Dwarf lop-eared rabbit care. Decorative lop-eared rabbits. Rabbit breed Lop-eared ram: description


Now more and more pet lovers want to put something like this in their home - exotic. Someone chooses reptiles or amphibious creatures, others prefer rare species of fish, and someone wants to have such cute fluffy things like rabbits in their apartment.

There are many types, among which are decorative rock Lop-eared pygmy ram.

Rabbit breed Lop-eared ram: description

This type of rabbit has appeared in 1950 last century.

The breed was bred in Holland breeders who decided to create miniature copy of a large breed lop-eared rabbits - French ram.

It was this type of rabbit, crossed with dwarf rabbits, that gave rise to a new breed - the lop-eared dwarf ram.

Why are rabbits called sheep? Naturally, these little ears have nothing to do with a flock of sheep, but a massive and short head with a wide, slightly convex forehead gives them kind of little sheep. The breed has gained immense popularity around the world due to the calm disposition and incredibly cute appearance of these animals.

There are already 19 breeds of such lambs, but work on breeding new types of lop-eared rabbits does not stop to this day.

Rabbit dwarf ram: characteristics of the breed

The main distinguishing feature of such animals are thick, incredibly long (up to 26-28 cm), tight-fitting to a wide, heavy head and ears rounded at the ends, resembling a horseshoe in shape.

The lop-eared rabbit has a cylindrical body, covered with soft, silky, shiny hair. In this case, the hair can be both medium and long with a thick down.

A decorative lop-eared rabbit can have almost any color (black, blue, white with different combinations, yellow, chinchilla, opal, sable, etc.).

The life expectancy of eared ears is about seven years.

Dwarf rams are characterized by a rather high fecundity - on average, a female brings six rabbits at a time. Already aged three months the animals reach puberty, however, the female's readiness for childbearing comes a little later - at four months.

Lop-eared lambs are characterized peaceful calm disposition. They love to play with children, are very friendly, quickly find a common language with people and get used to the new owner. In addition, lop-eared rams are less shy compared to their relatives with erect ears, since they hear extraneous sounds somewhat muffled.

They get along well with a person - they bask in their arms with great pleasure and allow themselves to be stroked. They are loyal, playful and quite active creatures, so they need space. Lop-eared rabbit needs human attention and love otherwise the animal may become aggressive.

Lop-eared decorative lamb rabbits have some intelligence, so they easily remember their nickname and respond to the call of the owner.

Types of lop-eared rabbits

Among sheep-rabbits there are both large (meat), whose weight reaches 4 kg, and dwarf ones. Some breeds have two or even three varieties (for example, the Kashmiri Fold). True, there is practically no information about the Kashmiri large ram.

Among the dwarf eared, the following species are very popular.

English ram

Belongs to the group of large lop-eared sheep. It is considered one of the largest varieties. The weight of an adult reaches 4.5 kg, while the length of the ears is about 65-70 cm. British breeders are working to increase these figures to 75 cm. The color of the Englishman is quite saturated, it can be of any shade. The wool of the English fold ram is short.

American Longhair Sheep

It is a descendant of the Dutch fold dwarf, so their characteristics are similar. Initially, this type of rabbit had only solid colors. To achieve a variety of colors, breeders crossed with the English Butterfly, as a result of which spotted lop-eared rabbits were born. However, at the same time, the quality of the fur deteriorated, and in order to fix this, the Dutch folds were crossed with the Angora rabbit, resulting in a lop-eared dwarf rabbit with long hair.

But the standard of the Dutch ram does not provide for such long hair, so long-haired offspring were not used for breeding, although even today there are rabbits with long hair in the litters of standard Dutch. The weight of such a rabbit reaches two kg. is considered ideal body weight in 1.6 kg.

Kashmiri fold rabbit

This kind dwarf rabbits differs from its larger counterpart only in weight. The body weight of the dwarf reaches only 1.6 kg, while the giant fold weighs 2.8 kg. In the rest - the exterior, color, country of origin, they are identical. However, it is generally accepted that dwarf breeds include animals whose weight does not reach three kg, so both of these varieties are miniature.

Cashmere has about 20 colors - almost all shades from albino to black. The length of the coat is medium, the head is shortened. According to the standard, the rabbit's ears should hang down on the sides, but in no case should they drag along the ground.

french ram

This type of fold is the ancestor of the English ram, therefore it has similar characteristics. The only difference is in the ears - the French have shorter ones. Color can be any.

german ram

This is the smallest representative of the family of large sheep. Its weight varies from 3 to 4 kg. The ears of the German are also the shortest of all - only 28-35.5 cm. The breed was bred by crossing a Dutch dwarf and a French fold.

In its homeland, in Germany, the German Fold was officially recognized in 1970, and only 20 years later (in 1990) the breed was recognized by the British Rabbit Breeding Association.

Initially, the rabbit had only a color with the agouti gene. However, breeders worked on breeding eared ears of various colors and as a result received individuals of such shades as chocolate, blue, harlequin, silver marten, otter, piebald with a large part of the colored surface. However, such shades are still not recognized as a standard.

Exist the following types standard colors for rabbits of the German Fold breed:

  • Agouti: opal, chocolate agouti, chinchilla.
  • Monochromatic: blue, chocolate, black, lilac, blue-eyed white, albino.
  • Piebald: the main color is white with the addition of a small amount of colored spots.
  • Striped: fawn, auburn, red, cream.
  • Veil: black, silver, golden, pearl-smoky, chocolate, blue, with a touch of lilac on the tips of the hairs, sable, silver brown.

The German fold is the owner of wide thick ears with a powerful cartilage. The auricle should be turned towards the head, and the ears themselves should hang behind the eyes. Wool length is normal.

Lop-eared lionhead

This is a relatively new breed that was registered in 2007. Lionhead folds have the following colors:

  • Agouti;
  • steel;
  • opal;
  • white (blue or red-eyed);
  • blue;
  • black;
  • ginger;
  • deer;
  • pale yellow;
  • chocolate;
  • black-brown;
  • butterfly;
  • sable: from dark to light.

Before you bring this touching creature home, you should take care of its safety. The fact is that rabbits love to gnaw on something, so it is necessary to remove all wires from their field of vision. Otherwise, the baby may be electrocuted.

You should also purchase a special cage or make it yourself. The rabbit house must match the following requirements:

  • The cage should be spacious, approximately 0.7 * 0.5 m.
  • Since rabbits live in minks, a house must be made inside the cage. This is especially necessary at first, while the animal will get used to people and a new place of residence. The ideal option would be a cell in which part of the area will be divided into two floors. highlight.
  • The cage should be placed in a bright, little-visited and draft-protected place.
  • The tray can be placed in one of the corners, as decorative folds usually get used to defecate in a certain place. For this purpose, you can purchase a special corner tray that is attached to the bars of the cage, or use a regular cat tray.
  • To maintain order in the cage, it is recommended to use heavy ceramic feeders, on which the rabbit's teeth will slide, while the drinkers should be hung on the walls.
  • Rabbits, like most animals, need to be walked. Therefore, they must be released from the cage for at least 2-2.5 hours / day. If you don’t want your pet to run around the room, you can make a special enclosure with a floor: you don’t need to remove the wires, and it’s easier to clean out the feces.

Rabbit nutrition lop-eared ram

For a rabbit, a properly composed diet is of great importance. Babies under 6 months old should not receive fresh greens, as well as raw vegetables and fruits. When the fold grows up, these products can be added to the feed, but only in small quantities. The basis of the ornamental rabbit's diet is grain mixtures and hay, which can also be bought at a specialized store.

When compiling the menu, it must be taken into account that hay is the main component of the animal's nutrition, so it should always be available. In addition, you must definitely buy a mineral stone and fix it on the bars of the cage.

Domestication of a rabbit lop-eared ram

Although dwarf rabbits quickly get used to humans and are considered tame, nevertheless, when they first appear in your home, you need to help the kids adapt faster.

  • Since the rabbit is a rather independent and proud animal, you should not forcefully take him out of the cage, which he should consider his safe haven.
  • You need to approach the fold's dwelling slowly so as not to scare the lamb.
  • Having opened the cage, it is better to wait until the baby himself wants to get out.
  • And, of course, an important factor is a tasty delicacy, which plays a positive role in the taming process.
  • In some cases, the lop-eared lamb can behave aggressively. Such behavior can be caused by several reasons - fear of something to simple sexual arousal.

In general, you should communicate with an eared child according to the principle of communicating with a child, that is, when talking, do not raise your voice, do not show your emotions, do not hang over the animal, but squat down.

If a pet tries to bite you, you should show your superiority by very gently pressing it to the floor. This is how rabbits in nature show dominance by jumping on their opponent's back.

A lop-eared ram should definitely cut its claws using a special nail cutter. The procedure should be carried out very carefully so as not to touch the vessel.

If you notice that your pet's behavior has changed, his coat has become dull, he refuses treats, you need to show him to the veterinarian, as such signs may indicate the development of the disease.

Measure the temperature. Its slight increase may indicate the resulting stress. The normal body temperature of a rabbit is 38.3-39.5 degrees.

With a strong increase (above 40 degrees), you should consult a doctor. But first you need to try to bring down the temperature at least a little bit, using ice packs for this. They are briefly applied to the stomach and ears of a pygmy ram.

Rabbits lop-eared decorative sheep have a unique appearance, which is why they are very popular. These cute animals, with proper maintenance and care, will delight you with their presence and funny children's games almost every day.

Many cat lovers who are allergic to their fur prefer to have decorative lop-eared rabbits as a pet. They are small, calm and very easy to keep. But it is worth remembering that this fluffy funny animal is not a soft toy that you can play with and forget about. This is a living being with its own disposition and habits.

Currently, about twenty breeds of lop-eared rabbits have been bred. Some of them are giant breeds, and some are dwarf. But breeders do not stop there and continue to breed new unusual breeds of lop-eared rabbits of different sizes.

Popular types

Before you get a rabbit as a pet, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and description of each breed. Scroll popular types decorative lop-eared rabbits:

  1. 1. Lop-eared ram. Representatives of the ram breed are the most beautiful among the lop-eared breeds. They look like soft toys. Their weight ranges from 1.5-3 kg. The mother rabbit is able to bring 5-6 rabbits in one round. In babies of this breed, after a few weeks, the ears begin to droop. The length of the ears of an adult is from 22 to 28 cm. The coat color is monophonic, but may have different shades. The lop-eared ram is non-aggressive and friendly towards people. Based on reviews of this breed, we can say about their intelligence. Some rabbits of this breed remember their nickname well. They have the ability to quickly get used to a new owner and follow him everywhere.
  2. 2. French ram. This species made itself felt as early as 1850. Representatives of this particular species are famous for their external data. Their ears can reach up to 70 cm in length and up to 15 cm in width. This length of the ears gives the animal a lot of inconvenience, and the owners are forced to pick them up at the back of the head. They are deaf, so they are not afraid of loud and sharp sounds. The weight of these rabbits is 4–4.5 kg, but there are also giants of 10–11 kg.
  3. 3. English fold. This breed has ancient history. Owners of huge ears and short front legs.
  4. 4. Plush. These rabbits got their name because of some resemblance to soft toy. They have soft and short hair.
  5. 5. Fleecy. This species differs from the rest in long hair.
  6. 6. Dutch pygmy fold. This variety has become widespread. Rabbits of this breed are usually kept as a pet. The length of the ears is 22-27 cm, and the weight is about 1.5 kg. The coat color of the Dutch rabbit is varied, but with one condition: the hind legs and front are white. Has a high fertility. Can bring offspring up to 6 cubs in one litter. Despite the friendly nature of this animal, traits of selfishness can be found in it.
  7. 7. Dwarf. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that reaching adulthood, they remain small in size.

Rabbit breed lop-eared ram

Decorative rabbit breed French ram

The life span of decorative lop-eared rabbits depends on health, living conditions and nutrition. With proper maintenance and appropriate care, animals live from 12 to 15 years.


The food eaten by rabbits is quickly digested, so they must eat throughout the day. The feeder of the animal should always be filled with food and water.

The diet should include solid feed, hay, cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, mineral supplements. Also, for a healthy state of teeth, they must be fed with branches of trees or shrubs.

In no case should you give rabbits dairy, meat products and citrus fruits. Red cabbage and beets can lead to indigestion. In rare cases, boiled beans can be used as an additive to the feed mixture.

In the summer, you can include fresh green herbs in your diet. After collecting, it is necessary to carefully examine it so that poisonous plants do not accidentally come across.

Care and maintenance

In order for a pet to grow up strong and healthy, the owner must have:

  1. 1. Walking harness. On the initial stage it can be used to walk around the house so that the rabbit does not get lost or get into a hard-to-reach place. On street walks, the animal must be in a harness, as if frightened, the rabbit can run away.
  2. 2. Forceps or nail cutter. The procedure for shortening the claws should be carried out every 3 weeks. To do this, you need to wrap the animal with a cloth napkin, turn it over on its back and gently hold its head with your elbow. With a horizontal cut, shorten the claw by 2-3 millimeters. This procedure requires special care. In case of damage to the capillary and the appearance of blood, it is necessary to immediately treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. 3. Schedule of vaccination. Mandatory vaccination is the main point in caring for your beloved pet. Information about the presence of vaccinations is necessary when visiting zoo hotels and transporting the animal. The first vaccination is carried out at the age of one and a half months. Vaccinations against myxomatosis and viral haemorrhagic disease are mandatory.

By nature, rabbits are clean, so bathing them is allowed only in rare cases. First, make sure that water does not get into the ears and nose. After bathing, you must immediately wipe it with a towel and prevent it from getting into a draft.

Due consideration should be given to regular cleaning of your pet's ears. It is held three times a week. Long-haired rabbits can develop tangles and need to be combed out periodically.

Of great importance when caring for lop-eared rabbits is the observance of the thermal regime of the room. These animals have a very warm coat, so they do not tolerate direct sunlight, heat and stuffiness. Drafts, concentration of high humidity and dampness are unacceptable for them. The temperature for a comfortable stay is from 18 to 20 degrees.

When keeping a lop-eared pet at home, a cage is provided. For free movement, a large and spacious cage is needed. Its height should correspond to the height of the animal standing on its hind legs. Its length should correspond to three jumps. The cage should be purchased with metal rods, as the rabbit will gnaw on the wooden rods, which will then give his home an ugly look. The bottom for rabbits must be made hard, otherwise wounds may appear on the paws - pododermatitis. To avoid this, the bottom of the cage should be covered with bedding consisting of hay or sawdust.

How to get a healthy rabbit?

When purchasing lop-eared rabbits, you should pay attention to the following:

  • touching the nose should feel cold and wet;
  • the appearance of the coat should not be tangled, tangles and the frequent need for an animal to scratch may indicate the presence of fleas;
  • the rabbit's eyes should be clean and shiny;
  • cloudiness in the eyes, a sagging tummy and protruding bones indicate problems with the internal organs of the animal;
  • the coat should be shiny and glossy, without bald spots and voids.

People who do not have experience in acquiring and keeping lop-eared rabbits should choose an animal in specialized nurseries. In Russia there are a large number of nurseries for breeding decorative rabbits. One of them is Bugs Bunni Hous, located in Belgorod. His main job is to improve and consolidate the views.

The rabbit is a small funny animal that can often be found as a pet. In this capacity, the original breed of rabbits, the French ram (or lop-eared), shows itself well. The animal is endowed with a pretty appearance, calm character and does not need large maintenance costs. However, since this breed is classified as meat, its breeding for agricultural purposes is no less promising.

This breed has some features reflected in the name, which distinguish it from other varieties of this animal species.

Breeding history

The breed was bred in France in the middle of the XIX century. Her parents were representatives of the breeds Flemish giant and English fold. A characteristic feature of the second breed - hanging ears - in combination with the large size inherent in the first, made the appearance of rabbits original and easily recognizable. Thanks to this, their cultivation for decorative purposes has become popular in many countries.
French ram, 1907

Appearance and physique

Rabbits of this breed were called "rams", based on the external similarity of the muzzle.

They also have the following features:

  1. The average carcass weight is 4 kg, but animals with a mass of around 10 kg are also known.
  2. The muzzle is rounded, the forehead is convex, the cheeks are plump.
  3. Ears - long, up to 50 cm, hanging on the sides.
  4. The body is compact, with massive paws; length about 65 cm.
  5. The fur is thick, with a good undercoat of various colors.

Important! In a small rabbit of this breed, the ears do not immediately fall. Until the 6th week, they can stick up or be divorced to the sides. This is the norm.


Coat color may vary.

  • black;
  • blue;
  • grey;
  • brown;
  • white;
  • spotted.

Multi-colored individuals are most valued among lovers of these animals.

Did you know? Lop-eared rabbits have a friendly character - according to breeders, this is due to the fact that they hear almost nothing. This happens due to improper development of the ears.

Productive characteristics

Since French sheep are large enough and grow quickly, they are often bred for slaughter and dietary meat. Slaughter is carried out when individuals reach 4 months. Meat productivity reaches 60%. At the same time, the meat is tender, tasty and dietary.

With proper care and processing of the carcass, luxurious fur is also highly valued. Rabbits live long enough, they can live up to 10 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

The French ram has the following positive traits:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • quality fur;
  • calm character;
  • different color of fur;
  • stress tolerance;
  • unpretentiousness in food.

However, in addition to the advantages, there are limitations. These include:

  • poor ability to reproduce offspring;
  • low fertility;
  • weak immunity.

It is interesting to get acquainted with the selections of rabbit breeds: decorative, fur and down; white color.

Conditions of detention

Rabbits of the ram breed grow to relatively large sizes. Accordingly, for a normal life, they need large cages, the floor of which is a continuous surface. The size of the cage in which 1 individual will be placed should be as follows: 100 x 90 x 70 cm.
Wherever lop-eared rabbits live, the requirements for their maintenance are as follows:

  • feeders made of metal;
  • hanging drinkers;
  • the absence of details in the place of maintenance that can be injured;
  • hay should be on the floor;
  • lack of drafts and low temperatures;
  • protection from moisture and long exposure to the sun;
  • purity.

Learn more about organizing a rabbit's home: choosing and building a cage, making a feeder (bunker) and drinking bowls.


Cages must be systematically cleaned of food debris, manure and bedding. The floor grate is cleaned with a metal scraper. Drinkers and feeders are thoroughly cleaned and washed.

Disinfections are carried out every six months. In small farms, cages are cleaned with fire. To do this, use a blowtorch or gas burner. It is recommended to boil or wash metal and glass parts.
Cells can also be disinfected with chemicals - for example, bleach is used in the form of a 10% solution. It is applied with a large brush, covering all surfaces and equipment. Leave for a while and then rinse thoroughly.

Feeding rules

In order for rabbits to fully develop, they need to be properly fed. Consider what should be in the diet of a French sheep, and what kind of food should be categorically abandoned.

Did you know? Rabbits have a unique ability to chew food: they make up to 120 chewing movements in 60 seconds.

What can

The appetite of rabbits of this breed is good. They can chew throughout the day, so they often suffer from obesity. To prevent this, rabbits are fed no more than 3 times a day. It is advisable to do this at the same time.
The diet must include following feed:

  1. In the warm season - dried grass; it can be dandelion, nettle, plantain, yarrow. In winter, the animals are given hay.
  2. Vegetables. Can be given gourds, root crops and cabbage of different varieties.
  3. Cereal crops. Rabbits will benefit greatly from wheat and oats.
  4. Fruits. Animals love to eat bananas, apples and pears.
  5. Compound feed.

In the winter season, you need to increase the number of root crops in the diet, since it is from them that the animal receives the vitamins and minerals it needs. Additionally, pieces of chalk and iodized salt are placed in the cage.

Read also about herbs in the diet of rabbits: burdock, wormwood.

Rabbits love to drink a lot. In order not to feel a lack of liquid, water should always be in sufficient quantities in the drinkers.

What not to feed

Since these animals are prone to frequent digestive upsets, it is important to limit the consumption of foods that can lead to such problems. These include:

  • tomatoes;
  • rhubarb;
  • legumes;
  • damaged products.

Learn what not to feed rabbits: 10 poisonous plants.

disease resistance

Animals of this species are endowed with weak immunity and often get sick. The most problematic organ is the stomach, and the most vulnerable parts of the body are the ears and paws.

  1. Often there is such a disease as pododermatitis. It is manifested by the development of corns, which are located on the paw pads and constantly cause discomfort. The reason is the incorrect arrangement of cages or enclosures.
  2. Rabbits may also experience ear injury or frostbite- due to the fact that the ears can catch on sharp objects on the floor, or freeze from the cold emanating from the floor of an improperly made cage.
  3. In addition, ram rabbits are subject to various infections. Therefore, they must be systematically vaccinated.

Vaccinations must be done, even if the rabbit will never go outside. They are usually vaccinated against myxomatosis and viral hemorrhagic disease. The first vaccination is given when the weight of the rabbit exceeds 500 g, most often this occurs at the age of 45 days. With less weight, the procedure is postponed. Before vaccination, it is mandatory to carry out the prevention of worms.
Today you can buy an associated mixture, which includes viruses from two diseases at once. In the case of separate vaccination, the first one is vaccinated against myxomatosis, and from the second disease - only after 10 days.

Features of breeding young animals

Breeding of this breed as a whole occurs in the same way as other varieties of rabbits. On average, males become sexually mature at the age of six months, females mature a little later - at 9 months. The mating is carried out only when the rabbits reach this age. The process is no different from that of other breeds.

Important! It is necessary to conduct a control mating on the 7th day.

The bearing of cubs lasts up to 32 days. Since the fecundity is low, on average there can be 5 rabbits in one litter. If more than 10 babies were born, which sometimes happens, the rabbit needs help in feeding them. In addition, breeders claim that in animals of this breed, organs are poorly adapted to procreation. This means that childbirth must be supervised, and in case of trouble, the animals must be helped.
A rabbit with offspring should be in a separate cage until the young animals reach the age of 3 months. At this time, they are already separated from their mother. They do not need to provide any special conditions. It is only necessary to increase the amount of food for the mother so that she has the strength to feed the young.

Many people like Scottish Fold cats, but decorative fold rabbits are even more adorable! A small ball of wool with a cute look and beautifully drooping ears will not leave indifferent even those who are not particularly fond of pets. Let's take a closer look at dwarf sheep by reading their descriptions and looking at the photos.

Description of the breed Dwarf ram

There are several types of lop-eared dwarf rabbits at once, which are united by the common names "dwarf ram". For example:

  • Mini Lop - English pygmy sheep, have a large square head, short dense ears and powerful paws.
  • NHD - Dutch Dwarf Sheep (Nederlandse Hangoor Dwerg). They have a rounded head, large eyes, short ears and powerful paws.
  • ZWW - German pygmy sheep (zwergwidder), considered a classic.

The sizes of dwarf rams are small, on average, these rabbits weigh about 1.5 kilograms. The length of the ears usually varies from 21 to 28 centimeters.

Today, pygmy rams are very common all over the world and almost no exhibition takes place without them. In most countries (in which rabbits are bred), these lop-eared babies are among the ten most popular breeds of decorative rabbits.

Rabbit pygmy ram - photo

Decorative rabbit "Dwarf Sheep" (NHD) photo.

Photo of a pygmy ram rabbit (NHD).

Rabbit pygmy lop-eared ram - photo (NHD).

All photographs used in this article are taken from the group of dwarf sheep rabbit lovers club "" (Facebook).

Netherlands Dwarf Sheep (NHD) photo.

Photo of pygmy ram rabbits (NHD).

Breed pygmy ram photo (NHD).

The history of the breed

In the middle of the 20th century, Dutch breeders decided to create a smaller version large rabbits french sheep breed. To do this, they crossed the latter with the usual decorative rabbits and got the desired result (modern NHD). She publicly appreciated the new breed and it quickly spread not only in Europe, but also in America.

The English Mini Lops were developed in the UK, and the German ZWWs of course come from Germany. All dwarf rams have a soft and kind nature, so they are great for the role of pets. True, we must remember that character will largely depend on upbringing.

On average, representatives of this breed live for about 7 years. Life expectancy largely depends on the conditions of detention, care and diet.

Dwarf sheep - owner reviews

Review of the pygmy ram Elena writes. We chose the lop-eared rabbit because we read that they are calmer. And this is true, our bunny has grown into an ideal pet - fluffy, affectionate, loves to sit on his hands, does not bite. Although there are downsides, he sometimes rages (he likes to gnaw on wires, you need to keep an eye on this), and at first he constantly tried to dig a hole in the bottom of the cage in the middle of the night. Fortunately, then it passed, now only sometimes he digs something, it seems he grinds his claws like that.

A dwarf rabbit is a ram named Isabella.

I will give a couple of tips to future owners. Immediately take a larger cage so that you can install a house in it (our bunny loves to hide in it). Do not take a cape and a drinking bowl in the form of a saucer, the rabbit constantly climbs into them and eventually spills water. It is better to buy a special drinker and bird feeder, you just need to securely fasten them to the bars of the cage.

As for feeding, our bunny has a weak stomach and mostly eats hay. Sometimes we give a little to eat an apple, a clover. We also buy minerals so that he can gnaw them (good for teeth). We clean the cells every 3-5 days. Keeping such a pet is not expensive, only 200 rubles a week (a little more expensive in winter).

On the four photos above - lop-eared rabbits of a pygmy ram from the Vesna nursery (Tula, site www.pitomnik-vesna.ru).

Review of the pygmy ram rabbit writes Katerina. I bought my rabbit three years ago for 1,500 rubles, and together with a large cage and other things necessary for keeping, the amount has grown to 4 thousand. Considering it is inexpensive compared to buying and keeping a cat or dog. At first there were problems with accustoming to the tray, I went to the toilet anywhere. Over time, I learned everything.

Another problem that arose was wires and wallpaper, I sprinkled them with water and pepper so that he would not gnaw. It took a year to completely wean him from spoiling things, but now you can not close him at night in a cage. Before going to bed, it is better to give him a good run, then at night it does not make noise.

Decorative lop-eared rabbit ram named Marty.

In general, the rabbit is a very cute and funny creature that runs and jumps in a funny way. My lop-eared baby is calm, loves to sit on my hands and sleep on my legs) I advise this breed! Take good care of your rabbits)

Video: rabbit pygmy ram

Be sure to watch the video with an unusually cute blue agouti rabbit of the pygmy ram breed. This is a baby from the nursery "Sirius".

The price of a dwarf ram (rabbit)

In Russia, the average price of a dwarf ram is:

  • from 3000 to 7000 rubles for a rabbit.

Nurseries of pygmy rams:

  • Nursery in Moscow - "Red Pearl" http://red-perl.ru/
  • Nursery in Kyiv - "Zaychishka" https://zaichishca.jimdo.com/
  • Nursery in Minsk — no data on availability.
  • (in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus).

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