Profession pharmacist. Profession pharmacist-pharmacist with higher education Who is more important than a pharmacist or a pharmacist


Who is a pharmacist or pharmacist, and what is the difference between them? What is the difference between a pharmacist and a pharmacist? What is the difference between a pharmacist and a pharmacist? We recommend to read:

In Russia, a pharmacist is understood as a specialist with a secondary pharmaceutical education who has graduated from a college or college. We recommend reading:

In Russia, a pharmacist is understood as a specialist with a higher education who has graduated from a higher educational institution. A pharmacist, unlike a pharmacist, has the right to hold leadership positions, for example, to be the head of a pharmacy.

In Europe, everything is quite the opposite than in Russia, and the pharmacist performs the function of a pharmacist's assistant, and the pharmacist is a specialist with a higher education and a master's degree.

In Russia, there is such a tradition that in pharmacies there is not much difference between a pharmacist and a pharmacist. As a rule, a pharmacist and a pharmacist perform the same functions and duties, i.e. are employees of the "First Table" and directly interact with pharmacy customers, advise, sell goods and medicines. Also, the duties of a pharmacist and pharmacist may include maintaining merchandising and pharmaceutical order in a pharmacy.

What are the requirements for hiring a pharmacist and pharmacist?

The most important requirements are the availability of professional education, it is also good if the applicant has experience working in pharmacies. It is mandatory for a pharmacist or pharmacist to have a certificate giving the right to pharmaceutical activity, which is issued after graduation and is valid for a period of five years.

What kind educational establishments(universities) prepare pharmacists and pharmacists? Where can I get a profession (education) as a pharmacist or pharmacist?

What personal qualities of an employee are needed to work as a pharmacist or pharmacist? What qualities of an employee are not acceptable when working as a pharmacist or pharmacist?

The work of a pharmacist and pharmacist is related to people's health, so the first and most important quality is responsibility, literacy and attentiveness. As pharmacy staff deal with in cash It also needs honesty. Hot temper, ignorance, inattention and rudeness are completely unacceptable

This strange word is not clear to everyone, so the question of a pharmacist who is it is very relevant? So called a person with a higher education. It specializes in storage, production and sale. When we enter the pharmacy, we see a pharmacist in a white coat in front of us on the other side of the counter. However, pharmacists may have several specializations.

What are pharmacists

The duties of a clinical pharmacist traditionally include consulting work with clients. He owns the basic methods of clinical, laboratory and instrumental research and gives recommendations on the storage of drugs, their combination with other drugs and food, and also provides comprehensive information regarding the rules for the use of the newest dosage forms.

In addition to this specialization, one can meet the following types pharmacists:

  • pharmacist-laboratory assistant. Works on the basis of clinical and biochemical laboratories. Determines the level of concentration of substances in biological samples, and also controls the effectiveness and safety of drug therapy;
  • clinical research pharmacist. Conducts clinical trials of drugs. Informs doctors about the biopharmaceutical and pharmacological features of the researched drugs, determines their quality comparative characteristics and participates in the selection of optimal comparators;
  • hospital inspector. He works in multidisciplinary hospitals, buys drugs for them. Affects the optimization of drug therapy in patients on a par with the attending physician. In the absence of the drug required during treatment, it can be rationally replaced.

Recently, such a profession as a medical representative of a company engaged in the production of medicines has become widespread. These people promote funds to the masses, gather specialists so that they can discuss the features of the proposed drug.

What qualities and skills does the profession require?

It is impossible to become a pharmacist without higher education, having only one desire. It is interesting that today, as in the old days, many aspire to become pharmacists. The profession is quite in demand, despite the fact that every year the corresponding Universities graduate many specialists.

A pharmacist of any specialization needs to understand the physical and chemical properties of medicines, to know modern technologies cooking, freely navigate in the raw materials.

The pharmacist must know Latin, world GMP standards and the basics of biotechnology.

Personal qualities include:

  • great memory. When compiling funds, the pharmacist should not be distracted by the information contained in the reference books: he must memorize thousands of names of substances and their properties;
  • responsibility. The pharmacist needs to remember that the health and even the life of patients depends on how correctly he will act;
  • tendency to research work. A pharmacist needs to be a creative person, constantly improve himself, receive information about novelties in this area, which is especially important when developing innovative drugs;
  • patience, kindness, good physical training. Such qualities are required when working on the trading floor, where buyers are waiting for the pharmacist, who often need to competently and repeatedly present information about the requested goods.

A modern pharmacist is a universal specialist who has knowledge of market conditions, understands marketing, understands how to draw up contracts. Indeed, not everyone is able to work in the described area, but any person is obliged to know who the pharmacist is and what he does at least approximately.

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Each of us from time to time has to visit pharmacies. However, few of us understand what profession people work in them. You might say that they are pharmacists. But it is not so. Along with the pharmacist, a pharmacist also works in the pharmacy. Who it is, what is included in its duties, and how it differs from other related specialties, we will try to find out today. We will also learn about how to become a professional in this field and what wages you can expect.

Supervisor - who is it?

In short, we can say that a person of this profession is a specialist with a higher pharmaceutical education and working in the field of storage, production and sale of medicines. What is the meaning of the word "provider"? From Latin, this word is translated as "preparing" or "foreseeing."

In many countries of the world, anyone has long been called a pharmacist. pharmacy worker. However, today given profession It is represented by several specializations: pharmacists-technologists (engaged in the manufacture of medicines), pharmacists-analysts (control the quality of medicines) and others. In addition, the duties of these employees may include checking the work of pharmacies, controlling the dispensing of medicines. Today, pharmacists are also called employees involved in organizing and coordinating wholesale trade pharmaceutical preparations. In general, the range of positions that can be counted on is quite wide: marketer of the drug market, pharmacist of a pharmacy or medical warehouse, certification and licensing specialist, medical representative, pharmaceutical sales manager and others.


If you are interested in the profession of a pharmacist, you can study in many domestic medical universities. You can work in this specialty only with a higher pharmaceutical education. It should also be borne in mind that if the diploma was obtained more than five years ago, then you will need to take refresher courses. At the same time, the certificate of a pharmacist will cost employees of private and commercial companies a round sum, since such training in our country is free only for employees of the municipal and state spheres. As a rule, many pharmacy chains and other organizations, when hiring, offer candidates to take advanced training courses at the expense of the company. However, in this case, the specialist will have to conclude a contract with the company for several years at once without the possibility of early termination.

Varieties of the profession pharmacist

As already mentioned, today for specialists in this field there are a large number of areas of activity, depending on which the range of duties of employees also differs. We suggest focusing on the main specializations.

Clinical pharmacist - who is it?

Today we are witnessing a constant increase in the share of finished drugs, as well as the range of over-the-counter drugs. In addition, there is a trend towards an increase in the number of cases of self-medication. In this regard, an increasing place in the activities of specialists is occupied by advising people on the correct use of medicines: time, dosage, combination with other drugs and food, storage conditions, etc. Such pharmaceutical care is carried out by clinical pharmacist. This is a specialist familiar with the main types of clinical and general syndromology of common diseases. Such an employee must be proficient in the basic laboratory, clinical and patient methods, as well as the principles for interpreting their results.

Hospital pharmacist

These specialists work in multidisciplinary hospitals and purchase medicines. In close cooperation with the doctor, the hospital pharmacist is engaged in optimizing the drug therapy of patients, as well as carrying out drug monitoring and informing medical staff about the features of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of new drugs entering the pharmacy network of the hospital.

Clinical Research Specialist

Such an employee is also a pharmacist, whose duties include the following: participation in preclinical research and clinical testing of drugs, as well as other areas of research activities. He is an indispensable assistant to the doctor in planning and implementing trials of various drugs.

Pharmacist-laboratory assistant

Due to the fact that while studying at the pharmaceutical department at the university, the student acquires fundamental knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, toxicology, as well as skills in working with modern laboratory equipment, after graduation he can work in laboratories engaged in clinical and biological research.

pharmaceutical company

Perhaps many of us, having asked the question “pharmacist - who is this”, are unlikely to think about specialists involved in the marketing and trade promotion of certain drugs. Meanwhile, this is true. A medical representative of pharmaceutical companies is one of the specializations of the profession of a pharmacist, and these people are engaged in the promotion of medicines in pharmacy chains and hospitals, as well as organize conferences and round tables on the effects of drugs produced by the company in which they work.

Product manager, marketer for a pharmaceutical company

Specialists of this profile are engaged in the collection and analysis of information on the expansion of the range of products of a pharmaceutical company, the activity of competitors, marketing strategies, etc.

Advantages of the profession of a pharmacist

Among specialists in this field, it is very difficult to meet people who are disappointed in their choice of profession. Rather, on the contrary - most of them consider their work prestigious, promising and interesting. After all, first of all, this profession is socially oriented. In addition, new drugs of both domestic and foreign production are constantly appearing on the pharmaceutical market today, as well as new approaches to the treatment of various diseases. This encourages pharmacists to constantly improve their skills and expand their field of knowledge. In addition, this specialty provides an opportunity for a wide choice of exciting and well-paid work with prospects for further career growth.


Today, when choosing a specialty, applicants to medical universities are primarily interested in whether their work will be well paid. The pharmacist, of course, can count on a decent salary. Thus, university graduates may initially qualify for a salary of 400-500 dollars. After a young specialist gains some experience, he may well expect a salary of 700-1000 dollars. Pharmacists in leadership positions, as well as those who have gone into the marketing field, earn from 1,500 to 3,000 dollars a month.

A pharmacist is a specialist who has a diploma of higher education in the specialty of pharmaceuticals and possesses high level professionalism, whose field of activity is related to the storage, production and sale of medicines.

The main goal of the pharmacist's work is reflected in providing the population and various organizations with high-quality, safe and effective medicines and medications produced by pharmacies.

Areas of activity and their features

Today, the profession of a pharmacist combines many different specialties.

For example, pharmacists-technologists are engaged in the manufacture of medicines, but their quality is monitored by pharmacists-analysts.

In general, the following areas of activity of workers in this area are distinguished:

  • pharmacist-laboratory assistant, i.e. a specialist engaged in clinical and biological scientific developments;
  • a hospital pharmacist who organizes and ensures the purchase of medicines for hospitals, informing health workers about new drug arrivals and optimizing patient treatment together with the attending physician;
  • clinical research specialist, i.e. a researcher who performs clinical (preclinical) testing of medicines and coordinates drug trials along with a doctor;

  • clinical pharmacist - a specialist who has practically encyclopedic knowledge, on the basis of which he can give advice to the population regarding the further use of medicines dispensed without prescription;
  • agent of a pharmacological medical company engaged in the supply of medicines to pharmacies and directly to hospitals of the company he represents. Coordinates wholesale trade and organizes conferences dedicated to these drugs.

About the history of the profession

The origin of the profession of a pharmacist falls at a time when people, trying to relieve pain and cope with an illness, were looking for suitable remedies. So man began to learn the science of medicines, making them and applying them in practice. The acquired knowledge was kept secret and passed down from generation to generation. There were not many people who knew old recipes, so they were respected and appreciated in society. At the same time, all the functions associated with the manufacture of drugs and the treatment of diseases fell on the shoulders of one person.

Later, around the 13th century, the medical field underwent changes, dividing the professions and their duties into doctors and pharmacists.

Despite this, both professions continue to be respected. Every year, on September 3rd, pharmacists accept congratulations, celebrating their professional holiday. They are also joined by pharmacists and people of other specialties whose activities are related to the manufacture and quality control of medicines.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

To a greater extent, people who have dedicated their lives to this profession note many benefits.

Among which:

  • prestigious, interesting work that can bring a considerable income;
  • the opportunity to help people, being an employee of a socially oriented organization;
  • availability of prospects for career growth;
  • the possibility of self-improvement and increasing the level of knowledge as a result of daily processing of a constant influx of relevant pharmaceutical information.

Negative moments in the work of a pharmacist:

  • the lion's share of working time should be spent on your feet;
  • great responsibility for the health and life of people;
  • psychological stress.

Job Requirements

This area implies the presentation of a number of requirements for the employee:

  • higher pharmaceutical education;
  • the ability to navigate in medicines at a sufficient level (knowledge of the names of drugs, their composition, pharmacological action, doses and methods of using different drugs);
  • possession of knowledge about medicines;
  • availability of documents confirming the completion of the next advanced training course.

Job Responsibilities

The pharmacist is engaged in the following tasks;

  • providing advice on medicines, including their prescription, intake, side effects and contraindications, interaction with other medicines;
  • selection of drugs in accordance with the diagnosis and dispensing of prescription drugs;
  • the formation of defective drugs;
  • fulfillment of orders, acceptance and sale of goods;
  • preparation and timely submission of reports on the work done.

Responsibility and features of the profession

Since the life and health of absolutely all visitors to the pharmacy institution (children and parents, pensioners, etc.) are in the hands of these people, the profession of a pharmacist does not involve making mistakes in work.

The specifics of the work of a pharmacist lies in the regular replenishment of accumulated knowledge by not only advising clients, but also assisting in choosing an effective medicine, ensuring a constant stock of goods in stock.

The pharmacist has the right to engage in independent pharmaceutical activities. The position of a pharmacist, on the contrary, does not imply such rights.

Professional skills and abilities

The essence of the activity of people in this profession is reduced to the possession of certain skills and abilities.

The inspector must:

  • correctly establish the need of the visitor, providing him with competent advice;
  • give a brief answer in a clear form regarding the requested medicinal product, its principle of action, expiration date and storage rules, at the same time, indicating its advantages in comparison with similar drugs;
  • provide the visitor with reliable information related to the dosage, possible allergic reactions, methods of taking a particular drug;
  • manage your own emotions in working with a visitor, listen carefully and hear him without missing a detail;
  • know the pharmacology of drugs;
  • provide advice on safe and effective self-medication.

The pharmacist is charged with the obligation to provide pharmaceutical assistance to each person, regardless of the property status, age and gender categories, nationality, social status, religious and political beliefs of the latter. The main thing is respect for each visitor.

Career and place of work

The profession of a pharmacist today is among the most promising in terms of career growth. Suppose, if we compare the profession of a pharmacist with this profession, then a person who owns the first of them will find himself not only in the place of an analyst, but also a technologist.

You can climb the career ladder up to the position of a pharmacy manager, and do this a couple of years after graduating from a higher educational institution.

The profession of a pharmacist is a great start in a career related to the pharmaceutical business.

A specialist with such a diploma can work:

  • in pharmacies and research centers;
  • laboratories engaged in the production of medicinal products;
  • subdivisions intended for the procurement of products.

In addition, there is the possibility of working in medical warehouses, as a marketer for medicines in the market, a drug sales manager, a medical representative.

Earnings and its estimated size

On the initial stage in employment wage pharmacist varies from 12 to 18 thousand rubles per month. A little later, taking into account allowances, the amount of income may increase to 50 thousand rubles. Marketers and persons holding another, higher position in this area can earn up to 150 thousand rubles a month.

The salary of a pharmacist depends on the region of employment and the prestige of the organization in which he works.

The pharmacist checks drugs and makes a decision on their admission or non-admission to sale. Medicines are very different and pharmaceutical companies sometimes try to push anything into the market. Therefore, not only health, but often the life of people directly depends on the quality of the work of a pharmacist.

The profession of a pharmacist implies not only excellent knowledge of pharmaceuticals, but also professional honesty and responsibility. By the way, a pharmacist and a pharmacy sales assistant must have knowledge about medicines that are already approved for sale. Those. about those that have already been approved by the pharmacist.

Places of work

Currently, the position of a pharmacist exists in pharmacies (often a pharmacist and a pharmacist are one person) and at pharmaceutical enterprises.

History of the profession

In Europe, the final separation of doctors and pharmacists was formalized in 1224, when several monarchs signed the corresponding document. From that moment on, individual specialists appeared who made and tested medicines, and also trained their students.

During the time of the Russian Empire, the title of "pharmacist" was highly valued and was equated in status with a scientific degree.

Responsibilities of a pharmacist

Here are the main official duties pharmacist, which are usually found:

  • advising customers on medicines;
  • dispensing medicines at the “first table”;
  • quality control of medicines manufactured in the prescription department;
  • compliance with the sanitary regime and pharmaceutical order.

Also, the functions of a pharmacist may include some administrative tasks for managing a pharmacy.

Requirements for a pharmacist

As a rule, the requirements for a pharmacist are not too diverse:

  • higher pharmaceutical education;
  • availability of a medical book and a certificate of a specialist.

Often employers require work experience in the specialty, some require the ability to work with cash register equipment, and when occupying managerial positions - relevant experience and skills. Sometimes specialized secondary education is also allowed, but only for an assistant pharmacist.

sample resume for pharmacist

How to become a pharmacist

You can become a pharmacist only if you have a diploma of higher pharmaceutical education (a pharmacist can limit himself to secondary special). The rest is a matter of experience and practical skills.

Pharmacist salary

The approximate range of salaries for pharmacists is from 20,000 to 60,000 rubles per month. This indicator is influenced by many factors: experience, education, position, etc. In some companies, how much the pharmacist receives depends on the revenue (for example, for those working on the "first style").

The average salary of a pharmacist is about 37,000 rubles per month.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market lasting, as a rule, from a week to a year.

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