Coursework: Marketing in the field of sports. The concept of sports marketing and its main features International economic relations in the field of sports marketing


The founder of modern sports marketing is Patrick Neilly, who in the 1970s was engaged in looking for sponsors for various sports competitions. In general, this concept and sphere arose more spontaneously, since for a long time it was believed that sport is a non-commercial sphere and the laws of the market do not apply to it.

It is necessary to distinguish "sports marketing" from "marketing in sports", which refers to the adaptation of already known and proven in other areas of marketing tools.

Professionals agree that traditional marketing methods in the application to the sports field have extremely low results, so today this area can be considered an independent practical discipline. The most important difference between "sports marketing" and marketing in other areas is that, despite the fact that there are certain rules that must be followed, this is the direction in which "planned improvisation", experiments play a very important role.

In addition, sports marketing has a number of specific tasks:

  • - impress the viewer, fan, provide him with a dramatic spectacle, provoke him to emotional empathy, make him choose a side, interest in the development of events;
  • - create news occasions, not only informing the media, but also provoking them to take the side of the club, or opponents of their actions, decisions, involve certain media in a dramatic dialogue;
  • - extract profit from a sporting event for the sponsor, for the club and control the spectator impressions;
  • - involve the sponsor in the process, instill in him loyalty, commitment to the club, show the fan that he, the sponsor, is “their own”, create an associative link between the brand of the professional club and the brand of the manufacturer;
  • - it is emphasized to interact with various cultural organizations, creating the illusion of a "presence effect".

In recent years, the population of most Western European countries has significantly increased their interest both in their own sports activity and in the passive consumption of sports as fans and spectators. We present only some data.

Thus, for example, spending on sports in the private sector in Germany in 1997-1998 amounted to 57 billion marks, or 1.7% of GNP, which is comparable to the value of agricultural products. About 750,000 people, or more than 2% of the total population, were involved in the field of sports directly or indirectly, which corresponded to the share of the population employed in the chemical industry.

Professional sports are also developing successfully: the total budget of the 18 leading football teams in Germany in the 1999-2000 season for the first time exceeded 1 billion marks.

In the practice of Western companies, sports marketing is a long-known, economically justified and well-constructed plan of action. In 1987, more than 3,400 American companies invested over $1.35 billion in sports.

10 years later, in 1997, the number of sports marketing companies increased to 5,200, and budgets grew to 4.3 billion. The average annual growth of such a direction as sponsorship of sports events is increasing by 25-35% according to the indicators of various research companies.

Speaking of sponsorship, one cannot fail to note the special opportunities that sport opens up for manufacturers of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. Although at first glance, these two areas are completely incompatible, but in the world of advertising and PR, such a symbiosis is quite successful. Sponsorship is the most justified, and most importantly legal, opportunity to promote these products. On the Russian market, Nemiroff can be called the most striking example of such a marketing move. The use of sports marketing allowed her to loudly declare her existence to a fairly wide audience, and significantly increase her market share (according to Business Analytics, from 0.3% at the end of 2001 to 0.58 at the end of 2003). A well-known Western example is the Formula One sponsor, West Cigarettes, Marlboro.

60% of the European population is either actively involved in sports or interested in them. This once again proves what a huge potential this target group has and how important it is for the sport to be able to establish long-term positive relations with it.

Initially, this is the formation of public opinion through a well-thought-out information policy, a creative approach, and then an emphasis on the marketing of a specific sporting event.

The latter has now received exceptional professional development thanks to the progress in technology, as well as the new possibilities of the media that have appeared.

It is clear that in order to maintain existing relationships, it is not enough just to distribute colorful booklets or sell sports merchandise. Something more is required: sales promotion, VIP service, attractive offers for certain groups of the population, lotteries, in other words: an open dialogue with feedback is required.

The fact that professional activity in sports brings huge profits is well known (contracts and fees of athletes and coaches, payment for the services of managers, lawyers). But this is true only for economically leading countries, Russia is not yet one of them, and hasty attempts to “scan” foreign models of sports management without an appropriate economic base are doomed to failure. The main advantage of sports marketing is the transmission of the advertising message and marketing communication in an environment of empathy. This is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve with direct advertising. Companies are starting to adapt to this market situation. Sport is what many are sick of, it is precisely that universal language of communication that is close and understandable to everyone. And to convey a marketing message through it is very positive and effective. As a result, loyalty to brands that support any sport is the highest. A study of American experts showed that 72% of Americans prefer the brands of companies that sponsor sports events, even if their goods and services are a bit more expensive.

Meanwhile, in the West, more and more attention is paid to relationship marketing. Relationship marketing means:

  • - establishing relationships with the most significant target groups;
  • - maintaining established relationships;
  • - quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of relationships.

Relationship marketing tools are aimed at creating strong bonds between the client and the enterprise and include:

  • - in the field of product policy - joint product development with the consumer, special types of services, quality assurance, individual technical requirements;
  • - in the field of pricing policy - price differentiation depending on the degree of customer satisfaction, discount systems, bonuses for regular customers, price recommendations;
  • - in the field of distribution - visits to enterprises, sales via the Internet, catalogs, subscription services, direct deliveries;
  • - in the field of product promotion - personal contacts, special promotions, telephone hotline, event marketing, customer clubs, new media and communication tools.

The experience and knowledge gained in relationship marketing can, in our opinion, be successfully applied in sports. Because sport, primarily due to its emotional closeness to a person, has a huge potential, and this potential is far from being used. Naturally, everything is not so simple - in no other sphere of human activity is there such a multifaceted interweaving of relationships as is the case in sports.

The same can be said about the world-famous company Coca-Cola, which became such largely due to its involvement in sports. In the 70s, Coca-Cola, like many companies, did not have an international budget, and therefore there was no way to consider involvement in international activities. Patrick Neilly and Peter West had to spend a lot of time negotiating with the company's executives, asking them to spend some money globally, not locally. As a result, it was decided to invest in football as the most massive sport. “We communicated with young people, giving them the opportunity to learn. Developed very effective teaching materials using tables and posters, which eventually appeared in 36 languages. Thus, Coca-Cola has a simple, but very effective way to communicate at a grassroots level with young people and families,” says Neili.

This was the first example of a serious relationship between a sports federation and a large company. In the mid-70s, Coca-Cola began to actively cooperate with FIFA, supporting various development programs. The main motivation for Coca-Cola in those days was to get knowledge about football from Europe and South America and transfer it to countries with underdeveloped football, such as the USA, countries in Asia, Africa. The Youth Football Championship was organized, where, again, young people were given the opportunity to compete at the world level, and the Coca-Cola company to promote their brand in the international arena.

Thus began the evolution of sports sponsorship.

In 1978, FIFA realized that in order to increase interest in football, it was necessary to begin to cooperate with television. As a result, in 1982 in Spain matches of the World Cup were already held in 14 stadiums, compared with four in the 1978 World Cup in Argentina. 24 teams participated in the Spanish championship, and an international broadcast center was specially created.

So sports abruptly became an international business that needed significant funds in order to support world events. Over time, it became clear that connections and enthusiasm alone were not enough. So, you need to resort to the help of professionals.

Representation economics of physical culture and sports would be incomplete without an analysis of the categories of needs and economic interest. Needs can be defined as the need of an individual or society as a whole for something. It is obvious that needs act as a driving force and an incentive motive in achieving a goal. Conscious needs are transformed into interests, that is, the real causes of social and economic action. We will present the relationship of individual and social needs with physical culture and sports as follows (see Fig. 1).

Fig.1. The relationship of individual and social needs with physical education and sports.

People's needs are ultimately converted into demand, that is, the desire and ability to buy goods and services. The demand for sports goods and services in the market system generates a response from the manufacturers of these products - they develop and supply to the market more and more high-quality and sophisticated sports products, they try to best meet the new needs of society.

By satisfying demand, sporting goods and services manufacturers create supply, that is, the quantity of products that they intend to sell to consumers at the prevailing market price. The volumes of demand and supply of goods in the markets are determined in accordance with the laws of supply and demand, as well as their interaction.

As follows from Fig. 1, the demand for sports goods and services at the micro level is presented by individual individuals - professional athletes, athletes, lovers of outdoor activities and sports tourism. For most people, health is the most important value. Over the centuries-old history of mankind, it has been definitely established that the best way to maintain or restore health is physical culture and sports. Moreover, regular physical education and sports allow people not only to maintain health, but also significantly prolong life. working age make a person more active in social life and at work. Thus, the health of an individual and society as a whole is not only a medical category, but also an economic one.

An important place in the hierarchy of value orientations is occupied by the need for achievements. Sport helps many people to fulfill this need, gives them the opportunity to reach the heights of mastery and glory through their sports talents, developed by hard training. If sport in any country is underdeveloped or inaccessible to most citizens, then people who are inclined to go in for sports are forced to engage in other activities, including those of a criminal nature. In this case, their talents are not used for the benefit of society, but are directed in a destructive direction, causing material and moral damage to the economy and society.

Considering the needs of a person, it is impossible not to dwell on such an important component of them as the need for recreation and entertainment. Rest in this context is understood not as a passive state of rest, but as an activity that relieves fatigue and contributes to the restoration of working capacity. In the economic aspect, the need for recreation and entertainment should be considered from three points of view:

    First, spending their free time on sports grounds and stadiums, people actively rest from everyday work, most fully restoring their physical and intellectual resources;

    Secondly, active recreation with elements of physical culture and sports is an alternative to passive sedentary recreation with the absorption of excessive amounts of food and alcoholic beverages;

    Thirdly, spending their leisure time at stadiums, sports tracks and sports complexes as fans, people get the necessary charge of emotions and experiences, a kind of catharsis. 1 In addition, by attending mass sports events, fans spend money on them, creating new jobs in the field of physical culture and sports.

At the macro level, the demand of individuals is transformed into aggregate demand, and the state, which is directly interested in the development of such relations and their full support, is included in economic relations in the field of physical culture and sports. The state thus stimulates demand in the markets of sports products and sports information, and also contributes to the expansion of supply. State support for physical culture and sports is being implemented through assistance to the sports industry and entrepreneurship in the field of sports relations, both in the form of tax and other benefits, and in the form of direct funding from the budgets of all levels.

Economic relations in the field of physical culture and sports are versatile and multifaceted. They include the entire set of economic relations regarding the production and sale of sports goods and services by the relevant manufacturers and consumers, economic relations between sports clubs, federations, sports societies, individual athletes and coaches among themselves and in interaction with fans. An important branch of economic relations is sports labor markets and financial investments, systems of remuneration and bonuses for athletes and coaches, their social insurance and pensions.

In modern Russian practice, economic relations in physical culture and sports on a market basis are just beginning to take shape; the industry of sports, sports entrepreneurship, tourism and their infrastructure is in its infancy. Only in recent years, sports trade unions and veteran organizations have begun to appear, schemes for insuring athletes against various risks and injuries have been developed and unified, and civilized forms of transfers of athletes to foreign and national sports clubs have been developed. In the field of sports infrastructure, there have also been significant positive developments: in recent years, an entire industry has been formed based on sports events. A complex system of firms has emerged, specializing in:

    Search for domestic and foreign sponsors for individual athletes, clubs, national teams and teams of masters;

    Providing athletes and coaches with services in foreign tours;

    Pension provision of athletes according to individual schemes;

    Athletes insurance;

    Legal services for athletes and coaches;

    Employment of athletes and coaches.

Of course, with the formation of a new sports industry and the formation of sports services markets in Russia, not everything goes smoothly and in a timely manner: quite often an imperfect legislative framework hinders the development of patronage and sponsorship in sports, the formation of an effective system of legal and social protection of athletes and coaches. So far, the taxation schemes for manufacturers of sports goods and services, the principles of financing sports education, are far from perfect. Nevertheless, the positive changes that have emerged in recent years in this most important area of ​​economic relations, as well as the first positive results of the reforms, allow us to talk about the future favorable prospects for the Russian sports industry and its infrastructure.

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    Introduction. page 3

    Chapter 1 Peculiarities of Marketing in the Physical Culture and Sports Sphere

    1.1. The concept of marketing in the economy. page 5

    1.2. Basic principles of marketing. page 6

    1.3. The essence of marketing in physical culture and sports activities. page 8

    Chapter 2. The state of marketing in sports.

    2.1. Problems of development of marketing in sports. page 12

    2.2. members of the sports industry. page 14

    Chapter 3

    3.1. Fans as a factor of financial opportunities in sports. page 17

    3.2. Prospects for the development of sports marketing. page 18

    Conclusion. page 21

    Bibliography. page 22


    Our 21st, information age requires from any person, from any company, the ability to look into the future and ask what changes can be made in their activities in order not only to survive, but also to thrive. Success will be achieved only by those who can quickly and effectively develop their marketing and market.

    Marketing in Russia, including physical culture and sports, is developing dynamically. There is a process of gradual transition from the perception of marketing as a purely marketing, advertising and sponsorship activity to marketing as a modern management concept.

    A marketing opportunity is the ability to meet customer needs for the benefit of the organization. At the same time, it is important to create a unique set of useful qualities of a sports product and express all this through a name, brand, trademark.

    Marketing in FC and C is a complex and voluminous concept that cannot be understood only as advertising publications and the search for sponsors by teams and individual athletes.

    Marketing in FC and S is a market activity for the development of the sphere of active leisure and sports, aimed at attracting the population as spectators, as well as to physical culture and sports by satisfying their needs and requirements

    The main thing in marketing is a two-pronged, complementary approach. On the one hand, this is the conduct of marketing research of the market, demand, tastes and needs, the orientation of production to these requirements, on the other hand, an active influence on the market and existing demand, on the formation of needs and consumer preferences. This determines the basis of marketing in FC and C, the content of its main elements and functions. Among the most important functions are: marketing research, sports product planning, "event development" to better meet existing needs, identifying latent demand, potential consumers, planning and implementing distribution, pricing and promotion.

    These elements are important in themselves, but their complex application is the essence of marketing.

    The basic rule of marketing “produce what you can sell, instead of trying to sell what you can produce” applies to the full extent to the field of physical culture and sports, where the product is a game, tournament, competition, spectacle, individuals .

    Chapter 1. Features of marketing in the physical culture and sports field

    1.1. The concept of marketing in marketing.

    MARKETING (from the English market - market) is a complex system for organizing production and marketing of products, focused on meeting the needs of specific consumers and making a profit based on market research and forecasting, studying the internal and external environment of the exporting enterprise, developing strategies and tactics of behavior in the market with through marketing programs.

    The main areas of marketing are as follows:

    Improvement of the product and its range,

    Studying buyers, competitors and competition,

    Ensuring pricing policy,

    Formation of demand,

    Optimization of distribution channels and sales organization,

    Organization of technical service and expansion of the range of services provided.

    Marketing as a product of a market economy is, in a certain sense, a philosophy of production, completely (from research and development to sales and service) subordinate to the conditions and requirements of the market, which is in constant dynamic development under the influence of a wide range of economic, political, scientific and technical and social factors.

    Manufacturers and exporters consider marketing as a means to achieve goals fixed for a given period for each specific market and its segments, with the highest economic efficiency. However, this becomes real when the manufacturer has the opportunity to systematically adjust its scientific, technical, production and marketing plans in accordance with changes in market conditions, to maneuver its own material and intellectual resources in order to provide the necessary flexibility in solving strategic and tactical tasks, based on the results of marketing research. Under these conditions, marketing becomes the foundation for long-term and operational planning of the production and commercial activities of the enterprise, drawing up export production programs, organizing scientific, technical, technological, investment and production and marketing work of the enterprise team, and marketing management - the most important element of the enterprise management system.

    Marketing activities should provide:

    Reliable, reliable and timely information about the market, the structure and dynamics of specific demand, the tastes and preferences of buyers, that is, information about the external conditions for the functioning of the company;

    Creation of such a product, a set of products (range), which more fully meets the requirements of the market than the products of competitors;

    The necessary impact on the consumer, on demand, on the market, providing the greatest possible control over the scope of sales.

    1.2 Basic principles and methods of marketing activities

    At the heart of the activity of manufacturers working on the basis of marketing principles is the motto: to produce only what the market, the buyer requires. The starting point underlying marketing is the idea of ​​human needs, needs, requests. Hence, the essence of marketing is extremely briefly as follows: one should produce only what will certainly find a market, and not try to impose on the buyer “inconsistent” products previously with the market.

    From the essence of marketing follow the basic principles, which include:

    Focus on achieving the final practical result of production and marketing activities;

    Concentration of research, production and marketing efforts on the decisive areas of marketing activity;

    The focus of the enterprise on the long-term result of marketing work. This requires special attention to predictive research, the development of market novelty products based on their results, providing highly profitable economic activity;

    Application in unity and interconnection of the strategy and tactics of active adaptation to the requirements of potential buyers with simultaneous targeted impact on them.

    From the literature data it follows that the methods of marketing activities are as follows:

    Analysis of the external (in relation to the enterprise) environment, which includes not only the market, but also political, social, cultural and other conditions. The analysis allows you to identify factors that contribute to commercial success or hinder it. As a result of the analysis, a data bank is formed to assess the environment and its capabilities;

    Analysis of consumers, both real and potential. This analysis consists of examining the demographic, economic, social, geographic and other characteristics of people who make a purchase decision, as well as their needs in the broadest sense of this concept and the processes by which they purchase both ours and competing products;

    Studying existing and planning future products, that is, developing concepts for creating new products and / or upgrading old ones, including their assortment and parametric series, packaging, etc. Obsolete products that do not give an estimated profit are removed from production and the market;

    Merchandising and sales planning, including the creation, if necessary, of appropriate own distribution networks with warehouses and shops and / or agency networks;

    Providing demand generation and sales promotion through a combination of advertising, personal selling, non-commercial prestige events (“public relations”) and various financial incentives aimed at buyers, agents and specific sellers;

    Ensuring pricing policy, which consists in planning systems and price levels for supplied goods, determining the “technology” for using prices, credits, discounts, etc.;

    Satisfaction with the technical and social norms of the region in which the products are sold, which means the obligation to ensure the proper safety of the use of the product and environmental protection, compliance with moral and ethical rules, and the proper level of consumer value of the product;

    Management of marketing activities (marketing) as a system, that is, planning, implementation and control of the marketing program and individual responsibilities of each participant in the work of the enterprise, assessment of risks and profits, the effectiveness of marketing decisions.

    1.3. The essence of marketing in physical culture and sports activities

    It is generally recognized that marketing and marketing technologies are fully applicable to the field of physical culture and sports.

    This is due to the fact that it is with the analysis of the general and physical culture of the individual that marketing begins and ends with their formation. Moreover, starting from the study of lifestyle, marketing "at the end" of the implementation of a project or program of physical culture and sports work with the population has the formation of a certain (primarily healthy) lifestyle. This means that in its modern understanding and content, marketing in the field of physical culture and sports is a very powerful and well-integrated technology of socio-cultural innovations, an important component of the general culture and spiritual life of modern society.

    In addition, in the marketing of services, the need to take into account social factors acquires a dominant position. A huge part of the consumers of physical culture and sports services are teenagers, students, pensioners, and the disabled.

    As is known, physical culture and sports belong to the socio-cultural sphere, which has the main goal of reproducing the national human potential. In this regard, it should be noted that it is in physical culture and sports activities that not only the commercial, but the social nature of marketing is manifested to the maximum extent.

    At present, independent areas of socio-cultural marketing in the field of physical culture and sports have become more and more clearly specialized - marketing of ideas, sports, competitions, famous athletes, sports organizations, teams and coaches, territories and places (claiming, for example, to host the largest international sports competitions), programs of physical culture and sports work with the population, etc.

    It is also legitimate to understand marketing as a theory and practice of management activities in the field of physical culture and sports.

    And finally, marketing can be defined as the philosophy of the subjects of the market of the industry "physical culture and sports". By the term "philosophy" we mean: the way of thinking and the principles of specific actions of the participants in civilized market relations. For producers of physical culture and sports services, this is a way of thinking and acting in relation to consumers, intermediaries, competitors, personnel of their own company, as well as product, pricing, communication and marketing policies. The essence of marketing as a philosophy of the market is expressed for the subjects of supply primarily in the fact that consumer requests are put at the forefront, only those services are provided that will be in demand by specific market segments, prices are formed taking into account the dynamics of solvent demand, specialists are selected for management positions, competent in matters of the market economy, the conjuncture of the services provided, focused on marketing, etc.

    Thus, marketing in the field of physical culture and sports is not so much commercial as social in nature, it is a special kind of social work with the population, a technology of socio-cultural innovations aimed, in a broad sense, at the reproduction of national human capital. In addition, marketing is the theory and practice of managerial activity, the philosophy of the subjects of the market of the industry "physical culture and sports".

    Any socio-cultural phenomenon, including sports activities, always needs the moral, organizational and financial support of society. The ambitions of an individual or a group of people, aimed at satisfying social and sports needs and interests in order to assert themselves and develop creative abilities, are always in opposition to objective and subjective opportunities to receive moral, material and financial support.

    In sports, they are always concerned about the availability of financial resources, which largely determine the volume and quality of sports creativity. That is, the marketing problem of sports teams, athletes is the search for investments and financial support for the implementation of sports programs. The core of efficiency for solving these problems is the introduction of a business function in the organization of sports activities, the development and implementation of a marketing strategy.

    So, sports marketing considers sports activities as a specific product, which, according to its sports mission, requires a special marketing position with mandatory mutual respect for the theoretical laws of both parties - sports and marketing, and therefore implies its own marketing approach.

    Chapter 2. The state of marketing in sports.

    2.1. Problems of development of marketing in sports.

    Marketing in the sports and fitness areas is just beginning to make its way, especially in Russia, and many experts already believe that sports marketing has serious problems.

    First, the demographic changes that will take place in the near future will significantly affect sports marketing. This includes:

    The aging process of nations. Some sports organizations have already begun to improve their marketing systems in response to this trend; The increase in the elderly population in most developed countries can seriously affect the attendance of sports competitions, the popularity of sports and the size of the television audience, which are indicators that determine the effectiveness of sports marketing. For older people, convenience, accessibility, quality and service are essential motivators in consumer decision-making. Although for most Russians of the older generation, such a motivation factor as cost is still significant;

    Changing family type - families headed by an unmarried or divorced woman;

    Increase free time.

    Secondly, the emergence of serious competitors to sports. Some experts believe that art will eclipse sports as the main form of entertainment and recreation, especially among the older generation. Anticipating the growth in the popularity of art and the decline in interest in sports, some sports leaders in a number of countries organize and hold various kinds of sports festivals - a symbiosis of sports and art. .

    And another problem is the change in the popularity of sports. At the same time, the following trends may have a positive impact on the development of health-improving and sports services: .

    A healthy lifestyle is becoming an integral part of life for many;

    The outdoor recreation industry has recently attracted large enterprises;

    Understanding by the leaders of sports and health clubs that the main success factor is the quality (of work and sports facilities);

    The growth of scientific and technical information, its penetration into all spheres of physical culture and health-improving activity;

    Development of family sports;

    Lack of communication, desire to work in a group, under the guidance of a professional;

    Development of sports and health-improving work in parks;

    Formation of a close connection between sports and health clubs with medical institutions;

    The desire of the majority of the population to protect themselves leads to the fact that small and medium-sized clubs will enjoy success.

    American experts, taking into account this trend, propose to create clubs without walls, that is, clubs designed both for their members and for their friends, relatives, and acquaintances. . In such clubs, it is necessary to have various information literature. They should keep a closer eye on scientific research in the field of health and wellness activities and disseminate the knowledge gained among their members. As a rule, such clubs hold many seminars, conferences, lectures on various issues related to health for all interested parties.

    This course is aimed at the formation of specialists in the field of FC and sports with a new way of thinking, new methods of work, a new approach to business. Sports marketing will gain ground with the emergence of such professionals who are able to work in a rapidly changing market environment, able to use theoretical knowledge and practical experience in everyday work. In turn, a stable economic situation aside, the existence of a legislative framework for taxes, small and medium-sized businesses, the development of advertising, competition, sponsorship will give a positive direction to the development of marketing in the physical culture and sports industry.

    2.2. members of the sports industry.

    Participants in sports marketing can be divided into five main groups.

    Sports Marketing Buyers: This includes TV and radio stations interested in reporting, individuals seeking retail and licensed production licensing rights, sports event organizers and all sponsors.

    Vendors of the above opportunities (their suppliers): television and radio companies, sports leagues, team representatives, sports organizers such as the Atlanta Olympic Games Committee, licensing authorities, organizations hosting or facilitating competitions - they all sell emotional essence and sports opportunities. .

    Figure skating demonstrations, baseball insert exhibitions are organized to attract the attention of the audience, and mass-market sports companies like Nike and Reebok attract outstanding athletes to promote their products.

    Employees of all involved structures. Employees and workers representing a variety of activities take part in ensuring the holding of a sporting event. Responsibilities related to the sale and control of tickets at the entrance, small and large outlets for selling various goods to spectators and other works require a large number of employees who are needed to install equipment, control its operation, maintain and dismantle. For example, golf courses are prepared for competitions and advertising providing spectators not with ghosts or other extraterrestrial beings, but with employees hired for this.

    Athletes: men and women whose talents consistently excite the most diverse groups of spectators. It is they who are ultimately responsible for moving billions of dollars, ensuring a continuous production cycle.

    The big fast-growing groups that will have the biggest impact on sports leagues in a very short time. Sports figures are undoubtedly dependent on corporate injections, which are carried out through sponsorship. In order to encourage these groups to take ownership of the sports leagues, the latter will effectively guarantee them a permanent investment opportunity. These groups bring to the sport not only money. Their contribution lies in experience, ad campaign expertise, attracting allies (for example, networking with television stations and other media, trade magnates and access to retail), and a desire to succeed in business.

    Sellers (organizers) prepare and determine the cost of all components of sports events that are attractive to sponsors, and this in one way or another affects events both on the sports ground and beyond. The sale of tickets and broadcast rights, the naming of competitions and the conclusion of agreements for the support of goods and services by famous athletes transform the emotional mood of the fans and the purity of the mind of the sport into almost naked, undisguised revenue generation.

    Buyers (sponsors) negotiate on behalf of their companies to create sales programs that can spark enthusiasm among retailers, entice consumers to sports arenas, and create good morale among company employees. Their financial obligations to sports leagues, the sports themselves, the athletes with whom they enter into endorsement agreements, television and radio personnel, and within their own professional field, all affect the market price of any aspect of sporting activity.

    Managers of corporations involved in product promotion campaigns constantly receive many proposals for funds. And until the general trends in advertising and promotional organization change, corporate sponsorship buyers will continue to influence the sport, both on and off the playing field or running field.

    As the relationship between sport and sponsorship grows stronger, the struggle for sponsorship rights takes on new and new forms. As sports sponsorship is increasingly partnered with the media and retailers, companies are gradually gaining more and more power in negotiating with vendors.

    Chapter 3. Trends in the development of marketing in sports.

    3.1 Fans as a factor in financial opportunities in the spot

    The financial possibilities of the sport are constantly growing, and the fans are behind it. They participate in it in different ways: they buy tickets, watch TV shows, listen to the radio, read newspapers, magazines and brochures, and collect various sports-related souvenirs. Together, they spend $6 billion a year attending various competitions, and those classified as "members of the household" by statistics spend 178 hours at home in front of the TV, rooting for their teams. .

    This means that the fans are a tasty morsel for advertising structures that sincerely want to get it.

    Thrifty marketing managers around the world always take into account the pronounced enthusiasm of the public for the entire sports industry. Knowing about such a constant and stable interest, companies are trying to “tie” their products to ongoing sporting events, hoping that interest in sports will “infect” goods and services somehow related to it. And the variety of competitions offers companies a wide range of opportunities to organize promotional events aimed at different segments of the audience.

    Every day, companies receive offers to sponsor competitions in basketball, both sports, auto racing, athletics, swimming, golf, tennis, sailing, cycling, hockey, boxing, as well as those held in schools and colleges around the world. The main reason for such proposals is the same - the sport arouses unflagging enthusiasm among the fans. And depending on the rank and significance of the competition for the audience, i.e. those people who watch TV, listen to the radio, come to stadiums and gyms, as well as from the scale of the audience of programs, the fluctuations in the cost of such a business are very significant. So, for a minor league sports team, it's only a few hundred dollars; for the purchase of advertising during the matches of teams that make up the elite, this figure will increase to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    3.2 Prospects for the development of sports marketing

    In the 21st century that has come, our expectations are connected with the hopes for the strengthening of the objective phenomenon of modern sports along all lines.

    The psychological phenomenon of sports is a pronounced attraction, which has a mass character and manifestation, which will further emphasize the emotional characteristics of sports, especially among fans. If the 20th century hinted at the problems associated with mass hysteria and the criminal behavior of fans, it is possible that the 21st century may become a century of real threat to the basic ethical principles of sport, based on its high mission.

    The social phenomenon of sport is the designation of a real field of wide public influence. Sport will become a very serious activity of a significant level for all structures of the population: either as a recreational, or as an amateur, or as a professional. Sport gives and will give every person the opportunity to participate in it. It will always be a great chance for young people to find their way in life - either as an athlete or as a worker. Sports in the 21st century will be the industry that creates the largest number of new jobs. The sports industry is already emerging as one of the most significant entrepreneurial industries in the world.

    The economic phenomenon of sport will rise to such a level that it will become a threat to its mission - the essence of its activities. Profit may become the only category for measuring sports success. Everything, even the basic principles and laws of sports - there is reason to believe - will be subject to the laws of business. In this case, if people do not have the mind to keep the mission of sport in balance with business, then sport and business in it will swallow themselves. The coming century will be a century of great temptations for sports. If we overcome these temptations, sport will forever remain a human ideal.

    The political phenomenon of sport will also rise to the point where the image of sport may trump the political image of individuals and political groups. Sport will increasingly be under the threat of influence from political structures for one simple reason - the growth of intentions to use its image for the sake of political ambitions. This means that sport will be under the "shadow" control of politics, even in countries with traditional democratic foundations.

    In the general world situation, which, of course, includes sports as an integral part, in the foreseeable future, inequality between the haves and the have-nots, both within individual countries and on a global scale, will increase, not decrease. In this regard, the most likely trend that will affect international marketing will be the continued growth in the volume of transport and communication services. This will radically increase the global exchange of information about new products and lifestyles. In short, it will be a real globalization of the economy and marketing.

    On the other hand, "Big Sport" will develop only through the world's global development, the dangers and threats of which we have already spoken about. But under any circumstances, the development strategy of “Big Sport” will be aimed at the globalization of world sports under the control of the current “centers of power” in world sports, some international associations and professional leagues. In the future, they will become multinational sports corporations, and they will hold almost all the power.

    Such an environment will inevitably lead to further standardization of marketing programs in many countries of the world, an extremely precise definition of market segments in which there will be two largest segments: for the rich and for the poor.

    On the one hand, the growth trend of sports services offered to a wide audience will determine the lifestyle of each person. Probably, it can be argued that if a person in the 20th century began to use the services of a personal psychotherapist, then in the 21st century he will be friends with his personal trainer. Sport, indeed, after about 28 centuries of its organized life, apparently, it will become nationwide in the 21st century. .


    Marketing is a process during which goods and services are developed and made available to people to ensure a certain standard of living.

    Marketing combines several activities aimed at identifying, serving, satisfying consumer needs in order to achieve the goals of the organization.

    The analysis of literary sources revealed the features of marketing in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as the principle and essence of marketing in sports activities.

    Marketing in sports is a market activity, therefore, certain prospects and trends in the development of the financial capabilities of sports can be foreseen.

    For sports marketing, the most important thing is to increase the sports audience and expand the sports market, in order to keep the public, but valuable sports subjects in the course of the evolving globalization, it is necessary to look for a solution to expand the sports audience and the sports market in the process of sports integration.


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