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On July 1, 2016, the Regional Employment Service celebrates 25 years since its foundation. In 1991, the Bureau of Employment of the Population began its work in the Pestyakovsky district, which provided assistance in finding employment to the residents of the district. During its existence, this organization has undergone several reorganizations, in connection with which its names and positions of employees have changed. But the function of the institution remained unchanged, which was to assist in employment and employment of the population of the Pestyakovsky district. On the eve of the anniversary date, those Pestyakovites who, one way or another, are involved in the work of the employment center, expressed their opinion - these are employees, former employees of the institution, social partners and those who took advantage of their help and realized their opportunities.

Natalya Yuryevna Bazhenova, inspector, professional consultant of the Pestyakovsky Central Health Center:

All the work of the employment service is reduced to the main goal - to assist citizens in finding employment. This is what the entire team is focused on.

Over a 25-year period, the employment service has actually proved its necessity and importance to people. Thousands of them, with the help of specialists, found work, believed in themselves, learned new professions, and started their own business.

In October of this year, it will be seven years since I have been working in the employment service. My job is to provide public services to unemployed citizens for vocational guidance, informing, social adaptation, psychological support, organization vocational training and additional professional education, self-employment organizations. The main advantage of my work is communication with people, which I like. Communication is the main potential of my work. in the process of communication, I can see the problems, hopes, aspirations of people, as a result of which an individual approach to each person is formed, his psychological portrait is immediately drawn up. During work, you have to meet with different categories of citizens.

I express my special gratitude to my mentors Z.K. Katashova, E.N. Grigoryeva, N.I. Zagovalo, who taught me the specifics of working in the employment service.

I wish all my colleagues, former employees of the organization, optimism in life and the desire to always come to the aid of people in need. All good health, warmth, well-being in families and further success!

Elena Nikolaevna Grigorieva, director of the Pestyakovsky Central Health Center from 1992 to 2015:

Since the formation of the employment service in the Pestyakovsky district (formerly the Bureau of employment), for twenty-three years, I worked as the head, then director of this institution.

At the beginning of the 1990s, many organizations and enterprises of the region underwent a wave of a large number of reductions in the able-bodied population. It was extremely difficult for the Pestyakovites to find work. They were helped by specialists from the employment service, which at that time was in great demand. The economic instability in the country also affected the employment service, where there were cases of non-payment of unemployment benefits, which is associated with a budget deficit. The number of unemployed did not decrease, but, on the contrary, increased; they even needed psychological help. In this situation, specialists from the employment center came to the rescue, they found an approach to each person who applied to the institution.

I would like to note that throughout the entire period of the functioning of the Pestyakovskaya employment service, we have never been left without work, we have provided assistance to all categories of the unemployed population.

In the 2000s, the situation in the country more or less stabilized.

In the course of the organization's activities, various programs to promote employment of the population, programs of additional measures in the labor market, various forms of psychological support for the unemployed, social adaptation and other methods are actively implemented.

A close-knit professional team has always worked in the employment service. Thanks to the specialists, each applicant is given attention and support, assistance in finding employment.

When leaving for a well-deserved rest, only good and favorable impressions remained. I did not regret at all the time when I worked in the Pestyakovskaya employment service.

Lyudmila Vasilievna Kruglova, Chief Accountant Pestyakovskaya employment service from 1993 to 2000:

Initially, the employment service was called the Bureau of Employment. From the beginning of his activity, I held the position of chief accountant and worked for seven years. Then the staff consisted of only four people, including the director.

Compared to today, I think it was a little more difficult to work, because computer equipment and office equipment appeared much later, and this greatly facilitates the work of specialists. Then the calculations of unemployment benefits and wages produced only on abacus and arithmometers.

During its activity, the employment service provides all possible assistance to citizens who, for some reason, are unemployed and need employment.

Olga Nikolaevna Elkhovikova, chief accountant of Pestyakovsky Central Health Center from 2006 to 2007:

I worked as a chief accountant for about a year and a half at Pestyakovsky Central Health Center, from 2006 to 2007.

At all times, a friendly and close-knit team of professionals in their field worked in this service, a favorable atmosphere reigned in the organization. At that time, this was a considerable merit of the director Elena Nikolaevna Grigorieva.

As for my work itself, I can say that it immediately became easy to work, it was not difficult for me to delve into the specifics that were new to me. The former chief accountants were responsible and conscientious, accounting was already established, which made it easier for me to get acquainted with the new job.

I would like to note that E.N. Grigorieva formulated the tasks clearly and clearly, in our team they were solved only together, in close cooperation with each other.

The employment service works in accordance with various programs to promote employment of the population, provides training for the unemployed in various professions, and specialists try to provide them with psychological assistance.

During my career in this institution, I acquired new knowledge and extensive experience in communicating with other people.

I am glad that after leaving the CZN and now good friendly relations have remained with the employees.

Faina Arkadievna Popova, inspector of the Pestyakovsky Central Health Center from 1995 to 2005:

I worked at the Pestyakovskaya employment service from 1995 to 2005. My duties included registering citizens in need of finding work, assisting in their employment, re-registering unemployed citizens, deregistering them, collecting vacancies in organizations and enterprises of the region, organizing public works, organizing an archive fund, preparing and issuing reporting documentation .

During its existence, this institution has gone through several reorganizations, as a result of which the names of the posts I hold have changed. When I started working, I was a specialist of the first category, then a leading specialist, an inspector and a leading inspector.

Recalling the years of my work in the Pestyakovsky CZN, I note that there were much more citizens who applied for help in finding a job than now. Of course, first of all, this is due to a decrease in the population in the area due to the outflow of the able-bodied population to large cities and settlements. Then it was easier for the Pestyakovites to find work, some enterprises were still functioning. Citizens were also employed in public works.

In view of the cases of layoffs and dismissals from jobs, residents of the Pestyakovsky district have somewhere to turn - to the employment service, where assistance will be provided in finding a job. Such institutions are needed, I say this as former employee CZN.

Evgeny Ivanovich Tyurikov, Director of Pestyakovskoe Housing and Public Utilities LLC:

Since 2009, Pestyakovskoe Housing and Public Utilities LLC has been cooperating with the State Public Institution "Pestyakovo Employment Center". Since that time, a lot of mutual work has been done between the organizations.

As necessary, we seek help in the selection of personnel, and the specialists of the employment service always meet us halfway. The fact is that in the Pestyakovsky district there is a problem in the selection of qualified personnel, which creates some inconvenience in the work of the enterprise. But I can say that the employment center, if possible, helps us in this - sends specialists. Basically, stokers for the heating period.

It happens that we also need workers who do not have a certain qualification. In this respect, of course, the situation is simpler. Most often, we need watchmen and auxiliary workers.

LLC "Pestyakovskoe Housing and Public Utilities" also provides specific assistance to the local employment service. Periodically, an institution for the unemployed organizes a training process for a particular profession, after which they must undergo an internship. We meet halfway - at the request of the employees of the OGKU "Pestyakovsky TsZN" we accept those who have been trained at short term for an internship, to confirm in practice the acquired knowledge.

In principle, there are programs in accordance with which our organizations mutually cooperate, and this cooperation has only positive aspects. I believe that employment services are necessary in our country, because unforeseen circumstances can arise in the life of every person when he remains without a job. In this case, you should contact a specialized service for help.

Vyacheslav Pavlovich Konev, individual entrepreneur in the village of Pestyaki:

On the personal experience I will say that the employment service plays a big role in the employment of the population in times of crisis in the country. I myself once received help in finding a job.

In the 1990s, I returned to my native land from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Everyone remembers that at that time it was very difficult times in economic terms, finding a job was a huge problem, everyone “got out” as best they could. This also affected me. I immediately turned to the Pestyakovskaya employment service, where I was offered training in the specialty "telemaster" at the Ivanovo training center at DOSAAF.

I agreed. The training took place for 9 months, after which I received a certificate of obtaining the profession of "telemaster". We can say that it all started with this, I got a job at Ivtelekom, which gave me a ticket to my future life ...

I worked in my specialty for a while and started my own business. Today I have my own business, and my life suits me quite well.

I believe that this is a great merit of the specialists of the Pestyakovskaya Employment Service, for which I express my deep gratitude to them.

O. Platonov.

Terekhova Yana Nikolaevna
master student of the faculty "State, municipal management
and economics of the national economy"
Oryol branch of the RANEPA
Email: [email protected]

Annotation: The article is devoted to the problems of youth employment. The problem has a special specificity associated primarily with the characteristics of this socio-demographic group: age, lack of work experience, lack of additional skills, special interests and values, etc.

Keywords: youth employment, employment, youth labor market, employment problems.

The importance of the problem of youth employment is difficult to overestimate. Youth is the most dynamic part labor resources. This age category has increased mobility, potential ability to learn quickly, and out-of-the-box thinking. At the same time, young people are also one of the most vulnerable groups, which is associated with a rather low level of competitiveness in the labor market.

Many factors can be attributed to the main reasons for difficulties in finding employment for young people. First of all - lack of necessary experience. The employer is not interested in hiring an inexperienced specialist, because he wants to get immediate returns from the workforce at a minimum cost. In addition, the employer often stops the fact that a young specialist, in parallel with work, plans training, which is inevitably associated with separation from the work process.

Another reason for the difficulty of finding employment for young people is the discrepancy between the acquired specialty and the real situation on the labor market, as a result of which a graduate who has received a diploma remains unclaimed. Psychological barriers are also a great difficulty, often preventing people from seeking help from government agencies employment services.

It is impossible not to mention the situation on the labor markets in many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are faced with such a problem when the supply of labor exceeds the demand for it, in other words, the number of vacancies is many times less than the number of potential employees. Under these conditions, the chances of finding a job with a young specialist without work experience are significantly reduced.

We must not forget about the part of the youth who do not have vocational education. Persons who have not reached the age of majority can be singled out as a separate group - they do not have a specialty, are not oriented in the situation on the labor market, and are not familiar with labor legislation.

According to the data at the end of 2015 - beginning of 2016, the unemployment rate of persons aged 15-19 years old averaged 35% of the economically active population(which is higher compared to September 2015 by 4.9%). Among the age group of 20-24 years, the unemployment rate was 15% (which is higher compared to September 2015 by 0.7%), among people aged 25-29 years - 6.9%.

The consequences of unemployment among young people are the deterioration of the social situation of young families, a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in the number of street children, a decrease in patriotism, psychological problems, a decrease in motivation to further search for work, loss of qualifications, an expansion of the shadow sector of the economy, an outflow of young specialists, and an aggravation of the criminal situation.

All this testifies to the need for an integrated approach that combines measures for a detailed study of the theoretical and methodological issues of youth employment.

Promote right choice the future specialty should be professional orientation of schoolchildren, determination of inclinations to study certain disciplines.

One of the most effective measures is internships in organizations for graduates. Due to this, the young specialist will be able to gain the necessary practical skills. A prerequisite should be the assistance of the state. Perhaps an effective tool could be the introduction of quota measures that oblige the employer to have a certain percentage of young specialists in their staff. Support for entrepreneurs and organizations that assist in the employment of young professionals can give good results.

A necessary condition for stabilizing the situation on the youth labor market is the formation of a state order for training in professions that are in demand at the moment.

State support, among other things, should be aimed at creating flexible schedules and work modes for people who combine work with study in educational organizations.

One of the options for youth employment may be to apply to employment services. Necessary measures are the establishment of links between employment centers and employers, assistance in maintaining a dialogue between a potential employer and employee. Assistance of this kind is badly needed by young professionals who are poorly versed in labor law who have neither work experience nor experience in communicating with the employer.

Employment policy should be adjusted, reviewed the legislative framework, to introduce measures to introduce additional benefits for regions with high level youth unemployment.

A prerequisite should be the functioning of centers of social and psychological assistance for young people, the cooperation of authorities, employment centers with youth organizations and movements.

To increase the level of youth employment, political and economic stability and an integrated approach to solving the problem are needed. Only joint actions of all levels of government can give tangible results.


  1. Volonina N.A. Youth unemployment // Economics, entrepreneurship and law. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 14.
  2. Employment and unemployment in Russian Federation in September 2015 [Electronic resource]. Access mode: (Date of access 20.07.2016)
  3. Aidarova I.A. Problems of youth employment in the labor market. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://view-source: (date of access: 07/19/2016)

At present, it is no secret to anyone that the number of disabled people is extremely high not only in our country, but throughout the world. According to the UN, in the early 1990s there were approximately 0.5 billion people with disabilities in the world, that is, approximately 10% of the world's population. Such data are given in his work by E.I. Kholostova.

A large number of disabled people in our country inevitably creates problems for their employment and employment, due to various circumstances. First of all, this is the lack of physical ability to perform some of the functions inherent in a healthy person.

In accordance with Art. 1, Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, a disabled person is a person who has a health disorder, with a persistent disorder of body functions due to diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to a limitation of life and causing the need for his social protection. At the same time, life restriction is understood as a complete or partial loss of the ability or ability of a person to carry out self-service, move independently, navigate, communicate, control their behavior, learn and engage in work activities.

In the explanatory dictionary, their following concept of employment is given:

Employment - "the placement of someone in a job, assistance in such employment."

The problem of employment and employment of persons with disabilities in modern society is relevant and no less important. Disabled people experience a number of difficulties in finding employment due to the fact that very often employers, under various pretexts, do not employ them, restrict their rights, make certain types of work inaccessible due to the physical inability of disabled people to their various types. All this creates additional tension in society, makes a huge number of people “unnecessary”.

Labor activity for a person is an important condition for a full-fledged life. It is not only a way to economically ensure one's existence, but also an opportunity to realize one's abilities, including creative ones. Labor activity is a factor in introducing a person to social values. Work allows every citizen to respect himself, to realize his individuality, to be a full-fledged part of modern society.

Today, there is a certain stereotype in society that a person with disabilities cannot and does not want to work, that he lives in the care of close relatives and the state. However, we must not forget that among the disabled there are those who wish to work and be independent.

Disabled people experience certain difficulties in finding work due to their limited opportunities and, therefore, need support from the state. Thus, laws and by-laws were adopted to defend the rights of persons with disabilities in the field of employment: “On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation” Despite the availability of jobs, not all able-bodied persons with disabilities manifest themselves in labor activity, although they have the same need.

The causes of disability are:

1. General illness

2. Disability since childhood

3. Work injury

4. Occupational disease

5. An illness that was received in connection with an accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the consequences of radiation exposure.

6. Injury (mutilation, shell shock) received in the defense of the state or in the performance of other duties of military service, or an illness associated with being at the front.

Deviations from the norm in the life of a disabled person are diverse. Among them: impaired motor function, impaired functions of blood circulation, respiration, digestion, metabolism and energy; impaired vision, hearing, charm or touch; Mental disorders, impaired memory, attention, speech, thinking.

Each limitation has its own degree of severity

1 degree - the ability to perform labor activity, subject to a decrease in qualifications or a decrease in the volume of production activity.

2 degree - the ability to perform labor activity in specially created conditions using auxiliary means

Grade 3 - inability to work.

The criterion for determining the disability group is social insufficiency, requiring social protection and help.

To establish the first group of disability - the ability of the third degree. For the second group - abilities of the second degree. For the third group - abilities of the first degree.

Employers often refuse to hire people with disabilities: due to extra costs; psychological characteristics of the disabled, as well as in connection with the need for treatment. Same way an important factor is the inability to attract additional. The lack of desire to understand the problems of people with disabilities and to enter into their situation plays a decisive role in the employment of this category of the population.

In the Russian Federation, the issue of employment is dealt with by public service employment of the population. Accordingly, a person with a disability can also apply there. This organization provides prof. orientation services and conducts familiarization with the existing bank of vacancies. If a person with a disability wishes to register with the employment service as an unemployed citizen, he needs to draw up an “Individual Rehabilitation Program”, provided that he does not have a third degree of restriction to work.

A person with a disability has a number of psychological factors that reflect his position in the labor market, as well as shaping their attitude towards society. Disabled people belong to the category of low mobile population and are the least protected, socially vulnerable part of society. This is primarily due to defects in their physical condition caused by diseases that led to disability. Psychological problems arise when people with disabilities are isolated from the outside world, due to existing ailments and as a result of inability to adapt to the environment. An important role is played by the lack of specialized equipment for people with disabilities, the breakdown of habitual communication. This entails a number of consequences, namely the onset of loneliness, the emergence of emotional and volitional disorders development of depression, changes in behavior.

For people with disabilities who want to work, employment is very important. A disabled person who has a job ceases to feel his inferiority caused by physical and other health deficiencies, feels like a full member of society and, importantly, has additional material resources. Therefore, disabled people are provided with guarantees for the implementation of employment through a number of special measures that help increase their competitiveness in the labor market:

1) Establishment of a quota for the employment of disabled people and the allocation of a minimum number of specialized jobs for them;

2) Implementation of a preferential financial and credit policy in relation to specialized enterprises employing the labor of disabled people, enterprises, institutions, organizations of public associations of disabled people;

3) Creation of working conditions for the disabled in accordance with their individual rehabilitation programs;

4) Creation of conditions for entrepreneurial activity disabled people; organization of training for their new professions.

For the employment of disabled people, special workplaces with specialized technical equipment should be created, taking into account the individual capabilities of disabled people.

One of the main areas of support for the disabled is vocational rehabilitation, which is the most important part of the state policy in the field of social protection of the disabled.

Vocational rehabilitation of the disabled includes the following activities:

1. career guidance;

2. Psychological support of professional self-determination;

3. Training or retraining;

4. Training;

5. Employment assistance;

6. Quotas and creation of special jobs for the employment of persons with disabilities,

7. professional and industrial adaptation.

Vocational rehabilitation of disabled people with their subsequent employment economically beneficial for the state. Since the funds invested in the rehabilitation of disabled people will be returned to the state in the form of tax revenues resulting from the employment of disabled people. If disabled access to classes professional activity will be limited, the costs of rehabilitation of the disabled will fall on the shoulders of society.

For disabled people who are not able to participate in the main employment process, specialized enterprises are being created. There are currently about 1.5 thousand such enterprises in Russia. Specialized enterprises are usually intended for certain categories of disabled people with significant loss of bodily functions: impaired vision, mental development and motor apparatus. However, the employment of persons with disabilities in specialized enterprises cannot be regarded as an exclusive form of providing employment for persons with disabilities and as the foundation on which the entire policy for ensuring the employment of persons with disabilities is based.

Disabled people are often afraid of moving into the mainstream labor market due to a possible failure to find employment in regular, non-specialized occupations, after which they will again face the problem of obtaining specialized work. In addition, disabled people are afraid of losing certain benefits that they receive while working at a specialized enterprise. Employees of specialized enterprises often become an important workforce, have a high professionalism and positively influence the productivity, revenues and profits of the enterprise, as a result of which the heads of such enterprises are usually not willing to let the workers go. The goal of managers of specialized enterprises may be to achieve a certain level of employment of disabled people in order to receive certain tax and other benefits, so they are interested in retaining these workers, whatever their productivity.

Thus, a conclusion can be drawn. Labor activity of a person is the main sphere of his life. A healthy person can easily adapt to the environment. Disabled people need to adapt to various spheres of life. The state and society should be interested in adapting this social group so that they may freely work in whatever profession they consider most suitable for them. Employers should not remain indifferent to the problems of these people. Enterprises should be equipped with specialized equipment for the disabled, so that they feel like full-fledged people, capable of working, that they feel on an equal footing with healthy people.

Bibliographic list

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  2. Prisetskaya N.I. Changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation that affected the possibilities of obtaining rehabilitation services and employment. - M, 2005.-p. 6-7
  3. Kholostova E.I. Glossary of Social Work.- M.: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2007.-p. 173
  4. Sheptulina, N. N. Disabled worker: special requirements and guarantees// Directory of personnel officer. - 2008. - N 2 - S. 22
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