Specialty business informatics where to work. Why was preference given to the direction of study "Business Informatics" upon admission? Are you satisfied with your choice? Business informatics: prospects for the development of this area


  • Engineer of Operations and Application Solutions Group, Integrix LLC, Volgograd. (Integrix LLC is an infrastructure integrator in the information technology industry)

  • Consultant for the implementation of financial business applications, ZAO CROC Incorporated, Moscow.

As an applicant, I wanted to enter and study for a specialty with which in the future I could start a career in the field of information technology. Plus, at the time of admission, VolSU was and remains now the only university in the city in the classical sense of this type of educational institution. Therefore, the choice fell on VolSU.

During the training, the university left only positive memories and a certain baggage of basic knowledge and skills, which served as the basis for further professional development.

Why was preference given to the specialty "business informatics" upon admission? Are you satisfied with your choice?

The direction of training business informatics is a modern specialty in the field of information technology, so the choice was made in its favor. I am completely satisfied with my choice and wish the department to place more emphasis on the applied aspect in the study of modern information technologies in the future.

If the applicant makes a conscious choice upon admission, then learning will be a pleasure and there will be no question of complexity. In view of the versatility of subjects, each day of training will be interesting.

In my opinion, the main thing that I learned at the university is to study. This skill is the most critical in the IT field. Without constant self-learning, knowledge and skills depreciate in a very short cycle. Department of PIMME gave basic knowledge and concepts of system analysis, economic subject area, database design, domestic business applications.

Do not follow the mass choice, do not choose a profession only because of the desire to study with school friends or because of the complexity of learning. I advise you to choose the direction of study based on your own preferences and hobbies. Daily interest in what you do is the key to future success and overcoming all difficulties.

The direction of training "Business Informatics" is suitable for a "universal" applicant who balances the knowledge and qualities of the humanities, shows the ability to deal with the exact sciences, as well as IT technologies. In the event of a preponderance of interests in one of the parties, appropriate areas of training should be considered.

January, 2017

  • Head of Web Technologies Department, Volgograd State University, Volgograd
  • Subscription Development Manager, Dozhd TV Channel, Moscow

Why was the specialty "Business Informatics" preferred during admission? Are you satisfied with your choice?

To be honest, I did not have an understanding after school of who I want to work. I chose this specialty because it gives quite broad knowledge: IT, management, analytics. After graduation, with a more conscious look, I chose the area in which I wanted to work and develop.

How difficult / interesting / exhaustive can training be considered in this area?

Even now I can appreciate how useful it was, although during training it is always difficult to draw such conclusions, since I did not have the tasks that I currently have. As a result, I can safely say that in vain I did not pay due attention to some subjects - I am catching up now.

Despite the fact that the first three years after graduation, I practically did not apply my knowledge. Now I only use them: analytics, project management, enterprise economics.

Set yourself challenging goals and do the impossible. You can do everything, the main thing is to believe in it.

Who should go to the direction of "Business Informatics"?

Anyone who wants to be an IT manager should go. For those who have not yet decided what exactly they want to do. Education will provide a wide range of knowledge that can be applied in many areas.

January 2017

  • SAP Consultant for FI/CO/TR at ZAO Ferrero Russia (Ferrero), Moscow

Why exactly VolSU and what impression did the university leave during your studies?

I chose VolSU because it is one of the largest and most prestigious universities in the region, which had a large selection of areas of interest to me.

Why was preference given to the direction of study "Business Informatics" upon admission? Are you satisfied with your choice?

Since childhood, I have been a versatile person and I was equally well attracted to both the humanities and technical disciplines. Therefore, I chose the direction of training bachelors "Business Informatics" because. it includes many subjects in economics and computer science. I am very satisfied with my choice and my education fully corresponds to the work that I am currently doing.

How difficult / interesting / exhaustive can training be considered in this area?

The training was quite difficult, many subjects were given with great difficulty. But, at the same time, it was very interesting and most of the items were really useful in the future.

VolSU is a great place for young and talented people, where you can realize your creative and leadership qualities by participating in active student life. The university provides an opportunity to make friends in various professional fields which will certainly be useful in the future. Education here is really at a high level and with the acquired knowledge one can successfully speak at scientific conferences and seminars throughout the country.

The Department of Applied Informatics and Mathematical Methods in Economics has a professional staff of teachers and provides a high level of student training. This helped me decide on my future profession and become a successful candidate for employment.

How did you imagine your future profession, did the acquired knowledge come in handy?

The direction of training "Business Informatics" has a broad focus, and from the first day of training I was sure that there would be no problems with further employment. After two years of study at the university, I decided on the areas that attract me and formed for myself an approximate list of professions that interest me. In the future, every year this list was reduced and by the end of the training I clearly knew who I wanted to work.

I use most of the knowledge gained in my profession, the base that I received at the university makes it easier for me to navigate new information, economic and mathematical disciplines helped me develop analytical skills, without which there is nowhere in my work.

Try to identify strengths, weaknesses and interests by the end of school and go in the direction that you are really interested in. Any person, if he really loves his job, will succeed, regardless of whether he has a prestigious direction in his diploma or not. But if you have chosen a business you like, which is also highly valued in the labor market, then it will be much easier for you on the path of life.

Who should go to the direction of "Business Informatics"?

If you have a mathematical mindset, you like complex problems and want to understand better than others what is happening in the economy, then you will like this direction. Your education will always be relevant, because in the modern world, no business can function without information technology.

February 2017

  • Account Manager, Robomed Systems LLC, Moscow

Why exactly VolSU and what impression did the university leave during your studies?

A classic university with a large selection of areas of study. You can find a specialty that suits you.

VolSU left many unforgettable impressions in my memory. New friends, knowledge and precious experience - all this at VolSU.

Why was preference given to "business informatics" upon admission? Are you satisfied with your choice?

At school I studied in the information and mathematics class and even then I understood that I wanted to give preference to the exact sciences. Upon admission, the choice fell on the direction of "Business Informatics", since, studying on it, you can gain knowledge not only in the field of information technology, mathematical sciences, but also in economics.

How difficult / interesting / exhaustive can training be considered in this area?

Studying in the direction of preparation of bachelors "Business Informatics" was very interesting. The theoretical knowledge gained has always been consolidated with the help of a large number of practical, laboratory and individual works.

When choosing a future profession, in my opinion, the main thing is not to make a mistake. If in doubt, imagine yourself in 10 years. Who would you like to work? And not just to work, but to get a lot of pleasure from the process. When I entered VolSU in 2011, I had a huge choice of directions. However, the choice fell on the direction of training bachelors "Business Informatics", which she never regretted.

Who should go to the direction of "Business Informatics"?

It is worth going to everyone who is interested in gaining knowledge in the field of economics, computer science, management and business. And of course, the realization that after graduating from Volga State University you will have great potential and a desire to apply the acquired knowledge while working in the field of information technology.

February 2017

  • Back-end developer, Internet agency Intervolga, Volgograd

Why exactly VolSU and what impression did the university leave during your studies?

In my opinion, VolSU is a prestigious and the best university in Volgograd, capable of providing all the necessary knowledge and development opportunities. Impressions remained only the best. During the training I found many good friends, learned a lot of new things and realized my plans.

Why was preference given to the direction of training specialists "business informatics" upon admission? Are you satisfied with your choice?

At school, I had a great craving for computer science, however, I did not attach much importance to this, and by the end of the 11th grade, I was choosing between a manager and a programmer. I didn’t manage to get into the programmer, because they didn’t allow passing scores. As a result, I chose the middle ground between economics and computer science and entered the direction of “Business Informatics”. Yes, I am satisfied with my choice and do not regret that I did not choose any other direction.

How difficult / interesting / exhaustive can training be considered in this area?

Studying in the direction of "Business Informatics" actually looks very simple if there is a craving for knowledge and a passion for the process of learning new things. Most disciplines are accompanied by practical tasks and laboratory work, which play a big role in consolidating the theory. There were, of course, complex disciplines that required more effort to study.

What opportunities for the realization of personal and professional goals does education at VolSU, in general, and the Department of Applied Informatics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, in particular, provide?

At VolSU, you can find many friends, gain useful skills and experience for further development and employment. In the course of your studies, you will be able to take part in various seminars, participate in scientific conferences and work on your own projects that you can implement.

The department has a friendly and good staff of teachers who will not only provide basic knowledge and skills, but also show the way for development and give advice in a difficult situation.

How did you imagine your future profession, did the acquired knowledge come in handy?

I imagined my future profession as difficult, responsible and important. The acquired knowledge was very useful in employment, but, of course, not all. It is very difficult to work without the theoretical base that is given at the university. Many of the disciplines I studied, which I considered unnecessary, eventually came in handy, and I believe that no matter what knowledge, they will always come in handy.

In my opinion, choosing a profession is a very important point that you need to stop and think about for at least a year or two, otherwise, otherwise, you will not be interested in studying and you will waste your time. If you can’t decide where to go or what to choose, think about what you are best at doing, what you want to do, what you have the ability to do, or what your loved ones advise you. There is no need to be afraid of the unknown, in this case you only limit yourself in your abilities. To make a choice, google reviews, look at the training program in this area, read what disciplines are included in the standard of study in this area and determine how interesting they are for you.

Who should go to the direction of "Business Informatics"?

I consider this direction to be universal and I advise those who are interested in programming, website development, management, business management, analytics, etc. to go. This direction has prospects in the fields of informatics, management, in the field of economics or business management.

March 2017

Why was preference given to the direction of study "Business Informatics" upon admission? Are you satisfied with your choice?

Flexibility in choosing a future specialty: you can become both a manager and directly engage in the development of IP.

How difficult / interesting / exhaustive can training be considered in this area?

It is impossible to call a thorny path to a diploma. It is difficult only at first and then out of habit. But when you get the taste, almost every subject seems interesting. And when preparing coursework and scientific works you can discover comprehensive knowledge on your favorite subjects. Many interesting practical tasks: working with files, databases, with direct data, different programming languages ​​- you won't get bored with this.

What opportunities for the realization of personal and professional goals does education at VolSU provide?

After graduation, there are many friends and acquaintances with whom you can realize any personal and professional goals.

How did you imagine your future profession, did the acquired knowledge come in handy?

Get up early in the morning every day and drive 2 hours to the office to do monotonous, monotonous work every day. Not! I didn't imagine that. My future profession seemed to me in comfortable conditions, prestigious, responsible and with the possibility of self-realization.

Can you handle the challenge? Get it right. Can not? Divide it into small tasks and deal with them one by one. It is important to take the first step and then not stop at all subsequent ones.

Business Informatics

Business Informatics is the science of designing, developing and applying information and communication systems in business. The specialty involves teaching disciplines related to information technology, computer science, economics and management concepts. Business informatics originated in Germany and is now successfully taught in Central Europe and the USA, as well as in Russia under the bachelor's, master's and specialist's programs.

Academic plan

The teaching process uses an interdisciplinary approach. Students study subjects from different fields. The main areas are information management, economics, computer science and foundations of mathematics and statistics. Theoretical knowledge gained in lectures is used by students in exercises at seminars and practical classes in programming and design.

Job Opportunities

Applied informatics in economics covers the planning, design, implementation, operation and development of information and communication systems that are used to support the current economic activity, strategic planning and decision-making in business and public administration. Graduates work as implementers information systems, information systems support managers, programmers, business analysts, etc.


  • Direction "Business Informatics" on the website of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation (former ANE under the Government of the Russian Federation)
  • Direction "Business Informatics" on the website of the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
  • Direction "Business Informatics" on the website of the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University
  • Department of Information Systems, South Ural State University
  • Educational direction "Business Informatics" at South Ural State University

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Business Informatics" is in other dictionaries:

    - (cf. German Informatik, English Information technology, French Informatique, English computer science computer science in the USA, English computing science computational science in the UK) the science of methods ... ... Wikipedia

    - (business modeling) activities for the formation of models of organizations, including a description of business objects (divisions, positions, resources, roles, processes, operations, information systems, information carriers, etc.) ... Wikipedia

    The branch of knowledge that studies the general properties and structure of scientific information, as well as the patterns and principles of its creation, transformation, accumulation, transfer and use in various fields of human activity. Glossary of business terms. ... ... Glossary of business terms

    Technology of accumulation, preparation and exchange of information using computer technology and communications. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles. Business co ... Wikipedia

    Faculty of Business Informatics State University – Higher School of Economics Founded 2002 Dean Nikitin V.V. Place ... Wikipedia

    Informatics economist is one of the most modern and sought-after qualifications of specialists in the field of informatics and economics. The activity of a specialist is aimed at creating, implementing, analyzing and maintaining professionally oriented ... ... Wikipedia

    Applied Informatics Specialization: scientifically practical Frequency: once every two months Language: Russian Editorial address: Moscow Editor-in-chief: Emelyanov A. A ... Wikipedia

    A field of knowledge that considers as a subject information systems used to prepare and make decisions in the field of economics and business. Business modeling is considered as a method of Economic informatics ... ... Glossary of business terms

    - (eng. Business Rule Engine business rules execution engine) a component of the enterprise business rules management system, whose functions include the execution of rules. It provides decision services that can call external ... ... Wikipedia


  • English language. Business Informatics. Textbook, Melnichuk M.V. , Voskovskaya A.S. , Karpova T.A. The textbook reflects the basic principle of a modular approach to learning, which involves a clear structuring educational information, the content of training and the organization of the work of students with complete, ...

Demanded specialties and prestigious work always arouse a certain interest in modern society. So, in particular, more and more Internet users are wondering what business informatics is, what kind of profession it is, who they work after training, and so on. If you pay attention to the definition, then business informatics is a field directly related to information and communication systems of modern economic activity. In fact, this science is engaged in the development of such systems, their design and implementation in various areas. Also, business informatics is directly related to conceptual management, to the sciences of economics and computer science.

The modern interest in business informatics is also explained by the fact that this specialty is relatively new and has only recently appeared in the field. higher education. Most universities opened this specialty only five years ago, almost immediately after the adoption of the relevant state standard in this area of ​​student education. Currently, it is quite realistic and affordable for most people to study at the Department of Business Information Systems for Production Management.

Many people know the expression "Demand creates supply." This statement is true in this case as well. Business informatics arose due to the urgent need for relevant specialists, namely those employees who could analyze information systems at a sufficient professional level, work with information and communication technologies, develop such systems, thereby increasing business productivity, its efficiency and level.

Society has long since confidently stepped over from the field of industrial development towards information technologies, which have penetrated into many key areas of human activity in society. As a result, there was an urgent need for specialists who, in addition to traditional disciplines such as economics, law, management, marketing, and so on, could understand the field of information technology development.

More about business informatics

So, business informatics, what kind of profession is this? It can be said that this field of science combines several directions at once. Here are some of them:

  • right;
  • economy;
  • Informatics;
  • control;
  • management.
  • However, do not forget that in the educational structure business informatics is a completely new educational process. In addition to traditional disciplines, the central place in it is entirely occupied by training in achieving the set goals thanks to modern computer technologies, which are in demand today in almost all business sectors.

    Business informatics professionals, in fact, must have an excellent understanding of the latest tools available in today's software market, while having a good understanding of economic sphere activities, to understand the field of finance of various enterprises and in marketing as such.

    More about business informatics

    First of all, it is worth noting that business informatics specialists must not only remain competent in their business, but also work professionally in the following main areas of activity:

  • Computer techologies;
  • Internet technologies.
  • Trained specialists will be able to perform the functions of analysts for a wide range of information systems, they must be able to work as IT consultants (this implies the organization of innovative business approaches in the field of information technology), such employees will also be able to draft information systems of varying degrees of complexity, implement them in office work, perform functions organizational management CIS (corporate information systems), management management.

    Now it becomes clear why the demand in the labor sphere is growing for those masters of their craft who have mastered the profession of business informatics. It is not worth the question of who to work in the future, since the received diploma opens up very wide employment opportunities. At the moment, this is a serious competition for less demanded specialists in the humanities, the demand for which is steadily and steadily declining.

    If we talk about the principles of work, it is worth noting that the informatics business works quite thoroughly with the so-called professionally oriented environment (a shell consisting of certain software elements and information support). It all starts with the creation of a project and ends with the features of introducing this shell into a business. In addition to the above, a professionally oriented environment developed by a business computer scientist includes organizational tools aimed at improving work functions and processes of economic activity.

    Areas of use

    What is the profession of business informatics, now it becomes clear. Next, let's talk a little more specifically about the jobs themselves. Simply put, specialists of the above specialty will find application everywhere:

  • in public and private enterprises;
  • at research and production associations;
  • in joint-stock companies;
  • in government bodies;
  • at design organizations;
  • in scientific and design organizations;
  • in the bodies of municipal government;
  • on the infrastructures of the national economy, etc.
  • As you can see, specialists in the field of business informatics are in demand in the modern labor market. Therefore, this area of ​​study remains quite promising and interesting.

    The most common entrance exams are:

    • Russian language
    • Mathematics (basic level)
    • Social studies - a profile subject, at the choice of the university
    • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

    Mathematics is a compulsory subject for admission. In this subject, entrance exams are held or the results of the exam are counted. In addition, the university offers three subjects for entrance examinations, from which the applicant can choose two that are closest to him. Most often, the choice is made among Russian and in English, social studies. Some universities can independently choose two additional subjects.

    Business informatics is one of the youngest specialties that today's students are mastering. However, despite its recent emergence, the specialty is characterized by excellent opportunities and prospects, both in terms of training and further education. professional activity and highly paid positions. It's definitely new profession, which has become necessary in those areas where knowledge of the basics of management, economics and information and communication technologies (ICT) is required at the same time. Specialists who have received a diploma in this area are required in all areas of business.

    Brief description of the specialty

    Specialists who graduated from a higher educational institution with a bachelor's degree in business informatics can work as employees of a company as part of one of the groups involved in its development, and can also act as managers of various services and systems. This specialist, who has mastered economic knowledge, as well as in the field of law, management and ICT. He manages issues affecting the design, implementation, analysis and maintenance of CIS.

    The specialty includes several areas of training. As a rule, the following profiles are distinguished, which can be found in most universities that train bachelors of business informatics:

    • technological entrepreneurship;
    • Enterprise architecture;
    • Content management;
    • Electronic business.

    Major universities in Moscow

    • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
    • Moscow University. S.Yu. Witte
    • National Research Technological University "MISiS"
    • Odintsovo Humanitarian University
    • Eurasian Open Institute
    • Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy

    Terms and forms of training

    The specialty involves several forms of education. The most common form of full-time education offered by most universities. The duration of mastering the specialty in this case is 4 years. When choosing part-time, part-time forms of education or part-time days off, the duration of study increases to 5 years.

    Some educational establishments accept applicants who have completed their studies on the basis of colleges and technical schools in this profile. In this case, full-time training lasts 3 years, and in other cases - 3.5 years.

    Subjects studied by students

    In the first years, most of the subjects studied by students belong to the category of natural sciences, and also provide basic training in the field of information technology:

    • information systems (IS) design,
    • architecture,
    • Informatics,
    • Operating Systems,
    • Database,
    • programming,
    • applied informatics in economics and others.

    In the early years, great importance is also given to the disciplines of the general mathematical, economic and humanitarian areas:

    • mathematical Logic,
    • linear algebra,
    • economic theory,
    • Discrete Math,
    • mathematical analysis,
    • network economy,
    • financial Accounting,
    • Probability theory,
    • sociology,
    • psychology and others.

    In the last two years of study, the course includes special disciplines that are closest to the specialty and allow you to gain the knowledge that is necessary for specialists in this field of study. These disciplines include the following:

    • logistics,
    • Information Security,
    • personnel Management,
    • econometrics,
    • architecture of corporate IS (CIS),
    • legal informatics and others.

    Training: acquired knowledge and skills

    In the first years of study, students receive mainly theoretical knowledge and skills. This is an acquaintance with the methods necessary to prepare an organization (enterprise) for automation, related to the design, implementation of IS, the operation of the ICT service, as well as the management, development and use of IS. Next comes the practical work, which is expressed in training sessions aimed at teaching students to work with a variety of tools and systems (MS Project, MathCad, Delphi, and others), i.e. do what was originally studied in theory.

    Future profession: who to work?

    Today, the labor market is in great need of business informatics specialists. About ten thousand jobs in our country annually wait for university graduates to provide them with profitable positions, and every year there is an acute shortage of such specialists. In addition, bachelors can try to find work in foreign countries where specialists of this profile are also needed. First of all, we are talking about the countries participating in the Bologna Declaration, but not only.

    Jobs can be found in all areas related to ICT. These are any enterprises of the state and private level, NGOs, JSCs and CJSCs, scientific design and design organizations, bodies involved in social work and any other enterprises that require specialists who own the acquired knowledge.

    A bachelor in business informatics can hold positions such as programmer, department specialist, supervised by the IT department.

    Continuing education in the specialty

    Many higher education institutions offer graduates who have completed their undergraduate studies in business informatics to continue their studies in the master's program.

    The imperfection of modern information technologies, characteristic of everything new and rapidly developing, requires quite high level training in this area. There are many examples when projects of ready-made or custom-made Corporate Information Systems at the stages of implementation and operation end in failure. The main reason for such failures is the lack of specialists who organically combine knowledge in engineering, economics, management and information technology.

    The processes of globalization of the world, determined to a large extent by the rapid development of information technology (IT), dictate new business rules and new approaches to the organization and management of production. Telecommunications, communications and information processing have reached a level where management individual enterprises and entire industrial sectors became possible from the standpoint of managing a single "living organism". Information systems of enterprises have become corporate information systems (CIS) and provide "transparency" of doing business at all levels of management. The presence of CIS in companies makes it possible to quickly respond to changes in external and internal business conditions, increases its profitability in comparison with generally accepted traditional approaches, and makes the "informatized company" attractive for investment. In addition, we should not forget about the need for integration into the global market, which is impossible without a Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9000 standards.

    Today in Russia there are about 60 areas of professional training in the field of IT and more than 50 in the field of economics and management. But, as practice has shown, none of them is able to form synthetic knowledge at the intersection of these areas. Attempts to "mechanically" introduce the missing disciplines into the traditional university departments of vocational training, as a rule, end in failure. As a result, society receives either specialists with shallow knowledge in IT and completely superficial in management and economics, or with shallow knowledge in management and economics and completely superficial in IT. As Kozma Prutkov wrote: “A specialist is like a flux. Its fullness is one-sided.

    Thus, the modern information society requires specialists with complex, specially formed and organically combined knowledge of economics, management and law, who theoretical foundations and practical skills in analytical decision support, conceptual design of corporate information systems, design management and IT implementation. Modern society requires information systems specialists - Business Software Applications Specialist.

    It is the synthesis of knowledge at the intersection of various subject areas that determines the unity of the words "Business" and "Informatics" in the name of the new educational direction of the Department of Information Systems of the South Ural State University. And the task of this department is to eliminate this "flux" according to K. Prutkov.

    State standards and training programs for business informatics are new not only for Russian higher education. They have no analogues in the Western system of higher professional training, where graduates of IT specialties master economic disciplines and the basics of management, as a rule, at the stage of obtaining additional education in specialized schools. Support for this educational area was officially announced by foreign and domestic industry leaders: Microsoft, IBS, IBM, SAP, Computer Association, Lanit, Croc, 1C, InterSoft Lab.

    Educational and methodological association, headed by the Faculty of Business Informatics State University The Higher School of Economics has already entered into partnership agreements with these companies. And this is no coincidence.

    The qualification of business informatics allows him to plan, manage and coordinate activities in the field of creation, implementation and operation of corporate information systems, allows him to competently solve the following tasks:

    • planning and organization of information systems;
    • operation and maintenance of information systems;
    • analytical support for business management decision-making;
    • planning and organizing the execution of IT projects of high complexity.

    The objects of professional activity of business informatics are:

      • programs and software components of information systems;
      • languages ​​and programming systems of information systems;
      • assignments for modification, optimization and development of information systems,

    tools for documenting, describing, analyzing and modeling information and communication processes in information systems;

    • project management tools;
    • standards and methods of organizing management, accounting and reporting at enterprises.

    The organization of the educational process in this educational area corresponds to the principles of the Bologna process, of which Russia became a participant in 2003. The educational process is built according to the 4 + 2 scheme:

    1. first stage of higher education (4 years), qualification - bachelor of business informatics and
    2. second stage (2 years), qualification - master of business informatics.

    At the first stage of higher education, the fundamental knowledge of a specialist is ensured, and in a two-year master's program, functionally-oriented training is carried out. In the junior courses of the first stage of training, the focus is on natural sciences, basic training in the field of information technology (computer science and programming, databases, information systems design), general mathematical disciplines (mathematical analysis, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, probability theory and mathematical statistics) , economic (economic theory, financial and management accounting) and humanitarian disciplines. Special disciplines such as logistics, personnel management, strategic management, information law, modeling and optimization of business processes, architecture of corporate information systems, software life cycle management, information security, etc., appear in the third or fourth years.

    The knowledge and skills acquired at the first stage are basic and, therefore, have a theoretical orientation to a greater extent. These are methodologies related to preparing an enterprise for automation, designing, implementing information systems, organizing an IT service, managing and operating information systems, and managing development. The acquisition of practical work skills is limited to trainings for mastering various tools and systems that reinforce theoretical courses, for example, MS Project, CASE technologies, Aris, Borland Builder C ++ and Delphi, FrameWork and Dot net, etc. Specialists who have received a bachelor's degree are prepared to work as part of a group of performers, as well as service and system managers.

    The function-oriented second stage of training aims at an in-depth study of practical business problems, the formation of practical skills in analytical, advisory, research or scientific and pedagogical activities. Unlike the first degree educational process in the magistracy is based on practical work students in the staff of IT companies, supported by full-time in-depth individual theoretical training at the university. Masters expand the range of economic and managerial disciplines, deepen their knowledge in accordance with the chosen area of ​​specialization of an IT company:

    • modeling and optimization of business processes;
    • IT consulting;
    • design and implementation of information systems;
    • management of enterprise information resources;
    • business analytics of information processes;
    • IT innovation and business.

    A graduate of the master's program is prepared to lead a group of performers, an IT department, he can perform the functions of a top manager in organizing and managing a business in the field of IT.

    Quite recently, the personnel shortage of IT industry leaders and industrial companies was satisfied by the repurchase of qualified personnel by one company from another. But now prices have risen, and there is no one to buy. And the organization of an in-house system of trainings for the training and retraining of specialists requires too much money, too much money needs to be invested in its development. According to domestic and foreign experts, only Russian market labor today requires about 150 thousand lawyers, "managers" and economists, and up to 10% of this business is directly related to information technology. Business informatics specialists are in demand in all areas of business in which information and communication technologies are used. To date, the unmet need for specialists of this profile in Russia alone is about 10 thousand people a year. In addition, in accordance with the Bologna Declaration, the diploma of any country participating in the process is valid without restrictions in all participating countries, for bachelors and masters of Business Informatics, not only the domestic, but also the foreign labor market of information technologies is opened.

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