Approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of social programs. The effectiveness of state regional social programs saushkin alexander vladimirovich. Fig.2. Interrelation and correlation of characteristics with the purpose of the social program



In order to determine the effectiveness of the social program, final analytical and financial reports are provided on the activities performed and other events implemented within the framework of the program, with the following indicators:

Quantitative indicators, they are determined by:

The number of supported programs in the field of social protection, healthcare, education, youth initiatives, culture, etc.;

The number of concluded contracts (based on financing according to estimates);

The number of events held during the implementation of programs (activities include: conferences, seminars, trainings, consultations, etc.);

The number of those who took part in the implementation of the program activities (number of men and women, labor veterans);

The number of organizations and institutions that received support for initiatives (indicate the name, number of employees and the main type of activity);

The number of organizations of all forms of ownership involved in the implementation of the supported programs (indicate the organization, manager and type of activity).

Qualitative indicators, they are determined by:

Profile of newly created public associations, non-profit organizations;

Conditions for new jobs created (indicate for which professions and how many places, type of payment and work);

The composition of those who took part in various training events;

The nature of the performed scientific research on various activities of the program (direction of research, quantitative and qualitative results, authors).

Currently, there is no unified system of methods for assessing the effectiveness and quality of institutions social services or social service systems in a particular area. All proposed assessments are not comprehensive, covering only one side (or some sides) of the activity of the object under study.

Thus, the quantitative indicators of the coverage of the population with social services, the availability of institutions, the set of their functions do not give an idea of ​​the qualitative side of the object; subjective assessments by clients of the activities of social services are quite important, but, as management theory has long established, they mainly reflect their emotions (complain or admire most often those who have found some deviations for better or worse, or people with a special character warehouse). Finally, the degree of public awareness of the need for social services significantly affects the nature of the assessment given by clients. Therefore, although constant research into the opinions of clients is an indispensable part of the work of social services, professionals social management should be well aware of the relativity of the results obtained using such tools. Social expertise should also be mentioned among the evaluation methods.

Assessment of the current state of a social facility involves solving the following tasks:

Analysis using selected evaluation criteria of the strengths and weaknesses of the activity, characterization of the management system of a social facility, its material base, determination of the degree of staffing of an institution or body with professional personnel, expansion prospects, etc. (diagnostic tasks);

Ranking of shortcomings in the activities of the institution: shortcomings that can be eliminated within the system itself, by the staff of this facility; deficiencies that cannot be eliminated by the staff of this facility;

Determining the place of a social object in the social structure of the jurisdictional territory; modeling its connections with other objects or systems of the social sphere involved in the process of transformation.

The stage of assessing the current state of a social object in the process of preparing a program for its transformation is one of the key ones. The result of such an assessment and the conclusions formulated on its basis constitute the final basic position for the entire subsequent design procedure. In this regard, the conclusions must be reliable, objective and complete. They are designed to motivate the manager to work, to give him an idea of ​​the real prospects for the development of a social object, to demonstrate what can be achieved in a particular situation, what problems cannot be solved without involving other resources of the social system.

The economic management subsystem is a set of economic levers, with the help of which an economic effect is achieved. In contrast to the organizational - administrative economic management subsystem involves the development of general planning - economic indicators and the means to achieve them. This is a kind of economic mechanism in economic relations. As a result of increasing the effectiveness of economic levers and incentives, conditions are being formed under which the labor collective and its members are encouraged to effective work not so much by administrative influence (orders, directives, instructions, etc.) as by economic incentives.

Targeted programs have a great effect in economic management. Solving predominantly economic problems, target programs in connection with this and on the basis of this solve many of the most diverse social programs. Social measures of any targeted program are aimed at improving the living conditions of people, they are designed to prevent or reduce social tension, prevent social conflicts.

Performance analysis in social work

Not a single organization is immune from shortcomings, but assessments, along with weaknesses, make it possible to identify resources, growth points, successes and achievements. In addition, if you do not investigate the activity, then it is difficult to identify blunders, and therefore ...

Performance analysis in social work

Demography as a science

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The study of methods for assessing the effectiveness of the provision of social services in the department of social services at home for elderly and disabled citizens

Internet as social media

Quality of life of the population and social standards

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Criteria for effective social policy

social policy cost mobility Social efficiency is the ratio of the costs of social events to the results obtained ...

Features of the Department of Social Protection of the Population and Determining the Direction for its Improvement

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Improving the level and quality of life of the population as sociological problem

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Sociological study of the internal environment of the organization

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The effectiveness of social impact measures on a family in a socially dangerous situation

The result of practical work with a family in a socially dangerous situation is the solution of family problems and, as a result, social adaptation and a change in the status of the family and its members. So...

"HR officer. Personnel management", 2008, N 10

The most important tool for managing the social programs of the organization is the internal and external evaluation of the effectiveness of social programs, on the basis of which the management of the organization makes a decision either to prepare new social programs in the implemented areas in case of their successful implementation, or to determine new priorities for social programs in case of their ineffective implementation.

We propose to evaluate the effectiveness of the organization's social programs in three aspects:

  1. by the totality of quantitative and qualitative indicators;
  2. by the ratio of costs, results and long-term impact of the results of social programs;
  3. where possible, apply methods to achieve the effectiveness of the organization's activities as a result of the implementation of corporate social programs.

Dictionary of personnel management. The social programs of an organization are a set of measures linked by resources, performers and deadlines for the effective solution of priority corporate social tasks (internal corporate social program) or external social problems of the territory of residence (external corporate social program).

Evaluation - based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators

All areas of social programs should be evaluated primarily by a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators (Table 1).

Table 1

Indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of social programs of the organization in the main areas

social programs
Indicators of the effectiveness of social programs
within this direction
1. Staff development- the number of managers and specialists,
for training and retraining of personnel;
- the average level of staff wages;
- number of workers trained;
provision of a social package and bonuses
staff payments;
- number of hours of training per student
2. Health and
safe conditions
- the number of employees who received vouchers
in rest houses, sanatoriums, dispensaries, etc.
at the expense of the organization;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
for employee medical care
at the enterprise;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
for occupational health and safety;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
to maintain sanitary and hygienic
and ergonomic working conditions;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
to support motherhood and childhood
3. socially
- number of retrained employees
from among those released from the organization;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
for severance pay;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
for the retraining of redundant employees;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
to promote the employment of the released
4. environmental
activities and
resource saving
- the number of landscaping campaigns carried out,
subbotniks and other similar events;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
to organize an environmentally friendly
production process;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
for the construction of treatment facilities
5. Local development
- the amount of funds allocated for participation
in charitable actions;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
for programs and promotions to support
socially unprotected segments of the population;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
to sponsor local cultural,
educational and sports facilities
and events;
- the number of people who received in a particular
form of assistance from the organization;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
to support childhood and youth;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
to support housing and communal services
and objects of cultural and historical significance;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
to support socially significant research
and campaigns
6. conscientious
business practice
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
to publish information about the organization
for business partners, clients and others
parties (corporate website, information
brochures, etc.);
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
to conduct programs of cooperation with authorities
public administration, associations
consumers, professional associations
and other public organizations;
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization for
training of suppliers, business partners and others
interested in the activities of the organization
- the amount of funds allocated by the organization
for small business assistance programs

At the same time, it should be noted that the sequence of these indicators reflects their significance in terms of providing information on social programs.

It is possible to identify general economic trends in the development of the above indicators in the Russian Federation, which differ significantly from foreign trends due to the specifics of the development of a market economy and the Russian mentality. Organizations should take into account the following trends not only when assessing, but also when shaping their social programs, since even the largest expenditures on internal and external social programs may be ineffective due to their irrational distribution within each direction or misrepresentation when assessing their economic and social efficiency.

For example, in the direction of personnel development, the indicator of the number of employees who have undergone retraining is currently coming to the fore, and the indicator of the amount of funds allocated for retraining is receding into the background. This situation means that organizations refuse from the stereotype of evaluating the effectiveness of capital investments only by the amount of invested funds. At the same time, such an indicator as the number of workers who have been trained should be considered unimportant, since there is an undesirable tendency to employ unskilled personnel. Also, the indicator of the number of hours of training per employee is not a paramount one, since organizations can get different returns from different types and programs of training, including their duration. As for the indicator of the average level of wages in the organization, at the present stage it matters if we are talking about middle and lower-level personnel, since the level of wages of top management is very individual and depends on a number of objective and subjective factors.

In the direction of health protection and safe working conditions, the indicators of the total amount of funds allocated for the purpose of medical care at the enterprise are less important than, for example, the indicators of the number of employees who received vouchers for treatment in a sanatorium, dispensary at the expense of the organization.

In the direction of socially responsible restructuring, the indicators of the number of retrained employees from among those released from the organization, the amount of funds allocated by the organization for severance pay, and the amount of funds allocated by the organization for the retraining of released employees are approximately equal in importance.

In the direction of environmental protection and resource conservation, one indicator predominates - the number of landscaping campaigns, community work days and other similar events - over the others. This confirms the fact that investments in the organization of an environmentally friendly production process, treatment facilities and other investments have not yet taken their rightful place in the costs of environmental protection activities of organizations and are assessed by the public and stakeholders as secondary.

The direction of development of the local community is characterized by the allocation of an indicator of the volume of funds for participation in charity events, this type is most developed within this direction in Russian organizations, since it is the most valuable from the point of view of local authorities. At the same time, the indicator of the amount of funds allocated to support housing and communal services, which in Russia were previously attached to industrial enterprises, occupies an ambiguous position. On the one hand, organizations are aware of the importance of this indicator, and on the other hand, they take it as a burden that they have recently successfully shed.

And finally, in the direction of fair business practices, the priority indicator is the information openness of the organization and, consequently, the amount of funds allocated for the publication of information about the organization. But at the same time, it should be noted that Russian organizations still treat the assessment of their information openness rather formally, and the quality and depth of the information provided leaves much to be desired. In general, this direction in the Russian Federation is much less popular than, for example, the direction of personnel development, and therefore it is rather poorly developed.

In general, when evaluating the effectiveness of the social program in terms of a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators, taking into account the indicated trends, the following can be noted. The more quantitatively the most significant indicators of each direction are, the more effective this social program is from the point of view of the parties interested in it and the existing features of the economic development of society at the present stage.

Evaluation - by the ratio of costs, results and long-term impact of results

In addition to comparing the above indicators, it is advisable to evaluate the organization's social programs in terms of the ratio of costs, results and long-term impact of social programs on the organization's activities.

The organization's costs for social programs include:

  • financial resources;
  • temporary resources;
  • material resources (equipment, telephones, Internet, etc.);
  • volunteer work and donations of employees of the organization.

The results obtained during the implementation of social programs include:

  • additional resources mobilized (eg, public funds, private donations, program partners' resources);
  • specific positive results in solving urgent social problems;
  • benefits received for business development (all those specific benefits that we talked about in the first chapter of the study).

The long-term impact of the results of social programs is manifested in:

  • positive changes in public opinion and situation;
  • contribution to the strengthening and development of the business as a whole.

The peculiarity of evaluating the effectiveness of social programs is that if the results can be evaluated within one year, then the evaluation of the results is possible only after the completion of the program. At the same time, long-term impact requires a careful analysis of all investments made in the program, as well as direct and indirect results revealed over a number of years after its completion.

Analyzing these results, the management of the organization should evaluate the effectiveness of the social program:

  1. from an economic point of view;
  2. from a social point of view;
  3. from the point of view of benefits for business development and decide on the advisability of implementing social programs in these areas in the future.

Evaluation - if possible, apply methods to achieve the effectiveness of the organization's activities as a result of the implementation of corporate social programs

In this aspect, it is possible to assess how the results and long-term impact of the social program of the organization affect the achievement of the effectiveness of the organization's activities through the indicators of its core activities: financial performance, reduction in operating costs and development of personnel policy and corporate culture.

  1. Improvement financial indicators.

As a rule, there is no direct impact of effective social programs on profit growth. The social policy and social programs of an organization are, by definition, non-profitable and therefore should not be based on the main argument of increasing profitability.

However, numerous studies conducted in the United States and European Union countries (in particular, monitoring Business for Social Responsibility in the United States and the London Benchmarking Group in the United Kingdom) confirm that organizations that have implemented a well-thought-out social responsibility policy show higher profits compared to competitors operating in the same market segment.

Russian corporate social practice also shows that effective social programs affect the increase in the capitalization of an organization, profit growth, and cost reduction when expanding a business, including geographically.

The brands of organizations known for their social programs evoke positive associations, a positive image, which affects the growth of sales, and also affects such an important factor as the stability of demand, the attachment of consumers (especially the population) to a particular brand, one or another product of the organization.

There are several factors that affect the improvement of the financial performance of the organization, which are directly related to the social programs of the organization. The assessment of these factors in comparison with the volume and content of social programs shows the level of correlation between the quality of social programs and the improvement of financial performance. These factors include:

  • increasing the credibility of the organization on the part of partners and consumers;
  • increasing the trust factor when choosing a product or service;
  • "patriotism" of consumers, commitment to the organization's products;
  • recommending the goods or services of this organization to other consumers;
  • increase in labor productivity of workers due to the reduction of social tension;
  • growth in the value of the organization's shares;
  • reducing the vulnerability of the organization, the number of conflict situations with the authorities, the press, non-profit organizations;
  • competitive advantages when participating in tenders.
  1. Reducing operating costs.

As a rule, the majority of Russian organizations perceive the costs of social programs as an increase in costs and forced expenses. However, mechanisms have already been developed and are being implemented that make it possible to significantly reduce these costs and even, in a number of cases, to bring social programs to self-sufficiency.

These include, for example, grant programs.

Most organizations in Russia receive dozens and hundreds of requests for help every year. Answering these appeals takes a lot of time for the employees of the organization, and large structures are forced to keep special employees whose task is to analyze requests for help. At the same time, more than 90% of applications, as a rule, are rejected, which negatively affects the image of the organization, reduces the credibility of consumers and the population as a whole.

One of the alternatives to parsing the flow of applications was the creation of Russian organizations' own grant programs.

The grant program, which implies the allocation of funds for social programs on a competitive basis, changes, first of all, the very philosophy and principles of allocation of funds. Funding for the organization is received not by those who applied earlier or brought more signatures of local authorities under their letter, not by those who were more convincing in the head’s office, but by those organizations and people who were able to prove that they can solve the problem better, cheaper and more efficiently than others . The grant competition approach, which implies funding not a problem, but its solution, not only coincides with the general business philosophy: the desire for success, the creation of a new product, but also reduces the costs of implementing social programs.

  1. Development of personnel policy and corporate culture.

According to representatives of recruitment agencies, Russia is currently experiencing a recruiting boom: a highly qualified and in-demand specialist in the labor market often receives several offers at once and can choose an organization himself. Moreover, in this situation, he is interested not only in the size of wages (the cost of a specialist in the market is relatively standardized), but also closely studies the organization as a whole: the mission, values, attitude towards society, relationships in the team, working conditions and training opportunities, relations with competitors and partners, labor protection, care for the environment, etc. In other words, a potential employee studies the organization's social responsibility policy, rightly believing that in this way he will be able to determine how comfortable he will feel in a new place.

For several years, Western companies have been considering the strategy of working with personnel through the prism of social responsibility, convinced of the effectiveness and economic benefits of this approach. It is multifaceted and includes a number of aspects: from the development of corporate culture and ethics to issues of human rights and industrial safety, but most importantly, all the declared principles of the organization's activities are a guide to action, really help to strengthen the team, and are not declarative. In some Russian organizations, the situation looks exactly the opposite - everything is spelled out and officially adopted - up to the corporate colors of the employees' clothing, and staff turnover is not decreasing.

Studies show that there is a clear relationship between employee loyalty and the size of his salary, but most experts do not agree that loyalty is simply bought: sometimes people move to a new place with a pay cut. The level of loyalty is made up of various factors and largely depends on the employee's sense of personal comfort in the organization. That is why social programs aimed at increasing loyalty should work in a comprehensive manner, not being limited to a system of gradual wage increases.

International practice shows that social programs, in the implementation of which employees of the organization are involved, can become an important additional tool for personnel policy, with the help of which management can positively influence each employee, developing and securing him in the organization. If we continue the bright and concise definition of the concept of corporate culture as a social glue, then social programs are one of the important components of this unique corporate tool. An effective social program does not spend, but brings profit to the organization by attracting and retaining the best specialists.

"Experimental field" of the reader

Viktor Agafonov, HR Director, AMO ZIL

  • Any organization, in order to be competitive, must carry out social programs, and, of course, we have them. These are programs for the training and development of personnel, health protection and the creation of safe working conditions for workers, cultural development, environmental protection, etc. We know how much we invest in a particular program, we keep certain statistics and, of course, we analyze the effectiveness of our investments. Sometimes this is easy to do, for example, when it comes to a program to protect health and create safe working conditions - here any investment pays off as necessary (for example, for the purchase of funds personal protection), and additional ones (maintenance of one's own health center), they all work for prevention and can be quantified (the number of accidents at work, diseases, etc.). There is no doubt that the program works. Or let's take a personnel training and development program - we can name both the number of managers and specialists who have undergone retraining, and the number of hours of training per employee. The effectiveness of the program primarily lies in the fact that we provide our production with the necessary specialists, but in general the educational level of the organization is increasing, which indicates its potential. Some programs have a quick result, others are designed for a long-term impact and are aimed, as the author says, at strengthening and developing the business as a whole. And of course, one cannot but agree that the personnel policy of an organization in the field of social responsibility is an important factor in resolving issues of employment and employment.

Of course, it would be interesting to trace a certain direct dependence of the economic indicators of an organization on the implementation of a particular social program and investments in it, in order, perhaps, to redistribute funds, but this is already a wish for scientists to develop and give us, practitioners, such an algorithm.


  1. Information openness of social policy Russian companies. - M.: Association of managers, 2004.
  2. How to fulfill a social order? Guidelines. - Perm: Style-MG Agency, 2000. P. 100.
  3. Konovalova L.N., Korsakov M.I., Yakimets V.N. Management of social programs of the company / Ed. S.E. Litovchenko. - M.: Association of Managers, 2003.

N. Nenashev

State Tax Inspector

Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Kaluga Region

As a rule, the social and socio-economic effect of social programs is expressed in improving the quality of life of citizens and society as a whole. Ultimately, in the process of implementing social projects/programs, urgent problems of a social nature are most often solved: reducing poverty, mortality, reducing the number of homeless people, etc.

Monitoring program at all stages of the cycle is an important condition for the success of the program, which is a kind of accompanying assessment. The main purpose of monitoring is to provide information for making adequate management decisions during the program. But to answer the question “Why did this or that happen?” or "What now?" it is not enough to monitor the situation on a daily basis - in this case it is advisable to aggregate information and analyze the data more deeply. To obtain a conclusion about the effectiveness and efficiency of a social program, it is necessary to evaluate its impact on various indicator criteria : indicators such as a decrease in morbidity, an increase in the educational level, a decrease in the number and composition of risk groups, an expansion of the scope of activities of persons with disabilities, an increase in the quality of the natural environment, and others are often used as indicators (there are indicators process, results, influence). In general, the development of indicators for social programs requires a clear understanding of the goals of the program and a deep knowledge of the problem. For example, the following indicators were used as indicators for evaluating the poverty reduction program in Tanzania: the ratio of boys and girls in primary school, literacy of the population under the age of 15, the proportion of the population with access to drinking water, etc.

Before a program evaluation can be carried out, a number of questions should be identified to be answered: - What are the actual results? - the main achievements of the program? - Are there any prospects for continuing work in this area?

Thus, information content and a high degree of significance of the evaluation results (their demand in the future) are ensured.

As a rule, government programs have a complex nature of problems, which serves as the basis for the complex structure of both the program itself and the evaluation system. For example, the problem of poverty can be divided into three components: economic, social and environmental. Thus, performance indicators should also be structured in three areas. The long-term nature of social programs (5-7 years) leads to the need to provide for some flexibility and, for example, to revise some indicators or ways of collecting information in accordance with the changing situation.

The evaluation mechanisms of most of the programs are only at the development stage, or they are not able to objectively evaluate the program in all the necessary parameters. The problem that most program developers face is the qualitative inconsistency of quantitative characteristics, indicators, and performance indicators.



Bibliographic list



The relevance of the problem under study is explained by the importance of using modern tools for analyzing the effectiveness of budget expenditures in the social sphere, as well as the value of the results obtained for state and municipal governments, problem solving use of limited budgetary funds.

The peculiarity of evaluating the effectiveness of social programs is that if the results can be evaluated within a certain period of time, then the evaluation of the results is possible only after the completion of the program.

It is no secret that among the most acute problems in the social sphere, the problem of underfunding of both existing and developed programs is most often mentioned. At the same time, it is forgotten that, despite the urgency of this problem, financing is just a resource necessary to achieve the final result - reducing social tension in society, increasing the welfare and economic independence of needy families. Lack of transparency in budgets and an exclusive focus on resources are among the most important factors affecting the effectiveness of political decisions and the ability of municipalities to improve the quality of social services. Even if the actual results of the service or provision of social assistance are known to the municipal institution, social worker or employment officer, the authorities, as a rule, do not require them to report and, therefore, pay not for the result, but at best for the process, or at worst - for demonstrating the process. At the same time, there are no effective mechanisms to motivate a service or assistance provider to achieve results, as well as to ensure that they are held accountable for their achievement.

social program Russian politics

One of the available tools to change the current situation and switch attention to the effectiveness of budget spending is the evaluation of social programs. The assessment not only draws the attention of municipal authorities to the diagnosis of the results achieved and the effect obtained (both qualitative and quantitative methods), but also improves the analytical base, improves the culture of municipalities. It allows you to ask the right and timely questions, develop analytical approaches to decisions on spending budget funds and the development or adjustment of social policy.

The object of the research is social programs.

The subject of the study is the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of social programs in the city of Murmansk.

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of social programs and find ways to improve the efficiency of their implementation.

This goal involves the solution of the following tasks:

) determine the essence of social policy;

) identify the most important theoretical aspects of the preparation of socially significant projects and programs;

) explore the regulatory framework on the basis of which social projects and programs are being developed in the Russian Federation, regions and municipalities;

) to study the practice of the committee for health care and social support of the population of the administration of the city of Murmansk in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of socially significant projects and programs; analyze existing methods;

) identify ways to improve the process of evaluating the effectiveness of social programs implemented in the city of Murmansk.

The methodology of scientific research is as follows:

a systematic approach that allows studying social programs as a system consisting of established principles, successive stages, methods, means and techniques for implementing and monitoring implementation;

humanistic principle, aimed at recognition in modern society a person as the main value, and the social program - as a means to improve the quality of his life;

a structural approach that regulates the composition of consistently implemented steps aimed at achieving the goal of drawing up social programs;

a functional approach that makes it possible to adequately assess the true usefulness and quality of the implementation of social programs.

The following methods were used in the research process:

synthesis, which allows to combine disparate elements of social programs into a single whole;

analysis, on the basis of which it is possible to decompose the goal-setting process (decompose the whole of each of the social programs into its component parts), identify the stages of design, compilation, implementation, implementation and control;

generalizations, which made it possible to group the existing principles for the preparation of social programs, the methods for their preparation and the available techniques for monitoring their implementation at the municipal level;

comparison, on the basis of which the main difference in the definitions of "project" and "program" was established, an analysis of existing social programs was carried out;

differentiation, which made it possible to identify the types of social projects and programs;

integration, on the basis of which social programs take the form of a single whole and can be combined into groups - depending on their goals.

Theoretical basis studies were the works of A.G. Voronina, V.B. Zotova, V.N. Ivanova, E.A. Utkin and others who studied in detail the problems of the theory and practice of municipal management and management, including in the social sphere; N.N. Znamenskaya, V.E. Rokhchina, M.V. Sviridenko, who, on the basis of a systematic approach, develop technologies for strategic planning of a standard program for the integrated socio-economic development of a municipal formation-settlement, which includes as mandatory subsections: "Quality of life of the population", "Support for poor citizens" (pensioners, disabled people, large families, incomplete and young families, unemployed); A.V. Kuzmin, who deals with the practice of researching the effectiveness, evaluation and monitoring of social projects and programs.

The information base of the study was legal documents, in particular, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation: "On State Social Assistance", "On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation", "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population", "On Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens", "On the Budget of the Social Insurance Fund in the Russian Federation for 2008 and for the Planning Period of 2009 and 2010"; "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs"; Law of the Murmansk region "On the municipal service in the Murmansk region", Resolutions of the city administration of Murmansk: "On approval of the regulation on the committee for health care and social support of the administration of the city of Murmansk", on the approval of departmental and municipal target programs, etc.

It is advisable to defend the following provisions:

The most important direction of improving the quality of life of the population of the municipality in the context of administrative and social reforms is the development of social programs - with the subsequent transition to social services in the form of placement and implementation of the municipal social order on the basis of payment for actually rendered services (by result).

The main problem of existing social programs is the lack of content of their quantitative characteristics, performance indicators, therefore, the improvement of the methodology for developing and compiling should be carried out, first of all, in the block for assessing performance indicators and monitoring.

The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the recommendations by the leaders and specialists of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Population of the Administration of the City of Murmansk in the development and implementation of social programs and monitoring their implementation.

The work structurally consists of: introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliographic list, applications.

The first (theoretical) chapter discusses the theoretical aspects of the preparation of social programs, in particular: it gives a description of the regulatory framework, types of social projects and programs, reveals the role of the municipal order as a form of providing social services to city residents on a contractual basis with guaranteed sources of funding.

The second (analytical) chapter is devoted to the issues of the methodology for compiling social programs used in the activities of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk for the development of social programs, the technology for evaluating social programs, their monitoring and audit.

The third (recommendatory) chapter contains the results of the analysis of the work of the Committee on Health and Social Support of the Administration of Murmansk in developing social programs, evaluating their effectiveness, and suggests ways to improve the evaluation of the effectiveness of social programs.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of evaluating the effectiveness of social programs

1.1 The essence and purpose of social policy in the Russian Federation

Social policy is usually understood as a set (system) of specific measures and activities aimed at the life support of the population. Social policy - a system of measures aimed at implementing social programs, maintaining incomes, living standards of the population, providing employment, supporting social sectors, and preventing social conflicts.

The purpose of social policy is to create in society a favorable social climate and social harmony, conditions that ensure the satisfaction of the basic vital needs of the population.

Social policy is a multifaceted process and a structurally complex phenomenon. Using only one or two indicators and criteria, even if they are very important, for example, the level of wages, unemployment, etc., it is problematic to give a real and exhaustive assessment of its condition.

The main elements of social policy included in a large single complex - the social and labor sphere, are the branches of the social sphere (education, health care, culture, sports, tourism, housing and communal sector, etc.); labor market, employment, unemployment; social partnership; social protection; pay and labor protection; social insurance; pension system, etc.

Social policy at the federal level, at the level of the subject of the Federation and the relevant government bodies is more of a framework, normative-setting character (relevant laws, decrees, resolutions, etc. are worked out and adopted). Real, concrete social policy is carried out "face to face with a specific person", as a rule, at the district, municipal and corporate levels. It is here that it finds its final embodiment and fixes its effectiveness and impact.

For many years, social policy in Russia has remained the weakest link in state administration at all levels, causing discontent among the most diverse segments of the population, political parties, and social movements. This is largely due to its focus on social management technologies in the aspect of real social policy. This policy can be described as:

) as a concept and program of action of the state and its officials (president, prime minister, heads of regions, etc.) and legal entities (legislative and executive bodies authorities at all levels, specific social systems and services), parties, movements, individual political leaders;

) as an actually implemented complex social technology in a given social time and a specific territorial-legal space (administrative-territorial formation: country, region, region, city, etc.).

It is characterized by:

low causality and pronounced situationality. As a result, the actions taken are mainly aimed at solving crisis or pre-crisis social situations. They are largely focused on mitigating the socio-political resonance caused by these situations;

secondary nature in relation to the economy and socio-economic processes, due to which its direct dependence on financial and economic resources;

focus on retaining the existing state power, and therefore the primary support for the sustainable social interests of classes, social groups and strata, on which the stability of power depends;

dependence on the understanding of the essence and content of real social policy by government leaders and civil servants;

relatively little dynamism;

the predominant use of the program-target mechanism for managing the social sphere, focused on relatively short periods of program implementation.

The main ways to implement a real social policy are to use legal, economic, financial, socio-psychological, organizational, technical and information tools and levers to provide citizens with minimum social guarantees, prevent social explosions, mitigate the possible negative consequences of reforms in various spheres of people's life, carried out by the current government.

Without begging the importance of real social policy, it should be recognized that such an approach does not allow building state management institutions that are primarily aimed at prevention, anticipation of crisis situations, social risks, the fulfillment of which leads to the need for large-scale social assistance, support and protection. In this regard, for Russia and its individual regions, strategic planning should become relevant - the process of choosing goals and decisions necessary to achieve them in a remote space-time dimension. In this process, long-term social programs play a leading role.

1.2 The concept and purpose of socially significant projects and programs

Revealing the essence and purpose of socially significant projects and programs, first of all, it is necessary to note the relatedness of the concepts they describe. This similarity of concepts, which is pointed out by almost all researchers, obviously gives rise to the first difficulty faced by the developers of social programs at the municipal level.

A project is a developed plan, a preliminary text of a document. In a more modern sense, the project is not only the plan itself, but also the activity to implement the specified plan in real conditions. A program (from the Greek programma - announcement, prescription, order) is both a plan of activity, work, the content of the main provisions and goals, and this activity itself, aimed at achieving a specific goal (changing a certain situation) in a limited time and using predetermined resources.

These definitions, as we see, very vaguely delimit the concepts they describe; do not have a clear difference and the concept of "social project" and "social program". A social project is both an activity to draw up a socially significant program within the framework of strategic planning for the socio-economic development of an urban settlement, and, in fact, a product of this activity, created on the basis of a systematic approach and designed on the basis of established methodological concepts.

A social program is a program aimed at solving one or another problem. social problem. As a rule, the social and socio-economic effect of social programs is expressed in improving the quality of life of citizens and society as a whole. Ultimately, in the process of implementing social projects/programs, urgent problems of a social nature are most often solved: reducing poverty, mortality, reducing the number of homeless people, etc.

The main distinguishing feature of a social program is that any of them is based on the principle of goal-setting. The purpose of the social program is to achieve scientifically based predictable results, defined qualitatively, quantitatively and in time.

The goal pursued is to improve the quality of life of the population of the municipality. In this regard, the definition of "targeted social program" seems relevant.

Target social program - a set of measures linked by resources, performers and deadlines, developed in order to meet the municipal social needs of the city at the expense of full or partial financing from the city budget and city off-budget funds, etc.

Further, within the framework of the subject of this study, it seems appropriate to clarify the existing difference between the concepts of "social project" and "social program": it is necessary to consider the first of the above definitions as private in relation to the second: a social program may contain several different in terms of significance and carried out at different times social projects. At the same time, within the framework of the social program, a variety of activities are carried out, provided for by its tasks.

There is a difference between a project and a social program. It lies in the fact that the draft social program is just a phase, a stage of its construction. At the project stage, the social program is proposed to the relevant competent authorities for consideration. In the future, if the draft social program is approved, the social program itself is drawn up on its basis - for its subsequent implementation on time.

The foregoing allows us to formulate a "working" (basic) definition for this study: a social program is a forecast and project document containing a set of activities and projects aimed at achieving the main goal of maintaining the necessary quality of life for socially vulnerable segments of the population and linked by resources, executors and deadlines implementation.

The purpose of the social program is:

solution of the most important social problems of the population of the municipality through the formation of a coordinated system of measures;

ensuring the attainability of the intended goals of additional social security for the population in the short term, determined, as a rule, by a time horizon of 1-3 years;

ensuring the rational implementation of the interests of various subjects of management and social policy in the municipality in the process of socio-economic development of the settlement based on the observance of the principle social partnership.

The timing of the social target program may be different: respectively. The program can be short term or long term.

Article 179 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF BC) provides for long-term targeted programs. On the basis of paragraph 1 of Article 179 of the RF BC, long-term target programs are developed by an executive authority, a local government body and are subject to approval by the relevant legislative (representative) body, a representative local government body.

The formation of a list of long-term target programs is carried out by an executive authority, a local government body in accordance with the forecast for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and the forecast for the socio-economic development of the relevant territory and the priorities determined on the basis of these forecasts. Table 1 presents the characteristic requirements (conditions) for the implementation of the above scientific principles for the preparation of social programs.

Table 1

Conditions for the implementation of the above scientific principles for the preparation of social programs

№Formulation of the principle Conditions for the implementation of the principle1. PurposefulnessThe initial link in the development of the program is the selection and justification of the system of goals of social assistance to the population for the perspective established by the program. 2. Complexity1) The need to take into account, when developing a program, a set of conditions, factors and restrictions of an internal and external nature that affect the development of a settlement. 2) Identification and balancing of interests of all participants in program work at various stages of development and implementation of the program. 3) The need to link program activities in terms of resources and timing of their implementation. 3. Efficiency As a result of implementation, the program should be cost-effective and cost-effective. 4. Predominantly social orientation of development The priority of goals related to improving the quality of life of the population of the settlement, balanced with economic goals. 5. Continuity Reliance on the strategic plan, goals and priorities for improving the quality of life of the population. 6. Manageability Creation of an organizational apparatus and instructive documents regulating the procedure for carrying out and responsibility of participants in program work. 7. ProfessionalismParticipants in the program work have the necessary qualifications to effectively solve the tasks assigned to them in the development and implementation of the program8. Publicity The need to involve scientists and specialists, representatives of various professional groups, the public in the consideration and examination of draft policy documents, the results of their implementation, to inform the population about the progress of program work, including through public hearings. 9. Balance of interests The need to ensure the interest in the implementation of the program of power structures, the local community, large and small businesses, entrepreneurial and financial structures. 10. Multi-channel financing The obligation to attract the financial resources necessary for the implementation of the program not only and not so much from budgetary resources, but also from extrabudgetary sources.

The customer of a long-term target program may be a state authority or a local government for municipal target programs.

A long-term target program proposed for approval and financing at the expense of budgetary funds or funds from the state non-budgetary fund must contain certain established blocks (Fig. 1):

A social program is a forecast and project document containing a set of activities and projects aimed at achieving the main goal of maintaining the necessary quality of life for socially vulnerable segments of the population and linked by resources, executors and implementation timeframes.

The social program is built on the basis of a systematic approach, the main scientific principles for the formation of a long-term social program are: purposefulness, complexity, efficiency, predominantly social orientation of development, continuity, manageability, professionalism, publicity, balance of interests, multi-channel financing.

1.3 Characteristics of the regulatory framework for the preparation of social programs

The regulatory documents that are basic in the development and compilation of social programs are: the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 39 is in force, guaranteeing social security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law, in in particular, clause 3 of Article 39, which encourages the creation of additional forms of social security, clause 2 of Article 41, on the basis of which federal programs for the protection and promotion of public health are financed in the Russian Federation), the Budget Code of the Russian Federation (Article 179 applies, on the basis of which long-term targeted programs are being developed, the Federal Law "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government").

The developers and compilers of social programs (depending on the profile of the projects being created) rely on such Federal Laws of the Russian Federation as:

"On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation";

"On municipal service in the Russian Federation".

It is important to emphasize that when developing and compiling social programs, the provisions of the main federal laws regulating the mandatory provision of social assistance and protection to the most socially vulnerable members of society, social support and services for this group of people are taken into account, in particular: "On State Social Assistance", " On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation", "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population", "On the Social Services for Elderly Citizens and the Disabled".

The municipal social order is carried out in the Russian Federation on the basis of the Federal Law "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs." An important document that determines the start of financing social programs is the Federal Law "On the budget of the social insurance fund in the Russian Federation for 2008 and for the planning period of 2009 and 2010", which establishes the possibility of allocating budget funds for the period to which the social program is limited.

At the level of the municipality, there are: Decree of the Murmansk City Administration: "On Approval of the Regulations on the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk", on the basis of which social programs are developed and compiled by specialists, corresponding to the Decrees of the Murmansk City Administration on the approval of departmental and municipal targeted programs, proposed for consideration in the analytical chapter of this study.

The information basis for the development of a social program is, first of all, the materials of the concept of the integrated socio-economic development of the settlement adopted by the elected body for a strategic perspective of up to 15 years, as well as the entire set of federal, regional and municipal programs and projects in force or planned for implementation on the territory of the settlement, other predictive and analytical documents for solving complex or individual problems of social support for the population of the municipality.

So, for example, social programs implemented in the city of Murmansk are based on the "Basic provisions of the economic development strategy of the Murmansk region for the period up to 2015". At the same time, the main program goals coincide with the goals contained in the adopted concept of their development in the strategic perspective. At the same time, when creating a social program, it is customary to allocate a time echelon corresponding to the time horizon of program work (usually in a long-term program - up to 5 years). At the same time, the main program goals can be directly borrowed from the concept of the strategic integrated socio-economic development of the settlement, adopted in the prescribed manner, which, of course, does not exclude, if necessary, their clarification and adjustment.

The program may include activities and projects on the implementation of which the relevant decisions of state and municipal authorities have already been made.

So, in 2010, the departmental target program "Additional measures of social support for certain categories of citizens" for 2010" supported and optimized the completed municipal program "Additional measures of social support for certain categories of citizens for 2009".

It is also important to note that the social programs planned and developed in the regions and municipalities of the Russian Federation are focused on a number of federal programs for the development of social infrastructure: the Housing Program for 2002-2010; Program "Social Development of the Village until 2012"; Program "Culture of Russia (2006-2010)"; Program "Social Support for the Disabled for 2006-2010"; Program "Prevention and control of socially significant diseases for 2007-2011"; Program "Socio-economic and ethno-cultural development of Russian Germans for 2008-2012"; The program "Economic and social development of the indigenous peoples of the North until 2008" (current, with changes and adjustments until 2011).

Summing up, it is necessary to draw the following conclusions:

In the Russian Federation (at the federal, regional and local levels) a normative base on the basis of which social projects and programs are drawn up and implemented in practice.

The regulatory framework for drawing up social programs at the level of municipalities in the context of ongoing social and administrative reforms needs to be constantly updated and adjusted, taking into account the real situation in society of its most vulnerable representatives.

1.4 Types of social projects and programs implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation

The most important points related to the specific purpose of social projects and programs seem to be significant. It is the indicated purpose that distinguishes the conditionally allocated types of social projects and programs. The conditionality of allocation is an objective factor, determined primarily by the relevance of the social program to one or another category of the population of the municipality.

The allocation of types of social programs is determined by the fact that they must be of a pronounced target character, this is their main difference from documents that are master plans. In other words, program developers should be guided by the achievement of a system of goals focused on various categories of the population of the municipality.

Since, as already mentioned, the goal of the social program is to achieve scientifically based predictable results, defined qualitatively, quantitatively and in time, two characteristics are distinguished:

) qualitative and 2) quantitative.

The meaning of the relationship of characteristics and their correlation with the target setting (according to A.V. Zorenko and A.O. Vernikova) can be generalized and presented in the form of a fairly simple diagram (Fig. 2).

It should be emphasized that in the course of program work, the main goals of the social program must be decomposed in the indicated way, without which it is impossible to put into practice the formation of a system of targeted activities and projects that make up the core of the social program, or to organize effective management implementation of the developed program.

Fig.2. Interrelation and correlation of characteristics with the purpose of the social program

The presented decomposition of the main program goals occurs in the process of developing problematic and supporting sections and can be carried out, in particular, using a methodological technique that involves identifying and processing problems related to the achievement of the intended goals. At the same time, the problem is understood here as an obstacle to achieving the main goal of the development of the settlement.

Support for poor citizens can be expressed in the provision of certain types of social benefits through the organization of healthcare and social support, in particular: the allocation of free (at reduced prices) medicines, medical equipment and food (depending on the categories of the population).

Types of social programs are presented in the diagram (Fig. 3):

The main goal of this study is to consider only social programs that can be developed and compiled by specialists from the committee for health and social support of settlement administrations.

Fig.3. Types of social programs

Therefore, it is advisable to single out the following objects of analysis as the basis for social programs developed on the basis of committees for health care and social support of municipalities:

health indicators of the population of the municipality, medical and demographic factors, causes of morbidity in the population, the level of permanent disability - disability, etc.;

the main characteristics of the state and development of medical care for the population of the municipality;

indicators characterizing the social condition of the population of the municipality (one or another category of the population, depending on the identified / identified problem, the solution of which is directed by the social program);

characteristics of the existing level of social assistance and support to the population of the municipality (one or another category of the population).

Summing up, it is necessary to draw the following conclusions:

When developing social programs, it is necessary to focus on achieving a system of goals aimed at various categories of the population of the municipality.

Depending on the categories identified, various types of social programs, both short-term and long-term, can be developed and compiled on the basis of the committee for health and social support of a particular municipality.

Social programs of various types contain, as a rule, a number of projects and activities that are carried out by a certain date.

The municipal social order stands out as a social program of a special type and a separate area of ​​research. The municipal social order as a form of providing social services to city residents on a contractual basis with the provision of guaranteed sources of financing is considered autonomously - in clause 1.4 of the final qualifying work.

1.5 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of target programs

The prerequisites and objectives of the evaluation may be different and arise at different stages of the program implementation. In general, the subject of evaluation are individual key parameters of the program. These parameters can be:

The effectiveness of the program;

The effectiveness of the program execution mechanism;

Socio-economic effect of the program on the development of the city;

Compliance of the program with the interests of society and so on.

The effectiveness of the program implementation evaluates the ratio of results and resources spent to achieve them. It is the analysis of effectiveness that is the key goal in evaluating the implementation of programs, as it allows one to judge not only the effectiveness of the implementation of the program, but also calculates the cost of the results achieved, which provides more complete and balanced information regarding the feasibility of implementing the program at the preliminary stage of evaluation and the results of implementation at the final stage. .

In a number of works, in order to systematize approaches, the concept of effect means the difference between benefits and costs incurred, while efficiency is understood as the ratio of these values. Thus, the effect and efficiency of programs is assessed on the basis of objective quantitative criteria - indicators of effect and efficiency, respectively. Due to the fact that budget target programs are aimed at implementing the expenditure obligations of the state (municipality) in the field of socio-economic development of society, the benefits from the implementation of the program are understood as a set of socially significant (hereinafter - social) results. According to other classifications, the effect of targeted programs is understood as the totality of social effects, and the effectiveness is the difference or ratio of social effects and budget allocations aimed at their implementation.

The social effect of the implementation of budget target programs means direct and indirect socially significant results obtained in the implementation of activities of budget target programs.

Thus, effect indicators are a limited set of socio-economic indicators that are selected separately for each of the assessment parameters. According to generally accepted approaches, performance indicators must meet a number of requirements, which in modern scientific literature include:

measurability - the indicator can be measured in constant units;

validity - the indicator reflects as fully as possible what needs to be assessed;

uniqueness - the indicator has a clear, generally accepted definition and units of measurement;

stability - during the assessment, temporary (dynamic) slices of data on the indicator are available;

accessibility - the data required to calculate the indicator are available in traditional sources of information;

achievability - the set target value of the indicator can be achieved using available resources;

attachment to a specific reporting period;

specificity and specificity - the indicator refers to a specific organization or program.

In order to systematize social effect indicators, it is possible to classify indicators according to the assessment stage and define two classes: general (universal) indicators and particular indicators. General indicators for evaluating the effect of target programs are a set of indicators expressed in physical, monetary or conventional units that have the property of universality and comparability and are used to compare programs. In most cases, the general indicators of the social effect reflect the degree of achievement of the general socio-economic goals of the implementation of state and municipal policies. The purpose of assessing the overall indicators of the social effect is to compare and rank target programs. In this regard, this type of evaluation occurs at an intermediate stage of program monitoring. Particular indicators of the social effect of the implementation of target programs correspond to private goals and objectives within each target program, reflecting its specificity and industry affiliation. Partial indicators are used to analyze the effectiveness of specific targeted programs and evaluate the cost of obtaining these results based on performance indicators. Private indicators are determined during the implementation of budget programs at the intermediate and final stages.

Another common classification of indicators is related to the level of program implementation:

end effect indicators;

Indicators of private final effects;

Outcome indicators.

In the generally accepted terminology, an indicator of the final effect is an indicator that quantifies the change in the state of the target group, which is directed by the activities of state and municipal government. This type of indicators most fully and objectively reflects the need and priority of the program implementation.

Indicators evaluating the effectiveness of the program implementation, taking into account industry specifics, are defined in the literature as indicators of partial final effects that reflect the change in the state of the target group in specific aspects.

The effectiveness of the implementation of a set of measures of the target program is assessed by indicators of the immediate result, which, according to some sources, reflect statistical, sociological and other reporting data characterizing the volume and quality of the implementation of activities aimed at achieving the final socio-economic effect of the target program. In the works of other authors, the indicators of direct result evaluate the product produced during a certain period, or the service provided during a certain period within the framework of a target program.

Summing up the results of the first chapter of the qualifying work, it is necessary to formalize the results of the study of the theoretical aspects of the stated topic in the form of the following provisions:

The first chapter substantiates the relevance of the problem in the light of the ongoing social and administrative reforms in the Russian Federation and revealed that the social program is actually a forecast and project document containing a set of activities and projects aimed at achieving the intended goals of providing comprehensive socio-economic assistance to the population and linked by resources, performers and deadlines.

Social programs implemented at the local level and conditionally distinguished by type - depending on their purpose, the category of the population they are aimed at, should be drawn up on the basis of a systematic approach, focus on modern methodological developments to meet the needs of the population of the municipality.

Further, it seems appropriate to study the social programs, targeted social programs, and municipal orders carried out on the basis of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk, focusing on the development and implementation of social programs.

Chapter 2

2.1 Methodology and methodology for drawing up social programs

It is important to emphasize that any social program based on Article 173 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation is based on forecasting the socio-economic development of the territory based on the availability of funds provided for by the relevant articles of the city budget for the planned period.

Article 173 of the RF BC reads: "The forecast of the socio-economic development of the territory is developed on the basis of the data of the socio-economic development of the territory for the last reporting period, the forecast of the socio-economic development of the territory until the end of the base year and the trends in the development of the economy and the social sphere for the planned financial year and precedes preparation of the draft budget. Changing the forecast of the socio-economic development of the territory in the course of the preparation and consideration of the draft budget entails a change in the main characteristics of the draft budget. "

An analysis of the practice of compiling social municipal programs gives grounds to assert that the methodology used by most authors for their compilation is based on the "Methodological recommendations for the formation of the concept of socio-economic development of a municipality for a strategic perspective" (hereinafter - "Methodological recommendations ...").

The usual algorithm for compiling a social program is shown in Figure 4.

Fig.4. Algorithm for compiling a social program

The accumulated foreign and domestic experience of effective effective social programs that have been accumulated to date makes it possible to identify and formulate the basics of the methodology for their preparation.

The most important stage of the program is the formulation of the problem and, on this basis, goal setting. The purpose of the program assumes the existence of an existing problem / problems that / which this or that program (one or another of its sections) is designed to solve.

1.Brief description of the problem situation.

2.Problem formulation.

3. Assessment of the negative impact (damage) of the unresolved problem on the quality of life of the population of the municipality;

Preliminary formulation and quantitative assessment of the general social goals for the development of the settlement, arising from the essence of the identified problem.

Analytical generalization of problems makes it possible to form an array of problems on this basis general, which are of the most significant importance for achieving the intended main goals of improving the quality of life of the population of the municipality in need of social protection.

The mandatory operation of ranking problems that have a certain impact on the implementation of the main goals of the program seems necessary, it makes it possible to refine their qualitative and quantitative characteristics, on the basis of which the goals of the second level ("local goals") are formed.

Taken together, the main and local goals of the social municipal program constitute a system of goals ("tree of goals"), the achievement of which the participants in the program work are guided by.

"Methodological recommendations ..." establishes certain requirements for the structure and content of the social municipal program: it includes a summary section, as well as problematic and providing sections containing activities and projects aimed at implementing program goals.

The typical structure of the municipal social program is shown in the diagram (Fig. 5).

Fig.5. The structure of the municipal social program

I. The summary section summarizes in a concise form the materials characterizing the social program.

The information basis for the formation of the consolidated section of the program is, firstly, the updated data of the adopted concept of the integrated socio-economic development of the settlement, including (enlarged) indicators characterizing the social sphere; secondly, the results of summarizing the materials contained in the problematic sections of the social program.

The summary section contains a set of tables (completed program forms), and a text part, which is performed in the form of the following subsections:

. "Starting Conditions and Initial Prerequisites for the Socio-Economic Basis for the Development of a Settlement". This subsection includes a completed program form and a text part, which contains an integral assessment of the socio-economic situation that has developed in the municipality, reveals the conditions, prerequisites, restrictions, factors of development and inhibition of the socio-economic development of the settlement.

. "Program goals and priorities of the social development of the settlement". The subsection includes a completed program form containing the targets and indicators of social development, a text part explaining the level of the adopted goals and the priorities of the settlement's social development through. These priorities should include the rationale for goals related to the implementation of specific measures to improve the quality of life of citizens in need of additional social assistance.

. "Strategic choice of settlement". The subsection includes a list of functions (types of activity) included in the strategic choice, analytical material that reveals the essence of the strategic plan of the social program, and the main tasks that are planned to be solved within the time horizon of the social program.

It is important to emphasize that when developing the above subsections of the consolidated section of the social program, it is recommended to use as a basis the materials of the adopted concept of the strategic integrated socio-economic development of the settlement, refined (if necessary) taking into account the changed development conditions and the time horizon of program work.

II. The problematic section includes as a mandatory subsection "Main program activities and projects that are of decisive importance for achieving the goals of social assistance and support for the population of the municipality outlined in the program", which contains a specific indication of the forms, methods, means and techniques of social services for citizens. When forming this section, a special form and a text part are filled in, characterizing the activities and projects planned for implementation, which are of a key nature from the standpoint of achieving the intended program goals.

The information basis for the development of the subsection is the materials of the problematic sections of the program.

III. The supporting section contains the subsection "Financial support for the implementation of the social program", which includes completed program forms characterizing the volume of financial resources for the implementation of the program, indicating the sources. So, in the section "Financial support for the implementation of a social program" it is indicated at what expense and in what amount a particular program is being implemented, for example: "For the implementation of the program, financial resources are needed in the amount of 2,025. funds account:

federal budget - 1 934.733 million rubles;

budget of the Murmansk region - 2.900 million rubles;

local budget - 58.734 million rubles;

funds of the enterprise N* - 4, 427 million rubles".

The Program budget is presented in the Annex to it.

When developing the problematic and providing sections, one should take into account a circumstance of fundamental importance: the list of areas of activity of local governments in the implementation of the social program can be expanded at the discretion of the program developers - based on the real situation that is developing in a particular municipality in the context of the implementation of administrative and social reforms.

Among the activities that reveal the areas of activity of local governments in the adoption and organization of the implementation of a social program, there can be both capital-intensive and organizational measures of the local administration itself (committees in its composition), which are not associated with serious costs (preparation of legal acts, organizational measures and etc.)

Examples of an exceptionally competent, creative approach to the development of social programs, both abroad and in Russia, can be the products of the activities of the relevant competent authorities of local administrations, a brief description of which is given below.

One notable example of a social program being implemented in Mexico is the Progresa: Education, Health and Nutrition Program. The concept of the Progresa social program is this: why poor families do not invest "enough" in human capital? These families may be aware of the benefits of investing in human capital but cannot afford to invest as much as they would like.

An external impact assessment of this program was carried out by the International Nutrition Research Institute on the following parameters: assessment of direct impacts (education, health and nutrition), potential impact of indicators (child and adult employment, consumption style, women's status and transfers, ensuring children's attendance at educational institutions and regular medical examinations and the fact that benefits are given directly to the woman as the head of the household).

The goal of the social program is to fight poverty by investing cash transfers in the development of human capital, increasing family investment in human capital, which includes education, health and nutrition.

The program under consideration is funded annually from the federal budget, which the government allocates to combat poverty. The recipients of the social program are poor households living in marginal rural communities, and since 2008, urban communities. The program combines three different components: education, health, and nutrition.

The receipt of benefits depends on the fulfillment of certain obligations by the receiving family.

The selection of participants in the social program is carried out as follows: poverty of a household is determined not only by income level, but also on the basis of other characteristics, such as the level of comfort of housing, dependency relationships, the presence of durable goods, animals, real estate, and the presence of disabilities among household members.

The Government of Mexico strongly supports the implementation of the program and its expansion into urban areas.

A number of Latin American countries, such as Colombia, Jamaica, Honduras, and Argentina, have not only implemented Progresa-like programs; they have also implemented an external evaluation model, in many cases with funding from institutions such as the World Bank and the American Domestic Bank.

An example of a Russian social program developed in Volgograd is the comprehensive program "Start in Life". The program is implemented with the corporate assistance of socially responsible companies - members of the Regional Union of Philanthropists, the Education Committee of the Volgograd Region and the Dignity Foundation.

The social program provides for assistance in finding employment for graduates of orphanages, organizing and conducting social action trainings to develop communication skills, form positive life goals, which will help solve the problem of socialization and integration into society of this category of young people.

In Vladimir, the charitable social program "Legal Protection" is currently operating. The purpose of the program is to organize free legal and legal assistance to orphans, guardians of children, families with many children, single mothers, disabled children. The program provides for the creation of a legal representative office of the Dignity Foundation with the involvement of professional lawyers in its work.

The purpose of the social program "Support", developed in Yaroslavl, is to provide moral, material, legal and other types of assistance to orphans, orphans and children in care, as well as to attract public attention to the problems of orphans and help in acquiring a specialty and employment.

Another charitable social program "Birthday - Childhood Holiday" is also successfully operating in Yaroslavl.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusions that the methodology for constructing a municipal social program involves solving the following tasks:

Identification and development of the entire range of problems that exist at this stage of the socio-economic development of the settlement (in the established time period for the implementation of the program).

Ranking of key problems (possible obstacles) on the way to achieving the goals, on the basis of which the so-called. "second level objectives" and measures to achieve them are determined.

Development of a system of measures for the implementation of a particular municipal program based on the priorities established by local socio-economic policy and determination of the appropriate amount of funding for the implementation of the program, indicating sources of funding (budget funds at various levels: federal, regional (regional), local (municipal) , funds of legal entities, as well as those contributed by individuals at their own request (charitable actions), etc.

The development and implementation of municipal programs is one of the main functions of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Population of the Administration of the City of Murmansk.

2.2 Functions of the committee for health care and social support of the population of the administration of the city of Murmansk for the development of social programs

In the city of Murmansk, the development and compilation of social programs is the responsibility of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk.

The place of the committee on health care and social support in the structure of the administration was determined on the basis of the Decree on approval of the regulation on the committee on health care and social support of the administration of the city of Murmansk dated 09.09.2009 No. 900, issued in accordance with Article 47 of the Charter of the municipal formation of the city of Murmansk, by the decision of the Council of Deputies of the city Murmansk dated 06/25/2009 No. 7-83 "On approval of the structure of the administration of the municipal formation of the city of Murmansk", by the resolution of the administration of the city of Murmansk dated 10.07.2009 No. 597 "On the structure of the administration of the municipal formation of the city of Murmansk".

Based on clause 1.1 of the "Regulations on the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk", the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) is structural unit administration of the city of Murmansk, carrying out state and municipal policy in the field of public health protection, additional measures of social support and social assistance for certain categories of citizens.

Location of the committee: 183038, Murmansk, st. Profsoyuz, 20.

The structure of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk is given in Appendix 1.

The main objectives of the committee's work are:

Ensuring the protection, observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the field of health care and related rights of state guarantees, within their powers.

Implementation of additional measures of social support and social assistance for certain categories of citizens, organization and expansion of an additional list of social services for citizens in difficult life situations, within their powers.

Fig.6. The main objectives of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk

Within the framework of the subject of this study, only those tasks of the committee that are directly related to the preparation and implementation of social programs are considered. To solve the following tasks, the committee performs certain functions:

In the field of organizing medical care, among other functions: participation in the implementation of federal, regional target programs, development and implementation of municipal target programs for the protection of public health, disease prevention; implementation of the function of the manager of the city budget funds by recipients; exercising control within their powers over the provision of medicines; development of tender documentation for the placement of municipal orders for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services for the needs of municipal health care institutions of the city of Murmansk, the customer of which is the committee.2. In the field of health protection and social support of citizens: monitoring the health status of the population of the city of Murmansk on the basis of approved state accounting and reporting forms of medical statistics; implementation of national projects in the field of healthcare in the city of Murmansk. The tasks of the committee for the preparation of social programs are presented in the diagram (Fig. 7):

Fig.7. Tasks of the Health and Social Support Committee for the preparation and implementation of social programs

From the above list of functions, it is advisable to form a consolidated list of those directly related to the compilation and development of social programs for residents of the city of Murmansk.

A generalized (consolidated) list of functions directly related to the development and compilation of social programs and decided by the committee on health and social support is shown in Figure 8:

Rice. 8. Consolidated list of tasks for the development and compilation of social programs and control over their implementation

Thus, an analysis of the goals of the activities, tasks and functions performed by the committee shows that they are focused on the development and compilation of social programs necessary for residents of the city of Murmansk who need additional social support.

In order to socially protect Murmansk residents, primarily the low-income population, to provide the domestic market with food of primary demand, the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the Murmansk Region has developed a number of social programs based on the application of an algorithm consisting of several successive stages (Fig. 9 ).

Fig.9. Algorithm for compiling a social program

Examples of social programs developed in recent years, both already implemented and currently operating in Murmansk on the basis of scientifically based algorithms, are: "Help for Large Families", "Cheap Fish", "Cheap Bread", "Cheap Milk", "Cheap vegetables". Currently, the departmental target program "Additional measures of social support for the disabled in 2010" is operating in the city of Murmansk. These programs have been developed and are being implemented on the basis of the Administration of the city of Murmansk.

The following programs have been drawn up and are being implemented directly by the committee on health care and social support of the Murmansk city administration: "Additional measures of social support for certain categories of citizens" (2010); "Additional measures of social support for disabled people for 2010" (2010).

An analysis of social programs directly developed and compiled by the Committee on Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk will be made in the corresponding section of the final qualification work.

Summing up, it is necessary to draw the following conclusions:

The methodology for constructing a municipal social program involves solving the following tasks:

clarification of the main goals of the complex socio-economic development of the settlement for the period of the program;

identification and ranking of key problems on the way to achieving the main goals in the context of the "problem" sections of the program, and on this basis, the formulation of the goals of the "second level" and the tasks for their achievement, for the implementation of which the activities should be directed as part of the "problem" and "providing " sections;

development of a system of measures aimed at the implementation of the goals and objectives of a specific municipal program, taking into account the principles and priorities established by local socio-economic policy, and the appropriate amount of financial resources for the implementation of the program is determined, indicating the sources of funding.

Practice shows that the development and compilation of social programs is entrusted to committees within the administrations of municipalities - in accordance with the subjects of their jurisdiction and the availability of the necessary powers.

2.3 The procedure for the development and implementation of programs in the city of Murmansk

The decision to develop a departmental target program is made by the subject of budget planning in agreement with the Finance Department of the Murmansk City Administration and the Department of Social and Economic Development of the Murmansk City Administration.

The departmental target program should include:

a) a description of the problem, the solution of which is carried out through the implementation of a departmental target program, including an analysis of the causes of its occurrence, the feasibility and need for a solution at the departmental level;

b) the passport of the departmental target program includes: the name of the subject of budget planning - the main manager of budget funds; name of the program; goals and objectives of the program; target indicators (indicators); characteristics of program activities; terms of the program implementation (achievement of target indicators and indicators); volumes of financing from the city budget (by quarters); expected final results of the program implementation and indicators of social and economic efficiency.

For each event, the performers, deadlines, amounts of funding, target indicators (indicators) of the results of implementation are indicated.

The developed draft of the departmental target program is coordinated by the subject of budget planning with the department of socio-economic development of the Murmansk city administration and the finance department of the Murmansk city administration.

Departmental target programs are approved by the head of the municipality of the city of Murmansk no later than September 1 of the year preceding the year in which the departmental target program was launched.

After the approval of the budget of the municipality of the city of Murmansk for the next financial year, if necessary, departmental target programs are adjusted in parts:

the volume of expenditures of the city budget for the implementation of departmental targeted programs;

composition of activities of departmental targeted programs;

planned indicators of achievement of final results by years;

planned indicators of social and economic efficiency.

Budget allocations for the implementation of the departmental target program are subject to annual adjustment in accordance with the departmental structure of the city budget for the next financial year and planning period.

The departmental target program is implemented by the relevant main manager of budget funds.

If necessary, the functions for the implementation of individual components of the program are carried out by municipal institutions subordinate to the main manager of budget funds, which submit a monthly report on the implementation of departmental target programs to the main manager of budget funds.

In the process of annual monitoring of the implementation of departmental target programs, the degree of achievement of goals, objectives, target indicators (indicators) of the socio-economic efficiency of the implementation of departmental target programs is analyzed.

Based on the results of the annual monitoring of the implementation of departmental target programs, the Department of Social and Economic Development of the Administration of the City of Murmansk submits a summary report on the implementation of departmental target programs to the head of the municipality of the city of Murmansk by March 10 of the year following the reporting year.

The decision on early termination of departmental target programs may be taken in the following cases:

liquidation of the main manager of budget funds;

exclusion of powers, within the framework of which the departmental target program is being implemented, from the scope of powers related to issues of local importance of the city district;

the impossibility of achieving the final results of the departmental target program at the expense of the envisaged funding for internal or external reasons.

2.4 Evaluation of the effectiveness of social programs

The drawing up and development of social programs presupposes a mandatory procedure for their evaluation to ensure high-quality control and fixation of the results achieved. These results are taken into account and further adopted in the development of additional blocks and sections (if necessary), in the process of compiling new programs. Evaluation of results is important in reporting to the relevant authorities, regulatory developers and programmers. Thus, the Committee for Health and Social Support of the city of Murmansk reports quarterly to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation on the implementation of social programs according to agreed indicators.

Monitoring the program at all stages of the cycle is an important condition for the success of the program, which is a kind of accompanying evaluation.

The main purpose of monitoring is to provide information for making adequate management decisions during the program. But to answer the question "Why did it happen one way or another?" or "What now?" it is not enough to monitor the situation on a daily basis - in this case it is advisable to aggregate information and analyze the data more deeply.

This is followed by indicators that characterize the basis for financing a particular social program. So, for example: "The basis of financing (the name of the specific Program is given) is the federal budget (the number of percent of the total funding is given)."

To obtain a conclusion about the effectiveness and efficiency of a social program, it is necessary to evaluate its impact according to various criteria-indicators: certain indicators are often used as indicators (Table 2):

table 2

Approximate list of criteria-indicators for evaluating social programs

No. Formulation of the criterion1. Decreased incidence 2. Reducing the number and composition of risk groups3. Expanding the scope of activities of persons with disabilities4. Improving the quality of the natural environment

There are indicators of the process of drawing up a social program, the results of its impact, the impact on other areas of impact carried out in parallel (the results of other social programs), etc. In general, the development of indicators for social programs requires a clear understanding of the goals of the program and deep knowledge of the problem. As a rule, municipal social programs have a complex nature of problems (they are linked to the tasks in the field of disease prevention, public health protection of the municipality, etc.), which serves as the basis for a complex structure, both the program itself and the evaluation system.

For example, in the problem of population poverty, when developing indicators, three mandatory components can be distinguished: economic, social and environmental. Accordingly, the performance indicators of the social program should also be structured along the above three directions. Before evaluating a program, a number of typical questions should be identified and answered:

what are the actual results of the social program?

the main achievements of the social program?

Are there any prospects for continuing work in this area?

Thus, information content and a high degree of significance of the evaluation results (their demand in the future) are ensured.

The long-term nature of social programs (5-7 years) leads to the need to provide for some flexibility and, for example, to revise some indicators or ways of collecting information in accordance with the changing situation.

In order to provide the regulatory authority with the necessary reporting, the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the Murmansk Region controls the program according to the relevant indicators (Table 3):

Table 3

Social program evaluation indicators

No. Formulation of the assessment indicator1. Share of national interest in the total project volume. 2. The share of objects in a satisfactory condition in the total number of objects of federal significance. 3. Percentage of interest represented in the total. 4. Average. 5. Increase in interest compared to the previous year. 6. The share of interest in the total volume. 7. Increase in interest (in terms of 1000 people) compared to the previous year. 8. The share of new interest in the total. 9. Increase in interest compared to the previous year. 10. Increase (in terms of 1000 people).

The practice of the committee's work shows that in order to ensure control and analysis of the implementation of the social program, indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of the program's activities are formulated. These estimates may not be used in decision making if:

) user policy or strategy changes;

) evaluation questions are no longer of interest;

) there is no loss of a clear goal-setting for the user;

) the data does not find its place;

) there is an attitude to monitoring and evaluation as a "exemplary review";

) there is a real lack of need for improvement.

Thus, the analysis shows that at the moment a kind of general model (template) of the process of evaluation and control of social programs has been formed.

On the basis of this general model, various private technologies for evaluating programs are being developed, depending on the specific goals and objectives that are being addressed at the level of a particular municipality.

To monitor the social program, professional evaluators (in relevant subject areas) may be involved (if such a need arises).

Modern assessment (monitoring) technologies include special requirements for assessors (Table 4):

Table 4

Requirements for experts when monitoring a social program

No. Formulation of the requirement1. Ability to analyze 2. Ability to non-directive behavior3. Ability to prepare reports4. resistance to manipulation

A staged approach is used, dividing the expert's work into three parts. The three stages in the work of an expert are as follows:

Preparatory stage (familiarization with the approved project application, program plan, preparation of questions caused by the specifics of the project, determination of the timing of the assessment, selection of forms and methods, establishing contacts with project executors, familiarization with project reporting, technical preparation of materials).

Carrying out the actual evaluation of the social program (or part of it).

Preparation of an expert report (assessment report).

Summing up, it is necessary to state:

Features of social program evaluation are: a) combination of elements of monitoring, evaluation and audit; b) the possibility of processing the results of the work of experts by program methods.

2. It is possible to evaluate a social program in the presence of pre-developed indicators and common standards (for example, minimum standards of social services). There cannot be one "correct" list of indicators for all occasions. What is right and what is not is decided by software developers, involving, if necessary, experts in the relevant subject areas.

The practice of drawing up and implementing social programs indicates the presence of numerous problems that both their developers and the bodies supervising the implementation face. The "stumbling block" is that it is not enough to determine the meaning of indicators in a social program, it is necessary to think over the channels for transmitting this information to decision makers. Care must also be taken to ensure that the information received by decision makers is converted into a readable format.

The difficulty lies also in the fact that the program monitoring system itself is very complex and rather cumbersome. To build a program monitoring system, it is necessary to carry out work in the following areas (Table 5):

Table 5

Components of a monitoring system

No. Statement of the required action process1. Define measurable indicators (indicators) against which the progress of the program can be monitored. 2. Establish sources of information for monitoring (organizations, departments, individuals or groups of people, documents, etc.). 3. Choose methods for collecting information. 4. Determine the frequency and schedule for collecting information5. Designate responsible for receiving necessary information and agree with those who will provide this information6. Determine the technology for processing and analyzing the information received. 7. Plan how and to whom the monitoring data will be shared, as well as who will use it and how. 8. Take into account in the program budget the costs necessary for monitoring.

I would like to draw special attention to the last (8) point. The work of any subsystem in the program requires resources. If you do not take into account the costs of monitoring and evaluating the program at the design stage, then it will not be possible to implement them. Unfortunately, this is the mistake often made by the authors of projects and programs: all budget items related to the implementation of the program are calculated in detail, but the costs of monitoring and evaluation are not taken into account. According to international organizations, monitoring and evaluation costs can range from 2-3% to 6-10% of the total program budget. "Embedding" the monitoring system into the program at the stage of its implementation seems to be methodologically incorrect. It is necessary to develop a monitoring and evaluation system at the stage of creating a program, however, as a rule, developers and compilers do not have enough funds for this.

This allows us to draw the following conclusions:

Problems in the evaluation of social programs are primarily related to the fact that the standards for this evaluation have not been developed anywhere in the world in detail and in full, including in Russia.

2. In the Russian Federation, strict regulation of activities, the principle of distributing public funds according to economic classification items reduces control over budget execution to control over the targeted (by type of expenditure) use of budget funds and makes their spending inefficient.

The complexity of evaluating social programs is due to a large extent to the fact that, under the current budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation, verification of the effectiveness and efficiency of state and municipal expenditures is not the responsibility of either the financial authorities or the main manager of budgetary funds.

The considered technologies for evaluating social programs can be used incorrectly, because ignoring other factors that are outside the monitoring or evaluation issues can lead to ineffective and inefficient program implementation.

Chapter 3. Ways to improve the effectiveness of social programs implemented in the municipality of Murmansk

3.1 Shortcomings in the development of social programs and the justification for the need to improve the assessment of the effectiveness of social programs of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of Murmansk

An analysis of the available data shows that over the past fifteen years, the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of Murmansk has accumulated experience and positive results in the preparation and development of social programs.

The results were summarized: there is evidence that in 2009, due to the operation of all social programs, the total savings of money for the population of the city of Murmansk in 2009 amounted to more than 50 million rubles. Providing Murmansk residents with basic foodstuffs at fixed and preferential prices is under constant control in the consumer market development department of the Murmansk city administration.

With the participation of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk, several social programs have been created in recent years, financed from specially allocated funds from the local budget, among which the most effective ones have been identified. Such social programs, in particular, include (Table 6).

Table 6

Social programs of the sector of social support of the population of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of Murmansk

№ Name of the program Implementation period1. "Additional measures of social support for certain categories of citizens for 2010" 20102. "Additional measures of social support for disabled people for 2010" 2010

It is important to note that two social programs are approved for 2010:

. "Additional measures of social support for certain categories of citizens for 2010" (based on the resolution of the Administration of the city of Murmansk "On approval of the departmental target program "Additional measures of social support for certain categories of citizens" for 2010" dated 02.09.2009 No. 842).

. "Additional measures of social support for the disabled for 2010" (on the basis of the resolution of the Administration of the city of Murmansk "On approval of the departmental target program "Additional measures of social support for the disabled" for 2010" dated September 2, 2009 No. 843.

The strengths of the methodology for developing and compiling social programs by the specialists of the Health and Social Support Committee include:

the use of algorithms ("step by step" method of developing a social program);

application of technologies for evaluating social programs. At the same time, the features of monitoring, evaluation and audit of the social program are studied.

Of course, the weaknesses of the methodology for developing and compiling social programs by the specialists of the Committee for Health and Social Support are:

insufficiently clear adherence to indicators (both during compilation and at the reconciliation stage). The development of indicators for social programs requires a clearer understanding of the goals of the program and a deep knowledge of the problem;

the problem of optimal distribution of funds allocated for the implementation of the program from the local budget;

carrying out mainly a quantitative analysis of the results, to the detriment of the qualitative ones, which makes it possible to assess the dynamics of changes in the quality of life of the residents of the municipality, the implementation of whose needs the social program is aimed at.

Summing up, the following conclusions can be drawn:

When developing and drawing up social programs, the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk uses a certain methodology, various options for which are considered and discussed by the committee's specialists, and then the most effective ones are selected from them. At the same time, we use the highest quality programs operating in other regions of the Russian Federation.

When developing a social program, a certain sequence of reasoning (algorithm) is used:

a) the program (is called) for the period (the time period for the development and operation of the program is indicated) aims to:

preservation of a certain concept, which consists in (conceptual provisions that are developed by the social program are given);

formation of a single social space of the city, creation of conditions for equalizing the access of the city population to economic and information resources of various groups of citizens, creation of conditions for preserving and developing the potential of the urban population;

ensuring the adaptation of the social sphere to market conditions;

providing conditions for (the realities, the contingent of citizens falling under the social program are indicated), etc.;

b) in order to achieve the goals and specific objectives of the social program, a series of consistent actions are taken (actions are indicated and measures are prescribed)

3.2 Main directions for improving the methodology for developing and evaluating the effectiveness of social programs

Specialists of the Health and Social Support Committee of the Murmansk city administration are recommended to continue using the applied methodology, which allows to evaluate the economic efficiency of the social program, including an assessment of the economic efficiency of the most significant activities, the cost and efficiency of the use of facilities. The need to improve the applied methodology is motivated by highlighting its weakest aspects that need to be corrected.

Since the weak side of social programs developed on the basis of the Health and Social Support Committee is insufficiently clear adherence to the quality criteria for the implementation of a social program, the following indicators should be more carefully monitored when monitoring the program:

) use of resources (correspondence of the spent resources to the plan);

) the program implementation process (correspondence of the content and timing of activities to the work schedule; compliance with technologies, methods, procedures);

) results (to what extent it is possible to achieve the set goals);

) influence (how does the program affect the situation, what is this influence).

In the event that, as a result of the implementation of the program, it is necessary to build a scheme for the consumption by a certain contingent of citizens of products intended for sale under the social program, then it is necessary to determine in advance the parameters of the results and the elements of which they should consist.

Each time when developing a program, the specialists of the Health and Social Support Committee should ask themselves the main question: how is the monitoring system for this social program built?

We note an important point: before starting to build a monitoring system, it is necessary to determine not only what you need to know about the system (program), but also why this information is important.

Thus, the next step in building a monitoring system is to determine the frequency of obtaining information about the system (program). Here, too, careful reasoning is needed. The cost of the monitoring system will ultimately depend on the frequency of obtaining information.

- select very carefully the measurable indicators (indicators) by which the progress of the program can be monitored;

) identify more clearly the sources of information for monitoring (organizations, departments, individuals or groups of people, documents, etc.);

) more specifically choose methods for collecting information;

) determine more precisely the frequency and schedule of information collection;

) appoint in advance those responsible for obtaining the necessary information and negotiate with those who will provide this information;

) optimize the technology for processing and analyzing the information received;

) clarify and plan in advance how and to whom the monitoring data will be shared, as well as who will use them and how.

) take into account in the program budget the costs necessary for monitoring.

It is expedient for specialists of the Health and Social Support Committee to propose a system for optimizing measures related to the evaluation of social programs, based on the methodology "Program evaluation as a process focused on the practical use of results" by Michael Paton (USA).

I would like to emphasize that this methodology is linked to the concept of the administrative reform being carried out in the Russian Federation, one of the results of which should be the evaluation of the work performed in the state and municipal administration according to their results. A version of the social program assessment scheme for the residents of Murmansk adapted for the Committee on Health and Social Support could look like this (Fig. 10):

Fig. 10 Scheme for assessing the social program for residents of the city of Murmansk

The main part of the Assessment Assignment (hereinafter referred to as the Assignment) for the assessment is a list of questions to be answered. These questions should be logically related to the purpose of the assessment. Questions Assignments should be general and not too numerous:

) What are the actual results of the Program and to what extent do they correspond to the objectives of the Program?

) What are the prospects for continuing work after the completion of the Project?

The planning phase determines which methods are expected to be used to collect information.

In the very general view all existing methods must be divided into four groups: observation, study of documentation, questioning and interviewing. In order to collect the necessary information, it is necessary not only to choose a method, but also to prepare the appropriate tools:

) develop and test the questionnaire;

) formulate questions for the interview;

) to determine what to pay attention to when observing and how to record the results of observation.

The planning phase also determines the schedule of work and the necessary resources.

) Gathering the necessary information. At the stage of collecting information, the most important thing is the impartial recording of facts, the rejection of attempts to interpret them. The main idea of ​​separating the stages of information collection and subsequent analysis is that conclusions should be based not on individual facts, but on their totality. When collecting information, monitoring data can be used.

) Information analysis. At the stage of information analysis, the main sacrament is performed: a holistic picture is compiled from a mosaic of disparate facts.

Based on the data obtained, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made regarding the adoption of the very management decision with which it all began. The conclusions are the answers to the questions of the Assignment. The responses from the assessment are passed on to decision makers. It is important to keep in mind that, depending on the goal, the evaluation can be formative (its results can influence the course of the program) or final, summarizing (the results can be used to draw lessons for the future, but nothing can be changed in the program) . The concepts of formative and summative assessments were introduced by Michael Scriven (USA), whose use is recommended by the experts of the Committee on Health and Social Policy. Committee specialists should keep in mind that there are standards for program evaluation adapted to the specific conditions of state and municipal government in the Russian Federation in the context of administrative and social reforms.

The standards aim to ensure that valuation is useful, feasible, lawful and accurate. Below is a description of the standards that can be used by the committee's specialists when developing parameters for evaluating social programs (Table 7)

Table 7

Description of the standards adapted for specialists of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk)

No. Standard name Short description standard 1. Usefulness standards Determine the orientation of the evaluation of a social program to serve the information needs of relevant users. 2. Feasibility standards Ensuring that social program evaluation is realistic, reasonable, diplomatic and economical. 3. Standards of legality Evaluation of the program in accordance with the law, with respect for ethical standards in relation to those who are involved in the evaluation process and who are affected by its results. 4. Accuracy Standards Availability of technically adequate information about the characteristics of the program in question.

Committee staff should be aware that monitoring and evaluation of programs can be carried out by:

) independent specialists who are not related to the program (external evaluation).

) employees of the organization not participating in the program ( internal evaluation).

) program participants (in this case, the process would be more accurately called self-assessment).

It should be taken into account that the methodology, principles and tools for evaluating social programs should be determined not so much by the fact that the programs are implemented by state structures, but by the features of the programs as such.

Social programs developed and implemented by the Health and Social Support Committee should be aimed at solving complex problems and be long-term and large-scale; these programs should:

assume significant amounts of funding;

be developed and implemented taking into account the national and cultural characteristics of the country or region;

have political significance.

It should be borne in mind that the cost of a mistake in programs with significant amounts of funding is very high. That is why, in such cases, it seems appropriate to initially conduct small pilot projects, carefully monitor their progress and analyze the results. Only then, taking into account the data of monitoring and evaluation of pilot projects, the program is adjusted and the final decision on large-scale funding is made.

Naturally, state programs are developed taking into account local national and cultural characteristics. It is advisable to evaluate such programs with the participation of local experts. Knowledge of the language, history, local traditions, norms of behavior and the specifics of the current situation allows local specialists to receive data.

Naturally, there may be other options that in many cases will be inaccessible to the professionals of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Murmansk city administration. You can use the help of foreign experts.

It is useful to use mixed groups. Foreign consultants bring international experience, methodology and tools, professional standards. Local experts - own experience and cultural context. In such mixed teams, there is an increase in the qualifications of local personnel.

The political significance of social programs leads to the fact that evaluation reports become, in a certain sense, political documents. This increases the requirements both for the quality of the reports themselves and for the qualifications of the people conducting the assessment. The "politicization" of programs often creates big problems with making independent objective judgments.

It is necessary to take into account the following trends in the development of program evaluation that have emerged in the Russian Federation in recent years:

assessment is receiving increasing attention all over the world, including by leading international organizations and agencies (especially in the last 5-6 years);

increase in the number of specialists involved in evaluation; an active process of creating national and regional professional associations (more than 30 over the past 5 years), in the CIS in 2000 the International Network "Program Evaluation" was created;

development of international cooperation, creation of international organizations in the field of assessment;

development and use of standards and principles for conducting assessments (including taking into account national and cultural characteristics);

embedding monitoring and evaluation systems in programs and projects at the development stage;

differentiation different approaches towards evaluation ("schools") and the development of appropriate methods and tools;

active development of the "participatory evaluation" methodology and its wide use, in particular, in the evaluation of programs in rural areas and programs for the development of local communities;

orientation of the assessment towards practical use.

3.3 Ways to improve the evaluation of the effectiveness of the social program on the example of the social program "Additional measures of social support for the disabled for 2010"

1. Characteristics and relevance of the problem.

Disability, along with indicators of morbidity and physical development, is an important indicator of the state of public health of the population. Problem social adaptation of people with disabilities does not lose its relevance at the present stage of development of society. One of the main directions of the social policy of the state is the rehabilitation of disabled people, aimed at eliminating or, as far as possible, more fully compensating for life restrictions in order to restore the social status of a disabled person, achieve financial independence and access to all social infrastructure facilities.

According to changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, the exercise of powers in the field of social protection of the population is referred to the competence of state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Article 20 of Federal Law No. 131-FZ of 06.10.2003 "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", local self-government bodies have the right to establish additional measures of social support and social assistance for certain categories of citizens at the expense of the budget of the municipality, regardless from the presence in federal laws of provisions establishing the specified right. The financing of the powers provided for by this part is not the responsibility of the municipality, is carried out if possible and does not constitute a basis for allocating additional funds from other budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation.

The administration of the city of Murmansk, understanding the significance of the social problem, since 2007 has been exercising the right to provide additional measures of social support for certain categories of citizens - residents of the city of Murmansk at the expense of the budget of the municipality.

The current economic situation dictates the need to maintain the volume of additional measures of social support for certain categories of citizens at the same level. Implementation of activities of the departmental target program "Additional measures of social support for the disabled" for 2010 (hereinafter referred to as the Program) will allow the municipality of the city of Murmansk to participate in the implementation of similar programs at the federal and regional levels.

The relevance of the problem is determined by the presence in the social structure of society of a significant number of persons with signs of disability. As of the first half of 2009, 311.2 thousand people live in the city of Murmansk, of which about 13 thousand people are disabled, including more than 600 people - children.

Social adaptation makes it possible for disabled people to maintain the possibility of self-realization of vital needs by increasing physical activity, normalizing mental status, restoring the ability of disabled people to self-service. To achieve greater efficiency, it is necessary to develop and put into effect measures covering all aspects of the life and rehabilitation of disabled people.

The implementation of a program-targeted approach to solving the issues of organizing additional social support for people with disabilities makes it possible to more comprehensively address the issues of social protection of people with disabilities, increase the effectiveness of existing measures by expanding the list of services provided. The development of a program of additional measures of social support for disabled people in the city of Murmansk in this regard seems to be relevant and timely.

The program defines a system of additional measures of social support for citizens with disabilities, aimed at the social integration of people with disabilities into society, providing them with equal opportunities to participate in economic and social life along with other members of society.

Program Passport.

The name of the subject of budget planning - the main manager of budget funds - the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk.

The name of the Program is the departmental target program "Additional measures of social support for the disabled in 2010".

The goal of the Program is to reduce the impact of the main socio-economic problems of citizens with disabilities.

Consequences of achieving the goal: increasing the level of social integration of people with disabilities in society, providing them with equal opportunities to participate in economic and social life along with other members of society.

Objectives of the Program: creation of conditions for ensuring equal opportunities for disabled people, their social integration into society.

Target indicators (indicators):

the number of events;

the number of disabled people (families) who received material (one-time material) assistance;

the number of tickets purchased;

the number of children who attended social camps;

the number of public organizations that have been assisted in the social and labor rehabilitation of young people with disabilities;

the number of wheelchairs purchased;

the number of invited trainers-instructors;

the number of automated jobs created;

the number of purchased thematic publications, diagnostic, game aids and correctional and developmental automated programs;

the share of disabled people who received additional measures of social support, out of the total number of applicants.

Characteristics of program activities - a set of activities that define a system of additional measures of social support for people with disabilities, aimed at their social integration into society, providing equal opportunities to participate in economic and social life along with other members of society (the list of activities is presented in Appendix 2).

Terms of the Program implementation (achievement of target indicators and indicators) - 2010.

Volumes of financing from the city budget by quarters:

quarter - 537.50 thousand rubles;

quarter - 937.50 thousand rubles;

quarter - 237.50 thousand rubles;

quarter - 1497.50 thousand rubles;

total - 3210.00 thousand rubles.

Expected final results of the implementation of the Program and indicators of socio-economic efficiency - maximum satisfaction of the need for additional measures of social support for people with disabilities - at least 90% of the total number of applications from people with disabilities, families raising children with disabilities, public organizations dealing with issues of people with disabilities.

Improving the social status of the disabled, the level and quality of their lives. Growth in the proportion of people with disabilities (up to 7%) covered by the Program activities, which will allow them to develop and improve their capabilities in everyday, social, cultural, and sports activities.

The implementation of the Program activities will ensure coverage of at least 15% of the disabled living in the city of Murmansk, of their total number.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the social program

) Design evaluation of the social program "Additional measures of social support for the disabled in 2010"

Evaluation questions

The innovative nature of the program posed a number of managerial tasks for the city administration. In particular, it was important to analyze how:

to realize the goal set before the program "reducing the impact of the main socio-economic problems of citizens with disabilities";

increase the effectiveness of the program, including in terms of creating conditions for ensuring equal opportunities for people with disabilities;

improve the efficiency of program administration.

Evaluation questions were also formulated in accordance with the specified tasks.

Question No. 1. To what extent does the program manage to create conditions for providing equal opportunities for disabled people, their social integration into society?

Question No. 2. What factors of the program influence the successful increase in the level of social integration of people with disabilities in society?

In particular:

The creation of a system of multilevel integrated education is impossible without a system of special training for teachers aimed at developing the skills and abilities to deal with people with disabilities, with the participation of people with disabilities and on the basis of resource centers created at specialized schools (or on their basis).

Consider the general form of employment as the best way to employ the disabled. Try to overcome discrimination, information and other barriers.

What is the nature of the work received by program participants?

Question 3. Has the program been targeted?

Targeting is understood not so much as compliance with the rules of the program (that is, providing assistance, as provided for by the rules, only to people with disabilities, families raising children with disabilities, public organizations dealing with issues of people with disabilities), but rather the concentration of its resources on supporting people with disabilities.

Question No. 4. What are the ways to optimize budget expenditures for the program?

In particular:

To what extent do the resources allocated to implement the program correlate with the requirements of the program design?

Are there opportunities to reduce program costs without compromising program performance?

) Data collection methods.

In order to obtain the most objective assessment of the program, it is necessary to diversify the sources and nature of the information considered as much as possible. In particular, this means using not only municipal data, or, on the contrary, not only data from a sociological survey of participants - otherwise the results may be incomplete.

The monitoring system includes two types of indicators: intermediate and resulting. Intermediate indicators characterize the process of program implementation and mainly reflect the level of financial and administrative costs, both current and one-time. Data for monitoring intermediate indicators are collected by the social protection authorities implementing the program in Murmansk. The resulting indicators characterize the degree to which the program fulfills its goals. Examples of output indicators are indicators of the duration and employment status of program clients, salary levels and participation in social programs, etc. The data for their monitoring should be based, among other things, on the mechanism of feedback from the population.

Thus, the system for collecting data for evaluation became a combination of the following methods:

.Analysis of administrative data, which included statements of program participants, documents on social services received, training completed, work experience and job searches.

2.Structured in-depth interview with one of the employees of the social protection authorities who worked with the clients of the program.

.Structured in-depth interview with the program's client manager.

.Preliminary focus group with program participants - used to collect information necessary for compiling a questionnaire.

.Questionnaire survey of program clients conducted at their homes (clients who participated in the preliminary focus group are excluded from the survey).

.Supervision - one of the members of the independent evaluation team has the opportunity to observe the procedures and progress of the program at different stages of its implementation.

3) Conducting surveys

When conducting surveys of program participants, students of the Department of Social Work who have undergone a detailed briefing can be involved as interviewers, including an explanation of the goals, objectives and main aspects of the program, explanations for each question of the questionnaire and analysis of existing opportunities for checking information during the interview - identifying logical contradictions in statements and repetitions of information, comparison of the received data with other sources of information (for example, program rules), etc.

The questionnaire may, for example, consist of four main sections that ask for the following information:

-demographic and socio-economic characteristics of participants in the program and their families, education and previous work experience of participants (including the last specialty), sources of information about the program, convenience of procedures and understandability of program rules, range of social services received before and after the start of participation in the program, general satisfaction with the work of social services involved in the program, etc.;

-information about the employment of the participants (questions were addressed only to those participants who managed to find a job): the nature, degree of responsibility of the work received, the level of wages and factors that, from the point of view of the participants, influenced finding a job, etc.

-information about the reasons for being unemployed or losing a job (for those participants who got a job during the program, but could not stay in a new place): reasons for dismissal, personal opinion of the participants about the factors that led to the loss of a job, the likelihood of finding a job in the future, motivation participants to find a job, their efforts to find a job (receipt of job offers and reasons for rejection);

-assessment of the level of income of families of program participants: the share of the family budget spent on food, the total monthly income of all family members.

4) Conducting an interview

Interviews with specialists from social protection agencies and employees of the employment service. Three key aspects of the program can be distinguished in the structure of the interview:

1)the effectiveness of the program in terms of administration, costs of its implementation, the accuracy of the target group, the services provided by the program and the contribution of the employee;

2)factors, in the opinion of social protection specialists, that positively or negatively affect the social integration of disabled participants in the course of the program;

3)the degree of understanding by the specialists of the social protection authorities of the ultimate goals and objectives of the program.

Interviews with specialists from employment centers directly serving program participants should also reveal the awareness of specialists about the goals and expected results of the program, their assessment of the accuracy and correctness of the choice of the target group. In addition, specialists can express their opinion on the problems that arise during the implementation of the program.

Thus, the evaluation of the effectiveness of social programs can be of an economic and social nature.

Cost-effective economic efficiency is assessed as the sum of the costs incurred under the municipal target program at the time of assessment, divided by the overall performance index. If this result exceeds the costs planned at the time of the assessment, the cost effectiveness of the municipal target program is negative, which requires an analysis of the state of the municipal target program and management decisions.

Summing up, it is impossible not to emphasize the following:

The development of a social program and the evaluation of its effectiveness, based on a competent methodology, is an activity aimed at achieving a specific goal (changing a certain situation) in a limited time and using predetermined resources.

When developing a program, it is necessary to carefully plan the process of its implementation - the sequence of "steps" that will lead to the desired change in the situation. To carry out these steps, resources are needed: people, materials, equipment, environment, technology. High-quality implementation of the program is impossible without monitoring the progress of work and analyzing the results. These functions are called monitoring and evaluation.

The essence of monitoring and evaluation is the same - tracking the progress and results of the program and providing information to decision makers. The difference between monitoring and evaluation can be simplified as follows: monitoring answers the question "How are things going?". This is a routine, everyday monitoring of the situation, comparison current position affairs with the plan; Evaluation answers the questions "So what?" and why?". Evaluation involves a deeper analysis of what is happening compared to monitoring. Evaluation is carried out from time to time.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of a social program can be economic and social. In the first case, initial costs and the performance index are taken into account, in the second case, surveys of target groups are taken into account.

I would like to draw the attention of the specialists of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of the City of Murmansk to the fact that the main purpose of monitoring and evaluating the social program is to provide information for making further management decisions. Therefore, the information must be sufficient, timely, reliable, reliable.


In conclusion of the study, it should be emphasized that its goal has been achieved, all the tasks set have been fulfilled, in particular, the most important theoretical aspects of drawing up socially significant projects and programs have been identified in the course of the study.

The main theoretical conclusions were the following provisions:

) social program - a program aimed at solving a particular social problem. As a rule, the social and socio-economic effect of social programs is expressed in improving the quality of life of citizens and society as a whole. Ultimately, in the process of implementing social projects/programs, urgent problems of a social nature are most often solved: reducing poverty, mortality, reducing the number of homeless people, etc. - this definition is supposed to be considered basic (in connection with the specified subject of research);

) targeted social program - a set of measures linked by resources, performers and deadlines, developed in order to meet the municipal social needs of the city at the expense of full or partial financing from the city budget and city non-budgetary funds, etc.

In the process of work, the regulatory framework was studied, on the basis of which social projects and programs are being developed in the Russian Federation, regions and municipalities.

The studied provisions of the program documents regulating the principles, system and development of social programs need significant improvement in the course of administrative and social reform.

In the process of research, the main types of social projects and programs are characterized.

Social programs implemented at the local level and conventionally distinguished by types - depending on their purpose, the category of the population they are aimed at, should be drawn up on the basis of a systematic approach, focus on modern methodological developments, and meet the needs of the population of the municipality.

The development of a social program and its evaluation, based on a competent methodology, is an activity aimed at achieving a specific goal (changing a certain situation) in a limited time and using predetermined resources.

Any social program is aimed at solving a particular social problem. As a matter of fact, the development of a program begins with an analysis of the problem and finding out what exactly needs to be changed. The end result of the implementation of the program should be the desired change in the situation (solution of the problem): reducing poverty, reducing the number of homeless people, improving the quality of education, improving people's health, etc.

When developing a program, the process of its implementation is carefully planned - a sequence of "steps" that will lead to the desired change in the situation. To carry out these steps, resources are needed: people, materials, equipment, environment, technology. The implementation of the program is impossible without tracking the progress of work and analyzing the results. These functions are called monitoring and evaluation.

The work examined the practice of the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Population of the Administration of the City of Murmansk in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of socially significant projects and programs; the available methods were analyzed, ways to improve the process of development, implementation and monitoring of social programs implemented in the city of Murmansk were identified.

It was concluded that the methods for developing and compiling social programs in the Committee for Health and Social Support of the Administration of Murmansk have both strengths and weaknesses. The reviewed assessments of the implementation of social programs can be used incorrectly, because ignoring other factors that are outside the monitoring or evaluation issues can lead to ineffective and inefficient program implementation.

The development of a social program and the evaluation of its effectiveness, based on a competent methodology, is an activity aimed at achieving a specific goal (changing a certain situation) in a limited time and using predetermined resources.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of social programs can be of an economic and social nature. Cost-effective economic efficiency is assessed as the sum of the costs incurred under the municipal target program at the time of assessment, divided by the overall performance index. If this result exceeds the costs planned at the time of the assessment, the cost effectiveness of the municipal target program is negative, which requires an analysis of the state of the municipal target program and management decisions.

The assessment of the social effectiveness of the municipal target program is carried out by conducting surveys of the target groups, which are targeted by the municipal target program. At the same time, for each specific case, a method for assessing social efficiency is determined, questionnaires and methods for conducting surveys are developed. The results of assessing the social effectiveness of the municipal target program can be both qualitative and quantitative.

Bibliographic list

1. Regulatory and other official documents

1 The Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 (as amended on July 21, 2007 No. 5-FKZ) // Ros. gas. - 1993. - No. 237.

2 Budget Code of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1998 No. 145-FZ ) // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1998. - No. 31. - St. 3823.

3 On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation: Feder. Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 (as amended by federal law No. 97-FZ of November 28, 2009) // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1995. - No. 35. - St. 3506.

4 On Amendments to Article 53 of the Federal Law "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation": Feder. Law of July 21, 2007 No. 187-FZ // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2007. - No. 30. - St. 3801.

5 On Amendments to Articles 14,15,16 of the Federal Law "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation": Feder. Law of June 15, 2007 No. 100-FZ // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2007. - No. 25. - St. 2977.

6. On the municipal service in the Russian Federation: Feder. Law of March 02, 2007 No. 25-FZ // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2007. - No. 10. - St. 1152.

7 On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs: feder. Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ (as amended by Federal Law of December 30, 2008 No. 323-FZ // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2005. - No. 30 (part 1). - Art. 3105.

8 On amendments to the federal law "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs: federal law of December 30, 2008 No. 308-FZ // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2008. - No. 34 (part 1) - Art.3265

9 On Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation: Law of the Russian Federation of July 6, 1991 No. 1550-1 (as amended by Federal Law of June 26, 2007 No. 118-FZ) // Council of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. - 1991. - No. 29. - St. 1010.

10 On the municipal service in the Murmansk region: Law of the Murmansk region dated June 29, 2007 No. 860-01-ZMO. - Access mode: .

11 Charter of the municipality city of Murmansk dated March 10, 2006 - Access mode: .

12 On approval of the regulation on the committee for health care and social support of the city of Murmansk: resolution of the city of Murmansk of September 09, 2009 No. 900. - Access mode: [#"justify">.13. On the approval of the departmental target program "Additional measures of social support for certain categories of citizens" for 2010 ": Decree of the Administration of the city of Murmansk dated September 02, 2009 No. 842. - Access mode: [#"justify"> .14. On approval of the departmental target program "Additional measures of social support for the disabled" for 2010": Decree of the Administration of the city of Murmansk dated September 02, 2009 No. 843. - Access mode: [#"justify">.15. On providing the population of the city of Murmansk with fish products under the social program "Cheap Fish": Decree of the Administration of the city of Murmansk dated April 30, 2009 No. 134. - Access mode: [#"justify"> 1.17. On the commission for social support of certain categories of citizens of the city of Murmansk ": Decree of the Administration of the city of Murmansk dated September 28, 2009 No. 1002. - Access mode: [#"justify"\u003e.18. Main provisions of the economic development strategy of the Murmansk region for the period up to 2015 : Decree of the Government of the Murmansk region of December 20, 2001 No. 251-PP - Access mode: .

19. Decree of the Mayor of the city of Murmansk N 115 dated April 28, 2009 "On approval of the Procedure for the development, approval and implementation of departmental target programs of the city of Murmansk". - Access mode: [#"justify">. Special literature

1 Velikhov, L.A. Fundamentals of urban economy / L.A. Velikhov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2009. - 242 p.

2 Vernikova, A.O. Social projects and programs: common principles, different methods / A.O. Vernikov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2009. - 345 p.

3 Volgin, N.A. Social policy / N.A. Volgin. - M.: Exam, 2005. - 742 p.

4 Voronin, A.G. Municipal economy and management. Problems of theory and practice / A.G. Voronin. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2004. - 176 p.

2.5 Zotov, V.B. Municipal management: Textbook for universities / V.B. Zotov, Z.M. Makasheva. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2007. - 345 p.

2.6 Zorenko, A.V. Social programs at the municipal level / A.V. Zorenko. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 221 p.

7 Ivanova, V.N. Technologies of municipal management: Proc. allowance / V.N. Ivanova. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2005. - 396 p.

8 Lunin, O.P. Management of objects of state and municipal property / O.P. Lunin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 345 p.

9 Guidelines for the formation of the concept of socio-economic development of the municipality in the strategic perspective. The program of social assistance to the population / Collection guidelines on the development and implementation of social projects and programs. - M.: INFRA-M, 2009. - 345 p.

10. Rokhchin, V.E. Technologies of strategic planning and development of a program for the integrated socio-economic development of a municipality-settlement / V.E. Rokhchin, N.N. Znamenskaya, M.V. Sviridenko. - St. Petersburg: SPbAUE, 2007. - 106 p.

11. Sarantseva, E.I. Developer of social programs for municipalities: theoretical and methodological principles and examples of programs / E.I. Sarantseva. - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2010. - 321 p.

12. Utkin, E.A. State and municipal management / E.A. Utkin, A.F. Denisov. - M.: EKMOS Publishing House, 2006. - 321 p.


1 Lushnikov, I.V.


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Achieving the long-term goals of Russia's socio-economic development in the context of a slowdown in economic growth and strengthening budget constraints requires the search for new solutions to improve the quality of public services, the efficiency and effectiveness of spending on their provision. For the social sphere, this task is especially relevant, since here, as a rule, there are no clear criteria for measuring the quality of services and evaluating the final effect of their provision. Elena Igorevna ANDREEVA, Director of the Center for Fiscal Policy for Research Antonina Sergeevna KOVALEVSKAYA, Development Director of the Center for Fiscal Policy, Scientific Supervisor of the Budget Policy Department, Ph.D. n.

Why evaluate the economic efficiency of social programs

Any programs are implemented only because the social value of the benefits created exceeds the social value of the resources expended, and social programs are no exception in this sense. However, since there is no single generally accepted methodology for measuring the results of the implementation of social programs, the effectiveness of such programs is usually assessed inadequately. The situation is aggravated by the fact that public dissatisfaction with the quality of social services and their accessibility often requires large-scale reforms, and reforms are inevitably associated with increased costs, at least in the short term. Due to the underestimation of effectiveness, such programs often receive less funding compared to economic development programs and projects, which can be a serious brake on progress in the social sphere.

Evaluation of the economic efficiency of social programs is necessary not only to justify the need to allocate additional budgetary funds in conditions when there is competition for them. It is also needed to attract funds from extrabudgetary sources. To finance programs in the social sphere, funds from extrabudgetary sources, such as private charitable foundations and international donors, for whom it is important that their funds not only go to a good cause, but also ensure the achievement of a measurable result that exceeds the resources expended. An assessment of the economic efficiency of social programs is also necessary to determine the consequences for the budget from the implementation of the program, to justify the required amount of budgetary funds and other resources, to compare alternative programs and activities, and finally, to justify changes to previously adopted and ongoing programs in terms of their financial support.

How to evaluate the economic effect of a social program

The methodological bases for assessing the economic efficiency of social programs have not yet been formed in their final form. There is no unified terminology and methods for determining the indicators of the effectiveness of social programs, common approaches used in calculating the economic efficiency of social programs have not been developed, and the composition of the information necessary for making calculations has not been determined. When making decisions about new programs or activities, it is not practiced to compare different options for achieving the goals set for each social program.

Meanwhile, general theoretical approaches to such an assessment are known. It is necessary in one way or another to measure the result expected from the implementation of the social program and compare it with the amount of funds spent on its implementation. The main difficulty lies precisely in the measurement of the final result. In the simplest case, in order to assess the economic efficiency of reforms in the social sphere, in particular those involving a change in the composition of services addressed to target groups, it is enough to show that the system of social services that will arise as a result of their implementation will be able to better meet the needs of target groups than the existing one, and at the same time, the current maintenance of the new system will cost the budget no more than the existing one. In cases where the reform is aimed at meeting new needs or covers new target groups that previously did not receive budgetary services, it is necessary to show that these services will not only meet the existing need, but that the effect that will be obtained from their provision will justify the increase in budgetary expenditures. . In addition, calculations should show that the cost of maintaining the social service system, which will be created as a result of the reform, will be affordable for the budget of future periods.

The main methods for evaluating the effectiveness of social programs are predetermined by the peculiarities of evaluating the performance of non-profit organizations (hereinafter referred to as NCOs). In the non-profit sector, which includes both state and non-state organizations providing social services, performance cannot be expressed by one universal indicator. To justify the need to develop and implement programs in the social sphere, the main goals of which are to improve the quality of life of individual target groups of the population or society as a whole, a special system for evaluating the effectiveness of spending funds should be created. The problem here is that the results of such programs may or may not be accurately quantifiable.

The result of the implementation of any programs, including socially oriented ones, is always the creation of new value. The decision to finance any program means that the society evaluates its results higher than the resources expended. This value can be different in nature, including purely economic or market, purely social and socio-economic. The assessment methodology involves working mainly with the socio-economic value created as a result of the implementation of social programs, however, for completeness of the presentation, it is necessary to characterize the entire range of possible results.

economic value. This is the creation of new value as a result of the use of economic resources. Examples of economic value creation are well known from the activities of the private sector. Measurement methods are also well known: indicators such as value added, profit, profitability, return on assets, payback period, etc. are used. economic cost. For example, businesses established to provide employment for persons with disabilities may well be profitable, although they are not established for profit. The new economic value created by such projects consists of the after-tax profits of the enterprise.

Social cost (social or social result). It is about a positive change in the lives of individuals, a target group or society as a whole. Social outcome is often difficult to measure. For example, the conservation of forests improves the life of the whole society, but it is difficult to measure exactly how much life is getting better, especially in terms of value. As a rule, the direct result of social (including environmental) programs is measurable - so many hectares of forest are saved or so many public events are held, but the social cost of these immediate results is not always measurable. Nevertheless, some social results are quite amenable to cost measurement - for example, an increase in the income of members of the target group.

Socio-economic value. This is the part of the social result that can be measured in terms of value. As a rule, socially oriented programs lead to budgetary savings by increasing the independence of program participants from among socially vulnerable categories of the population and reducing the need for their state support. By increasing the independence of participants, such programs can lead to an increase in employment among representatives of the target group, an increase in their income, which is also an important socio-economic result and, in turn, leads to an increase in budget revenues through an increase in the tax base. Since socio-economic results are measured in the same cost terms as the costs of implementing the program, the socio-economic efficiency of social programs can be measured using the same principles that are used to evaluate the effectiveness of investment projects.

Examples of social programs aimed primarily at achieving socio-economic results are programs in the field of increasing employment, employment of the disabled, socialization and employment of graduates of residential institutions for children, training programs, etc. As an additional or side effect, socio-economic results arise in many social programs that do not aim to achieve savings in budget expenditures or increase budget revenues. Accounting for such effects makes it possible to at least partially “justify” the costs of implementing social programs by considerations of budgetary savings or economic benefits. In addition, despite the fact that the calculated assessment of the socio-economic efficiency of social programs is incomplete and does not take into account all the social benefits generated by the program, it often makes it possible to prove the expediency of spending on social programs, since the socio-economic value they create turns out to be more than the costs of their implementation.

Assessment of the socio-economic effect

When assessing the socio-economic effect created as a result of the implementation of a social program, it is necessary to take into account all socially significant effects - the benefits that will be received by the direct participants of the program, the benefits and costs for the budget, the benefits and costs for residents of the territory where the social program will be implemented , benefits and costs for society as a whole. Public costs should include budget expenditures for the implementation of programs. The loss of work by employees of liquidated social institutions can be attributed to society's costs if the company is obliged, by virtue of public or implicit agreements, to provide them with a new job. If such obligations do not exist, such a loss must be considered as a negative increase in the income of the population as a result of the project.

As a rule, the budget is not responsible for employment or compensation for lost income for representatives of those professions that can be employed in open market(security guards, cooks, accountants, etc.), but in relation to public sector specialists (teachers, doctors) who will lose their jobs as a result of retraining or liquidation budget institution, the attitude should be different: they may be offered compensation or participation in a vocational retraining program for employment in a new place. Finding a compromise that satisfies all parties is not easy, and often a compromise solution results in a significant increase in budgetary spending, which is not entirely attributable to the program. Rather, they should be singled out as a separate program with a different target audience, and when assessing the main program, they should be taken into account for reference, only from the point of view of risk assessment.

Along with indicators of socio-economic efficiency of costs for the implementation of a social program, a reduced net socio-economic effect, that is, a socio-economic gain minus costs, and an indicator of net budgetary effect can be calculated. In this case, one should be prepared for the fact that the net budgetary effect will turn out to be negative: budget expenditures will not pay off due to the increase in budget revenues generated by the program and savings on unemployment benefits, although the effect will be significant for the target group.

Comparison of alternative program options

The results of the evaluation of the socio-economic efficiency of the costs of implementing socially oriented programs are very informative and important, but they do not allow us to judge whether this program provides the best way to meet the needs of the target group. In the social sphere, where new programs are often aimed not at meeting new needs and serving new target groups, but at changing the composition of services offered to target groups that are already recipients of state support, it is important not so much to calculate the assessment of the socio-economic effectiveness of the program, but to evaluate its comparative socio-economic efficiency in comparison with existing ways state support of the target contingent.

When comparing two or more alternative ways of serving the same target population or different ways of meeting the same social needs of the target group, there is no need to value the main social effect of the program, whether it is the provision of decent living conditions for the elderly, the upbringing of children deprived of parental guardianship, or organization of leisure for veterans. Since the service and support of the target population is recognized as necessary, regardless of whether it will bring any economic benefit to society or not, one should only choose the least costly way for society to satisfy this need. This approach does not exclude the possibility of taking into account side cost effects, if, for example, the provision of an alternative set of services will not only satisfy the main need of the target population for state support, but also lead to a decrease in the target group’s need for other budgetary services or, over time, will provide an economic effect in the form of increased labor productivity of recipients of budgetary services. When making such comparisons, since the decision to choose one or another development option has not yet been made, we can talk not about different programs, but about different scenarios for the development of the social sphere or the system for servicing target contingents.

Basic requirements for programs

The program must meet certain requirements, without which it cannot be used as a unit of budget planning and a tool for assessing the socio-economic efficiency of budget expenditures. A program is usually understood as a set of activities and services that lead to a certain quantitatively measurable and socially significant result and require the allocation of certain resources for their implementation. As a rule, the program corresponds to a level of aggregation higher than a single service, the result of which is measured by the number of consumers receiving the service. The socially significant result of the program should be expressed in an objectively measurable state of the target group. It does not matter whether the program is approved by a normative document or the various components of the program are combined for analytical purposes. The program should have a quantitatively measurable goal, and this goal should reflect a socially significant result regarding the state of society as a whole or individual target groups.

For government programs in the field of social protection of the population, it is not easy to formulate a program goal due to the multiplicity and heterogeneity of the target groups, the needs of which they are aimed at. Nevertheless, in order to form a list of services and activities aimed at meeting the needs of the target population, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the program as a whole and its individual subprograms, it is necessary to clearly define, if not all, then at least the main categories of citizens who will be provided with social support. If the program has already been approved, and the formulation of its goal does not contain measurable indicators, or if the goal is formulated in terms of tasks for performers and does not contain indications of the final socially significant result, then in order to assess the socio-economic effectiveness of the program, it is necessary to put it in line with (impute) a conditional goal , which would meet the necessary requirements, and select a quantitative indicator of the expected end result. The outcome indicator should reflect the change in the state of the target group or target groups, if there is more than one.

Very often, improving the condition of the target group means increasing the autonomy of its members, acquiring additional skills, increasing productivity or reducing the need for government support, which can directly or indirectly lead to an increase in the income potential of program participants or their families. However, in many cases the improvement in the condition of the target group cannot be measured in terms of increased productivity. With regard to such programs, we can talk about assessing their socio-economic efficiency not in an absolute, but in a relative sense, when different ways of achieving the same goal that is fundamentally immeasurable in terms of cost are compared.

The program must include all the activities necessary and sufficient to achieve the set socially significant goal, otherwise the assessment of the costs required to achieve it will be incomplete and as a result of the implementation of the program activities, the socially significant goal will either not be achieved, or will be achieved at a different price. It is for this reason that, as a rule, it is impossible to evaluate the effectiveness of individual social services: in order to achieve a socially significant result, it is necessary to consider not a separate service, but a whole range of services.

New Approach

From a practical point of view, a system in which the provision of services of different composition to different recipients works to achieve the same goal requires a new approach to accounting for the services provided and evaluating the effectiveness of the measures taken. At the same time, if at the stage of developing and planning a program, the effectiveness of the entire range of planned services can be assessed by an expert, then at the stage of program implementation, it is necessary to be able to constantly monitor the real effectiveness of the measures taken. The system for recording the measures taken and evaluating the effectiveness (efficiency) of new services should be built into the program in advance.

The need to include in one program all the expenditures leading to the achievement of the goal leads to blurring the lines between current and capital expenditures. Often the same goal can be achieved both by increasing running costs and through the implementation of a capital construction project. If capital expenditures are to be financed from extrabudgetary sources, such as philanthropic foundations, they should be included in the program as co-financing of the program from extrabudgetary sources. This will allow not only to estimate the total cost of the program, but also show how much funds from extrabudgetary sources have been attracted for its implementation. The program should include all activities and services for which demand may increase or decrease as a result of the implementation of program activities, regardless of which agency is responsible for providing the services or organizing the relevant activities.

Linking programs to final socially significant goals inevitably increases the planning horizon compared to the usual annual cycle, since it usually takes several years to achieve socially significant goals, in the social sphere - at least 3-6 years. This remoteness of expected results from current period expenditures raises the question of the need to estimate the average duration of the provision of social services and how much weight to take into account future budget savings or future income growth in comparison with the costs that will be required to achieve these results in the current period.

Evaluation of the socio-economic and budgetary effectiveness of program expenditures can be carried out both for the program as a whole and for individual activities (subprograms, projects), if these activities are necessary and sufficient to achieve the ultimate socially significant goal. At the planning stage of the program, calculations to assess their expected effectiveness are usually carried out by the program developers, but to assess the actual results achieved, it is desirable to involve independent specialists who did not participate in the development and implementation of the program and are not responsible for the overall results of the program activities.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation