German motley giant breed description. Unique signs of rabbits of the German motley giant breed. Appearance description


Strokach rabbits are popular with rabbit breeders around the world. Let's figure out what is the peculiarity of this type of lagomorphs and how to properly care for them.

History of the breed

Strokachi are notable for their long history of existence. Initially, black and white rabbits were bred in countries Western Europe about 300 years ago. The purpose of cultivation was the production of meat products. The breed known to us was bred in the 19th century by German breeders. Scientists crossed these animals with Belgian Flanders rabbits. At the end of the 19th century, the genotype modern breed was fixed, and by 1907 the Strokach breed was included in the list of existing species.

Did you know? Strokachs are also called German spotted giants or German butterflies (because of the characteristic pattern in the form of a butterfly on the nose).

Appearance description

Lines belong to large breeds, have an impressive complexion and a downed physique. The average German Spotted Giant has the following characteristics:

A feature of the strings is an unusual spotted color. The background is white, which is diluted with spots painted in black or brown. At birth, the color appears solid and changes as they mature. Characteristic for the breed are special "marks", which must be present in the exhibition options:

  1. The eyes are framed with dark fur, which resembles the shape of glasses. The spots should be even and not merge with others.
  2. On the nose is a smooth symmetrical butterfly with pronounced edges and not diluted with inclusions.
  3. The cheeks of rabbits are decorated with small even spots.
  4. Ears must be dark, color without spots, uniform.
  5. The main feature is an even dark stripe on the back, which starts from the head at the line of the ears and ends at the base of the tail, but does not color it. The strip is 2.5–3 cm wide.
  6. On both sides of the strip on the sides there are small dark spots, characterized by symmetry. Usually there are 2–3 of them on each side, however, there are specimens with 4–5 spots.

Characteristics of the breed

Strokachi are distinguished by optimal characteristics for rabbit breeders engaged in meat breeding of rabbits. Adult individuals, due to a downed physique and a genetic predisposition to an increase in muscles, gain a large mass, sometimes reaching 10 kg. The table shows the average indicators of the breed:

Did you know? IN wild nature rabbits, especially from artificially bred breeds, can live no longer than 1 year. A life expectancy of 7 years or more is achieved with proper home care.


This type of rabbit is distinguished by calmness and kindness. A purebred stringer does not show aggression and does not bite. In females, after birth, the maternal instinct is pronounced. Thanks to their good disposition, these cute rabbits are popular not only among farmers, but also among those who wish to have a pet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Breeding or keeping strings has both pros and cons.

  • The advantages of the breed include the following:
  • unpretentiousness;
  • soft character;
  • high reproductive rates;
  • fast growth;
  • large mass;
  • unique color.
  • Among the shortcomings, only minor ones can be distinguished:
  • difficulties in determining a purebred rabbit by color;
  • unsuitability to participate in exhibitions in the presence of deviations from the norm.

How to choose a Strokach rabbit

Since stringers belong to breeds with a long breeding past, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of individual individuals.

Basic Rules

In order to choose a pet among stringers, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • color correctness, color matching;
  • clarity and evenness of the picture;
  • proportionality of the body and dimensions in accordance with the desired characteristics;
  • animal behavior.

Signs of purebred

A purebred streak rabbit has certain characteristics. Some may deviate, but in general a thoroughbred German motley giant is distinguished by the following features:

  • the pattern on the wool is even;
  • background color - white;
  • spots are black or brown;
  • the coat is smooth, shiny, without bald spots or tangles;
  • large body weight (the weight of an adult is 5–10 kg);
  • good disposition, no aggression;
  • a pronounced maternal instinct in hatching females.

Permissible deviations from the norm

The listed norms of purebredness may have some deviations that do not affect the ratio of the rabbit to the strings. These characteristics include:

  • coloring of claws;
  • uneven spots on the sides with blurry edges;
  • zigzag edges of a speck on the nose;
  • dark blotches on the top of the head in the color of the rest of the spots;
  • slight modification of color: for example, white blotches on black areas on the sides.

Inadmissible deviations from the norm

Some deviations indicate that the breed is not purebred, mixed with other species, or the individual is defective. They include:

  • bald spots and tufts in wool;
  • absence, weakness or inferiority (for example, white spots) of drawings on the nose and back line;
  • a spot on the muzzle that is not butterfly-shaped;
  • there are no spots on the cheeks or they merge into a single pattern.

Breeding and care

If you decide to start breeding strings, first of all, you need to take care of the organization of housing, feeding and care for them.

Read also how to correctly determine the sex of a rabbit.

housing requirements

If stringers are bred on a farm, an aviary or a large cage would be the best housing option. In this case, it is preferable to make the floor solid or slatted. The metal floor is not suitable for this breed. Hay or straw bedding should be used. Rabbits that are kept as pets can live in a cage.
It must be spacious, due to the size of an adult. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling should be 0.8x1 m, height - approximately 0.5 m. If you plan to breed offspring, you need to separately purchase a cage for a female with rabbits. Its area should be 1.6x1 m. Strokachs are unpretentious breeds and do not need to create a special microclimate:

  1. The room temperature should be + 16-18 ° C, while rabbits tolerate higher thermometer readings (up to + 20-25 ° C). It is undesirable to place animals in conditions low temperature and drafts should not be allowed.
  2. The optimal air humidity for stringers is 60–70%.
  3. Lighting in the room should be mandatory, since this breed does not tolerate darkness well. At the same time, try to avoid direct sunlight.
Properly selected feeders and drinkers, as well as well-organized walking of animals, are important factors in keeping them.

Feeders and drinkers

Lagomorphs easily overturn feeders and drinkers, and also throw them up, grabbing them with their teeth. This also applies to the breed of stringers, which can easily turn over the container due to their large size. For this reason, it is best to avoid lightweight plastic feeders.
It is better to pay attention to small but heavy ceramic dishes, especially if you plan to place them on the floor. Another option is to secure the feeder and drinker to the bars of the cage.

Walking organization

Rabbits of this species, despite their affectionate and gentle disposition, are quite active, so they need to be walked. It is better to release them in a place where grass grows and there are no dangers in the form of stones or debris. Given that pets can run away, it is better to use a paddock.

Important!You can only walk these eared ears in the summer, as the cold temperature can damage them.

Feeding ration

Since this breed belongs to meat, it is important to correctly compose the diet of the animal. Even if the rabbit is not kept for the sake of slaughter, rational nutrition is necessary to maintain its health. Pets should consume:

  • grain and grain mixtures from oats, wheat, barley and corn;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • fresh grass;
  • plants;
  • branches;
  • bark;
  • compound feed.

Regardless of the choice of food, it must be constantly poured into the feeder - rabbits eat often (from 30 to 80 times a day) in small portions.
Additionally, you can give vitamin premixes that will complement the diet with the necessary nutrients and trace elements. This is especially important in the autumn-winter period. The water in the drinkers should be changed regularly so that it does not stagnate. Animals are given only clean drinking water at room temperature.

It is forbidden to add to the diet:

  • green potatoes;
  • dairy products;
  • meat;
  • tomato and potato tops;
  • cabbage;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • mint and other plants with a high content of essential oils;
  • sugary foods;
  • almond;
  • bean husks;
  • nutmeg;
  • spoiled products;
  • improperly dried grass.

Important! Control the weight of the strings - in the pursuit of weight gain, it is undesirable to allow obesity.

Care and hygiene

Stroke rabbits need affectionate attitude and proper maintenance. To properly raise pets, it is important to follow the rules of care and hygiene:

  • do not keep animals in cramped cages and walk animals regularly during the warm season;
  • daily check the cleanliness of the coat and paws;
  • clean the cage every 1-2 days;
  • change the bedding as it gets dirty;
  • do not allow unsanitary conditions in cages and in the room where rabbits live;
  • check the walking area for debris and sharp objects;
  • regularly vaccinate pets (once every 6 months according to the schedule).

How to properly breed rabbits

Strokachi, like any breed of rabbit, is often bred for further reproduction. To properly breed them, you must adhere to the rules of selection. After birth, babies need to be properly cared for, fed and prevented from disease.

Principles of selection for reproduction

Preservation of purebred young animals is achieved by mating the best individuals. This is important for maintaining an unusual color, correct pattern and stable genotype. If not the best rabbits are selected for breeding, the offspring produced may have the wrong color, which is considered a marriage in selective breeding, or even be born with a single color coat.

Important!The male in the pair must always be purebred.

When choosing a male and female, they pay attention to the “cleanest” pets with an even pattern and the right coat color. These must be healthy representatives of the breed, not affected by genetic or chronic diseases.

If it happens that the female has defects, she can be mated with the "correct" male. In this case, some of the offspring may be deficient in terms of purebredness, but other rabbits are more likely to inherit the father's genes.

Parenting and caring for the young

The female becomes sexually mature closer to 6 months. Pregnancy is also possible at an earlier age, but birth during this period is likely to adversely affect both the mother and the offspring. The male, having reached 6 months, is ready to cover the female. It is at this age that the first mating is carried out.

The approximate gestation period for a rabbit is 1 month. Pregnancy periods can be somewhat shorter and longer, from 25 to 34 days, but most often offspring are born on the 31st day. Before birth, approximately on the 24th day, the female is transplanted into a separate cage.
Usually female stringers give birth to 8-10 cubs. Rabbits open their eyes on the tenth day after birth and during this period they become fully developed, but for the first 1.5 months they cannot be moved away from their mother, since lactation occurs during this period.

When the rabbit stops feeding, you should wait another 2 weeks so that there is no sharp separation of the children from the mother. Thus, the rabbits live with the female for 2 months.

A favorable period for birth is summer and spring, when animals can get enough of natural vitamins and pass them on to their offspring. However, in modern conditions When there are vitamin supplements, and animals can be protected from the cold by heating, mating is carried out in winter.


Compared to other breeds, female stringers feed their babies for a relatively long time. For the first 30 days, the mother provides the rabbits with all the necessary elements through milk. It is necessary to pay attention to the diet of the female, give enough food and clean drinking water. After 1 month, young animals are offered grass, vegetables and grains. On the 60th day they are weaned from their mother, after which the food becomes the same as in adults.


It is imperative to vaccinate stringers in order to prevent the development of dangerous pathologies. Some of the diseases can be fatal, others are contagious. It is especially important to vaccinate rabbits that live in a herd, although individual rearing also needs to be vaccinated.

The first vaccine is administered after the animals reach 2 months of age. Further and until the end of life, revaccination is carried out every six months.

Strokach rabbits need proper care and breeding. Selectively bred over 100 years ago, this species is still preserved today through proper breeding with preservation of purebredness. With proper implementation of the rules for the maintenance of strings, animals successfully breed and live long.

The Stroke Rabbit got its name due to its characteristic color. The black stripe on the snow-white back resembles a line. It owes its other name, the German Butterfly, to a spot on its nose that looks like this insect. The breed is of interest to farmers because these large, unpretentious animals quickly gain weight and produce tender tasty meat.

Species history

The German motley giant rabbit is descended from English ancestors. In the 18th century, Belgian giant flanders were crossed with English spotted rabbits and received animals with tender meat, which was served only to noble aristocrats. As a result of long-term selection work, by 1908 it was possible to obtain the first stable individuals, which finally took shape in a separate subspecies and are still being bred.

Today, three main colors of the stringer are known:

  • snow-white with black pattern;
  • white-blue;
  • Havana.

An important difference is the pattern, which has characteristic features. It allows you to distinguish purebred individuals from hybrids or animals with a disturbed genome.

Description and color features

German string rabbits are large animals with well-developed muscles. The length of an individual is up to 70 cm, not without reason their ancestors were Belgian giants. The fleshy base of the protruding ears is covered with soft fur, and the length reaches 15-18 centimeters.

Animals have shiny fur, the length of which is 3.5 cm. The fur is soft and silky to the touch. Purebred rabbits do not have lumpy or bald patches.

  • small head;
  • Brown eyes;
  • short neck, smoothly turning into a wide chest;
  • dewlap in rabbits;
  • the back is elongated, with well-developed muscles, a large rounded croup.

Gaining a kilogram per month, by six months the animal can reach 6 kg and be ready for slaughter. By 8 months, some rabbits manage to gain up to 10 kg.

The minimum size normal for this breed is 5 kg for a six-month-old rabbit. Males can weigh less, but not much, by a maximum of 10%.

Due to their large size, the animals are clumsy and move slowly. If you breed rabbits for meat, this is rather a positive characteristic, because:

  • they behave more calmly;
  • move less in cells;
  • spend a minimum of energy for life and a maximum for the growth of muscle mass;
  • moving little, they build up tender, not sinewy meat.

The nature of purebred rabbits is calm, even lazy. Females are caring mothers. They produce abundant milk and enough responsibility to feed their offspring and ensure their maximum survival.

What should be the correct drawing on the body?

It is easy to recognize a purebred stringer by its characteristic pattern on a snow-white background. The correct combination of colors and the pattern corresponding to the breed is the merit of the owners who breed purebred rabbits.

In practice, it is difficult to achieve the ideal color, because this characteristic of the breed is unstable. The ideal variant is easier to obtain by crossing a white female with a standard-colored male. In one litter, rabbits with the correct pattern and deviations from the norm can be born. This is due to the heterozygous genotype of rabbits. The most common deviations in coloration are an incorrect pattern or a pure white coloration.

The wool of newborn rabbits is almost monophonic, the pattern is accurately and distinctly manifested only with time.

Correct drawing

The distinguishing features of the color of the breed include:

  • a spot in the shape of a butterfly, with wings of which lie on the sides of the muzzle, and a rounded protrusion between them falls on the bridge of the nose;
  • round symmetrical spots around the eyes, separated from each other;
  • even one-color black or brown ears;
  • a stripe on the back, about 2x-3x cm wide from the ears to the tip of the tail;
  • 5-8 symmetrical spots on each side, no more than 3 cm in diameter.

According to these traits, a rabbit can be distinguished when buying. They will also become a reference point for breeding purebred individuals. It is possible to understand that the breed genome was not transmitted to the cub in its pure form by a number of characteristic external signs:

  • ragged uneven fur;
  • weakly expressed drawing on the back and muzzle or its complete absence;
  • a butterfly or a line on the back is not completely drawn or has deviations in shape: white spots are visible on the butterfly, and the strip is intermittent;
  • spots around the eyes are absent or connected.

Such a pattern indicates that the other properties of the rock will not fully manifest themselves. Such rabbits are left for fattening, but it is better not to use them in breeding.

Permissible deviations from the norm

The color of the breed is very variable, so even with differences in the pattern, the rabbit can inherit the genes of the parents. These deviations include:

  • a small spot of white in the black areas of the pattern;
  • spots on top of head;
  • the butterfly on the muzzle is correctly located, but the wings have jagged edges;
  • spots on the sides of the body, weakly expressed or connected to each other, may be uneven;
  • claws have additional coloration.

Such signs should not stop when buying an animal or selecting it for further breeding. It is capable of producing purebred offspring no worse than its counterparts with a perfect pattern.

Strokachs feel better in aviaries than in cages. Natural sluggishness provides them with sufficient safety in open space. In the paddock, the quality of wool improves. Keep the aviary clean, it must be regularly cleaned and freed from moisture. To prevent animals from getting sick, protect the room from drafts and cold.

It is worth taking care of a sufficient amount of light. Harmful is both darkness and excessive sun exposure, in which rabbit hair burns out.

To make the meat tasty, it is worth including juicy herbs in the diet, possibly fresh, from the lawn, which the animal will pluck on its own. If fattening occurs in the autumn-winter period, vitamin and mineral supplements are included in the diet.

An integral part of rabbit nutrition is fruits and root crops. Do not give legumes and fresh cabbage in large quantities. Enrich the diet and provide a healthy high-grade content finely chopped:

  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • sugar beet;
  • boiled potatoes.

Cages or aviary are equipped with senniks and automatic drinkers. Water should be given in plenty, the animals themselves determine the daily rate, depending on the dryness of the feed and weather conditions.

Vaccinations against diseases are an important part of care. If you do not do them on time, you can lose the entire livestock. Rabbits don't like

  • drafts;
  • high humidity;
  • temperature changes.

For normal weight gain, these shy creatures need calmness. Place the aviary or cages away from other animals and harsh sounds. They don't like strangers either.


Strokachi reach puberty very early, already six months after their birth, they are ready to bring offspring. For fidelity, it is better to let the individual develop well and gain weight. 8 months of age is considered optimal for the first mating.

The female is able to bring and feed up to 10 cubs. Thanks to a well-developed maternal instinct and an abundance of milk, the entire litter survives, and this is up to 10 rabbits. Females do not abandon offspring, even if they give birth for the first time.

The young of the German motley rabbit are milk-fed longer than in animals of other breeds.

The rabbit needs access to water during childbirth and feeding. Lack of fluid can cause the mother to seek to reduce the number of sucklings and harm her offspring.

When choosing individuals for crossing, determine the main goals. If it is important to achieve purebredness and the correct color, at least initial knowledge of genetics is necessary. When growing rabbits for meat, color features can be somewhat neglected.

Rabbits of the German motley giant breed are unpretentious in maintenance and quickly gain weight. They allow you to get up to 10 kilograms of delicious tender meat in just a few months, even if animals are kept in the northern regions. This makes the breed attractive both for large breeders and for keeping in household farms.

Sending across Russia is possible!

I offer rabbits of the breed " German spotted giant» ( Strokach). To buy Strokach, please, . Sending across Russia is possible.

There are three confirmed colors of Strokach: Black, Blue, Havana. Since the German Spotted Giants have a marriage in color, the most difficult thing for this breed of rabbits is to choose a color. Exhibition colors in the round of 9 are only a maximum of 5 rabbits. Also in this breed there are plain rabbits and you can’t do without them. If you always cross rabbits with the correct pattern, then spots begin to disappear, a stripe breaks along the back, etc. To avoid this, you need to add a monophonic female or male, mainly a female.

Description and features of Strokach

The German Spotted Giant is a very interesting and beautiful breed of rabbit. They are called “Strokach” due to the fact that a colored stripe runs along the back, continuous from ears to tail, approximately 3 centimeters wide. Strokach is also called the "German Butterfly", as the Germans bred this breed.

The breed "German Motley Giant" was officially registered in 1908, but it was brought to Russia quite recently and rapidly began to gain popularity in the country. The breed is large, descended from the Belgian giant, but it is more productive in terms of meat yield. For me, Strokach is the most profitable breed in terms of meat output from a carcass. On the own experience pure meat I get an average of 62% per carcass.

The peculiarity of the breed is its unique color. By colors there are several colors: Black and white classic; Blue - white; Havana - white; Madagascar - white; Peach - white; Isabella is white. Several colors are allowed in the drawing at once, but this is extremely rare.

There is the correct color, marriage in color and plain. Marriage by color is when there are a lot of spots (more than 8), there are large fused spots or no spots on the sides at all, the stripe on the back is intermittent, the absence of a crown on the head, the absence of a spot on the cheek and masks on the muzzles, colored claws.

A good color is considered an even, continuous stripe along the back 3 cm wide. Painted ears with a transition to the back, a spot on the cheek, but only so that this spot does not merge, but is separate. Ring around the eyes. From 3-8 spots on the sides of the back of the back, the spots are separate. A smooth mask on the muzzle in the form of butterfly wings, the lower lip remains white. There are also small spots on the abdomen. Triangle under tail. The ears are of medium length from 15-18 cm. The eyes are brown.

Solid color rabbits must be pure in color without white hair. Some people confuse the German Spotted Giant with the Russian Butterfly, but this is a completely different breed both in weight and in color. Russian butterflies weigh a maximum of 5 kg, while Strokach weighs 5 to 9 kg live weight.

The body length of an adult German Spotted Giant is 70 cm. The growth rate is good, on average they add 700-1200 grams per month. Intensive growth lasts up to 5-6 months. Then growth slows down. Females have good milk production and bring from 6 to 16 rabbits, an average of 9 pcs. Females grow up to the third okrol. Males after the first mating, as a rule, stop growing, but gain another 1 kg of weight. Therefore, it is necessary to happen them when they have gained their optimal weight. Before the first mating, males should weigh from 5.5 kg, females from 6 kg.

It will not work to keep Strokach on a mesh floor, if only up to 4-5 months, since this breed is large and a lot of weight on the mesh will quickly turn into corns and then into subdermatitis. Therefore, I advise the slatted floor, either solid, or on a bed of hay or straw, but very often it will be necessary to change it. Optimally rail or mixed floor. Feeding like regular rabbits, I use rabbit pellets and hay. When feeding rabbits with granulated feed, it is necessary to ensure that water is always available to the animals.

To get the most correct and ideal color, you need to use the most clear color without marriage in choosing pairs. Or take a monophonic female, and a motley male with a good color. In my experience, I use variegated males with a good regular color, I use females with a good color and solid color. In mating I let females from 7 months, males from 8 months.

In order not to confuse rabbits and prevent inbreeding, I use branding of rabbits. I put my own brand so that there are no questions from buyers, whose rabbit it is and where it comes from. I put the stigma from 2-3 months so that the ears grow up and the stigma is well pronounced.

The string rabbit is a fairly common bred subspecies with a high growth rate. This breed is also often referred to as the German Butterfly or the German Pied Rabbit. Features of the subspecies, content and breeding conditions are of great interest to livestock breeders.

A species of colorful rabbits with a “butterfly” on their muzzle was called a stringer because of the long black stripe on the back - “strings”

Beginning in the 18th century, variegated rabbits began to gain popularity in Eastern Europe. They were bred from the Belgian Flandre giant breed and the spotted rabbit breeds from England. Such animals were famous for the special quality of meat, which was served only to high-ranking persons. The breed itself is now recognized as meat.

The first motley rabbits were of a single color with splashes on the muzzle, which is why they got the name "butterfly".

As an independent breed, the motley rabbit appeared in Germany in the 20th century (1908), and is one of the fastest growing breeds. To date, three color variants have been bred for this subspecies. It is worth noting that versions about the origin of the species in different countries diverge.

The breed has three popular names. The most romantic is the German butterfly (because of the black spot on the muzzle), two more descriptive ones are the German motley giant, or the string rabbit. The latter is due to the fact that on the back of the rabbit there is a black continuous strip - a “line”. The color itself is often black and white, but there are other options on the farm, possibly mixed.


The rabbit itself is quite large and muscular - this fact is the main feature of the subspecies. In one litter, on average, 7-8 rabbits appear (the number sometimes reaches 10). The giant is approximately 65-70 cm long. The description of the animal includes protruding ears, fleshy and covered with thick soft fur, the length of which fluctuates around 15-18 cm. The coat itself is also dense and thick. The fur is long, pleasant to the touch and shiny, 3.5 cm long.

This subspecies has several color options, and at the same time - clear recognizable features.

Strokach is endowed with large brown eyes and a small head. It is slightly different in females and males. The former have an elongated head, while the latter are famous for their rounded shapes. The neck is short, passing into a wide chest. In rabbits, the presence of a dewlap is normally allowed.

The subspecies of rabbits is endowed with a strong and long back, as well as a voluminous rounded croup. The paws, like those of other members of the family, are long and strong. Average weight animal ranges from 6 to 10 kg. Normal weight gain for stringers is 1 kg per month. Thus, by six months, it usually reaches 6 kg. The minimum for an eight-month-old individual is considered to be a weight of 5 kg. At the same time, a smaller body weight is allowed among males, but not less than 90% of the norm. The maximum is not limited, since some animals reach even 10 kg.

A large weight gain causes some clumsiness and slowness of rabbits. But if you breed animals for meat, it becomes a big plus.

Color features

The most difficult thing in breeding the breed is getting the right fur color from the rabbit. He is the main characteristic for a purebred stringer. This is considered a difficult task because the breed has an unstable color. To increase the chance of producing offspring of the correct color, a white female is crossed with a standard male.

Every rabbit breeder whose goal is to breed thoroughbred strings must have a minimum knowledge of genetics.

Among the characteristic coloring, three main variants are registered, among which are the snow-white and black giant, the snow-white-blue giant, and the havana giant.

The characteristic and true color is due to the heterozygous genotype of the rabbit. Therefore, in one litter, there are both individuals with the correct coloring and monochromatic (completely snow-white or simply with the absence of a pattern that distinguishes the breed).

Correct body pattern

On the muzzle of a correctly bred individual, there is a pattern of a butterfly (which is why the animal received an additional name). Wings with clear outlines, open and located on the sides of the muzzle. A rounded spike is located on the bridge of the nose. By the way, the butterfly giants are not connected with the breed of rabbits in any way: there are too many differences in weight, color, and features of keeping and breeding.

The location and shape of the spots on the muzzle indicate the thoroughbredness of the individual.

Around the eyes on the muzzle are two even symmetrical circles. They should be black or brown in color and, in addition, be sure to be separated from the butterfly pattern and from each other.

Rabbits should have ears of the same color, usually black or brown. On the back there is a continuous strip 2-3 cm wide. It starts near the ears and ends on the tail. In addition to these drawings, various symmetrical inclusions are also located on the sides of the body, with a diameter of no more than three centimeters. On each side, an average of 5 - 8 spots.

Permissible deviations from the norm

Breeding a characteristic coloring line is a very complicated matter, but there are some deviations that livestock breeders consider the norm for a drawing:

  • errors in the coloration of the spots (for example, the presence of a small spot of white wool in black);
  • the presence of black (or brown) spots on the crown;
  • the butterfly pattern on the muzzle of the animal turned out with jagged edges;
  • on the sides, the patterns (spots) may be uneven, as well as too weakly or too strongly pronounced, some are connected;
  • colored claws.

Inadmissible deviations from the norm

In addition to the permitted ones, there are such deviations that no longer classify a certain animal as a rabbit of a pure breed. These are considered:

  • deviations from the norm of fur - it grows in tufts and unevenly;
  • deviations from the norm of the pattern - the pattern on the muzzle and back is absent or weakly expressed;
  • incomplete pattern of "butterflies" and "lines" - prominent white blotches in the pattern on the muzzle and an interrupted black stripe on the back;
  • irregular spots under the eyes - their absence or merging with each other;
  • the pattern on the head is associated with the presence of noticeable white spots, there are no (or weakly expressed) butterfly wings;
  • two or more loose chain spots.

Signs of a purebred rabbit

A purebred stringer, bred in accordance with these rules, is endowed with a number of characteristic features that distinguish this breed from others. So, the animal has a clear pattern with smooth edges, the spots and blotches of which are black or brown. The fur is shiny and has no bald patches or lumps. Weight ranges from 5 to 10 kg. The color of the color of the German butterfly is pure snow-white, with a dark pattern, a blue tint is considered acceptable. Regarding character, there are also a number of traits inherent in the breed.

Purebredness is determined not only by the pattern on the coat, but also by character traits.

The rabbit should be calm and kind, aggression speaks of its uncleanliness.

Females have a well-developed maternal instinct and abundant milk production (to feed all offspring). Newborn rabbits have a monochromatic color, and only with time does the necessary pattern appear.

Care and maintenance

It is better to keep a stringer in aviaries than in cages. This will not greatly affect the weight, since they themselves are inactive due to their significant body mass. But they feel much better in freedom, which significantly affects the condition of the coat. Aviaries must be kept clean at all times. Also, rabbits should not be allowed to live in dark and heavily ventilated rooms, although they tolerate any weather conditions.

The content largely affects the quality of meat. So, in the summer it is necessary to provide rabbits with access to fresh juicy grass, so their meat will be of high quality and tasty. In autumn and winter, it is desirable to include vitamin and mineral complexes in food. You can also pamper eared fruits and root crops. It is imperative to constantly provide a proper diet with sufficient drinking water.

To maintain health and prevent various diseases, rabbits are vaccinated every six months. Following simple rules for caring for representatives of this breed can provide the breeder with quality meat and constant reproduction of animals.


The considered breed of rabbits is famous for the early achievement of puberty. By the age of 6 months, they are able to actively breed, but livestock breeders more often start this process from 8 months. Strokachi also have a high fertility rate - up to 10 cubs in one litter.

The rabbits of this breed are prolific and caring, usually the entire litter survives - up to a dozen cubs

Female rabbits of the German motley giant after childbirth manifest themselves as caring and loving mothers: they never give up on rabbits and provide them with enough milk. By the way, babies stay on such feeding longer than usual (in comparison with females of other breeds).

In this regard, usually the entire litter survives, without losses. It is extremely rare for the female to bite the babies. And most often, the owners are to blame for these incidents, who did not provide the rabbit with access to fresh water.


Rabbits of this breed are well adapted to life in the northern regions of Russia. With proper care of animals, they breed well, and also quickly gain the necessary weight. Rabbit German Butterfly is unpretentious in care and does not require special conditions content.

The only difficulty in this matter is the selection of strings, especially if the emphasis is on the classic coloring of animals. In order to get the most characteristic color, you will have to brush up on your knowledge of genetics. However, when the main purpose of breeding is to obtain meat, then this breed is one of the most fertile. In principle, they eat well, very quickly gain the desired weight. And the meat itself is considered the best of its kind both in terms of taste and quality.

Strokach or Checkerd Giant - a stunning German breed large rabbits, beautiful, with a bright personality. It attracts close attention at exhibitions and the best individuals are never left without prizes. Only experienced breeders can keep and breed the Strokach breed.

Blitz information

Characteristics of the breed Strokach

In addition, disappointments in breeding are not uncommon, since in the litter of Strokach rabbits there is a large percentage of rabbits unsuitable for exhibitions. And yet, the sight of a perfectly painted healthy and strong rabbit of this popular German breed, grown by one's own hands, is worth any trouble.

Strokach is a giant rabbit, there is no upper weight limit, females weigh at least 5.4 kg, and males from 5 kg. Indeed, giant specimens of Strokach rabbits weighing more than 11 kg are known, although this is still less than the record holders - the Continental Giants, the largest representative of which weighed 25 kg.

The ears of the Strokach rabbit are large, set vertically, about 15 cm long. The body is dense, the body is elongated, stocky, the carcass is dense.

The main color is white, with rich black or blue butterflies on the nose, ears and spots on the sides, as well as an even belt descending along the back from the ears to the tail.

Color features

In the Strokach breed, the characteristic butterfly on the nose is proportionally located - the same rounded “wings” cover the nose and lips with integral spots. At the top is a rounded spike or fork. When viewed from the front, the mark should resemble a butterfly as much as possible. A break in color or white blotches in exhibition specimens is unacceptable.

The glasses around the eyes are well rounded, not touching the colored markings on the ears or nose. On each cheek of the Strokach rabbit there are small separate neat spots.

The color of the ears is rich, uniform, without white markings, ending at the base with correctly outlined semicircles.

Round spots on the sides, two on each side, they do not merge with the line of the back and are evenly balanced.

The strip on the back is even, without notches and breaks, about 3 cm wide, starts at the base of the ears and smoothly passes into the tail.

Differences between the Strokach breed and the English Spotted

At first glance, Strokach rabbits look like English Spotted rabbits. Indeed, both breeds are arch type, both have a spotted color due to the presence of a specific En gene. Both breeds have short elastic flyback fur. But it is worth taking a closer look, as cardinal differences become noticeable.

Firstly, the Strokach is much larger - the English Spotted weighs up to 3.6 kg. Breeders of the latter strive to produce rabbits with an unbroken chain of spots from cheek to thigh, while the Strokach breed standard (Giant Checkerd) requires two large spots on each of the thighs, besides, any marks on the shoulders threaten disqualification.

Both breeds have a stripe on the back, the Strokach rabbit has a solid black line, the English Spotted has black spots unevenly, in the form of a herringbone. For both breeds, the correct location of the marks and their color are very important, but in the English Spotted standard, the emphasis is more on color, while for the Strokach breed, body type is more important.


Rabbit Strokach is restless, inquisitive, active. Requires maximum attention and free space. Keeping in enclosures or regular walks is preferable. Cells need strong, with a nest for rest and high enough ceilings. With proper care, gentle handling childhood, Strokach can become a wonderful pet - loyal, affectionate and quick-witted.

History of the Strokach breed

The origin of the Strokach breed (Giant Checkerd) is vague. Many researchers agree that it was bred in German Lorraine around the end of the 1800s.

The story began with the fact that German breeders crossed Flemish Giants, French Sheep (lop-eared) and local German spotted rabbits, obtaining the Land Kaninchen breed, which weighed 4.5 -5.5 kg.

At the same time, the selection and breeding of the Flemish Giants and Land Kauningen continued to produce larger specimens, and the result was the German Spotted Giant.

Although the Land Caeningen and the German Spotted Giant were large enough to resemble the English Spotted Rabbit in many ways, they did not have a distinctive butterfly on their noses, and there was considerable color variation.

In 1904, Otto Reinhardt of Germany crossed a German Spotted Giant with a black Flanders (another name for the Flemish Giant) and produced the Strokach or Giant Checkerd breed we know today.

In the UK, this German breed is slightly different in body type and coloration, and is called the Giant Papillon, which means "butterfly", referring to the markings on the nose.

When a breeder crosses two perfectly colored German Strokach rabbits, he can end up with some completely black rabbits, some white and some spotted rabbits in the litter. But even among the latter, not all individuals will have spots of the correct location and configuration.

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