Comments are disabled. With ensuring the safety of train traffic and servicing passengers of certain categories of railway workers



Order No. 8/TsZ

dated September 18, 1990
“On the introduction of specific features of the regulation of working time and rest time for certain categories of employees of railway transport and subways, directly related to ensuring the safety of train traffic and passenger service.”
In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of November 18, 1989 No. 989 (instruction of the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of November 27, 1989 No. 463 pr-y) Ministry of Railways

  1. To enter into force on November 1, 1990 “Peculiarities of regulation of working time and rest time of certain categories of railway and subway workers directly related to ensuring the safety of train traffic and passenger service”, approved by the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Railway Transport and Transport Construction Workers (attached) .

  2. Heads of departments of the Ministry of Railways, heads of railways, subways and production associations of industrial railway transport:

  • organize the study in labor collectives with the employees involved of the peculiarities of regulating working hours and rest time, take measures to ensure their strict implementation;

  • bring the existing instructions, rules and other documents on the organization of labor, planning and accounting of working time and rest time of railway workers into line with the specified Features.

  1. The heads of enterprises and organizations of railway transport and subways, together with trade union committees, on the basis of the specified Features of the regulation of working time and rest time, develop and make appropriate changes and additions to the Internal Regulations, approving them at meetings (conferences) of labor collectives.
With the introduction of these Features of the regulation of working time and rest time, the following shall be considered invalid: paragraph 1 of the instruction of the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the trade union of June 20, 1989 No. G-2496u; instructions of the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the trade union of July 18, 1989 No. G-1912u, of July 19, 1989 No. G-1924u, of August 30, 1989 No. G-14623, of September 26, 1989 No. N-2431u.

It was agreed with the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Railway Transport and Transport Construction Workers.


Regulation of working hours and rest time of certain categories

Employees of railway transport and subways directly involved in ensuring the safety of train traffic and maintenance


  1. General provisions.

    1. These Features take into account the specifics of the organization of labor and regulate the working time and rest time of certain categories of employees of railway transport and subways, whose work is related to the direct movement of trains and passenger service, the constant performance of labor duties on the way and traveling within the serviced areas, and do not change those established by law general and special guarantees and benefits.

    2. The duration of the shift, the start and end time of work (shift), the start and end time of regulated breaks for rest and meals are indicated in the Internal Labor Regulations of enterprises (structural units) approved at meetings (conferences) of labor collectives, and shift schedules for round-the-clock and other shift work are approved by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee.

    3. For workers employed in round-the-clock continuous work, as well as in other jobs where, due to the conditions of production, the established daily working hours cannot be observed, the management of the enterprise, in agreement with the trade union committee, can introduce a summarized accounting of working hours with an accounting period - month, quarter, tour. At the same time, the norm of working hours is determined by multiplying the number of working days in the accounting period according to the calendar of a given year by the length of the working day determined for a six-day working week, taking into account the reduction in working hours on weekends and holidays.
The schedule of work and rest must be announced to employees no later than three days before the start of its action.

Quarterly accounting of working time is allowed only if there is an approved schedule of work and rest for the entire quarter.

    1. The time of acceptance and delivery of locomotives, trains (sections) and wagons by locomotive and train crews, as well as the time for train crews to prepare for a flight, is included in their working hours. The time limits for these operations and other elements of the preparatory and final time are established by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee.

    2. The total number of overtime hours for shift workers, locomotive and train crews, when summarized, should not exceed 24 hours per month and 120 hours per year.

    3. The length of working time in excess of the normal length of the working day, but not more than 12 hours, can be established with the consent of the members of the team, transferred to the new mode of operation by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee. At the same time, work with a shift duration exceeding the normal one should not be allowed for more than two calendar days in a row, except for employees whose permanent work takes place on the way.

    4. The working hours of employees whose permanent work takes place on the way (train crews of passenger trains, employees of refrigerated trains (sections), hopper-dosing and ____ routes, articulated transport cars, service, baggage and collapsible cars, etc.), at the total duration of the round-trip trip of three days or more can be taken into account as a tour. In this case, the tour is considered the time from the moment of arrival at work for the trip until the moment of arrival at work for the next trip after the rest at the point of permanent work.

    5. For certain professions of workers and positions of specialists and employees, in accordance with the procedure and conditions established by the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the trade union, it is allowed to organize duty:

  • at home in case of a call to work (without the right to leave home), while 0.25 hours of normal working time are taken into account for one hour of duty;

  • in a room specially equipped at the facility, in a carriage in the conductor's compartment with the right to rest, while 0.75 hours of normal working time are taken into account for one hour of duty.

    1. For certain professions of workers and positions of specialists and employees, it is allowed to divide the working day into parts. such a regime of working hours may be applied to employees whose work, by its nature, cannot be carried out continuously, but allows the number and duration of breaks to be determined in advance. In this case, one break lasting more than two hours, or two breaks, including a break for rest and meals, lasting at least one hour each, may be set.
The total duration of working time per shift should not exceed the duration established by the shift schedule, and the time of uninterrupted rest between shifts should be at least 12 hours.

    1. Working time and rest time for employees of construction organizations, paramilitary security, educational institutions, trade, medical care, public catering, restaurant cars, buffet compartments, shop cars, car drivers, as well as work, is regulated by the relevant Regulations.

    2. Questions of working time and rest time, not provided for by these Specifics, are regulated by general labor legislation.

  1. Start and end of work.

    1. The start of work is the time of arrival at the permanent place of work at the hour established by the internal labor regulations, and the end of work is the time of release from work.
In some cases, the beginning and end of work may be assigned to ___ places of permanent work (permanent collection point), which the employee must be notified no later than the end of the previous working day. In this case, the travel time from the permanent collection point to the place of work and back (with a distance in one direction of up to three kilometers during the passage and the actual travel time for a long distance is less than 36 minutes) is not considered working time.

If the employee was not promptly informed about the upcoming place of work, located at a distance of up to three kilometers, or if the distance from the permanent collection point to the place of work is more than three kilometers, or the actual travel time exceeds 36 minutes, then the travel time from the permanent collection point to place of work and back should be included in working time at the rate of 12 minutes per kilometer when passing and according to the time actually spent when driving.

    1. The start of work of locomotive and train crews, crews serving articulated transporters, etc., is considered to be the time of arrival at the place of permanent work (depot, electric depot, linear point, reserve, locomotive crew substitution point, locomotive turnover point), according to the schedule, along with or call, completion of work - the moment of execution of the relevant technical documentation (for example, the route of the driver) after the delivery of the locomotive, train, train, section or wagon at the depot or shift point. In case of a failed trip, the end of work is the time the employee is released by the administration.

    2. For all shift workers and for workers with division into parts during the working day, the start and end time of work is determined by the work schedule.

    3. The procedure for attending work before the end of vacation and illness of workers with a summarized account of working time, which days off are provided according to work schedules, should be determined by the administration and the trade union committee and reflected in the internal labor regulations of the enterprise.

    4. In continuous shift work, employees are not allowed to leave the workplace without waiting for the shift. The administration takes all measures depending on it for the fastest change of the worker. The procedure for calling another employee to work in this case is determined by the internal labor regulations. At the same time, the reduced rest must be at least 12 hours and it is not allowed to work more than two nights in a row.

    5. Calling an employee to work, regardless of the length of rest used for previous work, is allowed in cases of natural disasters, fires, derailments and accidents.

  1. Organization of work and accounting of working hours of locomotive and conductor crews.

    1. The work of locomotive and conductor crews is organized, as a rule, according to nominal schedules or according to a call-free system. The rest of the teams, as well as in cases of violation of work schedules, are assigned to work on call. Methods for calling brigades are established by internal regulations.
Crews of shunting, export and transfer locomotives should not be sent to other stations 15 minutes before the set time for changing crews.

    1. For each turnout point of locomotive crews, the head of the railway department, in agreement with the District Trade Union and taking into account the opinion of locomotive crews, should establish the maximum allowable time for the crew to be at work from the moment of appearance, after which it is prohibited to send it on a trip.

    2. The time for employees of locomotive and conductor crews to travel from the place of permanent work to the point (station) designated for receiving the locomotive (train), as well as the time for returning to the place of permanent work after the delivery of the locomotive (train), if they are not accepted to these points for permanent work , is included in the working time, and the duration of continuous work is not included. The procedure for the passage of locomotive and conductor crews in these cases is established by the head of the railway department.

    3. The duration of continuous work of locomotive crews for more than 7 hours, but not more than 12 hours, is established with the consent of the collectives of locomotive crews by the head of the railway and the presidium of the trade union. Work with a double appeal of locomotive crews with a passage past the main point (the main depot, a substitution point for locomotive crews at the place of residence), as well as changes in the operating mode during the period of the schedule, are introduced in the same order. The duration of continuous operation is set on the train schedule and alternative schedules developed in connection with the provision of “windows” within the boundaries of the approved service shoulders in all types of traffic, taking into account the costs of working time taken into account when developing production standards.

    4. The duration of continuous work of locomotive crews of commuter trains should be no more than 10 hours. When working with night rest at the turnover point, the total duration of working time should not exceed 12 hours, and continuous work after rest - 6 hours. The mode of operation with a longer duration is established in the manner provided for in clause 3.4 of these Duties.

    5. An increase in the duration of continuous work of locomotive crews over the established one is allowed in case of natural disasters and emergency circumstances.
Natural disasters include: snow and sand drifts, landslides, landslides, the consequences of hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, heavy rains, floods and earthquakes.

Emergency circumstances include: train crashes, accidents, fires, the passage of extraordinary recovery, fire trains, snow plows, locomotives without wagons, railcars and railcars of a non-removable type, designated to restore normal traffic and to extinguish fires, as well as trains assigned under special requirements, the order of which is established at the time of appointment.

In these cases, an increase in the duration of continuous work of locomotive crews should be made by order of the head of the railway department, and on railways with a single automated dispatch center - by the first deputy head of the railway, and in his absence - by the deputy head of the railway in charge of transportation.

In these cases, to bring the train to the brigade change station, the continuous duration of work can be increased with the consent of the locomotive brigade by order of the head of the road department or the deputy head of the railway (on roads with a single automated dispatch center).

At the same time, in all cases, the continuous duration of the work of locomotive crews should not exceed 12 hours.

    1. A proportion of locomotive crews are not allowed overnight trips for more than two nights in a row. Night trips should be considered trips with work beginning or ending between 0000 and 0500 local time. This requirement does not apply to locomotive crews returning from a locomotive turnover point or locomotive crew change point as passengers.

  1. Organization of work and accounting of working hours of locomotive crews of subways.

  1. Features of the organization of work and accounting of working hours for shift workers and workers with a working day divided into parts (fragmented).

    1. When drawing up schedules and work schedules for shift workers and workers with a fragmented working day, the following should be guided by:

  • standard work and rest schedules for workers working on round-the-clock shift duty are developed and approved by the Ministry of Railways in agreement with the Central Committee of the trade union (Appendix 1). The schedules drawn up on the ground in accordance with the standard ones are agreed with the trade union committees;

  • work and rest schedules for workers whose work takes place in shifts (but not around the clock), as well as workers with a fragmented working day, are drawn up by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee.

    1. For train dispatchers and those on duty at railway stations (station centralization posts), which have a reduced working time, a five-shift duty schedule with a 12-hour shift should be applied with the provision of rest after day and night duty of 48 hours in compliance with the monthly ( quarterly) norms of working time (Appendix 2).
It is allowed to use, with the consent of the specified category of employees, a four-shift schedule with a 12-hour shift duration with the provision of delayed rest evenly during the accounting period.

  1. Accounting for the working time of employees of passenger and refrigerator trains (sections).

    1. The mode of work and rest of conductors of passenger cars on a flight should be regulated by a work and rest schedule developed for each train in relation to local conditions on the basis of standard schedules recommended by the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the trade union.
The schedules developed locally, taking into account the opinion of the collective of train crews, are coordinated with the trade union committee. According to all schedules, the duration of continuous work of conductors of passenger cars in a flight should be no more than 12 hours, and the maximum duration of work on a working day cannot be more than 16 hours.

    1. When servicing a wagon by two conductors during working hours for a trip, each conductor includes half of the working time from the moment the wagon is accepted until the end of its delivery after the trip.

    2. The mode of work and rest of cargo and baggage acceptors on trips should be determined by the nature of their work and the duration of the trip. The duration of their work should not be more than 12 hours a day.

    3. The duration of the trip of a refrigerated train brigade (section), as a rule, should not exceed 45 days. The duration of the trip in excess of this period can be set up to 15 days, if at the time of the change of the brigade the refrigerated train (section) is in a loaded state or goes to the home depot, and with the consent of the brigade for a longer period. The duration of the trip and the procedure for its increase are established with the consent of the refrigeration crews, which should be reflected in the internal labor regulations.

    4. When servicing refrigeration sections in 3 persons, the duration of work of each mechanic according to the schedule should not exceed 12 hours a day. According to the established procedure, a break for rest and meals may be introduced for them, which will not be included in working hours. All scheduled working time, rest time, night work hours and work time on public holidays are divided equally among the mechanics. To the head of the refrigeration section, this time is taken into account in the same way as a mechanic.
A similar procedure is used to record the working time and rest time of members of the brigades of refrigerated trains.

    1. When servicing the refrigeration section by a team of 2 persons, the working time per day for each member of the team on the flight and for the time spent in the reserve of the Ministry of Railways is taken into account 15 hours.
When escorting sections for factory or depot repairs (from the moment the notice is issued) and waiting for the section to be repaired, each member of the brigade is credited with half of the time spent for these purposes.

    1. The time spent by teams at the plants for the delivery and acceptance of trains (sections) is taken into account as working time, in accordance with the local conditions for organizing work at these enterprises.

  1. Peculiarities of recording the working hours of track facilities workers.

    1. When working track machine stations travel to the place of work and back, within the limits of the serviced area by special working trains, the time spent on the road in excess of the time provided for by the schedule of these trains should be taken into account as working. If the place of work is located outside the served area, then the travel is taken into account during working hours at the rate of 7 hours for every 24 hours of travel.

    2. For employees servicing track machines, the working time includes: the time of direct work on the machine, the time of preparing the machine for work, waiting for the hitching and uncoupling of the locomotive, waiting for departure, following the haul, returning back, maneuvers at the station and stumbling.
The time spent on preparing, loading and unloading hopper-dosers and dump cars and bringing them to a transport position, as well as on technical maintenance, is included in the working hours of each employee of the brigade in accordance with the work schedule.

If it is necessary to move non-working track machines as part of a train, by a separate locomotive or independently (for self-propelled machines), hopper-dosing and dump-car routes from the loading station to the unloading station and back, the administration, in agreement with the trade union committee, when creating conditions for rest, should develop and approve a duty schedule for maintenance personnel. In these cases, the accounting of working time is carried out according to the actual costs according to the duty schedule.

The working time of specialists who are part of the brigades of track machines is taken into account in the same way as for workers servicing these machines.

  1. General features of working time accounting for employees servicing (accompanying) rolling stock, machines and mechanisms.

    1. When changing crews serving rolling stock, track machines and mechanisms outside the place of permanent work (home depot, track distance service area, track machine station, etc.), the travel time as passengers for their reception, including when waiting for refrigerated trains (sections ) at border and other stations, as well as the time after their delivery and return to the point of permanent work should be taken into account in working hours at the rate of 7 hours for every 24 hours of travel or at border and other railway stations. If you are on the road (at stations) for less than a day, the working time is determined based on the specified proportion.

    2. For conductors to escort locomotives and passenger cars (railway cranes, track machines) in a non-operating state from depots, distances to other depots, distances, as well as to factories and back, the working time spent on escort and delivery is taken into account 12 hours a day , and the time spent on trains as a passenger is 7 hours per calendar day. At the same time, the summarized accounting of working hours should be applied for them.
When the specified rolling stock is on the way, for more than 12 hours, two workers are assigned to accompany each unit (a raft of locomotives, a group of wagons).

When accompanying the locomotive for repair in the operating (hot) condition as part of the train (by the second locomotive). the working time of each member of the locomotive crew is noted in the route of the driver and should not exceed 12 hours a day.

  1. Organization of labor and accounting of working hours for workers of recovery trains.

    1. For employees of the personnel of the recovery trains, the summarized accounting of working hours is applied.

    2. When a recovery train arrives to eliminate the consequences of accidents, crashes and natural disasters, all hours from the moment of departure to the place of work until the moment of return to the place of train deployment are included in working hours for the train workers.
When performing work for a long period after the opening of traffic for the cleaning of rolling stock, workers should be provided with breaks for rest in the cars of the recovery train. These breaks during working hours are not counted.

    1. During the departures of recovery trains to perform contractual and other economic work, the working time for employees is taken into account on a general basis at actual costs. In this case, the working time on the route is taken into account according to the duty schedule of the service personnel.

  1. Features of accounting for the working time of employees with irregular working hours and employees serving service and special cars.

    1. The working time of employees with irregular working hours is taken into account in days of work, with the exception of train electricians serving passenger trains, foreman mechanics and train heads, heads of refrigerated trains (sections) who are not on shift duty. The working hours of these employees are taken into account in the same way as for most conductors of passenger cars or mechanics of a given train (section). While on a trip (flight), they regulate working hours and rest time at their own discretion, in accordance with the working conditions.

    2. For specialists working in special-purpose cars, it is recommended to enter the summarized accounting of working hours.
During the trip, their work should not exceed 12 hours a day, and when working at the place of registration of the car - 7 hours with a six-day working week.

  1. Rest order.

    1. Employees of locomotive and conductor crews are provided with weekly rest days on any day of the week evenly throughout the month by adding 24 hours to the calculated rest due after the next trip in the working week. The duration of the weekly rest may not be reduced to 42 hours if, by calculation, it turns out to be greater. Rest days are indicated in work schedules (work orders). The procedure for notifying employees of locomotive and conductor crews about the provision of weekly rest days is determined by the system for organizing the work of crews. These days of rest are provided only at the point of constant work.
For employees working in round-the-clock continuous work, as well as in other shift work with a summarized account of working time, weekly rest days are taken into account in the shift schedule.

    1. The number of weekly days of rest must be equal to the number of Sundays according to the calendar during the accounting period.

    2. The provision of weekly days of rest in a summarized form, as an exception, may be allowed:

  • with the consent of employees of locomotive and conductor crews servicing freight and passenger trains - for a period not exceeding two working weeks. In this case, the duration of a double day off is determined by adding 24 hours to the day off, determined by the calculation specified in clause 11.1 of these Features;

  • for train workers (passenger car attendants, cargo and baggage acceptors, train electricians, chiefs and mechanic-foremen of passenger trains) of long-distance passenger trains and direct cars - for a period of not more than two weeks, and in case of round count - for the entire time tours, even if it lasted more than a month;

  • conductors of service and special cars (control-measuring and testing cars, technical propaganda cars, etc.) and employees whose permanent work takes place on the way - for a period not exceeding a month, and if the trip lasts more than a month - for the period of the trip;

  • crews of refrigerated trains (sections) - during the trip.

    1. Employees of locomotive and conductor crews at the main point (main depot, substitution point for locomotive crews at the place of residence of crew members, etc.) are provided with rest after each round-trip trip.
The duration of this rest is determined as follows: the number of hours included in the work for a round-trip trip is multiplied by a factor of 2.51 (for subways - 3.0) and hours of rest at the substitution point for locomotive crews during the trip are subtracted from the resulting product (for subways - hours of night rest at the electric depot or other subway points).

Note: coefficient 2.51 (for subways 3.0) is formed by dividing the weekly norm of hours of rest on working days by the weekly norm of hours of working time

In some cases, it is allowed to reduce the duration of rest at the main point, but not more than 1/4 of the calculated amount, with a corresponding increase in rest after subsequent trips in the accounting period. If the calculated or reduced by 1/4 rest is less than 16 hours, then a rest of at least 16 hours is provided (for brigades of suburban trains and subways - 12 hours). At the same time, after two night trips in a row, it is not allowed to provide a reduced rest.

For example:

  1. The working time of the locomotive crew of freight traffic for the trip is 20 hours, the rest at the substitution point is 10 hours.
Estimated rest 20 2.51-10 = 40 hours

The minimum allowable, reduced by 1/4 rest will be

40 3:4=30 hours.

  1. Working time for the trip is 8 hours, rest at the locomotive crew change point is 4 hours. Estimated rest 8 2.51-4 = 16 hours.
Reduced by 1/4 rest will be 16 3: 4 = 12 hours.

The rest provided in this case must be at least 16 hours.
In some cases, when the estimated rest is less than 16 hours, it is allowed, as an exception, with the consent of the teams of locomotive crews serving freight and passenger traffic, to provide a minimum rest between trips to the place of residence of 12 hours.

    1. When servicing suburban trains with the duration of the work of crews to the final destination of up to four hours, the following procedure for organizing rest is applied:

  • uninterrupted rest between shifts at the main point is provided in accordance with the work schedule for the duration determined by the procedure established by clause 11.4 of these Features;

  • in case of multiple turnover of a suburban train during a shift, locomotive crews may be given a break for rest and meals at the turnaround point or at the final station of the train, as well as at the main point (considered in this case as a turnaround point). This rest may be less than half the time of the previous work, but not less than one hour. Rest should be provided in special rooms equipped for daytime rest (for rest and eating).
The time spent at the substitution point or at the main point up to one hour is considered working time.

    1. In addition to rest at the main point, employees of locomotive crews are provided with rest at the substitution point, when the time of continuous work in both directions does not fit into the established duration of continuous work. The duration of this rest (not more than one per trip) should be at least half the time of the previous work and, as a rule, should not exceed the time of work from the moment of arrival at the main point to the delivery of the locomotive at the turnaround point.
Heads of railway departments, with the consent of the collectives of locomotive crews, may increase the minimum duration of rest at turnover points.

The rest time of locomotive crews at turnover points in excess of the time of previous work and in all cases more than 8 hours is considered working time, which is not included in the continuous working time of locomotive crews and is not taken into account when calculating overtime hours.

    1. It is allowed to return to the main point of inactive locomotive and conductor crews without providing rest at the point of their release from work.
If the locomotive crew went to the point of locomotive turnover or the replacement of locomotive crews by a passenger, then, with its consent, it can be sent on a trip without rest.

    1. The total time due rest at the main point for workers whose permanent work takes place on the road should be determined by multiplying the number of hours worked per trip included in the work by a factor of 2.51, minus rest en route and adding the Sundays and holidays falling on the calendar for trip, tour. At the same time, weekly rest days during the trip are provided in a summarized form immediately after the trip.
Rest for the employee must be provided, as a rule, after each trip in full. In some cases, it is allowed to provide conductors of passenger cars with a proper home rest after serving the train for 2-5 flights with a total duration of not more than 15 days, considered in this case as one trip. The list of trains served by one team for several trips is established by the management of the enterprise and the trade union committee with the consent of the team of conductors.

In exceptional cases, when the rest after this trip could not be provided in full, the underused number of hours of rest for this trip can be added to the due number of hours of rest for the next 1-2 trips (tours). The prescribed rest can be reduced by no more than 1/4 of the normal rest. Overtime hours are not taken into account.

If within 1-2 subsequent trips (tour) the unused part of the rest for the previous trip (tour) is not provided in full, the equivalent number of working hours is taken into account and paid as overtime. Hours of work on holidays and weekends not provided, paid in double amount, are not subject to additional payment as hours of overtime work.

    1. In addition to rest at the main point, employees whose permanent work takes place on the road are provided with rest during the trip. The duration of this rest must be in accordance with the schedule of work and rest adopted for this train (car, section), but not less than half the time of the previous work.

    2. Train electricians, foreman mechanics, heads of passenger trains (sections) at the main point are given rest of the same duration as conductors or mechanics of the same train. (sections).

    3. During the period of mass passenger traffic (June-September), a special mode of operation may be established, in which rest for employees of train crews of passenger trains at the place of permanent work, the ticket clerk of individual railway stations is provided in the amount of at least 50% of the rest time due according to the norm. The specified reduced rest cannot be less than: for train crews of passenger trains - 2 days, ticket cashiers between shifts - 12 hours.
The direction of movement of passenger trains and trailer cars or their list, as well as the list of stations, city railway agencies for servicing passengers, at which a special regime of working hours and rest periods for employees is applied, is established by the head of the railway in agreement with the Dorprofsozh.

The right to apply a special regime is granted to the administration of the depot, the carriage section, the DOP, the reserve, the station and the city railway agency with the consent of the teams of train crews and ticket tellers.

Unused rest time, which is due according to the norm, must be compensated by providing a day off at the end of mass passenger traffic, but no later than May 1 of the next year, or attached to the annual leave within the same time frame with payment of this time at the rate of the established monthly salary or without payment, if the payment to the conductors of passenger cars is made on the basis of completed flights. Soldiers of student teams working as guides, upon concluding a fixed-term contract, as well as permanent full-time employees, unused rest upon dismissal are also subject to payment at the rate of the established monthly salary.

the Russian Federation

Order of the USSR MPS dated 09/18/90 N 8CZ "On the introduction of the features of regulation of the working time and rest time of certain categories of railway workers and metro, directly related to ensuring the safety of train traffic and servicing passengers"

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of November 18, 1990 N 989 (instruction of the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of November 27, 1989 N 463 pr-y), the Ministry of Railways orders:

1. To put into effect from November 1, 1990 "Peculiarities of regulation of working hours and rest time of certain categories of railway transport and subway workers directly related to ensuring the safety of train traffic and passenger service", approved by the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Railway Transport and Transport Construction Workers ( attached).

2. Heads of departments of the Ministry of Railways, heads of railways, subways and industrial associations of industrial railway transport:

organize the study in labor collectives with the employees involved of the peculiarities of regulating working hours and rest time, take measures to ensure their strict implementation;

bring the existing instructions, rules and other documents on the organization of labor, planning and accounting of working time and rest time of railway workers into line with the specified Features.

3. The heads of enterprises and organizations of railway transport and subways, together with trade union committees, on the basis of the specified Features of the regulation of working time and rest time, develop and make appropriate changes and additions to the Internal Labor Regulations, approving them at meetings (conferences) of labor collectives.

With the introduction of these Features of the regulation of working time and rest time, consider invalid: paragraph I of the instruction of the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the trade union of July 20, 1988 N G-2498u, instructions of the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the trade union of July 18, 1989 N G-1912u, of 19 July 1989 N G-1924u, August 30, 1989 N G-14623, September 26, 1989 N N-2431u.

It was agreed with the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Railway Transport and Transport Construction Workers.

First Deputy Minister

to the Order of the Ministry of Railways
dated 18.09.90 N 8TsZ

Presidium of the Central Committee of the Workers' Union
railway transport
and transport construction
dated September 11, 1990, protocol No. 47


About the implementation of features

regulation of working hours and rest time

certain categories of railway workers

ensuring the safety of train traffic and passenger service

This order is declared invalid on the public railway transport of the Russian Federation - order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated March 5, 2004 N 7.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of November 18, 1990 N 989 (instruction of the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of November 27, 1989 N 463 pr-u) Ministry of Railways


1. To put into effect from November 1, 1990 "Peculiarities of regulation of working hours and rest time of certain categories of railway transport and subway workers directly related to ensuring the safety of train traffic and passenger service", approved by the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Railway Transport and Transport Construction Workers ( attached).

2. Heads of departments of the Ministry of Railways, heads of railways, subways and industrial associations of industrial railway transport:

organize the study in labor collectives with the employees involved of the peculiarities of regulating working hours and rest time, take measures to ensure their strict implementation;

bring the existing instructions, rules and other documents on the organization of labor, planning and accounting of working time and rest time of railway workers into line with the specified Features.

3. The heads of enterprises and organizations of railway transport and subways, together with trade union committees, on the basis of the specified Features of the regulation of working time and rest time, develop and make appropriate changes and additions to the Internal Labor Regulations, approving them at meetings (conferences) of labor collectives.

With the introduction of these Features of the regulation of working time and rest time, consider invalid: paragraph I of the instruction of the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the trade union of July 20, 1988 N G-2498u, the instructions of the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the trade union of July 18, 1989 N G-1912u, of July 19, 1989 year N G-1924u, dated August 30, 1989 N G-14623, dated September 26, 1989 N N-2431u.

It was agreed with the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Railway Transport and Transport Construction Workers.


to the order of the MPS

dated 18.09.90 N 8TsZ



Presidium of the Central Committee of the Workers' Union

railway transport

and transport construction

Protocol No. 47

First Deputy Minister

means of communication


regulation of working hours and time

rest of certain categories of railway workers

transport and subways directly connected

with ensuring the safety of train traffic

and passenger service

I. General provisions

1.1. These Features take into account the specifics of the organization of labor and regulate the working hours and rest periods of certain categories of employees of railway transport and subways, whose work is related to the continuity of the transportation process, the safety of train traffic and passenger service, the constant performance of labor duties on the way and traveling within the serviced areas, and do not change the general and special guarantees and benefits established by law.

1.2. The duration of the shift, the start and end time of work (shift), the start and end time of regulated breaks for rest and meals are indicated in the Internal Labor Regulations of enterprises (structural units) * approved at meetings (conferences) of labor collectives, and shift schedules for round-the-clock and other shift work is approved by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee.


*Hereinafter referred to as enterprises.

1.3. For workers employed in round-the-clock continuous work, as well as in other jobs where, due to the conditions of production, the established daily working hours cannot be observed, the management of the enterprise, in agreement with the trade union committee, can introduce a summarized accounting of working hours with an accounting period - month, quarter, tour. At the same time, the norm of working hours is determined by multiplying the number of working days in the accounting period according to the calendar of a given year by the length of the working day determined for a six-day working week, taking into account the reduction in working hours on weekends and holidays.

The schedule of work and rest must be announced to employees no later than three days before the start of its action.

Quarterly accounting of working time is allowed only if there is an approved schedule of work and rest for the entire quarter.

1.4. The time of acceptance and delivery of locomotives, trains (sections) and wagons by locomotive and train crews, as well as the time for train crews to prepare for a flight, is included in their working hours. The time limits for these operations and other elements of the preparatory and final time are established by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee.

1.5. The total number of overtime hours for shift workers, locomotive and train crews, when summarized, should not exceed 24 hours per month and 120 hours per year.

1.6. The duration of the working hours of shifts in excess of the normal length of the working day, not more than 12 hours, can be established with the consent of the members of the team, which is transferred to a new mode of operation by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee. At the same time, work with a shift duration exceeding the normal one should not be allowed for more than two calendar days in a row, except for employees whose permanent work takes place on the way.

1.7. The working hours of employees whose permanent work takes place on the way (train crews of passenger trains, employees of refrigerated trains (sections), hopper - dosing and dump-car routes, articulated transport cars, service, baggage and collection cars, etc.), at the total duration of the round-trip trip of three days or more can be taken into account as a tour. In this case, the tour is considered the time from the moment of arrival at work for the trip until the moment of arrival at work for the next trip after the rest at the point of permanent work.

1.8. For certain professions of workers and positions of specialists and employees, in accordance with the procedure and conditions established by the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the trade union, it is allowed to organize duty:

at home in case of a call to work (without the right to leave home), while 0.25 hours of normal working time are taken into account for one hour of duty;

in a room specially equipped at the facility, in a carriage in the conductor's compartment with the right to rest, while 0.75 hours of normal working time are taken into account for one hour of duty.

1.9. For certain professions of workers and positions of specialists and employees, it is allowed to divide the working day into parts. Such a regime of working hours may be applied to employees whose work, by its nature, cannot be carried out continuously, but allows the number and duration of breaks to be determined in advance. In this case, one break lasting more than two hours or two breaks, including a break for rest and food, lasting at least one hour each, may be established.

The total duration of working time per shift should not exceed the duration established by the shift schedule, and the time of uninterrupted rest between shifts should be at least 12 hours.

1.10. Working time and rest time for employees of construction organizations, paramilitary security, educational institutions, trade, medical care, public catering, dining cars, buffet compartments, bench cars, car drivers, as well as workers for whom the rotational method of organizing work is used, regulated by the relevant Regulations.

1.11. Questions of working time and rest time, not provided for by these special provisions, are regulated by general labor legislation.

II. Start and end of work

2.1. The start of work is the time of arrival at the permanent place of work at the hour established by the internal labor regulations, and the end of work is the time of release from work.

In some cases, the beginning and end of work may be appointed outside the place of permanent work (permanent collection point), which the employee must be notified no later than the end of the previous working day. In this case, the travel time from the permanent collection point to the place of work and back (with a distance of up to three kilometers in one direction, with a passage and actual travel time of no more than 36 minutes) is not considered working time.

If the employee was not promptly informed about the upcoming place of work, located at a distance of up to three kilometers, or if the distance from the permanent collection point to the place of work is more than three kilometers, or the actual travel time exceeds 30 minutes, then the travel time from the permanent collection point to place of work and back should be included in working time at the rate of 12 minutes per kilometer when passing and according to the time actually spent when driving.

2.2. The start of work of locomotive and train crews, crews serving articulated transporters, etc., is considered to be the time of arrival at the place of permanent work (depot, electric depot, line point, reserve, locomotive crew substitution point, locomotive turnover point) according to the schedule, along with or a call, the end of work - the moment of registration of the relevant technical documentation (for example, the route of the driver) after the delivery of the locomotive, train, train, section or wagon at the depot or shift point. In case of a failed trip, the end of work is the time for the release of employees by the administration.

2.3. For all shift workers and for workers with a divided working day, the start and end time of work is determined by the work schedule.

2.4. The order of attendance at work at the end of vacation and illness of workers with a summarized account of working time, which days off are provided according to work schedules, should be determined by the administration and the trade union committee and reflected in the internal regulations of the enterprise.

2.5. In continuous shift work, employees are not allowed to leave the workplace without waiting for the shift. The administration takes all measures depending on it for the fastest change of the worker. The procedure for calling another employee to work in this case is determined by the internal labor regulations. At the same time, the reduced rest must be at least 12 hours and it is not allowed to work more than two nights in a row.

2.6. Calling an employee to work, regardless of the length of rest used for previous work, is allowed in cases of natural disasters, fires, derailments and accidents.

III. Organization of work and accounting of working time

locomotive and conductor crews

3.1. The work of locomotive and conductor crews is organized, as a rule, according to nominal schedules or according to a no-call system. The rest of the teams, as well as in cases of violation of work schedules, are assigned to work on call. Methods for calling teams are established by the internal labor regulations.

Crews of shunting, export and transfer locomotives should not be sent to other stations 15 minutes before the set time for changing crews.

3.2. For each turnout point of locomotive crews, the head of the railway department, in agreement with the district trade union and taking into account the opinion of locomotive crews, should establish the maximum allowable time for the crew to be at work from the moment of appearance, after which it is prohibited to send it on a trip.

3.3. The time for employees of locomotive and conductor crews to travel from the place of permanent work to the point (station) designated for receiving the locomotive (train), as well as the time for returning to the place of permanent work after the delivery of the locomotive (train), if they are not accepted to these points for permanent work , is included in working hours, but not in the duration of continuous work. The procedure for the passage of locomotive and conductor crews in these cases is established by the head of the railway department.

3.4. The duration of continuous work of locomotive brigades for more than 7 hours, but not more than 12 hours, is established with the consent of the collectives of locomotive brigades by the head of the railway and the presidium of the traffic union. Work with a double appeal of locomotive crews with a passage past the main point (the main depot, a substitution point for locomotive crews at the place of residence), as well as changes in the operating mode during the period of the schedule, are introduced in the same order. The duration of continuous operation is set on the train schedule and alternative schedules developed in connection with the provision of "windows" within the boundaries of the approved service shoulders in all types of traffic, taking into account the costs of working time taken into account when developing production standards.

3.5. The duration of continuous work of locomotive crews of commuter trains should be no more than 10 hours. When working with night leave at the turnaround point, the total duration of working time should not exceed 12 hours, and continuous work after rest - 6 hours. An operating mode with a longer duration is established in the manner provided for in paragraph 3.4 of these Features.

3.6. An increase in the duration of continuous work of locomotive crews over the established one is allowed in case of natural disasters and emergency circumstances.

Natural disasters include: snow and sand drifts, landslides, landslides, the consequences of hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, heavy rains, floods and earthquakes.

Emergency circumstances include: train wrecks, accidents, fires, the passage of extraordinary recovery, fire trains, snow plows, locomotives without wagons, railcars and railcars of a non-removable type, assigned to restore normal traffic and to extinguish fires, as well as trains assigned according to special requirements, the order of which is established at the time of appointment.

In these cases, an increase in the duration of continuous work of locomotive crews should be carried out by order of the head of the railway department, and on railways with a single automated dispatch center - by the first deputy head of the railway, and in his absence - by the deputy head of the railway in charge of transportation.

In other cases, to bring the train to the brigade change station, the continuous duration of work can be increased with the consent of the locomotive brigade by order of the head of the road department or the deputy head of the railway (on roads with a single automated dispatch center).

At the same time, in all cases, the continuous duration of the work of locomotive crews should not exceed 12 hours.

3.7. No night trips for more than two consecutive nights are allowed for locomotive crews. Night trips should be considered trips with work beginning or ending between 0000 and 0500 local time. This requirement does not apply to locomotive crews returning from a locomotive turnover point or locomotive crew change point as passengers.

IV. Organization of work and accounting of working time

subway locomotive crews

4.1. The duration of continuous work of locomotive crews can be set no more than 8 hours. 30 minutes, and in shifts divided into parts, the total duration of working time should not exceed 12 hours.

After a night's rest at the electric depot or other subway points, the duration of work is set to no more than 4 hours.

4.2. During the shift, locomotive crews of subway trains may be given regulated breaks for rest and meals after 3.0-4.5 hours from the start of work in the manner determined by the internal regulations. The recommended duration of these breaks is 25-45 minutes.

Breaks for personal needs, included in working hours, should be provided, as a rule, every 2.0-2.5 hours of work for up to 15 minutes. With the duration of operational work in shifts from 7 hours to 7 hours 30 minutes. a break of 15-20 minutes should be provided 1.5-2 hours before the end of the shift.

The time remaining after the inspection of the rolling stock at the technological inspection points on the line and in the electric depot is taken into account as a break to meet physiological needs, and if it lasts at least 25 minutes, it can be introduced in the prescribed manner as a break for rest and food.

4.3. The duration of night rest in the electric depot and other subway points should be at least half the time of the previous work, but not less than 2.5 hours. and no more than the time of the previous work.

On holidays, when the work of the metro is increased by one hour, rest is allowed (as an exception) less than 2.5 hours, which is included in working hours. At the same time, the total duration of continuous work of locomotive crews before and after rest should not exceed 10 hours.

The procedure for providing these breaks, their duration and place are established specifically for each metro line by the administration of the electric depot in agreement with the trade union committee and the team of locomotive brigades.

4.4. An increase in the duration of continuous work of drivers is not allowed. In the event that a shifter is absent from work in the absence of a reserve and with a duration of work of more than 8 hours and 30 minutes, the driver must bring the train to the nearest point of technical demurrage of the rolling stock on the line or in the electric depot.

V. Features of the organization of work and accounting for the worker

time of shift workers and workers with a working day,

divided into pieces (shattered)

5.1. When drawing up schedules and work schedules for shift workers and workers with a fragmented working day, the following should be guided by:

a) standard work and rest schedules for workers working on round-the-clock shift duty are developed and approved by the Ministry of Railways in agreement with the Central Committee of the trade union (Appendix No. 1). The schedules drawn up on the ground in accordance with the standard ones are agreed with the trade union committees;

b) work and rest schedules for workers whose work takes place in shifts (but not around the clock), as well as workers with a fragmented working day, are drawn up by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee.

5.2. For train dispatchers and those on duty at railway stations (station centralization posts), which have a reduced working time, a five-shift duty schedule with a 12-hour shift should be applied with the provision of delayed rest evenly during the accounting period.

VI. Accounting for the working hours of employees of passenger

and refrigerated trains (sections)

6.1. The mode of work and rest of conductors of passenger cars in a flight should be regulated by work and rest schedules developed for each train in relation to local conditions on the basis of standard schedules recommended by the Ministry of Railways and the Central Committee of the trade union.

The schedules developed locally, taking into account the opinion of the collective of train crews, are coordinated with the trade union committee. According to all schedules, the duration of continuous work of conductors of passenger cars in a flight should be no more than 12 hours, and the maximum duration of work on a working day cannot be more than 16 hours.

6.2. When servicing a wagon by two conductors during working hours, each conductor includes half of the time from the moment of acceptance of the wagon to the end of its delivery after the trip.

6.3. The mode of work and rest of cargo and baggage acceptors on trips should be determined by the nature of their work and the duration of the trip. The duration of their work should not be more than 12 hours a day.

6.4. The duration of the trip of a refrigerated train brigade (section), as a rule, should not exceed 45 days. The duration of the trip beyond this period can be set up to 15 days, if at the time of the change of the brigade the refrigerated train (section) is in a loaded state or goes to the home depot, and with the consent of the brigade, no longer. The duration of the trip and the procedure for its increase are established with the consent of the refrigeration crews, which should be reflected in the internal labor regulations.

6.5. When servicing refrigeration sections in 3 persons, the duration of work of each mechanic according to the schedule should not exceed 12 hours a day. According to the established procedure, a break for rest and meals may be introduced for them, which is not included in working hours. All scheduled working time, rest time, night work hours on holidays are divided equally between mechanics. To the head of the refrigeration section, this time is taken into account in the same way as a mechanic.

A similar procedure is used to record the working time of rest of members of the brigades of refrigerated trains.

6.6. When servicing the refrigeration section by a team of 2 persons, the working time per day for each member of the team on the flight and during the time spent in the reserve of the Ministry of Railways is taken into account at 15 hours.

When escorting sections for factory or depot repairs (from the moment the notification is issued) and waiting for the section to be repaired, each member of the brigade is credited with half of the time spent for these purposes.

6.7. The time spent by teams at the plants for the delivery and acceptance of trains (sections) is taken into account as working time in accordance with the local conditions for organizing work at these enterprises.

VII. Features of accounting for the working time of employees

track facilities

7.1. When working track machine stations travel to the place of work and back, within the limits of the serviced area by special working trains, the time spent on the road in excess of the time provided for by the schedule of these trains should be taken into account as working. If the place of work is located outside the serviced area, then the travel is taken into account during working hours at the rate of 7 hours for every 24 hours of travel.

7.2. For employees servicing track machines, the working time includes: the time of direct work on the machine, the time to prepare the machine for work, waiting for hitching and uncoupling from the locomotive, waiting for departure, following the haul, returning back, maneuvering at the station and stumbling.

The time spent on preparing, loading and unloading hopper dispensers and dump cars and bringing them into transport position, as well as on technical care, is included in the working time of each employee of the brigade in accordance with the work schedule.

If it is necessary to move non-working track machines as part of a train, by a separate locomotive or independently (for self-propelled machines), hopper-dosing and dump-car routes from the loading station to the unloading station and back, the administration, in agreement with the trade union committee, when creating conditions for rest, must develop and approve a duty schedule for maintenance personnel. In these cases, accounting of working time is carried out according to actual costs according to the duty schedule.

The working time of specialists who are part of the brigades of track machines is taken into account in the same way as for workers servicing these machines.

VIII. General features of time tracking

for workers serving (accompanying)

rolling stock, machines and mechanisms

8.1. When changing brigades serving rolling stock, track machines and mechanisms outside the place of permanent work (depot of registry, service area for track distance, track machine station, etc.), the travel time as passengers for their reception, including when waiting for refrigerated trains (sections ) at border and other stations, as well as the time after their delivery and return to the point of permanent work should be taken into account as working hours at the rate of 7 hours for every 24 hours of travel or at border and other railway stations. When on the road (at stations) for less than a day, the working time is determined based on the specified proportion.

8.2. For conductors to escort locomotives and passenger cars (railway cranes, track machines) in a non-operating state from depots, distances to other depots, distances, as well as to factories and back, the working time spent on escort and delivery is taken into account 12 hours a day , and the time spent on trains as a passenger is 7 hours per calendar day.

At the same time, the summarized accounting of working hours should be applied for them.

When the specified rolling stock is on the way for more than 12 hours, two workers are assigned to accompany each unit (a raft of locomotives, a group of wagons).

When a locomotive is escorted for repair in an operating (hot) condition as part of a train (by a second locomotive), the working time of each member of the locomotive crew is noted in the driver's route and should not exceed 12 hours a day.

IX. Organization of labor and accounting of working time

recovery train workers

9.1. For employees of the personnel of the recovery trains, the summarized accounting of working hours is applied.

9.2. When a recovery train leaves for the elimination of the consequences of accidents, crashes and natural disasters, all hours from the moment of departure to the place of work until the moment of return to the place of train deployment are included in working hours for the train workers.

When performing work for a long period after the opening of traffic for cleaning the rolling stock, employees should be provided with breaks for rest in the cars of the recovery train. These breaks during working hours are not counted.

9.3. During the departures of recovery trains to perform contractual and other economic work, the working time for employees is taken into account on a general basis at actual costs. In this case, the working time on the route is taken into account according to the duty schedule of the attendants.

X. Features of recording the working time of employees

with irregular working hours and workers,

serving service and special cars

10.1. The working time of employees with irregular working hours is taken into account in days of work, with the exception of train electricians serving passenger trains, mechanics - foremen and heads of trains, heads of refrigerated trains (sections) who are not on shift duty. The working time of these employees is taken into account in the same way as for most conductors of passenger cars or mechanics of a given train (section). While on a trip (flight), they regulate working hours and rest time at their own discretion, in accordance with the working conditions.

10.2. For specialists working in special-purpose cars, it is recommended to enter the summarized accounting of working hours.

On a trip, their work should not exceed 12 hours a day, and when working at the place of registration of the car - 7 hours with a six-day working week.

XI. The procedure for providing rest

11.1. Employees of locomotive and conductor crews are provided with weekly rest days on any day of the week evenly throughout the month by adding 24 hours to the calculated rest due after the next trip in the working week. The duration of the weekly rest cannot be reduced to 42 hours in the work schedules (work orders). The procedure for notifying employees of locomotive and conductor crews about the provision of weekly rest days is determined by the system for organizing the work of crews. These days of rest are provided only at the point of permanent work.

For employees working in round-the-clock continuous work, as well as in other shift work with a summarized account of working time, weekly rest days are indicated in the shift schedule.

11.2. The number of weekly rest days must be equal to the number of calendar Sundays during the reference period.

11.3. The provision of weekly days of rest in a summarized form, as an exception, may be allowed:

a) with the consent of employees of locomotive and conductor crews serving freight and passenger trains - for a period not exceeding two working weeks. In this case, the duration of a double day off is determined by adding 24 hours to the day off determined by the calculation specified in paragraph 11.1 of these Features;

b) for train workers (passenger car attendants, cargo and baggage acceptors, train electricians, chiefs and mechanic-foremen of passenger trains) of long-distance passenger trains and direct cars for a period of not more than two weeks, and in case of line accounting - for the entire time tours, even if it lasted more than a month;

c) conductors of service and special cars (measuring and testing cars, technical propaganda cars, etc.) and employees whose permanent work takes place on the way - for a period not exceeding a month, and if the trip lasts more than a month - for the period of the trip ;

d) crews of refrigerated trains (sections) - during the trip.

11.4. Employees of locomotive and conductor crews at the main point (main depot, substitution point for locomotive crews at the place of residence of crew members, etc.) are provided with rest after each round-trip trip.

The duration of this rest is determined as follows: the number of hours included in the work for a round-trip trip is multiplied by a factor of 2.51 (for subways - 3.0), and hours of rest at the locomotive crew substitution point during the trip are subtracted from the resulting product (for subways - hours of night rest in the electric depot or other subway points).

Note. The coefficient 2.51 (for metros - 3.0) is formed by dividing the weekly rate of rest hours on working days by the weekly rate of working hours (103: 41 = 2.51; 108: 36 = 3.0).

In some cases, it is allowed to reduce the duration of rest at the main point, but not more than 1/4 of the calculated amount, with a corresponding increase in rest after subsequent trips in the accounting period. If the calculated or reduced by 1/4 rest is less than 16 hours, then a rest of at least 16 hours is provided (for brigades of suburban trains and subways - 12 hours). At the same time, after two night trips in a row, it is not allowed to provide a reduced rest.

For example. 1. The working time of the locomotive crew of freight traffic per trip is 20 hours, the rest at the substitution point is 10 hours. Estimated rest 20 x 2.51 - 10 = 40 hours. The minimum allowable, reduced by 1/4 rest is 40 x 3: 4 = 30 hours.

2. Working time for the trip - 8 hours, rest at the substitution point for locomotive crews - 4 hours. Estimated rest 8 x 2.51 - 4 = 16 hours. Rest reduced by 1/4 will be 16 x 3: 4 = 12 hours. The rest provided in this case must be at least 16 hours.

In some cases, when the estimated rest is less than 16 hours, it is allowed, as an exception, with the consent of the teams of locomotive crews serving freight and passenger traffic, to provide a minimum rest between trips to the place of residence of 12 hours.

11.5. When servicing suburban trains with the duration of the work of crews to the final destination of up to four hours, the following procedure for organizing rest is applied:

uninterrupted rest between shifts at the main point is provided in accordance with the work schedule for the duration determined by the procedure established by clause 11.4 of these Features;

in case of multiple turnover of a suburban train during a shift, locomotive crews may be given a break for rest and meals at the turnaround point or at the final station of the train, as well as at the main point (considered in this case as a turnaround point). This rest may be less than half the time of the previous work, but not less than one hour. Rest should be provided in special rooms equipped for daytime rest (for rest and eating).

The time spent at the substitution point or at the main point up to one hour is considered working time.

11.6. In addition to rest at the main point, employees of locomotive crews are provided with rest at the substitution point, when the time of continuous work in both directions does not fit into the established duration of continuous work. The duration of this rest (not more than one per trip) should be at least half the time of the previous work and, as a rule, should not exceed the time of work from the moment of arrival at the main point to the delivery of the locomotive at the turnaround point.

Heads of railway departments, with the consent of the collectives of locomotive crews, may increase the minimum duration of rest at turnover points.

The rest time of locomotive crews at turnover points in excess of the time of previous work and in all cases more than 8 hours is considered working time, which is not included in the continuous working time of locomotive crews and is not taken into account when calculating overtime hours.

11.7. It is allowed to return to the main point of inactive locomotive and conductor crews without providing rest at the point of their release from work.

If the locomotive crew went to the point of locomotive turnover or the replacement of locomotive crews by a passenger, then, with its consent, it can be sent on a trip without rest.

11.8. The total time due rest at the main point for workers whose permanent work takes place on the road should be determined by multiplying the number of hours worked per trip included in the work by a factor of 2.51, minus rest en route, and adding the Sundays and holidays that fall on the calendar days per trip, tour. At the same time, weekly rest days during the trip are provided in a summarized form immediately after the trip.

Rest for the employee must be provided, as a rule, after each trip in full. In some cases, it is allowed to provide conductors of passenger cars with a proper home rest after serving the train for 2 to 5 flights with a total duration of not more than 15 days, considered in this case as one trip. The list of trains served by one team for several trips is established by the management of the enterprise and the trade union committee with the consent of the team of conductors.

In exceptional cases, when the rest after this trip could not be provided in full, the underused number of hours of rest for this trip can be added to the due number of hours of rest for the next 1 - 2 trips (tours). The prescribed rest can be reduced by no more than 1/4 of the normal rest. Overtime hours are not taken into account.

If within 1 - 2 subsequent trips (tour) the unused part of the rest for the previous trip (tour) is not provided in full, the equivalent number of working hours is taken into account and paid as overtime. Hours of work on holidays and weekends not provided, paid in double amount, are not subject to additional payment as hours of overtime work.

11.9. If the duration of rest of locomotive crews and other workers whose permanent work takes place on the road exceeded the established normal duration, then a corresponding reduction in rest time is allowed after the next trips in this accounting period. In this case, the duration of the rest cannot be reduced by more than 1/4 of the normal duration.

11.10. In addition to rest at the main point, employees whose permanent work takes place on the road are provided with rest during the trip. The duration of this rest must be in accordance with the schedule of work and rest adopted for this train (car, section), but not less than half the time of the previous work.

11.11. Train electricians, foreman mechanics, heads of passenger and refrigerator trains (sections) at the main point are given rest of the same duration as conductors or mechanics of the same train (section).

11.12. During the period of mass passenger transportation (June-September), a special mode of operation may be established, in which rest for employees of train crews of passenger trains at their place of permanent work, ticket cashiers of individual railway stations is provided in the amount of at least 50 percent of the rest time due according to the norm. The specified reduced rest cannot be less than: for train crews of passenger trains - 2 days, ticket cashiers between shifts - 12 hours.

The direction of movement of passenger trains and trailer cars or a list of them, as well as a list of stations, city railway agencies for servicing passengers, at which a special regime of working hours and rest periods for employees is applied, is established by the head of the railway in agreement with the trade union.

The right to apply a special regime is granted to the administration of the depot, the wagon section of the DOP, the reserve, the station and the city railway agency with the consent of the teams of train crews and ticket tellers.

Unused rest time, which is due according to the norm, must be compensated by providing a day off at the end of mass passenger traffic, but no later than May 1 of the next year, or attached to the annual leave within the same period with payment of this time based on the established monthly salary or without payment, if payment to the conductors of passenger cars is made according to completed flights. Soldiers of student groups working as conductors, upon concluding a fixed-term employment contract, as well as permanent staff workers, unused rest upon dismissal are also subject to payment at the rate of the established monthly salary.

The text of the document is verified by .

Ideally, if you are going on a trip, you should purchase travel insurance before you leave. However, it is understandable that for some people this may not be the case. There are many travelers who ask if they can purchase travel insurance after they leave. This can happen when your travel insurance expired because you overstayed your stay at a certain location, your policy expired, or you simply forgot to take out travel insurance.

Many football players are well aware of how markets and odds usually work. However, for those who are new to football betting, there may be some issues when trying to pick the best odds in their chosen markets. Such bettors should look for free betting advice on individual sites offering these services. It is important for new players to have a proper understanding of the different markets and how they work. Free betting tips will only be useful to bettors if they know the basics of football betting. Football fans need to understand the typical markets before betting their money on any games.

The roof has two functions: insulation and drainage. Insulation protects the home or any establishment not only from the weather, but also from noise and birds. The roof serves, for example, to drain snow that has accumulated on the top of your roof, or possibly rain. Gutters are installed so that water caused by rain or melted snow is directed towards the ground so that it does not interfere with the ventilation of your home. If gutters are not installed, water can run down the walls of your home or building or seep into your property.

Traveling is very popular among people nowadays. Those who consider themselves travel enthusiasts are generally considered the best workers. They are not under duress and are in high spirits when you meet them. Even scientific researchers are encouraging travel now because, according to their findings, travel relaxes the mind and makes people more productive. However, if you are still unsure if traveling is good for you, read this article.

  • First aid measures for various types of injuries.
  • Occupational safety of employees involved in commercial and loading and unloading operations. Sources of danger when performing loading and unloading operations.
  • Causes of fires on the railway transport. Fire fighting equipment at the station.
  • Types and purposes of briefings on labor protection when hiring.
  • Types and purposes of briefings on labor protection in the process of work.
  • Safety measures for workers involved in the transport of dangerous goods.
  • Security measures while on the train. d. ways.
  • Obligations of the employer in terms of ensuring the requirements of labor protection.
  • Rights and obligations of employees in the field of labor protection
  • The concept of industrial injury. Classification of injuries.

Recommended questions for passing exams by order of 8 tsz section 1

When calculating the terms of delivery of goods by rail transport, by how many days does the time for delivery of goods increase when sending goods from the railway stations of the Moscow and St. Petersburg nodes? - by 1 day. 5. In what cases does the delivery time increase for the entire time of cargo delay? delays of wagons, containers en route, related to the improvement of the technical or commercial condition, for reasons beyond the control of the carrier; delays of container wagons along the route due to force majeure, hostilities, blockades and other circumstances that prevent the carriage of goods; - delays of wagons at intermediate railway

Error 404


Classification of freight transportation and cargo.

  • Transport labeling of goods.
  • Container and packaging. Requirements for tare and packaging.
  • Contract for the carriage of goods.

A set of shipping documents.

  • Terms of delivery of goods and rules for their calculation.
  • Technical conditions for the placement and securing of goods in covered wagons.
  • Commercial inspection of trains and wagons. Preparation of wagons and containers for loading.
  • Rules for sealing wagons and containers.
  • Operations en route.
  • FROM when loading and unloading goods.
  • OT when loading and unloading cargo in cargo containers.
  • Checking the state of the mass and the number of pieces of cargo at the destination station.
  • Indicators of work of railway tracks of non-public use.
  • Instructions - railway

    Tuesday March 21, 2017 exam answers 8 ju 87 rzhd Message read 13 times leomo2350 | 2017-03-21 07:45:52 answers exam on 8 tsz 87 years Russian Railways YOU WERE LOOKING FOR answers exam on 8 tsz 87 years Russian Railways DOWNLOAD answers exam on 8 tsz 87 years Russian Railways<<< Информация о файле Название: ответы экзамен по 8 цз 87года ржд *Скачано раз (за вчера): 127 *Место в рейтинге: 654 *Скачано раз (всего): 6545 *Файл проверен: Nod32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    / questions for the exam

    Where can the client get information about changes and additions, new requirements of JSC "Russian Railways" in the organization of transportation of goods by rail.d. transport? - in the agency's premises at the information stand for customers, incoming instructions from Russian Railways, new samples of forms, contracts, and other information regarding the transportation of goods by rail. transport. Section 2: Rules for calculating the terms of delivery of goods by rail 1.

    From what moment does the calculation of the terms of delivery of goods begin? - from 00:00 on the day following the day of documenting the acceptance of goods for transportation, indicated in the column "Calendar stamps" of the consignment note, road list, in the column "Calendar stamp of the carrier at the station of departure" of the back of the road sheet, cargo receipts. 2. When calculating the terms of delivery of goods by rail.d.



    Order of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR dated 05.03.87 N 8TsZ regulates the testing of knowledge of railway transport workers related to commercial operation, the requirements of the Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation, the Rules for the Transportation of Goods, the Technical Conditions for the Placement and Fastening of Goods in Wagons and Containers, as well as other regulatory documents on commercial exploitation. Consequently, the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 11.07.2012 N 231 and the Order of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR dated 05.03.87 N 8TsZ applies to various categories of railway workers.

    In this regard, knowledge testing among railway workers associated with commercial operation should be carried out on the basis of local documents in subdivisions, taking into account the provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR dated 05.03.87 N 8TsZ.
    TELEGRAM dated November 22, 2013 N TsDMR-79/13 Clarification on the procedure for applying the orders of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 11.07.2012 N 231 and the Ministry of Railways of the USSR dated 05.03.87 N 8TsZ In connection with incoming requests on the procedure for applying the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 11.07.2012 N 231 "On the approval of the Procedure and terms for the certification of railway workers whose production activities are related to the movement of trains and shunting work on public railways, as well as the procedure for the formation of certification commissions" and Order of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR dated 05.03.87 N 8TsZ "On the procedure checking the knowledge of employees related to the commercial operation and safety of transported goods "in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated November 19, 2013 N 04-07 / 5104, the following is explained: 1.

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