Equipment for the production of wool gloves. Knitting equipment for the production of gloves and outerwear. Start-up costs


There is a list of equipment, without which own production m of work gloves is simply impossible. Moreover, on the market you can find equipment of both domestic and foreign production; equipment from different manufacturers differs from each other in terms of performance, technical specifications and, of course, the price.

K minimum required list equipment should include:

  • knitting machine
  • Overlock machine
  • Packing machine

Let's consider each node of the shop for knitting gloves separately.

Machine park

Knitting glove machine

The glove knitting machine is the heart of the workshop. Models differ from each other in the number of loops, which characterizes the class of the glove: 5,7,8, 10, 13, 15 loops create gloves of the corresponding, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 13th and 15th classes. The higher the knit grade, the finer the resulting fabric. A low class of work glove, on the contrary, indicates that the glove will be thick and rather rough.

Overlock machine

The main task of the overlock machine is overcasting the cuffs of gloves. Some machines are able to lay additional elastic under the cuff, which allows you to make the cuff more elastic, and the glove itself more comfortable to wear and use.

PVC Coating Machine

PVC coating makes it possible to significantly strengthen the glove and increase its service life. PVC coating reduces slippage in the glove and also increases its mechanical strength.

PVC coating is applied by a special machine through a proprietary stencil. The equipment is fully automated and does not require human intervention. Polyvinyl chloride is poured into special barrels, after which the equipment independently applies a thin layer of PVC through a mask onto gloves. The productivity of modern machines for applying PVC reaches one and a half thousand products per hour.

After applying the PVC, the glove can go to the drying chamber to increase the speed of production, where the PVC gains its elasticity in a shorter time than when dried in the open air.

Packing machine

The packaging machine allows you to highly automate the packaging process finished products in sealed bags. In bags and boxes, ready-made packages with gloves are packed separately.

The best-known work glove machines on the market


AURORA specializes in the production of knitting machines models - 10C-12-1, 7C-12-1, 15C-12-1 with a capacity of up to 15 pairs per hour. They are fully automated, equipped with a computer and a speed controller with the possibility of working with different raw materials. The cost is low - 190-365 thousand. R.


JOMDA classes - 7, 10, 13 with a capacity of up to 163 pairs per hour. Models are equipped with a computer with the possibility of using different yarns.


SALUT-02 is an energy-intensive overlock machine with a capacity of 1500 pairs per day with a cuff processing function to increase the value of products on the market. Price 40-45 thousand rubles.


PPM-1-M2 as an inexpensive model with a raw material consumption of up to 9 g per 1 pair for applying PVC, thereby giving the gloves greater strength and durability. Cost - 180-200 thousand rubles.


GD-DA knitting glove device with knitting classes 10, 13, 150G and capacity up to 330 pairs per day. Power - 250 kW, weight - 250 kg, dimensions - 1250x650x1750 mm.


BX203 is a knitting unit with knitting classes 7.10G, productivity - 360 pairs per day, power - 250 kW and production of glove sizes - S, M, L, 2L.


Overlocker from Russian manufacturers with a rotation speed of the working shaft - up to 4000 stitches per minute, weight - 45 kg, engine power - 0.2 kW, productivity - up to 1500 pairs in 8 hours.


PPM-1-M2 - a unit for applying spot PVC coating with a capacity of up to 250 pairs per hour, plastisol consumption - up to 9 g per 1 pair, weight - up to 160 kg. The average cost is 80 pairs per day.


GPM-09 is an easy-to-maintain and energy-intensive packaging machine, thanks to which the gloves acquire a marketable appearance and retain their shape. The production process is fully automated. The package contains 12 pairs of gloves. Productivity - 3000 pairs in 78 working days. Cost -5000 r.


Glove machine from Korean manufacturers. All production cycles are included in the work. The unit has convenient navigation for tasks of the desired knitting mode, automatic processing of edge loops and trimming material at your fingertips. Productivity - up to 360 pairs per hour. The cost is 200,000 rubles.

JACK BX203-10G

This is an inexpensive analogue from Chinese manufacturers. Fully automated, works on the principle of solid knitting with the ability to use any yarn for knitting (mittens, mittens, gloves). The unit is equipped high level self-control, a smooth transition to manufactured products and a built-in device for the deposition of used parts. Price 200-210 thousand rubles.

Reading 8 min. Views 968 Published on 05/14/2018

The cotton glove business has a number of unique features. This area, due to its high profitability, “draws” attractive prospects for newcomers in the field of entrepreneurship. State programs aimed at the development of the construction industry and the high demand for such products are the main reason for choosing this area. Below, we propose to consider the production of work gloves as a business, as well as to study the subtleties and nuances this business.

Cotton gloves belong to a quickly worn type of goods, and in agricultural work or various kinds of production, they are constantly needed.

Analysis of the selected industry

There are several dozen different professions, whose representatives use various protective equipment. Work gloves fall into this category. It is important to note that the use of protective equipment is fixed by the rules of labor protection and Russian legislation.

It is the demand for these products that makes the business of manufacturing gloves one of the most relevant areas of entrepreneurial activity.

Setting up a business does not require large investments. To get started production activities, it is enough to rent a room with the required area, purchase specialized equipment and hire qualified employees. The area under consideration has a number of specific technical features.

First of all, it is necessary to consider the issue related to the equipment. One glove making machine can produce about three hundred and fifty pairs of gloves during a working day. It is important to note that the quality of the equipment depends on the entire manufacturing process . The cheapest machines involve manual operation, where all settings are set by the operator. More expensive models are equipped with automatic programs that select required mode on one's own. According to experts, the quality of the equipment is reflected in the speed of the production process. It is on this parameter that the payback period of the investment depends.

Models equipped with a set of a large number of needles allow you to produce higher quality products with a high density of knitting. The use of an overlock machine allows you to improve the quality of products and increase the service life of goods. These parameters determine the level of demand for goods produced by a similar workshop.

Varieties of production equipment

The knitting machine for gloves is a kind of heart of the workshop engaged in the manufacture of such products. Many major manufacturers prefer Shima Seiki machines made in Japan. The second place in popularity is occupied by Korean-made devices. In third place in a kind of rating are models made in China. Chinese models are much cheaper than their competitors. Due to the relatively high quality of the goods produced, the purchase of Chinese equipment will significantly reduce the level of capital required to open a small factory or workshop.

Gloves are produced to protect hands, because the scope of cotton gloves is very wide.

The machines used in the production of gloves can be divided into two categories:
With automatic setting mode. Such devices are equipped with a special screen for selecting various knitting modes. The operator of such a machine only needs to set a number of parameters finished products, including the number of lines and rows.

With manual setting. The operator working on this machine must independently determine the required number of loops using special devices.
In addition to the machine that makes gloves, you will need to purchase additional equipment. This list consists of overlock machine, protective layer machine and packing line.

Overview of the best production equipment

The cost of production equipment depends on the parameters of the device and the country of manufacture. As mentioned above, the championship in this area belongs to Japanese technology. It is important to note that not every entrepreneur can purchase a machine made in Japan. At the first steps of organizing such a business, you should pay attention to Korean or Chinese products.

Korean machine tools with automatic control MG

In this segment of goods, machines belonging to the seventh and tenth class deserve special attention. Thanks to the involvement of all production cycles, the need for an additional purchase of an overlock is eliminated. Modes are set using a special keypad. The use of this machine makes it easy to change the size of manufactured products.

The device in question performs automatic processing of the product with an edging thread. Thanks to a fully automated process, only one operator is enough to operate the instrument. If the thread breaks, the system will automatically stop working, which reduces the risk of thread misuse to zero. The use of this machine allows to produce up to three hundred and fifty pairs of gloves of the seventh class during one work shift. The cost of the machine varies from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles.

Chinese knitting machine JACK BX203-10G

This automated machine works according to the whole knitting method. The guarantee of product quality are modern technologies, a fully automated control system and the presence of two main blocks. Thanks to these features, this machine can be used both in the manufacture of gloves and mittens, and mittens. In addition, this model has a mode for the production of "fingerless" models.

Gloves are a commodity, the demand for which does not depend on seasonality

Among the advantages of this machine, it is worth highlighting a fully automated production process and a high degree of self-control. Due to the presence of two main blocks, a smooth transition from one type of manufactured products to other products is carried out. If the needle breaks or the thread breaks, the machine automatically turns off from the mains. Only one operator is enough to operate the machine. The price of this glove knitting machine is about 200,000 rubles.

Business organization procedure

The procedure for organizing a business depends on the level of capital that can be invested in its development. If there is a large amount Money it is recommended to purchase expensive equipment made in Japan or Korea. Such machines have increased strength and are less subject to wear. Thanks to the high quality of the products and high speed production process, this investment will pay off in a short time.

With a limited budget, it is recommended to pay attention to the models presented by Chinese manufacturers. Despite their relatively low cost, they meet all quality standards. Exactly this species equipment is used by small factories for the production of protective equipment.

Experts do not recommend purchasing used equipment, since it is almost impossible to determine the duration of their operation. The purchase of a used machine can turn out to be much more expensive compared to new machines, since the repair of such equipment is very expensive.

Various types of threads are used in the production of gloves. The most commonly used types are:

  1. A blend of cotton and synthetics for added durability.
  2. Blend of wool and synthetic fabrics.
  3. PVC artificial thread.

Opening own business for the production of cotton gloves is a great financial idea

To increase the density of finished products, special modes are used, which are set on the devices. As a rule, a protective coating of rubber is applied to the palm of the hand. It can be both solid and stencil. The number of personnel required to maintain the line depends on the type of production equipment. When working on modern technology, only a few people involved in the production process will be required.

A factory for the production of cotton gloves does not require a complex organization. It is important to note that there are a number of strict requirements for the workshop where the machines will be located. To install the devices, you will need to concrete a small area. You will also need to supply electricity and "ground" the devices. The horizontal stability of the devices is regulated by special legs. When conducting electricity, it must be borne in mind that in front of the device you will need to install a special switch that turns off the power supply.

It should also be said that automatic devices do not require additional settings. Each mode of the machine can be set using the keypad or a special display. To set up "manual" machines, you will need to independently adjust the number of threads used for knitting.

Payback period

Making gloves as a business has a number of features. The payback period of an enterprise depends on a large number of factors. One of the main factors is the price of a knitting machine. Budget models have low productivity, which negatively affects the speed of production. More expensive equipment allows you to produce large volumes of products, but the payback period of the device will increase.

Let's look at the payback period of the Korean model, which allows you to produce about three hundred and fifty pairs of gloves during the working day:

  1. The level of capital investment for the lease of premises, the purchase of equipment, the purchase of raw materials, the registration of a business and the wages of employees is 500,000 rubles.
  2. The cost of one pair of gloves varies from 12 to 15 rubles. Taking into account all production costs, the profit from one pair of gloves will be about 7 rubles. This means that one machine brings a monthly net income of 52 thousand rubles.
  3. In order to earn 300,000 rubles a month, a novice entrepreneur needs to purchase at least five devices.

A well-written business plan will allow you to establish a successful production with a stable income, which will pay for itself in just a couple of years.

Based on the above example, we can conclude that the payback period of the business will be about one year. You can reduce this time period by organizing a workshop on the territory of your own garage or summer cottage.


Why not start the production of cotton gloves? Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the glove manufacturing business is one of the profitable areas of entrepreneurial activity. In practice, however, the picture is quite different. Finding a point of sale for finished products is quite difficult. This nuance must be taken into account at the stage of drawing up a business plan. Otherwise, the risk of losing the invested capital increases threefold.

In order to organize the sale of finished products, it will be necessary to conclude agreements with various small and wholesale outlets, factories, construction firms and other companies. Only upon completion of this stage, it is recommended to start organizing production.

In this business sector, there is very low competition due to the above features of production. This means that only the correct organization of the production process will allow you to get a stable and profitable business.

In contact with

Protective gloves are used during gardening, repairs, fishing and in the garage. Professional builders, mechanics and electricians cannot do without them. Therefore, interest in their production is consistently high. The production process of PVC-coated work gloves includes several stages, each of which takes place on a special type of machine.

Production process

Circular knitting products with PVC coating are made as follows:

  • a glove is knitted;
  • the outer edge of the cuff is overcast;
  • a layer of PVC paste is applied to the inside of the product and dried;
  • work gloves are packed.

The workshop equipment consists of three types of devices:

  • knitting machine. It is used for knitting. The whole production process is automatic, only manual loading of the yarn bobbins into the machine is required. Semi-finished products are dumped into storage baskets. The minimum productivity of the machine per hour is 16 pairs;
  • overlock glove. Overcasts the leading edge of the glove. Productivity per hour on average 180 pairs.
  • equipment for coating products with a layer of PVC. Machine productivity - 260 pairs;
  • equipment for packing. The productivity of the machine per hour is 450 pairs.

For the regular operation of the production, three employees are required: one serves knitting machines (up to 17 pieces), one for overlock and PVC film coating.

Raw materials used

For production, natural and synthetic fibers are used: cotton, polyester, latex, wool, and polyester for processing cuffs. Heat resistant gloves are made from Teflon thread. And from Kevlar - products that are resistant to cutting and other mechanical stress. Most products are made from a blended thread containing 60-80% cotton and synthetic additives for strength.

The required density of the knitted fabric is achieved by selecting the thickness of the yarn. Gloves are made from harsh yarn with a density of 100, 50 or 74 tex. Most devices work with such threads, they are suitable for any knitting class.

It is desirable to select a thread with a low coefficient of torsion, from which voluminous, dense products are obtained.

To better hold the glove on the hand, a rubber or latex ring (bank gum) is sewn into the cuff.

The PVC coating for the palmar part is called plastisol. It is a mixture of liquid plasticizers and PVC. At room temperature it is in a state of paste, when heated it liquefies. The ability to quickly harden, high chemical and mechanical resistance, electrical resistance - the properties of plastisol, making it an excellent coating.

Equipment types

Glove devices

The basis for the production of work gloves is computer knitting machines. The principle of operation for different models is similar: the number of loops and rows is set on a digital monitor or on a plastic chain. Next, the knitting process itself takes place, after which the threads on the fingers are automatically cut off, and the protruding tips are blown into the glove. The air pressure is provided by a compressor.

All production equipment is divided into classes: 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15. The number indicates the number of loops in an inch. This means that the lower the class, the larger the knitting will be. Each glove is knitted from the fingertips. Glove devices can be fully automated or semi-automatic (rare).

Glove overlockers

On the overlock, the final stage of the production of gloves takes place: the overcasting of the cuff. The overlocker is completed with the engine and a desktop. There are models that add additional elastic when overcasting, which improves the consumer properties of the product.

Overlockers differ in sewing speed, overcasting width and foot lift height.

Coating machines

Next, the PVC coating is applied to the palmar surface of the glove of a certain thickness and pattern. This is done by a special machine, most often made in China. The image is applied by screen printing using a standard matrix. After drawing the glove goes to the dryer.

The whole process is controlled by automation. PVC paste is supplied from containers, it can be applied pointwise or in a continuous thin layer. You can choose any pattern for application, including logos and drawings. The productivity of the equipment depends on the type of pattern and can vary from 800 to 1300 pairs per hour.

The accuracy of the drawing is controlled by sensors located in certain places. Matrices for drawings are provided with the machine.

Plastisol is the optimal type of PVC for covering gloves. There are many types of PVC pastes on the market, so when choosing raw materials for production, you should carefully study their characteristics.

Video of large-scale production of work gloves:

Overview and comparison of equipment models

Glove knitting machines



Cotton gloves with a PVC coating are known to everyone who has ever been involved in construction or repair, weeding beds, or doing some other physical work.

These are irreplaceable "participants" of any dusty business. Cotton gloves are used in subbotniks, vegetable gardens, construction sites, loading and unloading operations and other places and situations that require protection of hands from adverse external influences. They are an item of clothing. It is easier to list those areas of human life where there is no need for such gloves. There will be very few of them, you can literally count them on your fingers.

PVC gloves have gained well-deserved popularity for their excellent properties and qualities. Knitted protective gloves are light and comfortable, practical and durable (after special treatment), quite environmentally friendly and do not cause allergic reactions when in contact with the skin. For businesses, the key advantage is the low cost of production.

Already from the names of gloves it becomes clear that the main material of production is knitted cotton fabric - knitted textile material. It is the knitwear of gloves that is responsible for their elasticity, softness, strength and extensibility. Not all woven and other materials used in the production of workwear can boast of such characteristics. Suffice it to recall the “oakness” of building mittens made of tarpaulin or split leather (split mittens or gloves) - a natural layer of leather obtained by dressing in a leather industry.

A special polyvinyl chloride coating (PVC) is applied over knitted gloves - a thin layer of colored plastic, a thermoplastic polymer of vinyl chloride. It is resistant to alkalis, many acids and solvents, mineral oils. It does not support combustion and is able to withstand temperatures up to +66 °C. Such a PVC coating, in addition to aesthetic properties, performs a number of utilitarian functions - it increases the adhesion properties and increases the wear resistance of the base material. The PVC coating can be applied on one or both sides of the glove.

In this article website tells how to establish your own in the production of PVC-coated cotton gloves.

Schematic diagram of the production of PVC-coated cotton gloves

Gloves are made from mixed raw yarn - cotton (rarely woolen) with the addition of synthetic fibers: viscose, acrylic, nylon, polyester, and so on. The usual percentage of such a composition of harsh yarn: 60% - cotton, 40% synthetics. The addition of synthetics improves the quality characteristics of the source material. Also, extremely rarely, spandex (elastane) is used instead of cotton yarn.

As a rule, finished cotton yarn is purchased from manufacturers located in countries where cotton is traditionally grown, the basis of the material. The leading yarn exporters are China, Pakistan, India, Uzbekistan, Indonesia and Vietnam. True, depending on the country of origin, the quality of the yarn can vary greatly. The average price of raw materials is from 150-500 rubles per kilogram.

The undeniable advantage of this business is its high automation. It does not require a large number of workers, all key points are performed by automatic machines. There is also no need for highly qualified employees, which has a positive effect on the salary fund. For the organization of production, a room with industrial communications will be required.

Production technology of cotton gloves with PVC coating consists of only three steps:

  • Knitting a glove blank made of cotton yarn;
  • Overcasting cuffs on sewing equipment;
  • Application of a protective coating in various ways: PVC, Latex or a combined material.

Finished products are sorted, packaged and sent to a warehouse for subsequent sale. That is, in fact, all equipment for this business can be represented in three typical units - knitting, sewing, automatic machines or coating devices.

Equipment for the production of PVC-coated cotton gloves: prices, overview, types

To start a business in the knitwear production of workwear - gloves with PVC, you need:

  • Glove knitting machine- knits blanks of gloves. Automatic machines for seamless knitting of work gloves. The knitting process is so automated that one operator is required for 15-20 machines. One machine produces up to 400 pairs per day, depending on the knitting class of the glove. The price of the machine is about 3 thousand US dollars. Most often they use Chinese-made machines (the most popular brand of this equipment is Jomda and his clones).
  • Overlock- overcasting the cuff of the workpiece. Sewing machines. Finishing stage of production of knitted gloves. On the overlock, overcasting of the cuff of the product takes place. The price of a new overlocker for gloves is about 1000 US dollars. You can get by, at the first stage, with supported equipment, but it is worth considering that sometimes it can take more money to set up and repair an overlock than the cost of a new one.
  • Machine (line) or equipment for applying PVC coating on work gloves. Using this line, a layer of colored polyvinyl chloride (colored PVC) is applied to the surface of finished cotton gloves. The application is made on a stencil in the form of any pattern, dots, inscriptions or a combination of all options. This equipment is the most expensive for this business. Thus, the price of an automatic line capable of processing up to 20,000 pairs per day starts from 13,000 US dollars. There are manual machines or the so-called tooling. They are able to process 300-400 pairs of cotton gloves per day. The cost of a manual PVC coating machine is from 1.5 thousand US dollars, but they require the involvement of one or two permanent operators, and the production process is stretched over time. Since all operations are performed manually, for example, the cooling of the applied coating. On automatic lines, gloves, after applying PVC, are rapidly cooled; on manual machines - additional gestures of operators are required.

The choice of cheap manual equipment, in order to save money, is not always justified in this type of business. The production of mass goods from cheap raw materials should not be limited from above in terms of output. Since the profit of such a business depends on the amount sold. This means that in enterprises with manual equipment, where there is a serious limitation of volume, profits are also limited. And this is money for the purchase of raw materials, salary fund, utility bills, payback of production. So it turns out that a limited batch of finished products with manual production have to cover everything current expenses. At a time when an automatic line can produce an order of magnitude more gloves and cheaper, there would be a suitable distribution channel, such as a multimillion-dollar wholesale order.

Video: how PVC is applied to work gloves

Costs to Start a PVC Coated Work Gloves Business

We will carry out the calculation based on the condition that 10 knitting machines are installed in the production. The total cost of the equipment is ~45 thousand US dollars. To ensure continuous production, you will need a three-month supply of yarn and PVC granules for application - this is another 7 thousand dollars. Thus, the total capital cost of production is in the amount of 52 thousand dollars.

Renting premises, utilities, and a salary fund for 4 workers (knitting operator, 2 PVC line operators and a packer) - from 170 thousand rubles per month.

Medium Wholesale price one pair of cotton gloves from 5 rubles (from 7 rubles if you need to apply a branded PVC coating). Retail price - from 9 rubles per pair.

Ways to sell finished products and expand the range of products offered

The implementation of ready-made knitted gloves is easier to establish in the wholesale channel. So, regular customers can become:

  • retail stores for building supplies, garden supplies, hardware stores;
  • construction and assembly firms, large manufacturing enterprises;
  • large special or municipal formations in the field of: housing and communal services, social services, landscaping and the like.

In addition to knitted gloves with PVC coating, it is possible to produce gloves with latex coating (latex coating). The production of such gloves is cheaper (latex raw materials are more expensive than PVC granules), as they do not require expensive PVC application machines. All that is required is drying racks and latex baths where knitted gloves are dipped.

Classification of PVC Coated Cotton Gloves

The terms used by consumers and manufacturers of knitted gloves include: a three-thread glove (three-thread glove), a four-thread glove (4 threads) and a five-thread (5 threads) glove. This is due to the specifics of the yarn market in Russia and common system yarn measurements.

The unit of measurement of yarn is its linear density − tex. Tex determines the weight of 1 kilometer of yarn.

At the time of the formation of the production of knitted gloves in the Russian market, the most common and affordable yarn was a thread of 50 tex. Therefore, for minimum strength, gloves were knitted from three twisted threads (total linear density - 150 tex). Gloves knitted from this thread became known as "three-threads". More durable cotton gloves, respectively, using a larger number of threads, “four-thread” - 200 tex, “five-thread” - 250 tex.

Currently, the classification in "threads" is outdated.

The modern market represents a wide variety of threads of different density and quality. So, for the production of gloves with a density of 150 tex (formerly "three-thread"), now you can use two threads of 100 and 50 tex. Gloves are strong as "three-thread", but in fact two threads are used in production. Or, adding a 10-18 tex synthetic thread to the “three-thread” (for elasticity and extensibility), an unscrupulous manufacturer classified the product as a “four-thread” glove. But the density of the finished product is a maximum of 168 tex, while the "four-thread" should have a minimum of 200 tex.

Therefore, modern consumers and wholesale customers, at present, more often classify finished knitted gloves not by “thread”, but by the weight of the finished product. So, when choosing from the “three-thread” classification without PVC coating, gloves with the largest weight are usually selected, this guarantees the necessary strength of the product.

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