Not rich enough to buy cheap things. We are not rich enough to buy cheap things! You and Elena Nikolaevna have a marriage contract


Let's still try to figure out what exactly is hidden behind this phrase, and try to understand in what cases it is appropriate to use it, because the concept of cheapness is very relative - for someone it's sandals for 100 UAH, and for someone for $ 200 .

Cheap is only what you wear without a sense of self-confidence (wise unknown author)

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the concept of "cheap things". For owners of oil companies or, at least, gas stations, a branded suit or a silk black dress for $5,000 is an expensive thing, but clearly affordable.

With the current dollar exchange rate, the minimum wage and pension, it is generally poorly understood what can be considered cheap, many people do not have the opportunity to buy new clothes at all, and dress exclusively in second-hand clothes, that is, in fact they wear the cheapest clothes. And what should they do in this situation?

There is another interpretation of cheap goods - this is China. Not everything, of course, that was made in the Celestial Empire is rubbish, there are also very worthy factory products there, but you still need to look for it.

Yes, the quality of Chinese consumer goods is often lame, and when ordering through Aliexpress or another similar site, there is a risk of getting "horror in the bag", but most people take this risk consciously, since they are currently not rich enough to afford to buy a similar product made in Europe.

What conclusion can be drawn? For each person, the concepts of “wealth” and “cheapness” are different, therefore, in our opinion, it would be more correct to slightly edit the phrase and it will sound like this: “I am not rich enough to buy cheap things.” This category includes:

  • things of unknown origin and composition, from which any surprises can be expected in a sock;
  • cheap clothes, the appearance of which ambiguously hints at its mediocre quality - uneven seams, protruding threads, crookedly sewn labels, uneven coloring, etc .;
  • gross fakes for world famous brands - such products look incredibly cheap, especially if the "helpful" Chinese manufacturer provided them with a "native" logo misspelled.

You don't need to buy cheap. This is really a stupid waste of money, because such clothes are no good. Even if it retains a relatively presentable appearance for some time, you yourself will not want to wear it. Things made anyhow, as a rule, are not able to decorate, give their owner a sense of harmony attire. When you put them on, you really feel like you look cheap. A disgusting feeling that adversely affects self-esteem.

What motivates us to make such purchases? The desire to save money, which often manifests itself in the following thoughts:

  • Nothing that instead of a pretty black dress from the picture they sent a dirty gray tunic. I will add a blouse, unsuccessful colors and style will not be so striking.
  • Just think, the threads stick out, you can cut it.
  • A hole (on a new thing !!!) is unpleasant, of course, but it’s not fatal, I’ll sew it up neatly.
  • The seam is not stitched - they didn’t notice, it happens.

As soon as such "ideas" come to you, drive them away immediately. The thing you bought must have the proper appearance, otherwise it does not need to be returned immediately. By agreeing to wear and use substandard products, you are labeling yourself “not worthy of better.” And the world is very sensitive, it will try to fulfill your request.

But what to do if the income is not enough to buy branded items? The Internet will help here. Just do not need to look for a store with the tag "cheap". It’s better to look at several sites where the clothes you liked and wait for discounts or sales.

As a rule, you don’t have to wait long - the competition is so fierce that sellers are forced to constantly invent promotions in order to attract a buyer. 2 times a year there are seasonal sales - at the end of winter and summer.

Don't miss out - this is a real opportunity to update your wardrobe very economically. Discounts on past collections reach 90%. Of course, you need to hurry up, branded items of this value do not remain without owners for long.

The second possibility is a joint order. Wholesale positions are sold much cheaper, which means you need to cooperate with someone. Similar services (joint purchases) are easy to find on the Internet, in many cities there are even special forums dedicated to joint ventures.

Another way is to buy a domestic product: home-made electronics, Ukrainian-made clothes, etc. Here you need to be careful, not all sellers offer decent quality, so read reviews, look carefully, check - most of the unsuccessful purchases are due to buyer's negligence.

What things to buy is a personal matter for everyone. Johnny Depp, with his millions in income, often looks like a bum, and openly claims that he likes old worn out clothes. But no matter how eccentric Johnny's outfits look, they clearly show that things are of good quality, are selected carefully, and he enjoys wearing them. And products, the main reason for buying which is a cheap price, will never give such a feeling. Love yourself, appreciate and allow yourself to wear the clothes that you want to replenish your wardrobe!

Answer from Ђanya[guru]
“I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things,” Baron Rothschild used to say in his time. And oddly enough, but in this aphorism there is much more truth than it might seem at first glance. And there are many examples of this.
Cheap Chinese sneakers that disfigure the gait, up to getting a leg injury. Exploding batteries in phones from an unknown manufacturer. Sausage of dubious origin, causing severe poisoning of the whole organism. Diet pills that affect the liver... I don't think it's worth going any further, there are plenty of examples. Of course, you can get all of the above "adventures" for a lot of money, there are enough fakes. But this is not about that, but about whether it is worth saving on your nerves and financial resources. No wonder they say, a miser pays twice.
Just the other day I visited a center selling household appliances. The reason is banal, but very responsible: I had to ask the price of a gift for my beloved mother, who has a birthday the other day. Having looked at the necessary things and noting in my mind the required amount, I make my promenade through the bowels of the store and wander into the department for the sale of washing machines. And there is a scandal, emotions and other manifestations of the nervous state of the body. A certain madam, pleasant, but disheveled appearance, expresses an abundance of fair claims to a representative of the store administration. As it turned out from the verbal battle of the discussion participants, Madame had the imprudence to trust the persistent recommendations of the sales assistant, who advised her to buy a washing machine not from Miele, but from a friendly Asian country. They say, why should you pay three times more when this unit also erases no worse. It is understandable, it is beneficial for the consultant to sell what has stagnated in the penates of his native institution. And people will buy good equipment even without a hint.
So, Madame took her word for it and bought what was recommended. But just the other day, something broke in her purchase and all the contents of the machine safely spilled onto the floor. The master who arrived promptly issued a verdict that the case was out of warranty, since someone had already unwound the unit before him and repaired something there. Hence all the leaked (sorry for the pun) troubles. An independent examination confirmed his conclusion and issued a corresponding document. Madame, being in righteous anger, immediately arrived at the place of sale, together with a representative of the Committee for the Protection of Consumer Rights, demanding a refund and compensation for the damage caused. Naturally, the representative of the store made big eyes, in every possible way disowning the troubles. I did not stay there for a long time, there was not much free time.
Actually, the situation is familiar to many. When buying equipment in Russian stores and trusting "knowledgeable sellers", you run the risk of being in a similar position. And all because these same sellers often do not know what they are selling. But what they NEED to sell today, they know by heart. Still, because their salary directly depends on what they sell. And it will work for you or it will break in a month or two, your problems. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance through the same Internet, since there are a lot of sites with reviews, maximum information about the device that you plan to purchase. And listen less to sales consultants, they have completely different criteria.
In the case described above, the woman initially came to buy a Miele washing machine. And it’s not just because she wanted to spend extra money. The German company Miele produces premium household appliances, that is, the highest level of quality and reliability. And judging by the statistics, these are not beautiful words.
Frankly, I feel a little sorry for this woman who, in her naivete, bought not what she wanted, but what was imposed on her as a way of saving money. Although, if you think in this way, you can get by with the "Baby". It costs a penny and seems to even erase. The only question is how it erases and how long it takes

Answer from John[newbie]

We are not rich enough to buy cheap things. We have all heard this phrase more than once. Once upon a time, I understood it somewhat simplistically - that many purchases that are cheap at first glance, in the end, have a very significant impact on our budget.

But a broader understanding of it developed in me as I got more deeply in touch with myself and my sense of self-worth, as I learned to love myself anew every day...

The fact is that cheap things are not able to fill our lives with joyful emotions, they bring only chaos and disappointment. And the point here is not at all the price, cheap things are those surrogates with which we replace what we really want.

Surely many of you once held Glamor magazine in your hands. So, in each of its issues there is a heading "I want and I can." So often it happens in our lives - we want one thing, but at the last moment we do not allow ourselves to have it, replacing it with something cheaper, but in the end we experience only disappointment.

In many ways, these are echoes of childhood - far from all of us it was secured. But after all, you have already grown up and are not obliged to choose for yourself universal, strong and practical things that your younger brother can wear later ...

The pleasure of cheap things - bought just to buy something or on the occasion of a sale, because "it was already 70% off", because there was no time, but I had to urgently buy, because I was persuaded - the pleasure from such things, as a rule, can only be at the moment of making a purchase. And then you come home and are left alone with an unloved thing, which, at best, settles like ballast in the depths of your closet, and at worst, you are forced to wear it every day and be disappointed.

After all, it is empty, it does not carry the energy of love, the magic of a wish come true, the taste of expanding its usual comfort zone, permissible luxury and elegance.

Surely this has happened to you more than once - you want one thing, but in the end you deviate from your desire, making a “rational” choice, why what you end up getting is much better than what you wanted. You persuade yourself. And everything seems to be correct, but for some reason there is no feeling of happiness.

And the point here is not at all the cost - such a “cheap” thing can in fact be very expensive. It's just not what you really need.

And vice versa - you can buy the thing of your dreams with a huge discount and then wear it for a long time with pleasure and joy - it often happens to me lately. It seems that this thing was created by my special order, waiting for me. and at its quite affordable cost, it has all the parameters I need - color, size, style, composition ... Pack it - we take it !!!

Such purchases are at completely different poles and ultimately lead us to a completely different lifestyle, because cheap things increase our state of scarcity, and expensive and high-quality purchases of our dreams activate our inner flow of Abundance. Naturally, if we sincerely allow ourselves to have them.

How do you feel when you put on the dress (jeans, handbag, shoes) of your dreams? The mood immediately rises, the back straightens, the gait becomes more elegant and feminine, the eyes - shining and bewitching. You feel like a queen!

Surely you have such a happy and beloved thing that you cannot part with for years. Because it is 100% YOUR thing, bought in a great mood, or maybe associated with some memory, a day when you were especially happy ... And it becomes an anchor of this state, bringing a piece of it into your life every time you you put it on.

Fortunately, in recent years I have had a large number of such acquisitions. Many of them were bought for me as gifts by my loved ones during our travels. And even though the cost of many of them at the time of purchase seemed a little high to me - if you count how many times I then put them on with great pleasure, then these investments paid off many times over!

It is from these considerations that I have recently become very attentive to the purchase of underwear, nightgowns, dressing gowns and clothes for the house - this is what concerns me every day, what I sleep in restores my strength and I must certainly like these things , be made from natural materials of excellent quality and cheer me up!

My friends laugh at me that my nightgown and dressing gown cost more than my coat, and that I can wear a better and more elegant dress around the house than on the street. But I wear these things with great love and joy every day, they are the first thing that my body feels every morning and what sets the mood for the whole day. The coat is the thing that leaves its hanger in the closet only occasionally.

Well, what is more important then? External effect or self-love embodied in such deeply personal things?

Recently, I generally stopped choosing things "from the mind." I just imagine what I want - one way or another - and then trust my intuition and go shopping. And this is the best option for me - you can’t deceive the body. and if I feel even the slightest discomfort in the fitting room, then this is not my thing! After all, you always recognize “your” thing by the state of correctness, inner warmth, inspiration, and sometimes the flight that it gives. Trust your body, immerse yourself in sensations - it will never deceive!

Imagine such a picture. You open your closet - and every thing there is your favorite! Each is carefully folded, hung, neatly ironed - because you want to take care of your favorite things! Some of them carry the exotic spirit of distant wanderings, others are sewn especially for you by a caring hand, and this dress is still saturated with the aroma of luxury that filled the boutique from which you, so happy and joyful, brought it ... There can not be too many such things Because love is not a cheap thing! And each such pearl of your collection needs attention and care! You put on not just a piece of clothing, but a special state - a mysterious stranger, a luxurious elegant lady, a successful business woman, a romantic girl, a fabulous princess, a happy wife and mother ...

Good things are like good friends - they only get better with age and never let you down!

A happy woman who is in deep contact with herself consciously chooses only what she can easily go on a journey along the Stream of Happiness and Abundance! After all, she values ​​her life too much to waste it on unnecessary, unloved, things that do not bring joy and pleasure!

This is the state I aspire to, over and over again choosing the best for myself. exactly what I want and what I can love and want long after the purchase is made!

What do you choose for yourself?

"I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things," said Baron Rothschild. I have been a big supporter of this concept in my life, but now it takes on a special meaning, and not only in everyday matters, but also in relation to the stock market.

Investors usually like undervalued stocks because they can make the most money. If positive changes should occur in the company in the next 6-12 months, and the market does not know about it or does not believe in them, then the first buyers skim off all the cream. This applies not only to individual stocks, but also to entire countries. For example, at the end of last year, funds began to invest more actively in Russia, because our shares were the cheapest among emerging market securities, and the second stage of quantitative easing in the US led to an increase in oil prices. People who invested in Russia at the end of August 2010, not afraid of the slow recovery of the Russian economy and political instability, were able to earn more than 50% in seven months just on the index. In some papers - much more.

But now the situation is different. There hasn't been such nervousness in the markets for a long time, not even a week goes by without bad news - either another aggravation with debts in the eurozone, or America's rating will be lowered. The economies of developed countries do not want to recover, and those of developing countries do not want to cool down. In such a situation, investors do not risk placing bets even three months ahead, let alone a year. They want to buy stocks in companies that are already doing well: production is growing, product prices are not subject to sharp fluctuations, debt levels are reasonable, and management and major shareholders demonstrate good management quality and fairly share profits with minority shareholders. As you can imagine, there are few such companies. By selling a large number of "bad" cheap companies, investors make them even cheaper, while the shares of "good" companies outperform the market and sometimes begin to look expensive.

Does it make sense to play against the market and start buying super-cheap companies? For example, Surgeneftegaz, which, following the latest correction, is worth almost the same as the cash on its balance sheet? I don't think it's time yet. High volatility in equity markets will continue at least until the end of this year, and we will see repeated sell-offs. I would use them as an opportunity to invest in those securities that may seem too expensive for now. They may fall more than others on profit-taking, but they will also be the first to buy back their market. In my opinion, this is more reasonable than running after super-cheap papers that run the risk of remaining so.

My three favorite ideas, which have already proven themselves several times this year, are gold, shares of the gas producer Novatek, and shares of the potash company Uralkali. In an environment where neither the dollar nor the euro are any more reliable currencies, further flight of investors into gold is inevitable, although it has risen in price by 24.2% since the beginning of the year. The Gold Exchange Fund (ETF) with UGL US leverage showed a yield of 46.2% since the beginning of the year against -9.9% on the RTS index (as of 08/12/11). As for Novatek and Uralkali, the Russian gas market, like the potash market, is much less volatile and less subject to speculative factors than, for example, the oil or metals market. And competent management and shareholders who have good relations with the Russian authorities leave investors hope for positive surprises - from acquisitions of assets to dividends. Since the beginning of the year, Uralkali and Novatek have outperformed the market, having risen in price by 19.8% and 8.4% respectively (as of 12.08.2011), and I believe that this trend will continue.

In general, a crisis is a time for expensive things and real relationships, so allow yourself the best. Real estate - in the world's financial centers, car - Ferrari, women - the most beautiful and smart. You should not spend money on cheap things, and time on golf partners, spend it with people who are really close to you. And buy stocks of really worthwhile companies in your portfolio before others do it for you.

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