Preparation for the qualifying exam. The procedure for passing the exam and obtaining a qualification certificate for the implementation of appraisal activities has entered into force List of persons who have received an appraiser qualification certificate


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Appraiser Qualification Exam

The main thing about the procedure for conducting a qualifying exam:

1) The qualification exam is conducted in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development dated May 29, 2017 No. 257 "On approval of the Procedure for the formation of a list of examination questions for conducting a qualification exam in the field of appraisal activities, the procedure for conducting and passing the qualification exam in the field of valuation activities ... "

2) Who and in what terms passes the CE?

Persons who are members of the SROO as of 01/01/2017 must have a qualification certificate from 04/01/2018.

Persons who entered after 01/01/2017 must have a qualification certificate from 07/01/2017.

3) The qualification exam can be passed in three areas of assessment activities:

  • property valuation
  • valuation of movable property
  • business valuation, including valuation of intangible assets and intellectual property

4) Appraiser during each 3 calendar years starting from the year following the year of obtaining the qualification certificate, is obliged to confirm the qualification by passing the qualification exam.

5) The amount of the fee for passing the qualification exam is 5,900 (Five thousand nine hundred rubles) and 2,900 (Two thousand nine hundred) rubles. upon resubmission.

6) Each individual task in the areas consists of:

"Business Valuation" - 54 questions and tasks

"Real Estate Appraisal" and "Mobile Property Appraisal" - 40 questions and tasks.

7) Questions of the qualifying exam are not subject to disclosure. Questions will be drawn up based on the generalized topics of the questions ( )

8) The total time for answering all questions of the individual task is 2 hours 30 minutes.

9) The applicant is allowed to retake the qualifying exam no earlier than in 3 months.

10) Authorized body for taking the exam FBU "Federal Resource Center for Management Training » (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 240 dated May 19, 2017)

11) The qualification certificate of passing the qualification exam in the chosen direction is issued to the applicant if:

Passed the qualifying exam

Has as of the date of filing the application for the issuance of a qualification certificate work experience (experience) related to the implementation of valuation activities, at least 3 years. At least one year out of the last 3 years of the specified length of service (experience) must be in the position of assistant appraiser or appraiser.

Length of service (work experience) in the field of valuation activities can be confirmed:

1) relevant entries in the work book

2) an employment contract with an annex job description

3) contracts for the assessment of objects of assessment within three years

4) an extract from the register self-regulatory organization appraisers on completed appraisal reports,

5) an extract from the register of the self-regulatory organization of appraisers on the prepared expert opinions on the reports on the appraisal of objects of appraisal.


Nadezhda Linkova ( 2017.06.14 )
From 1.07.2017 to the number mandatory requirements to membership in a self-regulatory organization of appraisers in accordance with Article 24 of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 N 135-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016, as amended on July 5, 2016) “On appraisal activities in Russian Federation"(hereinafter - FZ-135) will be attributed to the person's qualification certificate. For persons who entered before 2017, this requirement will be effective from 04/01/2018. Thus, for membership in the SROO after 04/01/2018, you need to have a qualification certificate for passing the CE.

Nadezhda Linkova ( 2017.06.14 )
A qualification certificate is issued when two conditions of paragraph 7 are met.

You can learn more about CE by watching the webinar http://website/kvalexam/stuff/

Andrei ( 2017.06.14 )
Good afternoon! Please tell me, if in fact there is no appraisal activity currently, do I still need to get a certificate before 04/01/18?

Andrei ( 2017.06.14 )
Good afternoon! Tell me, point 7, is a certificate issued when two conditions are met simultaneously or one of them?

Nadezhda Linkova ( 2017.06.14 )
Dear Alena Dmitrievna!

There are no specific terms in which it is necessary to improve the qualifications for members of the Association by the norms of the legislation on valuation activities or internal documents of the Association.
Thus, the appraiser decides on his own whether he needs to improve his skills in a particular area.
Please note that by April 1, 2018, appraisers who entered before 2017 must have a qualification certificate confirming the passing of the qualification exam.
At the same time, taking into account the fact that the applicant is allowed to retake the qualifying exam no earlier than in 3 months, we recommend that you start taking the exam in advance.
Information about the centers for taking the qualifying exam, relevant preparation materials will be posted in this section.

Batyus Alena Dmitrievna ( 2017.06.14 )
Good afternoon! In October 2017, I need to pass the next exam to improve my skills. Due to the new law, do I need to take it in October if I have to pass the "new" qualifying exam before April 2018?

Dmitry ( 2017.07.20 )
Can you please explain if I am a real estate appraiser only, do I have to take the real estate exam only? That is, an appraiser who was previously in the SRO could evaluate any type of property, but now only the one for which he passed the exam?

Hope ( 2017.07.25 )
Message from Dmitry: "Please explain, if I am engaged exclusively in real estate appraisal, should I take an exam only on real estate? That is, an appraiser who was previously in the SRO could evaluate any type of property, but now only the one for which he passed the exam?"
Answer: Dmitry, indeed, after 04/01/2018 you will be able to sign valuation reports only for those types of property for which a qualification certificate has been issued.
Order of the Ministry of Economic Development 257 reveals what applies to a particular direction.
For example, real estate valuation includes the valuation of real estate objects: built-up land plots, undeveloped land plots, capital construction projects, parts of land plots and capital construction projects, residential and non-residential premises, together or separately, taking into account the property rights associated with them, if this does not contradict the current legislation, shares in the right to a real estate object, an assessment of the cost of work and services related to these real estate objects

Dmitry ( 2017.10.29 )
And what about people who have just received a diploma of professional retraining. They, it turns out, do not meet the requirements for candidates to pass the qualifying exam, because there is no work experience. And if there is no work experience, then there is no opportunity to pass a qualifying exam. If you do not pass the qualifying exam, there is no way to join the SRO and do the assessment for which you actually studied.

Ramil ( 2018.01.17 )
Good afternoon! In what form will the exam take place and will I be able to get a qualification certificate if I have 2 years 2 months experience in valuation activities, I have been in the SRO since the end of 2016. I still have to take the exam and I won't get a certificate? And after that I will be excluded from the SRO and I will not be able to sign the reports. Or in what form should it be??

Taking into account the start of application from April 1, 2018 of the norms of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ "On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Appraisal Activities) for all persons who are members of self-regulatory organizations of appraisers, in terms of the obligation the presence of a qualification certificate confirming the passing of a qualification exam in the field of appraisal activities (hereinafter, respectively - a qualification exam, a qualification certificate), for membership in a self-regulatory organization of appraisers (hereinafter - SROO), the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia reports the following.

In accordance with the provisions of part three of article 4 and paragraph four of part two of article 24 of the Law on appraisal activities, from April 1, 2018, an appraiser can carry out appraisal activities only in the areas indicated in the qualification certificate.

Taking into account the specified provisions of the Law on Appraisal Activities, persons who do not have a qualification certificate, after April 1, 2018, are not entitled to sign appraisal reports on appraisal objects (hereinafter referred to as the appraisal report), to conduct an examination of appraisal reports on appraisal objects.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 29, 2017 No. 257 "On approval of the Procedure for the formation of a list of examination questions for conducting a qualification exam in the field of valuation activities, the Procedure for conducting and passing a qualification exam in the field of valuation activities, including the procedure for the applicant's participation in the qualification exam in the field of appraisal activity, the procedure for determining the results of a qualification exam in the field of appraisal activity, the procedure for filing and considering appeals, the maximum amount of fees charged from an applicant for taking a qualification exam in the field of appraisal activity, types, forms of qualification certificates in the field of appraisal activity, the procedure for issuing and cancellation of a qualification certificate in the field of appraisal activity” areas of appraisal activity for which qualification certificates are issued are:

Property valuation;

Valuation of movable property;

Business valuation.

We note that the appraisal report (expert opinion on the appraisal report), drawn up after April 1, 2018, must be signed by an appraiser (expert) who has a qualification certificate in the relevant area of ​​appraisal activity. Otherwise, the appraisal report (expert opinion on the appraisal report) will be drawn up in violation of the norms of the legislation governing appraisal activities in the Russian Federation, and, therefore, taking into account the provisions of paragraph one of clause 3 of the Federal Appraisal Standard “Requirements for an appraisal report (FSO No. 3)”, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 20, 2015 No. 299, such a report (conclusion) cannot be considered an assessment report (expert opinion) and does not entail relevant legal consequences.

We also note that in accordance with the provisions of Article 15.1 of the Law on Valuation Activities entity, which intends to conclude an agreement with the customer for the assessment ( evaluating company), including the obligation to have at least two appraisers on staff, whose right to carry out appraisal activities has not been suspended.

In accordance with the norms of paragraph 1 of Article 422 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the contract must comply with the rules binding on the parties established by law or other legal acts (imperative norms) in force at the time of its conclusion.

Please note that if an agreement (state contract) for the assessment was concluded after July 1, 2017, then the law establishes for the parties to such an agreement (state contract) mandatory conditions- a legal entity that has entered into an appraisal agreement (an appraisal company) must have at least two appraisers whose right to carry out appraisal activities has not been suspended, and the person specified in the agreement as an appraiser is obliged, within the framework of obligations under the agreement (for their proper execution) after April 1, 2018 to have a qualification certificate.

Document overview

From April 1, 2018, the appraiser has the right to engage in activities only in the areas indicated in the qualification certificate.

Persons who do not have a certificate, after the specified date, are not entitled to sign assessment reports, conduct their examination.

The areas of activity for which qualification certificates are issued include real estate valuation; appraisal of movable property; business valuation.

A report drawn up after April 1, 2018 must be signed by an appraiser (expert) who has a certificate in the relevant area of ​​activity. Regarding the conclusion of the contract for the assessment, the following is indicated.

If the contract was concluded after July 1, 2017, then the appraisal company must have at least 2 appraisers on staff, whose right to appraisal activity has not been suspended. The person mentioned in the contract as an appraiser after April 1, 2018 must have a qualification certificate.

Changes were made by the Federal Law of June 2, 2016 No. 172-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, which were proposed by the Ministry of Economic Development. Experts in the appraisal industry say that these are the most significant and significant changes since the existence of the law on appraisal activities.

The most important change is that from April 01, 2018, the appraiser must have a qualification certificate. Only if it is available, the specialist will be able to carry out appraisal activities. It is the fact of obtaining a qualification certificate that is legally significant, and not the passing of the qualification exam itself. Persons who have obtained higher education and / or professional retraining in the field of valuation. In case of failure to pass the exam, the applicant is allowed to retake only after 90 days. The qualification certificate is issued in a certain area of ​​activity, respectively, the appraiser has the right to carry out his activities only in the area of ​​activity indicated in the qualification certificate. There are three such areas: real estate valuation, business valuation and movable property valuation. A qualification certificate is issued to an applicant who has at least 3 years of work in appraisal activities, at least a year of these three years must be in the position of assistant appraiser or appraiser.

Thus, appraisers who have not received a qualification certificate do not have the right to sign assessment reports, as in the case of a discrepancy between the direction of activity in the certificate and the report to be signed.

Every three years, appraisers must confirm their qualifications in a structure operating under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia - FBU "Federal Resource Center for Management Training". In the same place, applicants pass the qualifying exam itself.

The main question that worries all appraisers is whether it is possible to continue activities if they still did not manage to receive a qualification certificate before April 1, 2018. The answer is unambiguous - no, in this case the appraiser loses the right to carry out appraisal activities, but does not lose the status of a member of a self-regulatory organization of appraisers. If the appraiser continues to carry out his activities, then measures may be applied to him. disciplinary action- an order or forced suspension of valuation activities. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to suspend the evaluation activity on your own, and after that, pass the exam and receive a qualification certificate. Thus, it will be much easier to resume your activities and in as soon as possible avoiding administrative liability.

As for self-regulatory organizations of appraisers (hereinafter referred to as SROs), their status can be deprived only by a court decision - this is provided for in Part 8 of Art. 23 of the Law on Valuation Activities. Even if after April 01, 2018, the self-regulatory organization does not have 300 appraisers with a qualification certificate, in accordance with Part 10.11 of Art. 24.5 of the Law on Appraisal Activities - this will not be a basis for suspending the activities of such an organization.

No less important when concluding an agreement with an appraisal organization is that the staff of an appraisal organization must have at least two appraisers with qualification certificates, only in this case it is possible to conclude an appraisal contract. This provision is provided for in Art. 15.1 of the Law on Valuation Activities.

On the one hand, the innovations that have entered into force will improve the qualifications of appraisers (because all specialists will have to pass a qualification exam), and on the other hand, those appraisers who did not manage to receive a qualification certificate before April 1, 2018 will not be able to carry out appraisal activities and already today, many appraisal organizations calculate losses due to the suspension of their activities.

(including valuation of intangible assets and intellectual property)".

1.3. The complete list of questions is not known. Based on the information from those who have already taken part in the exam, a database of questions is formed (the answers to the questions of the Assessors qualification exam are given in the spoilers).

1.4. In order to prepare for the exam, the Ministry of Economics published:

  • topics of questions included in the list;
  • glossary (real estate, movable property, business);
  • examples of individual tasks in all areas.

The number of questions and tasks in the ticket (individual task): in the direction of valuation activity "Business valuation" - 54; in the areas of appraisal activities "Real Estate Appraisal" and "Mobile Property Appraisal" - 40.

1.5. Total time to answer the exam questions: 2 hours 30 minutes.

1.6. Re-delivery is possible no earlier than after 3 months.
1.7. The cost of passing the exam: 5900 rubles. for each direction (retake - 2900 rubles).

1.8. To obtain a qualification certificate, the applicant, as of the date of filing an application for the issuance of a qualification certificate, must have at least 3 years of work experience (experience) related to the implementation of valuation activities. At least one year out of the last 3 years of the specified length of service (experience) must be in the position of assistant appraiser or appraiser. Length of service (work experience) in the field of valuation activities can be confirmed:

  • relevant entries in the work book;
  • an employment contract with a job description attached (recommendations for formulating job descriptions);
  • an agreement for the assessment of the object (s) of the assessment;
  • an extract from the SROO register on completed assessment reports;
  • an extract from the register of the SROO on the prepared expert opinions on the assessment reports of the objects of assessment.

The appraiser, within each three calendar years, starting from the year following the year of obtaining the qualification certificate, will be required to confirm the qualification by passing a qualification exam.

1.9. The Association has prepared a templateQualification examination appeals to defend the professional position of Appraisers.

1.10. For the implementation of calculations in the exam, a financial calculator of the model is issued Texas Instruments B.A II Plus.

1.11. Legal regulation passing CE:

  • Federal Law No. 172-FZ of June 2, 2016 (clause 14, article 3)”;
  • Order No. 240 dated May 19, 2017 “On the transfer of the powers of the body authorized to conduct a qualification exam in the field of valuation activities to the Federal Budgetary Institution “FRC for organizing management training”;
  • Order No. 257 dated May 29, 2017 “On approval of the Procedure for the formation of a list of examination questions for conducting a qualification exam in the field of valuation activities, the Procedure for conducting and passing a qualification exam in the field of valuation activities, including the procedure for an applicant to participate in a qualification exam in the field of valuation activities, The procedure for determining the results of a qualification exam in the field of valuation, the procedure for filing and considering appeals, the maximum amount of the fee charged from the applicant for taking a qualification exam in the field of valuation, types, forms of qualification certificates in the field of valuation, the procedure for issuing and canceling a qualification certificate in the field appraisal activity.

3.3. The legislative framework

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Parts One, Two, Three, Four
  • 101-FZ "On the turnover of agricultural land"
  • 172-FZ "On the transfer of land or land plots from one category to another"
  • 218-FZ "On state registration real estate"
  • 102-FZ "On mortgage (pledge of real estate)"
  • 135-FZ "On appraisal activity"
  • Decree of the Ministry of Property of the Russian Federation dated March 6, 2002 No. No. 568-r "On approval guidelines a-priory market value land plots"

3.4. Recordings of various webinars in the direction of "Real Estate Appraisal".

3.4.1. Webinars SROO "DSO":

  • Webinar from 11.05.2017 on the topic: " General requirements legislation on valuation activities in accordance with the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ “On valuation activities in the Russian Federation” (Part 1)”;
  • Webinar dated May 16, 2017 on the topic: “General requirements of the legislation on valuation activities in accordance with the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ “On valuation activities in the Russian Federation” (Part 2)”;
  • Webinar from 17.05.2017 on the topic: “General requirements of the legislation on valuation activities in accordance with the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ “On valuation activities in the Russian Federation” (Part 3)”;
  • Webinar from 18.05.2017 on the topic: “General requirements of the legislation on valuation activities in accordance with the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ “On valuation activities in the Russian Federation” (Part 4)”;
  • Webinar from 23.05.2017 on the topic: “Theory of the value of money in time. FSO No. 1, FSO No. 2, FSO No. 3 ";
  • Webinar from 24.05.2017 on the topic: “FSO “Real Estate Appraisal (FSO No. 7)”. Theory and practice of real estate valuation when applying the cost approach”;
  • Webinar from 25.05.2017 on the topic: “FSO “Real Estate Appraisal (FSO No. 7)”. Theory and practice of real estate valuation using a comparative approach”;
  • Webinar from 30.05.2017 on the topic: “FSO “Real Estate Appraisal (FSO No. 7)”. Theory and practice of real estate valuation using the income approach”;
  • Webinar dated May 31, 2017 on the topic: "Features of the valuation of certain types of real estate: Valuation of income-generating (commercial) real estate, valuation of industrial and specialized real estate, valuation of real estate intended for certain types of business";
  • Webinar from 06/30/2017 on the topic: “Valuation for collateral purposes. Investment and liquidation types of value”.

3.4.2. Webinars SROO "ROO":

  • Webinar dated June 29, 2017, held by the legal service of the Regional Public Organization, on the topic: “The procedure for conducting a qualification exam in the field of valuation activities from July 1, 2017”;
  • Webinar from 07/05/2017 on the topic: "On the transfer of land or land plots from one category to another (172-FZ)".

3. 4.3. Webinars SROO "SMAO":

  • Webinar and presentation from 28.06.2017 on the topic: "Preparation for qualifying exam in the field of appraisal activity in the direction of "Real Estate Appraisal", taking into account officially published information";
  • Webinar and presentation from 07/05/2017 on the topic: "Preparation for the qualification exam in the field of valuation: legislative issues, taking into account officially published information";

you cannot sign reports without having a qualification certificate. At the same time, the Appraiser can sign appraisal reports only for the area of ​​appraisal activity for which he received a qualattest.
Due to the fact that many Appraisers have already passed the qualifying exam and received qualification tests, in their practical activities there are many questions regarding the comparison of the objects of assessment with the areas of assessment activity. For example, a lively discussion revolves around the valuation of shares for inheritance purposes: on the one hand, according to Civil Code shares are movable property, and on the other - is an "element" of the business.

Many of the wordings of Order No. 257 in relation to the objects of assessment in the areas of assessment activity indicated in the qualification certificate are taken from specialized federal standards assessments, while earlier, before the “separation”, the following debatable issues were not acute.

In order to obtain clarifications, the SROO ES Association sent two appeals (the first, the second) to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation with the justification of its position on the following debatable issues:

1) the wording of Order No. 257 does not provide an unambiguous understanding of the possibility of assessing property rights in relation to a real estate object as an independent object within the framework of the “real estate appraisal” direction of appraisal activity specified in the qualification certificate. At the same time, it is obvious that the assessment of such rights is based on the methodology for assessing the real estate objects themselves and is associated with them.

As in the case of real estate, not taking into account property rights in the framework of the appraisal activity “valuation of movable property” is an omission.

2) within the framework of the appraisal activity "business valuation" there is an ambiguous understanding of what criterion to classify the object of appraisal (property) as "separate" or "part of the property complex".

For example, if the object of assessment is a store building located on the production site, not participating in the main activities of the enterprise and generating separate rental income. Or if these are 2-3 industrial buildings tied into a technological chain. Such objects, according to the already established valuation practice, are evaluated in accordance with the methodology for valuing real estate objects and therefore must be evaluated by appraisers with a qualification certificate in the direction of appraisal activity "real estate valuation". This set of property may also include movable property, while the methodological approaches remain the same.

We believe that, taking into account the generally accepted valuation methodology, in order to avoid ambiguous interpretation, duplication and “absorption” by one area of ​​valuation activity of another, it seems appropriate within the framework of the “business valuation” direction to evaluate only the “enterprise as a whole” as an object of assessment.

3) if a complex of property is valued, technological complex, consisting of a set of movable and immovable property (for example, a boiler house, a transformer substation, a gas station, suppose for a contribution to the authorized capital), then this object of assessment, within the framework of the already established valuation practice, is assessed in accordance with the methodology for assessing real estate and movable property and, as a result, , refers to the areas of appraisal activity indicated in the qualification certificates “real estate appraisal” and “valuation of movable property”.

4) a report on the valuation of any "type" of business has the right to draw up an appraiser who has a qualification certificate in the direction of valuation activities "business valuation", without the requirement for other qualification certificates.

5) appraisal practice quite often encounters situations when an appraiser is involved to determine the damage as a result of flooding an apartment or a fire that occurred in a neighboring apartment (melting of doors, windows, sooting of walls, ceilings, etc.) in order to determine the market value of materials and work necessary to bring the property (for example, the interior decoration of the apartment after flooding) to its original form, located in the apartment.

In such cases, the object of appraisal is usually formulated as the right to claim materials (such as wallpaper, tiles, etc.) and works necessary to eliminate the damage, and, within the framework of the already established appraisal practice, is assessed in accordance with the real estate appraisal methodology. As a result, this appraisal object should be attributed to the direction of appraisal activity “real estate appraisal” specified in the qualification certificate.

The Association's appeals received responses (first, second) Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Also, please note that the site the text of the draft Order No. 257, finalized as a result of discussions, has been posted, in which property rights in relation to real estate and movable property are taken into account as independent objects of assessment within the framework of the relevant areas of valuation activities “real estate valuation” and “valuation of movable property”, respectively.
We draw your attention to the fact that at present the text of the Order has been sent for an independent anti-corruption expertise. After that, the Order will be sent for verification to Ministry of Justice.


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