How to organize a personnel reserve. Basic rules for the formation of a personnel reserve in an organization. What are reservists for?


Who will take key positions in your company tomorrow: a loyal employee from the "bottom" or a candidate from the "street"? It is better to think about it today.

In this article, we will talk briefly about:

  • in order to form a personnel reserve;
  • features;
  • the algorithm of interaction with the provider in such a project;
  • examples from our practice.

The formation of a personnel reserve is an urgent problem for medium and large companies, since many business areas are experiencing personnel shortage. Or at least they are interested in having a loyal staff that has adapted to the corporate culture.

Personnel reserve - this is the direction of work in the organization, which allows you to ensure the succession of personnel, close new opening positions through the development of employees within the company.

The goals of the formation of a personnel reserve

  1. Be able to quickly close vacancies and ensure the continuity of the organization's work, its efficiency.
  2. Maintain continuity in management culture (and corporate culture in general), as well as special knowledge.
  3. Increase employee engagement by showing that the company is interested in developing and retaining its employees.

Formation of a personnel reserve: a brief algorithm of the project

  1. Determine for which positions the reserve will be formed.
  2. Make sure that top management is interested: discuss what is important to them, as well as what kind of support they are ready to provide. If necessary, “sell” the idea of ​​a talent pool.
  3. Create a regulation or description of the Program (project).
  4. To popularize the direction of work as much as possible: on the Intranet, through short information meetings, etc.
  5. Conduct the selection and evaluation of employees (potential reservists).
  6. Create and implement a training and development program.
  7. Debug the process of closing new vacancies by reservists.
  8. Monitor the effectiveness of the talent pool.

Personnel reserve of managers

As a rule, companies create personnel reserves for managerial positions, that is, the so-called managerial personnel reserve. Often there are designs when there are two or three levels.

For example, the first level is “Line manager positions”, the second level is “Middle management”, the third level is a reserve for top manager positions.

Some companies have standard positions. For example, Store Manager or Head of Bank Service individuals. And then it would be expedient to create a separate personnel reserve program for each such standard position.

Corporate environment

Why the support of top management is important, we will not describe for a long time, because the significance of this stage is obvious. The practical aspect is the following. It is top managers who make the choice for certain vacancies, and if for some reason they give preference to external candidates, then employees will have doubts. They will quickly understand the presence of double standards in the company and the virtuality of the implemented HR programs.

For a common understanding by the employees of the Program and the rules for inclusion in the personnel reserve, companies usually create internal regulatory documentation. Informing occurs through the Intranet or other communication channels.

Reservist Selection Process and Criteria

The selection usually looks like a "funnel", shown schematically below.

In this case, this is an example. Depending on the specifics of the company, something else may be chosen as criteria and stages of selection.

What is important when building a system for evaluating candidates for the personnel reserve?

  1. Remember that it is not the assessment of competencies that comes to the fore, but the assessment of the potential for the development of certain competencies.

Here are some examples from our practice:

1. For example, if one of the competencies of a leader is communication skills, then in the personnel reserve, first of all, the presence of communicative potential is assessed. An employee may not be able to make presentations, speak to an audience. At the same time, if he has social courage and strives to communicate with people, then mastering any communication skills for him will be many times faster and easier than for a person with limited communication potential.

2. If we consider the basic skill of setting goals according to SMART, those employees who have the ability to structure any information well can master it without difficulty.

3. Those managers who are able to operate with abstract concepts begin to think strategically faster. Here we note the paradox that we observed that “bad” operational managers, who hardly apply the skill of setting smart goals, can become excellent top managers with a strategic vision of the business.

4. Determine what the motivation of a particular employee is one of the important selection parameters.

5. When formulating all the criteria, it is desirable to clearly understand which manager profile is successful and effective in your organization. Based on this, it is worth deciding on the selection parameters.

Our research showed that the level of intellectual ability in the end had nothing to do with the appointment of a reservist to a position. At the same time, it is important to understand that analytical skills, of course, help to quickly master managerial skills.

6. For different levels personnel reserve their evaluation criteria. If we evaluate line managers who apply for middle managers, then the managerial skills that the future reservist already possesses become the key in the assessment. And if there is an assessment of applicants for top positions, then an assessment of strategic thinking or the presence of a potential for the development of strategic thinking becomes an obligatory element.

When is the Personnel Reserve Program considered effective?

A few words about efficiency. It must be said that there are no relevant comparative data in this area yet. Below are a few observable indicators that will indicate that the process is actually working:

  1. Leaders in the organization are aware of the existence of a personnel reserve and the development program that is being implemented.
  2. When opening vacancies, reservists are considered as priority candidates.
  3. At least 30% of relevant positions are closed by reservists.
  4. There are no people in the personnel reserve who got there solely because they need to be kept in the company or somehow additionally motivated.
  5. After 1-2 years, a new recruitment of program participants should be carried out, since 80% have moved to a different status: either the reservists received promotion to new positions, or they were excluded from the reserve for some reason.

Formation of a personnel reserve: the role of external providers

Typically, talent pool projects are implemented jointly by a team of internal HR specialists and external consultants. What will be the ratio, each organization determines for itself. Most often, we, as external consultants, are involved in in-depth assessments, assessments.

It should be noted that there are projects where the share of participation of consultants is almost 100%: starting from the creation of a PR campaign within the organization, writing a regulatory document and ending with the implementation of specific trainings or coaching sessions for reservists.

We carry out almost a full cycle of work, implementing projects for the personnel reserve. Examples of our work can be:

  • Development of the "Regulations on the personnel reserve" for companies in the manufacturing and banking sectors.
  • Conducting assessment centers in the selection of the personnel reserve of the company "Ingosstrakh", ONPP "Technology" named after. A.G. Romashina.
  • Conducting a 360-degree assessment for Alfa-Bank's reservists.
  • Training of reservists at PJSC Sberbank, FC Uralsib, JSC Russian Railways, Avtoframos, etc.

Algorithm of the project for assessing the personnel reserve

Our assessment projects typically follow the following sequence of activities.

  1. We discuss what evaluation criteria will be at the final stage. If this is a managerial reserve, then in 100% of cases we are definitely asked to assess the leadership potential, the rest of the set varies, depending on the specifics of the Customer.
  2. We select and, if necessary, develop assessment tools. It can be just testing or a full-fledged assessment center. If we recall the examples above, then testing is enough to assess the communicative potential. To assess the skill of setting goals, business games and cases are suitable, and to assess the potential for strategic thinking, both tests and cases are needed.
  3. We carry out.
  4. We make a rating of candidates. In rare cases, the Customer asks to generate individual reports on candidates, which requires additional financial costs for the company.
  5. We are discussing the results of the assessment and a further program of action for the development of reservists.

Planning a talent pool project?

Contact us! We will help with regulation, primary selection and assessment of the potential of employees.

Labor market trends lead to negative changes in organizations. Applicants for managerial vacancies often show unsatisfactory performance. The leading method of selecting professional managers is poaching successful specialist from competing companies. This method is used to search for top or narrow-profile positions.

But without creating a system for working with employees within the organization, it is possible that difficulties will arise in the selection of ordinary employees. We are talking about a powerful human resource at the enterprise - the personnel reserve.

Why is this needed?

A group of employees who show positive results in their work and have potential are selected as a reserve for subsequent transfer to managerial positions. If necessary, the selected specialists are able to work fruitfully in their own and related areas.

The creation of a reserve reduces the cost of searching for and subsequent adaptation of newcomers at the expense of already trained personnel, whose non-material motivation and loyalty to the organization increase. Speaking about the formation of a personnel reserve, they mean carrying out activities aimed at training selected employees in managerial functions.

Getting started, criteria

To create a competent system, three principles are followed:

  • there is a need for replacement;
  • the applicant corresponds to the position;
  • there is a desire of the candidate for professional growth.

The beginning of work on creating a reserve is to identify leading positions in the company. Heads of divisions, directors of departments and chief executives influence the results of the organization. Narrow-profile specialists, without whom the work process will stop, are assigned to the reserve. The scale and specifics of the work of the enterprise determines the number of key positions in the reserve.

Personal qualities of workers for the reserve:

  • willingness, if necessary, to transfer to a branch of the organization in another city;
  • stress resistance and resistance to stress;
  • compliance of the applicant with the image of the leader;
  • exemplary results of current activities;
  • the internal attitude of the candidate for a leadership position. An experienced recruiter will be able to determine this quality.

Steps to create it:

  • determine how many specialists will be needed within five years;
  • see the number of available reservists;
  • predict the percentage of layoffs based on the results;
  • identify managers who are able to work in other areas;
  • do not forget that specialists from the reserve should eventually end up in a position for which they want to grow professionally and psychologically. Otherwise, the employee burns out and demotivates.

Possible mistakes:

  • formal selection of specialists for the reserve without assessment of knowledge. As a result, there is a lack of strong employees and the presence of those incapable of managerial activity;
  • the system of motivation for applicants is not thought out;
  • lack of feedback from the personnel department to an employee who did not go into the reserve. Due to this, loyalty to the company is reduced;
  • the approved plan is not implemented. Selected employees who have completed the training plan to move up the career ladder. In the absence of personnel movements, the credibility of the organization is lost, which is reflected in the results of work;
  • the formed personnel reserve is rarely updated, which makes the system meaningless in the conditions of business development and with a high turnover rate.

Stages of formation

There are 4 stages of building the system. Depending on the financial situation in the organization and specific tasks, the stages are supplemented or reduced:

  1. In the first step, recruiters analyze replacement needs for an approved period of time. The planning period is two to five years.
  2. At the second stage, the selection system is being worked out. A competition is held, reservists are selected.
  3. At the third stage, selected employees participate in a program to develop skills in a professional and personal direction. Reservists are trained under MBA programs, at seminars and trainings, and field thematic conferences with invited teachers are arranged for them.
  4. At the fourth stage, trained employees get the opportunity to test themselves in practice. In an ideal situation, an experienced candidate should feel free in a managerial chair, solve assigned tasks and not experience difficulties when communicating with subordinates.

Detailed tasks:

  1. At the first stage, the development Reserve formation policy. The document prescribes the principles and sequence of actions, responsible persons, reporting forms. It approves questions on the organization of work with the reserve: how the company's employees are replenished and recruited into it. For work, you will need to approve a list of positions for which employees will be reserved. Employees of the personnel department draw up regulations and coordinate with the head of the organization.
  2. At the second stage, they form and agree competitive selection schemes. An internal and external candidate will be able to occupy a reserve niche. The main condition for this is experience in the desired specialty. After recruiting the maximum number of applicants, the second stage of the competition begins, where the reservist is evaluated personally. The decision on enrollment is made on the basis of both the results achieved and the assessment of professional and personal qualities.
  3. The third stage creates training system for selected workers. Since the development of specialists will require significant costs, training activities are thought out taking into account factors that will affect the business in the long term. Apart from additional education, programs aimed at developing managerial skills among employees are envisaged. A material incentive for reservists will be a bonus for excellent passing exams or paying for an MBA. For each applicant, an individual development plan is prepared, based on experience, education, psychological characteristics and the desire to reach heights in the chosen direction. Feedback from an employee in the reserve to the personnel department will signal shortcomings in the development program. Sharing the experience of reservists will enhance the impression of the learning process and interest the rest of the organization.
  4. At the fourth stage a trained specialist replaces an employee in a reserved position using the experience gained. An employee feels useful when he actually implements the acquired skills. In a situation where he remains in reserve for five years with a baggage of new, but inapplicable information, the company runs the risk of losing a valuable personnel due to its inattention. There is a place for a promising specialist in the labor market and competitors.

You can learn more about these tasks from the following video:

The main tasks to be solved during the procedure

The strategic policy of the organization is aimed primarily at increasing profits. A professional team with a unified corporate spirit will fulfill the assigned business tasks. If there is a personnel reserve, it will take less time to achieve the goals.

The risks of losing the accumulated information owned by the manager are reduced. The reservist gradually learns the intricacies of management, performs duties first under the supervision of an experienced mentor, then independently.

Getting into the personnel reserve increases the motivation of the employee. He sees a way to advance professionally both horizontally and vertically. If the reserve system is thought out, then employees are motivated for further career growth. A company with a competent organization of the system plans and manages the process of movement.

With low staff turnover, return to work, professional self-improvement of employees, the organization is financially stable. There are rare situations when the departure of experienced managers from the firm negatively affects the business: sales fall and the image of the organization worsens.

In general terms, the talent pool can be described as a group of specialists who meet certain requirements, have been selected and qualification training and potentially ready to become leaders. The sources of the personnel reserve for managerial positions can be the heads of small branches and divisions, chief and leading specialists, young specialists who have successfully completed an internship, etc.

However, it is worth clarifying that, depending on the specifics and needs of the organization, the personnel reserve can be formed from employees of all categories. Large industrial enterprises often experience difficulties with the selection of highly qualified workers and prepare candidates for the vacancies of a foreman, senior foreman, shift or section supervisor, etc.

What are reservists for?

The personnel reserve at the enterprise works primarily to reduce staff turnover. In addition, it saves the company's resources that it would have spent on the selection, adaptation and training of new employees. Emerging vacancies are filled by already trained specialists motivated for development, and this also affects the overall level of staff qualifications. Among the goals of the formation of the personnel reserve of the organization, it is worth noting the continuity in management, increasing the loyalty of employees.

Talent pool helps to strengthen corporate culture which increases the personal responsibility of each employee for his area of ​​work and for the overall result.

“In a large manufacturing corporation where I worked for several years, the talent pool was part of Talent Management, the main task of which was to ensure that the required number of talents with the proper level of training were available to achieve the business goals of the enterprise. Directly the personnel reserve was formed in order to quickly and effectively replace senior positions. Three groups were distinguished: a mobile reserve (employees who are ready, among other things, to move to another city), a local general reserve and a local narrowly focused reserve (for unique positions),” says Olga Kutsko, a certified member of the CIPD Institute, a graduate of Nottingham Trent University 2014, experience Over 9 years of experience in HR.

Where to begin?

The decision to create a personnel reserve is made by the company on the basis of a thorough analysis of the business strategy of the enterprise. If the plans include the development of new markets, the launch of new projects, then the list of reservists is the best option for training personnel, it ensures the prompt filling of vacancies by internal candidates. If the course is taken to maintain stability, retain existing customers, then the logic of working with the personnel reserve should be different.

An important role is also played by the study of the causes of staff turnover: the most problematic positions, the portrait of those leaving and the reasons for layoffs are identified. The results of the data analysis help determine which employees are needed for such a position and identify the selection criteria for applicants.

In large companies, there are two areas of work: internal and external personnel reserve. The internal one is formed from working employees who are either ready to move to a new position or have the potential to develop the necessary competencies. The list of positions that can become a source of candidates for targeted vacancies is developed after analyzing problematic positions and / or prospects for the development of the enterprise.

The external reserve includes candidates who successfully passed the interview with HR managers, but for a number of reasons did not start working in the organization. Among the potentially interesting candidates, one can also take into account specialists whose data was obtained after analyzing the labor market in the industry of interest.

At the planning stage, it is also important to clarify how many candidates will be reserved for a particular vacancy. An excess reserve is fraught with certain risks, which we will discuss below.

How to evaluate candidates?

The company determines the criteria for selecting candidates individually for each of the vacancies. At the same time, compliance with the maximum number of requirements can be regarded as a separately assessed indicator.

The selection criteria for the personnel reserve can be as follows:

  • Age. For candidates for senior management positions, age up to 45 years is acceptable, and for future middle managers, a period of 30-35 years is considered the best. For job vacancies, the maximum limit will be 35 years.
  • Education. Most often, enterprises set higher education for managerial positions as a mandatory requirement, and special education for workers.
  • results professional activity. The reservist must not only consistently fulfill his duties in full, but also be ready to show an increased result.
  • The candidate's readiness for development is one of the most important selection criteria. The desire to learn, master new competencies, the ability to master new knowledge and technologies.
  • Experience in a company in a basic position. This criterion is not mandatory for companies that actively use the external labor market in the search for candidates, that is, they form an external talent pool. However, for many organizations it is important to what extent a person accepts corporate principles and internal policies.

The list of requirements can be supplemented taking into account the industry specifics of the enterprise, the specifics of the position or corporate principles. For working specialties, this may be the minimum qualifying category or development of related specializations. For managers - mobility, the ability to change their place of residence, stress resistance, etc.

“In one of the large companies for the repair of oil and gas and energy facilities, we are just implementing a project to create a personnel reserve. Key categories are foreman, senior foreman and shop manager. For these purposes, we are testing the methodology for identifying HiPo (high potential) in two areas - potential workers and foremen. Identification of promising employees based on three components: KPI analysis, feedback from the shop manager, and an annual interview with the employee, which included a competency interview. After analyzing the results, a list of promising employees will be approved. In the future, we plan to organize an Assessment Center based on SHL, conduct training, involve reservists in solving additional problems of production and the company as a whole,” Olga Kutsko shares her experience.

Candidates have been selected, what's next?

In modern companies that form a personnel reserve not for momentary vacancies, but conduct a phased training of promising personnel, the work plan with reservists is decomposed into several areas:

  • an individual plan of professional growth for each candidate - depending on the starting level of training, experience, education;
  • necessary training and advanced training of selected employees - these can be internal educational programs, internships or advanced training courses, for example, at a leading industry university;
  • tracking and analysis of the development dynamics of each of the reservists.

“We have different employee training programs in our company. It all depends on what vector the specialist plans to develop. There are three options: leader, expert, manager. And for each direction, its own "stuffing" is selected: general developmental courses, professional programs and trainings. So, for line managers, in addition to specialized training, trainings to develop managerial skills are recommended. And the higher the level of the future leader, the deeper they are worked out. To train talented employees, we use internal educational resources and attract external experts,” said Natalia Sidorova, training manager at SKB Kontur.

An important role is played by assistance to the employee in the process of his entry into a new position. In order for the adaptation process to be painless, even at the preparation stage, it is necessary to include candidates in the enterprise management system at a new level. The recommendation is also valid for reservists of working specialties: mastering new functions and powers will facilitate the transition of an employee from one level to another.

Feedback from the candidate himself, from his colleagues and subordinates at all stages of training will help the HR specialist to draw conclusions about the correctness of the choice, adjust the training program.

Where can you go wrong?

During planning, pay attention primarily to the business strategy of the enterprise, calculate which of the key needs will be relevant in 3-4 years. Perhaps the position for which you are preparing candidates will be seriously modified during the growth of the company. To make forecasts, you can use information about competitors who have already passed this stage of business development, industry analytics.

Risks in the formation of a personnel reserve are also associated with a situation where a person is listed in the personnel reserve for a certain position for too long, for example, if the company's growth dynamics was incorrectly calculated or the reserve was excessive. The employee does not see immediate prospects for career growth and loses interest in further improvement and training. The second option - the applicant "outgrows" the proposed position. In both cases, there is a risk that a trained qualified specialist will accept the offer of competitors.

What about documents?

All work with the personnel reserve, starting from the planning stage, is regulated by local regulations. This may be a position on the personnel reserve. Be sure to include goals and objectives. this direction activities, the procedure for the formation of a reserve of personnel, selection criteria and organization of work with reservists.

Samples of internal documents are compiled as annexes to this document, for example, a questionnaire for a candidate, a feedback form from his manager, etc.

Make the appointment or transfer of an employee from the personnel reserve in the usual manner, through the orders of the head, changes in work books and personal cards.

We will talk about how to automate work with a personnel reserve with the Kontur-Personnel program in the next article.

Personnel reserve- this is a group of managers and specialists with the ability to manage activities that meet the requirements for a position of one rank or another, who have been selected and have undergone systematic targeted qualification training.

The importance of working with the personnel reserve is determined by the order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 22, 2010 No. 636-r "On the federal program "Training and retraining of the managerial personnel reserve (2010-2015)".

The presence in the company of a reserve of personnel will ensure the replacement of vacant positions in the event of dismissal of employees, their illness, vacation or business trip.

The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out on the basis of professional selection of personnel, the results of attestation (assessment) of personnel, the study of personal files of employees, staffing, career plans of employees.

Work with a reserve in personnel management is complex (Fig. 7.9).

Rice. 7.9.

The procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve and work with it should be regulated, coordinated with other personnel processes. It is advisable to have in the organization Regulations on the personnel reserve. For example, large building management has a Regulation on the formation and work with the personnel reserve. Its structure:

  • 1. General Provisions.
  • 2. Basic principles of the personnel reserve.
  • 3. The procedure for the formation of the reserve.
  • 4. Selection of candidates and exclusion from the reserve.
  • 5. Training of specialists and managers enlisted in the reserve.
  • 6. Motivating employees for long-term relationships with the organization.
  • 7. Implementation of the reserve.

Sources of personnel reserve can be:

  • - executives of the organization;
  • - chief and leading specialists;
  • - specialists with appropriate education and positively proven themselves in production activities;
  • - young professionals who have successfully completed their internship.

It is necessary to distinguish between a reserve of development and a reserve of managers.

Development reserve - a group of specialists and managers preparing to work in new areas (development of new products and technologies). They can choose one of the career paths - professional or managerial career.

Managers reserve – a group of specialists and managers who in the future must ensure efficient work organizations. These employees are focused on leadership careers.

When forming a personnel reserve, one should be guided by the principles given in Table. 7.3.

Table 73

Principles of formation of a personnel reserve

The work on the formation of the personnel reserve of the organization consists of several stages (Fig. 7.10). Consider the stages of work with the personnel reserve.

Rice. 7.10.

I. Analysis staffing needs.

This is a preparatory stage in the formation of a personnel reserve, within which it is necessary to determine:

  • the enterprise's need for management personnel for the short term or longer term (up to five years);
  • the actual number of trained in this moment reserve of each level, regardless of where the employee enrolled in the reserve was trained;
  • the approximate percentage of individual employees leaving the personnel reserve, for example, due to failure to complete an individual training program in connection with leaving for another city, etc .;
  • the number of executives released as a result of changes in the management structure, which can be used for managerial activities in other areas;
  • categories of positions that are basic for creating a reserve for the head of a particular unit, differentiation of the reserve depending on the characteristics of the business;
  • Possibility of selection of deputies of group of leaders. At the same time, the determining factor should be the opinion about their prospects for further career growth in all assessed qualities;
  • personal responsibility of managers for the rational placement of a certain category of personnel. For example, the head of department should be responsible for the placement of heads of departments, and the head of the enterprise should be responsible for the placement of heads of departments.

II. The selection of candidates for the reserve includes a number of interrelated procedures:

  • analysis of documentary data (employee's personal card, autobiography, characteristics, certification results, etc.);
  • interview or interview to identify information of interest;
  • monitoring the behavior of the employee in various situations;
  • assessment of the results of labor activity (labor productivity, quality of work performed, performance indicators of tasks by the managed unit) for a certain period (two years were chosen as such a period with the definition of an interim performance assessment every six months);
  • comparing the qualities of applicants with the requirements of a position of one rank or another.

The selection of candidates begins with an interview conducted by a HR specialist together with the head of the structural unit in which the employee is currently registered. The purpose of the interview is to identify both the candidate’s desire to work in the proposed position and the presence of the qualities necessary for this: the ability to plan his work, see his reserves and prospects, solve problems in a short time, the level of preparedness, qualifications, etc., and the employee was aware in advance of all the requirements presented to him.

If necessary, managers and specialists of other departments with whom the employee was functionally interconnected in the course of professional activity are involved in the interview.

When determining the prospects of candidates, it is advisable to establish an age limit for certain categories of positions, take into account the time remaining until the retirement age, the health status of candidates, determining the required period of work in a position, the requirement for systematic advanced training, and the availability of innovative potential.

The most important criteria to be taken into account when forming a personnel quality system are the following:

  • labor motivation (interest in professional problems and creative work, the desire to broaden one's horizons, orientation to the future, success and achievements, readiness for social conflicts in the interests of workers and business, for reasonable risk);
  • professionalism, competence, organizational skills(educational and age qualifications, work experience, level of professional readiness, independence in decision-making and the ability to implement them, susceptibility and ability to innovate, the ability to negotiate, argue one’s position, defend it, etc.);
  • personal qualities and potentialities (intelligence, attentiveness, flexibility, accessibility, authority, tact, sociability, ability for abstract thinking, emotional stability, motor characteristics, etc.).

As a rule, this stage ends with the certification of candidates nominated for the reserve.

Example: in one large construction company when an employee is included in the personnel reserve, the recommendations of the immediate supervisor are taken into account in the form of a candidate assessment criteria map (Table 7.4).

Table 7.4

Candidate Evaluation Criteria Map



Knowledge, experience

Professional knowledge.

Work experience.

Skills for solving typical problems.

Additional knowledge and skills (training in courses, participation in seminars, availability of other professions and specialties, knowledge of the regulatory framework, construction standards, etc.)


The ability to prioritize.



Making decisions

Decision making speed.



Information links, contacts

Using the knowledge of specialists.


Ability to use information sources

Personal characteristics

Labor efficiency.

Company loyalty. Purposefulness.

correct behavior.

professional responsibility.


  • 1. Does not have sufficient knowledge (skills, abilities) and does not seek to acquire them.
  • 2. Has not very deep knowledge (skills, abilities).
  • 3. Has sufficient knowledge (skills, abilities).
  • 4. Possesses good knowledge (skills, abilities).
  • 5. Possesses deep knowledge (skills, abilities), can give comprehensive advice on many issues.

Mark with a (V) according to the level of the candidate.

Position __________________________

FULL NAME. _____________________________

III. Formation of the list of personnel reserve.

Based on the results of the evaluation and comparison of candidates, the preliminary list of the reserve should be clarified and adjusted. In order to optimize work with candidates, the list of personnel reserve is made up in two parts.

  • 1. The operational reserve includes candidates for certain key positions who are ready to start working immediately or in the near future (from 1 to 3 months), as well as candidates for positions that become vacant in the near future (1-2 years) and require specific preparation of candidates.
  • 2. The strategic reserve consists mainly of young employees with a high professional level and leadership skills, who in the future will be able to hold these positions for up to 5-10 years.

An employee can simultaneously be both in the operational (as the most acceptable candidate for a position at the lower levels of management) and in the strategic reserve.

The strategic reserve acts as a kind of motivating factor for employees, helping them visualize the possibility of their career growth and the amount of effort required for this.

In order for the reserve list to be not formal, but effective, a number of requirements must be taken into account when compiling it:

  • to determine the positions to be filled in strict accordance with the nomenclature of positions adopted in the organization and staffing and position depending on the hierarchy of management levels;
  • indicate information about the candidate: his last name, first name and patronymic; the position occupied by the employee as of the date of the list, in strict accordance with the entries in employment contract employee and work book, date and number of the appointment order; information about education - its type, what educational institution and when he graduated, the specialty in accordance with the entry in the diploma, the presence of an academic title or degree; Date of Birth;
  • indicate the time spent in the reserve (date of enrollment in the personnel reserve);
  • give conclusions and recommendations of the last certification, containing an assessment of the professional, business and personal qualities of the candidate and proposals for his promotion;
  • reflect the results of the assessment of the candidate's potential obtained in the process of his study and selection (compliance with formal requirements, possible level of leadership, ability to learn, ability to quickly master theory and practical skills).

The list of the reserve is compiled by employees of the personnel management service in agreement with the managers structural divisions, taking into account the results of certification.

The decision to include in the reserve is expressed in the form of an approved list of the reserve, fixed by order of the head of the organization. The exclusion from the list is also carried out by the head of the organization, taking into account the age, state of health, unsatisfactory results shown during the period of stay in the reserve.

The optimal period for which a company's reserve list is compiled is two years.

As necessary (dismissal, decrease in performance of employees), you can clarify the composition of the personnel reserve.

After a two-year period, the list of the personnel reserve should be reviewed with the implementation of the specified procedures. Thus, the composition of the personnel reserve is regularly reviewed and updated.

The main principles of the formation of a personnel reserve are reduced to the following aspects:

  • the relevance of the personnel reserve - the need for candidates from the personnel reserve should be objectively justified and reflect the needs of the enterprise;
  • compliance of the candidate from the reserve of the future position - professional and competence requirements must be clearly defined for the qualification of the candidate for the position to be filled;
  • the prospects of a candidate from the personnel reserve - an orientation towards professional growth and development, the definition of general requirements for the candidate.

In particular, when using the organizational and managerial model, the selection of candidates for the personnel reserve should take into account not only General requirements, but also professional requirements, as well as the estimated assessment of the competence of the future manager in a new position.

The main sources for the formation of a personnel reserve in the organization are:

  • executives (to move up the management hierarchy);
  • chief and leading specialists (for managerial positions);
  • specialists who have the appropriate education and have demonstrated the high efficiency of their work;
  • young specialists who have successfully completed an internship (for long-term development with subsequent replacement in higher positions).

Formation of a personnel reserve

The formation of a personnel reserve is systems approach to the selection of specific employees of the organization for their further promotion within this organization.

The concept of forming a personnel reserve

This concept involves the promotion to managerial positions of such employees who have professional competencies, demonstrate good performance and have certain leadership qualities. Accordingly, employees who have positive criterion scores in only one or two areas do not fall into the personnel reserve, even if they are, for example, highly professional and productive workers or can competently organize the work of their subordinates.

Depending on the accepted concept of working with a personnel reserve, the work carried out to assess the company's real needs for reservists, as well as the regulations and requirements for reservists, a company can resort to one of two models. In any case, the formation of a reserve is carried out by assessing candidates and their development, followed by appointment to certain positions in accordance with current needs and existing reserves.

With the direct model of the formation of a personnel reserve, a list of candidates for the personnel reserve is formed without taking into account the criteria for selection. Instead of a preliminary assessment of reservists, it is made at the time of the need to fill a specific position. After checking candidates from the personnel reserve for filling vacant positions, the selected reservist undergoes an internship in the process of filling a vacant position, followed by a probationary period, following which he is approved for the position, or his candidacy is recognized as unsuitable for approval in the position.

According to the three-level model, the personnel reserve should be created on the basis of certain competencies, which the employees selected for the personnel reserve must satisfy, which, in turn, must be confirmed by the results of the assessment of reservists. The use of the personnel reserve involves professional development and development managerial competencies with reservists until the moment when they are needed. The effectiveness of the development of reservists is determined by the final assessment, according to the results obtained, target groups of reservists are formed who are ready for appointment to a vacant position. With regard to the rest of the reservists who did not pass final grade, a program for the development of a personnel reserve is being implemented by analogy with the previous stage, which again ends with a final assessment.

Models for the formation of a personnel reserve are used within the framework of the personnel development system. This aspect is manifested in the principles of the relevance of the personnel reserve, the compliance of the reservist with the requirements for the future position and the prospects of the reservist for future development in professional and managerial terms. As a result of the work on the implementation of the talent pool model, there is a formalization of a program of work with a talent pool, which includes an assessment of the need for a talent pool, regulations for requirements for reservists, evaluation of candidates, development of reservists and their subsequent appointment to certain positions.

IN modern conditions companies proceed from a two-pronged strategy for the formation and development of a talent pool based on the operational and strategic need for reservists, taking into account the optimization of the number of talent pools. As part of the assessment of competencies, assessment procedures are applied, the result of which is to determine the level of development of the assessed competencies of the employee. The result is a reliable reflection of the level of success of the reservist within the framework of the position in which he is assessed. Relevant is the use of standard methods of training and development of the personnel reserve in the workplace and outside the workplace, including using distance learning systems.

The procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve

The main direction for the formation of a personnel reserve is vertical promotion in the internal hierarchy of the organization. As part of this, employees are promoted and further promoted along the management vertical with certain professional skills and abilities that will allow them to effectively perform managerial tasks and make objective decisions. Less often, the formation of a personnel reserve is used for horizontal rotations when replacing employees in different branches or separate divisions of one enterprise.

Depending on the objectives of the formation of the personnel reserve, there are two models:

  1. Organizational and structural.
  2. Organizational and managerial.

Each of them can be both simple and three-level.

Within the framework of the organizational and structural model, the personnel reserve is formed based on the planned changes that will be implemented within the existing organizational structure of the organization and in accordance with the staffing table. In fact, the talent pool is created based on the specific needs of the organization, which arise as a result of changes in the core activities or the planned replacement of vacant positions. In accordance with this model, the personnel reserve is formed for a specific period of time and, after its expiration, must be fully used to fully staff the enterprise.

The organizational and managerial model for the formation of a personnel reserve is based on the fact that the company defines a register of managerial positions that are of key importance for the main activities of the organization. In accordance with this register, a personnel reserve is formed for each of these positions, regardless of whether it is planned to replace the employees occupying them or there is no clear need for this in the foreseeable future.

If in the organizational and structural model the personnel reserve is formed from internal employees, and from third-party candidates who are selected at interviews in advance, then the organizational and managerial model involves focusing exclusively on their own staff. The fundamental difference is also the fact that the organizational and structural model allows you to manage the personnel reserve for positions of any level and field of activity of the organization, and the organizational and managerial model involves the creation of a personnel reserve only for administrative and managerial positions.

The choice of a model for the formation of a personnel reserve in practice is carried out on the basis of the tasks that the enterprise faces, as well as depending on the available financial and time resources. In terms of its content, the organizational and structural model is a priori more efficient in terms of implementation time and less costly in terms of spending financial resources. The organizational and managerial model is more reliable and comprehensive, making it possible to prepare and form a managerial reserve in advance and develop the required professional skills and qualities in future managers.

From the point of view of their purpose, the models for the formation of a personnel reserve are focused on creating conditions for the objective replacement of personnel, both ordinary and administrative.

The organizational and structural model is used in case of one-time needs of the enterprise to replace personnel, and the organizational and managerial model is more focused on improving the quality of management of intra-company processes as a whole. However, the organizational and managerial model for the formation of a personnel reserve does not preclude the preparation of a comprehensive program based on a forecast of possible changes based on the trends that have developed at the enterprise in the field of replacement of managerial personnel.

The main disadvantages of these models, which have developed due to the objective features of the formation of a personnel reserve, can be considered the following:

  • low professional level of appointed reservists;
  • the long-term nature of work programs with a personnel reserve, which fundamentally limits the organization's capabilities;
  • refusal to recognize the dependence of the formation of a personnel reserve on existing production and organizational needs;
  • formalism of personnel reserve formation.

In fact, these shortcomings are manifested if there is no model for the formation of a personnel reserve as such. One of the manifestations of this situation is the presence of many documents that regulate the process, but the goals are not defined. As a result, the organization cannot objectively form a personnel reserve.

Work with the personnel reserve of the organization

The result of the implementation of talent pool models in an organization is a program of work with a talent pool, which includes the following elements:

  1. Development of employees included in the personnel reserve;

There are two main approaches to work with the personnel reserve.

The first approach is based on job succession planning. This principle is focused on the fact that for all key positions, reservists must be prepared in advance, meet the established criteria, and their professional level must be improved in accordance with the personnel development strategy.

The second approach is focused on working with a group of employees with the highest professional potential. In this case, the talent pool program is aimed solely at promoting the most talented, competent, responsible and qualified employees. At the same time, they are included in the personnel reserve without reference to a specific position.

Main goals of work with personnel reserve:

  • creating conditions for the rapid replacement of key positions in organizational structure trained, qualified and loyal to the company employees;
  • motivation of the company's employees based on the creation of clear prospects for professional development and career growth in this company for competent and talented employees.

Thus, we can conclude that the program of work with the personnel reserve is closely related to the evaluation system within the company as well. At the same time, the development of a program for working with a personnel reserve makes it possible to reduce the total number of key positions for which reservists must prepare in advance, transfer work with a personnel reserve to the applied plane and shorten the planning horizon to the medium term.

Preliminary procedures before forming a personnel reserve:

  • predict changes in the structure of the management apparatus;
  • improve employee promotion;
  • determine the degree of saturation of the reserve for each position or group of identical positions (how many candidates from the reserve are for each position or group of them);
  • determine the degree of provision with a reserve of nomenclature positions.

After that, the operational and strategic need for the reserve should be determined.

Indicators for determining the optimal number of personnel reserve

In the context of the application of personnel development methods, the personnel reserve makes it possible to select target employees who will become candidates of the first line for filling key management positions in the event of an objective presence of such a need in the organization. The preparation of a personnel reserve allows for the most efficient use of personnel, optimization of the selection and relocation of management personnel, and ensuring the succession of management. It seems appropriate to use these conditions to ensure successful work companies in the long term.

In modern conditions, standard methods that provide companies with loyal employees, for example, bonuses, bonus payments, reimbursement of socially significant expenses, etc. practically do not work, since, in essence, they do not differ in any way from similar offers of competitors. Forming a corporate interest among employees in further development, career growth and personnel advancement in this company.

At the same time, potential future administrative workers with a formed corporate interest, who are interested in career growth and further advancement in the company, represent a great potential for companies that, in their desire to use it, develop specialized programs aimed at stimulating the interest and motivation of employees.

The use of an internal personnel reserve for the training of managerial employees is possible subject to two conditions:

  1. Availability of a valid business evaluation procedure;
  2. Organization of employee training.

Technology of work with personnel reserve:

  • assessment of the managerial abilities of candidates for the reserve;
  • a specific procedure for enrolling employees in the personnel reserve;
  • how is the preparation of reservists for future management activities involving more high level responsibility and leadership;
  • the timing of the training of reservists before appointment;
  • issues of responsibility for work with the personnel reserve in terms of training managerial personnel.

Talent management

Talent management means the use of socio-management technologies in the organization for the formation and use of a personnel reserve based on an integrated system and formalization.

Only social management technologies are capable of integrating the applied social technologies into an effectively operating system of work with a reserve of personnel, which combine the technologies of social diagnostics of state processes into a single complex. personnel work, technologies for coordinated impact on these processes, technologies for determining the effectiveness of managerial influence and predicting expected consequences.

Personnel reserve management involves the development and implementation in the practice of the organization of technologies for sociological diagnostics, organizational and managerial impact and evaluation of the effectiveness of reservists. It should be noted that the management of the personnel reserve is based on the principle of the relevance of the reserve, that is, the need for filling positions must be real.

Inclusion in the reserve is based on three criteria:

  • availability of relevant education;
  • manifestation of positive professional qualities in progress;
  • successful solution of managerial tasks at their level.

According to the standard structure, a talent pool program should include the following elements:

  1. Identification and analysis of the need to create a personnel reserve, taking into account the nature and nature of the need;
  2. Regulation of requirements for employees included in the personnel reserve;
  3. Evaluation of candidates for the personnel reserve;
  4. from among those included in the personnel reserve;
  5. Appointment of reservists to certain positions in accordance with the needs of the organization in creating a personnel reserve.

Formalization of work with the personnel reserve includes three complex stages:

I. Analysis of the need for a reserve;

II. Formation of a reserve;

III. Reservist training.

In accordance with these stages, management with a personnel reserve will correspond to the scheme.

Stage I. Analysis of the need for a reserve.

  1. Analyze the need for positions, predicting a change in the state;
  2. Plan the optimal reserve by determining the degree of availability of the reserve for key positions;
  3. Profiling target competencies that correspond to the competency model in force in the company, according to the requirements of key positions.

Additionally, at this stage of personnel reserve management, it is necessary to determine the degree of saturation of the reserve for each key position and groups of key positions, i.e. how many candidates from the reserve should fall on each position and in the group as a whole. Due to this, according to the results of the first stage, the current and future need for the reserve will be reliably determined.

To determine the optimal size of the personnel reserve, the following aspects should be worked out:

  • the need for management personnel in the short and medium term, also planning a longer horizon of up to five years;
  • the actual number of the currently trained reserve for each of the key positions, regardless of where the employee enrolled in the reserve was trained;
  • the approximate and permissible percentage of departure from the personnel reserve of individual employees, for example, due to failure to fulfill an individual training program, in connection with leaving for another region, etc.;
  • the total number of key positions filled.

When compiling reserve lists, the following points should be considered:

  • categories of positions that are basic for creating a reserve, differentiation of the reserve depending on the features of the structural and criterial nature of the list of positions;
  • provide for the possibility of early selection of deputies for key positions in case of emergencies that require urgent replacement;
  • the determining factors should be the performance and professional level, as well as the level of education, which is important for assessing the prospects for further growth in the career ladder for all assessed qualities.

Stage II. Formation of a reserve.

  1. Regulate the requirements for reservists based on the current formalized lists of competencies and qualification requirements to key positions;
  2. Evaluate and select reservists, forming the final list of candidates for the reserve, based on the existing formalized assessment methods and the methodology of a particular employee;
  3. Check reservists planned for prospective replacement for key positions for compliance with competencies.

In the process of creating a reserve, it is necessary to determine a number of factors:

  • who can and should be included in the lists of candidates for the reserve;
  • which of the candidates included in the lists for the reserve must undergo training;
  • what form of training to apply to each candidate, taking into account his individual features and prospects for use in a leadership position.

To form a reserve, it is proposed to use the following methods:

  • analysis of documentary data - reports, autobiographies, characteristics, results of employee assessments and other documents;
  • a conversation with a promising reservist to identify information of interest (aspirations, needs, behavioral motives, etc.);
  • monitoring the behavior of the employee in various work situations;
  • evaluation of the results of labor activity - labor productivity, quality of work performed, etc.;
  • assessment procedures.

When using these methods, three types of information arrays will be formed:

  • criteria assessments of reservists;
  • factual data;
  • resulting assessments of the qualities of specialists.

Additionally, the following factors may be considered:

  • professional characteristics of a specialist;
  • a list of positions that can serve as a starting point for reservists;
  • limiting criteria (education, age, length of service, etc.) for reservists;
  • the results of assessing the formalized competencies of a particular reservist;
  • the opinion of managers and colleagues regarding a particular reservist;
  • the results of the assessment of the reservist's potential (management skills, ability to learn, the ability to quickly master theory and practical skills).

Using the methodology of a particular employee at this stage of work with the personnel reserve, the following tasks are solved:

  • evaluation of candidates for the personnel reserve;
  • comparison of the qualities of individual candidates, taking into account the requirements that are necessary for the reserved position;
  • assessment of reservists and selection of the most promising in terms of development potential human capital and expediency of replacement to key positions.

Based on the results of the evaluation and comparison of candidates, the register of the personnel reserve is specified and adjusted.

Stage III. Reservist training.

  1. Preparation and development of reservists in accordance with the personnel development strategy, methods of personnel training and development;
  2. Final assessment of the competencies of reservists;
  3. Making an appropriate decision on the feasibility of replacing key positions or the need for further development.

The essence of this stage of personnel reserve management is that for the prospective replacement of key positions, it is not enough to select employees capable of promotion - it is important to properly prepare them for the position and organize their development in professional and managerial terms.

In total, for the development of personnel enrolled in the personnel reserve, including for the long-term replacement of key positions, it is necessary to form three types of direct development programs:

  • general development program - fundamental training of reservists, including replenishment of knowledge on certain issues of science and management practice, training in special management skills necessary to improve management efficiency;
  • a special development program - distributed training of reservists, including depending on the projection of the prospects for personnel growth, professional development and targeted management settings;
  • individual development program - the study of specific management tasks and the development of management skills using assessment procedures, socio-psychological training.
The purpose of talent pool management- replacement of key positions. The process of formation and the structure of the personnel reserve should meet the indicators of the rapid filling of vacant positions, especially managerial ones.

Personnel reserve management can be represented as a block diagram.

Depending on the specifics of the organization and the list of key positions, the sources of the personnel reserve change accordingly.

Identification of the best personnel is carried out on the basis of formalized methods and methods of a particular employee.

In addition, the following formats can be used within the framework of the use of assessment procedures:

  • structured interview;
  • case solving;
  • group discussions;
  • role-playing games;
  • interview to test special knowledge;
  • written tasks aimed at identifying special knowledge;
  • psychodiagnostic tests;
  • methods for diagnosing abilities, personality traits, motivation.

The program for the development of reservists planned for replacement to key management positions provides for three main options:

  • a differentiated training program based on fundamental and applied aspects of managerial activity in the form of field training and mentoring;
  • a practical training program in managerial and communication skills;
  • distance learning program based on the existing distance learning system using telecommunication technologies.

The results of the formation of a personnel reserve and the development of reservists focused on filling key positions can be assessed based on the results of the two-year period according to the indicators presented in the table.

Talent reserve assessment indicators

Name of indicator


Share of vacancies in key positions filled by reservists

Number of closed vacancies for key positions

Total number of vacancies for key positions

Total number of positions in key positions for the period

Including key positions for which reservists are trained

Total number of reservists

Including reservists sent to fill key positions

Turnover rate among reservists

The number of reservists who left of their own accord

Total number of reservists

Formalization of personnel reserve management will make it possible to effectively implement the processes of filling key management positions with employees trained to work in these positions. As a result of the formalization of work with the personnel reserve, the introduction of a model for the formation of a personnel reserve, and taking into account the target orientation of personnel development, an additional asset will be created that can be assessed qualitatively and quantitatively using the methodology for assessing human capital.

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