Professional qualities and characteristics of a library manager. Library manager: requirements for the profession and personality Professional requirements for the library manager


Our life does not stand still. She changes every day. In modern conditions of an open democratic society and entrepreneurial activity in our country, it became necessary to change the management strategy in all organizations. In connection with the current situation, it is necessary to search for new approaches to management. In order for organizations to easily adapt to the modern situation in the world, most leaders in the strategy of managing an organization use the theory and practice of modern management.

The library is an integral part of modern society. Therefore, she too took an active interest in management. The library has a new need - it is the need to form a new class of specialists who are capable of solving the most complex problems of managing a modern library. The specifics of the tasks to be solved predetermined a special role for the head of the library. This is a professional manager with special knowledge, skills, and abilities in the field of managerial activity.

Currently, the concept of "manager" has gained a strong position in the library environment. More and more libraries are filled with young energetic managers.

In order for the manager to be the central figure in the library management system, he must meet certain requirements. All of them are recorded in the “Tariff and Qualification Characteristics for the Positions of Cultural Workers of the Russian Federation”.

These requirements of special professional education for heads of libraries and their structural subdivisions are very important, since, unfortunately, even among library specialists there are few good leaders. And many of them believe that for the head of the library and a special library education is not necessary at all.

But that's not the case at all! To develop the skills and abilities of the library manager, special programs are being developed based on careful analysis and planning of leadership training. By evaluating performance, the library must first of all determine the level of implementation of managerial abilities in leadership practice. Then it should be established what abilities and skills are required at various levels of leadership positions.

All this allows the library authorities to find out which of the leaders has the most appropriate qualifications for certain positions, who needs training and retraining. In accordance with this, a schedule is being developed for the preparation of specific individuals who are scheduled for a possible promotion (reserve for promotion) or transfer to other positions.

The library staff selection and training system can include five stages:

Stage 1 - the heads of the library and staff of personnel services select students from the universities of culture, the most capable and inclined to leadership work.

Stage 2 - young specialists undergo an internship in the library and an initial training course related to a detailed acquaintance of its work. On this basis, the primary selection of library specialists for enrollment in the reserve of promotion to managerial positions is carried out.

Stage 3 - work with the library leaders of the grassroots level and reserve for nomination. The number of activities includes training in advanced training courses, substitution of library managers as understudies. After analyzing the results, a secondary selection is carried out. Employees who successfully pass it are nominated for vacant management positions.

Stage 4 - work with the leaders of the middle-level library. It is built according to individual plans. As a rule, these are training programs in basic management, marketing, business relations, economics, and jurisprudence.

Stage 5 - the most complex and delicate process is carried out, where the appointment of library managers to senior positions takes place. One of the main difficulties is the multi-criteria choice. Since the leader must meet many qualities.

A senior manager should have a good knowledge of librarianship in general, the specifics of the organization of library processes in a particular library, have experience in functional departments and be well qualified.

The qualification of a library specialist is understood as his ability to perform work of varying degrees of complexity. And this ability, in turn, is made up of the knowledge and skills of a specialist. Knowledge and skills are judged, most often, by the level of education and work experience. But actual knowledge and skills may differ from those registered in the documents. Skills also depend on the business and personal qualities of the leader, some traits of his character. Therefore, qualification is not once measured level of knowledge and skills.

There are also qualified characteristics that determine the requirements for library managers and their direct duties. The list of job responsibilities is developed directly in the library in the form of job descriptions. The text of these instructions consists of the following sections:

General provisions;


Job responsibilities;



Terms of remuneration;

Evaluation indicators.

The job description can be used as an independent document or as an annex to the employment contract.

Unlike qualification characteristics, where there are no requirements for the personal qualities of managers, professiograms are being developed. They reflect the requirements that are necessary to perform functional duties in a particular position.

Professiography is a description of a profession or specialty in terms of the requirements for a person. The result of professiography is a professiogram - a description of the system of requirements for a person of a certain specialty, profession.

The overall comprehensive assessment of library managers can be based on an assessment of:

Personality (business and professional qualities);

Quality of work activity;

The effectiveness and results of the work of the team, that is, the direct managerial impact of the leader.

How and what do Siberians read today? Director of the Novosibirsk State Library (NGONB) Svetlana Tarasova answered this and other questions for the Year of Literature.RF

Interview: Natalia Reshetnikova/RG, Novosibirsk
Photo: Tatyana Kravchenko/RG, Novosibirsk

Svetlana Antonovna, to my shame, as a reader, I have not been to the library for many years. And in the memories it remains that I always fell asleep in it ...

Svetlana Tarasova: So that's great! Germany, Holland are proud that readers can fall asleep with them. This is the highest degree of a person's trust in the place where he came. And only in our society it is considered something wrong. Sometimes colleagues say to me: “Let me, they are sleeping!” So it's wonderful. The man worked, came to us, read and, finally, relaxed, fell asleep. Let him rest.

In the age of smartphones and tablets, when you have texts at your fingertips all the time, why do you need a library in the sense that we are all used to?

Svetlana Tarasova: A similar question can be asked about cinemas, theaters, museums. When anyone can download it on their iPad and watch it before its official release, why go to the cinema? Fortunately, man retains a need for the authentic, the true, for what is real. One of our readers said: “I would like to have access to all the books in the world in your library, including in digital form. For example, in Swahili. Why not? And why do people have to search the Internet for something they don't understand? The library continues to be a trusted place. Where there will be no deception, but there will be accurate information that a person would like to receive.

The technology itself - the Internet - does not make it possible to realize the human right to the most free access to information. The farther citizens live from the metropolis, the greater the difficulty in obtaining information, books, documents. In some cases there is no access at all. In our region, fifty percent of small and small settlements do not have libraries. We arrive there by car, which is called the "Information and Library Service Complex" (). His region received under the federal program. It is equipped with everything you need. So, we are bringing electronic services closer, we are giving out books, we are looking for information. And then an entry appeared in the guest book: “When the library began to come to us, we realized that we were not forgotten by God and no one needed, and now we know how to equip Russia.” Apparently, the book "How to Equip Russia" was read. The library is needed by people in many ways.

How do you see the modern library?

Svetlana Tarasova: This question must be answered by our readers. We often ask them, conduct surveys. In one we got the answer: “The library should be light and joyful. So that when you wake up in the morning, you know that there is no more interesting place in the city. You see, people want to wake up and go to the library. Because this is the best place where it is comfortable, free and safe. This is also very important.

As a leader, I believe that the library should be a synthesis of culture. As you correctly noted, we live in such an age that it would be foolish to reject everything new. Today, technology determines everything, and the library should not remain only with a traditional paper book, it should be able to use and offer those technologies that our readers own. If there is, then we must carry out electronic lending. NGOSL has been cooperating with the electronic library for several years, which contains more than 140 thousand titles of books, including fiction, periodicals, literature on law, and economics. We pay money for using this resource, in return we get access, we give our readers a password. That is, the owner of our subscription does not pay to download a book from LitRes. It's comfortable.

For the last three years, the money that the regional library received from the regional budget for the acquisition of the fund was divided into three parts: the purchase of periodicals, books and electronic resources. We managed to acquire databases of fifteen electronic resources. We opened reading rooms in regional libraries. We agreed with the holders of electronic databases to allow them to be used not only by residents of the regional center, but also by the districts. Funds invested in electronic resources worked effectively. Since this year, we have not been given money for these purposes. This is bad for readers who suddenly get rejected. For example, at the beginning of the year I received an e-mail in which a reader asks: “For five years we have been using the electronic library of the Grebennikov publishing house, taking information on the economics of enterprises. Where can we get it now?" I asked this question at the Ministry of Culture of the Novosibirsk Region, they answered me that the budget is still limited. In 2014 there was a partial budget, in 2015 we were able to pay for the use of only the Library of Dissertations of the Russian State Library. And readers want more.

Libraries form a fund, as we say, hybrid. It consists of those books that we buy (they are on our shelves), as well as electronic resources. And each library - depending on what kind of readers it serves - picks up resources and subscribes to them. For the library itself, this is a paid service. But it's free for readers. Because the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees that access to information is free throughout the country.

There is a wonderful project of the Russian Museum. Will it be implemented in the Novosibirsk region?

Svetlana Tarasova: This is our pride. The status of a virtual branch of the Russian Museum was given to the Iskitim City Library. Equipment has already been purchased, thanks to which the resources of the museum will be available to the residents of Iskitim. This is amazing! You come to the library and get acquainted with the expositions. And these are not only open resources that are also on the museum's website, but the maximum amount of works of art that is stored in the Russian Museum. And it will be available through specially selected programs.

Now there are opportunities to watch virtual Moscow theaters. So why not make the library the place of viewing in the village? This requires high-quality Internet and equipment. And this should be done everywhere.

Libraries should be as useful as possible for people and authorities. For example, in the regional library and in twelve other districts, pensioners are trained in computer literacy. We help municipal libraries equip computer labs. Support is provided by public organizations and businesses. The state does not support this area of ​​library work, since we do not have a license for this activity. Tell me, why do pensioners need a state-issued certificate that they have learned to use a computer? Older people need practical knowledge.

Svetlana Antonovna, I know that at one time you traveled a lot to different countries and got acquainted with libraries. Have you formed an opinion for yourself, what should be the library in our time?

Svetlana Tarasova: When we talk about a new library, we start from world experience. It's amazing, but in Germany, France, the United States and the Internet is available, and the standard of living is high, but people continue to read paper books. And how they read newspapers! Two years ago, I was in Germany with other librarians. For five minutes there was a failure in the book return stations (we also have one). Lined up. But today I am not ashamed to say that we - librarians - do not receive money in vain. And we have more readers. Three years ago, in the summer, it was even scary from the emptiness in the halls, but today there is no such thing.

I am very sorry that work on the design of a new library has stopped in our area. A lot of preparatory work has been done. We interviewed readers, they spoke on this score. They painted a very interesting picture. Someone said that "there should be my personal space", a place for communication and group work. One reader wrote: “I imagine going to the library with my family. We have a familiar couple with kids. And so we all come, talk, play, read with the children.” Someone wished that there was a winter garden, since the weather does not spoil us Siberians very much. And so it would be possible to take a book and go to read "in nature." Young people said that the library building should be tall: “I want to read and contemplate the city from above.” Someone wants to come and play a musical instrument. By the way, today we have such an opportunity in the art hall. Anyone who works a lot could take a break or work out on simulators or even. Why not?! These are correct thoughts. Today it is possible to make a library integrated with a theater, an exhibition space, a museum, a bookstore. All these examples already exist in world practice.

It is necessary not to push people away, but to create conditions for them. Unfortunately, high-quality libraries of the level of modern understanding have not been built in the Russian regions. I still hope that reason will prevail and our regional government will return to the issue of building a new library. A region that claims to be a scientific and educational center needs a space that will surprise, delight, delight, and attract.

In Italy, I was struck by the libraries at railway stations. People roll their suitcases in there, take coffee, pizza, books from the shelves and sit on the sofas. And we were brought up so that the book and food are incompatible in the library. How do you feel about this?

Svetlana Tarasova: I am for. There should be a lot in a library. And many roads (the road as an interest) should lead to the library, wide, and narrow paths, along which people will come to us. It is important to be in dialogue with readers. For example, at their request, we began to give out books at home, this was not the case before. They increased the opening hours, canceled the entrance with a library card (it is only needed to take a book home). There are places where you can drink coffee. The library should become the third place - after home and work - where a person comes.

What books do Novosibirsk people come to the library for?

Svetlana Tarasova: The All-Russian section points to "Fifty Shades of Grey", works,. We are always in demand for premium works - books whose authors have received literary awards. A surge of interest in a particular book occurs after a creative meeting with a writer, poet. So, autobiography continues to enjoy incredible popularity. After Vladimir Vladimirovich visited us, we had to buy his book in addition, since everything is on hand.

This is also facilitated by the literary festival "White Spot", which a few years ago went beyond one genre -. Who we didn’t have thanks to this event! I am incredibly grateful to fate and the festival for the fact that an outstanding philologist, library, cultural and public figure, head of the All-Russian Library of Foreign Literature came to us several times. Her most interesting professional seminars will be remembered by everyone for a long time. Her recent departure is an irreparable loss for all of us.

In general, people have different interests and needs. Probably, it is not necessary to focus on the books you read. In my opinion, it is better to listen to the recommendations of people whom you respect and appreciate. Here is our regional Minister of Culture Vasily Kuzin enjoys incredible authority. As soon as he mentions some author, my phone goes off asking me to find this book.

Readers do not forget the works of Mikhail Schukin, Pyotr Dedov, Gennady Prashkevich, Evgeny Martyshev, Vyacheslav Shalygin and other remarkable writers. In September, we will present to Novosibirsk residents a three-day program of the interregional exhibition-festival

In the modern world, the fair sex, women, is increasingly acting as representatives of library staff. Accordingly, the position of library manager is also occupied by women. Since this is also my future profession, I would like to consider some features of a female leader and how her socio-psychological characteristics affect her management style.

Organization management is the implementation of a number of functions that are closely related to the nature of the team, its tasks, composition, and characteristics of specific situations. The organization's team needs a leader with personal authority, as well as political maturity, developed organizational skills, a high culture of behavior, and good knowledge of the matter. All this helps the manager to soberly evaluate the results of failed work, not to panic in case of failures, not to give up, but to encourage his subordinates to continue hard work.

A modern-type female leader is a person who manages an enterprise or its subdivision, directs, organizes and regulates the activities of a subordinate team in order to achieve certain economic, production and social goals under various forms of ownership.

A female leader should be viewed as a person with specific qualities that are a prerequisite for the successful implementation of her activities. It can also be added that the activities and results of a woman manager's work are influenced by her temperament, character, personality type, work style.

A variety of situations and a variety of approaches to solving certain problems that implement the work of women managers have paved the way for the development of various classifications of requirements for the qualities of modern women leaders.

First of all, the need for women leaders should be highlighted. be an example for subordinates . It's not easy, but it's possible. Women leaders should be a mirror of simplicity and elegance in dress, diligence in education, moderation and skill in actions, an example of prudence in private and public life.

It is possible to classify the qualities of modern women managers based on specific criteria. For example, criteria can be defined by the following areas of activity of a manager:

I. Organizational and managerial scope of the organization.

II. Social sphere of activity (work with people).

III. Production area of ​​activity (production, or other main activity of the organization).

IV. The personality of the woman leader herself is a pivotal element in the integrated system of her spheres of activity.

Let us consider the semantic meaning of the spheres of activity and the corresponding models of the qualities of a woman manager.

Criterion one(base). A woman manager is the head of all areas of the team, for example, the head of a company, organization, enterprise. This criterion corresponds to the organizational and managerial classification, which reflects the general managerial requirements for a woman manager. (Table 1)


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Library directors

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job duties, rights and responsibilities of the library director [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Organization).

1.2. The director of the library belongs to the category of managers, is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Organization.

1.3. The Director of the Library reports directly to the [title of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Organization.

1.4. A person with a higher professional education (library, economics, culture and arts, pedagogy) and at least 5 years of experience in leadership positions in cultural bodies and libraries is appointed to the position of the library director.

1.5. The library director should know:

  • laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating scientific and production, economic and financial and economic activities of libraries;
  • basics of economic and financial management;
  • methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of libraries;
  • profile, specialization and structural features of the library;
  • prospects for the technical, economic and social development of the cultural sector and the library;
  • types of modern information technologies;
  • the procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and the regulation of social and labor relations;
  • theory and practice of management;
  • management psychology;
  • the charter of the library;
  • the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts;
  • fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules on labor protection and fire safety.

1.6. During the temporary absence of the library director, his duties are assigned to [deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

The Library Director has the following responsibilities:

2.1. Manages the research and production, economic and financial and economic activities of the library.

2.2. Organizes the interaction of structural divisions of the library, directs their activities to the development and improvement of the work of the library, taking into account socio-cultural priorities and the current level of development of librarianship.

2.3. Ensures that the library fulfills its obligations to the federal (regional, municipal) budget, state non-budgetary social funds, suppliers, customers, and contract partners.

2.4. Ensures compliance with the law in the activities of the library, the use of legal means for financial management, strengthening contractual and financial discipline, increasing the investment attractiveness of the library in order to develop it, and regulating labor relations.

2.5. Protects property interests of the library in state authorities and administration.

2.6. Provides a combination of unity of command and collegiality in library management.

2.7. Takes measures to provide the library with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, creation of favorable working conditions, compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

2.8. Provides, on the basis of the principles of social partnership, the implementation of the collective agreement concluded with the library staff.

In case of official necessity, the director of the library may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

The library director has the right:

3.1. Provide leadership to subordinates.

3.2. To provide him with a job stipulated by an employment contract.

3.3. To a workplace that meets the state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement.

3.4. Receive full and reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements at the workplace.

3.5. To carry out vocational training, retraining and advanced training in accordance with the procedure established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.6. Receive materials and documents related to the issues of their activities.

3.7. Interact with all departments of the Organization to resolve operational issues of their professional activities.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The director of the library bears administrative, disciplinary and financial (and in some cases, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of their labor functions and assigned tasks.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. The evaluation of the work of the library director is carried out:

4.2.1. The immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation by the employee of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Attestation Commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of the work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the library director is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of work of the library director is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the organization.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the director of the library is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

Familiarized with the instruction ___________ / ____________ / "____" _______ 20__


library management


1.1 History of management. Formation of the concept of library management

1.2 The activities of the manager and the requirements for him

1.3 Model of the qualities of women managers

2.3.1 Opinion poll





In the last decade, the concept library manager , which at first seemed unusual and far-fetched, began to be used in the professional terminology of librarianship much more often and more respectfully. Suffice it to say that more and more libraries are replenished by specialists who have received prestigious managerial qualifications in specialized higher educational institutions.

Time does not stand still. The library has new tasks. The specificity of their decision assigns a special role to the head of the library. Today, the head of the library is a professional manager who has reached such a level of skill, competence, moral and personal qualities that allows him to make an active contribution to the development of both the library and society as a whole.

Responsibility in business, the ability to take risks, make decisions in non-traditional situations, sensitivity to innovation, the ability to manage conflicts, the desire for self-improvement, high efficiency, resistance to stress, a general positive attitude to life - this is not just a list of requirements for a modern manager that distinguishes him from leader of the former formation. This is a set of qualities dictated by the objective conditions of the library's life and substantiated in management, which allows the manager to ensure a worthy existence and development for the library.

With all the evidence of this provision, the role of the manager in the management system, his professional and personal qualities, and the ways of their acquisition are the subject of constant discussions. Some directors, reassured by the demand and relative stability of the library, are moving away from modern problems and prefer traditional forms of management. Thus, they deprive the library activities of an excellent perspective.

The other half, on the contrary, seeks to modernize the library, so they randomly introduce those methods of Western management that contradict the principles of library services in Russia, which is also fundamentally wrong.

The image of a manager as a professional with special knowledge in the field of management is created and maintained in management by the entire system of education, a variety of scientific research, extensive information networks, diversified business and consulting services.

Today, professionalism as the basis of management is recognized in all management concepts. Moreover, despite the significant specifics of the development and application of management on a national scale, a professional manager is a category of the highest order, which determines the international nature of management. It is recognized that the training and formation of managers in different countries have become very close both in essence and in methods of organizing training, especially in the last two decades. Management as a profession is becoming truly international. In connection with the relevance and already the need for the profession of a manager, it, as already mentioned, has also become entrenched in the library. Library manager is my future profession. It is interesting to me, and I consider it promising. In connection with the innovation that has penetrated almost all libraries, it is necessary to consider the following questions:

Are certain personality traits required to be a library manager?

What are the requirements for a modern library manager? What is the job of a manager?

The purpose of my thesis is to try to answer all these questions and reveal the professional qualities and characteristics that a library manager needs.

Chapter 1

2.1 History of management. Formation of the concept of library management

The principle of leadership professionalism was born simultaneously with management and evolved along with it. Even in the early concepts of F. Taylor, developed on non-management level, it is impossible not to note the task of competent management, which was separated from production operations.

Administrative (classical) school, which developed in the 20s. general methodological principles of management, quite strictly and definitely indicated the need for highly qualified managers. The largest representative of this school, A. Fayol, wrote: “A prudent and prudent manager is a person who has all the knowledge necessary to resolve the managerial, technical, commercial and financial problems facing him, as well as sufficient physical and intellectual energy and efficiency ...”

In subsequent schools and concepts of management, the elements of the professional activity of managers were studied:

economic and social functions (E. Mayo);

informal moments of exercising power and leadership ( school of interpersonal relations);

manifestation of personal qualities in the work of a leader ( managerialism empirical school).

If we consider the origin of library management in Russia, we can identify an interesting feature: in a short period, it goes through all the stages of development that the West has been mastering for a whole century.

The concept of library management was born in the early 1990s. At that moment, a radical restructuring of the entire socio-economic life was taking place in the country, which required a radical change in the principles of library management.

During the period of formation of the concept of library management, three stages are distinguished, reflecting differences in approaches not only to the paradigm of library management, but also to management as a philosophical and methodological concept in general.

First stage:

the birth of library management,

ideas about effective management systems were in the process of transition from classical approaches to some new, still emerging pattern,

the crisis of classical ideas about the facts of management efficiency in various forms and modifications,

identification, analysis and sharp criticism of the foundations of traditional management,

promotion of alternatives to the bases of traditional management,

promotion of new standards of scientific management.

Second phase:

formation of library management,

creation of new foundations for library management as a science, expressed in the methodological elaboration of a new approach to management on the basis of world management.

Third stage:

combination of various approaches, goals, functions, forms of management,

high dynamics of development of modern management,

mastering the management experience accumulated by other countries in order to transform the most promising areas of management for our country.

Over the past decade, along with the formation of the conceptual foundations of library management, its object and subject as a scientific discipline, the definition of its role and place in the system of library sciences, diversification problems have become of fundamental importance.

According to E.M. Korotkov, one of the leading experts in the field of library management, diversification is a combination of a variety of forms, approaches, goals, objects of management, functions, etc. . As management develops, the number of its alternatives increases. Successfully managing is, among other things, successfully and reasonably choosing the type of management that will be most appropriate or effective in specific conditions, for this you need to know the possible types of management and have methods for choosing them.

2.2 The activities of the manager and the requirements for him

The tasks and functions of management are implemented through the activities of a special category of specialists, which are usually called managers.

A manager is a specialist professionally engaged in managerial activities in a specific area of ​​the organization's functioning.

A professional occupation means that this specialist occupies a permanent position in the enterprise and is empowered to make management decisions in a certain area of ​​activity.

No organization can exist without managers, and there are a number of reasons for this:

1. Managers ensure that the organization fulfills its primary purpose.

2. Managers design and establish the interaction between individual operations and activities performed in the organization.

3. Managers develop strategies for the organization's behavior in a changing environment.

4. Managers ensure that the organization serves the interests of those individuals and institutions that control the organization.

5. Managers are the main information link with the environment.

6. Managers are formally responsible for the performance of the organization.

7. Managers formally represent the organization in ceremonial events.

Being the subject of management activities, managers play a role in the organization of a number of diverse roles:

decision-making role

information role,

the role of the leader.

group leaders;

heads of laboratories, departments, functional services of enterprises;

heads of production departments;

administrators of various levels, coordinating the activities of various departments and external partners;

heads of enterprises, firms in general.

As recorded in many Western European and American manuals, managers are people endowed with a large amount of work, which they can handle only with the help of other people. So it was before, so it is today. The essence of managerial activity remains unchanged, only the functions of the manager and the methods of his work change. But keep in mind that a manager is not necessarily a boss. It is not power, not rank that makes a manager a manager, but a contribution to the activities of the entire organization and responsibility for its results. In any modern organization, the fastest growing group of people who belong to managers, but, as a rule, do not have subordinates: their decisions are only advisory in nature and are implemented through other administrators.

Being a manager means sharing responsibility for the success of an enterprise. A person who is not expected to take any responsibility is not a manager. Managers differ from other specialists only in this responsibility for the operation of the entire enterprise.

Managers are one of the most basic resources of a firm. A fully automated firm may have almost no workers - but there will be managers.

Managers are the most expensive resource and depreciate the fastest. It takes years to build a management team, but it can be destroyed in a few months. Investments in managers and the requirements of firms for them are growing. These requirements double every generation.

The specific nature of the tasks to be solved predetermines the predominantly mental, creative nature of managerial work. Managers make human, financial, physical resources as productive as possible. They have a special subject of labor - information, transforming which they make the decisions necessary to change the state of the managed object. Therefore, as tools of labor, managers are, first of all, means of working with information. The result of their activity is evaluated according to the achievement of the set goals.

There are five basic operations in the work of every manager, no matter what area he is engaged in. Their result is the integration of resources to sustain the viability and growth of the firm.

First, the manager sets goals. It defines tasks in each group of goals. Decides what needs to be done to achieve these goals.

Secondly, the manager organizes. He analyzes the activities, decisions, relationships required to achieve the goal; divides them into manageable aggregates, and these aggregates into manageable labor tasks. The manager groups these populations and tasks into an organizational structure. It selects the people to be performed by these aggregates for and the tasks to be performed.

Thirdly, the manager maintains motivation and communication. He makes up a team of people responsible for various jobs. And he does this with the help of specific techniques, through personnel decisions on pay, on appointments, promotions, and through a variety of decisions that determine the so-called quality of working life, which is not at all reduced to wages or working conditions in our usual sense. And he does this by maintaining constant communication with his subordinates, superiors and colleagues.

Fourth, an important element in the work of a manager is measurement. It establishes the units of measurement - there are few factors so important to the success of a firm. Achieves that each person has indicators focused on the work of the entire company and at the same time on the work of a particular individual and helps him to do it. The manager analyzes, evaluates and interprets the results. As in all other areas of work, he communicates them to his superiors, subordinates and colleagues.

Fifth, the manager contributes to the growth of the competence of people, including himself. The mentioned qualities of working life in one of the possible interpretations is just a set of conditions that contribute to the growth of the competence of the members of the firm.

All these operations can be divided into categories of work, each of which requires specific qualities and qualifications.

Managers perform two specific tasks:

The challenge is to create a true whole that is greater than the sum of its parts, a productive unity that produces more than what is put in. In other words, the manager creates a system and contributes to the emergence of order from the house, or, in any case, ensures the formation of a new order that is qualitatively superior to the previous one.

Solving the problem requires the manager to maximize the efficiency of using the forces that he has (primarily human resources) and neutralize weaknesses.

The task is to harmonize in every decision and action the requirements of the immediate and distant future.

The specificity of economic, in particular production processes as objects of management predetermines the special nature of the work of managers and the composition of the requirements for them. The work of a manager is highly creative in nature, requires versatile knowledge, and implies a person's propensity for analytical activity and the ability to concentrate at certain moments on limited problems. Since the main subject of a manager's work is management information, a prerequisite for his effective work is the knowledge and ability to use modern information technologies in enterprise management.

knowledge in the field of theory and skills in the field of management practice;

ability to communicate and work with people;

competence in the field of specialization of the enterprise.

The first category of requirements implies that the manager has special training in the field of management theory, knowledge of the basics of modern macro- and microeconomics, general systems theory and management decision-making, the ability to adopt new information technologies and economic and mathematical methods for optimizing decisions. Given the dynamic nature of the development of modern theory and practice of management, a mandatory property of a manager should be a tendency to continuous learning and professional development. The second category of manager competency requirements is the ability to communicate and work with people. It follows from the binding position of the manager in the communication system at the enterprise. To analyze any management situation, the manager needs to ensure, as a rule, external and internal communications between such subjects of the system as a higher manager, colleagues from related departments or enterprises, a work team (groups, departments or enterprises) and separately subordinate employees. The manager must be able to objectively recognize each of the subjects of the managerial situation, adequately (in accordance with his styles and motives of work) respond to him and optimally influence to achieve the goal of the activity.

The ability to communicate is largely dependent on the individual characteristics of a person and therefore can be determined using tests of professional suitability and managerial skill level.

The third category of requirements related to competence in the field of specialization of the enterprise provides for the availability of special knowledge in matters of technology of production processes, theoretical and practical aspects of ongoing production, features and their physical processes.

The nature of the activity of a particular manager at the enterprise is determined by the composition of the powers delegated to him in making managerial decisions. The composition is established in accordance with the system of division of labor and specialization of managerial personnel adopted at the enterprise. Fundamentally, in the structure of any enterprise, two types of division of labor of managers can be found: horizontal and vertical.

The horizontal division of labor in management is associated with the specialization of managers mainly on a functional basis, i.e., assigning one or more subject management functions to them. Such a division of labor determines the consciousness at the enterprise of special units of marketing, production, finance, personnel, etc. The vertical division of labor of managers depends on the nature of the processes carried out, the scale of activity and is expressed in the organizational structure of the enterprise, as part of management levels. As a rule, an enterprise can be divided into three hierarchical levels of management: top, middle and bottom. The scope and significance of the consequences of managerial decisions at each level increases as the transition from lower to higher management increases. The top management includes the head of the enterprise, his first deputies in functional areas (R & D, production, marketing, etc.) middle management consists of heads of departments, services and administrative bodies of the enterprise and includes up to 60% of the total number of managers in the enterprise. The lowest level includes the head of creative groups, grassroots laboratories, production groups, etc.

A modern economic organization can be represented in three ways: - as a system of formations of objective activity;

as a social institution;

as a community (collective) of people and a system of interpersonal (interpersonal) relations.

Accordingly, there are three areas of activity of the manager. From the position of management, three levels and, accordingly, three subsystems of the organization can be distinguished:

The system of goals (an ordered set of general and private, strategic, tactical and operational goals);

The organization itself (a clear and precise definition of areas of responsibility for achieving the specific goals of each unit and employee);

Control system (comparison of the goals set and the results achieved, informing about deviations and analysis of the reasons for the deviation of the results from the goals).

Considering the three main areas of activity of a manager, four main groups of professionally important qualities can be distinguished:

Motivational target;




Motivation-target and emotional-volitional qualities include:

striving for success (orientation to achievements, desire to possess, determination, self-confidence);

caution, conscientiousness, attention, accuracy, recognition from others;

self-determination (freedom, clear choice, openness);

social competence (contact, sociability, willingness to discuss, power of persuasion, attractiveness, charm, friendly attitude towards the organization, confident demeanor);

anger control (calmness, self-control, willingness to resolve conflicts, low level of irritability).

Communication skills include:

ability for cooperation and group work;

social competence in a competitive situation in the implementation of their goals.

General communicative qualities, which are divided into four groups, are also essential for the activities of a manager:

1. Qualities associated with the organization of the content of communication;

2. Attitude towards a communication partner;

3. Method of influence on the partner;

4. A way to discover a partner of oneself.

The necessary professional qualities are formed both in the course of everyday, professional activities, and in the process of specially organized professional training.

A modern manager is a professional who is optimistic about the future of the library and knows how to find rational ways out of the most difficult situations.

2.3 Model of the qualities of women managers

In the modern world, the fair sex - women - is increasingly acting as representatives of the library staff. Accordingly, the position of library manager is also occupied by women. Since this is also my future profession, I would like to consider some features of a female leader and how her socio-psychological characteristics affect her management style.

Organization management is the implementation of a number of functions that are closely related to the nature of the team, its tasks, composition, and characteristics of specific situations. The organization's team needs a leader with personal authority, as well as political maturity, developed organizational skills, a high culture of behavior, and good knowledge of the matter. All this helps the manager to soberly evaluate the results of failed work, not to panic in case of failures, not to give up, but to encourage his subordinates to continue hard work.

A female leader of the modern type is a person who manages an enterprise or its subdivision, directs, organizes and regulates the activities of a subordinate team in order to achieve certain economic, production and social goals under various forms of ownership.

A female leader should be viewed as a person with specific qualities that are a prerequisite for the successful implementation of her activities. It can also be added that the activities and results of a woman manager's work are influenced by her temperament, character, personality type, work style.

A variety of situations and a variety of approaches to solving certain problems that implement the work of women managers have paved the way for the development of various classifications of requirements for the qualities of modern women leaders.

First of all, the need for women leaders to be an example for subordinates should be highlighted. It's not easy, but it's possible. Women leaders should be a mirror of simplicity and elegance in dress, diligence in education, moderation and skill in actions, an example of prudence in private and public life.

It is possible to classify the qualities of modern women managers based on specific criteria. For example, the criteria can be defined by the following areas of activity of the manager: . Organizational and managerial sphere of activity of the organization.. Social sphere of activity (work with people).. Production sphere of activity.. The personality of the woman leader herself is a pivotal element in the integrated system of her spheres of activity.

Let us consider the semantic meaning of the spheres of activity and the corresponding models of the qualities of a woman manager.

The first criterion (basic). A woman manager is the head of all spheres of activity of the team, for example, the head of a firm, organization, enterprise. This criterion corresponds to the organizational and managerial classification, which reflects the general managerial requirements for a woman manager. (Table 1)

Table 1 General organizational and managerial classification and criteria for assessing the managerial qualities of a modern type leader.

Ranks of qualitiesQuality groups (first level) Criteria of the first level 1 Professional managerial competence Availability of professional knowledge and skills in the field of production and people management, knowledge of work in a specific managerial position 2 Organizational qualities Relationships with people 3 Business qualities Attitude to business 4 Moral qualities Attitude to morality 5 Political culture creative activity in a leadership position

Criterion two. The woman who manages the unit entrusted to her is the leader, educator and organizer of a team of people. And this is the social sphere. On this basis, a socio-psychological classification of the qualities of a female leader has been developed: the ability to manage social processes. It includes the ability to provide the necessary working conditions, living conditions, a good moral and psychological climate, labor and performance discipline, etc.

Criterion three. A woman manager is a leader and organizer of production. From here, a production classification of the qualities of the ability to manage production has been developed. This classification is determined by the specific conditions of the production process. It should, in particular, include such blocks of qualities as the ability to organize an effective enterprise management system, make a profit, ensure a stable economic situation for the team, organize production, ensure a high level of technological processes, organize the work of personnel in the workplace, etc.

And finally, the ability of a female manager to manage production, the workforce and the firm (organization, enterprise) as a whole cannot be effectively implemented if she cannot manage herself (fourth criterion). This area of ​​activity (personal management) corresponds to another model of the qualities of a woman manager, reflecting her ability to organize personally. The model is based on such capacious qualities as personal organization, self-discipline, knowledge of the technique of personal work, emotional and volitional potential, good health, and hygiene of working conditions.

To effectively carry out their functions, modern women leaders need to master certain components of managerial skills:

be able to interact with people of different levels (subordinates, support staff, business circles, superiors, etc.),

establish business and creative relationships with colleagues,

be able to use oral and written speech to influence partners and achieve mutual understanding,

be able to perceive, assimilate and use information, etc.

In order to fully manage the organization, modern women leaders must have a whole arsenal of organizational, economic and psychological means.

Being armed with appropriate skills and means, female managers will be able to effectively use human resources to implement the chosen strategy, strengthen the cohesion of their “team”, use it as a strategic motivating factor that directs employees to achieve the goals of the organization, and thereby increase the level of manageability of the structural educational unit .

Considering the blocks of qualities included in the general model of the personal qualities of a female leader, we present the key elements of the above structure. In the proposed organizational and managerial model, the set of qualities necessary for a female manager is presented in the form of six large blocks (see Table 1). Professional managerial competence (Table 2) includes five groups of qualities

organizational and managerial culture,

economic culture,

legal culture,

Leadership experience

Experience in private business.

Each of these groups is based on quite specific primary qualities.

Table 2 Professional competence of a female manager.

Rank of qualities Main blocks of qualities (first level) Groups of qualities (second level) Primary qualities (third level) 1 Professional managerial competence 1.1. Organizational and managerial culture Knowledge of: 1) theory and practice of management (in production, services, etc.); 2) conditions of professional activity; 3) production techniques and technologies; 4) organization of production; 5) theories and practices of personnel management; 6) psychology; 7) sociology; 8) pedagogy. Possession: 1) technique of personal work (personal management); 2) computer and organizational technology. 1.2. Economic culture; Knowledge of: 1) economic theory; 2) planning; 3) financing and lending; 4) statistics; 5) labor economics; 6) accounting; 7) marketing; 8) banking (macro- and microeconomics); 9) taxation; 10) work with securities; 11) basics of commerce. Ability to use economic management methods1.3. Legal culture Knowledge of economic, labor and other types of law, ability and desire to use this knowledge 1.4. Production experience 1. Production experience 2. Leadership experience in a specific position of the head of an organization or department 3. Breadth of awareness 1.5. Entrepreneurial experience 1. Experience of private entrepreneurship 2. Management experience in non-state enterprises and organizations.

For example, organizational and managerial culture is determined by knowledge of the methods and techniques of organizational work. The mastery of such knowledge contributes to the formation of the leader as a creative, active personality and is manifested in his direct managerial activity, the methods and techniques of leadership he uses.

The economic culture of a female leader is formed on the basis of her knowledge of economics, the system of market relations, the ability to analyze and evaluate economic information, the ability to make correct generalizations and conclusions, and formulate new economic ideas and solutions. The formation of the economic culture of a female leader involves: the study of science; development of economic thinking; mastery of management methods; knowledge of planning, statistics, financing and lending, accounting, working with securities, labor economics and other areas of the economy. The legal culture of a female leader is a complex concept. It includes knowledge of the law, the ability to apply legal knowledge, compliance with the law, participation in improving the legal culture of subordinates; ability to participate in lawmaking activities. The professional competence of a female leader is also formed on the basis of her managerial experience, which is determined by the length of service in various managerial positions.

Organizational qualities. This is the area of ​​interaction with people. They include four subsystems of qualities: craving for leadership, the ability to communicate with people, the ability to organize joint work activities; personal attractiveness (Table 3).

Table 3 Organizational qualities of a female manager

Rank of qualities Main blocks of qualities (first level) Groups of qualities (second level) Primary qualities (third level) 2 Organizational qualities 2.1. Passion for Leadership 1. Internal need for leadership 2. The desire to be a leader 2.2. Ability to communicate (sociability) Ability to: 1) build relationships with subordinates, colleagues, managers, other people in various situations 2) rely on the team 3) captivate people, act not by order, but by persuasion 4) sociability 2.3. Ability to organize joint labor activity Ability to: 1) select and form a team 2) the ability to delegate authority 3) check performance 4) use organizational and administrative methods of management 2.4. Personal attractiveness 1) extroversion 2) openness 3) the ability to gain authority 4) self-confidence 5) a sense of humor 6) charm

The task of women leaders is to find other people who can do a particular job. The manager must be able to check their work.

Business qualities. This is the area of ​​concern. It includes three main groups of qualities: the ability to think strategically, enterprise (tactics of action) and personal organization (Table 3.5). The ability to think strategically implies: the presence of high intelligence, a broad outlook, curiosity, prudence; the ability to generate ideas, see and take into account the prospect, formulate tasks, highlight the main thing, foresee the consequences of decisions made.

The entrepreneurial model includes 22 primary qualities. Here they are:

Striving for self-expression

Business activity,


business acumen,



The ability to complete what you start

The ability not to lose heart from failures,


self dissatisfaction,

Strive to do the best job




Willingness and ability to take risks

practicality, resourcefulness,


Flexibility, result oriented

Having common sense

The ability to link your plans with real conditions.

But personal organization is the ability to value time, commitment, self-discipline, the ability to live and work according to the system.

Table 4 Business qualities of a female manager

Rank of qualities Main blocks of qualities (first level) Groups of qualities (second level) Primary qualities (third level) 3 Business qualities 3.1. The ability to think strategically (activity strategy) -Intelligence, -Broad-mindedness, -Curiosity, -Rapidness, -The ability to generate ideas, -The ability to set and formulate tasks, highlight the main thing, -Innovative approach (non-standard thinking), -The ability to make decisions, 3.2. Entrepreneurship (tactics of activity) - The desire for self-expression, self-realization, - Business activity, - Assertiveness, - Purposefulness, - Constant striving for self-improvement, - Courage, - Practicality, - Thrift, - Result orientation. 3.3. Personal organization - Obligation (ability to keep one's word), - Punctuality, - Self-discipline, composure.

Moral qualities. Service ethics prescribes a female leader to be fair in assessing the abilities and behavior of employees, smooth in handling, principled in business, attentive, tactful and benevolent. Self-confidence and arrogance, immoderate categoricalness, intolerance of criticism, disrespect for the personal dignity of subordinates cause harm to relationships in the team. In the morality of a female leader, two groups of primary qualities can be distinguished: spiritual qualities and a culture of behavior (Table 5).

Table 5 Moral qualities of a female manager.

Rank of qualities Main blocks of qualities (first level) Groups of qualities (second level) Primary qualities (third level) 4 Moral qualities 4.1. Spiritual (internal) qualities - Decency, - Honesty, - Courage, - Nobility, - Mercy.4.2. Culture of behavior - Politeness, - Tolerance, - Balance and restraint, - Sensitivity, - Attention to subordinates, - Fairness.

political culture. Its criterion is an understanding of the interests of the whole society, the subordinate team and the personality of the worker. In addition, it includes such qualities as knowledge of the political situation, the ability to conduct a discussion, tolerance for different points of view, etc. (Table 6).

Table 6 Political culture of a female manager

Rank of qualities Main blocks of qualities (first level) Groups of qualities (second level) Primary qualities (third level) 5 Political culture 5.1. own point of view, - The ability to lead a discussion, - Tolerance for different points of view of the labor collective - The ability and desire to learn from people, - Demanding on oneself and subordinates, - The ability to build the right relationship with the authorities, - The ability to properly treat criticism in one's address in the team

And finally, the performance of a female leader. It can be regarded as the ability for a long, intense creative activity of the leader. On the one hand, performance is based on physiological potential: health, age, a trained nervous system, the absence of bad habits. On the other hand, the emotional-volitional complex of qualities is no less important: will, diligence, perseverance in work, satisfaction with its results, dedication to work (Table 7).

library management managerial head

Table 7 Performance of a female manager

Rank of qualities Main blocks of qualities (first level) Groups of qualities (second level) Primary qualities (third level) 6 Working capacity 6.1. Physiological potential-Good health, Appropriate age, Fitness of the nervous system, Absence of bad habits (alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc.). 6.2. Emotional-volitional potential - Will, - Diligence, - Perseverance in work, - Enthusiasm for work (vocation), - Cheerfulness, - Family well-being.

Speaking about the personal qualities of women leaders, one should pay attention to another significant aspect - the right to lead people. We should speak at least about the professional and moral right to lead people. Professional law is ensured by competence, organizational skills and efficiency, and moral law - by the moral qualities and political culture of women leaders. The ability to manage a work collective is determined by working conditions, living conditions, moral and psychological climate, labor and performance discipline.

Table 8 Classification of the qualities of a female manager: the ability to manage the social sphere.

No. The main blocks of requirements for a manager - a woman Content of the criterion Criteria of the second level 1 Working conditions Ability to create the necessary working conditions - Sanitary and hygienic conditions, - Sanitary and living conditions, - Mode of work and rest, - Fire safety. Provision of housing, kindergartens and nurseries, -Transport services, -Utility services, -Organization of rest and treatment. sports, organization of recreation, - Lack of staff turnover, - Planning of social development.

Ability to organize production. The production assessment of a female manager is based on the results of the production and economic activities of the managed organization and is carried out by assessing the compliance of her actions or qualities with the conditions of the work collective.

Evaluation of the results of the production and economic activities of the labor collective is an objective and reasoned, based on analysis, conclusion about the level of efficiency in the production of products, performance of work and provision of services that correspond to the profile of the organization.

Factors and criteria for the production assessment of the qualities of a female leader (the ability to manage production under specific conditions) are presented in Table. nine.

The ability to manage yourself. This ability is based on the personal organization of the female leader, self-discipline, emotional and volitional potential, good health, self-control - on the system of personal management, which includes advice that is practically applied and organizes the work of the female leader with the most fruitful result (Table 10).

Table 9 Classification of the qualities of a female manager: the ability to manage the production sector

No. The main blocks of requirements for a woman production manager Content of the criterion Criteria of the second level 1 Organization of an effective enterprise management system. (Ensuring a stable economic position, the ability to make a profit by economic methods) The ability to create and maintain a highly efficient enterprise (firm) management system - Organizational and functional management structure, - Organization of the work of the management apparatus, functional services, - Distribution of functions in the management system, - Job descriptions, - Decision execution control systems. 2 Ensuring a stable economic position of the production team, the ability to make a profit by economic methods. Understanding the essence of economic concepts and indicators, the ability to influence them by economic and other methods in a market economy. Financial condition, accounting, taxes, - Ability to plan work in a market economy, - Economic preparation of production. 3 Marketing management Ability to link satisfaction into a single process needs of customers - Advertising, - Distribution of created products, - Sales of products, 4 Organization of production Ability to organize production in the conditions of scientific and technological progress - Logistics, - External relations, - Provision of documentation, - Staffing. 5 Production technology and labor organization Ability to implement production and advanced technologies, organize work in the workplace - Development and implementation of new technologies, - Introduction of advanced methods of labor organization, - Use of technological maps and work process maps.

To use the proposed models of personal qualities of modern women leaders, it is very important to correctly understand the content of certain qualities. Such definitions of concepts and professional characteristics of qualities have been developed and are essential elements of the quality models of modern women managers.

Table 10 The ability of a female leader to manage herself

No. The main blocks of requirements for a woman production manager Content of the criterion Criteria of the second level 1 Personal organization Ability to live and work according to the system - The ability to appreciate and use time efficiently, - The ability to focus on the main thing, - The ability to do everything in order. - Composure, - Responsibility. The ability to delegate authority 4 Emotional and volitional potential The ability to control one's will - Diligence, - Perseverance in work, - Assertiveness, - Optimism and cheerfulness, - Devotion to work and the team, - Self-confidence. 5 Ability to make oneself healthy Good health, mental hygiene ore-Nutrition, -Sleep, -Fitness of the nervous system, -Mode of work and rest. 6Ability to formulate and realize life goals Ability to formulate and achieve life goals team.7Personal self-controlThe ability to control the processes of one's life and behaviorThe ability to form and maintain one's image, high reputation

These socio-psychological characteristics should be taken into account when choosing a profession. Any female leader needs to try to maximize the rational use of company resources, choose the right strategic direction, solve managerial tasks correctly and try to bring maximum benefit to the organization.

Chapter 2. Library manager: requirements for the profession and personality

2.1 Managerial work in the library and the functions of a manager

Our life does not stand still. She changes every day. In modern conditions of an open democratic society and entrepreneurial activity in our country, it became necessary to change the management strategy in all organizations. In connection with the current situation, it is necessary to search for new approaches to management. In order for organizations to easily adapt to the modern situation in the world, most leaders in the strategy of managing an organization use the theory and practice of modern management.

The library is an integral part of modern society. Therefore, she too took an active interest in management. The library has a new need - it is the need to form a new class of specialists who are capable of solving the most complex problems of managing a modern library. The specifics of the tasks to be solved predetermined a special role for the head of the library. This is a professional manager with special knowledge, skills, and abilities in the field of managerial activity.

Currently, the concept of "manager" has gained a strong position in the library environment. More and more libraries are filled with young energetic managers.

In order for the manager to be the central figure in the library management system, he must meet certain requirements. All of them are recorded in the “Tariff and Qualification Characteristics for the Positions of Cultural Workers of the Russian Federation”.

These requirements of special professional education for heads of libraries and their structural subdivisions are very important, since, unfortunately, even among library specialists there are few good leaders. And many of them believe that for the head of the library and a special library education is not necessary at all.

But that's not the case at all! To develop the skills and abilities of the library manager, special programs are being developed based on careful analysis and planning of leadership training. By evaluating performance, the library must first of all determine the level of implementation of managerial abilities in leadership practice. Then it should be established what abilities and skills are required at various levels of leadership positions.

All this allows the library authorities to find out which of the leaders has the most appropriate qualifications for certain positions, who needs training and retraining. In accordance with this, a schedule is being developed for the preparation of specific individuals who are scheduled for a possible promotion (reserve for promotion) or transfer to other positions.

The library staff selection and training system can include five stages:

Stage - the heads of the library and staff of personnel services select students from the universities of culture, the most capable and inclined to leadership work.

Stage - young specialists undergo an internship in the library and the initial course of study associated with a detailed acquaintance of its work. On this basis, the primary selection of library specialists for enrollment in the reserve of promotion to managerial positions is carried out.

Stage - work with the library leaders of the grassroots level and the reserve for promotion. The number of activities includes training in advanced training courses, substitution of library managers as understudies. After analyzing the results, a secondary selection is carried out. Employees who successfully pass it are nominated for vacant management positions.

Stage - work with the leaders of the middle-level library. It is built according to individual plans. As a rule, these are training programs in basic management, marketing, business relations, economics, and jurisprudence.

Stage - the most complex and delicate process is carried out, where the appointment of library managers to senior positions takes place. One of the main difficulties is the multi-criteria choice. Since the leader must meet many qualities.

A senior manager should have a good knowledge of librarianship in general, the specifics of the organization of library processes in a particular library, have experience in functional departments and be well qualified.

The qualification of a library specialist is understood as his ability to perform work of varying degrees of complexity. And this ability, in turn, is made up of the knowledge and skills of a specialist. Knowledge and skills are judged, most often, by the level of education and work experience. But actual knowledge and skills may differ from those registered in the documents. Skills also depend on the business and personal qualities of the leader, some traits of his character. Therefore, qualification is not once measured level of knowledge and skills.

There are also qualified characteristics that determine the requirements for library managers and their direct duties. The list of job responsibilities is developed directly in the library in the form of job descriptions. The text of these instructions consists of the following sections:

General provisions;

Job responsibilities;



Terms of remuneration;

Evaluation indicators.

The job description can be used as an independent document or as an annex to the employment contract.

Unlike qualification characteristics, where there are no requirements for the personal qualities of managers, professiograms are being developed. They reflect the requirements that are necessary to perform functional duties in a particular position.

Professiography is a description of a profession or specialty in terms of the requirements for a person. The result of professiography is a professiogram - a description of the system of requirements for a person of a certain specialty, profession.

The overall comprehensive assessment of library managers can be based on an assessment of:

personality (business and professional qualities);

quality of labor activity;

the effectiveness and results of the work of the team, that is, the direct managerial impact of the leader.

2.2 Personality of the head of the library

The library management literature lists various preferred personality traits that a library manager should possess. They are usually based on the results of a survey of librarians. For example: a survey was conducted of the heads of departments, sectors and chief librarians at the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which made it possible to establish the most preferable personality traits that a library head should have. Let's list these qualities:

1) Organizational qualities:

the ability to interest subordinates in the results of work;

the ability to organize the work of subordinates;

the ability to make decisions quickly and independently;

2) Professional qualities:

the ability to analyze one's actions and anticipate the consequences;

ability to apply modern methods of scientific management;

the ability to quickly and effectively solve practical cases;

3) Creative qualities:

"a sense of innovation" - the ability to capture the new in science and in practice;

Analytical mind;


4) Pedagogical qualities:

ability to maintain contacts;

ability to listen to the opinion of subordinates;

exactingness and punctuality;

5) Moral and ethical qualities:




high level of culture;

6) Socio-political qualities:

personal example in work;

Social responsibility;

ability to gain trust.

There are various groupings of requirements for leaders. So, E. Yu. Genieva gives the following characteristics of a good leader:

he is fully aware of the responsibility for his own self-development. In other words - the leader must always improve, learn and develop in his professional activities;

his actions are motivated, that is, the leader cannot act without a goal, and his actions must be justified.

he is proactive - he always offers new projects, non-standard ways of solving problems, brings fresh solutions to work;

is able to form clear realistic goals, that is, the path to the goal, solving problems that may interfere with implementation, clearly formulated and built. The goals, in turn, should not be sky-high, but realistically achievable and correspond to the status of the library;

full of vital energy and infects those around her. This, in turn, increases the productivity of the team and the mood of not only employees, but also library readers. Any person will be pleased when he is met by an optimistic and cheerful employee;

is not lazy and is looking for ways to improve his own professional skills. This is due to the fact that our world does not stand still. It is constantly progressing and developing. The library does the same. And so that it does not stop improving, leaders should always develop and improve their skills;

knows his weaknesses and asks for advice and help from those who are stronger than him in certain circumstances;

Knows how to find a common language with those who are below him, and with those who are above. This contributes to a good atmosphere in the team and will increase the productivity of work in the entire library;

A good leader never says no to anyone. Some projects need to be studied and analyzed, not missing the little things and high-quality ideas. Don't write them off right away. There is even a saying like this: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh." In addition, there are also such employees in the library who, having heard “no”, withdraw into themselves and no longer show initiative. And their ideas can be vital for the library.

E. Yu. Ganieva notes that a leader still needs to be born, that is, there are certain qualities that are given to a person by nature. They will certainly be very difficult to develop in the learning process. But nothing is possible in the world! After all, no one denies that you can learn almost everything. It’s just that a “natural leader” will require much less work and time to perform his official duties than someone who did not have a predisposition to managerial activities.

N.V. Zhako believes that a manager must have a unique information culture, the main component of which is the possession of analytical reading. For the head of the library, absolutely any book, text and, in principle, any document can become a source of information or even a resource of professional activity. Therefore, the ability to quickly navigate in the text, to understand what is read becomes an important component of information culture.

In addition, the head of the library must be able to create texts on his own, and must also always be ready to speak to a large audience in an official setting with a speech or report. The art of speaking is becoming an indispensable component of the information culture of the head of the library, since in the conditions of informatization and the formation of the information market, constant development of new contact audiences, involvement of potential sponsors and readers in cooperation is required.

It is obvious that the circle of these personal qualities of a leader refers to the leading personnel of all libraries, regardless of their types and types. These professionally significant qualities were revealed in more detail during the development of the professiogram of the CLS management, carried out on the basis of a survey of 300 CLS managers. As a result, the following groups of personal qualities of the leader were derived:

qualities that characterize relationships with different people:







qualities that characterize the style of the leader:




Mindfulness (self-defense against technical errors),


qualities that characterize the general style of behavior:


Self control



mind qualities:



Also, such psychological and physiological qualities as curiosity, perseverance, will, intuition, health, creative personality are also necessary for a good leader.

Among the undesirable qualities, the respondents named:

impulsiveness, as rash decisions are not always correct and often lead to negative consequences;

"Servant" character is also a negative quality. Very often, many leaders, either because of their inexperience or because of their nature, begin to serve their leadership. At the same time, managers lose their individuality, begin to show excessive initiative, which does not bring any benefit. Because of this, the manager causes an extremely negative attitude, both among his subordinates and colleagues.

suspiciousness: if the leader sees danger in everything, sees something unfavorable in the decisions, in the projects of his subordinates, then he will lose their trust. And the library, the head of which has a painful suspicion, incredulity, will not be able to exist for a long time.

conformism, that is, the absence of one's position, passivity. A good leader must always have his own point of view on any situation and be able to defend it, even if it does not coincide with the point of view of higher management.

Another group of qualities reflects those that are necessary for making managerial decisions. According to I. M. Suslova, the leader who owns them:

the ability to apply specific knowledge;

ability to work with a wide range of people;

identifies problem areas;

looking for an alternative solution to a particular problem.

Consider the skills that a good leader needs:

the ability to manage oneself in any situation;

the presence of different personal values;

a good manager must have clear goals, be able to set them;

high ability for self-development;

ability to solve problems of any complexity;

Creative skills;

the ability to influence others;

ability to understand the style and practice of management;

training of subordinates.

A good leader always analyzes his role in relation to the team in which he works, to the leadership and to society as a whole. He allocates rational tasks to his employees. Also, a good leader independently sets a goal, analyzing and adapting it to the current situation. After all, the purpose of a certain work should always correspond to the status of the library.

The leader tries to delegate authority, and so that any employee can cope with them in a timely manner. And in order for the quality of work to increase noticeably, it is necessary to create a creative environment in the team. It will be much more interesting for employees to carry out the tasks assigned to them, in addition, their creative potential will grow higher and higher. This form of work will help the employee to fulfill himself and assert himself, which is also very important for any person.

A good leader should encourage the quality work of subordinates. Any encouragement will be pleasant to the employee, even if it is a simple praise. Of course, a cash prize or reward will be much more pleasant. A good manager knows this and will undoubtedly use various stimulation methods in their work.

Any boss needs to establish "feedback" with subordinates. We need to listen and hear our employees, create conditions for their development. You can not suppress the initiative of subordinates. After all, sometimes their bold ideas and decisions will help bring new transformations to the library.

A good leader should deal with "difficult people." These people disrupt the working environment in the team.

Qualities of a good library manager:

manage yourself in any situation,

energy, optimism, no matter what;

ability to cope with stressful situations;

the ability to form a team, that is, to select subordinates who can “get along with each other”, creating a fruitful creative environment;

the ability to influence other people. After all, some subordinates can impose their point of view, which is extremely wrong. And there are people who won't lift a finger without a "special offer". They just need to be influenced! This will allow the library to better fulfill its mission.

Consider the characteristics of leadership styles:

Table 1

Parameters of interaction between a leader and subordinatesLeadership stylesAuthoritarianDemocraticLiberal Decision-making parametersSingle-handedConsults with subordinatesWaiting for instructions from managementWay to achieve decisions Orders, orders, commands.Offers, asksAsks, begs Distribution of responsibilityFor oneself or for subordinatesResponsibility in accordance with authorityRemoves responsibilityAttitude to initiativeSuppresses EncouragesGives into the hands of subordinatesAttitude to shortcomings of propertyEveryone knows, knows everything,increases one’s own qualifications Improves his knowledge and knowledge of subordinates Attitude to recruitment Afraid of qualified employees Selects business, competent employees Does not recruit Communication style Distance, not sociable Friendly, loves communication Afraid of communication, communicates on the initiative of the employee The nature of relations with subordinates Is dictated by mood Constant self-control Gentle, accommodating Attitude to discipline Rigid discipline Reasonable discipline, differ disciplined approach Requires formal discipline Attitude to moral influence on subordinates Punishment is the main method; Stimulation - encourages the chosen ones on holidays Various types of incentive constantly Works in the same way

This table reflects the dependence of the activities of the leader on his character and management style. So before putting a person in a leadership position, it is worth determining the style of his leadership and evaluating his future activities in advance. After that, it is necessary to draw conclusions: is this leader needed in the library at all? And if needed, in which department is it better to put it?

An important trait for a manager is self-management. Self-management is the consistent and purposeful use of proven methods of work in daily practice in order to use your time optimally and meaningfully. Self-management is a means of self-development of the individual manager.

The main component in self-management is goal-setting, that is, initially you need to determine the direction of your activity. After goal-setting comes the specific formulation of the goal. In other words, you need to answer the question: what do I need? what do i want? The next step is planning. At this stage, planning of time, effort, costs for the implementation of the goal is carried out. This can be expressed schematically:

Goal setting.

Specific goal setting.


An attempt to present a model of the modern library work of the head - the library manager was made by and. Dzherilevskaya I.K., highlighting the following main elements of this model:

the main factors that determine the behavior of the head in the market conditions:

Change in attitude towards oneself

Changing attitudes towards subordinates

Awareness of one's own behavior;

the ideological level of managerial activity, characterized by terminal values ​​that make up the essence and meaning of activity;

the behavioral level of activity, due to instrumental values ​​that characterize the attitude of the leader to himself and his subordinates as the basis of the instrument of activity;

the hierarchy of terminal instrumental values, which constitutes the ideology of managerial activity;

the individual process of selection of instrumental values ​​and their subordination to terminal values, giving managerial activity a personal meaning and a conscious character;

the skills of extracting information, interpreting it and using it in the process of forming one's own behavioral strategy, which characterize the management culture. Requirements for a set of qualities of a leader also depend on the level of the position held. If the top manager solves strategic problems, for him the breadth of thinking, the desire for independent action are important, then the middle manager is focused on solving the problems of organizing the activities of the library, meeting the social needs of subordinates, and therefore he needs such leader traits as communication skills, ability to get the job done.

To an even greater extent, the qualities of a leader are important for low-level managers who are directly related to the team. They must show the ability to organize the work of subordinates, be able to implement ideas, be kind and responsive to the needs of subordinates, but show will and rigor in what directly works.

Such a division of requirements depending on the affiliation of the head to one or another level of management is possible only in large libraries; in small libraries, the head often replaces the entire management apparatus.

There are other moments in the work of the head of the library, which at first glance seem not so important, but which also affect the effectiveness of his work - this is what is called the effectiveness of his work - this is what is called the scientific organization of labor or the culture of the organization of work of the head.

First of all, this refers to the rational use of his working time, the state of the workplace and documentation. The culture of appearance is also important for the manager, including the culture of self-management, and the culture of appearance, business clothes, etc., because often the library as a whole is judged by the appearance and behavior of managers.

2.3 Practical study of the main qualification characteristics of a manager

2.3.1 Opinion poll

As part of my thesis, I decided to conduct a sociological survey. The theoretical aspects that reflect the qualities of a manager are, of course, wonderful. But not always theory coincides with practice. And in order to be convinced of this, or vice versa, to dissuade me, I decided to do a survey.

The survey involved people of different categories:

library readers,

regular librarians,

persons holding leadership positions in the library (senior manager).

I was offered a single question: "List 10 qualities (both personal and professional) that a library manager should have."

The people who were interviewed listed the qualities they felt were necessary for a library manager. Of course, the qualities listed in the questionnaire are also different for different categories of respondents. This is due to the fact that everyone has their own requirements for the library manager. Let's take a closer look at the results.

the group of respondents are readers and library visitors. In their questionnaire, they described the ideal librarian. According to readers, the most necessary qualities for a library manager are:

speed of service to readers,



Thus, the ideal library manager for readers is: a charming employee, kind, who will always help you find the information you need, and quickly, or give good advice. He has a versatile mindset, he is smart and always knows what and where to look for. Along with his subordinates, he also serves readers and organizes activities.

It can be concluded that for readers, personal qualities are more important than professional ones.

the group of respondents were ordinary librarians. We can say that they listed the characteristics that their boss should have. According to librarians, the most necessary qualities for a library manager are: - benevolence,




the ability to clearly formulate tasks,

sense of humor.

That is, the ideal manager and, directly, the line manager is: a professional in his field, he sets clear, achievable tasks that are clearly formulated. At the same time, the ideal manager is a kind, sociable, tolerant and sensitive Person (with a capital H). He subtly feels his team, finds a common language with everyone, is open, easily defuses the situation. After analyzing the answers of librarians, we can note the following: along with personal qualities, professional qualities also become one row, that is, the leader must be both a professional in his field and at the same time a sensitive person. Group 3 - persons holding leadership positions in the library. In their questionnaires, which they were offered, they described the traits and qualities that a leader should have. Consider them:


high efficiency,



team building,

dedication to the profession.

Thus, the ideal manager for persons occupying leadership positions in the library is: a professional in his field, who loves his profession, and therefore always does it right down to the smallest detail. Also, the manager must always be responsible for all decisions made by him. He has a high efficiency, perhaps he will be able to perform several tasks at the same time. A good manager is always in a good mood, he is also friendly, which undoubtedly affects his team, which he also forms on his own, selecting qualified personnel.

From this we can conclude: for the top managers of the library, professional qualities are a priority, rather than personal ones.

Well, if we consider all the qualities that the interviewed people listed, then we can conclude: the library manager is a person who must have a huge range of professional characteristics and personal qualities.

And here, of course, theory coincides with practice. Library manager is a very interesting and at the same time difficult profession that requires special education and a lot of knowledge. And to become one, you need the appropriate education, a lot of effort and work on yourself.

2.3.2 Practical application of library manager skills

Also, as part of the practice, which took place in the scientific library of the Leningrad State Technical University, I was given the opportunity to be the chief librarian of the humanitarian and socio-economic reading room, that is, to some extent, I performed the duties of a library manager.

My direct duties included holding an event - a literature review on the topic: "Business Communication". The readership is second-year students of the Leningrad State Technical University. In order to prepare a qualitative review of the literature, it is necessary to study the entire fund, select books that will be useful and interesting to readers. So a good leader needs to know the library fund, its specifics, features, novelties. It is also worth bearing in mind the characteristics of the readers for whom the review is being conducted. If these are students, then the following should be taken into account:

study the topic of the review - identify its features, think about what aspects can be opened, what literature is best suited and how to present it competently.

speech plan - it is necessary to take into account all organizational overheads that may arise, not to miss important points of the speech.

review time - the review should not be too long, as readers will stop listening, but on the other hand, not too fast, because it will not bring any benefit. Review time - 15-20 minutes. During this time, it is quite possible to reveal the content of the selected books, and at the same time, readers will not get tired of the flow of information.

literature necessary for studying the discipline: "Business Communication" - the quality of students' learning depends on the quality of the selected books, therefore, before advising textbooks, manuals, workshops, you need to study them and consult with the teacher who leads the discipline.

literature that may interest students - in other words - books "for the soul." Many students in their free time may be interested in the psychology of communication, non-verbal communication. If you pick up interesting literature, then readers will be drawn to it, they will want to study new topics, develop in this direction. Therefore, books need to be selected bright, interesting, which will interest the new generation.

audience interest - if the review is carried out monotonously, monotonously, then readers will lose interest, will be distracted, waiting for the end. Therefore, each book must be presented differently, focusing on its features and interesting points. If the audience begins to “frankly get bored”, then you can “defuse the situation” a little by reading a funny quote from the book.

It can be noted here that before preparing a review of the literature, the librarian must take into account a number of features, study the fund and organize the presentation itself, taking into account the organizational overheads that may also arise.

Literature review plan:

1) Greeting students.

2) Inform students that they are in the reading room of humanitarian and socio-economic literature. Remind readers that all books, textbooks and manuals that are in this room can only be studied within it.

3) Ask students to turn in their library cards in order to re-register them.

4) Introduction to the topic of the review.

5) Literature review.

6) To give students the opportunity to independently familiarize themselves with the books that interested them.

7) Ask students to fill in a review sheet, where they note the number of books that they wrote down in their notebook and that they simply liked.

The review, as already mentioned, is designed for 15-20 minutes.

The purpose of the review is to familiarize students with the literature on the following topics:

psychology of communication;

business conversation;


non-verbal communication;


business culture.

After reviewing the literature, it is necessary to give readers a few minutes so that they can study the books in more detail on their own, and, perhaps, those that they need or just like, take and study.

Having done this work, it is worth noting what qualities the chief librarian should have:



ability to speak;




All these qualities will certainly help you become a good library manager and hold any events at the highest level.

Library manager is a very interesting and at the same time responsible job.

The library was, is and will always remain an inexhaustible source of knowledge, one of the main public institutions and simply the place where a person can rest his soul. The librarian is that “lifesaver” that helps not only by finding the right book, but also by simple advice or emotional communication. The "ordinary assistants to man" also have a leader. What should he be? I will try and answer these questions. It is no secret that every person aspires to become the head of an organization, in our case, a library manager. For some, perhaps becoming a "big boss" is the goal itself. For the sake of it, most of them “go over their heads”, “make intrigues”, lie, “turn around” and simply “suck up” to the authorities. They say that the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. But let's look at the other side of the coin.

One fine day, God sent you a long-awaited position for your merits. You are determined to become the most just and honest leader of all times and peoples. Are you up to the task? Are you able to maintain humanity and not become a tough dictator for your subordinates? Can your knowledge base and qualification characteristics match your new status?

The first thing to note is that the library manager must have professional knowledge that he can apply with ease. His education should also be specialized - after all, he is a leader. That is, in addition to the theoretical knowledge of an ordinary librarian, a manager needs the ability to analyze his actions and foresee their consequences. Their actions should be based on modern methods of scientific management. Unfortunately, not all leaders have these characteristics. But after all, in addition to these characteristics, the manager must possess the necessary qualities. Let's consider them.

Very often, leaders are immersed in "paperwork" to such an extent that they do not even notice the situation in the team. But it is interpersonal relationships that are the key to productive work. If two excellent specialists who do not like each other a little are assigned to do one thing, then they will not cope. And if they manage, then "chickens laugh." Suppose two ordinary librarians were assigned to make an exhibition. One specialist will find fault with another, and that other, in turn, will make claims to the first. The exhibition will have no effect, or perhaps not take place at all due to the internal contradictions of the employees.

From this we can conclude that in order for the foundation of productive work to be strong and reliable, it is necessary to avoid a number of mistakes that relate to human relationships. And not only interpersonal relations between ordinary employees, but also between management and subordinates.

It should be noted that a good manager must get rid of conflicting people in the team, or if dismissal is impossible for any reason, then you must be able to put them in their place. Otherwise, the team will consider its boss a spineless and spineless person who cannot defend the interests of his subordinates. Such a leader will not enjoy authority among his employees.

Another important task of the leader is setting specific, fully agreed, and most importantly, achievable goals. It is impossible, for example, to arrange an exhibition in a quality manner in 2 hours, it is also impossible to organize an event in a day and prepare for it in such a way that it would be interesting to every reader. If the subordinate is clearly aware of his task, then he will gradually move towards its implementation.

Very often, subordinates offer their projects, new and bold solutions for the library. The initiative of their employees, who are “rushing into battle”, must not only be encouraged, but also stimulated. Any person will be pleased to realize that for a job well done, he will receive a bonus, reward, or just public praise. A trifle, but nice! For the sake of this, it is worth, perhaps, to linger a little after work, or vice versa - to come early and carry out your task with a smile.

When it comes to working together, trust must not be forgotten. Any leader must trust his subordinates. It must be remembered that no one is able to control everything, so you should learn to trust your employees and not check their work every hour. Total control can drown out the initiative and the possibility of self-realization of subordinates. Employees do not want to work where they are prevented from making their own decisions.

Every manager rarely has to praise and, unfortunately, often scold his employees. Here we must remember that praise reflects very well on the performance and initiative of the employee. Praise is especially effective for newcomers who have suffered the first setbacks that can happen to all employees. Criticism must be carried out very correctly. You should never raise your voice and get personal, you need to criticize a specific act, and not the personality of the employee as a whole. You don't want to be hated.

You also need to remember that you need to praise publicly, and reprimand - face to face. If it is necessary that the mistake of one become a lesson for others, then it is worthwhile to publicly explain the mistake of the subordinate, but not to name him (thus, the face of the employee and the good attitude towards the authorities are preserved).

A good leader should be attentive to people, always listen to their complaints, whatever they may be, even if you personally cannot help them in any way. Most often, those who complain to the boss speak on behalf of the entire team. Therefore, if the leader ignores these complaints, this will have a very negative impact on both his image and the atmosphere in the team.

Very often, the desire to merge with the team pushes leaders, especially young ones, to establish excessively friendly relations with subordinates. This should be avoided, as "new friends" will no longer treat the boss properly, which will make it much more difficult to perform direct duties. From all of the above, we can conclude that in order to be a good leader, you need to remember only two things without forgetting your professional knowledge and skills. First, you should be fair to all your employees. And secondly, one should not be afraid to take responsibility (the leader is always and everywhere to blame for everything, who can later express his dissatisfaction with his subordinates).

But the most important thing is not only to achieve the goal, to move forward, but also to remain a Human, with a capital H.

In my opinion, I have listed the most basic qualities that a boss should have. And if the private is only striving for this, then I hope my work will help in this. It remains only to find a free wheel ...


I want to believe that all of these will help you. And you, in turn, will correctly express your thoughts, master the art of negotiation, will adequately get out of any situation, overcome shyness and fear of speaking, learn to understand non-verbal language and much more. Let these books be your best friends!

List of used literature

1. Malkhanova, I. V. Business communication: textbook \ I. V. Malkhanova.- M .: Academic Prospect, 2008.- 246 p.- ISBN 978-5-459-00615-5

2. Borozdina, G. V. Psychology of business communication \ G. V. Borozdina.- M .: Infra-M, 2002.-239s.- (Higher education) .- ISBN5-16-001093-9

3. Leonov, N. I. Psychology of business communication: textbook. allowance \ N. I. Leonov. - Moscow: Publishing House of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2005. - 255 p. - (Psychologist's Library) .- ISBN 5-89502-670-2

4. Kuzin, F. A. Culture of business communication: pract. allowance \ F. A. Kuzin. - M.: Os, 1998. - 239 p. - ISBN 5-86894-082-2

5. Baeva, OA Oratory and business communication: Proc. allowance \ O. A. Baeva. - M.: New knowledge, 2002. - 367 p. - ISBN 5-94735-007-6

6. Shelamova, G. M. Etiquette of business communication\ G. M. Shelamova.- M.: Academy, 2005.- 187p.- ISBN 5-7695-1948-7

7. Pasmurov, A. Ya. How to effectively prepare and hold a conference, seminar, exhibition \ A. Ya. Pasmurov. - Moscow, 2006 - 265 pp. - ISBN 5-469-01393-6

8. Mokshantsev, R. I. Psychology of negotiations: Proc. Allowance \ R. I. Mokshantsev. - M.: INFRA-M, 2002. - 350s. - ISBN 5-16-000851-9

9. Sternin, I. A. Practical rhetoric \ I. A. Sternin. - Moscow: Academy, 2006. - 268s. -.- ISBN 5-7695-3192-4 (in trans.)

10. Nepp M. Non-verbal communication: textbook \ M. Nepp, D. Hall. - St. Petersburg: Prime - Eurosign, 2004. - 256p. - (Main textbook).- ISBN 5-93878-128-0

11. Lewis Richard D. Business culture in international business. From clash to mutual understanding \ Lewis Richard D. transl. from English. T. A. Nestina. - M .: Delo, 1999. - 440s. - ISBN 8-5788-086-2

12. Bowman J. Don't take the last donut. New rules of business etiquette Bowman J. - St. Petersburg - Peter, 2010. - 304s. - ISBN 978-5-987-00111-5


Annex 1. Overview "Business communication"

Introduction to the review.

Many students who entered the university, unfortunately, do not have business communication skills. They cannot correctly and correctly find out information or ask questions to teachers, classmates and even their parents. There is also that part of the students who are embarrassed to make acquaintances, afraid of a negative reaction in their address. And there is another part that is afraid to speak in public, not even just with a big report, presentation, but with homework.

All these problems are solvable! Each person learns, improves day by day, strives to change himself for the better. If he realizes that he has this problem, then the person is halfway to solving it. To further work on yourself, to learn a lot of new and interesting things, you can turn to the best friends of homo sapiens - books.

Literature review.

Today I would like to draw your attention to books that, in my opinion, are very interesting and informative. Some of them you (students) will study as part of the educational process, and some, if they interest you, you can study in your free time.

60 books were selected for students. Those books that will be needed in the educational process and those books that will be of most interest to students will be marked on the review.

When reviewing, it is necessary to tell students the name of the book, its author, place and year of publication so that they can write down, since most of the books they will need within the discipline. Books must also be displayed.

Appendix 2. Survey “Library manager. Requirements for the profession and personality

Dear Library Managers! We would like to ask you to take part in our librarian qualities survey.

1. Your age

3. Education

4. Work experience in the library industry (and separately in other industries)

5. Leadership experience in the library (library department)

6. Why did you decide to become the head of the library (department)?

7. What work did you do when you became a leader? What have you changed in your library (department)?

8. What personal qualities, in your opinion, are necessary for a leader in his work?

9. How do you see the ideal subordinate?

10. How do you see the ideal team?

11. What are your professional plans?

Thank you for participating in the survey!


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