Lesson technology "professional education". Modern ways of getting education Ways of getting professional education in NSO presentation


Academy of Labor and Social Relations

Correspondence faculty

Department of socio-cultural service and tourism

"Professional Education, Its Levels"


student of the TS group - 15, 1st year, correspondence course

Firsanova D.A.

Supervisor Sanatulov

Shamil Zeynalovich 1

Moscow - 2009

Professional education(also vocational education) - a system for training qualified workers in vocational schools, as well as through on-the-job training.

Primary and secondary vocational education is one of the key vectors for the modernization of the entire educational system in modern Russia.

Levels vocational education.

A profession is not only an opportunity for employment, material support, but also a creative realization of the individual. A person who has correctly chosen a profession in accordance with his inclinations and capabilities, who loves it, is able to make a great creative contribution to the development of society.

Initial vocational education

educational establishments primary vocational education produce skilled workers and employees.
Admission to state and municipal institutions of primary vocational education is carried out on applications from applicants on a competitive basis in the manner established by the founder and the Charter of the educational institution.
The duration of study at this level depends on the level of education of the accepted student. Students entering after the 9th grade of school undergo two or three years of training. Students entering after grade 11 receive one or two years of training. However, in some primary vocational institutions there is a shift towards the profile of technical schools. This is manifested in the extension of the terms of study to 3 or 4 years, depending on the level of education of the student.

Forms of education - day and evening.

The traditional types of educational institutions at this level of education are vocational schools (vocational schools (vocational schools)). In recent years, a network of educational institutions of primary vocational education of a new type has been formed - professional lyceums that train highly qualified workers.

The activities of these institutions are regulated by the Model Regulations on the establishment of primary vocational education, adopted on 06/05/1994.

In the last years of the existence of the USSR, the list of professions for which vocational schools were trained reached 1,400 items. At the beginning of 1999, in accordance with the adopted federal standards this list has been drastically reduced.

Despite the fact that over the past 10 years there has been a clear trend towards a decrease in the total number of students, primary vocational institutions still remain important link education system, which involves obtaining a profession before graduation high school. As a rule, such education is in demand by young people from incomplete or dysfunctional families when an additional source of income is required. For children of this social stratum, when the prospect of obtaining a certificate of secondary education is closed, there is a chance to continue their studies.

In a short period of time, the system of primary vocational education has experienced significant changes in specialization. In accordance with the needs of the labor market, a new, integrated list of professions has been introduced (at the moment, training is being carried out in more than 280 integrated professions). The professions of the service sector, transport, food and trade came to the fore. Completely new professions demanded by society have appeared social workers, organizers of small businesses, ecologists, designers who have increased the competitiveness of graduates of these educational institutions in the labor market. Wherein specific gravity occupations in industry and construction decreased.

State educational standards for primary vocational education and basic curricula have been developed. The succession of educational programs of this level with programs of secondary vocational education has significantly increased.

Secondary vocational education

Secondary vocational education is a qualitatively defined level of the vocational education system, which occupies a significant place in meeting the educational needs of the individual and society. Currently, 22% of the population of Russia have this education. About 20 million specialists with secondary vocational education are employed in the economy and social sphere, which is 33% of the total number of employed or 62% of the number of employed specialists.

In accordance with the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education, secondary vocational education is equated to practice-oriented higher education or pre-university higher education.

Secondary vocational education in Russia is implemented according to two main educational programs - the basic level and the advanced level. After mastering the basic level program, the graduate is awarded the qualification of "technician". An increased level of secondary vocational education provides a deepening or expansion of training compared to the basic level (at the same time, the training period is increased by 1 year). A graduate with in-depth training is awarded the qualification "senior technician", with the expansion of training - "technician with additional training in the field of ..." (indicating a specific area - management, economics, computer science, etc.).

Students in a secondary specialized educational institution are students (cadets), listeners and other categories of students.

The content of educational programs of secondary vocational education is regulated by the State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education (SES SVE), which consists of 2 parts: a federal component that defines national requirements for a minimum content and level of training of graduates, and a national-regional component. In connection with the expiration of its validity in 2001, a new State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education was developed - the Classification of Specialties of Secondary Vocational Education.

Secondary vocational education is implemented in various forms: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time, external studies based on basic general education (9 grades of a general education school) or secondary (complete) general education (11 grades of a general education school). Admission to institutions of secondary vocational education is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations. Every year, about 11% of graduates of basic general education schools and about 23% of graduates of secondary (complete) schools become students of secondary specialized educational institutions.

The term of study under the program of secondary vocational education of the basic level full-time on the basis of secondary (complete) general education is 2–3 years, depending on the profile of training.

The term of study in part-time and part-time forms is increased by 1 year compared to the period of study in full-time form. When implementing secondary vocational education on the basis of basic general education, the period of study is increased by 1 year compared to the period of study based on secondary (complete) general education.

There are two main types of secondary specialized educational institutions: a technical school (school) and a college.

The technical school (school) implements the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education at the basic level; college - the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic and advanced levels. The implementation of educational programs of secondary vocational education can also be carried out in higher educational institutions.

The activities of educational institutions of this level are regulated by the Model Regulation on an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution), adopted on March 3, 2001.

Secondary vocational education is provided in more than 300 specialties. During the 1990s, several dozen new specialties were introduced, mainly in the areas of the social sphere, service, and new information technologies.

Persons with secondary vocational education of the relevant profile may receive higher vocational education under reduced accelerated programs. At the same time, the reduction in the term of study at a university is, as a rule, 1 year in the presence of a basic secondary vocational education, 1–2 years in the presence of an advanced secondary vocational education.

The system of secondary vocational education includes 2.6 thousand state and municipal secondary specialized educational institutions and departments of universities that implement educational programs of secondary vocational education.

Currently in Russian Federation there are more than 2,650 state and municipal secondary specialized educational institutions and departments of universities that implement educational programs of secondary vocational education. The number of students is 2.1 million people, the educational process is provided by 123 thousand full-time teachers.

The non-state sector of secondary vocational education is actively developing, including more than 130 secondary specialized educational institutions, in which more than 20 thousand students study.

In 2005, primary and secondary vocational education institutions were transferred from the federal to the regional level. This made it possible to start creating integrated educational institutions that implement programs different levels. In accordance with the Program for the reorganization of vocational education, developed by the Department of Education of the Moscow Government, it is planned to integrate all three levels of qualifications within a single educational process. In accordance with the City Program, the division of educational institutions of a vocational profile into 4 main types is provided. Polytechnic College, Civil Engineering College, College for the training of workers in trade, services and consumer services, and a college that will train workers and mid-level professionals for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Thus, in Moscow there was a consolidation of educational institutions.

This will make it possible to develop a system of multi-level continuous vocational education, in which the level of training of skilled workers will increase significantly, the prestige of new types of vocational schools will increase, and vocational schools will turn into colleges that meet European standards of vocational education. Now institutions of pre-university professional education are represented by one type of educational institutions.

Colleges - public educational institutions secondary vocational education, implementing successive and integrated educational programs of basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational (basic and advanced levels) and secondary vocational (basic and advanced levels) education, providing students with the opportunity to consistently improve their general educational and professional levels and growth competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. Colleges are organized according to the program-industry principle, which provides for the organization of training in professions and specialties that meet the needs of one branch of production or the city economy as a whole in the city; and according to the territorial-sectoral principle, which provides for the organization of training in professions and specialties that meet the needs of the urban economy in a particular territory

Higher professional education.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on education and depending on the number of areas of study for students, the types of universities are established as follows: universities, academies and institutes.

A university of any kind and its branches can implement educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary and secondary vocational education, as well as additional vocational education if they have the appropriate license.

All 3 types of higher educational institutions, in addition to the above educational programs, as a rule, also implement educational programs of postgraduate professional education and carry out training, retraining and (or) advanced training of highly qualified workers, scientific and scientific and pedagogical workers, conduct fundamental and (or) applied Scientific research.

Training is carried out on a full-time, part-time (evening), correspondence form, in the form of an external student.

For all forms, including in the case of their combination within a specific educational program, there is a single state educational standard.

University graduates can have qualifications: bachelor, graduate, master in the relevant areas of training (specialties), and the relevant educational programs can be implemented both continuously and in stages.

A graduate who has passed the final state certification for an accredited educational program is issued by the university with a state document (diploma) on the level of education and (or) his qualifications.

The general management of the university is carried out by an elected representative body - Academic Council. The term of office of the Academic Council is 5 years.
The academic council consists of the rector (chairman), vice-rectors, and, by decision of the academic council of the university, the deans of the faculties. Other members of the Academic Council are elected general meeting(conference) of the university. The Rector directly manages the activities of the university. His position is elective, the term of office is 5 years.

The volume and structure of admission of students to the first year of a state university is dictated by admission targets, which are set annually by the relevant federal executive body in charge of the university. In addition to the assignments for the admission of students, the university has the right to train specialists under the relevant contracts with the payment of the cost of training by individuals and (or) legal entities.

The activities of a higher educational institution are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" dated 22.08.96 and the Model Regulations on an educational institution of higher vocational education (higher educational institution) of the Russian Federation, adopted on 05.04.2001.

The public consciousness of young people has changed. Now the majority of applicants understand that their career and, in general, their whole life depend on the choice of a university. Competition in the labor market has increased dramatically. Senior students prefer to start working before graduation in order to be provided with jobs after graduation. The employer takes into account not only the specialty according to the diploma, but also the grades in the main disciplines.

Qualitative changes also include the emergence of diplomas for various qualifications, the emergence of new specialties and new forms of education. For example, the number of new academic disciplines (not included in the state list) has exceeded 200 - from computer technology to taxation, clinical psychology and international corporate finance.

However, in the future, the number of people wishing to receive higher education will start to shrink. This will be caused not by the outflow of applicants to other levels of education, but by the demographic situation in the country. The peak of the birth rate ended in 1986-1987. Therefore, by 2010, according to the Public Opinion Foundation, there will be a maximum of 759,000 applicants against the current 1.3 million. This may mean that the number of higher education institutions will also decline.

Additional professional education

Additional professional and pedagogical education is an independent direction in pedagogical science and practice. It is a system object, which includes the following interrelated structural elements: educational institutions for advanced training of specialists, educational and methodological centers and offices, educational institutions of vocational education, advanced training courses, scientific institutions, social, cultural and information institutions, management bodies of vocational education, public organizations.

The advanced training system performs narrower functions than the system discussed above, namely, increasing the professional competence and general culture of the employee. It is an integral part of the system of additional vocational education, is relatively independent and has elements of any pedagogical system (purpose, content and teaching methods, teachers, students, teaching aids, etc.).

The professional development of engineering and teaching staff takes place both in the process of educational and methodological activities in various parts of the advanced training system, and through self-education. Both of these processes are interdependent and complement each other, although the role of each of them in the process of professional growth is not the same. Coursework serves as an incentive for self-education, orienting it in the right direction. In turn, self-education significantly complements the knowledge that teachers have acquired in the courses.
At present, self-education occupies the main place in advanced training, and it is necessary to make this process continuous, systematic, and manageable. The latter becomes one of the main goals of the advanced training system: using all possible forms of training - full-time (usually short-term and episodic), part-time, part-time, familiarize the engineering and pedagogical worker with the methods and techniques of self-education, show him the right path of self-improvement, equip its respective guidelines and teaching aids.

The considered allows us to formulate the requirements that the system of additional vocational education of engineering and pedagogical workers should satisfy.

The system of supplementary vocational education must predict and monitor the changes taking place in a professional school, adequately respond to these changes when determining the goals, content and methods of teaching.

The purpose of training in the system of additional professional education is to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, to solve practical problems at a high professional level. In the name of this, the teacher must master new principles and methods of managing the process of teaching and educating young people.

In the context of changing the status and role of the teacher in the new conditions, expanding and complicating his functions, the system of additional vocational education should be mobile and take into account individual characteristics every personality.

The use of the principle of multifunctionality and multilevelness implies a serious restructuring of the educational process, its content, forms and methods of teaching. Two important points in the new system of additional vocational education should be specially noted: structural and substantive. The core of the content side of the multifunctional multi-level system of education is new pedagogical technologies.

In the system of additional vocational education, the main thing is a thoughtful setting of a sequence of tasks, the solution of which should lead to a deeper study professional sphere activities of a teacher. The solution of the problem, which used to be a means of testing knowledge, the degree of their assimilation, is now becoming the goal of learning, and the assimilation of knowledge is a means of achieving it. The motivation for the assimilation of knowledge is the very need for this knowledge and the result of its application. This is possible only if the need for knowledge is directly linked to the results of its application. This overcomes the alienation of a specialist who improves qualifications from the educational process: the task that was previously solved using external means of motivation is now solved with the help of intrinsic motivation teachings.
When teaching in the traditional education system, the amount of knowledge of the teacher was set a priori, in addition to his experience, as something to be learned, in addition to his experience, as something to be learned, due to the fact that he chose this profession, then when studying in a new pedagogical system - in a system of continuous professional development the amount of knowledge is set on the basis of the expanding experience of the specialist - as what he needs in solving emerging problems.

An analysis of the real educational system in Russia confirms that it is a fusion of elements of traditional and emerging lifelong education. There is a process of gradual withering away of elements of traditional education and an ever wider introduction of ideas and methods of problem-based learning. Lifelong education is becoming a priority and central direction in the strategy of educational policy. Education is given a new quality, the core idea is the development of the personality of a schoolchild, student, specialist in any field of professional and labor activity.

Lifelong education is not a level, stage, form or type of education, it is a system that has a specific structure and organization, new content, based on its own ideas and principles, which has approved new functions and, in general, solves many old problems in a new way.

28 lesson. Ways to get a profession.

Education is what
the majority gets
many pass
and only a few have.

K. Kraus

The choice of the method of obtaining a profession primarily depends on the nature of the profession itself. Oddly enough, there are still young people who are convinced that the profession of an economist, psychologist, or doctor does not require higher education. Perhaps the promises of many educational institutions play a role, which, for a ridiculously short term they promise to give you a diploma from a university or academy, and even an international one. How many of you want to get under the knife of a surgeon who studied by correspondence, according to an accelerated program, and even passed exams for money? What about living in a house designed by a half-educated architect?

Before considering the ways of obtaining professional education, we will clarify the choice using the “Matrix professional choice».

Task number 1. "Matrix of Professional Choice".

Consider the proposed options for objects of labor and activities and mark the most attractive for yourself (1-2 options).

1. What subject of work attracts you?

    Person (children and adults, pupils and students, clients and patients, buyers and passengers, spectators and readers, employees, etc.)

    Information (texts, formulas, diagrams, codes, drawings, foreign languages, programming languages)

    Finance (money, stocks, funds, limits, loans)

    Technique (mechanisms, machine tools, buildings, structures, devices, machines)

    Arts (literature, music, theatre, cinema, ballet, painting, etc.)

    Animals and plants (wild, domestic, decorative, etc.)

    Products and products (metal, fabrics, fur, leather, wood, stone, medicines, bread, meat, milk, fruits, vegetables, fruits, etc.)

    Natural resources (lands, forests, mountains, reservoirs, deposits, etc.)

2. What type of activity attracts you?

    Management (management of someone's activities)

    Service (provision of various services)

    Education (upbringing, training, personality formation)

    Improvement (prevention and treatment)

    Design (design of parts and objects)

    Research (scientific study of something or someone)

    Protection (protection against hostile actions)

    Control (verification and observation)

The subject of work and type of activity you have chosen are the parameters that will help clarify the direction in which you should look for a future profession.

Consider "Professional Choice Matrix". In its cells, at the intersection of the subject of labor and the type of activity, the directions and specialization of higher professional education are indicated.

Note. On-line diagnostics "Matrix of professional choice for university applicants" see here.

Why not just write the names of professions in the cells?

First, just listing all the professions would take several volumes. The search for a profession in areas narrows the field of choice. Destinations can be compared to branches on which bunches of berries hang - groups of professions.

Secondly, in educational institutions it is customary to train specialists not in a specific profession, but in a direction or specialization.

    Do you remember how a profession differs from a specialty?

For example, you want to be a doctor. There is only one profession, but there are many specialties - a therapist, a surgeon, a radiologist, an emergency doctor, a narcologist, a cardiologist, etc. - remember the signs on the doors of the offices in the clinic. School teacher is a profession. A teacher of the Russian language, mathematics, physics, history, computer science is a specialty. All these specialists can be trained at the same institute, but at different faculties.

Third, your knowledge of future profession while speculative, that is, divorced from life. Even if your parents or acquaintances tell you a lot about their profession, you cannot “get into their shoes”, feel the profession from the inside. Introduction to destinations professional activity makes it possible to see the similarities and differences in the professions of one group, to understand what is closer to you.

Knowing the direction of study, you can proceed to the next stage of work - the choice of an educational institution where specialists of this profile are trained.

Task number 2.

Using the Matrix of professional choice, write down the names of the areas and specialties that you consider the most suitable for you.

The state educational standard of the Russian Federation provides for two systems of higher professional education - training of specialists and training of bachelors. For the training of specialists, a classifier of specialties has been developed for groups of related specialties; for the preparation of bachelors - a systematized list of areas of basic higher professional education by field of knowledge.

Both systems are equal, but there are a number of differences between them. A specialist receives a specific qualification (teacher, agronomist, economist, engineer, etc.) and studies for 5–5.5 years. The preparation of bachelors provides the graduate with a wider area of ​​professional application, but does not provide a specific qualification and belongs to the second educational level, the duration of which is 4 years. To complete the education at the third final level, a bachelor must study for at least two more years and obtain a master's qualification.

In addition to traditional full-time and part-time forms of education, there are distance learning and external studies. Distance education has become possible thanks to the use of Internet technologies. This is a whole complex of program and pedagogical components designed to transfer knowledge at a distance. Learning can be asynchronous or synchronous. With the asynchronous method, the student himself determines the pace of obtaining information. Synchronous learning involves learning in real time. It includes:

    work with databases or educational CDs in computer classes of institutes or at home,

    communication with the teacher through electronic means of communication,

    real-time tracking of the correctness of the execution of tasks.

Distance learning is effective in the areas of human activity related to the development and use of software and hardware for natural science disciplines.

For the implementation of programs of secondary and higher professional education using distance learning technology, it is necessary that the student be enrolled in one of the forms of education provided for by law: full-time, evening, correspondence or external studies.

An external student in a higher educational institution is a state certification of persons who independently study disciplines in accordance with the program. An extern who has successfully passed the current and final state attestation receives a state-recognized diploma of graduation from the relevant educational institution with the assignment of the appropriate qualification and an indication of the specialty.

There is such a thing - "horizontal career". This does not mean career advancement (official growth), but professional (professional growth). You can imagine this in the form of steps: the higher the step, the higher the professional level. All over the world, specialists who have passed the entire "ladder of excellence" - from the bottom step to the top, are most valued. For example, medicine. Which specialist will be valued higher - who entered the institute after school or the one who studied at the medical school before the institute? Of course, the second one. Firstly, he is a specialist of a wider profile, he can do what an ordinary doctor cannot. Secondly, his desire to become a doctor is more conscious and mature. It is no secret that more than half of graduates of higher educational institutions work outside their specialty. Often only because the chosen profession actually looks completely different than it seemed from a distance. Therefore, before you storm higher educational institutions, think about other forms of education - primary or secondary vocational education.

Secondary special education

Professional education provide not only schools and technical schools, but also courses, studios, centers. They teach "mass professions" - an accountant, a driver, a seamstress, a waiter, a computer user, etc. On-the-job training also allows you to get a profession and find a job. The method of preparation differs little from additional education - demonstration, training, repetition, but the requirements are stricter, the duration and intensity of training are higher.

Specialists of working professions are trained in schools. However, in order to acquire qualifications, in-depth general and special knowledge, a different level of professional thinking are already needed here. In the curriculum of such educational institutions there are a dozen or two subjects, as well as term papers, tests and exams. The level of their training allows them to master new types of work, grow professionally, follow new technologies. Specialists to perform more hard work, including for the management of work teams, prepare technical schools, where the level of training, the volume and intensity of independent work is higher. In this case, the terms of study increase, and admission is carried out according to the results of entrance examinations. In addition to the class-lesson teaching system, there may be lectures, seminars, laboratory work. At work, students of technical schools are expected to be independent in decision-making, the ability to lead a work team.

Currently, printing, consumer services, construction, production of goods and food products, and instrument making are developing dynamically. Machine operators, millers, and high-level turners are in demand on the labor market.

Higher education

Getting a higher education in Russia has become much easier than a few years ago. Currently, there are more than a thousand higher educational institutions in Russia and about three thousand of their branches. True, the level of education in them does not always correspond to high-profile names.

And yet our public education system remains the most efficient in the world. This is well understood abroad, so foreign firms staged a real "headhunt" for the best students. Now in the USA 50% of physicists and chemists and 30% of mathematicians come from Russia.

Specialists with higher education are trained by higher educational institutions - institutes, universities, academies.

Institutes provide training in mass professions and specialties (engineers, doctors, teachers, economists, managers, lawyers, psychologists, etc.). Higher education assumes that a specialist is able to solve complex problems independently, that is, to think, look for optimal solutions and take them responsibly. Higher education allows self-selection necessary information, create new technologies, generate non-standard ideas.

The content of any higher education consists of three parts: advanced general education, which includes well-known school subjects, "basic sciences" (mathematics, physics, chemistry, graphics, technology, literature); general cultural education (history of culture, philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, computer science); special education (car design, cardiology, Renaissance poetry). It is clear that the set of academic disciplines is determined by the profile of the university, the features of specialization. In many academic disciplines, students complete term papers and projects, research work, and practice.

The volume and intensity of the student's independent work is growing from semester to semester. Mastering someone else's knowledge, processing it, rationally using it - here memorizing, learning, repeating is not enough. You need to manage your education.

Higher education ends with the creation of an intellectual product - theses or projects, the high quality of which best characterizes professional qualifications. A smart employer will definitely ask about the topic of the thesis.

Universities prepare scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, future academicians and professors. University education is different. First, a student from undergraduate studies scientific work. Secondly, the curriculum at the university is more individual. Thirdly, interdisciplinary courses are practiced that form a scientific worldview and broaden one's horizons. A university graduate is a universal specialist.

Creative universities (artistic, theatrical, literary, cinematographic, musical) train unique specialists, which not everyone can become - talent is needed. Even before the entrance exams, you need to pass a creative competition: sing, play, draw, mold, compose, read. You can prepare for such a competition in the system of additional education and self-education (sections, studios, clubs, centers children's creativity).

Quality education provides advantages in the labor market if it is based on professional interests, inclinations and abilities and backed by at least a small but successful work experience.

The demand for professions is constantly changing, it is difficult to predict it. The age of some professions is short - 5-15 years. Then they die or change. Therefore, the value of a specialist increases if he owns several related professions. Employers give preference to a person who has passed several steps of the career ladder, who has not only knowledge, but also practical skills that can only be obtained in work.

Task number 3 (home).

    Find educational institutions in the directories that train specialists in your chosen areas of study and write down the data that will helpyou choose the appropriate option.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

« Musical and Aesthetic Lyceum. A.G. Schnittke »


Methodical development

open lesson on technology in grade 8

(45 min.)

Kulikova Antonina Viktorovna

technology teacher

first qualification category

G. Engels

Lesson No. 22 Section: "Modern production and vocational education"

("Technology. Service labor" edited by Simonenko V.D. 2010)

Topic: Ways to get professional education



To acquaint students with the role of professions in human life, the professional qualities of a person; - to teach to search for information about obtaining a profession and education, about offers in the regional labor market;


- to teach to develop the ability to interact in microgroups in the process of performing search tasks; - to develop speech, memory, cognitive interest of students to implement the search for a way to get a profession and education; - develop communication skills (ability to work in groups/pairs), public speaking skills;


- from promote during the lesson the formation of interest in research work on the required topic; - Cultivate a positive attitude towards life.

Type and type of lesson: educational and cognitive - a lesson in the development of new knowledge.

Methods: explanatory and illustrative, problematic.

Forms of organization: individual-frontal, steam room, group.

Didactic material and equipment: computer, projector, presentation on the topic of the lesson, tests for work in groups and in pairs.

Technological map of the lesson

Kulikova Antonina Viktorovna – technology teacher

MBOU "Musical and Aesthetic Lyceum named after. A.G. Schnittke"

8th grade


Lesson stages

Partial task of the stage

Planned results

Means, methods of training and education, forms of organization of educational activities, methods and forms of organization of control, methods of assessment

Teacher activity

Student activities



Organizational stage

Organize self-determination of children for activities in the lesson.

Identification of the direction of activity

Organization of your workplace in accordance with the requirements of the task of the lesson

Personal: self-regulation

Regulatory: the ability to regulate one's actions, predict activities in the lesson.

Method: verbal-illustrative

ICT tools

The teacher greets the students appearance, organization of the workplace, the availability of educational and working supplies, didactic and auxiliary aids. The log checks the attendance of students for class.

Introduction by the teacher. Definition of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Perceive by ear, visually control their readiness for the lesson

Students use the video to determine the topic of the lesson.

Actualization of previous knowledge

Formation of understanding among students of the connection between doing homework and the upcoming work.

Students' assessment of the importance of knowledge of the role of the profession in the life of a person and society.

Personal: self-regulation Regulatory: control the correctness of students' answers

Method: conversation, survey.

Method of control, mutual control.

Form: individual.

Means: computer presentation

It begins with a generalizing conversation between the teacher and the students. The class is asked questions: 1. What role does choice of profession In human life?

2. Who and what can influence the choice of profession?

The teacher listens and conducts a conversation to clarify and concretize actions

Students answer questionsteacher wasps, formulate conclusions of observations, voice concepts, express their proposals.

Learning new material

Familiarize with typical mistakes when choosing a profession, medical contraindications.

Formation of knowledge about education, proposals on the regional labor market - when choosing a profession and education.

Conscious perception of new material.

Personal: self-regulationRegulatory master the knowledge that is necessary when choosing a profession.

Method: verbal (illustrative)

Means: computer presentation.

Basic concepts studied in the classroom.

The teacher explains the main concepts studied in the lesson using the presentation “Types of professions”.

are watchingask questions and answer the teacher's questions, formulate conclusions of observations, voice concepts, express their suggestions, compare.

Fixing new material

Consolidation of the acquired knowledge and skills in the search for information and its application in practice when protecting presentations.

Analysis of information and its implementation in practice,

Personal: the ability to work on a presentation, the development of diligence and responsibility for one's own and collective activities

Regulatory: the ability to draw up a plan, the sequence of actions in drawing up a presentation

Cognitive:the ability to extract the necessary information;

Method: conversation, survey.

Method of control, problematic issues, mutual control.

Form: group.

Means: computer presentation of students.

Educational Internet resources. Wikipedia

Invites students to talk about their future professions.

questions, advises, supervises and corrects students

Students in groups talk about professions and ways of getting an education using their presentations (preparation of presentations about professions was homework)


Summarizing, evaluation of results,


The ability of the student to apply the acquired knowledge in life

Personal: awareness of one's capabilities Regulatory: the ability to regulate one's actions, interaction in groups Cognitive: the ability to analyze and isolate, formulate one's task, adequately relates to the assessment of the teacher, classmates

Method: verbal, survey.

Control method - testing,

Shape: front.


the level of presentation formation and ICT proficiency;

students' competence.

Understanding and applying the acquired knowledge in practice. Test execution.


Evaluation of results


Possession of forms of activity corresponding to the culture of work

Personal: the ability to conduct self-assessment and organize mutual assessment


building a logical chain of reasoning and evidence.

Cognitive: the ability to identify mistakes made and justify ways to correct them

Testing Express - diagnostics "Temperamental structure of personality"

Focuses attention on the final results of the learning activities of students in the classroom

Name the main aspects of the new material


Organize independent activities for the next lesson.

Conscious perception of the material.

Emphasizes the search for new information.

Name the main aspects of the new task.

Knowledge control table

Open technology lesson Place of work, position: MBOU secondary school No. 19, Engels, technology teacherRegion: Saratov region Grade: Grade 8; Students in the class: 12 peopleSubject: TechnologyUsed textbooks and study guides: "Choice of profession". A textbook for students in the 8th grade of educational institutions. / Ed. V.D. Simonenko. – M.: “Ventana - Graf”, 2010.Equipment used: computer, projector, screen, (ICT, slide presentation).Materials used for control: tests "Questionnaire-orientation" and express diagnostics "Temperamental structure of personality".Used DER: Internet resources http://www.teksika.com/
Lesson No. 22 Section: "Modern production and vocational education"
Lesson topic: Ways to get professional education
The purpose of the lesson:
    Contribute to the formation initial knowledge about the role of the profession in human life and the way to get an education
Lesson objectives:
    Knowledge updating; To acquaint students with the role of professions in human life; to teach to search for information about obtaining a profession and education. Cultivate a positive attitude towards life; contribute during the lesson to the formation of interest in research work on the required topic To teach to develop the ability to interact in microgroups in the process of performing search tasks; develop speech, memory, public speaking skills.
Lesson type: educational and cognitive - a lesson in the development of new knowledge.Lesson methods: partial search explanatory and illustrative, problematic. protection of presentations by students about future professions and ways to get these professions in our region.Conduct form: individual-frontal, steam room, group. Interdisciplinary connections: geography, literature. Basic concepts: concept of profession, classification by sectors of the economy, choice of profession, professional quality personality, mistakes in choosing a profession, medical contraindications, ways of getting education, offers in the regional labor market.LESSON PLAN (1 lesson - 45 min.)


During the classes:

1. Organizational part.

1.1 Checking the availability of students.

1.2 Checking readiness for the lesson.

1.3 Reporting the topic and purpose of the lesson. Slide number 1, 2, 3.

2. Actualization of previous knowledge.

2.1 Summarizing conversation: problematic issues, clarifications, additions, summing up. Slide number 4, 5, 6, 7.

The teacher asks questions to the students:

1. The role of the profession in human life?

2. What professional qualities of a person are needed when choosing a profession?

3. What ways of getting a profession and education do you know?

4. How can I search for information about professions, educational institutions and offers in the regional labor market.

3. Learning new material

Education is what
the majority gets
many pass
and only a few have.

K. Kraus

The choice of the method of obtaining a profession primarily depends on the nature of the profession itself. Oddly enough, there are still young people who are convinced that the profession of an economist, psychologist, or doctor does not require higher education. Perhaps the promises of many educational institutions play a role, which in a ridiculously short time promise to equip you with a diploma from a university or academy, and even an international one. How many of you want to get under the knife of a surgeon who studied by correspondence, according to an accelerated program, and even passed exams for money? What about living in a house designed by a half-educated architect?

Before considering the ways of obtaining vocational education, we will clarify the choice with the help of the "Matrix of professional choice".

    Task number 1. "Matrix of Professional Choice".

Consider the proposed options for objects of labor and activities and mark the most attractive for yourself (1-2 options).

    1. What subject of work attracts you?
  1. Person (children and adults, pupils and students, clients and patients, buyers and passengers, spectators and readers, employees, etc.)
  2. Information (texts, formulas, diagrams, codes, drawings, foreign languages, programming languages)
  3. Finance (money, stocks, funds, limits, loans)
  4. Technique (mechanisms, machine tools, buildings, structures, devices, machines)
  5. Arts (literature, music, theatre, cinema, ballet, painting, etc.)
  6. Animals and plants (wild, domestic, decorative, etc.)
  7. Products and products (metal, fabrics, fur, leather, wood, stone, medicines, bread, meat, milk, fruits, vegetables, fruits, etc.)
  8. Natural resources (lands, forests, mountains, reservoirs, deposits, etc.)
    2. What type of activity attracts you?
  1. Management (management of someone's activities)
  2. Service (provision of various services)
  3. Education (upbringing, training, personality formation)
  4. Improvement (prevention and treatment)
  5. Design (design of parts and objects)
  6. Research (scientific study of something or someone)
  7. Protection (protection against hostile actions)
  8. Control (verification and observation)

The subject of work and type of activity you have chosen are the parameters that will help clarify the direction in which you should look for a future profession.

Consider the Career Choice Matrix. In its cells, at the intersection of the subject of labor and the type of activity, the directions and specialization of higher professional education are indicated.

Why not just write the names of professions in the cells?

First, just listing all the professions would take several volumes. The search for a profession in areas narrows the field of choice. Destinations can be compared to branches on which bunches of berries hang - groups of professions.

Secondly, in educational institutions it is customary to train specialists not in a specific profession, but in a direction or specialization.

  • Do you remember how a profession differs from a specialty?

For example, you want to be a doctor. There is only one profession, but there are many specialties - a therapist, a surgeon, a radiologist, an emergency doctor, a narcologist, a cardiologist, etc. - remember the signs on the doors of the offices in the clinic. School teacher is a profession. A teacher of the Russian language, mathematics, physics, history, computer science is a specialty. All these specialists can be trained at the same institute, but at different faculties.

Thirdly, your knowledge of the future profession is still speculative, that is, divorced from life. Even if your parents or acquaintances tell you a lot about their profession, you cannot “get into their shoes”, feel the profession from the inside. Acquaintance with the areas of professional activity makes it possible to see the similarities and differences in the professions of one group, to understand what is closer to you.

Knowing the direction of study, you can proceed to the next stage of work - the choice of an educational institution where specialists of this profile are trained.

    Task number 2.

Using the Matrix of professional choice, write down the names of the areas and specialties that you consider the most suitable for you.

The state educational standard of the Russian Federation provides for two systems of higher professional education - training of specialists and training of bachelors. For the training of specialists, a classifier of specialties has been developed for groups of related specialties; for the preparation of bachelors - a systematized list of areas of basic higher professional education by field of knowledge.

Both systems are equal, but there are a number of differences between them. A specialist receives a specific qualification (teacher, agronomist, economist, engineer, etc.) and studies for 5–5.5 years. The preparation of bachelors provides the graduate with a wider area of ​​professional application, but does not provide a specific qualification and belongs to the second educational level, the duration of which is 4 years. To complete the education at the third final level, a bachelor must study for at least two more years and obtain a master's qualification.

In addition to traditional full-time and part-time forms of education, there are distance learning and external studies. Distance education has become possible thanks to the use of Internet technologies. This is a whole complex of program and pedagogical components designed to transfer knowledge at a distance. Learning can be asynchronous or synchronous. With the asynchronous method, the student himself determines the pace of obtaining information. Synchronous learning involves learning in real time. It includes:

  • work with databases or educational CDs in computer classes of institutes or at home,
  • communication with the teacher through electronic means of communication,
  • real-time tracking of the correctness of the execution of tasks.

Distance learning is effective in the areas of human activity related to the development and use of software and hardware for natural science disciplines.

For the implementation of programs of secondary and higher professional education using distance learning technology, it is necessary that the student be enrolled in one of the forms of education provided for by law: full-time, evening, correspondence or external studies.

An external student in a higher educational institution is a state certification of persons who independently study disciplines in accordance with the program. An extern who has successfully passed the current and final state attestation receives a state-recognized diploma of graduation from the relevant educational institution with the assignment of the appropriate qualification and an indication of the specialty.

There is such a thing - "horizontal career". This does not mean career advancement (official growth), but professional (professional growth). You can imagine this in the form of steps: the higher the step, the higher the professional level. All over the world, specialists who have passed the entire "ladder of excellence" - from the bottom step to the top, are most valued. For example, medicine. Which specialist will be valued higher - who entered the institute after school or the one who studied at the medical school before the institute? Of course, the second one. Firstly, he is a specialist of a wider profile, he can do what an ordinary doctor cannot. Secondly, his desire to become a doctor is more conscious and mature. It is no secret that more than half of graduates of higher educational institutions work outside their specialty. Often only because the chosen profession actually looks completely different than it seemed from a distance. Therefore, before you storm higher educational institutions, think about other forms of education - primary or secondary vocational education.

Secondary special education

Vocational training is provided not only by schools and technical schools, but also by courses, studios, and centers. They teach "mass professions" - an accountant, a driver, a seamstress, a waiter, a computer user, etc. On-the-job training also allows you to get a profession and find a job. The method of preparation differs little from additional education - demonstration, training, repetition, but the requirements are stricter, the duration and intensity of training are higher.

Specialists of working professions are trained in schools. However, in order to acquire qualifications, in-depth general and special knowledge, a different level of professional thinking are already needed here. In the curriculum of such educational institutions, there are two dozen subjects, as well as term papers, tests and exams. The level of their training allows them to master new types of work, grow professionally, follow new technologies. Specialists to perform more complex work, including the management of work teams, are trained by technical schools, where the level of training, the volume and intensity of independent work are higher. In this case, the terms of study increase, and admission is carried out according to the results of entrance examinations. In addition to the class-lesson teaching system, there may be lectures, seminars, laboratory work. At work, students of technical schools are expected to be independent in decision-making, the ability to lead a work team.

Currently, printing, consumer services, construction, production of goods and food products, and instrument making are developing dynamically. Machine operators, millers, and high-level turners are in demand on the labor market.

Higher education

Getting a higher education in Russia has become much easier than a few years ago. Currently, there are more than a thousand higher educational institutions in Russia and about three thousand of their branches. True, the level of education in them does not always correspond to high-profile names.

And yet our public education system remains the most efficient in the world. This is well understood abroad, so foreign firms staged a real "headhunt" for the best students. Now in the USA 50% of physicists and chemists and 30% of mathematicians come from Russia.

Specialists with higher education are trained by higher educational institutions - institutes, universities, academies.

Institutes provide training in mass professions and specialties (engineers, doctors, teachers, economists, managers, lawyers, psychologists, etc.). Higher education assumes that a specialist is able to solve complex problems independently, that is, to think, look for optimal solutions and take them responsibly. Higher education allows you to independently select the necessary information, create new technologies, and generate non-standard ideas.

The content of any higher education consists of three parts: in-depth general education, including well-known school subjects, "fundamentals of science" (mathematics, physics, chemistry, graphics, technology, literature); general cultural education (history of culture, philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, computer science); special education (car design, cardiology, Renaissance poetry). It is clear that the set of academic disciplines is determined by the profile of the university, the features of specialization. In many academic disciplines, students complete term papers and projects, research work, and practice.

The volume and intensity of the student's independent work is growing from semester to semester. Mastering someone else's knowledge, processing it, rationally using it - here memorizing, learning, repeating is not enough. You need to manage your education.

Higher education ends with the creation of an intellectual product - theses or projects, the high quality of which best characterizes professional qualifications. A smart employer will definitely ask about the topic of the thesis.

Universities prepare scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, future academicians and professors. University education is different. Firstly, a student from junior courses is engaged in scientific work. Secondly, the curriculum at the university is more individual. Thirdly, interdisciplinary courses are practiced that form a scientific worldview and broaden one's horizons. A university graduate is a universal specialist.

Creative universities (artistic, theatrical, literary, cinematographic, musical) train unique specialists, which not everyone can become - talent is needed. Even before the entrance exams, you need to pass a creative competition: sing, play, draw, mold, compose, read. You can prepare for such a competition in the system of additional education and self-education (sections, studios, clubs, centers for children's creativity).

A quality education provides an advantage in the labor market if it is based on professional interests, inclinations and abilities and backed up with at least a small but successful work experience.

The demand for professions is constantly changing, it is difficult to predict it. The age of some professions is short - 5-15 years. Then they die or change. Therefore, the value of a specialist increases if he owns several related professions. Employers give preference to a person who has passed several steps of the career ladder, who has not only knowledge, but also practical skills that can only be obtained in work.

    Task number 3 (home).

  • Find in the directories the educational institutions that train specialists in the areas of study you have chosen and write down the data that will help you choose the appropriate option.
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