Van Cliff clothing stores


Often, when considering offers to purchase a franchise, a potential franchisee is guided by the principle - spend less, earn more. However, experts have identified the top 25 most profitable franchises in Russia based on several parameters: payback period and marginality. In other words, the proportion of two indicators is profit and revenue. The top 25 franchises included businesses from various business segments.

CDEK is a successful cargo transportation company from Novosibirsk. The number of franchises sold is more than 320. The company has representative offices in various cities of Russia and China.

Samura engaged in the production and retail of Japanese knives. The brand has been rapidly developing franchising activities since 2009, since then 255 projects have been launched.

Coolant Synthesis originally from Kazan, it produces chemical products for various purposes: detergents, plastic packaging, air fresheners. The company is an experienced franchisor, the number of concluded commercial concession agreements is more than 100.

respect – a network of retail shoe stores with its own production base. The domestic brand is represented in many cities of the country and abroad. The network has about 190 own retail outlets and more than 70 franchise outlets.

sugar Dance owns a network of mobile music studios. The young Russian brand has about 280 franchise projects.

icraft optics is also among the 25 most profitable franchises. The company owns a network of optics stores and a workshop for working with lenses. The number of own stores is about 130, franchise points of sale are more than 350.

Burger Club is a chain of eateries founded in 2008 in Poltava. Today the brand is represented not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. The network contains 11 own restaurants and more than 130 franchisees.

This is just a small selection of top franchises. Under any circumstances, a potential franchisee must understand that brand reputation and a ready-made business model are not enough for a profitable project. All this works only in conjunction with aspirations, knowledge and skills that need to be constantly developed.

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It seems to have passed. If in 2011, according to the Russian Franchising Association, we had 750 franchisor companies (an increase of 98% over a three-year period), by 2014 their number had decreased to 720. But the companies that remained on the market are trying to expand their networks. 40% of franchisors are Russian in origin, and there is still growth potential in this segment (in China, for example, 90% of franchisors are Chinese brands). What is remarkable: 80% of the participants in the next rating of the most profitable Forbes franchises are brands created in Russia.

We compiled the long list of the rating - 130 franchises in total - using the catalogs,,,, and the database accumulated by Forbes. Franchises were selected with an initial investment of 350,000 rubles or $10,000 (lump contribution, the cost of repairs and equipment of the premises, the minimum required volume of goods, etc., excluding rental and utility costs). Franchising companies that opened less than 50 franchise outlets in Russia and appeared on the market later than December 2012 were cut off (this does not allow using the average revenue and profit of one outlet for a full calendar year for calculations).

The shortlist - 43 franchises - was formed taking into account the responses of franchisors to a Forbes survey. The list did not include companies that did not provide financial indicators, as well as franchisors whose number of closed outlets in 2013 exceeded 50% of the number of open ones during the same period. Among them, for example, was MTS, the second largest network of mobile phone stores (4,200 outlets, more than half of which are franchised). MTS does not disclose the revenue and profit of its franchisees.

The long-term success of a franchisee depends on more than just the potential profitability of the franchise. There are such important factors as the source of start-up capital (own or borrowed funds), rental conditions for premises, the level of competition, changes in demand for a product or service, etc. However, a franchise is attractive because it does not require investments in the creation of a product, technology, brand . In case of failure, the franchisee, if it lasts a year and a half, can fully or partially return the invested funds.

Initially, the shortlisted franchises were ranked by the average annual revenue of one franchise outlet (the maximum score of 50 is for the franchise with the highest revenue). At the second stage - in terms of the ratio of profits and start-up investments (the maximum score of 50 was assigned to the franchise with the largest excess of profits over costs). The sum of points determined the place of the franchise in the ranking.

1. "Positronics"

Franchise launch: 2006

35 / 145

21 / 41

Investments: 5.8 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 60 million rubles / 6 million rubles

Positronika is a project of the computer and digital equipment distributor Merlion, Russia's largest franchise network of household appliances and electronics stores. In terms of the “open / closed points” parameter, Forbes made an exception for Positronics: its partners did not refuse the franchise, but closed stores in order to transfer the business to larger premises. Since 2014, the company has been offering a new Point franchise - points for processing and issuing orders made through the Positronics online store.

2. "Masterfiber"

Franchise launch: 2004

Own/franchise outlets: 1 / 64

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 8 / 0

Investments: 1.2 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 10 million rubles / 4 million rubles

Masterfiber produces crumb rubber coatings for playgrounds and sports grounds (the technology was acquired in Australia). The company has tried three royalty payment systems over 10 years. Now its size is fixed - 5,000 rubles per month, franchisees start paying a year after the start. Beginning entrepreneurs who have bought a Masterfiber franchise have a chance to receive regional subsidies for the development of innovative production in the amount of 250,000-500,000 rubles.

3. Mail Boxes

Franchise launch: 2010

Own/franchise outlets: 1 / 71

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 33 / 0

Investments: 2 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 19 million rubles / 11.8 million rubles

An American project, presented in more than 70 countries of the world (since 2007 in Russia). Mail Boxes is a consolidator of express delivery services for correspondence, parcels and parcels. Partners are the largest international and national operators, such as UPS, TNT, FedEx, Pony Express, MajorExpress, DPD, etc. In addition to receiving and sending mail, Mail Boxes centers earn money by renting PO boxes, copying services, translating documents, selling stationery. The franchisee pays monthly royalties - 7% of revenue.

4 Mr. Doors

Franchise launch: 1997

Own/franchise outlets: 50 / 115

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 13 / 1

Investments: 2 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 30 million rubles / 3.9 million rubles

The Russian company Mr.Doors produces built-in and cabinet furniture. For the opening of a 100 sq. m, the franchisee will have to spend 2 million rubles, and the brand section - 0.7 million rubles. The company does not require royalties. Depending on the city and region, it sets quotas for the number of partners. According to Mr.Doors, the optimal ratio is one salon per 250,000 residents. If the dealer fulfills the sales plan, then Mr.Doors undertakes not to let another franchisee into the same territory.

5. "Four eyes"

Franchise launch: 2010

Own/franchise outlets: 15 / 60

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 25 / 0

Investments: 0.9 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 5.1 million rubles / 2.79 million rubles

The Four Eyes chain of stores was created by Levenhuk, which produces optical devices under the Levenhuk brand. But in its assortment there are also goods under foreign brands: telescopes, microscopes, binoculars and other optics. Since March 2013, Four Eyes has been participating in the Business Start program from Sberbank - franchise buyers can take a soft loan. The franchisee does not pay royalties and may not be afraid of competitors in the neighborhood - an exclusive agreement is concluded with him to trade in a certain area.

6. SUN Studio

Franchise launch: 2008

Own/franchise outlets: 3 / 85

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 32 / 0

Investments: 1.5 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 12 million rubles / 4 million rubles

The franchise of photo printing studios is sold by the Russian manufacturer of ultraviolet printers IQDEMY (formerly Sky Group). The equipment allows you to apply various images on wood, glass, plastic, canvas and other surfaces - from laptops to stretch ceilings. For start-up entrepreneurs, SUN Studio has an agreement with insurance: if the franchisee does not return his investment in one year, the company will buy the supplied equipment from him.

7. "Sema"

Franchise launch: 2008

Own/franchise outlets: 3 / 320

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 50 / 3

Investments: 0.6 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 4.8 million rubles / 1.8 million rubles

The network of developing centers for children from 9 months to 7 years old began in 2002 with a project invented by the owners for their own children. The founders of "Sema" have developed a system for organizing children's holidays and a program for the parent club, which is used by franchisees. The company asks for a monthly royalty of 5,000 rubles for updating the franchise package (holiday scenarios, advanced training program for the center's employees, etc.).

8. Cinnabon

Franchise launch: 2009

Own/franchise outlets: 8 / 109

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 37 / 10

Investments: 3.5 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 21.6 million rubles / 6.5 million rubles

The American chain of Cinnabon bakeries (more than 1,100 locations worldwide) has been operating in Russia for five years. Bakeries should open in places with high traffic - at least 800 people per hour. The ideal place is the first floor of the shopping center, the area of ​​the main flow of customers. But at food courts and train stations, the company warns, it will be more difficult to achieve optimal revenue. Cinnabon franchisees pay 6% of turnover monthly as royalties and 1.5% advertising fees.

9 Tea Funny

Franchise launch: 2012

Own/franchise outlets: 4 / 94

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 76 / 3

Investments: 1.4 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 5.9 million rubles / 3.76 million rubles

The founders call Tea Funny a chain of trendy drink cafes. The main product is the so-called bubble tea, invented in Taiwan: a cocktail based on freshly brewed tea with the addition of milk, natural syrups and toppings. Tea Funny offers franchisees several formats: classic cafe (with a separate room), mobile (kiosk on wheels), modular outlets (can be located in restaurants, cinemas, shopping centers, etc.). A royalty of 4% of revenue is paid from the second year of operation of the outlet.

10. "Expedition"

Franchise launch: 2006

Own/franchise outlets: 50 / 300

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 81 / 19

Investments: 0.7 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 6.4 million rubles / 1.6 million rubles

For the opportunity to open a store of tourist goods and souvenirs under the Expedition brand, you need to pay a lump-sum fee (50,000 - 110,000 rubles), but there are no royalties. The most popular format among franchisees (about 55% of all points) is “Orange Jeep”: a showcase and a counter can be located in any suitable place. The format "Territory of vivid impressions" requires a separate room. The revenue and profit of the franchisee, indicated above, are the average indicators of a store with an area of ​​​​16-20 square meters. m.

11. "Chocolate Girl"

Franchise launch: 2008

Own/franchise outlets: 315 / 80

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 29 / 2

Investments: 12.5 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 38.4 million rubles / 6.5 million rubles

In terms of the number of coffee shops, Shokoladnitsa is approximately twice as large as its main competitor, the Coffee House network. "Shokoladnitsa" helps the franchisee at all stages: the selection of premises, the preparation of the opening, the management of a working coffee shop. Royalties - 7% of revenue monthly. The contract with the franchisee is concluded for 5 years with the possibility of extension.

12. Tom Farr

Franchise launch: 2006

Own/franchise outlets: 17 / 150

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 40 / 5

Investments: 4.5 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 36 million rubles / 2.8 million rubles

At first, the Tom Farr clothing brand, which appeared on the Russian market in 2001, was positioned as Italian (the Marcos company was engaged in its promotion). As sales grew, the need for a foreign legend disappeared. Now the owners describe Tom Farr as "an actively developing international company producing fashionable, stylish clothes for the mass market." Franchisees are offered three store formats in terms of size and assortment (financial indicators are indicated for the “standard” format).

13. Hilding Anders

Franchise launch: 2012

Own/franchise outlets: 23 / 102

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 93 / 0

Investments: 1.55 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 17.5 million rubles / 2.5 million rubles

Franchise of the European manufacturer of mattresses and sleep products Hilding Anders. The company has its own factory in Russia. The stores sell products not only under the Hilding Anders brand, but also from suppliers from France, Norway, Italy and Switzerland. There is no royalty. Hilding Anders gives regional partners the exclusive right to develop the brand in the city. Franchisees must spend at least 3% of their revenue on advertising.

14 Sugar Dance

Franchise launch: 2010

Own/franchise outlets: 1 / 160

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 74 / 7

Investments: 0.5 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 1.8 million rubles / 1.1 million rubles

A network of mobile studios for recording music videos. Sugar Dance clients can record an entertaining video with their participation and immediately receive it on disk. There is no royalty, but the franchisee deducts 45 rubles from each clip. During the New Year holidays or during the summer season at the resort, the profit of the studio can reach 500,000 rubles per month, which allows successful franchisees to recoup their investments in a few weeks. Some use mobile studios as an additional business, serving corporate events - one or two per month.

15. Well

Franchise launch: 2002

Own/franchise outlets: 10 / 405

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 220 / 40

Investments: 0.35 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 1.8 million rubles / 0.7 million rubles

Well positions itself as a network of beach holiday agencies. Network partners annually sell an average of 250 tour packages. According to the franchisor, the best time to open an agency is February-March, on the eve of the summer season. At first, you can run a business with a minimum number of employees (two managers are enough to place orders). Representatives of Well claim that the income of their franchisees is on average 20-30% higher than that of single agencies.

16. Yotto Group

Franchise launch: 2011

Own/franchise outlets: 2 / 62

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 22 / 2

Investments: 1.35 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 5 million rubles / 2.5 million rubles

Yotto Group is a Russian manufacturer of ExoSkelet interactive attractions and ExoFilm booth cinemas. The videos are called "exo-movies" because viewers can control their story with joysticks. The franchisor promises to update the content every one to three months. Royalties are charged for the rental of one film. Yotto Group appeals to the fact that its product does not depend on seasonal demand and the franchisee will not need any warehouses or approvals from the sanitary service and other state inspections.

17. "Smeshariki"

Franchise launch: 2010

Own/franchise outlets: 7 / 61

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 22 / 6

Investments: 2 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 12.1 million rubles / 2.9 million rubles

The Smeshariki retail brand is supported by the TV series of the same name, with more than 230 cartoons already released. A partner can open a children's entertainment center or a game room, a company store, a candy store, or even an event agency. The company promises its franchisees comprehensive advertising and media support — participation in cross-network promotions, posting information about them on the brand portal and in news digests. Royalty "Smesharikov" is fixed - 20,000 rubles per month.

18. "Gift Calendar"

Franchise launch: 2007

Own/franchise outlets: 1 / 79

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 21 / 8

Investments: 0.8 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 6.9 million rubles / 1.4 million rubles

Chain of souvenir shops. The company does not take royalties, and provides Moscow franchisees with commercial equipment on preferential terms. A year after the opening of a retail outlet, you can purchase a franchise for an online store. The online version of the Gift Calendar contains over 5,000 items, which is 20% more than in the offline store. The chain's franchise is included in the Business Start lending program from Sberbank.

19 Finn Flare

Franchise launch: 2003

Own/franchise outlets: 111 / 58

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 6 / 0

Investments: 2.5 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 15 million rubles / 3 million rubles

The Finnish brand Finn Flare is over 50 years old, but the franchising program of its clothing stores operates only in Russia and the CIS, where the company is being developed by entrepreneur Ksenia Ryasova. Finn Flare has no lump-sum fees or royalties. New stores receive an additional 7% discount for the wholesale purchase of goods for a year, and a discount for experienced partners can be up to 15%. Finn Flare promises aspiring entrepreneurs to provide federal advertising support and help develop a unified marketing plan.

20 Burger Club

Franchise launch: 2010

Own/franchise outlets: 8 / 85

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 19 / 1

Investments: 2.7 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 28 million rubles / 1.2 million rubles

The first Burger Club opened in July 2008 in Poltava. Now the franchise of fast food restaurants is sold in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Over the four years of operation on the Russian market, Burger Club has opened 85 franchise outlets. Royalty - 2% of the turnover monthly, the company does not take a lump-sum fee. The minimum required area for a Burger Club is 80 sq. m.

21. Fast&Shine

Franchise launch: 2011

Own/franchise outlets: 31 / 190

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 73 / 8

Investments: 0.35 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 2.9 million rubles / 0.6 million rubles

Fast&Shine promotes the technology of waterless washing using chemicals of its own production. The starter franchise package includes consumables for washing 1000-1500 cars (further, the products are supplied to franchisees at wholesale prices). Fast&Shine advises start-up businessmen to apply for subsidies to regional business development centers, promising to help with the defense of their business plan. The company claims that all their partners who participated in such competitions received grants.

22. Traveler's Coffee

Franchise launch: 2006

Own/franchise outlets: 21 / 59

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 12 / 0

Investments: 14 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 27.6 million rubles / 5.5 million rubles

The Novosibirsk chain of coffee houses was founded in 2000, the first institution outside the native city was opened under a franchise six years later. Traveler’s Coffee partners are prohibited from selling alcoholic and low-alcohol products in the cafe, as well as making any changes to the menu and recipes for preparing dishes and drinks without the consent of the parent company. All employees of the new coffee shop, at the expense of the franchisee, must complete a training course in Novosibirsk. Royalties - 3% of the turnover of the coffee shop - are paid monthly.

23. Kawaii Factory

Franchise launch: 2011

Own/franchise outlets: 3 / 60

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 56 / 7

Investments: 0.35 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 3.3 million rubles / 0.6 million rubles

The Japanese word "kawaii" refers to everything cute and cute. The Russian Kawaii Factory sells just such goods - women's bags, accessories, stationery and gifts. 60% of the assortment are goods of own production, the rest is imported from South Korea, Great Britain, China and Thailand. New items in the catalog appear every 10 days. There is no need to pay royalties for using the brand.

24. "Interior shop"

Franchise launch: 2009

Own/franchise outlets: 16 / 57

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 12 / 1

Investments: 4.5 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 13.2 million rubles / 3.3 million rubles

"Interior Shop" is a network of salons of French furniture and "antique" home decor items in the middle price segment. The company has no lump sum, royalties and advertising fees. Employees of franchising stores can attend training sessions for salespeople of the parent company, as well as travel twice a year with its specialists to France to get acquainted with the new collections of Interior Store suppliers.

25. Baon

Franchise launch: 2006

Own/franchise outlets: 66 / 75

Open / closed outlets in 2013: 19 / 3

Investments: 4.8 million rubles

Revenue/Profit: 17 million rubles / 2.4 million rubles

Baon has been manufacturing and selling outerwear for sports and leisure for 20 years. The company does not require a lump-sum fee and royalties from the franchisee, earning money on the supply of goods. Baon participates in the Business Start program from Sberbank, under which a partner can receive a loan in the amount of up to 80% of the planned project financing for 3.5 years at 17.5% per annum.

It is difficult to open your own business from scratch, it is easier to purchase a rating franchise. In this case, you can count on the help of experienced representatives of a successful brand. Owners of successful projects guarantee a quick payback with reasonable investments. Every year, Forbes analyzes the most profitable and promising franchises in Russia. The main indicators are annual revenue and profitability. Previously, there were restrictions on the amount of starting investments, but this year this criterion was not taken into account. Let's find out which franchises were the most profitable in 2017 and took the top 25 places on the list, and what are their main advantages.

1. Laboratory service "Helix"

In terms of total points, the franchise leads the ranking for the second year in a row. The first franchise laboratory was opened 10 years ago in the northern capital. And since 2009, centers began to appear throughout Russia. Just the other day, a new point opened in Moscow. In total, the franchise network includes 242 research centers. The benefits for franchisees are:

  • always relevant niche;
  • access to state-of-the-art equipment;
  • free education;
  • flexible pricing policy.

The opening of a new laboratory will require an investment of 700 thousand rubles. And the creation of a center on the basis of a working clinic costs only 150 thousand. To provide additional medical services, you do not need to buy another franchise. Helix also provides each franchisee with a personal curator who accompanies them at all stages of opening and further work.

2. Travel Internet hypermarket ""

Many rating agencies assumed that the tourism industry in 2017 would be in decline. However, the Forbes list of profitable franchises proves otherwise. "" network, which assists in the selection of tours and offers services for tour operators, took the "Silver" in it. Since last year, it has risen from 21st position to 2nd. The company has been offering franchising services since 2014. Now 461 offices provide travel services on the territory of the former CIS under the brand. Investments of the franchisee - 200 thousand rubles.

The company relies on the automation of travel bookings: in the current year, the network's travel agencies have processed more than 200,000 applications. Each point sells tours for an average of 29 million rubles annually. Experienced specialists are responsible for the promotion of a freshly baked travel agency: marketers, advertisers, and partner managers. Additionally, the founders of the franchise offer free training.

3. School of speed reading and intelligence development IQ007

This year, the company providing educational services is in the top three. From a small school in Zlatoust, in eight years it has grown into a large network with 325 branches in 172 cities. The target audience is not only schoolchildren who are helped to master subjects faster, but also adults. The technique is aimed at developing speed reading, memory, intelligence, and the ability to write beautifully. The franchisee receives a brand, corporate identity, a ready-made website, weekly webinars for teachers. Employees of the head office will help you choose the premises, conduct an advertising campaign, keep tax and accounting records. The founders of the school promise a payback of a one-time contribution of 730,000 rubles (for cities with a population of 500,000 to a million) in a maximum of six months and an approximate monthly profit of 140,000 rubles.

4. Unibrait Manufacturing Business Franchise

The company helps in organizing the production of applying the original Unibrait coating on various types of products. Entrepreneurs who want to open their own workshop or supplement and technologically expand existing production are invited to join the network. Franchise owners guarantee:

  • the right to use innovative technologies;
  • a working scheme for marketing products;
  • free training in all production processes;
  • a set of compositions for coating in the amount of 400 thousand rubles.

They promise assistance in recruiting staff, drafting contracts and document management. The cost of the franchise is from 150 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. Estimated net profit - from 700 thousand rubles a month.

5. Samura knife company

This franchise has been in the top five according to Forbes for two years now. Japanese knives made of steel and ceramics are in demand among professional chefs and housewives due to their good price-quality ratio. Franchise benefits are as follows:

  • minimum conditions for starting a business;
  • no royalties and lump-sum payments;
  • training in sales techniques;
  • providing a personal curator for each franchisee.

The average investment for equipment and the purchase of the first batch of goods is from 350 thousand rubles, the potential monthly turnover is from 300 thousand rubles. The investment will pay off pretty quickly. The franchise owner guarantees powerful advertising support, including through the popular TV shows Eat at Home and Smak. Thanks to favorable conditions, the number of franchisees has already reached 407.

6. Cargo transportation company "SDEK"

7. Network of stationery stores GrossHaus

This is a joint franchise project of several suppliers of stationery, consumables, machinery and equipment for home, school and office. It also includes the world famous Erich Krause. Franchise owners offer to open self-service stores with a maximum payback time of three years. They guarantee, with a one-time investment of 20 thousand rubles and a one percent royalty, the creation of a profitable business for an entrepreneur who is completely unfamiliar with the topic of stationery. Now 190 businessmen have already taken advantage of the advantageous offer.

8. Tea Funny Cafe Chain

The creators of the franchise promote the sale of unusual drinks with jelly balls and other delicious tea-based additives. In the overall rating, Tea Funny is ranked eighth, and in the list of catering franchises, also according to Forbes, it is the first. A turnkey package will cost a new partner in the amount of 323 thousand rubles. This already includes a lump-sum fee. Additional benefits offered by the company:

  • a 50 percent discount on a one-time fee when opening a second cafe;
  • supply of equipment, including one free refrigerator;
  • assistance in choosing a place for a cafe, marketing and advertising;
  • product certificates;
  • weekly menu update program;
  • purchase bonuses.

The profitability of the franchise ensures the uniqueness of the offer, on average, the cafe issues 120 checks for 150 rubles daily.

9. Network of real estate agencies "Miel"

The largest brokerage network in Russia in the field of real estate operates only on a franchise basis. Now it has 110 real estate offices in the Russian Federation, the Czech Republic, Spain, Bulgaria and Cyprus. Most of them are located in the capital of Russia and the region: this region is the most attractive for starting a real estate business. Franchisees guarantee comprehensive consulting support and free training. Here, a flexible investment system, the cost of a franchise and the amount of monthly payments depend on the city where the business is opened.

10. Workshop of kitchen furniture "We eat at home!"

The joint project of TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya and the concern for the production of furniture "Maria" has been offering franchises for two years now. It takes a million rubles to open your own shop under the Eat at Home! brand. This is the total investment. It should pay off in six months. Potential revenue per month may be more than 2 million rubles. It offers many different discounts, free training, simplified payment terms and strong advertising support.

11. Centers for Molecular Diagnostics CMD

Another profitable medical franchise, as well as the leader of the rating, is related to laboratory research. It offers a ready-made medical business with a one-time contribution of 195 thousand rubles, a two percent royalty and investments from 1.1 million rubles. If the center has a children's focus, the amount will increase.

12. Network of crossbow and archery shooting galleries "John Malysh"

Amusement rides of this brand have already been opened in their cities by 77 franchisees. Approximate investment - from 400 rubles. There are no royalties or lump-sum fees. To create a pavilion with a shooting gallery, you need an area of ​​​​30 square meters. The owners of the network promise partners free training and consulting support. The investment will pay off in about three months.

13. Network of waterless mobile car washes Fast and shine

The business is aimed at the desire of motorists to wash the car quickly, and anywhere in the city. The call of car washers passes through a geolocation Internet service. Partners are promised access to the client base and all computer developments, training, supplies and advertising. Investments from 239 thousand rubles will presumably pay off in two months.

14. Network of French whitening studios White & Smile

Almost everyone dreams of a beautiful smile. And it is quite possible to make money on it. Now in the Russian Federation already 150 franchisees make snow-white smiles for clients - in separate studios or as additional services at beauty parlors. You can enter the network by investing from 150 thousand rubles. There is no one-time fee or royalty. You can participate in the franchise without a medical education and a license.

15. Manufacturer of interactive attractions Yotto Group

This franchise is called the anti-crisis business of the future. A pavilion with virtual reality simulators or a cinema booth does not require large investments. All you need is a room of 10.5 "squares" and an entrance fee of 200 thousand rubles. A royalty of 40 rubles is expected from the launch of each game. At the same time, the franchisee buys new games at a 50 percent discount. Franchise organizers promise income from 250 thousand rubles a month.

16. Chain of ice cream parlors Gelateria Plombir

The “tasty” franchise has been operating for two years already, and there are already more than a hundred who wished to connect to the network. Advantages - a low threshold for entering the business and a constant "target audience". There are several formats for selling goodies. The cheapest, street, will require only 130 thousand rubles of investments in products and equipment. One-time contribution - 148 thousand rubles. It is reduced to 20 thousand for those who wish to open several outlets. There is no royalty. Franchise owners promise many promotions and discounts, as well as discover the secret of how to make selling ice cream profitable all year round.

17. "Smart" car services "Vilgud"

The company is based on full automation of services for motorists. The franchise offer here is as follows: an entrance fee of 500 thousand rubles. The royalty is 5 percent. At the same time, the monthly turnover of one such service is 4.5 million rubles, and the average check is twice as much as that of an ordinary car repair shop.

18. Network of developing centers for kids "Syoma"

This franchise is aimed at taking care of the development of the smallest customers. There are already more than 300 such centers. Children from six months to 11 years old are involved in them. Franchise owners provide developmental materials, help develop a business from scratch. The minimum investment is from 350 thousand rubles. The franchise itself costs 170 thousand rubles, royalties - 7 thousand per month. Presumably, investments will pay off in eight months, and the franchisee will begin to make a profit of 150 thousand rubles.

19. Photo printing studios SUN Studio

If you want to open a point for applying pictures on ceramics, glass, fabric or wood, this is the option for you. There are already 112 franchise outlets in Russia. The entrance fee here is 495 thousand rubles, royalties - 10 thousand per month. The advantage of a franchise is a guaranteed return of 70 percent of the invested funds if the business does not pay for itself.

20. Finn Flare clothing stores

The franchise here is offered by a Russian design bureau, a subsidiary of the Finnish company Ruveta OY. It has already been used by one and a half hundred franchisees in the countries of the former CIS. You need to invest from 2.5 million rubles for renting premises and purchasing products, but there are no royalties and a one-time fee. The investment is expected to pay off in a maximum of two years.

21. Van Cliff clothing stores

Another clothing brand, but designed only for men and schoolchildren under 17 years old. This time it is promoted in Russia by a brand from Holland. There is also no one-time fee and royalties, but you will have to invest from 3.5 million rubles. The investment will be returned after 18 months.

22. Serginnetti clothing stores

And again branded clothes, but now for women and originally from Russia. The brand launched the franchise in 2011, and now there are corresponding boutiques in 80 cities of Russia and Kazakhstan. There is no lump-sum contribution and royalties, you need to invest 1.5 million rubles. The franchisee will earn at least 125 thousand per month, and the investment will be returned in a year.

23. Traveler's Coffee chain

Trade in delicious coffee, drinks and desserts is carried out in five countries of the world: more than 70 franchise outlets have been opened. For future partners, Traveler's Coffee offers five types of coffee houses of different design styles. The cost of the franchise is one million rubles, the investment is six times more. There are royalties - three percent. But the owners promise income from 300 thousand rubles and payback in 20 months.

24. Developer of cartographic services "2GIS"

The international cartographic company produces electronic directories and maps of the same name. It has 15 branches in nine countries and 77 franchise outlets. The directories and maps themselves are free, and it is supposed to earn on additional services and advertising. The cost of the franchise is calculated individually. A businessman will be able to cover losses in 2 years, and return all investments in 3.5 years.

25. Burger Club Eateries

This Ukrainian company has been inviting Russian franchisees since 2010. The opening of a food court will require 2.95 million rubles, a fast food restaurant - 3.2 million rubles. Plus additional expenses - not less than 500 thousand rubles. With these investments, the expected break-even point is 1-1.5 months.

The most important factor when choosing a franchise is the potential income of the future participant. Using the Forbes rating, you can evaluate all the benefits of profitable offers. Proven franchise options will help a novice entrepreneur earn without risk and with reasonable investments.

We determined the degree of profitability of franchises based on the franchisee's average revenue and the ratio of his annual profit to start-up costs - this indicator shows how quickly investments will “rebound”.

In the costs, we took into account the purchase of a consignment of goods that the franchisor considers to be the minimum necessary, the lease of premises for the period until reaching the operating payback, the cost of repairs, office equipment, as well as a lump-sum fee, royalties and advertising fees, if the franchisor sets them.

The start list included more than 100 companies working with partners in the franchising system. We took into account in the calculations the companies that themselves provided data on the necessary investments and revenues. About half of the companies provided data on the average profitability of their franchisees. On the basis of these data, as well as market averages, we estimated the average profit of the remaining companies that did not report profit data (indicators are marked with an asterisk in the list).

At the pre-selection stage, we excluded from the list companies that started selling franchises on the Russian market after December 2011. We included in the calculations only those that, at the time of compiling the rating, had 30 or more franchise outlets and required an initial investment of at least 300,000 rubles to launch one outlet. The final score, which determines the place in the ranking, is the sum of points that reflect the comparative amount of revenue from one point (in relation to other franchises) and the ratio of the profit of this point to the value of start-up investments.

1. Felix

  • Manufacture and sale of furniture
  • Franchise launch: 2001
  • Franchise outlets: 40
  • Own points: 16
  • Investments: 2.3 million rubles.
  • Revenue/profit: RUB 36 million/RUB 10 million*.
  • Final score: 75.6

In 1991, the founder of the Felix company, Ilya Kondratyev, began supplying imported furniture to Russia, and in 1998 opened the first factory. Now it is the largest manufacturer of office furniture in Russia. Franchisees manage order points with a minimum set of demonstration furniture and catalogs, they send orders to the Felix factories. The profitability of the franchisee reaches 40%.

2. Perekrestok-Express

  • Food trade
  • Franchise launch: 2009
  • Franchise outlets: 38
  • Own points: 69
  • Investments: 7 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 70.3 million/RUB 6 million
  • Final score: 60.2

A chain of Perekrestok-Express stores in the "neighborhood" format, sometimes combining retail space with a cafe-bakery. Partners do not have to invest their own money in the product, it is supplied for sale by the franchisor.

3. Positronics

  • Trade in household appliances and electronics
  • Franchise launch: 2006
  • Franchise outlets: 181
  • Own points: 24
  • Investments: 5.8 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 60 million/RUB 6 million*
  • Final score: 55

The federal network of electronics stores Positronika is a project of a large Russian distributor of computers and digital equipment Merlion. For partners, designers develop an individual project that includes a 3D image of the future premises. The company promises the operating profit of the franchisee on average for the third month of work.


  • Clothing trade
  • Franchise launch: 2005
  • Franchise outlets: 135
  • Own points: 265
  • Investments: 4.5 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 33 million/RUB 5 million*
  • Final score: 36.7

The first InCity women's clothing store opened in 2005, at the same time a franchising program appeared. The company does not require a lump sum and royalties, earning money on the supply of goods. Franchisees can pay for it in installments for a year, starting from the third month of the partnership.


  • Manufacture and sale of furniture
  • Franchise launch: 1997
  • Franchise outlets: 106
  • Own points: 44
  • Investments: 2.3 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 24 million/RUB 3.6 million (for salon 100 sq. m)
  • Final score: 36.3

The Russian company MrDoors produces built-in and cabinet furniture. Depending on the region, the company sets quotas for the number of partners: if the dealer fulfills the plan, it undertakes not to let another franchisee go there. According to MrDoors, the optimal ratio is one store per 250,000 people.

6. ooji

  • Trade in clothing and footwear
  • Franchise launch: 1999
  • Franchise outlets: 100
  • Own points: 202
  • Investments: 11.6 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 39 million/RUB 5 million*
  • Final score: 32.9

The oodji brand is Russian, the first store was opened in St. Petersburg in 1998, and a year later it had franchisees.

Two and a half years ago, the company changed its name: to enter the European market, it renamed the brand from Oggi to oodji. In addition to Russia and the CIS, there are stores in Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Experts of the consulting company Esper Group believe that the share of the brand in the Russian mass market is comparable to the share of InCity.

7. Cinnabon

  • cafe-bakery
  • Franchise launch: 2010
  • Franchise outlets: 94
  • Own points: 6
  • Investments: 5.3 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 22.8 million/RUB 6.4 million*
  • Final score: 30.6

The franchise of American Cinnabon bakeries appeared in Russia only three years ago, but according to the results of 2012, it was here that the fastest growth was registered compared to other countries. When opening a cafe, the franchisee must choose a place with a traffic of at least 800 people per hour. The work of each bakery is supervised by a manager from the Moscow office of the company.

9. Sela

  • Clothing trade
  • Franchise launch: 1997
  • Franchise outlets: 328
  • Own points: 107
  • Investments: 4.7 million rubles.
  • Revenue/profit: RUB 20 million/RUB 5 million
  • Final score: 27.2

Sela is an old-timer of the Russian franchising market and one of its largest participants. In 2012, the company decided to "clean up" the ranks of its partners. As a result, fifty points were closed, and only 27 were open. “The time has come for the intensive development of the network in depth, and not in breadth,” explains the representative of the network.

10. Provocation

  • Clothing trade
  • Franchise launch: 2010
  • Franchise outlets: 118
  • Own points: 3
  • Investments: 0.6 million rubles.
  • Revenue/profit: RUB 3.4 million/RUB 1.1 million
  • Final score: 24.5

The idea to trade T-shirts with provocative pictures came from the future owner of Provocation Hasmik Gevorkyan in 2008. Now her company is a network of corners, in the range of which there are clothes, underwear and accessories. In addition to retail sales, franchisees serve orders from an online store operated by the parent company.

11. Expedition

  • Gift Shops
  • Franchise launch: 2006
  • Franchise outlets: 334
  • Own points: 49
  • Investments: 1.8 million rubles.
  • Revenue: RUB 7.5 million/RUB 2.8 million
  • Final score: 24.5

The Expedition gift and souvenir shop franchise has neither a lump-sum fee nor royalties, only an obligation to sell goods to the parent company. The franchisee can choose a convenient store format: free-standing or located in a shopping center, full-size or "island". And the company's specialists promise to help with a quick launch - in 3-4 weeks.

12. Mascotte

  • Shoe trade
  • Franchise launch: 2006
  • Franchise outlets: 64
  • Own points: 53
  • Investments: 7.5 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 24 million/RUB 3.6 million*
  • Final score: 22.8

The Mascotte brand was developed and registered in 2000 by the Russian trading company Moskot-shoes, which appeared a year earlier. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the company opens its own mono-brand boutiques, and operates on a franchise basis in the regions. The franchisor promises to its partners that the investments will pay off no later than one and a half years.

13. Sugar Dance

  • Mobile Music Studios
  • Franchise launch: 2010
  • Franchise outlets: 114
  • Own points: 1
  • Investments: 0.6 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 1.8 million/RUB 1.1 million*
  • Final score: 22.5

Sugar Dance manufactures and sells to partners mobile studios for recording music videos. Entertainment mini-centers are installed in parks, shopping centers and on the embankments or used to entertain guests at events. Instead of royalties, the franchise owner charges his partners a fee for each clip recorded at their studio (45 rubles). The company does not charge a lump sum.


  • Clothing trade
  • Franchise launch: 1994
  • Franchise outlets: 35
  • Own points: 62
  • Investments: 2.5 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 18 million/RUB 2 million
  • Final score: 22.4

The Italian clothing brand has been operating in Russia for almost 20 years. The company is attentive to the location of partner stores, among the requirements are “no higher than the second floor” and “locating well-known international brands in shopping centers”. Franchisees do not pay royalties.

15. Columbia

  • Trade in clothing and footwear
  • Franchise launch: 2003
  • Franchise outlets: 80
  • Own points: 2
  • Investments 4.4 million rubles.
  • Revenue/profit RUB 20.4 million/RUB 2.7 million
  • Final score: 21.7

The Columbia brand, created by the American "cool mother" Gertrude Boyle, came to Russia in 1998. The franchise was launched five years later, it is sold by the Sportmaster chain of sports stores. For potential franchisees, Columbia promises a 13% profitability and the development of an individual store design project.

16. Smeshariki

  • Children's goods, development centers
  • Franchise launch: 2010
  • Franchise outlets: 45
  • Own points: 6
  • Investments: 3.2 million rubles.
  • Revenue/profit: RUB 13.4 million/RUB 3.2 million
  • Final score: 21.6

Entrepreneurs working under the guise of Smeshariki have good brand support: more than 200 episodes of the popular animated series and a full-length film have already been released on the screen, and another 100 episodes are ready to be shown. Under the sign, you can open as a tiny shop selling sweets with an area of ​​​​2 square meters. m, and a store with a mini-game area of ​​70 sq. m. The franchisor also sells the rights to organize children's parties and create development centers.

17. Chain of last minute shops

  • Tourism
  • Franchise launch: 1999
  • Franchise outlets: 495
  • Own points: 0
  • Investments: 0.4 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 5.3 mln/RUB 0.5 mln*
  • Final score: 19.6

The oldest franchise in the Russian tourism business. The network operates on the territory of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In the capital, the number of stores is approaching a hundred. Experienced franchisees complain about the lack of advertising and loyalty programs "for consistency".

18. Westland

  • Clothing trade
  • Franchise launch: 2005
  • Franchise outlets: 120
  • Own points: 48
  • Investments 2.5 million rubles.
  • Revenue/profit: RUB 12 million/RUB 2.3 million
  • Final score: 19.3

Westland focuses on "buyers aged 20-45 with an active lifestyle", the average retail price of the main assortment is 2,500 rubles. Last year, 16 new Westland franchise stores were opened in Russia. Investments pay off in at least a year, the most successful partners have a profitability of about 20%.

19. Yves Rocher

  • Trade in perfumery and cosmetics
  • Franchise launch: 2007
  • Franchise outlets: 222
  • Own points: 47
  • Investments: 4.3 million rubles.
  • Revenue/profit: RUB 18 million/RUB 1.5 million
  • Final score: 17.1

The French Yves Rocher is the second largest cosmetic chain in Russia in terms of the number of outlets. And it continues to grow - over the past two years, 74 outlets have been added to the network. But the leader, the L'Etoile chain, is still far away: during the same time, the competitor opened about 150 outlets and now unites 800 stores.

20.Sun Studio

  • Photo printing studios
  • Franchise launch: 2009
  • Franchise outlets: 112
  • Own points: 8
  • Investments: 5.8 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 12 million/RUB 3.8 million*
  • Final score: 16.5

The franchise is sold by the Russian manufacturer of ultraviolet printers Sky Group. Printers allow you to print photographic quality images on glass, plastic, wood and canvas. In addition to Russia, franchisees operate in other CIS countries, France, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and China.

21. Subway

  • Fast food restaurants
  • Franchise launch: 1994
  • Franchise outlets: 552
  • Own points: 2
  • Investments: no more than 6 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 16 million/RUB 2.4 million*
  • Final score: 16.2

Subway is the world's largest fast food chain. The company offers to place outlets in kiosks and food courts of shopping centers. To open a kiosk, the franchisee must have six months of experience in managing a stationary point: there is usually no kitchen in the pavilion, bread, vegetables and meat are prepared at stationary points, then delivered to the kiosk.

22. Red cube

  • Gift Shops
  • Franchise launch: 2005
  • Franchise outlets: 48
  • Own points: 139
  • Investments: 1.9 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 11 million/RUB 1.1 million
  • Final score: 14.8

Since 1996, the company has been engaged in the wholesale trade of tableware and interior items, and two years later it opened its first store. In addition to the standard franchise, there is a “no investment” franchising: the parent company invests in the launch of the outlet, and then transfers it to a partner who, in the process of work, must recoup the invested funds.

23. Ounce

  • Trade in tea and sweets
  • Franchise launch: 2004 Franchise outlets: 76
  • Own points: 25 Investments: 2 million rubles.
  • Revenue/profit: RUB 7.2 million/RUB 1 million (with an average monthly turnover of 0.6 million rubles)
  • Final score: 10.9

Partners of the Ouncia tea shop chain can use the special ChaySchool portal with educational materials. Here, store employees take tests that are checked by the coach of the parent company and then draw up a report for the franchisee. The lump-sum fee is 120,000 rubles, but for 200,000 rubles a partner can get an “exclusive” for his city. At the same time, he must open the number of stores agreed with Oz on time, otherwise the unique rights will be canceled.

24. Well

  • Tourism
  • Franchise launch: 2002
  • Franchise outlets: 235
  • Own points: 5
  • Investments: 0.5 million rubles.
  • Revenue/Profit: RUB 3 million/RUB 0.3 million*
  • Final score: 9.2

Network owners claim that their franchisees benefit by a third in terms of income compared to "single" agencies. The network has to deal with pirates: the company's website posted a list of two dozen firms operating illegally under the guise of "Well".

25. Baby club

  • Children's centers
  • Franchise launch: 2009
  • Franchise outlets: 106
  • Own points: 1
  • Investments: 2.9 million rubles.
  • Revenue/profit: RUB 3.6 million/RUB 1.2 million
  • Final score: 7.5

The founder of the Baby Club company, Evgeniya Belonoshchenko, is a mother of four children and a psychologist. The company plays "long-term": for three years, franchise royalties increase by more than half - up to 19,000 rubles per month.

View from the outside

"Companies launch franchises for small towns"

Nina Semina, founder of the franchise catalog

“In 2017, low-cost franchises (up to 700,000 rubles of expenses for starting a business) were popular, as well as franchises in the field of medical and laboratory diagnostics, children's education, beauty and catering. Demand for apparel and footwear retail franchises has declined, while demand for color cosmetics franchises has increased: in early 2017, we saw an increase in demand for Flormar, NYX Professional Makeup and Russian brand Mixit franchises. The trend is also the franchising segment, built on the sale of food, drinks, household goods at low prices (Galamart, Fix Price, Home Market).

More and more operating franchisors are launching as a separate franchise format for small towns. Previously, everyone wanted to develop networks in millionaires, but there is already strong competition in most markets. In small towns, the competition is not so high, but they need special offers with a minimum investment. On the other hand, many Russian successful franchisors are beginning to enter the international market - to the countries of the post-Soviet space, to Europe and China. This is mainly typical for the catering segment (Chocolate Girl, Gelateria Plombir, Dodo Pizza, etc.). ,>

Among the new areas of franchising in 2017 are EMS fitness, intellectual games, virtual reality, aggregators (for example, Fasten taxi aggregator). An interesting trend is the development of multi-franchising, when people purchase several different franchises at once.

According to forecasts for 2018, we expect the emergence of franchises in the field of services and goods for animals (Medvet animal clinics have already appeared), interesting regional concepts for fast food franchises, the development of the “with a twist” restaurant segment, the beauty and health segment, IT franchises, as well as franchises targeted at the younger generation.

"The typical franchise buyer is the middle manager"

Philip Gureev, co-owner of the consulting company Deloshop

“We are seeing a slight increase in demand for franchises in the range of 5-10% per year. At the same time, many new franchise players are emerging. Many of them quickly cease their activities. As a rule, these are small companies from the regions that have opened two or three points in their own country and now expect to conquer the whole of Russia with their concept. Basically, these are services and catering with starting investments from 1-2 million rubles. However, if a business does well in one city, this does not mean at all that it will be successful at the federal level. In general, there are many more new concepts and ideas on the market than franchise buyers.

As usual, children's centers, football schools, medical laboratories, etc. are in demand. The network is successfully developing (No. 20. - RBC) from Metro Cash & Carry - many owners of unnamed convenience stores prefer to work under the wing of a large chain.

A typical franchise buyer in 2017 is a middle manager who has up to 5 million rubles. As a rule, he views the franchise as a way to receive passive income. Deposit rates have fallen, real estate is not getting more expensive, so they want to start some kind of business. At the same time, his wives, relatives, and hired managers are often trusted, which, of course, is a mistake. The less the owner is involved in the franchise business, the greater his chances of losing money. Sometimes it’s easier to buy a ready-made business – it will cost more than a franchise, but there are fewer risks.”

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