Social partnership of the library on the formation of life safety. Approximate form of the agreement on social partnership. Social partnership in cultural and leisure activities for the elderly


Improving the forms and methods of library work, expanding the range of services provided, increasing competitiveness in the specialized market, on the one hand, and the need to develop resources, on the other, create objective prerequisites for the participation of libraries as one of the full partners of social cooperation.

The modern library is an institution that accumulates the interests of almost all sectors of society. The gradual formation of the foundations of a rule of law state, ensuring the transparency of the activities of power structures at different levels, improving the legislative system, broad and reliable information of citizens to ensure their informed political choice, and the development of the non-state sector of the economy create an opportunity to implement long-term library initiatives as opposed to short-term changes in the situation. This is the reason for the need for professional cooperation of libraries with various institutions, organizations, and movements.

The versatility of library activities allows you to create multilateral partnership projects that combine the efforts of several partners to solve common problems. Social partnership with the participation of the municipal library today can be legitimately considered as a socio-cultural phenomenon, which objectively acts as one of the important conditions for the development of territorial library services.

But at the same time, it should be noted that in order to obtain a significant economic and social effect from social partnership activities, their organizational and legal aspects should be clearly defined. Theorists and practitioners have not yet fully identified the subjects of social partnership in relation to librarianship. As the subjects of partnership, mainly institutions of culture, education, and the recreational sphere are considered. The essence of social partnership as a socio-political democratic institution, which is replacing the social practice of the undivided domination of state property, is to create such conditions for interaction under which a combination of interests of all social groups and communities will be realized on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation, and not competition.

Social partnership has undeniable prospects for the development of all forms of library activity and deserves closer study in order to apply it in the practical activities of municipal libraries.

The fundamental organizational aspects of the creation and development of social partnership are: determining one's place in the socio-cultural space of the service area; implementation of the development strategy; establishment of sustainable relationships with various structures of the territorial entity on the basis of legal regulation.

It is impossible to present a complete picture of the emergence, functioning and development of social partnership as one of the factors for improving territorial library services without classifying its types. Adapting the approach of the prominent researcher of the problem, the American sociologist A. Diamond, we propose the following classification of the types of social partnership that develops in the practice of library work in a municipality.

Civil partnership. It is implemented on the basis of the "first sector" of civil society, which includes: government structures, legislative structures, etc. Of paramount importance for municipal libraries is partnership with municipal authorities, the possibility of establishing which determines the fact that (with all the differences between these social institutions) in this period of the formation of civil society in the country, a transformation of their activities is taking place.

The social modernization of libraries puts forward the tasks of changing the content of information and library work, developing new social functions, adapting to the new socio-political and economic environment at the level of the municipality. The above circumstances predetermine changes in relationships and behavior stereotypes, the creation of fundamentally new models of interaction. The process of formation of a social institution of local self-government of library services based on social partnership. Legislatively, the model of relations between the library and the authorities is enshrined in the first part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (1994), the federal law "On Library Science" (1994), and regional legislative acts. Authorities are the founders of municipal libraries, and libraries are institutions formed with the aim of implementing the tasks delegated by the society to the authorities. The founder determines for the library a list of functions and directions of its activity, which correlates with the needs of the population. In turn, the library must perform the functions assigned by the founder, making their proposals for their addition and development.

The most important innovation for libraries associated with the reform of local self-government was their actual transfer to the direct undivided jurisdiction of local authorities, including in terms of resource provision. The main provisions of the Federal Law "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation" dated 6 October. 2003 No. 131-FZ, which establish the legal, territorial, organizational and economic norms for the functioning of local self-government in the Russian Federation, will fully enter into force on January 1, 2009. In this regard, the primary task of municipal libraries is to form a system of relationships with authorities and other subjects of municipal formations from the standpoint of a social institution. In this context, libraries should be considered as an active subject, and not a passive object of municipal policy, which is important to fix in the legal field, which is being formed in accordance with the above-mentioned federal law.

Considering social partnership as a condition for an effective territorial library strategy, one should not lose sight of such an important aspect of it as economic cooperation with authorities. With a significant reduction in state funding, one of the priority tasks of library policy is to prove to local administration officials the need to actively promote the development of the library, additional (program-targeted) funding for its activities to solve the problems of free access to information, spiritual development of the individual. At present, when the local community is increasingly declaring its interests, the demand for the library by the population, the correspondence of the level of tasks to be solved to the level of user needs directly affect the attitude of the local authorities towards the library. The effectiveness of the library as the main resource of information for the municipality, without which the normal functioning of socially useful areas is impossible, is largely determined by the amount of budget funding. In the practice of municipal libraries, such a mechanism of social partnership with local authorities as targeted financial support for project activities should be fully used. In a number of regions, one of its types is municipal grants in the field of culture, provided on a competitive basis, as well as investing in targeted programs of libraries to provide additional social services to the population.

Partnership with information organizations. This partnership option includes organizations that contribute to the formation of civil society through the dissemination of various types of information. Partnership with information organizations allows libraries to carry out the development of library marketing policy, form a positive image of the library and its employees among the population, government and public structures, position the library's ability to meet the needs of the local community. Among the potential participants in such a social partnership, first of all, the mass media should be singled out. Informational support of library campaigns from the media helps to promote the book and motivate reading, attracting new ones to the library. This type of library partnership has been most actively used by municipal libraries in recent years.

Promising is partnership with book publishing and bookselling firms. There are many examples of developing cooperation between libraries and bookselling organizations. The active participation of the library in the formation of the municipal book market makes it possible to introduce elements of organization into its spontaneous state. The basis for this kind of partnership is the fact that library specialists are professionals in the field of book business, are constantly connected not only with products, but also with its consumers from various social strata, freely orient themselves in the range of publications and the book market conditions.

One of the directions of this type of modern partnership is the innovative activity of libraries in the field of mastering information technologies. The implementation of an integrated approach to the problems associated with the formation and development of an external territorial information space, the information system of a municipality, involves not only solving the issues of collecting funds with traditional documents, but also developing technologies that expand the possibilities and efficiency of information and bibliographic services. In this regard, partnerships are being developed with distributors offering modern information products and technologies.

Satisfying the needs of the user of a modern library involves the creation of a comfortable library environment. In this regard, the latest achievements in ergonomics, design art, and the possibilities of a highly efficient internal information system should be used. All of the above requirements cannot always be provided by the efforts of the library staff alone, therefore, the partnership of libraries with outdoor advertising studios, design agencies, which can also be classified as information dissemination organizations, has become widespread.

Partnership with cultural organizations. Partnership in the field of culture is traditionally common in the practice of library work. But here, too, new trends have been observed in recent years. Libraries act as a guarantor of the preservation of traditional book culture, the development of general cultural trends, and ensure the availability of cultural values ​​to all social strata of the population. The partnership between libraries and museums has been developing most actively throughout the last decade, which is largely due to the coincidence of the memorial function that both museums and libraries perform.

Partnership with educational institutions. Partnership in the field of education is quite widely represented in the practice of municipal libraries and is based on many years of cooperation between libraries and organizations and institutions related to the library in terms of goals and objectives of work. This type of partnership is altruistic, develops on a non-commercial basis and solves, first of all, the tasks of the local community related to the widest range of information requests in the field of education and upbringing.

The role of the library is to provide information support for the curricula of basic and additional education, to promote the expansion and deepening of the educational process, to study, accumulate and disseminate information about regional educational resources. Institutions of all types of education traditionally coordinate their activities with information and library institutions in matters of education.

Partnership with public organizations and associations. Democratic transformations, the formation and development of civil society in the Russian Federation involve the expansion and strengthening of public structures, the most important of which are public associations. The possibilities of joint activities of libraries and local non-profit organizations are predetermined in their initially socially oriented activities. Public associations include political parties, mass movements, women's youth and children's organizations, creative unions, communities, associations and other voluntary associations of citizens.

The involvement of public (non-governmental) organizations in cooperation seems to be especially important for positioning the library as the center of the local community, it implies the active functioning of the library as a component of the information and communication network that unites the activities of the third sector of civil society and library institutions at the municipal level.

The social partnership that develops between the library and public organizations can be divided into the following subtypes: partnership with creative informal organizations; with environmental organizations and movements; human rights organizations; with women's, children's and youth organizations, etc.

Economic partnership. The acquisition by libraries of legal and economic independence marked the beginning of the development of partnerships based on economic cooperation, mutually beneficial for both libraries and organizations entering into economic relations with them. The empirical material obtained in the course of the study allows us to conclude that economic cooperation is often not perceived quite adequately by the library community. An economic approach to the problem of reproduction and increase of library resources should take into account the original social essence of the library and provide for the priority solution of the social problems of the population served. Obtaining material benefits for the library in the process of economic cooperation is not an end in itself, but an intermediate result, one of the conditions for further solving a social problem.

Social and economic cooperation should become the central vector of social partnership. The amount of funding is directly related to socially significant and economically viable projects that consolidate efforts to achieve the goal of various forces of the local community. Moreover, the sources of financing can be not only the local budget, but also the funds of various funds, as well as commercial structures. It is the social significance of library programs aimed at meeting consumer demand that creates the basis for extrabudgetary additional funding.

Libraries often partner with economic associations and networks of commercial and industrial organizations, as well as independent economic and business entities. Among them are industrial and production structures.

Departments of industrial literature and other structures providing information services to industrial enterprises are being created in libraries. The areas of cooperation that have become widespread in the practice of libraries are: the fulfillment by libraries of social and creative orders for participation in sociological research, the packaging of information on the topics of the customer, the provision of regulatory documents, including standards, norms and rules, holding days of information and days of specialists in quality management, etc.

The modern period of the development of libraries as independent economic entities, the expansion of the rights and economic opportunities of labor collectives provide an opportunity to expand the choice of partnership subjects. Economic partnerships include partnerships with small and medium-sized businesses, which most often develop in two areas: information and library services for small and medium-sized businesses, co-financing of library projects by business structures.

Thus, the search for social partners is an important activity of a modern library, directly related to the success and purposefulness of its activities.

Municipal Autonomous Institution of Additional Education of Khabarovsk "Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth", hereinafter referred to as MAU DO "TsRTDiY", hereinafter referred to as the Center, represented by the director, Gurevich Natalia Grigoryevna, acting on the basis of the charter on the one hand, and the organization ________________________________ referred to as hereinafter referred to as the "Organization", represented by ______________________________________________, acting on the basis of ____________________________, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to jointly as the "Parties", have concluded this Agreement on social partnership in the field of holding various events aimed at military-patriotic and spiritual and moral education, as well as improving the system of physical development of young people, holding joint sports and military-patriotic events.

    Subject of the contract

The subject of this agreement is the mechanism of social partnership between the Center and the Organization based on mutually beneficial interests.

    Goals and objectives of joint activities

    1. The main goal of social partnership is cooperation in the development and implementation of socially significant activities in solving statutory tasks, joint activities, improving the culture of business interaction, expanding the network of social contacts.

      Tasks of social partnership:

      Carrying out educational work on issues of civic and patriotic education;

      Conducting cultural, sports and other events for the students of the Center;

      1. development of social partnership in the educational field;

        ensuring the improvement of the content of education and organization of the educational process;

        provision of mutual services, participation in joint projects and other types of joint activities that do not contradict the law;

3. Main activities

3.1. Teaching and educational activities:

Cultural events;

Sports events;

Joint charitable actions


4. Rights

4.1. The parties have the right:

Provide technical and organizational assistance on mutually agreed terms;

Perform priority exchange of information, if this does not contradict previously accepted obligations;

Refuse proposals if it is not economically viable or if the Party is not able to fulfill this order properly;

Develop scenarios and conduct joint public events.

5. Obligations of the parties

5.1. The Parties undertake:

5.1.1. Qualitatively and on time to carry out the types of work provided for by the contract in the areas of cooperation.

5.1.2. Participate in the joint implementation of educational projects
(concerts, excursions, creative laboratories, etc.), providing an innovative and proactive professional environment.

    1. The Center is committed to:

      1. Participate in the development and implementation of plans and joint projects.

        Timely inform and coordinate plans and dates for joint events;

        Provide the material and technical base necessary for the implementation of the agreed activities;

      The organization is committed to:

5.3.1. Timely inform and coordinate plans and dates for joint events;

5.3.2. Inform students:

About the timing of events;

About the venue of the event;

About the change in the schedule of events.

    Responsibility of the Parties

    1. In their mutual relations the Parties are guided by this Agreement. Issues not specified in the Agreement are governed by the current legislation.

      The parties undertake not to disclose information that became known in the course of joint activities.

    Contract time

    1. This Agreement shall enter into force and become binding from the moment of signing.

      The Agreement is considered extended for the next year, if neither Party notifies the other of the refusal to participate in the Agreement no later than two months before the expiration of its validity.

    Special conditions

    1. The terms of the Agreement may be changed at the suggestion of one of the Parties only with the written consent of the other Party. Proposals to change the terms of the Agreement are considered within a month.

      This Agreement is made in two copies, having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.

    Legal addresses.

Municipal Autonomous Institution of Additional Education of Khabarovsk "Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth"

680001, Khabarovsk Territory,

Khabarovsk, st. Mounting, 40

tel.: 53-89-51


_______________ / N.G. Gurevich











Boikova O.F.
Social partnership. Contractual regulation of legal relations in the library sphere (Part 1)

[ Directory of the head of the cultural institution. - 2006. - No. 3. - P. 93-105]

Social partnership is a civilized system of social relations based on the coordination and protection of the interests of employees, employers, representatives of state authorities and local self-government through the conclusion of contracts, agreements, reaching compromises, consensuses on topical economic and socio-political problems.

Let's consider the main issues of social partnership on the example of the library industry.

Social partnership as a new stage in library development

In the library sector, social partnerships are developing both at the internal and external levels. In the first case, they represent the process of forming social and labor relations in teams and help to solve such important issues for libraries as:

• improvement of working conditions; • wages, including the establishment of allowances and other benefits; • social assistance and protection of workers; • organization of the system of training and retraining of library personnel.

In the second case, this is the interaction of libraries with all subjects of society: users, authorities, business structures, public organizations, publishing houses, bookselling associations, other libraries, as well as with domestic and foreign charitable foundations.

Libraries often do not have enough of their own strength to solve such important social problems as, for example, improving library and information services for users based on computerization, improving acquisitions and preserving funds. This requires joint efforts, i.e. social partnership.

Today is actively developing:

• interdepartmental interaction of libraries of various types (university, pedagogical, school, music, museum); • their interdepartmental interaction; • interaction of libraries with other organizations outside the professional system.

The importance of partnerships for the cooperation of libraries with other organizations, as well as for the regulation of internal labor relations, is discussed in detail at professional meetings, scientific and practical conferences of heads of federal and regional libraries in Russia. The library community exchanges tried and tested methods of attracting additional (extrabudgetary) funds, opportunities for more active creation of a single library and information space through the introduction and dissemination of advanced computer technologies, and the creation of corporate systems. Legal issues are analyzed, such as: development of contractual relations with partners; opportunities for salary increases; social assistance and protection of librarians; features of the development of constituent and local regulatory and legal library documents. All this allows us to conclude that social partnership strengthens the position of libraries in the renewing socio-cultural environment of Russian regions.

Libraries are currently mastering the stage of formation of non-commercial social and business partnerships.

The nature and content of relations between libraries change significantly if they are based on coordination, cooperation and integration. Social partnership mostly develops on the basis of contractual relations, for which new local regulations are being developed, for example: statutory documents of libraries, rules of use, job descriptions.

Legislation regulating social partnership

The legal field for the development of library partnerships is regulated by the norms of both general and sectoral legislation.

The basic principles of social partnership are proclaimed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which determined the range of socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural issues. The legal foundation of social partnership is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which:

• regulates fundamental relations in the life of society; • regulates the obligations of the parties on a contractual basis; • determines the legal status of all participants in civil transactions, the grounds for the emergence and procedure for exercising the right of ownership, the right to the results of intellectual activity; • regulates contractual relations, as well as other property and related personal non-property relations.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation is a universal act, the norms of which apply both to citizens (in the context of a library - to individual users), and to all other individuals and legal entities engaged in partnership in various areas of activity.

With regard to the development of partnerships between libraries, the most relevant are the provisions of the legislation on the conclusion of contracts:

• purchase and sale, exchange, donation; • lease, sublease; • contracts, supply of goods for state needs, provision of paid services (including library and information services), performance of research, development and technological works; • loan (credit); • insurance, compulsory state insurance. Legislative acts regulating contractual relations together constitute the legal foundation on the basis of which qualitatively new partnerships are being established between libraries interacting both with each other and with public authorities, local government, various organizations, trade unions and employers.

The regulation on partnerships between libraries of various types, libraries and centers of scientific and technical information, archives, as well as on the labor relations of library workers on a contractual basis is enshrined in the Federal Law of December 29, 1994 No. No. 78-FZ). Article 26 Ch. VI "Organization of interaction between libraries" of Law No. 78-FZ is devoted to the regulation of labor relations between the library administration and library workers in accordance with labor legislation. Law No. 78-FZ establishes the need for periodic certification of library workers.

Issues of improving the working conditions of library workers and their economic situation are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The section "Social partnership in the sphere of labor" defines social partnership as a system of relationships between employees (representatives of employees), employers (representatives of employers), state authorities and local governments, aimed at ensuring the coordination of interests on the regulation of labor relations and other directly related economic relations with them.

The system of social partnership in the sphere of labor consists of five levels:

• federal; • regional (in the subject of the Russian Federation); • branch (in branch, branches); • territorial (in the municipality: city, district, etc.); • specific organization (library).

This allows solving the tasks inherent in each of them by contractual regulation, combination and coordination of interests (sometimes conflicting) using established rules and procedural norms.

Forms, methods and mechanisms of legal regulation of social partnership on a contractual basis are also indicated in federal laws No. 175-FZ of November 23, 1995 “On the procedure for resolving collective labor disputes” and No. 156-FZ of November 27, 2002 “On associations of employers” (hereinafter - Law No. 156-FZ), as well as in the Law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1992 No. 2490-1 “On collective agreements and agreements” (hereinafter - Law No. 2490-1). The norms contained in them are the legal foundation for the formation and development of a new type of labor socio-economic relations in libraries.

Principles of social partnership

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation has fixed the basic principles of social partnership, which create the basis and determine the general direction of regulation of intra-industry relations. The most important among them are:

• tripartism (tripartism) in accordance with the international legal regulation of labor relations; • equality, respect for the parties, their interest in contractual relations; • observance by the parties and their representatives of laws and other normative acts; • Ensuring freedom of choice when discussing issues within the scope of work, voluntariness and reality of the obligations assumed by the parties; • State assistance in strengthening and developing social partnership on a democratic basis.

Control over the implementation of collective agreements, agreements is carried out by the parties to the social partnership, their representatives, and the relevant labor authorities. In this case, the representatives of the parties are obliged to provide each other with the necessary information.

For failure to comply with a collective agreement or agreement in Ch. 9 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 5.28-5.31 of the RF Code of Administrative Offenses provides for legal liability.

In accordance with Art. 25 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the parties to social partnership are employees and employers represented by duly authorized representatives. In relation to libraries, the parties to social partnership, as a rule, are employees and representatives of the administration.

Representation in social partnership

The interaction of social partners or their representatives, the convergence of all positions and the coordination of interests are carried out in different ways. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the main forms of social partnership that allow using various legal means to regulate labor relations in libraries (Article 27), namely:

• Collective negotiations on the preparation and conclusion of collective agreements, agreements; • Mutual consultations (negotiations) on issues of labor regulation, guarantees of labor rights and improvement of labor legislation; • participation of employees and their representatives in the management of the organization, including the library; • participation of employees' and employers' representatives in the judicial resolution of labor disputes.

Chapter 4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 29~34) establishes the representation of employees and employers as social partners.

Representatives of employees in the social partnership are trade unions, their organizations, associations provided for by the charters of all-Russian trade unions, or other representatives elected by employees.

The interests of library workers in the management of the institution and the consideration of labor disputes are represented by the primary trade union organization (trade union committee) or other representatives elected by the workers. In the absence of a trade union committee or if it combines less than half of the library staff, employees can entrust the representation of their interests to someone else (Articles 29, 31 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Employees who are not members of a trade union have the right to authorize the trade union body of the library to represent their interests in relations with the employer.

Representatives of the employer in the social partnership in accordance with Art. 33 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are the head of the library or persons authorized by him.

During the conduct of collective bargaining and the conclusion of agreements, as well as the resolution of labor disputes about them, the interests of employers are represented by associations of employers corresponding to the level of agreements.

In accordance with Law No. 156-FZ, an association of employers is a non-profit organization that unites employers on a voluntary basis to represent and protect the interests of its members in social partnership with trade unions, state authorities and local self-government. This form of partnership is based on the membership of employers (legal entities and individuals). Representatives of employers - libraries at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal libraries financed from the relevant budgets, may be executive authorities of either a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local self-government, respectively.

Bodies of social partnership

The bodies of social partnership are the commissions created by partners for the regulation of social and labor relations at all the above five levels.

At the federal level, a tripartite standing commission is formed to regulate social and labor relations. Its legal status is determined by Federal Law No. 92-FZ of May 1, 1999 “On the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations”. It consists of representatives of all-Russian associations of trade unions, all-Russian associations of employers and the Government of the Russian Federation.

In a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (at the regional level), a tripartite commission may be formed to regulate social and labor relations on its territory, the activities of which are regulated by the law of the constituent entity of the Federation.

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - autonomous republics, territories, regions - the process of formation of regional legislation is currently underway, which determines the features of the development of social partnership and labor relations in libraries of specific regions.

On the one hand, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, relevant regional laws on social partnership are adopted to regulate labor relations. On the other hand, the issues of social partnership in the sphere of labor are included in the regional legislative acts on librarianship, where there are sections regulating the issues of remuneration and allowances for library workers, ensuring social protection and social guarantees. Thus, similar provisions are found in legislative acts on librarianship in the Republic of Karelia, Altai Territory, Belgorod, Pskov, Kamchatka, Kirov, Ivanovo, Ryazan, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Tula and other regions.

At the territorial level, the activities of tripartite commissions are regulated by regulations on commissions approved by the representative bodies of local self-government.

Industry commissions are possible both at the federal level* and at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

At the library level, the formation of a commission is necessary for collective bargaining, preparation and conclusion of a collective agreement.

Collective agreement

The procedure for conducting collective bargaining and the development of social partnerships at levels above the library are regulated by the above-mentioned Law No. 2490-1, which establishes the legal framework and principles for the development, conclusion and operation of collective agreements and agreements, and also expands the scope of partnership regulation of working conditions and socio-economic issues of labor.

Taking into account the new socio-economic conditions, Law No. 2490-1 defines:

• the concepts of "collective agreement" and "social partnership agreement"; • types and content of collective agreements and social guarantees for their implementation; • the procedure for resolving disagreements arising in the course of collective bargaining.

A collective agreement is a legal act that regulates social and labor relations in a particular library. It is between its employees and employers represented by their representatives.

The parties to the collective agreement, the content, conditions and procedure for its conclusion, as well as monitoring the implementation are defined in Ch. 7 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 40-44).

In accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the library, regardless of its type and type, organizational and legal form and subordination, the issue of the need to conclude a bilateral collective agreement between the administration and the elected body of trade unions is decided by the labor collective, which also considers and approves its project.


Federal industry agreement between the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography and the Russian Trade Union of Cultural Workers for 2005-2007

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Industry Agreement (hereinafter - the Agreement) is concluded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and is aimed at protecting professional, labor rights, socio-economic interests and improving the living standards of employees of organizations and cultural institutions.

Agreement - a legal act that establishes the general principles for regulating social and labor relations and related economic relations, concluded between authorized representatives of employees and employers.

This Agreement is based on the current norms contained in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation "On collective agreements and agreements", "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture", "On employment in the Russian Federation", federal laws " On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Activities”, “On Amendments to the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and the Recognition of Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation as Invalid in Connection with the Adoption of Federal Laws “On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law “On the General Principles of Organization of Legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation "and" On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation "", "On the procedure for resolving collective labor disputes", the General agreement between all-Russian associations of trade unions unions, all-Russian associations of employers and the Government of the Russian Federation, other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of culture, the Regulations on the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2004 No. 291, and the Charter of the Russian Trade Union of Cultural Workers.

1.2. The Agreement applies to employees and employers who have authorized the respective representatives of the parties in collective bargaining to develop and conclude it on their behalf.

1.3. Based on the delegation of authority, the parties to the Agreement are:

• employers represented by their representative, the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography (hereinafter referred to as Roskultura); • employees of organizations and cultural institutions financed from the federal budget (hereinafter referred to as employees), represented by a representative - the Russian Trade Union of Cultural Workers (hereinafter referred to as the Trade Union).

1.4. The parties agreed that:

1.4.1. The trade union, its territorial, primary organizations act as authorized representatives of employees of organizations and cultural institutions:

• in the development and conclusion of collective agreements and agreements; • negotiating the protection of professional and social and labor rights; • wages (sizes of tariff rates (salaries), additional payments and allowances), amounts and forms of material incentives, labor standards, employment, hiring; conditions and labor protection, regime of work and rest,

as well as on other issues of social support for teams and individual employees.

1.4.2. Directly in organizations and cultural institutions, the regulation of labor, professional and socio-economic relations between employees and the employer is carried out by concluding a collective agreement. The collective agreement, taking into account the characteristics of the activities of the organization, institution and their financial capabilities, may establish additional benefits for employees in comparison with the norms and provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts and this Agreement.

1.4.3. During the term of the Agreement, the parties have the right to make additions and changes to it on the basis of mutual agreement.

1.4.4. None of the parties can unilaterally terminate the fulfillment of the obligations assumed during the term of the Agreement. Representatives of the parties who evade participation in collective bargaining on the conclusion, amendment of the Agreement (collective agreement), unlawfully refused to sign the agreed collective agreement (Agreement) or fulfill the obligations assumed, are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Articles 54, 55 of the Labor Code of the Russian federation).

1.4.5. During the validity period of this Agreement, the parties are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulates the procedure for resolving collective labor disputes, use all opportunities to resolve conflicts in order to prevent the use of extreme measures by labor collectives to resolve them - strikes.

1.5. The Parties to the Agreement bring the text of this Agreement to the attention of the federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, cultural organizations and institutions, territorial and primary organizations of the Trade Union and contribute to its implementation.

1.6. The trade union and its territorial organizations carry out a systematic analysis and generalization of the experience of collective agreements and territorial agreements concluded by organizations and cultural institutions.

1.7. The parties agreed that the course, intermediate and final results of the implementation of this Agreement, other agreements and collective agreements are regularly covered in the media.

1.8. The agreement was concluded for 2005-2007, comes into force from the moment of signing and is valid until December 31, 2007 inclusive.

1.9. In the event of reorganization of the parties to the Agreement, their rights and obligations under this Agreement shall pass to successors and remain until the conclusion of a new Agreement or the introduction of amendments and additions to this Agreement.

2. Obligations of the parties in the field of social and labor relations

2.1. Guided by the principles of social partnership based on mutual respect for positions, equality and consideration of interests, the parties undertake to:

2.1.1. To promote observance in organizations and cultural institutions of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.1.2. Contribute to raising the level of wages, improving social and labor relations, creating safe working conditions and protecting the health of employees of cultural institutions and organizations in accordance with labor legislation.

2.1.3. When carrying out the processes of denationalization and privatization, liquidation, reorganization of organizations and cultural institutions, conduct joint negotiations to achieve acceptable solutions to respect the rights and interests of employees.

2.2. An employment contract with employees of organizations and cultural institutions is concluded in accordance with the current labor legislation.

The terms of an employment contract that worsen the position of an employee in comparison with labor legislation are invalid.

3. Job security

3.1. The Parties believe that in the event of mass layoffs that have arisen in connection with the liquidation, reorganization of cultural institutions and organizations, the employer sends information to the Trade Union about possible mass layoffs of workers, the number, categories of those laid off, as well as the terms during which it is planned to carry out these activities.

In cases of mass dismissal of workers, employers and the Trade Union are guided by the criteria for mass dismissal of workers and the principles of interaction aimed at ensuring the employment of workers established by the Regulations on the organization of work to promote employment in conditions of mass dismissal, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation dated 05.02.93 No. 99.

3.2. The trade union undertakes, through elected trade union bodies, to represent the interests of trade union members in the liquidation of organizations, reduction of jobs, in resolving labor conflicts and to take measures to protect their legal rights.

3.3. Employers provide professional training, retraining and advanced training of employees.

4. Pay

4.1. The system of remuneration and incentives for work, including payment for work at night, weekends and non-working holidays, overtime work and in other cases, is determined in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and is reflected in collective agreements (agreements), taking into account opinions of the elected trade union body.

4.2. The performance by employees of additional types of work that are not included in the scope of their direct duties is carried out for an additional payment. The amount of payment is established by agreement of the parties to the employment contract and is determined in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. The remuneration of labor of workers engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions is established in accordance with Art. 147 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

An increased amount is also paid for the work of workers employed in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in other areas with special climatic conditions (Articles 146, 315 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

4.4. The remuneration of the heads of organizations, their deputies and chief accountants in organizations financed from the federal budget is made in the manner and in the amounts determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (Article 145 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

4.5. The introduction and revision of labor standards are carried out by the employer of the organization, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees.

Employees must be notified of the introduction of new labor standards no later than two months in advance (Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

4.6. Roskultura and the Trade Union take the necessary measures to ensure the timely payment in organizations and cultural institutions of direct management of wages, scholarships, benefits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Mode of work and rest

5.1. The working time regime in organizations and cultural institutions is determined by a collective agreement or internal labor regulations.

5.2. For employees of cultural institutions and organizations in accordance with Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of daily work (shift) can be established in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, local regulations, a collective agreement or an employment contract.

5.3. Overtime work is carried out only in cases provided for in Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, with the written consent of the employee. In other cases, involvement in overtime work is allowed with the written consent of the employee and taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body of this organization.

Payment for overtime work is made in accordance with Art. 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

5.4. The parties agreed that the involvement of creative workers of cinematography organizations, theaters, theater and concert organizations, circuses to work on weekends and non-working holidays is carried out in accordance with the lists of these categories and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 91 of the Labor Code Russian Federation).

5.5. The duration of the annual paid leave for all employees of the industry is established in accordance with the current legislation.

The sequence of granting paid vacations is determined annually in accordance with the vacation schedule approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body of this organization, no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year.

The employee must be notified of the start time of the vacation no later than two weeks before it starts.

5.6. Annual leave can be postponed or extended:

• in case of temporary disability of an employee; • when an employee performs public duties during the annual paid leave, if the law provides for exemption from work for this; • in other cases stipulated by the current legislation.

5.7. Annual additional paid holidays are provided to employees in accordance with applicable law.

Organizations, taking into account their production and financial capabilities, may independently establish additional holidays for employees, unless otherwise provided by federal laws. The procedure and conditions for granting these holidays are determined by collective agreements or local regulations.

5.8. Calculation of average earnings to pay for annual leave is carried out in accordance with applicable law.

6. Labor protection

6.1. Roskultura:

6.1.1. Carries out control and coordinates the activities of subordinate organizations to ensure labor protection, keeps records and regularly analyzes cases of industrial injuries of workers, summarizes state reporting in the form 7-T (injuries), 1-T (working conditions) “On the state of working conditions, benefits and compensation for work in adverse working conditions.

6.2. Employers:

6.2.1. They organize work on certification of workplaces and certification of work on labor protection in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Labor of Russia (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 14, 1997 No. 12 “On the certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions”).

6.2.2. They finance measures to improve working conditions and labor protection (Article 226 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

6.2.3. Take the necessary measures to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

6.2.4. Organize mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees employed in work with difficult and harmful working conditions in accordance with applicable law (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 16.08.04 No. 83).

6.2.5. Provide workers employed in jobs with harmful or dangerous working conditions with certified personal protective equipment, flushing and neutralizing agents, as well as milk or other equivalent food products in accordance with established standards.

6.3. Local trade union bodies, together with representatives of the employer, carry out:

• formation and organization of activities of joint committees (commissions) for labor protection; • work of authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions; • conducting public control of the state of labor protection, fire safety; • control over the fulfillment by cultural organizations and institutions of the requirements of laws and other normative legal acts on labor protection in order to ensure healthy and safe working conditions for industry workers (Article 370 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

7. Development of the social sphere, provision of benefits and compensations

7.1. Employer and Trade Union:

7.1.1. They provide full information about the rights and guarantees in the field of pensions, the legality of using lists of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators for which preferential pensions are established.

7.1.2. Employees of cultural organizations and institutions permanently residing and working in rural areas enjoy benefits for public services and other benefits established by law.

7.1.3. They may, in the manner and in the amount determined in the collective agreement, within their own funds, establish additional guarantees and compensations for employees of cultural institutions and organizations, as well as in other cases provided for by the current legislation.

<...>of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for resolving collective labor disputes", the General Agreement between all-Russian associations of trade unions, all-Russian associations of employers and the Government of the Russian Federation, this Agreement, the collective agreement.

8.2. The parties draw attention to the fact that employers:

8.2.1. Obliged to respect the rights and guarantees of the Trade Union, to promote its activities.

8.2.2. They provide the trade union body with organizations, cultural institutions free of charge with the necessary premises for the work of the trade union body itself and for holding meetings of workers, storing documentation, and also create other additional conditions for the activities of the elected trade union body, provided for in Art. 377 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

8.2.3. They do not prevent representatives of trade union bodies from visiting institutions and divisions where trade union members work in order to exercise the rights granted by law.

8.2.4. Provide the trade union body, at its request, with information, information and explanations on working conditions, wages, and other socio-economic issues.

8.2.5. Provide, in the presence of written applications from employees who are members of a trade union, as well as other employees who are not members of a trade union who are covered by the collective agreement, a monthly free transfer from the settlement account of the organization and cultural institution to the settlement accounts of the Trade Union of funds as trade union membership dues in the manner established by the collective agreement. The transfer of funds is made in full and simultaneously with the issuance by the bank of funds for wages.

8.2.6. Employers and the Trade Union may establish in the collective agreement additional guarantees for employees elected (delegated) to the bodies of the trade union who are not exempt from production and creative activity (work), in addition to those established by the current legislation.

8.2.7. Preservation for elected and full-time employees of the trade union body of social guarantees and benefits in force in the institution is determined in the collective agreement.

8.2.8. Work as the chairman of a trade union organization and as part of its elected body is recognized as significant for the activities of the institution and is taken into account when encouraging all employees.

9. Obligations of the Trade Union

The trade union, its territorial and primary organizations undertake:

9.1. Promote the implementation of this Agreement, collective agreements, reduce social tension in the labor collectives of the industry, using, among other things, the funds of the Trade Union.

9.2. Submit proposals to the relevant state authorities to improve labor legislation and social support for industry workers, conduct a public examination of draft laws and other regulatory legal acts.

9.3. Protect the labor, socio-economic and professional rights and interests of trade union members, including in judicial and other state bodies, provide free legal assistance to trade union members, other employees in accordance with the collective agreement.

9.4. To assist in providing employees of organizations and cultural institutions with vouchers for sanatorium treatment and recreation, organizing summer holidays and improving the health of children of workers in the industry.

9.5. Monitor and protect the guarantees of employees in matters of employment, dismissal, provision of benefits and compensation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, this Agreement and the collective agreement.

9.6. Use all forms of information support in order to most fully inform trade union organizations and trade union members about the activities of the parties to the Agreement to ensure the socio-economic rights and guarantees of industry workers.

9.7. Provide for in territorial agreements (collective agreements) the allocation of material assistance at the expense of own funds to the family of a person who died at work as a result of an accident that occurred through no fault of the employee.

10. Control and responsibility for the implementation of the Agreement

10.1. The parties exercise constant control over the implementation of the Agreement, informing each other about their actions, decisions made affecting the labor, socio-economic and professional interests of employees, provide the opportunity for the presence of representatives of the parties to the Agreement at collegial meetings of Roskultura and the Presidium of the Trade Union when considering issues related to the implementation of the Agreement .

10.2. If employers violate this Agreement and the Trade Union plans a strike, the Trade Union informs Roskultura of the situation at least two months before the planned date of the strike.

The parties take measures to resolve conflicts in order to prevent strikes.

Head of the Federal Agency
in culture and cinematography
M. Shvydkoi

Chairman of the Russian Trade Union
cultural workers
G. Paroshin

The agreement has passed notification registration with the Federal Service for Labor and Employment. Registration number 20/05-07.

Head of the Federal Service
for work and employment
M.L. Topilin

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The form of the document “Exemplary form of a social partnership agreement” refers to the heading “Property, health, liability insurance agreement”. Save the link to the document on social networks or download it to your computer.

Agreement on social partnership

___________________________________ "___" _________ 200__

(indicate the place of conclusion of the contract)

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement is concluded in accordance with the law

Russian Federation and determines the agreed positions of the Parties on

ensuring the stable and effective activities of the educational

institutions subordinate to the Federal Agency for Education.

1.2. This agreement establishes the general principles of regulation

social and labor relations in the field of education and related

economic relations, determines the general conditions of remuneration, labor

guarantees and benefits for employees of a general education institution called

hereinafter referred to as the "Institution".

1.3. This agreement is based on the Constitution of the Russian

Federation, Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Laws of the Russian

Federation "On Education" and "On Employment in the Russian

Federation", Federal laws "On trade unions, their rights and

guarantees of activities", "On the procedure for resolving collective labor

disputes", "On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation", General

agreement between the all-Russian associations of trade unions,

all-Russian associations of employers and the Government of the Russian

Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

1.4. This agreement shall be applicable when concluding

collective agreements, employment contracts with employees of the Institution, with

resolution of individual and collective labor disputes.

1.5. The parties to the social partnership agreement are employees

and the employer represented by authorized persons in accordance with the established procedure


Representatives of employees in the social partnership are

Trade union.

The interests of the employer are represented by the head of the Institution.

The subject of this agreement is the provision by the Parties

fulfillment of the obligations assumed to regulate the social and

labor and related economic relations in the Establishment.

The parties build their relations on the principles of social

partnership, which is a way of combining interests

employees and the employer, resolving conflicts arising between them

by reaching agreement and mutual understanding.

The agreement on social partnership is aimed at social

responsible regulation of labor issues, employment, quality improvement

working and living conditions of employees (members of their families), improvement

social insurance and is a system of measures,

allowing the employer and employees to participate jointly in the development

and the implementation of a coherent socio-economic policy as

federal level, and in the Institution by concluding a collective

agreements in the institution.

The Parties undertake to comply with the following principles of social


Confidential cooperation and prevention of social


Respect for mutual interests;

Coordination of their positions and actions on issues related to

implementation of measures to improve economic efficiency

activities of the Institution, which is the basis for ensuring the implementation

of this agreement, collective agreements and agreements.

1.6. The parties have agreed that:

1.6.1. In order to regulate social and labor and other related

relations between employees and the employer, must be concluded

collective agreement.

In the collective agreement, taking into account the specifics of the activity

The institution and its financial capacity can be established

additional benefits, guarantees, more favorable working conditions for

compared with those established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, other

normative legal acts, this agreement.

1.6.2. During the term of this Agreement, the Parties to

on the basis of mutual agreement have the right to make additions to it and

changes. Upon the occurrence of conditions requiring an addition or

amendments to this Agreement, the Party concerned sends the other

A party written notice of the start of negotiations in accordance with

the legislation of the Russian Federation and this agreement.

1.6.3. The parties may not, during the term of this

agreement to unilaterally terminate the fulfillment of the obligations assumed


1.6.4. The parties are interested in strengthening social partnership,

creating and maintaining harmonious relations, an atmosphere of mutual understanding and

trust at all levels, finding ways to resolve emerging disputes

issues through negotiations.

1.6.5. In case of reorganization (change of legal status)

Institutions of the rights and obligations of the parties under this agreement are transferred

to their successors and remain until the conclusion of a new contract or

amendments and additions to this Agreement.

1.6.6. The parties are responsible for evading participation in

collective bargaining on the conclusion, amendment of this agreement, for

failure to provide information necessary for the conduct of collective

negotiations and control over its observance, violation or

failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement, other

illegal actions (inaction) in accordance with the law

Russian Federation.

1.7. The Parties consider it expedient to jointly ensure:

1.7.1. Timely and full funding of the Institution for

approved in the federal budget items of expenditure of the economic

budget classification, including social expenditure items


1.7.2. Compliance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On

education" of the right of the Institution to independently develop an estimate for

rational use of extrabudgetary funds.

1.8. The parties agreed:

1.8.1. Based on articles 52 and 53 of the Labor Code of the Russian

Federation to provide in collective agreements specific forms

participation of employees (their representatives) in the management of the Establishment.

1.8.2. Provide for the allocation of extrabudgetary funds for

ensuring social protection of workers, determine the direction

the use of these funds with the participation of the trade union organization of the Institution.

1.8.3. In order to provide financial support to workers laid off in

due to downsizing or staffing, liquidation of the Institution or its

structural unit, provide for in collective agreements

the following measure of their social support:

Employees who, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation

"On Employment in the Russian Federation" at the suggestion of the authorities

employment service ahead of schedule assigned a pension, to produce a monthly

additional payment to the pension at the expense of the Institution in the amount of two minimum amounts

wages in the Russian Federation until the onset of age,

entitling to an old-age pension.

1.9. When conducting certification of pedagogical and managerial

employees of the Institution to be guided by the regulation on certification.

1.10. Facilitate and provide methodological assistance during the

regional competitions of pedagogical skills, as well as financial

assistance in organizing and conducting competitions.

2. Social partnership and coordination of actions of the Parties to the agreement

2.1. In order to develop and further deepen the social

partnership, the Parties undertake:

2.1.1. Establish on an equal and permanent basis a Commission for

regulation of social and labor relations, hereinafter referred to as the "Commission",

for collective bargaining, preparation of draft agreements and their

conclusion, development and approval of annual action plans for

implementation of this agreement, as well as for the implementation of the current

control over the implementation of this agreement.

The Commission has the right to give clarifications on the content and application

legal acts of social partnership concluded by the Parties.

The composition of the Commission and the term of its powers are determined by the Parties.

2.1.2. Conduct mutual consultations (negotiations) on issues

development and implementation of socio-economic policy, on issues

regulation of labor and other directly related relations,

ensuring guarantees of social and labor rights of employees of the Establishment and

other socially significant issues.

2.1.3. Ensure the participation of representatives of the other Party

of this treaty in the work of its governing bodies when considering

issues related to the fulfillment of obligations under this agreement;

provide the other Party with a complete, accurate and timely

information about decisions made affecting social and labor,

economic rights of workers.

a similar procedure for interaction in terms of providing complete,

reliable and timely information about decisions made,

affecting the social and labor, economic rights of employees.

2.1.4. Facilitate implementation in the Institution in cases where

provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the establishment or

changes in working conditions and other socio-economic conditions

agreement with the relevant elected trade union body.

The parties shall promptly provide each other with the received

regulatory information on these matters.

2.1.5. Differences that arise during collective bargaining

to regulate in accordance with the procedure established by labor legislation

Russian Federation.

3. Labor relations

3.1. When regulating labor relations, the parties proceed from the fact that

3.1.1. An employment contract with employees is concluded for an indefinite period.

term. The conclusion of an employment contract for a fixed period of not more than five

years (fixed-term employment contract) is allowed in cases where labor

relationship cannot be established indefinitely given

the nature of the work to be done or the conditions under which it is to be carried out, and

cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.1.2. Employment contract for a fixed period of not more than five years

is concluded with pedagogical workers in higher educational institutions.

Conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract when filling positions of scientific and

teaching staff, with the exception of the positions of the dean of the faculty and

head of the department, preceded by a competitive selection.

Competitive selection of applicants is carried out in accordance with

Regulations on the procedure for filling positions of scientific and pedagogical

employees in a higher educational institution of the Russian Federation, approved

order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The positions of the dean of the faculty and the head of the department are

elected. The procedure for elections to these positions is determined by the Charter

educational institution.

terminations are determined in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian


The parties to the employment contract determine its terms, taking into account

the provisions of the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian

Federation, collective agreement, Charter and other local acts


Conditions of an employment contract that reduce the level of rights and guarantees

employee, established by labor legislation, this contract,

other agreements and the collective agreement are invalid and

cannot be applied.

3.3. The employer is obliged when concluding an employment contract with

employee to acquaint him against signature with the Charter of the Institution, this

agreement, collective agreement, rules of internal labor

the order of the Institution and other local regulations,

operating in the Establishment and related to the labor function of the employee.

4. Pay and labor standards

4.1. The parties have agreed:

4.1.1. To make payment for employees of the Institution,

financed from the budget, on the basis of the Unified Tariff Scale (UTS) in

in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other

normative legal acts.

Tariff rate (salary) of the first category of the Unified tariff scale

determined by federal law.

determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4.1.3. Apply incentive and compensation payments (surcharges,

allowances, bonuses and others) in an Institution financed from the funds

federal budget, in the manner and under the conditions established

Government of the Russian Federation.

4.1.4. Monthly salary of a full-time worker

the norm of working hours determined for this period and who fulfilled the norms

labor (labor duties), cannot be lower than the established

federal minimum wage law.

4.1.5. The system of remuneration and incentives for work, including an increase in

wages for work at night, weekends and non-working holidays

days, overtime work and in other cases, is established

The employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body of the Institution.

The conditions of remuneration determined by the employment contract cannot

be worse than the conditions of remuneration established by

the legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal

acts, the collective agreement and this agreement.

4.1.6. Establishment of various bonus systems and other forms

stimulation of labor The employer carries out, taking into account the opinion of the elected

trade union body. These systems can also be installed

collective agreement, and in relation to individual employees - labor


4.1.7. Additional payments of a compensatory nature for the performance of work in

night work, overtime work, work on weekends and holidays,

established in the amounts provided for by the collective agreement,

employment contract, but not lower than the level established by the labor

the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.8. Tariffication of work, the name of the professions of workers and

positions of other employees is carried out according to the current Unified Tariff

qualification directory of works and professions of workers and

Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and

employees, tariff and qualification characteristics approved in

established procedure for public sector organizations.

4.1.9. The employer pays wages evenly,

at least twice a month, with the obligatory issuance of pay slips in

the terms established by the collective agreement, and bears the personal

responsibility for violation of the specified terms.

5. Working time and rest time

5.1. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for

teaching staff of educational institutions is established

reduced hours of work no more than 36 hours per week

for one wage rate (official salary). Depending on the

positions and (or) specialties of teaching staff, taking into account

characteristics of their work, the specific duration of working hours

(norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate)

regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated

pedagogical work for the wage rate) pedagogical

employees of educational institutions.

5.2. Involvement of individual employees of the Institution to work in

weekends and holidays are allowed in exceptional cases,

provided for by labor legislation, with written consent

workers, taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body of this

Institutions by written order (instruction) of the Employer.

Work on weekends and non-working holidays is not paid

less than double.

At the request of an employee who worked on a weekend or non-working

holiday, he may be granted another day of rest.

5.3. Provision of annual basic and additional

paid vacations are usually taken at the end of the academic year.

of the year during the summer period in accordance with the vacation schedule approved by

The employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body of the Institution,

not later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year, taking into account

the need to ensure the normal operation of the Institution and favorable

conditions for the rest of workers.

5.4. Splitting vacation, granting vacation in installments, transferring

vacation in whole or in part for another year, as well as a recall from vacation

allowed only with the consent of the employee. Vacation pay is not

later than three days before it starts.

5.5. Annual leave must be rescheduled

agreement between employees and employers in cases stipulated

legislation of the Russian Federation, including if employees

payment was not made on time during this vacation, or

employees were warned about the start time of the vacation later than two

weeks before it starts.

5.6. Establishment taking into account production and financial capabilities

may provide employees with additional paid leave for

account of available own funds, which are added to the annual

main vacation. Conditions of provision and duration of additional

paid holidays are stipulated in the collective agreement.

5.7. Employees may be granted paid leave

family circumstances (marriage registration or wedding of children, birth

child, caring for sick family members, death of family members and other

good reasons) on the terms provided for in the collective


5.8. Teaching staff of an educational institution at least

than every 10 years of continuous teaching are eligible

for a long vacation for up to one year, the procedure and conditions

the provision of which is determined by the founder or the Charter

educational institution.

6. Social guarantees, benefits, compensations

6.1. The parties proceed from the fact that:

6.1.1. teaching staff, including those working for

part-time conditions or performing pedagogical work in the same

An institution without holding a full-time position, in addition to the main job, as well as

executives whose activities are related to educational

process, monthly monetary compensation must be paid for

providing them with book publishing products and periodicals in

the amount provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation,

regardless of whether they are on vacation, on leave to care for

child until he reaches the age of three years, a period of temporary

disability and absence for other valid reasons, as well as

regardless of the study load.

6.2. Collective agreements should provide for

dismissal of employees for the first time due to retirement, regardless of

age, including disability groups 1 and 2, as well as

elected and full-time trade union workers payment at the expense of extrabudgetary

means of a one-time incentive for exceptionally conscientious work in


6.3. The specific amount and procedure for paying a one-time incentive

are established in the collective agreement, taking into account financial possibilities


6.4. The collective agreement of the Institution provides

the possibility of paying bonuses to employees in connection with anniversaries, and

after their retirement - every subsequent ____ years.

6.5. The specific amount and procedure for the payment of these bonuses, benefits

are established in the collective agreement of the Institution, but it cannot be

less than the minimum wage in the Russian Federation.

6.6. The collective agreement of the Institution provides for measures to

implementation of voluntary medical insurance for employees.

7. Conditions and labor protection

7.1. The parties have agreed:

7.1.1. Contribute to the creation of labor protection services in the Establishment, their

providing methodological aids.

7.1.2. Annually review reports on the state of labor protection,

industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

Institutions when establishing a disability group for an employee due to

accident at work at the expense of the Employer

a one-time disability benefit in the amount of not less than:

Group I - 0.75% of the annual earnings of this employee;

Group II - 0.5% of the annual earnings of this employee;

Group III - 0.25% of the annual earnings of this employee, excluding

the sum of the lump-sum insurance payment to the victim, provided for

Article 11 of the Federal Law "On compulsory social insurance against

accidents and occupational diseases.

7.2. Employer:

7.2.1. Carries out at the expense of the Institution and fund of social

insurance training and certification of employees on the knowledge of standards,

rules on labor protection and environmental safety.

7.2.2. Provides, at the expense of the Institution, the mandatory

preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic medical

examinations (examinations) of employees, as well as extraordinary medical

inspections (examinations) of employees at their request in accordance with

(positions) and average earnings at the time of passing the specified

medical checkups.

7.2.3. Provides unhindered access to representatives of authorities

trade union control, including legal and technical labor inspection

To conduct inspections of working conditions and labor protection in

Establishment and investigation of accidents and professional


7.2.4. Involves representatives of the trade union body (technical

labor inspectorate) to participate in the commissions for the acceptance of objects upon completion

construction of facilities for the Institution.

7.2.5. Provides funding sources for this contract.

7.2.6. Provides employees with transparency of ongoing

socio-economic policy in the Institution.

7.2.7. Takes all necessary measures to create working conditions,

meeting the requirements of labor protection.

7.2.8. In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian

The Federation shall take measures against the official through whose fault

or the terms of this agreement, collective agreements and


7.3. Trade union organization:

7.3.1. Provides the Institution with methodological assistance in the implementation of their

protective functions to create healthy and safe working conditions;

provides trade union committees with the necessary legal and regulatory

documentation, keeps records of the results of their survey activities

the state of labor protection in the Establishment, organizes and conducts seminars

Technical Labor Inspectorate, coordinates sectoral legal and regulatory

7.3.2. By the forces of the technical labor inspectorate and trade union activists

provides practical assistance to trade union committees in the implementation of public

control over working conditions and labor protection, analysis of the state

industrial injuries, occupational diseases.

7.3.3. Monitors the health and safety conditions and

the performance by the Authority of its obligations under Article 25

Federal Law "On trade unions, their rights and guarantees


7.3.4. Participates in commissions for attestation of workplaces under the conditions

labor upon acceptance of the Institution for the new academic year, brings to the attention

working information about the presence of harmful and dangerous factors, the severity and

intensity of the labor process, controls the implementation of measures to

improvement of working conditions.

7.3.5. Ensures the implementation of the employee's right to keep

places of work (positions) and average earnings at the time of suspension of work

in the Establishment or directly at the workplace due to a violation

legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection, regulatory

labor protection requirements through no fault of the employee.

7.3.6. Contributes to the formation and organization of activities

joint committees (commissions) on labor protection in institutions.

7.3.7. Ensures the election of authorized (trusted) persons by

labor protection of trade union committees of Institutions, organizes their training at the expense of

Social Insurance Fund and assists in their work on

implementation of public control over the state of labor protection, fire

and environmental safety.

7.3.8. Contributes to the effective work of the Institution and mobilization

of the labor collective for the implementation of agreed activities,

aimed at overcoming emerging socio-economic problems,

and reduce social tension.

7.3.9. Carries out explanatory work in the labor collective and

mass media about the state of affairs in educational

institutions and social partnership, on the rights and obligations of employees.

8. Social sphere

8.1. Sides:

8.1.1. Strive to attract funds from the state fund

social insurance of the Russian Federation for the improvement of workers

and ensure the effective use of this fund for

health resort treatment and benefits for employees and members

camps, rest houses, sports bases, conservation and development of facilities

socio-cultural sphere, as well as the allocation of at least _% from extrabudgetary

funds of the Institution for the improvement of employees.

Concrete measures in these areas are fixed in the collective

contract of the institution.

8.2. The Parties proceed from the fact that the Employer:

8.2.1. Carries out activities for the organization of recreation, sanatorium

resort treatment of employees, recreation and health improvement of employees' children.

9. Guarantees of the rights of trade union organizations

9.1. Rights and guarantees of the activities of the primary trade union body

determined by the Federal Law "On trade unions, rights and

guarantees of their activities", other legislative acts of the Russian

Federation, Charter of the Russian Trade Union of Workers

educational institutions.

9.2. Employer:

9.2.1. Provides in accordance with Article 28 of the Federal

Law "On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activities" in

gratuitous use of the elected trade union body of the Institution,

regardless of the number of employees, the necessary premises (at least

one room) that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements,

provided with heating and lighting, equipment necessary for

work of the elected trade union body and holding meetings of workers,

vehicles and communications, provides security and cleaning

allocated premises and creates other conditions to ensure

activities of an elected trade union body in cases provided for

collective agreement.

9.2.2. Does not prevent representatives of elected trade union bodies

in visiting the departments of the Institution where members of the trade union work, for

implementation of statutory tasks and provided by the legislation of the Russian

Federation of Rights.

9.2.3. Provides, at the request of the trade union body, the necessary

normative and legal documents, information, information and explanations on

issues of conditions and labor protection, wages, housing

services, work of catering establishments, conditions

residence of employees in a hostel and other socio-economic


9.2.4. Carries out with the written consent of employees who are

members of the trade union, as well as other workers - not members of the trade union, on

covered by the collective agreement, monthly

deduction of trade union membership dues and non-cash transfer of them

through the accounting department from the current account of the Institution to the current account

trade union organization.

The transfer of funds is made in full and

along with the payment of wages.

9.2.5. Assists trade unions in the use

information systems to widely publicize their protection activities

social and labor rights and professional interests of employees


9.2.6. Transfers to the account of the trade union organization of the Institution

funds for the implementation of socio-cultural, physical culture

health and other work. Specific amounts of deductions

established by collective agreement.

9.3. The Parties recognize the guarantees of employees elected

(delegated) to the trade union bodies and not exempt from

main work, enshrined in Article 25 of the Federal Law "On

trade unions, their rights, guarantees of activity".

9.4. Members of the elected trade union body authorized by the trade union

on labor protection and social insurance, representatives of the trade union

organizations in joint ventures with employers created at the Institution

commissions are released from the main work with the preservation of the average

earnings for the performance of public duties in the interests of the team

employees and for the duration of short-term trade union training on the terms

stipulated by law, collective agreement.

9.5. Members of an elected trade union body who are not exempt from

main work in the Establishment, in the positions of professors

teaching staff, under the conditions specified in the collective

contract, the teaching load can be reduced.

9.6. The Parties recognize the guarantees of exempt workers elected

(delegated) to the trade union body referred to in Article 26

Federal Law "On trade unions, their rights, guarantees


9.7. At the end of the term of office in the elective

trade union body and the expiration of the qualification

powers or within six months after their expiration), employees under

their application, the period of validity of the qualification category is extended for

period before passing the certification in the prescribed manner.

9.8. Work in the elective position of the chairman of the trade union

organization and as part of an elected trade union body is recognized as significant

for the activities of the Institution and is taken into account when encouraging

employees, their certification, in the competitive selection for the replacement of scientific and

teaching positions.

10. Obligations of the trade union organization

10.1. Trade union organization:

10.1.1. Assists the Employer in the implementation of this agreement.

10.1.2. Carries out work to protect economic and professional

interests of employees, provides, if necessary, free legal

10.1.3. Submits proposals to the relevant state bodies

authorities on the adoption of regulatory legal acts on economic and

social protection of workers.

10.1.4. Carries out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian

Federation public control over the state of labor protection in

general education institution, participates on a parity basis with

administration of the Institution in the work of committees (commissions) on labor protection.

10.1.5. Takes measures to prevent labor conflicts

issues included in this agreement, subject to their implementation.

10.1.6. Participates in the development and harmonization of norms and rules for

labor protection, safety measures, programs for labor protection, life and

workers' health.

10.1.7. Records and analyzes injuries in

general education institution.

10.1.8. Participates in the work of state commissions for the acceptance of

operation of industrial and socio-cultural facilities


10.1.9. Participates in the work of commissions conducting complex

surveys of the Institution and their subdivisions on labor protection and

health, certification of workplaces.

10.1.10. Represents injured workers

investigation of accidents at work and professional


10.1.11. Provides practical assistance to trade union members in

realization of their right to safe and healthy working conditions, social

benefits and compensation for work in special working conditions, represents them

interests in public authorities, in court.

10.1.12. Prepares proposals aimed at improving the work on

labor protection, health and the environment.

10.1.13. Provides necessary advice to employees

issues of labor protection, health and environment.

10.1.14. Supervises compliance with labor

legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts,


10.1.15. Controls the targeted spending of funds by the employer on

labor protection, social protection and health improvement of employees and their members

10.1.16. Assists trade union committees in organizing

public control over labor protection, training

authorized persons and members of commissions (committees) for labor protection.

11. Control over the fulfillment of obligations under the contract

11.1. Control over the implementation of this agreement is carried out

The employer, the trade union organization and the established commission. Functions

control over the implementation of this agreement at the appropriate levels

carried out by the administration of the Institution and the relevant elected

trade union bodies.

11.2. The Commission reviews the implementation of this agreement,

shall hear, at its meetings, reports on this matter from the representatives

employer, Institution, their branches with the participation of representatives

relevant elected trade union bodies, organizes regular

inspections with departure to the Institution.

11.3. Progress in the implementation of the provisions of this agreement for the six months and

the results of its implementation for the year are considered at a joint meeting

employee and employer representatives.

12. Final provisions

12.1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signing and

12.2. None of the Parties to this Agreement shall have the right to

within the prescribed period of its validity unilaterally

change or terminate the fulfillment of the obligations assumed.

12.3. By mutual agreement of the Parties, this Agreement may

be extended, amended, supplemented or terminated early.

12.4. Interpretation of the provisions of this agreement and clarifications on

issues of application of its individual provisions are carried out on a mutual

the consent of the parties. Clarifications on the application of this agreement,

given unilaterally by employers or the Trade Union

organization have no legal effect. Changes made and

additions, as well as the text of clarifications, are drawn up in an appendix to

this agreement and are its integral part and are brought to

information from employees, trade unions and employers.

12.5. Collective labor disputes arising in the Institution

(conflicts) to fulfill the obligations specified in this agreement,

are permitted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

12.6. The parties undertake to discuss the issue of extending the period of validity

or on the conclusion of a new contract no later than 3 months before the end of

the term of this agreement. The party receiving the written

notification, is obliged to start negotiations within 7 days.

12.7. This Agreement is signed in two original copies on

Russian - one copy for each of the Parties, both

copies have the same legal force.

Employer Trade union organization

_______________ _______________ ______________ __________________

(signature) (full name) (signature) (full name)

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We, the undersigned, the Regional Council of Veterans, on the one hand, the Ministry of Socialdevelopment, guardianship and guardianship of the Irkutsk region, represented by the MinisterRodionov Vladimir Anatolyevich, on the other hand, have concluded this agreement as follows:

The parties proceed from the fact that attention to veterans and pensioners, attitude towards them as equal members of civil society, concern for the observance of the rights and satisfaction of the needs of older peoplegenerations, including educational ones, involvement in activesocial activities, promotion of a healthy lifestyle andactive longevity - is an important social task of our society.


The subject of the agreement is joint activities for the implementationsocially significant and socially oriented project of creation in2y. d. the system of continuous education of pensioners of the Irkutsk region based on the model of the Higher Public School (HNS). The essence of the project lies in the consistent expansion of the network of organizations and institutions of social policy, guardianship andguardianship of educational structures (clubs of interests, schools,centers, creative associations, groups, etc.), in which peopleretirement age receive the necessary knowledge and skills that meettheir interests and needs. Flexibility of the Folk High School Modelprovides a broad initiative and initiative in the choice of topicstraining, the number of training hours, forms of conducting classes. The implementation of the project is possible subject to the social partnership of veteran organizations, bodies and institutions of the social sphere and is carried out in accordance with the "concept of creating a system of continuous educationpensioners of the Irkutsk region within the model of the Higher public school"


Regional Council of Veterans:

- conducts organizational work with territorial and sectoral Councils of Veterans to create and develop a network of Higher Public Schools on the basis of primary, city, district and district veteran organizations;

- receives, summarizes and analyzes information about the work of VNTTT in the Irkutskarea, develops recommendations for improving their activities;

- together with the East Siberian State Academy of Educationsummarizes the experience of the Higher School of Economics in the region, provides scientific and methodological support for the project, promotes Russian and foreign experienceactivities of such schools;

- disseminates the generalized experience of the Higher Folk Schools, promotes the best experience through the media andby other means;

- sends methodological recommendations to the Councils of Veterans on the contentcurricula and plans for the most common educational programs, including those developed jointly with the Ministry of Social Policy, Guardianship and Guardianship.

Interaction with the Ministry of Social Development, Guardianship andguardianship for the creation and development of the VNS network is carried out by the deputy chairman of the regional Council of Veterans andCommission for Social Protection of the Regional Council of Veterans ()

Ministry of Social Development, Guardianship and Guardianship:

- promotes through municipal governments and institutionssocial development, guardianship development networkeducational structures for pensioners on the basis of veteransorganizations, and on the basis of institutions for social development, guardianship and guardianship;

- joint work on the development of the network VNS builds on the following directions:

* creation of the VNSh in stationary institutions subordinated to

* assisting veteran organizations in clarifying and
promotion of legislation on social benefits for veterans and

- together with the regional Council of Veterans develops methodological
recommendations on the organization and content of curricula and programs for
the most common educational programs.

Until September 1, 2011 will send to the municipal authorities of the social development, guardianship and trusteeship recommendations for their participation in the implementationof the project of continuous education of pensioners, then periodically at working meetings with the heads of municipal bodies discusses the issues of organizing the work of the Higher Folk Schools.

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