Development of a corporate identity for a beauty salon. Aria of beauty: corporate identity for an elite salon. Corporate identity of beauty salons for men: barbershops


Branding of the beauty salon "Philosophy of Style"

"Philosophy of Style" is a beauty and style studio in the center of Moscow for modern business people living in the rhythm of the metropolis. The brand was designed with the expectation of creating express studios located in high-class business centers or near office buildings of a similar level. That is why the copywriters of the branding agency put in the brand name a sense of a highly professional approach, but with an acceptable price positioning. At the same time, the important requirement for the development of the name was the clarity of the content of services for consumers, as well as its law enforcement. The task was implemented taking into account these requirements, and the selected Brand Name was registered as a trademark.

To create a favorable brand image, a logo was developed in the style of a modern, refined monogram, reflecting high standards of service quality. To ensure a holistic perception of the brand by consumers, a set of marketing activities was carried out aimed at developing a full-fledged corporate identity for a beauty salon. This guide includes a detailed description of the standards for the design of key advertising and POS materials, as well as for the design of all brand attributes. The brand book of the beauty salon describes all the possibilities of using the logo, corporate fonts and additional graphics. The purpose of this guide is to develop uniform standards for the design of all visual components of the brand in a single style to ensure the growth of consumer loyalty and brand awareness.

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Each institution, one way or another, seeks to increase sales, and competition forces them to take some action. The owner of a beautiful business needs to focus on what would give the institution originality and originality. It is for this that the corporate identity of the beauty salon is created.

So, you have to develop a corporate identity for a beauty salon.

What does it mean? First of all, you need to figure out what elements it consists of.

Trademark- the central element of corporate identity. By the way, the concept of a trademark is not entirely appropriate in this case.

A trademark is a registered figurative, verbal, three-dimensional, sound designation, or a combination of them, which is used to identify a specific product. Only the owner of the trademark can use it.

A corporate identity for a beauty salon cannot be created without a trademark. This item has the following functions:

  • facilitating the perception of differences or creating differences;
  • assigning a name to a product/company;
  • facilitating product/company identification;
  • facilitating the memorization of the product / company;
  • indication of the origin of the goods / company;
  • communication of information about the product/company;
  • stimulation of consumer demand;
  • guarantee symbol.

Corporate type inscription (logo). The logo is the original style or abbreviated name of the institution / product, reflecting the corporate identity. The logo has 4-7 letters. Like any other normal identifier, the logo is distinguished by its uniqueness. By the way, a mark cannot be registered if it is not unique. If the font inscription turned out well, then the corporate identity of the beauty salon will attract a large number of customers.

Brand block is a traditional, often mentioned combination of several elements that form the corporate identity of a beauty salon. This is a pictorial trademark or logo. The corporate block, as a rule, is supplemented with the full official name of the company, postal and bank details, and the corporate slogan.

Corporate slogan (slogan) is the original slogan that the firm constantly uses. By the way, sometimes the slogan is registered as a trademark. The corporate identity of a beauty salon becomes special if the institution has not only its own logo, trademark, etc., but also a well-remembered, original motto.

Slogans are a reflection of the basic principles and priorities of the organization. For example, Philips: "Let's change lives for the better!".

Sometimes the slogan is based on customer care. For example, Johnson & Johnson: "We care about you and your health!". When developing a corporate identity for a beauty salon, you need to pay attention to creating a creative slogan.

Sometimes slogans emphasize one of the exceptional qualities of the company. For example, Rank Xerox: "We taught the world to copy!". Also, the motto of the company can emphasize its achievements and authority. For example, Sony: "This is Sony!".

Corporate color. The development of a corporate identity for a beauty salon involves the mandatory definition of a color with which the establishment will be associated. Thanks to this important element, the salon becomes more attractive to customers. Some products and services have secured certain colors that evoke vivid associations among buyers. For example, McDonalds uses yellow and red as its corporate colors, while Kodak uses gold and yellow. When developing a corporate identity for a beauty salon, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of color perception of men and women.

If the trademark is properly registered, then the corporate identity of the beauty salon, including its colors, will have legal protection. It is important to understand that the trademark will be protected only in this color version. If it is registered as a black and white version, then legal protection will extend to its reproduction in any colors. Of course, when developing a corporate identity for a beauty salon, you need to take into account such nuances.

Corporate font set allows you to focus on the various features of the brand, makes the corporate identity of the beauty salon more memorable and original.

Corporate Hero Introduction is an important part of corporate identity development. The created character is a permanent and stable representative of the company. The hero is endowed with the features with which the institution will be associated. For example, Kviki the rabbit makes children happy, makes them laugh and has fun with them. Clown Ronald McDonald creates a sense of celebration. If you create such a character, then the corporate identity of the beauty salon will be very different from most competitors.

Permanent communicator- real face. The firm chooses a specific person who becomes an intermediary between the organization and the consumer of the product. Thanks to this, the corporate identity of the beauty salon inspires confidence among consumers.

Branded clothing. The corporate identity of the beauty salon should also cover the clothes of the staff. Some items of clothing will signal that a person is an employee of this institution.

Some American firms have created special codes that define the clothes that can be worn. They are based on elegance, conservatism and a sense of proportion. By the way, elegance is an international concept. The corporate identity of a beauty salon may involve a certain form of clothing for the establishment's specialists and attendants.

The introduction of the principles of corporate culture should be carried out with great care. Do not violate the individuality of employees, their characteristics. The desire to dress every specialist in a strict uniform can turn into a failure, because. productivity is likely to drop significantly. Therefore, when developing a corporate identity for a beauty salon, it is necessary to adequately assess whether some of its elements are appropriate in this institution.

Other proprietary constants. This includes hymns, legends, banners, etc. Some of these elements have a significant impact on the corporate identity of a beauty salon. Sometimes a company has an emblem that is not a trademark, but is constantly used and causes certain associations among consumers.

We are also talking about branded design features. For example, the BMW grille is distinguished by its consistency, despite the fact that the appearance of cars changes.

The corporate identity of a beauty salon includes many elements. Its creation is by no means an easy task. We recommend contacting specialists if you want the corporate identity of the beauty salon to be exclusive.

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What gives a corporate identity to a beauty salon

Recognition. No one doubts that advertising is the engine of trade. But, if there is no corporate identity for a beauty salon, then the effectiveness of advertising campaigns is significantly reduced. Thanks to the symbolism, advertising messages are combined and have the desired effect on the consumer. The corporate identity of the beauty salon is also created with the help of signboards, advertising printing, outdoor advertising. All this ensures the recognition of the institution.

Identification. In modern conditions, it is not so easy to make yourself known on the market, and to arouse the interest of customers is even more difficult. The corporate identity of the beauty salon allows you to solve this problem. If you choose bright and memorable symbols and regularly interact with consumers, then the result will not have to wait so long. Over time, the salon will begin to recognize, distinguish it from similar establishments. As you understand, the development of a corporate identity for a beauty salon is something worth spending your time on.

Investment in the future. Advertising campaigns require a lot of investment. But the corporate identity of a beauty salon is a kind of "insurance" that you will need if for some reason a period of calm comes. Consumers who already know about your establishment and are confident in the quality of service are invaluable capital earned through the creation of a corporate identity. Even if advertising activity is stopped for some time, these customers will remain with you.

Economic benefit. Why is an advertising campaign not always effective? The reason may be that the addressee was chosen incorrectly, that the wrong communication channel was preferred, etc. The corporate identity of a beauty salon, as a rule, is developed taking into account the results of marketing research. Thanks to this, the target audience and its characteristics are determined. If you know your client thoroughly, that is, understand what he wants, what he will react to, and what he ignores, then you can significantly reduce advertising costs.

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Beauty salon corporate identity: examples with photos

Corporate identity of a beauty salon for men: features and chips

For a long time it was believed that only women were clients of beauty salons. However, establishments for men are no less popular, and such a business is also developing rapidly. The corporate identity of a beauty salon for men has its own characteristics.

The corporate identity of a beauty salon determines its success. The target audience that the institution focuses on must be taken into account when creating it. For example, if your clients are young people who want to experiment with their appearance, then the corporate identity of a beauty salon should meet their needs. It is advisable to offer guests of the institution such services as a creative haircut, piercing, depilation. If we are talking about a respectable businessman, then he will like the rejuvenating procedure, cutting his mustache. Of course, the format of the institution completely determines the corporate identity of the beauty salon.

Ways to influence the female audience will not work with men. When developing a corporate identity for a beauty salon, you need to take into account that the gender perception of colors, texts, and images has its own characteristics.

Of course, women's and men's beauty salons will differ in symbolism and colors. An exception is a creative institution designed for young people and girls. In this case, the corporate identity of the beauty salon may contain bright colors. Interior design also matters. Both men and women love comfort. The fair sex will appreciate the small details in the interior, and the strong half of humanity will pay attention to the situation as a whole. As you understand, in order to develop a corporate identity for a beauty salon, it is necessary to take into account numerous nuances.

A woman tends to make spontaneous decisions. Commercials on TV, a corporate identity for a beauty salon, a leaflet received from a promoter can attract her. A man likes to make informed decisions. He, as a rule, makes inquiries about this or that institution before visiting it. It is extremely important to create a "club" atmosphere in the men's salon, which men will tell their friends and buddies about. Then the corporate identity of a beauty salon for men will attract even more customers.

What are the carriers of corporate identity for a beauty salon

  • business card;
  • folder, letterhead, seal;
  • catalogue, booklet, flyer;
  • price-list;
  • a uniform;
  • corporate textiles;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • souvenir goods;
  • discount, club card.

Corporate identity development: two options

1. Both freelancers and full-time employees of the establishment can develop a corporate identity for a beauty salon. This will require a team of three people:

  • designer photographer;
  • marketing analyst;
  • programmer.

The working group is formed and divided into several mini-groups. Thanks to this, the corporate identity of the beauty salon is created faster and better.

It will take 2-4 weeks to develop a corporate identity for a beauty salon. When entrusting the work to freelancers, remember that they may not be the most responsible people, they may end up with an advance payment, or simply do something completely different from what you asked for.

2. Representatives of an art studio can also develop a corporate identity for a beauty salon. Their services include the following:

  • marketing research;
  • SWOT analysis;
  • naming;
  • logo design;
  • corporate set of fonts;
  • choice of corporate colors;
  • creation of polygraphy;
  • uniform design;
  • interior design;
  • professional photography;
  • creation of an advertising slogan, text;
  • creation of illustrations for promotional products;
  • creation of electronic presentations;
  • trademark registration.

Corporate identity and interior of a beauty salon, where SNIPs dictate their own rules

Space and style

In the room you will need to arrange everything necessary for the functioning of the salon. The owner will have to deal with the equipment of the hall, reception, dressing room, common rooms, treatment rooms, utility rooms, pantry, staff rest room, bathrooms.

When organizing the space, it is necessary to take into account not only the norms of sanitary and epidemiological supervision, but also the specialization and orientation of the salon. For example, an institution may have a hairdressing, cosmetic or manicure and pedicure bias. If this is the case, then it is important to allocate the best part of the premises specifically for those services on which the concept and corporate identity of the beauty salon are based.

As a rule, the salon has open and closed areas. The following areas are considered open: reception, waiting area, manicure area, hairdresser's room, and closed - SPA, massage, beauty parlor, staff room. The corporate style of a beauty salon should be a unifying element for all these premises.

Of course, first of all, a designer who develops a corporate identity for a beauty salon should start from the norms of SNIPs and GOSTs. When all these requirements are taken into account, you need to focus on the convenience of visitors to the salon. When organizing the space of the establishment, try to imagine yourself in the place of the client. Walk from the front door to the hairdresser's chair and see everything through the eyes of a visitor. It is important to pay attention to the places where the client stays the longest.

In many salons, the hairdressing room is a large open area, however, it is desirable that it does not turn into a "passage courtyard". It is extremely important that the manicure/pedicure room is located in a separate room. If this is not possible, it is advisable to use a thin decorative partition. Of course, the staff room and utility room must be hidden from visitors, otherwise even the most sophisticated corporate identity of a beauty salon will not save you from customer dissatisfaction.

The entrance group should be organized so that the administrator has the opportunity to pour tea / coffee for the client without losing sight of the reception and the front door. It is desirable that the wardrobe for outerwear is not too close to the entrance, because the risk of theft of an expensive fur coat is still present. However, it must be positioned so that it is easily accessible to customers. If the corporate style of the beauty salon as a whole and each room separately is impeccable, then most likely the visitor will not be outraged if he is offered to wait a little on a cozy sofa. With a beautifully designed glass display case, the sales of home care products will greatly increase.

class affiliation

The corporate style of a beauty salon determines its concept and segment. For example, if we are talking about an economy class establishment, then the use of elaborate decor elements will look inappropriate.

As a rule, the corporate style of an economy class beauty salon is eclectic, that is, it combines various modern elements. Finishing is carried out using inexpensive decorative materials and equipment.

The owner of a business class cabin will not save on finishing materials, equipment and furniture. The design of such establishments, as a rule, is carried out in the style of "loft". In addition, the corporate identity of the business class beauty salon allows the use of additional decorative elements and stylistic solutions.

An elite salon is usually designed in a classic style. Unfortunately, finding equipment that matches the style of the establishment can be problematic. Therefore, it is acceptable to use a modern style with elements of the classics (forged chandelier, antique mirror, stucco).

It is desirable that all rooms have a single corporate identity for a beauty salon. It is better to use the same finish, style. The unified corporate identity of the beauty salon in all rooms will allow you to easily change rooms if necessary. By the way, we recommend taking care of the presence of mobile partitions and guides for them. Thanks to them, you can, if necessary, combine or separate some zones.

Interior and exterior

Each visual component of the brand, including a signboard, outdoor advertising, business cards, interiors, must have a single corporate identity for a beauty salon. When a potential client sees your advertisement, flyer, leaflet, etc., he immediately understands what kind of establishment he is talking about.

If the interior, exterior and branded products are not united by the corporate identity of the beauty salon, then nothing good will come of it. Of course, you should not go to the other extreme, that is, decorate all the premises in branded colors, either. Try to find a reasonable combination, and then the corporate identity of the beauty salon will gradually increase its recognition.

If we are talking about a franchising model of a beautiful business, then in such a situation the owner will have to strictly follow all the recommendations of brand identification. As a rule, the owner is offered a detailed brand book, which describes the style, colors, corporate identity of the beauty salon, and its concept.

The same applies to representative salons of a certain cosmetic brand, as they are aimed at advertising their products. The design of the premises must match the color, symbolism and concept of the cosmetic brand.

How to create a corporate identity for a beauty salon at low cost

Do you want to create a corporate identity for a beauty salon, but you do not have enough funds for this? Interior decoration without large investments is possible using the following techniques:

  1. Textiles and prints. To buy new furniture and equipment will need a considerable amount of money. In case of financial difficulties, you can contact an organization that reupholsters sofas, chairs, armchairs, etc. The appearance of furniture will improve significantly if you change the upholstery, and updated curtains that echo them in color will give the salon a special sophistication. As you can see, the corporate identity of a beauty salon can be created at a low cost.
  2. Decorative elements. A refined atmosphere in the salon can be created with the help of paintings, posters, vases, jewelry, flower arrangements, and other decorative elements. Thanks to them, you can change the corporate identity of the beauty salon and the mood of the premises from time to time.
  3. Lighting. With the help of new lighting scenarios, you can transform the space. You will be able to place accents, emphasize geometry, etc. However, it is important to understand that the illumination of workplaces should not be compromised due to the fact that the designer decided to update the corporate identity of the beauty salon.

Thanks to color schemes, you can also change the mood of the interior. If the establishment emphasizes its comfort and coziness, then it is decorated in pastel colors. Many clients love finishes that look like natural wood, stone, sand. If the target audience of the salon are young people, then it is advisable to use bright colors. The corporate identity of a beauty salon largely depends on which clients the establishment is oriented towards.

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Creating a brand for a beauty salon is a service that can be ordered from Yudu performers. Each master who places an offer of his services on this platform has a proven level of professionalism, therefore, in cooperation with him, the client will receive a guaranteed high result.

Beauty salon brand development

Beauty salons today are perhaps the most demanded segment of the services market. Regardless of the economic situation in the country, people have not stopped visiting salons and will continue to do so. Due to the high competition in this environment, it is becoming more and more difficult to bring a new beauty salon to the market. That is why the first thing to think about is the development of a strong brand that will become a guarantee of quality service in a beauty salon and will only give positive impressions to potential customers.

What does creating a brand for a beauty salon involve? A brand for a beauty salon is a kind of positive message for a certain audience, so it must be elegant, luxurious and solid at the same time. Creating and developing a professional brand that meets these requirements includes several stages:

  • Naming (it is necessary to create a name for the brand, which will be inciting and motivational)
  • Creation of a bright slogan (conscript orientation)
  • Development of a strong brand image for a beauty salon
  • The need to develop a stylish logo that will be remembered by potential customers for a long time

The steps listed above are not the whole set of activities required to create a successful beauty salon brand. Deeper work in this field of activity is carried out by professionals, based on the requirements and wishes of customers.

How to order a strong brand for a beauty salon?

It is most expedient to order a new successful brand for a beauty salon from professionals or freelancers who have the necessary skills in this area, and also have a portfolio that confirms the high class and level of skill. You can find these experts:

  • In specialized companies that include brand developers who provide similar services
  • From freelancers who place offers of their services on special exchanges at a low price (in this case, the brand creator may not have the necessary work skills)
  • Yudu performers, who also work as freelancers, but at the same time guarantee timely and high-quality completion of the task at an affordable price and regardless of its complexity

Using the third option, the customer will receive economic benefits, as well as a number of other advantages.

Benefits of cooperation with YouDo performers

Turning to Yudu performers who offer such a service as developing a brand for a beauty salon, each customer who has placed an order has the right to count on:

  • Prompt and high-quality execution of branding work for a beauty salon
  • Deep research of the market and the competitive environment to obtain the most reliable data
  • Development of a bright, strong beauty salon brand that will be a positive message for the target audience
  • Significant savings in material resources, since Yudu performers set adequate prices for their services

You can order the development of a brand for a beauty salon from Yudu performers inexpensively, since the cost of this type of work is determined by the complexity of the task.

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