Mechanical drilling speed. Regime parameters and indicators of drilling. Design specific consumption of explosives


AT well construction cycle includes:

1) preparatory work;

2) installation of the tower and equipment;

4) drilling process;

5) fixing the well with casing pipes and its grouting;

6) opening of the reservoir and testing for the inflow of oil and gas.

During preparatory work they choose a place for a drilling rig, lay an access road, bring down the power supply, water supply and communications systems. If the terrain is uneven, then a site is planned.

Tower and equipment installation is produced in accordance with the scheme of their placement adopted for these specific conditions. They try to place the equipment in such a way as to ensure safety in operation, ease of maintenance, low cost of construction and installation work and compactness in the arrangement of all elements of the drilling rig.

There are the following methods of mounting drilling rigs: unit-by-aggregate, small-block and large-block.

At aggregate method the drilling rig is assembled from separate units, for the delivery of which road, rail or air transport is used.

At small block method the drilling rig is assembled from 16...20 small blocks. Each of them is a base on which one or more units of the installation are mounted.

At large block method The rig is assembled from 2...4 blocks, each of which combines several drilling rig units and assemblies.

Preparation for drilling includes a directional device and a test run of the drilling rig.

During test drilling, the performance of all elements and components of the drilling rig is checked.

Drilling process start by screwing the chisel to the leading square tube initially. By rotating the rotor, rotation is transmitted to the bit through the leading pipe.

During drilling, the drilling tool is continuously lowered (feed) so that part of the weight of its lower part is transferred to the bit to ensure effective rock breaking.

During drilling, the well is gradually deepened. After the kelly has all gone into the well, it is necessary to build up the drill pipe string. The extension is performed as follows. First stop washing. Next, the drilling tool is lifted out of the well so that the Kelly is completely out of the rotor. Using a pneumatic wedge grip, the tool is hung on the rotor. Next, the leading pipe is unscrewed from the drill string and, together with the swivel, is lowered into the pit - a slightly inclined well 15 ... 16 m deep, located in the corner of the drilling rig.

After that, the hook is disconnected from the swivel, another pre-prepared pipe is hung on the hook, it is connected to the drill string suspended on the rotor, the string is removed from the rotor, lowered into the well and hung again on the rotor. The lifting hook is again connected to the swivel and lifted with the leading pipe from the hole. The kelly is connected to the drill string, the latter is removed from the rotor, the mud pump is turned on and the bit is carefully brought to the bottom. After that, drilling continues.

In the course of working at the bottom of the well, the bit wears out. When further work becomes ineffective, the bit is lifted out of the well, replaced with a new one, after which the drilling tool is again lowered into the well.

When drilling for oil and gas, the rock is destroyed by drilling bits, and the bottom of the wells is usually cleaned of drill cuttings with flows of continuously circulating flushing fluid (drilling fluid), less often the bottom is purged with a gaseous working agent.

aim casing annulus grouting is the separation of productive layers.

Although the productive formations had already been exposed during the drilling process, they were isolated with casing pipes and plugging so that the penetration of oil and gas would not interfere with further drilling. After completion of the penetration, to ensure the inflow of oil and gas, the productive formations are opened again.

For this casing string and cement stone perforate .

Currently, two types of perforators are mainly used: firing (torpedo and bullet types) and hydroabrasive action.

After perforating the well master , i.e. cause an influx of oil and gas into it.

To do this, reduce the pressure of the drilling fluid on the bottom in one of the following ways:

1) flushing is the replacement of the drilling fluid that fills the wellbore after drilling with a lighter liquid - water or oil;

2) pistoning (swabbing) - this is a decrease in the level of fluid in the well by lowering into the tubing and lifting a special piston (swab) on a steel cable. The piston has a valve that opens during descent and allows fluid to fill the tubing through it. When lifting, the valve closes, and the entire column of liquid above the piston is brought to the surface.

The previously used methods of reducing the pressure of the drilling fluid on the bottom, pushing with compressed gas and aeration (saturation of the solution with gas) have now been abandoned for safety reasons.

The wellhead is equipped column head(column binding). The column head is designed to isolate the annular spaces and control the pressure in them. It is installed on the thread or by welding on the conductor. Intermediate and production strings are hung on wedges or a sleeve.

The main technical characteristics of column heads are reflected in their codes.

Well drilling start- the moment of the first descent of the drill string for penetration, and completion of drilling- the moment of the end of the ejection of drill pipes onto the walkways after flushing the well and testing the string for tightness.

To determine the duration of the most time-consuming stage - drilling a well - a balance of calendar time is compiled.

The calendar time balance includes the following elements:

1. Productive drilling time t pr, including:

Time for penetration - t m - mechanical drilling, t cn - tripping;

Time for preparatory and auxiliary work (change of bit, preparation of clay solution, etc.) t pvr;

Time for fixing the well (descent of the casing string and its cementing) t kr.

t pr \u003d t m + t cn + t pvr + t cr

2. Time for repair work (prevention of equipment, elimination of malfunctions that occur during drilling and well casing) t rem.

3. Time to eliminate complications arising in the wellbore due to geological reasons, t os.

4. Non-productive time t H , including:

Time to eliminate accidents t a;

Loss of time due to downtime for organizational and technical reasons t p.

The balance of the calendar time of drilling and fastening has the following form:

T b.k \u003d t m + t cn + t pvr + t cr + t rem + t os + t a + t p

The balance of calendar time and its individual elements serve as the basis for determining various drilling speeds that determine the pace of well construction.

Technical drilling speed (v T) is determined by the penetration rate for 1 month of productive work of the drilling rig (m / st.-month):

where N p- total penetration (planned or actual) for a certain period of time (well depth), m;

720 - duration 1 tbsp. - month of drilling, hours

The indicator of technical speed is used for a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of new equipment, various drilling methods.

a commercial drilling speed is determined by the penetration rate for 1 month of operation of the drilling rig (m/st.-month):

The value of commercial speed is influenced by technical, technological and organizational factors. Increasing v K requires the reduction and elimination of unproductive time, reducing the absolute cost of productive time by speeding up operations. This can be achieved by improving drilling equipment and technology, mechanizing labor-intensive operations, and improving the organization of production.

Cyclic well construction rate (m/st - month) is determined by penetration during the well construction cycle:

where T c— well construction cycle time, h.

The cycle rate characterizes the technical and organizational levels of drilling operations, reflects the effectiveness of the joint action of the teams involved in the well construction cycle (rigid drilling teams and well testing teams).

In order to somewhat mitigate this shortcoming in practice, sometimes, instead of ik shah, they use the technical one - the speed of drilling. However, it is more correct to define it as the ratio of the actual /7 f and maximum /7 max penetrations per unit of productive drilling time Tb, which, under drilling conditions, includes mainly the operating time of the drilling rig, i.e.

The technical drilling rate is understood as the penetration (in meters) per machine-month of technically necessary time, which, in addition to the pure drilling time t4, includes auxiliary time / in (in machine-hours) spent on well casing, measurements in wells and for minor repairs of equipment (in the amount provided for by the standards)

The technical drilling speed vr is determined by the ratio of the number of meters drilled in a well or a group of wells H to the total time spent on performing technically necessary types of work Tu, expressed in machine-months,

The technical drilling rate is the rate of deepening of the well in meters per machine-month of production time, excluding time for repair work, liquidation-accidents and complications, as well as organizational downtime. It shows the maximum possible drilling speed that can be achieved under given specific conditions, and is used for a comparative assessment of the technical capabilities of different methods and types of drilling and to identify reserves for increasing drilling speeds. It is determined by the formula

Overexposure of drilling rigs (3 rigs) and non-fulfillment of the drilling speed plan indicate that the UBR paid insufficient attention to improving drilling equipment and technology. This is confirmed by the stability of the technical drilling rate over the past five years. In addition, in the reporting year, the absolute and relative levels of non-productive time in the overall balance increased, which led to the failure to meet the planned drilling rate.

The technical drilling speed of UT is determined by the ratio of the number of meters of penetration H in a well (or a group of wells) to the total time spent on performing the entire complex of technically necessary types of work 7 "t, expressed in machine-months

The technical drilling speed of the UT is determined by the penetration rate per month of the productive operation of the drilling rig (machine)

The technical drilling speed vr is determined by the penetration per machine-month of productive work when drilling a well

Drilling enterprises have a peculiar approach to determining the coefficient of intensive use. The fact is that drilling rigs do not have an installed rated power. They are classified according to their carrying capacity. It is difficult to calculate the average annual capacity of drilling rigs. Therefore, with a certain degree of assumption, the degree of intensive use of drilling rigs can be determined by the ratio of the actual volume of penetration to the maximum possible at the average technical drilling speed achieved in similar wells. Therefore, the coefficient of intensive use of drilling equipment is determined by

Significant reserves for speeding up and reducing the cost of drilling operations are associated with the efficient use of high-performance bits. The technical excellence of drilling bits, their correct selection and rational use affect the mechanical speed of drilling, penetration per bit, the volume of round trips and auxiliary work, the level of technical drilling speed, the productivity of the drilling crew, the use of production assets, the consumption of wireline and brake shoes , cost and profitability.

Technical drilling speed vr, i.e. penetration in meters and one machine per month of productive work when drilling wells

In the economics and planning of drilling operations, indicators of mechanical, trip, technical, commercial and cyclic drilling speeds are widely used, which reflect the complex of works of the well construction cycle (Table 9).

In each specific horizon, the specific costs of productive (without fastening) and calendar time per 1 m of penetration are compared. The main and more defining indicator is technical speed, which determines a more efficient method of drilling.

In the Paleocene sediments, with the turbine drilling method, the technical speed is 12% higher than with the rotary one, although the penetration per 1 bit is 35% less, and the time spent on tripping operations is 29%

For example, the productivity of a drilling rig is characterized by mechanical, technical and cyclic drilling speeds. ROP (in m/h) shows the intensity of destruction of rocks by the drill bit. This indicator is measured by penetration (deepening) of the tip for 1 hour of pure drilling, i.e.

In the economy and planning of drilling operations, an important role is played by indicators of drilling speeds (mechanical, scheduled, technical, commercial, cyclic), drilling on bit, machine-months, etc.

The technically necessary types of work include mechanical drilling, tripping operations, tool build-up, a set of auxiliary works (bit change, well flushing, electrometric work, etc.), well casing, repair work (in the planned volume), liquidation work complications (within the planned volume). The technical speed characterizes the efficiency of the entire complex of well drilling operations.

The time spent on the elimination of accidents ta, complications t0 (except for those inevitable in given natural conditions), as well as downtime for organizational reasons /n, in principle, should not be reflected in planned calculations. However, at the current level of development of technology, technology and organization of production and logistics, it is not possible to completely avoid these losses that reduce drilling speed. Time ta, tlt and tu (in h/m of penetration) are taken when planning the commercial speed according to the actual data of the base year, adjusted in accordance with the plan of organizational and

For example, with a plan of development drilling Rd = 165,000 m and a planned drilling rate of approx. Drilling time, calculated according to current technical standards for the same volume - 136.4 machine-months. There are no complicated wells. In this case

Thus, /(. y can be determined on the basis of drilling speeds. At the same time, the most time-consuming justification is VK. max, since drilling rigs do not have a nameplate capacity. Therefore, for practical needs, you can use the planned technical speed when planning, the actual one - when assessing the actual level of intensive use drilling rigs.

The calendar duration of drilling and well casing Тp bk, the design drilling speed of the CPC are calculated on the basis of progressive technical, technological, design and

At present, the practice of drilling exploration wells is dominated by drilling with shells with a removable core receiver - SSC. When drilling with SSK shells, two sets of operations are distinguished (by time and by depth) - this is " flight" from descent to retrieval of the entire drilling string (including all ancillary operations) and the so-called " cycle"from lowering to retrieving the core receiver without lifting drill pipes

The use of the term "cycle" for the drilling operation from lowering the core receiver to filling with core and raising the core receiver causes a certain difficulty, due to the fact that the term "cycle" is already fixed in dictionaries, in the form of the term "cycle speed".

In our opinion, the term "cycle" should be left behind the time of well construction ("cycle rate"), and for the interval of drilling with a projectile with a removable core receiver associated with filling and lifting the core receiver, come up with another term, for example, " core receiving flight". For the interval from the descent to the ascent of the entire projectile, use the term " full flight»,

When drilling with SSK projectiles, the measurement and evaluation of the drilling speed becomes more complicated compared to drilling with simple projectiles. In determining full cruise speed (or full cruise cruise speed), the non-cash time will be the sum of the total non-travel time associated with lowering and retrieving the entire drill string, including all ancillary work - Tvsp, and the amount of time for auxiliary work associated with lowering and raising the core receiver in all core receiving runs -Σ tfsp . The drilling time of a full run is equal to the sum of the time spent on drilling in core-receiving runs (the time spent on re-fixing can be neglected, and the time for building up refers to the auxiliary time of the core-receiving run), i.e. Σt drill. -time for drilling in full run; Σt rev – time for auxiliary operations in all core receiving trips.

Then Vр = where Hр =Σ hcp.

For simultaneous measurement and registration of five drilling parameters: full trip (1) and core receiving trip speed (2), as well as the current ROP (3) and total (from the beginning of the full trip) (4) and the current penetration in each core receiving run ( 5), a simple device can be used using a single current penetration sensor based on the principle of a laser range finder. For example, a laser rangefinder of the Leica DISTO D8 type can be used, which has wireless technology, built-in Bluetooth, which allows you to transfer the received information immediately to a computer, where the transmitted information is processed in a compiled program for dividing the measured penetration into appropriate time intervals and then printed on a recorder tape. The effectiveness of the use of such a device will only be subject to the continuous recording of all these five parameters and their graphic representation for the entire full flight.

An approximate schedule for recording all five parameters of the efficiency of a full run when drilling with a SSK projectile is shown in the figure, fig.69.

Rice. 69

Graph of registration of parameters of efficiency of the full run of SSC drilling.

The efficiency of measuring, registering and analyzing the value of the trip speed of drilling with SSC projectiles can be seen on the example of estimating the increase in trip speed with an increase in the hole for a core receiving run. When drilling with domestic KSSK-76 shells, the hole for a core-receiving run can be 3, 4.5 and 6 meters, with SSK shells - 1.7, 3.2 and 4.7 meters. When using foreign Longyear projectiles when drilling deep wells, the depth per core run is usually 3 meters. Modern machines with a mobile rotator for high-speed diamond drilling have a movable rotator with a through chuck that allows you to build drill pipes through the top. In this case, the length of the stacked pipe can be greater than the stroke of the rotator (the stroke is usually up to - 3.25 meters), i.e. a drill pipe 6 meters long can be used (or a candle from two pipes of 3 meters each). Therefore, it is possible to compare the efficiency of drilling when using core pipes and drill pipes with a length of three and six meters.

For such a rough comparison, let's take:

Geological conditions are stable, without complications;

Driving on a diamond crown and deepening for a full run - 90 meters;

Mechanical drilling speed - 6 m / h;

Auxiliary time of a full flight - 4 hours;

Auxiliary time of the core receiving flight - 0.6 hours;

h cpr = 3 meters - 30;

The number of core receiving flights at h cpr \u003d 6 meters - 15.

Vp 3 = m/h Vr 6 = m/h

Attitude Vp 6 / Vp 3 = 1,83, those. with an increase in penetration for a core run from 3 to 6 meters when drilling with SSK shells, the run speed and, consequently, productivity will increase by 1.8 times. When using a recording tool, this relationship can be seen in detail by comparing the respective charts to optimize the drilling process.

m/hour or m/month

Where: T months -number of hours in a month H months . - the number of meters drilled during a calendar month. Commercial speed practically coincides with the productivity of the drilling crew and is the main indicator of the efficiency of the drilling crew and the production organization as a whole.

Commercial speed differs from technical speed in that it takes into account all time costs, including unproductive ones associated with poor organization of work, poor discipline, etc. The greater the difference between V T. and V k., the worse the drilling crew and drilling managers work. It would be useful to introduce efficiency ratio drilling rig manager

Kef. \u003d Vk / Vt

and multiply the salary of the head of drilling operations by it.

5.cycle speed.


Where: H well - well depth, T well - time for all work on the construction of the well, N drill. - the amount of drilling work in this area, T 6ur - time for drilling the entire scope of work. The cyclic rate is used in the planning of exploration work, and its comparison with the commercial one shows the share of time spent on preparatory and completion drilling work.

6. park speed

(m/machine per year)

It is defined as the total drilling footage per year in a given exploration organization divided by the number of drilling rigs - n, available in this organization, characterizes the effectiveness of the use of the wall park.

The cost of 1 meter of drilling - From Art.

The second side of the efficiency of the process is the cost of work - for drilling, this is the cost of drilling 1 meter of a well. The relationship between the importance of cost and productivity as performance criteria is mainly related to the given drilling time, bearing in mind that "time is money", In most cases, the maximum productivity corresponds to the minimum cost, however, sometimes an increase in productivity can be achieved due to high costs for more expensive tools, equipment, cleaning agents. In such cases, it is necessary to consider what is more profitable in a particular case - to increase productivity due to high cost or to reduce cost due to lower productivity. Approximately the value of the cost of 1 m of drilling can be determined by the expression:


Where: with - cost of 1 hour of drilling operations (salary, consumption of materials, depreciation, etc.) without the cost of PRI, rub./hour (determined by the planning department, taking into account local conditions). C - price of rock cutting tool, rub., hat. - sinking on the crown (chisel) m; D - the cost of additional costs during the construction of the well, rub.

From the analysis of the cost expression it follows that, other things being equal, the cost decreases with the growth of VR. and penetrations at PRI- h at . , once again proving that the increase in cruise speed is effective in all respects. Another conclusion from the cost analysis is the important role of the PRI resource, given that its cost when drilling in hard rocks is a significant share (up to 50% or more) of the cost of 1 meter of drilling. Therefore, when solving the problems of drilling technology for hard and extra-hard rocks, it is necessary to pay special attention to the wear of the DP, primarily diamond, taking all measures to reduce its wear, even if this leads to a partial loss of drilling speed.

Quality. The third side process, which determines the effectiveness of the task. For exploration drilling, the quality is determined by two main indicators - completeness of geological information (core exit, cuttings, side sampling, geophysical surveys, etc.) and accuracy of well paths along a given trajectory, i.e. Obtaining geological information from a given point in a rock mass. Usually, the geological service sets the minimum allowable indicators, in case of violation of which the well does not solve the tasks and leaves in marriage. For these reasons, in order to ensure the required quality, in some cases it is necessary to apply special drilling modes using special technical means and technological methods, even if this leads to a significant decrease in productivity and an increase in the cost of drilling

Conclusion: drilling technology should be developed taking into account all performance indicators in their optimal combination.

Three factors determine effectiveness:

- performance;

- cost;

- quality.

1. Drilling performance is determined primarily by:

Cruise speed and commercial speed

2. Cost price:

    drilling speed in m/machine-month (V commercial);

    coefficient of intensive use of drilling rigs (K I)

    Extensive use of drilling rigs (Ke)

    the employment rate of drilling crews (K Z).

Drilling speeds

one). Commercial speed (in meters per machine/month) is determined by the ratio

the number of meters drilled by the calendar drilling time, including non-productive time (organizational downtime, emergency response)

v to = H x 720 (30)

T feces

Where: T cal. - calendar drilling time

H - the number of meters drilled (drillage)

Profitable drilling speed is used in determining:

a) the estimated cost of drilling;

b) labor productivity;

c) scope of work;

d) number of drilling crews;

e) needs of MTS;

2). Mechanical drilling speed - the number of meters of drilling per 1 hour of operation of the bit at the bottom;

V m =_ N_

t fur

t fur - mechanical drilling time (hour)

The value of the mechanical speed from the strength and conditions of occurrence of passable rocks, the perfection of equipment and working tools, the applied drilling modes.

3). Travel speed of drilling - the number of meters of wellbore penetration carried out in one hour of the tool trip, i.e. bit operating time at the bottomhole, lowering and retrieving the tool

V R =__ H_______ ,

t fur + t cn + t pvr

where: t cn - time for tripping operations;

Cruise speed characterizes the technical level and pace of work of the drilling crew, as well as the effectiveness of the main work on drilling a well.

4). The technical drilling rate expresses the rate of the well drilling process, covering the entire complex of technologically necessary work.

The technical drilling speed is determined by the ratio of penetration in meters to the time of technically necessary drilling work, i.e. productive drilling time, expressed in rig-months

V t = H x 720 (30 days) ,

where: t p - productive drilling time; t n = t fur + t cn + t to + t pvr + t op ,

where: t to - well casing time,

t pvr - time of preparatory and auxiliary work for one run of the tool (hour)

t op - time of elimination of complications and repair work.

5). The cyclic rate of well construction is determined by the average penetration during the time of rigging, drilling, casing and testing of the well, characterizes the joint action of the teams.

V c = H x 720(30 days),

where: t C - well construction time; t C = t cn + t pvr + t md + t kb + t and ,

where: t cn - tripping time;

t pvr - time of preparatory and auxiliary work for one run of the tool (hour);

t MD - time of installation and dismantling;

t kb - time of fixing and drilling of the well;

t and - well test time for oil and gas growth.

The coefficient of extensive use of drilling rigs K E characterizes the completeness of the use of equipment (machine) power in time and is determined by the formula:

To E = T b + T and +T P ,

Where: T b - drilling time machine-month;

T and - test time, machine-month;

T p - preparatory time, machine-month;

T C - well construction cycle time.

The employment rate of drilling crews is determined by the formula:

To Zan = T n + T b + T and

T cal.

Where: T n - preparatory time, machine-month.

Coefficient of intensive use of drilling rigs K I

To And = V com ____

V com. max x.

Where: V com. max x. - maximum commercial drilling rate (m/st-month), (technical or standard)

The main document that determines the production program of the UBR (drilling) is the well construction schedule, it is drawn up according to the goals and methods of drilling (exploration and operation) for the year, quarter and month, the completion of work on one well is the beginning of work on another. The sequence of its compilation is as follows:

    transitional wells - they determine the end of drilling;

    terms of rigging works;

    timing of the start and end of well drilling in the planned period;

    determination of the date of commencement of drilling of wells, the construction of which will not be completed.

All wells included in the schedule are planned according to the goals and methods of drilling and grouped by area.

As a result of drawing up a schedule, the construction of wells is determined by the main indicators by months.

Each team is assigned the number of exploited and exploration wells, as well as the annual passage in meters.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation