How to get certification of ipb teachers. Certification of accountants - how is it carried out. Training for a certificate of a professional accountant and financial director


№ 40/2008

Everyone puts their own meaning in the concept of "professional". For some, this is a person with an appropriate specialized education, for others, a specialist with extensive work experience, for others, someone who knows how to get used to new labor realities in the shortest possible time and most effectively solve the tasks assigned to him. All these qualities must be possessed by a specialist who wants to receive a certificate. professional accountant.

Elena Kalashnikova, correspondent of "UNP"

Diploma not required but preferred

Since 1997, professional certification of accountants, which includes checking the level of knowledge and skills through qualification exams, has been carried out by the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia (IPBR) and its territorial branches. In our region there is the North-Western Territorial Institute of Professional Accountants (NWTIPA). official requirements obliging an accountant to have a certificate, no. However, there are more and more people who want to get a crust confirming professionalism every year. The main arguments in favor of obtaining a certificate are the requirement of employers and the personal desire of an accountant.

Accountants make a choice

Yulia Stepanyugina, chief accountant of a commercial firm, believes that the certificate was very useful for her: “Two years ago I received a certificate of a professional accountant. Since that moment, significant changes have taken place in my career: I rose to the position of chief accountant, and most importantly, I received an incentive to study further and constantly improve my professionalism. Thanks to the annual refresher courses, I always stay up to date with everything new that happens in the vast world of accounting.”

Ilya Kamyshov looks at the question from a completely different angle: “In my opinion, the certificate does not give anything. The main thing is work experience. And it is in this direction that we need to develop, invest all our efforts and resources. And the certificate is an extra waste of money, and not one-time, but lasting as long as you want to be a professional accountant. Annual membership fees and paid professional development are not something I am willing to spend my money on.”

The golden mean adheres to Marina Abasova, chief accountant industrial enterprise: “Of course, a certificate of a professional accountant will not open all previously closed doors for you, but it is also wrong to treat it as a meaningless piece of paper. This document can become a ticket to an interview with many employers, but in any case, the accountant will have to prove his professionalism and competence in practice. If there is no knowledge and experience, no certificate will help.”

And back to the desk

Professional training is carried out in several areas: Chief Accountant, accountant-expert (consultant); (manager), financial expert (consultant). Issues related to attestation are covered in as much detail as possible on the SZTIPB website ( It is impossible to qualify as a professional accountant without additional training. To do this, you need to complete a 240-hour training program for the training and certification of professional accountants at a training and methodological center (AMC) that has the right to such training, and pass exams. Training for obtaining a certificate, as well as certified professional accountants in St. Petersburg, is carried out by 15 accredited teaching and learning centers. The cost of the course (240 hours) is an average of 15,000 rubles.

Certification is carried out in two stages. The first stage - a written-oral exam - is carried out jointly with the territorial institute and the educational and methodological center that was involved in the preparation. Based on the results of this examination, the applicant is admitted or not admitted to the next stage - the written examination. It is carried out by SZTIPB together with IPBR. The results of the exam are summed up in the IPBR, which makes a decision on issuing a certificate of a professional accountant to the applicant.

Not without financial investment

According to the current procedure, the “expiration date” of a professional accountant certificate is limited to five years. Upon completion, the document must be extended. But for this, for all five years, the accountant must comply with a number of conditions. Firstly, to undergo annual advanced training in the amount of at least 40 hours a year. The cost of such classes is 5000-6000 rubles. Today, training centers offer several forms of advanced training: listening to a special course, participating in a special seminar, publishing monographs, textbooks, articles, or an internship. An accountant can independently choose the forms and place of advanced training.

Secondly, you must be a member of the Institute of Professional Accountants (and, accordingly, pay membership fees). "Extension qualification certificate provided only for members of the IPBR. This decision is due primarily to the fact that a professional accountant must not only meet certain qualification requirements for an accountant in market economy, but also follow the Code of Professional Ethics of the members of the IPB, ”the NWTISP explains. Sizes of annual membership fees: 900 rubles for payment in the Institute of Biosecurity of Russia; 2700 rubles - in SZTIPB.

Be careful!

As you know, there are enough scammers everywhere, and some training centers that are not authorized to conduct advanced training courses are still engaged in this activity. True, instead of a certificate from the Ministry of Finance and the ISP of Russia, they issue various certificates and certificates of an unspecified form. Do not trust swindlers - only the Institute of Professional Accountants, its North-Western Branch, accredited training centers and other organizations that have concluded an agreement with the IPA of Russia and NZTIPA can carry out advanced training. Registration and issuance of certificates of the Ministry of Finance and IPA of Russia to certified professional accountants in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region is carried out only by SZTIPA!

How to get certified as a professional accountant - you ask yourself as soon as you see this requirement in a job advertisement for employees in a prestigious organization. Or maybe when your manager asks why you don't have one, and this will give him reason to doubt your professional suitability. In our article, we will figure out how a professional accountant certificate is obtained and why it is really needed.

Where to get a professional accountant certificate

To obtain a certificate of a professional accountant, you need to study at the Institute of Professional Accountants (IPA).

IPB is an association of accountants and auditors in the Russian Federation. Engaged in attestation of accountants since 1997.

Having passed the exam at the IPA, the accountant receives a certificate confirming his high qualification.

Training and certification itself can be passed not only in the Institute of Security. Now there are vocational training centers that have a license to carry out educational activities and accreditation of the Institute of Biological Safety of the Russian Federation. This gives them the right to issue and validate a professional accountant certificate.

Why you need a professional accountant certificate

In recent years, the work of an accountant has become much more complicated. And this is primarily due to a large number of changes in legislation, which can be quite difficult to keep track of.

Moreover, the employer has such a problem. Hiring an accountant, he wants to be sure of his professionalism. It is at such moments that the certificate of a professional accountant and membership in the IPA of the Russian Federation are a guarantee high level hired specialist.

Also, do not forget that in order to extend the validity of the certificate, you need to improve your skills (pass 40 hours of training annually), which undoubtedly increases the level of trust in an accountant.

It is no secret that many have a desire to go to work abroad. And if you want to find a job in your specialty in a new place, you will simply need a certificate of the Institute of Biology of the Russian Federation. The IPA is a full member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), therefore, in order to get a job abroad, you will need to know the national language and take a course on local taxation.

How many types of certificates are there

There are several types of certificates:

  • Accountant certificate. It confirms the professional level of an employee performing the functions of an accountant, which must correspond to the qualification of the professional standard "Accountant" level 5.
  • Certificate of chief accountant. Confirms the professional level of the employee performing the functions of the chief accountant. This must meet the qualification of the professional standard "Accountant" level 6.

Read more about the 5th and 6th levels of the professional standard in the articles:

  • ;
  • .

To get a certificate, it is not enough to have the necessary knowledge and skills - there are certain qualification requirements to be completed to an individual. They mostly relate to education and experience. practical work.

1. Requirements for obtaining an accountant's certificate.

If the candidate for the certificate does not have practical work experience, his education should be the following:

  • secondary special or higher than the 3rd year in the direction of "Economics and Management";
  • secondary specialized in accounting.

If the work experience is more than 3 years in the profession of "accountant", the education should be secondary general and special training in accounting.

2. Requirements for obtaining a certificate of chief accountant.

More than 3 years of work experience out of the last 5 in the profession, education:

  • higher in the direction of "Economics and Management";
  • higher general and additional professional education in the field of accounting, reporting or auditing.

More than 5 years of work experience out of the last 7 by profession, education:

  • secondary special in the direction of "Economics and Management";
  • secondary general and additional professional education in the field of accounting, reporting or auditing.

What else you need to know about preparing and conducting certification

There are several ways to prepare for the exam:

  • take a full-time course at an accredited training center;
  • pass the distance course in an accredited training center;
  • prepare yourself.

After you have chosen the method of training that suits you, you must become a full member of the IBA RF. To do this, you need to write an application, attach documents confirming your qualifications, and pay an entrance fee.

It is possible to take the exam in the territorial Institute of Healthcare or in an accredited training center.

The exam takes place in 2 stages:

1. Intermediate certification in the center where you studied.

2. Electronic testing on the site of the IPB RF. You get the data for entering the site at the accredited center where you took the training, or at the representative office of the ISP.

Testing the chief accountant may include about 48 questions, the accountant - 24 questions.

At the exam, they are allowed to use regulations and reporting forms.

How to get certified as a professional accountant

After passing the exam, the Presidential Council of the Institute of Biological Safety of the Russian Federation decides on the issuance of certificates based on the results obtained.

With positive results, you receive a certificate, and information about it is entered into the Unified Register.

The register gives the employer the right to collect data about the employee: when he joined the ISP RF, when he last underwent advanced training. This information is kept for 5 years.

If the exam was not passed, then the applicant has the right to retake it 2 times. This must happen within 3 months from the date of the 1st test.

The certificate is issued for 3 years. After that, if you paid your membership fees to the Institute of Biological Safety of the Russian Federation in a timely manner and improved your qualifications in accordance with the requirements, the certificate will be extended for another 3 years and so on. You do not need to retake the exams with each renewal of the certificate.


Obtaining a certificate of a professional accountant is not mandatory in our country. Perhaps, working in a small firm, the knowledge that you have will be enough for you. But if you are full of ambition and do not want to stop there, and also do not want anyone to doubt your knowledge and professionalism, then the certificate of a professional accountant is what you need.

Despite the fact that under the law the certificate is not considered mandatory for an accountant, disputes about how much it is necessary for an accountant are still ongoing. We asked St. Petersburg accountants what they think about the certificate, and got a rather unexpected result.

A bit of history

The certificate of a professional accountant is issued by the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia (IPBR). Back in 1997, IPBR organized advanced training courses for accountants and began issuing certificates of professional accountants with the seal of the Russian Ministry of Finance. In 2000, by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 13, 2000 No. 4n, new forms of financial statements were approved, in which the accountant had to indicate the data of his qualification professional certificate. But a few months later, a letter of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated April 20, 2001 No. AS-6-16 / 332 was issued with explanations that tax inspections does not have the right to require a certificate from an accountant. Since then, no new official documents obliging an accountant to have a certificate have appeared. And although in Lately Legislative bodies are actively discussing the possibility of introducing mandatory certification of professional accountants, while the main argument for obtaining a certificate is the requirement of employers.

Why does an employer need a certificate?

Indeed, in most job postings for chief accountants, employers require a professional certificate. “I am the chief accountant, I changed jobs six months ago,” says Irina, chief accountant. - I don't have a certificate. And here's what's interesting. On the good places almost everywhere a certificate was required, especially for employment agencies. They (the agencies) sifted everyone through this filter - “higher economic or accounting education, at least three years of experience, a certificate.” That is, automatically my resume was not considered.

“The current certificate of the chief accountant is a kind of guarantee to employers that the applicant for the position of chief accountant is mobile and more qualified,” comments Anna Bogina, consultant at the Finance and Banking department of ANCOR. “A certified accountant is required to undergo training, improve his qualifications every year, and, accordingly, he is aware of all the innovations.”

"Pros and cons"

Recently, a survey was conducted: “Does a professional certificate help an accountant in anything?”. About 300 accountants took part in the survey, 57 percent of them said that they did not help in any way, and 43 percent of those surveyed, on the contrary, found it useful. As you can see, the gap is not that big. However, more often you can hear a negative opinion. Accountants complain about the unjustified high cost of education, the forced need to renew the certificate and at the same time become a member of the IPBR, paying membership fees.

“I think that the certificate of a professional accountant of the IPBR is a feeder for officials,” says Anna Vasilyeva, chief accountant of a leasing company. - It's just pumping money for the issuance of useless pieces of paper. Although many employers consider these papers to be a plus for candidates, in fact, there is very little sense from these courses. I have a certificate - I succumbed to fashion at one time. Now every year, so that he does not get lost, I pay contributions to the IPBR and go through a completely useless so-called “training”.”

Many, on the contrary, consider certification to be necessary, arguing that the level of knowledge gained is high. Svetlana Petrova, the chief accountant of a wholesale trading company, says: “I am currently undergoing training under the certification program, and so far I like everything. Personally, I decided to get a certificate in order to be a more competent accountant. The knowledge gained in the classroom significantly expands my professional horizons, because my specialization is narrow, but here they talk about other types of activities. In addition, I really like lectures of teachers. All lectures are built on practical material, specific life situations are given. Maria Ryzhova, chief accountant of a trading company, agrees with her: “A certificate is not a piece of paper for employers, but nothing more than systematic knowledge. Simply, many accountants do not know that professional accounting courses are not only accounting, but also the basics of civil law, financial management, the basics of auditing, and so on. This, of course, is not what you need in everyday work, but something that is sometimes very useful to “get out of your sleeve” in order to confirm your high qualifications and a large salary.

Now every accountant decides for himself whether he needs a certificate or not. And, most likely, the truth is somewhere in the middle. We can agree that it is not at all a guarantor of professional growth, but at the same time, a certificate is a good opportunity to gain versatile systematic knowledge and regularly improve your skills.

For your information

Who can get a professional accountancy certificate?

– having a higher economic accounting education or a diploma of a candidate (doctor) of sciences in the specialty “Accounting, statistics” (direction “Accounting, analysis and audit”);
- who has worked for at least three years in the position of chief accountant or manager financial service(or their deputies), in other management positions requiring knowledge of accounting, as well as an accounting consultant or teacher;
trained program "240 hours" and successfully passed qualifying exam.

How and where can I get a certificate of a professional accountant in St. Petersburg?

It is necessary to undergo mandatory professional (educational) training in the amount of 240 hours under the program of training and attestation of professional accountants in one of the 13 educational and methodological centers accredited by NWTIPA and pass exams. Professional training goes in the following areas: chief accountant, accountant-consultant (expert), financial manager (manager), financial expert-consultant. Addresses and contact numbers of training centers, as well as the procedure for submitting documents, can be found on the SZTIBB website -

How is the exam going?

The exam is held in two stages. The first stage is a written-oral examination. It is carried out jointly by the territorial institute and the educational and methodological center, which provides training for applicants. According to the result of the first examination, the applicant is admitted or not admitted to the next examination. The second stage is a written exam. It is carried out by NWTISP jointly with IPBR. The results of the exam are summed up in the IPBR, which makes a decision on issuing a certificate of a professional accountant to the applicant.

How is the certificate renewed?

The qualification certificate obtained by a professional accountant is valid for five years. To extend its validity, the holder of the certificate must be a member of the Institute of Professional Accountants, as well as undergo annual advanced training in the amount of at least 40 hours a year.

The professional standard "Accountant" was developed by NP IPB of Russia and is valid from February 2015. At the same time, official documents prescribing the obligatory availability of a certificate for an accountant have not yet been approved.

By law, the membership of an accountant in the BIS (the organization that developed this standard) is not mandatory, however, the question of whether the candidate has a certificate is asked at the interview in 90% of cases. This document worries recruitment agencies even more - their representatives do not hide the fact that they consider only certified candidates, considering them more competent.

Why is a document needed?

An employee is not required to have a certificate. But it is better if this document is. Certified specialists who have become members of the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia are more in demand on the modern labor market. According to the developers of the standard, the presence of a certificate confirms that the level of qualification of a specialist corresponds to the position held.

Other benefits of having a certificate:

  • systematization and expansion of skills and knowledge;
  • open access to the most up-to-date information;
  • prospects for career and personal growth;
  • ability to withstand competition;
  • gradual increase in income levels;
  • opportunity to make useful friends.

The situation on the labor market today is such that it is always easier for a certified applicant to get a good position or get a promotion.

Professional standard is useful not only for employees, but also for employers. It can be used when working with personnel, for organizing the training of working personnel, when compiling job descriptions and other documentation.

Where to get a certificate?

Certification is carried out by the ISP of Russia. To obtain a document, a specialist must undergo appropriate training at one of the accredited training centers, and then pass a two-part exam.

To enter the university, you will need to prepare a diploma, a duplicate work book with the seal and signature of the employer, 2 photos 3x4. You must also attach proof of payment.

Features of the professional standard "Accountant" and types of certificates

Professional standard regulates the activities of an accountant and chief accountant in organizations of all forms of ownership. The document includes general information and information about the developer of this document, as well as a description and description of the functions that an employee usually performs in such a position. This point is given special attention. The authors of the standard set out requirements for education, experience, necessary knowledge and skills. To a separate table required professional skills, which must be owned by specialists applying for a certificate, such as:

  1. preparation and verification of primary accounting documents;
  2. distribution of the budget, control of incoming funds;
  3. tax accounting at the enterprise;
  4. financial analysis of the enterprise;
  5. distribution of duties among other employees and others.

The specialist must be able to use computer and software and office equipment, know the norms of legislation in the field of taxes and fees, and have extensive knowledge of related industries.

To pass certification, you need a higher or secondary vocational accounting education. Be sure to pass the qualifying exam. In addition, the chief accountant must have at least 3 years of experience in a similar position. The specialist is given:

  • accountant's certificate(qualification of a specialist of the 5th level of the professional standard) for the generalized labor function "Accounting";
  • certificate of chief accountant(qualification 6th level) for the labor function "Compilation and presentation of financial statements of an economic entity".

Exam preparation and procedure

Preparation is carried out with the participation specialized organizations– educational and methodological centers that not only offer classroom and extracurricular interactions, but also organize practical webinars and seminars, inform specialists about all relevant changes in the current legislation.

The duration of training is determined by a specific program developed and approved on the basis of professional standards.

The exam itself is carried out in two consecutive stages: a written-oral and written examination, which can be started only after successfully overcoming the first test. The first stage is carried out territorial institute and educational and methodological training center specialists together. Summing up after the second part is done by the IPB.

Getting a certificate

After passing the exam is issued Certificate of accountant from the Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia.

Block If the candidate has passed most of the tests, but did not get points on the qualifying exam, he is granted the right retake any part of the examduring the calendar yearfree of charge.

An analysis of the standard in action showed that the attitude of employees and applicants towards it is ambiguous.

  • There is an opinion that getting a certificate is a waste of money that the document is not a guarantee that the specialist who has entered your service will be sufficiently qualified.
  • There are also supporters who claim that training really contributes to the renewal and systematization of valuable knowledge. More positive reviews. Accountants recognize that membership in the NP IPB Russia helps them not to be afraid of competition.

Anyway, in general, compliance this rule is advisory in nature (regardless of the form of ownership of the organization).

Block The presence of a certificate must be observed by organizations whose activities are regulated by federal law (based on Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

These include: NPF, Insurance companies, PJSC (except credit), organizations whose activities include the management of state non-budgetary funds and many others. In other cases, the employer can apply this professional standard at its discretion.

To become a professional accountant, you need to complete training under the Training and Certification Programs for Professional Accountants in one of the training centers accredited by the IPA of Russia and pass qualifying exams.

Before starting training, a candidate for obtaining a certificate of a professional accountant submits to the IPA of Russia through the UMC an application of the established form, a questionnaire of the established form, duly executed copies of documents confirming education and work experience in positions requiring knowledge of accounting, a copy of the document confirming the payment of the entrance fee, a copy of the passport , two photos.

What are the requirements for candidates for the certificate of professional accountant?

An applicant for a professional accountant qualification certificate must meet one of the following requirements:

  • have a higher education with at least 3 years of work experience in the positions of chief accountant, head of financial, economic or legal services and their deputies or in senior positions requiring knowledge of accounting, as well as auditors, lawyers, consultants, methodologists and university teachers for accounting;
  • have incomplete higher education or secondary vocational education in economics with at least 5 years of work experience in the specified positions;
  • have a secondary vocational non-economic education with professional retraining in economic specialties (in the amount of at least 500 hours) and at least 5 years of work experience in the specified positions.

Is it possible to get a certificate of a professional accountant if the work experience in a position requiring knowledge of accounting is less than 3 years?

If there is work experience in a position that requires knowledge of accounting for less than 3 years, the applicant can receive a qualification certificate of a reserve of a professional accountant or a qualification certificate of a professional accountant-practitioner.

An applicant for a professional accountant reserve qualification certificate must meet one of the following requirements:

  • have a higher education and work experience of up to one year in positions requiring knowledge of accounting;
  • study in economic specialties: in the senior courses of universities, starting from the 4th, in the magistracy or in graduate school.

An applicant for a qualification certificate of a professional accountant-practitioner must have at least secondary professional economic education or secondary professional non-economic education and at least one year of work experience in positions requiring knowledge of accounting.

What types of certificates and what specializations does the ISP of Russia offer?

Among the qualification certificates of a professional accountant and reserve certificates of a professional accountant are:

1. Qualification certificate of a professional accountant commercial organization in the following specializations:

  • Chief accountant, accountant-expert (consultant)
  • Financial director (manager), financial expert (consultant)
  • Director of Management Accounting
  • Internal Auditor
  • Tax accountant - tax expert consultant
  • Chief Accountant for IFRS
  • Chief accountant of the agro-industrial complex
  • Chief accountant of organizations of the housing and communal complex
  • Chief accountant in construction
  • tax auditor
  • Chief accountant in trade

2. International qualification certificate of a professional accountant - an expert in IFRS

3.Qualification certificate of a professional accountant of a state (municipal) institution.

Among the qualification certificates of a professional accountant-practitioner are:

1. Qualification certificate of a professional accountant-practitioner of a commercial organization

2.International qualification certificate of a professional accountant-practitioner in accordance with IFRS

3. Qualification certificate of a professional accountant-practitioner of a state (municipal) institution.

What educational and methodological centers (TMC) accredited by the Institute of Biosecurity of Russia are located in Novosibirsk?

There are nine educational and methodological centers in Novosibirsk accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Medicine of Russia. The list of EMCs can be found in the "Training Centers" section.

Where and how can I get advanced training?

Professional accountants and teachers who are members of the IPA of Russia and TIAP are required to constantly improve their qualifications by at least 200 hours in 5 years or at least 40 hours per year.

Advanced training can be carried out in various forms in accordance with the Regulations on the continuous professional development of members of the ISP of Russia and TIIB. One of the forms is listening to advanced training courses in accordance with the unified system of special advanced training courses.

You can listen to an advanced training course for professional accountants in one of the teaching centers accredited by the IPA of Russia.

What does (what are the benefits) of obtaining an IPB certificate?

Firstly, members of the IPA of Russia receive the status of a professional accountant recognized all over the world (IPA of Russia is the only professional association from Russia that is part of the International Federation of Accountants IFAC / IFAC). A professional accountant - a member of the IPA of Russia - is a high-level specialist: confident in himself and his actions, successful, decisive; responsible; striving for continuous development and achievement of new career heights; demanded in the labor market; occupying an active professional position and belonging to the elite of the profession;

Secondly, the certificate of the ISP of Russia is a confirmation of the qualifications of a specialist, allowing its holder to stand out favorably in the job market. The presence of a certificate gives the right to claim a higher salary and protects against competition from less qualified personnel

Thirdly, membership in a professional accounting organization will expand the circle of business contacts, provide certification of knowledge and skills, continuous professional development and will provide an opportunity to personally participate in the development of the accounting profession.

For the employer, the presence of a qualification certificate from a specialist will give confidence in his high qualification, will save time, effort and money in the selection of personnel.

How much does it cost and what does the cost of training consist of?

The cost of education is determined by the UMC separately for each program. The cost of the course for the Training and Certification Programs may include the entry fee of a candidate for obtaining a certificate of the ISP of Russia.

Applicants for obtaining the certificate of the ISP of Russia are trained:

in one of the training centers accredited by the ISP of Russia

During the course of professional training, the training center explains to applicants the procedure for obtaining a certificate of the IPA of Russia and becoming a full member of the IPA of Russia, helps to draw up the necessary documents and itself transfers them to the territorial institute of professional accountants (if there is no TIPA in the territory of residence (temporary residence) of the applicant - in IPB of Russia).

The result of professional training is a test of professional level.

Professional Accountant Certificate

This is an intermediate certification, which the applicant passes in the training center.

or with the help of materials developed by the Institute of Biosecurity of Russia

Applicants who have mastered the training and certification program for professional accountants with the help of materials developed by the IPA of Russia undergo an intermediate certification in the form of a test task posted on the official website of the IPA of Russia. The applicant is allowed to interim certification after providing a properly executed package of documents and paying an entrance fee to the TIPB (IPB of Russia) chosen during registration. The list of required documents, the amount of the entrance fee and the details for its payment should be clarified in the TIPB (IPB of Russia).


Dear colleagues!

The programs offered by the IPA of Russia allow for the training of specialists in order to confirm their qualifications in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard "Accountant":

  • Certificate of a professional accountant of the IPA of Russia (level 5) sign up for training;
  • Certificate of a professional accountant of the IPA of Russia (level 6) sign up for training;
  • Certificate of a professional accountant of the IPA of Russia (Level 7) from July 1;

and open up new horizons professional activity:

  • Certificate of a professional tax consultant, sign up for training;
  • Certificate of professional financial director from July 1;

coming soon

  • Certificate of a professional internal controller (auditor);
  • Certificate professional expert according to IFRS.

Examination programs for professional certificates developed by the ISP of Russia are additional professional education programs that are part of the continuing education system.

3 steps to become a professional accountant

They are aimed at Professional Development specialist, ensuring that his qualifications correspond to the changing conditions of professional activity, taking into account his existing education, qualifications and practical experience.

IPB Russia programs are intended for specialists with higher education, medium vocational education or secondary general education.

Certification of the IPB of Russia includes:

  • determination of the level of education, training and practical work experience of the applicant, based on the documents submitted by him;
  • determining the level of professional training of the applicant during the intermediate certification;
  • passing by the applicant of the qualification exam of the Institute of Biological Safety of Russia.

Professional training of applicants is carried out according to the programs of the ISP of Russia:

An applicant for the IPA Russia Professional Certificate must meet certain requirements for education, training and practical work experience.

To obtain the Professional Certificates of the ISP of Russia, you must:

  1. Prepare a set of necessary documents.
  2. Pay the entrance membership fee.
  3. Check the level of professional training by means of an intermediate certification, carried out in the manner and in the form established by the training center, which conducted the training or, in case of self-training, using materials developed by the IPA of Russia (only under the program for a professional accountant certificate) pass an intermediate certification in the form of a test task posted on the official website of the ISP of Russia.
  4. Pass a qualifying exam in the form of electronic testing on the official website of the ISP of Russia.

An applicant who has successfully passed the certification of the Institute of Safety of Russia, on the basis of the decision of the Presidential Council of the Institute of Safety of Russia, is issued a Professional Certificate of the Institute of Safety of Russia for a period of 3 (three) years, namely:

Accountant's certificate– certificate of a professional accountant of the IPA of Russia, confirming compliance with the requirements of the 5th level of the professional standard "Accountant" and the requirements for professional accountants of the IPA of Russia.

An accountant certificate is issued with an indication of the specialization:

Certificate of chief accountant– certificate of a professional accountant of the IPA of Russia, confirming compliance with the requirements of the 6th level of the professional standard "Accountant" and the requirements for professional accountants of the IPA of Russia.

The certificate of the chief accountant is issued with an indication of the specialization:

Certificate of professional tax consultant - confirms the level professional competence required to perform the function of a tax consultant and the requirements for professional tax consultants of the IPA of Russia. Read more…

Reference Information:

    Exam statistics

    Exam Schedule

    Exam results

The purpose of professional certification

Professional certification of specialists and mandatory membership in a professional organization with the assignment of the appropriate title to them has long been a practice in developed countries, and have become an integral part of building a career in the 21st century.

Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia (IPB of Russia) is the largest certification center in Russia that tests the knowledge and skills of accounting specialists for compliance with the requirements of both federal authorities and international professional organizations.

The purpose of certification conducted by the IPA of Russia is to increase the level of competence of specialists and the prestige of the accounting profession, the formation of a fundamentally new community of professionals.

Only certified specialists who have become members of the IPA of Russia receive the internationally recognized title of professional accountant.

Benefits of a professional accountant certificate holder:

  • self-confidence, competitiveness;
  • confirmation of qualification;
  • expanding skills and knowledge;
  • increased attractiveness to employers;
  • career;
  • increasing income levels;
  • exchange of experience and expansion of the circle of useful acquaintances;
  • access to the international level, recognition of foreign colleagues and employers;
  • access to the most up-to-date professional information;
  • support in a changing industry and market.

Among other organizations that also carry out certification and professional training of accountants involved in the study of accounting problems, the IPA of Russia favorably distinguishes:

  • more than twenty years of experience in effective and fruitful work;
  • support of state bodies and international partners;
  • the widest range of activities, including the study of professional problems, the development of draft laws and regulations, the improvement of certification and advanced training systems, the development teaching aids holding expert advice, active methodological work in the field of accounting.

Additional Information

Today, no one will argue that in order to successfully run a business, an enterprise needs to hire a qualified accountant. However, the modern realities of the Russian economy are such that accounting rules are constantly changing, new laws are being adopted, and industries are being reformed. As a result, the accountant must constantly confirm his qualifications. In Russia there is such a program as certification of a professional accountant.

All chief accountants without exception should take part in it. All market participants are interested in this - both employers, the state, and the accountants themselves.

In fact, obtaining a certificate of a professional accountant logically follows from the reform of accounting, its transfer to international standards i.e. IFRS.

Of course, until such a transition is fully implemented, the certification requirements will be more of a recommendation. However, today get certified as a professional accountant everyone who applies for a job in a large company needs it. For an employer, this is not just a prestigious document. This is a confirmation that the company is hiring a competent specialist.

Is a professional accountant certificate relevant?

The fact is that in order to obtain a certificate of a professional accountant, a candidate must meet certain requirements. In particular, this must be confirmed by the relevant document (usually a copy of the work book) five years of work experience either as a chief accountant or in a managerial position. This very fact speaks of professionalism and a sufficient level of competence.

However, certification as a professional accountant also involves some training. It takes place in centers that have been accredited by the Institute of Professional Accountants (abbreviated as IPA RF). This organization has also developed a training program that includes several subjects: law, audit, direct accounting, finance. At the same time, accounting alone considers modern Information Systems, accounting ethics and much more.

At the end of this course, the accountant must pass an examination in all of the listed subjects. If you fail to pass the first time, two more attempts are given to retake. If they failed, then you can pass in a year, but it will be even more difficult, since changes to the legislation are made quite often. However, a certified accountant will still have to undergo retraining every year, and in five - a new certification.

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