When labor movements are rational. The movement of labor resources. Industrial and pedagogical foundations of technological training


labor movement

"... Labor movement is" the simplest and indivisible element of the labor process - a single movement of the arms, legs, head, eyes and body of the performer in the process of labor (for example, "reach out", "turn around", "bend over", "unclench fingers " etc."<*>..."


Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012 .

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labor actionsperformed without interruption and having a private purpose for the implementation of a given operation. For example, cut a valve with a defect from the GDS process gas pipeline. To do this, it is necessary to turn off the section of the pipeline on which a defective valve is found, bleed the gas, make sure that there is no condensate using a pressure gauge, mark the section of the pipeline near the valve for cutting, cut the valve according to the markup, controlling the presence of residual gas in the disconnected section, remove the valve and take it to to a designated place.

It is known that each new operation, work technique imposes specific requirements on the mental, sensory, motor and other skills of the human operator, requires a new combination of psychophysiological properties. The content of a professional's skill must unequivocally correspond to the diversity of the function being implemented. This means that each individual and the whole complex of professionally significant qualities must be formed simultaneously integrally and separately, and in all cases correspond to the work performed. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the professionally significant properties of a person are not constant, in different functions, at different times, the corresponding properties are involved in activities. An attempt to form the whole complex of psychophysiological properties on one simulator turned out to be untenable for this reason.

Time standards are developed depending on the regulations for the implementation of individual elements of the labor process, on which these standards are established (labor movement, labor action, labor reception, set of techniques, labor operation). The objects for the development of time standards can also be the categories of main, auxiliary, operational, preparatory-final time and time for servicing the workplace - The standards for the number of employees of a certain professional and qualification composition required to perform a unit or total amount of work are substantiated by the regulations of these works.

The technological boundary of the division of labor is determined by the existing technology, which divides the production process into operations. The lower limit of the formation of the content of the operation is a labor reception, consisting of at least three labor actions, continuously following each other

The labor reception is a complete set of labor actions of the performer, united by one purpose and constancy of objects and tools. Techniques are basic, if their goal is a direct impact on the technological process, and auxiliary, performed to perform basic techniques. For example, the technique of installing a part in a machine chuck has a complete and intended purpose, consists of several successive movements.

A labor reception is a set of labor actions performed with unchanged objects and means of labor and constituting a technologically completed part of the operation. For example, "set the workpiece in the fixture".

The above arguments do not clarify the legal nature of the contract in question. The presence in the labor legislation of an agreement on collective (team) liability or the method of determining and applying responsibility in the relations of a team contract cannot in itself serve as a determining criterion or have probative force for qualifying a team contract as a labor contract. When resolving this issue, it is important to characterize the subject composition, subject matter, content, target orientation and other features of the contract in question.

Observations of the performance of the same operation by several workers often show that each of them performs the same labor technique in his own way; one performer has fewer labor movements of working bodies,

Based on the results of a comprehensive study and analysis of the work operation, the most rational sequence of performing work methods is designed. The content of each labor reception is established with the allocation of distinct boundaries separating one labor reception from another.

Let us assume that the studied labor technique consists of four labor actions, the duration of which is a, b, c, d. In this case, four (n) series of total measurements of the time spent on performing labor actions of the following combination are carried out

If the labor reception in the operation is repeated irregularly, the time spent on its implementation is not fully taken into account. For example, when observing, it was found that with 10 repairs of a part, one labor method was repeated only 5 times with a time cost of 3 4 3 3 5 minutes. The rate for the repair of parts includes the following share of the time spent on this technique

The second section contains a description of labor techniques and methods for their implementation. For each labor reception, a model of its organization is developed, which is recorded on a card or on a separate card attached to it. Depending on the complexity of the model may be accompanied by explanations. However, it is necessary to achieve such a construction of them with the help of conventional notation, so that they can be read and reproduced without such explanations.

Labor admission Card numbers Norm of time, pers. -h

Optimization of the man-machine system "when creating new industries, technology is the minimization of the cost of living labor by minimizing operations that require the cost of living labor, and the rational use of the working time of each participant in the labor process. So, in industries with hardware processes, such a construction is optimal the technological process and, accordingly, the labor process, which ensures a uniform need for labor costs during the work shift, excludes peak loads and forced downtime.

Labor reception - a complex of completed labor actions of a worker, having a common target orientation, for example, start up a machine, measure a part with a measuring tool. An advanced, progressive technique is one that ensures high-quality performance of all actions and their speed with normal intensity and the absence of unnecessary, uncomfortable movements.

In general, given the external stability of employment, the absence of “flyers,” especially among those over 30 years old, the working life of a Japanese is internally quite diverse. The practice of frequent movements at the initiative of the administration, very fractional leadership scales, enabling a significant part of the employees to be at one or another leadership level, are one of the characteristic features of the Japanese style of personnel management.

WORK RECEPTION - a complete set of labor actionsperformed with unchanged material factors and having a private purpose

Like any microelement system, the MODAPTS system provides for a list of micromovements. The technological operation is divided into labor methods, for which a list of microelements that make up this labor method is selected.

The designed labor reception is entered into a comparative map. On fig. 18 shows a completed map of the rationalization of one of the methods of the operation of pulling the hole in the gearshift clutch, carried out by employees of the Research Institute of Labor at the Gorky Automobile Plant. Based on the results of the rationalization of the operation as a whole, a final table is compiled, which indicates the name of the reception time (actual and projected) for one part in minutes, elements of the rationalization of the labor process (elimination of irrational movements, redevelopment of the workplace, mechanization).

Labor practices o I E O E

The system has the following main variables characterizing the given labor movements.

Labor movements of various parts of the worker's body. The tables give time standards for labor movements of the fingers and hands, wrists, hands, feet, shins, torso of the worker.

Trajectory length. It does not require proof that, under all other equal circumstances, the time of movement is greater, the longer the path of movement. However, there is no direct proportional relationship between the time of movement and the length of the trajectory, since acceleration usually occurs at the beginning of the movement, some constant speed occurs in the middle part, and a certain slowdown occurs at the end of the labor movement.

The amount of weight to be moved or resistance to be overcome. Moved gravity slows down labor movements. The resistance to overcome affects the working movement in a similar way. The degree of influence of gravity or resistance to be overcome on the speed of labor movements depends primarily on the magnitude of the gravity being moved or the resistance to be overcome, on the method of movement.

The necessary skill of the performer, conscious control of labor movements. Labor movements are carried out with a specific purpose. The purpose of the movements partially determines their speed, and hence the time. The speed of labor movements, other things being equal, is the lower, the more accurate the work, since the exact one requires more attention, i.e. conscious control of labor movements. The specific goal of labor movements also requires a certain skill of the performer.

The practical application of "factors of work" requires attention and experience on the part of the rater or engineer involved in the study, rationalization and standardization of labor. Therefore, it is necessary to get acquainted with the factor of work, from which the basic concept of the system of microelement standards WF follows - the concept of "units of gravity of the labor movement".

The time of the labor movement, performed without control and without effort, is called the main time of the labor movement. The tables of the WF system give time standards for the main labor movements, depending on the length of the trajectory of the body part involved in the movement. For example, the main movement of the arm at 25 cm is equal to 42 units.

The concept of "units of gravity of the labor movement" is introduced to simplify the calculation of the time for labor movements. Each "work factor" is rated as one unit of motion severity. The main factor - “movable load or effort” (FL), depending on its size and gender of the performer, can be estimated as one or more units of the severity of the labor movement.

A value equal to 0.0001 min was adopted per unit of time in the WF system, 1 cm per unit of length, 1 kg per unit of weight (force), 1 per unit of angle of rotation, 1 kg per unit of rotational moment (for the wrist) /cm.

The WF time limit is the time it would take an average experienced worker, working with good skill and diligence, under normal working conditions, to complete one cycle of an operation in accordance with the established work method and quality requirements. This time is estimated at a rate of 78 po or 130 BTU, according to the cycles shown in Fig. 26.

Rice. 26.

The WF system sets the time of typical microelements, consisting of labor movements of fingers and hands and mental processes. To study the rationalization and rationing of labor, manual methods of the labor operation are developed at the beginning for these microelements. Then each microelement is subdivided into labor movements. The tables take into account the different combination and sequence of labor movements in a microelement or a complex of microelements that make up labor methods. Experience in the development and application of the WF system has shown that the nature of the combination and sequence of labor movements causes a change in the necessary time costs. In some cases, this is reflected in the tables of typical microelements.

"Move" - ​​the labor movements of the performer's hands. According to the purpose of moving the hands, it is divided into two trace elements:

  • reach out in a certain direction (R)
  • move arm with load (M)

"Take" (Сг) - is carried out in order to ensure control (holding) by the hand or fingers of one or more objects for the implementation of the next microelement. Usually this microelement begins after the end of R and ends with the beginning of M.

"Orient" (RR) - is carried out with the aim of turning and orienting the object in order to ensure the best execution of the next microelement.

"Assemble" or "Connect" (ASyM and ASyS) - carried out with the aim of connecting or assembling two objects. The microelement starts after the end of "Move" (M) and ends when the items are collected.

“Use” (VS) - all necessary labor movements are understood, the execution time of which partially or completely does not depend on the performer. The time for these trace elements is set depending on the characteristics of the working method or the speed of the machine.

"Disassemble" or "Disconnect" (DSU) - carried out for the purpose of disassembling or separating an item.

"Lower" (RL) - this microelement means the movement opposite to the "Take" microelement. The goal is to unclench your fingers and release the object.

"Mental techniques" are divided into parts corresponding to nervous reactions (for example, count, note, remember, etc.). Summing up these parts, a standard for a typical microelement is obtained (for example, a response to a signal).

System for determining the method and duration of work -

The MTM system aims to determine the relationship between the method of labor and the time required for its implementation. At the same time, it is assumed that the design of a rational method of performing work should be preceded by the establishment of its duration for various options. The concept of "method of labor" means a certain set of labor movements performed sequentially in order to achieve the desired impact on the object of labor.

The results of the work performed by a person, as well as the duration of its implementation, are due to a number of changing factors. After a thorough analysis and establishment of these factors, you can begin to describe the method of labor.

According to the MTM system, the level of intensity of standard values ​​was defined as the level corresponding to the “average worker”, who uses a sustainable method of work, works with average dexterity and skill and performs work in average conditions.

The MTM system - the system of the method and duration of work - says that the method of work must first be determined, and then the duration of its implementation.

Meaning. If we take the training period of a worker (within 3 months) as 100%, then the development of labor methods takes 85%, and processing 15%.

The basic MTM system - the MTM-1 system allows for analysis with great detail of labor operations. However, this is due to the rather significant complexity of the analysis, in particular during long-term labor operations. Conducting a detailed analysis is certainly useful in conditions of many repetitive operations (mass and large-scale production), however, in conditions of less repetitive work with a long duration (medium-scale, small-scale and single production, its use is inappropriate).

The system of microelement time standards MTM is characterized by the following methodological provisions. The main movements in the MTM system are divided into three groups. The first covers the movements of the hands - "reach out" (R), "move the object" (M), "take the object" (g), "lower the object" (RL), "set the object" (P), "press" (AP ), "disconnect" (D), "turn the hand" (M), "rotate" (C); the second - eye movements: "peer" (EF), "move the look" (ET); the third - the main movements of the body and legs: "movement of the step" (FM), "movement of the leg or lower leg" (LM), "walk" (W), "step to the side" (SS), "turn of the body" (TV), “bend down” (B), “bend low” (S), “go down on one knee” (KOK), go down on both knees (KVK), “sit down” (S1T), as well as movements of restoring the starting position after movement B , S, KOK, KVK, S1T. They are indicated by the initial movement symbol with the prefix of the letter "A" (B-AB-AS). The movement "get up from a sitting position" is indicated by the symbol STD. In the MTM system, 26 main movements were identified, for which, taking into account various factors affecting their duration, about 500 time standards were established.

In the MTM system, one hundred thousandth of an hour is taken as a unit of time, called TMU (TimeMeasurementUnit) - a unit of time. The translation of TMU into a conventional time measurement system is given in Table. 33.

It is necessary to start the study of labor processes by dividing them into separate operations. The next step in the methodological analysis of labor processes is the division of labor operations into certain parts (elements) and the measurement of the time spent on them. The fulfillment of this task will help the researcher, firstly, by highlighting the components of the technological and labor processes, secondly, by studying labor movements, and thirdly, by classifying the costs of working time.

Operation characterized by the constancy of the object of labor, workplace and performers. When the last two conditions change, work on one object of labor is divided into separate operations. For example, the manufacture of a part by a machine operator on one machine is an operation consisting of a number of elements (transitions): roughing, finishing turning, threading, etc. If these elements for the manufacture of a part are performed on different machines controlled by different workers, then the execution of each of the elements will become an independent operation.

Manufacturing operation- this is a part of the production process carried out by one worker (or group) at one workplace, covering all their actions to perform a unit of a given work on one object of labor. As a rule, an operation is an object of technical regulation. However, in cases where it is impossible to divide the production process into regularly recurring operations, the object of rationing may be a complex of operations or groups of homogeneous work (production maintenance). Complex of operations- this is a group of operations for the manufacture of one product at one production site with the same composition of performers. For example, the repair of a unique machine tool by an integrated team. On fig. 6 shows the classification of the production operation.

In turn, the production operation can be considered from the technological side, then technological operation- this is the process of the impact of the working body of the machine, tool on the object of labor, as a result of which a certain goal of its technological processing or a change in state is achieved. As part of the production operation, an auxiliary operation can be distinguished, in which the shape and physical state of the object does not change, but the necessary preparation for the process of technological impact on it or the placement of the object of labor is carried out.


Rice. 7. Composition of the production operation

Technological operation subdivided into position,installation, transitions (technological, auxiliary), moves(R working and auxiliary).

Position- this is a fixed position occupied by an invariably fixed workpiece or an assembled assembly unit together with a fixture relative to a tool or a fixed piece of equipment to perform a certain operation. Installation- part of the operation performed in one position (fastening) of the part. A setup may consist of one or more transitions. Each position of the part on the machine with one fixing is called the position of the part. Technological transition- this is a technologically homogeneous part of the operation, as a result of which there is only one technological change in the object of labor, performed under one operating mode of the equipment (temperature, pressure, mode) and an unchanged tool. In machining, one technological change (transition) is understood as the processing of one surface, for example, rough turning of a workpiece, threading, etc. A characteristic feature of the transition is the possibility of separating it from the general processing process and performing it on another machine as an independent operation. In manual work, the transition is understood as part of the operation for processing a certain surface with one tool or one articulation of two or more assembly units (parts) using the same tools, fixtures. In hardware processes, the transition is a part of the operation, corresponding to the holding period at a certain mode (temperature, pressure), the period of bringing the mode to certain parameters. For example, the operation of metal annealing can be divided into the following transitions: heating to a certain temperature; holding period at a given temperature; the period of cooling the billet in the furnace to the temperature provided by the technology. Auxiliary transition- this is a completed part of the technological transition, consisting of a single movement of the tool relative to the workpiece, not accompanied by a change in the shape, size, surface finish or properties of the workpiece, but necessary to complete the work stroke. In some jobs, operations, except for transitions, can be divided into working and auxiliary moves. working stroke- this is the completed part of the technological transition, consisting of a single movement of the tool relative to the workpiece, accompanied by a change in the shape, size, surface finish, or properties of the workpiece. Auxiliary move- this is a completed part of the technological transition, consisting of a single movement of the tool relative to the workpiece, not accompanied by a change in the shape, size, surface finish, or properties of the workpiece, but necessary to complete the work stroke.

In terms of labor, a production operation is labor operation and subdivided into labor practices, labor activities and labor movements.

labor movement- this is a single movement of the working body of a person (arms, legs, body, etc.). For example, "reach out to the tool", "take (grab) the tool." To study and analyze labor movements, it is necessary to know their main characteristics, parameters that depend on the type of movements. For this purpose, labor movements are classified.

1. By duration long and short.

2.Towards radial, rectilinear, vertical, horizontal.

3. By constancy of direction with variable direction, with constant direction.

4. By combination parallel and combined.

5. According to the accuracy of execution resolute and resolute.

6. According to the execution schedule discontinuous and continuous.

7. By function working, idle, basic, corrective, emergency, superfluous or erroneous.

8. By physical severity light, tight.

Researchers have identified the following principles of organization of labor movements personnel.

1. In all cases, one should strive to produce as short movements as possible (up to known limits, of course). This is achieved by convenient arrangement of blanks, tools, auxiliary materials; rational arrangement of controls for machines and mechanisms, auxiliary means.

2. If possible, vertical movements should be replaced by horizontal ones (eliminate bending and unbending the body to lift the part from the floor by using whatnots, racks and other devices of optimal height for laying parts). It should be borne in mind that the smallest speed of hand movement is observed when moving away from oneself and from the bottom up, therefore, if a quick reaction is required, it is necessary to design the movement towards oneself.

3. When moving a person, a rectilinear movement is more appropriate than a curvilinear or radial one. If we are talking about hand movements, then radial rather than rectilinear movements are most convenient, which is explained by the anatomical features of the joints. Rotational movements are 1.5 times faster than translational ones.

4. Standard movements with a constant direction are preferable to movements with a variable direction, since the former allow you to develop automatism in work. Therefore, this rule should be taken into account when organizing a workplace, placing tools, parts, installing equipment, placing controls for mechanisms.

5. When choosing between combined (parallel) and individual (successively performed) movements, it is advisable wherever possible to combine the work of human organs, for example, both arms or arms and legs. From the point of view of physiology, it is more convenient for a person to combine the flexion of the right hand with the extension of the left. This combination increases the efficiency of the right hand by about 40%. If both hands are bent at the same time, then the performance of the right hand is reduced by 10-20%.

6. As experience shows, adaptive movements are 5-10 times longer than decisive movements and are less effective. Adaptive movements require accuracy, accuracy or caution if performed in uncomfortable conditions, decisive ones require standard movements, they do not require accuracy, accuracy and caution from the worker.

7. When planning the labor process, it is necessary to strive (if possible) to perform continuous movements, since when performing a series of small intermittent movements, additional energy is expended to resume and slow down each of these movements.

8. According to the functional purpose, the movements can be working and idle. Workers are movements that result in useful work being done. With idle movements, useful work will not be performed. Also distinguished: the main movements - absolutely necessary to achieve the goal of the labor process; corrective movements - corrective basic movements due to deviations from working conditions; emergency movements - in case of unforeseen situations; extra or erroneous movements - performed involuntarily and interfering with the main movements.

9. Light movements should prevail over strenuous ones in order to avoid fatigue and loss of employee attention.

labor action- this is a logically completed set of labor movements performed without interruption by the working organs of a person with unchanged objects and means of labor. For example, “turn on the longitudinal feed of the caliper”, “take the tool”, “put the part”. According to the principle of universality, labor actions are divided into two groups, depending on the scope and purpose of labor actions. First group, in turn, has through and specific types. Through labor actions are used in the performance of a wide variety of processes. These include: “take”, “raise”, “put”, “lay”, “set”, “disconnect”, “rotate”, “press the button”. A specific type includes labor actions that are characteristic of a particular operation or type of work: “straighten”, “flatten”, “tie”, “unwind”, etc.

Characteristic features of labor actions as elements of the labor process - their universality, constancy of the composition and combinations of movements in each of them stable labor intensity and repeatability.

Labor reception- a complete set of labor actions of an employee, characterized by a specific purpose and representing a technologically completed part of the operation of several labor actions. For example, the technique of “installing a part in a lathe chuck” has a definite and complete purpose: to prepare the workpiece for processing with fastening in a chuck. It includes the following actions: bring the part to the chuck and insert it into the chuck. Labor methods, depending on the purpose, are divided into basic (technological) and auxiliary. labor method it is a way of carrying out the labor process, a certain sequence and composition of operations and techniques.

To maintain the organization of labor at a high level, the following are of great importance: the identification and use of rational methods and methods of labor, the study of the experience of the best workers, its scientific analysis and generalization, the development and design of perfect methods for performing tasks. Techniques and labor methods can be considered the best if the workers who use them have stable results of labor with high productivity, sufficient quality of goods and services, rational use of technology, economical use of materials, energy, with optimal labor intensity. The process of mastering the most expedient methods and methods of labor involves the consistent implementation of a series of works that can be considered as stages in this process: the identification, study, analysis, generalization, design and development of rational methods and methods of labor in the organization.

The classification of labor movements is carried out according to a number of criteria.
1. According to the duration, labor movements are divided into short and long ones. In all cases, one should strive to produce as short movements as possible (up to certain limits, of course). This is achieved by convenient arrangement of blanks, tools, auxiliary materials; rational arrangement of controls for machines and mechanisms, auxiliary means.
2. According to the direction of movement, they are divided into horizontal and vertical, rectilinear and radial. If possible, vertical movements should be replaced by horizontal ones (exclude bending and unbending the body to lift the part from the floor by using whatnots, racks and other devices of optimal height for laying parts). It should be borne in mind that the lowest speed of hand movement is observed when moving away from oneself and from bottom to top; therefore, if a quick reaction is required, it is necessary to design a movement towards yourself.

When moving a person, a rectilinear movement is more appropriate than a curvilinear or radial one. If we are talking about hand movements, then radial rather than rectilinear movements are most convenient, which is explained by the anatomical features of the joints. Rotational movements are 1.5 times faster than translational ones.
3. According to the constancy of performance, movements with a constant and variable direction are distinguished. Standard movements with a constant direction are preferable to movements with a variable direction, since the former allow you to develop automatism in work. Therefore, when organizing a workplace, placing tools, parts, installing equipment, placing controls for mechanisms, this rule should be taken into account.
4. By combination, one can distinguish combined (parallel) and individual (sequentially performed) movements. It is advisable, wherever possible, to combine the work of human organs, for example, both arms or arms and legs. From the point of view of physiology, it is more convenient for a person to combine the flexion of the right hand with the extension of the left. This combination increases the performance of the right hand by about 40%. If both hands are bent at the same time, then the working capacity of the right hand is reduced by 10-20%.
5. According to the accuracy of the execution of the movement, there are adaptive and decisive. The former require accuracy, accuracy or caution if performed in uncomfortable conditions, the latter require standard movements that do not require accuracy, accuracy and caution from the worker. As experience shows, adaptive movements are 5-10 times longer than decisive movements and are less effective.
6. According to the regulations for the execution of movements, there are discontinuous and continuous. It is necessary to strive (if possible) to perform continuous movements, since when performing a series of small intermittent movements, additional energy is expended to resume and inhibit each of these movements.
7. According to the functional purpose, the movements can be working and idle. Workers are movements that result in useful work being done. With idle movements, useful work will not be performed. Also distinguished:
basic movements - absolutely necessary to achieve the goal of the labor process;
corrective movements - corrective basic movements due to deviations from working conditions;
emergency movements - in case of unforeseen situations;
extra or erroneous movements - performed involuntarily and interfering with the main movements.

8. According to physical severity - light and strenuous movements.
The characteristic features of labor actions as elements of the labor process are their universality, the constancy of the composition and combinations of movements in each of them, stable labor intensity and repeatability.
According to the principle of universality, labor actions are divided into two groups, depending on: the scope and purpose of labor actions. The first group, in turn, has cross-cutting and specific types.
Through labor actions are used in the performance of a wide variety of processes. These include: "take", "raise", "put", "lay", "set", "disconnect", "rotate", "press the button".
A specific type includes labor actions that are characteristic of a particular operation or type of work: “straighten”, “flatten”, “tie”, “unwind”, etc.
Labor actions, in accordance with their purpose, are divided into moving, connecting and related to the management of equipment.
Displacement includes labor actions “take”, “bring”, “put”, “turn”, etc. As for labor methods, the analysis of their content carried out by the Research Institute of Labor showed that each of them corresponds to a certain content different from the other and a different combination of labor actions that are determined by the type of equipment, tools, objects of labor "level of specialization.

see also

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