Discussion of the problem of comparing objects of assessment and directions of qualattests - Association “Self-Regulatory Organization of Appraisers” Expert Council. The procedure for passing the exam and obtaining a qualification certificate for the assessment


From April 01, 2018, it is possible to carry out appraisal activities only in the direction in respect of which the appraiser has received a qualification certificate.

There are only three types of directions: real estate valuation, movable property valuation, business valuation. It would seem, what difficulties can arise with the choice of the desired certificate? But practice shows that every day ordinary appraisers are forced to solve a complex legal puzzle, determining which certificate the next object of assessment belongs to.

NP "ARMO" has prepared clarifications on the correlation of the most frequently encountered objects of appraisal in the appraiser's practice with the types qualification certificate and recommended federal valuation standards.

Let's start with a simple one: what are the objects of assessment?

In Article 5 of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ “On appraisal activities in Russian Federation» lists the main types of objects of assessment, which include:

  • separate material objects (things);
  • a set of things constituting the property of a person, including property of a certain type (movable or immovable, including enterprises);
  • the right of ownership and other real rights to property or certain things from the composition of property;
  • rights of claim, obligations (debts);
  • works, services, information;
  • other objects of civil rights in respect of which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the possibility of their participation in civil circulation.

When concluding an appraisal contract and agreeing on an appraisal task, the appraiser is recommended to check the appraisal object for its compliance with the above provisions of the law.

Very often, appraisers become hostages of common professional slang: I evaluate “business”, and I am a pro according to “cultural values”, and I consider “damages” from bays.

In fact, behind these words are completely different objects of evaluation. It is always important to clearly understand what exactly is subject to assessment and how this object of assessment relates to Art. 5 of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ "On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation".

In order to understand what kind of certificate is needed, it is necessary to clearly define the object of assessment.

For example, the object of assessment is 100% of the company's shares. The company itself owns all types of assets: engine, real estate, intangible assets, etc. And it is clear that in order to evaluate this block of shares, it is necessary to actually evaluate all this property. And for this you need to have the appropriate qualifications.

But in the logic of the current legislation, for such an assessment, only one certificate is needed - for business, since the object of assessment is shares.

We emphasize that the binding always goes to the object of evaluation. The main thing is to define it correctly.

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia adheres to the same logic. In its letter (Ex. No. D22i-659 dated 06/04/2018), the department indicates: “ depending on the type of appraisal object (real estate, movable property, business) specified in the contract and in the assignment for appraisal, an appraiser who has a qualification certificate in the relevant area of ​​appraisal activity is involved in the appraisal».

Let's take a closer look at each of the three areas.

Direction "estimation of real estate":

The Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 29, 2017 No. 257 states that the direction of "real estate valuation" includes the valuation of real estate:



built-up land plots (together or separately, subject to related property rights)

Built-up land plot with cadastral number 00:00:00 with an area of ​​15 acres with improvements located on it: a residential building with an area of ​​47 sq.m.

Built-up land plot with cadastral number 00:00:00 with an area of ​​15 acres, excluding improvements located on it: a residential building with an area of ​​47 sq.m.

The right to limited use of a land plot (servitude) with cadastral number 00:00:00 at the address: Tver region, pos. Krasny metallurgist, vld. 15 to secure to secure passage and passage

Ownership of a land plot with cadastral number 00:00:00 with an area of ​​15 acres, subject to encumbrance in the form of a lease agreement

Built-up land plot with cadastral number 00:00:00 with an area of ​​15 acres with improvements located on it: a residential building with an area of ​​47 sq.m. encumbrance in the form of a lease agreement

Built-up land plot with cadastral number 00:00:00 with an area of ​​15 acres with a capital construction object used as a restaurant ( note: real estate valuation in accordance with clause 23 of FSO No. 7, intended for conducting a certain type of business, for example, hotels, restaurants, gas stations, can be carried out on the basis of information about the operating activities of this business by separating from its value components that are not related to to the property being valued.

undeveloped land plots (together or separately, taking into account the property rights associated with them)

Undeveloped land plot with cadastral number 00:00:00, located at the address: Moscow Region, pos. Vlasovo, st. Nikitskaya, vld.1

The right of temporary possession and use of unbuilt land plot with cadastral number 00:00:00, located at the address: Moscow region, pos. Vlasovo, st. Nikitskaya, vld.1. on the terms specified in the valuation task, during the payment period - 1 month

Ownership of an undeveloped land plot with cadastral number 00:00:00, located at the address: Moscow Region, pos. Vlasovo, st. Nikitskaya, vld.1. subject to encumbrance in the form of a lease agreement

The right of temporary possession and use of an undeveloped land plot, encumbered with a sublease agreement, with cadastral number 00:00:00, located at the address: Moscow Region, pos. Vlasovo, st. Nikitskaya, vld.1. on the terms specified in the valuation task, during the payment period - 1 month

capital construction objects (together or separately, taking into account the property rights associated with them)

Residential building with an area of ​​84 sq.m., cadastral number 00:00:00, located at the address: Tver region, pos. Radiant, st. Solnechnaya, d.1. without taking into account the value of the land plot related to it

Non-residential building with an area of ​​2500 sq.m., located at the address: Moscow, st. Suvorovskaya, 19

The construction of the "bridge", located on a land plot with a cadastral number 00:00:00 at the address: Tver region, pos. Krasny metallurgist, vld. 15, 50 m long.

Construction in progress - building office center, located at the address Moscow, st. Suvorovskaya, 17, building 5A.

Non-residential building with an area of ​​2500 sq.m., located at the address: Moscow, st. Suvorovskaya, 19. encumbrance in the form of the right to limited use of the building

Residential building with an area of ​​84 sq.m., cadastral number 00:00:00, located at the address: Tver region, pos. Radiant, st. Solnechnaya, d.1. without taking into account the cost of the land plot related to it and taking into account the encumbrance in the form of a lease agreement

Industrial and warehouse building, with an area of ​​2500 sq.m., located at the address: Moscow region, pos. Worker, st. Commodity, d.51

parts of land plots and parts of capital construction objects (together or separately, taking into account the property rights associated with them)

A land plot with an area of ​​100 sq.m., which is part of an undeveloped land plot with a total area of ​​1000 sq.m. with cadastral number 00:00:00, located at the address: Moscow region, pos. Vlasovo, st. Nikitskaya, vld.1. (it is necessary to indicate information about the boundaries and location of the assessed part of the land plot within the boundaries of the whole plot)

½ share of a land plot owned by common ownership, with a total area of ​​1000 sq.m. with cadastral number 00:00:00, located at the address: Moscow region, pos. Vlasovo, st. Nikitskaya, vld.1

Premises No. 1,2,3,4,5, located on floor 1 of a non-residential building at the address: Moscow, st. Suvorovskaya, 19

Part of the gas pipeline (cadastral (conditional) number 00:00:00), 50 m long, in the section from the border of land plots with cadastral numbers 00:00:00 and 01:01:01 to the intersection of Kotelnaya and Gasovaya streets

residential and non-residential premises, together or separately, subject to the property rights associated with them

Non-residential premises with an area of ​​250 sq.m., located at the address: Moscow, st. Suvorovskaya, 19, 4th floor, room No. 1 on the floor plan, BC "Galateks"

Residential premises (apartment), with an area of ​​56 sq.m., located at the address: Moscow, st. Suvorovskaya, 18, floor 5

determination of the cost of works and services related to the above real estate objects

Works on the repair and elimination of the consequences of the flood of a residential building (kitchen), located at the address: Moscow, st. Suvorovskaya, 19, apt. 21, 2nd floor

Works on the construction of a capital construction facility (building), with an area of ​​2500 sq.m., located at the address: Moscow, st. Suvorovskaya, 19

Services for the management of a capital construction facility (building), with an area of ​​2500 sq.m., located at the address: Moscow, st. Suvorovskaya, 19

Direction "assessment of movable property":

The Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 29, 2017 No. 257 states that the direction of "assessment of movable property" includes the assessment of real estate:



(not an example of exhaustive information that can be given when specifying the object of assessment according to the requirements of the Federal Security Service)

machines and equipment (individual machines and units of equipment that are products of engineering production or similar to them, groups (sets, aggregates) of machines and equipment, parts of machines and equipment together or separately)

Modular concrete mixing plant MBSU-20GHZ

Screw-cutting lathe 1V-62G

Pneumatic grinder, inventory number 0000035

Diesel generator set Petra 390 C Inventory No. 00001021

Dosing and mixing line, inventory No. 0000001

Compressor station, inventory No. 0000002

Crane overhead electric overhead 2-span, inventory No. 0000003

Line for the production of glass products, inventory No. 0000004

Sling wrapping machine inventory no. 0000005

Tractor (snow blower) MKSM-800, manufactured in 2006, serial number 001

Car brand Suzuki SX-4, 2009 release, vin TSMEYA21S00000001

subject state registration air and sea vessels, inland navigation vessels, space objects

Sea vessel "Black Pearl", built in 1769, registration number 21868, located at the address: Caribbean Sea, Port of Tartuga, Jack Sparrow Pier

Il-96-400T aircraft, tail number RA-96102

Small spacecraft (combat-anti-sanction satellite "Dukhovnaya Skrepa"), model XXX-01

other movable property

Bonds of Gibson Guitars LLC in the amount of 10,850 pcs.

Promissory note No. 01/1-1 of Gibson Guitars LLC, maturity date: at sight, but not earlier than 01/01/2019.

Investment units of Closed-End Mutual Fund of Mixed Investments Dokhodny Dom managed by OOO Dokhodny Dom Management Company”, State registration number (identification number) of the issue

HP LazerJet 4250dts Printer

Floor cabinet (600*800 mm.)

Sand (30 m3)

Crushed limestone fraction 5-20 (50 cbm)

Road bitumen 60/90 (100 barrels)

Mineral fertilizer, etc.

Service (dishes)

A set of chairs from the palace in the amount of 12 pieces

Women's fur coat (Mexican jerboa)

Three tape recorders, three foreign film cameras, three domestic cigarette cases, a suede jacket

works and services related to machinery, equipment, other movable property

Tailoring services for men's jackets

Repair work on a Suzuki SX-4, 2009, vin TSMEYA21S00000001

Work on the repair of a screw-cutting lathe 1V-62G

Services for the production of kitchen furniture from solid oak

Direction "business valuation":



(not an example of exhaustive information that can be given when specifying the object of assessment according to the requirements of the Federal Security Service)

shares, shares in mutual funds production cooperatives, shares in the authorized (share) capital

Share of CJSC "Company", registration number No. 1-01-64046-N, with a nominal value of 1000 rubles.

Ordinary shares of GazAlmazEuroBax JSC in the amount of 10,000 pcs.

Preferred shares of JSC "GazAlmazEuroBax" in the amount of 10,000 pcs.

50% stake in the authorized capital of LLC "Company"

the property complex of the organization or its part as a separate property of the operating business

Complex "Neftebaza", inv. No. 2692-k:

Industrial building with a total area of ​​297.9 sq.m, lit. BUT;

Pump building with an annex, with a total area of ​​41.9 sq.m, lit. A3;

The tank for storage of oil products, lit. G1, G2, G3, G4;

Address: Moscow region, Mozhaysky district, pos. Oil depot, st. 1st Leningradskaya

intangible assets (assets that do not have a tangible form, manifest themselves by their economic properties, provide benefits to their owner (right holder) and generate income (benefits) for him, including exclusive rights to intellectual property, as well as other rights related to to intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary and artistic fields


The right to use the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity or to a means of individualization


utility model

Industrial model

Computer program


Topology of the integrated circuit

Service mark

Production secret (know-how)

The right to use a production secret (know-how)

rights constituting the content of contractual obligations

The right to claim LLC Kreditor for unfulfilled obligations (accounts receivable) in the amount of 1,000,000 (one million) rubles against the debtor Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

The right of claim of Kreditor LLC under a real estate lease agreement in the amount of 1,000,000 (one million) rubles against the debtor Ivan Ivanov

The Bank's right to claim under a loan agreement in the amount of 1,000,000 (one million) rubles against the debtor Ivan Ivanov

The right to claim AO Bank for promissory notes against CJSC CB Debtor

The right to claim JSC Bank for the repayment of a bonded loan (when assessed using the income approach)

Rights of claim under a contract of equity participation in construction

About cultural values:

Several pieces of legislation contain different legal definitions this concept.

Article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation of October 9, 1992 N 3612-I "Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture" provides the broadest definition of this term.

Cultural values ​​- moral and aesthetic ideals, norms and patterns of behavior, languages, dialects and dialects, national traditions and customs, historical toponyms, folklore, arts and crafts, works of culture and art, results and methods of scientific research cultural activities buildings, structures, objects and technologies that have historical and cultural significance, territories and objects that are unique in historical and cultural terms.

It is clear that moral and aesthetic ideals are not evaluated by appraisers and not by the FSO.

But buildings and structures, objects and objects are completely in the power of appraisers. Everything is simple here: if the cultural value is an object of real estate, a qualification certificate in the direction of “real estate valuation” is applied.

If the cultural property is an object of movable property, a qualification certificate is applied in the direction of "assessment of movable property".

A narrower definition is contained in Art. 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1993 N 4804-I "On the export and import of cultural property" states that cultural property is a movable object of the material world, regardless of the time of their creation, having historical, artistic, scientific or cultural significance.

In the context of this law, if valuation is required, then a qualification certificate in the direction of "valuation of movable property" should be applied.

About securities:

The text of the order states that only the valuation of shares, shares in mutual funds of production cooperatives applies to the “business valuation” direction. Other securities are not specified.

Those. shares and shares in unit funds of production cooperatives are evaluated in the presence of a qualification certificate in the direction of "business valuation".

For other securities, alternative approaches can be used to determine the appropriate direction.

So, according to Part 2 of Art. 142 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, securities are a share, a bill, a mortgage, an investment share of a mutual investment fund, a bill of lading, a bond, a check and other securities named as such in the law or recognized as such in the manner prescribed by law.

In accordance with Part.2 Article. 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, things not related to real estate, including money and securities, are recognized as movable property.

Thus, for the valuation of securities not listed in the "business valuation" direction, a certificate in the "valuation of movable property" direction should be applied.

However, securities can also be viewed from a different angle. Securities provide their holders with certain rights. And in this context, securities can be valued through the right to claim. For example, the valuation of a promissory note can be represented as a right of claim on a promissory note debt, and bonds - in the form of a right to claim the repayment of a bonded loan.

In this case, for such an object of assessment, it is necessary to have a qualification certificate in the direction of "business valuation".

About accounts receivable:

In general, accounts receivable arise as a result of economic activity legal entity when interacting with other counterparties. Such activities are based on contractual relations, as a result of which the creditor has the right to claim against his counterparty-debtor.

The direction of "business valuation" includes the valuation of the rights that make up the content of contractual obligations. Accordingly, to assess accounts receivable, you need a certificate in the direction of "business valuation".

About damage:

Damage/losses are not subject to assessment. This is an axiom.

Therefore, "damage" is calculated through the cost of works/services. For example, the evaluator may determine market value apartment renovation services as a result of the bay. In this case, a real estate license is required.

If the appraiser determines the market value of services for the repair of a vehicle as a result of a traffic accident, then a certificate for movable property is needed.

It is also necessary to note that it is the losses that can be indicated in the valuation report as “another calculated value”.

Thus, clause 9 of FSO No. 7 establishes that other estimated values ​​may be indicated in the assessment task, including losses (actual damage, lost profits) in the event of the alienation of a property, as well as in other cases.

About services:

The order refers only to services related to real estate or movable property. All other types of services not related to such facilities are not mentioned in the order.

However, in practice, the appraiser has to determine the cost of services that are not directly related to real estate or movable property.

Do I need to attach a certificate to the report?

Federal Standards ratings are not set mandatory requirement in terms of the availability of a qualification certificate in the annex to the assessment report. So there is no such requirement.

You can voluntarily provide information about the presence of a qualification certificate in the section describing the information about the assessor.

You can also attach to the assessment report an extended extract from the register of NP "ARMO", in which we will indicate information about your qualification certificates.

For the convenience of our members and for the convenience of consumers, we place information about the issued qualification certificates in the register of members on our website.

Also, information about the issued qualification certificates is posted on the Rosreestr website.

What if I do not understand the direction of the object of evaluation?

The best thing is to pass all three exams and not bother with determining the direction of the type of object of assessment in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 29, 2017 No. 257.

If the difficulty lies in the definition of the appraisal object itself, then try to compare your appraisal object with the provisions of Article 5 of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ “On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation”.

Remember, it's never a shame to find your study books and revisit the basics of assessment. Chat with colleagues in the profession, call us at ARMO, write in our channel in a telegram (yes, he is still working and not giving up).

Changes were made by the Federal Law of June 2, 2016 No. 172-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, which were proposed by the Ministry of Economic Development. Experts in the appraisal industry say that these are the most significant and significant changes since the existence of the law on appraisal activities.

The most important change is that from April 01, 2018, the appraiser must have a qualification certificate. Only if it is available, the specialist will be able to carry out appraisal activities. It is the fact of obtaining a qualification certificate that is legally significant, and not the passing of the qualification exam itself. Persons who have obtained higher education and / or professional retraining in the field of valuation. In case of failure to pass the exam, the applicant is allowed to retake only after 90 days. The qualification certificate is issued in a certain area of ​​activity, respectively, the appraiser has the right to carry out his activities only in the area of ​​activity specified in the qualification certificate. There are three such areas: real estate valuation, business valuation and movable property valuation. A qualification certificate is issued to an applicant who has at least 3 years of work in appraisal activities, at least a year of these three years must be in the position of assistant appraiser or appraiser.

Thus, appraisers who have not received a qualification certificate do not have the right to sign assessment reports, as in the case of a discrepancy between the direction of activity in the certificate and the report to be signed.

Every three years, appraisers must confirm their qualifications in a structure operating under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia - FBU "Federal Resource Center for Management Training". In the same place, applicants pass the qualifying exam itself.

The main question that worries all appraisers is whether it is possible to continue activities if they still did not manage to receive a qualification certificate before April 1, 2018. The answer is unequivocal - no, in this case the appraiser loses the right to carry out appraisal activities, but does not lose the status of a member of a self-regulatory organization of appraisers. If the appraiser continues to carry out his activities, then measures may be applied to him. disciplinary action- an order or forced suspension of valuation activities. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to suspend the evaluation activity on your own, and after that, pass the exam and receive a qualification certificate. Thus, it will be much easier to resume your activities and in as soon as possible avoiding administrative liability.

As for self-regulatory organizations of appraisers (hereinafter referred to as SROs), their status can be deprived only by a court decision - this is provided for in Part 8 of Art. 23 of the Law on Valuation Activities. Even if after April 01, 2018, the self-regulatory organization does not have 300 appraisers with a qualification certificate, in accordance with Part 10.11 of Art. 24.5 of the Law on Appraisal Activities - this will not be a basis for suspending the activities of such an organization.

No less important when concluding an agreement with an appraisal organization is that the staff of an appraisal organization must have at least two appraisers with qualification certificates, only in this case it is possible to conclude an appraisal contract. This provision is provided for in Art. 15.1 of the Law on Valuation Activities.

On the one hand, the innovations that have entered into force will improve the qualifications of appraisers (because all specialists will have to pass a qualification exam), and on the other hand, those appraisers who did not manage to receive a qualification certificate before April 1, 2018 will not be able to carry out appraisal activities and already today, many appraisal organizations calculate losses due to the suspension of their activities.

Information for applicants who have passed the qualification exam in the field of valuation.

An application for a qualattestat can be submitted immediately after successfully passing the exam. To do this, you must have with you documents confirming the experience of appraisal activity (see below).

The certificate confirming the passing of the qualification exam in the field of valuation activities in the areas of "real estate valuation", "valuation of movable property", "business valuation" is the Qualification certificate.

The qualification certificate is issued by the Federal budget institution“Federal Resource Center for the Organization of Management Training” (hereinafter referred to as FBU “FRTS”), on the basis of a written application of the applicant, provided that he passes the qualification exam and that, as of the date of filing the application, the length of service (experience) associated with the implementation of appraisal activities does not less than three years. At least one year out of the last three years of the specified length of service (experience) must be in the position of assistant appraiser or appraiser.DOWNLOAD APPLICATION FORM .

A written application for the issuance of a qualification certificate is submitted to FBU "FRC" in person or by mail with a notice of delivery and a list of investments at the address: 105064, Moscow, st. Staraya Basmannaya, 11/2, building 1.

The application shall indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the applicant, date and place of birth, address Email, contact phone number, direction of assessment activity, for which the qualification exam was passed. Copies of documents confirming that the applicant has work experience (experience) related to the implementation of appraisal activities are attached to the application.

Length of service (experience) related to the implementation of valuation activities , can be confirmed by corresponding entries in work book, employment contract with application job description, contracts for appraisal of objects of appraisal within three years, an extract from the register of a self-regulatory organization of appraisers on completed appraisal reports, an extract from the register of a self-regulatory organization of appraisers on prepared expert opinions on appraisal reports.

The application is registered on the day of its receipt. Within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application, FBU "FRC" considers the application and decides whether to issue a qualification certificate or to refuse to issue it.

The applicant, no later than 5 working days from the date of the decision to issue or refuse to issue a qualification certificate, is notified of the decision made at the e-mail address specified in the application. If a decision is made to issue a qualification certificate, the message will contain information about the place and time of issuance of the qualification certificate.

The issuance of a qualification certificate to the applicant is carried out upon presentation of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document proving his identity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or to the representative of the applicant on the basis of a power of attorney issued in established by law RF.

For questions related to obtaining a qualification certificate, contact the FRC employee at tel. 8-925-311-39-38 and email [email protected] .
It is recommended to make an appointment with the employee in advance.


Taking into account the start of application from April 1, 2018 of the norms of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ "On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Appraisal Activities) for all persons who are members of self-regulatory organizations of appraisers, in terms of the obligation the presence of a qualification certificate confirming the passing of a qualification exam in the field of appraisal activities (hereinafter, respectively - a qualification exam, a qualification certificate), for membership in a self-regulatory organization of appraisers (hereinafter - SROO), the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia reports the following.

In accordance with the provisions of part three of article 4 and paragraph four of part two of article 24 of the Law on appraisal activities, from April 1, 2018, an appraiser can carry out appraisal activities only in the areas indicated in the qualification certificate.

Taking into account the specified provisions of the Law on Appraisal Activities, persons who do not have a qualification certificate, after April 1, 2018, are not entitled to sign appraisal reports on appraisal objects (hereinafter referred to as the appraisal report), to conduct an examination of appraisal reports on appraisal objects.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 29, 2017 No. 257 "On approval of the Procedure for the formation of a list of examination questions for conducting a qualification exam in the field of valuation activities, the Procedure for conducting and passing a qualification exam in the field of valuation activities, including the procedure for the applicant's participation in the qualification exam in the field of appraisal activity, the procedure for determining the results of a qualification exam in the field of appraisal activity, the procedure for filing and considering appeals, the maximum amount of fees charged from an applicant for taking a qualification exam in the field of appraisal activity, types, forms of qualification certificates in the field of appraisal activity, the procedure for issuing and cancellation of a qualification certificate in the field of appraisal activity” areas of appraisal activity for which qualification certificates are issued are:

Property valuation;

Valuation of movable property;

Business valuation.

We note that the appraisal report (expert opinion on the appraisal report), drawn up after April 1, 2018, must be signed by an appraiser (expert) who has a qualification certificate in the relevant area of ​​appraisal activity. Otherwise, the appraisal report (expert opinion on the appraisal report) will be drawn up in violation of the norms of the legislation governing appraisal activities in the Russian Federation, and, therefore, taking into account the provisions of paragraph one of clause 3 of the Federal Appraisal Standard “Requirements for an appraisal report (FSO No. 3)”, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 20, 2015 No. 299, such a report (conclusion) cannot be considered an assessment report (expert opinion) and does not entail relevant legal consequences.

We also note that in accordance with the provisions of Article 15.1 of the Law on Valuation Activities entity, which intends to conclude an agreement with the customer for the assessment ( evaluating company), including the obligation to have at least two appraisers on staff, whose right to carry out appraisal activities has not been suspended.

In accordance with the norms of paragraph 1 of Article 422 Civil Code Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the contract must comply with the rules binding on the parties established by law or other legal acts (imperative norms) in force at the time of its conclusion.

Please note that if an agreement (state contract) for the assessment was concluded after July 1, 2017, then the law establishes mandatory conditions for the parties to such an agreement (state contract) - a legal entity that has entered into an agreement for the assessment (appraisal company) must have there are at least two appraisers in the staff, whose right to carry out appraisal activities has not been suspended, and the person specified in the contract as an appraiser is obliged, within the framework of obligations under the contract (for their proper performance) after April 1, 2018, to have a qualification certificate.

Document overview

From April 1, 2018, the appraiser has the right to engage in activities only in the areas indicated in the qualification certificate.

Persons who do not have a certificate, after the specified date, are not entitled to sign assessment reports, conduct their examination.

The areas of activity for which qualification certificates are issued include real estate valuation; appraisal of movable property; business valuation.

A report drawn up after April 1, 2018 must be signed by an appraiser (expert) who has a certificate in the relevant area of ​​activity. Regarding the conclusion of the contract for the assessment, the following is indicated.

If the contract was concluded after July 1, 2017, then the appraisal company must have at least 2 appraisers on staff, whose right to appraisal activity has not been suspended. The person mentioned in the contract as an appraiser after April 1, 2018 must have a qualification certificate.

I took exams in the areas of “Real Estate Appraisal” and “Movable Property Appraisal” at the end of October 2017 in Moscow (then they were still held only there), both exams in a row, in two days. I scored 62 points in real estate appraisal, and 64 in movable appraisal. Passed 86 points.

As for the content of the exam, most of the questions and tasks are very far from the daily work of an assessor. Therefore, having a lot of experience, titles and regalia in the assessment will not help you much, just as the absence of such will not significantly reduce your chances of success. It is quite possible for anyone who works in assessment to pass exams, but only if they are prepared. To slip on the ball, without preparation, hoping that you are lucky, will definitely not work.

The first thing to start with is the submission registration form to participate in the exams. Examinations are taken in Moscow or in other cities where visiting sessions are being held in the near future. The schedule of field sessions is published on the website (http://www.pprog.ru/otsenochnaya-deyatelnost/). For each direction, a separate registration form must be submitted.

Questionnaires in the directions "Real estate appraisal" and "Movable property appraisal" can be submitted at the same time, so you can save time and money and pass two exams in one trip. It is better to submit the questionnaire for the exam in the direction of "Business Assessment" separately from the others, later, as it may happen that you will be given all three exams in a row (as it was with me and I had to apply for a postponement of the business exam). In terms of the volume of preparation materials, the business exam is comparable to the other two taken together, if not more, so it is worth preparing for it separately.

It makes no sense to start full-scale preparation before receiving an invitation to the exam; over time, the material is quickly forgotten. You will have enough time after receiving the invitation. But, based on the experience of communicating with colleagues, I know that there are practicing appraisers and assistant appraisers who have never read the Law on Appraisal Activity and the Federal Appraisal Standards. They make reports based on templates created by other evaluators. If this is your case, be sure to take the time to read these documents before receiving an invitation.

Start preparing a week before the day of the exam, not earlier. On weekdays, allocate 1-2 hours in the evening, on weekends, devote much more time to this. Theoretical questions with answers can be viewed, for example, when traveling by public transport.

The official database of questions and tasks is closed. Therefore, the assessment community has created a “people's” database based on the data of assessors who have already taken the exam and, by joint efforts, restored the wording of questions and tasks from memory. The most complete archive of materials for preparing for exams in all areas is located on the portal #assessorstogether (http://kvalexam.ru/). There is a list of questions with answers, problem solvers, as well as a free exam simulator in each direction.

Also very useful is the group in Facebook networks"Preparing for the assessment activity exam" ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/kvalexam.ru/). There is the main communication of the assessment community about the exam (and not only), the analysis of questions and tasks. The group is closed, so you can join there only by invitation of someone who is already a member of it. If you want to join the group, please contact one of the moderators with a request. Please read the group rules carefully. And before asking a question, use the search on keywords, since many questions have already been asked before you and it is likely that you will find the answer to your question without wasting someone else's time.

The main attention in preparation should be given to solving problems, since they give the highest number of points and it will not be possible to score a passing score with theory alone. Read the condition of the problem, try to solve it yourself, if it doesn’t work, see the solution in the solution book or Facebook group and play it back, then move on to the next one. When you reach the last task, return to the first and start from the beginning. Do not memorize the correct answers in tasks, the initial data in the conditions change. Your goal is to remember and be able to reproduce the correct solution on the exam, since the results obtained during the incorrect solution are also among the answer options. When preparing for the business valuation exam, you need to memorize the basic formulas: different types of cash flows, moving from one flow to another, moving from levered beta to unlevered, moving from a nominal rate to a real one and vice versa. Without knowledge of these formulas, most business problems cannot be solved.

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that among the issues and tasks there are quite a lot of controversial ones, the correctness of the decisions of which raises doubts among the representatives of the evaluation community. For such problems, you just need to remember the “correct” solution according to the logic of the compilers of the problem. You can, of course, go your own way and choose the answer that you think is correct in accordance with your knowledge and beliefs, and then file an appeal with your decision. However, consideration of the appeal takes a long time and, as practice shows, the percentage of positive decisions is extremely small.

In conclusion, some tips for passing the exam. On the night before the exam, do not try to finish the half-learned. It is important to get enough sleep and be fresh on the day of the exam. Therefore, you need to arrive in the city of delivery on the day before the exam. Choose a hotel within walking distance to the place of delivery, this will allow you not to worry about the possibility of being late due to transport and not to arrive too early. Do not expect that you will be able to write off something or ask someone, the organizers are constantly walking between the rows.

Take your time, there is enough time to calmly answer all questions, solve problems, and at the end there is still time for verification. Carefully read the question and all the answer options, even if at first glance the question is familiar to you, and you see the correct answer. Very often, questions can differ in one word, such as "what is contained" and "what is not contained", etc. Do not stick to one question or task. If you do not know the answer right away or the results of the calculation do not agree with any option, do not panic, this does not solve anything. Mark the question number on the draft and move on to the next one. You will return to these questions at the end, when you answer the bulk. The initial data of the tasks cannot be directly copied from the text and pasted into Excel, all numbers must be entered manually. In order not to waste time constantly switching between the exam program and Excel, you can take a screenshot with the PrtScn key, paste the screenshot into an Excel sheet, reduce it to a convenient size, and then enter data with the task text in front of your eyes. When handing over a business, before starting to answer questions (at the time when logins are distributed to enter the system), it turned out to be very useful to write out all the basic formulas that I mentioned earlier on a draft. So they will always be in front of your eyes and there will be less chance of forgetting to add or subtract something in the calculations during a stressful exam situation.

If you are short of a small number of points, be sure to go to the appeal. Even if you fail to get the missing points, at least you will be able to recognize and analyze your mistakes. This will help you prepare for the retake.

Good luck on your exam!

Dmitry Protasov, Deputy Director for Valuation Activities of the FINEKA Company, shared his experience in passing qualifying exams.

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