The first photos of the renovation in the new apartment of Evgenia Feofilaktova. White House: Over dinner at the Elysee Palace, Trump had a "productive" talk with Putin, Merkel and Macron about missiles, Syria and sanctions Decorative breeds of rabbits


Evgenia Feofilaktova is one of the most successful former members of DOM-2. Evgenia had to endure the betrayal of her ex-husband Anton Gusev, but this life experience benefited her: Feofilaktova became stronger and realized since then that she had to rely solely on herself.

Relatively recently, Feofilaktova made a profitable acquisition: now she is the owner of two apartments located close to each other in one of the most comfortable areas of the capital. Evgenia carefully approached the issue of choosing housing. Her son Daniel is growing up, who will soon have to go to first grade, so it was important for the young mother to have educational institutions and other infrastructure for children. The businesswoman managed to carry out her plan.

“This is a quiet place, near a forest, a lake, a beach, a school, a clinic. Open plan apartment. Together with the designer, I want to make a room for Daniel, a bedroom for myself and a living room combined with a kitchen. It was not easy to earn a living, but I tried. I have a GUSEVY clothing boutique, I spend a lot of time there. If necessary, I do not hesitate to stand behind the counter. I have been thinking about my own home for a long time. But she was able to make her dream a reality only after the divorce, when she began to take finances more seriously, ”Evgenia recently said.

Now in one of the apartments of Feofilaktova, located on the tenth floor of an elite building, a grandiose renovation is in full swing. However, StarHit got the opportunity to be the first to see the final version of the work. As expected, Eugenia's apartment will be not only stylish, but also luxurious.

“The design of the apartment is fully consistent with my taste,” shared Eugenia. - The designer I contacted created a space that fully reflects my character. The interior is in line with the latest fashion trends. There is not a single superfluous detail in it, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Luxurious materials, Fendi Casa furniture, carpets are combined very well here. handmade made to order in Florence. My main wish was a large dining area in front of a panoramic window with amazing views and a fireplace in the living room. I can already imagine how cozy evenings my relatives and friends will gather here!”

For help in designing a new home, the businesswoman turned to the designer of the Milan School, Ekaterina Chastnaya, who fully fulfilled all the wishes of the star client.

Now Evgenia can only wait until the end repair work. Now she, along with her son and beloved man, lives in a country mansion. Feofilaktov is quite satisfied with life in the house, only the distance to the capital and the eternal traffic jams that one has to deal with almost every day are embarrassing. That is why Evgenia decided to move to city apartments.

US President Donald Trump had about two hours during lunch at the Elysee Palace and had productive conversations with the leaders of Russia, France and Germany - Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told CNN.

At lunch, she said, Trump sat with President Macron, Chancellor Merkel, President Putin and many other world leaders. "The leaders discussed a variety of issues, including the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), Syria, trade, the situation in Saudi Arabia, sanctions, Afghanistan, China and North Korea," a White House spokeswoman said, noting that they had "very good and productive discussions."

Moreover, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump agreed to meet at the G20 summit in Argentina, which will be held at the end of November, Interfax reports, citing Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. The G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina will be held from November 30 to December 1.

The day before, November 11, Vladimir Putin said that he was able to briefly talk with Donald Trump at breakfast in Paris. Earlier it was reported that both leaders in the Elysee Palace will sit side by side, which would give them the opportunity to communicate not "on their feet." However, the seating arrangements at the working breakfast on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War were changed so that the presidents of Russia and the United States could not talk.

"In the final version, the presidents of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, sat opposite each other and did not have the opportunity to talk in detail," an Interfax source in the Russian delegation noted.

The agreement on a meeting between Putin and Trump in Paris on November 11 was announced on October 23 by Yury Ushakov, aide to the President of the Russian Federation. However, on October 31, U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said that the meeting between Putin and Trump in Paris would be "most likely a short one." At the same time, according to him, the American administration proceeds from the fact that the presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States will be able to meet somewhere else in the near future.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters that at a meeting in Paris on November 11, the presidents of Russia and the United States will raise the subject of the INF Treaty. On October 20, Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the INF Treaty, since Moscow, according to Washington, is violating the treaty. At the same time, he allowed the conclusion of a new agreement on intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles with the Russian Federation and China in the event of assurances from their side to stop the development of such weapons.

On November 6, it was reported that a full-fledged meeting of the leaders of the Russian Federation and the United States in Paris fell through due to French President Emmanuel Macron, who opposed the holding of a Russian-American summit during commemorative events.

“Emmanuel Macron asked Moscow and Washington not to hold full-scale talks in Paris, so that they would not “eclipse” the events and meetings prepared by the Elysee Palace,” the source of Kommersant reported. “This is literally how it was formulated.”

Rabbits are cute eared creatures that have long lived side by side with humans, while acting as both a farm animal and a decorative pet. These animals are distinguished in several main ways, which make it possible to divide the breeds of rabbits into groups. Let's look at which of them are worth paying attention to.

Before proceeding to the description of rabbit breeds, let's see what directions they can have. To do this, take a look at the following table.

meat breedsMeat breeds of rabbits are bred to obtain a meat product.

The emphasis in their removal was made precisely on the following characteristics of the product:

  • the amount of meat;
  • his taste.

    The weight of such rabbits, as a rule, is 2-3 or more kilograms. The fur of these individuals, as a rule, does not represent a high value for the fur industry, therefore it is inexpensive.

  • Downy breedsDowny breeds of rabbits are bred to obtain fur, usually fluffy and with a long pile, which is mainly used to create fur coats.

    The quality of the meat product of these rabbits is average, in addition, in principle, they are not able to build up large muscle mass.

    mixed breedsMixed breeds of agricultural rabbits are represented by individuals that can become suppliers of meat and fur.
    Decorative rocks Decorative rabbits are not able to bring valuable fur or tasty meat to the owner, however, they are beautiful and small in size, due to which they often become pets. These animals do not live long, but with proper care they will delight you with communication and their love.

    Meat breeds of rabbits

    The presented breed varieties are characterized by the following features:

    • rapid weight gain;
    • very developed muscular corset;
    • solid slaughter weight.

    The breeds are precocious, respond well to fattening, at the age of 2-3 months, as a rule, they already weigh a full 2 ​​kilograms.

    Breed "White New Zealand"

    White New Zealand rabbits have a thin, and therefore light, skeleton. Their body:

    • shortened;
    • has the shape of a cylinder.

    Themselves stocky, strong. The chest protrudes to the side, recessed, the back is small, located straight. The paws of the animals are covered with a dense layer of fur, thick.

    The head is of medium size, crowned with ears of small length, located strictly vertically.

    White New Zealand rabbits are definitely heavyweights, and also precocious. So, the average slaughter indicators of a meat product are:

    • for females up to 5 kilograms;
    • for males up to 4.5 kilograms.

    The body length of rabbits is up to 50 centimeters in females and 3 centimeters less in males.

    Breed "Red New Zealand"

    The skins of representatives of this breed are covered with fur:

    • short;
    • hard;
    • thick.

    It is not used on fur coats and other beautiful fur products. The color is red with red.

    The average weight of these individuals is 4-5 kilograms with a body length of 48-50 centimeters.

    A feature of red New Zealand rabbits is that females have a highly developed maternal instinct.

    The breed is precocious, so it is profitable to breed it. In addition, the offspring is always born in large numbers. It is considered broiler, therefore it is slaughtered at about the age of 2-2.5 months, since:

    • at this time already reaches the desired weight;
    • not able to give a skin suitable for sale for good money.

    Breed "California"

    Californian rabbits are considered heavyweight, since for them the average value of the total weight at the time of slaughter is approximately 4.5 kilograms.

    At the same time, they have a fairly compact body, harmoniously folded, with:

    • shortened, straight back;
    • deep chest;
    • strong limbs covered with fluffy hair.

    The fertility of these individuals is also on the level. So, one uterus in the norm of things brings 8 rabbits for one round.

    At the age of 2.5 - 3 months, the rabbits already weigh 2.7-3.5 kilograms, so they can go to slaughter. However, due to the acceptable quality of animal skins, they prefer to grow.

    Breed "Burgundy"

    In many ratings compiled by rabbit breeders specializing specifically in meat breeds ah, this variety of eared occupies a leading position. The fact is that the meat product obtained from these animals is characterized by very high taste qualities.

    The variety belongs to the category of precocious. So, by 30 days old, rabbits already have a mass equal to 750 grams. At the age of 70 days, their weight is approximately 2.5 kilograms.

    Queens of this breed:

    • fertile;
    • have a penchant for quality motherhood.

    Interestingly, the skin of the Burgundian animals is also of fairly good quality, its color is light brown.

    The body of the animals of the considered breed is knocked down, compact. The head is small and the ears are upright.

    Furry breeds of rabbits

    fur breeds

    The main product obtained from fur rabbits is fur coats, which are then used in the fur industry, more often for the manufacture of garments such as:

    • caps;
    • collars, etc.

    Consider in order the fur breed varieties.

    Breeds "Black-brown"

    The advantages of rabbits of this breed include their unsurpassed:

    • unpretentiousness;
    • resistance to adverse environmental conditions.

    This breed is the result of long breeding work, during which several representatives of other breeds were crossed.

    This breed is loved by many farmers for the specific color of the coat, which is very similar to the pattern and color of the fur of black-brown foxes.

    The quality of the pile, as a product of further production work, is very high. Yes, he:

    • retains its original state for a long time when wearing fur products;
    • very thick.

    Rabbits of this breed by the time of slaughter reach a weight of 5-7 kilograms. Despite the fact that the quality of its meat is not as high as that of representatives of meat breeds, carcasses are still used for food.

    Breed "Russian ermine"

    The fur of representatives of this breed appearance very similar to the skin of an ermine. Its color is white, however, the following parts of the body are covered with dark brown or black pile:

    • paws;
    • tail.

    The hairline of rabbits is very thick, shines very beautifully, when touched it feels like silk and smooth.

    The body of rabbits is not large, the head is also small. Ears stand straight, not long.

    Rabbits breed very intensively, while they feed offspring with high quality milk, and accompany them everywhere until they are quite adult.

    This breed is also distinguished by unpretentiousness and resistance to extreme climates.

    Breed "Rex"

    Rabbits of the presented breed are short-haired fur-bearing animals. Their fur is very soft, looks like plush, and is extremely pleasant to the touch.

    Rabbit "Rex"

    The skeleton of these rabbits is thin, the animals themselves are light. They have small bodies and small heads. The body length is on average 40-55 centimeters. Humpbacked individuals are found in some cases, however, mostly they just have long backs.

    Fertility in queens of the Rex breed is low for this type of animal: only 5-6 rabbits bring the maximum of the uterus in one litter. However, the skins of the animal look so unusual that the demand for them compensates for other shortcomings.

    Breed "Chinchilla"

    Rabbits of the Chinchilla breed have a large, cylindrical body. The head and ears of these animals are of medium size, while the chest is wide and deep.

    The muscle mass of these animals is considerable. So, the weight of an adult can be approximately 4.5 kilograms.

    This breed got its name for the fur, which is very similar to the color of the skins of animals of the same name. The shade of wool is gray-blue, however, the intensity can vary and be:

    • light;
    • average;
    • dark.

    In one litter of the uterus of this breed, 6-8 individuals are born. The quality of the pile in these breeds is very high, so it is actively used in the fur industry.

    Downy breeds

    Rabbits of breeds in this category usually have a long pile, which, due to its thickness, can be a worthy substitute for sheep or goat pile.

    Breed "Angora Downy"

    This breed is one of the most popular. So, it has many colors of wool:

    • gray shade;
    • white;
    • blue;
    • black.

    An adult of this breed weighs about three kilograms. The body is short, crowned with a large head and short, erect ears. By the way, on the ears of rabbits there is an ornament in the form of tassels.

    The hairline of these rabbits is thick and very soft, pleasant to the touch. According to the structure, the pile is divided into two categories:

    • awn;
    • downy (makes up almost 92% of the total mass of hair);
    • transition.

    Sexually mature individuals can acquire downy hair, the length of which will be approximately 22 centimeters.

    Breed "White Downy"

    This breed of rabbits is the pride of domestic breeders. The skin of these individuals has a pure, snow-white color.

    The skeleton of the White Downy Rabbits is well developed, the body is knocked down and strong. Its total weight can reach about 4 kilograms.

    The head is rounded, crowned with short ears directed vertically. The chest is wide. The body itself outwardly resembles a medium-sized ball, reaching about 55 centimeters in length. The muscular corset is very well developed.

    A one-year-old rabbit of the breed in question grows from 300 to 750 grams of fluff on its body for a year of life, which is used to produce various quality items.

    Meat-skin (mixed) breeds

    Meat-skin or mixed breeds of rabbits have the same quality:

    • fur;
    • meat.

    That is why quite often farmers who cannot decide on the main direction of their own activity choose them for breeding.

    Breed "Silver"

    rabbits Silvery breed have a very wide, well-built torso of compact appearance, expanding towards the back of the body.

    The head is small, while the ears are set straight. The chest protrudes in breadth, while the back is wide.

    The body length of these individuals is about 57 centimeters. As for the weight, for rabbits ready for slaughter, it is 4.5 kilograms, and for grown rabbits it reaches 6 kilograms.

    As for fertility, it is very high in the queens of this breed. So, one animal can bring up to 8 individuals at a time.

    The palatability of the meat of these animals is highly valued, and their fur is often used for the production of fur coats and other fur products.

    Breed "Viennese blue"

    These rabbits got their name for the extraordinary beauty of the wool of a bluish-blue hue.

    The body of these animals is tightly knocked down, lightweight. The head is small, has long ears (up to 16 centimeters in length). The fertility of the queens of the Vienna Blue breed is very high. So, each rabbit is able to give birth to up to 8-9 individuals at a time.

    By two months, rabbits reach a weight of 1.7-2 kilograms. Their maximum weight indicator is approximately 7.2 kilograms. The meat is very tasty, and the skin of unprecedented beauty and softness is used to create fur products.

    Decorative breeds of rabbits

    Decorative rabbits for the most part are small in size, as well as:

    • short, rounded muzzle;
    • short, often hanging, ears;
    • big eyes.

    Their appearance is so touching that decorative rabbits are one of the most popular pets today.

    Rabbit breed "Lionhead"

    The main feature of the exterior of rabbits of this breed is the head, which resembles a lion's head due to the long pile growing on it, similar to a collar. The rest of the body is covered with short hairs, except that on the paws of some individuals it is sometimes slightly elongated.

    The average weight of a mature animal is 1.7 kilograms. The body is strong, knocked down, the ears are short and stick up.

    The color of this breed can be any, however, the most popular is red, which adds an additional resemblance to a lion.

    Other positive characteristics of rabbits of this breed include:

    • cleanliness;
    • learnability;
    • friendliness towards a person;
    • ease of care.

    Small pets are unpretentious, do not exude unpleasant odors.

    Breed "Dwarf Rex"

    Rabbits of this breed are very soft to the touch. All thanks to their unusual fur, which adds to the animal a resemblance to a soft toy.

    The unique difference in the appearance of these rabbits lies in the presence of a special mustache, twisted and shortened in a completely different way from other decorative breeds.

    The usual size of the body of an adult rabbit of this breed reaches 45 centimeters, while the weight does not exceed 1.7 kilograms.

    We can say that the friendliness of the Dwarf Rex makes them favorite companions, both for children and adults who do not dare to get a larger and more sociable animal.

    The coat colors of these rabbits are varied.

    Breed "Dwarf ram"

    Rabbits of this breed have small hanging ears that outwardly resemble a similar part of the body of lambs and rams. The size of these rabbits is small, and the character is simply golden:

    • friendly;
    • calm;
    • sometimes even a little lethargic.

    Despite their calmness, the animals are active, and almost always tuned in to contact with a person, of course, if he treats them carefully.

    The body of these animals is small, but powerful and well developed. Initially, the animal is born with upright ears, however, over the course of their life, the ears droop.

    The average body weight and height for this breed will be as follows:

    • growth up to 27 centimeters;
    • weight up to 1.5 kilograms.

    Colors may vary. Most often found:

    • white;
    • grey;
    • blue.

    However, this is not the whole range of shades. In addition, white rabbits can also have red or blue eyes.

    Breed "Dwarf Fox"

    One of the smallest breeds of rabbits. So, an adult individual of this breed is gaining a maximum weight, usually equal to 1.3 kilograms. This breed has several subspecies:

    • American black-brown;
    • English silver;
    • Swiss.

    The coat of these rabbits is long, the ears are small, sticking out in different directions. The most common colors are:

    • blue;
    • Havana;
    • white;
    • silver.

    Breed "Germelin"

    One of the distinguishing features of this breed is the presence of a single color - snow-white.

    The ears, standing upright, are relatively close to each other. But small, flattened. Often the owners of these rabbits compare them with Persian cats.

    Rabbit "Hermelin"

    The standard body weight of a sexually mature individual is no more than 1.3 kilograms.

    Individuals of this breed are absolutely not burdensome in care, it is pleasant to play with them and just communicate. They love human kindness.

    Summing up

    Each breed of rabbit has its own advantages and disadvantages. That is how, focusing on their ratio, ratings are compiled. best breeds. We have presented you with the obvious leaders of each of the previously announced categories of rabbits. Depending on which direction of using these animals you determine for yourself, study the section you need, and then go buy the perfect eared ones.

    Video - Breeds of rabbits

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