How to open a real estate appraisal company. How to start your own property valuation business. What is a business valuation and when is it needed?


Advice from an Expert - Business Consultant

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Evaluation is a broad concept. You can evaluate real estate, business, collections, etc. This means that almost everyone needs the services of appraisers from time to time. Thus, by creating an appraisal firm, you have a chance to pay off fairly quickly if the staff of your firm consists of competent professionals, and the firm itself gets a good promotion.

Just follow these simple step by step tips and you will be on the right track in your business.

Quick Step-by-Step Business Guide

So, let's get down to action, tuning in to a positive result.

Step - 1
Decide which appraisal firm you want to open. It can be like a generalist firm that has appraisers different types property, and a highly specialized firm. It all depends on what will be more necessary and profitable in your city. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 2
Assemble a team of professionals. For an appraisal firm, the staff is of particular importance, since there are few good appraisers, and only certain universities graduate them. In addition, if you are running a general appraisal firm, you will need appraisers for a wide range of property types, which can be difficult to find. Be prepared for the fact that especially rare specialists will have to be poached from existing firms. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 3
Rent an office in the city center where you can receive clients. It should be convenient to drive up to the office, take care of parking spaces. Office furniture can be rented to save money. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 4
Register your company. It is best to create a society with limited liability- OOO. To do this, you can hire a law firm that deals with registration, whose services are currently inexpensive (7-15 thousand rubles). You can register an LLC on your own, if you develop constituent documents, correctly fill out the registration form, pay the state fee (4 thousand rubles) and submit a package of documents to tax office. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 5
The payback of your business depends on its promotion. Try to find clients before opening an appraisal firm. As a rule, if you or employees of the company were engaged in appraisal activities before, it is not so difficult, because the old connections remain. Also, clients can be found through professional communities of those who need the services of appraisers (realtors, collectors, etc.). For private clients, it is important that you have a website, as they most often use this method of finding appraisers.
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  1. Construction and technical expertise. This direction provides services for determining the price of an object and design work, the level of its readiness for operation, as well as by determining the sequence of using land or a residential facility.
  2. Accounting expertise. It consists in detecting errors and inaccuracies in accounting. This type of examination makes it possible to determine the conformity of the data that are written in the primary documents of the acts of economic operations.
  3. Commodity expertise determines the compliance of the enterprise's goods with the classification categories, its real value, the technology of production of goods, their packaging, transportation, as well as compliance with storage conditions and terms of sale.
  4. Psychological examination allows you to establish the features of the mental activity of a particular person. As a rule, this is an activity that has a certain legal significance and, as a result, causes legal consequences.
  5. Fire-technical examination reveals the causes of emergencies in the fire department, determines the time and ways of the spread of fire, as well as the compliance of the required level of technical condition of the building with the established fire rules.
  6. Intellectual expertise determines individual criteria and properties of intellectual property objects; analysis of the scope and determination of the cost, the formation of a list of potential risks and the calculation of losses due to violation of rights.
  7. Handwriting expertise makes it possible to solve problems of an identification and situational nature, allows you to establish the ownership of the handwriting and the signature itself to a specific person.
  8. Auto-expertise is needed to restore the algorithm and mechanism of an accident, all its details and causes. It allows you to determine the level of compliance of the actions of the driver of the car with traffic rules.
  9. Genetic testing establishes paternity based on the result of saliva tests. Such examination of DNA is carried out within 3 days, sometimes 5 days after the delivery of samples.
  10. Land and technical expertise evaluates the compliance of documents for land, as well as the designation of land plots on the basis of legislation.

Main stages of opening

Organizations-experts have the right to provide a variety of services, including the examination of the prescription of the document, the examination of road accidents and even the examination of handwriting.

  1. Range of services. Before opening a company in this direction, you should decide on the range of services provided. All of the above areas of expertise can be used for work, but the most popular are the expertise of road accidents, land and technical expertise, expertise of accounting documentation. One company quite legally has the right to provide services simultaneously in several directions. The main thing is to have qualified specialists in different directions.
  2. Registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. As soon as the direction of activity (or several directions) is chosen, the potential owner must register as an individual entrepreneur or open a legal entity in his own name. To do this, you must register a private enterprise or open a legal entity in your name.
  3. Preparation of documents. Depending on the selected expertise service, the owner must prepare a certain package of documents, so you need to consult with a specialist. According to the standard, this is an insurance policy, PSRN, a certificate of composition in the SRO and TIN.
  4. Personnel selection. When opening almost any business, it is necessary to recruit a starting staff of workers. In this case, experts are needed peer review object. It is important to select personnel according to certain requirements: specialized education, experience successful work from 1 year in a managerial position. In the event that the creator expert organization wants to conduct an examination, he needs to obtain an appropriate diploma. When registering legal entity for the activities of an expert organization of appraisers, at least two specialists are needed, with an individual entrepreneur, one specialized expert is enough.
  5. Joining a self-regulatory organization (SRO). Next, you should join some self-regulatory organization, since it is they who are authorized to control the activities of independent experts. For registration in the SRO, it is necessary to provide the constituent documents of the organization, diplomas on the profile qualifications of the personnel. After the approval of the candidature, the payment of the entrance fee must be paid.

Learn more about joining the SRO

Stage 1. The candidate submits the papers to the office of the representative office of the SRO or by courier in accordance with the list of documents (certificate of OGRN assignment, TIN certificate, charter of the legal entity, memorandum of association, extract from the unified register of legal entities and other documents. Consideration of documents is carried out within 1-2 days.

Stage 2. The self-regulatory organization is obliged to prepare the following types contracts:

  • SROS.
  • SROI.
  • SROP.
  • Insurance contract.
  • The case of a candidate who joins the SRO.
  • Documentation for the candidate to sign and pay fees.

The duration of this stage is not precisely defined, but it is rarely less than 1-2 days.

Stage 3. A potential SRO member (candidate) makes payments and signs applications, contracts and other documents. The self-regulatory company makes a formal decision on the entry of a candidate into its membership. The term of the final stage ranges from 1 to 3 business days from the date of submission of the application and all documents.

The taxation of a specialized expert organization is simplified, and when registering an individual entrepreneur, the costs at the start will be minimal, in contrast to the execution of documents for a legal entity. To work, you need special software. For example, if you are engaged in auto examination, this is PS: a complex that allows you to assess damage to a car. It is quite expensive, be prepared for this.


Despite the financial and time costs of implementing an expert organization project, an entrepreneur has an excellent chance to quickly return the invested money and make good money in less than six months after starting a business.

The profession of an appraiser is quite new, it appeared in our country in the 90s, when market relations began to develop. Currently, appraisal companies are actively gaining momentum and are quite profitable direction business.

In order to open appraisal company, you must first become an expert in this matter. Among professional requirements the appraiser notes the presence higher education, better economic. In addition, you need to get additional professional education in the direction of "Business Valuation". In the future, to work as an appraiser, you will have to improve your qualifications every three years. There are also requirements for the biography of the appraiser. This is the absence of an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for economic crime, as well as for any crime of medium gravity or especially serious crime.

Please note that currently the evaluation may be performed by individual working in an appraisal company under a contract or as an individual entrepreneur. Currently, it is not necessary to obtain a license for the right to engage in valuation activities. However, the responsibility for the quality of the assessment has become tougher. If earlier an appraisal company was deprived of a license for one year for a poor-quality appraisal, now an appraiser who performed work with violations will not be able to work in this area.

But remember that all appraisers must be with one of the self-regulatory organizations (SROs). To join it, you must meet the requirements of the law. In addition to having an education, the activities of each appraiser must be insured for an amount of at least 300 thousand rubles. The higher the amount of insurance coverage, the better. When joining an SRO, you must pay an entrance fee and a contribution to the compensation fund (at least 30 thousand rubles). It is created in order to compensate the consumer for the damage caused by a poor-quality assessment.

When opening an appraisal company, please note that it must have at least two appraisers on its staff. Currently, it is the customers who set the requirements for appraisal companies. For example, banks only work with appraisers accredited by them, which means that you will have to adapt to them. In large cities, the staff of the appraisal company should consist of at least five people, these are the requirements of customers. Note that preference is given to those appraisal companies that, in addition to the liability of their employees, have also insured their liability of a legal entity, which, according to the law, can not be done.

Evaluation is a broad concept. You can evaluate real estate, business, collections, etc. This means that almost everyone needs the services of appraisers from time to time. Thus, by creating an appraisal firm, you have a chance to pay off fairly quickly if the staff of your firm consists of competent professionals, and the firm itself gets a good promotion.

Decide which appraisal firm you want to open. It can be either a generalist firm, which has specialists in the valuation of various types of property, or a highly specialized firm. It all depends on what will be more necessary and profitable in your city.

Assemble a team of professionals. For an appraisal firm, the staff is of particular importance, since there are few good appraisers, and only certain universities graduate them. In addition, if you are running a general appraisal firm, you will need appraisers for a wide range of property types, which can be difficult to find. Be prepared for the fact that especially rare specialists will have to be poached from existing firms.

Rent an office in the city center where you can receive clients. It should be convenient to drive up to the office, take care of parking spaces. Office furniture can be rented to save money.

Register your company. The most profitable way is to create a limited liability company - LLC. To do this, you can hire a law firm that deals with registration, whose services are currently inexpensive (7-15 thousand rubles). You can register an LLC on your own if you develop constituent documents, fill out the registration form correctly, pay the state fee (4 thousand rubles) and submit a package of documents to the tax office.

The payback of your business depends on its promotion. Try to find clients before opening an appraisal firm. As a rule, if you or employees of the firm have been involved in appraisal activities before, this is not so difficult, since old connections remain. Also, clients can be found through professional communities of those who need the services of appraisers (realtors, collectors, etc.). For private clients, it is important that you have a website, as they most often use this method of finding appraisers.

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Oh sure. For example, a person gets into an accident and is recognized as injured. He goes to the insurance company for damages, but Insurance Company usually pays him 2 or 3 times less for OSAGO, and also for CASCO, too. Naturally, this turn of events does not suit our victim, and then he turns to us to receive the entire amount necessary for car repairs. Sometimes the victim first turns to lawyers, who also send him to our company. After that, we inspect the car, record and photograph all damages, and then with the help of special programs we calculate the amount of damage. The car owner concludes an agreement with us, and we send documents with damage assessment to the court. And now to the nuances of this situation ... Insurance companies actually understand that they underpay people, but only 2 out of 10 people go to court, that is, according to statistics we are approached by only 20% of people who have not received payments. This happens because insurers understand that not everyone will sue them and engage in proceedings because of some 3-5 thousand rubles. But if we are talking about larger amounts, then the case already comes to court, having previously received a conclusion from our company. And although it is quite small, and consists of only 2 people, we do our job quite well.

My partner Alexander helps me a lot, as he has a technical education, and he is directly involved in inspecting objects (cars), taking pictures of them and describing damage. It would be very difficult for me to perform all the functions alone.

At this stage, we look at what is more appropriate to do with the damaged parts of the car - repair them or replace them. It happens that in case of serious accidents, the car cannot be restored or its main parts, such as the body, must be replaced.

I repeat once again that it is in our type of assessment that there is a certain specificity - very good technical knowledge is needed.

It is difficult when the perpetrators of an accident provide reports that do not correspond to reality, that is, with an underestimated amount of damage to the injured party, so that, by a court decision, they have to pay a smaller amount.

It happens that the insurance company does not agree with the assessment decision (amount) that we indicated for the injured party and then this conclusion is sent for forensic examination. It is carried out by the same appraisers as we do, who have only received a certificate of retraining in the field of forensic examination.

We send these specialists a report that contains photographs, an act of car inspection and a calculation of calculations. Then they carry out their alternative assessment and almost always our opinions agree on the amount.

The profession of an appraiser is quite new, it appeared in our country in the 90s, when market relations began to develop. Currently, appraisal companies are actively gaining momentum and are a fairly profitable line of business.


To open an appraisal company, you must first become an expert in this matter. Among the professional requirements for the appraiser is the presence of higher education, better economic. In addition, you need to get additional professional education in the direction of "Business Valuation". In the future, to work as an appraiser, you will have to improve your qualifications every three years. There are also requirements for the biography of the appraiser. This is the absence of an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for an economic crime, as well as for any crime of medium gravity or a particularly serious crime.

Please note that valuation can currently be carried out by an individual working in an valuation company under a contract or as an individual entrepreneur. Currently, it is not necessary to obtain a license for the right to engage in valuation activities. However, the responsibility for the quality of the assessment has become tougher. If earlier estimated company for a poor-quality assessment, they were deprived of a license for one year, now the appraiser who performed the work with violations will not be able to work in this area.

But remember that all appraisers must be with one of the self-regulatory organizations (SROs). To join it, you must meet the requirements of the law. In addition to having an education, the activities of each appraiser must be insured for an amount of at least 300 thousand rubles. The higher the amount of insurance coverage, the better. When joining an SRO, you must pay an entrance fee and a contribution to the compensation fund (at least 30 thousand rubles). It is created in order to compensate the consumer for the damage caused by a poor-quality assessment.

When opening an appraisal company, please note that it must have at least two appraisers on its staff. Currently, it is the customers who set the requirements for appraisal companies. For example, banks only work with appraisers accredited by them, which means that you will have to adapt to them. In large cities, the staff of the appraisal company should consist of at least five people, these are the requirements of customers. Note that preference is given to those appraisal companies that, in addition to the liability of their employees, have also insured their liability of a legal entity, which, according to the law, can not be done.

Evaluation is a broad concept. You can evaluate real estate, business, collections, etc. This means that almost everyone needs services from time to time. Thus, creating an evaluation firm, you have a chance to pay off pretty quickly if the staff of your company consists of competent professionals, and the company itself gets a good promotion.


Decide which appraisal firm you want to open. It can be either a generalist firm, which has specialists in the valuation of various types of property, or a highly specialized firm. It all depends on what will be more necessary and profitable in your city.

Assemble a team of professionals. For an appraisal firm, the staff is of particular importance, since there are few good appraisers, and only certain universities graduate them. Also, if you open an appraisal firm wide profile, then you will need specialists in the assessment of very different types of property, which will be difficult to find. Be prepared for the fact that especially rare specialists will have to be poached from existing firms.

Rent an office in the city center where you can receive clients. It should be convenient to drive up to the office, take care of parking spaces. Office furniture can be rented to save money.

Register your firm. It is most advantageous to create a limited liability company - LLC. To do this, you can hire a legal firm, engaged in registration, whose services are currently inexpensive (7-15 thousand rubles). You can register an LLC on your own if you develop constituent documents, fill out the registration form correctly, pay the state fee (4 thousand rubles) and submit a package of documents to the tax office.

The payback of your business depends on its promotion. Try to find clients before opening an appraisal firm. As a rule, if you or employees of the firm have been involved in appraisal activities before, this is not so difficult, since old connections remain. Also, clients can be found through professional communities of those who need the services of appraisers (realtors, collectors, etc.). For private clients, it is important that you have a website, as they most often use this method of finding appraisers.

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