Self-determination and professional orientation of students. The prestige of the profession as a factor of professional self-determination of high school students The essence of professional self-determination of younger students


Part IV. abilities and professional orientation of students

Chapter 2. Professional self-determination of students (E.M. Borisova)

IV.2.1. Difficulties in choosing a profession.

As the experience of vocational counseling work shows, students who have not chosen a profession often turn to a psychologist with a request to determine what type of activity they are most capable of, expecting to receive unambiguous recommendations about their professional purpose. Behind this is not only a common misconception about the predisposition of each person to a certain type of activity, but also, perhaps, an unconscious desire to shift the solution of the most important life problem to another person, even a specialist psychologist.

What difficulties do students and their parents face, what kind of help do they expect from a consultant?

Here are the most typical situations. The mother of eighth-grader R.N. is convinced that her daughter has no expressed interests and inclinations not only for a particular profession, but also for any type of activity, and it’s time to choose a vocational school, since further education in the ninth grade of the school is not planned for various reasons. And the tenth grader VD, who turned to the psychologist on his own, on the contrary, shows interest in several different academic disciplines, such as chemistry, mathematics, history, and literature. What to choose for yourself as a future professional activity, when you equally like and equally easily assimilate knowledge in both technical and humanitarian disciplines, how to limit the range of professions you choose?

Ninth-grader M.N. chose a specific profession, but is not sure whether she has enough abilities, skills, knowledge to become a good specialist in the area of ​​work that interests her. She also hopes for the help of a psychologist. The parents of those students who, having developed interests in certain types of activities, show little ability for them, or have well-developed abilities for some kind of work, but have no interest in it, also contact the consultant.

In each case, the work of a psychologist will be built in accordance with the request of the student, teacher or parents. In one of the paragraphs of this chapter, we will consider in detail the stages of professional consultation.

The situations listed above most often arise due to the lack of adequate ideas among modern schoolchildren (and often teachers and parents) about what professional suitability is and how it is formed, due to the inability to assess themselves, their abilities, opportunities, correlate them with the world of professions. Many high school students with whom the survey was conducted could not answer the questions: "What area of ​​activity do you find yourself capable of?"; "Do you think that you have qualities that hinder the implementation of your professional intentions?"; "Are you cultivating the qualities necessary for the successful mastery of your future profession?" In further conversations, we found out that the students simply did not ask themselves these questions and only after the survey began to think about them.

Not only a low culture of psychological knowledge, but also a poor acquaintance with the world of modern professions makes it difficult to choose one's life path. According to various researchers, eighth-graders can name only 20-26 professions on average.

IV.2.2. Stages of professional self-determination and age.

The work of the school psychologist should be included in common system vocational guidance activities held at the school. At present, much attention has been paid to the issues of providing effective assistance to schoolchildren in choosing a profession. A regulation on a vocational guidance office has been developed, and such offices are gradually being created, the course "Fundamentals of Production. Choosing a Profession" is introduced into the curriculum, which provides for familiarization with some psychological concepts related to the choice of a life path, and appropriate consultations are held. In some regions of the country, city centers for trade union counseling and district counseling centers are being set up. In all diverse and multifaceted career guidance work, there are also purely psychological tasks that a specialist must solve.

There is no doubt that the main condition for successful professional self-determination is the full-fledged mental and personal development of the child, the formation of his motivational needs sphere, the presence of developed interests, inclinations and abilities, and a sufficient level of self-awareness. Therefore, work to prepare students for the choice of a profession should become an organic part of the entire educational process and begin already in the lower grades. All work aimed at optimizing education and upbringing ultimately contributes to the activation of professional self-determination of schoolchildren.

The formation of professional intentions of schoolchildren goes through several stages. For practical professional consulting work, it is important to single out at least two of them.

The first stage is the primary choice, which is characterized by undifferentiated ideas about the world of professions, known to students only by their names and some external signs (by the form of clothing, demeanor, assessments of people around them, etc.). Another feature of this stage is an inadequate, often indefinite, situational idea of ​​one's own resource and the possibilities of its development, which is also associated with the inability to compare it with the conditions and requirements of professional activity. A student who is at the stage of primary choice is usually unstable in his professional intentions, which is quite natural. The primary choice is typical for younger students, when there are no questions about the content of the profession, working conditions, prestige, remuneration, etc. Sometimes adolescents also linger at this stage, although the changed situation of social development requires the modern eighth grader to make a concrete decision about choosing his life path.

Primary schoolchildren do not yet have grounds for making a serious professional choice, often there are no expressed interests and inclinations. The emerging interests are easily replaced by others.

As noted by I.V. Dubrovin and N.S. Leites, especially unexpected changes in interests can occur in sixth-graders, which is caused by a significant increase in cognitive activity at this age (9, 16). With this in mind, it is necessary to intensify work on familiarization with the world of professions in early adolescence and then provide more opportunities to try their hand at various activities (circles, electives, productive work). It is at this age that interests may arise that will have access to professional activities. The main efforts of a psychologist in working with children in grades I-V should be directed to the full development of their interests, inclinations and abilities, in particular, the use of special developmental programs for these purposes, drawing attention to these issues of parents and teachers.

There comes a time of growing up, and the stage of primary choice is replaced by the stage of professional self-determination. At this stage, the student should already quite realistically formulate for himself the task of choosing a future field of activity, taking into account the available psychological and psychophysiological resources. It is during this period that the student should seriously think about how ready he is for the profession he has planned for himself, evaluate school disciplines from these positions, trying to devote more time and effort to those that are correlated with the future profession.

Do all students of grades VIII-X undergo a transition from the stage of primary choice to the stage of professional self-determination? Of course no. This process takes place unevenly among schoolchildren, and one of the most important tasks of a psychologist is to ensure its normal course for high school students.

Starting from grades VI-VII, when the problem of choosing a profession is put forward in one of the first places, the psychologist must begin special work to provide the student with effective psychological assistance in professional self-determination. This work should be built both with the class as a whole and with individual students.

There are two main areas of work of a career counseling psychologist. The first is carrying out information and educational work aimed at developing the psychological culture of students, deepening their knowledge of psychology. In essence, the program of such work is laid down in the course "Fundamentals of Production. Choosing a Profession", which provides for the acquaintance of children with basic psychological concepts. Therefore, it is advisable to use the hours allocated for this course for conducting classes in psychology.

The second direction of the psychologist's work is individual consultations with adolescents and young men, providing for diagnostics, correction and the actual consultation (see IV.2.9; IV.2.10).

For the competent construction of vocational counseling work, a psychologist must understand the features and trends in the development of the world of modern professions, have knowledge about the patterns of formation of abilities and inclinations, master the methods of psychodiagnostics, clearly imagine the role of natural and acquired in the formation of professional suitability, own methods of corrective work.

IV.2.3. What you need to know about the modern world of professions.

Currently, there are more than 40 thousand professions, while approximately 500 of them disappear every year and almost the same number of new ones appear. Economists have calculated that the average lifetime of a large number of professions is approaching about 8-10 years. Indeed, in the era of scientific and technological revolution, many professions are irretrievably a thing of the past (for example, those requiring hard physical labor). Others change so much in their content, the composition of the operations included in them, that, in essence, they also become new, requiring significant retraining and advanced training from the employee. For example, such a traditional, ancient profession as a weaver is completely changing in content with the introduction of shuttleless looms. If earlier (and even now in the conditions of working on old equipment) the main professional qualities that a weaver should have were motor abilities, dexterity, dexterity, etc., now they are fading into the background, and, consequently, the system of requirements is changing to the professional, his qualifications, the system of education. Moreover, there are new jobs that largely change our usual ideas about the profession. For example, in medicine, these are resuscitators, anesthesiologists, radiologists, etc. Thus, in the profession of a resuscitator, the relationship between a doctor and a patient (for medicine it has always been direct and immediate) is mediated by numerous devices that inform the doctor of a system of data on the health and functioning of various human organs, on based on the analysis of which he makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment. An interesting psychological phenomenon has emerged that characterizes the disruption of this natural connection between doctor and patient. The resuscitator "receives" a patient in such a serious condition that he cannot communicate with him. As soon as the patient's condition improves, he "passes" to another doctor, and resuscitation doctors complain that they lack live communication with the patient, there is a lack of expression on his part of a grateful attitude towards the specialist who saved him.

Along with new jobs, new professions are emerging that had no analogues in the past, such as an astronaut, a nuclear power plant operator, etc. All these changes take place in short periods of time, literally before our eyes, and even affect those professions that seemed to us " eternal."

From what has been said, it is clear what a difficult position the consultant is in, who must somehow imagine the requirements of a huge number of professions and look for their correspondence with the abilities and other characteristics of the student. Even being very erudite, a psychologist is unlikely to be able to have an exhaustive list of the professional requirements of existing professions. It is even less clear what requirements a person will have for professions that will appear in the future. It is only clear that the professions of the epoch of scientific and technological revolution make and will make increased demands on the general mental development and education of young people, since the level of automation will increase even more, new equipment and technology will appear.

It is very important for a psychologist to remember that a young person entering into life may have to change his profession more than once or undergo retraining within the framework of his chosen, but greatly changed profession. At the same time, it is still difficult to predict at what age this will have to be done. In our country, the socio-economic situation is now such that there is an increasingly intensive redistribution of labor from one area of ​​professional activity to another.

Thus, when building work on career guidance, the psychologist must not only orient the student to a particular profession or a number of related specialties, but also show that a highly qualified specialist must be psychologically prepared to change specialties or to constantly improve their skills. This remains relevant in cases of choosing relatively stable professions, since collective forms of labor (teams, collective, family contract, etc.) are increasingly used in our country, when it becomes necessary to possess several specialties in order to be ready to replace your colleague or provide him qualified help. Already today, in many cases, a specialist of one profile can replace a specialist of another profile who performs his duties in the same team. Such mutual learning often takes place in the production activities. Thus, another new trend of change in the world of professions is the replacement of monoprofessionalism by polyprofessionalism. It is important for the consultant to draw a conclusion from this, that the psychological capabilities of a person cannot be assessed in relation to only one single profession.

A psychologist, assisting in familiarization with professions, should focus on professional requirements for the psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of the individual, his inclinations, abilities. To do this, it is advisable to use, firstly, the classification of professions proposed by E.A. Klimov (12). It is described in detail in a 1987 publication. trial textbook for students of grades VII-VIII "Fundamentals of production. choice of profession" (part 2). In the same manual, a questionnaire is placed to determine interests and inclinations for a certain type of profession.

For acquaintance with professiograms, a series of brochures "Man and Profession" can be recommended, periodically (since 1975) publishing professiographic information about professions, the popular science series "Your Profession", published by the publishing house "Knowledge" for more than 10 years and "Encyclopedia of Professions" which began to appear in 1986.

Secondly, a psychologist can rely on the classification of professions proposed by K.M. Gurevich (6), who distinguishes two large groups. Type I professions require absolute professional suitability. People with certain psycho-physiological and psychological characteristics are suitable for them, while for the rest of the people, effective and high-quality work in them is practically unattainable (we will consider examples of these professions in IV.2.8). For these professions, it is necessary to conduct a special psychological selection. Knowing this, the psychologist must, having studied the psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of the student, help him limit the search for areas of professional activity. Type II professions do not impose strict, absolute requirements on the psychophysiological and psychological characteristics of a person, which allows almost any healthy person to master them (these professions are also called professions with relative professional suitability - see IV.2.8 for more details).

IV.2.4. Psychological diagnostics in school vocational guidance.

Methods of psychological diagnostics are an objective way to study the individual psychological differences of students. It is hardly possible to recognize the correct point of view, according to which the main goal of a career-guidance psychodiagnostic examination of a student is to, based on the results obtained, select the most suitable profession or field of activity for him. This approach is based on the idea of ​​professional suitability as a kind of quality inherent in a person, which can be identified with the help of a psychodiagnostic examination. It is assumed that, on the one hand, there are objective requirements of professions for the psychological qualities of a person, on the other hand, these qualities themselves, which can be diagnosed, you just need to correlate one with the other, and the question of which profession is “intended” will be immediately resolved. given person. Outwardly logical, this scheme turns out to be internally contradictory and untenable in the practice of vocational counseling. Not to mention the absence of an exhaustive list of the profession's requirements for a person, it can hardly be assumed that the ongoing diagnostic study will provide an opportunity to obtain a fairly stable picture of the individual psychological characteristics of each student.

For any professional psychologist, it is clear that the possibilities for the formation of the psyche, the development of abilities in educational and professional activities under the influence of special training are very high. Consequently, the picture of the current state of development of professionally important qualities and abilities obtained in a psychodiagnostic test cannot be a reliable basis for choosing a profession due to its variability and dynamism. The actual state of the psyche revealed in the psychodiagnostic experiment is formed under the influence of many factors, but without its formation directed to any activity. Where can we expect the diagnosed abilities to meet professional requirements?

A diagnostic examination makes it possible to understand what the subject has achieved on the way to the formation of certain abilities (including professional ones), but does not give grounds to build a long-term forecast. No, even the most extensive, psychodiagnostic test can take into account the whole variety of factors that have a positive or negative impact on the formation of future professional suitability, which depends on motivation, and on relationships in the work team in which a person falls, and on other reasons. Therefore, since the actual development of the abilities identified in the diagnostic test does not predetermine future professional success, it cannot serve as a criterion for professional choice.

The most significant drawback of "diagnostic" professional consultation is that it essentially excludes the activity of the subject himself in choosing a profession, since the psychologist solves the problem of choice for him. In general, such a procedure can hardly be called a choice; it is rather the selection of a profession by superimposing a "grid" of qualities identified through diagnostics on a "grid" of professional requirements.

What then is the meaning of psychodiagnostic work in vocational counseling and is it needed at all? Psychodiagnostic examination is certainly useful, but its results should be used in such a way as to activate the students' desire for self-knowledge and self-improvement to the greatest extent. The psychologist does not just diagnose, but carries out diagnostic and corrective work, the main purpose of which is to prepare the student for his professional future by directed formation of the necessary qualities, personality traits. The consultation itself is not a one-time event, it is a large, sometimes lengthy joint work of a psychologist and a student, in which the principles of cooperation pedagogy are fully applicable. The decision to choose a profession or field of activity should be born in the course of joint work.

A school psychologist in his professional consulting work should carry out the idea that there is practically no profession into which a schoolchild could “step” without preliminary psychological work on himself. There is no such individual psycho-physiological organization that, even before the start of professional activity, would be both in general and in individual functions corresponding to this activity. An individualized structure of abilities that satisfies the requirements of a certain activity is formed only in the course of this activity and thanks to the efforts of the person himself.

Psychodiagnostic examination should help the student to better know himself, his abilities, abilities, interests, activate his desire to work on himself, to self-education and self-improvement. With well-established contacts between the psychologist and the student, the examination can be repeated in six months, a year, and the results obtained will make it possible to judge the effectiveness of the work done by the student in preparing for the profession, and will set new tasks for him.

Methods of psychological diagnostics can be used to identify the interests, abilities, psychophysiological characteristics of a student on initial stage work with him by a professional consultant, as well as to monitor the development of the required qualities after the correction or training.

IV.2.5. How to study the professional intentions of students.

To study the professional intentions and professional plans of schoolchildren, such methodological techniques as questionnaires, conversations, essays on the topic of choosing a profession can be used. At the same time, it is necessary to find out whether the student has preferred professions, whether the ways of mastering them are thought out (educational institutions, specific enterprises, etc.), whether there are reserve professional intentions in case the main ones are not realized, etc. It can be assumed that professional intentions are serious if students can answer questions about the content of work, the attractive aspects of the profession, the mode and conditions of work, opportunities for professional growth, etc. The stability of professional intentions can also be judged by the extent to which they are related to reserve ones. For example, a student of grade X, M.K., who turned to a psychologist for advice, chose medicine for herself. At the same time, she also thought over the option of choosing a place of study in case she did not go to medical school. She has already found out the addresses and "reputation" of several medical schools and is ready to first qualify as a nurse, and only then try to enter a university. In a conversation, M.K. said that she considers this path even more suitable, since a real doctor must be able to perform all the duties of a nurse, to learn the profession "from the inside." The seriousness of professional intentions is also evidenced by attempts to correlate their capabilities, knowledge with the requirements of the profession of a medical worker.

Here is an approximate plan for interviewing schoolchildren to identify their professional intentions

  1. Have you chosen a profession or range of professions?
  2. Why did you choose this field of work, what attracts you to the profession?
  3. What is the main content of the profession?
  4. In what areas of the national economy (science, culture, education, etc.) do specialists of this profile work?
  5. Do you know the conditions, working conditions and wages, opportunities for advanced training?
  6. Do you know which educational institutions train specialists of this profile?
  7. Have you thought about whether you have the qualities necessary to master this profession, to become a good specialist? Can you name them?
  8. Do you consider the level of your knowledge sufficient to start training in your chosen field of work?
  9. Knowledge of what school subjects is most necessary for mastering your chosen profession?
  10. Are you preparing for your professional future (attending preparatory courses, lectures, self-training)?
  11. What do you think hinders the implementation of your professional choice?
  12. What influenced your choice to the greatest extent (interest in the profession, its importance and necessity, advice from parents, teachers, friends)?
  13. Do your parents agree with your choice?

Based on the information extracted from the study of the student's professional intentions, the psychologist builds further individual work with him.

IV.2.6. Accounting for interests and inclinations when choosing a profession.

Usually, students with pronounced interests and inclinations have practically no difficulty in choosing a profession, they are guided by the content of work, its process and results.

Under interest in psychology is understood the selective orientation of the individual to a certain area of ​​knowledge or activity. Under inclination the need of the individual in a certain activity is understood. Often it is with interest in any type of activity that an inclination to it begins to form.

The main indicator of the severity of the propensity is the child's desire for a long and systematic engagement in a certain type of activity, which can be expressed in a preferential attitude to certain school subjects, the desire to engage in circles, sections, and devote free time to a favorite business.

Therefore, even simple observations of the child's school and extracurricular activities, conversations about preferred activities with him, his parents and teachers give the psychologist reason to judge the severity, depth and stability of the student's interest and his inclinations.

To study the interests of the individual for the purpose of professional consultation, special questionnaires and questionnaires can also be used. For example, manuals for professional consultants provide methods for identifying and evaluating the interests of high school students: the Questionnaire of Interests or its modified versions (23).

Often, a psychologist can obtain information about the interests and inclinations of schoolchildren by analyzing library forms, studying lists of books, magazines, and newspapers preferred by students for reading.

As a rule, with age, the interests of the child from amorphous, indefinite and unstable become more stable, concentrated in certain areas of activity. But this does not always happen. Sometimes in adolescence and adolescence, interests and inclinations are little expressed, sometimes they are so diverse that it is difficult to separate the main, pivotal from secondary, temporary. In this case, the psychologist may be helped by a psychodiagnostic study of the level of development of certain abilities. High level development of abilities can be regarded as an indicator of a certain predisposition to a certain type of activity, which may serve as evidence of the presence of a propensity for it.

However, data on interests and inclinations alone is clearly not enough to choose a profession, because the same inclinations can be correlated with different professions. For example, a propensity to engage in technology can find expression in the profession of an engineer, and in the work of a machine tool adjuster, and in pedagogical activity in teaching technical disciplines. All these types of activities (working positions within the profession) require a special level of training, certain preferences for working with people or machines, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to further study the characteristics of interests and inclinations, which will narrow the circle of chosen professions and specializations.

It must be borne in mind that when diagnosing interests and inclinations, none of the methods should be absolutized. Directed observations of children for a long time (which is available to a school psychologist, unlike a career counselor of a career guidance center), conversations with students, teachers, and parents can provide quite reliable information for planning and constructing work to enhance professional self-determination.

The psychologist needs to systematically record all kinds of observations of the process of formation of interests and inclinations (their orientation, stability, depth, etc.) in the course of any psychological work with children, their parents and teachers. Starting from grade VI, it is advisable, along with the study of professional intentions, to study the dynamics of interests and inclinations with the help of special questionnaires. Conducting such a longitudinal study and the accumulation of relevant data is very important to address the issue of the professional future of each student.

IV.2.7. Ability diagnostics.

In psychology, general and special abilities are distinguished. The former provide mastery of knowledge and skills that a person implements in various activities. Special abilities, on the other hand, are a condition for the successful implementation of certain types of activity, such as musical, mathematical, artistic, pedagogical, etc. Both general and special abilities depend on the conditions of education and training and on natural inclinations.

To study the abilities, researchers use a variety of techniques: observation, natural and laboratory experiment, analysis of activity products, tests. It should be noted that the diagnosis of artistic, musical, artistic abilities requires the participation of expert experts. As for abilities for other types of activity, the level of their development can be measured using psychodiagnostic methods. It is necessary to be aware that the diagnosis of abilities is a very delicate matter, requiring highly qualified psychologist.

abilities do not exist in static, they are dynamic, are in the process of development, depend on how the child is trained and brought up. Consequently, any diagnostic test ascertains a "cut" of development, but does not give grounds to build a prognosis on this, especially a long-term one. Any changes in the conditions of life and activity of the subject, his motivation can lead to unpredictable changes in the development of abilities. An analysis of memoirs and biographical literature shows that, along with cases of early development of abilities (W. Mozart, V. Serov, N. Rusheva, L. Landau and many others), there are many examples that people are already at an older age thanks to work on themselves and strong motivation achieved outstanding results in their activities (D. Mendeleev, P. Kapitsa, etc.).

The high plasticity of abilities, their compensatory capabilities, which make it possible to achieve high results through the formation of individualized structures of abilities, are also well known. Therefore, care must be taken when interpreting ability measurements. It is unacceptable to give unambiguous recommendations on the choice of a profession only on the basis of these data. Moreover, often focusing on the interests and inclinations of students, even in the absence of formed abilities for a certain type of work, is more justified, since self-education and training can significantly promote their formation.

In general, the possibilities for the formation of various professionally important qualities are very high. For example, dyers working at textile enterprises, under the influence of their professional activities, have a very significant development of color discrimination abilities. They distinguish up to 50 shades of black alone (usually a person is able to distinguish only 2-3).

Some tests of intelligence and special abilities can be used to identify the predominant development of certain abilities related to the choice of profession (many intelligence tests have subtests that measure special abilities). So, for example, R. Amthauer's test allows you to get a "test profile" of the subject in three parameters - the severity of humanitarian, mathematical and technical abilities (2). The STUR test (School test of mental development) helps to determine the severity of abilities in social science, physics, mathematics, and natural sciences (2). When the area of ​​preferred professions for students is outlined, many tests of special abilities can be used for an in-depth study of the individual psychological characteristics of the student (sensory, motor, technical, and others - see 24).

Thus, the identification of the individualized structure of schoolchildren's abilities during professional consultation and the understanding that it is not rigid is useful for guiding a schoolchild in choosing a professional sphere of work. The very "materialization" of psychological indicators of the characteristics of the development of schoolchildren in the form of points received, a test profile allows students to visualize (albeit approximately) the structure of their abilities, to see those gaps in their development that need to be overcome in order to prepare themselves for future profession.

The results obtained are the basis on which a plan of self-education, preparation for a certain type of work is developed (together with a psychologist). Let's take an example.

V. I., who studied at a school with an in-depth study of chemistry, turned to a psychologist. However, in the 10th grade, V.I. made sure that he did not want to further connect his professional fate with the natural sciences, but would like to choose a humanitarian specialty. After a long conversation, testing, meeting with the parents of V.I. the psychologist collected solid material, the analysis of which showed that V.I. persistent interest and inclinations for history, art, literature, which in general was always encouraged in the family. However, some significant gaps were also found in the development of individual mental operations that are important for mastering the humanities. In particular, the psychologist was particularly concerned about the low level of generalization of verbal material, which was revealed during various diagnostic tests. Meanwhile, V.I. already during the consultation, he expressed his desire to prepare for admission to the history department of one of the universities. The psychologist suggested V.I. a whole system of training sessions aimed at developing the mental operation of generalization. It was a specially designed correctional program, including recommendations for reading various thematic texts, their generalization and comparison, familiarization with the rules for distinguishing between essential and non-essential in concepts. Persistent six-month work with V.I. in correcting some aspects of his mental development proved to be very useful. It led to a significant advance in the development of the operation of generalization and verbal abilities in general, such as the ability to work with a word, to subtly distinguish the meanings of words, etc. Repeated diagnostic tests carried out after the implementation of psychotraining, corrective measures, usually allow the student to visually see the progress in the development of certain qualities, to be convinced of the expediency and need for special directed work to prepare for the profession. In general, psychodiagnostic work carried out by a psychologist significantly activates the student to self-knowledge, self-improvement, and accelerates the process of professional self-determination.

IV.2.8. The study of individual psychophysiological characteristics of students in connection with the choice of profession.

We have already noted above the need for professional counseling to study the formal-dynamic features of the psyche, which are based on some innate features (for example, the basic properties of the nervous system). Many professions place increased demands on the speed of work, the ability to switch from one type to another, working capacity, psychological stability, etc. These features are based on such properties of the nervous system as strength (weakness), mobility (inertia), lability (inertia) . The formal dynamic properties of the psyche depend on the genotype and practically remain unchanged throughout the life of the individual. The genotype is unchanged, but its phenotypic manifestations can change under the influence of changing conditions of life and activity: the genotype determines only the reaction norm inherent in the functions, systems of the individual, and within this norm, adaptation to living conditions occurs. Theoretical and experimental substantiation of understanding the nature of the properties of the nervous system, carried out in the works of B.M. Teplova, V.D. Nebylitsyn and their followers, served as the basis for the development of appropriate psychophysiological techniques (21, 25).

A strong nervous system is characterized by high performance of nerve cells and their ability to withstand superstrong stimuli (opposite qualities characterize a weak nervous system). In particular, the strength of the nervous system provides the psychological, emotional stability of a person to the effects of super-strong stimuli, thereby increasing the reliability of his work in extreme situations. In a number of professions, this is necessary for the trouble-free operation of the entire "man-machine" system (type I professions according to K.M. Gurevich's classification). These are, for example, the professions of operators of various types, test pilots, firefighters, etc. Only persons with a strong nervous system are able to correctly assess the situation in a difficult situation, maintain composure, restraint, and perform the necessary actions. Moreover, the correctness of the actions of a professional depends not so much on length of service and experience, but on the severity of the strength of the nervous system (a very accurate psychological portrait of a specialist of this type of profession - an air traffic controller - is presented in A. Haley's novel "Airport").

When conducting a consultation, a psychologist needs to have information about the psychophysiological characteristics of the student in order, if necessary, to introduce restrictions on the range of professions he chooses. However, a radical restructuring of plans for the future is not always required. Sometimes it is enough to outline for yourself in the same profession another specialty, another job post. For example, in the profession of a doctor for people with a weak nervous system, such specializations as a surgeon, resuscitator, emergency doctor are contraindicated, where difficult situations often arise that require responsible decisions to be made with a shortage of time, but specializations of a general practitioner, sanitary doctor, etc. can be recommended. in which highly stressful situations are unlikely to occur.

Persons with a weak nervous system also have their advantages. So, many of them have a higher sensitivity compared to the "strong" ones, cope better with monotonous and monotonous work, and are focused on high accuracy of work. Therefore, it is easier for them to master such professions as a taster, where high sensitivity is required, a diamond cutter, where the highest precision is required, some artistic professions, assembly line work, and others of the same type.

In the vast majority of professions (type II, according to the classification of K.M. Gurevich), people with different individual psychophysiological characteristics can work equally successfully, but the options for their adaptation to the profession will be different. In some cases, workers choose the most suitable jobs for themselves (as in the medical profession), in others they form their own individual style, which allows them to compensate for some of the shortcomings of their natural characteristics. N.S. Leites (15) described the individual styles of two students (with strong and weak types of the nervous system) and showed that with the same high result, their activity was built in completely different ways.

Many examples can be found in the study of specific mass professions by various researchers. So, V.S. Klyagin showed that the style of work of drivers with different types of nervous system differs significantly (13). It turned out that the "weak" practically do not get into emergency situations, because they prepare the car for the flight more carefully, predict the possibility of adverse situations on the road and think over their behavior and reaction to them in advance. They turn to the controls more often when driving a car - all this provides them with almost trouble-free operation (although their cars "wear out" faster). Otherwise, drivers with a strong nervous system who build their work are more likely to get into accidents.

High speed performance is provided by such features of the nervous system as mobility and lability (high speed, pace, switchability). Opposite qualities are characterized by persons with inert nervous processes. They are characterized by slowness, thoroughness, slowness, which makes it difficult to work in professions that require quickness, the need to make decisions in a time deficit, high speeds operations, switching. M.K. Akimova showed that for persons with inert nervous processes there is a certain limit in the possibilities of high-speed performance of motor tasks (1). But here, too, the circle of professions that impose strict requirements on speed characteristics is small. In most of them, the development of an individual style of activity allows you to successfully cope with the work. For example, even in such a seemingly demanding profession as a weaver, inert weavers cope with professional tasks very successfully. The high efficiency of their work is ensured by its special organization, when most of the working time is devoted to preparatory, preventive work, which reduces the possibility of thread breaks and other situations that require very quick actions on the part of the worker. They, in essence, do not allow situations with which, due to natural features, it is difficult or impossible for them to cope.

Another way to achieve high labor productivity by people with different speed capabilities is the choice of work tasks that best suit the individual warehouse of a person. For example, such terms as "speed turner", "accuracy turner" are common among professionals.

Note that it is very difficult to accurately determine the type of nervous system by vital manifestations. To conduct a consultation, it is important for a psychologist to know the true characteristics of the nervous system. For this purpose, a large arsenal of psychophysiological techniques has been developed. But mastering them requires a lot of time, and their implementation requires special equipment. Therefore, it is advisable for a school psychologist to use the blank methods developed by V.A. Danilov (to determine the strength of the nervous system) and V.T. Kozlova (to determine the lability and mobility of the nervous system) (24).

IV.2.9. Professional advice.

The consultation is built as a process of cooperation between the psychologist and the student. Its success largely depends on whether the psychologist succeeds in establishing a trusting relationship with the student. Any pressure, directive tone, imposing one's opinion is unacceptable. From the very beginning, it is necessary to make it clear to the student that the choice of a profession will only be correct when he is conscious, independent, when he is preceded by painstaking and long-term work on self-knowledge and the study of the world of professions.

High school students need to consult a psychologist about their professional choice. Depending on the degree of formation of their professional plans, the level of development of abilities and inclinations, the success of their studies, students need different consultations. For some, 2-3 conversations and a brief diagnostic examination are sufficient for the decision to choose a profession to be made (or strengthened) and preparations for it begin. For other schoolchildren, an in-depth examination, multiple consultations with a psychologist are required in order to come to a decision about choosing their life path. To resolve the issue of who needs only prompt assistance, and who needs to be given a lot of attention, the psychologist should begin studying the professional intentions of students no later than the 6th grade. Starting from the 7th grade, individual consultations should be carried out (primarily with those who plan to continue their studies at a vocational school, technical school, etc. after the 8th grade). Schoolchildren striving to graduate from grade X may become the object of closer attention of a psychologist in grades IX-X.

Prior to the start of individual professional consultations, it is necessary to study the professional intentions of schoolchildren and the level of development of certain abilities in them (for which it is advisable to use group tests). Students who have expressed professional interests and a sufficiently stable professional plan need the help of a psychologist the least. Consultations are held with them only if they independently turn to a psychologist for help, which most often consists in confirming the correctness of the choice made.

Work with schoolchildren who are less prosperous in this regard often takes place at the initiative of the psychologist himself and is not limited to just a few consultations. How do you get started with these students? First of all, it is necessary to identify their interests and inclinations and determine, at least as a first approximation, the range of professions of interest to them, formulate recommendations for getting to know them. The psychologist himself will not be able to reveal to the student the full requirements of the profession, but must, relying on the help of parents and teachers, outline a plan for the student to study the professions of interest to him in depth. This plan includes familiarization with literature on professions (including professional literature), consultations with employees of career guidance centers, participation in excursions, meetings and conversations with professionals, etc. It is very important that the student himself find out the necessary information about the ways of acquiring a profession, its mode, working conditions and pay, etc. The enrichment of his knowledge about the profession will contribute to the formation of a more adequate idea not only of the professional activity itself, but also of all the conditions in which it takes place.

As a result of such work, some students will strengthen their professional plans, and it will be necessary to plan work with them to prepare for the profession, others may change their intentions, therefore, the psychologist will have to return to the previous stage of working with them, analyze interests, inclinations, outline new areas of work and ways to get acquainted with them. In any case, this work is necessary and very useful, as it activates the student, gives him the opportunity to gain experience, an algorithm for familiarizing himself with the profession, and expands his circle of knowledge about the world of professions.

When students identify certain areas of work for themselves and begin to get acquainted with professions, the psychologist proceeds to psychodiagnostic and corrective work.

The selection of diagnostic methods should be based on an adequate understanding of the professional activity itself, taking into account its two important aspects - meaningful and dynamic. The first reflects the actual content of the profession in terms of the required knowledge, skills, and goals of the activity. This is expressed in the specific requirements of the profession for the features and level of development of thinking, memory, attention, motor skills, perception, etc., which are formed under the influence of professional activity and are necessary at the stage of mastering the profession. The second side of professional activity - dynamic - is expressed in the form of certain requirements for the formal-dynamic side of the psyche, i.e. to the speed, pace, strength of the flow of mental processes.

In each individual case, an in-depth psychodiagnostic examination of a student should be carried out more specifically, based on an understanding of his problem and the results that were obtained at the previous stages of professional consultations. Once again, we want to remind you that you should not absolutize the data obtained using the methods of psychological diagnostics, look for a direct way to a profession in them. If no contraindications to the profession are found, if there are no serious "failures" in the development of qualities important for mastering it, it is necessary to outline a plan for self-training, self-education of the student, and the formation of the required abilities in him. Now the task of the psychologist is to help in the implementation of this plan, in organizing control over how the necessary qualities are formed, for which it is necessary to discuss in detail with the student his achievements in preparing for the profession, the difficulties that arise and ways to overcome them.

If there are serious reasons to doubt whether the level of development of certain abilities, knowledge, skills is sufficient for successful mastery of the profession, then the student discusses the issue of either changing the professional plan, or the need for a very rich and, probably, long-term work to develop the necessary qualities. , mastering the required knowledge (including school subjects). He is offered a system of psychotraining (development of the necessary type of attention, memory, spatial thinking, etc.), recommendations for self-education. These students require especially close attention of a psychologist, strict control over the implementation of the recommendations formulated during professional consultations. Diagnostic and training activities are of great importance for the student's understanding of himself, his resource, the very activity of schoolchildren strengthens their professional intentions.

A psychophysiological examination can not only reveal contraindications for certain types of professions in individual students, but serve as the basis for recommending to students such a range of professions and work positions that are most consistent with their individual psychophysiological organization. The data of the psychophysiological examination allow the psychologist to formulate recommendations to students on how to take into account their individual characteristics in the period of preparation for the profession and at the initial stage of mastering it, in particular, on the development of an individual style of activity.

Thus, when conducting a professional consultation in the work of a psychologist, there may be several stages:

  1. ascertaining (stating at what stage of the formation of a professional plan the student is);
  2. diagnostic (diagnosis of interests, inclinations, abilities, individual psychophysiological characteristics);
  3. search (development of a plan for preparing a student for a profession);
  4. correctional (development of recommendations for self-education, correction and development of the necessary qualities);
  5. proper consulting (development of strategies and tactics for conducting conversations with students, their distribution in time, etc.).

In conversations with schoolchildren during consultations, it is necessary to consistently carry out the idea that in choosing a profession and preparing for it, the role of motivation, perseverance, activity, and independence of the schoolchildren themselves is great. Vocational consultation is a kind of catalyst for the large and often lengthy independent work of the student, which he must carry out - from studying the profession to labor trials in it. At the same time, the choice of a profession cannot be considered as a one-time event, which is the result of a psychological examination. It provides for a lot of cognitive work, self-study, to a certain extent, remaking oneself in accordance with what the profession requires from a person.

In general, all career guidance work should be built in such a way that it turns from diagnostic into developing, formative, diagnostic and corrective. Therefore, all stages of the consultation should serve one goal - to activate the student, to form in him the desire for an independent choice of profession, taking into account the knowledge gained with the help of a psychologist about himself, his abilities and the prospects for their development.

IV.2.10. Examples from the practice of vocational counseling.

In order to show how to use the data obtained in diagnostic examinations for professional consultation, we will consider a few specific examples.

The psychologist must carefully prepare for each consultation, carefully study all the information about the student that is at his disposal by the time of the consultation. A consultation requires good preparation in order for the counselee to develop a sense of trust in the psychologist. It is unlikely that it will arise if the psychologist makes unfortunate mistakes, confusing some facts, the circumstances of life and the behavior of a schoolboy who came to him for advice. And yet - it is necessary to avoid any value judgments regarding the interests, inclinations, abilities of the student, his hobbies and passions. Only in this case can one hope for the sincerity of the child, and, consequently, for obtaining the necessary information about his individual characteristics.

Carrying out professional consultations with students of grades VII and IX-X has its own specifics. Thus, many students of the 8th grade must, even before graduation, high school choose a profession. According to our survey, the majority of eighth graders (57%) are going to leave school, the rest either want to go to grade IX (37.5%), or (5.5%) do not have definite plans for the future. With all the variety of chosen professions, engineering and technical (more than 47%) are most often called, a little less often - social and humanitarian (more than 29%) and very rarely natural sciences (10%), the rest of the students do not have pronounced preferences. The choice of a profession by eighth-graders is related to their level of academic performance and, on the whole, corresponds to their interests in certain cycles of academic disciplines. When listing the most attractive professions, those that are most related to their life experience are named. As a rule, parents support the choice made by the student. Differences are observed only in cases where parents would like their children to continue their education at school, while the students themselves prefer to go to a vocational school or technical school. The choice of a profession in the Code of Criminal Procedure is determined not so much by an eye on future professional activity, but by practical considerations about whether it will be useful in life (it attracts the opportunity to learn how to sew, cook, drive a car, etc.).

A student of the 8th grade A.Zh. came to us for a consultation. He needed to be consulted about the correctness of his choice. The difficulty was that he was an obvious “C” student, whom the teachers waved their hand at and from whom the mother expects little. According to the STUR test, he showed rather low results, having completed only 39% of the tasks, while he coped worst of all with the tasks of the physical and mathematical cycle (21%). Since he wants to choose a technical specialty, a diagnostic examination was carried out to determine the level of development of his technical abilities. It turned out that in assignments for spatial representations, he demonstrates very high results (the assignments are based on material not related to school curricula). In the conversation, it turned out that he was fond of modeling. During the consultation period, he showed uncertainty in himself and his abilities. The high assessment given by the psychologist to his abilities for spatial imagination had a very positive effect on him. He began to behave more relaxedly, the tension disappeared. Together with the psychologist (in the presence of his mother, whom he himself invited for a consultation), measures were outlined to prepare him for his future specialty. He willingly came to consultations, openly discussed his problems. However, he said that it was difficult for him to study at school and he was unlikely to be able to catch up on everything lost (especially in mathematics). But I started doing more on my own than before the consultations. Thus, in this case, we managed to activate the teenager, help him strengthen his professional intention, and begin preparation for his future profession.

The ninth grade is usually attended by those students who are oriented towards higher education and who have shown themselves well throughout their schooling. By the beginning of their studies in the 10th grade, many children have already chosen the university they would like to enter, and even the faculty and specialty. Therefore, they often combine schooling with studying at preparatory courses, attending lectures, electives, and strengthening self-training. In this regard, it is desirable to outline the area of ​​future professional activity of students by the end of the ninth grade (of course, this is not always possible).

To do this, all the data from the study of these students, which were obtained by the psychologist in grades VII and VIII, must be fully used. Analyzing them, a psychologist may come across a wide variety of relationships between these data, with different situations of professional counseling. Depending on the degree of coordination of professional plans with the resources available to the student, a specific strategy for conducting individual work is outlined.

Tenth grader A.S. Came in for a consultation with a psychologist full of doubts. He loves technology, he would like to become a designer of radio equipment, but he does not study well, and this makes him feel insecure that he will be able to cope with the requirements of his chosen profession. After a thorough discussion, it became clear that the interest and inclination towards technology are stable, appearing already from the VI grade. A.S. studied in radio engineering circles, prefers working with technology among other activities in his spare time. We discussed in detail the requirements that technical professions place on a person. In particular, as is known, psychologists distinguish two factors in technical abilities: technical understanding and spatial thinking. To study these factors, there are special diagnostic tests. A.S. tasks were offered that revealed technical abilities, which he performed very successfully. During several meetings with psychologist A.S. successfully solved tasks for spatial representations, technical ingenuity, logical thinking. The results were discussed with A.S. very detailed. Based on the survey, it was concluded that already now, at the stage of choosing a profession, A.S. had good technical abilities, which confirmed the correctness of his choice. However, in conversations it turned out that there is also an obstacle - not very high academic performance in mathematics, while this is one of the major subjects when entering a university, it is also important for successful education in mathematics. technical university. Measures were outlined (together with a teacher-mathematician) to make up for lost time in mastering this subject. The most important result of these professional consultations was that the data obtained during the diagnostics significantly influenced the formation of A.S. in yourself and your abilities. He thought much more seriously about the ways of preparing himself for the profession, for entering the university. As he said, he had a feeling that the efforts that he is now making to pull himself up in mathematics will not be in vain, and this gives strength to overcome the difficulties that arise. The psychologist suggested A.S. think about a backup option, if you still can’t immediately enter a university. A specific technical school was planned and even the question of the proposed place of work was discussed, but all this was in line with preparation for the same profession as a designer of radio equipment.

X grade student I.S. sought the help of a psychologist to determine her suitability for the profession of a doctor, since this profession seems important to her, in addition, she likes the natural sciences. However, during the conversations, several circumstances emerged that allowed the psychologist to suggest I.S. abandon this professional plan and think about another. Firstly, it turned out that the desire to become a doctor arose suddenly, because "something needs to be decided already." The girl knows little about the profession, only the most common everyday things, she practically cannot name different working posts within the profession. A survey conducted with the help of a series of different tests revealed the greatest expressiveness of abilities in the social and humanitarian disciplines, a small expressiveness of abilities in subjects of the natural science cycle. Psychophysiological examination showed extreme weakness of the nervous system and its inertia, which was confirmed in further conversations and when using questionnaires to identify the properties of temperament. So, for example, I.S. low efficiency is characteristic, it is very lost even in a low-stress situation. She is characterized by high anxiety, low emotional stability, increased fatigue, the desire to work according to a given algorithm. In conversations with the girl, it turned out that she does not like working with people, prefers to communicate with books, likes to systematize facts and knowledge. Having discussed with I.S. all the data obtained, revealing their psychological meaning, the psychologist expressed cautious doubts about the appropriateness of choosing the profession of a doctor, with which I.S. Drawing attention to the high level of humanitarian (verbal on the test) abilities, the psychologist proposed for discussion several professions where these abilities are professionally important. One of the options that was discussed with her and was accepted with interest by her was the profession of a librarian, bibliographer. For I.S. For the first time, the problem arose of correlating one's capabilities (including natural ones) with the requirements of the profession. In the final part of the work with I.S. a plan was jointly drawn up for studying the chosen profession and preparing for it. The subjects in school education, which should be paid special attention to, have been identified, educational institutions that need to be familiarized with have been outlined.

These examples show how differently the work of a counseling psychologist develops and what a great responsibility is placed on him. It should be noted that the psychologist must be especially careful in cases where the professional intention of the student is inconsistent with the resource available to him. And it is very important to build counseling work in such a way that the decision to choose a profession becomes independent, born in the joint work of the student and the counselee, and not imposed from outside.

Every person at least once in his life faced the question of choosing what profession to get, so that later he would be engaged in it and thus earn money for himself. However, it becomes quite difficult to choose between different specialties that can attract students and high school students. Psychologists create tests, the passage of which allows you to determine a little about professional self-determination. However, the test results do not always indicate what a person really wants and will do.

The Internet magazine site can give many examples of how a person at the beginning of his life dreams of one specialty, as he develops, he changes his orientation to another profession, and as a result begins to work in a completely third direction. What explains this? Psychologists do not see anything wrong with the fact that a person is not able to constantly dream about the same thing. With each age, values, views, knowledge of the world change. A person cannot dream from childhood that he will fly into space, while not changing his desire, while he grows and learns new areas of life.

The most important problem of professional self-determination, psychologists highlight the limited knowledge of the younger generation about various specialties. The knowledge of students is rather narrow. They generally understand what this or that specialist does. Choosing a profession, the student later begins to face the true responsibilities and difficulties of his direction, which is why his desires, guidelines change, he already refuses to do what he has chosen.

That is why there are frequent cases (more than 90%) when people start choosing a profession, study it, but then work in a completely different specialty. This is explained by the fact that while a person was studying, he realized that the profession was close to his liking, but did not satisfy all his moral or psychological desires.

Many people do not work in the specialties they were trained. It speaks to the mistakes that are often the reason why people don't know who they want to be.

What is professional self-determination?

Professional self-determination is the process of an individual searching for the type of activity in which he will be trained and which he will be engaged in in the future, which is what he will earn his living. The selection criteria are quite voluminous. It takes into account:

  1. Individual capabilities of the individual, his abilities and inclinations. In other words, a person measures what his talents and skills correspond to what profession, so that its training and performance of its work occur with the least amount of effort.
  2. Values ​​and desires. A person chooses exactly the profession that is able to satisfy at least partially all his wishes, and also does not contradict his values ​​and spiritual well-being.
  3. The pressure of others. Undoubtedly, parents usually put pressure on a young person, who can tell him who he should be, what is the best thing to do, what professions are in demand. Let us recall an elementary example of a disagreement in the desires of parents and a child, when adults want the child to study to be an accountant or a lawyer, and the child wants to be a musician.
  4. The market of professions and material well-being. Some students focus on what will bring them more money. Thus, professions are divided into prestigious and non-prestigious. Prestigious professions are those that allow a person to earn a large amount of money, spending as much effort and time as people spend in non-prestigious positions, but they do not receive much.

It becomes quite difficult to choose a profession, since the desires of the child and his inclinations may differ. When choosing a profession, three selection criteria often arise:

  1. "Want".
  2. "I can".
  3. "Necessary".

For example, not every person will become an astronaut, although in childhood he could have dreamed about it. You have to earn money and take a real position in order to provide for yourself. What does a person know how to do? He can write, read, listen, speak, etc. There are a lot of specialties that require such skills. Then what a person wants to have, if you choose from the entire list of proposed professions.

Rarely enough does a student know who he wants to be. Usually, many schoolchildren are faced with ignorance of where to go and what to do, because they are interested in many things, most of which are generally not perceived by society as specialties (work).

Professional self-determination of students

Throughout his life, a person tries to answer the question of who he wants to be until he becomes an adult and is forced to specifically work and earn money. While a person is growing and learning, he has time to understand what he wants to work with. Preferences can naturally change in a student who gets acquainted with new activities every year and tries to decide on his professional direction. That is why the following factors are involved in professional self-determination:

  1. A social opinion that tells the child what to be.
  2. Personal preferences - when a child is interested in specific activities.
  3. Correlation of social desires and personal preferences.

Also in preschool age the child begins to imitate certain activities that become familiar to him. He, for example, copies the workflow of his parents, who, for example, work as foremen at a construction site and teachers at a school. In this way the child practices his first work skills.

AT primary school the student is already directly confronted with a certain work, which makes him try his skills and understand how much they bring him moral satisfaction.

The school and parents are trying to make it clear to the child that he must professionally self-determine. Of course, this will take more than one year, but already, starting from the 5th grade and ending with the senior classes, the child should have a more or less clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat he wants to be.

Professional self-determination of high school students

It is high school students who have to talk about their professional preferences for the first time in all seriousness so that their parents can further help them receive special education. It becomes quite difficult for a 15-year-old teenager to professionally self-determine, since he not only measures his personal capabilities, social beliefs and personal preferences, but also has a rather vague idea of ​​what this or that job is.

A teenager very vaguely understands what he will have to do in a particular position. Usually, ideas about various professions are quite fantastic and unrealistic. For example, speaking about the position of director, a teenager may indicate that he sits in his chair all day long, does nothing and only gives instructions to everyone. However, if the teenager himself turned out to be a director, then he would have a disappointment associated with realizing the director's work.

That is why it is much easier to decide professionally for those high school students who complete a full school education and do not leave after the 9th grade. After studying for another couple of years, they gain new knowledge about their professions, refusing them or starting to understand more what will be required of them.

It is in the upper grades that the test for professional self-determination is often carried out, which should help everyone understand in which direction they should move. There are tests that clearly name the names of professions that a high school student should consider. And there are tests that only give direction in which area the student should be engaged.

Professional self-determination of a person is understood as the formation of a person's personal attitude to a particular activity. A person should have a positive attitude towards the type of work that he chooses as further education and earning money.

This relationship goes through the following stages of formation:

  1. Preschool age, when children imitate adults and play builders, teachers, astronauts, etc.
  2. The beginning of primary school age, when the child begins to perform specific duties, such as washing dishes, watering flowers, writing, reading, etc. Here, he already begins to understand what he likes and what not.
  3. The end of primary school age, when there is an increase in the individual differences of each student. Here, the abilities of each child begin to stand out, by which one can understand who it is better for him to work with.
  4. Adolescence, when the child begins to get acquainted with various activities, form a different attitude towards them, acquire certain knowledge and form an opinion on each work.

Usually a teenager is quite vague and fantastically imagines who is doing what. That is why he can choose a profession that seems to him the most attractive, highly paid or romantic (that is, where he does not need special skills and knowledge, for example, to be an artist).

At the age of 27, a person already reaches the peak of his professional activity. Often by this time he has already tried many types of activities, leaving the previous place of work due to difficulties that have arisen, inconsistencies in work with personal desires, and disappointments. Already at the age of 30, a person begins to think about who he will work with next:

  • Will stay in the same area where he already works, regardless of whether he likes the job or not.
  • Will change the type of activity to another, which seems to him more promising and acceptable.

The problem of professional self-determination

Choosing a profession in which a person will be engaged, an individual is primarily engaged in the realization of his potential, abilities and the achievement of personal desires. A profession is chosen according to how much it can satisfy the moral and material needs of a person, and also how easy it will be for him to work, since his capabilities and abilities will correspond to it. However, here there are problems in professional self-determination:

  1. People quite vaguely understand what is required of them when performing a particular job.
  2. People are not given enough knowledge about different professions.
  3. Adolescents cannot resist the opinion of their parents, who often insist on a specialty that does not meet all the personal needs of their child.

As a result, people get an education, but they do not work in their specialty. And quite often they spend another 10 years trying to find their place, going through those options that seem interesting to them.


Every person sooner or later is forced to decide what he will do in order to earn a living. And quite often this choice is determined not during the period when a person is studying, but already when he directly works, searches for himself, tries himself in various activities and stops at the one where he has at least some success.

Professional self-determination of schoolchildren

By the time they graduate from high school, girls and boys from many imaginary professions are ultimately required to choose the most suitable options for them. Taking care of their future, they understand that well-being and success in life, first of all, will depend on the right choice of profession.

Young people who have received vocational training face employment issues. To determine the level of professional readiness for the requirements of the profession in a person, professional selection is carried out in a number of specialties. The implementation of this gives rise to many new problems: it is necessary to establish the normative characteristics of the profession, to determine the psychological properties and qualities necessary to perform this activity.

Before a person during life there are vital problems. The ability to find personal meaning in professional work, independently design, create one's professional life, make responsible decisions about choosing a profession, specialty and place of work is the most important criterion for the awareness and productivity of a person's professional development. Personality is constantly improving. This means that at different moments of its development, the same tasks of prof. definitions are allowed and interpreted in their own way. Constant understanding of one's socio-professional role, clarification of one's place in the world of professions (or a specific profession), attitudes towards professional work, the team and oneself become important aspects of a person's life. Sometimes there is a feeling of alienation from the profession, a person begins to be weary of it, feels dissatisfaction with his professional position and the results of his work. Cases of a forced change of workplace are not uncommon.

Such concepts as "personality", "professional activity", "professional development of the personality", "profession" and "professional self-determination" play an important role. Consider the interpretation of these concepts. In psychology, there are several definitions of personality. In humanistic psychological concepts, a person is a person as a value for which the development of the whole society takes place.

Unfortunately, the concept of professional development of personality in psychology has not yet been fully entrenched. We will further consider formation as a process of progressive personality change under the influence of social influences. Becoming necessarily implies the existence of a need for development and self-development, the possibility and reality of its satisfaction, as well as the need for professional self-preservation.

Exploring the professional self-determination of the individual, N.S. Pryazhnikov substantiated the following content-procedural model:

1. Awareness of the value of socially useful labor and the need for professional training (the value-moral basis of self-determination).

2. Orientation in the socio-economic situation and forecasting the prestige of the chosen work.

3. General orientation in the world of professional work and the identification of a professional goal. - dreams.

4. Definition of near professional goals as stages and paths to a distant goal.

5. Informing about professions and specialties, relevant vocational schools and places of employment.

6. The idea of ​​the obstacles that complicate the achievement of professional goals, as well as the knowledge of one's own merits that contribute to the implementation of the plans and prospects.

7. The presence of a system of backup options in case of failure in the main option of self-determination.

8. The beginning of the practical implementation of a personal professional perspective and the constant adjustment of plans based on the feedback principle.

The success of professional work is called the professional formation of the subject of activity. Thus, it can be noted that the professional development of a subject is a part of a person's ontogeny from the beginning of the formation of professional intentions to the completion of an active professional activity.

The professional development of a person replenishes the psyche, enriches the life of a person with a special meaning, and gives significance to a professional biography. Professional development is accompanied by changes: deformations, stagnation and personality crises. Because of these changes, discontinuity and unevenness occur. professional development personality, they are normative and non-normative. Professional development is necessarily accompanied by unforeseen circumstances that radically change the trajectory of a person's professional life.

A team whose members are of different ages, adaptation to professional activities, mastering a new social role give rise to a new list of problems. The changed professional situation stimulates the formation of new psychological properties and qualities. There is a radical restructuring of the psychological structure of the personality, as the existing system of coordinates of human life is changing. Instead of the old system "school - family - society", a new situation arises, determined by the coordinates "profession - family - socio-economic conditions".

On the basis of an assessment of their abilities, the prestige of the profession and the content of its work, as well as the socio-economic situation, girls and boys, first of all, self-determine in the ways of obtaining vocational education and reserve options for joining professional work. Thus, for older adolescents and for girls and boys, educational and professional self-determination is relevant - a conscious choice of ways of vocational education and training.

Comprehensive school with its romantic aspirations and professionally oriented dreams is a thing of the past. However, many experience dissatisfaction and disappointment in the choice of the educational and professional field. Attempts are being made to make adjustments to the professional start.

The formation of professional intentions of schoolchildren goes through several stages. The first stage (grades 1-6) is the primary choice, during which undifferentiated ideas about the world of professions that are familiar to students only by name and some external signs. This stage is also characterized by an inadequate, often indefinite, idea of ​​one's own resources and the possibilities for their further development. The primary choice of a profession refers to younger students, when there are no expressed interests and inclinations, there is an easy change of interests, there are no questions about the content of the profession, working conditions, prestige, remuneration, etc. Sometimes adolescents also linger at this stage, although the social situation already requires a concrete decision on the choice of their life path from the ninth graders.

The next stage (7-11) is the stage of professional self-determination, and here the student must already quite independently formulate for himself the task of choosing a future professional activity, taking into account the available psychological and psychophysiological resources.

According to E.A. Klimov, there are eight corners of the situation of choosing a profession. After all, the student takes into account information not only about the features of various professions, but also a lot of other information.

Position of senior family members. Of course, the care of the elders about the future profession of their child is understandable - they are responsible for how his life develops.

It is not uncommon for parents to give their child complete freedom of choice, thereby demanding independence, responsibility, and initiative from him. It happens that parents do not agree with the choice of the child, offering to reconsider their plans and make a different choice, believing that he is still small. In order to choose the right profession, the attitudes of parents often interfere, who strive for children to compensate for their shortcomings in the future, in the activity in which they could not fully express themselves.

Children agree with the advice of their parents, in most cases, counting on the support of their parents when entering any educational institution - observations show. At the same time, children, of course, forget that it is they who will have to work in this specialty, and not their parents.

peer position. The friendly relations of schoolchildren are strong and their influence on the choice of profession is not excluded, since the attention of their peers to their professional future is also increasing. It is the position of the microgroup that can become decisive in professional self-determination.

The position of teachers, school teachers, class teacher. Each teacher, observing the student's behavior, "penetrates the thought behind the facade of the external manifestations of a person, makes a kind of diagnosis regarding the interests, inclinations, thoughts, character, abilities, readiness of the student." The teacher knows a lot of information that is unknown to the student.

Personal professional plans. In human life, ideas about the near and distant future play an important role. A professional plan or image, a mental representation, its features depend on the mindset and character of a person. It contains the main goal and goals for the future, ways and means to achieve them. But plans are different and what they are depends on the person.

Capabilities. The abilities and talents of a high school student must be considered not only in studies, but also in all other types of socially valuable activity, since it is the abilities that include future professional suitability.

The level of claims for public recognition. The first stage of professional training is the realism of the student's claims.

Awareness. Important, undistorted information - important factor choice of profession.

Inclinations. Inclinations are manifested and formed in activity. Consciously engaging in different types of activities, a person can change his hobbies, and hence the direction. For a student, this is important, because professional hobbies are the way to the future.

Students strive to choose the type of activity that would correspond to their understanding of their own capabilities.

Without self-assessment, it is impossible to outline the right program for self-development, it is difficult to choose a job that will appeal to you.

Students cannot objectively evaluate themselves. Some tend to overestimate themselves, others vice versa. Of course, those who believe that schoolchildren only overestimate themselves, as well as those who believe that they underestimate themselves, are wrong. They have both options.

Students who choose a profession are guided by the presence of, first of all, moral and strong-willed, then intellectual, and only then organizational qualities.

For high school graduates, choosing a profession is a serious step. But the problem is that they do not understand the psychological foundations of professional self-determination. Most boys and girls lack general knowledge of personality psychology, it is difficult for them to understand their interests, abilities, qualities and character traits. Their ideas about personality often remain at the level of everyday life. Now it can be argued that psychological education as a condition for the formation of an objective self-esteem is very necessary for high school students.

Adequate self-assessment is not available to all students. Basically, they tend to either underestimate themselves or overestimate themselves. In case of revaluation, the level of claims is lower than the available possibilities. The choice of profession made on this basis leads to disappointment. Low self-esteem also negatively affects the choice of profession and personal development.

Thus, in this paragraph, we have studied the professional self-determination of schoolchildren, identified the main factors that influence the choice of profession.


Chapter I. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of professional self-determination of schoolchildren

1Professional self-determination of personality

Chapter II. Cooperation between school and university in preparing schoolchildren for professional self-determination

2 Experience of joint work of school and university in vocational education of students



The relevance of research. The actualization of the problem of educational integration at the present stage is associated with a number of socio-economic circumstances: the complication of the educational process, a change in attitudes towards the personality of a schoolchild and a student as a subject of development, an increase in the social role of a citizen, humanization and democratization of all life. A situation has developed when each of the social institutions can effectively perform its functions as a link in a single structure of the educational process, when the functions of all social institutions in the holistic process of formation and development of the personality are logically interconnected components.

The main factors causing the expediency of joint work to prepare students for the choice of specialty and vocational education are:

1)introduction of pre-profile and profile education in a general education school;

2)an increase in the number of students who aspire to higher education;

)increasing requirements for the level of specialization, an increase in the number of new professions, the difficulty of orienting students in the labor market;

)the need to better meet the need for highly qualified personnel and rational distribution labor resources;

)rational accounting individual characteristics students for subsequent successful education or work in the chosen field of activity;

)insufficient readiness of students of general education schools to independently solve the problem of "Who to be?", incomplete knowledge of their own psychological and physical capabilities and requirements of future features of professional activity.

The study of the problems of career guidance and professional self-determination of schoolchildren in domestic science has always been and is being given considerable attention.

Experience shows that the insufficient use of new socio-economic opportunities by teaching staff of general education schools, the violation of the optimal balance in the interaction between schools and universities in preparing students for a conscious choice of profession and specialty lead to an overload of the school with numerous, often unusual, duties, which reduces the overall effectiveness of the educational process.

The state-public nature of education management implies the consolidation of all institutions and forces of the public interested in improving education and shaping the personality of each citizen. This consolidation can also be successfully carried out in preparing schoolchildren for professional self-determination.

In the practice of preparing schoolchildren for continuing education, a situation has developed when a general education school prepares boys and girls for work, without relying on the theory and best practice of vocational guidance in many professions at the same time, without taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the individual, interests, inclinations and abilities , reasonable motivation, opportunities for everyone in the rational choice and acquisition of a profession and successful activities upon graduation.

An analysis of the literature on the problem of interaction between the school and the university showed that the papers,, consider aspects of the joint activities of the school and the vocational educational institution in the vocational guidance of students. The analysis of these works shows that the problem of the joint work of the school and the higher professional educational institution on professional self-determination has not found a proper solution. In most of them, joint work is aimed only at high school students (grade 11) and therefore can be considered not as “career guidance”, but as “pro-facilitation” for entering one or another professional educational institution. From the practice of interaction between school and university, the most important stage of professional self-determination of adolescents - grades 5-9 - often falls out, where the abilities, interests, inclinations of students are formed, their readiness for a conscious choice of profession, in accordance with their abilities and needs of the labor market. The isolation of the work of the school from the university during this period leads to the fact that the formation of specialized (in-depth study of individual cycles of disciplines) classes in grades 10-11 contributes not to the professional self-determination of students, but to preparing them for entering the university for "prestigious" professions, without taking into account the needs labor market in a particular region.

These circumstances revealed objectively existing contradictions between:

-a necessity in modern conditions more active work on the early professional self-determination of schoolchildren and the real state of affairs in the formation of students' readiness for a professional choice;

potential opportunities for joint work of the school and the university on early professional self-determination of students and insufficient development of approaches to their interaction and cooperation.

The above contradictions made it possible to formulate the problem: what should be the joint work of secondary general education and higher professional educational institutions on the professional self-determination of students, so that it contributes not only to the selection of future applicants to the university, but also to their early professional self-determination in a wide range of specialties.

The relevance and insufficient development of this problem, the presence of contradictions and the great practical significance of their resolution determined the choice of the topic of this study: "Interaction between the school and the university in preparing schoolchildren for professional self-determination."

The purpose of the study is to develop the content, methods and forms of joint work of the school and the university on professional self-determination.

The object of the study is the preparation of schoolchildren for professional self-determination. The subject of the study is the interaction between the university and the school in preparing students for professional self-determination.

Research objectives:

analyze theoretical basis professional self-determination of schoolchildren;

determine the methods and forms of preparing schoolchildren for professional self-determination;

to study the experience of joint work of schools and universities in preparing schoolchildren for professional self-determination;

Research hypothesis. Preparing schoolchildren for professional self-determination will be more effective if:

-stable and systematic interaction between the university and the school has been established;

-jointly studied personal and professional preferences of schoolchildren;

-students have a clear understanding of the requirements of higher education for applicants.

The methodological basis of the study is:

-pedagogical concepts of professional self-determination; -psychological studies of career guidance and professional self-determination; - concepts of formation of readiness for professional activity; - ideas systems approach to the analysis of pedagogical phenomena; - conceptual provisions of the personality-oriented approach in training and education.

-Research methods: theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of final qualification work, participant observation of students, oral and written surveys of teachers, schoolchildren and university staff, pedagogical experiment, statistical evaluation of data.

The theoretical significance of the study is as follows:

- substantiates the need for interaction between the school and the university in the process of preparing students for the choice of the profile of education, profession and vocational education;

- the content, forms and methods of effective interaction between the school and the university in the process of preparing students for the choice of the profile of education, profession and vocational education are determined;

- a system of work of the school and university to prepare students for the choice of the profile of education, profession and vocational education is proposed.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that:

The experience of interaction between schools and universities of the Republic of Dagestan in preparing students for choosing a profession and vocational education was studied;

the possibilities of successful interaction between the school and the university in preparing high school students for the choice of a profession and vocational education were determined;

Chapter 1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of professional self-determination of schoolchildren

1 Professional self-determination of personality

Professional self-determination of a person is a complex and lengthy process covering a significant period of life. Its effectiveness, as a rule, is determined by the degree of consistency of a person's psychological capabilities with the content and requirements of professional activity, as well as the formation of the individual's ability to adapt to changing socio-economic conditions in connection with the organization of his professional career.

The concept of "self-determination" is quite consistent with such currently fashionable concepts as self-actualization, self-realization, self-realization, self-transcendence, self-consciousness. At the same time, many thinkers connect self-realization, self-actualization, etc. precisely with labor activity, with work. For example, A. Maslow believes that self-actualization manifests itself "through passion for meaningful work."

K. Jaspers connects self-realization with the "work" that a person does.

I.S. Kon says that self-realization is manifested through work, work and communication. Shchedrovitsky notes that "the meaning of self-determination lies in the ability of a person to build himself, his individual history, in the ability to constantly rethink his own essence."

E.A. Klimov identifies two levels of professional self-determination: 1). diagnostic (restructuring of consciousness and self-awareness); 2). practical level (real changes in the social status of a person) Self-determination involves not only "self-realization", but also the expansion of one's original capabilities - "self-transcendence": "... the full value of human life is determined through its transcendence, i.e. the ability to "go beyond oneself" , and most importantly - in the ability of a person to find new meanings in a particular matter and in his whole life "Thus, it is the meaning that determines the essence of self-determination, self-fulfillment and self-transcendence.

ON THE. Berdyaev in his work "Self-Knowledge" notes that even "on the verge of adolescence and youth, he was once shocked by the thought: "Let me not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives the meaning of life, and I will devote my life to this search for meaning" .

All this makes it possible to define the essence of professional self-determination as the search and finding of personal meaning in the chosen, mastered and already performed labor activity, as well as finding meaning in the very process of self-determination.

In solving the problem of the development of personality activity in professional self-determination, in our opinion, the Lithuanian researcher L.A. Yovaisha. He deals mainly with two problems: the development of an optimal structure of vocational guidance, which is organically included in the educational process, and the study of theoretical, organizational and methodological issues of vocational counseling. In essence, his works touch upon problems that are at the intersection of pedagogy and educational psychology, but the development of proposals for their solution occurs mainly in the pedagogical plan.

He focuses on the necessary activity of the youngest person - emphasizes the importance of the formation of his self-knowledge: "self-knowledge and knowledge of the chosen profession is the basis for the right choice of profession." Without revealing the process of self-knowledge from its psychological side, the author dwells in detail on the forms of organization of such career guidance events that form it, emphasizes the importance of what position the young man himself takes in the process of making a decision about his professional future, being the subject of choosing a profession. On the part of society, only effective assistance is planned for him in stimulating the development of the subjective principle in his personality.

In accordance with this understanding of the role of a young person in the process of choosing the right profession, the author uses the concept of "professional experience", although he does not indicate its content and emphasizes the importance professional experience in choosing a profession. In addition, the works repeatedly express the idea of ​​the need for self-knowledge and self-education of young men and women in order for them to exercise correct professional self-determination.

In the methodological part of the works of L.A. Yovaishi, this idea is embodied in the fact that he calls the component "professional activation" one of the most important components in the career guidance system and develops the pedagogical aspect of this issue. Professional activation is "the process of including adolescents and young men in professionally important activities and the formation in the course of its professional orientation", as well as the enrichment of professional experience.

When organizing various forms of professional activation, the author puts forward a number of requirements. First, it is necessary to take into account the interests and inclinations of boys and girls. Secondly, in order for their participation in practical work to really influence the choice of profession, it is necessary that they have a meaningful attitude towards their work, summarizing and evaluating the results of their own activities. Third, the educator should encourage young people to take an active role in practical activities.

A supporter of the idea of ​​professional activation is V.F. Sakharov, based on the results of his own research and analysis of literary data, he establishes that the majority of young men and women are dominated by a passive, contemplative attitude towards solving the problem of choosing a profession. In this regard, he sees the main task of career guidance in turning it into "the process of managing the life self-determination of young people." The content of professional activation considered in the monograph is similar to the understanding of this term - it is the organization of various types of practical activities that simulate various forms of adult professional work with the aim of "providing every young person with opportunities to test his strength, test his inclinations and abilities in practical work."

V.F. Sakharov recognizes the pupil's right to display his own activity in the process of education. It is logical, therefore, that he consistently poses such problems in his work: the problem of developing the independence of young people, determines its psychological and pedagogical content, offers methods for the formation of this quality, writes about the need to transfer the process of education to self-education, raises the question of the relationship between diagnostics and self-education . Realizing the attitude towards the young man as a subject of professional self-determination, he singles out such a criterion for effective career guidance work as "each person finding personal happiness in work, his own recognition."

The analysis of the theoretical foundations of the study of the psychological content of the professional self-determination of the individual and its fundamental difference from the choice of profession is carried out in the works of L.I. Bozovic. In her research, the problem of life self-determination of adolescents and young men was posed, which, following L.G. Vygotsky is interpreted as the most complex process of a person's search for his life path, "a certain place in the public manufacturing process, the final inclusion of oneself in the life of the social whole on the basis of determining one's recognition and choosing one's main life business

The theoretical basis for the study of the activity of a person in life and professional self-determination can be the position on the presence of an internal position of a young person. It proves that a person does not just adapt to the environment, to its influences, reacts to them, but also to his position, place, role, himself.

Philosophical and general psychological ideas of personality development, its subjectivity and activity in this process were embodied in the concept of professional development of personality and its methodological and theoretical substantiation. The professional formation of a personality is considered as a long process of development, which has the following stages: the emergence and formation of a labor orientation and professional intentions (a psychological criterion is a reasonable choice of a profession); vocational training and education (psychological criterion - professional self-determination); professional adaptation (psychological criterion - mastery of a profession) and full or partial realization of the individual in independent work (psychological criterion - a measure of skill and creativity in activity). Thus, professional self-determination arises from the second stage of a person's professional development and represents "the formation of a person's attitude towards himself as a subject of the chosen activity and the formation of such a professional orientation, which reflects the attitude towards the development of professionally significant qualities."

V.V. Chebysheva also develops the concept of professional self-determination of a young person, in which the main idea is the idea of ​​his activity in professional self-determination, aimed not so much at understanding the world of professions and professional requirements, but at developing himself: professional self-determination is not only acquaintance with the world professions and with the characteristics and requirements of the chosen profession, but also self-analysis, self-assessment and self-examination of one’s compliance with these requirements. The same idea underlies the development of the structure of professional self-determination, which includes six components: "understanding the meaning and necessity of professional self-determination; striving to get acquainted with the world of professions and the preferred field of work; mastering knowledge in the chosen field ...; self-analysis and self-assessment.. .; practical verification of the compliance of personal characteristics with the professional requirements of the planned profession; work on the formation of the necessary qualities in oneself ".

A high level of methodological and theoretical substantiation of his views is characteristic of P.A. Shavira. The author posed the problem of personality activity in professional self-determination, based on the classical position of S.L. Rubinstein about the totality of internal conditions through which all external influences are refracted. Moreover, this activity is not the activity of a selective response to external influences, and it is not reduced to their simple internalization. This activity is the processing and systematization of external influences on a person and the emergence of new contents in these processes. Therefore, the activity of the inner world of a person, as it were, gives rise to new contents, "which go beyond the limits of the surrounding conditions, overcome them." Arguing about the principle of external determination of mental phenomena, approved in psychology, P.A. Shavir determines that there are processes of secondary determination, which he associates with the processes of self-regulation. Thus, according to P.A. Shavir, the activity of the individual is manifested primarily in the processes of self-regulation by the individual of his own mental activity.

Professional self-determination is understood by P.A. Shavir "as an essential aspect of the general process of personality development". At the same time, the process of personal development itself is presented in the works of P.A. Shavir as a process of continuous interaction of the subject with the outside world, the search for oneself in this interaction..

Professional self-determination, according to P.A. Shavir, this is a "system", the main elements of which are professional orientation and professional self-awareness. Professional self-awareness, i.e. a person's awareness of himself as a subject of professional activity is manifested in the presence of readiness for self-education, as well as in the processes of self-regulation: "self-consciousness as an orientation in oneself is necessary for the active regulation of one's own activity." And through the self-consciousness of the personality P.A. Shavir re-poses the problem of her subjective role, "reflecting the past, professional self-awareness ... is future-oriented and is an essential factor in professional self-determination, allowing a young person not to remain in the role of a passive object of career-oriented influences, but to consciously make a choice of social activity."

P.A. Shavir, like many researchers before him, offers a solution to the problem of activating young people in professional self-determination through organizing their active test of strength in the process of practical activity.

P.A. Shavir believes that even before leaving school and choosing a profession, various types of labor or sports activities should be organized, participation in which will help young people overcome the contradictions mentioned above, and can also often be the main factor in choosing this activity as their future profession.

E.A. Klimov develops an idea of ​​the student's professional self-determination as a process of his development as a subject of activity.

Professional self-determination is understood "as a special case of including a person in a group (in this case, in an immense professional community) with the ensuing consequences (acceptance, assimilation of goals, values, norms, lifestyle, ways of behavior and actions). Such inclusion can also be considered as the process of gradual familiarization with a professional group, which has its own stages, a natural sequence, and how the level and degree of this familiarization ... ". The process of professional self-determination is presented at the stage of adaptation as a set of main lines of interrelated changes, among which a group of the subject’s qualities (knowledge, inclinations, abilities, operational capabilities, level of aspirations, professional personal plans) and a group of his relationships (with parents, teachers, consultant) stand out. For each line of development, criteria for the severity of those properties that are considered are carefully developed. As you can see, the main attention of the scientist is drawn to the study of the problem of the subject of activity, but at the same time, such an important characteristic of the subject of activity as activity is also studied.

The problem of personality activation in professional self-determination has been posed and is being consistently solved within the framework of active professional informing. The complex of works in the field of professional information for adolescents and young men provides for the solution of the following tasks: 1) providing them with information about the most popular professions; 2) informing about the methods and conditions for mastering certain professions; 3) formation of a positive attitude towards various types of professional activities; 4) the formation of sustainable professional interests and correctly motivated intentions, which are based on the awareness of the socio-economic needs of society and the psycho-physiological characteristics (capabilities) of the individual.

Summing up the analysis of the most meaningful works in the field of pedagogy, devoted to the problems of vocational guidance and affecting the issues of youth activation in professional self-determination and choice of profession, we formulate the following conclusions:

In the psychological pedagogical work The problem of personality activity is not an independent research problem. This problem is closely connected with the problem of studying the development of a young person as a subject of the activity of his own development, i.e. activity is its important characteristic.

In understanding the term "activation" there is to some extent the unity of views of scientists working in the field of career guidance, education and training.

Pedagogical works substantiate the need to stimulate the activity and independence of young people. The task is to form in them the qualities of awareness, deliberation and responsibility in the process of making a decision about choosing a future profession.

The main attention in pedagogical career guidance works is aimed at finding and developing various methods for activating adolescents and young men in professional self-determination and choosing a profession.

2. Methods and forms of preparing schoolchildren for professional self-determination

Currently, career guidance can be divided into four groups of methods: 1) information and reference, educational; 2) professional psychodiagnostics; 3) moral assistance in specific choice and decision making.

The first group includes, firstly, professiograms, or short descriptions professions. Non-traditional professiograms are hardly perceived by schoolchildren, so it is necessary to give more compact and understandable descriptions. Secondly, reference literature. It is necessary if the information contained in it is reliable.

Further, information retrieval systems (IPS) that optimize the search for professions, educational institutions, jobs. There are "manual" (card, blank, file cabinets) and computerized (electronic information banks) versions of the IPS. The latter are the most promising, but they require programmers and contacts with interested organizations and enterprises. This kind of interest is rare.

Professional advertising and agitation - operational and attractive for schoolchildren. Excursions to enterprises and educational institutions. To do this, it is necessary to select qualified specialists in advance and prepare them for such work with adolescents.

Meetings with experts. Informative lectures on ways to solve problems of self-determination. Career guidance lessons - as a system of classes, not separate events. Educational films and videos.

Mass media (media). When using them, it is necessary to take into account their specificity. TV programs are designed for the dynamism of the presentation of the issue. One of the main tasks for their authors is to impress any audience. The amount of information about the profession has been cut. There are various editorial corrections and censorship notes.

Fairs of professions (and their modifications) have long shown their effectiveness in vocational guidance. At the fairs, visitors meet with representatives various firms and enterprises, and 40% of them make their important choice here.

The second group is help in self-knowledge. This includes closed conversations-interviews on strictly defined issues. Open conversations-interviews, during which you can get a little distracted from pre-prepared questions. Experienced professional consultants believe that such conversations provide more information about the client than traditional testing.

Questionnaires of professional motivation. Specialists appreciate working with them more than determining the abilities for the profession. This applies to those cases when people choose mass professions, "suitable for the majority." Questionnaires of professional abilities. They require very selective use and special training of the professional consultant to interpret the results. These questionnaires justify themselves in relation to professions with special working conditions. And for most professions, "professional suitability is formed in the labor activity itself."

Personality questionnaires - only those professional consultants who understand the limitations of this technique can work with them. A person cannot really be “calculated”, a lot of problems are connected with this. A true personality test is an act of a person at crucial moments in life. In an ordinary, "average" mode of life, this is very difficult to do.

Projective personality tests - they require special training and special training of a professional consultant. The method of observation is one of the main scientific and practical types of work of a psychologist. It is effective only if the object, parameters and methods of observation, fixation, and interpretation of results are clearly defined. Collection of indirect information about the client from acquaintances, parents, comrades, teachers, doctors, etc. The survey should be tactful. Psychophysiological examination - for those who choose a profession with special working conditions.

Games and trainings that simulate situations of professional communication or moral choice in the course of work. Allows you to predict the future professional behavior teenager. Observation directly in labor activity. With the help of simulators that serve to develop labor skills, it is also possible to study and predict the readiness to master new professional actions.

Third group. Against the backdrop of a favorable psychological atmosphere, it is possible to more effectively consider career guidance issues proper. The creation of communication groups is aimed at this, but they are not a mechanism for solving vocational counseling problems. Communication trainings allow you to master some of the communication skills needed when applying for a job, at exams, in business contacts. Complex methods of individual and group psychotherapy, requiring special training of a professional consultant, help to better understand the meaning of the chosen activity or problems associated with self-determination.

Games with elements of psychotraining. Successful examples of self-determination. Referring to them, the professional consultant increases the teenager's confidence in solving his problems related to his future profession and employment. Labor holidays - these events contribute to the prestige of specific professions.

Fourth group. Building a sequence of actions that realize the intended goal. Actions should be clearly formulated and depicted on a piece of paper in the form of a diagram that clearly represents the possible professional prospects of the student. It is better to offer several options for such sequences (in the form of "trees" and "branches") in order to build an optimal trajectory from them - including taking into account the set of professions offered by the school or a specific vocational educational institution.

In Russia, after a long break (since the mid-1930s), vocational guidance work has resumed on a large scale since the mid-1980s. First, in sponsored schools of large enterprises, such work was carried out at the level of “career guidance events”, separate “research” and consultations, and then in many schools the course “Fundamentals of Production. Choice of profession".

This is what an approximate plan of career guidance classes with high school students looked like in the mid-1980s, developed by E.A. Klimov and S.N. Chistyakova:

1.Classification of professions:

-general overview of the classification;

Types of professions;

-profession classes;

-departments and groups of professions;

-career choice formula.

2.Person and profession:

-interests, inclinations, abilities;

-health and profession

-professional suitability;

-consciousness and independence of choice;

-self-education and choice of profession.

3.Components of success:

-professional plan;

-the main causes of mistakes and difficulties in choosing a profession;

-professional advice;

-characteristics of the profession - professiogram;

-where to get a job.

In general, such a program, due to its seriousness and even some “academicism”, was more designed for adults who get acquainted with the basics of career guidance, but not for schoolchildren. In addition, in those years there were still quite a few activating and game methods of work, so the classes were not very interesting and their success largely depended on the charm of the teacher-professional consultant.

In the second half of the 1980s. ability tests and subtests were actively used. Classes were held with high school students, in which schoolchildren in special “Books for choosing a profession” filled out answer forms using various psychodiagnostic methods. As a result, information was accumulated for each student, on the basis of which it was possible to derive a professional consultation recommendation.

As an example of a modern program of career guidance work with students, we can cite the program of the group of authors under the leadership of S. N. Chistyakova “Your professional career”. In this program, along with theoretical (general orientation, educational) material, various activating methods are used (career guidance quizzes, games, crossword puzzles, discussions). At the same time, traditional forms of work are organically combined (even with an element of folklore in the form of proverbs dedicated to work and choosing a profession) and new, experimental areas of career guidance.

Interesting experience of career guidance is being accumulated in the regions of Russia. For example, the work of A. V. Mordovskaya “Theory and practice of life and professional self-determination of high school students” describes the experience of career guidance, taking into account the ethno-national characteristics of the peoples living in Sakha (Yakutia). The career guidance program proposed by the author is based on certain national traditions and is built taking into account the peculiarities of labor activity in the conditions of this difficult East Siberian region.

The inattention of the current authorities to career guidance provokes the search for other approaches in helping self-determined people.

In general, we have to state the fact that domestic experience has not yet been studied to the necessary extent.

Pre-profile training, first of all, is designed to make it easier for the student to choose a further direction in his studies. But since it is held in the ninth grade, after which many students continue their education in vocational education institutions, there is a need not only for profile, but for professional orientation. The definition of a professional path is no less relevant for students who are going to continue their education in the tenth grade. Indeed, when choosing the direction of study and the subjects that the student will study, the question inevitably arises not only about the inclinations and abilities of the student, but also about the appropriateness of taking a particular course.

There is another reason to engage in career guidance with schoolchildren. Profile education should, on the one hand, contribute to the formation of an individual educational scenario, but on the other hand, it can limit the educational space for children with diverse interests. Many gifted children show abilities in a variety of areas - in mathematics and literature or in music, for example. Profile can narrow the scope of a student's education, leaving out areas that are important to him. Conducting career guidance work should help to avoid such mistakes.

Another problem is what kind of help in orientation the schoolchildren themselves need, what life values ​​and ideals exist among young people. The study by S. Novikova (“Headmaster” No. 8, 2005) shows that the vast majority of schoolchildren, as the main life value called material well-being. And only in fifth place in the ranking is the achievement of success in professional field. Accordingly, priorities are also set in the motives for choosing a future profession: at first there is a high salary, the prestige and prospects of the profession, and only at the end (3% of the respondents) - self-realization in the profession. But this does not mean that in the future they will be satisfied only by the external aspect of value orientations and will not be interested in the opportunity to improve themselves, apply their creative potential, and receive job satisfaction.

Many teachers, especially those living in small towns and villages, believe that career guidance is not needed given the current situation on the labor market. They believe that a school graduate should only think about how to find a job.

But if you agree with the opinion that career guidance is needed, many other questions arise. First - when to start this work? Some believe that in the ninth grade, teenagers are not yet ready to comprehend career guidance problems. Others are sure that career guidance in the 11th grade is meaningless, since all students have already chosen their profession. The opinion of psychologists is that in the fifth or ninth grades, the student absorbs not only educational, but also other, often more important cultural information for career guidance. At this time, it is necessary to talk with children about the essence of human labor and its social relevance. It is then that the ninth grade will be not so much pre-profile, but self-valuable as the final grade of the main school.

By the way, the results of a study conducted in 2005 by the psychological center "Genesis" indicate that it is ninth-graders who are in the most "sensitive" age period for career guidance, and more than 70% of graduates of the basic school already quite clearly imagine the scope of future work. Survey data of students and their parents in Nizhny Novgorod schools show that most of the respondents are inclined to start specialized education not even from the 9th grade (24%), but from the 5th grade (30%).

Not all students of the tenth specialized grades are going to link their careers with the chosen profile. About a third of schoolchildren studied during the year in a profile that did not correspond to their real desires and abilities. Since changing a profile always presents difficulties of both an organizational and psychological nature, it is worth putting more effort into pre-profile preparation and career guidance work.

If a teenager has already chosen a specialty by the 11th grade, this choice often has to do with various forms of pre-university training, which his parents took care of, and not himself. The choice of profile and place of continuing education is often made by parents. Such a choice is often determined only by the amount of money that parents are willing to spend on their child's admission to a university. Psychologists often talk about the phenomenon of parents "programming" their children for goals that they have not achieved in their lives, but consider them acceptable for their child. Therefore, the opinion of parents sometimes needs a constructive opponent. The school can take on this role. Each of the future graduates will have to set priorities for themselves in choosing a particular specialty, position, social and professional role, and life mission.

The model of the profile education system is based on the principle of intra-school differentiation and profiling, in which classes are created that provide academic knowledge of the basic minimum through the system of lesson activities within the framework of the basic curriculum, and groups where the tasks of profile education are implemented through special and elective courses in four areas: socially -economic, socio-ecological, social-humanitarian and technology international tourism.

Profile education is laid down at the third stage (tenth-eleventh grades), when elective courses appear in the curriculum, reflecting the type of profiling. At the second stage (ninth grades), training is pre-profile in nature. For the propaedeutics of specialized education, many subjects are studied according to adjusted programs, which provide for the transfer of part of the content of the educational material of high school programs to the fifth to ninth grades at a level accessible to the corresponding age of children.

Currently, there are units of career guidance centers. Its task is to familiarize schoolchildren with the changing needs of the labor market and with the requirements of employers. Adolescents can acquire here the skills of an adequate self-assessment of their professional capabilities, get acquainted with a variety of professions and the main ways to obtain specific specialties, and receive advice on other issues related to choosing a profession. In all these areas, the Center conducts methodically supported and comprehensive career guidance work, which is massive and - which is very important - quite systematic.

A similar center, for example, exists in the city of Khimki, Moscow Region. Almost all ninth-graders take a career guidance course. The positive experience of the center's work is confirmed by the results of sociological studies that provide data on the professional self-determination of the city's youth. The number of adolescents who, upon completion of the career guidance course, independently chose their future specialty, has grown to 52%. Those who took into account their interest in the profession became 42%, and those who took into account their abilities - 34%. Approximately three quarters of ninth-graders do not even think about the problem of a professional choice, and 35% do not know where to go to study further.

Career guidance work is understood by the center as managing the process of professional self-determination of schoolchildren. And its goal is for the student to fully reveal his business potential, be able to take into account specific socio-economic conditions, navigate the labor market, and master the skills of negotiating with potential employers. Business potential is considered as a set of personal characteristics that are professionally important for a given person.

Career guidance course, or the program "Choice of Profession", implemented by the center, includes 5 lessons of 1.5 hours each.

Within its framework, the diagnosis of professional inclinations and interests is carried out, the main aspects of professional self-determination are studied.

In fact, the career guidance course begins for schoolchildren as early as the 7th-8th grades. Career guidance games and preparatory classes offered by the Center significantly increase the effectiveness of the main work - with ninth graders. The course does not end there; Information work is carried out with students of the 10th and 11th grades. They get to know Labor Code Russian Federation, learn how to write a resume correctly, acquire self-presentation skills. In addition, everyone who has completed the course of study can receive additional advice, take part in training or other career guidance programs and promotions of the Center.

The specialists of the Center have developed a “Vocational guidance workbook for high school students”, its use has significantly increased the efficiency of work.

It is advisable to work with teenagers in training groups. At such classes, in a playful way, situations are reproduced in which graduates will find themselves in the near future. The trainings develop the skills of confident behavior when looking for a vacancy and setting realistic professional goals. The center provides a completely new service. The school submits an application with a request to help in the formation of profile classes, and specialists develop a special career guidance program for it that corresponds to the profiles of study that it introduces, we provide the necessary diagnostics according to the program. The results obtained in the course of this work are used in the formation of classes. Similarly, the Center interacts with secondary specialized educational institutions. Cooperation agreements are concluded with them, and the professional interest of applicants is studied. This increases not only the awareness of their choice, but also the efficiency of the selection committee.

vocational school teacher university

Chapter 2. Cooperation between school and university in preparing schoolchildren for professional self-determination

1 Career guidance work in schools

At present, the problems of integrating career guidance work of school and university, school and production are becoming more and more relevant. The authors of some works define the joint career guidance activities of educational institutions as a set of organizational, psychological, pedagogical and other activities carried out jointly by general educational institutions and universities, technical schools, vocational schools in order to assist students in a conscious choice of a profession and prepare them for future professional activities.

In the course of it, a system of professional orientation is carried out, including professional education, pre-optation (formation of initial professional ideas), professional consultation, professional education, professional diagnostics, professional selection (selection), social and professional adaptation, post-optation (professional promotion).

Analysis of these works allows us to draw the following conclusions:

Joint work is permanently cyclical in nature, determined by the change in the contingent of students with whom work is carried out on vocational guidance;

The most common type of interaction is cooperation, expressed in the active achievement of common goals and objectives;

The system-forming factor of joint career guidance work is the division of activities into functionally related components and their distribution among the participants;

The joint work of educational institutions contributes to the achievement of goals and solving the problems of orienting students to certain professions, taking into account their personal interests and the needs of the region and the country as a whole in certain specialists;

The effectiveness of the joint career guidance work of educational institutions largely depends on the choice of its optimal forms.

in the course of joint work, it is not always possible to realize the interests of educational institutions. The disadvantages of joint career guidance work of educational institutions include;

-insufficiently active participation in the joint career guidance work of the management staff and university professors;

-in the process of joint career guidance work, the interests of educational institutions are not fully taken into account and implemented;

-almost complete lack of funding for joint career guidance activities.

Thus, the integration of the career guidance work of the school and university, other educational institutions, schools and production is the most important component of the pedagogical process, which has a common goal: the professional self-determination of young students.

The effectiveness of any process is evaluated using criteria and indicators. Criterion (Greek criterion) - a sign by which pedagogical facts, actions and phenomena are classified and evaluated. The criterion is a qualitative characteristic of efficiency. The quantitative expression of the criterion are indicators that can be used to measure the degree of formation of a particular criterion.

There are currently different approaches to the selection of criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the formation of professional self-determination of schoolchildren. So, E.A. Klimov. substantiated the following indicators characterizing the process of professional self-determination:

-awareness of students about the significant aspects, circumstances, grounds for choosing a profession;

-formation of interests and inclinations; the emergence of specific relationships with parents, comrades, representatives of various professions, teachers;

-formation of new qualitative syntheses in self-consciousness; building personal professional plans.

As you can see, some of the listed indicators characterize the information-oriented side of the student's activity, and some - the practical side.

Some authors consider the ability to choose a profession as a dynamic characteristic of professional self-determination. The basis of its assessment is the classification and description of professions according to 53 characteristics, as well as the idea of ​​the three components of the image of "I": cognitive - "I know", emotional and evaluative - "I relate", behavioral - "I act". Evaluation of the ability to choose a profession is determined by the following indicators: self-analysis index; occupational analysis index; the index of completeness of coverage of the requirements of the profession for a person. At the same time, the overall indicator of the ability to choose a profession is determined by adding these indices and dividing the sum by three. This approach is a modification of the F-test by S. Fukuyana.

It should be noted that the ability to choose a profession does not include the practical preparation of schoolchildren for the implementation of professional intentions, which reduces the effectiveness of career guidance.

Most researchers believe that from the standpoint of a personal approach, the professional criterion for the effectiveness of the formation of professional self-determination is readiness for it.

Of course, only the foundations of self-determination are laid at primary, middle and senior school age, its final formation occurs in the process of vocational training and labor activity under the influence of a complex of factors of the social environment. However, one cannot but agree with the opinion of those scientists (S.N. Chistyakova and others) who believe that “there are a number of indicators, moral-volitional and motivational characteristics, for the formation of which a certain stage of age development turns out to be sensitive” . If this circumstance is not taken into account, the continuity between the stages of professional self-determination is violated, which leads to the fact that a significant part of schoolchildren fail to achieve the required level of readiness for a professional choice.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the characteristics of a person's readiness to perform a certain activity are given considerable attention.

As a rule, the concept of “readiness” is determined by a combination of factors that reflect its various aspects and levels and is characterized as “a purposeful expression of a person, including her beliefs, attitudes, attitudes, motives, feelings, volitional and intellectual qualities, knowledge, labor skills and abilities”.

In a number of works B.G. Ananiev, it is emphasized that readiness is a condition for the successful implementation of activities, selective activity, setting the personality for future activities. At the same time, readiness acts as a regulator of activity. In the literature, psychological and practical (Yu.K. Vasiliev), general and special (B.G. Ananiev) readiness are singled out.

In the dictionary of S.I. Ozheg's "readiness" is defined as a state in which everything is done, everything is ready for something.

An analysis of these and other works allows us to conclude that readiness for activity is a personal quality, an integral expression of all personality substructures. Readiness has a structural aspiration and has a multilevel character.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature and dissertation research, a lot of attention is paid to identifying the essence of readiness for professional self-determination. So, M.S. Savina, defining readiness for professional self-determination as a multifaceted psychological quality, includes the following components: sustainable professional interest; the degree of reliability of information about the proposed professional activity; the degree of attractiveness of the proposed work activity; personal self-assessment of their compliance with the profession; the need for a profession; degree of confidence in mastering the profession.

The goals and objectives of our study are most consistent with the approach to determining the criteria and indicators of readiness for professional self-determination of schoolchildren, justified by a team of authors led by S.N. Chistyakova.

Readiness for professional self-determination is defined by them as a stable holistic system of professionally important qualities (PVK) of a person.

The authors proceed from the fact that the individual strategy of professional self-determination includes three main blocks: education and self-education; self-knowledge; self-realization of the student as a subject of the process of self-determination.

Education and self-education act as the accumulation of knowledge, including knowledge about various professions. Self-knowledge occurs both in a broad sense (I-image) and purposefully (identifying professionally important qualities). Self-realization can be carried out as active participation in any kind of activity, dedication to creativity and specific subject activity.

Based on this, the following criteria and indicators of schoolchildren's readiness for professional self-determination are distinguished:

-cognitive (knowledge about professions, professional qualities ah, the ways of professional self-determination);

-motivational-need-based (a positive attitude towards a professional career, an adequate attitude towards oneself as a subject of professional self-determination, a creative attitude towards activities accompanying professional self-determination, value judgments about one's actions in preparation for professional self-determination);

-activity-practical (ability for self-realization, a test of strength, orientation towards creativity (creativity), the ability to get professional advice, the ability to self-improve).

In order to manage the process of formation of readiness for professional self-determination in adolescents, it is necessary to know the levels of formation of this readiness.

Psychologists and educators offer different approaches to determine the levels of readiness of schoolchildren to choose a profession. So, E.A. Klimov distinguishes four degrees of professional fitness: unsuitability for a given profession; suitability for the profession; compliance of a person with a given field of activity; vocation. As you can see, this approach is based on indications and contraindications to the profession.

Psychologists distinguish four levels of students' readiness for professional self-determination: the first - the professional intention is not clear, the second - there is a certain circle of preferred professions, the third - the preferred profession is defined, the fourth - the student has a clear professional life plan. In this case, the level of readiness of schoolchildren for professional self-determination is based on the nature of professional intention.

S.N. Chistyakova distinguishes three levels of formation of professional self-determination according to the following characteristics: knowledge about the chosen type of labor activity; formation of interests, inclinations, abilities, mental processes; compliance with personal qualities and character traits of the chosen profession; conviction in right choice professions; the presence of adequate self-esteem; activity in socially useful work. Depending on the depth and degree of formation of these characteristics, high, medium and low levels of formation of professional self-determination are distinguished.

Some researchers offer a more complex gradation of levels: extremely low, medium, high, highest.

Other approaches are presented in the literature.

Thus, the levels of students' readiness for professional self-determination are determined either by the leading attribute (qualimetric method), or by qualitative assessments of attributes, or by the degree of formation of qualities. In our work, we accept an assessment according to the degree of formation of qualities that express readiness for choosing a profession.

Many researchers note the special importance of the adequacy of choice as a criterion of professional self-determination. An indicator of this criterion can be the ranking of factors that had the greatest influence on the choice of future profession by schoolchildren (parents, teachers, members of production teams, friends, books, films, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, etc.). This ranking place can be determined using an oral survey or questionnaire.

The criteria justified above (readiness for professional self-determination, assessment of the adequacy of choice) can be considered procedural, since they characterize the dynamic process of professional self-determination, and therefore their indicators may change.

An effective criterion for the effectiveness of professional self-determination of adolescents will be the degree to which graduates of the basic school realize their professional intentions.

Graduates of the 9th grade can continue their education in vocational schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as in secondary general education schools, where initial vocational training in a particular profile can be carried out. Therefore, the compliance of the specialty or profile of further education with the previously formed professional intentions of students can serve as a criterion for the effectiveness of preparing students for professional self-determination.

Based on the analysis, we have chosen the following set of procedural and performance criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the joint work of the school and the university on the professional self-determination of students, which is presented in Table. one.

Criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the joint work of the school and the university on the professional self-determination of students Table 1.

CriteriaIndicatorsResearch methods1. The degree of preparedness for choosing a profession - tall; - average; - low Questioning, conversations, observations, peer review2. The adequacy of the choice of profession Subjective assessment coefficient Questioning, conversations Objective assessment coefficient Questioning, conversations, expert assessment3. The degree to which school graduates realize their professional intentions Implementation rate Conversations, study of documentation

These criteria and indicators will be used by us when developing a program of joint work of a secondary educational institution and a university on the professional self-determination of students and when conducting experimental work on the research topic.

2.2 Experience of joint work of school and university in vocational education of students

Experimental work was carried out in three stages, during 2010-2011, with the leading role of theoretical research and included stating and forming experiments, on the basis of 44 schools in the Kirov region with the active participation of the teaching staff of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Social and Pedagogical Institute .

The experimental work was attended by students of grades 5-9 in the amount of 144 people, 4 school teachers (teachers of geography, chemistry, biology, informatics), teachers of SPI. Particular attention during the experiment was paid to grades 8-9 (36 people), since it is during this period that the most active phase of the formation of professional self-determination falls and, in accordance with the wishes of students, differentiation into classes with in-depth study of natural sciences and general education classes is carried out.

At the first stage, a stating experiment was carried out, the tasks of which included:

-study of the effectiveness of existing work on the professional self-determination of students;

-determination of the reasons hindering their adequate professional self-determination.

When conducting the ascertaining experiment, methods such as observation, forecasting, questioning, peer review, and documentation analysis were used.

Systematic observation of students was carried out by us at all stages of the study. In the course of observation of students, the level of their organization, responsibility, activity in various forms of professional orientation, the degree of coincidence of their opinions, judgments regarding issues significant for professional self-determination, interest in studying the basics of sciences that make up the subjects of the professional core of the profile were recorded.

The conversations helped to determine the motives for choosing a profession, to get an idea of ​​the role of the family and teachers in this process.

The analysis of the documentation was carried out in order to obtain the most complete picture of the students. The personal files of students, academic journals were studied.

To identify the factors that underlay the choice of the profile of education, self-assessment and motivation of students were studied.

The self-assessment method was used to assess the severity of their qualities by students. The subjects were asked to evaluate themselves by selecting 10-20 words out of 51 that characterize a person negatively or positively, and from the selected ones, mark those words that characterize them from a negative or positive side. The method helped determine overestimated, underestimated or adequate self-esteem in adolescents, the degree of adequacy of the assessment of students in the studied traditional classes and classes with in-depth study of the natural sciences to their own abilities and aspirations.

It is noticed that by grades 8-9 students' self-esteem tends to decrease. This can be explained by the fact that some adolescents at this age think about themselves, about their character. Some of them make up programs for working on themselves (education of will, determination, perseverance). These teenagers often have low self-esteem. The data obtained during the implementation of this technique, we confirmed the personality-oriented approach. We coordinated data on self-esteem with the actions of students, with feedback from teachers and classmates about them, and then came to conclusions about the adequacy of self-esteem.

The results of the study (see Table 3) indicate that in the four studied classes (8-9), only 53% of students have an adequate assessment of positive personality traits, and 23% have a negative one.

Table 3. The ratio of self-assessments among students (in %)

Self-assessmentClass with ugl. study subject Traditional class position sv-vaotrits. St. vaposition. sv-vaotrits. sv-vaInflated 287433.375 Underestimated 20612.5-Adequate 522054.225

A low level of self-esteem, which negatively affects the self-determination of the individual, is also observed in classes with in-depth study of subjects in 20% of cases, and in traditional classes - 12.5%. Inflated self-esteem was more characteristic of students in the traditional class.

In our study, the connection between the success of teaching in classes and in-depth study of subjects and the level of self-assessment of positive and negative personality traits is important. Among students who successfully master specialized disciplines, there is a significant percentage of adolescents with high self-esteem of positive and negative properties. In other classes, among successfully studying schoolchildren, the smallest percentage falls on people with a low self-esteem of positive and an adequate assessment of negative personality traits (see Table 4).

Table 4. Separation of the adequacy of self-assessment depending on the progress of students in the natural sciences (%, in the numerator grades 5-7, in the denominator grades 8-9)

Academic performance Self-assessment of positive/negative personality traits low high adequate high-/8.233.3/16.466.7/75.4 low To stimulate professional self-determination, initial motivation is of great and sometimes decisive importance.

Conclusions of the ascertaining experiment. As a result of the research work, we have identified two types of reasons leading to the wrong choice of profession: objective and subjective. The main objective reason is economic difficulties, the poor financial situation of most families. Parents are often unable to educate according to the inclinations and abilities of their children. For this reason, they cannot train them in other cities. Consequently, the circle of educational institutions is narrowing, children are forced to study where they are closer to home. We attribute insufficient and sometimes incompetent information about professions to objective reasons. Modern advertising of educational institutions focuses on prestige and material gain, not taking into account the demand for specific professions in the labor market and ignoring the requirements of professions for the personality of the employee.

In the course of the ascertaining experiment, we analyzed the degree of development of work on professional self-determination in schools, its methods and forms, which are used by teachers of natural disciplines. When interviewing teachers of geography, biology and chemistry at the Batlaichinsky secondary school in the Khunzakh district, we found out that all teachers pay attention to the issues of professional self-determination in their lessons. Unfortunately, this work is unstable and inconsistent for 74.7% of teachers. The main reason for this teacher is called the weak material base of the school. Many of them do not have the opportunity to organize excursions to the enterprise, show the work of modern devices in production, etc.

The main form of career guidance for 83% of city school teachers is a story about a profession in the classroom. 58.1% of the teachers surveyed offer independent tasks to develop the professional interests of students (prepare a speech, essay, make a visual aid). The main form of professional education is meetings of teenagers with representatives of various professional educational institutions. All this once again emphasizes the idea that systematic, consistent work of teachers on the professional self-determination of adolescents is necessary. As practice shows, professional interests that originated in the classroom, extracurricular activities are more stable and more often we will focus on some areas of joint work between the school and the university.

The implementation of the program of joint work of the secondary general educational institution and the university was carried out in the course of a formative experiment in 2010-2011. Teachers of biology, chemistry, geography of the district school, teachers of the SPI departments were involved in this work. To conduct a formative experiment, all classes from 5 to 9 were divided into two groups: control - 5 classes and experimental - 5 classes, 70 and 74 people, respectively.

In the course of the formative experiment, serious attention was paid to professional education through introducing students to the world of professions in the classroom, class hours, excursions to enterprises, etc. To this end, we developed a scheme for organizing their activities in three components: gaining knowledge about themselves, about professional activities and the correlation of this knowledge in the course of the real educational process of the school (see Fig. 3).

This scheme, as the experiment showed, can be implemented as much as possible in the course of individual and group lessons when studying the variable part of the curriculum (in our case, in-depth study of natural science disciplines), a museum, etc.

The study showed that classes play a significant role in the professional self-determination of students. During it, students received elementary knowledge in such professions as carpenter, designer, economist, teacher of vocational training. This was done unobtrusively, taking into account the individual characteristics of schoolchildren, without the use of a mentoring tone, which aroused great interest among the sixth graders.

During the implementation of the system, we paid much attention to the organization of independent work of students.

The system of independent work can be considered as the unity and interconnection of different types of these works on the following basis:

1.the nature of the activity (reproductive, reproductive-creative, creative);

2.forms of organization (collective, group, individual); orientation (theoretical and practical); in the educational process (for perception and comprehension, for consolidation, systematization, generalization);

5.the degree of activity of students, their attitude to independent work (mandatory, alternative, general, variable, learning tasks within the educational process and tasks of interest).

The nature of the combination of certain types of independence depends on the tasks of studying the topic, the content of the educational material, and the stage of teaching students.

The effectiveness of independent work, as the results of the study show, increases if it is organized taking into account the individual characteristics of students, their interests, inclinations, level of general development, degree of professional orientation, and activity.

High efficiency as a means of joint vocational guidance was shown by class hours “Thinking about the future”.

Theme of the cycle class hours was determined on the basis of an analysis of the difficulties that adolescents face when choosing their future profession. Class hours spent in grades 8 and 9 were connected with solving the problem of obtaining knowledge about oneself, interpersonal attitudes and the correlation of this knowledge with future work activity. During these class hours, diagnostics, analysis of the results, correction of qualities (if necessary) were carried out.

When developing the cycle of class hours “Thinking about the Future”, we used the following topics:

1."Self-esteem and self-worth":

-What is self-esteem?

-Determining the level of self-esteem.

-Ways to correct inadequate self-esteem.

-What is self-worth?

2."Your interests and inclinations":

-What are interests?

-Implementation of the "Map of Interests" technique.

-What profession suits your interests?

-What is the difference between interests and inclinations?

3.How to be attentive and remember better?:

-What is attention?

-Diagnostics of switching and volume of attention.

-Techniques and ways of developing attention.

-Diagnosis of types of memory.

-Methods of effective memorization.

-Correspondence of the type of memory and the intended professional activity.

4.What do you know about your future profession?

-What purpose does the chosen profession serve?

-What means of labor are used in your proposed profession?

-Conditions for your future work.

-The connection of the proposed profession with the natural sciences.

-Professions related to ecological and geographical sciences.

5.How to become more active?

-What is activity?

-How to plan your activities?

-What to do to make learning interesting?

6."Types of professions and specialties":

-Types of professions on the subject of labor.

-Professions and specialties.

7."I want - I can - I must":

-What kind of work do I like? prestigious professions.

-My professional qualities.

-All professions are important, the Saratov region needs ...

During the experiment, special attention was required by students who had unstable professional interests. In the classes with these students, the situation of choosing a profession was analyzed in detail. With students with a low level of formation of professional choice, work was carried out to expand their understanding of the world of professions, to form an active position in the activity of mastering knowledge about professional activity, about ways to achieve a successful professional career.

We also paid a lot of attention to those students who, as a result of diagnostics, revealed inadequate self-esteem. Only by feeling his own high value, a person is able to see, understand and respect other people. Then he is able to make a choice. Therefore, we have developed four strategies for the formation of adequate self-esteem. These strategies were applied during our experiment in the educational process.

Strategies for the formation of adequate self-esteem:

1.Make mistakes normal and necessary:

-talk about mistakes (the teacher must show that everyone makes mistakes, there are no people who do not make mistakes);

-show the value of an error as an attempt (it is important not to load errors with comments, thus motivating students to continue working).

2.Build faith in success:

-the student must believe that success is possible, help him build this confidence;

-emphasize any improvements (pay more attention to the solution process than to the result);

-reveal the strengths of your students (noticing something valuable in a student, directly tell him about it);

-demonstrate faith in your students;

-acknowledge the difficulty of your assignments (avoid announcing that your assignment is "easy");

-limit the time to complete the task (the student did not decide not because he was unable, but because “time is over”).

3.Concentrate students on past successes:

- analyze past success (make it clear that success consists of faith in one's own abilities and the amount of effort made);

- repeat and build on success (return to successful tasks and repeat today's success).

4.Recognize achievements:

- support those students who want to improve their results by talking about it “out loud”;

- organize exhibitions of student achievements (abstracts, essays, drawings);

- self-recognition (teaching students the ability to set a goal, make their own decision about their achievements).

Thus, in the course of purposeful career guidance work in the course of classes within the framework of a joint work program with a university, it is possible to differentially, taking into account the interests, inclinations and abilities of students and the needs of the labor market, contribute to the formation of professional self-determination of adolescents, carrying out their personality-oriented training and motivational inclusion of them in various activities.

As part of the implementation of the system, we paid considerable attention to game forms activities.

In the context of our study, educational games were used to help resolve issues of professional self-determination of adolescents in the context of profile education.

The essence of such games as a means of professional self-determination is their ability to serve certain goals of professional self-determination, as well as the fact that they translate these goals (an abstract object of need) into real results (a cash state). This ability lies in game modeling, in conditional situations of the main types of activity (value-oriented, transformative, communicative, physical), aimed at recreating and assimilating social and professional experience, which results in the accumulation, actualization and transformation of knowledge, skills and abilities of the accumulated personal experience and development.

We have identified a list of goals for educational games that help resolve issues of professional self-determination. In the course of our research, we tried to achieve them. Among these goals, we highlight the following:

1.increasing motivation and interest in career guidance activities and aspects of reality modeled in the game;

2.the participants in the game receiving information of a career-oriented nature, an illustration on concrete examples concepts relating to human behavior;

3.change in self-esteem of students and attitudes towards others;

4.change in the relationship between students and teachers;

5.the direction of activity in a given direction in preparation for a conscious choice of profession, for professional self-determination.

The effectiveness of the joint work of the school and the university was assessed by us after the completion of the formative experiment.

Upon completion of the formative experiment, we evaluated the effectiveness of the joint work of the school and the university. Efficiency assessment was carried out according to the same methodology as at the stage of the ascertaining experiment according to the criteria and indicators discussed in paragraph 3. In addition, a delayed control was carried out over the results of implementation by graduates of the basic school who studied in the experimental classes. Interviews were also held with students, teachers, class teachers and parents. In this case, the following results were obtained.

Changes in the degree of preparedness for choosing a profession Table 2 (in % of the total number of students)

Степени подготовленности к выбору профессии у учащихсяЭкспериментальная группаКонтрольная группадо экспериментапосле экспериментадо экспериментапосле экспериментаКогнитивный показательВысокая18321922Средняя52565457Низкая30122721Итого:100100100100Мотивационный показательВысокая15341723Средняя19534954Низкая36133423Итого:100100100100Деятельностный показательВысокая14321623Средняя50544853Низкая36143624Итого:100100100100Общая готовностьВысокая16331723Средняя50545154Низкая34133223Итого:100100100100

In table. 2 shows data on changes in the degree of readiness for choosing a profession among students.

From the above data it follows that during the period of the experiment in the experimental group the number of students with a low degree of preparedness for choosing a profession decreased from 34 to 13%; more than doubled the number of students with a high degree of preparedness.

It should be noted that the increase in the degree of preparedness of students to choose a profession occurred in proportion to all indicators. This indicates that the program of professional self-determination of students developed by us together with a higher professional educational institution is complex and ensures the development of all spheres of a teenager's personality.

In the control classes, there is also an increase in the degree of preparedness for choosing a profession in all respects, but this increase is insignificant. Thus, the number of students with a low degree of preparedness decreased by 1.4 times, and the number of students with a high degree of preparedness for choosing a profession increased accordingly.

During the experiment, the subjective assessment of the adequacy of the choice of profession also changed, as evidenced by the following data (Table 8).

In the control groups, the subjective assessment of adequacy almost did not change. The coefficient of subjective adequacy was 17%.

The change in the coefficients of the subjective adequacy of the choice of the future profession is clearly shown in fig. 4.

Table 3

Changing the subjective assessment of the adequacy of the choice of profession

Факторы, оказавшие наибольшее влияние на выбор будущей профессииЭкспериментальные классыКонтрольные классыдо экспериментапосле экспериментадо экспериментапосле эксперимента%место%место%место%местоРодители281272271271Друзья, родственники, знакомые153133162163Учителя134124114125Книги, газеты, радио, телевидение12510515о j144Выбрал сам1210515о144Проведенные профориентированные занятия134281162172Итого:100100100100

It can be seen from the materials of the table that during the experiment period the number of adolescents more than doubled, indicating that the career-oriented classes they conducted had the greatest impact on the choice of their future profession, this factor came out on top among other factors. The coefficient of subjective adequacy increased from 13 to 28%.

Rice. 4. Change in the coefficient of subjective adequacy of adolescents' choice of future profession

The expert assessment of the adequacy of students' choice of future profession before and after the experiment is characterized by the following data (Table 4).

Table 4. Change in the objective assessment of the adequacy of students' choice of future profession (in %)

Choice of the futureExperimental groupProfession controlxperimentexperimentexperimentFuture profession chosen adequately to abilities

From the above data, it can be seen that during the period of the experiment in the experimental group, the number of adolescents who chose their future profession increased by 3.3 times. Basically, these are professions in the profile of the agro-industrial complex. The coefficient of objective adequate assessment in choosing a future profession has increased from 11 to 36%. In the control groups, the same indicator remained almost unchanged and amounted to only 13%. The performance indicators of the effectiveness of professional self-determination of students in the process of implementing the program have changed in the following way(Table 5).

Table 5. Realization of professional intentions by graduates of the basic school, in %

Realization of professional intentionsExperimental classesControl classesbefore experimentafter expedo experimentafter experimentmentmentmentarimentRealized their6847professional intentionsDid not realize their professional intentions3253Total:100100 The data in the table indicate that during the period of the experiment, the number of students in the experimental classes who realized their intentions increased by 20%. 68% of students after the end of the 9th grade continued their education in the 10th grade or in vocational schools according to previously planned plans, in the control grades this figure was 47%. All of this suggests that the adolescents who took part in the experimental classes began to have more well-founded professional intentions. In table. Figure 6 summarizes the effectiveness of students' professional self-determination in the process of implementing the program of professional self-determination in the context of joint career guidance activities with the university.

Table 6. The results of the effectiveness of the joint work of the school and the university on professional self-determination of students

CriteriaExperimental classesControl classesbefore the experimentafter the experimentbefore the experimentafter the experiment1. The degree of preparedness for the choice of profession: - high - average - low20 (16) 64 (50) 44 (34)42 (33) 69 (54) 17(13)20 (17) 62 (51) 38 (32)28 (23) 65 (54) 27 (23)2. The coefficient of subjective assessment of the adequacy of the choice of profession132816173. The coefficient of an objective assessment of the adequacy of the choice of a profession Note. In the table, the results are expressed: for items 1, 4 in absolute values, in brackets in % of the total number of students; for items 2, 3 in %

As can be seen, as a result of the experimental work, the effectiveness of work on the professional self-determination of students has significantly increased.

Graduates of the basic school who studied in the experimental classes were given professional and pedagogical characteristics, compiled according to the following structure:

-general information about the student;

-general physical development, deviations in health, medical contraindications to professional activity;

-completed creative works, their brief description;

-results of preliminary professional diagnostics: professional interests, professional intentions, professionally important qualities, self-assessment;

-level of readiness for professional self-determination;

Such characteristics were taken into account by students, teachers and parents when deciding on the further continuation of education by graduates of the basic school.

Thus, the introduction into practice of the program of joint work of the secondary educational institution and the university on the professional self-determination of students has shown its effectiveness, confirmed the validity of the research hypothesis.

Career guidance work is implemented through the educational process, extracurricular and out-of-school work with students.

-providing career guidance support to students in the process of choosing a profile of study and the scope of future professional activity.

-the development of a conscious attitude towards work among schoolchildren, professional self-determination in the conditions of freedom to choose a field of activity in accordance with their capabilities, abilities and taking into account the requirements of the labor market.

-obtaining consistent data on the preferences, inclinations and abilities of students to separate them by study profiles;

-providing a wide range of variability of profile education due to complex and non-traditional forms and methods used in the lessons of elective courses and in educational work;

-additional support for some groups of schoolchildren who are easy to predict the difficulty of finding employment - students of correctional classes and schools, etc.;

-development of a flexible system of cooperation between the senior school and institutions of additional and vocational education, as well as with enterprises of the city and region.

Career guidance is a multifaceted system that includes education, upbringing, the study of psychophysiological characteristics, psychodiagnostics, the organization of elective courses, and, most importantly, psychology classes. This is no coincidence, because only they have a direct impact on the psyche of the student through a specially organized activity of communication. That. the following aspects can be distinguished: social, economic, psychological and pedagogical, medical and physiological.

The social aspect lies in the formation of the value orientations of young people in professional self-determination, where the emphasis is on studying the requirements for the qualifications of an employee in a particular area.

The economic aspect is the process of managing the choice of a profession for young people in accordance with the needs of society and the capabilities of the individual (study of the labor market).

The psychological aspect is to study the structure of the personality, the formation of a professional orientation (the ability to make a conscious choice).

The pedagogical aspect is associated with the formation of socially significant motives for choosing a profession and professional interests.

The medical and physiological aspect puts forward such main tasks as the development of criteria for professional selection in accordance with the state of health, as well as the requirements that the profession imposes on the personality of the candidate.

Picture 1

Taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of schoolchildren, the following stages can be distinguished, the content of career guidance work at school:

Grade 4: the formation of a value attitude towards work in junior schoolchildren, an understanding of its role in human life and in society; development of interest in educational and cognitive activities based on feasible practical involvement in its various types, including social, labor, gaming, research.

Grades 7: development of personal meaning in schoolchildren in acquiring cognitive experience and interest in professional activities; ideas about one's own interests and capabilities (formation of the image of I); acquisition of initial experience in various areas of social and professional practice: technology, art, medicine, agriculture, economics and culture. This is facilitated by the performance of professional tests by students, which allow them to correlate their individual capabilities with the requirements of professional activity for a person.

Grades 9: clarification of the educational request during extracurricular activities and other elective courses; group and individual counseling in order to identify and form an adequate decision-making on the choice of a training profile; formation of an educational request corresponding to interests and abilities, value orientations.

Grade 11: Teaching actions for self-training and self-development, the formation of professional qualities in the chosen type of work, correction of professional plans, assessment of readiness for the chosen activity.

The solution of the problems of vocational guidance is carried out in various types of activities of the student (cognitive, socially useful, communicative, playful, productive work).

For this purpose, school and city work plans for vocational guidance are drawn up annually. This direction can be traced in the plan of each class teacher - the career guidance section. Responsible for career guidance work in schools are deputy directors for educational work. Help for class teachers in organizing this block of work is also provided by social educators, psychologists, teachers-organizers of life safety, teachers of Technology. Close contacts of schools with MUK, enterprises, educational institutions of vocational education, secondary and higher educational institutions, out-of-school institutions, territorial centers of vocational guidance.

One of the components of the career guidance system is the diagnostics of the professional orientation of students in grades 7-9, which is carried out by psychologists. Based on these data, further work with parents and students is carried out by class teachers.

The structure of the activities of the pedagogical team for conducting career guidance work at school

Activity coordinator: Deputy director for educational work Deputy director for educational work, whose functions include:

-development of a strategy for the interaction of subjects responsible for the pedagogical support of self-determination of schoolchildren in order to harmonize and coordinate their activities;

-maintaining relations of a general education institution with social partners that influence the self-determination of students in basic and high schools;

-planning the work of the teaching staff to form the readiness of students for profile and professional self-determination in accordance with the concept and educational program of the educational institution;

-analysis and correction of the activities of the teaching staff on this direction(consultations of subject teachers, class teachers on the organization of the system of educational and educational work aimed at self-determination of students: vocational education, vocational counseling, vocational diagnostics, determination of an individual educational trajectory;

-holding pedagogical councils, production meetings on the problem of profile and professional self-determination of high school students;

-creation of student production teams, organization of summer labor practice;

-organizing the participation of gifted children in subject Olympiads different levels;

-organization of a system of advanced training for class teachers (tutors, curators), subject teachers, school psychologist on the problem of self-determination of students;

-implementation of supervisory functions of the work of class teachers (tutors, curators), subject teachers, school psychologist on the problem of profile and professional self-determination of students;

-organization of classes for students in the network of pre-profile training and profile education;

-supervising the teaching of career guidance courses in the course of pre-profile training ( Your professional career ) and specialized education ( Technology of professional success).

Class teacher: based on the concept, educational program and educational work plan of the school:

-draws up for a particular class (group) a plan of pedagogical support for self-determination of students, including a variety of forms, methods, means that activate the cognitive, creative activity of students;

-organizes individual and group career guidance conversations, disputes, conferences;

-conducts psychological and pedagogical observations of students' inclinations (observation data, questionnaires, tests are recorded in the student's individual card);

-helps the student to design an individual educational trajectory, model options for specialized training and professional development, analyze their own achievements, and compile their own portfolio;

-organizes visits by students to open days at universities and secondary vocational schools;

-organizes thematic and complex excursions of students to enterprises;

-assists the school psychologist in conducting surveys, students and their parents

-lei on the issue of self-determination;

-holds parent meetings on the problem of forming students' readiness for the profile

-nomu and professional self-determination;

-organizes meetings of students with school graduates - students of universities, secondary vocational

-sional educational institutions.

Subject teachers:

-contribute to the development of cognitive interest, the creative orientation of the personality of schoolchildren, using a variety of methods and means: project activities, business games, seminars, round tables, conferences, subject weeks, olympiads, electives, wall newspaper competitions, home compositions, etc.:

-provide a career-oriented orientation of the lessons, form students' general

-labor, professionally important skills;

-conduct observations to identify the inclinations and abilities of students;

-adapt curricula depending on the profile of the class, the characteristics of students.


-regularly selects literature for teachers and students to help them choose a profession (according to the years of study) and career guidance;

-studies the reading interests of students and recommends literature to help them choose a profession; organizes exhibitions of books about professions and reader debate-conferences on the topics of choosing a profession;

-summarizes and systematizes methodological materials, reference data on the needs of the region in personnel and other auxiliary materials (photographs, clippings, diagrams, brochures, programs, descriptions of professions);

-regularly arranges exhibitions of literature on professions in areas and industries (engineering, transport, construction, in the world of art, etc.)

Social teacher:

-contributes to the formation of schoolchildren at risk of adequate self-esteem, since, as a rule, such children have it underestimated;

-provides pedagogical support to children at risk in the process of their professional and life self-determination;

-consults students on social issues;

-assists the class teacher in the analysis and evaluation of social factors that impede the process of self-determination of the student.

School psychologist:

-study of professional interests and inclinations of students

-monitors the student's readiness for profile and professional self-determination through questioning of students and their parents;

-conducting training sessions on career guidance for students;

-conducts conversations, psychological education for parents and teachers on the topic of choice;

-provides psychological consultations taking into account the age characteristics of students;

-contribute to the formation of adequate self-esteem in schoolchildren;

-invites parents of students to speak to students about their profession, attracts them to work as leaders of circles;

-assists the class teacher in analyzing and evaluating the interests and inclinations of students;

-creates a database on vocational diagnostics.

medical worker:

-using a variety of forms, methods, means, contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle in schoolchildren;

-conducts conversations with students about the relationship between the success of a professional career and human health;

-provides advice on the problem of the impact of health status on a professional career;

-assists the class teacher, school psychologist and social pedagogue in analyzing the activities of students.

Directions and forms of work.

Organizational and methodological activities

-The work of coordinators for career guidance work with the student.

-Methodological assistance to teachers in the selection of materials and diagnostic maps.

Working with students

-A complex of career guidance services in the form of professional diagnostic activities, classes and trainings on career planning;

-Consultations on the choice of a training profile (individual, group).


-Organization and conduct of excursions (to educational institutions, enterprises)

-Meetings with representatives of enterprises, educational institutions.

Working with parents

-holding parent meetings, (general school, classroom);

-lectures for parents.

-individual conversations between teachers and parents of schoolchildren;

-questioning parents of students;

-involvement of parents of schoolchildren to speak to students with conversations;

-involvement of parents of students to work as leaders of circles, sports sections, art studios, student theaters, public student organizations;

-assistance to parents in organizing professional trials for high school students at enterprises;

-assistance of parents in organizing temporary employment of students during the holidays;

-election of the parent committee of the school from representatives of the parent committees of classes, the most active parents of students who are ready, in cooperation with teachers, to provide pedagogical support for the self-determination of students;

-creation of a board of trustees, including employees of a general educational institution, parents of students, private entrepreneurs who provide sponsorship to the school, representatives of patronage organizations, etc.


The study made it possible to formulate the following main conclusions, confirming the validity of the hypothesis put forward and the solution of the tasks posed in the study.

1.The joint work of the school and the university on the professional self-determination of students is considered by us as the most important component of the pedagogical process of the secondary educational institution. The main efforts of this work should be focused on the search-probe (grades 5-7) and the development of professional self-awareness (grades 8-9) periods of professional self-determination of students, during which a stable professional interest, conscious professional intention are formed, a preliminary choice of profession is made. The joint work of the school and the university on the professional self-determination of students should be purposeful, accentuated, and carried out on a systematic basis.

2.In structural terms, the program of joint work of the school and the university on the professional self-determination of students includes goals, objectives, an agreed set of measures, pedagogical conditions for its implementation. In the content - professional information, education, counseling and selection.

A program constructed in this way contributes to the achievement of the social (graduates of general education institutions successfully enter universities, quickly and efficiently adapt to its conditions), economic (the increased level of comprehensive training of graduates reduces the likelihood of their expulsion from the university before the end of their studies, which increases the efficiency of using public funds) , didactic (orientation of students to certain professions creates conditions for improving their intrinsic motivation on a solid and deep assimilation of the curriculum), educational (the preliminary choice of a profession makes students make appropriate demands on themselves), moral and psychological (forms students a comfortable positive self-awareness and an optimistic worldview) effects.

3.Evaluation of the effectiveness of the joint work of the school and the university on the professional self-determination of students can be carried out on the basis of the following criteria and their indicators: the degree of preparedness for choosing a profession (high, medium, low), the adequacy of the choice of future professional activity (the coefficient of subjective assessment [of the student] and the coefficient of objective [expert's] assessments), the degree of implementation by graduates of their professional intentions (realization coefficient).

The conducted experimental study showed the presence of progressive dynamics in the formation of professional self-determination of students, a significant (more than 20%) increase in the coefficient of realization of their professional intentions by graduates of the basic school. This circumstance allows us to recognize the pilot study as successful, and the feasibility and effectiveness of the implementation of the author's program of joint work of the school and the university on the professional self-determination of students - confirmed.

This thesis does not exhaust the entirety of the problem under consideration, but offers only one of the ways to solve it. A deeper study, in our opinion, requires the issues of individualization of professional self-determination in the context of joint vocational guidance work of the school and university, its differentiation depending on the regional needs of the labor market, methods of studying and developing certain professional abilities in students.

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Shcherbakova Tatyana Vyacheslavovna, student of FSBEI HPE "Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University", Chelyabinsk [email protected]

Features of professional self-determination of older students

Annotation. Professional self-determination affects not only the choice of a place of study after graduation, but also the future fate of a person: satisfaction with one's professional activity, one's status in society, one's life in general. The article presents an analysis of the features of professional self-determination (students of gymnasium No. 1 in Chelyabinsk). Key words: professional self-determination, professional identity, professionally important qualities. Section: (02) comprehensive study of man; psychology; social problems medicine and human ecology.

The choice of a profession is one of the main choices that a person makes in his life. The initial choice falls on senior school age, and this is the difficulty. The social significance of the problem of professional self-determination of high school students is manifested in the need to overcome the contradiction between the objectively existing needs of society in a balanced structure of personnel and the subjective professional aspirations of young people. That is, according to its purpose, the career guidance system should have a significant impact on the rational distribution of labor resources, the choice of a life path by young people, and their adaptation to the profession. Preparation for choosing a profession is also important because it is an integral part of the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual, and it should be considered in unity and interaction with the moral, labor, intellectual, aesthetic and physical improvement of the individual, that is, with the entire system of the educational process (Alekseev V. G., Dolgova V. I., Arkaeva N. I., Ordina I. P., Zeer E. F., Klimov E. A., Nikireev E. M., Pryazhnikov N. S., Savchenko M. Yu .). Наиболееостропроблемыпрофессиональноговыборастоятпередучащимисястаршихклассовсреднейшколы,осуществляющимипервичноепрофессиональноесамоопределение,котороевключаетвсебятеоретическоеознакомлениесмиромпрофессий,формированиепрофессиональныхнамеренийивыборсоответствующейсферыпрофессиональногообучения.Всвязисэтимсуществуетнеобходимостьоказанияпомощисосторонывзрослых,особенновобластипрофориентацииипрофессиональногосамоопределения.ВсовременноминформационномобществеданноевлияниеосуществляетсячащевсегопосредствомСМИ,вкоторыхможновстретитьнетольконовостиосостояниирынкатруда,ноисвоеобразноекультивированиенекоторыхгрупппрофессийиописаниеобразапрофессионала(РемшмидтХ., Шаповаленко И. В., Шумилин Е. А.). The main goal of professional self-determination is the gradual formation of internal readiness to independently and consciously plan, adjust and implement the prospects for one's development (professional, life, personal).

Features of mental development in senior school age are largely related to the specifics of the social situation of development, the essence of which today is that society sets before a young person an urgent, vital task to carry out professional self-determination during this period, and not only in the internal plan in the form dreams, intentions to become someone in the future (as it happens at previous stages of development), but in terms of a real choice. Moreover, this choice is made twice: the first time - in the 9th grade, when the student chooses the form of completion of secondary education (a certain school, gymnasium, technical school, etc.) or refuses to continue education; the second is in the 11th grade, when ways of getting higher education or direct inclusion in working life are planned. It should be noted that if earlier this task was solved mainly by the family and school, today parents often turn out to be non-authoritative in the choice of profession in the eyes of the child; the school also does not provide the student with decisive assistance - hence the demand for tutors, various courses, psychological and vocational counseling services. The task of choosing a future profession, professional self-determination, in principle, cannot be successfully solved without and outside the solution of the broader task of personal self-determination, which includes building a holistic life plan, self-projecting oneself into the future. Turning to the future, building life plans and prospects L. I. Bozhovich in his work “Problems of Personality Formation” indicated the affective center of the life of an older student. She associated the transition from adolescence with a change in attitude towards the future: if a teenager looks at the future from the position of the present, then an older student looks at the present from the position of the future. Materials and methods. The study of professional self-determination of senior schoolchildren took place in the natural conditions of the educational process of the gymnasium No. 1 in Chelyabinsk, it consisted of three stages. 1. Preparatory stage: theoretical study of psychological and pedagogical literature on a given problem, selection of methods for research. The main characteristics of senior school age were identified, as well as the features of professional self-determination in this age period, methods were selected taking into account age characteristics and research topics. 2.Diagnostic stage: carrying out diagnostics, processing the results. Psychodiagnostics of the subjects was carried out according to three methods, namely the Professional Questionnaire E. A. Klimova, Methodology for studying the statuses of professional identity. A. A. Azbel, Questionnaire "Determining the types of thinking and the level of creativity" by J. Bruner. 3. Final stage: analysis and generalization of the results of the study, formulation of conclusions. ResultsProfessional self-determination is not formed spontaneously and spontaneously, it is a long-term process, which the psychologist in educational institution has a direct impact. To do this, it is necessary to develop a specific program. But first, we determined the level of formation of professional identity among 10th grade students. The choice of this link was not made by chance: the end of school is close, but there is still time to think and make an informed choice. The Methodology for studying the statuses of professional identity helped us with this. A. A. Azbel. The system of the most general ideas about oneself and one's place in the world is called identity. It also implies awareness of oneself as a professional. A person does not just “choose a profession”, but to a large extent predetermines his entire future lifestyle, social circle. Professional affiliation is one of the most significant characteristics of any person. 25 students of the 10th grade answered the test questions, as a result, the following results were obtained: Table 1 Status of professional identity

Prof. status. IdentityMoratoriumFormedImposedUndefined%6432

It can be seen that 64% of students are in the status of "moratorium". This status is characterized by a crisis of choice: the student is aware of the problem of choosing a profession and is in the process of solving it, but the most suitable option has not yet been determined. Only 32% of schoolchildren in the class have already finally decided on their professional plans, which was the result of an independent conscious decision, they have a formed identity status. Consequently, most of the students in the class have not yet come to a final decision and are in the status of an active search for themselves and choice. Professional personality types were also analyzed according to the questionnaire of E. A. Klimov. Among the students in this class were identified: Table 2 Professional personality types

Professional typesMan-manMan-natureMan-technologyMan-sign systemMan-artistic image%812161648Kolvo234411

As we can see, 48% of students are close to artistic images and professions in related areas by professional type. “Human-sign system”, as well as Man-technique fit 4% of schoolchildren. Least of all students with the type of profession "Man-man", and "Man-nature". These data must be taken into account when developing the program. The program, which was developed for schoolchildren, is especially relevant for students who are in an "uncertain" status and in a crisis of choice. Objectives of the program: 1. Provide effective psychological and pedagogical support to students in grades 9, 10, 11. 2. Combine the work of a psychologist and a class teacher in the implementation and achievement of the tasks of career guidance of a person. 3. To open a prospect for further personal development for young men and women. To help young people determine their life plans and build an algorithm of actions in accordance with them. Program objectives: 1. Formation of an “information field” relevant for adolescents. 2. Providing adolescents with the means of self-knowledge, the development of planning skills and abilities. 3. Formation of motives for self-development, personal growth. 4. Provision of career guidance support to students in the process of choosing a profile of study and the scope of future professional activity. 5. Obtaining diagnostic data about the preferences, inclinations and abilities of students to consciously determine the profile of education. 6. Providing a wide range of variability of profile education due to complex and non-traditional forms and methods used in lessons, elective courses, extracurricular activities and in the system of educational work. 7. Additional support for groups of schoolchildren who can easily predict the difficulties of finding employment - students of correctional classes and schools, etc. The relevance of the program is determined by the importance of forming students' professional self-awareness and conscious professional intention, awareness of interest in the future profession. The essence of the program is in the classes, exercises that take place in various forms: tests, trainings, thematic conversations, meetings with representatives of various professions, scientific - research, parent meetings, etc. They are aimed at knowing oneself, one's interests, professional preferences and aspirations, getting to know the world of professions from various angles. Conclusions Professional self-determination is a long-term process, the results of which are not immediately visible. Work on vocational guidance must begin already in the middle school level, so that the results of the work will give results. In the course of work with schoolchildren of gymnasium No. 1, the levels of professional identity of schoolchildren, preferences for the types of professions of E. Klimov, and levels of thinking and creativity were revealed. Thus, the data obtained in the study of professional self-determination of students of gymnasium No. 1, as well as the program developed for schoolchildren, will help students, teachers, psychologists and parents in working with students in this area.

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Tatyana Shcherbakova, a student, Chelyabinsk StateHydrated Pedagogical University, [email protected] of professional self-determination of senior pupils Abstract. Professional selfdetermination affects not only the choice between one hundred and training after high school, but also the further destiny of man: meetthe creation of their professional activities, their status in society, their lives in General. The article presents the analysis of the features of professional selfdetermination (pupils of gymnasium No. 1, Chelyabinsk). Keywords: professional identity, professional Eden tecnost, professionally important qualities.

Gorev P. M., candidate of pedagogical sciences, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Concept"; Utemov V. V., candidate of pedagogical sciences

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