The history of the profession of a hairdresser for children. Profession - hairdresser. Role-playing game "Barbershop"


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution MO

Sayanogorsk Kindergarten combined type No. 20 "Dolphin"

prepared by: Goncharova N.V.

Defectologist teacher

Lesson summary

"Profession - hairdresser"

Purpose: to introduce children to the profession of a hairdresser.


Correctional and educational: to expand the idea of ​​professions, tools, mining operations.

Correction-developing: to develop visual perception, attention, memory, thinking.

Correctional and educational: to cultivate respect for the work of adults, curiosity.

Equipment: a picture on the theme “In the hairdresser”, pictures depicting the professions of people, items for a role-playing game (scissors, hair dryer, comb, varnish).

Lesson progress

  1. Organizing time.

-Guys, tell me, where do your parents go every day? Where do they work?

Let's remember what professions we have already talked about?

  1. The main part (pictures are displayed on a typesetting canvas - a teacher, a salesman, a cook, a driver, a seamstress)

Didactic game"Who's doing what?"

The doctor - treats, the teacher - teaches, the seller - sells, the seamstress - sews, the cook - cooks.

Now try to guess the riddle.

Who will do the hair

Hairdryer, brush and comb

Magnificent curls will curl,

Whip the bangs with a brush

Everything in his hands is on fire

Who will change appearance? (the hairdresser)

Today we will talk about the profession of a hairdresser.

Profession story. Hairdressers work in barber shops and beauty salons. The client is seated in a comfortable chair, their shoulders are covered with a special cape, their hair is washed with shampoo, and then they are cut using a comb and scissors. For a female client, a hairdresser can style her hair with a hairdryer and brush, or curl her hair into curls and cover with a special hairspray.

A hairdresser must have good health (after all, he has to spend the whole working day on his feet) and love for people, have a desire to bring joy, to make people more beautiful.


Where does the hairdresser work?

What does a hairdresser do?

What tools does he need to work?

What should a hairdresser have?

Finger gymnastics

Give scissors, comb
He will do your hair

Master by all means

Gives you a modern cut.

Guessing riddles about the tools of the hairdresser.

  1. Two ends, two rings

Carnations in the middle (scissors)

  1. In this little thing

Settled a warm wind (hair dryer)

  1. I walk - I wander not through the forests, but through the mustache and hair

And my teeth are longer than wolves and bears (comb)

Guys, well done, guessed everything correctly!

Look, the boy Petya came to visit us, who will tell you how he went to the hairdresser.

The poem "About the hairdresser"

Hair became like a mane

Looks like it's time to cut...

The barbershop is beautiful

Lots of light, mirrors...

They pointed me to a chair

I didn’t have time to say: “Oh!”
Flashed, flew

Scissors above the head.

I came there shaggy

And not a sheared sheep,
And I left neat

And a handsome little boy.

Hairdresser Uncle Sasha

He told me: "Do not forget our hairdresser, do not overgrow"

The hairdresser knows everything:

If you want, she will shave her head or remove her bangs,

Or trim the temples - as you want, cut it.

He knows his job

Who wants a haircut

Those will help no problem.

  1. Summary of the lesson.

What profession are we talking about today?

Now I suggest you play the role-playing game "Hairdresser's".

If you want to cut your hair, make a beautiful hairstyle, then you will go to the hairdresser, where the skillful hands of the hairdresser will conjure over your hair.

Master hairdresser

The master will do the hair

Hairdryer, brush and comb.

Magnificent curls will curl,

Whip the bangs with a brush,

Everything in his hands burns -

It will change the look!

In fact, we rise from the hairdresser's chair with beautiful, neatly styled hair.

Hairdressers usually have a certain specialty: male, female or children's master.

First, the hairdresser sits you in a comfortable chair, covers your shoulders with a special cape, then thoroughly rinses your hair with shampoo.

Then lightly dries the hair with a towel. After that, a comb and scissors appear in his hands, and he begins to cut his hair strand by strand, giving it a certain shape.

After the summer holidays, many children go to the hairdresser in order to come to school or kindergarten on September 1 with a neat haircut.

At the barbershop

Brought to cut the child -

How big is the boy!

Take scissors, comb -

One-two-three - the haircut is ready.

The little boy is unrecognizable

You can send to kindergarten!

When the haircut is ready, the hairdresser can blow-dry and brush you, or maybe curl your hair with curls and cover with a special hairspray. The main thing is that the hairstyle fits the type of face, in harmony with the appearance!

Therefore, a master hairdresser must have good taste, imagination and, of course, “golden” hands.

Let's think together what qualities of character a hairdresser needs for successful work?

Right! Sociability, the ability to patiently listen to the client, to understand what hairstyle he dreams of. The hairdresser must be aware of all fashionable novelties and be fluent in his profession.

That is why various hairdressing competitions are held.

Here, hairdressers share the secrets of their skills, make new haircuts and elegant evening hairstyles that can be decorated with flowers and sparkles.

The work of a hairdresser is creative, it is akin to the work of an artist!

But the hairdresser must also have good health (after all, he has to spend the whole working day on his feet), and love for people, the desire to bring them joy, to make them more charming and beautiful.

How many of you have ever been to a barbershop? What did you especially like there?

What is the job of a hairdresser?

What qualities does he need to be successful in this job?

Would you like to become a hairdresser?

Do you like to play with your friends in the hairdressing salon, combing dolls? Are you good at doll hair?

Why is it said that a good hairstyle is more important than an expensive outfit?

Hairdressing is one of the most ancient and sought-after professions. Previously, these people were also called Striguns. Since this specialty requires special skills, previously experienced hairdressers passed on their knowledge to other, young specialists, and therefore often hairdressing was a family business: the father revealed his secrets to his son.

Now this business has a narrow focus, and earlier barbers, in addition to haircuts, provided manicure, shaving services, and sometimes even performed medical procedures.

Profession hairdresser: features

The case under consideration has its own peculiarities that any modern master:

Accuracy. The work of a hairdresser requires jewelry precision from the master, because one awkward movement can not only spoil the whole work, but also injure the client.

Sports training. It would seem, why do people who choose this profession need a good physical shape? But the fact is that a lot of people come to professionals every day, and the masters do not always have extra 5 minutes to drink tea or just sit down and relax, and since the work is done while standing, comfortable shoes and strong leg muscles are necessary for these people. The same applies to hands: they must be dexterous and easily hold heavy technical devices - hair dryers and curling irons, as well as easily endure a long stay in an elevated state, which any haircut requires.

Innovation. This item refers to the desire of the master to master new haircut techniques and other ways to update hairstyles: for example, hair extensions, their lamination, etc. are popular today, which require additional knowledge, instruments and chemicals. To stay at the height of his skill, a hairdresser should not be limited to what he was taught in the courses, and keep up with the times, mastering new skills: this way he will easily withstand the competition, and regular customers will never change his services.

Profession hairdresser: necessary skills

Among professional skills the following stand out:

  • Knowledge chemical reactions those substances that are used in hairdressing: it is necessary for dyeing hair, restoring it, lightening and curling.
  • it is necessary to imagine what the hairstyle should look like after the haircut and how the hair will “lie down” after blow-drying.
  • The profession of a hairdresser implies a developed artistic taste of the master in order to create beautiful colors and shades when coloring.
  • Stylistic knowledge: when choosing a haircut, you need to take into account the general style of the client, his character and manner of dressing, so that the created image is organically combined with all the elements.
  • A female hairdresser must also have psychological knowledge, since his clientele is more emotional and unpredictable in their preferences: what clients want to see can be something of a fantasy, and the task of a professional is to correctly convey information about which hairstyle will look best.
  • An excellent understanding of the purpose of each hairdressing tool is another important component of professionalism, despite the similarity in the shape of scissors, there are many types of them: some are used to create “torn” strands, others to form a “ladder”, others are needed for regular trimming, etc. The same applies to combs that are needed when styling: using two different brushes from one haircut, you can make two or more types of styling.
  • A universal hairdresser must know absolutely all the subtleties of men's, women's and children's haircuts, as well as the difference in hair care types. Currently, there are not very many such hairdressers: masters choose one direction and improve in it.

The profession of a hairdresser: demand and possible places of work

Today, this art is highly valued in society: the times when a haircut was an unaffordable luxury, accessible only to the upper strata of the population, have already passed.

The hairdresser has several options to earn money with this craft:

  • get settled in;
  • work in a hairdresser;
  • teach at the school of stylists;
  • engage in private practice.

Fortunately, hairdressing is not a very specific profession, and you can get a job even in the smallest settlements with poor infrastructure.

Today, many people are thinking about becoming a hairdresser. After all, masters in cutting, styling and dyeing hair are always in demand, and their work is well paid. However, this profession, like any other, has its own nuances. Before making a choice in favor of training in hairdressing, a person needs to familiarize himself with the features, advantages and disadvantages of this work.

The main directions of the specialty

What is the profession of a hairdresser? Its description is quite extensive. A modern hairdresser is not just a person who knows how to cut and dye hair. He must be a magician, creating unique images for his clients. There are several main areas in hairdressing:

  • male master;
  • female master;
  • colorist;
  • braiding specialist;
  • station wagon;
  • hair stylist.

Characteristics of directions

What is the difference between the work of each of the mentioned masters, it is clear from the name.

  • The male master is engaged in the creation of hairstyles for the stronger sex, and ladies' curls fall into the disposal of the female.
  • The profession of "hairdresser for children" involves working with small clients, which can sometimes be very difficult to cut.
  • Colorists are trained in the art of dyeing, highlighting and coloring hair.
  • A weaving specialist can easily create evening, youth and avant-garde hairstyles on the client’s head with the help of different kind pigtails.
  • But the universal hairdresser is valued above all, because he alone can replace all of the above specialists. Such a master knows the technology of cutting men, women and children, knows how to curl, style and dye, knows how to choose the right hair care products, understands the intricacies of the effect of various masks, shampoos and conditioners on the hair. It is these masters of a wide profile that are gladly hired by hairdressers and beauty salons.

Who is a hair stylist?

If a client needs an evening or model hairstyle, then he needs to make his way not to a station wagon, but to a hair stylist. A specialist of this level is considered the most competent, because he understands the latest fashion trends, creates haircuts and styling of any complexity, knows how to work with hot scissors, knows different ways of curling and coloring hair, etc. The profession of "hairdresser-stylist" is in demand in expensive beauty salons, on television, in show business.

What else does a good hairdresser need?

Skill is not all that is required from a person who likes the profession of "hairdresser". The description of this activity also includes the need to have communication skills, for which you need to be a good psychologist and be able to maintain conversations on various topics. But you shouldn't stop here either. The hairdresser must never forget that his main duty is to make people beautiful. His work requires an individual approach to each client. In order to become a true professional, a hairdresser needs to love his work and treat it as a creative process.

Briefly about the history of hairdressing

Barbers were needed at all times, but before their work was not as highly paid as it is now, and such work could not be called prestigious. The history of the profession "hairdresser" has several millennia. Fashion for hairstyles existed in ancient Egypt. The task of the barbers was to create and care for the wigs of noble nobles. In the Middle Ages, the haircut "under the pot" was popular among the male population, and women hid their hair from prying eyes under fabric capes. The profession of a barber reached its greatest skill in the 17th century: at that time huge wigs, reaching a height of up to 50 cm, came into fashion. In order to build and maintain such hair structures in good condition, the craftsmen needed to have special skills and talent. Anyone could not become a barber, because the secrets of working with scissors and combs were inherited from the older generation to the younger.

Advantages of the profession

Before getting the profession of a hairdresser, a person needs to carefully read all its pros and cons.

The most important advantage of the specialty is the high demand in the labor market, since both women and men want to be beautiful. Even a master without experience can find a job today, because in every locality a large number of hairdressers and beauty salons are open.

If a specialist for some reason does not want to work in the salon, he can provide his services at home at his place or at the client's. Home-based hairdressers today are not so few. In order to receive a stable and decent income, working for himself, the master needs to have a large number of regular customers.

A good specialist will always be able to feed himself and his family, because hairdressing services are not cheap. Even if he temporarily remains without work, he will be able to cut and color his friends and neighbors, receiving a worthy material reward for this.

Working as a hairdresser involves communicating with a large number of people, among whom there are influential people. After working for several years in the salon, the specialist will acquire a solid circle of useful contacts that will be useful to him in the future.

Cons of being a hairdresser

Having become acquainted with the main advantages of the profession, it is necessary to proceed to the consideration of its shortcomings.

Barbers have their occupational diseases. Due to the fact that the master spends a long time on his feet during the working day, he develops diseases of the spine, varicose veins, arthrosis, and arthritis. The use of aerosols, inhalation of the smells of nail polishes and hair dyes leads to the development of allergies and bronchial asthma in beauty salon workers.

The dream of becoming a hairdresser can turn into disappointment when a young specialist starts working with clients, because among them there are many conflicting and always dissatisfied people. This craft requires great endurance and stress resistance; it will be psychologically difficult for an impressionable person to engage in it.

There is a lot of competition among haircutters and hairstylists today. In order to find a job in a prestigious salon, a hairdresser needs to be a professional in his field, and for this he needs to constantly improve his skills.

Masters have to buy all professional tools for work at their own expense, and they are not cheap. For example, only simple scissors will cost a hairdresser several thousand rubles, and in addition to them, he will also need a variety of combs, brushes, clips, a hairdryer, curling irons, curlers, razors, sprayers, and a hair clipper.

Specialty training

To become a hairdresser, you do not need to spend a lot of time and money on training. You can learn how to use scissors and a hair dryer in short courses lasting only a few months. The skills and abilities acquired there are quite enough to get a job in an ordinary hairdresser. If a person strives to become a true professional in his field, he will have to additionally attend advanced training courses, take part in various competitions, and take mastery lessons from recognized geniuses in their field. Also today, many universities offer those who wish to master all the nuances of working with hair, becoming a qualified specialist with a higher education.

Diligence, accuracy, creativity, endurance, sociability, tact, kindness, the ability to find an individual approach to each client - these are far from all the personal qualities that the profession of a hairdresser requires. There are pros and cons to this profession, like any other. Having familiarized yourself with them, you can determine for yourself whether it is worth choosing hairdressing as a business of your whole life or it makes sense to look for your vocation in another occupation.

This is one of the most well-known and respected professions. The work of a hairdresser is work with each person individually, requiring consideration of his character, personality and taste. The creative process of creating hairstyles and haircuts is closely related to creativity in any other kind of human activity. The work of doing hairstyles and haircuts is essentially the closest thing to the art of a sculptor. The hairstyle is the same sculpture and it contributes to the creation of his artistic image. In order to be a good hairdresser, it is not enough just to study the technological side of the work performed, to master the necessary skills, you need to develop aesthetic feelings and think in artistic images, know the laws of combining styles and colors in clothes and hairstyles.
If the hairdresser achieves a combination of hairstyle with appearance, style appointment, clothing and makeup, only then can he consider his work perfect. The profession of a hairdresser is remarkable in that the master, doing his work with a soul, gives joy not only to people, but also receives great pleasure from his work. Beauty, as you know, will save the world, and a good hairdresser will always give people only beauty and his unique art!
The role of the hairdresser in creating the overall harmony of lines, taking into account the individuality of the client, is sometimes decisive. Each person resorts to the help of a hairdresser in the hope that, based on his knowledge and the requirements of modern fashion, professional experience and personal taste will create an elegant hairstyle. That is why the profession of a hairdresser should be chosen by people with a creative nature and a fairly developed aesthetic taste.

People began to take care of their hair from the very beginning of life on Earth. The first hairdressing experiments were not even practical in nature, such as creating a hairstyle, but was associated with superstitions. In ancient times, it was believed in the East, and even now it is believed that hair represents a certain connection with higher powers. Sometimes it was necessary to exorcise the devil, or vice versa, to attract good spirits to a person, then they would certainly call for help from a person who knew the skills of working with hair, namely, cutting, shaving, and burning the ends. So even in the most primitive tribe there was a hairdresser the most important person.
More seriously, hairdressing took root in different states, but it was most clearly expressed in Egypt, Ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire. In ancient Greece, hairdressing was more civilized, there were already original hairdressing salons where they received clients, and the ancient craftsmen themselves were highly respected people. Greek hairdressers could create a variety of hairstyles, depending on the type of client's face, sheared, twisted and dyed hair with decoctions of plants. People came to ancient salons not only to get their hair done, but also to discuss latest news. The Romans were the most active visitors to hairdressing salons. Roman masters devoted many hours to work: they washed their hair with healing compounds, styled it with adhesives, rinsed, and treated. In Roman beauty salons, every visitor could get their hair done, dye their hair with a special rare ointment, and even get a manicure. If a lady belonged to high society, she always had her own hairdresser.

By the end of the 18th century, hairdressing fell into decline and only the appearance of wigs saved the profession, the fashion for which quickly captured European residents, and mainly, of course, royalty. Barbers then came up with the most complicated hairstyles, fastened on frames. But nevertheless, the profession ceased to be something worthy and the title of a hairdresser was more shameful than proud. In Russia at that time they copied Western fashion, and noble ladies persuaded gentlemen to “prescribe” a kuafera for them in order to create a hairstyle for the ball. Local hairdressers, not being attached to any salon (of which there were few), walked the streets and called people. Their appearance was always accompanied by fun, jokes, the masters composed special sayings to attract the public, and they succeeded. Such wandering barbers were considered good craftsmen and after some time they were invited to their homes or even to work in expensive beauty salons. At the end of the 19th century, their success began to decline, because a new era began for hairdressers.
In the 70s of the last century, the concept of a model haircut appeared, false hair was used in styling, haircuts and styling are now done on a permanent wave.

Give me scissors, a comb,
He will do your hair.
Hairdresser by all means
Gives you a modern cut.

In this clean bright room,
With a sense of joy always
The old walks and the small walks,
So I will go there too.
If I'm too overgrown,
I will sit boldly in a chair,
I need a haircut
The master will do it skillfully.
Silently I look in the mirror:
Scissors fly fast
I follow the master
How does he change his hairstyle?
With a neat head
(Master did a great job)
I return home.
What was the name of this master?

In order to become a good hairdresser, you need to feel the desires of customers, be able to find a common language with them, be aware of all fashion trends, have special knowledge, experience and skills. Perhaps, a hairdresser is one of the few professions in which education alone is not enough - you need to have a certain talent that allows you to create harmony in the client's hairstyle with his general appearance, and the courage that will allow you to realize the author's intention.
Nowadays, it is possible to become a hairdresser upon completion of appropriate courses or specialized schools for hairdressers. As a rule, basic training lasts no more than a year, and its cost is low. There are no special requirements for applicants, so you can become a hairdresser at almost any age. But the most difficult thing is to become a Master. But having gone from an ordinary hairdresser to a real Master, you can achieve a stable job, wealth, and even fame.

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