Corporate culture is formed in the process. Corporate culture of the organization: how to form and implement. The role of corporate culture in the company


Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Chapter 1. General concepts and the essence of corporate culture…………………………….4

1.1 The concept of corporate culture…………………………………………………………….4

1.2 Ways of forming a corporate culture………………………………………….4

Chapter 2. Types, classification and structure of corporate culture……………………6

2.1 Types of corporate culture and their classification………………………………………6

2.2 The structure of the corporate culture………………………………………………………..7

Chapter 3. The main elements of corporate culture………………………………………9

3.2. Corporate values, slogans, symbols, myths and legends………………………10

Chapter 4. Features of the formation of corporate culture………………………….11

4.2 Stages of corporate culture formation……………………………………….12

Chapter 5. The meaning and functions of corporate culture in the organization………………….14

5.1 The meaning and functions of corporate culture……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………… 17

List of literature used………………………………………………………….18


More and more leaders and HR managers today are thinking about the need for purposeful formation of a corporate culture in the organization. In many ways, this situation is due to the transition of Russian business to a new stage of development, which is characterized by the search for ways to improve the efficiency of the use of available resources, including personnel. At the same time, not all companies that have decided to create a corporate culture have an idea of ​​what it is.

In Russia, the concept of "corporate culture" has spread along with the development of competitive business. Corporate culture in Russian perception, this is such an atmosphere of the company when employees feel like a part of the company. Any culture, be it a culture of behavior, communication, appearance, speech, creates this favorable aura. Corporate culture brings the company a very specific material result.

Since culture plays a very important role in the life of an organization, it should be the subject of close attention from management. Very often, a firm's successes and failures are based on causes directly or indirectly related to its corporate culture. The leadership style, the psychological climate in the team, the established image of the organization - all this cannot but affect the results of the work of any enterprise.

Therefore, managers must be able to analyze the corporate culture and influence its formation and change in the desired direction.

Currently, corporate culture is an interdisciplinary area of ​​research, which is located at the intersection of several areas of knowledge, such as management, organizational behavior, sociology, psychology, cultural studies.

The relevance of the topic is due to the growth of competition in the service sector, the production of goods and services, and it is necessary to form competitive advantage one of which is corporate culture.

The purpose of this work is to reveal the essence of the concept of "corporate culture", to identify the main methods and directions for the formation and promotion of corporate culture in the organization. To achieve this goal, the following tasks will be required:

1) give the concept of corporate culture;

2) identify ways to form a corporate culture and its content;

3) determine the types, classification and structure of corporate culture;

4) identify the main stages in the formation of corporate culture;

5) determine the meaning and functions of corporate culture in the organization.

Chapter 1. General concepts and essence of corporate culture

1.1. The concept of corporate culture.

The concept of "corporate culture" came into use in developed countries in the twenties of the last century, when it became necessary to streamline relationships within large firms and corporations, as well as to understand their place in the infrastructure of economic, trade and industrial relations.

In modern business, corporate culture is an important condition successful work firms, the foundation of its dynamic growth, a kind of guarantor of the desire to increase efficiency.

Corporate (organizational) culture can be defined as a set of basic values, beliefs, unspoken agreements and norms shared by all members of the organization. This is a kind of system of shared values ​​and assumptions about what and how is done in the company, which is learned as one has to deal with external and internal problems. It helps the company survive, win the competition, conquer new markets and develop successfully.

Corporate culture is determined by the formula: common values ​​- mutually beneficial relationships and cooperation - conscientious organizational behavior. Corporate culture is a complex of social norms, attitudes, orientations, stereotypes of behavior, beliefs, customs that are developed and recognized by the organization's team that make a person, a group behave in certain situations in a certain way. At the visible level, the culture of a group of people takes the form of rituals, symbols, myths, legends, linguistic symbols, and artifacts. IN modern conditions corporate management is interested in making flexibility and innovation the most important and integral components of the corporate culture.

1.2 Ways to form a corporate culture

Corporate culture is directly related to the corporate spirit, employee loyalty to the organization. One of the most important tasks of the PR department of a corporation is to maintain a corporate spirit both in an individual employee and in a work team, uniting employees with common interests and understanding the common goals of the enterprise.

To form a corporate culture that is adequate modern requirements economy and business, it is necessary to transform the values ​​of people, formed under the influence of command-and-control methods of management, and to take a course towards introducing into the consciousness of all categories of employees the elements that make up the basic structure of a market-type corporate culture. One of the most important indicators of such a culture is the focus not only on providing a favorable atmosphere, normal relations in the team, but also on achieving the goals and results of the corporation.

Corporate culture can be created purposefully from above, but it can also be formed spontaneously from below, from various elements of different structures introduced by human relations between employees, managers and subordinates, different people who have become employees of the corporation.

When developing new strategy organizations, introducing changes to the strategy, structure and other elements of the management system, leaders and managers of internal corporate PR should assess the degree of their implementation within the existing corporate culture and, if necessary, take steps to change it. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the corporate culture is inherently more inert than other elements of the management system. Therefore, the actions to change it in the corporation should be ahead of all other transformations, realizing that the results will not be visible immediately.

Chapter 2. Types, classification and structure of corporate culture

2.1 Types of corporate culture and their classification

The very concept of "corporate culture", like many other terms of organizational and legal disciplines, does not have a single interpretation, there is no single standard in the approach to classifying the types of corporate culture.

Consider the classification proposed by S.G. Abramova and I.A. Kostenchuk, through which they distinguish the following types of corporate culture:

1) According to the degree of mutual adequacy of the dominant hierarchy of values ​​and the prevailing ways of their implementation, stable (high degree of adequacy) and unstable (low degree of adequacy) cultures are distinguished. A stable culture is characterized by well-defined norms of behavior and traditions. Unstable - the lack of clear ideas about the optimal, acceptable and unacceptable behavior, as well as fluctuations in the socio-psychological status of workers.

2) According to the degree of conformity of the hierarchy of personal values ​​of each of the employees and the hierarchical system of intra-group values, integrative (high degree of conformity) and disintegrative (low degree of conformity) cultures are distinguished. An integrative culture is characterized by the unity of public opinion and intra-group cohesion. Disintegrative - the lack of a unified public opinion, disunity and conflict.

3) According to the content of the values ​​dominant in the organization, personality-oriented and functionally-oriented cultures are distinguished. A person-oriented culture captures the values ​​of self-realization and self-development of the employee's personality in the process and through the implementation of his professional and labor activities. A functionally oriented culture supports the value of implementing functionally defined algorithms for the implementation of professional and labor activities and behavior patterns determined by the status of an employee.

4) Depending on the nature of the impact of corporate culture on the overall performance of the enterprise, positive and negative corporate culture are distinguished.

5) According to the degree of separability and intensity, they distinguish: strong and weak corporate culture.

6) By general characteristics companies distinguish: hierarchical (emphasis on strategy within the organization), clan (sharing by all employees of the values ​​and goals of the organization, cohesion), market (the organization’s desire to win) and adhocracy (flexibility and creativity workers to business in situations of uncertainty and ambiguity) corporate culture.

2.2 Corporate culture structure

When researching a corporate type of culture, as well as in the formation and maintenance of a particular type of culture, it should be taken into account that each culture has its own structure.

Consider corporate culture at three levels:

The first, most superficial level of culture is artifacts. At this level, a person encounters the physical manifestations of culture, such as the interior of the office, the observed "patterns" of employee behavior, the "language" of the organization, its traditions, rites and rituals. In other words, the "external" level of culture gives a person the opportunity to feel, see and hear what conditions are created in the organization for its employees, and how people in this organization work and interact with each other. Everything that takes place in the organization at this level is the visible result of conscious formation, cultivation and development.

The next, deeper, level of corporate culture is the proclaimed values. This is the level, the study of which makes it clear why the organization has exactly such conditions for work, rest of employees and customer service, why people in this organization demonstrate such patterns of behavior. In other words, these are values ​​and norms, principles and rules, strategies and goals that determine the internal and partly external life of the organization and the formation of which is the prerogative of top managers. They can be either fixed in instructions and documents, or loose. The main thing is that they are really accepted and shared by workers.

The deepest level of organizational culture is the level of basic ideas. We are talking about what is accepted by a person at a subconscious level - this is a certain framework for a person's perception of the surrounding reality and existence in it, the way this person sees, understands what is happening around him, how he considers it right to act in various situations. Here we are mainly talking about the basic assumptions (values) of managers. Since it is they who, by their real actions, form organizational values, norms and rules.

Chapter 3. The main elements of corporate culture

Corporate culture has a certain content, which includes subjective and objective elements. The former include beliefs, values, rituals, taboos, images and myths associated with the history of the organization and the lives of its famous members, accepted norms of communication. They are the basis of a managerial culture characterized by leadership styles, problem-solving methods, and managerial behavior. Objective elements reflect the material side of the life of the organization. For example, symbols, colors, comfort and interior design, the appearance of buildings, equipment, furniture, etc.

The culture of a corporation is, as it were, two organizational levels. At the top level are such visible factors as clothing, symbols, organizational ceremonies, work environment. The top level represents elements of culture that have an external visible representation. At a deeper level, there are values ​​and norms that determine and regulate the behavior of employees in the company. The values ​​of the second level are closely related to visual patterns (ceremonies, business dress style, etc.). These values ​​are supported and developed by the employees of the organization, each employee of the company must share them or at least show their loyalty to the accepted corporate values.

Rice. Levels of corporate culture

3.2. Corporate values, slogans, symbols, myths and legends

Values ​​are a fundamental element of corporate culture. Through the concrete actions of PR managers, they manifest themselves throughout the organization and are reflected in its goals and policies. Values ​​include the basic ideological attitudes and ideas adopted in the company.

Values ​​give each employee confirmation that what he does meets his own interests and needs, as well as the interests and needs of the work team and the specific unit in which he is employed, the entire corporation and society as a whole. The values ​​of the organization are the core of the organizational culture, on the basis of which the norms and forms of behavior in the organization are developed. It is the values ​​shared and declared by the founders and the most authoritative members of the organization that often become the key link on which the cohesion of employees depends, the unity of views and actions is formed, and, consequently, the achievement of the organization's goals is ensured.

The fundamental values ​​of modern companies are perceived through visible embodiment in the form of symbols, stories, heroes, mottos and ceremonies. The culture of any company can be explained by these factors. Being one of the elements of corporate culture, symbols and slogans in a capacious and concise form emphasize the strongest, most significant aspects of a particular company. For example, the social symbol of the Samsung company is a five-pointed star formed by people holding hands. It expresses five programs: on social security, culture and art, scientific activity and education, conservation and voluntary community activities of employees.

The most important part of the corporate culture of any organization is also, oddly enough, its mythology. Developed corporate cultures develop quite a diverse mythology. The mythology of enterprises exists in the form of metaphorical stories, anecdotes that constantly circulate in the enterprise. Usually they are associated with the founder of the enterprise and are called upon to convey the company's values ​​to employees in a visual, lively, figurative form. In addition, the visible manifestations of corporate culture are rituals. A ritual is a repetitive sequence of activities that expresses the core values ​​of any organization. Rituals serve as a means of visually demonstrating the company's value orientations, they are designed to remind employees of the standards of behavior, norms of relationships in the team that the company expects from them.

Chapter 4. Features of the formation of corporate culture

The formation of corporate culture, as a rule, comes from formal leaders (company management) or, less often, informal ones. Therefore, it is important that a manager who wants to shape a corporate culture formulate for himself the core values ​​of his organization or his unit.

According to various sources, firms with a pronounced, established corporate culture are much more efficient in the use of HR (human resources). Corporate culture is one of the most effective means of attracting and motivating employees.

There are several methods to study the existing culture. These include interviews, indirect methods, questionnaires, the study of oral folklore, the analysis of documents, the study of the rules and traditions that have developed in the organization, as well as the study of management practices.

There are two main areas of corporate culture formation methodology:

1. Search for the values ​​of a successful organizational culture that best meets the following factors: organizational technology, opportunities and limitations of the external environment of the organization, the level of professionalism of the staff and the peculiarities of the national mentality.

2. Fixing the identified values ​​of the organizational culture at the level of the organization's personnel.

In this case, if the first direction in the formation of an organization's culture relates to the sphere of strategic development, during which organizational values ​​are identified that correspond to the maximum extent to the goals of organizational development and the characteristics of the organization's personnel, then the second block of tasks relates to tactical management, which develops a system of specific activities and procedures. to reinforce the values ​​identified in the first phase.

Both stages are interrelated and interdependent: how correctly organizational values ​​are defined and formulated at the first stage will depend on the depth of commitment to them, supported by the measures of the second stage. And vice versa, the correctness, consistency and systematic nature of specific measures to maintain organizational culture will largely determine its strength in the end.

The measures to implement the tasks of the first block include the following: studying the peculiarities of the national mentality from the point of view of certain principles of organization management; determination of the capabilities and limitations of personnel; determination of the main technological possibilities and possibilities of the external environment.

The desired values ​​of culture, identified by the manager at the first stage, become the main goal for the second stage of their formation in the organization. The second block of tasks is implemented by identifying key figures or creators of organizational culture, who are called upon to form the necessary organizational values ​​of culture.

4.2 Stages of formation of corporate culture

Building a corporate culture is a long and complex process. The main (first) steps of this process should be as follows: defining the mission of the organization; definition of core core values. And already, based on the basic values, the standards of behavior of the members of the organization, traditions and symbols are formulated. Thus, the formation of corporate culture is divided into the following four stages:

1. Definition of the mission of the organization, basic values;

2. Formulation of standards of conduct for members of the organization;

3. Formation of the traditions of the organization;

4. Development of symbols.

Stage 1. According to managers, the creation of a corporate value system is the answer to the questions: “What are we doing? What are we good for? What are we capable of? What are our attitudes in life? What is our plan? and etc."

Values ​​should respond to people's need for confirmation that the business they are doing has a value that goes beyond specific business, a specific position, specific work colleagues, and a specific salary.

In other words, the strength of an organizational culture is determined by at least two important factors: the extent to which the members of the organization accept the company's core values ​​and the extent to which they are committed to those values.

Stage 2. The difficulty of maintaining the required level of organizational culture lies in the fact that newly hired employees bring with them not only new ideas and individual approaches to solving professional problems, but also their own values, views, and beliefs. The individual personal values ​​of employees can significantly shake the established cultural values ​​within the organization. To maintain the existing system of cultural values ​​of the organization, it is necessary to constantly influence the formation of the value orientations of employees in order to bring them as close as possible to the values ​​of the organization itself.

Stage 3. An important part of the formation of corporate culture is the creation and support of the traditions of the organization. Consider some examples of traditions, external signs by which one can judge the corporate culture of organizations:

All employees go to work in office-style clothes;

- "You work for healthy lifestyle life - do not smoke ";

A certain bonus is paid for each year worked;

Everyone communicates “like you” and by name (this is the setting);

Be sure to use the products (cosmetics, photos, accessories) that your company sells.

Stage 4. Despite the seeming formality, the development of symbols is an important stage in the formation of corporate culture. Even the simplest preference in interior decoration and appearance employees of the "leading" color of the company - plays an important role in shaping the unity of the team. The use of symbolism is a two-way process. On the one hand, it forms the external image of the organization, allowing partners and consumers to easily recognize the corresponding symbol in a series of many, and on the other hand, the symbolism allows the employees themselves to feel the internal idea of ​​the organization.

Chapter 5. The meaning and functions of corporate culture in the organization

5.1 The meaning and functions of corporate culture

Significance of corporate culture:

1.Forming a certain image of the organization and creating a sense of security among employees;

2. Culture helps newcomers to quickly understand the activities of the organization and correctly interpret the events taking place in the organization;

3. The level of responsibility increases, and, consequently, the level of viability of the organization;

4. Stimulates employees to achieve common goals, which causes an increase in the innovative potential of the organization;

5. Culture sets internal rules and standards of behavior - "collective programming";

6. Culture regulates management activities;

7. Culture contributes to the identification of the employee with the company, forms a commitment to the company;

8. Culture creates a sense of security among employees.

Functions of corporate culture:

1. Informational, which consists in the transfer of social experience;

2. Cognitive, which consists in the knowledge and assimilation of the principles of culture at the stage of adaptation of the employee to the organization and, thus, contributes to his inclusion in the life of the team;

3. Normative, as the culture establishes the norms of acceptable behavior in the organization;

4. Regulatory, by means of which the real behavior of a person or group is compared with the norms adopted in the organization;

5. Value (sense-forming), since culture affects the worldview of a person;

6. Communicative, because through the values ​​adopted in the organization, norms of behavior and other elements of culture provide mutual understanding of employees and their interaction;

7. Security - culture serves as a barrier to the penetration of undesirable tendencies;

8. Integrating - the adoption of a corporate culture forms a community of people and they feel they are part of a single system;

9. Substitutive - a strong culture allows you to reduce the flow of formal orders and orders;

10. Motivational - the adoption of a culture usually creates additional opportunities for a person and vice versa;

11. Educational and developmental - mastering a culture creates additional knowledge and positively affects its activities;

12. Quality management - over time, the most effective components remain in the culture, and all negative ones disappear;

13. Formation of the company's image - customers, visitors and other contractors do not get acquainted with official documents - they see the outside of the company and this creates its image.

5.2 Influence of corporate culture on organizational life

At present, corporate culture is considered as the main mechanism that provides a practical increase in the efficiency of the organization. It is important for any organization because it can affect:

Employee motivation;

The attractiveness of the company as an employer, which is reflected in the turnover of staff;

The morality of each employee, his business reputation;

Productivity and efficiency of labor activity;

The quality of work of employees;

The nature of personal and industrial relations in the organization;

The relationship of employees to work;

The creative potential of employees.

There are four main approaches to resolving the problem of incompatibility of strategy and culture in the organization:

1) a culture is ignored that seriously impedes the effective implementation of the chosen strategy;

2) the management system adjusts to the existing culture in the organization;

3) attempts are made to change the culture in such a way that it is suitable for the chosen strategy;

4) the strategy is changed to fit the existing culture.

In general, there are two ways in which organizational culture influences the life of an organization.

The first approach is that culture and behavior mutually influence each other.

The second approach is that culture influences not so much what people do as how they do it.

There are various models of the influence of organizational culture on organizational performance:

Sate Model,

Peters and Waterman model,

Parsons model.

In more general view the relationship between culture and the results of the organization's activities is presented in the model of the American sociologist T. Parsons. The model is developed on the basis of the specification of certain functions, which any social system, including the organization, must perform in order to survive and succeed. The first letters of the English names of these functions in the abbreviation gave the name of the model - AG1L: adaptation (adaptation); goal-seeking (achieving goals); integration (integration) and legiacy (legitimacy).

The essence of the model is that for its survival and prosperity, any organization must be able to adapt to constantly changing environmental conditions, achieve its goals, integrate its parts into a single whole, and, finally, be recognized by people and other organizations.

This model proceeds from the fact that the values ​​of organizational culture are the most important means or tools for performing the functions of this model. If the beliefs and values ​​shared in an organization help it to adapt, achieve its goals, unite and prove its usefulness to people and other organizations, then it is obvious that such a culture will influence the organization in the direction of success.


Thus, based on the foregoing, we can conclude that corporate culture is a complex of social norms, attitudes, orientations, stereotypes of behavior, beliefs, customs that are developed and recognized by the organization's team, which make a person, a group behave in certain situations in a certain way. . At the same time, at the visible level, the culture of a group of people takes the form of rituals, symbols, myths, legends and artifacts. Corporate culture is a key factor determining the success and stability of a company. It binds employees together, increases staff loyalty to the company, and increases labor productivity. At present, corporate culture is considered as the main mechanism that provides a practical increase in the efficiency of the organization.

In my opinion, corporate culture is an integral part of any organization. It arises from the moment the company was founded and actively develops during its existence. Organizational culture has a significant impact on all employees of the company, on their views and behavior, and most importantly, the result of the company's activities depends on it. However, a spontaneously formed corporate culture can become an obstacle to achieving the company's strategic goals. Therefore, every leader must be able to competently manage it and keep its formation and growth under control. In addition, any manager is obliged to monitor the observance of certain norms, rules, customs and traditions that have existed since the inception of the company in order to preserve the culture of the organization. It should also be noted that the organizational culture should correspond with the mission and strategy of the organization. Only in this case, the organization will be able to achieve success in solving the set goals and objectives, and most importantly, to achieve the main result, namely, making a profit, and then increasing it. Since the development of organizational culture has a great impact on the efficiency of the company, I would also like to note that any leader should contribute not only to maintaining the corporate culture of the organization, but also to promoting it. In my opinion, today the competent management of an organization in combination with a developed corporate culture, a good team and clearly set goals, objectives and mission of the company is the key to the success of any organization.


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Corporate culture is formed under the influence of natural and directed factors. The former include the external environment in which the enterprise operates, including social norms, the market and economic situation, and the place of the enterprise in society. The second includes purposeful actions of management and ordinary employees to form a corporate culture.

Of course, it is easiest to create a corporate culture from scratch. But this is possible only with the formation of new enterprises. Most of the enterprises operating in Russia have existed for more than a dozen years and have an already established system of internal value orientations, beliefs and rules of conduct. When forming a corporate culture, its elements should be adjusted (replacement of undesirable / outdated values, norms and rules with elements that meet modern realities). Moreover, this should be done gradually and tactfully in order to avoid sharp resistance and rejection of innovations on the part of employees (especially those with a long work experience in this organization).

Key factors influencing the formation of the corporate culture of the enterprise:

The personality of the leader;

Business area, technology features;

Norms and requirements of the environment;

Stage of development of the enterprise.

Before proceeding with the adjustment of the corporate culture, it is necessary to diagnose the existing corporate culture as a whole and each of its components separately.

The system for the formation and development of the corporate culture of the enterprise is presented in Appendix A.

Consider the stages of formation and development of corporate culture.

1. Definition of the mission of the institution.

Diagnostics of the corporate culture of the enterprise should begin with the definition of its mission. It means the main purpose of the enterprise, the purpose of the creation and the very existence of the organization. Defining a mission is important for both small and large businesses. It helps the first to feel the significance of their activities for society, despite their small size and modest opportunities. The latter, thanks to this, can unite and see the general meaning and final results of their work behind the separate fragmented processes taking place in each structural unit.

2. Evaluation of the norms of official etiquette.

One of the most important conditions for the successful functioning and development of any organization is its positive image in the eyes of the public. And the creation of a favorable external image is impossible without internal coherence between team members, compliance with official etiquette by all employees and maintaining a single corporate style. Service etiquette means a set of rules for business interaction in labor communities (people's behavior in various situations that arise in the workplace). Service etiquette is based on generally accepted norms of etiquette, such as the rules of greeting (for example, the youngest should greet the elder first, the subordinate should greet the boss, etc.), the features of negotiating (including telephone), etc. , but taking into account the specifics of a particular enterprise.

3. The presence of a corporate style.

The next component of the organizational culture - corporate style - includes the company's symbols (logo, slogan), the presence of uniform easily recognizable elements in the design of buildings and in the interior of the interior, a unified uniform for staff (dress code). The last one is worth a closer look.

Dress code (from the English dress code - dress code) - the form of clothing required when visiting certain events, organizations, institutions. It is also used to denote a dress code that shows a person's belonging to a particular professional group or a specific organization.

In some organizations, the requirements for the clothing of employees are expressed in the form of wishes and are of a recommendatory nature, in others, a detailed description of the uniform and style of clothing is included in labor contract and sanctions may be imposed for non-compliance. The dress code usually includes a list of clothes that are not allowed at the workplace.

After a complete thorough diagnosis of the corporate culture, you should begin to correct it.

The stages of adjusting the corporate culture of an enterprise include:

1. Formalization of enterprise values.

2. Analysis of the management system and documentation support management process.

3. Analysis of the internal communications system.

4. Analysis of the motivation system (material and non-material factors).

5. Analysis of informal interaction (traditions, rules, habits, etc.) of personnel.

6. Study of the level of satisfaction and identification of the actual needs of the staff.

The Corporate Code fixes the key points on which the corporate culture of the enterprise is further built:

Strategic perspective;

Priority directions of development;

General principles of corporate conduct;

Traditions and symbols.

The main result of successful work on the formation and development of the corporate culture of the enterprise is the commitment of employees. Commitment is the identification of a person with his organization, expressed in the desire to work in it and contribute to its success.

Key components of commitment:

1. Integration is the appropriation of organizational goals by employees, the unification of employees around the goals of the organization.

2. Engagement is the desire of an employee to make personal efforts, to contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals.

3. Loyalty is an emotional attachment to your organization, the desire to remain a member of it.

To form the commitment of employees to the goals and values ​​of the enterprise, various methods are used:

1. Components of commitment: branding, corporate media, corporate standards.

2. Involvement: training and development of personnel, corporate conferences, seminars, competitions, encouragement of initiatives.

3. Loyalty: social programs, benefits and privileges, corporate holidays, congratulations, family programs, sports, culture, charity, ecology.

Corporate culture is built as a powerful strategic tool that allows all business units and employees to be oriented towards the implementation of common goals. The formation and development of a corporate culture as an attempt at value-oriented management, which has its own advantages in comparison with regular management, creates the effect of "social relief".

Modern workers strive not only to succeed financially, but also to feel psychologically comfortable in an enterprise whose corporate values ​​correspond to their personal value orientations. Identification with corporate values ​​helps employees come to terms with the inevitable sacrifices that they make in order to become members of the team.

As for the formation of a corporate culture, if the mission and strategy are developed by the management of the enterprise, then the value system cannot simply be “lowered from above”, just as it is impossible to force it to be followed by order. At the beginning of the existence of an enterprise, its system of values, as a rule, coincides with the value orientations of the founders and owners. However, as soon as hired managers replace the latter in operational management, this direct connection is interrupted. And only by consciously defining and affirming values, this imbalance can be avoided.

It should be noted that the corporate culture is strictly individual, i. each organization has its own. It depends on a large number of factors: the cultural traditions of a particular state, its ideology, the scope and direction of development of a particular company, the gender and age composition of its employees, the location of the office, and much more. All these factors form the main component of corporate culture - its values. They have different manifestations within a given organization.

Corporate values ​​should be gradually introduced and also gradually, harmoniously accepted by employees. This will allow achieving stabilization in activities and major successes in the field of organizational development.

Inherent in any organization, corporate culture is both a means of management and a lever for motivating employees. Forming loyalty to the enterprise, it directly affects the productivity and efficiency of labor activity, the quality of work, the nature of industrial and personal relations at the enterprise, the creative potential of people and the enterprise as a whole.

Values ​​are a fundamental element of corporate culture. They appear throughout the organization and are reflected in its goals and policies. It is the values ​​shared and declared by the founders and the most authoritative members of the enterprise that often become the key link on which the cohesion of employees depends, the unity of views and actions is formed, and the pursuit of common values ​​can unite people into groups, creating a powerful force in achieving the set goals. Mottos and slogans have a normative value in the corporate culture, which in a concise form emphasize the significant guidelines and attitudes of the enterprise.

An important role in the enterprise is also played by myths and legends, which can be formed both by the conscious efforts of its leaders, and spontaneously from below. They exist, as a rule, in the form of metaphorical stories, anecdotes that are passed down from generation to generation of workers and employees.

They are connected with the history of the emergence of the enterprise, its further development, the life and work of the "founding fathers" and are called upon to convey general corporate values ​​to employees in a visual, figurative, lively form.

However, not all corporate values, realized and even accepted by an employee as such, really become his personal values. Therefore, a necessary condition for this transformation is the practical inclusion of an employee in the activities of the enterprise aimed at realizing this value. Only by acting on a daily basis in accordance with corporate values, observing the established norms and rules of conduct, an employee can become a representative of the enterprise that meets intra-group social expectations and requirements.

Full identification of an employee with the enterprise means that he not only realizes the ideals of the company, strictly observes the rules and norms of behavior at the enterprise, but also internally fully accepts corporate values. In this case, the cultural values ​​of the enterprise become the individual values ​​of the employee, occupying a firm place in the motivational structure of his behavior.

In accordance with the corporate culture of the enterprise, employees adhere to the rules and norms of behavior. A set of rules and norms of conduct, standards of relations between employees, as well as between them and managers or management of teams, divisions of the enterprise is expressed in official documents, codes of honor, codes of corporate conduct, etc.

The business code most often contains rules that indicate what should never be done in a given organization, rules that say that it is necessary to do in a given organization, and rules that it is desirable to do.

To maintain the existing system of cultural values ​​of the enterprise, it is necessary to constantly influence the formation of the value orientations of employees in order to bring them as close as possible to the values ​​of the enterprise itself.

In order to achieve full identification of employees with the enterprise, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of successive measures, starting with the careful selection of candidates for employment in the organization.

Another of the measures to maintain organizational culture is the recognition and promotion of those employees who can serve as role models for other members of the enterprise. By singling out such people as exemplary employees, the enterprise encourages other employees to follow their example. This approach to the formation of role models in companies is considered one of the most effective and permanent forms of promoting corporate values.

You can also introduce incentives for compliance with corporate rules and regulations and punishment for neglecting them. Written mentoring in the form of memos, instructions, standards, policies, slogans in the workplace, on the territory and in the back rooms and various rituals remind people of corporate values, rules and standards. This educates employees and facilitates the adaptation of newcomers.

So, methods of maintaining the corporate culture of the enterprise:

1. Documents adopted by the company: mission, goals, rules and principles of the organization.

2. Behavioral norms, style and way of communication between management and subordinates.

3. External paraphernalia, including a reward system, status symbols, criteria underlying personnel decisions (awards and privileges).

4. Stories, legends, myths and rituals associated with the emergence of the enterprise, its founders or prominent members.

5. What (what tasks, functions, indicators, etc.) is the subject of constant management attention.

6. Behavior of senior management in crisis situations.

7. The personnel policy of the enterprise, including the entire cycle of work with personnel: hiring, promotion and dismissal of employees is one of the main ways to maintain a culture in the enterprise.

Of course, this is not a complete list of factors that shape corporate culture, but it gives a general idea of ​​the role of management in its creation, as well as the fact that the culture of an enterprise is a function of purposeful management actions of top management.

Any change in corporate culture requires considerable effort and a long time for employees to accept new values ​​and adapt to new working conditions.

When analyzing the likelihood of successful changes in corporate culture, the following factors should be considered:

Personal changes in management;

The phase of the life cycle of the enterprise;

Enterprise age;

Enterprise size;

The strength of the existing culture and subcultures.

Efforts to align the corporate culture in accordance with the strategy of the enterprise include diagnosing the existing corporate culture, determining the required strategic objectives corporate culture or program of necessary changes in the sphere of organizational values, systems, symbols and behavior, identification of contradictions between the existing and desired corporate culture and implementation of the changes themselves.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The corporate culture of an enterprise is a set of beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, rules, approaches to work, ways of communication, consciously or unconsciously accepted and observed by the majority of employees of the enterprise.

Corporate culture can be described as the expression of core values ​​and norms in organizational structure, corporate governance system, personnel policy, carried out within the framework of a specific entrepreneurial activity.

Formation of corporate culture includes:

Development of an enterprise philosophy;

Management of organizational communications;

Formation of highly organized teams, collectives;

Leadership development;

Personnel performance management.

The formation of corporate culture is influenced by: the culture of the society within which the enterprise operates, the culture of the top management of the enterprise, the assertiveness of the leadership in introducing new norms of behavior, ideas, attitudes, and ideologies.

An effective corporate culture must adequately respond to changes in the internal and external environment activities of the enterprise, ensuring its stability and competitiveness.

The content of the corporate culture is developed in the course of practical entrepreneurial activity as a response to the problems that the external and internal environment poses to the enterprise. The content of the work, the personality of the leader and the style of leadership, the characteristics of the psychological climate - these and other factors affect the corporate culture of each enterprise.

The application of corporate culture formation methods in practice differs significantly from the theoretical calculations of specialists in this field, since the specifics of each company leaves one or another imprint on practical use theories.

History teaches that in the most "healthy" and successful companies, strategy and management systems are defined and organized with a goal that goes beyond shareholder value growth.

The main problem noted by the researchers is that the corporate culture cannot be changed by order from above. Purposeful culture change (if it is possible at all) does not happen just because management gives such an indication. In this case, neither a declaration of core values, nor a program of change, or a combination of initiatives will help.

It usually takes a sharp shock, like an economic crisis or scandal, to get people in the organization interested in the corporate culture and deliberately develop its positive characteristics. In any circumstance, trying to bring about profound cultural change is a complex and painful process.

Is it possible, in principle, to speak of a “project to form and maintain a corporate culture”? Experts indicate that it is possible, but with certain reservations.

The external level of corporate culture is quite manageable: the symbols, mythology, rituals, rituals, and ceremonies inherent in the organization. It is possible to form and improve the basic level, which is quite laborious and complex: declared values ​​and norms of behavior expressed in the mission, vision, code, internal regulations, regulations, regulations, etc. But there is also an internal level - an informal part of the corporate culture, manifested in unwritten rules for the relationship of employees both among themselves and with the outside world. It is precisely because of the discrepancy between the internal level and the external that culture can also play a disorganizing role, be unproductive. In these cases, the practical “inclusion” of an employee in activities aimed at implementing the declared value so that it becomes his personal value helps.

If we recognize the controllability of the corporate culture, then who acts as the subjects of management, except for the owners and top managers? Often "their name is legion": these are the divisions of the corporation responsible for strategic development, public relations, business management and economic activity, security, personnel management, finally (and maybe in the first place, but options are possible depending on the organization).

In any case, human resources in this context has its own unique task, which is to clearly distinguish between those employees who truly share the cultural values ​​of the organization and follow them in behavior, and those who only externally declare solidarity with values ​​and principles. To achieve the identification of employees with the company, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of sequential measures, starting with the careful selection of candidates for work. The following categories of personnel are selected: those who accept the rules of the game, who are ready to adopt the rules of the game, and who are the bearer of the values ​​missing in the company and able to transfer them to other employees (this applies primarily to managers in key positions). New hires are subjected to various internal organizational pressures that are designed to get newcomers to think about the current system of corporate values ​​and whether they can accept them. The final step in the process of adopting the values ​​and principles of an employee is the internal recognition and promotion of those who can serve as role models for colleagues. By promoting such employees in the service or promoting them to personnel reserve, the company encourages other employees to follow suit. And, finally, there is no escape from the need to release employees who ignore corporate values ​​and principles.

So, corporate culture gives people a sense of ownership, commitment; promotes communication, initiative; creates an efficient, highly productive workforce. And the constant search for a long-term advantage over the competition leads executives directly to the need to deal with cultural issues.

The Russian practice of consulting work with enterprises organized in the post-Soviet space makes it possible to single out the following important areas in which the use of methods for forming a corporate culture had the most fruitful effect on the results of an enterprise:

2. Overcoming suspicions about top officials and creating an atmosphere of mutual trust;

3. Comprehensive organizational diagnostics in order to identify weaknesses in the organization of activities (management needs an objective independent comprehensive assessment of the quality of its organizational work);

4. Overcoming internal conflicts between professional and hierarchical groups in the organization, especially when introducing new technologies and methods of work, or reorganizing existing ones (friction between IT and production, between management and ordinary employees, etc.);

5. Diagnosis of different attitudes towards business and the way it is conducted by representatives of different national cultures (for example, Russians, Belarusians and Lithuanians);

6. Diagnosis of differences in the conduct of business by large organizations and small organizations (more than 2000 people and 30 people, respectively) when they interact with each other and build partnerships;

7. Identification of internal competitors and a split in the organization (attempts by some founders to gain more power and participate in business to the detriment of others, to split off most of the organization for themselves, etc.);

8. Restructuring the organization into a self-developing and self-learning organization (the market is divided, there is fierce competition, it is difficult to attract additional external resources);

Awareness of the factors hindering the growth and development of managers in the organization at all levels - both individuals and management teams. In the process of working with corporate culture, the interfering factors are neutralized and the factors that contribute to growth and development are updated; Overcoming crises in relations between managers and crises of personal development (for example, the desire of owners to change the distribution of everyone's share in the business, the need for personal self-determination). Concluding the second chapter of our study, we can draw the following conclusions. Corporate culture is not only the image of the company, but also effective tool strategic development business. Its formation is always associated with innovations aimed at achieving business goals and, consequently, increasing competitiveness. Currently, there are many aspects of corporate culture associated with a variety of views on this issue. With the growth of production, the entry of Russian organizations to the international level, the emergence of young professionals with high level education, expansion of medium and big business the issue of the formation and development of corporate culture is becoming more and more relevant, as it is directly related to these processes.

There is a concept of strong and weak corporate culture. A strong culture is characterized by the values ​​of the organization, which for a long time still act on the finger of the song of this entire team. The more Members of the organization are committed to this opinion, the stronger and stronger the corporate culture. A weak culture is usually formed to have such a status only at the stage of company growth or in companies that simply do not have a corporate culture, although based on the above proposals this cannot be, but still cases have been recorded. But I also don't all companies already with experience mean that they have a strong corporate culture. How to change corporate culture? Over time, that is, visiting a certain period of two here, those other factors of corporate culture may change. The methods of changing culture coincide with the methods of maintaining the same corporate culture, namely: - changing attention from one subject to another; – Changing management style; – change in incentive conditions; – change in personnel policy; – change of corporate symbols and logos.

To form a corporate culture, many organizations order services from special specialized teams building agencies. The principles of corporate culture formation began to take shape in the 1990s. and adopted the format of the normative document "norms of corporate conduct". This document regulated corporate behavior.

In Russia, this regulatory document was also developed, but did not have the status of an official state standard. It is advisory in nature and does not require the application of any obligations. The document contains a number of rules, principles that have no legal force. In different countries, this document looks different and has different paragraphs and subparagraphs, and also has a different status, there are countries in which the application of this document is one of the main points of the organization's work. In Russia, this document does not replace legislative and regulatory acts, but only regulates those moments when the issue does not concern the legislative sphere. Such moments as the rules of communication, norms of behavior, also includes communication with partners and government organizations.

The main principles of corporate culture formation include the following points:

Complexity of scenario development of the company;

Determining the values ​​that are acceptable and desirable for a given company;

Observance of traditions, which largely determine the nature of the economic system, the style of management;

The denial of forceful influence, according to which it is impossible to artificially plant a strong culture in a weak culture and vice versa, or to correct it. The effectiveness of a strong culture, like a weak one, depends on the specific conditions;

Comprehensive assessment, according to which the assessment of the impact of culture on the performance of the company should be based on an integrated approach. This principle provides not only for taking into account the ways in which culture directly influences the effectiveness of this system, but also for taking into account the many invisible indirect ways of influence.

When forming a corporate culture, they take into account everything that has happened with the organization from the beginning of its creation to the present moment and look into the future, that is, what this or that element of the emerging corporate culture can lead to. An important condition is the coordination of each step with some members of the organization, so that innovations do not become so abrupt and inconsistent. After all, corporate culture implies this open communication between management and employees. Corporate culture influences the behavior of members of the organization, the format of communication, and much more.

In the process of formation and development of corporate culture, it is important to determine and take into account the factors that have the most significant impact on it. Corporate culture is also involved in the following essential elements of economic culture:

Purpose of the organization (mission, goals, objectives). An aimless existence is destructive, and the mission just expresses the main meaning, purpose and principles of life. If it is clearly formulated (and together with the team) and its provisions are followed daily, such an organization can be considered an unconditional innovator. Ideally, the mission of the company should be formulated even before its creation. However, it is even more erroneous to come up with a mission just because it is accepted in classical management, or because others have it. The leader must feel the inner need to create a mission - only then will it move forward;

Means, including the activities of members of the organization, the incentive system, information support, etc.;

Criteria for achieving goals and evaluating results;

Means of internal integration, which include methods for incorporating new members into the organization, ways of sharing power, style of relationships, a system of rewards and punishments, ceremonies (honoring heroes, symbols, myths of the organization), rituals (symbolic events designed to remind employees of behavior that they are required), etc.

In an organization it is impossible to create rules and say follow them, many employees will turn their backs on the leader, simply because these rules were not agreed upon and were not invented by joint work. And to impose these rules, the principles of corporate culture, the rules of communication will be very difficult and may even have to be punished with a ruble for non-compliance with the rules. A leader who respects his team will not allow this and at least consult, but it is also important that the last decision is still his. The power given to the manager allows him to form models of corporate communication, values, and it is even important that he does this, otherwise you can lose the trust of employees.

When forming a corporate culture in an organization, parallel work should be carried out in two directions:

Interaction with the external environment;

Interaction with the internal environment.

On the one hand, this activity is very important for its employees, because it plays a big role in their own activities. Accordingly, they are most sensitive to any of its actions. However, on the other hand, they, like no one else, can see what exactly corresponds to reality, since they are actually the conductors of this activity.

Employees understand true values ​​better when they begin to compare them with realizable values ​​in reality. Thus, they gradually understand what and how is done in the company. And it is at this stage that people can evaluate themselves as an employee of the organization: either they will be satisfied with themselves, or not.

If high-tech production is important in an organization, then workplaces should be equipped with the necessary equipment for this. Conditions must also be created for its proper operation.

If we are talking about the manufacture of quality products, then quality control must be carried out. If about the professionalism of employees as an important value of the organization, then conditions should be created for career growth and the implementation of relevant skills.

And if the behavior of employees is not encouraged or the behavior of management discredits them, then it is stupid to talk about any moral morals.

In general, any activity in the organization causes any attitude of employees towards it, which means that it can become a subject of discussion. Awareness of this makes it possible to understand the complexity of the work on the formation and development of corporate culture.

Interaction with internal departments begins with understanding, formulating and fixing in documents the foundations of corporate ideology, that is, the purpose of the organization. Its clarification implies an answer to the question: “Why does this organization exist?” And this, in fact, is finding people interested in its work.

The answer to the question: "Where is the organization heading?" allows you to construct the main goals that indicate the main directions of the organization's activities within its purpose. They allow employees to find a solution themselves, without giving a ready answer. The main goal is to guide and unite.

Having decided on this, you still need to understand how it moves, because then the basic principles of work will be formed. They describe its most important qualities (the nature of doing business), with the help of which the organization achieves its goals, and also outlines its area of ​​responsibility in cooperation with interested groups (shareholders, employees, customers, society).

In fact, such a system does not allow working in only one specific direction and provides an opportunity for competent setting of one's own tasks. It gives a certain direction in their work, allows them to build their strategies, create personal aspects of behavior, predict the quality of certain actions.

Thus, it is this that increases the employees' sense of clarity and stability in terms of relations with the company, which is very an important factor increasing motivation. And of course, it is clear that this must also be conveyed to employees.

Corporate culture is a set of fundamental values ​​and standards supported by the organization, beliefs, ethical norms, beliefs and expectations, which are accepted without evidence by the majority of employees, give people guidelines for their activities and determine the way of unifying and coordinating the actions of management, structural units and individual employees.

Key factors influencing the formation of the corporate culture of the company:

  • leader personality,
  • business area, technology features,
  • norms and requirements of the environment,
  • stage of company development.

The main stages of work on the formation and development of corporate culture:

  • Analysis of the existing culture.
  • Development of the Corporate Code.
  • Definition of forms and methods of work.
  • Implementation of projects.
  • Analysis of changes.

The analysis of the existing corporate culture is carried out in the following main areas:

  • Basic values.
  • Traditions and symbols.
  • Behavior standards.
  • "Heroes" of the organization.
  • Brand perception.

Existing methods of formation and development of corporate culture

During this stage, all the structures of the company are analyzed. The key "positive" values ​​and forms of work that exist now and will be needed in the future are highlighted. The brightest "negative" values ​​are revealed. Opposite to them "positive" values ​​are determined, which will be used in the future.

The Corporate Code fixes the key points on which the corporate culture of the company is further built:

  • Mission.
  • Strategic perspective.
  • Priority directions of development.
  • General principles of corporate behavior.
  • Traditions and symbols.

The main result of successful work on the formation and development of the corporate culture of the company is the commitment of employees. Commitment is the identification of a person with his organization, expressed in the desire to work in it and contribute to its success.

Key components of commitment:

Integration- this is the assignment of organizational goals by employees, the unification of employees around the goals of the organization.

Involvement- this is the desire of the employee to make personal efforts, to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the organization.

Loyalty- this is an emotional attachment to your organization, a desire to remain a member of it.

To form the commitment of employees to the goals and values ​​of the Company, various methods are used:

Components of Commitment:


  1. Branding
  2. Corporate media
  3. Corporate standards


  1. Training and personnel
  2. Corporate conferences, seminars
  3. Contests, encouragement of initiatives


  1. Social programs, benefits and privileges
  2. Corporate holidays, congratulations
  3. Family programs
  4. Sports, culture, charity, ecology

corporate culture can be characterized as an expression of basic values ​​and norms in the organizational structure, corporate governance system, personnel policy, carried out within the framework of a specific business activity.

Corporate culture is built as a powerful strategic tool that allows all business units and employees to be oriented towards the implementation of common goals. The formation and development of a corporate culture as an attempt at value-oriented management, which has its own advantages in comparison with regular management, creates the effect of "social relief".

Modern workers strive not only to succeed financially, but also to feel psychologically comfortable in an organization whose corporate values ​​correspond to their personal value orientations. Identification with corporate values ​​helps employees come to terms with the inevitable sacrifices that they make in order to become members of the team.

As for formation of corporate culture, then if the mission and strategy are developed by the management of the Corporation, then the system of values ​​cannot simply be “lowered from above”, just as it is impossible to force it to be followed by order. At the beginning of a company's existence, its system of values, as a rule, coincides with the value orientations of the founders and owners. However, as soon as the last in the operational management are replaced by hired managers, this straight line is interrupted. And only by consciously defining and affirming values, this imbalance can be avoided.

is completely manageable external level of corporate culture: symbolism inherent in the organization, mythology, rituals, ceremonies, ceremonies. It is possible to form and improve the basic level, which is rather laborious and complex: declared values ​​and norms of behavior expressed in the mission, vision, code, internal regulations, regulations, regulations, etc. But there is also internal level- an informal part of the corporate culture, manifested in the unwritten rules of the relationship of employees both among themselves and with the outside world. It is precisely because of the discrepancy between the internal level and the external that culture can also play a disorganizing role, be unproductive. In these cases, the practical “inclusion” of an employee in activities aimed at implementing the declared value so that it becomes his personal value helps.

So, corporate culture gives people a sense of ownership, commitment; promotes communication, initiative; creates an efficient, highly productive workforce. And the constant search for a long-term advantage over competitors leads us directly to the need to deal with cultural issues. A lot of business people won't like it. They will not find it possible to talk with colleagues about trust, values, purpose, honesty. Then they will have to face the fact that sooner or later they will be overtaken by competitors who hold a different opinion.

Corporate culture can be a means of sophisticated and narrow-group manipulation of the minds and behavior of people, but we want it to be a powerful unifying, constructive and inspiring principle in the Company's activities, the main means of harmonizing the interests of employees.

Maintenance methods organizational culture:

  1. Documents adopted in the company: mission, goals, rules and principles of the organization.
  2. Behavioral norms, style and way of communication between management and subordinates.
  3. External paraphernalia, including a reward system, status symbols, criteria underlying personnel decisions (awards and privileges).
  4. Stories, legends, myths and rituals associated with the emergence of the organization, its founders or prominent members.
  5. What (what tasks, functions, indicators, etc.) is the subject of constant management attention.
  6. Behavior of senior management in crisis situations.
  7. The personnel policy of the organization, which includes the entire cycle of work with personnel: hiring, promotion and dismissal of employees is one of the main ways to maintain a culture in the organization

Of course, this is not a complete list of factors that shape organizational culture, but it gives a general idea of ​​the role of management in its creation, as well as that the culture of an organization is purposeful management actions of top management.

The actions of top managers have a decisive influence on organizational culture. Their behavior, the slogans and norms proclaimed by them, and most importantly, the organizational resources aimed at their implementation and approval in the minds of the members of the organization, become the most important guidelines for the behavior of employees, which often serve as a more important factor in organizing behavior than formalized rules and requirements.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation