Riddles about wild and domestic birds. Children's riddles about animals. Play it - guess it. Riddles about birds in the wild


Riddles about birds in the wild.

Looks unassuming,
But he is vocal.
(Nightingale). Russian.

What kind of mother is this
Why doesn't he see his children?
(Cuckoo). Belarusian.

In the morning sings loudly
He invites everyone to the field.
(Lark). Russian.

Flying all night
Gets mice.
And it will become light
Sleep flies into the hollow.
(Owl). Russian.

Sleeps during the day
Flying at night
Passers-by are scared.
(Owl). Russian.

Lives in the forest,
Whoops like a robber
People are afraid of him
And he is afraid of people.
(Owl). Russian.

Knocking all the time
Trees are hollowed out
But they are not crippled
But only heals.
(Woodpecker). Russian.

In the middle of the forest
Blacksmiths forge.
(Woodpeckers). Russian.

Carpenter with a sharp chisel
Building a house with one window.

Who heals trees in the forest:
Knock - they immediately feel better?

I knock - my head hurts,
And I don’t knock - I’m hungry.

Even though I'm not a hammer
I knock on wood:
It has every corner
I want to explore.
I walk in a red hat
And a great acrobat.
(Woodpecker). V. Kononova

motley bird
She laid an egg in someone else's nest.

In the summer they go to the plowman,
And in the winter they leave screaming.

Standing on one leg
He gazes into the water.
Pokes beak at random -
Looking for frogs in the river.
A drop hung on the nose.
Do you recognize? This...
(Heron). A. Painting

And he doesn't sing
And it doesn't fly
Why then
Is he considered a bird?
(Ostrich). V. Kononova

Which bird has forty "a"s in its name?

Who is without notes and without flute
Best of all displays trills,
Louder, softer?
Who is this?..
(Nightingale). R. Batov

Who will be born twice?

Riddles about birds in the yard.

Sitting on a tree
"Kar-kar!" screaming,
Nobody is afraid
Robber bird.

Shouts "krak", worms - the enemy.

Comes to us with warmth
Build a house under the window.

small bird
On the grass - jump-jump!
Wants to take a step
It makes a jump.

Chick-chirp! Don't be shy!
I'm seasoned...

little boy
In a gray coat
Sneaking around the yards -
Collects crumbs.
(Sparrow). Russian.

Every year I fly to you -
I want to winter with you.
And even redder in winter
My bright red tie.
(Bullfinch). N. Kulskaya.

Because of the high mountains
And the deep seas
Because of the mighty rivers
And dense forests
Singers fly to us in the spring

Riddles about poultry.

Sat on the fence - shouted,
And when everyone gathered, he fell silent.

Not a king, but in a crown,
Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not a watchman, but screams in danger.

Gets up first,
"Ku-ka-re-ku" sings.

Not a king, but in a crown
Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up.
(Rooster). Russian.

tail patterns,
Boots with spurs
sings at night,
Time counts.
(Rooster). Russian.

Loves to sing and loves to fight
And bathe in the dust.
Wears a red comb

There is a clock in the village
Not dead, but alive
Walk without a factory
They are of the avian type.

What kind of bird?
Walking, not flying
Collects grain.

Kvokhchet, kohchet,
Calls the children
Collects under the wing.

scarlet hat,
Vest, non-woven
The coat is ribbed.

Runs Natasha
In seventy shirts
And the wind blows
And the body is naked.
(Hen). Russian.

What kind of bird?
People are not afraid
Doesn't fly high
And sings only: "Ko-ko-ko!"
(Hen). Russian.

Born twice
And he dies once.

Cuts, cuts,
And there are no chips.
(Chicken pecks). Udmurt.

under a big stone
Many pebbles sing.
(hen and chickens). Balkar.

The mother has twenty children;
All kids
(hen and chickens). Russian.

Here White House, wonderful house,
And something rattled in him,
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out -
So warm
So fluffy and golden.
(Chick). K. Chukovsky

Appeared in a yellow coat:
Goodbye two shells.

White, round, lay quietly for a long time,
Then crackled, screamed -
And the inanimate became alive.
(Egg and chicken).

lame aunt,
Went to the water.
(Duck). Chuvash.

fluffy sailor,
spatula nose,
On short legs
Red boots.

Went with mom to the river
Little guys.
And floated light
(Ducklings). Russian.

What kind of birds? Right off the bat
Gogocha, climbed into the water,
Necks are very long
But not swans.

bathed in the water,
But it remained dry.

He walks importantly on the grass,
Comes out of the water dry
Wears red shoes
Gives soft feathers.

winged, loud-mouthed,
Red flippers.

red paws,
Long neck,
Pinching on the heels -
Run without looking back!

What kind of animal:
White as snow
Puffed up like fur
walks with shovels,
Does he eat with a horn?
(Goose). Ukrainian.

white mansions,
Red supports.
(Goose). Russian.

He wanders importantly across the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry.
Wears red shoes
Gives soft feathers.
(Goose). V. Konova.

He is visible among the branches
In bright feathers of all colors.
If in a cage, tamed -
He knows how to speak.
(Parrot). Russian.

Mother cackled: “where are you, my guys?”
She runs around the yard, in a hurry to collect under the wing
Run away to play yellow little ones (chickens).

He wakes everyone up in the morning so they don't oversleep.
With a loud cry, it will announce that it is time for us to get up.
And he is very handsome: he wears spurs on his legs,
On the head is a crown. Does everyone know who he is? (Rooster).

The worms will peck and collect the grain.
He will call his children under the wing,
And for the owners - they will lay an egg. This is (chicken).

The mother teaches her children: “Hold on to me - we are going to the pond for a walk!” Will swim teach
Mother duck of her little ones (ducklings).

With a long neck, he is all white.
But not a swan. Lives in courtyards
Nibbles grass, nibbles moss.
And if you get caught - be sure
Pinch your leg! (Goose).

This bird has an important appearance: all, ruffled,
He is very proud of his person!
His whole appearance speaks of it. And looks like this
As if if you do not agree with him,
It's better to take your feet!
And what is this important bird?
Well, really, who can be so proud of himself,
That you don't even need a friend? Did you know everything?
His name is (Turkey).

He runs to the meeting, cackles and,
Stretching your neck to its full length,
He wants to peck me!
And what kind of temper is wild?
Well, do you need a beak for that?
But I'd rather not argue
I better watch out for him!
And it is important to let him walk on
Bully - (goose).

Ran across the yard
Yellow lumps.
Mom is looking for them
Cover with a wing
He wants them for his own.
Found one, another...
Here's another one
Goes nibbling grass.
Looking for mother everywhere:
Under the bush and on the grass.
Walks and complains:
"Well, where did you go,
My guys?
And ran together to her
All her (chickens).

She loves water more than all domestic birds.
And hurry up to swim even in rainy weather!
She herself is gray, on her paws - membranes,
To make it better to swim, raking the water with them.
Say "quack!" you at the meeting.
Who is it? (Duck).

He shakes off the water
Like it never happened!
And then he will go dry,
Shining with its whiteness.
And it's not for nothing that they say so,
About those who don't care
What is like with (whom?) Water. (From the goose).

Other riddles:

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Rushed, flew and new year holidays filled with fun, traveling, visiting various interesting places.I think that in almost allthere was definitely no place left for families to be bored. But weekdays have come, with x about long, long, winter evenings.What to do with children , so that they would not be naughty and would not work "miracles".

One of the options - spend a family evening breath of riddles. It will be not only interesting, but also useful n th an activity for your children, and you yourself will get great pleasure if you organize the process correctly. 1. "Mysterious" evenings

2. Evening riddles about animals

2.1. Part one - Speech
2.2. Part two - Painted
2.3. Part Three - Theatrical

"Mysterious" Evenings

There are, of course, many mysteries. Therefore, it is advisable to do themed evenings. Cities, seasons, vegetables, etc.
Today we will look at the "mysterious" evening about animals. In other words, it will be aboutriddles about animals for children.

Evening riddles about animals

Riddles about animals, perhaps are the favorites of children different ages . Probably, the point is in our smaller brothers themselves, who give us so many positive emotions.

You can divide the evening of riddles into three parts .

Part one - Speech

Z a g a riddles about animals are given, answers are accepted at speed.After the answer has been received, it would be good to talk with the children howlooks like an animal, where it lives and what sounds it makes. Pictures will be a good help(you can use the children's lotto about animals).The first part of the evening is the most responsible, because it is, as it were, the base for the subsequent parts.In a playful, unobtrusive way, your children will remember or recognize many animals that live in our world.

Below are the optionsanimal riddles for kids

We shout to him - oblique
Hold on a little,
But the gray coward rushes
In winter it can change
It will not be gray, but like snow all white(Hare)

Made a lot of trouble
Ate a bun for lunch
The cockerel dragged
Yes, and half a bag of fish,
Bunny offended, kicked out of the hut
She is crafty and cunning
This is a redhead A fox)

I am the one who clicks his teeth.
At night I often howl at the moon
In a flock I live in the forest
I go hunting there.
I know a lot about hunting
Because it's gray Wolf)

He is not afraid of the enemy in the forest
He is not afraid of attacks
He has huge horns truth he loses them sometimes (Elk)

Just like a cat can purr
But more often, of course, growl loudly
big striped
Wandering in the forest
True, and in the circus I can easily find him (Tiger)

K o they call it the slave of the desert
He will pass the sands to people m ogaet
He can not drink or eat for a week
In the mountains bang on his back he has provisions (Camel)

He is an adult strong, tall,
With branched horns.
Baby not yet an adult,
Ginger with spotted sides(Deer )

There , where there is water I live
Amphibious beauty
I eat insects deftly
I give a concert in the evening
By listening to my wonderful qua-qua come kids(Frog, toad)

The owner of the taiga is his name in the ayut
Everyone knows him very well
clubfoot giant
Russia is our talisman(Bear)

He lives at the North Pole,
He knows how to catch a fish from the sea
He is a snow-white furry brother
To the cat about ryi in the taiga raspberries will be happy(Polar bear)

He is a real giant
This is a resident of hot countries
He carries logs with his nose,
then a banana asks for it(Elephant)

Here is a living crane
Inhabitant of hot countries.
From the trunks of multi-storey
Tears both leaves and banana (Giraffe)

Here's a good idea -
Hang a bag on your tummy!
Can you carry kids in it?
And jump among the steppes (Kangaroo)

Came from hot countries
There she lived among the vines
And, hanging on them by the tail,
I ate a banana (Monkey)

He is slow, fanged,
His paws are like flippers,
And in the zoo pool
The beast of the north is hot(Walrus)

The shell is not a shirt,
It's a house, it's not scary.
And the hostess looks proudly -
I'm calm in a solid house! (Turtle)

Who is green on a leaf,
Light yellow - on the sand?
Who changes color easily?
Give the correct answer!(Chameleon)

hatched from the shell,
He has big teeth
He is not very nice in temperament,
Likes to dive into the Nile(Crocodile)

Enjoy quickly!
Before you is the king of beasts,
A miracle mane stirred,
Silky and beautiful a lion)

That growls, then barks
That tail in and barks,
Aliens not allowed into the house(Dog)

In the zoo I will find
This animal is in the pond.
If he comes ashore,
Become very clumsy(Hippopotamus)

She gives us milk
Grazes in the meadow in summer and sings the song mu-mu-mu(To orova)

I jump where I want
Mane curls in the wind
I'll be back home in the evening
The owner will give me oats
I'll show the young man ( Horse)

I love to lie in a puddle
Yes, swim in the mud
I have a funny heel a choke
And the tail is like a hook(Piglet)

I'm horny, I'm butted
I have smooth hair
Don't be afraid I don't gore you(Goat)

Through the trees acrobats
Jumping is not for charging
Ripe cones will find
They will take you to your house(B Christmas trees)

P a rt two – Drawn

Each family member draws a distinctive element, what - l and bo animal the task of everyone else is to guess who it is?

Part three - Theatrical

This is a great end to the evening. In - first fixing the material, in -second, a lot of positive emotions. One family member shows pant o a mime about a conceived animal. Everyone else guesses it.

This is how you can spend time in a cozy room on one of the winter evenings in the family , and imperceptibly you give the opportunity to develop to show imagination, thinking, memory and creativity to your children.

Riddles about pet birds are a great way to introduce children to feathered friends who live with their grandparents in the countryside. We have collected 25 of the best bird riddles for your kids.

Riddles about poultry for children

scarlet hat,
Vest, non-woven
The coat is ribbed.

Sitting on the fence, screaming
And when everyone gathered, he fell silent.

Walks all puffed up.

Kvokhchet, kohchet,
Calls the children
He takes everyone under his wings.

Long neck, red paws,
Pinching on the heels
Run without looking back.

Tail with patterns
Boots with spurs
white feathers,
Red comb.
Who is that on the peg?

scarlet scallop,
Ruffled caftan,
double beard,
Important walk.
Gets up first,
Sings loudly.

He repeats one thing: "Ha-ha"
Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well, of course it is…

There was a white house
wonderful house,
But something rattled in him,
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out.


He will knock on the ground with his nose,
He flaps his wings and screams.
He screams even sleepy,
The screamer is restless.

He wanders importantly across the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry
Wears red shoes
Gives soft feathers.

What kind of bird?
Walking, not flying
Collects grain.

Went with mom to the river
Little guys.
And the Yellows sailed light ...

yellow lumps
Light as cotton
They run after the quote.
Who is it? …

Tighten up, tighten up
How it starts to babble -
Talk weird.

They waddle along the path -
Pillows and duvets.
They are excellent swimmers
On the paws are red flippers.

There is a clock in the village
Not dead, but alive.
Walk without a factory
They are of the avian type.

Our sweet friend
Give us feathers for a pillow
Will give eggs for pancakes,
Easter cakes and pies.

He walks down the road
He has legs like flippers.
The neck is long, arched,
Pinches if angry.

Loves to sing and loves to fight
And bathe in the dust.
Wears a red comb

He shakes off the water -
Like it never happened!
And then he will go dry,
Shining with its whiteness.
And it's not for nothing that they say so,
About those who don't care
What's with… water.

What is this miracle bird?
Not an owl and not a tit,
Not a crane and not a thrush ...
Like an open fan tail...
Blue, green, red -
How many colors are on the feathers?
Definitely important sir
Walking around the yard...

What kind of bird is just a diva
Spreads tail beautifully
Well, what if he sings
The guard shouts people.

Gets up early in the morning,
Shaking a red comb
It is important to walk around the yard
And shouts: Ku-ka-river!

Appeared in a yellow coat.
Farewell, two shells!

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