Internal logistics contour of the enterprise. What is logistics and what does the logistics department at the enterprise Organization of internal logistics of the enterprise


Last update:  09/26/2019

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine "site"! Today we will talk about logistics- what is it in simple words, what tasks and goals does it have, and we will also give advice on how to choose a logistics company.

In the modern world, the issue of cargo transportation is an integral part of the work of any enterprise. Properly organized delivery allows you to save the resources of the organization in the conduct of commercial activities. Perhaps there is no such area where such services are absolutely not needed. These and many other tasks are solved by properly conducted logistics policy.

Modern universities train narrow specialists in this field, and the science of logistics itself reveals the secrets of a successful business and teaches how to optimize the flow of materials, funds and information.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is logistics and what are its tasks;
  • What types of logistics are there;
  • How to choose the right transport company for cooperation;
  • On the specifics of Russian logistics and the logistics profession itself.

This article will be useful for beginners logisticians, business representatives who want to optimize the transport process, organize logistics control within the enterprise itself (for example, a system business), and also choose the right partner for long-term and profitable work in the field of delivery and freight forwarding.

Do you want to get acquainted with all the intricacies of logistics science? Then read about it right now!

About logistics - what it is and what functions and tasks it has, how to choose a logistics company and who is a logistician - read on

πŸ”” Logistics- this modeling, control And rationalization process transfer of goods , services or information from supplier to consumer. It can be assessed as a strategic management of the supply process. Logistic control is aimed at reducing costs in the implementation or transfer of material, financial and information flows.

The logistic structure can be represented by the following processes:

  • management by the buyer or consumer, in order to minimize costs;
  • management by the supplier, aimed at increasing the profitability of the supply.

The logistics management process cannot be reduced to one permanent action, it includes several aspects at once:

  • execution of contracts;
  • inventory management system;
  • product delivery scheme;
  • close communication with customs authorities;
  • market demand monitoring;
  • And so on.

To optimize this process, a variety of logistics models are used at various stages. Some of these models can be attributed to marketing, but they all come down to the ultimate goal - increase the profitability of commercial activities.

Logistics, as an independent area, arose due to a number of difficulties, related to the delivery of goods.

There are specialized logistics organizations that are approached by entrepreneurs and legal entities that do not have their own logistics department.

Although, in fact, logistics arose a long time ago. Even in the days of an agrarian society, there was international trade, and its participants tried to reduce the cost of transporting goods. In modern economic conditions and the industrial scale of production, logistics has reached a new level.

Logistics costs are one of the largest items in determining the cost of production.

2. Tasks, functions and goals of logistics πŸ“‘

The subject of logistics science is the state material, financial or information resources at various levels in a particular system and optimization of their flows.

The purpose of logistics is to increase the efficiency of the economic system, through the management of logistics processes.

Logistics tasks include:

  • commodity flow management;
  • development of a system for managing the flow of goods, services and information;
  • monitoring the market and identifying demand for materials and goods, forecasting the future situation on the market.

Logistics includes the following concepts:

logistics operation– operations aimed at changing material flows or service flows.

Logistics system is a system for planning and implementing all logistics operations.

In modern science, logistics systems are divided into:

  • direct (establish a connection between the supplier and the consumer);
  • intermediary (include at least one additional participant).

material flow- an object of logistical actions, which is measured by physical indicators of weight, size and time.

Logistics function- actions aimed at improving the efficiency of work at a particular stage of the logistics process.

Among them are:

  • transport services;
  • product storage;
  • purchase of goods;
  • stock creation.

Logistics costs- expenses associated with the conduct and execution of logistics operations. They can become components of marketing costs or be included in the cost of production.

In fact, the formation of a logistics system is a balancing of production interests and ensuring liquidity.

The efficiency of the logistics system directly depends on the volume of stocks available to the organization, which can be presented in the form of a comparative table:

No. p / p Indicator Lots of stock Little stock
1 Logistics costs above (-)below (+)
2 Benefit from the use of working capital below (-)above (+)
3 Adaptability to growth or decrease in demand in terms of quantity above (+)below (-)
4 Probability of breach of contract below (+)above (-)
5 Logistics system control easier (+)more difficult (-)
6 Adaptability to the growth or decrease in the range of market needs below (-)above (+)

From this table it can be seen that the amount of stock of the enterprise determines that the operation of the logistics system is related to the amount of resources of the enterprise.

3. The concept and main types of logistics - 7 most popular types βœˆπŸššβ›΄

The process of logistics management includes various components that provide optimal results for this system. Based on this, several types of logistics can be distinguished.

1) Transport logistics (Transport logistics)

Determination of the most profitable route for the movement of funds, ensuring the transfer of material resources in the required amount and the required time from one point to another, with the aim of further processing, redistribution or consumption of these resources.

2) Customs logistics

Implementation of control over the material flow passing through state borders.

Customs logistics allows you to solve several problems at once:

  • carrying out the transportation of goods;
  • obtaining the necessary certificates for imported goods;
  • registration of customs documentation;
  • assessment of the cost, condition and compliance with customs requirements of the cargo;
  • accompaniment of the further movement of cargo that has passed the customs border;
  • ensuring compliance with currency legislation.

Customs logistics obliges to take into account the legal customs requirements and the costs associated with their implementation.

3) Production logistics

When production resources go through several stages within the enterprise itself in the process of creation and processing, it is necessary to establish control over this process in order to optimize it.

This is done by production logistics, by solving the following tasks:

  • coordination of work schedules carried out in various production units;
  • compliance with the deadlines for the performance of work by all departments of the processes of purchasing resources and selling products;
  • identification of consumer needs in order to effectively plan the production process;
  • quick response to failures in production, its adjustment and control over the fulfillment of tasks within the specified time frame.

4) Inventory logistics

The main task of inventory logistics is to establish a continuous uninterrupted process of production and sale of the product. Its solution is carried out by monitoring the available stocks of goods and production resources, taking into account risks, seasonal specifics and constancy of supplies.

5) Purchasing logistics (Supply logistics)

It controls the movement of material flows that provide the production process with the necessary resources. It includes the supply of production, the supply of materials, their storage until they are released into production.

The need for supply logistics is determined by:

  • The lack of coordination in the supply process inevitably entails downtime in production. It is necessary to control purchases in terms of quantity, quality, organization of supplies, package integrity and assortment.
  • More than half of the cost of manufactured goods is created in the process of supply.

To increase and maintain the required level of business competitiveness, the organization of supply logistics is mandatory. To do this, a constant monitoring of the state of the market for purchased materials is carried out and the profitability of purchases or self-production of the necessary raw materials is determined.

6) Information logistics

This direction of logistics deals with the control and coordination of data flows that go in addition to the material. In relation to the enterprise itself, such flows can be divided into domestic And external and within the organization horizontal And vertical.

The provisions of information logistics are determined by internal regulations on the workflow at the enterprise.

In cases of desynchronization of material and informational movement, important so that the information does not go ahead of the material.

If it is impossible to synchronize the material and information flows, it is desirable that the information flow is somewhat ahead of the material one.

7) Warehouse logistics

This type of logistics is aimed at controlling the work of the warehouse - acceptance, storage, issuance of materials. It also defines issues such as the optimal location of warehouses and warehouse accounting, which directly affects the assessment of the cost of production in accounting.

Warehouse Logistics also solves the problems of organizing warehouse management, optimizing the placement of warehouses. The nature of inventory management can affect the accounting estimate of the cost.

Logistics company - the main criteria for choosing a logistician. company

4. How to choose a logistics company - TOP-8 selection criteria πŸ“

The Russian market of logistics services is represented by many companies. There are no monopolies and high competition, but the quality of the services provided is not always of the proper level.

There are several criteria, which should be used when choosing such a company, even in a little-studied region.

Criterion 1. The carrier must have its own fleet, otherwise it is an intermediary, which will increase the cost of transportation. Ask the company whether it even intends to seriously provide services or the company provides only intermediary services.

Criterion 2. The carrier company must provide guarantees. The contract must specify the exact time of delivery of the goods and the time in transit.

Criterion 3. If the company does not have its own fleet or it is not enough, the use of the services of transport companies is necessary. But, even if you have your own means of transportation, it makes sense to estimate the costs, perhaps delivery by a logistics company will be cheaper.

The fact is that those companies that specialize in transportation have more opportunities in this area due to cost savings, through the formation of groupage cargo in one direction and preferences for the wholesale purchase of fuel, vehicle maintenance, and so on.

Criterion 4. Carrier liability insurance is an important aspect that allows you to get guarantees for the safety of the cargo or compensation for damage in the event of an insured event.

Criterion 5. It is necessary to compare the conditions and cost of several carriers at once.

Criterion 6. The ability of a logistics firm to handle non-standard orders speaks volumes about its seriousness. It is possible to conclude an additional agreement on the provision of alternative transport, in case of emergency, it goes without saying that the tariff will be higher.

Criterion 7. It is important to read reviews about the work of the company via the Internet.

Criterion 8. Particular attention should be paid when using additional services of a customs broker. Documentation errors can significantly delay deliveries.

5. The main problems and features of Russian logistics πŸ“Š

In Russia, the situation in the field of logistics is not the most favorable. This is due to climatic conditions, long distances, the condition of the road surface and the technical capabilities of transport.

Transportation costs in the Russian Federation are much higher than the world average and amount to about 20% of GDP, this is primarily due to the specifics of the actions of the Russian Federation in the international market as one of the largest suppliers of raw materials, as well as territorial dimensions.

Russia has a number of problems in the field of logistics:

  • high level of prices for storage and unloading services;
  • the hidden nature of many costs;
  • non-execution of the parties to the contract;
  • unstable market conditions and inefficient sales planning;
  • poor development of transport infrastructure, limiting economic growth to a limit of 4% per year, at best;
  • limited number of suppliers;
  • shortage of qualified personnel and, as a result, erroneous logistic models;
  • difficult natural conditions in most regions.

Due to the crisis, many logistics systems are being reduced, which leads to a decrease in the profitability of many sectors of the country's economy. However, in the face of reduced competition, there are more β€œstrong” firms that are able to maintain an appropriate level of logistics services provided and occupy vacant niches in the market.

6. Who provides logistics services - an overview of the TOP-5 companies in the Russian market of logistics services πŸ“„

There are many private carriers and large logistics companies on the Russian market, capable of providing a wide range of services and operating throughout the country or most regions.

1) Business lines

The largest transport and logistics company in Russia. It has been operating throughout the country for more than 12 years and provides a variety of services in the field of logistics:

  • road, rail and air transportation;
  • transportation by separate transport;
  • the presence of branches and points of delivery of goods in most regions of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus;
  • groupage cargo transportation;
  • availability of services for fast delivery of goods;
  • the possibility of observing the temperature regime of transportation with the help of specialized equipment on a special flight;
  • cargo tracking and alert system;

This company cares about the peace of mind of customers and controls the quality of service, guarantees and insurance services are provided.

2) PEC

This company operates throughout the country and has more than 100 representative offices, constantly expanding.

For more than 10 years, PEC has been improving the quality of services and their diversity:

  • targeted delivery of cargo and collection from the client;
  • a system for informing customers about the intersection of key points along the route;
  • variety of packaging of transported material;
  • loading and unloading of delivered goods.

3) Delko

The company has been operating for more than 17 years, has more than 1000 vehicles and delivers any cargo weighing up to 20 tons by various vehicles in Russia and Kazakhstan:

  • refrigerated semi-trailers (mode Β±20C);
  • semi-trailers with an awning - 90 m3;
  • tent semi-trailers 110 m3 (16.5 m, 40 pallets) using bunk.

4) TTG

The company has been operating for about 5 years in Russia and the CIS, transporting goods from 0.5 to 20 tons, and has more than 5,000 units of various equipment, which allows you to quickly load vehicles in any region of the country and just as quickly find a replacement if necessary.

In ATI's electronic database of carriers, TTG has the highest rating and several hundred positive customer reviews. The company was awarded the "Guarantor of Quality and Reliability"-2014 award and provides its services to many large customers on an ongoing basis.


This company provides both logistics and forwarding services in full. Transportations are carried out throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, including the Crimean peninsula, as well as to the CIS countries - Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus. There is a possibility of delivery "to the door" of the client. Cargoes from 500 kg or 2 mΒ³ in volume are accepted for transportation and are delivered both by separate transport and by a combined vehicle. Oversized cargo and cargo with the requirement to comply with the temperature regime are also accepted for work.

The company's specialists optimize cargo routes, having complete data on the state of the route, road repairs and traffic jams, which helps to reduce transportation costs.

The calculation of the amount of payment for transportation in any of the directions is calculated in 15 minutes.

7. What is the difference between forwarding and logistics πŸ“Ž

Forwarding activity is an integral part of the work of a logistician, but it is limited only to the coordination of the movement of goods, escort and delivery to the destination.

Logistics, in itself, is a broader concept. It implies the optimization of material and information flows in parallel with forwarding activities.

The full range of freight forwarding services includes:

  • cargo pickup, transportation and delivery to the destination
  • loading and unloading of goods;
  • control of payment for transportation;
  • registration of necessary documents;
  • possible services of a customs broker;
  • informing the parties to the agreement about the route and stage of cargo movement
  • And so on.

I.e, forwarding activity This is just one part of logistics.

8. Logistician - what kind of profession is this or who is a logistician πŸ“„

A person engaged in logistics activities is referred to as "logist" (logistician).

logistics is responsible for optimizing product sales flows by performing various tasks to rationalize and improve the efficiency of material and information flows in a time-limited environment and specify the starting and ending points.

The areas of work of a specialist (manager) in logistics are as follows:

  • transportation carried out by more than one vehicle under one contract, called multimodal;
  • freight forwarding;
  • warehouse management and control of storage of materials;
  • control of the material and technical base;
  • filling in and submitting the necessary customs documents;
  • planning and management within corporate logistics;
  • ensuring control over services related to information, reference and service activities;
  • marketing control of the distribution of inventory items;
  • other.

A successful logistician must master the free use computer programs , such as: 1C , Client bank And others and also be able to quickly find high-quality and reliable information that is relevant at the moment.

A prerequisite for the activity of a logistician is the ability to make forecasts of sales, purchases and possible transport difficulties, to assimilate and apply statistics in daily work.

9. Conclusion + related video πŸŽ₯

The importance of proper organization of the delivery of goods during the sale, coordination of procurement processes and control over warehouse operations is undeniable. At the same time, it is important to understand what kind of services can provide logistics firm, as well as what logisticians should do within the enterprise.

The efficiency of any business directly depends on costs, including transport operations . For example, when maintaining a product, it is important to understand what part of the cost will be for the delivery of goods, since, as a rule, buyers of Chinese "trend" goods (usually goods with a cost of about $ 10-20) have to spend a third of the cost on delivery.

Nowadays, the Russian market is represented by a wide range of transportation partners and a range of services provided. Equally important are the guarantees that the freight forwarder can provide.

Logistics, as a separate branch of business, appeared relatively recently, however, is already firmly established in the market. At the same time, there are many of its types and directions, which you have already familiarized yourself with in the article.

Now you know how important it is to choose the right partner for transportation, what skills a logistician should have and which companies occupy top positions in the logistics services market.

Dear readers of the magazine "", we will be grateful to you if you share your wishes, experience and comments on the topic of publication in the comments below.

Consider the features of the classification of logistics, the functions and main tasks of a representative of the profession of a logistician and specialized logistics companies in general. Forms of providing logistics services, their features.

Logistics is the science of supply, supply, control, organization of transportation. It is based on the rules of law and the laws of the functioning of the market. The work of a logistician requires competent planning and optimization of activities in the field of transportation. So, what is logistics and the profession of "logistics"?

Full overview of the concept

Logistics is an economic discipline, a section of management aimed at studying the features of supply, supply, transportation, control over all processes related to transportation, and their management. The literal translation of the word from Greek subtly reflects the essence of the concept - "the art of counting" .

The Russian Academy of Sciences has proposed its own definition, which provides a more complete explanation and understanding of the term, clarifies fundamentally important points.

Fact! American researchers consider logistics as a process aimed at realizing the interests of the parties, as well as controlling transportation and delivery.

In addition to the processes that are listed in other existing formulations of this concept, the definition of the Academy of Sciences also includes a listing of the ways of movement of goods or services that are in the area of ​​interests and activities of the logistician:

  • Raw materials and production plant.
  • Finished products and consumer.
  • Processing of raw materials at the enterprise and intra-production movement: from entering the enterprise to the final result.

Tasks, functions and goals

Logistics, as a service sector, began to take shape at a time when manufacturers realized that irrational transportation costs had an extremely negative impact on the company's performance, reducing its profitability.

Logistics services are an extensive set of operations, processes that are aimed at fulfilling the request of the company's client, meaning:

  • Storage.
  • Transportation.
  • Purchase.
  • Delivery.
  • Planning.
  • Transport optimization.
  • Treatment.
  • Certification.
  • Documentary support and others.


Three main functions: optimization, control, efficiency improvement.

A simple option for obtaining high-quality logistics services is to choose a specialized outsourcing company. A logistics company is a professional performer who will ensure the rational, efficient provision of a number of services for transportation, storage, transportation optimization, and documentation. This is a specialized company that optimizes the movement of products and information flows from the manufacturer to the final goal - the customer, the client. How to create it? It is required to have not only resources, but experience, knowledge in this field of activity. Only specialized education or the availability of significant funds does not guarantee the successful operation of the enterprise. Most companies have grown from small forwarding firms.

The scope of services provided by the company includes:

  • Informing and documenting the cargo.
  • Shipping.
  • Warehousing.
  • Registration of goods, if necessary, transportation across the border.
  • Delivery directly to the consumer of the product.
  • Sorting, packing.
  • Formation of parties, creation of a sales network.
  • Insurance.

Services of a specialized company allow minimizing the cost, simplify transportation and paperwork, save time.

Logistician - who is it?

If you are interested in who logisticians are and what they do, then first of all it is important to understand that there are three main basic processes in the work of these specialists: optimization, planning, control.

Expert opinion! The specialist needs to plan the transportation of a batch of cabinets from the manufacturing plant. He needs: to ensure the completion of the operation on time, to provide transport, to take into account and minimize the likely factors that could harm the product. We have natural wood cabinets. Therefore, in order to minimize the damage from external factors, it is necessary to choose transport according to the basic requirements: the goods must be protected from moisture, securely fixed in the body.

  • Choosing the right transport.
  • Proper planning of the transportation process.
  • Joint work in the field of planning, taking into account the work of the warehouse and production.
  • Transport route optimization.
  • Formation of unity in planning with other departments.

Customs logistics

A type of logistics, the goals of which are aimed at delivering goods from the manufacturer to the buyer (customer) by optimal routes between countries. The main goal of this type is the optimization of foreign economic activity, which requires a high level of professionalism of a logistics specialist.

As part of customs-type logistics, the following works are performed:

  • The logistics company ensures the storage of products in optimal, well-thought-out conditions.
  • Organization of transportation.
  • Documentary support.
  • Checking the cargo.
  • Cargo escort from customs to the direct customer.

The profession of a logistician, what is it in the field of customs? This is an activity that requires a wider range of knowledge in the field of international economics and law. In addition, it is necessary to be able to classify goods. The goal is to minimize risks, maximize efficiency. Professional services help to bring the company to the world market, to purchase profitable raw materials or products from a foreign manufacturer.

Production logistics

It implies the process of control, management, systematization and optimization in the production of a particular product. The specialist is engaged in the management of material flows - starting with raw materials, ending with the delivery of products to the customer.

Fact! Purpose of activity: who are logisticians in this area? These are specialists who are aimed at increasing the efficiency of production at minimal cost.

The function of control over production processes allows you to:

  • Monitor deadlines.
  • Coordination of work schedules.
  • Optimization of procurement processes.
  • Analysis of consumer needs.
  • Fast troubleshooting in production.

At the macro level, production logistics serves as a mechanism for controlling the operation of an enterprise, at the micro level it provides control over compliance with norms and deadlines, planning each stage of work, and cost analysis.

Inventory Logistics

Required for control, analysis of existing stocks of products and resources. The goal is to ensure the optimization of production, the smooth operation of the company. Who is the logistician? In this case, this is the controller of risks, the specifics of the season, supplies.

Purchasing logistics (Supply logistics)

It is the process of controlling existing financial resource flows. The goal is to provide the company with the resources necessary for high-quality and efficient work.

As part of its activities, the logistician must competently solve a number of issues:

  • From whom to buy resources?
  • What do you need to buy?
  • What conditions of purchase will be optimal?
  • How many resources are required to keep the company running?
  • How to link purchasing with product manufacturing and distribution systems?
  • How do you link a resource provider to a manufacturing plant that needs the resource?

Information logistics

A kind of logistics, which is aimed at organizing the information flow. It is a link that forms bridges between supply, distribution, production processes. How to work as a logistician in the field of information?

The specialist is engaged in the organization and management of transportation, warehousing, delivery, picking, controlling communications between departments. Information flows, well-planned by logisticians, allow you to optimize costs, increase efficiency, and organize a high-class service.

"Three pillars" of information logistics: information flow, information technology, systems.

Logistics in the field of information is engaged in:

  • Collection of information.
  • The movement of the information flow.
  • Analysis, accumulation of information.
  • Management, control.
  • Separation of information flows.
  • Filtering information based on certain criteria.

Information flow is data and messages that operate within the logistics system and outside, between the system and external objects. Information flow control contributes to the optimization of all logistics operations.

Warehouse Logistics

This set of actions, which are directed for product storage. The terms of warehousing, product features are important. The concept includes storage, acceptance, issuance of materials, raw materials, products, the optimal location of storage facilities, accounting for the work of the warehouse.

The goals of warehouse logistics:

  1. Cost minimization;
  2. Safe storage conditions for products with a variety of specifics;
  3. Reducing the cost of goods due to proper accounting;
  4. Increasing the level of competitiveness of production and business in general.

What is warehouse logistics: Wikipedia and other sources define this type as directed control over the movement of finances.

The main directions and concepts of this type:

  • Warehouse classification.
  • Functionality of warehouses, complexes.
  • Methods for the development of the warehouse system.
  • Operations and processes in the territory of warehouse systems.
  • Planning the location and structure of the warehouse.
  • Competent organization of work of employees.
  • Storage optimization.
  • Reducing the likelihood of risks.

Logistics services: what is it in the framework of the work of warehouses? This is the work of a specialist storage optimization, placement of goods, reducing the likelihood of product defects, protecting it from external risks. A professional approach ensures the creation of links between departments of the company, increases the level of efficiency of business processes.

Multimodal transportation

In practice, the problem of cargo delivery may be deeper, wider. Often it is necessary to move goods from a distant state, sometimes from another mainland. To carry out such transportation, it is required to attract transport of different types.

How to choose a logistics company - TOP-8 selection criteria

Logistics services: what is it and how to choose? It is not easy to choose companies from a wide range of existing ones, therefore, let's discuss in more detail, what should you pay attention to?

  1. Professionals always give a guarantee of quality. Working with dubious enterprises jeopardizes the integrity of products, the benefit of the manufacturer, the safety of the cargo during transportation, and the timing of the order. The contract must clearly indicate: delivery time, transportation time.
  2. The carrier must have its own fleet of vehicles. In extreme cases, a car on lease. If this is just an intermediary between the supplier and the transport company, you should refuse.
  3. Not bad if there are services of a customs broker. This is not necessary - there is not always a need for transportation abroad. It's just a nice extra service.
  4. Estimate the cost, analyze the spending.
  5. Compare: at the moment there are many specialized companies, so it is worth being a little capricious in order to get the most effective result, high-class service.
  6. Must have cargo insurance This is the liability of the carrier.
  7. Pay attention to how the company treats strange or non-standard orders, emergency situations.
  8. The Internet provides ample opportunities in the search for information. Use this powerful resource to explore user reviews.

The main problems and features of Russian logistics

Russian logistics can hardly be called an example to follow - this service sector is in a neglected state. Why?

  • Poor quality of road surfaces.
  • Long haul distances.
  • Use of transport with low technical capabilities.
  • Lack of a wide range of qualified employees.
  • Unfavorable climatic conditions in a large area of ​​the country.

These reasons increase the cost and risks.

Features of Russian logistics

  • Relatively high prices for the services of transport companies, expensive transportation.
  • Disregard for the fulfillment of the terms of the contract.
  • Spending transparency.
  • Unstable market.
  • Lack of staff.
  • Low level of transport infrastructure development.

The crisis situation on the market brought the leaders of the industry to the fore - these are large, reliable companies.

TOP-5 companies in the Russian market of logistics services

There are many large logistics companies and private carriers on the Russian Ferration market, providing a full range of services throughout the country and abroad.

Business Line

Consistent industry leader with more than 10 years. Business lines are a guarantee of quality, reliability, meeting deadlines. The company offers transportation by different modes of transport. Branches are represented in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia successfully developing cooperation with foreign partners. The minimum possible delivery time for any type of cargo, including groupage.

Business lines offer transportation of special cargoes requiring specific storage and transportation conditions. The location of the cargo can be controlled, tracked.


Large logistics company 10 years experience . The company opened more 100 branches and representative offices and is constantly expanding its spheres of influence.


  • Extensive private car park.
  • Acceptable prices.
  • Delivery prompt, timely, targeted.
  • The customer has the ability to control the transportation process.
  • Work with complex cargoes, a wide choice of packaging.
  • Perform unloading and loading.
  • Professional staff.

What is transport logistics from PEC? These are high-quality services, professional approach.


This is an old-timer of Russian logistics. The company offers specialized services to the market over 17 years provides quality assurance. Main feature - a large private car park for the transportation of goods of almost any volume and weight ( up to 20 tons). Delko's arsenal includes refrigerators, semi-trailers with an awning, and other cars.


A young company providing specialized services in the territory Russia and CIS countries . Own fleet includes more than 5000 models technology that allows you to transport goods over long distances. Clients guaranteed reliability, efficiency, quick response in case of emergency. According to user reviews, the company has high ratings in the market.


A specialized company that provides a wide range of logistics services. Works on site Russia and not only.


  • Delivery "to the door".
  • Attractive value.
  • Ability to transport cargo of different types.
  • Extensive car park.
  • Fulfillment of non-standard orders.


What is the specialty of logistics? This is a broad concept that includes knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of coordination, control and optimization of the process of transporting products. Success in the profession depends on the level of knowledge in the exact sciences, economics, law, the ability to use theory in practice, and use modern technologies.

Who is a logistician? A professional who is able to use all available resources for the benefit of the company, ensuring an increase in the efficiency and profitability of activities.

In the Russian market, logistics is at the stage of development. Main areas of work: optimization of the activities of transport companies, improving the quality of infrastructure, training of professional specialists.

Hello! Today we will talk about logistics. This is a whole science that requires an attentive attitude and deep study. If you approach it correctly, you can count on a good profit from production activities. Read more in this article!

Logistics in a nutshell

Logistics – this is a set of measures aimed at finding the best ways to supply goods (services), information, materials from any point to the destination. The task of logistics in the enterprise: the search for the most profitable and economically less costly ways for the flow of material resources.

Logistics is similar in many aspects to marketing, and there are even points of intersection of these two areas. The main feature that unites these two sciences is their goal: to increase efficiency in business and, as a result, increase income.

Logistics at the enterprise has two directions:

  1. Delivery, movement of services, materials, information, goods, raw materials from the place of production (suppliers) to a specific enterprise.
  2. Moving finished products or services to any type of consumer: retail, wholesale.

For the organization of logistics at the enterprise, both directions are important. Each affects the final price of goods, services, and hence the volume of sales.

The enterprise logistics system consists of the following important aspects:

  1. Selection of suppliers of goods, services or materials, raw materials;
  2. Signing an agreement with suppliers;
  3. Formation of joint actions and relations with customs authorities and other government departments;
  4. Organization of the process of bringing finished products and / or raw materials to the enterprise and from it;
  5. Selection of the most suitable transport company;
  6. Evaluation, research and identification of a group of potential buyers;
  7. Conclusion of agreements with buyers.

At many large-scale enterprises, the cost item for transportation, shipment of goods or raw materials is one of the largest. This once again confirms the importance of logistics in the activities of the enterprise.

Main types of logistics

The logistics process is huge and to make it easier to understand and study, it has been divided into types. Let's look at the main ones below.

Production logistics

It occurs directly at any plant or firm and is part of the technological process. The logistics of a manufacturing enterprise manages the flow of money, raw materials, materials and final products, goods. As a result of the activities of specialists in this area, production costs are optimized. This is precisely the purpose of production logistics.

Production logistics functions:

  • Analysis of the demand for manufactured goods, services, products;
  • Continuous improvement of schedules and work plans of all production departments;
  • Establishing and improving the interaction of sales and supply departments with other production departments;
  • Monitoring production processes and making adjustments to it, if necessary and aimed at increasing profits.

Inventory Logistics

Designed to manage stocks of finished products, raw materials, materials. Logisticians involved in this area monitor the volume of all stocks, make appropriate calculations and optimize these stocks in production. With ideally established logistics, goods should be continuously produced and sold, but not stale in warehouses.

Transport logistics

The most popular logistics division. Main task: determination of the optimal route for the supply of goods from production and delivery of raw materials to production. This is especially true when suppliers of materials and consumers of goods are located in different parts of the country or mainland. This also includes cargo logistics.

Information logistics

Manages the flow of information that is attached to material flows. Certain information and the ability to work with it correctly can have a big impact on the production process. Ignoring important information also has a negative effect.

It implies the management of external and internal information flows, the processing of this information and the execution of regulatory documents for production activities.

Customs logistics

As the name implies, it is about regulating the crossing of goods through customs control. This area of ​​logistics is the most serious, because we are talking about international relations and processes.

Functions of customs logistics:

  • Maintaining customs documentation;
  • Compliance with all rules of customs control;
  • Finding the best ways to pass customs;
  • Checking the availability of cargo in full and complete set according to the attached documents;
  • Checking the availability of declarations;
  • Cases related to obtaining certificates for goods and their issuance;
  • Monitoring the implementation of all rules of customs legislation;
  • Issues related to the payment of customs fees and duties.

Warehouse Logistics

Supply logistics (purchases)

This is the regulation of the flow of raw materials, components, materials and other items entering production from outside. The goal is to ensure a smooth production process.

This type of logistics consists of the following parts:

  1. Selection of the most suitable suppliers and signing contracts with them;
  2. Formation of the process of delivery of raw materials, materials to production facilities;
  3. Saving materials and raw materials before transferring them directly to production;
  4. Minimizing the cost of purchasing resources with the least likelihood of supply disruptions;
  5. Organize the supply of goods with materials and goods as reliably and efficiently as possible;
  6. Reducing the overall cost of logistics processes.

The main problem of procurement logistics is the choice of supplier.

Here are the main evaluation criteria for the selection of suppliers:

  • The level of quality of the supplied materials, raw materials, goods, services;
  • Reliability;
  • Price for services;
  • Ability to meet the needs and desires of the manufacturer;
  • Location;
  • Other additional bonuses and attractive conditions.

An important role is played by the image of the supplier, his popularity and feedback on his work.

This is the part of logistics that controls the distribution of finished products to the consumer.

Manages such stages of production as warehousing, transportation, delivery of tangible and intangible resources created in production. In other words, all the operations that are necessary to bring the final product to the consumer. In this case, all the interests and requirements of the buyer must be observed.

Often such logistics is called marketing and erroneously - sales. But these concepts have a difference. Distribution logistics is systematically interconnected with the processes of production, supply, and management of the flow of goods and services. All functions within a process are closely related to each other.

Depending on which subject of the economy takes responsibility for the supply, the flow of finished products may take the form of a commodity or transport flow.

Distribution logistics functions:

  • Design, formation, construction and regulation of the transportation process in the post-production process;
  • Inventory control and coordination;
  • Receiving orders for the import of products;
  • Packing, collecting and checking the configuration and other actions to prepare the flow of goods for the next journey;
  • Building the most reasonable and expedient shipment;
  • Control over delivery and management of transport operations in logistics chains;
  • Management, planning and organization of logistics services.

Distribution logistics in the enterprise requires significant costs. Some of the costs are associated with processes such as warehousing, packaging, transportation, processing, escorting cargo, storing finished products, processing and transmitting information about orders, deliveries and stocks.

The logistics of production processes in the field of distribution performs the following functions:

  • Designing sales processes for products, goods, services;
  • Building the processing process and receiving orders;
  • Establishing a network of warehouses;
  • The choice of packaging, configuration;
  • Control over other operations that precede shipment;
  • Product shipment management;
  • Organization of transportation.

An indicator of the successful operation of logistics in any enterprise is making a profit.

To increase profits, it is important:

  • Create a unified transport and storage system and organize fast delivery to the buyer;
  • Combine economically marketing and production;
  • Develop optimal schemes for warehousing and replenishing these stocks.

Distribution logistics includes a set of tasks for organizing and controlling the material flow at the supplier-consumer stage. The beginning of the logistics of the material flows of the enterprise lies at the moment of setting the implementation and ends with the exit of the supplied product from the supplier's attention.

Thus, it becomes clear that logistics is a complex and multifaceted concept. It consists not only of the transport movement of goods, but of other important processes.

The fundamentals of enterprise logistics should be centered around optimizing the movement of goods and raw materials. The end result of the work of this large structure is the efficient operation of all processes in the enterprise and, as a result, an increase in profits.

Optimization of the internal logistics of the enterprise

Logistics in Russia does not have a clear concept. Therefore, in order not to get confused, it is necessary to define the term internal logistics. This is a combination of certain functions aimed at ensuring the flow of material assets within the enterprise. Most often, this concept means transport services and a warehouse.
Often, the heads of enterprises are faced with the question of improving the logistics of the enterprise or its complete reorganization. The reasons for this may be:

  • Planning a new development of a company, enterprise, firm, which will require new solutions from logistics;
  • Entering new sales platforms and their niches;
  • The growth of passive, active assortment and the difficulties associated with it;
  • Reducing the turnover of stocks of goods at points of sale, distribution points and warehouses;
  • Increase in costs associated with logistics processes with stable sales or with their decrease.

To make the process of optimizing logistics business processes easier, you need to develop a specific plan. After all, it is problematic to perform the optimization/reorganization of the entire logistics chain at the same time.

Each enterprise has its own unique logistics system, but in practice it turns out that the mistakes and problems are almost the same for everyone. Here are the most common difficulties when a logistics structure is performing poorly:

  • Lack of information interaction between the purchasing department and logistics;
  • Difficulties with document flow, deadlines for delivery of invoices;
  • lack of understanding of the capabilities of the logistics system and the profitability of some processes;
  • There are no clear information flows between the supply department and other logistics structures, the exact timing, type and content of information are not determined;
  • Failure to provide complete information and in due time to the accounting system of the enterprise, which is necessary for the optimal operation of logistics;
  • The absence of a clear governing structure, when not a single technical process is brought to the attention of the performers in full;
  • Lack of a system for accounting for defective products;
  • Lack of unified management of all warehouses in production;
  • The inability of the logistics service to serve several machines at once for loading and unloading raw materials or goods.

Enterprises that have a logistics service in their composition must certainly evaluate the effectiveness of this department. This should be done periodically or when an urgent need arises. The process usually looks like this. The head of the enterprise gives the task to the management units, who, in turn, transfer them to the logistics service. They make decisions and get the job done. The following is an assessment of the performance of the unit.

There are three main methods for evaluation. Each implies a comparison of the result of the logistics service with previously set goals. As well as the calculation and analysis of the costs of completing the task. Let's consider each verification method in more detail.

productivity method

With this method, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the logistics service is quantitative. When an action is calculated and expressed in units of measure. For example, the unloading of materials in tons, the number of shipments of batches in hours, and so on.

They compare two values: according to the plan and what happened with the logistics service in fact. As a rule, indicators such as the number of equipment involved, the number of hours of work of people, the total number of personnel needed to perform a specific task, and the scale of the warehouse area are taken into account. The assessment is made up of the total amount of work in relation to the unit of finished product.

Cost method

The company sets cost criteria for each logistics option. Such a criterion can also be set for a unit of weight of a shipped or delivered product, a specific order or a shipped product.

The total costs and expenses in all areas are compared in accordance with previously established cost criteria and goals. Discrepancy values ​​are calculated that give a picture of the effectiveness of logistics activities.

Service method

In this case, the criterion is the assessment of the services provided according to the following characteristics:

  1. Time, which shows the duration of the provision of services;
  2. Accuracy - the execution of the task on time;
  3. The sequence of doing business according to the plan of technological operations;
  4. The amount of losses is a defect and damage to finished products during unloading, loading, transportation and storage in warehouses.

In the face of growing competition every day, the quality of service is of great importance in international and domestic markets. All methods of assessment together make it possible to identify the advantage of an enterprise in the effective operation of the logistics service.

Logistics service at the enterprise

Logistics at the enterprise involves managing it as a single system. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the work of a special service. She manages material flows. This includes the execution of contracts with suppliers and the delivery of finished goods to the consumer.

Main functions of the logistics service:

  1. Controlling the release of finished products and drawing up a plan for transportation processes;
  2. Design of information processes;
  3. Monitoring budgetary funds;
  4. Control over activities in warehouses, in servicing production cases;
  5. Forecast of demand for finished products, raw materials, materials;
  6. Packaging selection.

The logistics service in the form of a whole unit or represented by one specialist performs the following tasks:

  • Drawing up a plan with a timetable for the release of finished goods or services;
  • Control over technological production processes;
  • Support for quality control, production and service standards;
  • Planning for the import of materials, raw materials;
  • Creation of a functioning warehouse;
  • Drawing up a forecast, a plan for the expenditure of material resources;
  • Control and adjustment of the functioning of transport within the production;
  • Management and supervision of raw materials, materials, finished products at all stages of production;
  • Ensuring the information transfer processes needed to manage production systems.

Basic principles of logistics

When creating logistics in commercial enterprises, principles are important. They define the essence and character of the entire unit. Here are the basic principles that serve to reflect approaches to solving problems in the production and economic activities of the company.

The principle of synergy

The essence of the principle lies in a systematic and integrated approach to solving a specific problem. Actions are consistent with all the structures of the logistics system and the processes taking place inside. This achieves a better result as a whole than if each structure worked in isolation from each other.

Principle of dynamism

The logistics structure in an enterprise is a constantly changing system. It always reflects the essence of the processes that it covers and does not stop at one point.

Logistics is characterized by progressive dynamics and the desire for continuous improvement.

Completeness principle

This principle lies in the commonality of several logistics departments and the close relationship between them. Offline operation, any group structure is not allowed. Exceptions are emergency cases and extraordinary circumstances.

The principle of initiative

The principle is that the whole structure reacts to the event and offers its own ways of solving problems and problems together. At the same time, decisions have a positive effect on the entire production process as a whole.

The principle of expediency

It is based on attracting only such potential that can give a positive result on the way to the goal. Signs of the principle - the desire to reduce costs or time, in the choice between several ways to solve one problem.

All principles of logistics are designed to improve the methods and quality of organizational planning. Provide a unified approach to the activities of transport, storage, information, communication systems.


  1. The logistic structure has criteria that determine its effectiveness;
  2. The director of this structure can manage logistics. If the firm is small, then directly the general director or his deputy;
  3. The internal logistics of an enterprise is a combination of functions aimed at managing material flows within the company's production process; Most often it includes two main elements - transport service and warehousing;
  4. If you believe the practice, then the introduction of even small new ideas to improve the quality of logistics processes leads to lower costs for the entire enterprise;
  5. To optimize and reorganize the logistics system, you need to create a responsible group. It must develop plans according to time criteria. Each member of the group must keep records;
  6. Before starting the optimization, the head of the enterprise needs to check whether a sufficient number of specialists are involved in the process.

A common form of organizing logistics management is a matrix management system. The advantage of this organizational structure is the integration of two or more functions under the responsibility of an individual manager. For example, a manager is responsible for both logistics and product marketing and reports to two functional heads. Such managers may have unlimited powers and be fully responsible for meeting the needs of consumers. The disadvantage of the matrix management system is its high cost, since it requires more highly qualified employees and more advanced information systems needed to support the work of managers. Often a firm in its daily activities is managed on the basis of a functional management structure. However, to solve specific one-time problems for a short period, matrix teams are created from employees who perform different functions. The employees who are recruited to work on such short-term projects must be highly professional. For example, the development of many logistics processes and instructions requires the participation of specialists from different services.

Service Features

Participation in the development of the company's development strategy. Development of measures to develop the organizational and technical capabilities of the enterprise for the organization, management and execution of logistics operations. Setting tasks for the development of a logistics information system. Development and implementation, together with other services, of rational forms of organization and methods for performing business processes, to improve document circulation, information processing, control of the passage of documents, and the use of technical management tools. Participation in the preparation of regulations on structural divisions, job descriptions of performers and in their adjustment as necessary.

Providing methodological assistance to structural divisions in optimizing business processes and increasing their efficiency at individual workplaces, sites, divisions, and at the enterprise. Studying best practices in the field of logistics, developing proposals for its use, promoting their implementation. Development and implementation of methodological and regulatory materials on logistics for specific departments, functions and operations. Control of the application of the developed methodological and regulatory materials. Participation in the selection of basic terms of delivery and development of transport terms of contracts.

Participation in the selection of specialized firms - transport, forwarding, insurance, etc. and the conclusion of relevant agreements. Organization of the performance of auxiliary operations under contracts (packaging, labeling, customs operations, insurance, etc.). Participation in the selection of optimal routes and delivery methods. Organization of ensuring the coordination and interaction of carriers with other subjects of the logistics chain (forwarding, storage, customs operations, etc.). Organization of insurance against the risks of loss or damage to goods. Participation in the preparation of claim documentation and the conduct of claim cases in the part related to logistics. Organization of processing of transport and shipping documentation. Organization of calculation and accounting of costs associated with the delivery of goods. Organization of goods movement control. Organization of ensuring satisfaction of customer requirements for the quality of logistics operations. Organization of insurance and customs operations. Ensuring that a balance is maintained between the cost and efficiency of logistics operations.


Coordinates the technological process (receipt of goods to the warehouse, shipment of goods from the warehouse, carrying out loading and unloading operations, acceptance and transfer of goods to the warehouse, ensuring the necessary modes and conditions for their storage in the warehouse), optimizes the processes of moving resources and products within the enterprise.

Manages the transportation of goods, determines the carrier of goods based on the most efficient schemes of work of transport organizations and the most optimal modes of transport, transport tariffs, technical, operational, economic and cost indicators of transportation.

Determines methods and schemes for optimizing transport and technological schemes for the delivery of goods; ensures the conclusion of contracts for transportation, forwarding and other services related to the transportation of goods; develops transportation plans; organizes the technological process of transportation (transfer of goods to carriers, control over the delivery of goods to consignees, coordination of loading and unloading operations); provides document circulation of the transport and technological process; analyzes the quality of transportation and the timeliness of delivery of goods.

Organizes customs clearance and customs clearance of goods (selects types of customs regimes; ensures the preparation and timely submission of customs documentation; ensures customs declaration and presentation of declared goods at the request of customs authorities; determines customs clearance points (at the border, at internal customs); develops schemes for minimizing customs clearance costs ; searches for preferential customs clearance mechanisms; ensures the payment of customs duties.

Provides insurance for equipment, goods, raw materials, materials, cargo, liability of carriers; organizes measures to ensure the safety of goods during transportation, products during storage and internal movement.

Develops and controls acceptance processes:

β€” Improving the efficiency of acceptance management with the help of information technology;

- calculation of the required number of unloading posts;

– calculation of the number of days from the moment of order to the receipt of goods;

- the process of acceptance of products by quantity;

β€” the process of acceptance of products in case of detection of shortages or surpluses;

- Documents filled out upon acceptance of products to the warehouse;

- terms of acceptance of products by quantity;

β€” the process of acceptance of products for quality;

- the process of product acceptance in case of detection of product non-compliance with the established quality;

β€” normative documents regulating the acceptance of goods to the warehouse;

- Regulatory deadlines for acceptance of goods in terms of quality.

Develops and controls shipping processes:

- the process of selecting goods from storage sites;

β€” the batch picking process in the picking and control area;

- the process of monitoring the correct selection of goods for batches in terms of quantity and quality;

- the process of replenishing batches in case of shortage or the need to replace low-quality goods;

β€” documents filled out during the shipment of goods;

- terms of selection, assembly, control and packaging of goods for shipped lots;

- the process of checking goods for quality;

β€” normative documents regulating shipment;

- improving the efficiency of supply management with the help of information technology;

- calculation of the required number of loading posts;

- calculation of the number of days from the moment of order to loading.

The duties of the service also include:

– development of criteria for making decisions on the choice of an economical or urgent mode of transport (post, car, railway, river, sea, air transport, courier, dhl);

- calculation, accounting and analysis of the costs of transportation, transshipment, loading and unloading operations, management, information support;

– setting tasks for computerization of the processes of preparing shipping and settlement documentation, monitoring the passage of dispatched goods through checkpoints, transshipment points, borders, recording and analyzing the information received.

- setting tasks for computerization of planning and scheduling of work, analysis of the quality of planning.

The service controls and replenishes the database and library with the following information:

- the procedure for interaction between cargo insurance systems and the responsibility of carriers;

β€” rules of cargo transport insurance;

- the procedure for organizing and implementing multi-stage freight transportation under customs control using various modes of transport;

– the procedure for simplification of formalities in customs clearance and escort of international freight traffic within the framework of the activities of an international freight forwarder;

- the procedure for organizing and implementing international road transport;

– the procedure for working with undocumented and unclaimed cargo;

β€” the concept of a single information space for participants in international freight transportation;

β€” classification of dangerous goods;

– marking of packaging and vehicles;

β€” basic requirements for storage, transportation, loading and unloading of dangerous goods;

β€” features of the transportation of dangerous goods;

- protective measures for the transport of dangerous goods;

β€” international standards and codes governing the transport of dangerous goods;

- rules for acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality;

- Rules for the shipment of goods;

- Claim rules.

Storage Service

The storage service performs (in the part that completes the acceptance) the placement of the received goods at the places of storage, their posting and accounting.

The storage service performs (in the part that ensures shipment) the selection of goods according to orders on the basis of picking lists, the transfer of selected goods to the shipment zone.

Shipment preparation service

If the shipment of goods from the warehouse of the enterprise is a permanent process: goods are sent in large daily volumes, or weekly large lots, or monthly quantities that require long-term picking, then by order of the enterprise, permanent teams or services of selectors, pickers, controllers, packers are appointed to provide training batches for shipment.

The following specialists, groups of specialists and services are involved in the shipments:

- storekeepers;

- shift supervisors

- dispatchers;

- selectors (pickers);

- a group of controllers: commodity experts, controllers, laboratory, testing service, samples and standards service;

β€” group of registration of shipping documentation.

These brigades or services transfer fully prepared consignments to the expedition, which, together with the cargo service, dispatches the consignments to carriers.

Control Service

Quantity inspectors check the quantities of goods selected by the selectors. Quality controllers check the quality of selected goods according to established rules. After checking the selected batches by the inspectors, permission is given for completing the batches and packaging.

Packing service

The packaging service can be a large packaging workshop if the warehouse is owned by a manufacturing facility. In the warehouses of intermediaries, the actual packaging is carried out only if the original packaging is damaged. The main work is the formation and packaging of cargo modules and batches. The service includes packers, loaders, technologists.

The packaging service performs the following tasks:

– determination of technical requirements for packaging and labeling, ensuring the safety of cargo during transportation, loading and unloading operations and warehousing;

– determination of the range of goods requiring packaging, selection and ordering of appropriate types of packaging, purchase of automated lines or machines for packaging, materials and tools for packaging;

- definition of cargo modules, selection of means for forming cargo modules: box, box, container, bag, pallet with tight tape and protective film, etc., ensuring an uninterrupted supply of materials for forming cargo modules;

- selection of the type of container, packaging and labeling in preparation for the shipment of goods;

β€” ensuring the safety and security of goods in the warehouse and in transit;

- assessment of the impact of each element (container, packaging, labeling) on ​​the overall costs of the logistics system;

- setting tasks for computerization of the processes of monitoring the availability of packaging materials and means, accounting and analysis of changes.

Forwarding service

Forwarding service is an intermediary between the warehouse and carriers. Its successful work is possible with good contacts with employees of logistics, procurement, sales and warehouse services, with suppliers, customers, carriers. This service needs a constantly monitored database of transport companies and their services, the presence of dispatchers for the organization and control of road, rail, sea and river, as well as air and mail shipments, and, if necessary, their forwarders in the warehouses of suppliers.

When goods turnover is high, loading and unloading capacities of the warehouse must be carefully planned to ensure sufficient throughput and avoid blockages of goods in the receiving and shipping areas.

Obviously, this task can be solved only with a clear organization and satisfactory technical support.

Of course, high performance discipline is required for employees of all services involved in unloading and receiving, as well as in the preparation and dispatch of consignments of goods.

The main criterion for effective transportation management is the return received from transportation costs.

Among the operations of the forwarding service:

- scheduling the receipt of goods;

– early ordering of transport vehicles of carriers or reservation of own vehicles for the delivery of goods from the port, railway station, airport;

- preparation of orders for the allocation of space for unloading, crews and equipment for unloading;

– notification of the acceptance committee about the date the cargo is ready for acceptance;

– checking the compliance of containers, packaging and labeling of incoming goods.

Service Features

Organizes the delivery of goods with a guarantee of safety on the terms and conditions stipulated by the transport expedition contract, the contract for the carriage of goods and other contractual obligations with the cargo owner.

Coordinates the interaction of all participants in the processing of goods. Compiles technological and economic justifications for transport and technological routes and cargo delivery schemes. Organizes the unloading and loading of goods, their transportation. Organizes the chartering of vehicles (cars, wagons, sea and river vessels, air transport), controls the forwarding (shipping) marking of goods and sealing of vehicles, containers, cold rooms, bunkers and other storage facilities. Provides tracking of the progress of loading and unloading, reloading, transshipment, storage and packaging operations, compliance with the terms and conditions of storage, accumulation and delivery of goods. Draws up commodity-transport and other accompanying documents at all stages of the implementation of transport-technological routes and schemes for the delivery of goods, cargo customs declarations and other documents necessary for customs clearance of goods, in accordance with established requirements. Draws up documents related to cargo insurance, commercial and other acts in accordance with the established forms in cases of arrival of goods and vehicles in a damaged condition (damage and (or) shortage of goods and packages, damaged seals, sealing devices or their absence). Calculates shipping fees and charges. Informs the warehouse about the movement of goods. Produces redirection of goods in accordance with the established procedure, organizes the sale of unclaimed goods, as well as, if necessary, work on the search for goods, vehicles.

Employees should know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation related to transport and forwarding activities; international agreements and conventions on transport; rolling stock of modes of transport; technology and organization of forwarding services; operational capabilities of transport routes and terminal systems; methods for optimizing transport and technological schemes for the delivery of goods using logistics systems; organization of transport infrastructure (throughput and carrying capacity of roads, sea, river ports and marinas, airports, transport hubs); operating systems of tariffs, taxes, discounts and benefits for transportation, customs and insurance payments; methods for determining the cost of delivery of goods; the procedure for concluding contracts, drawing up shipping, forwarding payment, insurance and claim documents; basics of commodity science; transportation rules for all modes of transport; rules and norms of ecology and traffic safety in transport; bases of the legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation in the part necessary for the organization of forwarding activities.

Selection committee

If the receipt of goods at the warehouse of the enterprise is a constant process - the goods arrive daily in small volumes, or weekly large batches, or monthly quantities that require long-term acceptance, then a permanent commission for the acceptance of incoming goods and services ensuring acceptance (cargo service, quality control laboratory, claims service), and the distribution of equipment and labor resources is determined.

If the receipt of goods occurs periodically and a permanent selection committee is not required, then by order of the enterprise, the permanent duties of the chairman of the selection committee are assigned to one of the managers, who is given the authority to appoint a selection committee as necessary, to involve providing services. In both cases, the chairman of the selection committee is given the right to sign documents related to the acceptance of goods, the right to involve third-party specialists or laboratories for quality control, independent experts and public organizations. In both cases, the appointment and composition of the selection committee are formalized by a written order. In the order, a separate paragraph indicates employees who are granted the right to sign acceptance certificates, protocols for checking (analysis, testing) quality and claims, so that the signatures of these commission members are legally valid for posting goods or for making claims to suppliers and possible arbitration proceedings.

Approximate composition of the selection committee:

- chairman of the commission;

- merchandisers;

- quality experts;

– workers for unpacking, moving, counting, weighing, etc.;

- documentation processors.

The chairman of the selection committee organizes the following preparatory work:

– early invitation of third-party specialists for quality control (if there are no full-time ones), as well as independent experts in complex and controversial cases;

– preparation of equipment for opening containers, unpacking, analysis, testing or diagnostics of incoming goods;

– determination of the technology and executors for the acceptance of goods from carriers by the number of pieces and weight, compliance of the accompanying documentation with the procurement contract, preparation of claims to carriers;

β€” determination of technology and terms of acceptance of goods, preparation of materials for claims to suppliers;

- planning the timing, technical means and labor force for the acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality;

- determination of places and terms of temporary placement and storage of goods for acceptance in terms of quantity and quality;

– determination of the procedure for the transfer of accepted goods for placement and storage;

- planning of technical means and labor force for placing the received goods in storage places immediately after acceptance.

When organizing acceptance by quantity, the recipient enterprise is obliged to:

- to create conditions for the correct and timely acceptance of products, under which the safety would be ensured and the possibility of shortages and theft of products would be prevented;

- ensure that the persons who accept products are well aware of Instruction P-6, as well as the rules for accepting products by quantity, established by the relevant standards, specifications, special delivery conditions, other regulations and the contract for the supply of these products;

β€” ensure accurate determination of the quantity of incoming products (weight, number of places: boxes, bags, bundles, bales, packs, etc.);

- systematically monitor the work of persons who are entrusted with the acceptance of products by quantity, and prevent violations of the rules for the acceptance of products.

When organizing acceptance for quality and completeness, the recipient enterprise is obliged to:

- create conditions for the correct and timely acceptance of products, which would ensure its safety and prevent damage to products, as well as mixing with other homogeneous products;

- monitor the serviceability of test and measurement tools that determine the quality of products, as well as the timeliness of their verification in the prescribed manner;

β€” ensure that the persons who accept products in terms of quality and completeness are well aware of and strictly comply with Instruction P-7, as well as the rules for accepting products in terms of quality and completeness, established by the relevant standards, technical conditions, special delivery conditions, and other mandatory rules;

- systematically monitor the work of persons who are entrusted with the acceptance of products in terms of quality and completeness, and prevent violations of the rules for accepting products.

The authority to accept goods from carriers in terms of the number of pieces and weight is usually granted to freight forwarders, cargo receivers who are members of the acceptance committee (approved by order of the enterprise) and work together with the cargo service.

The authority to accept goods from suppliers by quantity is granted to forwarders, merchandisers, storekeepers included in the selection committee. In some cases, it is more expedient to handle the acceptance by representatives of the storage service (small goods, expensive goods, specific goods, etc.), in others - by forwarders (acceptance of goods at the supplier's warehouse, timber, rolled metal, bulk and liquid cargo, etc.) . It is always more expedient to accept goods from suppliers in terms of quality by authorized specialists (merchandisers, experts, analysts, etc.).

Cargo service

Cargo services exist at all enterprises that receive and send goods - industrial, transport, procurement, mining, trade, etc.

Freight service structure

Large cargo flows require specialization of units that perform loading and unloading operations and transportation within their enterprise. Sometimes freight services are combined with a transport department or a warehouse. Modern requirements for improving the logistics of cargo flows in order to reduce the timing of cargo operations and the cost of them have increased the importance of the quality of cargo services management, training for them, providing them with technical means and office equipment. The freight service of an enterprise may be structurally separate, may be part of the structure of the warehouse. At large enterprises, the cargo service is usually separated into an independent unit.

The cargo service performs the following main functions.

Contacts with shippers and carriers, determination of the date of receipt of the goods, the need for additional transportation (for example, from the railway station to the warehouse, etc.).

Determination of the required composition of teams and vehicles for unloading and placing cargo.

Determination of the technology of unloading, acceptance and placement of cargo (usual or new with a new type of cargo).

Registration of documents for the acceptance of goods from carriers, claims against carriers.

Contacts with the warehouse and workshops, receiving instructions for the shipment of goods and lots for shipment.

Determination of the required composition of teams and vehicles for loading.

Determination of loading technology (normal or new with a new type of cargo).

Registration of documents and delivery of goods to carriers.

Drawing up a work schedule.

Performer instruction.

Manufacturing jobs.

Placement of goods in places of storage (for bulky and special cargo).

Responsibilities of a cargo manager

The head of the cargo service must know:

Specifications for loading and fastening, detachment and unloading of goods.

Rules for the transportation, packaging and labeling of goods.

The procedure and technology for weighing goods, maintenance and maintenance of weighing instruments.

Rules of safety precautions and industrial sanitation during loading and unloading operations.

Cargo transportation and commercial documentation, rules for its storage and execution.

Rules for the transport of goods.

Fundamentals of transportation planning, labor organization and production management.

Rules for the protection of goods in transit.

Instructions on the procedure for investigating and recording accidents related to production.

Basics of labor legislation; regulation on working time and rest time of employees of the enterprise.

Head of cargo service:

Determines the need for vehicles; under loading and orders them.

Supervises compliance with the technical conditions for loading and securing cargo, compliance with the norms of vehicle downtime under cargo operations, the correct execution of cargo transportation documents and accounting for loading and unloading operations, conducting claims work.

Attracts specialists from other structural divisions to solve the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the technology of operations).

Ensures efficient use of production space and handling facilities.

Carries out management and operational planning of the work of the cargo service.

Ensures the implementation of plans for loading, unloading cargo, sorting, safety of cargo and their timely removal.

Analyzes the implementation of the operational plan and key performance indicators.

Develops in accordance with the network plan for the formation of a schedule for the acceptance for transportation of containers and small shipments in directions.

Participates in the development, revision and control of the implementation of the technological process.

Develops and implements measures to reduce the downtime of vehicles and ensure the timely removal of goods.

Carries out the necessary measures to prevent the non-preservation of goods during transportation, loading, unloading.

Ensures proper maintenance of loading and unloading areas and weighing devices.

Takes part in control reweighing, loading and unloading of cargo.

Participates in the investigation of cases of injuries associated with the performance of loading and unloading operations.

Organizes and conducts work to improve the level of technical and economic knowledge of freight service employees.

Controls compliance by employees with production and labor discipline, their implementation of job descriptions, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

Requirements for the organization of cargo handling

The design of unified transport and storage processes associated with the processing of material flows during unloading and receiving goods is becoming popular.

When determining the technological parameters of a warehouse complex, the following are performed:

β€” development of requirements for the territory of the warehouse complex: main flows through the territory, design, location of docks and ramps, their number, entrances to the warehouse, external transport communications;

- development of requirements for warehouse equipment (handling and transport equipment, small-scale mechanization, etc.);

β€” development of warehouse cargo handling processes;

– calculation of the parameters of storage areas (unloading, acceptance, storage, picking, shipment), administrative and auxiliary premises;

β€” development of a plan-scheme of the warehouse indicating the locations of warehouse equipment, goods, routes for the movement of handling equipment and personnel;

– allocation of areas for maneuvering and parking of arriving vehicles with goods;

β€” equipment of unloading platforms.

When designing a cargo handling technology, the following are performed:

β€” analysis of the structure and dynamics of cargo traffic;

– analysis of the dynamics of the movement of goods, taking into account the forecast of changes in the volume of cargo flows;

β€” analysis of the main characteristics of cargo (geometric, physical, etc.).

For planning operations and calculations, you need:

- initial data for calculations, including classification tables of cargoes, average statistical values ​​of cargo flows and average deviations from them;

β€” description of calculation methods;

β€” characteristics of the main warehouse technological zones, including general and useful storage areas and volumes, lengths of the loading and unloading front, calculated using statistical modeling methods;

- warehouse schemes indicating the location and characteristics of the main technological zones, storage equipment and movement routes for handling equipment and personnel;

- a list of the required amount of small-scale mechanization equipment for handling equipment, devices for automating accounting and control;

β€” organizational structure of the warehouse complex;

β€” assessment of the cost of equipping the warehouse complex, including the cost of storage and handling equipment.

The company must develop:

β€” an album of models of warehouse business processes;

- an album of technological maps of warehouse operations, including instructions for labor protection;

- instructions on standard methods and methods of work;

β€” technological maps of cargo handling;

β€” standards of technological processes of cargo handling;

β€” regulations on warehouse divisions;

β€” job descriptions of warehouse personnel;

- document flow charts.

Cargo handling is usually carried out in conjunction with the processes of transportation and warehousing. Logistics management should take into account the following main factors:

movement (cargo handling is always associated with the movement and movement of a certain amount of goods within a certain infrastructure or outside it);

time (products must be moved within production units, warehouses, etc. by a certain point in time associated with the production schedule, distribution time, order or other period of the logistics cycle);

quantity (cargo handling is always associated with certain sizes of shipments or consignments. Often, it is the cargo processing capacities that determine the rational amount of goods supplied to the manufacturer or consumers);

space (warehouse, vehicle, terminal, etc. must rationally use the available space and cargo capacity. Cargo handling systems allow for the most efficient use of space).

These key factors must be considered together. It is also necessary to take into account aspects such as the integration and coordination of logistics intermediaries in the procurement, production and distribution of products.

The main logistical principles of modern cargo handling are shown in the table. They should be implemented in the management of cargo handling in logistics systems to improve the efficiency of the use of warehouse space and height.

Logistic principles of cargo handling




The handling plan is compiled in conjunction with the warehousing plan to ensure maximum operational efficiency

System approach and integration

All cargo handling solutions must be integrated with other logistics activities to achieve the business goal

material flow

Handling must be frequent and equipment layout must be sufficient to optimize material flow

Rationality (simplicity)

Simplify the material handling process by reducing, eliminating or combining wasteful operations and/or equipment


Use own weight of processed batches whenever possible

Use of space

Optimal use of storage and handling space

Size units

Increasing the number, size or weight of the processed batch or the ratio of these characteristics

Mechanization and automation

Maximum mechanization and automation of cargo handling operations

Equipment selection

All major factors and principles should be taken into account in the selection of cargo handling equipment.


Standard handling schemes and standardized equipment should be used


The choice of methods and equipment must be adapted to the wide range of logistics management tasks that may be encountered in practice.

full load capacity

Increasing the ratio of the carrying capacity of mobile equipment to the weight of the processed consignment


Optimum use of equipment in conjunction with operating personnel


Planning for preventive maintenance and provision of spare parts for cargo handling equipment


Updating morally and physically obsolete equipment.


Leverage handling operations to improve control when managing order procedures, production procedures, and inventory


Using equipment to improve productivity

Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement of cargo handling technology


Use of safe equipment and processing methods, labor protection

Cargo handling must be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.3.009, GOST 12.3.020, GOST 12.4.026, Intersectoral rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of goods, Intersectoral rules for labor protection during the operation of industrial vehicles (floor trackless wheeled transport) .

The consignee is obliged to ensure the acceptance of the cargo and the unloading of the vehicle. After unloading, its employees are obliged to clean the vehicles and containers from the remains of the cargo, and if animals, poultry, raw animal products and perishable goods were transported, wash the rolling stock and, if necessary, disinfect it. In some cases, the cleaning of a contaminated cargo platform (car body) can be undertaken by transport organizations (at the same time, payment for this work is carried out at the expense of the consignee).

Places of loading and unloading operations and access roads to them must have an even hard surface capable of absorbing loads from goods and handling machines, and be kept in good condition. Trenches, potholes, ditches, etc. must be completely covered. Sewer and other technical wells must be closed with strong covers inserted into sockets or hinged.

The territories of loading and unloading areas must have sufficient natural and (or) artificial lighting (at least 10 lux), be promptly cleared of debris and foreign objects, and in winter - of snow and ice (if necessary, sprinkled with sand or other means to prevent slip). At the intersection of access roads of vehicles with ditches, trenches, railway lines, etc., strong flooring or bridges for crossings must be arranged that can withstand the corresponding load. In order to restrict the movement of vehicles when reversing it, a sidewalk or a fender bar must be laid on the unloading site. On the site for stowage of cargo, the boundaries of stacks, aisles and passages between them are indicated. The width of the driveways should ensure the safety of the movement of vehicles and hoisting and transport machines.

On platforms for unloading (loading) of container, piece cargo, platforms, overpasses, ramps with a height equal to the height of the floor of the vehicle body should be arranged. Ramps on the side of vehicle access must be at least 1.5 m wide and have a slope of no more than 5Β°. The width of the overpass intended for the movement of vehicles on it must be at least 3 m. Along the front edge of the platform, a security board of appropriate strength and height should be installed to prevent the wheels of trucks from falling over the edge of the platform. Overpasses, platforms, ramps for the production of loading and unloading operations with the arrival of cars and other vehicles on them must be equipped with indicators of the permissible load capacity and wheel-break safety devices that prevent the exit and overturning of vehicles.

Premises for the receipt and storage of goods located in the basement and basement floors, having stairs with more than one flight or a height of more than 1.5 m, must be equipped with hatches and ladders for lowering goods directly into the room. Premises for receiving and storing goods, located above the first floor and having stairs with more than one flight or more than 2 m high, must be equipped with lifts for lowering and lifting cargo. In warehouses located in residential buildings, loading and unloading of goods should be carried out from the ends of buildings that do not have windows, from underground tunnels or from highways if there are special rooms for receiving and storing goods.

When installing a car for unloading and loading near a building, a gap of at least 0.8 m must be observed between the building and the rear side of the car body. movement of the car and control over compliance with the above-mentioned gap.

If necessary, special portable devices (shoes, wedges, etc.) must be used to fix the car stopping at a safe distance. At least two employees are allowed to open and close the sides of the vehicle body. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the load is safely located.

The height of unloading and loading platforms for vehicles should be 1.1-1.2 m, for light vehicles - 0.6-0.8 m, width from 3 m (for light vehicles) to 6 m. Depending on the climatic region of the location and the size of the area of ​​the warehouse, unloading platforms should be placed under a canopy in unheated or heated rooms. Canopies should completely cover the unloading platform, as well as the car body by 1m.

Unloading platforms should be placed under sheds, in unheated or heated rooms. In cases where unloading places at enterprises using night delivery of goods are provided outside the main unloading platform, it is allowed to use unloading and loading devices instead of the platform (with appropriate justifications). When unloading goods under sheds or into unheated premises, premises for receiving goods must be provided. The area of ​​​​the premises for receiving goods should be up to 16 m 2 per one unloading place.

Loading and unloading platforms should be provided in front of freight elevators. The width of the unloading areas must be at least the width of the elevators, measured according to the external dimensions, taking into account the enclosing structures. The depth of the sites should be determined without taking into account the width of the corridors adjacent to it. In the shaft, machine and block rooms of the elevator, it is forbidden to store items that are not related to its operation. Machine and block rooms, rooms for placing a winch and blocks of a freight small elevator, as well as cabinets for placing equipment in the absence of a machine room, must be locked, and the approaches to the doors of these rooms and cabinets must be free.

The territory of the enterprise must be kept clean, driveways, passages, unloading areas, etc. should be constantly cleared of debris. On the territory adjacent to the enterprise, it is not allowed to carry out loading and unloading operations, storage of containers, placement of containers with garbage.

Dispatching service

To organize the planning and dispatching of work, it is necessary to perform the following processes and operations:

– determination of the principles for the preparation of work plans and schedules, plans for the distribution of labor and equipment by objects and terms, including the coordination of plans with the work schedule of third-party organizations involved in the processes of goods distribution;

β€” development of plans, schedules, descriptions of the sequence of operations, standards for business processes, etc.;

- setting tasks for computerization of planning and scheduling of work, analysis of the quality of planning;

– determination of the shortest routes for the movement of goods during layout for storage and selection for shipment;

- development of route maps, descriptions of the sequence of operations, etc.;

- setting tasks for computerization of the preparation of route maps, specifications for the placement of goods and specifications for the selection of goods, taking into account route maps.

Service features:

Carries out operational regulation of the activities of departments in accordance with production programs, calendar plans and shift-daily tasks. Controls the provision of departments with the necessary materials, equipment and handling facilities. Collects and processes information on the cargo generating and receiving facilities, loading and unloading points on the availability of goods. Allocates contractors to work objects. Carries out operational control over the progress of warehouse and loading and unloading operations according to established schedules. Maintains a dispatch log, draws up reports and other technical documentation on the progress of production.

Technological service

In medium and small warehouses, there may be one process engineer or these functions are performed by the head of the warehouse or his deputy. The task of this service is to develop, implement and improve the technology of working with goods and documents. The main task of technologists is to identify and eliminate violations in the process of working with goods that can lead to material losses. When negotiating contracts with suppliers, they take part in discussing the technology of working with suppliers' goods.

Claim service

The claim service performs the following tasks:

– determination of the forms and rules for the preparation of acceptance certificates in case of shortages or defects in received batches, claims in terms of quantity and quality;

- determination of the procedure for preparing and forms of claims of recipients in terms of quantity and quality;

– organization of accounting for claims against carriers, claims for the quantity and quality of goods, accounting for verification, satisfaction and analysis of claims;

– determination of the process of processing claims, control of responses to them, control of their satisfaction;

– determining the procedure for working with arbitration in the event of claims being filed;

β€” determination of the procedure for control of settlements on claims and arbitration awards;

- determination of methods for analyzing the volume of claims, the degree of their satisfaction in order to assess the quality of goods and the work of a warehouse or suppliers in order to make decisions on the advisability of business relations with them or work with the corresponding group of goods;

- setting tasks for computerization of the processes of preparation, accounting and analysis of claims;

β€” Claims accounting operations.

Before considering the issues of organization, planning and management of the logistics service at enterprises and organizations, let us dwell on its main components. In logistics (global scale) there are two main sections - the management of material resources and their distribution.

In this case, material resources include primary and secondary, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, components, spare parts, final finished products, packaging materials, stocks.

The distribution of material and technical resources is carried out by intermediate and final finished products in two directions. The first is the movement directly (direct distribution channel) to the intermediate consumer for the implementation of the further production process or to the final consumer. The second is the movement to the intermediate or final consumer through an extensive network of intermediaries (indirect distribution channel) - in large, medium or small lots.

Logistics at the enterprise, depending on the areas of its activity, is divided into internal and external. Internal provides for the solution of production issues directly at the company. External solves the problem of ensuring the movement of goods to the market.

The challenges facing internal logistics come down to logistics and resource management. This is the purchase of raw materials and materials for the enterprise, their warehousing and storage, transportation both from the supplier and at the enterprise itself between departments, constant monitoring of the volume of stocks of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, and their adjustment.

The tasks facing external logistics are to distribute the final finished product through various distribution channels. This is the transportation of the finished intermediate or final product to consumers; identification of their stocks in their own warehouses, intermediate logistics platforms and consumers; storage, packaging and picking of orders for the entire range of products; monitoring the demand for manufactured goods, adjusting their production volumes if necessary.

Organization Chart

The logistics service at the enterprise has several mandatory levels of management. At the same time, it includes some part of the administration responsible for the decisions made (on the tasks, goals and problems of the company) and staff members of the logistics department and its service as a whole.

The organization and management of the logistics service at the enterprise includes the following main structural links:

  • Executive Director for Logistics. He is a member of the board of the firm or is one of the deputy general directors.
  • Managers responsible for the activities of departments and their subordinate personnel.
  • Groups for the implementation of individual logistics projects - planning new distribution centers for the final finished product, expanding existing and organizing new logistics platforms, designing the projected logistics information systems.
  • Personnel managers. They conduct operational work, are responsible for the distribution centers of the final finished product, for the delivery of raw materials, semi-finished products, components, their storage and packaging.

As for the group for the implementation of individual logistics projects, there are several most common ways to form such groups at the enterprise, both within the logistics service and independent:

  • groups function as an integral part of the logistics service at the enterprise, for example, such as project control, engineering in transport and storage, in information logistics systems;
  • groups exist as separate, independent units with their own staff, organized at the enterprise and performing certain functions of the logistics system, for example, organizing the delivery of material and technical resources; formation of logistics platforms,
  • groups are formed promptly from personnel employed in certain areas of logistics, for example, in the field of transport or warehousing - in this case, the group fulfills its responsibilities for the implementation of projects as the need arises for this kind of work.

Any industrial firm seeking to achieve high efficiency in procurement, production, warehousing, storage and stockpiling of material and technical resources, as well as distribution of the final finished product, must have a properly organized logistics service.

Main activities of logistics services by company

The logistics service at the enterprise is divided, as a rule, into five main functional groups responsible for transportation; the structure of fixed assets, stocks, maneuvering of material resources, communications and information.

In accordance with the purpose of the functional groups, a list of their activities is provided, namely:

  • transportation - domestic, external and international transportation, choice of mode of transport, vehicles and options for their service;
  • planning and management of warehouse facilities and equipment, distribution centers, warehouse production areas;
  • supply of raw materials and supplies; formation of stocks (insurance, preparatory, production) and finished products, processing of returned products;
  • material resources maneuvering, sorting, processing, packaging;
  • order processing, production planning, communication with distribution centers; expansion of the information network of communications; database update.

It should be noted that such a formation of functional groups of the logistics service at the enterprise does not correspond to the traditional organizational structures of firms, since all these activities were delegated for quite a long time by the supply department of material and technical resources (purchases), which belonged to production; processing orders and communication with customers, engaged in marketing; transport operations (existed as an independent); warehouse and container management (also independent).

Practical achievement of success

A company engaged in industrial production or the provision of various kinds of services in the logistics system should be guided by the practical achievement of success. To do this, every company must meet three important conditions.

First- an exact formulation and list of functions of each individual employee of the logistics service in the enterprise is necessary. Namely, the title of the position, organizational ties (accountability), boundaries of responsibility, duties and rights.

Second- the company must have the necessary information about how many employees of the logistics service personnel will be required in the near and distant future; what knowledge and skills they should have; what organizations and firms can provide the required number of employees in the near and distant future. In this case, the following information is needed: the scope of the proposed work, the scale of expansion of the company, the required number of employees, the position in the labor market.

Third- the company must find and select the future manager (employee) of the logistics service for a certain, specific position, and not select the position for the future employee. In the latter case, his incompetence can lead to negative consequences. Directed recruitment is required; Compliance of candidates to the position in terms of knowledge and skills, competence.

Three-tier structure

The logistics service in the enterprise, consisting of three levels of management, is the most common

First level: general management (planning) carried out by the vice president of the logistics firm. Main functions: checking the entire system and, if necessary, adjusting plans, clarifying the structure of the system, evaluating the performance of individual subsystems and the entire system; coordinating the policy and activities of the logistics service with other departments of the company, setting costs and service standards.

The initial information β€œat the input” of this level is activity on a large scale, general problems of subsystems and external factors (increase or decrease in competition in the market, as well as other changing conditions).

The incoming information is used for research, analysis and evaluation, providing β€œat the exit” various kinds of decisions regarding the issues of adjusting the actions of individual subsystems and the logistics service as a whole, the new policy of the company, as well as various areas of its activity.

Second level: program management (program planning). At this level of management, one or more managers control two or more individual subsystems. They manage warehousing, order processing, operations with materials, their shipment, implement the management policy by means of subsystems; eliminate possible inconsistencies between the various components of the subsystems; sum up and report to top management on their activities.

Decisions made at this level are limited by the capabilities and initiative of managers. They are guided by established standards of cost, profit or service. Faced with a problem in one or more subsystems (for example, shipping and warehousing of a product), the manager must find out the reasons for its occurrence and find the optimal solution.

If necessary, he makes changes to the activities of the subsystem and coordinates interrelated functions in all others. The manager can also involve a small number of personnel to test subsystems, conduct research in order to improve their performance.

Third level: operational management (operational components). This is work with suppliers of material resources for which the schedule is violated; preparation and submission to the level of program management of information on recorded violations; management within a given time and cost, a report on the results of specific activities.

Each of the subsystems of this level has one or more strictly limited goals. For example, the main functions of the shipping department in the logistics service are to organize the processes of shipping products, forwarding them with the appropriate accompanying documentation; conclusion of mutually beneficial contacts with external partners in the field of transportation; operational work.

The activity of this level of management is measured in tons of shipped batches of products or units of product in each batch; total shipping costs, including product damage. At this level, information is accumulated on the rational distribution of overhead costs of the shipping department: direct wages; mandatory contributions to social insurance; telephone bills; various reference documents.

The subsystem provides feedback and operational control. So, the manager of the department checks the reports on the state of affairs "at the exit" and gives permission for shipment. First of all, deliveries are made that require operational control during transportation. Further, the time of preparation of the shipment, its very process, is fixed, and the costs of it are compared with the established norm or the desired standard.

Management at this level is a routine process and includes only specific control and administrative activities, since each problem that arises here has a specific and approved solution method.

A certain value in the distribution, as a means of monitoring the effectiveness of logistics, has an audit. It is based on information about customer service and affects but the formation of initial data on stocks, transport, storage of goods in warehouses and their shipment to consumers. Functional audit is included in the second level of management of the logistics service in the enterprise.

Information Systems

A special place in the three-level structure of the organization and management of the logistics service in the company is occupied by information systems. At the same time, the hierarchy of their use has, as a rule, four independent levels, at each of which the information flow performs its strictly defined functions.

Let's take a look at each level one by one:

  • Operational level. The information flow has a fairly wide range. Here, operational decisions are implemented as a reaction to new regulatory, reference, analytical or other information.
  • Level of control. The information flow is also quite wide Information here, as a rule, is used for operational planning in various areas of activity of the logistics service, as well as for monitoring decisions made at the operational level of management.
  • Average level. The range of the information flow is somewhat narrower than at the two previous levels, but the information is grouped and processed. At this level, purely managerial information is concentrated for tactical planning and decision-making on various processes of production activities in the divisions of the enterprise.
  • Highest level. The entire information flow at this level of management is maximally concentrated. Reference, operational, regulatory and analytical information is intended for the implementation of strategic planning at the enterprise. Based on analytical information, global perspective decisions for the development of the company are made.

Describing the use of the main information flows in various logistics systems at the enterprise, it should be noted that information is the basis for decision-making at all levels of management.

Practical experience

Many companies that have made certain efforts to organize the logistics service in their firms have experienced a certain disappointment as a result - the predicted result turned out to be lower than expected.

Let's try to understand the reasons for the unsuccessful organization of logistics services at enterprises. Logistics is currently a kind of newcomer to economic life in general, and in enterprises in particular. Traditional structural divisions of the enterprise see in the logistics service, in a sense, a competitor. They desperately defend their field of activity, resisting the transfer of this or that function or decision-making power to the logistics structures.

Another reason is that a clear structure of the logistics service in the enterprise has not yet been developed. Naturally, the process of its formation cannot be painless.

But there is not only a typical organization of the logistics service, but also the optimal variant of the organizational structure of a particular enterprise and its structural divisions. The existing variety of organizational forms, although there are certain advantages in this, creates problems when logistics services, if they are introduced, but in their own way, and do not have an effective impact on economic, industrial and economic activities.

And there is another aspect of the problem. In a constantly changing economic environment, increasing competition in the market, the organizational structure of the logistics service at the enterprise should be extremely flexible, in contrast to the traditional structures of the functional divisions of almost any company that have traditionally developed with established trends.

Increased competition, internationalization of markets and sources of supply, including primary material resources, the use of new systems for managing production and economic activities, direct supplies of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, spare parts, require such an organizational structure of the logistics service at the enterprise, which was able to provide the required service.

Obviously, there is no single and best organizational structure for the logistics service in practice. A more correct and optimal approach to solving this problem is to consider possible alternatives for organizing and managing such a service.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation