A fairy tale for a children's production of a wolf and seven kids. Scenario of the theatrical performance "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" for senior preschool age educational and methodological material (senior group) on the topic. All together the song "mama"


Everyone knows kids love fairy tales

And since childhood, they have been waiting for a meeting with them

They have magic, kindness and affection

They call to the world of joy.

They are old and modern

An adult and a child are happy with them.

We want to introduce you from the stage

We are a fairy tale in a new way

« The wolf and the seven Young goats» !



Fairy tale script "Wolf and seven kids in a new way"preparatory group.

Goals and objectives:

  • Tutorials:

acquaintance of children with the art of the theater, the profession of "actor of the theater"

increasing knowledge of fairy tales

teaching children cooperation, depicting animal habits

conformity to the image, timely entry into dialogue, emotional performance in front of the public.

  • Developing:

automation by facial expressions, coherent dialogical, monologue speech

  • Educational:

education of collectivism, perseverance, activity, confidence during public speaking.

Working with parents.

Involve parents in the process of preparing for the performance: making attributes and scenery, learning texts.

preliminary work

To acquaint children with the text of the work, explaining the meaning of incomprehensible words, parsing hard-to-pronounce words, showing stage images, assigning roles, reading a fairy tale by roles, working on facial expressions, pantomime, intonations.

Characters: leading, goat, seven kids, wolf, owl, cuckoo.

Leading: Everyone knows kids love fairy tales

And since childhood, they have been waiting for a meeting with them

They have magic, kindness and affection

They call to the world of joy.

They are old and modern

An adult and a child are happy with them.

We want to introduce you from the stage

We are a fairy tale in a new way

« The wolf and the seven Young goats» !

Song for the intro"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Leading - Like a river at the edge

A goat lived in a hut.

And pretty and sweet.

The mother was a goat.

A goat and kids come out of the house

Leading She had kids growing up.

Very cute goats.

The mother loved the children

And taught to manage:

Clean house and yard

Sweep the floor with a broom

Turn on the lights in the kitchen

Heat the oven. Cook dinner.

Goats could do everything

These weird kids.

The mother praised the children

Mother told the children:

Mom is a goat You are my goats

You are my children, I know, I believe that now everything will work out for you.

Leading The goat got up in the morning

And raised the kids

They were fed and watered

And went to the market.

The song "Moms - Goats: Oh, goats, you guys!"

Goats (to each other):We must sit, you hear, Quieter than water, lower than grass!

Kid: Don't worry mommy, everything will be fine!

We know from a fairy tale: the wolf is terribly ugly!

Goat: And now run home, you will rather lock the door.

(Children go into the house, the goat follows them)

The goat leaves, the goats wave their hand to her

Leading And the goats were waiting for her ...

And without mom did not miss:

Songs were sung, danced,

They played different games.

Kid : That's it, mommy left,

Have fun kids.

Kid : Let's have fun, sing.

And make noise, make noise, make noise

Leapfrog game

Presenter: Lived in a dense forest

Gloomy gray wolf.

He lived alone without a mother,

Howling loudly at night

and missed him in the forest,

It was sad to be alone.

Wolf: Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Oh how sad to be alone. U-u-u-u

Oh, how sad for one u-u-u-u

Presenter: once a wolf walked alone and saw goatlings,

goats sang a song, quick-footed guys

1st kid We are funny guys.

We play hide and seek all day

And we dance and we sing

And the house dances with us!

No one will enter the door to us,

wind up round dance! (Cheerfully let's go right 1-2-3)

Music sounds, goats dance , there is a knock, they run into the house,the wolf comes to the house, sings.

Kid : Hear, someone is knocking to us.

It turned out not again.

Kid: Who would not be there

Mom told us not to open the door.

The wolf sings the song "Moms - Goats:Oh goats, you guys!”

goats : (frightened) Your voice doesn't sound like your mother's at all.

How is that?

Leading: And the gray wolf then runs to the owl

Singing teacher.

Without any doubts.

Wolf : Come on, teacher, teach

Sing me thinly, thinly.

I want to go to the moon at night

Howl gently and loudly!!!

Owl: Well then, sit down student.

Now let's learn the notes.

You must sing them cleanly.

Dropping all worries.


Wolf: DO-RE-MI… So?

Owl: Do your best, student!

To learn to sing

Character must be shown

And maximum patience!


Wolf: DO-RE-MI... Better?

Owl: No, no...

Wolf: Not better yet?

DO-RE-MI… Leave

Leading: The teacher worked out

With Wolf exactly half an hour.

Howling Gray said goodbye

And he sang well, just like a goat!

Wolf: Wow, I got it

The goat comes out and the music sounds "Ding Dong I'm your mother ..."

To nasty kids,

Open up, open up

your mother came and brought milk

Kid 1: Mom, the wolf came to us,

Almost swallowed us all

But we didn't let the wolf in

We didn't open the door for him.

Goat: You are good guys

My cute goats

That's how you always do it

Don't open the door for the wolf.

Hide in the house do not be bored!

Leading: And the kids are not bored.

Playing fun again

Dance of the kids: LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA….

Kid: Mommy will come soon,

Will bring us guests

Every day and every hour

We have a lot of fun

Leading: And the wolf is already at home,

At the door he stands

Sings to the goatlings

Wolf (approaches the Goat's house, sings in a thin voice)

I'm back, guys, home.

With a bag overflowing with cabbage!

Leading: The kids heard

The goats opened the door.

And then the bad wolf

Got in the paws

The goat opens the door, the wolf runs, kids run away.

wolf (joyfully)

Basta, little ones!

Dancing is over!

The music sounds kids dodge wolfteasing him. And he collects them in a chain. Everybody sing(la-la-la….) to the music in the recording. The wolf "snake" leads the kids into the forest.

The wolf attacked the goatlings,

Tied them with a rope

All to one rope,

And he took me home!

Here he is walking through the forest

Leads everyone!

Presenter: The wolf is tired of pulling the kids,

I wanted to rest (lay down on the carpet).

The cuckoo is screaming from the tree,

Cuckoos What have you done, villainous wolf,

He stole the children from the Goat!

The goat is coming home

It's going to be hard for you!

Will you, shameless know,

How to steal kids!

Leading The wolf was terribly scared

Blushed and lost.

Wolf I didn't mean to offend you

I wanted to see you more often!

I didn't mean to scare you.

I would like to play with you.

After all, in my empty house

Very boring alone!

You goats, I'm sorry

You go home to yourself.

I will walk you home

I am very ashamed now!

3rd kid - Okay grey, we forgive

We invite you to visit our house,

Let's meet our mom

Let's have a festive dinner!

4th kid “We can do everything with Mom.

We can go everywhere with her.

Every day and every hour

We have our mother.

5th kid How do we understand you?

We know very well.

That without a mother the house is empty,

What is sad without a mother in the house.

6th kid - If we are friends,

Will you visit us often?

Life will become more fun

Stop howling at night!

Leading - And a cheerful crowd

everyone went home.

They see - mother at the gate

They are awaited with great anxiety.

7th kid - Mum! Mum! We came!

They brought a guest to our house!

He is alone in the world

He doesn't have a mother...

Mother Goat - So be it,

Let him play with you.

Here the door is open for everyone

Unless you're a scary beast!

Leading - The gray wolf smiled!

The gray wolf laughed!

He found his friends

It will be more fun with them!

And also, most importantly,

He has a mom too!

The wolf, mother goat and kids perform a cheerful dance."Wolf and seven kids" Round dance to the music.

Leading " The wolf and the seven Young goats» we all knew the story

And we played it for all the guys now.

And now, as they say,

It's time for us to say goodbye to you.

We part as friends

We were glad to meet you!

Goodbye, say the Wolf and the seven kids!

Anna Skoromnykh
Scenario of the musical fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

Compiler: Skoromnykh Anna Gennadievna, teacher of MKDOU "Belogorevsky Kindergarten» When compiling materials (poems, games for Mother's Day) used Internet resources.

Style: musical fairy tale based on the movie "Mum" 1976

Material Description: it is advisable to carry out this event with children on the eve of the celebration of "Mother's Day". Used modern technologies, allow children to reveal their creative talents and use their experience in practice.

Target: Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities of an integrated, interactive musical family entertainment for the purpose of mastering educational areas by children 5-6 years old « Music» , "Knowledge", "Communication", "Reading Fiction", "Physical Culture".


to form the integrity of the picture of the world, to expand the horizons of children;

develop free communication with adults and peers;

introduce children to verbal art;

develop in children musically- artistic activity;

to form in pupils the need for motor activity.

Members: children.

Children's age A: 3-6 years old.

Location: music hall.

preliminary work:

Related conversation “It’s better not to find a mother!”;

2. Directly educational activity:

– Speech development: memorizing poems about mom;

– Drawing on a theme: "Portrait of my mother";

- Learning songs about mom, learning dance moves, learning poetry.

Role-playing game "Family".

Equipment: music Center, multimedia equipment, dummies, attributes for competitions, elements of costumes.

Prizes: adults are given hearts made by children.

After the song is played, children enter the hall and become a semicircle. (The older group leads the younger ones by the hand).

Song "Sweet Mom".

They sit down.


Like a river at the edge

A goat lived in a hut.

And beautiful and sweet.

The mother was a goat.

Under music comes out goat.


She grew up kids -

Very cute kids.

run out kids(run out, introduce themselves):

Talker, Toptushka, Know-It-All, Bodayka, Teaser, Mixer. And I'm Baby!

They sit on a bench in front of the house.


The mother loved the children

And taught me how to manage:

Clean house and yard

Sweep the floor with a broom.

goat mom:

You my goats,

You are my children

Wake up soon

Wash up quickly.

A game "Bubble", the children take turns in teams running to the chair and blowing soap bubbles.

goat mom:

I will feed everyone and drink

And I'm going to the fair.


Mom, what is a fair.

Dance "Fair".

Coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo,

Oh I know what I'll say:

Grey the wolf ran here,

He screamed very terribly

What is everyone today

He will catch kids.

The wolf appeared in the village.

Everyone come here!

The goat sings a song.

Oh, goats you guys

You are left without a mother.

I'm at the fair for cabbage,

It is seen, the wolf will come I feel with my heart.

You have to sit, you hear, 2 times

Quieter than water, lower than grass.

Don't worry mommy

Everything will be all right.

We know from fairy tales:

The wolf is terribly ugly.

You lock yourself with 7 locks,

Open doors if

I will sing this song for you.

goat song "Ding dong"

(kids repeat)

Sleep well, well done!


1. It's a pity that mommy left.

2. She has her own affairs.

3. A whole day without mom again

4. Well, don't whine, don't be stubborn.

5. To the house, kids, close the door,

6. And we will arrange such a thing there!

(jump, then sit down)

A game "Brook".


Enough, brothers, to indulge!

Gotta clean up the house!

We are not up to the game now,

Holidays are coming - look! (Pointing to the calendar.)

Shake out the rug, wipe it,

We clean everything ourselves

The whole house will be clean -

Here's a present for mom!


Sweep the floors clean

Let's cook dinner

We wash the dishes...

What else would be needed?


Knead the dough for the pie

We'll be on our own too

To surprise mom

Baked by us!


Mom will come from the forest

And she won't have any trouble

Drinking tea with a pie

Resting in a chair.

Dance "Cleaning".


Well, everything, it's time to get down to business,

After all, soon the holiday - mother's day,

Mom needs to work hard

Make gifts as soon as possible.

We are for mommy goat

Let's make flowers

Glue and color we

Each petal (kids laugh, run away to the house).

To the song from the movie "Mum" coming out wolf.


I - wolf wolf,

Evil, evil, evil.

Want outwit the goats

And drag into the dense forest.

To be able to open the door

I have to sing a song.

Song wolf"Open minnows baby goats door"

Wolf. Well, wait.

The wolf leaves.


Hooray, the wolf is gone.


We are funny guys

We play hide and seek all day

And we dance and we sing

And the house dances with us!

Dance "Quadrille".

Wolf goes to the rooster for help

The rooster comes out and wolf. Music.


I would like to sing like a goat

And very, very loud.


What are you thinking gray rogue.


They call on television, where are the amazing animals

They sing amazingly.


Well, better not lie to me quickly tell the truth.


I don’t want to live like this anymore, I scared everyone in the forest.

U-u-u, u-u-u. Ah, how sad to be alone.

U-u-u, u-u-u. Oh, how boring alone. U-U-U-U-U-U.


This, brother, is nonsense,

Will you sing loudly

And very, very subtle.

I'll call the vocalist

She will learn to sing very quickly

Calling the chicken


So that Goats learn singing,

You need to have patience.

Repeat note la!


Oh! I'm tired friends!

And it's time to feed the chickens!

Now the whole family will be here!

Oh! Not life, but vanity!

Chicken dance.

Wolf: La! (wolf finally sang thinly)

The rabbit comes out. Muses.

How are you, goat? Where was?

I got cabbage.

And now I'm in a hurry

I'm afraid for the kids.

Wait, Aunt Masha,

We'll get you some carrots.

Let them eat kids

Lovely guys.

Rabbit dance.

Sweet carrot thank you bunny

I'm in a hurry, because the houses are waiting for me kids.

Wolf hungry scary prowls through the forest wolf.

Eyes sparkle and teeth click.

Today the wolf has no faith.

Oh, the bushes are moving!

(The bear comes out, invites the cubs to dance, / children of the younger group /)

Song of the Bears

Drink raspberry tea at night

And the flu with a sore throat is not terrible

Hear what said the bear

And you won't get sick.

As from any disease

There is nothing better

Than bee sweet honey

He gives strength to everyone.

La, la, la

A game "At the bear in the forest"


Oh, oh, oh, I also need to buy honey! I'm going to the bees!

Under bee flies music.

mom bee:

Hello neighbor! Hello goat! How's it going? How are the kids?


Yes, I’m coming from the fair, and I’m bringing gifts! I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm afraid for the kids!

mom bee:

Have you come to us for honey?

Goat: Yes. Sell ​​neighbor honey.

1st bee: In the clover field

Terrible heat.

bee buzz

Heard here in the morning.

2nd bee: One concern for all

The worker bees:

Get more honey

And hide in storerooms.

3rd bee: honeycomb amber honeycomb

Full to the brim.

The fruits of this work

All people need.

4th bee: Here kids

sweet Honey

let them not get sick

a whole year.

5th bee: Dance let's dance

Let's congratulate mom.

We have a friendly family,

It's a pity my sisters have only one me.


Hello squirrels, dear guys, I ask you to help, collect nuts for me.

/Protein children of the younger group. /

1. Children, squirrels come out, help your mother.

For a neighbor for a goat, we will pick nuts.

2. We will help mom collect nuts.

We are obedient guys, All obedient squirrels.

3. I can play all day without disturbing my mother.

She has a lot of work, she needs to help moms.

4. I love my mom, I help in any way I can.

I quickly eat porridge and drink compote.

White dance.


Well, I bought some nuts for the kids! Looks like it's time to go home!

The goat leaves. The wolf is coming, rehearsing. "Mum".

sings goats song they open the door.


Basta, little ones,

Dancing is over!

to die, so music,

Sing, brothers!


Once they let me in wolf in the house,

Here's what I believe:

We are friendly now

Let's re-educate!

A game « Wolf and goats» .


Wait, we're not afraid of you

And don't let us work.

On Mother's Day, all the animals

Gifts are made for moms!


I want to help you!


Can you draw?

Sculpt and glue? Embroider?


Did you pick a bouquet for your mom?


Yes, I don't have a mother!

What a pity wolf, do not Cry,

You stay with us

We will be your brothers.


And our mother will be our mother.


Teach me soon

Make a gift for mom.

(Sit down, study wolf.)


That valuable gift that we make ourselves,

Color and glue with your own hands.


Let's say simple and warm words,

May there be more goodness in the world!

Goat enters.

Oh, horror, here you are, gray rogue!

Ah, the poor kids!

(Counts) Well no! My kids are here,

All the guys are healthy.


Because I don't have a mother.


Mommy, honey, let her stay

For wolf we have a place.

Okay, stay with us.

Go around the world around

Just know in advance:

You will not find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother's.

You will not find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter

Mother to each of us

Everyone, everyone, everyone is dearer!

One hundred ways, roads around,

Go around the world -

Mom is the best friend

There is no better mom!

The song "Mom"

1st kid: Mom caresses,

Mom will cheer.

If it breaks

It will always forgive.

2nd kid: With her I'm not afraid

No villain!

There is no better and better

My mothers.


Goats: 1. Smile
2. Bodayka
3. Teaser
4. Toptushka
5. Mazilka
6. Talker
7. Kid

Baba Yaga

Two cuckoos

Three honey agarics

Three bunnies

Three bugs

two daisies
Song "MAMA"

Goats: Mom is the first word

Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.
Smeyka: It happens - sleepless night
Mom is crying slowly
How is the daughter, how is her son -
Only in the morning my mother will fall asleep.
Goats: Mom is the first word
The main word in every destiny.
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.
Goat: It happens - you become more mature.
And like a bird you will fly high
Whoever you are, know that for mom you are -
As always, dear baby.
Goats: Mom is the first word
The main word in every fate
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.
Storyteller: We will tell and show
Fairy tale "The wolf and the seven kids."
An old fairy tale in a new way.
This difficult tale
It contains both a joke and a hint:
Hidden somewhere in our fairy tale
Good fellows lesson.

The goat is sitting on a bench near the house - rewinding a ball of thread. Two goats sit side by side and talk, two butt heads, three play catch-up.
GOAT: I have seven kids
Here it is, my family.
What are their names, I will say
I'll tell you in order.
Here is Umeika - he is skillful,
Here Bodayka is very brave,
Here is Teaser, here is Toptushka,
Here is Mazilka, here is Chatterbox.
I have one Chatterbox
He loves to chat
Can't keep quiet
I have one goat
Fidget, shooter.
I love him the most
I call him baby.
Storyteller: However, fairy tales begin -
Came out old fashioned.
Here comes the song,
Well, almost folk:
SONG OF THE GOAT . Oh, goats, you guys,
You are left without a mother.
I go to the market for cabbage.
Maybe the Wolf will come - I feel it with my heart.
Gotta sit
Hear you
Quieter than the water
Below grass!
You lock yourself with seven locks.
Just respond to my voice.
Oh, I'm afraid for you guys
Oh, the signs would not come out!
Gotta sit
Hear you
Quieter than the water
Below grass!
Teaser: Don't worry mommy
Everything will be all right!
We know from a fairy tale:
The wolf is terribly ugly!

Chatterbox : And don't worry about us
Everyone knows about
What is closed must be tight.
Our beloved sweet home.

Goat: Okay, okay, I left, remember your words.

Bodayka : Everything! Mommy is gone, have fun, kids!

Toptushka: Let's have fun, sing and make noise, make noise, make noise ....


ACT TWO Storyteller: Lived in a dense forest
Gloomy gray wolf, with a tail.
He lived alone, without a mother.
Howling loudly at night.
And missed. In the forest to him.
It was sad to be alone.

Wolf: U-u-u, u-u-u...
Oh, how sad one ...
U-u-u, u-u-u...

Oh, how sad one ...

Storyteller: Once a wolf was walking in the forest.
And I saw goats.

The wolf sat behind a tree.
And looked into all eyes.
He couldn't contain himself
He started laughing out loud.
Wolf: I wish I had such goats
I would be terribly happy!

I will knock on them now.

I will steal all the goats.

\The wolf is knocking\

Baby: Listen, someone is knocking on our door.

Mashilka: It seemed not, again.

Smeyka: Whoever was there, my mother told us: “Do not open the door”


Wolf: Open the door for mom.
I'm tired. I'm hungry like a beast.
I gave you water, gave you milk,
And now my voice is not even familiar.
You are in a thick voice
Sing fake!
Wolf: At the threshold, apparently, I will die.
Don't let your own mother in.
Open! Don't play the fool!
I am a Goat, but slightly hoarse!
Goats: Your voice doesn't sound like your mother's at all.
You are in a thick voice
Sing fake!

Wolf: What am I to do now?
I'm hungry like a beast.
My voice is rough and loud.
Well, of course, Grandma Yozhka! She will help!
I can fool her. Oh, run, run, run.


Chastushki Babok Yozhek. Dance.

Grandma Yozhka: Ugh! Ugh! Smells like a wolf!

Hello, gray dove!

Why complain, my friend?

Wolf. Help me, Grandma Yozhka, learn to sing,
A bear stepped on my ear as a child.
Are you famous, witch? Tell?
Do not refuse my request.

Grandma Yozhka: Gray something you darken?

And don't you tell me everything?

Wolf: I'll steal kids from one goat!

I will share with you that prey!

Grandma Yozhka: I love goat!

And I will help you!

We'll sharpen the tongue!

Come to me my little gray friend!

Wolf: Aha! You will have a holiday, kids!
I must teach you!

ACT Four

The wolf sings a song. THE SONG OF THE FALSE GOAT

Little kids, kids, open up, open up.

Your mother has arrived.

She brought milk.

Chatterbox : This is my mother's voice.

Mashilka: Open the door, friend!

Baby: It's mom, mom!

All goats: Mother dear, our dear!

Wolf: Basta karapuziki! Dancing is over!

Smeyka: Dying, so with music! Sing, brothers!

(Sing a song: la - la - la - la - la - la.)

Storyteller: The wolf quickly ran into the yard.
And he tied the goats.
All to one rope,
And he took me home.
Here he is walking through the forest
He leads everyone.

ACT Fifth

Storyteller: Suddenly towards three honey agarics -
Three beautiful children

Honey mushrooms: And don't you dare you wicked wolf!
Steal children from a goat!
Here she comes home
It's going to be hard for you!
Will you, shameless, know
How to steal kids!

Storyteller: Cuckoos scream so loud
Voiced friends:

Cuckoos: And don't you dare you wicked wolf!
Steal children from a goat!
Here she comes home
It's going to be hard for you!
Will you, shameless, know
How to steal kids!

Storyteller: And from the clearing - two daisies,
And from the bush - two insects,
Three gray rabbits.
Everybody scream, scream, scream

Daisies, insects, hares: And don't you dare you wicked wolf!
Steal children from a goat!
Here she comes home
It's going to be hard for you!
Will you, shameless, know
How to steal kids!

Storyteller: The wolf was terribly scared
Blushed and lost.

Wolf: I didn't mean to offend them
I wanted to see them more often
I didn't want to scare them
I would like to play with them...
After all, in my empty house
Very boring alone.
You goats, forgive me!
You go home to yourself
I will walk you home.
I am very ashamed now!

Bodayka: Okay, grey, we forgive...
We invite you to visit our house,
Let's meet our mom
Let's have a festive dinner!

Teaser: With mommy we can do everything
We can go everywhere with her.
Every day and every hour.
We have our mother.

Toptushka: How we understand you!
We know very well
That without a mother the house is empty,
What is sad without a mother in the house.

Mashilka: If we are friends,
You will visit us often.
It will be more fun to live.
Stop howling at night!


Storyteller: And a cheerful crowd.
Everyone headed home.
They see - mom at the gate
They are awaited with great anxiety.

goat song

Oh, goats, where have you gone?
To whom did you leave me!
Didn't listen to their mother
Received signs.
You forgot your mother's voice
You seem to have lost your vigilance.
You made an omission
Apparently the wolf entered the room.

Chatterbox: Mum! Mum! We came!
They brought a guest to our house!
He is alone in the world
He doesn't have a mother.

He brought you flowers.

I would like to congratulate you on the holiday.

Goat: The door is open for everyone here.
Unless you're a scary beast!
Storyteller: Before the goat in the meadow
The forest people are shocked.
Before the goat in the meadow
The wolf sings with goats!
Yes, friends, I dare say:
never seen,
So that the kids with the Wolf sang.
After all, they are his food!
Baby: Someone will say: this is stupid!
And in my opinion guys:
All the most beautiful show group
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"
1. It's raining outside,
Mud on the street
And they don't care.
They go together
They have one umbrella
They're coming from the cinema.
Little girl
Little boy.
Asks a question
What is the sky
What is the sun
What is love

Chorus: Do you love me? - Yeah.
And will you be with me? - Yeah.
So we will be together
So we will be close.
With you always!

2. And what will mom say
What will dad say?
When will we walk together?
They don't let you go anywhere anyway.
You are not allowed to play.


3. Give it to no one yet...
Let's not talk
Until that moment comes
When you can love.



The wolf and the seven Young goats.

Scene 1

(The curtain opens. There is a house on the edge of the forest, bench, trees . A window opens. The Storyteller sits in it)

Storyteller: Fairy tales are loved by everyone in the world,
Adults and children love it!
Fairy tales teach us good
And hard work.
They say how to live
To be friends with everyone!
A fairy tale known to all for a long time,
Students from ROTSON will show you.

Please listen carefully
Distinguish who is good in it and who is evil.
And then, friends, be sure
You will be lucky in life.
Look, our guests
A simple house stands in the forest.
Our goats live there
They love mommy goat.

(The storyteller leaves. Goat and Goats come out)
Goat: I have seven kids

Here it is, my family.

What are their names, I will say

I'll tell you in order.

Here is Umeika - he is skillful,

Here Bodayka is very brave,

Here is Teaser, here is Toptushka,

Here is Mazilka, here is Chatterbox.

I have one daughter

He loves to chat

Can't keep quiet

I have one goat

Fidget, shooter.

I love him the most

I call him baby.

Oh, goats, you guys,
You are left without your mother.
I go to the market for cabbage.
Maybe the Wolf will come - I feel it with my heart.

Gotta sit
Hear you
Quieter than the water
Below grass!

You lock yourself with seven locks.
Just respond to my voice.
Oh, I'm afraid for you guys
Oh, the signs would not come out!

Gotta sit
Hear you
Quieter than the water
Below grass!


1. Don't worry mommy

Everything will be all right!

2. We know from a fairy tale:

The wolf is terribly ugly!

(The goat leaves. The goats start dancing. And they run into the hut. The Wolf appears)
dialogue WOLF and kids Wolf:

Goats: Your voice on mother's
Not at all similar.
You are in a thick voice
Sing fake!

Wolf: I gave you water, gave you milk,

Paba-oak, paba-oak, pada-ba.

Goats: Your voice on mother's
Not at all similar.
You are in a thick voice
Sing fake!


Paba-oak, paba-oak, pada-ba.

Kid: Your voice on mother's
Not at all similar.
You are in a thick voice
Sing fake!

Scene 2

(At the edge of the forest there is a first-aid post. The doctor, Lisa, is sitting on a chair at the table, filing his nails with a nail file.)

Lisa sings:

In the wilderness, in the forest,

Despite the beauty

The days are spent by Lisa Patrikevna.

I don't understand

Why, why

Kuma is not allowed

To the village.

I am quite reliable

Become a birdie for me.

I would longing in fluff and feathers


I wouldn't sleep at night

I would guard all the chickens,

Cockerel like a native


(wolf runs)

Wolf: Gossip, how good. What eyes, ears, tail ...

A fox: Oh thank you Kumanek. Are you sick?

Wolf: Yes, that's hoarse. (coughs) His voice is rough. And I would like it to be thinner, softer.

A fox: What are you up to, Grey?

Wolf: I want to sing, but from my howl all the animals run from the forest.

(The Fox puts the Wolf on a bench and looks at his throat. Smirks)

A fox: Now I will give you a pill, you will recover in an instant and you will sing loudly, subtly to the whole forest.

(takes out a jar of vitamins and gives it to the Wolf, the Wolf swallows the pill and runs away)

Scene 3

(the wolf runs to the Goat's house and sings)

dialogue WOLF and kids Wolf:

Open the door for mom.
I'm tired. I'm hungry like a beast.
Paba-oak, paba-oak, pada-ba.

Goats: Your voice on mother's
Not at all similar.
You are in a thick voice
Sing fake!

Wolf: I gave you water, gave you milk,
And now my voice is not even familiar.

Paba-oak, paba-oak, pada-ba.

Goats: Your voice on mother's
Not at all similar.
You are in a thick voice
Sing fake!

Wolf: At the threshold, apparently, I will die.
Don't let your own mother in.
Open! Don't play the fool!
I am a goat. But slightly hoarse!
Paba-oak, paba-oak, pada-ba.

Kid: Your voice on mother's
Not at all similar.
You are in a thick voice
Sing fake!

Scene 4

(The wolf goes to the blacksmith to the Bear. The bear knocks on the iron with a hammer)

Wolf: Mikhail Potapych, help me out, make my voice thinner. I want to sing.

(Bear sings)

Bear: From all sorts of diseases
There is nothing better
Than bee sweet honey.
He gives strength to everyone.

La-la, la-la-la-la.

Drink raspberry tea at night -
And the flu with a sore throat is not terrible.

And you won't get sick.
La-la, la-la-la-la.
Strawberries must be eaten
There are countless vitamins in it.

Wolf: No, Misha, neither honey nor raspberries and strawberries help me.

Bear: Well, how can I make you a voice. I don't have any tools.

Wolf: And you look in your box. Maybe you'll find something.

(The bear looks in his box. Finds a chisel. Puts the Wolf on a chair, puts a chisel in his mouth and hits him with a hammer. The wolf jumps up screaming and runs away)

Bear: I did my best. Helped as much as I could.

Scene 5

(a hen with chickens appears on the stage. They sing and dance)

We are funny chickens
We love to dance with mom
And we are very friendly
We love to sing songs.
Co-co, co-co, that's how we walk
Ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, that's how we peck.
Ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, that's how we dance
Ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, that's how we sing!
Mother hen is coming
Leads us all
And we jump, play pranks
We have all the fun in the poultry yard
In the evening when behind the forest
hiding the sun's rays
hiding under the wing of mom
We'll be quiet for a bit.

(Towards the Nasedka the Rooster is important, she sings to him)

Mother hen: Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

butter head,

silk beard,

That you get up early

Do you let the kids sleep?

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku!!! Ko-ko-ko.

(The wolf runs in. The head is bandaged. The hen with the chickens are removed)

Wolf: Help me Petya

Learn to sing.

Came to me in childhood

Bear's ear!

Cockerel: Come on, sit down!

Feel free to sing, don't be afraid of the sound

There is science in this singing!(pulls out a children's musical instrument)

Repeat after me, friend!


Wolf: - Until ... / in a rough voice /

Cockerel: - Re...

Wolf: - Re / in a rough voice /


Well, let's fix it up!

You will now sing skillfully !!!(The Rooster gives the Wolf a raw egg to drink ...)

(The wolf sang. Leaves)

(Rooster sings the song "Seven Notes")

Seven notes in silence

Seven notes in the moon

And here gentle sounds pour.

Maybe in me

Maybe in a dream

And they cry and laugh.

For music door

And I'll open the window

Forget about rain and bad weather.

And with her in the night

I will repeat seven notes

And again I will blow with happiness.

Scene 6

(The wolf knocks on the Goat's house again and sings)

Wolf: I returned, goats, home,

With a bag overflowing with cabbage,

Open the door for mom

I'm hungry like a beast

Ah, my goats,

Ah, my children.

(to the audience)

I sang the song without mistakes,

She broke a tear herself.


1. Mom, mom came.

2. This is mommy back.

(The goats open the door. The wolf runs into the house screaming)

Wolf: Basta, little ones,

The dancing is over.

(goats run in different directions)

Wolf:(shouting) Where are you going? Wait! I will swallow you!
1: I don't want to!
2: And I don't want to!
Wolf: Yes, I myself do not want to eat you!
Kid: (approaches the wolf) Uncle Wolf, Let's live together.
(The wolf and the kids join hands and go backstage to the music)

Scene 7

( With a full bag of gifts, the goat returned, looking for kids. Sat on a bench and sang

Oh, goats, where have you gone?
To whom did you leave me?
Didn't listen to their mother
You seem to have lost your vigilance.

Have you forgotten your mother's voice?
We got signs
You made an omission
Apparently the wolf entered the room.

Goat: Why is enmity and anger still living in the world,

Why not make them not known to our children,

The day is darker than the black night

The clouds of the sun did not cover

Why are the laws of the wolf on earth so far that they are alive.

The wolf took my children

It's clear to everyone

I'll run to search soon

Where are my goats?

(The goat leaves to look for the kids)

Scene 8

(In the distance, where the eyes look, the poor Goat is walking. Chu ... it seemed, probably ...

SONG LA-LA-LA-LA... m. Rybnikova. The goat is surprised.

Cockerel: Yes, friends, I dare say:

I have never seen

So that the kids with the Wolf sang ...

After all, they are his food!


    What they want let them say

So, it doesn't happen

    The wolf and the seven Young goats

They sing together.

Wolf: Of course, I'm a gray wolf, and with my teeth, somewhere, click,

Only in vain they scold me, in vain they offend me,

If you remember your fairy tales, I didn’t eat anyone there,

I'm actually not terrible, who would look into my soul!

Before you I stand

And I beg your pardon

I promise - I'll quit mischief!

Goat. Well, we believe the Wolf,

We won't fight

Gotta give a second chance

Both animals and people.

(Everyone sings a song about friendship)

Ask life strict
Which way to go
Where in the world white
Leave in the morning.

Follow the sun
Though the path is unknown
Go my friend, always go
Dear good.
Follow the sun
Though the path is unknown
Go my friend, always go
Dear good.

Forget your worries
Falls and rises
Don't whimper when fate itself
She doesn't act like a sister.

But if it's bad with a friend,
Don't rely on a miracle
Hurry to him, always lead
Dear good.

But if it's bad with a friend,
Don't rely on a miracle
Hurry to him, always lead
Dear good.

Storyteller: We are finishing our story
What else can we say?
Allow me to say goodbye
Wish you good health!
It's time to part
We tell you:
All: Goodbye!

Storyteller: And now, artists, come out,
Bow down to our guests!
And so the show ended
The children all performed today
Skill, talent, ability
Showed to each other and to all of you.
Artists, audience - everyone was good,
Let's clap each other heartily!

Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever staged it and performed it - well done!

Scenario theatrical performance"Wolf and seven kids" for the elder preschool age

Ivleva Karolina Nikolaevna, music director

Goals and objectives:


acquaintance of children with the art of the theater, the profession of "actor of the theater"

increasing knowledge of fairy tales

teaching children cooperation, depicting animal habits

conformity to the image, timely entry into dialogue, emotional performance in front of the public.


automation by facial expressions, coherent dialogical, monologue speech

enrichment of the active vocabulary with new concepts

development of smooth, measured, rhythmic speech


education of collectivism, perseverance, activity, confidence during public speaking

development of communication skills, desire to participate in common cause bring joy to loved ones, teachers, parents.

Working with parents.

Involve parents in the process of preparing for the performance: making attributes and scenery, learning texts

preliminary work

To acquaint children with the text of the work, explaining the meaning of incomprehensible words, parsing hard-to-pronounce words, showing stage images, assigning roles, reading a fairy tale by roles, working on facial expressions, pantomime, intonations


Leading : Fairy tales are loved by everyone

Loved by adults and children

Fairy tales teach us good

And hard work.

They say how to live

To be friends with everyone!

When winter comes to us

Bringing frost and cold,

We invite guests to us

And we will give you a fairy tale!

And the fairy tale is called "The wolf and the seven kids."

Leading: A fairy tale known to all for a long time,

We redid it in a new way,

You watched it in the theater and in the cinema,

And our fairy tale came to kindergarten.

Please listen carefully

Distinguish who is good in it and who is evil.

And then, friends, be sure

You will be lucky in life.

I. Action

(The curtain opens to the singing of birds, the scenery is on the stage: a house, a bench, trees).

Leading. Look, our guests

A simple house stands in the forest.

Our goats live there

They are waiting for their mother - a goat.

(Goats run out to the music).


(kids introduce themselves)

1 kid: - I am Bodaika!

2 kid:- I'm the know-it-all!

3 kid:- I am Toptushka!

4 kid: - I am Chatterbox!

5 kid: - I'm a Mixer!

6 kid: - I'm a Teaser!

7 kid: - And I'm Baby!

(Kids run to their places)


(The goat approaches the house, knocks with a hoof, rings a bell, shows horns through the window).

Goat. Goatlings, goatlings,

family, kids,

Open the door for me!

I'm standing at the threshold

A lot of milk

open the door for me.

goats . We recognize you

Now, now let's open it!

(Kids run out of the house)

Goats. Mum! Mum!

Goat. Ah, my dear children!

Is everyone alive and well?


Now I'll feed you grass,

I drink milk.

(The goat gives milk to the kids)

Goats. Mum! Mum! Delicious! Thank you!

Goat. My dear children! How I don't want to leave, but it's time to go to the forest for grass and milk. If someone comes to the house, begins to sing in a low voice and does not retell everything that I lament to you - do not open the door, do not let anyone in!


Oh, goats, you guys,
You are left without your mother.
I go to the garden for cabbage.
Maybe the Wolf will come - I feel it with my heart.
You have to sit, you hear
Quieter than water, lower than grass!

You lock yourself with seven locks.
Just respond to my voice.
Oh, I'm afraid for you guys
Oh, the signs would not come out!

You have to sit, you hear
Quieter than water, lower than grass!

7 kid:
Don't worry mommy, everything will be fine!
We know from a fairy tale: The wolf is terribly ugly!

goats :

1. It's a pity that mommy left.

2. She has her own affairs.

3. A whole day without mom again

4. Well, don't whine, don't be stubborn.

5. In the house, kids, let's close the door,

6. And we will arrange such a thing there!

(jump, then sit down)


Enough, brothers, to indulge!

Gotta clean up the house!

We are not up to the game now,

Holidays are coming - look!(Pointing to the calendar.)


Shake out the rug, wipe it,

We clean everything ourselves

The whole house will be clean -

Here's a present for mom!


Sweep the floors clean

Let's cook dinner

We wash the dishes...

What else would be needed?


Knead the dough for the pie

We'll be on our own too

To surprise mom

Baked by us!


Mom will come from the forest

And she won't have any trouble

Drinking tea with a pie

Resting in a chair.


Well, everything, it's time to get down to business,

After all, soon the holiday - mother's day,

Mom needs to work hard

Make gifts as soon as possible.


We are for mommy goat

Let's make flowers

Glue and color we

Each petal

(To the song from the movie "Mum"coming out wolf )


I am a wolf,

Evil, evil, evil.

Want outwit the goats

And drag into the dense forest.

To be able to open the door

I have to sing a song.

Open the door for mom.
I'm tired. I'm hungry like a beast.
I gave you water, gave you milk,
And now my voice is not even familiar.


At the threshold, apparently, I will die.
Don't let your own mother in.
Open! Don't play the fool!
I am a goat. But slightly hoarse!


2 kid:

No, the wolf is not a friend to goats,

What kind of guests in the morning all of a sudden!

Get away from our doors

Get out into the forest!

Wolf: Oh, such an operation failed!

(The wolf leaves).

I I . Action

(A goat walks through the forest picking flowers)

Goat: Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired

I'll sit on a stump, I'll admire the meadow.


Bees: We fly into the meadows, collect nectar

Take the honey to the kids, the little kids!

Useful very sweet honey

Let them not get sick for a whole year.

Goat: Thanks bees!


Ants: We will quickly collect the grass and put it in a basket.

And we'll help you get it home.

(Ants collect grass in a basket and give it to the Goat)

Goat: Thanks, ants.

(Hare and Hare run out)

Hare: How are you, goat? Where was?

Goat: I got cabbage.

And now I'm in a hurry

I'm afraid for the kids.

Bunny: Wait, Aunt Masha,

We'll get you some carrots.

Let the goats eat

Lovely guys.


Goat: Sweet carrot, thank you bunny!

I'm in a hurry, because the houses are waiting for me kids.

Wolf hungry scary prowls through the forest wolf .

Eyes sparkle and teeth click.

Bunny: Today the wolf has no faith.

Hare: Oh, the bushes are moving!

Goat: Hello, hedgehogs, dear guys, I ask you to help me pick apples.


1. Our edge is good.

Every bush here is familiar.

Respect the goat Masha,

Welcome to every home.

With Good morning Aunt Masha!

Goat: Hello dear neighbors!

2 .All in worries and deeds,

You walk with a basket in your hands.

You all take care of the kids.

How are you? Where have you been?

Goat: I scored full baskets, it's time to go home!

Ezhata: Wait, Aunt Masha,

We'll get you some carrots.

Let the goats eat

Lovely guys.


Goat: Thank you, hedgehogs, nice guys!

Well, it looks like it's time to go home!

(The goat leaves).

I II . Action

(Rooster's house. The Rooster comes out, the Wolf sneaks after him).

Leading :

Lived Rooster - vocal master.

And he worked miracles.

Could give animals for happiness

A prankster went to the Rooster
Sharpen your tongue

You will have a holiday, kids!
I must teach you!

(Knocking on the Rooster)

I would like to sing like a goat

And very, very loud.


What are you thinking gray rogue.

Wolf :

They call on television, where are the amazing animals

They sing amazingly.


Well, better not lie to me quickly tell the truth.

Wolf :

I don’t want to live like this anymore, I scared everyone in the forest.

U-u-u, u-u-u. Ah, how sad to be alone.

U-u-u, u-u-u. Oh, how boring alone. U-U-U-U-U-U.


This, brother, is nonsense,

Will you sing loudly

And very, very subtle.

(The cockerel invites the wolf to pass)

Feel free to sing, don't be afraid of the sound
There is science in this singing!
Repeat after me, friend!
Wolf: - Until ... / in a rough voice /
Cockerel:- Re...
Wolf: - Re / in a rough voice /
Oh, and your voice is rough!
Well, let's fix it up!
You will now sing skillfully !!!


With Wolf exactly half an hour.

The teacher worked out

Howling Gray said goodbye

And he sang well, just like a goat! (The rooster gives the Wolf an egg to drink ...)


(The wolf runs to the goat house)


(kids open the door).

Wolf :

Basta, little ones,

Dancing is over!


Dying, so with music,

Sing, brothers!


Once they let the wolf into the house,

Here's what I believe:

We are friendly now

Let's re-educate!


Wait, we're not afraid of you

And don't let us work.


On Mother's Day, all the animals

Gifts are made for moms!

Wolf :

I want to help you!


Can you draw?

Sculpt and glue? Embroider?


Did you pick a bouquet for your mom?

Wolf .

Yes, I don't have a mother!


What a pity wolf, do not Cry,

You stay with us!


We will be your brothers.


And our mother will be our mother.

Wolf .

Teach me soon

Make a gift for mom.

(Sit down, study wolf .)


That valuable gift that we make ourselves,

Color and glue with your own hands.


Let's say simple and warm words,

May there be more goodness in the world!

Goat enters.


Oh, horror, here you are, gray rogue!

Ah, poor goats!

(Counts) No! My goats are here

All the guys are healthy.

Wolf .

Because I don't have a mother.

goats .

Mommy, honey, let her stay

For the wolf we have a place.


Okay, stay with us.

Go around the world around

Just know in advance:

You will not find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother's.

You will not find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter

Mother to each of us

Everyone, everyone, everyone is dearer!

One hundred ways, roads around,

Go around the world -

Mom is the best friend

There is no better mom!

The song "Mom"

1st kid : Mom caresses,

Mom will cheer.

If it breaks

It will always forgive.

2nd kid : With her I'm not afraid

No villain!

There is no better and better

My mothers.

1st kid

We invite you to visit our house,

Okay grey, we forgive

Let's meet our mom

Let's have a festive dinner!

2nd kid

We can go everywhere with her.

With Mom, we can do everything.

Every day and every hour

We have our mother.

3rd kid

We know very well.

How we understand you!

That without a mother the house is empty,

What is sad without a mother in the house.

4th kid

Will you visit us often?

If we are friends,

Life will become more fun

Stop howling at night!


Everyone headed home

And a cheerful crowd

They see - mom at the gate

They are awaited with great anxiety.

5th kid

They brought a guest to our house!

Mum! Mum! We came!

He is alone in the world

He doesn't have a mother...


So be it, my mother said.

Mother Goat

Here the door is open for everyone

Let him play with you.

Unless you're a scary beast!


The gray wolf laughed!

The gray wolf smiled!

He found his friends

It will be more fun with them!

Also, most importantly

He has a mom too!

They leave.

Music director:

We are finishing our story

What else can we say?

Allow me to say goodbye

Wish you good health!

Our guests are dear,

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

It's time to part

We tell you:

All: Goodbye!

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