Rational proposal examples. How to motivate employees for improvement proposals. What should be the importance of novelty


Innovative or kaizen employee proposals help companies save money and generate additional profits. The Kuban holding was the first to introduce the kaizen system into the agro-industrial complex, which received an effect of 800 million rubles in seven years. In a crisis, the relevance of rationalization proposals increases many times over.

Ludmila Kremneva

The state is increasing support for agriculture in order to replace imports with domestic products, which is certainly beneficial for farmers. However, their production costs rose significantly after the weakening of the ruble. To make a profit, companies must improve efficiency and reduce costs by incentivizing employees to do so. A program of innovation, or kaizen, proposals can help to do this.

A properly implemented system of rationalization proposals can bring tangible benefits, says Michael Germershausen, managing director of the recruiting company Antal Russia. “I know of a case where a cleaning lady won a competition for the best rationalization proposal,” he says. An employee noticed that one of the company's branded stores is always empty for the first two hours after opening, but in the evening before closing, queues are steadily gathering in it. She suggested changing the store's opening hours by shifting the opening time two hours later. This innovation immediately had a positive impact on sales - they grew by about 15%. The cleaner was awarded a valuable gift.

Idea works

Back in 2011, the management of the mobile operator MTS initiated a project to collect rationalization proposals - the "Idea Factory". Over the three years of its implementation, the company received $ 37 million in additional profit. One of the brightest ideas can be called the proposal of an employee of the information technology operation department. He developed a single billing system for several platforms, which allows calculating the cost of communication services for each specific client based on the tariff chosen by him. The effect of its implementation amounted to $1 million.

The Baltika brewing company also believes that thanks to the ideas of employees, it is possible to significantly save money and increase profits. In 2007, two projects were launched here: for sales department employees - the program "I have an idea!", for production personnel - "Your idea works." As a result, in the first year, approximately 900 rationalization proposals were collected. For example, two engineers came up with the idea of ​​using condensate, which is formed during the production process and is not used in any way, to heat water in the boilers of the boiler room. As a result, gas consumption has been reduced.

Another idea proposed by the sales manager on the eve of the New Year holidays contributed to an increase in beer sales by 300%. He advised installing in every supermarket where Yarpivo (Baltika's trademark) is sold, installations in the form of Christmas trees made from coasters - cardboard coasters for beer mugs, in order to draw the attention of buyers to the product. As experience has shown, the idea worked.


Director of Human Resources at Nokian Tires Russia (tire production) Lilia Yasakova believes that it is advisable to pay bonuses to heads of departments depending on the initiative of their employees, only if the standard for rationalization proposals is met. Thanks to this motivation program, which was launched in 2013, the company received 1350 ideas compared to 929 in 2012, and the amount of savings increased from 12 million rubles. up to 28 million rubles

Similar methods are applicable in the agro-industrial complex. For example, Kuban Agricultural Holding (part of Basic Element) became the first agricultural company in Russia to start implementing a production system based on kaizen principles in 2007. “According to it, everyone, from ordinary workers to middle-level employees, is working to modernize technologies, reduce time and labor costs,” Fedor Druzhinin, the then general director of Kuban, said in an interview with Agroinvestor in 2008. - For the first time in Russia, this system was introduced at GAZ. As a result, labor productivity there has quadrupled.” Druzhinin and the company's specialists were trained at the car factory, although at first the manager doubted its expediency. “A car factory is machine tools, walls, heat, a monotonous technological process every day. And today we have a drought, tomorrow the fields will be flooded, then it will be beaten with hail ... Having studied, I realized that I was wrong, ”he recalled.

During the first year of operation of the kaizen system, the agricultural holding received 336 rationalization proposals, 286 of them were implemented. This brought the company 21.3 million rubles. additional profit. “Let me give you an example. The calf's milk bucket is usually hung on a hook. The calf pushes it, the bucket falls and the milk spills. It has always been like this on state farms, - said Druzhinin. “But as soon as the workers thought about the reserves for improving production, someone suggested using a ring instead of a hook: it secures the bucket more securely.” Another idea is to optimize the transportation of calves. Previously, several milkmaids literally lifted two or three animals into a small cart pulled by a horse, then got into it themselves and held the calves during the move so that they would not run away. Employees of the company came up with the idea to make carts with higher walls and a tailgate at the back, which turns into a ladder. As a result, one person instead of three began to cope with the transportation of calves.

“The kaizen system can be successfully applied in all industries. One of such illustrative examples of the implementation of kaizen in Kuban, which is relevant for all companies, is the reduction in energy costs, - Elena Artyushchenko, deputy general director of the holding, shares (quote from the company's press release). “In 2009, we analyzed electricity consumption at enterprises, reduced it where possible, and in five years received an economic effect of about 36 million rubles.”

Since 2007, Kuban employees have developed and implemented about 4.6 thousand standards and over 3.4 thousand improvements, including more than 500 kaizens last year. Labor productivity during this time has tripled - from 106 thousand rubles. up to 333 thousand rubles. gross profit per employee per year, which doubled wages. Inventors receive a prize for ideas introduced into production. In 2014, employees were paid a total of 2.8 million rubles. for rationalization proposals; the total amount of awards for ideas since 2007 has exceeded 13 million rubles. Last year, the holding received an economic benefit from the introduction of the production system in the amount of 86 million rubles, in general, over seven years this amount exceeded 800 million rubles.

Submitting an offer is easy

Despite the fact that such risks are possible, Rusagro operates a transparent scheme - the program "Your Idea Works". “An employee prepares his proposal in writing and submits an application to the program manager at the enterprise,” says Olga Fedorova, HR and organizational development director of the group's sugar business. “The manager registers it and sends it out to experts who evaluate the idea and either launch it or reject it.” Fedorova believes that this method of submitting rationalization proposals works: during the year, approximately 130 kaizens were submitted, 60 of them have the status “in progress”, 25 have already been implemented.

recruiting agency CEO SQ-Team Alexey Gorbunov is of the opinion that sometimes it is enough to ask employees the question: “If you owned the company, what would you change first of all?”. One trading company did just that, posting it on the corporate website and asking store managers to convey the issue to employees. Management had two goals: to cut costs and stop talking about management inefficiency and salaries. In two weeks, approximately 400 written proposals were received, of which 50 ideas seemed to be efficient and interesting. Some of them were aimed at how to save money, some were more radical: fire some managers, and use the money to buy equipment. As a result, 17 rationalization proposals were implemented, the topics of conversations were also changed - now employees are discussing how to get into the working group, which decides which programs will be launched within the direction, Gorbunov shares. “People want to be part of the project because they believe these ideas will help them be more successful at work,” he adds.

Who promotes ideas

Employees willingly take on the role of project moderators. For example, at the Nikiforovsky Sugar Plant (part of Rusagro), these duties are performed by process engineer Tamara Khludentsova. One of her ideas was helped to realize by colleagues. It was necessary to find a way to process substandard sugar faster and easier. At the beginning of the sugar beet processing season, when all centrifuges are launched, the first batch of sugar turns out to be inconsistent with GOST. Previously, this sugar was dried, packaged and sent to a warehouse for subsequent recycling. Now, instead of releasing a low-quality product, the massecuite mass is dissolved in the boiling apparatuses to a certain value and dumped into the slurry mixer with a further return to the process stream. “To achieve this and thereby eliminate unnecessary work steps, my colleagues and I used a conventional pipeline that used to be at another site,” Khludentsova explains. “We improved the equipment and put it into operation.”

After the implementation of this project, the joint work of the team to improve production efficiency did not end. Employees of the workshop, noticing the participation of Khludentsova in the program “Your Idea Works”, approach her for advice: they ask how to describe her idea, does it make sense. The specialist helps them because he sees that the management appreciates the suggestions. According to Gorbunov, the very fact that the company has employees who care about the production process, and they are ready to support colleagues and management in the necessary changes or suggest them, suggests that the company can count on success.

In TechBioKorme (sale of feed for farm animals), the head of the site personally helped cow feeding specialist Galina Ivanova to improve her rationalization proposal. It consisted in the fact that by changing the daily diet of cows to increase the safety of animals and increase the average milk yield. To achieve the desired result, it was necessary to constantly monitor the livestock, control the process of feeding and digestion of feed, and, if something did not go according to plan, change the diet.

In the course of the work, Ivanova came to the conclusion that it is optimal to add 0.3-2 kg to animals per head / day of chopped straw, increase the proportion of structural fiber and reduce the content of starch, easily digestible carbohydrates by reducing the portion of ground grain by 0.5-1, 5 kg per animal/day. Due to such a correction in the diet, cows will be less sick with diarrhea and subclinical acidosis, the specialist noted. In addition, they will restore the process of secondary chewing activity, which will lead to a greater release of saliva, which helps prevent acidification of the rumen and the death of microflora. At the same time, the fat content in milk will not fall. The lifetime productivity of cows has been increased from 40 thousand kg of milk to 70 thousand kg, the safety of animals has also increased.

In the Cherkizovo Group, not only ordinary employees, but also managers are actively involved in the process of submitting rationalization proposals. The company has developed a plan that reflects how many proposals each department should submit and how many are actually received. Many affiliates even exceed the plan for kaizen offerings. Sergey Peskov, Human Resources Director of the Meat Processing segment, is sure that thanks to this practice, managers are better aware of how useful it is for them to promote the ideas of their subordinates.

Reward in two stages

An incentive scheme, when an employee is first rewarded for submitting a rationalization proposal, and then for the fact that thanks to him the company managed to save money, is used in almost every enterprise. For example, in Rusagro, the author of the idea receives a T-shirt with the symbol “Your idea works” and a small bonus. “If the idea is approved and implemented, then the employee is paid an additional bonus depending on the size of the annual economic effect, but not more than 5%,” Fedorova comments. The most active participants of the program are invited to corporate events, such as New Year's Eve in Moscow. The company pays for the flight and hotel accommodation. The project participants live and work in the Tambov and Belgorod regions, and for them to come to the capital for a celebration, where their merits will be once again celebrated, is a strong motivator, notes Fedorova.


However, according to Khlebnikov, sometimes it is better to reward the author of an idea confidentially, especially if he himself wants it. According to a survey conducted by HeadHunter, only 27% of respondents seek public recognition for their contribution. Many are simply afraid of gossip and the envy of colleagues.

In Cherkizovo, each employee receives a bonus if his idea is recognized as rational and included in the list of kaizen proposals that will be implemented. The amount of remuneration is 500 rubles. The second prize - 5% of the planned economic effect - will be received by the innovator after implementation. Also paid 5% of the amount of the received effect for the year. True, it will not work to earn millions: the rules of the program have a limit on the amount of bonuses - their total amount cannot exceed 100 thousand rubles.

If the idea was proposed by a group of employees, then the first prize of 500 rubles. each person receives. After the implementation of the idea, they give 8% of the economic effect for everyone. “The amount is distributed depending on the degree of participation of the employee in the implementation process, the complexity of the project, the timing of its implementation,” Peskov lists. - The total amount of the premium, again, cannot exceed 100 thousand rubles. to the team."

In addition to awards for the proposal and implementation of innovations, an employee of the company can receive an award for participating in the competition for the best kaizen proposal. If the idea takes first place in one of the nominations, then he will receive 50 thousand rubles, if the second - 30 thousand rubles, for the third they will pay 10 thousand rubles.

Of course, cash bonuses are not the only way to encourage a company. A photo of a distinguished employee appears on the plant's stand, and an article about his achievement appears in the plant's newspaper. Sergey Vishnyakov, chief mechanic of the Ulyanovsk branch of the Cherkizovsky meat processing plant, became the hero of several publications. One of his ideas is to add an air piston to the installation through which the minced sausage moves, in order to provide the necessary pressure inside it. Due to the fact that this machine, which resembles a pipeline, is very long and there is not enough pressure (and two pistons cannot be supplied), it was decided to shorten the pipeline where possible. As a result, now all the minced meat that is in the installation is used for the production of sausages, while previously a part was washed out as waste after the end of the production cycle. The idea was written about in the company's corporate newspaper to encourage the specialist, and to show the rest of the employees that simple technical proposals are also accepted. Vishnyakov is sure that by submitting the idea of ​​a pipeline and a piston, he not only contributed to the improvement of the enterprise, but also simplified his work.

Mushegh Mamikonyan, President of the Meat Council of the Common Economic Space (CES), is confident that although Vishnyakov's innovation is a point, his contribution is so significant that neither the economic effect nor the optimization of resources can be compared with it. “It is important that there are highly qualified mechanics in the industry, with innovative thinking and burning eyes, like Kulibin in his time,” the expert is sure.

Michael Germershausen from Antal Russia also thinks that the value of rationalization proposals is not only in their commercial benefits. If an enterprise implements the ideas of employees, then there is an effect of motivating staff to give out more ideas, increasing loyalty and involvement, which ultimately improves the company's brand. An organization that listens to the suggestions of employees and encourages their initiative looks more attractive in the labor market compared to competitors, Germershausen is convinced.

Many people come up with ideas to improve their work. Often they remain just ideas. However, if they are issued in the form of a rationalization proposal, they can bring benefits and money. How to draw up and submit a rationalization proposal, we will tell in the article.

From the article you will learn:

How to make a rational offer

1. The first stage of drawing up a rationalization proposal (hereinafter referred to as the RP) is the verbal expression of all aspects of the idea:

  • under what conditions it can be implemented;
  • who will use it;
  • how the idea will be implemented;
  • what benefits will the enterprise get from the implementation of RP.

2. The second stage is the study of the history of the issue. You need to collect all the information about how this problem was solved before, what are the approaches to solving it now, what is the advantage of your solution to this problem. It can be more economical, safer, more convenient to use, etc. All arguments in favor of your option must be supported by numbers, i.e. you should conduct an economic analysis of the RP.


Let's consider this step with an example. Let's say you want to upgrade your potato peeler. Study the question. Peeling potatoes with a regular knife involves a waste of 10 g for each medium-sized tuber. Your knife reduces the amount of waste to 5 g. If the cost of a kilogram of potatoes is 25 rubles, and the weight of the tuber is 70 g, then the resulting savings will be 2 rubles. from a kilogram. Time savings should also be taken into account. It is 2 minutes per kg. If the cost of a working hour is 120 rubles, the savings will be an additional 4 rubles. Further, it should be noted the ease of handling and increased safety of the employee performing this operation.

All the information provided must be summarized in a table, to which drawings, graphs, diagrams, as well as a concise description of the RP should be attached. The text of the description should not exceed 1-2 pages and express the very essence of the RP: the subject of the proposal, the difference from analogues, economic benefits.

How to apply for an innovation proposal

When the description of the RP is ready, you need to make an application. For the application, a standard sheet of A4 format is taken. At the very top, on the left, the addressee is indicated. As a rule, this is the head of the organization.

At the top right in the frame we write the word "Registered for No." and leave room for the date.

Certification of education workers in 2017 will be voluntary and mandatory:

  1. Personnel Number;
  2. Full Name;
  3. Place of work and place of registration;
  4. Profession, specialty, position, education.
  5. Year of birth.

"Application for rationalization proposal".

Next subtitle "Agreement on the distribution of remuneration". Below it should write the following: " Previously given sentence not submitted anywhere"(and if it was submitted, then you should indicate where exactly) and further" Please share the royalties equally." (if there is a different agreement with the co-authors, then this option must be indicated.

This is followed by this sentence: “I (we) affirm (s) that I am (are) the author (co-authors) of this proposal. I (we) know that if the proposal is recognized as secret, I (we) undertake (we) to comply with the rules of secrecy, including those established by the Regulations on discoveries, inventions and rationalization proposals.

The next, final paragraph "Attached:

  1. graphic materials (sketches, drawings, diagrams, graphs, etc.) on ... sheets;
  2. technical and economic calculations, justifications, etc. on ... sheets;
  3. other materials on ... sheets.
    In total on … sheets.”

The next sheet of your application will be "Conclusions on the offer".

In this section, you should list some of the feedback received for your RP. There must be at least two reviews. One must be obtained from your business unit, and the second and subsequent from other departments of your organization (for example, economic, legal or from accounting).

All reviews must be certified by signatures indicating the position and date. Please note that if the implementation of your WP can improve the working conditions of the company's employees, then in this case you will need to get feedback from your company's occupational safety specialist. In practice, reviews are compiled by the authors of the RP themselves, taking into account the comments of those persons who will sign them.

The review structure consists of two blocks - the first lists all the advantages of the RP, distributed by reviews, and the second should justify the need to recognize this proposal as a rationalization one.

The following sheet has a title " Decided on the offer". Sufficient space should be left here for the text of the decision to be entered. Space for signatures and the date should also be provided.

At the very bottom of the sheet, a table is inserted with the heading " Changes in regulatory and technical documentation". It will have the following columns:

  • Title of the document;
  • Notification number;
  • Date of change;
  • Position and name of the department;

In the event that your WP results in changes to regulations companies, these data will be entered in the table.

The last, most pleasant line:

« Received a certificate for a rationalization proposal (and).»

Date and signature.

The application process has been completed. All additional materials should be attached to it and an application should be submitted to the council for rationalization proposals. Typically applications are reviewed at the end of each quarter. If your proposal is approved, then you will receive a prize, certificate, honor and glory, and most importantly, moral satisfaction.

How to write a good cover letter

The letter of offer is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization.

What is the structure of the text of the offer letter?

It is recommended to start an offer letter directly from the essence of the letter, that is, from the proposal. Already in the first line of the letter, it should be told about what is being offered, listing the most important conditions or goals of the offer. If the subject of the offer needs to be detailed, then this information is set out in the second part of the letter, after the offer is made.

What keywords and phrases are used in the letter?

The key verb of the offer letter is the verb "offer". If the letter is addressed to a specific person, the pronoun “ To you»: « we are offering to you…". If the letter is addressed to the organization as a whole or to a group of persons, the personal pronoun is written with a lowercase letter: “we offer you ...”.

If the proposal is sent as a response to a request, in the opening phrase of the letter it is necessary to express gratitude to the addressee for their interest, for example: “ Thank you for your interest in our personnel testing program.».

This article is devoted to a very important and integral part of the activity of any enterprise - rationalization. What exactly is its importance, and how to create your rationalization proposal?

Rationalization (rationalization activities at the enterprise) is the process of improving the means and methods of production in order to increase its efficiency. It includes the improvement of engineering, technology, labor organization, production and management.

The main thing in the article, if there is no time to read:

  • money is paid for innovation proposals
  • rationalization proposals must be unique within the same enterprise - it can be exchanged with colleagues
  • you can submit rationalization proposals to the enterprise without being an employee through the community of innovators and inventors
  • if there is an economic effect, payments can be significant

The principle of rationalization - in a simple sense, is needed in order to improve the functioning of the elements in the space around us, to optimize the level of their interaction. Most often, rationalization in production involves the search for more economical solutions that will allow you to get the desired result with less labor and resources. In practice, this is achieved by improvements in several areas. For example, the improvement of labor means and technical processes is the modernization and technical re-equipment of the equipment used in order to ensure positive trends in the development of the company. For the same purpose, the results of labor are being improved, but in definitely different ways - by expanding the range of services provided, improving the consumer properties of manufactured products, and so on. And improvements in relation to labor processes (rationalization of labor) provide for a more favorable working environment by eliminating factors that lead to stressful situations in the work team, material incentives for each individual employee, and increasing the interest of formed personnel in the growth of the status of the enterprise.

Companies need rational ideas, employees have ideas - for mutual benefit, it remains to organize the connection between these links. Rationalization activity, as part of innovation, is regulated at the state level.

TNLA regulating rationalization activity. The procedure for recognition of rationalization proposals

the Russian Federation

Organizational conditions for the development of rationalization are determined by the Decision of Rospatent and the Ministry of Industry of Russia dated 06/25/1996 N 6/7 "On the Methodological Recommendations for the Organization and Conduct of Rationalization Work at the Enterprises of the Russian Federation". In accordance with this Decision, a technical, organizational or managerial proposal that is new and useful for a given enterprise can be recognized as an rationalization proposal.

In Russia, the process of recognizing a proposal as rationalization is carried out by sending by the author and subsequent consideration of an application drawn up in the form: Download the application form. Technical, organizational and management proposals must be drawn up in a separate order from each other. Proposals are also registered in the journal, regardless of whether a positive decision was made to accept them. When considering an application, the enterprise performs a detailed analysis of it according to the criteria of a technical solution, novelty and usefulness, and, in full compliance with the requirements of the enterprise, available resources, the amount of incentive payments to the author is assigned. Recognition of the rationalization proposal and the start of its application is accompanied by the issuance of a certificate to the author (co-authors) no later than a month later. Russian legislation also provides for bonus payments to persons who facilitated the use of this offer. Payments to the author are made as follows:

  • up to a month after the proposal was recognized as rationalization (25% of the minimum wage);
  • up to 2 months after the lapse of 1 year from the date of introduction into production or after the end of the application of the rationalization proposal (if the operation lasted less than a year, the rest of the remuneration is paid);
  • up to 2 months after the end of the 2nd year of application of the rationalization proposal, an additional payment is made if the volume of its application has increased compared to the previous year.

The remuneration is not lower than 50% of the minimum salary established in the Russian Federation for proposals with technical solutions and 25% for organizational and managerial ones. Its maximum dimensions are not limited.


Art. 481-484 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, a rationalization proposal is considered to be a proposal approved by a legal entity, including any solution (improvement) regarding the organization of the process in any field of activity.

In Ukraine, the number of transactions on intellectual property rights has recently grown significantly, and, in fact, such a legal object as a rationalization proposal has begun a “new life”. At the same time, not only the process, but also a component of the company's tangible property can act as the object of the rationalization proposal. An introductory table with a detailed description of the criteria according to which a proposal can be classified as a rationalization proposal is displayed below:

The subjects of IP right to rationalization proposal, based on the provisions of Art. 483 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, its author and the legal entity to whom it is addressed act. The author is, in turn, an individual who made efforts to create an offer, or a group of persons (co-authors) who jointly participated in the project. The rights of ownership of the rationalization proposal are distributed among the co-authors on the basis of mutual agreement and upon the fact of making a personal creative contribution to its development (excluding technical, organizational or material assistance, as well as facilitating the conclusion of an agreement with the company).

In Art. 484 of the Civil Code of Ukraine states that a legal entity that recognized the proposal as rationalization has unlimited rights to use it. In addition, such acts differ from inventions or patents, plant varieties and other intellectual property certificates in that the law does not prohibit everyone, except the author himself, from allowing their use. In general, the property rights of the author in this case are reduced to one thing - to receive remuneration for 2 years since the rationalization proposal was integrated into the activities of the enterprise. The funds are paid by the legal entity that has become the subject of the agreement.

Without recognition, the proposal will not become rationalization, and in order to be recognized, in addition to the above aspects, it will need to be properly formalized. In general The recognition procedure involves the following:

  • submission by the author of the proposal of a written application in form N IB-5, which must contain all the necessary information, such as a description, drawings, diagrams, sketches and everything that is directly related to its use in the enterprise;
  • putting forward the requirement of sufficiency for implementation to the documentation submitted by the author (according to Article 482 of the Civil Code of Ukraine);
  • registration of the proposal in the company and consideration during the 1st month of the decision on, in fact, recognition or non-recognition of it as rationalization.

As a result of recognition, the company provides the author with a special certificate, on the basis of which he will receive remuneration subsequently. This certificate contains information about:

  • the name and (if any) company name of the company that issued the certificate;
  • the name of the rationalization proposal;
  • surnames of the author (surnames of co-authors from “A” to “Z”);
  • date of acceptance of the proposal;
  • the date of its recognition;
  • registration number of the proposal for the journal.

The certificate is secured by the signature of the manager of the company and the seal.

Temporary act N 479/92 establishes the norms for the amount of remuneration, determined in the terms of the contract between the author and the company, with minimum limits of:

  • 10% of the company's annual income from the implemented rationalization proposal (the exact calculation is made according to Methodological recommendations N 80);
  • 2% of that part of the cost of production (including works and services) that falls on the rationalization proposal that does not spread a positive impact on income.

Payment of remuneration is carried out with the frequency specified in the contract, however, no later than 3 months that have passed since the end of each year of application of the rationalization proposal in the organization.

Republic of Belarus

Decree of the Council of Ministers of 17.02.2010 No. 209 “On Approval of the Regulations on Rationalization in the Republic of Belarus”

In Belarus, a written application must comply with the given form.

Each of the decisions, whether technical or organizational, is also drawn up separately. The application and the materials attached to it must contain the signatures of all co-authors and the dates of creation. After the application is registered, the author still has the right to make adjustments to it until a decision is made on its recognition / rejection, but the very essence of the proposal cannot be redefined. For all corrections and additions, separate sheets with dates and signatures are created. The certificate of acceptance of the proposal is transmitted to the author (each of the co-authors) within 30 days. The co-authors distribute the remuneration among themselves, based on the percentage specified in their written agreement. The amount of payments is determined by the situation at the enterprise, for proposals without economic effect it is at least 2 basic units, and with an economic effect - up to 10% of the effect.


Applications for an alleged invention are drawn up in accordance with the “Instruction on the preparation of applications for an invention (EZ-1-74)”, with no less strict regulations on the constituent elements and nature of documents. The application must contain information about the full name of the author and co-authors, their job responsibilities, education, year of birth. The document contains all data about the proposal, such as its description, decision on acceptance / rejection, changes in the technical documentation, calculated data on annual savings after the implementation of the proposal and the author's agreement on the mutual distribution of funds. In general, the author is required to calculate, analyze and state what the technical advantage of his solution is in comparison with those already used and justify the expected economic effect from its implementation, as well as evaluate the possible scope of application of this solution. That is, the registration procedure is essentially similar to the previously described.

At enterprises, rationalization is regulated by the Regulations on Inventive and Rationalization Activities and may include the following sections:

  1. Planning and analysis of inventive and rationalization activities. It sounds fantastic how it is possible to plan such an activity. Often the output of planning is dry numbers, and how to do it is completely incomprehensible. After all, it is impossible to plan ideas. In fact, everything is very simple - it is necessary to conduct a survey, identify the most pressing problems in areas of activity and set tasks for their solution. This is called “thematic planning” - for more details, see the link http://rzd-expo.ru/
  2. Reporting and document flow on inventive and rationalization activities. This is what creative people most dislike. A rationalization idea would be to automate the entire process from Excel and Google Sheets to integration into your CRM or internal website, but they may not be counted if this is part of your job responsibilities, or such an item is already planned for work by a higher manager.
  3. Stimulation of innovative activity. Payouts for ideas and % of the economic effect. If the idea is too profitable for the employer, the maximum amounts of lump-sum payments or per year are indicated.

How to submit a rationalization proposal without being an employee of the enterprise?

It often happens that it is more visible from the side. For example, near my house in a grocery store, terminals for paying by card are installed in front of the checkout. This is really inconvenient and delays the queue. Until I pay with the card, the next buyer can not lay out the goods. My appeals to the store manager did not give any result - she is not motivated to change, rather the opposite. If the terminal site was discovered, she would be reprimanded for not seeing it right away. How to be in that case? Turn to the higher management, who is also not very interested in the problems of a small store of a huge network. It is not reasonable for me and myself to turn to an even higher leadership on such a petty issue. And I do not want to conflict and something to prove. You can contact the society of inventors and innovators and benefit from such an offer.

  • All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators http://www.ros-voir.ru/
  • The Society of Inventors and Innovators of Ukraine seems to have ceased its activities in 2006. It is possible that they still operate in regional and city councils.
  • Belarusian Society of Inventors and Innovators http://belgospatent.by
  • The Kazakhstan Society of Discoverers, Inventors and Innovators exists formally

Thus, the article considered the main issues related to the relevance, procedures for registration, recognition and benefit from the rationalization proposal. The team of madcash.pro authors sincerely hopes that it will be of benefit to readers, becoming one of the keys to success in concluding another profitable deal.

Ideas for rationalization proposals

The main criteria for recognizing a proposal as rationalization will be:

  • novelty of the technical solution (within the enterprise)
  • economic effect
  • organizational decisions
  • labor protection and industrial safety

In practice, it all depends on the company where you work, and on the management. It is difficult to find new technical solutions at a large enterprise - everything is already known and planned (but nothing has been done). Organizational decisions are also not recognized - these are obvious mistakes of your leadership. In a small business, using spreadsheets and LED lights can be a big hit. If there is no development of innovation, conduct a survey among employees and colleagues: “name 3 things that hinder your work most of all.” The more data you have for analysis, the easier it will be to identify the main problems that need to be addressed. Well, then you need to successfully solve the problem with the help of improvised means.

Main directions:

  • special devices not produced by the industry. Various grippers, maintenance platforms, special lifting devices
  • saving electricity and other resources
  • automation of workflow and databases. The output must be a document in the prescribed form
  • development of training stands and software systems
  • the use of modern chips and components in obsolete equipment

And what about their innovative ideas?

Abroad, all innovations among employees are encouraged by bonuses and bonuses without paperwork and planning. Modern developments can be seen in IT companies. For example, everyone for a reasonable idea is entitled to a mug or other souvenir with the company logo. Large companies are happy to use voluntary ideas from consumers in production. This is called crowdsourcing.

This article is devoted to a very important and integral part of the activity of any enterprise - rationalization. What exactly is its importance, and how to create your rationalization proposal?

Rationalization (rationalization activities at the enterprise) is the process of improving the means and methods of production in order to increase its efficiency. It includes the improvement of engineering, technology, labor organization, production and management.

The main thing in the article, if there is no time to read:

  • money is paid for innovation proposals
  • rationalization proposals must be unique within the same enterprise - it can be exchanged with colleagues
  • you can submit rationalization proposals to the enterprise without being an employee through the community of innovators and inventors
  • if there is an economic effect, payments can be significant

The principle of rationalization - in a simple sense, is needed in order to improve the functioning of the elements in the space around us, to optimize the level of their interaction. Most often, rationalization in production involves the search for more economical solutions that will allow you to get the desired result with less labor and resources. In practice, this is achieved by improvements in several areas. For example, the improvement of labor means and technical processes is the modernization and technical re-equipment of the equipment used in order to ensure positive trends in the development of the company. For the same purpose, the results of labor are being improved, but in definitely different ways - by expanding the range of services provided, improving the consumer properties of manufactured products, and so on. And improvements in relation to labor processes (rationalization of labor) provide for a more favorable working environment by eliminating factors that lead to stressful situations in the work team, material incentives for each individual employee, and increasing the interest of formed personnel in the growth of the status of the enterprise.

Companies need rational ideas, employees have ideas - for mutual benefit, it remains to organize the connection between these links. Rationalization activity, as part of innovation, is regulated at the state level.

TNLA regulating rationalization activity. The procedure for recognition of rationalization proposals

the Russian Federation

Organizational conditions for the development of rationalization are determined by the Decision of Rospatent and the Ministry of Industry of Russia dated 06/25/1996 N 6/7 "On the Methodological Recommendations for the Organization and Conduct of Rationalization Work at the Enterprises of the Russian Federation". In accordance with this Decision, a technical, organizational or managerial proposal that is new and useful for a given enterprise can be recognized as an rationalization proposal.

In Russia, the process of recognizing a proposal as rationalization is carried out by sending by the author and subsequent consideration of an application drawn up in the form:. Technical, organizational and management proposals must be drawn up in a separate order from each other. Proposals are also registered in the journal, regardless of whether a positive decision was made to accept them. When considering an application, the enterprise performs a detailed analysis of it according to the criteria of a technical solution, novelty and usefulness, and, in full compliance with the requirements of the enterprise, available resources, the amount of incentive payments to the author is assigned. Recognition of the rationalization proposal and the start of its application is accompanied by the issuance to the author (co-authors) no later than a month later. Russian legislation also provides for bonus payments to persons who facilitated the use of this offer. Payments to the author are made as follows:

  • up to a month after the proposal was recognized as rationalization (25% of the minimum wage);
  • up to 2 months after the lapse of 1 year from the date of introduction into production or after the end of the application of the rationalization proposal (if the operation lasted less than a year, the rest of the remuneration is paid);
  • up to 2 months after the end of the 2nd year of application of the rationalization proposal, an additional payment is made if the volume of its application has increased compared to the previous year.

The remuneration is not lower than 50% of the minimum salary established in the Russian Federation for proposals with technical solutions and 25% for organizational and managerial ones. Its maximum dimensions are not limited.


Art. 481-484 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, a rationalization proposal is considered to be a proposal approved by a legal entity, including any solution (improvement) regarding the organization of the process in any field of activity.

In Ukraine, the number of transactions on intellectual property rights has recently grown significantly, and, in fact, such a legal object as a rationalization proposal has begun a “new life”. At the same time, not only the process, but also a component of the company's tangible property can act as the object of the rationalization proposal. An introductory table with a detailed description of the criteria according to which a proposal can be classified as a rationalization proposal is displayed below:

The subjects of IP right to rationalization proposal, based on the provisions of Art. 483 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, its author and the legal entity to whom it is addressed act. The author is, in turn, an individual who made efforts to create an offer, or a group of persons (co-authors) who jointly participated in the project. The rights of ownership of the rationalization proposal are distributed among the co-authors on the basis of mutual agreement and upon the fact of making a personal creative contribution to its development (excluding technical, organizational or material assistance, as well as facilitating the conclusion of an agreement with the company).

In Art. 484 of the Civil Code of Ukraine states that a legal entity that recognized the proposal as rationalization has unlimited rights to use it. In addition, such acts differ from inventions or patents, plant varieties and other intellectual property certificates in that the law does not prohibit everyone, except the author himself, from allowing their use. In general, the property rights of the author in this case are reduced to one thing - to receive remuneration for 2 years since the rationalization proposal was integrated into the activities of the enterprise. The funds are paid by the legal entity that has become the subject of the agreement.

Without recognition, the proposal will not become rationalization, and in order to be recognized, in addition to the above aspects, it will need to be properly formalized. In general The recognition procedure involves the following:

  • submission by the author of the proposal of a written application for, which must contain all the necessary information, such as a description, drawings, diagrams, sketches and everything that is directly related to its use in the enterprise;
  • putting forward the requirement of sufficiency for implementation to the documentation submitted by the author (according to Article 482 of the Civil Code of Ukraine);
  • registration of the proposal in the company and consideration during the 1st month of the decision on, in fact, recognition or non-recognition of it as rationalization.

As a result of recognition, the company provides the author with a special certificate, on the basis of which he will receive remuneration subsequently. This certificate contains information about:

  • the name and (if any) company name of the company that issued the certificate;
  • the name of the rationalization proposal;
  • surnames of the author (surnames of co-authors from “A” to “Z”);
  • date of acceptance of the proposal;
  • the date of its recognition;
  • registration number of the proposal for the journal.

The certificate is secured by the signature of the manager of the company and the seal.

Temporary act N 479/92 establishes the norms for the amount of remuneration, determined in the terms of the contract between the author and the company, with minimum limits of:

  • 10% of the company's annual income from the implemented rationalization proposal (the exact calculation is made according to);
  • 2% of that part of the cost of production (including works and services) that falls on the rationalization proposal that does not spread a positive impact on income.

Payment of remuneration is carried out with the frequency specified in the contract, however, no later than 3 months that have passed since the end of each year of application of the rationalization proposal in the organization.

Republic of Belarus

Decree of the Council of Ministers of 17.02.2010 No. 209 “On Approval of the Regulations on Rationalization in the Republic of Belarus”

In Belarus, a written application must comply with the given form.

Each of the decisions, whether technical or organizational, is also drawn up separately. The application and the materials attached to it must contain the signatures of all co-authors and the dates of creation. After the application is registered, the author still has the right to make adjustments to it until a decision is made on its recognition / rejection, but the very essence of the proposal cannot be redefined. For all corrections and additions, separate sheets with dates and signatures are created. The certificate of acceptance of the proposal is transmitted to the author (each of the co-authors) within 30 days. The co-authors distribute the remuneration among themselves, based on the percentage specified in their written agreement. The amount of payments is determined by the situation at the enterprise, for proposals without economic effect it is at least 2 basic units, and with an economic effect - up to 10% of the effect.


Applications for an alleged invention are drawn up in accordance with the “Instruction on the preparation of applications for an invention (EZ-1-74)”, with no less strict regulations on the constituent elements and nature of documents. The application must contain information about the full name of the author and co-authors, their job responsibilities, education, year of birth. The document contains all data about the proposal, such as its description, decision on acceptance / rejection, changes in the technical documentation, calculated data on annual savings after the implementation of the proposal and the author's agreement on the mutual distribution of funds. In general, the author is required to calculate, analyze and state what the technical advantage of his solution is in comparison with those already used and justify the expected economic effect from its implementation, as well as evaluate the possible scope of application of this solution. That is, the registration procedure is essentially similar to the previously described.

At enterprises, rationalization is regulated by the Regulations on Inventive and Rationalization Activities and may include the following sections:

  1. Planning and analysis of inventive and rationalization activities. It sounds fantastic how it is possible to plan such an activity. Often the output of planning is dry numbers, and how to do it is completely incomprehensible. After all, it is impossible to plan ideas. In fact, everything is very simple - it is necessary to conduct a survey, identify the most pressing problems in areas of activity and set tasks for their solution. This is called “thematic planning” – see the link for more details.
  2. Reporting and document flow on inventive and rationalization activities. This is what creative people most dislike. A rationalization idea would be to automate the entire process from Excel and Google Sheets to integration into your CRM or internal website, but they may not be counted if this is part of your job responsibilities, or such an item is already planned for work by a higher manager.
  3. Stimulation of innovative activity. Payouts for ideas and % of the economic effect. If the idea is too profitable for the employer, the maximum amounts of lump-sum payments or per year are indicated.

How to submit a rationalization proposal without being an employee of the enterprise?

It often happens that it is more visible from the side. For example, near my house in a grocery store, terminals for paying by card are installed in front of the checkout. This is really inconvenient and delays the queue. Until I pay with the card, the next buyer can not lay out the goods. My appeals to the store manager did not give any result - she is not motivated to change, rather the opposite. If the terminal site was discovered, she would be reprimanded for not seeing it right away. How to be in that case? Turn to the higher management, who is also not very interested in the problems of a small store of a huge network. It is not reasonable for me and myself to turn to an even higher leadership on such a petty issue. And I do not want to conflict and something to prove. You can contact the society of inventors and innovators and benefit from such an offer.

  • All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators
  • The Society of Inventors and Innovators of Ukraine seems to have ceased its activities in 2006. It is possible that they still operate in regional and city councils.
  • Belarusian Society of Inventors and Innovators
  • The Kazakhstan Society of Discoverers, Inventors and Innovators exists formally

Thus, the article considered the main issues related to the relevance, procedures for registration, recognition and benefit from the rationalization proposal. The team of authors of the site sincerely hopes that it will benefit readers, becoming one of the keys to success in concluding another profitable deal.

Ideas for rationalization proposals

The main criteria for recognizing a proposal as rationalization will be:

  • novelty of the technical solution (within the enterprise)
  • economic effect
  • organizational decisions
  • labor protection and industrial safety

In practice, it all depends on the company where you work, and on the management. It is difficult to find new technical solutions at a large enterprise - everything is already known and planned (but nothing has been done). Organizational decisions are also not recognized - these are obvious mistakes of your leadership. In a small business, using spreadsheets and LED lights can be a big hit. If there is no development of innovation, conduct a survey among employees and colleagues: “name 3 things that hinder your work most of all.” The more data you have for analysis, the easier it will be to identify the main problems that need to be addressed. Well, then you need to successfully solve the problem with the help of improvised means.

Main directions:

  • special devices not produced by the industry. Various grippers, maintenance platforms, special lifting devices
  • saving electricity and other resources
  • automation of workflow and databases. The output must be a document in the prescribed form
  • development of training stands and software systems
  • the use of modern chips and components in obsolete equipment

And what about their innovative ideas?

Abroad, all innovations among employees are encouraged by bonuses and bonuses without paperwork and planning. Modern developments can be seen in IT companies. For example, everyone for a reasonable idea is entitled to a mug or other souvenir with the company logo. Large companies are happy to use voluntary ideas from consumers in production. This is called.

The fact that foreign companies are actively using this tool is known to all those interested in this topic. What do we have?

Not long ago, about 5 years ago, a German consultant on the organization of production who worked for us asked in surprise: “I have been to many Russian enterprises, and nowhere have I seen a working system of rationalization proposals. Why did you ruin it, after all, once we even came to you to learn from experience! Indeed, until recently, most companies "had no time for this."

Now there is a second birth of this instrument. In addition to the familiar name “rationalization proposal”, it can be called “kaizen proposal”, “total production optimization”, “improvement proposals”, or even “Stop losing!”, as in the Russian divisions of Alcoa. Of course, each of these names implies its own specifics, its own characteristics, but they have one common goal - to use the initiative of employees, find internal reserves and make them benefit their company.

We bring to your attention a brief review of the best Russian experience, prepared using materials posted by the companies themselves on our portal "Production Management" and in other media.

Economic effect of rationalization proposals

What economic effect can be obtained from rationalization proposals, is it worth spending time and effort on this? What costs are required for this?

Even a cursory analysis shows that the results are very good:

  • "Uralelectromed"I've already saved in three years 22 million rubles thanks to the suggestions. It is assumed that by the end of this year it will correspond to the level of 2009 - more than 9 million rubles. Since the beginning of this year, more than 1,000 applications have already been received from Uralelectromed employees, of which about 200 works have been completed at the level of rationalization proposals and are being implemented in production. Over 1.2 million rubles were paid to the initiators of these developments.
  • On the KAMAZ in 2008 alone, 48 thousand kaizen proposals were received, aimed at improving all areas of activity. For three years, 2,700 projects have been opened on the proposals received, 1,300 pieces of equipment and 90 thousand square meters have been released. meters of production space. The economic effect from the development of the KAMAZ production system for three years amounted to 1.6 billion rubles, with costs - 16 million rubles.
  • Total optimization in enterprises Severstal Groups in 1998-2002 brought tens of millions of dollars through the implementation of effective and at the same time low-cost activities. For example, at the head enterprise of the group - - 2388 events were initiated during this period, 1835 of them were implemented by the beginning of 2002. The overall economic effect amounted to $60.5 million. Since 2000 at JSC " Karelian pellet"As part of the TOP project, five targeted programs have been developed. The actual effect of the implementation of the framework activities of three of them is about 5 million dollars.
  • On the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant in 2001 alone, the economic effect from the implementation of 369 proposals exceeded 3.5 million dollars.
  • Since 2008 thanks to projects implemented by employees Alcoa SMZ within the program "Stop losing!", was saved more than 253 million rubles, and the best offer of the competition to reduce losses will allow Alcoa SMZ to save over 35 million rubles.
  • On the UAZ as a result of the implementation of our own program to reduce costs and production costs for 11 months of 2009, 383 measures were implemented with an economic effect by the end of the year more than 160 million rubles.
  • The economic effect of the implemented rationalization proposals for Gorky railway made up more than 79 million rubles in the first half of 2010.
  • On the Neftekamsk Automobile Plant in 2009, 3,833 kaizen proposals were submitted, of which 3,042 were put into production. For 8 months of the current year, 11,000 kaizen proposals were already submitted, of which 7,028 were put into production. meters of production space, which created a reserve for the organization of new production.
  • The economic effect of the introduction of "Kaizen" in agricultural holding "Kuban" at the end of 2009 amounted to 107 million rubles.
  • In company " Severstal-Metiz"in the first half of 2010, 90 rationalization proposals out of 130 submitted were put into production. 62 rationalization proposals were implemented at the Cherepovets site of Severstal-Metiz. The economic effect of previously implemented rationalization proposals in the first half of the year amounted to more than 11 million rubles. Since the beginning of the year, the Oryol branch of Severstal-Metiz has implemented 13 ideas with a general economic effect more than 3 million rubles. In the first half of the year, the Volgograd enterprise implemented 15 rationalization proposals, the effect of which is now being calculated.
  • IN Cherepovets metallurgical plant in the 1st half of 2010, 739 rationalization proposals were put into production with a total economic effect of over 8.9 million rubles.
  • In the first half of 2007, the company Promtractor”, which is part of the Tractor Plants Concern, due to the technical creativity of its employees, saved 7.4 million rubles. At the same time, the enterprise significantly - by 46.1 percent. - Increased labor productivity.
  • Implementation of the TOP program (“Total Optimization of Production”) on Cheboksary Aggregate Plant gave the company savings in the amount of 80 million rubles.
  • IN " Orelenergo» a program to improve performance is being implemented. To date, 48 employees have already submitted their proposals to improve performance. The result was 16 proposals with an expected total economic effect of 91 million rubles.
  • Oktyabrskaya railway- economic effect for 2010. already made 21.8 million rubles.
  • At the Novokuznetsk Metallurgical and West Siberian Combines ( EVRAZ Group) for a year and a half introduced about 1000 proposals and inventions. The economic effect is impressive - 300 million rubles.

Many companies are one of main success factors of these projects mark the maximum involvement of enterprise employees in optimization processes.

“We try to involve the employees of the enterprise as much as possible in the process of optimizing the production process. And for its part, the leadership Uralelectromed"supports research and inventive activities in every possible way" - says Alexander Krestyaninov, head of the technical department of Uralelectromed - Since the beginning of this year, more than 1,000 applications have already been received from Uralelectromed employees, of which about 200 works have been completed at the level of rationalization proposals and are being implemented in production. Most of these initiatives relate to the manufacturing sector, but there are also proposals for optimizing management processes and reducing production costs. Over 1.2 million rubles were paid to the initiators of these developments.”

IN Neftekamsk Automobile Plant one of the priorities is to involve each employee in the improvement process, and this is done by submitting kaizen proposals. In order to motivate and involve as many employees as possible in this process, the plant has developed a Regulation on financial incentives for each proposal submitted (regardless of the presence or absence of effect), for each implemented proposal.

Employee training is an important factor in the success of projects

In order to popularize innovative activities, employees " Uralelectromed» under the age of 30 are regularly trained in program "Rationalization and invention". At the seminars, in particular, they are told how to properly draw up and defend a rationalization proposal, they are introduced to the basics of patent science, and so on.

The "Kaizen" management system is gradually being introduced in all structural divisions agricultural holding "Kuban" since 2006. In 2009, the company trained 1,366 people in the basics of industrial psychology Kaizen. During this time, 197 proposals of employees have been implemented.

industrial site Volgograd aluminum plant recently, for a week, it became both a testing and training ground - a landing force of specialists in the development of the production system of RUSAL enterprises landed at the enterprise. In five days, the four teams that the mermaids were divided into developed dozens of improvement projects. The first one worked with the machine in the foundry department. The result is 34 kaizen improvements, of which 20 have already been successfully implemented. As a result, the execution time of the operations has decreased, and the productivity of the casting machine has increased. Oleg Buts, head of the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter production system development project, who was a member of this group, is fully satisfied with the expected economic effect. The second team was able to significantly reorganize the work of the operators of one of the teams in the electrolysis buildings. - The first two days were spent assessing the situation and fixing problems, - said Andrey Kartavtsev, head of the electrolysis department of the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter. - And then the actual work on improvements began. The third group got rid of marriage in the forging and foundry department of the VgAZ-SUAL-Remont enterprise. Now there is practically no marriage here, but there is a new table to simplify work, a production analysis stand and a work plan for the next six months. As a result, it will be possible to save more than 1 million rubles. We also standardized the work at the jack repair site, in addition, the number of emergency stops was reduced to nothing.

Some companies hold special tenders for rationalization proposals

For example, on Irkutsk Aviation Plant The first kaizen proposals were submitted by SME workers a year ago, and in 2010 leaflets with applications for improvement were more actively poured into special boxes, the press service of the plant notes. During the implementation of this BP tool in the Mechanical Assembly Production, 700 kaizen proposals were submitted. Of these, 225 have been implemented (the figure is constantly increasing). According to the leaders of SMEs, on average, 8-10 quite sensible proposals for improving production processes are received per week. When evaluating "kaizens", many factors were taken into account: the simplicity and originality of the solution, the speedy implementation of the project, the effect of improvement, repeatability (replication of previously submitted proposals), the activity of the contestants and, of course, the mandatory implementation of the proposal by the department, with little or no additional funds. The results were summed up in terms of overall equipment efficiency (OEE). The results obtained cannot but rejoice. For example, the winning machine MCFV-1680 (shop 269) produced an OEE of 81.9%. For comparison: in Japanese enterprises 65% is considered a good ratio, in the USA - 75%. That is, on a single machine, IAP workers exceeded global indicators of overall efficiency. In workshops 201, 217, 221, the winners' figures are somewhat more modest, but still they are not lower than 73.5%. Conventionally, the economic effect obtained from the increase in the efficiency of high-performance equipment can be equated to the acquisition of two additional machines. The organizers are unanimous in their assessments - the competition was a success, according to the results of the competition, 105 winners were noted. According to the plan of the organizers, such competitions will be held now 2 times a year.

IN agricultural holding "Kuban" held a competition among employees "Best Kaizen 2009" and identified four leading developments to improve manufacturing processes. The winners were chosen in the following categories: Efficiency", "Profitability", "novelty of thought", "Originality of the technical solution". As a result, the development of the Seed Growing Division was recognized as the most effective, the economic effect of which exceeded 6 million rubles. Four workers have improved the process of collecting and shipping grain waste in the calibration shop. As a result, the team doubled the seed storage capacity to 360 tons. The implementation of the development also eliminated manual labor. According to the results of the last year, the most profitable was the project of the specialist of the "Storage and processing of grain" department, which improved the technological scheme of the feed mill. Having spent only about 1.4 thousand rubles, she achieved an economic effect in the amount of 478 thousand rubles, that is, the profitability exceeded 99%. For the originality of the technical idea, the company encouraged an employee of the Agricultural Enterprise division, who proposed to improve the bearing unit of the cultivator. This made it possible to double the service life of the mechanism, and the economic effect amounted to 3.47 million rubles. His idea is recognized as an innovation in the agro-industrial complex.

"Dry" also holds competitions for projects to improve the production system. It is divided into two stages: the first, qualifying, takes place at each enterprise and the final - in the Moscow office of the holding. Winners are determined in three categories: Development"is a project that started before the beginning of this year and has a positive development trend. " New project"should be launched this year and be underway with a developed phased implementation plan. In the nomination " Quick effect"projects are involved that have had a specific positive effect and the implementation of which took no more than two months. The evaluation criterion is the reduction in the time of production of products, the performance of work or the provision of services, as well as the share of the improved process in the total volume of processes of the Sukhoi production system. The winners of the competition will receive material Incentives Members of working groups may be offered promotions, salary increases, or personal bonuses.

At leading enterprises Concern "Tractor Plants" there are also programs to encourage the creative initiative and activity of employees - such as "600 hours", "TOP", "Golden Frames".

Every year at enterprises Alcoa Russia in Samara and Belaya Kalitva a competition is held for the best rationalization proposal as part of the corporate program to reduce losses "Stop losing!". The authors of proposals for improving the work process, products or production activities in general are employees of the production and resource divisions of the enterprise. Losses can be reduced by improving the safety of working conditions, reducing costs, improving quality, reducing the time or effort spent on work. In February-March, the best proposals from each directorate were considered by a commission headed by the General Director of the plant M.G. Spichak. Program "Stop Losing!" has been operating at Alcoa Russia enterprises since 2008. It aims to encourage the initiative of employees and their contribution to reducing company losses. Rationalization proposals, or proposals for improvement, can relate to any area: production, labor protection, environmental protection, or improving the working conditions of employees. In addition to recognizing the initiative of each program participant, the company encourages employees in the following way: each accepted proposal adds 50 rubles to the virtual piggy bank - " Barrel with honey". When 500 thousand virtual rubles are accumulated in the “barrel”, the company converts them into real money, which is spent on charitable purposes or on improving the working conditions of the company’s employees. In 2008, Barrels with Honey No. 1 financed the purchase of equipment for corrective treatment for the Samara boarding school No. 113 for children with developmental disabilities. The second "Barrel" was spent on improving the living conditions of Alcoa SMZ employees: refrigerators, kettles and microwave ovens appeared in change houses. In 2009, the staff decided to help the Samara Boarding School No. 4, where 140 deaf and dumb children are educated and brought up. A decision is currently being made on where the funds of the fourth and fifth "Barrels" will be sent.

IN " Tatneft» youth scientific and practical conferences are held, which are held by the committee of the youth organization and the Central Council of Young Professionals (CSMC), created 10 years ago by Tatneft, one of the first in the industry. The purpose of these associations is to activate and give a systematic character to the production and creative activity of the company's youth. At the last conference, after preliminary consideration by the central expert commission, out of 766 applications submitted, 228 scientific papers in 13 sections were admitted to participate in the conference. A prerequisite for all papers presented at the conference is the issuance of a title of protection (a patent for an invention, a utility model), rationalization proposals, calculation of the economic effect from the introduction of the proposed development, as well as examination in the Engineering Center and Investment Department of OAO TATNEFT. The novelty of this year's youth scientific-practical conference is that in all the works presented, the economic effect of the implementation is calculated.

Rationalization activity is an integral part of the strategy of JSC " Russian Railways» to improve the efficiency and quality of work. Within its framework, corporate competitions, technical studies on the topic " Development of technical creativity and rationalization business».

A well-functioning system of proposals was created at Petro LLC(part of the Japan Tobacco International group of companies). In 2008, two thousand employees of LLC "Petro" submitted 3068 proposals, and in ten months of 2009 - 1415 proposals. “This process is only gaining momentum in our country,” says Konstantin Ozerov. - If at the company's factories in Japan, each employee submits an average of 20-30 proposals per year and more, then our company receives an average of 1.5 proposals from each employee. But this is on average. There are activists who submit 50-60 proposals or more.”

“Since 2009, our factory has reached a new level in the development and submission of proposals,” says Konstantin Ozerov, administrator of the business support department, chairman of the Petro proposal system committee. — If in the past years we have seen a significant number of small proposals, for example, on the organization of the workspace, administrative issues (canteen, cloakroom, corporate transport), now more attention is paid to very serious projects related to process control, equipment modification, labor safety".

Now about 35 percent of all proposals are being implemented at Petro. The authors, whose rationalization proposal was implemented, receive material remuneration from the company, which is paid rigorously and immediately. Prizes are small - 300, 600 and 1500 rubles. However, as many years of experience show, much more important in this process is moral satisfaction, rather than material interest.

In conclusion, one can say Alexander Shevelev, Executive Director of the Cherepovets site of Severstal-metiz: “Rationalization, as a continuous process, is today an important tool in the program of continuous improvement. It would be impossible to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of equipment and technologies, improve working conditions without non-standard solutions and ideas offered by the employees of our company.”

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