Planning the training process at the stages of long-term improvement in sports games. Methodological bases for planning the educational and training process of highly qualified football players Types of planning the educational and training process


Long-term long-term training plans are drawn up both for a group of athletes (beginners, athletes of the III and II categories, and these are sports improvement groups), and for one athlete who has reached the I category.

The general long-term plan for the preparation of an athlete, a team may include the following sections:

a brief description of;

the purpose of long-term training and the main tasks by years;

stages and terms of preparation;

major competitions at each stage;

sports and technical indicators by stages;

the main focus of the training process in stages;

the number of classes, competitions and rest by stages;

control standards by stages;

prospects in study, work, increasing the level of special knowledge;

terms of medical control and clinical examination;

schedule of training camps and places of employment.

It is advisable to develop group long-term plans for 2 years, individual ones for 4.

The group plan should contain data that outlines the perspective and main direction of the preparation of the entire group. It should reflect the trend towards increasing requirements for various aspects of the athlete's training, and the specific indicators of the plan for years should correspond to the level of development of athletes in this group.

An individual long-term plan contains specific indicators that the coach outlines based on an analysis of previous training experience (the actual implementation of the group plan), taking into account the characteristics of a particular athlete.

The definition of goals and objectives in individual long-term plans should be based on a comprehensive consideration of the capabilities of athletes and the conditions for their full manifestation.

The individual long-term plan for 4 years includes the following sections.

1. A brief description of the athlete (last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, height, weight, duration of athletics and this type of training, the level of development of basic qualities and special knowledge, attitude to training, personal qualities, behavior in competitions, shortcomings in training) .

2. The purpose of training for 4 years (for example, to achieve the right to participate in the Spartakiad of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to show the result of a master of sports).

3. Tasks of training by years. Specific tasks for improving physical, technical, tactical training are indicated and standards are determined by years.

4. Main competitions (by years), terms and planned result.

5. Basic means and methods of preparation.

The main means and methods of general physical training, technical, tactical and psychological training are briefly characterized.

6. The number of training sessions and competitions, the use of basic training tools and control standards by year (plan and implementation).

7. Distribution of the main means of training by periods or stages.

8. Prospects in study, work. Knowledge that an athlete must master.

9. Medical control. Full examination in the dispensary 2 times a year - in autumn and spring; routine inspections once a month and before competitions.

10. Conclusion of the trainer by years or periods of training.

Thus, an individual four-year long-term plan is a document that combines elements of multi-year planning with annual planning. Sections 3, 4 and 7 are completed for one year only.

The specific preparation of the annual plan (filling in sections 3, 4 and 7) can only be started after familiarization with the approved competition calendar (section 4), a detailed analysis of all aspects of the preparation in the previous sports season, determining the goal and concretizing the tasks (section 3).

Depending on the tasks, the strategic figures for the annual volume of the main training facilities can be specified.

The criteria for assessing the change in the annual volume of the main means of training, exercises of various intensity (running at different speeds, running jumps of different lengths, throwing projectiles of different weights, etc.) can be the following indicators: a significant change (increase or decrease) - ± 40 --50% of last year, average -- ±30%, small -- ±20%.

Planning a small (medium) change in annual loads (volume and intensity) according to the main means of training long jumpers is a necessary condition for the further development of physical qualities and improvement in the technique of movements.

For the successful solution of individual tasks, it is advisable to provide in the plan for significant changes in the load on the corresponding means of training.

Let's take an example. Let's say that last year the number of runs on the run was 250 times, long jumps from various runs: short (4-8 running steps) - 600 times, medium (10--14 running steps) - 200 times, large - - 100 times. In connection with the task set (see paragraph 4), next year it is planned to significantly increase the number of run-ups (up to 375 times), long jumps from the average (up to 300 times) and long run-ups (up to 150 times) and an average reduction in the number of jumps with a short takeoff (up to 420 times).

Currently, year-round training for walkers, marathon runners, discus, javelin and hammer throwers, as well as all-around athletes is based on the principle of one cycle:

preparatory period - October - April (30 weeks),

For other types of athletics - on the principle of two cycles.

The first is the autumn-winter cycle (23 weeks),

preparatory period - October - January (17 weeks),

The expansion of the winter calendar of competitions is of particular importance when it comes to increasing the pace of training and the growth of sportsmanship of an athlete.

The second is the spring-summer cycle (29 weeks),

The culmination of the development of sports form is in winter from February 15 to March 15 (4 weeks) and in summer from July 15 to September 15 (8 weeks).

If there are indications from medical and pedagogical control, the end of September and the beginning of October can be set aside for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

In the absence of such indications, these days should be included in the preparatory period.

Throughout the year, a comprehensive training is carried out using a wide range of training tools aimed at strengthening the body, improving its functionality, improving coordination of movements, and increasing volitional qualities.

Periods and stages of annual training differ from one another in terms of tasks, the ratio of training means, the magnitude of the load, its volume and intensity, and mental tension. However, the boundaries between periods are conditional. One period in its content gradually passes into another, which is explained by the need for a smooth change in the volume and nature of training loads.

The preparatory periods are distinguished by the greatest training load, which creates the foundation for further growth in results. Only the fulfillment of a large load with a significant amount of various means will cause the necessary functional changes in the body, will lead to the development of the most important physical and volitional qualities.

Versatile complex training in the preparatory period should provide not only a high level of motor skills and qualities, but also the necessary connection between them.

In the competitive period, the task of achieving the highest results in a particular competition is solved. Competitions during this period are one of the main means of training.

V. Kozlovsky


A long-term plan is the basis for preparing a football player.

Planning is one of the elements of managing the training process. Under management in sports, it is customary to understand the transfer of a system from one state to another in accordance with the tasks that the coach and athlete set for themselves.

To successfully manage the training process, it is necessary to solve at least the following tasks:

1) determine the goal for each stage of training;

2) to develop a methodology for monitoring the state of the trainee;

3) determine the means and methods for the optimal implementation of the training process.

There is long-term planning (for several years), current (for one year), operational (for a month, a week) and a summary of the lesson.

forward planning

Practice shows that football players achieve a high level of skill on average after 7-8 years of systematic training.

Depending on whether the prospect of an athlete's improvement is correctly planned, whether training facilities, loads, control standards are rationally planned, the growth rate of his achievements and the effectiveness of training in annual cycles will largely depend.

long term plan- the basis of all athlete training. To correctly build a long-term plan, you need to know which age period is most favorable for achieving the highest results. Scientific observations show that the functional capabilities of a football player's body, its adaptability to stress and the restoration of expended energy become optimal in most cases only after the age of 21. Most cases of functional deterioration, with temporary or permanent deviations in the state of health and a drop in working capacity, which appeared in connection with changes in the training regimen in the teams of masters, were related to football players aged 18–20 years. Therefore, for young football players playing for adult teams, a particularly strict dosage of training and competitive loads is needed. All this should be taken into account when drawing up a long-term training plan for the team and the individual player.

Team and individual long-term plans should be interconnected. The timing of long-term planning is set depending on the age of the players, the degree of their preparedness, the timing of the competition.

Usually, in adult teams, a long-term plan is drawn up for 4 years (the interval from one Olympic Games to another), in youth and children's teams - for the entire period of training and training.

The preparation of long-term plans should not be reduced to the mechanical reproduction of several annual plans. It is necessary to provide for a rational change in training objectives, the magnitude of training loads, control standards and other indicators in different years of an athlete's training.

The main requirement of the plan is a steady increase in the physical, technical, tactical, volitional and functional training of football players.

The following sections should be reflected in the long-term plan:

1) goals and objectives of long-term training;

2) sports and technical indicators by years of training;

3) the nature and volume of exercises;

4) team building;

5) places of employment, competitions, equipment and inventory;

6) medical and pedagogical control.

The first section reveals the main goals and objectives of the training separately for each year or for individual stages of training and training. In the second section, the places that are supposed to be taken in a particular competition are planned, the average control standards for the team by year. The third section of the plan reflects all types of training and their approximate percentage by year of study and training. The volume of exercises is usually planned in terms of the time allotted for certain types of exercises.

The fourth section provides for the solution of issues related to the staffing of the team. In the fifth section, it is planned to purchase sports equipment and equipment (racks, portable gates, walls, etc.). There are also planned places for training and competitions. In the sixth section, the main features of pedagogical and medical control are revealed (the acceptance of control standards, determining the time of classes, dispensary services, etc.).

To determine the shifts in physical development and growth of sportsmanship that occur under the influence of training, the following should be carried out:

1) a control check according to the tests provided for by the plan;

2) watching the performances of football players in matches and assessing their performance;

3) a questionnaire survey of football players in order to determine changes in the mode of their training and life.

The data obtained is processed at the end of each year and compared with each other. This allows you to draw certain conclusions and make the necessary adjustments to the training and plans.

The training process is usually divided into several stages.

The first stage is selection and training. It usually lasts 1-2 years and ends when the trainees already master the basics of the technique.

The second stage is training, it usually lasts 5-6 years. Its conditional ending is the transition to the team of masters.

The third stage is sports improvement. This stage lasts until the end of regular performances.

The planning of the educational and training process is the preliminary development and determination of targets and tasks, content, methodology, forms of organization and methods of the educational process with a specific contingent of students for the upcoming activities.

Planning is an important function of managing the educational process in a children's and youth sports school (CYSS). Planning is understood as the definition of a rational sequence and optimal timing for the passage of program material in the system of physical education lessons.

The main tasks for the Youth Sports School are:

Implementation of the training of comprehensively developed young athletes of high classification to fill the national teams of the city, region, in polyathlon (winter and summer) in younger age groups;

Implementation of physical training of the younger generation;

Training from among the students of judges in this sport;

To be a methodological center for the development of polyathlon;

To provide assistance to secondary schools in the implementation and development of this sport;

The tasks of the school include:

Training of masters of sports in polyathlon;

Methodological guidance of educational and training work of the region;

Implementation of guidance on the development of this sport in the DSO and departments.

Planning allows you to foresee the real results of the upcoming work, to determine the most rational ways to achieve them in accordance with the particular tasks of each of the stages of training.

In the system of software and methodological support for the training of reserves, training tasks have relatively recently received recognition and terminological justification as a structural unit of a long-term process. Now we can say that training tasks are the initial element of the training structure.

A number of specialists in the field of sports understand the load and the training task as one and the same. However, these two concepts must be distinguished.

In the theory and methodology of physical education, load is understood primarily as a quantitative measure of the impact of physical exercises. The total amount of load in exercises of a cyclic nature is most often estimated by the total mileage (for a single lesson, week, etc.), in exercises with weights, by the total weight of the weights or the number of lifts (barbells, etc.). In recent years, for a total assessment of the load in terms of the magnitude of functional shifts, i.e. the internal physiological side of the load, use continuous and fairly frequent recording of heartbeats (using a telemetric system) and the calculation of total energy consumption. The absolute intensity of the internal load is determined by the amount of costs per unit of time.

The initial structural unit of training is not the load, but the training task. In his work, V.P. Popov explains this by the fact that the abstract concepts of work and rest in themselves do not carry pedagogical information. In his opinion, work and leisure acquire pedagogical meaning only when they are organized in a certain way. And work and rest organized in a certain way is already a training task that gives a certain training load to the athlete's body and has a specific pedagogical content and meaning. And the main thing is that training tasks always allow solving a specific pedagogical task in a lesson, and a training session is, as it were, a certain sequence of training tasks.

A training task is a part of a training session plan, consisting of one exercise or a set of physical exercises performed with certain pedagogical tasks of the training process. It is considered as the primary link in the implementation of targeted and clear training management. The training task in the process of its implementation has a pedagogical and functional impact on the athlete. An important place in training is given to exercises in the process of completing this task.

Building a training process based on the use of standard training tasks allows you to provide:

a) uniformity of training;

b) differentiated and targeted impact on a young organism for better education of basic physical qualities;

c) application of tasks by the method of variable exercises, reducing monotony;

d) increasing the range of purposeful variations of the main motor action;

e) creation of conditions for the optimal ratio of repeatability and variability;

f) significant streamlining of the training process at all stages of long-term sports activities.

Training tasks are divided into three groups: aerobic, mixed aerobic-anaerobic and anaerobic effects.

At the same time, the assessment of various aspects of the individual physical fitness of young athletes is taken into account, where three levels can be distinguished: average, above average, below average. This contributes to the differentiated selection and application of training tasks, taking into account the need for selective impact on specific links of individual physical fitness.

Stages of preparation for polyathlon:

The stage of preliminary general and special physical training, in which the main content of the training process is swimming, skiing, initial running training, various physical training in combination with game forms of conducting classes.

The stage of initial specialization in summer and winter triathlon, quadrathlon, the stage of initial shooting training in pneumatic and small-caliber shooting.

The stage of in-depth specialization in all types of polyathlon (winter and summer).

For the winter and summer polyathlon, the following age groups, occupancy and working hours of the indicated groups are established (Table 1).

Table 1

Occupancy and load regime in study groups

Year of study

Min. number of groups

Number of people involved

Number of hours per week

sports training requirements

Initial training group

Swimming discharge

Skiing young. category, junior category in winter triathlon, junior category in summer triathlon

Swimming 1 junior category

Skiing 3 category

1 junior category - winter triathlon

1 junior category-summer triathlon

Training groups

3 category - winter triathlon

3rd category - summer triathlon and quadrathlon

2nd category - swimming, skiing, running

3 category - winter triathlon

2 category - summer triathlon and quadrathlon

2 category - summer pentathlon

1st category - summer quadrathlon

2 category - winter triathlon

1st category - summer pentathlon

1 category - winter triathlon

Consider an exemplary program material for initial training groups:

1. Studying and mastering the technique of swimming crawl on the chest, crawl on the back, starts, turns.

2. Studying and mastering the technique of skiing (classical style). Receptions and types of movements.

3. Mastering the initial athletics exercises.

4. Formation in children of a persistent interest in swimming, skiing, polyathlon.

5. Versatile physical training.

6. Initial training and participation in competitions in swimming, skiing.

7. Mastering the necessary minimum, theoretical knowledge.

8. Sports selection of the most capable children for swimming, skiing, polyathlon.

9. The main tasks of initial training are to lay the foundation for versatile physical training, master the technique of swimming, the technique of skiing and create the prerequisites for mastering all types of polyathlon (summer and winter) in the future.

Educational work in the first year of study is planned at the rate of 6 hours per week, of which 3 hours for swimming (or skiing, winter all-around), 2 lessons for physical training, 1 hour for athletics and game training. In the second year of study - 3 hours are allotted for swimming, (skiing for an hour) general physical training - 2 hours, athletics - 1 hour, air rifle shooting - 1 hour, game classes - 1 hour.

Game exercises include: outdoor games, relay races, handball, football, and other games according to simplified rules.

Consider the control tests for general physical education for groups of initial training in the presented table 2.

table 2

Control tests for general physical education for groups of initial training

Sports and technical training should include:

1. Swimming - it is technically correct to swim 50 m in / st. - 100 m. in / st., correctly perform a turn - perform a youth category.

2. Skiing - it is technically correct to move on skis. Complete the youth category. Complete the youth category in the winter triathlon and summer triathlon.

Consider an exemplary curriculum for initial training groups in Table 3.

Table 3

Curriculum of initial training groups

years of education

Theoretical lessons

Physical culture and sports all-around.

Polyathlon (winter and summer)

Hygiene of training sessions, hardening, diet, rest.

Brief information about the structure and functions of the body

The effect of exercise on the body

Technique of sports methods of swimming (technique of movement on skis)

Rules for swimming and skiing competitions


Swimming (ski training)

Learning swimming techniques (skiing), starts, turns (turns, turns, braking, etc. on skis)

Applied swimming, water games

Initial training

Competition and proof tests

Physical training on land

ski training

Running training

strength training

Game preparation

Control tests

Total hours:

A list of exemplary exercises on land is provided in Appendix 1.

It can be assumed that the selection and classification of training tasks by coaches for solving specific tasks performed in the process of sports training of young polyathletes will make it possible to systematize tasks of various directions and create your own catalog of the exercises most frequently used in training, simplify planning, accounting and control of the training load, will provide an opportunity the coach and the athlete to receive a clear quantitative and qualitative description of the training work done for a certain period of time, to increase the reliability of the training process management.

Orientation towards the creation of a block of training tasks of directed influence in the form of complexes of exercises and games is the basis for revising traditional ideas about planning and organizing a training lesson.

Training tasks are conditionally divided into four groups:

1) educational;

2) complexes that develop physical qualities;

3) games that develop physical qualities;

4) special (consisting of means of running training).

The training lesson is divided into three parts:

The preparatory part is a warm-up, general developmental exercises are included, and for the second year of study - special and game exercises.

The main task of the main part is to study the technique of a sports exercise, to provide general and special training. Physical exercises in the form of training tasks (10-20 minutes) in the main part are arranged in the following sequence: exercises (complexes and games) aimed at developing speed, strength and endurance (40-45 minutes).

The final part (15 minutes) of the lesson includes exercises aimed at developing speed, which are used in the main part of the lesson after the warm-up. They are followed by games and game exercises.

Training microcycle:

The workout is scheduled by day based on a weekly (or other number of days) cycle. Cycle planning allows you to do a lot of training work and at the same time have sufficient rest, and not so much due to free days, but due to the expedient alternation and combination of various training work. Currently, athletes train 5-7 times a week.

In the training cycle, classes with different tasks, means, methods and loads alternate. In this regard, it is very important to build a microcycle in such a way as to increase the effectiveness of training due to the correct distribution of different activities in the cycle. So, for the improvement of technique, it is far from indifferent to what was done in the training session the day before. If the lesson was devoted to developing endurance or improving technique with maximum effort, then the next day you should not work on improving technique, since this is inefficient. At the same time, improving technique at low loads for several days in a row gives positive results.

When repeating the microcycle, the role of the emotional background must also be taken into account. For example, after participation in competitions or after training with a large crowd of spectators, a light training session should be carried out.

Among the various exercises and training loads included in the lesson, it is necessary to single out the main ones that would determine its primary focus: on the development of some kind of motor quality, mastery of technique or tactics, maintaining fitness or active rest, etc. We emphasize that the primary focus determines the main task; in addition to it, other tasks are solved in many cases, but it is better to focus the attention of the athlete, his abilities on one thing, the main thing in this lesson. Even with the integral method, the focus of the athlete's consciousness should not be scattered.

Active rest is used whenever it is necessary to speed up the recovery of the body after a particularly heavy load the day before.

Load values ​​during the week in many cases change in a double wave. However, in mountainous conditions, for example, additional days of rest may be needed; in very hot weather, the ultimate load in the second wave, etc., is not always rational.

When skipping training sessions for one reason or another, the microcycle should not be shifted to other days. Missed training days are a single cycle flaw, and because of this, you should not break the usual rhythm of training on certain days of the week.

If the training is carried out 2-3 times a day, then the content of the morning, afternoon and evening training is recorded similarly.

When drawing up an individual weekly plan, specific means of training, loads and other data are recorded in it.

Well-thought-out real plans provide a clear program of action for the teacher and students, ensure the greatest productivity of their joint activities.

Thus, the systematic and mandatory maintenance of planning documents by the coach is necessary and mandatory:

For orderly, planned (systematized) work;

For an objective current, final analysis and control of their activities, the correctness of which affects not only the medical and pedagogical, but the humanistic aspect as a whole;

For the accumulation and preservation of valuable methodological and practical experience, based on which the teacher carries out the solution of similar problems in working with new pupils with already proven, reliable approaches, means and methods;

To provide the opportunity to use documentary material in order to transfer positive work experience to other specialists and further develop the theory and methodology of the educational and training process as a scientific discipline.

Planning documents must meet a number of requirements:

Be specific in setting goals and objectives in the planning period, clearly define the ultimate goal of the plan;

Correspond to the content of the state program and regulatory documents of the educational and training process (for example, a complete reflection of the basic component of the program for the educational and training process);

According to the choice and sequence of the planned material, meet the general and methodological principles of the educational and training process;

Have continuity with the content of the previous and each subsequent plan, as well as the continuity of the material within the plan itself: each step in the plan should be a logical continuation of the previous one and preparation for the next one;

Be real to carry out the planned;

Have clarity and specificity in the formation of planned tasks, means, methods;

To be easily perceived and convenient in work: clearly, simply and clearly designed documents.

The functions of pedagogical planning consist in anticipating the expected result and designing how the educational and training process should unfold on the way to this result in given specific conditions based on general patterns.

There is some contradiction in planning for training sessions: the longer the plan is calculated, the less justified specification of the plan; at the same time, if you plan only for the near future, the prospect disappears. Therefore, the shorter the period for which the plan is drawn up, the more specific and detailed it is.

Consider the requirements for planning in the training process:

1. Target orientation of the pedagogical process. It consists in the requirement to determine the ultimate goal of this process and the subordination (selection) of its entire content, methods and forms of organization to achieve the goal. In other words, from the methodological arsenal of the teacher (trainer), use what directly serves to achieve the goal.

The intended goal must be realistic. Therefore, the teacher (coach) needs to soberly assess the possibilities of achieving it (preparedness of the students, the cost of training time, the availability of material and technical base, etc.).

The basis for the development of target settings are the program-normative provisions of the system for sports, category norms and requirements of sports classification, the requirements of state programs for the educational and training process for various contingents of the population).

With the establishment of the goal, a specific perspective is created in pedagogical work.

The goal is concretized by a whole system of subordinate (private, intermediate) pedagogical tasks with the definition of the sequence and the deadline for their implementation.

All tasks envisaged by the plan should be formulated clearly, unambiguously and in such a way that they can be easily assessed and controlled. Therefore, they are concretized, if possible, in quantitative indicators (training standards, test results), which allow the use of mathematical and statistical methods for assessing achievements (obtained results).

2. Comprehensiveness of planning tasks of the pedagogical process. The requirement is that, based on the goal set, it is sufficient to provide for educational, health-improving and general educational tasks and to outline the means, methods and forms of organizing classes corresponding to them.

3. Accounting for the laws of the training process. Planning is effective only when it is based on the objective laws of physical culture (on the laws of the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of physical qualities and, in parallel, the assimilation of knowledge in this subject) and on the corresponding pedagogical principles (systematicity, accessibility and individualization, progression, etc.). ). In planning the training process, it is also necessary to take into account the biological patterns of growth and development of the human body, age-related psychological characteristics.

4. Specific planning. The requirement consists in strict compliance of the planned tasks, means and methods of the educational and training process with the preparedness of those involved and the conditions of the classes (educational and material base, climatic conditions, etc.).

The degree of specification depends on the time period for which the plan is drawn up. The shorter the period for which the plan is drawn up, the more specific it is. The most specific (detailed) plan is the outline of one lesson (class).

Institute of Physical Culture (branch)

FSBEI HE "Ural State University of Physical Culture"

Department of Theory and Methods of Sports Games and Martial Arts


Methodological instructions for practical classes in the discipline

Planning the training process in sports games

Planning the training process at the stages of long-term improvement in sports games: guidelines for practical exercises in the discipline "Planning the training process in sports games / Authors:, - Ufa, 2015. - 12 p.

Reviewer: professor, dr. ped. Sciences

Responsible for the release: head. Department of Theory and Methods of Sports Games and Martial Arts, Dr. ped. sciences, prof.

The guidelines present the purpose, general information of each practical lesson, tasks for performing practical work on the topic under study, questions for self-control, and a bibliographic list. Interactive forms of education are disclosed and the purpose, general information of each lesson, interactive tasks for performing practical work on the topic under study, questions for self-control, bibliographic list are highlighted. The guidelines are intended for students, masters, graduate students enrolled in basic educational programs implemented in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards.


The discipline "Planning the training process in sports games" is implemented in accordance with the curriculum and is aimed at mastering the actual problems of planning sports training. The purpose of the course is to form knowledge about the current problems of planning the training process.

Based on the study of the course, students should know:

Curricula in various sports;

Programs of classes of various orientations;

Purpose, objectives, means, methods, principles, forms of organization for physical education and planning documents in educational institutions.

Goals, objectives, main components of the pedagogical process in the field of physical culture;

Based on the study of the course, students should be able to:

- to plan various forms of classes, taking into account the biomedical, sanitary and hygienic, psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical culture, climatic, regional, national characteristics in order to improve natural data, maintain health, improve and recreate those involved;

Select means and methods adequate to the tasks;

Develop curricula and programs of various kinds.

On the basis of studying the course, the student must master the skills:

Ways of normalization and control of training and competitive loads in the chosen sport;

Skills in drafting planning documents;



Features of building training at various stages of long-term improvement

Purpose: To get acquainted with the features of building training at various stages of long-term improvement. Master the normative part of the curriculum in the TDF. To master the training programs for the age stages of training in the TDF.

Equipment and materials. Exemplary sports training programs for the Youth Sports School, SDYUSSHOR (according to the IVS)

General information.

In the system of long-term training, it is usually customary to distinguish five stages: 1) initial training; 2) preliminary basic training; 3) specialized basic training; 4) maximum realization of individual capabilities; 5) saving achievements

Stage of initial preparation. The objectives of this stage are to improve the health of children, versatile physical training, elimination of shortcomings in the level of physical development, teaching the technique of the chosen sport and the technique of various auxiliary and special preparatory exercises.

Stage of preliminary basic training. The main tasks of training at this stage are the versatile development of the physical capabilities of the body, strengthening the health of young athletes, eliminating shortcomings in the level of their physical development and physical fitness, creating motor potential, which involves the development of various motor skills (including those corresponding to the specifics of future sports specialization). Particular attention is paid to the formation of a sustainable interest of young athletes in purposeful long-term sports improvement.

Stage of specialized basic training. At the beginning of this stage, the main place continues to be occupied by general and auxiliary training, exercises from related sports are widely used, and their technique is being improved. In the second half of the stage, the preparation becomes more specialized and the subject of future sports specialization is determined.

Stage of preparation for the highest achievements. At this stage, it is expected to achieve maximum results in sports and competitions selected for advanced specialization. The share of special training means in the total volume of training work increases significantly, competitive practice increases sharply.

The stage of maximum realization of individual capabilities. At this stage, opportunities are being sought for further improvement of skills and growth of sports results. The main feature of the training of athletes is the increase in performance due to the qualitative aspects of the system of sports training. The volumes of training work and competitive activity either stabilize at the level reached at the previous stage of long-term training, or can be slightly (5-10%) increased or decreased.

The stage of maintaining the highest sportsmanship. For the stage of saving achievements, the main goal is to maintain the previously achieved level of functionality of the main body systems with the same or even less amount of training work. At the same time, much attention is paid to improving technical skills, increasing mental readiness, and eliminating particular shortcomings in the level of physical fitness. One of the most important factors in maintaining sports achievements is tactical maturity, which directly depends on the competitive experience of an athlete.

Stage of gradual decrease in achievements. Preparation at this stage is even more than at the previous one, it is characterized by a decrease in the total volume of training and competitive activities, a purely individual approach to building the training process, increased attention to general and auxiliary training, which should slow down the process of losing the basic components of preparedness.

The stage of leaving the sport of the highest achievements. The specificity of each of the sports generates the need for specific programs of physical activity, medical and biological control and management of the course of deadadaptation reactions at this stage. In the case of its rational construction, an effective transition of an athlete to the next life is possible, in which either the negative consequences of high-performance sports in relation to the athlete’s health are neutralized or even the strengths of sports training are realized, ensuring a high quality of later life. If an athlete abruptly quits sports and switches to a passive lifestyle, in the vast majority of cases, in the long term, the negative consequences of playing sports are inevitable, manifested in the irrational course of deadaptation processes and adversely affect the health of athletes, the quality and duration of their life.

2. Tasks for performing practical work.

Describe each stage of long-term improvement. To draw up modes of training sessions for the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR in the TDF.

To draw up a curriculum for 52 weeks of training sessions in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR IVS.

Make a conclusion on the topic of the practical lesson

Draw up a curriculum-schedule for the distribution of teaching hours for 1 school. year for groups of initial training (1, 2); educational and training groups (1, 2); sports improvement groups (1, 2); the highest sportsmanship.
Draw up a schedule of training sessions in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR IVS
Disclose the ratio of means of physical, technical, tactical (technical-tactical) training by years of study in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR in the TDF,%
To reveal the indicators of competitive load in the annual cycle of training in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR in the TDF
To draw up standards for enrollment in groups of the training stage, the stage of sports improvement and transfer standards within the presented stages in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR in the TDF.
Make up the volume of application of the main forms of exercises in long-term training in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR in the TDF,%
Questions for self-control of knowledge Description of the stage of initial training; Characteristics of the stage of preliminary basic training; Characteristics of the stage of specialized basic training; Characteristics of the stage of maximum realization of individual capabilities; Characteristics of the stage of saving achievements To reveal the modes of training sessions for the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR in the TDF. Open the curriculum for 52 weeks of training sessions in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR IVS. Open the curriculum-schedule of the distribution of teaching hours for 1 school. year for groups of initial training (1, 2) in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR IVS. Open the curriculum-schedule of the distribution of teaching hours for 1 school. year of training groups (1, 2) in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR IVS. Open the curriculum-schedule of the distribution of teaching hours for 1 school. year of sports improvement groups (1, 2) in the Youth Sports School and the Sports School of the IVS. Open the curriculum-schedule of the distribution of teaching hours for 1 school. a year of higher sportsmanship in the Youth Sports School and the Sports School of the IVS. Open the schedule of training sessions in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR IVS. To disclose the ratio of means of physical, technical, tactical (technical-tactical) training by years of study in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR in the TDF,%. To disclose the indicators of the competitive load in the annual cycle of training in the Sports School for Youth and Sports School in the IVS. To disclose the standards for enrollment in groups of the training stage in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR IVS. To reveal the standards for enrollment in the groups of the stage of sports improvement in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR IVS. To reveal the transfer standards within the training stage in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR in the TDF. To reveal the volumes of application of the main forms of exercises in long-term training in the Youth Sports School and the SDYUSSHOR in the TDF, %

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Training process planning

forward planning

long term plan this is a program to improve the skills of the team and players, in which it is planned to solve the tasks set for years. Such a training plan is made up for the team and for each volleyball player. The long-term plan is calculated for different periods depending on the specific conditions. For teams of the highest ranks, taking into account the periodization of the largest competitions (Olympic Games, World and European Championships), it is advisable to draw up a long-term training plan - team and individual - for four years.

When drawing up a long-term plan, they analyze the initial data of the students, the results of the team, summarize the experience and results of scientific research, study the main patterns of game development, determine the dynamics of changes in the physical, technical and tactical readiness of the players and the level of their results, and on this basis develop a plan for several years ahead.

Requirements for various aspects of preparedness of volleyball players should increase from year to year. But for individual players, they can stabilize at an optimal level. The coach needs to determine the main competitions of each year and establish the primary orientation of the training process for each of them. In this regard, the long-term plan provides for a change over the years of tasks, volume, intensity of the load, the ratio of training facilities, control tasks, etc.

When drawing up a plan, one should be guided by the data of medical control on the state of health, physical development and functional capabilities of the players.

Long-term planning documents:

Team forward plan;

Individual long-term plans.

The long-term plan contains only general data, based on which the coach draws up the current plan for the year.

Long-term team training plan consists of two sections: the text part and the graph of the main indicators.

Sample form for a long-term team training plan

1. Purpose of training. The final sports result in the main competition of the cycle and the main direction of the training process are outlined.

2. The composition of the team and the preparation of the reserve. The state of the team and the tasks for recruiting and preparing the reserve are determined. Indicators can be age, height, number of players by function, etc.

3. Participation in competitions. The task of competitive training is set. According to the years of preparation, the total number of games, including calendar and control ones, is calculated. The main competitions in which the team is scheduled to participate are listed, and sports results are predicted.

4. Training loads. The state and the main task are determined. Training loads (volume) are calculated by years of training.

5. Periodization of training. The main tasks of annual training cycles are outlined; their basic structure. The periods of preparation and their duration are calculated by years.

6. Means and level of training. The main task and direction for each side of the preparation are determined. Year by year, normative requirements are outlined in control exercises for physical and technical training, as well as tasks for the use of technical techniques in competitions.

7. Accounting, pedagogical and medical control. The terms for conducting control tests, medical examinations and the entire system of accounting, control and self-control are established.

An exemplary scheme serves as a visual form of reflecting the content of the plan, in which annual indicators are put down for sections of preparation (Table 1).

Table 1

Approximate outline of a forward planning plan

No. p / p

Preparation section


for 2000

Planned indicator and its
performance by year














In an individual perspective the team plan settings are specified, based on the capabilities of a particular volleyball player and his game functions.

Approximate form of an individual long-term plan

1. Data about the athlete: general and anthropometric.

2. Sports and technical characteristics: functions in the team, development of physical qualities, technical and theoretical readiness, psychological characteristics, functional state.

3. Purpose and objectives of training:

the main goal and main direction in the preparation; tasks for participation in competitions; tasks for the training volume of work; tasks according to the level of physical, technical, tactical, psychological and theoretical training.

4. Medical control and self-control: deadlines for passing control tests, as well as passing basic and milestone medical examinations; self-control tasks.

5. Schedule of preparation (Table 2).

table 2

Approximate form of lesson record

Workout number

date of







Annual planning is an integral part of long-term planning. However, it differs in a number of features: more detailed means and control tasks, more accurate calculation of time for all sections of training.

Current (annual) planning documents

The long-term plan is specified in the annual plan. For team planning, it is customary to draw up a curriculum, program and schedule for the passage of educational material.

The curriculum determines the content of the work as a whole, provides for the number of hours for individual sections of training, their distribution by periods.

The program defines:

1) the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that should be mastered by those involved with a tactical orientation;

2) the level of physical development and technical readiness, which the trainees must achieve;

3) the content of theoretical classes;

4) the content of practical classes in the sections of training.

The program is built as follows.

1. An explanatory note, which indicates: the contingent of students for whom the program has been drawn up; the main goal, tasks to be solved by sections of training; the main forms and methods of work on the development of program material; additional organizational and methodological information that helps to better organize the educational process.

2. Program material on sections of training.

3. Regulatory requirements for the level of preparedness.

The schedule for completing sections of the curriculum reveals their sequence in cycles, periods, stages, as well as the deadlines for passing control exercises in physical and technical training.

For teams, the curriculum, schedule and program are combined into one document - the annual training schedule. It consists of two sections: plan and schedule.

The content of the annual plan is presented in the same form as the long-term plan. The graph reflects the annual periodization. Means of training and training loads are distributed in strict accordance with the patterns of periods and stages of training. Such a distribution of training means and training loads allows you to plan the achievement of a certain level of sports form.

For each player, an annual individual plan is drawn up in the following form.

1. Personal data.

2. Sports and technical characteristics.

3. Purpose and objectives of training.

4. Fixed assets and control tasks for sections of training.

5. Graph of preparedness (in the form of a team schedule).

6. Medical control and self-control.

The annual plan is detailed in plans for semi-annual cycles and periods.

operational planning

It is carried out for a stage, a month or a microcycle, as well as for each training session. The main documents of operational planning are the work plan, the summary of the training session and the schedule of classes.

A work plan is drawn up for each stage of preparation. The planning of means of preparation and training loads in it is based on the regularities of the weekly microcycle of training. Each weekly training is a complete cycle, reflecting both the general patterns of this stage of preparation, and the particulars of each weekly microcycle.

Team (group) training work plan

Period__ ____ _______

Stage _______________________ _______________

1. Tasks of training (general and sections of training).

2. Calculation of the volume and intensity of training loads and the distribution of time by training sections.

3. Control tasks for sections of training and at competitions.

4. The content of training sessions.

To present the content of the training sessions, two forms of recording are used: lesson by lesson (see Table 2) and graphic.

The material for training sessions is distributed and alternated in both forms, taking into account the tasks facing this stage (for a month), as well as taking into account the structure and dynamics of loads of weekly microcycles.

The lesson form of recording the content of training sessions is used for teams of various preparedness, and graphic recording is used only for classes with teams of athletes and higher qualifications.

The summary of the training session is compiled on the basis of the working plan (Table 3).

Plan of training session No. __

"" _______ 200 g.

Name of the team (group) _________

Tasks _______________

Duration of the lesson ____________ hour _ min


Table 3

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation