the delivery of products.

Having considered this factor (features of the product) that affects sales, we can draw the following conclusion on the marketing policy: focus on the mass consumer.

2) The production resources of the IPC "Chernysheva" are the material basis for making the whole range of decisions on the organization of marketing activities, i.e. the possibility of providing it with financial, material, labor and information resources, as well as the economic feasibility of the costs associated with this, are taken into account.

MPK "Chernysheva" produces the following number of products in one working day:

2 (shifts) x 12 (leafers) x 10 (kg., The rate of production of one leprechaun) \u003d 240 kg.

The volume of sales of the IPC "Saldinskiy" per month is:

240 kg x 30 days (number of working days) = 7,200 kg.

Pelmeni are packed with a mass of 1 kg. in each packing bag.

Having started the production of pelmeni, for the first time, MPK "Chernysheva" used ordinary plastic bags as packaging, spending the following amount on packaging materials (sales volume was 6,000 packages per month).

6,000 packs x 0.50 rubles (price of 1 pack) = 3,000 rubles.

Since there were many sellers on the market whose activities were unauthorized, and the origin of the goods they traded is doubtful, in addition, taking out copies of certificates for IPC dumplings
"Chernysheva" gave out their products for the products of the IPC "Chernysheva", the company's management came to the conclusion that it was necessary to pack their products in special packaging bags. Now on the packaging, in addition to information about the composition, shelf life, production date, energy value of the product, there is an inscription that immediately attracts attention in bright and large print: "Buy our products only in the original packaging."

Now MPK "Chernysheva" spends on packaging materials:

6,000 x 1.20 rub. (price of one packing bag) = 7,200 rubles.

In connection with the actions taken by the IPC "Chernysheva", the volume of sales increased by 1,200 kg. dumplings per month, i.e. they took away that niche of the market, which was occupied by sellers with dubious goods.

Those. costs were:

7 200 rub. + 1 00 rub. = 8,200 rubles,

which increased distribution costs by:

5 200 rub. (8,200 rubles - 3,000 rubles = 5,200 rubles)

At the same time, the gross income of the IPC "Chernysheva" increased by 10,121 rubles, i.e. we conclude that the funds spent by the IPC "Chernysheva" on marketing activities justified their economic feasibility.

Data on the activities of the IPC "Chernysheva" are presented in table No. 6 and table No. 7.

Estimate of production costs by elements, per production volume = 1,200 kg.

Table 6. Estimate of production.

No. p.p.

Element name


Raw materials and materials incl.

RUB 30,090.00

4 290.00 rub.

1,200 x 0.55 x 6.5 \u003d 4,290.0 rubles.


12 00.00 rub.


12 00.00 rub.

1,200 x 0.2 x 50.0 \u003d 12,000.0 rubles.

Flavoring additives

1,200 x 0.05 x 6.0 = 360.0 rubles


1 440.00 rub.

1,200 x 1.2 = 1,440.0 rubles


Premises rental, including utilities and energy costs.

2 640.00 rub.

1,200 x 44.0 x 5% \u003d 2,640.0 rubles.

Payroll costs incl.

RUB 9 116.00


7 200.00 rub.

4 x 1,200 = 7,200.0 rubles



7,200.0 / 1,200 = 2,500.0 / salary / pay


7,200.0 / 1,200 = 3,000.0 / salary / pay

Ch. accountant

7,200.0 / 1,200 = 3,000.0 / salary / pay


7,200 x 1,200 = 2,000 expenses

Key financial performance indicators for sales of 1,200 kg.

Table number 7.

Consider the factors (features of the product, production resources) related to the internal environment of the company, i.e. the leadership of the IPC "Chernysheva" has the ability to manage them.

3) Consumers. In this case, the management of the IPC "Chernysheva" used the following market coverage strategy - undifferentiated marketing, i.e. decided to ignore differences in segments and addressed the entire market at once with one offer - meat dumplings, concentrating efforts not on how the needs of customers differ from each other, but on what they have in common.

4) Competitors. Any firm faces a wide variety of competitors. In order to successfully conduct their activities, the leadership of the IPC
"Chernysheva" needs to identify and characterize its closest competitors, i.e. to characterize the strategic group of competitors that have the closest positions and competitive opportunities, the analysis is carried out in stages.

Stage 1. Identification of a strategic group of competitors. The main content of the mapping of the strategic group.

Mapping goes like this:

A) First of all, we select a number of basic characteristics of enterprises, most often these characteristics are:

    level of quality;


    level of service;

    delivery time;

    service level.

B) We make a map with two main characteristics that are not necessarily correlated, such as with paired non-correlated characteristics there may be a level of service. For each enterprise, there is a point on these maps, as a result, a set of points appears, a certain space is determined in which the characteristics that are most closely located with the character of the Chernysheva MPK are combined. Thus, a number of enterprises occupying a similar position for each pair of characteristics fall into the drawn circle.

On the map, the size of the circle is approximately proportional to the size of the share of enterprises in the total volume. Those. a very narrow group of enterprises with the most similar positions stands out, it is between these enterprises that the greatest competition will occur.

2. Stage. - Consists of determining the relative advantages of competition. Acceptance of this part of the analysis: it is carried out from the position of a particular enterprise in comparison with the IPC "Chernysheva". Determination of the relative principles of enterprises - competitors.

Table number 10.


Calculation Method

1. Raw materials and materials incl.

25 740 + 72 000 + 72 000 + 2 160 + 8 640 =180 540

A) flour

7,200 x 0.55 x 6.5 rubles = 25,740.0

B) beef

B) pork

7,200 x 0.2 x 50.0 rubles = 72,000.0

D) flavoring additives

7,200 x 0.50 x 6.0 rubles = 2160.0

D) packaging

7,200 x 1.2 rubles = 8640

2. Depreciation incl.

RUB 416.6 + 1,500.0 = 1916.6

A) dough mixer

10,000 / 2 years / 12 months = 416.6

B) electric meat grinder

18,000 / 1 year / 12 months = 1,500.0

Premises rental, including utilities and energy costs

7200 x 44.0 x 5%

4. Payroll costs incl.

RUB 43,200.0 + RUB 3,000.0 + RUB 2,500.0 + RUB 3,000.0 + RUB 3,000.0 = 54,700.0 rubles.

A) loafers

24 x RUB 1,800.0 = 43,200.0 rubles

B) handyman

RUB 3,000.0

B) storekeeper

RUB 2,500.0

D) driver

RUB 3,000.0

D) chief accountant

RUB 3,000.0

5. Shipping costs

7. Other fixed costs

Total production costs:

2.5. Analysis of the main indicators of financial and economic activity of the MPC

Consider the main indicators of financial and economic activity
IPC "Chernysheva", the data are listed in table No. 11.

Financial activity indicators

MPK "Chernysheva".

Table number 11.


Calculation Method

1. Sales proceeds

7,200 x 44.0 rubles = 316 800

2. Production cost

3. Total income subject to taxation.

RUB 316,800 - 256,996.6 \u003d 59,803.4 rubles.

4. Income tax at a rate of 13%.

RUB 59,803.4 x 13% = 7,774.4

5. Deductions for social needs in the amount of 31.1%.

59 803.4 rub. x 31.1% = 18,598.9

6. Net total income.

59 803.4 rub. - 7,774.4 rubles. - 18,598.9 rubles. = 33,430.1

7. Profitability of products sold.

RUB 33,430.1 / RUB 316,800.0 X
100% = 10%

8. Profitability of the main activity.

RUB 59,803.4 / RUB 316,800.0 X
100% = 18,87%

9. Return on operating capital.

RUB 316,800.0 / RUB 208,540.0 X
100% = 151%

For planning the activities of the IPC "Chernysheva", as for any other enterprise, it is extremely important to find a point, i.e. the volume of production and sales at which there is no loss and no profit, in other words, we determine the critical volume of production, its formula is as follows:

Qcr. = F / (P - Ved.)

Qcr. - critical volume of production;

F - fixed costs;

P - product price;

Ved. - variable costs per 1 kg. products

Qcr. = 58,616.6 / (44.0 rubles - 25.56 rubles) = 58,616.6 rubles. / RUB 18.44 = 3179 kg.

Fixed costs are added up as follows:

RUB 1,916.6 + RUB 54,700.0 + 1,000 rubles. + 1,000 rubles. = 198,380 rubles.

Variable costs are:

RUB 180,540 + 15 840 rub. + 2 000 rub. = 198,380 rubles.

Variable costs per 1 kg. products are equal:

RUB 198,380 / 7,200 = 25.56 rubles.

Production of products is greater than the value equal to 3,179 kg. makes a profit
MPK "Chernysheva".

Conclusions on chapter 2.

Meat processing complex "Chernysheva" is a private production structure. It was organized on August 1, 2000 in the Sverdlovsk region, began to produce products from October 1, 2000. According to the organizational and legal activities of the IPC "Chernysheva", it is registered in the department of economics at Pershina E.A., i.e. IPC "Chernysheva" is not a legal entity, and Pershin E.A. is an unincorporated entrepreneur.

The finished product of the MPK "Chernysheva" is meat dumplings - this product meets the standards and requirements of sanitary and epidemiological supervision, has been tested and received a quality certificate.

The choice of distribution channels and the entire subsequent organization of the distribution of the product depends on the influence of factors, the environment of the company, both internal and external.

Thus, having analyzed the current sales policy of the IPC "Chernysheva" in Chapter 2 of the work, we can conclude that all management activities are aimed at long-term promising activities that will satisfy the needs of consumers and bring maximum profit to the IPC

3. Proposals for improving the management of marketing activities.
3.1. Organization of direct sales at the IPC "Chernysheva".

The direct marketing system provides for the direct sale of products to the final consumer.

MPK "Chernysheva" does not have a network of its own outlets.

Organizational plan. The management of the IPC "Chernysheva" concludes agreements with the leaders of the markets on cooperation (in fact, lease agreements), i.e. leases retail space for the sale of its products. On the VSMPO market
(market No. 1) - rent with a provided refrigerated counter, on the market
Verkhnyaya Salda College without refrigeration equipment (i.e. purchase of refrigeration equipment is required). Cooperation agreements with markets are concluded for a period of one year.

Consider the monthly cost estimate for increasing the production program and the calculations of profits received on the market for the same reporting period (table No. 12).
Cost estimate for increasing the production program for the production of dumplings for a month. Table No. 12

We consider the table data as follows:

Raw material costs are:

1,200 x 24 - 90 = 29,880 (rubles)

Packaging costs are:

1,200 x 1.2 = 1,440 (rubles)

Salary of sculptors:

4 x 1,800 = 7,200 (rubles)

Rent is calculated at the selling price to wholesalers:

1,200 x 44 + 5% = 2,640 (rubles)

Monthly cost estimate for organizing direct marketing. Table number 13.

Name of cost item

Rent of a trading place

1 350 rub.

Maintenance of refrigeration units

Salesperson's salary

RUB 1,908

Single tax

420 rub.

Shipping costs for shipping

450 rub.

Total direct marketing costs (line 1 + line 2 + line 3 + line 4 + line 5)

4 328 rub.

The indicators were calculated as follows:

Rent of a trading place:

Market No. 1 30 (days) x 50.00 (RUB) = 1,500 (RUB)

market No. 2 30 (days) x 45.00 (rub.) = 1,350 (rub.)

Sellers salary:

(1,200 x 53.00 x 3%) / 100% = 1,908 (rubles)

Shipping costs for delivery:

30 (days) x 15 (rubles) = 450 (rubles) where 15 rubles. - the amount of a single delivery (calculated based on the distance and the price of gasoline).

Indicators of economic activity for the production of dumplings.

Table number 14.

If we take into account that the data for market #1 and market #2 are equal, then:

Revenue from sales volume is equal to:

1,200 x 44.00 = 52,800 (rubles)

Income tax is calculated:

(52,800 - 41,160) x 13% / 100% = 1,513.2 (rubles)

Deductions for social needs consist of the following indicators and amount to a total of 31.1% equal to 3,620 (rubles):

Pension Fund:

(52,800 - 41,160) x 26% / 100% = 3,026.4 (rubles)

Health Insurance Fund:

(52,800 - 41,160) x 3.6% / 100% = 419.04 (rubles)

Employment Fund:

(52,800 - 41,160) x 1.5% / 100% = 174.6 (rubles)

Net profit is equal to:

52,800 - 41,160 - 1,513.2 - 3,620 = 6,506.8 (rubles)

Indicators of economic activity on the work of retail outlets. Table number 15.

The data in the table is entered on the basis of the following expenses:

The trade mark is equal to:

(53.00 - 44.00) x 1,200 = 10,800 (rubles)

Net profit is equal to:

for market No. 1: 10,800 - 4,278 = 6,522 (rubles) for market No. 2: 10,800 - 4,328 = 6,472

By introducing a direct marketing system, we increase the volume of production, which leads to an additional need for working capital (costs of raw materials).

Required: 29,880 (rubles) x 2 (markets) = 59,760 (rubles) of additional funds monthly.

We draw the following conclusions: the organization of its own trading network increased the volume of sales of products, according to the production activities of the IPC
"Chernysheva", gross income increased by 105,600 rubles. per month, and net profit increased by 13,012 rubles, in addition, net profit from the operation of retail outlets amounted to 12,944 rubles. In total, the profit of the IPC "Chernysheva" increased by 26,006 rubles. monthly.

3.2. The solution for managing the assortment at the IPC "Chernysheva".

A product line is the totality of a company's products. The assortment is divided into assortment groups related by the similarity of functioning, sales prices.

Assortment groups consist of assortment items - these are specific models, brands, types of size.

The product range is characterized by the following indicators:

Width is the number of offered assortment groups;

Depth is the number of assortment items in each group;

Comparison is the relationship between product groups in terms of end use, distribution channels, consumer groups, price range.

The solution for managing the assortment at the IPC "Chernysheva" is as follows.

The assortment is not large enough, if you can increase profits by supplementing it with a new product modification. The depth of the product range is partly determined by the goals that the company sets for itself. The purpose of the IPC
"Chernysheva" is the conquest of a larger market share.

A deep assortment allows you to meet the needs of different customers for one product, maximize the use of space in retail outlets, prevent competitors from entering the market, and increase the price range. The purpose of deepening the range is to gain a greater market share, which coincides with the goal of the IPC "Chernysheva".

Consider deepening the range by introducing the following products into production:

Potato dumplings.

We will consider the development of new products from the point of view of the novelty of manufacture, from the point of view of the nature of the variable characteristics, these will be products with a new positioning, the update will be carried out on the basis of our own developments.

Stages of product development.

The first stage is the formation of an idea and methods for its implementation. The methods used are intuitive and creative.

This idea lies in the fact that on the production areas leased by the Chernysheva MPK, organize the production of the following products - potato dumplings.

From the point of view of the life cycle theory, which is described using variables of time and sales volumes, a new product will be in the following life stages:

Zero stage of product development (this is the time from the emergence of an idea to the release of products on the market);

The first stage of introduction to the market (characterized by the low popularity of the product, Figure No. 16. [Kotler F. "Fundamentals of Marketing": Translation from English
- M .: "Business book", Ima - Cross. Plus, November 1995 - 212 pp.]

At these stages of the product life cycle, we will resort to the following marketing activities - we will develop a rational marketing program aimed at wide distribution of the product in the distribution channels, familiarizing the potential buyer with the product by informational advertising, encouraging the buyer to test the product (Table No. 19).

Marketing Activities at Market Stages

product life cycle.

Table number 19.


Achievement method

1. Rational sales program.

Wide distribution of goods in the distribution channel.

We resort to motivating sections (intermediaries) of distribution channels, providing advance payments (the goods will be sold without payment in cash, i.e. for sale, payment will occur upon sale, i.e. intermediaries will not invest their own funds and bear minimal risk ).

2. Acquaintance with the goods of the consumer.

Awareness of the buyer about the quality, properties.

We place an advertisement in the Novator newspaper (the most widely read publication in the city), with the content of the following order:
informs its customers about the release of new products - potato dumplings. The highest quality and affordable prices of our products will please you.”

3. Encouraging the consumer to try out the product.

Increasing sales of products.

Products are placed in a package with a capacity of 0.5 kg. (since the product is new, consumers will more quickly resort to buying it if it is smaller in volume and price). The package design will be similar to all previous packages (since buyers have a certain image of the company, the image is based on product quality at affordable prices).

The second stage is market segmentation, selection of target segments and product positioning.

At this stage, we resort to targeted marketing, i.e. we make distinctions between market segments that we will mainly serve, this requires three main activities.

Target marketing activities.

So, we are holding events regarding the new products of the IPC

First, we chose the main variables used to segment consumer markets and broke them down:

Geographic principle (region, districts, city, climate);

Psychographic principle (social class, lifestyle, personality type);

Behavioral principle (reason for purchase, desired benefits, user status, intensity of consumption, degree of commitment, degree of readiness to perceive the product, attitude towards the product);

Demographic principle (age, gender, family size, family life cycle stage, income level, occupation, education);

Secondly, we evaluate the degree of attractiveness of the obtained segments for a new product; in relation to a new product, the behavioral principle is consistent based on the desired ones - conclusion.

Desired conclusions - one of the effective forms of segmentation - the classification of buyers based on the benefits they are looking for in the product, i.e. The main buyers of the goods will be the following consumers (Table No.
Segmentation of the potato dumplings market based on individual benefits.

Table number 20.

Benefit Segments

Demographic characteristics

Behavioral characteristics

Psychographic characteristics

Preferred Brands

Savings (low price)

Lower income consumers

Active consumers

superior inferior,
middle, upper middle class

Brand Available
On sale
On the market

Taste qualities

Consumers who value quality, regardless of the cost of goods

Active consumers


Ease of use (cooking is quick and easy)

Men, teenagers, students, people with limited free time

everyday purchase


Commitment to the product

Potato lovers in any form

The degree of commitment is strong


Service (packing 0.5 kg.)

Family size 1-2
human, women

everyday purchase


Marketing segmentation reveals the possibilities of various market segments, in which the IPC "Chernysheva" will act

Third, there are three options for market coverage:

undifferentiated marketing;

Differentiated Marketing:

Concentrated Marketing.

The management of the IPC "Chernysheva" decided to address the entire market at once with the same proposal, in this case, the management will focus not on how the needs of customers differ from each other, but on what is common in these cases, let's put it in the form schemes (Figure No. 18).

The management of the IPC "Chernysheva" has developed such a product (potato dumplings) that will seem attractive to the largest possible number of buyers, relying on methods of mass distribution, mass advertising, it strives to give the product an image of superiority in the minds of people.

Therefore, in this case, I believe that the impact of competition is insignificant, i.e. MPK "Chernysheva" will win over consumers who are looking for dumplings of this type, since competitors do not offer them

However, before making such a decision, the leadership of the IPC
"Chernysheva" must make sure that:

A sufficient number of buyers who prefer Potato dumplings;

Technical possibilities of creating dumplings "Potato";

Economic opportunities for creating Potato dumplings.

If all answers are positive, then the leadership of the IPC
Chernysheva has found a "gap" in the market and must take steps to fill it.

To implement this production program, additional labor resources will be required, the need for labor resources is calculated in table No. 23.

Determining the additional need for labor
Resources. Table number 23.

We are hiring 5 additional sculptors. The amount of work per shift will be distributed between them as follows:

4 molders, each of which produces products of 10 kg. In shift;

1 sculptor produces 6 kg. dumplings and is engaged in auxiliary work (peeling potatoes and preparing mashed potatoes).

3) The main cargo flow for raw materials for one month for the production of 1,200 kg. potato dumplings. Working hours - we accept 26 working days. According to the technology for 1 kg. dumplings, the following amount of raw materials is consumed:

Flour - 0.55 kg;

Potatoes - 0.4 kg;

Flavoring additives (salt, eggs, spices) - 0.05 kg.

see table no. 24.

Monthly requirement for raw materials for products
IPC "Chernysheva". Table No. 24.

4) Production scheme: flatbreaders make dumplings and raw materials, a handyman helps to perform auxiliary work, the delivery of raw materials is provided by a driver who concurrently performs the work of a forwarder, a storekeeper receives and releases finished products from a warehouse, a cashier records products, draws up cash documents, accepts payment for sold products.

The fourth stage is the preparation of a monthly cost estimate.

1) Raw materials (flour, potatoes, additives)

Flour consumption per month is 660 kg., The wholesale price from flour suppliers is 6.50 rubles. with VAT per 1 kg. The cost of flour per month is 4,290 rubles.

Potato consumption per month 480 kg., wholesale price from potato suppliers 4.00 rubles. for 1 kg. The cost of potatoes per month is 1,920 rubles.

The consumption of flavoring additives per month is 60 kg., Their average wholesale price is
65 rub. per 1 kg. Dumplings, the cost of flavoring additives is 360 rubles.

Packing 1 440 rub.

Total raw materials: 8,010 rubles.

2) Equipment depreciation. For the production of dumplings we need:

Dough mixer;

Refrigeration equipment.

We purchase a dough mixer worth 10,000 rubles, and a mixer worth
4,000 rubles, the warranty period for the equipment is for the dough mixer
2 years, the mixer has 1 year, we take these terms as a basis for calculating depreciation.

Depreciation of the dough mixer will be - 416 rubles per month, depreciation of the mixer - 330 rubles. per month.

Refrigeration equipment is leased together with production space, its volume is sufficient to accommodate the volume of new products.

Total depreciation: 760 rubles.

3) Rent of premises. According to the requirements of the SES, the production of potato dumplings must take place in a separate isolated room

(separate from the production of meat dumplings). There is such a room on the production premises leased by the Chernysheva MPK, the rental rate for this room is set at 25 rubles. per 1 sq.m. per month (including utility bills).

The cost of renting a room - 500 rubles.

Total rent: 500 rubles.

4) Salary. The following conditions are fixed in the contract with our workers: in the production and sale of 1,200 kg per month.

Potato dumplings are paid the following fixed salary:

Modeller 1 800 rub. each month;

Handyman 500 rub. per month (additional payment to wages for the main type of activity);

Storekeeper 300 rub. per month (additional payment to wages for the main type of activity);

Accountant 200 rub. per month (surcharge to wages for the main type of activity).

If more or less is produced and sold, then wages will change proportionally, which stimulates the growth of labor productivity through collective responsibility.

Total salary: 10,000 rubles.

5) Energy costs. Equipment power:

Dough mixer 6 kW.;

Mixer 4 kW.

Working time:

Dough mixer 2 hours a day;

Mixer 1 hour a day.

Working days per month 26. The cost of 1 kW per hour of electricity with VAT is 0.5 rubles. Electrical costs for dough mixer:

2 hours x 6 kW x 25 days x 0.5 rub. = 150 rubles.

mixer power consumption:

1 hour x 4 kW x 25 days x 0.5 rub. = 50 rubles.

Total energy consumption: 200 rubles. per month.

6) Transportation costs. Delivery of raw materials is carried out by car

"Gazelle", owned by the IPC "Chernysheva".

The carrying capacity of the machine is 1,500 kg. A monthly production program requires 1,200 kg. Raw materials, i.e. one trip per month to
N. Tagil for raw materials. We pay the driver from the amount of work actually performed, one trip to the city of N. Tagil is paid at a rate of 100 rubles. Gasoline consumption averages 10 liters per 40 kilometers, in monetary terms it is 80 rubles.

In total, transport costs amount to 180 rubles.

Total transport costs: 180 rubles. per month.

7) Other fixed expenses (buckets, bathrobes, rags, soap, powder, knives, cutting boards, etc.).

Total 200 rubles. per month.

Total cost: 19,836 rubles. (all data on its calculation are listed in table No. 26).

The distribution of costs for conditionally fixed and conditionally variable are presented in table No. 25.

Conditionally - fixed and conditionally - variable costs.

Table number 25.

Cost type


Conditionally -

Conditionally -


Premises for rent

Energy costs


Other permanent

Classification of production costs by elements.

Table number 26.


Calculation Method

1. Raw materials incl.

RUB 8,010

1,440 + 4,290 + 1,920 + 360 = 8,010 rubles

A) flour

660 kg. x 6.5 rubles. = 4,290 rubles.

B) potatoes

480 kg. x RUB 4.00 = 1920 rubles.

B) flavor additives

60 kg. x 6, 00 rub. = 360 rubles.

D) packaging

2 400 pcs. x 0.6. = 1440

2. Depreciation incl.

746 rub.

416 rub. + 330 rub. = 746 rubles.

A) dough mixer

10,000 rubles / 2 years / 12 months = 416 rubles.

B) mixer

4,000 rubles / 1 year / 12 months = 330 rubles.

3. Rental of premises, including utilities

25 rub. x 20 sq.m. = 500

4. Salary:

9,000 + 500 + 300 rubles +200 =10,000

A) loafers

1 800 rub. x 5 pers. = 9000

B) handyman

B) storekeeper

D) an accountant

5. Energy consumption incl.

150 rub. + 50 rub. = 200

A) dough mixer

2 hours x 6 kW x 25 days x 0.5 rub. = 150

B) mixer

1 hour x 4 kW x 25 days x 0.5 rub. =50

6. Transportation costs incl.

100 rub. + 80 rub. = 180

A) driver

According to the contract.

B) gasoline

10 liters x 8 rubles. = 80

7. Other fixed expenses (buckets, bathrobes, rags, soap, powder, knives, cutting boards, etc.)

8. Total production cost

8 010 + 746 + 500 + 10 000 + 200 + 180 +200 = 19 836

The fifth stage is the financial plan.

The proceeds from the sale is 40,800 rubles. per month (1,200 x 34 rubles.
=40 800 rub.

The total production cost is 19,836 rubles. per month.

The total taxable income is RUB 20,964. per month.

Tax rate on total income:

Income tax - 13%, the amount of income tax to the budget is 2,725.32 rubles. per month;

The rates for the amount of deductions for social needs are as follows

Pension fund - 26% - 5,450.64 rubles.

Medical insurance - 3.6% - 754.70 rubles.

Employment Fund - 1.5% - 314.46 rubles.

Total deductions for social needs: - 6,519.80 rubles.

The net total income remaining at the disposal of the enterprise is equal to

RUB 20,964 - 2,725.32 rubles. - RUB 6,519.80 = 11,718.88 rubles.

Calculation data are entered in table No. 27
The financial plan of the IPC "Chernysheva".

Table number 27.


Amount RUB

Calculation Method

1. Sales proceeds

1,200 x 34 rubles = 40,800 rubles.

2. Production cost

3. Total income subject to tax

40 800 rub. - 19 836 rubles. = 20,964 rubles.

4. Income tax at a rate of 13%

RUB 20,964 x 13% / 100 = 2,725.32

5. Deductions for social. Needs in the amount of 31.1%

RUB 20,964 x 31.1% / 100 = 6,519.80

6. Net comprehensive income

RUB 20,964 - 2,725.32 rubles. - RUB 6,519.80 = 11,718.88 rubles.

We determine the volume of production and sales at which there is no loss and no profit, in other words, we determine the critical volume of production.

Let's draw the formula for the critical volume of production:

where W - revenue;

H - price for 1 kg;

Q - the volume of production of dumplings in kg.

where S - variable costs;

Ved. - variable costs per unit of product;

Ved. \u003d V x Q \u003d 8 390 / 1 200 \u003d 7 rubles.

At a critical volume of production, revenue is equal to cost:

W = S and profit = 0

(how much you got, so much you spent)

Combining the formulas W and S, we derive the formula for the critical volume of production - the amount of production without loss: units. cr.

P x Qcr. = F x Ved. x Qcr.

P x Qcr. - Ved. x Qcr. = F

Qcr.(p - Ved.) = F

Qcr. = F / (P - Ved.)

Qcr. \u003d F / (P - Ved.) \u003d 11 446 / (34.00 - 7.00) \u003d 11 446 / 27 \u003d 424 kg. per month.

Production of products above this value gives profit to the IPC
The sixth stage is the formation of prices for the products of the IPC "Chernysheva".

Setting pricing targets for the IPC "Chernysheva" - gaining leadership in terms of market share - is a long-term strategy for the company, confident in the high demand for products.

Although the maximum price for a product may be determined by demand, the minimum by costs, the establishment of an average price range by the enterprise is facilitated by the prices of competitors and their market reactions.

If the product is similar to the product of the main competitor, then the company will be forced to set a price for it that is close to the price of the product of this competitor. If the goods are higher or lower in quality, then the price will be higher or lower accordingly. After analyzing the sales market, we found that the impact of competition in this production is insignificant, but despite this, we still focus on the prices of the Ekaterinburg Meat Processing Plant, since this is the main competitor of the Chernyshevo MPK.

The price for similar products at OAO Yekaterinburg Meat Processing Plant is 36.00 rubles. per kg. In order to increase the competitiveness of our products, and the price ensured the position of the leader in terms of market share for new products of the IPC "Chernysheva", we will set the following price, equal to 34 rubles. per kg. Consider how this price is comparable to the cost per 1 kg. products, data in table No. 29.

Pricing for new products
MPK "Chernysheva".

Table number 29.

Those. the price of products of the IPC "Chernysheva" per 1 kg. is equal to 34 rubles, fully ensures the reimbursement of costs and the maximum profit.

The seventh stage - the formation of a marketing policy for a new type of product, was entered in table No. 30.

Stages of formation of a marketing policy for the production of potato dumplings.
Table number 30.

Stage name


1 - stage - the definition of sales goals.

The purpose of sales is to increase market share.

Stage 2 - marketing strategy.

Sales channel selection:
A) direct (through own outlets in market 1 and market 2)
Sales channel diagram:

B) indirect (through intermediaries with outlets in Verkhnyaya Salda)
Distribution channel scheme:

The principle of constructing an indirect channel "Mixed" (both "push" and "pull") - i.e. sales efforts are distributed between cooperation with intermediaries and work and work with end users;
By the number of intermediaries: selective (limiting the number of intermediaries), in order to achieve a large volume of sales while maintaining control over the distribution channel, i.e. the final scheme of the indirect distribution channel at the IPC "Chernysheva"

Stage 3 - selection of intermediaries and participants in the marketing system.

Requirements for intermediaries put forward by the IPC "Chernysheva":
intermediary market opportunities (market coverage), customer service, product demonstration opportunities.

4 - stage search for ways to achieve successful cooperation between the participants in the distribution channel.

IPC "Chernysheva" chooses the following methods:
1. motivation of participants, in order to achieve the interest of intermediaries in the sale of goods, to improve their own competitive position in their eyes;
-funds - new products are released for sale, payment is made upon sale, i.e. owners of retail outlets, without investing their own money, receive a share of the profit in the form of a trade margin, and bear minimal risk.
2. formalization of relations in order to ensure the regularity of contacts with the intermediary; means - contracts, agreements, placing an order for products.

5 - stage - control of marketing activities.

Controlled parameter:
- the image won at consumers;
- Achieved sales volume.

Thus, the decision to expand the depth of the assortment will allow the IPC
"Chernysheva" to increase its net profit by 11,718 rubles. On a monthly basis, in addition, it will provide work for an additional five hired workers, and will bring the following funds to the state treasury in the form of taxes:

For social needs - 6,519.8 rubles;

Income tax RUB 2,725.3

Total for the month: 9,245.1 rubles.


Based on the results of the work done, the following conclusions can be drawn.

First. The analysis of sales activities at the IPC "Chernysheva" showed that the products of the IPC "Chernysheva" are competitive and are in demand among consumers. The management of the IPC "Chernysheva" does everything to ensure that consumers have an image of a company offering high quality products at a reasonable price.

The goal of the IPC "Chernysheva" is to achieve a greater market share, and in order to achieve this goal in economic activity, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the internal and external environment.

The analysis revealed the following weaknesses of the IPC

No direct distribution channel;

Limited in comparison with firms - competitors in the range;

The level of service provided to consumers.

Second. Based on the above, the following improvements have been proposed to achieve greater market share:

Introduction of a direct distribution channel and its organization, increasing the production program by 1,200 kg. dumplings per month brought the IPC "Chernysheva" the maximum profit that you can have from the production and sale of its products: for the main activity (production of dumplings) - by 13,012 rubles. - for trading activities (organization of two retail outlets) - by 12,994 rubles, in total, net profit increased by 16,006 rubles;

Improvement in product modification, this improvement will attract additional market segments to the products of IPC Chernysheva, i.e. introducing into production packaging with a capacity of 0.5 kg. we will increase the number of potential buyers with additional requirements for products, in digital data it looks like this: an increase in production volume in physical terms by 1,800 kg., an increase in net profit by 9,760.2 rubles, and without any special additional production costs and minimal risk;

The assortment management solution is also aimed at attracting new customers, deepening the product range with the release of potato dumplings, we increase the gross income of the Chernysheva MPK by 40,800 rubles, and net income by 11,718.88 rubles.

In total, from the adoption of measures to improve the sales activities of the IPC Chernysheva, we will receive the following data for a month:

Increase in net profit by RUB 47,485;

Increase in gross income by 225,600 rubles;

Additional funds to the budget of 22,078 rubles:

Additional jobs - 17.

In addition, the organization of these improvements does not require overcoming high entry barriers, the risk for the leadership of the IPC
"Chernysheva" is reduced to a minimum, the organization technology is also simple, with all this, the profit has a fairly high result.


Diploma work 97 p., 27 tables, 12 figures, 52 bibliography. source.


The object of the study isLLC Mechano-Foundry Plant.

The purpose of the study: based on the study of the theoretical aspects of the marketing strategy and the analysis of the activities of MLZ LLC, to develop measures to improve the marketing strategy and measures to increase the efficiency of the marketing activities of the enterprise.

Methods and approaches used in the course of the work. When analyzing the marketing policy of the enterprise, a study was made of the influence of factors of the external and internal environment (strategic analysis, PEST-analysis, SWOT -analysis, competitive analysis, method of expert assessments, etc.). As the main criteria for the effectiveness of the proposed measures, profit and sales volume of a separate product group are considered.

Introduction 3

1 Theoretical foundations for the formation of the marketing strategy of an enterprise 6

1.1 Essence and theoretical foundations of marketing 6

1.2 Sales strategies of the enterprise 16

1.3 Organization of activities of an enterprise operating in the field of repair services 28

2 Analysis of the effectiveness of the marketing strategy of MLZ LLC 37

2.1 Technical and economic characteristics of MLZ LLC 37

2.2 Analysis of the external and internal environment of MLZ LLC 43

2.3 Analysis of the effectiveness of the sales strategy of the enterprise 58

3.1 Development of mechanisms for the formation of the marketing strategy of MLZ LLC 70

3.2 Measures to change the sales structure of LLC MLZ products 7 5

3.3 Calculation and justification of the introduction of the production of new products 77

Conclusion 91

List of sources used 94

Applications 98


Sales should be understood as a set of procedures for promoting finished products to the market (forming demand, receiving and processing orders, completing and preparing products for shipment to customers, loading products onto a vehicle and transporting them to a place of sale or destination) and organizing payments for it (establishing conditions and implementation of procedures for settlements with buyers for shipped products).

The main purpose of marketing is the realization of the economic interest of the manufacturer (obtaining entrepreneurial profit) on the basis of satisfying the effective demand of consumers.

Although marketing is the final stage of the economic activity of a commodity producer, in market conditions, marketing planning precedes the production stage and consists in studying the market situation and the production capabilities of the enterprise to produce demanded (promising) products and in drawing up sales plans, on the basis of which supply and production plans should be formed.

Optimization of the system of organization and control of sales is able to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise in harsh market conditions.

A marketing strategy is a long-term and medium-term decision on the formation and change of marketing channels, as well as the processes of physical movement of goods in time and space in market conditions. The sales strategy, as in other elements of the marketing mix, is a kind of “fairway” in which the company will move in its quest to achieve its goals.

A marketing strategy is developed for different markets, different products (if the company produces not a single product, but several), stages of the product life cycle, and for other reasons. Formulation process

Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, including eight paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the problem under consideration, defines the goal, objectives, subject and object of research, discloses its theoretical and information base, formulates scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance,

In the first chapter the theoretical and methodological basis for the formation of the marketing strategy of the enterprise is studied.

In the second chapter the history of the development of the organization, the goals and subject of activity, the organizational structure are given, the analysis of the marketing activities of LLC "MLZ" is carried out.

In the third chapter the main directions for the development of the marketing policy of MLZ LLC were determined.

In custody the main conclusions are formulated and recommendations are given to improve the efficiency of marketing activities of MLZ LLC.



For most markets, the physical or psychological distance between the manufacturer and the end users is such that effective matching of supply and demand requires intermediaries.

The need for a distribution network is due to the fact that the manufacturer is not able to assume all the responsibilities and functions that follow from the requirements of free exchange in accordance with the expectations of potential consumers. Turning to intermediaries means for the enterprise the loss of control over certain elements of the commercialization process, therefore, for the enterprise, the choice of a distribution network, i.e. distribution channels is a strategic decision that must be compatible not only with the expectations of the target segment, but also with the company's own goals.

A distribution network can be defined as a structure formed by partners who participate in a process of competitive exchange in order to provide goods and services to individual consumers of production users. These partners are manufacturers, resellers and end users (consumers).

Sales is understood as transportation, warehousing, storage, refinement, promotion to wholesale and retail trade links, pre-sale preparation and sale of goods, i.e. marketing is a system of all activities that are carried out after the release of products from the gates of the enterprise and culminate in the sale. Marketing is understood both in the narrow and in the broad sense of the word. Sales in the broadest sense of the word are all operations from the moment the goods leave the enterprise until the moment the purchased goods are transferred to the buyer. In a narrow sense, marketing is only the final operation, i.e. relationship between seller and buyer. Marketing of products in the enterprise is one of the aspects of the commercial activity of the enterprise. Sales is a means of achieving the goals of the enterprise and the final stage of identifying the tastes and preferences of customers. Sales of products for the enterprise is important for a number of reasons: sales volume determines other indicators of the enterprise (income, profit, profitability level); production and logistics depend on sales; in the process of marketing, the result of the enterprise's work is finally determined, aimed at expanding the volume of activities and maximizing profits.

The role of sales is as follows:

  1. in the field of marketing, the final result of all the efforts of the enterprise aimed at developing production and maximizing profits is determined;
  2. adapting the distribution network to the needs of customers, creating maximum convenience for them before, during and after the purchase of goods, the manufacturer has a much better chance of winning in the competition;
  3. the marketing network, as it were, continues the production process, taking upon itself the refinement of the goods, its preparation for sale (sorting, packing, packaging);
  4. during the sale, it is more effective to identify and study the tastes and preferences of consumers.
  5. marketing activity, being in a certain sense a continuation of production, not only preserves the created use value and value of the goods, but creates additional ones, thereby increasing its overall value;
  6. marketing activities, being aimed at the commercial completion of the marketing and material completion of the production

due to their technological nature, they constitute the main content of warehouse and transport logistics.

So, marketing activity is the process of promoting the final (intermediate) products manufactured by specific enterprises to the market and its sale to consumer organizations (production goods) and individual consumers (consumer goods). Sales is a set of organizational, planned and operational management activities related to the supply, sale and promotion of products from the supplier to the consumer. .

Table 2 shows the classification of the principles of organizing the sales service at the enterprise, depending on the marketing factors.

Table 2 - Classification of the principles of organization of the sales service at the enterprise

Organizational principles

Sales factors

Structural construction

Functional principle

Limited range of finished products produced by the enterprise

Functional departments or groups

Product principle

A wide range of finished products manufactured by the enterprise

Departments by groups of finished products

Geographic principle

A variety of regions for the sale of finished products to consumers

Divisions by territorial division

By consumer

A limited number of consumers with a wide range of consumption of finished products

Departments by customer or customer group

Combined principle

A wide range of finished products and a significant number of consumers

Departments or groups organized along different lines

The principles used in building the organizational structure of the sales service of an enterprise are classified into the following forms of organization: the principle of functional organization; product principle (organization by product groups); geographical principle (regional organization); principle of organization according to individual consumers or groups In practice, a number of combinations of the organizational principles shown in table 3 are possible, the so-called combined principle, which can be the result of a simple combination of several marketing schemes for finished products or the result of carefully thought-out decisions caused by an increase in the volume of production or expansion of its assortment, the emergence of new channels or markets.

As practice shows, the wider the range of products and the greater the volume of its production, the greater the number of consumers and the more diverse the range of products received by each consumer, the more difficult it is to organize the shipment of products to consumers and the more time it takes to record and control deliveries, the greater the volume of sales operations and procedures. and, consequently, the organizational structure of the sales department is more complex. A variety of delivery forms, an increase in small transit consumers, and the absence of sorting centers also lead to a complication of the organizational structure of the sales department.


Sales strategy - long-term planning, sales organization and management methodology that allows you to successfully implement the sales philosophy of a particular seller.

The classification of marketing strategies is shown in Figure 1.

Deep Market Penetration Strategyis to find ways for the firm to increase sales of its products in already developed markets with the help of more aggressive marketing. This strategy is effective when the market is still expanding or not yet saturated. The company seeks to expand the sale of existing products in existing markets through the intensification of product distribution, offensive promotion of products and the use of the most competitive prices. This increases sales: it attracts those who have not used the products of this company before, but

Also, the economic bureau is engaged in summing up the submitted applications to the supply department and the department of external orders from the departments of the shop and transferring them to these departments of the plant. The sales department maintains daily operational communication with all production departments of MLZ LLC that produce finished products, as well as communication with the departments: production and technical, planning and economic, department of foreign economic relations, logistics department, main accounting department, financial department, transport - control room (table 4).

Table 4 - Functions of the sales service in conjunction with the activities of the divisions of the enterprise LLC "MLZ" 2

Structural division of the enterprise

Interaction of the sales service with the departments of the enterprise on specific issues

Technical department

Submits and receives inquiries about the technical feasibility of manufacturing the requested products.

Production Department

Provides information about orders not completed within the time specified in the contract. Gets production information.

Information Computing Center

Receives information about the software and the operation of computer technology.

Legal Department

Receives advice on legislation from experts in the legal department.

Contract department

Receives information about prices, upon request - invoices for prepayment, information about the distribution of funds for the order. Provides information necessary for concluding contracts, opening orders.

Financial department

Receives information about the receipt of funds to the current account. Provides data on planned cash receipts, data on accounts payable.

Information and analytical department

Provides data necessary for the operation of the department. Receives information on competitors' prices, exhibitions, etc.

Economic department

Gets information about the price of products.

for the needs of OAO SinTZ, the degree of influence of this category is insignificant. At the next stage of the analysis, we will assess the impact of suppliers on the activities of MLZ LLC.

Figure 6 shows graphically the market share of the main competitors of MLZ LLC.

Figure 6 - Market share of the main competitors of MLZ LLC 3

At the "Mechano-Foundry Plant" in the production process, a huge amount of consumables is needed, the main of which include: rolled metal, fluxes, brick (for molding in the foundry), hard alloy and high-alloy steels (for the tool shop), wood (for the model site). As of 07/01/2012, about 30 suppliers supply the necessary component materials to the LLC MLZ enterprise, the most significant are presented in Table 8.

Table 8 - Analysis of the suppliers of MLZ LLC according to the data for the first half of 2012 4

Main Suppliers

Purchase volume, thousand rubles

Specific weight, %



OJSC "Bogdanovichevsky Refractories"



Tech-TRADE LLC, Yekaterinburg


JSC "Kamensk-Stalkonstruktsiya"


CJSC "Kataysky pumping plant", Kataysk


LLC RMS "Mechanic", Yekaterinburg


OAO SinTZ, Kamensk-Uralsky


CJSC Oil Engineering Company, Yekaterinburg


CJSC NPO "Ural Center for Technological Equipment", Chelyabinsk


Promtekhoborudovaniye LLC, Dolmatovo


Other providers




Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the standardization of supply channels, the absence of a “single-supplier” and the importance of the company as a client in the eyes of suppliers indicate a slight influence on the part of suppliers. In addition, all suppliers of MLZ LLC are located in the Sverdlovsk region or neighboring regions. There are no major suppliers.

Figure 7 shows the purchase volumes of MLZ LLC from the main suppliers for the first half of 2012.

Figure 7 - Volumes of purchases by MLZ LLC from the main suppliers for the first half of 2012 5

Great dependence on buyers (customers) endangers the efficiency of the enterprise. Commodity policy consists in the constant improvement of production and manufactured goods, and managers are also interested in marketing their products, i.e. The objective of the organization is to meet the needs and interests of the target markets, to provide the desired satisfaction in a more efficient way, while at the same time enhancing the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole.

Figure 9 - The share of orders of OAO "SinTZ" for 2010-2012,% 6

At the next stage of the analysis, we will evaluate the renewal coefficient for the range of services of MLZ LLC (Table 15).

Table 15 - Calculation of the coefficient of renewal of the range of services for LLC "MLZ" for 2009 - 2010 7

Product group name

Number of nomenclatures (names of goods) by product group, pcs.

Assortment update rate







Hardfacing Services


Manufacture of lifting mechanisms


Forgings, casting


Heat treatment


Production of welded structures


Manufacturing of metal structures


metal cutting


Tool making




Category Y - resources are characterized by known trends in determining the need for them (for example, seasonal fluctuations) and average possibilities for their forecasting. The value of the coefficient of variation is from 10 to 25%.

Category Z - resource consumption is irregular, there are no trends, forecasting accuracy is low. The value of the coefficient of variation is over 25%. There are several varieties of XYZ - analysis, for example, analysis of planned data with actual data, which gives a more accurate % deviation from the forecast.

Very often XYZ-analysis is carried out in conjunction with ABC-analysis, allowing you to select more accurate groups, regarding their properties. The coefficient of variation is the ratio of the standard deviation to the arithmetic mean of the measured resource values. Calculated according to the formulas:

, (1)

, (2)

, (3)

where v - the coefficient of variation;

σ - standard deviation;

arithmetic mean;

I-th value of the statistical series;

n - the number of values ​​in the static series.

We will distribute goods by groups X , Y and Z , based on the initial data presented in Table 17.


The goods are characterized by sales stability and therefore, there are rich sales forecasting opportunities. The coefficient of variation does not exceed 10%. Fluctuations in demand for goods are insignificant, demand is stable, which means that it is possible to make optimal stocks of these goods and use mathematical methods for forecasting demand and optimal stock.

there are no fluctuations in demand for goods, as a result, it is impossible to create an average sales forecast. The coefficient of variation ranges from 10% to 25%. There is a deviation from the average sales value, but its size fluctuates within reasonable limits - within 25%.

goods, the consumption of which is irregular, there are no trends, the accuracy of the sales forecast is not high. The coefficient of variation exceeds 25% and may be greater than 100%. These may be goods brought in by order of customers or recently on sale.

Table 18 held XYZ - analysis according to the data on the sale of selected product nomenclatures for the six months.

Table 18 - Carrying out XYZ - analysis according to the sales data of selected product nomenclatures for the half year of 20129.

Product range

Standard deviation

The coefficient of variation, %



























rolling stands






Mandrels pierced








End of table 18

Product range

Revenue from the sale of marketable products, thousand rubles.

Average monthly sales, thousand rubles

Standard deviation

The coefficient of variation, %






















Insert Matrices

Welded structures









Break-in mandrels

























Table 18 shows that some categories are in constant demand and the sale of their products can be predicted quite accurately. These headings include the following goods: rollers; wheels; matrices; piercing mandrels; rolling mandrels; calibers.

However, goods in such categories as pulleys, punches, rolling stands are sold irregularly. It is worth taking a closer look at these categories, perhaps the supply of goods included in them is carried out intermittently, or the irregularity of demand is the result of a promotion that stimulated short-term demand. Particular attention should also be paid to the products of the group X , especially if their contribution to the overall turnover or profit is small. Probably, the size of the delivery is fixed depending on the order, and the goods are sold with a zero balance until the next delivery. In this case, the demand for such a product should be further investigated. In order to form an effective product range, it is proposed to exclude unpromising product nomenclatures from production, and produce the most promising commodity items. This proposal will be considered in more detail in the third chapter of the thesis.

T is the coefficient of reduction (discounting) of the cash flow to the beginning of the project implementation.

, (11)

where E is the discount rate or rate, shares of units;

T is the ordinal number of the year whose inflows and outflows are reduced to the initial year.

Let us determine the economic efficiency of the proposed proposals using the net present value method (hereinafter NPV). For basic calculations, it is necessary to calculate the reduction factor through the discount rate. For our project, the discount rate will be set at 18%. (7% rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and 11% risk component). The data obtained are summarized in table 25.

Table 25 - Calculation of the reduction factor 10

Calculation step (year)

Reduction factor






The increase in net income at step t depends on the increase in results and costs at this step or the increase in inflow and increase in cash outflow. Calculation of the NPV from the strategy implementation activity is presented in Table 26. The table summarizes the data calculated using the formulas presented above (taking into account the reduction factor).


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Topic: Planning for the sale (sale) of the company's products


1. Goals, objectives and content of the marketing activities of the enterprise

2. Organization of marketing activities of the enterprise

2.1. Brief description of the enterprise

2.2. Characteristics of distribution channels

2.2.1. Determination of the length of distribution channels and the cost of their maintenance

2.2.2. Evaluation of the effectiveness of existing distribution channels

3. Planning the marketing activities of the enterprise

3.1. Prospects for the development of the enterprise

3.2. Development of variants of the plan for the sale of the company's products, evaluation of their effectiveness and selection of the most appropriate




The sale of manufactured products is an integral part of the activities of industrial enterprises in the conditions of market relations. The firm can count on real commercial success only under the condition of a rationally organized distribution and exchange, i.e. sales of products. In the chain "production - distribution - exchange - consumption", the last three links fall on the share of marketing activities. To ensure the effective sale of manufactured goods, an enterprise must carry out a set of targeted actions that ensure the movement of goods in the market space, active influence on pricing policy.

The organization of the distribution of the product of the enterprise is based on the orientation to satisfy the diverse needs of the end consumer and a set of actions to bring the product as close as possible to the target group of consumers. The choice of orientation and method of satisfying the needs of consumers is the essence of the "policy" of the company in the field of sales.

The marketing policy of a manufacturer of products should be considered as a purposeful activity, the principles and methods of implementation of which are designed to organize the movement of the flow of goods to the final consumer. The main task is to create conditions for the transformation of the needs of a potential buyer into a real demand for a particular product. These conditions include elements of marketing policy, distribution capital (sales, distribution of goods) along with the functions they are endowed with.

Scientists-economists distinguish two approaches in determining the essence of "sales". According to the first, marketing operations begin from the moment the product leaves the enterprise and end with the transfer of the goods to the buyer. Sales, in the broad sense of this concept, is the process of selling industrial products in order to convert goods into money and satisfy the needs and needs of buyers.

The specifics of sales in the narrow sense covers only the final phase of the reproduction process - direct communication between the seller and the buyer, and most economists refer to all other operations in the field of "sales" as commodity circulation. This is due to the fact that a transaction in direct communication between sellers and buyers is influenced by many factors related to the external environment (the atmosphere of the place of sale) in which it takes place.

The main goal in this course work is to study the methodological foundations of planning the sale of the company's products and develop a plan for the sale of products on the example of Lesko OJSC.

The subject of the study in the work is the marketing activity of the enterprise, the object of the study is the enterprise of OAO Lesko.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Explore the theoretical foundations of marketing activities at the enterprise;

To characterize the distribution channels of products;

Assess the effectiveness of existing distribution channels;

Develop options for a plan for the sale of enterprise products;


Sales policy has traditionally been paid less attention by enterprises compared to the development of product, pricing, communication and service policies. Only when it was impossible to achieve competitive advantages in these areas, the gaze turned to marketing policy. Meanwhile, it is in the field of marketing that it is most difficult to copy successful solutions, since this is due to the complexity of the problems being solved, the relative “hiddenness” of the steps taken from prying eyes, and the delayed manifestation of a successful combination of organizational and human resources.

Sales is an area of ​​activity where the company's goals are ultimately realized. Sales is the process of moving goods from producer to consumer, including transportation of goods, warehousing, storage, maintaining stocks at the right level, promotion to wholesalers and retailers, pre-sales preparation, ordering, documentation and insurance, monitoring the movement of goods and selling goods. .

Due to its complexity, the sales process cannot be considered as a one-time event, it must be part of a deeply thought-out long-term strategy of the company. In accordance with the goals of the company, a sales plan as a whole should be developed, then a plan for product groups and individual products, a plan for individual markets, a plan for sales representatives and, in the case of large customers, a plan for consumers.

The main elements of marketing activities are the following:

Transportation of products - its physical movement from the producer to the consumer;

Finalization of products - selection, sorting, assembly of the finished product, etc., which increases the degree of availability and readiness of products for consumption;

Storage of products - the organization of the creation and maintenance of its necessary stocks;

The main purpose of marketing is the realization of the economic interest of the manufacturer (receiving entrepreneurial profit) on the basis of satisfying the effective demand of consumers.

The main tasks of marketing activities:

Deliver the goods to such a place, at such a time and in such quantity that it most suits the consumer;

To attract the attention of the consumer to the product, to interest him.

Marketing policy is a behavioral philosophy or general principles of activity that a company is going to follow in the field of building channels for distributing its product and moving goods in time and space.

In this context, the main principles of activities in the field of distribution can be called the following:


Comprehensive consideration of marketing information regarding the requirements of buyers, the needs and problems of potential participants in the distribution channel, their own marketing costs, the marketing policy of competitors, the state policy in the field of regulation of contracts and agreements with other market participants;


Coordination (compatibility of decisions made on sales with decisions in the field of goods, pricing, communications and service);

Consistency (consideration of sales and other marketing tools as elements that cause a synergistic effect from their joint use);

Flexibility (willingness to revise their positions if necessary).

In other words, marketing activity is the conscious management of the distribution of goods.

In accordance with the basic principles of the marketing policy, a marketing strategy is developed, and then tactics. A marketing strategy is a long-term and medium-term decision on the formation and change of marketing channels, as well as the processes of physical movement of goods in time and space in market conditions. A marketing strategy is developed for different markets, different products, product life cycle stages, and for other reasons.

Sales tactics are short-term and one-time events. Tactical measures are aimed at eliminating the deformation that occurs in the activities of production units and the sales network due to unforeseen changes in market conditions, errors of management personnel and can lead to a complete contradiction with the strategic goals of the company. The essence of all sales policy is revealed in the process of planning and implementing strategic and tactical actions.

The tool for influencing the consumer on the part of the enterprise in the framework of the marketing policy is the marketing mechanism. This mechanism includes, on the one hand, distribution channels, their structure, the very process of choosing marketing channels, and, on the other hand, actions to develop and implement marketing activities for the physical distribution of goods.

The following can be used as decision-making criteria in the implementation of marketing activities: the value of turnover; market share; distribution costs; the degree of branching of the distribution network; the image of distribution channels, that is, organizations that ensure the distribution and marketing of goods; the level of cooperation of subjects in the distribution system, which ensures the reduction of conflict and commercial risk; flexibility and survivability of the distribution network.

The distribution network may include the following entities: distribution bodies of the manufacturer; marketing intermediaries; marketing partners.

As a marketing intermediary, as a rule, wholesale and retail enterprises with economic and legal independence act.

The main marketing methods are:

Trading systems, including centralized and decentralized sales;

Own or external forms of sales organization;

Direct and indirect marketing through trade intermediary enterprises (distribution routes).

Depending on the number of intermediaries in the distribution system, the channel level is set, which can be a law firm or an individual that performs the functions of moving goods from producer to consumer. The number of intermediate levels can characterize the length of the channel. The zero-level channel, for example, does not include an intermediary, since the manufacturer, using his own internal or external formations, transfers the goods directly to consumers.

When planning sales activities, an enterprise focuses on choosing not one of any possible channels, but the best combination of these channels, taking into account not momentary benefits, but the development of long-term relationships with business partners.

2. Organization of marketing activities of the enterprise

2.1. Brief description of the enterprise JSC "LesCo"

The timber processing enterprise Open Joint Stock Company JSC "LesKo" is an independent organization formed as a result of contributions from private individuals.

Registered in the village of Malinovsky of the Soviet District, production began on May 1, 1994.

JSC "LesCo" operates on the basis of the charter of an open joint stock company. The main goal of the Company is to make a profit.

JSC "LesCo" carries out the following activities:

    complex processing of wood, including the production of sawn timber, technological chips and other consumer goods;

    sales of timber products;

    trade and intermediary activities;

    foreign economic activity;

    construction and operation of industrial and social facilities;

    other types of activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The authorized capital of OAO Lesko is six million rubles.

The joint-stock company has put into circulation three thousand ordinary shares with a par value of two thousand rubles. All shares are fully paid.

The total payroll is 130 people.

The main activity of JSC "LesCo" is the processing of round wood, small-sized and low-grade into sawn timber for export and domestic purposes. Lumpy waste is used for the production of technological chips, which are sold for export.

In 2010, a program was adopted to increase volumes by processing low-grade and small-sized wood that is not sold in round form, as well as to increase the efficiency of sawn timber production due to their deeper processing - the production of dry sawn timber. This is due to the fact that currently manufactured products (raw lumber) are not competitive in the foreign market.

The domestic market is limited by the declining needs of the national economy. The Chinese market mainly receives raw sawn timber produced by enterprises of the region with Chinese capital. By producing and exporting lumber to China, they are ousting similar products from Russian manufacturers from the Chinese market.

As part of the implementation of the adopted program in 2010, shop No. 2 was built for processing small-sized and low-grade wood, capable of processing wood with a diameter of 10-20 centimeters into lumber that is in demand in the Japanese market.

For 10 years, LesCo OJSC has been supplying products to the Japanese market through its partner, the Sumi company. In recent years, the requirements of buyers have become increasingly higher. This is due to the fact that the Japanese market is supplied with high-quality wood from other countries.

The main requirements for lumber today are:

    wood moisture should not exceed 14 percent

    wood must be processed in the longitudinal direction on four sides on a planer

Despite the fact that such wood is more expensive, an increasing number of buyers prefer it.

Achieving the goals of the enterprise and internal control is ensured by the implementation of tasks in which the interconnection and interaction of its various elements is required to achieve general or specific indicators (boundaries), by which one can judge the effectiveness of management and development of the organization from different angles. The main performance indicators of the enterprise can be characterized by the following points: raw materials sawn, p/m produced, including for export, wood chips produced, revenue from sales, cost of sales, profit from sales, balance sheet profit, net profit.


Dynamics of the main indicators of the products manufactured by the timber processing enterprise JSC "LesKo"

Sawn raw materials

Produced p/m

including for export

Chips produced

Table 2.1 shows that the share of escort products is increasing, and the production of lumber as a whole is decreasing, due to an increase in the quality requirements for products.

From this we can conclude that the production of products is aimed at its quality, not quantity.


Dynamics of financial results from sold products.

Course $ C.B

Revenue from products sold

Cost of goods sold

Profit of sold products.

balance profit.

Net profit.

From the dynamics of the main indicators of manufactured products and financial results from the sale of products, it can be seen that the profit of Lesko OJSC depends on the export of sawn timber (all wood chips are exported), sawn timber is supplied to the domestic market in small batches.

      Characteristics of distribution channels

The choice of a method of marketing products is an integral part of marketing planning in an enterprise and involves the interpretation of all the activities of the company, it is necessary to plan and organize the system of marketing products from the manufacturer to the recipient accordingly.

The process of organizing the distribution of goods includes the following steps

    choice of stock storage location and storage method;

    determination of the system of movement of goods;

    introduction of a stock management system;

    establishing an order processing procedure;

    choice of means of transportation of products.

With the effective organization of the movement of goods, each of these stages is planned as an integral part of a well-balanced and logically constructed overall system.

Despite the fact that there are only two main classification features (the basis of the organization of the system and the number of intermediaries), relations between the manufacturer, resellers and end users can take on many types and forms.

The most active role in these relations belongs to the manufacturer, which, when choosing a sales system, first of all takes into account the risk factor of product distribution, and also evaluates the costs of sales and profit.

The positions occupied by firms in relation to sales have features that allow classifying sales by type (table 2.3).

The direct marketing system provides for the direct sale of products to the final consumer. Accordingly, they are connected by a direct distribution channel. Its distinguishing feature is the ability for the manufacturer to control the way the product passes to the final consumer, as well as the conditions for its implementation.

However, in this case, the company incurs significant non-production costs due to the need to create expensive inventory, and spends a large amount of resources on the function of directly bringing (selling) the goods to the end consumer, while assuming all the commercial risks of product distribution.

At the same time, from the position of the manufacturer, the advantage of this form of marketing is its right to the maximum amount of profit that can be earned from the sale of manufactured products (services).

Table 1.1.

Classification of sales types

Classification sign

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation