Job description of a mechanic. Functional and job responsibilities of a mechanic Job description of a driver mechanic


A driver is a person who repairs, maintains, and also manages off-road vehicles. Such equipment can be operated both under normal conditions (in agriculture, fleets), and in paramilitary structures (all units of the Russian army, as well as in departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

Where required

This position has become widespread. In order for the car to be in good working order throughout the entire journey, as well as in order to save space in the crew, the functions of the driver and the repairman are combined by one person.

The driver carries out repairs and management the following types transport:

  • airborne combat vehicle;
  • tank;
  • infantry fighting vehicle;
  • vehicle SAM (anti-aircraft missile system);
  • combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicle;
  • wheeled armored personnel carriers;
  • all-terrain vehicles;
  • TMM (heavy mechanized bridge);
  • multi-axle diesel vehicles (MAZ, BAZ, MZKT, KZKT);
  • snow and swamp vehicles;
  • amphibious vehicles GT-T, GT-SM (GAZ-71), MT-LB, DT-30, DT-10.

In civilian life, the position is often found in companies that have their own fleet of vehicles. To combine the position of an employee with work experience as a mechanic, they are hired for a position that involves simultaneously driving a vehicle, as well as servicing it.

In the army, the mechanic combines the driver often. Such positions are staffed by military personnel who have been trained in a military unit. During the period of work or service, a mechanic can improve his professional qualifications.

Related professions are: bulldozer driver, all-terrain vehicle driver, excavator driver, scraper driver, agricultural tractor driver.

What does

The driver is obliged to know the rules for the maintenance and operation of special vehicles, signals and established rules for the movement of vehicles.

The specialist drives the entrusted vehicle, carries out Maintenance, engine adjustment, repair, adjustment of auxiliary and special technical equipment.

The duties of a driver require knowledge of the vehicle at such a level that it is possible to carry out repairs in off-road conditions, difficult weather conditions, in extreme conditions or in the absence of the possibility of obtaining service.

Job description

The driver-mechanic should perform only those duties that are prescribed in the job description. Since the position is most often found in paramilitary structures and in the army, there are practically no additional tasks.

The job description should indicate the duties, rights, responsibilities that are assigned to the employee.

Interaction with other departments can also be spelled out in the document.

Required knowledge

In order to do a good job, a mechanic must have a lot of baggage. professional knowledge. The driver-mechanic manual contains a list of required knowledge:

  • device, purpose and principle of operation of units, mechanisms, as well as devices of a motor vehicle that is being serviced;
  • and road traffic for cars;
  • methods of detection, causes, elimination of malfunctions that arose during the operation of the vehicle;
  • rules for the maintenance of vehicles;
  • rules according to which the operation of batteries and car tires is carried out;
  • rules according to which transport is stored in open parking lots and garages;
  • maintenance rules;
  • ways to prevent accidents on the roads;
  • methods of providing first aid in case of accidents;
  • the order in which the emergency evacuation of passengers is carried out in case of an accident;
  • internal regulations and safety regulations.


So that there is no misunderstanding on the part of the employee, as well as claims from the higher management, the duties in the instructions are prescribed in as much detail as possible. There can be no ambiguity or other interpretations - all formulations are as simple and clear as possible.

Driver's responsibilities include:

  • ensuring reliable and trouble-free operation of all types of equipment;
  • ensuring the correct operation of the equipment;
  • timely and high-quality repair and maintenance of the vehicle;
  • monitoring the condition of the vehicle and its repair;
  • participation in the acceptance and installation of new equipment;
  • organization of accounting for the implementation of repair work;
  • compliance with labor protection and safety standards;
  • driving the entrusted vehicle in any conditions;
  • filling out waybills;
  • checking the technical condition of the vehicle before leaving;
  • acceptance of goods;
  • verification of accompanying documentation for the cargo;
  • checking the integrity of the packaging of goods transported on the vehicle;
  • ensuring the integrity of the cargo during transportation;
  • preparation of documentation for unloading.

The work of a driver includes:

  • elimination of minor malfunctions during the operation of transport;
  • keeping the vehicle clean;
  • execution of instructions from management.


The driver, like any employee of the organization, has rights, the protection of which is within the jurisdiction legislative framework RF.

The mechanic has the right to:

  • submitting proposals to management on issues related to its competencies;
  • use approved orders, instructions, orders, documents, rules that govern its work;
  • inform the management about any malfunctions found during the operation or testing of the entrusted equipment;
  • request and receive information necessary for work;
  • providing overalls;
  • improving their qualifications;
  • assistance from management in matters of compliance with its rights;
  • guarantees provided by the current legislation;
  • rights under the current labor law.


The driver is responsible for:

  • improper performance or non-performance of their direct functional duties, which are provided for by the approved job description;
  • causing material damage to the organization;
  • rude treatment of employees and colleagues, violation of internal rules;
  • commission of offenses that occurred during the performance of direct duties.

Responsibilities for each item are assigned exactly to the extent that they are provided for by the current criminal, administrative, civil, labor laws Russian Federation.

Mechanic, regardless of whether he is in the army, in private organization or in state company, is responsible for the disclosure of commercial secrets, the route of transport and rolling stock.

For service in the army of the Russian Federation, full responsibility is assumed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Driver mechanics are trained by providing additional education those people who have a tractor driver's license (or a tractor driver-machinist). Training can be completed both at the expense of the organization and own will. At the end of the training, they must receive a document confirming their education - a driver's license. It is issued to people who have completed the full course.

Training of mechanics-drivers for civilian positions is carried out in vocational schools, as well as in courses.

According to the law, specialists holding this position must undergo mandatory recertification. Depending on where the employee works, recertification can be carried out every three years or every five years. For special categories working with the transportation of a large number of people, recertification and confirmation of skills are possible more often.


The workplace of a driver-mechanic is allocated for an employee with a certain set of personal qualities and professional knowledge. In order to get a job for this position, an employee must possess important qualities:

  • resourcefulness;
  • the ability to remember and reproduce various manipulations;
  • the ability to maintain sobriety of thinking and clarity of reaction under the influence of fear or sudden influences;
  • the ability to maintain high performance in emergency conditions, a state of time pressure, in stressful situations and during exposure to external stimuli;
  • the ability to clearly coordinate movements while working with arms and legs;
  • an accurate eye and the ability to assess the magnitude of the distance;
  • accurate and fast motor response to an object that is moving;
  • endurance;
  • adaptability.

In order to master a specialty, you need at least a complete general education, as well as primary professional education or average.

Table of performance characteristics and refueling capacities of the vehicle.

Tactical specifications and filling tanks, of the car on which we learn to drive, with full name.

On the other side of the notebook, notes on traffic rules should be written.

Device summary:

The driver is responsible for the maintenance of the car assigned to him, its serviceability and readiness for use. He is obliged:
- firmly know the device, technical capabilities and operating rules of the machine assigned to it;
- be able to manage the car assigned to him day and night in various road conditions in any weather;
- maintain the vehicle in good working order and in constant combat readiness; to achieve an extension of the service life of the machine;
- to know and strictly observe the Rules of the road, commands, signals of regulation and control;
- the driver is strictly forbidden to transfer control of the machine to anyone else and smoke while driving the machine;
- to know the frequency and scope of maintenance work, the overhaul life (overhaul run) and the service life (life) of the machine assigned to it, tires and batteries;
- perform maintenance and current repairs, as well as carry out special processing of the machine assigned to it; - to know the grades and consumption rates of the fuel, lubricants and other operating materials used on the machine assigned to it, to prevent their overspending and to achieve savings;
- to know the causes of the main operational faults, to be able to detect and eliminate them; prevent machine breakdowns, report them to the commander and immediately eliminate them;
- before leaving the car park, check the technical condition of the car and monitor it on the way, paying special attention to the serviceability of the brakes, steering, tires, towing device, external lighting devices, windshield wipers, the correct installation of the rear-view mirror, cleanliness and visibility of license and identification marks;
- when driving a car, have a driver's license, a document proving the identity of the driver, and a waybill; the driver of the transport vehicle, in addition, must have a ticket for the right to operate;
-know and comply with the rules for loading the car, the rules for boarding and transporting people, placing, stacking and securing goods in the back of the car;
- timely and safely deliver the goods to the specified place;
- be able to use the route map and navigate the terrain;
- timely draw up and submit to the technical department or to the subdivision waybills;

In the field, always be with the machine and not change its location without the permission of your commander, use every opportunity for a control inspection of the maintenance of the machine and troubleshoot; - carefully follow the commands and signals, quickly and accurately execute them. Cover and camouflage the car in combat conditions.
- observe safety measures during the operation, repair and evacuation of the machine.

Vehicle inspection.

The control inspection is carried out by the driver in order to check and prepare the car before leaving the park.

The driver must check:

appearance car, condition and fastening of the left front wheel, steering rods, bipod;

- the condition of the front suspension, is there any leakage of oils and special fluids;

- car in front;

- engine condition, oil level in the lubrication system and coolant level in the cooling system;

- condition and fastening of the right front wheel;

— condition and fastening of the right cab door, rear-view mirror, spare wheel;

— condition and fastening of the right rear wheels;

- the car behind;

— condition and fastening of the left rear wheels;

— condition and fastening of fuel tanks and pipelines;

— condition and fastening of the left cabin door, rear-view mirror;

— free travel of the clutch and brake pedals;

- operation of the engine, lighting and signaling devices, windshield wiper, glass washer, indications of control and measuring devices, refueling;

- the angle of free rotation of the steering wheel and the action of the parking brake;

— availability, serviceability and stowage of spare parts, tools and accessories (spare parts);

- vehicle in motion. Report to the foreman about the completion of work and the readiness of the car.

Control inspection of the car on the way.

On the way, at halts and stops, the driver must check:

Heating of wheel hubs, brake drums, gearbox housing, transfer case, drive axles, to the touch immediately after stopping the car;

Condition and fastening of springs and shock absorbers;

The condition and fastening of the wheels, the air pressure in the tires;

Is there any leakage of oil, fuel, coolant, air from the pneumatic system;

Oil, fuel, coolant levels;

Reliability of fastening and correct placement of cargo, reliability of constipation of the rear side of the platform and coupling of the trailer with the car;

The condition of the cab windows, headlights, lighting devices and signal, numbers and identification marks, if necessary, wipe them.

Daily maintenance (DTO) of the car.

Daily maintenance of the car is carried out at the ETO site by the driver upon arrival at the park to keep the car ready for use and ensure traffic safety.

Inspect the vehicle and check for fuel, oil, brake and coolant leaks, air leaks. Troubleshoot if necessary. Inspect the engine, if necessary, clean it of dust and dirt.

check the condition of the steering drive, towing device and hoses for connecting the trailer brake system, air path connections, platform side locks, wheels and tires;

operation of lighting devices, light signaling;

the work of the windshield wipers;

bring the oil level in the engine crankcase and fluid in the cooling system to normal

drain the condensate from the air cylinders of the brake system - after the car arrives at the park

If necessary, wash the vehicle and clean the cab and platform.

In winter, to prevent moisture condensation in the fuel tank, fill it with fuel to the full

Tactical - technical characteristics of cars

The name of indicators Car brand
URAL -43206 URAL - 4320-31
Wheel formula 4x4 6x6
Load capacity, kg
Weight in running order, kg
Gross weight, kg (RMM)
Mass of the towed trailer, kg
Engine model YaMZ 236M-2 4-stroke diesel, V-shaped, with compression ignition YaMZ 238M-2 4-stroke diesel, V-shaped, with compression ignition
Engine power (hp)
The order of operation of the cylinders 1-4-2-5-3-6 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8
Engine capacity, l 11,15 14,86
Max speed, km/h
Overall dimensions, mm:
Depth of water obstacles to be overcome by fording, m 1,5 1,5
Battery brand 6 article 190 6 article 190
Fuel used DZ, DL DZ, DL
Controlled fuel consumption. At a speed of 60 km / h, l / 100 km
Ground clearance (clearance), mm
Tire sizes and designation 425х85R21 425х85R21
Tire pressure, kgf / cm 2 from 0.5 to 3 (depending on road conditions)

Refueling capacities of cars (l)


One of the main features of the modern army is the high mobility of troops, which is ensured by the presence of a large number of various self-propelled equipment (cars, tanks, armored personnel carriers, submarines and surface ships, railway vehicles).

Therefore, driving official duties are determined by the variety, purpose and features of the operation of self-propelled machines. However, in the activities of drivers there is much in common. All of them must have the following qualities: the ability to drive a self-propelled military equipment day and night, at any time of the year, in various weather conditions and in a combat situation; compliance with established traffic rules; timely maintenance, inspection, repair and adjustment of the material part; confidently manage equipment and control its work in a rapidly changing environment.

To successfully perform driving duties, every military driver must be physically healthy, hardened and hardy.

In a professional sense, the driver must have a solid knowledge of the device, traffic rules, operation and maintenance of a mobile vehicle. In addition, every military driver must have a high neuropsychic stability; developed visual and auditory memory; quick reaction and good coordination of movements; the ability to maintain performance; normal color vision.

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Duties of the senior machine.

249. When transporting people and dangerous goods, both as part of a convoy and in single vehicles, a senior vehicle is assigned to each vehicle. When sending two or more cars on a flight, a head of the column is appointed. When traveling by car, the unit commanders (team leaders) act as the head of the column (senior car). In other cases, senior vehicles are assigned, if necessary, by decision of the regiment commander. The head of the column (senior car) is appointed from among the officers, ensigns or sergeants who know the rules of the road. He is responsible for completing the assigned task. correct use machines (machines) and compliance with safety requirements. The head of the column (senior car) is obliged to:
- before starting the movement of cars (cars), check compliance with the norms for landing people and loading cargo;
- control the procedure for boarding (loading), disembarking (unloading) and placing personnel (cargo) on vehicles (vehicle):
- while the vehicles (vehicles) are moving, monitor the observance by the drivers (driver) of the route, the established speed, traffic rules, as well as the observance of military discipline and safety requirements by the personnel in the vehicles (vehicles).

The head of the column (senior of the car) is prohibited from driving the car himself or forcing the driver to transfer control of the car to anyone; give commands that force the driver (drivers) to violate the rules of the road and exceed the established speed.

Transportation of personnel in non-equipped vehicles, and in winter in open vehicles, is prohibited. The officials organizing this transportation, or their direct superiors, instruct the heads of the columns (senior cars) and drivers about the purpose, procedure, deadlines for completing the task and traffic safety requirements. The unit commanders, in addition, instruct the drivers of the vehicles on the observance of the rules for the operation of vehicles, traffic rules and behavior during the flight. Drivers are strictly prohibited from transferring control of the machine to anyone. When following a unit (team) by rail, water and air transport, it is necessary to be guided by the instructions set forth in Chapter 12 of this Charter.


When driving on a military highway, the driver must:

- have a certificate for the right to drive a car, a military ID and a waybill; the driver of a transport vehicle, in addition, must have a ticket for the right to operate the vehicle;

- know and follow the rules of traffic on the roads, the instructions of traffic controllers;

- before leaving, check the serviceability of the car and monitor its condition on the way;

- present, at the request of officials of the road commandant service, the established documents for verification;

- give way and, if necessary, stop to ensure the uninterrupted passage of command vehicles, communications, commandant's attire, giving special sound and light signals, and vehicles accompanied by them; drivers of vehicles of command, communications and commandant's outfit, when performing tasks, may deviate from the prescription of road signs, the established traffic order, the passage of intersections, traffic rules in special conditions;

— in the event of a malfunction of the machine or an accident on the road, take all measures to free the roadway and ensure traffic safety.

The driver is prohibited from:

- when performing a task, stop and provide the car for use by anyone, except for persons of the road commandant service, who can use the car to tow faulty equipment from the carriageway;

- drive a car while intoxicated;

— drive the machine in a sick or tired state, if this may endanger traffic safety;

- transfer control to a person not included in the waybill as a co-driver;

- use the machine for other purposes.

Training in military specialties

Professional educational institution Bryansk OTSH No. 1 of the DOSAAF of Russia continues to recruit citizens subject to the next call-up to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (spring-autumn 2017) for training in the following military specialties:

1. VUS-124 military driver of category "C" and BTR-80
2. VUS-845 military driver category "D"
3. VUS-846 military driver category "CE"

Training is carried out in the direction of the military commissariat of the district (in which the citizen is military registration) Bryansk region.

Training is FREE.

You must declare your desire to undergo training by arriving at the Bryansk OTSH No. 1 of the DOSAAF of Russia (51 Stanke Dimitrova Ave., office No. 205), where you will receive detailed information on all your questions related to the training you have chosen.

Come, without waiting for the start of training.

Groups are recruited:

1. VUS-124 military driver of category "C" and BTR-80 - as of January 2017.
2. VUS-845 military driver of category "D" - for December 2016 (3 places left).
3. VUS-846 military driver of the CE category - as of November 2016 (4 places left).

The following sets for the end of March 2017


1. The requirement for training in category "D" is the presence of a driver's license of category "C" and the age at the time of passing the exams in the traffic police is 21 years old;
2. The requirement for training for the category "CE" is the presence of a driver's license of category "C" and the experience of "rights" for at least 1 year.
3. When training for category "C", at the request of the cadet, extra education for category "B" - a significant discount is provided.

The training of drivers of various categories for the Russian Armed Forces is another area of ​​work for the Bryansk OTSh No. 1 of the DOSAAF RF. For young people of military age, this is a great opportunity to get the so-called free of charge. "driving license from the military registration and enlistment office", as well as a profession that will be useful to them both in the service and in civilian life.

We provide training in the following military specialties:

  • military driver category "C";
  • military driver category "D";
  • military driver category "CE";
  • a military driver of category "C" and a wheeled armored personnel carrier BTR-80.

Young people who are fit for health reasons to drive a vehicle of the selected category are accepted for training, subject to the next call to the RF Armed Forces. Every year we train over three hundred recruits, and this is an excellent alternative to the usual auto courses and, even more so, attempts to buy rights bypassing existing laws.

In addition, DOSAAF cadets during training can additionally master civilian driving categories "A" and "B". Passing the exam for the rights from the military registration and enlistment office is carried out at the traffic police on the same day - both in the main military specialty and in the additionally selected driver category "A" or "B".

Training is provided free of charge and at a high level characteristic of DOSAAF. Young people, after studying with us and passing on the rights, get what money cannot buy.

At laboratory and practical classes, they study in detail the design, operation and maintenance of URAL and KAMAZ vehicles, buses and the BTR-80 armored personnel carrier. On our circuit of over 11 hectares, in addition to the usual tracks and markings, there are areas for training in extreme driving and a special track for armored personnel carriers. Cadets leave the DOSAAF school with a wealth of knowledge and skills that will help them to complete military service without any problems, and after demobilization, if desired, successfully work in this specialization.

The school's fleet includes the latest modifications of URAL and KAMAZ trucks, buses, domestic and foreign cars, armored personnel carriers BTR-80.

Cadets receive excellent physical and initial military training: they are engaged in drill training on the parade ground, develop strength and dexterity on an equipped sports ground, and pass an obstacle course on an armored track.



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Job description driver


1. General provisions 1.1. The driver-mechanic reports directly to the director of the company.
1.3. The driver is appointed and dismissed by order of the director.
1.4. In his activities, the driver is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, orders, orders, instructions of the director, the Charter of the company, the Quality Policy, rules, instructions and other documents regulating the work of the driver.
2. Functional responsibilities

2.1. Ensures trouble-free and reliable operation of all types of equipment, their correct operation, timely high-quality repair and maintenance.

2.2. Carries out technical supervision of the condition and repair of vehicles

2.3. Participates in the acceptance and installation of new equipment

2.4. Carries out technical management of lubricants and emulsions

2.5. Organizes the accounting of repair work

2.6. Ensures compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection

2.7. Drives single cars of all types and brands.
2.8. Fills out travel sheets
2.9. Checks the technical condition of the car before leaving for the order.
2.10. Putting it in the allotted place upon returning from the order.
2.11. Accepts cargo from warehouses in accordance with accompanying documents.
2.12. Checks the integrity of the packaging (tare).
2.13. Ensures their safety during transportation.
2.14. Unloading and delivery of the delivered cargo, registration of acceptance documentation.
2.15. Participates in the preparation of acts and other documents for shortages, damage to goods, etc. etc.
2.16. Eliminates minor operational malfunctions of the rolling stock that have arisen during operation and do not require disassembly of the mechanisms.
2.17. Keeps fixed vehicles clean.
2.18. Fulfillment of one-time service tasks, assignments, instructions of the director.
3. Rights
3.2. Submit proposals to the immediate supervisor on issues within his competence.
3.4. Use of Instructions approved by the director, orders, orders, Rules and other documents regulating the work of a forwarding driver.
3.5. Inform the direct management about the identified malfunctions in the operation of the equipment entrusted to him, shortcomings in the work.
4. Responsibility
The driver-mechanic bears full (100%) financial responsibility:
4.1. For not ensuring the safety of material assets entrusted to him for transportation.
4.2. For poor-quality and untimely performance of the tasks and duties provided for by this Instruction.
4.3. For non-use and / or misuse of the rights granted by this Instruction.
4.4. For non-compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, Instructions, orders, instructions, Rules and other documents regulating the work of a forwarding driver.
4.5. For non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, safety and fire safety.
4.6. For damage or negligence in storage and use, theft of company property, causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.7. For rude, tactless attitude (behavior) when communicating with staff and visitors of the company.
4.8. For the safety of documentation and non-observance of the interests of the company, the issuance of confidential information, documentation (trade secrets) about the company and its clients to third parties.
4.9. For providing direct management with false or distorted documentation (information).

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IP Olechnik

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Job description for the driver - freight forwarder

1. General Provisions.

1.2. A person with at least secondary education, at least 1 year of work experience in the specialty, a driver's license with open corresponding categories is appointed to the position of the Driver.

1.3. The driver is appointed, transferred and dismissed from his position by order of the Director of the Company.

1.4. The Driver is subordinate and accountable to the Director of the Company, the immediate supervisor of the Driver is the transport manager . On the route, the Driver moves according to the instructions of the transport manager.

1.5. During the absence of the Driver, his duties are performed by a person from among the drivers, appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and responsibilities.

1.6. The driver must know:

1.6.1. Regulations, instructions, other guidance and regulations relating to the operation of the vehicle and the carriage of goods;

1.6.2. Device, purpose, design features, technical and operational characteristics of the car, rules for its technical operation;

1.6.3. Terms of maintenance and repair of vehicles;

1.6.4. Rules for the carriage of goods, the procedure for their acceptance and delivery;

1.6.5. Specifications loading and stowage of goods;

1.6.6. Assortment of goods, rules for deciphering codes, article numbers and marking of transported goods;

1.6.7. Forms of documents for the acceptance and dispatch of goods, the rules for their execution;

1.6.8. Rules for issuing travel documentation;

1.6.9. Traffic Laws;

1 Optimal routes for transporting goods;

1.6.11. Fundamentals of labor legislation and organization of production;

1.6.12. Orders, instructions, orders and other documents of the Company related to the maintenance and operation of vehicles;

1.6.13. Internal labor regulations;

1.6.14. Phone numbers of the direct manager, office and employees of commercial departments;

1.6.15. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

1.7. The driver undergoes a mandatory annual certification.

1.8. The driver is financially responsible person.

1.9. The driver in his activities is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Company, this Job Description, orders, instructions, orders and other documents of the Company.

2. Job responsibilities.


2.1. Strictly observes the rules of the road, the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

2.2. Informs the management in advance about the impossibility of going to work and the reason.

2.3. Participates in all unscheduled events of the Company in accordance with the instructions of the immediate supervisor.

2.4. In the field of vehicle management:

2.4.1. Carries out trouble-free operation of the car;

2.4.2. Provides economical consumption of fuels and lubricants;

2.4.3. Keeps the car in a technically sound condition and cleanliness;

2.4.4. Prepares travel documentation in the prescribed manner;

2.4.5. Every day before leaving the line, checks the technical condition of the car .

2.4.6. Passes a medical examination in a timely manner;

2.4.7. Selects the best traffic routes in accordance with the tasks of the Transport Manager;

2.4.8. In agreement with officials the Logistics Department of the Company eliminates vehicle malfunctions that occurred during the trip;

2.4.9. Does not allow the use of the car for personal purposes;

2.4.10. Does not allow deviations from the route agreed with the company's management;

2.4.1 1. Does not allow persons to drive and repair a car without the consent of the director of the Company;

2.4.12. At the end of the work, he performs maintenance of the car, its parking and delivery.

2.5. In the field of work with transported products:

2.5.1. Complies with the rules for the carriage of goods;

2.5.2. Accepts goods from warehouses in accordance with accompanying documents, checks the integrity of the packaging (tare) of products, issues and hands over goods in accordance with the established procedure, draws up the necessary documents in accordance with the instructions received from the transport manager.

2.5.3. Personally participates and supervises loading and unloading operations, placement, stacking and fastening of goods.

2.5.4. Controls the filling of the package (if it is broken).

2.5.5. After loading, it checks the conformity of the products in the car with the data on the delivery note, the discrepancy is immediately reported to the manager of the logistics department.

2.6. In the field of financial reporting:

2.6.1. Keeps records Money issued for refueling of fuels and lubricants, submits a report within the established time limits.

2.6.2. Timely and fully hand over the proceeds, reporting to the transport manager.

2.7. In the field of security:

2.7.1. Fully responsible for the safety of the car and transported material assets;

2.7.2. Strictly adheres to safety instructions for drivers;

2.7.3. Immediately reports all incidents, cases of attack, theft, etc. to management;

2.7.4. Does not leave the car unattended out of sight for any minimum period, giving a chance of theft of the car or theft of the transported goods;

2.7.5. While in the car, ensures the safety of the car and goods by locking all doors;

2.7.6. Calculates product balances and calculates cash only on the territory of the Company;

2.7.7. Observes and monitors compliance with the correct storage of funds.

The driver has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management regarding its activities;

3.2. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the this manual responsibilities;

3.3. In case of receiving orders that are in conflict with existing instructions, immediately inform direct supervisors about this.

4. Responsibility.

The driver, within the limits established by the current legislation, internal instructions, regulations and other documents, is responsible for:

4.1. Use of the property and funds of the Company in their own interests or in interests contrary to the interests of the founders;

4.3. Engaging in other paid activities;

4.4. Failure to perform or improper performance of their duties;

4.5. Failure to fulfill established tasks;

4.6. The consequences of his decisions;

4.7. Exceeding official authority;

4.8. Disclosure of trade secrets and other confidential information;

4.9. Deviation from the route inconsistent with the management;

4.10. Safety of goods and accountable funds;

Causing material damage to the Company;

4. 12. Failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties, which led to the infliction of material damage to the Company;

4. 13. Violations of labor discipline, commission of other offenses in the course of carrying out their activities.

The job description was developed in accordance with the Charter of the Company.


I am familiar with the instructions and undertake to comply with: _______________________ / ________________ /

"___" ____________ ____________ of the year

I approve

IP Olechnik


"____"_______________ ______of the year

Transport manager job description.


1. The transport manager is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the General Director.

2. The transport manager reports directly to the director.

3. The transport manager is responsible for the drivers of the enterprise.


The transport manager must know:

Know the organization of loading and unloading operations, the procedure for receiving and delivering goods;

Conditions of transportation and storage of transported goods;

Routes for the transportation of goods;

Forms of documents for the acceptance and dispatch of goods and the rules for their execution.

The range of products manufactured and sold by the company.

Status, market development trends transport services;

The procedure for the formation and conclusion of contracts, accepted document flow;

Addresses of main suppliers and customers;

Internal labor regulations, rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection


The functions of a transport manager are to coordinate the transportation of raw materials and finished products to achieve the optimal ratio of costs and quality of services, organize transport for import and export deliveries in Russia and the CIS countries, select transport service providers, implement time and resource-saving procedures.
Transport Manager Responsibilities:

1. Organization of work of own transport:

1.1. Receipt and processing of requests for transportation from company employees;

1.2. Transport traffic planning, taking into account the urgency and importance of the received requests for transportation;

1.3. Selection of rational transport routes;

1.4. Control over the timely and correct execution of transportation by the company's drivers;

1.5. Organization of optimal loading of transport, in order to reduce the cost of attracting hired transport.

2. Work with transport companies:

2.1. Placing an order for the provision of transport services by third-party organizations (carriers);

2.2. Determining the cost of transportation;

2.3. Informing the carrier about the necessary conditions, terms, delivery rules;

2.4. Personal transfer of data on places of loading and unloading to drivers of hired vehicles;

2.5. Control over the timely and correct performance of transport services by the carrier;

2.6. Tracking the compliance of the amounts for payment presented by the transport company (carrier) with the agreed rate and quality of the service received;

2.7. Informing employees of the enterprise about the cost of transporting goods by carriers;

2.8. Interaction with employees of the enterprise in order to obtain accurate information about the necessary cargo transportation, the optimal method and route of transportation, receipt of payment for cargo transportation by customers to the current account or to the cash desk of the enterprise;

2.9. Control over the timeliness of payment for the services of carriers by the enterprise;

2.10. Providing information on the need to issue invoices for transport services provided to customers to employees responsible for issuing invoices;

2.11. Market research of transport services, search transport companies capable of providing transportation services on more favorable terms.


The transport manager, in order to fulfill his duties, has the right to:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise's management regarding the transport economy of the enterprise.

2. Submit proposals to improve the organization of cargo transportation for consideration by the management of the enterprise.

3. Interact with other departments in terms of organizing cargo transportation and obtaining the necessary information;

4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence;

5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

The transport manager is responsible for:
1. The safety of the material values ​​entrusted to him.

2. Improper performance of their duties under these instructions.

3. Violation of the internal regulations of the enterprise.

Familiarized with the instruction: ___________________ _________________

Appointment of the position - ensures the correct smooth professional driving of the car, which maximizes the safety of the life and health of passengers, the technically sound condition of the car itself, is responsible for the order in the garage, the observance of labor and production discipline by drivers, the rules and norms of labor protection, the requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene, bears complete liability for ensuring the safety of the material values ​​entrusted to him.

Driver mechanic job description template


1.1. Position - DRIVER - MECHANIC

1.2. Appointment of the position - ensures the correct smooth professional driving of the car, which maximizes the safety of life and health of passengers, the technically sound condition of the car itself, is responsible for the order in the garage, the observance of labor and production discipline by drivers, the rules and norms of labor protection, the requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene, bears full financial responsibility for ensuring the safety of the material values ​​entrusted to him.

1.3. Subordination and interaction - driver - mechanic reports to the Head of the Logistics Department on all matters of performance and works under his direct supervision.

1.4. Appointment and release.

Appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the General Director


2.1.Predicts any traffic situation, selects the speed and distance, excluding the occurrence of emergency, does not use sound signals and sharp overtaking of vehicles in front without emergency.

2.2. Does not leave the car unattended out of sight for any minimum period, giving a chance of stealing the car or stealing any things from the passenger compartment, park the car only in guarded parking lots.

2.3. Blocks all car doors while driving and parking, when leaving the car (landing) it is convinced that there is no potential danger.

2.4. Monitors the technical condition of the vehicle, performs independently the necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions), undergoes timely maintenance in service center and technical inspection.

2.5. Keeps the engine, body and interior of the car clean, protects them with appropriate care products for certain surfaces.

2.6. Fulfills all orders of the Director and his immediate supervisor, ensures the timely delivery of the car.

2.7. Do not use alcohol before or during work, psychotropic, sleeping pills, antidepressants and other drugs that reduce the attention, reaction and performance of the human body.

2.8. Does not allow any cases of transportation of any passengers or cargo at his own discretion, as well as any kind of use of the car for personal purposes without the permission of the management, always stays at the workplace in the car or in close proximity to it.

2.9. Organizes the release of rolling stock on the line in a technically sound condition.

2.10. Carries out control over the provision of fuel and lubricants, timely maintenance and proper storage of rolling stock.

2.12. Maintains daily waybills, noting routes, distance traveled, fuel consumption.

2.13. Signs and endorses documents within its competence.


3.1. Secondary specialized education and work experience in a related specialty for at least 3 years.

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