Trade hasn't busted yet. Essay samples. specific examples of philosophy essays The human child at the time of birth is not a human being, but only a candidate for a human being (A. Pieron). Robert Allen: "How many millionaires do you know who built their fortune on


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Benjamin Franklin pointed out exactly the problem of the nature and consequences of trade. This problem is relevant in the conditions of the economic life of the state.

The meaning of this statement is that trade and related activities do not bankrupt the population. If you look objectively, then trade, on the contrary, contributes to the development of a market economy, which has a positive effect on the overall situation in the country.

In my opinion, the eminent American politician is right, turning to world history, we will not find a single confirmation that could contradict Franklin's words.

Trade in all formations of human history has contributed to the development of the economy.

In modern economic activity, the exchange of goods usually takes the form of trade between people, firms, regions and countries. Trade is the activity of people to carry out the exchange of goods and the act of buying and selling through money. With the help of trade, the client (buyer) receives for money the goods of interest to him from the seller, in connection with which both parties to the transaction are satisfied from the commission of a commercial act. I'll give you an example. James Cash Penny, the owner of a supermarket chain, considered it important to follow the "golden" rule: "Work not only for yourself, but also create value for other people." This secret of J. Penny's success is a confirmation of B. Franklin's quote that trade does not ruin, but, on the contrary, benefits both the seller and the buyer.

As proof, let's take an example from history. In the Middle Ages, merchants went to distant lands to exchange goods in order to return back and subsequently sell foreign goods.

In the context of globalization, it is of great importance for the economy of the state to "go out" to the world level. New Zealand, for example, supplies almost most of the world with dairy products. New Zealand profits from international trade and thus prospers, and its buyers are goods, as a result, both parties benefit.

In conclusion, I want to summarize what has been said and note that trade contributes to the prosperity of the state, which has a beneficial effect on the population living in it.

Updated: 2018-02-20

Expert assessment:

According to the criteria for evaluating task No. 29. Demo 2020

29.1 The meaning of the statement is revealed - (1 point)

29.2 Theoretical content of the mini-essay: explanation of the key concept(s), availability and correctness of theoretical provisions - 0 points

the meaning of the key concept(s) is not explained at the theoretical level. Only a definition of the concept of trade is given, which is not enough to reveal the idea at a theoretical level.

It was necessary to

1. Define the concept of foreign trade as an element of the world economy; 2. import, export, trade balance; 3. Show various trade policy instruments: protectionism, free trade; methods of state regulation of foreign trade: tariff and over-tariff; 4. the role of the WTO.

29.3 Correct use of concepts, reasoning (presence or absence of errors) (0 points)

According to the evaluation conditions: if criterion 29.2 is assigned 0 points, then criterion 29.3 is assigned 0 points

29.4 Factual arguments - (1 point)

(at least 2 correct facts/examples; examples should be from different sources: 1. from the public life of modern society; 2. from personal social experience, including literary works; 3. from history)

It was necessary to show how foreign trade enriched countries and led to a jump in the economy.

It could be so. In the 15-16 centuries, it was Spain and Portugal that were the most powerful and economically developed countries in Europe, because. sea ​​trade routes, the discovery of colonies, active foreign trade contributed to the inflow of capital to these countries. In the 17th century, England became such a country, again thanks to active foreign trade. England began to invest in an influx of capital in the industrial revolution, which made the British the most prosperous people in the world.

There are thousands of articles on the Internet with quotes from successful people. But most people misunderstand them, which is why they do not achieve the desired level of financial well-being.

We have analyzed the most famous quotes so you can see their true meaning.

Anatoly Pack

Robert Allen: “How many millionaires do you know who built their fortune on interest from a deposit? That's what I'm talking about too"

Robert Allen is an American economist and professor. How this phrase is usually perceived: “It is impossible to get rich on deposits, deposits and investments.”

Benjamin Franklin: "Trade has not yet ruined a nation."

Benjamin Franklin is an American politician, diplomat, and writer. Usually they think like this: “The best business is trading. Trading has the lowest risks: you definitely won’t go broke if you just resell other people’s goods.”

Do you agree? How do you like this interpretation? It is most profitable to sell what you produce yourself. Indians sell tea, Britons sell wool, programmers sell code, chefs sell cupcakes.

Warren Buffett: “I'll tell you how to get rich on Wall Street: be careful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are cautious."

Warren Buffett is President and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. As poor people understand it: “If experts advise you to be careful, you should buy. Even on a financial pyramid, you can make a fortune, you just need to buy its shares as early as possible.

But not everything is so straightforward. Truly rich people interpret these words differently. Buffett talks about demand and advises against buying stocks at the peak of demand. Bitcoin is now at the peak of demand, so Buffett would not advise buying it.

Paul Samuelson: "Investing should be like watching paint dry or grass grow"

Paul Samuelson is an American economist and Nobel laureate in economics. How this phrase is usually perceived: "Investing is long, difficult, and brings little return, so only those who have extra millions can do it."

But rich people see it differently. Investments that promise quick and large profits are most likely dubious and high-risk. The goal of a novice investor is to save money rather than to make quick and risky profits.

Malcolm Forbes: "The biggest mistake people make in life is when they don't try to make a living doing what they love the most."

Malcolm Forbes is an American publisher, businessman, and politician. Usually people think that they mean this: “You only need to do what you like, sooner or later, it will start to bring in big money.”

The rich are not simpletons. Their words often hide a double bottom. Learn to read between the lines and wealth will become your daily attribute!

"Trade has not yet ruined a single people." (B. Franklin)

The author wanted to say that engaging in trading activities is useful for society, this can lead to its prosperity. I think we should agree with this. Trade has developed since the development of social relations. Some sell, others buy. Trade took place even when there were no coins. Animal skins, precious metals, etc. could serve as money. Trade is the most common form of exchange in which the ownership of a good (good, service) passes from one to another through money. Trade can serve as a unifying factor for a country and even the world. Take, for example, Ancient Russia. Trade truly united Russia. Merchant caravans stretched along land roads and rivers. Carts with grain from the Dnieper region went to Novgorod; salt was brought from Volhynia to all lands; from north to south - furs, fish. Russian merchants brought leather, wax, linen for sails, silver and bone items to other countries. Foreign goods came from other countries: fabrics, weapons, precious stones, jewelry, church utensils, wine. Thus, thanks to trade, prosperity and development of states occurred. I believe that well-developed relations in the country are a sign of a developed economic life of the country. Therefore, the President of Chuvashia N.V. Fedorov often says: In order to prove yourself well, you need to enter the European market. The concept of "market" implies the sphere of the exchange of goods for money and money for goods, the interaction of producers and consumers on the scale of a region, country or the whole world. Chuvashia is already trying to enter the European market. By organizing various exhibitions, we attract various investors who conclude contracts for the purchase of our national products. Thus, we get money, and they are goods. Their money goes to the production of a new product, and our product goes to develop their economy. Therefore, I agree with the statement that trade has not yet ruined a single nation.

"Not to be greedy - there is already wealth, not to be wasteful - income." (M. Montaigne)

In my opinion, this statement is akin to a saying: "Not the rich one who has a lot of money, but the one who has fewer needs." What are these statements about, what is their essence? Each person determines for himself whether he is rich or not, although sometimes his assessment is formed as a result of comparison with other people. A greedy person is always missing something. A very striking example of this can be found in Gogol's "Dead Souls", where Plyushkin is not enough. His chests are full of wealth, and he himself dresses and eats like a beggar. Everything is the same in modern life, someone does not have enough money for a two-level apartment, and he "reads himself as poor, and someone considers himself rich, because he has bread on the table every day. However, there is another facet Wealth is not only the absence of greed, but also thrift, rationalism and pragmatism. Let's analyze the second half of M. Montaigne's phrase "not to be wasteful - income". Income is the totality of all financial resources received by a person necessary to pay for the material side of his life. The expenses of the population are called consumption.A rational consumer should be guided by the rational organization of his life, efficient production activities, optimization of consumption.If you are not a rational consumer, there may be a situation that expenses will exceed income.And here it depends not on the amount of wealth a person has, but on the ability There have been many cases in history when wealthy nobles brought their fortunes to bankruptcy, but There were many peasants who, thanks to their labor, became prosperous. Or another example: Ford started his career with the first car. If the money received for him, he spent only on current needs, he would never have been able to establish a car company. The investment of the initial capital in the business became the basis of his wealth. Therefore, I agree with the statement of M. Montaigne.

(G.S. Becker)

What does price mean and what other market instruments did Becker have in mind? Price is the monetary expression of the value of a commodity. In our opinion, speaking of other market instruments, the author most likely had in mind supply and demand, their interaction. More precisely, the law of demand (there is an inversely proportional relationship between the price and the volume of demand, with an increase in the price, the volume of demand decreases) and the law of supply (there is a direct relationship between the volume of supply and the price of a product, i.e., with an increase in the product, the volume of supply increases). Thus, the price, the laws of supply and demand regulate the market, the number of participants in it, coordinate their actions. And with this we agree. For example, the oil industry is highly profitable. However, not everyone can engage in oil production, because this activity requires expensive equipment that not only small entrepreneurs, but even some countries cannot afford. The fact that in the mid-90s of the 20th century oil was searched in the Yantikovsky district of the Chuvash Republic has not yet been forgotten. This happened not for the money of the republic, but was provided by one of the large companies engaged in exploration and production of oil in the country. Or another example, black and red caviar are a delicacy, everyone would like to have them on their table, but due to the high cost, not every family can afford it. The extraction of caviar is limited, otherwise the price of caviar will fall, and the profit will remain unchanged both with an increased volume, but a low price, and with a low volume, but a high selling price. On the other hand, it contributes to the conservation of limited natural resources. Price and other market instruments act as the invisible hand of the market that regulates the scarce resources in the economy.

"Trade has not yet ruined a single people."

(B. Franklin)

The author wanted to say that engaging in trading activities is useful for society, this can lead to its prosperity. I think we should agree with this. Trade has developed since the development of social relations. Some sell, others buy. Trade took place even when there were no coins. Animal skins, precious metals, etc. could serve as money. Trade is the most common form of exchange in which the ownership of a good (good, service) passes from one to another through money. Trade can serve as a unifying factor for a country and even the world. Take, for example, Ancient Russia. Trade truly united Russia. Merchant caravans stretched along land roads and rivers. Carts with grain from the Dnieper region went to Novgorod; salt was brought from Volhynia to all lands; from north to south - furs, fish. Russian merchants brought leather, wax, linen for sails, silver and bone items to other countries. Foreign goods came from other countries: fabrics, weapons, precious stones, jewelry, church utensils, wine. Thus, thanks to trade, prosperity and development of states occurred.

I believe that well-developed relations in the country are a sign of a developed economic life of the country. Therefore, the President of Chuvashia N.V. Fedorov often says: In order to prove yourself well, you need to enter the European market. The concept of "market" implies the sphere of the exchange of goods for money and money for goods, the interaction of producers and consumers on the scale of the region, country and the whole world. Chuvashia is already trying to enter the European market. By organizing various exhibitions, we attract various investors who conclude contracts for the purchase of our national products. Thus, we get money, and they are goods. Their money goes to the production of a new product, and our product goes to develop their economy. Therefore, I agree with the statement that trade has not yet ruined a single nation.

Social Studies Essay

Essay on the topic of:
Trade has not yet ruined a single nation. B. Franklin

Essay on the topic of:
Trade has not yet ruined a single nation. B. Franklin.

The author wanted to say that engaging in trading activities is useful for society, this can lead to its prosperity. I think we should agree with this. Trade has developed since the development of social relations. Some sell, others buy. Trade took place even when there were no coins. Animal skins, precious metals, etc. could serve as money. Trade is the most common form of exchange in which the ownership of a good (good, service) passes from one to another through money. Trade can serve as a unifying factor for a country and even the world. Take, for example, Ancient Russia. Trade truly united Russia. Merchant caravans stretched along land roads and rivers. Carts with grain from the Dnieper region went to Novgorod; salt was brought from Volhynia to all lands; from north to south - furs, fish. Russian merchants brought leather, wax, linen for sails, silver and bone items to other countries. Foreign goods came from other countries: fabrics, weapons, precious stones, jewelry, church utensils, wine. Thus, thanks to trade, prosperity and development of states occurred. I believe that well-developed relations in the country are a sign of a developed economic life of the country. Therefore, the President of Chuvashia N.V. Fedorov often says: In order to prove yourself well, you need to enter the European market. The concept of "market" implies the sphere of the exchange of goods for money and money for goods, the interaction of producers and consumers on the scale of the region, country and the whole world. Chuvashia is already trying to enter the European market. By organizing various exhibitions, we attract various investors who conclude contracts for the purchase of our national products. Thus, we get money, and they are goods. Their money goes to the production of a new product, and our product goes to develop their economy. Therefore, I agree with the statement that trade has not yet ruined a single nation.

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