Distance course management and development of a non-profit organization. What is fundraising in Russia: types and sources Fundraising is a new profession in the field of investment


Lecturer-expert of applied socio-economic programs of the Training Center "Specialist" at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman

AT All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories(OKPDTR) the term "fundraiser" does not occur. Does this mean that there are no fundraisers in Russia? They are. Moreover, there are fundraisers in almost every budget and non-profit organization. Many of you have met them. It is likely that you yourself are a fundraiser, but just do not know about it yet.

So, what kind of profession is this - a fundraiser and what does this specialist do?

The name of the profession is of English origin and consists of two parts: fund and raise. The first part of the word is translated as "fund", "cash". The second part of the word is “raise”, “earn”, “raise to a power”, “raise”.

Taking into account the translation and established practice, fundraisers are called specialists who collect Money and other resources in the interests of third parties for a fee.

The last circumstance: raising funds on a contractual basis distinguishes Western fundraisers from Russian ones. As a rule, employees of our organizations carry out fundraising activities free of charge as part of other job responsibilities. Teachers are looking for money to restore the school museum, coaches - to travel athletes to competitions, artistic directors - to make scenery.

Professional fundraising is a phenomenon inherent in developed economic countries. Given that Russia has embarked on this path, the establishment of a professional fundraising institution is inevitable. Sooner or later, the work of fundraisers in our country will be paid. Our colleagues abroad receive from 5 to 20% of the amount of funds raised for their work. Let's try on the potential capabilities of Western colleagues.

According to regional media in August 2013 joint-stock company OAO TATNEFT allocated 170 thousand rubles for the arrangement of specialized corners for the disabled in the libraries of the city of Angarsk. It follows from this that librarians participating in negotiations with the sponsor could receive remuneration from 8.5 to 34 thousand rubles in addition to wages. I am sure that this money would not be superfluous for them.

Do you want your specialists to take an active part in raising funds? Create an incentive system for fundraisers! Having a personal interest, fundraisers will independently find sources of funding, show virtuoso skills in negotiations with donors, sponsors, and investors. This will benefit all parties and, above all, society. Because fundraising is aimed at solving social problems and tasks.

Do you want fundraisers to raise a lot of money? Organize corporate training for employees in your city or offer them individual training on their own. The higher the qualifications of your fundraising specialists, the less your burden of responsibility for their financial support.

What is the salary of a fundraiser

Economic terms, whatever they may be, are increasingly penetrating the lexicon of ordinary citizens. We have long known what insurance is for and whether it is worth working on Forex. Not so long ago, a new word has spread - fundraising.

Fundraising: meaning of the term

A fundraiser is a person who is engaged in attracting material, monetary, informational or human resources that are necessary for a particular enterprise.

Therefore, fundraising is the process of organizing the attraction of these funds. Not quite clear? Move on.

What is the meaning of the word fundraiser? In order to understand the semantics, we need to refer to the English word fundraising, formed from the phrase to raise fund, which means “raising funds”.

Who needs fundraising and why?

Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century and, it would seem, we should have a good idea of ​​the structure of cash flows and ways to redirect them, in the domestic economy, many issues related to raising funds seem incomprehensible to many. How do our non-commercial businesses operate?

They, for the most part, do not raise funds at all, but are content with what they get. As you understand, they do not get much a priori, and therefore the enterprise either urgently needs help, or there is simply not enough money.

At the same time, if we turn our eyes to the West or even Europe, we will see that the situation is quite different there. Very often, entrepreneurs, without even developing a project, already for its implementation. This is due to the fact that the state participates little in the financing of social spheres. At its core, a fundraiser is the same investor, with the difference that funds are raised mainly for non-commercial projects, although they may well be used for commercial purposes.

Fundraising Sources

Where to get these resources, what serves as a source of fundraising? These can be private companies or individuals, state-owned enterprises and non-state foundations. How is fundraising done? In different ways, depending on who the above sources are. And they can be investors, sponsors, donors, philanthropists or a grant-giving organization.

Fundraiser: Fundraising Responsibilities and Tasks

So, what exactly does a fundraiser do? Of course, first of all, by raising funds from the sources mentioned above. Secondly, an important part of the fundraiser's duties is to build new connections. Any project or organization needs friends who can support, advertise or offer profitable partnerships.

In addition, the new project must be publicized, and therefore the fundraiser is engaged in a kind of advertising of the organization's activities, informs about its goals and strategy.

It should be noted that according to the method of implementation, fundraising can be external and internal.

An internal fundraiser is a person who works directly in an organization and is engaged in the search for an external fundraiser with the assistance of special consultants, experts and fundraising firms.

Fundraising in Russia

In our country, fundraising appeared in the early nineties, along with the gradual development of various non-profit enterprises. Today this discipline is taught at universities along with the basics of marketing and social management.

It should be noted that we still have a low share of the population and state enterprises involved in generating income for Russian non-profit organizations. However, the market situation forces us to look for new forms and ways of raising funds, and therefore the process of fundraising development is underway, which is approaching the US level at a pace.

Not so long ago, namely in November 2013, the Association of Fundraisers of Russia was formed. The purpose of this association is to promote the development of charity based on fundraising, subject to the awareness and support of the inhabitants of the country. According to the director of the new association, Irina Menshenina, today the most important thing for the members of the organization is to raise awareness of the country's citizens about such an activity as fundraising. The Russians do not know that a fundraiser is a specialist in the field of raising funds, and they confuse honest activity with fraud.

The Association offers two types of membership - for individuals and for companies that can be businesses (structures or NGOs). The services provided by the Association are as follows:

  • training activities that are conducted in real time or remotely;
  • informing the members of the association;
  • consulting activities on accounting, economic and legal topics;
  • participation of members of the organization in social research.

Lilia Firgatievna

Deputy Director for Development, Non-Profit Organization Charitable Foundation Downside Up, Moscow
In the non-profit sector since 2005. Practicing fundraiser, consultant, trainer, author of books and articles on fundraising. Author of the project "Fundraising in the style of FUN" (fundraising-fun.ru).


Vladimir Pavlovich

Managing Partner, Process Consulting LLC
Member of the Board of the Association of Specialists in Program and Policy Evaluation, head of the Moscow branch of ASOPP. One of the founders of the International Program Evaluation Network, which operated in the CIS from 2000 to 2015. Since 1991 he has been working as an organizational development consultant, trainer and project and program evaluator.


Vyacheslav Ivanovich

Independent expert
Chairman of the Expert Council Polytechnic Museum, Chairman of the Public Commission for the Preservation of the Heritage of Academician Sakharov. An expert in the field of charity and the development of civil society. Author of several articles and the book "On Foundations in Russia".


Ekaterina Rudolfovna

Senior Lecturer, RANEPA
Member expert council Club of accountants of non-profit organizations. Member of the Expert Council on Non-Commercial Organizations under the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation. Member of the Expert Council on the methodology of accounting for non-profit organizations at the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia.


Maria Olegovna

Executive Director of the Association of Fundraisers
In the non-profit field since 2012. She took part in the implementation of the social project "Museum Inspector". Participates in the Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring program.


Alexander Eduardovich

Director of the Strategy Department of the Downside Up Charitable Foundation
Since 1993, he has worked in various projects aimed at the development of non-profit organizations in Russia and the CIS countries. For 10 years he was one of the leaders of the NGO Support Center (Moscow), and later - the Institute for Social Development. He is the developer of a number of courses on the topics of organizational development of SO NPOs.


Pavel Yurievich

President of the Association "Club of Accountants and Auditors of Non-Commercial Organizations"
In the non-profit sector since 1988. From 2002 to 2003, he was a member of the working group of the Russian Ministry of Finance on tax reform. Since 2011, under the editorship of Gamolsky, a series of books "Non-profit Organizations" has been published, in which it is planned to publish books on all areas of activity of non-profit organizations.


Elvira Shamilyevna

Project Manager of the Elena and Gennady Timchenko Foundation
Since 1999 he has been working in the non-profit sector. She was engaged in the development of corporate social responsibility and GR-direction in international financial and industrial corporations. At the Timchenko Foundation, he oversees the "Family and Children" direction.


Sergey Viktorovich

CEO Social Investment Fund
Co-author of the School of Social Entrepreneurship model, the first Russian accelerator program for social entrepreneurs, actively replicated in the regions of Russia as part of the creation of Social Innovation Centers. Head of the working group of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives for the Development of the Ecosystem of Social Entrepreneurship.


Dmitry Adgamovich

Director of Fundraising and Communications MBOO Russian Committee "Children's Villages SOS"
Fundraiser-practitioner, 10 years involved in attracting private donations in the World Fund wildlife(WWF) as part of the work of the Supporters program. Since 2012, he has been the director of fundraising in charitable organization“Children's villages - SOS. Russia". Author and co-author of a number of fundraising manuals.


Snezhana Anatolyevna

Head of the program "Fundraising and promotion of social initiatives", expert in marketing and PR "Laboratory of social entrepreneurship"
In 2013, she was the organizer of the Federal Competition for Initiatives to Increase financial literacy Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Expert in the development and implementation of fundraising and crowdfunding projects.

Efremova Hart

Irina Yuryevna

Independent expert
Valuation Expert social programs. Since 1999, he has been working in international and Russian non-profit organizations, development programs and foundations, including: the National Democratic Institute, the Eurasia Foundation, the Law and Justice Foundation.


Tatyana Gavrilovna

Co-Chairman of the Committee for Business and NPO Interaction of the American Chamber of Commerce
From 1996 to 2002 - administrative director of the Russian Representative Office of the organization "Doctors of the World". Since 2002 - Executive Director of the Road Together charity foundation. In 2013-2014 - Chairman of the Board of the Donor Forum. From 2014 to 2015 - Chairman of the Council of the Association of Fundraisers of Russia.


Ilya Vladimirovich

Head of the Human Resources Department of Otkritie Factoring LLC (Otkritie Financial Group), Candidate of Psychological Sciences
In 2008-2013 supervised the personnel management service of the charitable children's fund"Victoria"


Alena Alexandrovna

Chairman of the Board of the B.E.L.A. Butterfly Children»
Since 2011, he has been the founder and chairman of the board of the B.E.L.A. Butterfly children. Since 2014 - Member of the Audit Commission of the Council of the Association of Fundraisers of Russia.


Sergey Viktorovich

Independent expert in the field of management and evaluation of social projects
Since 2002 he has been working in the field of corporate social responsibility. Expert-analyst, actively involved in the development of programs for the effective development of the non-profit sector in Russia through the dissemination of international experience and knowledge sharing.


Tatyana Olegovna

Head of the Directorate of Fundraising, Marketing and Communications, Member of the Board of the Victoria Children's Charitable Foundation
Since 2011, she has been covering the activities of the Victoria Children's Charitable Foundation in the media, as well as interacting with corporate and large private donors.


Irina Leonidovna

Development Director of the Downside Up Charitable Foundation, founder of the Sport for Good project
In the field of charity since 1995. Since 2001, he has been professionally involved in raising funds, advising and training fundraisers in Russia. From 2014 to 2015, she served as Executive Director of the Russian Fundraising Association.


Marina Evgenievna

Director of the RBOO Arkhangelsk Center for Social Technologies "Garant"
Member of the Public Expert Council on Health at the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly of Deputies. One of the organizers of the Board of Trustees in Arkhangelsk, which is one of the first successful models of systematic charity in Russia.


Oksana Ivanovna

General Director of the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation
From 2012 to 2014 - Executive Director of the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation. Since 2014 he has been a member of the Board of the Donor Forum, and since January 2015 he has been its chairman. Author of over 50 scientific publications on the problems of federalism, the relationship between the center and the regions.


Roman Sergeevich

Development Director of Charity Infrastructure LLC
From 2008 to 2014 - Executive Director of the International Mentoring Program for Children in Difficult Life Situations Big Brothers Big Sisters of Russia. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Russia. In 2012, he took part in the international leadership exchange program Volunteering in the USA.


Nikolai Yurievich

Executive and National Director of the Interregional Public Charitable Organization Russian Committee - "Children's Villages SOS"
Co-founder and head of the audit committee of the Russian Association of Fundraisers. Expert of the Coordinating Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children for 2012-2017.


Alexandra Yurievna

Executive Director of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program
Head of the mentoring program for children left without parental care, NGO "Big Brothers Big Sisters". Conducts active volunteer activities: participates in socially significant projects.


Elena Viktorovna

Director of Communications and Strategic Planning of the BlagoSfera Center
An expert in the field of effective communications, intersectoral interaction and partnership, social responsibility of business. In the non-profit sector for over 20 years.


Elena Andreevna

Director of the ANO "Agency for Social Information"
Since 1994, he has been the director of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Agency for Social Information (ASI). He has many years of experience in managing social and communication projects. Author of many publications on social topics, NPO activities, social responsibility and sustainable development.


Natalia Borisovna

Director of scholarship and grant programs "RYBAKOV FUND"
Member of the Board of the Russian Association of Program and Policy Evaluators. Member of the working group of the Russian School of Grant Managers. Member of the competition committee for the selection of socially oriented non-profit organizations to provide subsidies from federal budget.


Natalia Viktorovna

independent expert, analyst in the field of social innovation, charity, CSR
Specialist in the evaluation of social programs and projects with successful experience in expert support of large Russian charitable foundations(including the organization, support and evaluation of grant competitions), as well as small regional NGOs.


Vladimir Viktorovich

Director of the Association of Non-Commercial Organizations "Union of Volunteer Organizations and Movements"
Council Member public organizations for the protection of patients' rights under the Moscow Department of Health. Member of the Public Council under the Department social protection population of Moscow. Deputy Chairman of the Public Council of the South Administrative District of Moscow.



Executive Director of the Association "Lawyers for Civil Society"
More than 10 years in the non-profit sector. Since November 2012, he has been a legal adviser at the branch of the International Center for Non-Commercial Law in Russia. He has extensive experience in advising non-profit organizations on legal issues, speaking at events of various levels.


Vladimir Nikolayevich

Chief Researcher, IPTP RAS
In 2013 -2015 - Chairman of the Expert Council under the Government of Moscow on the Contest of subsidies for socially oriented NGOs. In 2011-2014, he was a member of the expert council of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on determining federal budget subsidies for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and a member of the expert council of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on determining subsidies for infrastructure NGOs.

In relation to NGOs, a fundraiser or, more precisely, a fundraiser (the word comes from the English fund - funds, financing and raise - finding, collecting) is a specialist in attracting financial and other support for non-profit programs and projects of the organization.

“To put it lyrically, a fundraiser is a servant of two masters,” explains Dmitry Daushev, director of fundraising and communications "Children's Villages - SOS Russia". – His task is to ensure that the organization / project has a sufficient amount of resources and that the donor who provides these resources is happy about it. The fundraiser must organize his work in such a way that each of the two parties gets what he wants.” In many ways, this is precisely the art of fundraising, the expert is sure.

Fundraising plus/minus PR

Having at least one full-time fundraiser is already a great achievement, says Alexey Lakhov, development specialist of the Charitable Foundation "Humanitarian Action". This means that there is a person in the fund who is purposefully responsible for raising funds for the organization.

One of the main conditions successful work fundraiser - recognition, sharing the mission of the NGO in which he works. "It's important professional quality fundraiser, - says Dmitry Daushev. “In addition, a specialist must observe the presumption of professionalism of colleagues: he must raise funds for projects that the program specialists of the fund will name him.” If the fundraiser is told that green shovels are needed to plant a forest in the Sahara Desert, then the fundraiser is collecting money for these green shovels. And this should be taken for granted, Dmitry emphasizes.

But still, in the end, the activity of a fundraiser is measured precisely by money - the amount of funds raised, the expert sums up. And the employee must be prepared for the fact that the quality of his work will be evaluated, first of all, by financial indicators.

Hello! In this article, we will talk about a new direction of activity - fundraising, which is increasingly used by charitable and non-profit organizations in our country.

Today you will learn:

  • What is the job of a fundraiser?
  • What sources are used to raise funds;
  • What technologies and methods are used by fundraising firms;
  • What are the features of this activity in Russia.

What is fundraising

Every organization needs a constant flow of resources. Some need funds and volunteers for charitable purposes, others need financial injections for confident or development.

In Russia, most non-profit and non-profit organizations do not engage in systematic and thoughtful fundraising. Therefore, they often face the question of lack of money, volunteers or partners for cooperation.

The new term "fundraising" is increasingly found in the media. It means a specific method of collecting financial assets and miscellaneous resources for a specific project. It is increasingly used by non-profit organizations that need volunteer or financial assistance.

The designation comes from the English combination "to raise fund" and literally translates as "raising funds."

In developed countries, fundraising has long been actively used to raise funds for the following purposes:

  • Capital to start and work interesting;
  • Financing of developments and technical projects in science;
  • Maintenance of amateur teams and support of events in the sports field;
  • Sponsoring candidates or headquarters in the political arena during elections;
  • charitable needs;
  • Material support cultural events, theaters or museums.

The traditional collection of donations is just one of the areas of work. The result can be personal time of volunteers, various goods and services, discounts on procedures or generous patrons. The latter can help with promotion and advertising, provide transportation or space for the activities of a non-profit organization.

Fundraising types

Experienced fundraisers are becoming more and more in-demand specialists in Russia. This is the name of professionals who, using various methods and methods, raise funds.

Companies providing such services on a contractual basis have been successfully operating in Europe and the USA for a long time. A striking example of fundraising is the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. More than 70 specialists officially work in its staff, whose task is to collect donations and charitable contributions, search for patrons to maintain the collections.

The objects of fundraising can be the release of a disc by a beginner group or the arrangement of a playground. On a serious level, this is the organization of international competitions or the support of many years of scientific research.

In European countries, strategy development is professionally carried out by entire companies and firms, staffed by experienced marketers, managers and lawyers.

Professional search for funds can be project or operational. In the first case, it takes place at a specific event or startup. In the second, resources are attracted to ensure the activities of the fund, maintaining its stable operation.

In addition, fundraising can be divided into two main types:

  • Interior: the questions of finding new resources and sponsors are dealt with by the managers of the organization itself;
  • External: third-party consultants or professional fundraisers, special consulting companies are involved for successful work.

Fundraising in Russia

In our country, the number of firms and specialists professionally working to collect finances and resources is increasing every year.

The emergence of a large number of non-profit organizations, problems with funding funds from the state lead to the need to hire professionals.

Russia lags far behind the US and Europe in terms of the number of people and companies constantly participating in fundraising projects from different angles.

Three problems hinder rapid growth:

  • Distrust of ordinary people to volunteer organizations and wealthy patrons;
  • Unwillingness to forcibly transfer contributions (especially when the benefactors' standard of living is low);
  • Lack of knowledge about the activities of charitable foundations, their closeness for the majority of participants.

Nevertheless, the Association of Fundraisers already operates in Russia. Established in 2013, it provides continuous training for professionals based on master classes, seminars and brochures. She sets herself the task of turning the movement into a system that in a few years will unite all professionals and raise the status of their work to the proper level.

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