The driver's assistant is required. This instruction defines the procedure for the training and appointment of assistant drivers to work on diesel locomotives, the main duties and rights of assistant drivers of diesel locomotives, as well as the procedure for organizing their work. Download must


On a trip, employees of locomotive crews (driver and assistant) always take large bags with a glitch. Since you have to be away from home for some time (sometimes more than 2 days), the bag should contain everything necessary for comfortable work and life of the driver as a whole. This is especially true for freight traffic, because it is like Russian roulette: you never know what will happen on a trip, and when you will return, and whether you will return at all

This is how an average bag of a machinist or assistant driver looks like this (the bag, like its contents, are similar, and vary depending more on the personal preferences of the person than on the position).

Let's see what this bag contains.

The contents of the bag in a "shabby" form :)

At first glance, there are a lot of things here, somewhere it’s not at all clear what it is, and somewhere the purpose of things is not clear, so let’s look at everything in detail.
I will say that it is not necessary to have all these things. Some of the things in general can only be found in my bag :) However, the main necessary "set" is still there.

When I first started working, I was going on my first understudy trip (internship), I had no idea what to take with me. Now, if I had come across such a post then, everything would have been easier :) And that first time, out of ignorance, I had to limit myself to a flashlight, sandwiches with sausage, half a pint of vodka water (which ended in the first hour of the trip, ololo), pen, notepad , speed limiter and gloves.

So, again the content, but with explanations. We will consider each thing and its purpose in detail.

Let's start in order:
1. Thermos with tea. Almost the main attribute :) Almost every locomotive driver has one. What's a trip without tea?
In ancient times, tea was brewed directly on the locomotive, with a boiler. Now, with the advent of light and compact thermoses, this tradition is becoming a thing of the past, but some representatives of the "old school" still carry a boiler :)

2. Flashlight. An essential item, as you often have to work at night. A flashlight is needed to inspect the locomotive, to wake up an assistant and generally illuminate the environment.

I recently bought a flashlight with an OCA 1101 Police stun gun (actually, I don’t really need a stun gun, it’s just a cool flashlight, and it’s battery powered), so now it’s also a self-defense weapon, lol.

3. Deodorant. It will come in handy for those who, by the end of the trip, do not want to turn into a smelly sweaty marginal.

4. Rob. A jacket that you don't mind getting dirty. There are times when you have to climb into dirty places. In order not to spoil the uniform suit, it is better to wear a robe.

5. Signal vest. Mandatory element of clothing when on the tracks. While in the train traffic zone, any RZD employee is required to wear such a vest.

6. Seeds. Needed to stay awake. There are times when you simply don’t get enough sleep before work, and since the trip lasts a long time, it’s important not to fall asleep in the locomotive! The process of eating seeds helps to relieve a little drowsiness. Also a good alternative to smoking, for example.

7. Spoon/knife/fork, or something similar. In this case, it is a compact "warehouse". It is necessary not only for eating, it may also be needed for other operations: cut or pierce something, for example.

8. Toothpaste and brush. Brushing your teeth after resting in the recycling depot is a great way to maintain hygiene.

9. Insulating tape. It is used both for its intended purpose, and to, for example, wind something, glue, or even glue a too bright light bulb that hits the eyes hard at night so that it shines more dimly.

10. Water. A vital resource on a locomotive. In hot periods, a few bottles can be messed around.

11. Loaf of bread. It is eaten, oddly enough, yes.

12. Slippers. So that in the cockpit our feet do not get stuck in shoes, we change our shoes into slippers. So it is more convenient and comfortable. Stored in a separate bag so as not to stain the rest of the contents of the bag.

13. Regime maps of service areas. On the map, the path profile (ascents / descents), mileage, location of traffic lights, and other useful information that may be useful on the road.
The map looks like this:

14. Sanitary napkins. They are used for wiping hands, since there is nowhere to wash your hands on the locomotive, and you don’t really want to spend water on it. You can also wipe the control panels with napkins, for beauty.

15. Technical form. A book that contains various (of little use in my opinion) information. Please carry this form as instructed. He also carries a service form with him, the second such book, but it is rented to the depot after the trip, and is stored there.

16. Instructions, orders, and other documents which may be required on a trip.

17. Another instruction, only in the form of a book. Also take with you "just in case".

18. Spare socks. After resting at the turnover point, it is always nice to put on fresh socks. Again, hygiene.

19. Notepad for small notes. Usually, the meter readings of the electric locomotive are recorded there, which must be written off at the beginning and at the end of the trip. It is also used to record various operational information. Usually the notebook is not in the bag, but always lies in the breast pocket.

20. Rag. You may need to wipe something on the trip. For this, a rag is used.

21. Tea bags. For brewing tea in a thermos. Convenient compact bags, or pyramids.

22. Gloves. Also a very necessary item to protect hands from dirt, and other things that have to be in contact during work.

23. Toilet paper. Well, everything is clear here.

24. Pliers. A useful thing to twist / clamp / bite something, and in general.

25. Comb

26. Magnet. It is convenient for them to attach various pieces of paper with important information, such as warnings (indicating places of speed limits), to the metal panels of the electric locomotive.

27. Screwdriver. Again, a useful tool when you need to unscrew / twist / unpick something :)

28. Notebook. Various important records are kept in the notebook during the trip: departure time, time of passage of certain points, operational information, orders, comments, and other useful things. Also in this notebook are enclosed extracts of speeds in the sections.

29. Pen. Sometimes two: one in the cockpit, the second in the breast pocket, for quick notes in a notebook. Well, or as a backup, if the main one stops writing :)

30. Charging for the phone. Nowadays, you can’t do without a phone on a trip. It will be very unpleasant if it is suddenly discharged during some kind of emergency situation when communication is very necessary. The phone is recharged directly in the cabin of the electric locomotive, or at the rest point.
Unfortunately, many new powerful smartphones are discharged very quickly. I have an iPhone 4S - its charge may not be enough before arriving at the rest point, and in the cabin there is an outlet only in the new 3ES5K electric locomotives, which are not found every trip. For this reason, I also take an extra battery with me:

With it, the charge of the phone is enough even for the longest journey!

31. Charging for a netbook.

32. A folder with various useful papers: station diagrams, electrical and pneumatic diagrams of electric locomotives. It is also necessary for the prompt resolution of problems that have arisen.

33. Netbook. It is not found in every bag :) But in my opinion it is quite necessary to brighten up time during long stops on a trip. Usually used to watch movies, but you can also connect the Internet to it from your phone, or even play primitive games. It is also convenient to store all sorts of instructions on it, so as not to carry tons of extra paper with you. Of course, one could take something more modern instead of it, such as an iPad, but the iPad has a drawback: a very limited amount of memory even compared to this cheap netbook (64 GB versus 320). Of course, you can record new films before each trip, but it's too lazy to do it, hehe :)
Others take more outdated devices, such as DVD players, with them.
Some desperate machinists play engrybirds and watch movies while driving. I am against this, as it greatly distracts from control and observation of the road. Listening to music is still all right, but watching movies ...
In general, with a powerful modern smartphone, the need for a netbook is no longer so acute.

The basis of this post was written about a year ago. Now I no longer drive a netbook, instead I take e-book I read in the rest home if I don't feel like sleeping.

34. Flash drive. You never know where and when you might need it.

35. Certificates, warning coupons, electrical safety certificates, and other necessary documents. They are a must to have with you.

36. Sponge for shoes. During the trip, shoes get dirty, covered with dust and other unpleasant things. In order not to look like some kind of bum, it is better to wipe the shoes.

37. Headphones. I usually listen to music right in the cab on the way to and from work. But you can also listen while riding as a passenger to brighten up the time.

38. Velocity recorder tape. Refuels this infernal device:

The photo also shows the possible use of a magnet and electrical tape (although instead of electrical tape there is a piece of the above tape with adhesive tape - it seals bright alarm lamps)

39. Sunglasses in a case. Often you have to go during sunset or sunrise, when the sun blinds your eyes a lot. To make it more convenient to observe the road and the signals, it is better to wear glasses (actually, just for the sake of foppery)

40. Stew. It is a convenient, compact and non-perishable food item. Ideal for long trips in all temperature ranges. Used with bread 11.

Now, as part of my program "No to the fat machinist!" stew and loaf are not used. Instead, small snacks with cookies and tea.

41. Panicle. If you need to clean / sweep something, I score and don’t sweep shit, oink-oink, for example, garbage from seeds 6. :) Everything is swept in scoop 42.

I also take a spare projector lamp with me, because if the projector lamp on the locomotive burns out at night, I will have to drive blindly.
Here is this lamp, it is quite large compared to household light bulbs :) for comparison, a matchbox.
Sometimes the lamp breaks right in the bag, and it's sad :(

That's all I carry in my travel bag. It weighs a lot, it’s hard to carry, but on a trip with all this it’s convenient and comfortable. The contents of the bags of other drivers and their assistants, of course, differ to one degree or another. But in general, the main set of items is something like this.

Home > Instruction

1. General provisions

1.1. This instruction defines the procedure for the training and appointment of assistant drivers to work on diesel locomotives, the main duties and rights of assistant drivers of diesel locomotives, as well as the procedure for organizing their work.

1.2. Assistant drivers of diesel locomotives are employees of locomotive crews.

1.3. Employees of locomotive crews are guided in their activities by legislative and other regulations Russian Federation, regulatory documents of Russian Railways, as well as this Instruction.

2. Appointment (dismissal) to the position of assistant

locomotive driver

2.1. A person who has documents of the established form on the assignment of the profession of an assistant driver of a diesel locomotive and who has successfully passed verification tests in the commission of the operational locomotive depot may be appointed as an assistant to the locomotive driver.

2.2. Before being appointed to the position of an assistant driver of a locomotive, a candidate for an assistant driver passes a preliminary medical checkup and professional selection.

2.3. Appointment (release) to the position of an assistant driver of a locomotive is made by the head of the operational locomotive depot on the proposal of the driver-instructor and agreement with the deputy head of the locomotive depot for operation.

3. Preparation of an assistant locomotive driver for independent work as an assistant locomotive driver

3.1. To be appointed to the position of assistant locomotive driver, a candidate for assistant locomotive driver must:

- have a certificate of an assistant driver of a diesel locomotive of the established sample;

– to pass in accordance with the established procedure a preliminary medical examination, professional selection and certification;

- have a certificate of testing when appointed to the position of an assistant driver.

3.2. During the practical training of a candidate for assistant driver, the driver-instructor for the preparation and training of employees of locomotive crews, and in his absence, the driver-instructor of the attached column of locomotive crews, conducts a study with the candidate for assistant driver of regulatory documentation, technical and administrative acts of stations served by sections, procedures in emergency situations, design features of the locomotive.

Training is carried out according to a special program and according to the schedule, which are developed in each operational locomotive depot, taking into account local conditions.

3.3. The driver-instructor, after completing the practical training and training of the candidate for assistant driver, conducts an interview with him in the presence of the driver who conducted practical training with him, based on the results of which he issues a written recommendation to the candidate for assistant driver.

3.4. If there is a written application from a candidate for an assistant driver, a psychologist’s conclusion, a positive recommendation from the driver who conducted practical training for a candidate for an assistant driver, and a positive recommendation from the driver-instructor for the training and education of workers of locomotive crews, and in his absence, the driver-instructor, the candidate for assistants to the driver are allowed to pass tests in the commission of the locomotive depot.

The test results are recorded in the test report.

3.5. The driver-instructor introduces a candidate for assistant driver, who has undergone practical training and tests in the commission of the operational locomotive depot, to the deputy head of the operational locomotive depot for an interview.

Based on the results of the interview, the head of the operational locomotive depot, in agreement with the deputy head of the locomotive depot for operation, issues an order to appoint a candidate for assistant driver to the position of assistant driver of a diesel locomotive.

4. The procedure for the formation of locomotive brigades
and organization of work of assistant locomotive drivers

4.1. The quantitative composition of locomotive crews and the procedure for servicing diesel locomotives by them are established by the head of the railway, depending on the availability of series of diesel locomotives and local conditions, based on the methods of servicing diesel locomotives approved by Russian Railways.

4.2. The composition of the locomotive crew in order to ensure the safety of train traffic and the clear interaction of its employees in the process of labor activity must be constant.

4.3. The personal composition of the locomotive crews is adjusted twice a year (to the summer and winter train schedules) taking into account business and moral qualities, psychological compatibility of workers, psychologist's recommendations and is approved on the proposal of the head of the operational locomotive depot by order of the head of the railway department, and in the absence of railway departments - deputy head of the railway for locomotive facilities.

4.4. Copies of the lists of the personnel of the locomotive brigades should be kept by the head of the locomotive brigades (senior contractor), the duty officer for the operational locomotive depot and contractors.

4.5. Changes to the personnel of locomotive crews are allowed:

- by order of the head of the operational locomotive depot in preparation for a new schedule;

- as an exception, under forced circumstances (dismissal, transfer to another job, illness of one of the crew members) as an instructor driver in agreement with a psychologist with the permission of the head of the operating locomotive depot or the deputy head of the locomotive depot for daytime operation with the issuance of the order of the head operational locomotive depot on the formation of locomotive crews.

4.6. The heads of the operational locomotive depot are obliged to personally conduct a pre-trip briefing for the newly formed locomotive crew before its first joint trip in accordance with the program approved by the head of the operational locomotive depot. The formation of a locomotive brigade at night is allowed only if it is possible to conduct a pre-trip briefing or if such a briefing was carried out in advance.

4.7. In operational locomotive depots serving exclusively passenger traffic, with the permission of the deputy head of the railway for locomotive facilities, diesel locomotive drivers who do not have the first or second class of qualification may be allowed to work in passenger traffic. In this case, the locomotive crew may be formed from a diesel locomotive driver who has a third qualification class or does not have a qualification class and an assistant driver who has at least two years of work experience.

Assistant drivers of diesel locomotives who do not have a certificate for the right to drive a diesel locomotive are allowed to work with passenger trains as part of a locomotive crew with a driver of the first or second qualification class.

5. Duties of an assistant locomotive driver

5.1. The locomotive driver's assistant must:

– know and accurately follow the rules for the technical operation of railways, instructions for signaling, train traffic and shunting work on railways, other regulations of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, regulations of Russian Railways on issues related to the duties of employees of locomotive crews, as well as the requirements of the rules and instructions for labor protection during the operation, repair of diesel locomotives, fire safety and this Instruction;

- to improve their qualifications and technical knowledge on the maintenance of diesel locomotives, when working as an assistant driver of a diesel locomotive without obtaining a certificate for the right to drive a diesel locomotive for more than three years, the commission of the operational locomotive depot considers the issue of professional suitability of this employee;

- to come to work on time, determined by the work schedule or on call of the duty officer for the operational locomotive depot;

- in case of clarification of the circumstances that prevent the attendance at work by the deadline, immediately, but no later than three hours, inform the duty officer of the operating locomotive depot;

- to pass in accordance with the established procedure a pre-trip medical examination, as well as a periodic medical examination, safety briefing; before each entry to work, get acquainted with newly received documents on issues related to the duties of employees of locomotive crews, and undergo training on train traffic safety.

5.2. While doing official duties have with you:

- service certificate, and if you have the right to drive a locomotive, with a record certified by an employee of the personnel department on the delivery of a certificate for the right to drive;

– certificate of admission to work on electrical installations;

- service and technical forms of the assistant driver;

- warning card;

- extracts on the established speeds of trains.

5.3. Follow the operational instructions of the duty officers at the operational locomotive depot, shift and turnout points of locomotive crews, driver-instructors of operational locomotive depots serving this section, the driver.

5.4. When accepting and handing over a diesel locomotive, as well as during stops along the way, carry out its maintenance, strictly observing the established requirements normative documents and orders.

5.5. When driving a train and performing shunting work, an assistant locomotive driver must:

- be guided by the legislative and other regulatory acts of the Russian Federation in the field of traffic safety, the regulatory documents of Russian Railways, as well as this Instruction;

– participate in compliance with the established train driving regimes, while ensuring the implementation of the train schedule and traffic safety requirements;

- control in the prescribed manner the operation of safety devices, radio communications, units and assemblies of a diesel locomotive, check their condition, including the serviceability of fire extinguishing equipment;

- if a malfunction is detected on a diesel locomotive or as part of a train, take all necessary measures to eliminate it as soon as possible, and if it is impossible to eliminate it at the set time, to free the haul, avoiding a failure in the train schedule;

- prevent interference with the operation of safety devices and systems installed on the locomotive;

- do not leave the control cabin of the locomotive when following a prohibiting traffic light, when following a station, when passing places of speed limits and in all other cases specified by regulatory documents;

– keep records and economically use fuel and energy resources, lubricants and other materials, keep inventory, tools and equipment in good condition; individual means protection.

All malfunctions of the diesel locomotive identified during its operation should be recorded in the log form TU-152 at the direction of the driver.

5.6. After the completion of the trip (shift), the assistant driver of the diesel locomotive is obliged to hand over to the person on duty at the operational locomotive depot in the prescribed manner the service form, as well as the tools and inventory to be handed over;

6. Rights of an assistant locomotive driver

6.1. The assistant locomotive driver has the right to:

- use the regulatory and technical documentation available in the operational locomotive depot on issues within the scope of his duties;

- use office telephone, telegraph, electronic communications to inform the managers involved about the identified shortcomings in ensuring the schedule and safety of train traffic;

– apply to officials of Russian Railways with proposals for improving work.

7. Responsibility of the assistant locomotive driver

7.1. After the acceptance of the locomotive, the assistant driver of the locomotive is responsible for its maintenance and compliance with the rules for its operation, the safety of inventory, tools and equipment of the locomotive.

Helpful Reminder for Helper

Southwest Road Experience

On the South-Western Road, they developed "Recommendations for an assistant locomotive driver." Published in a small format, the brochure (circulation of 3500 copies) contains practical advice assistant at every stage of his activity (from the appearance at work, acceptance and maintenance of the locomotive en route, to arrival at the final destination and delivery of the locomotive). Recommendations on actions in case of malfunctions in the train and on the locomotive, and other non-standard situations are set out in detail. The materials of the trochure comply with the requirements of the PTE, instructions of the governing documents of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation.

Assistant driver, remember!

Railway transport requires the strictest discipline from its employees, the unquestioning implementation of the rules, orders and instructions in force in transport, aimed at ensuring the safety of movement.

Each employee of the railway transport must clearly and flawlessly fulfill the duties assigned to him, strictly observe discipline, protect the equipment entrusted to him, strictly keep military and state secrets related to transportation, be vigilant and constantly take care of the safety of train traffic,


When coming to work. Assistant driver must be at work; well rested, without delay dressed in uniform. Rest before the trip is the most important condition in ensuring traffic safety. The duration of the rest should be at least 3 hours.

If it is impossible to come to work at the scheduled time (due to illness or other valid reasons), the assistant must notify the depot duty officer or contractor no later than 3 hours before the start of work. When arriving at work, the assistant driver must have : certificate of the assistant driver, warning coupon form, extract from the order of the head of the road on the permissible speeds in service areas, technical form.

After receiving the route, the locomotive crew is obliged to familiarize themselves with the orders and instructions, sign in special journals and, if necessary, listen to (view) the information of the reference installation. The content of the documents is best recorded in the technical form. After the briefing, the locomotive crew comes for a medical examination, where they determine its performance with a mark in the route of the driver.

After the medical examination, the locomotive crew in full force comes to the depot duty officer who, after checking the availability of the relevant documents, sends it to accept the locomotive. The driver and assistant must go to the place of acceptance of the locomotive along the established routes, while observing safety regulations.

Acceptance of a locomotive (electric locomotive). The assistant receives the necessary keys and, together with the driver, proceeds to accept the locomotive. First of all, he gets acquainted with the entries in the log of the technical condition of the locomotive and notes on the correction of deficiencies. According to the list, it checks the availability and condition of the tool, spare parts, signal accessories, inventory, the presence of cleaning and lubricants.

Prepares the most commonly used tools and inventory in the working cabin: an inspection hammer, hand lanterns, a buffer lantern. Fills the kettle with drinking water. Checks the sand in both cabins. Particular attention is paid to the supply of sand under the front wheelsets of each section.

Blows out the main reservoirs, brake line and compressor coolers. If necessary, fills the speed measuring tape, sharpens scribes.

It is forbidden to release under trains, and locomotive crews to accept locomotives, in which at least one of the following devices is faulty: a device for giving a sound signal, pneumatic, electro-pneumatic hand brake or compressor; one or more traction motor; traction motor or rectifier diesel refrigerator fan, hitchhiking, automatic locomotive alarm or vigilance device; speedometer; train or shunting radio communication devices, shock-traction device sand supply system; searchlight, buffer lamp, lighting, control or measuring instruments.

It is not allowed to operate the locomotive if during its acceptance the following are found: a crack in the clamp of the spring suspension or the root leaf of the spring, a break in the spring leaf; a crack in the box body; faulty axle or motor-axial bearing; there is no or defective safety device provided for by the design against falling parts on the track; a crack or a break in at least one tooth of the traction gear; damage to the gear housing, causing leakage of lubricant.

It is impossible to accept and release from the depot locomotives, which are faulty: protective blocking of the high-voltage chamber; pantograph, fire extinguishing means, protection devices against short circuit currents, overload and overvoltage of an emergency stop of a diesel engine; there was a knock, extraneous noise in the diesel engine.

Following under the train and trailer to the composition. The locomotive crew must timely go to the control post (CP) or to the shunting traffic light that limits the territory of the depot from the station. Through the duty officer at the checkpoint, and in his absence, the brigade itself reports to the chipboard on the radio station about the exit of the locomotive under the train. Upon receipt of permission from the chipboard to leave the checkpoint or open a shunting traffic light, the locomotive crew duplicates the start of shunting movements and proceeds at a speed according to the TPA of the station, while complying with the established negotiation rules for shunting movements.

Before the locomotive approaches the train for 5-10 m, the brigade ensures its guaranteed stop. It is necessary to drive up to the train at a speed of no more than 3 km / h, if there is no prohibitive indication of the signal of the fence. The assistant engineer connects the air hoses and opens the end sleeves between the locomotive and the first car.

Duties of the assistant driver before the departure of the train. The assistant carefully studies the full-scale sheet of cargo documents, where the type of wagons is indicated by the presence of cold locomotives, the number of wagons on roller bearings, the conditional length of the train, etc. Gets acquainted with the warning issued and makes an extract from it. Performs "ready minute". Announces to the driver about turning on the radio and ALSN.

Before departure, the assistant needs to make sure the position of the DZ toggle switch, which has two positions. If there is UKBM, then it is included. When sending to a coded section, the “DZ” toggle switch is set to the “With ALSN” position, and when sending to a non-coded section, to the “Without ALSN” position. When the train follows an uncoded haul, after a warning traffic light, the “DZ” toggle switch should switch to the “FROM ALSN” position and continue moving until the station exit signal, after which the toggle switch is switched to the “Without ALSN” position. In a non-working cab, the “DZ” toggle switch should be in the "C ALSN" position.

The assistant checks the number of the tail car indicated in the certificate VU-45 and in the cargo documents. If the number of the tail car does not match, immediately report this to the driver.

Before driving, the assistant must make sure that there is no train guard signal or passenger train stop signal. Loudly announce the indication of the output signal, the number of the path from which the signal was opened, and the speed of movement.

In the event of a train departing with a malfunction of the output signal, after receiving the appropriate permission, the assistant driver must make sure that the permission form is filled out correctly. In case of inconsistency or incorrect filling of the permit, the assistant informs the driver about this.

When departing with a freight and passenger train, the locomotive crew is obliged to observe the clearness of the path and the position of the arrows and duplicate the "Arrows along the route". Similarly, it is necessary to duplicate the position of the arrows for the crews of all trains when following in conditions of a malfunction of the central bank and shunting movements.

Responsibilities of the assistant driver on the route. When driving a train, an assistant is obliged to monitor the clearness of the path, the indication of signals and signal signs, the condition contact network, report to the driver about the requirements set out in the warning and repeat to each other the indications of all signals at stations and stages, as well as repeat the permissible speeds. When driving the locomotive from cabin No. 2 on the first stage, the driver's assistant must check the readings of the speedometers.

It is forbidden for the assistant to be distracted when following the stop and decrease signals, when approaching the station and following it, as well as when approaching the vigilance points indicated in the warning, the places for checking the auto brakes.

On the way, the locomotive crew is obliged to: carefully monitor the readings of instrumentation; observe the operation of diesel traction engines, auxiliary machines, switching devices, brakes; periodically check the readings of the instruments in the driver's cabs.

You must be able to quickly respond to sudden changes in readings, the appearance of extraneous noise, sparking, flashes of light, the smell of burnt insulation, oil, and other factors associated with possible equipment malfunctions. Using stops, it is necessary to periodically remove condensate from tanks and moisture collectors, oil separators of pneumatic equipment. The assistant must learn to quickly detect and technically competently eliminate failures that occur on locomotives.

When the locomotive is parked at intermediate stations, the locomotive crew is obliged to check the condition of the running gear and control the heating of the axle box of the wheel sets to the touch (with the back of the hand). If necessary, fix loose connections of parts and lubricate individual components.

If the train is driven by an electric locomotive, then after 20-30 minutes on hauls with a running time of more than 10 minutes, after passing the neutral insert, and if a diesel locomotive, then on each haul, the assistant driver is obliged to check the operation of the devices, auxiliary machines and diesel generator sets . At the same time, he draws attention to the absence of an extraneous sparking sound on the collectors of auxiliary machines, the presence of fires, and with the compressor running, checks the oil pressure in the system.

According to the readings of the instruments, the assistant is convinced of the normal operation of the regulators or voltage stabilizers, the reverse current relay, and the charging of the battery. Draws attention to the absence of air blast in the pneumatic system of control circuits, the smell of burnt insulation, and the operation of fans.

When controlled from cabin No. 2 (in the rear cabin in the direction of travel), it constantly checks the operation of the speedometer (no breakage of the tape; clock running, recording diagrams on the speedometer tape), the interaction of the pantograph and the contact network to the electric locomotive. When following on the platform or descending, it simultaneously checks and blows main tanks. Returning to the control cabin, the assistant must, first of all, announce the indication of the track signal and the clearness of the path, and if the signal is not visible, then the indication of the locomotive traffic light, and then report to the driver about the state of the machines and devices

During the movement of the train, the driver and assistant must use curved sections of the track to check the condition of the train, the current collector on the electric locomotive and the mechanical part of the locomotive. On the haul, they must mutually monitor the readings of the locomotive control devices. train attendant. At the same time, the locomotive crew gives a wake signal. In case of approaching a prohibition signal, the assistant is obliged to personally verify the indication of the instruments on the control panel, the absence of traction mode, stand near the driver and monitor his actions

It is strictly forbidden to turn off properly functioning ALSN devices with an EPK key or an uncoupling valve. The correct operation of ALSN and hitchhiking is considered when any light (green, yellow, yellow with red, white and red) appears at the locomotive traffic light corresponds to the position of the track signals.


Norms and terms of testing protective equipment. Protective equipment in use and in stock must be stored and transported in conditions that ensure their serviceability and suitability. Fire equipment is protected in operation from moisture, pollution and mechanical damage. Before putting into operation, all protective equipment must be checked, regardless of the factory test, and also subjected to periodic control inspections within the time limits according to the following standards.

Insulating rods are controlled once every two years with a three-fold line voltage, but not less than 40 kV for 5 minutes. A tool with insulating handles is tested once a year with a voltage of 2 kV for 1 min. Dielectric rubber gloves are checked once every 6 months with a voltage of 6 kV within 1 min. In this case, the leakage current should not exceed 6 A. Dielectric rubber mats are tested once every 2 years with a voltage of 15 kV by pulling between cylindrical electrodes at a speed of 2-3 m/s. The leakage current must not exceed 15 A.

The test results are recorded in the journal of periodic control of protective equipment with the date. Protective equipment must have a stamp or sticker indicating the date of the next test. Extra tests of protective equipment should be carried out if there are signs of malfunction, after their operation, when replacing any parts.

Fire-fighting equipment. To eliminate fires on locomotives and in multiple unit rolling stock, primary fire extinguishing equipment is used: fire extinguishers OPH-Yu, OU-5, OU-8, iron buckets, axes, crowbars.

For electric trains, in addition to the listed funds, 2 small hooks, 2 metal shovels, 2 sand boxes are added. About charging and recharging fire extinguishers, testing and revision of cylinders, as well as monitoring the presence of carbon dioxide by the organization conducting charging or testing, a corresponding mark must be made on the cylinder body and in the passport (tag) suspended on the fire extinguisher.

Actions of the locomotive brigade in the event of a fire along the train route. When a fire is detected in a freight train, the locomotive driver must: give a fire alarm; stop the train, if possible, on the site and specify the type of car in which the fire was detected, open cargo documents, establish the name of the cargo in the burning car and adjacent cars, the degree of danger

Next, the driver sends his assistant with the fire extinguishing equipment available on the locomotive to the burning car of the DPG to clarify the situation and take measures to eliminate the fire. Before the arrival of the fire department, the brigade organizes extinguishing the fire with all available means. If the driver and assistant fail to extinguish the fire by primary means, they take measures to uncouple the train and remove the head and tail parts from the burning rolling stock.

In some cases, when a fire is detected on an unfavorable section of the track (dredging, high embankment) and it is not possible to extinguish it by primary means, the train driver, having made sure according to the documents that there are no dangerous goods in the burning and nearby wagons, can continue to the nearest station, reporting the fire and the type of burning cargo to the duty and train dispatcher. The latter take measures to call fire departments and prepare fire extinguishing equipment.

It is strictly forbidden to stop a train with burning cars, regardless of the type of cargo: on railway bridges, overpasses, viaducts, flyovers, in tunnels, under bridges, near combustible buildings and other places that create a threat of rapid spread of fire or prevent the organization of fire extinguishing and saving people.

If a fire is detected along the train route in a car with flammable goods, the locomotive brigade, simultaneously with calling the fire brigade, uncouples the train and removes the burning cars or tanks from other cars at a distance of 200 m. If a fire broke out in a car with compressed or liquefied gases in cylinders, the brigade ( if a fire broke out en route) is obliged, simultaneously with the uncoupling of the burning car from the train and its removal by 200 m, to start extinguishing with primary fire extinguishing means (except for cars accompanied by conductors).

Along the way, you need to control(locomotive 2M62): oil pressure in the oil system, which must be at least 5 at 750 rpm and at least 3 at 400 rpm of the diesel crankshaft; fuel pressure, which should be 1 5 - 2.5 after the fine filter (according to the pressure gauge installed on the instrument panel in the diesel room) water temperature in the water system, which is maintained within 75 - 85 ° C, but not higher than 90 ° C ; oil temperature at the diesel outlet, which is maintained within 60 - 70 "C, but not higher than 70 °C Air pressure in the pneumatic tanks should be 5.5 - 6 kgf / cm2, air pressure in the brake line - in accordance with current instructions

It is necessary to continuously monitor: battery charging; opacity of exhaust gases, which should be gray or colorless when working under load; the rhythm of the diesel engine by ear (for the absence of extraneous knocks and noise); the presence of a vacuum in the crankcase, which should be within 5 - 50 mm of water. Art. at rated power, and at other positions - no pressure. With an increase in vacuum in the crankcase above 50 mm of water. Art. the internal air intake damper of both air filters must be opened.

Constant monitoring also requires the water level in the expansion tank; no leakage of oil, water and fuel in all pipeline connections, heating of bearings of electrical machines and fans of traction motors. It is necessary to check along the route for excessive heating (to the touch) of the diesel boost manifolds. The oil pressure in the compressor oil system must be at least 2 at 750 rpm and 1.3 at 400 rpm of the diesel crankshaft

In addition, according to the pressure gauges installed on the instrument panel in the diesel room, they control: the pressure drop before and after the oil filter, which should be no more than 1.5, giving 4 more oil entering the rear distribution gearbox, which should be 0.4 - 0, 7 at 750 rpm of the diesel crankshaft and not less than 0.15 at 400 rpm; oil pressure supplied to the hydraulic drive of the fan, which should be within 0.7 -1.2 at 750 rpm and not lower than 0.15 at 400 rpm of the diesel crankshaft.

Periodically, on the way, the operation of the oil drain system with pressurization of the receivers is checked through the fittings located in the under-diesel frame. The release of air from the fittings indicates the normal operation of the system. If oil splashes are ejected from the fittings, it is necessary to immediately empty the tanks of the under-diesel frame (tanks for draining oil from the receiver).

The temperature of the exhaust gases in the cylinders is controlled using a thermoelectric device at least once per trip at the 15th position. The temperature must be the same. It is allowed to operate a diesel engine with disabled cylinders. The number of simultaneously disabled cylinders must be no more than two of the same row (5th left and 5th right). When one cylinder is turned off, the diesel crankshaft speed should not exceed 600 rpm; when two cylinders are turned off, 500 rpm.

To turn off the cylinder, it is necessary to reduce the crankshaft speed to the specified values, turn off the fuel pump section of the turned off cylinder, to do this, remove the pin with a notch on the head from the opening of the folding bar Control the shutdown of this cylinder by reducing the temperature of the exhaust gases.

emergency situations along the way. If, after passing the green light of the traffic light, yellow with red or red lights suddenly appeared at the locomotive traffic light due to a disruption in the normal operation of the ALSN, while the train was traveling at a speed higher than allowed by the devices at these indications, then to prevent the train from hitchhiking, the electro-pneumatic valve is temporarily turned off with a key. At the same time, the reverse switching on of the hitchhiking with the EPC key must be performed no later than after 5 - 7 s.

If no more permissive indication appears at the locomotive traffic light, the driver is obliged, along with periodic short-term shutdown of the hitchhiking EPC, to ensure that the speed is reduced to a controlled one and then re-enable the EPC.

Such a situation is also possible. A white light suddenly appeared at the locomotive traffic light. In this case, the driver must drive the train to the next traffic light (or until the permissive indication appears at the locomotive traffic light) with special vigilance and at a speed that makes it possible to stop in time if there is an obstacle to further movement on the way or there is a prohibitory indication at the traffic light.

Locomotive crews are strictly prohibited from:

Turn off hitchhiking with the EPK key or the brake line release valve in cases where a red or yellow with red light appears at a locomotive traffic light during normal ALSN operation and driving at a speed higher than appropriately controlled for these signals;

When following the section equipped with ALSN, switch the red light of the locomotive traffic light to white, except as provided for by special instructions; set the mode switch to the “Without ALS” position on sections equipped with ALS, when following the station tracks that are not equipped track devices ALSN.

If the driver does not respond to the prohibition signal, the assistant must demand that the driver take measures to stop the train or take measures to stop it himself.

In the case of an entrance to an extinct traffic light but there is a permissive indication of a locomotive traffic light, it is allowed to follow it, guided by the indication of the locomotive traffic light.

On a section with auto-blocking, when stopping on a stretch at a prohibiting traffic light, the driver’s assistant is obliged to inform the driver of the following train and the attendants of adjacent stations via the radio station in the form: “Attention, attention, attention! Listen everyone! I am the driver of train N°... stopped at.. km of the even (odd) track of the stage.. at the entrance red traffic light station... Be vigilant

The message should be repeated every 2-3 minutes until the driver of the following train receives a response. In addition, when a train stops on a haul for other unforeseen reasons (self-braking, cargo collapse, contact line failure), i regardless of the means of signaling and communication, the locomotive crew is also obliged to inform the trains of the opposite direction. For example. “At 682 km, the odd train stopped due to the brakes on the train. Following and oncoming trains, be vigilant"

When stopping a single locomotive with the use of sand, the assistant driver must remind him of the need to move the electric locomotive from the sandy section of the track.

When the locomotive follows with a freight train, the air distributor on it must be switched on to the empty mode. To do this, the lever for switching the air distributor is recessed inward and turned counterclockwise as far as it will go.

Before departure by a single locomotive, the air distributor is set to the loaded mode, for which the mode lever must be recessed and turned clockwise until the pin is fixed in the cutout of the latch. Turn on the air distributor in the load mode in order to in case of loss; Due to the vigilance of the driver and the activation of the hitchhiking, the electric locomotive was stopped in time.

Responsibilities of an assistant driver when handing over an electric locomotive. After arriving at the final destination, the locomotive crew is obliged to hand over the locomotive in a technically sound condition. At the same time, the assistant checks the condition of the mechanical part in the same volume as during acceptance, additionally checking the heating of the motor-axial bearings by touch and the axle box performs TO-1, service repairs and work regulated by the cyclical care of the locomotive.

To change the brake shoe of an electric locomotive, it is necessary to: brake the hand brake in one of the cabs, turn off the air distributor by closing the uncoupling valve; let go direct! locomotive brake; loosen the adjusting screw of the linkage, knocking out the pin and pressing the shoe with a crowbar, remove the old block; lower the new block on the wheel pair bandage, put it in place and adjust the rod outlet.

In the main depot, the driver’s assistant supplies the locomotive with lubricants and cleaning materials, replenishes the missing tools and inventory In winter, it cleans snow in the corridors and intermediate chambers (prechambers), the soufflé of diesel locomotives, in the engine room of the electric locomotive disconnection of connecting sleeves.

Actions upon detection of a burning box. Having received information about the burning of the axle box, the driver must immediately stop the train by applying the service brake. After the train stops, the locomotive crew transmits via radio to the following trains, DSC and DSP the reason for the train stop.

The assistant driver goes to inspect the axle box and eliminate burning. After examining the state of the axle box, the driver, together with the DSC and the DSP, decides whether to drive the train further along the haul or rein it back to the station.

If, due to the condition of the axle box, it is decided to continue following the haul, then when the train moves from the window of the locomotive cab, the crew must carefully monitor the condition of the axle box in order to prevent overheating and fracture of the axle neck.


The neck of the axle is hot. The bearing has no signs of melting, there are no scuffs on the axle neck. The padding, rollers or polster are removed from the axle box, and then they are abundantly poured with axial grease, the axle box is refilled, the surface of the polster is loosened (cleared) with a hook. After that, the train is driven at a set speed, carefully observing the state of the axle box from the cabin window with a readiness to stop. If the polster is unusable, put a new one (if any) or lay rollers under the axle neck.

The axle neck is hot. The bearing has signs of melting of the babbit filling or the padding is burning (charred). The tamping material is removed from the box with a hook. Allow the box to cool for 10-15 minutes. After cooling, 5 rollers are placed in the axle box under the axle neck. 300 - 400 g of anti-emergency lubricant is placed on the surface of the tamping material. In the absence of the latter, a solid lubricant for the locomotive is used (300 - 400 g).

After refueling, the axleboxes follow at a speed of no more than 15 km / h to the nearest station with constant supervision by the locomotive brigade.

Strong heating of the axle box, there are discolorations, melting of the babbitt filling of the bearing, and there was also a scuffing of the axle neck. Everything is removed from the box body, the box is allowed to cool. The axle box is refilled with rollers or polster with anti-emergency grease placed on the tamping material under the axle neck. The train is driven to the nearest station at a speed of no more than 10 km/h under careful control and ready to stop. At the first station or siding, the car is uncoupled from the train. (Before the train leaves the haul, the box cover is closed. To reduce the load on the wheelset, the car brake must be turned off.)

For a prompt investigation of the case, the old upholstery or polster is not left on the haul, but is taken into the driver's cab and delivered to the next station.

A train in which a carriage with a roller axle box that has excessive heating or signs of destruction of roller bearings is taken out of the haul at a speed of 5 km/h. The axle box is monitored and at the first station the wagon with the heated axle box is uncoupled from the train.

Upon receiving a signal from the EAF (DNC) about the presence of a heating axle box in the train, they immediately stop, find out the cause of friction and eliminate it.

When luminous stripes appear on the signal indicator or when a radio message is received about LONAB activation, the driver is obliged to take measures to smoothly reduce speed when approaching the station in order to follow the entrance arrow at a speed of no more than 20 km / h, and then stop the train at receiving path, regardless of the output signal indication.

In order to avoid false indications of the friction of the axle box in the train during the passage of the PONAB, the driver should not apply the automatic brakes of the train, except in cases of emergency. The speed of the passage of the PONAB should be at least 5 km / h. When the “DISK” system is triggered (generation of the “Alarm-2” signal), the driver is obliged to follow the entrance arrow with extreme caution and readiness to stop in case of an emergency.


Plain bearings: smoking of the axle box, the smell of heated lubricant a peculiar sound (squeak) during the movement of the train the color of the axle box body has changed in winter snow melts on the axle box body or frost appears, traces of ejected oil on the wheel center; the appearance of a clean shiny surface of the rear wall of the box; the presence of ring-shaped circular shiny stripes on the wheel crest, a vertical undercut of the crest; wheel rolling over 6 mm, wheel rim crushing.

Roller bearings: wobbling of the box and moving it along the neck of the axle; on the center of the wheel on the floor of the car and on the linkage traces of axle grease are visible; in passenger cars there is a strong shaking of the bogie frame, bouncing of the axle box with a characteristic clicking sound, which can be heard at a train speed of 5 - 7 km / h using the wheelset with the brakes lowered, there are traces of tempering colors in the form of a ring on the cover

Heating is considered normal if the body temperature does not exceed 70 ° C (a hand tightly pressed to the axle box can easily withstand such a temperature) and is the same in all axle boxes.

Actions of the assistant driver when stopping the train due to non-release of the brakes at the car. The non-release of the brake can be caused by a malfunction of the air distributor or the automatic regulator of the output of the brake cylinder rod.

rocker. To disconnect it, remove the roller from the regulator leash, turn the crank counterclockwise

Backdoor. Receive a faulty one and open the regulator clutch with a key until the brake is fully released. Next, turn off the brake, for which they close the uncoupling valve on the supply pipe from the harness to the air distributor; with the help of the leash of the exhaust valve, the air is released from the working chamber or reserve tank for 20 s.

When the brakes are released, they are convinced by the departure of the brake cylinder rod and the pressing of the brake pads from the wheel rim. They stretch the composition, inspect the wheel pairs in a circle of skating in order to identify sliders or gains.

In winter, there may be a blockage of the air duct; frost or blackness appears at the bends of pipes and in threaded connections)

Breakage of the main pipe of the car. It usually breaks at the place of the coupling. If the coupling is torn off the pipe, then from the side of the breakdown I unscrew the lock nut by 3-4 turns, tighten the ends, lubricate with grease and reconnect the pipe with the coupling. The pipe is fixed. If it is not possible to connect the brake line, the train is taken out of the haul, guided by the relevant instructions.

Disruption of the end valve at the car. If the end valve is torn off the thread, the lock nut is screwed further, the ends are wound onto the thread and the end valve is screwed on again.

Breakage of the supply pipe to the air distributor. Release air from the working chamber or reserve tank with an exhaust valve. If the break occurred on the side of the air distributor, close the uncoupling valve. When a break occurs at the dust collector or at the uncoupling valve on the side of the main line, the rest is unscrewed from the dust collector. The holes are plugged (use a spare tank plug or a wooden chop).

In all cases of a train stopping along the way to eliminate malfunctions of the brake line (when the end valves were closed), it is necessary to test the brakes with a check of the state of the brake line by the action of the brake of five cars behind the place where the valves were closed.

Fencing a train during a forced stop on a stretch. When a train is forced to stop on a double-track or multi-track section due to derailment, collision, loose cargo and other reasons, when it is necessary to protect the place of an obstacle to the movement of trains that has arisen on an adjacent track, the driver must give a general alarm signal: one long and three short beeps.

The assistant driver protects the passenger train from the side of the head by laying firecrackers on the adjacent track at a distance of 1000 m from the head of the train. The tail of the train is protected by the train conductor by laying firecrackers at a distance of i000 m from the train tail on both tracks.

When the rest of the trains stop, the fencing is carried out by the assistant driver by laying firecrackers on the adjacent track from the side of the train expected along this track at a distance of 1000 m from the scene. If the head of the train is located at a distance of more than 1000 m from the obstacle, firecrackers on the adjacent track are laid opposite the locomotive.

In the event of a forced stop on the haul of freight trains sent during a break in all signaling and communication facilities along the correct path to a double-track haul or a single-track haul with the issuance of a notice about the departure of another train behind it, the assistant driver performs the fence from the tail. The latter must immediately after stopping go to the tail of the train, check the presence of a train signal, carefully observe the stage and, if a following train appears, take measures to stop it.

Train break. Breakage of automatic couplers can be prevented by driving the train on a rolled profile in its fully compressed or stretched state, using the brakes of crane No. At the same time, in long trains, the time of pressure drop in the GR is checked at position II of the driver’s crane handle and at position IV after the first stage discharges the HM and 2 minutes have elapsed. The difference in TM density should not differ by more than 5 s.

If a break in the automatic coupler is allowed, the train is taken out of the haul in parts. The part of the train remaining on the haul is secured with brake shoes and hand brakes.

Self-healing on the train. After the train stops due to self-uncoupling, they pay attention to the presence of a gauge on the adjacent track, make sure that the uncoupled cars are in good order and do not have a derailment, and check the condition of the automatic couplers. If necessary, fix the detached part with brake shoes. The composition is linked.

I bring down the disconnected parts of the train for coupling with extreme caution, in the event of a collision of wagons, the speed should not exceed 3 km / h. Damaged brake hoses are replaced with spare ones or removed from the tail car and at the front beam of the locomotive. Before the train starts moving, the integrity of the train is checked by the number of the tail car and the full-scale sheet, as well as the presence of a tail signal. Perform an abbreviated test of the auto brakes.

It is prohibited to connect parts of the train on the haul in the following cases: during fog, blizzard and other adverse conditions, when the signals are difficult to distinguish, if the remaining part is on a slope steeper than 0.0025 and the jolt during connection can go in the direction opposite to the direction of train movement

If, under the prevailing conditions, the connection of parts of the train is not possible, the locomotive crew must secure the rest of the train from leaving and request an auxiliary locomotive, additionally indicating in the application the approximate distance between the disconnected parts of the train.

It is forbidden to leave trains with wagons with people and discharge cargo unguarded by railway workers. To call the involved railway workers, use train radio communications or give a general alarm signal.

The brakes on the train worked. Signs of self-braking: “TM” lamp on; “SOT” (MVPS) lamp on; rapid and uninterrupted operation of compressors, slowing down the speed of the train; increase in current according to ammeters of traction motors or the main generator on a diesel locomotive, deviation of the pointer of the brake line pressure gauge.

If on a locomotive equipped with a brake line break indicator with sensor No. 418, during the movement of the train, the traction is turned off and the “TM” signal lamp lights up, the driver’s crane handle is set to position III for 1–3 s. With a rapid continuous decrease in pressure in the brake line, the train is stopped. When there is no rapid continuous decrease in pressure in the line, a braking stage is made (the lamp "TM" of the signaling device should go out).

After that, the brake is released and the train is driven further. Service braking is also performed if the traction is turned off, and the “TM” lamp goes out after lighting up and the pressure in the brake cylinders increases by more than 1 kgf / cm2.

If signs of train brake operation are detected, the driver must briefly put the driver's crane handle for 2 - 3 seconds in position III. If the pressure on the pressure gauge drops sharply, then the train must be stopped.

When a train stops on a stretch due to the operation of the brakes, the driver must immediately announce this by radio to the drivers of locomotives and multiple unit trains following the haul, as well as to those on duty at the stations limiting the haul in the form “Attention, I am the driver of train No. .. (surname) stopped at .. km picket (on multi-track sections it is indicated on which track) of the stage ... (name of the stage) due to the pressure drop in the brake line, I have no information about the condition of the train and the presence of clearance on neighboring tracks. Be carefull!"

All drivers who are in the coverage area of ​​the radio station on this stage, having heard a message that began with the word “Attention, should listen carefully to it and take measures to ensure the safety of the train, i.e. drive at a reduced speed and stop in front of a possible obstacle. Chipboards that limit the run, as well as train drivers on the run, must respond to the driver who transmitted the message Chipboard informs DNC.

If, upon repeated (but not less than three) calls, none of the called subscribers (drivers, station attendants and train dispatcher) answer and the reason that caused the train to stop cannot be eliminated within 20 minutes, the driver of the stopped train must, as in the absence of train radio communication, through his assistant, the conductor of the passenger train, the duty officer for the crossing, the head of the work of the utility train and others, report the incident to the station duty officer or the train dispatcher from the nearest point with a telephone connection. In the future, with all employees serving the trains, the driver takes measures to eliminate the obstacle that has arisen

After the train stops, the train is visually inspected from the locomotive cab (at night, the searchlight in the rear cab is turned on), paying attention to the presence of a gauge on the adjacent track. The driver's assistant is obliged to check the entire train to determine the reason for the operation of the automatic brakes, to make sure that there is a tail car and a signal, whether the hose is suspended. Write down the number of the tail car (for a report to the driver and verification with the number recorded in the certificate VU-45).

In addition, before receiving a message from the assistant with the nature of the damage in the composition, the driver of the stopped train must give a hand signal to reduce speed, and at night and in conditions of limited visibility by flashing a searchlight or buffer lights until a similar response is received. The driver of the oncoming train, having noticed the given signal, is obliged to take measures to reduce the speed and further drive the train with special vigilance and readiness to stop in front of an obstacle.

In the event that oncoming and passing (on multi-track sections) trains are at a distance less than the braking distance to the alleged dangerous place, the drivers immediately take measures to urgently stop their trains and respond by radio to take action. The further movement of the train is determined visually, following at a speed of no more than 5-10 km / h and ready to stop at any time if an obstacle is encountered.

When examining the composition of the train, the assistant driver must, first of all, make sure that there is no derailment of wagons and that there is a clearance on the adjacent track. If a violation of the clearance for movement on the adjacent track is detected, the assistant driver informs the driver about this and fences off the place of the obstacle in the manner established by the signaling instructions.

In the absence of derailment of wagons and violations of the gauge on the adjacent track, the assistant driver eliminates the malfunction in the train. After the malfunction is eliminated, the assistant must make sure that there is a tail car in the freight train - by the tail signal and the car number indicated in the certificate of brakes; in a passenger train - according to the tail signals, the number of cars and the confirmation of the conductor of the tail car.

If a break in the TM has occurred and its integrity cannot be restored, then it is necessary to close the end valve in front of the serviceable car, release the brakes of the disconnected part of the train manually, and perform a shortened test of the serviceable part of the train brakes. If there is a descent or platform to the side in front of the station, then such a train can be brought to this station. 33 to 28 tf; no more than 50 km/h - from 20 to 27 tf and no more than 40 km/h when pressed from 12 to 19 tf.

When pressing less than 12 tf per 100 t of weight or if there is a lift to the station, such a train is taken out in parts. In the last car with a faulty TM, the signal branches of the automatic coupler are jammed with wooden wedges.

The procedure for the interaction of employees when the wagons get off on the haul with going beyond the gauge. After the train stops due to the derailment of the rolling stock, the driver is obliged to immediately report via radio communication “Attention! Attention! Listen everyone! I, the driver... of train N°.... stopped head on.. km of even (odd) haul track.. due to derailment of rolling stock The gauge is broken. Be carefull"

The message is transmitted by radio to the drivers of the following stations. train haul, train dispatcher and station attendants who limit the haul until a response is received. Particular attention should be paid to the driver's response to the following train and moving along the adjacent track.

At the same time, the driver turns on the red buffer lights. The assistant is sent to protect the place of rolling stock exit in the manner prescribed in the Instructions for signaling on railways.

All train drivers who are in the radio coverage area on this stage, having heard a message that began with the words: “Attention! Listen to everyone!” must listen to him carefully and take measures to ensure the safety of the train, i.e. slow down and stop at least one block in front of the stopped train.

The procedure for the interaction of employees in the event of a malfunction ("shock") on the way. The train driver, upon detecting a "shock" on the way, is obliged to slow down in order to follow a dangerous place without the threat of rolling stock, and if necessary, stop the train. Immediately report via train radio communication to the drivers of the following trains, the duty officer at the nearest station or the train dispatcher in the form. "Attention1 Attention1 Listen to everyone" I, the driver of train no., detected a "shock" (lateral, vertical or knocking) at a speed of ... km / h at the picket km.

The station attendant, having received a message from the driver about the presence of a “push” on the way, stops the departure of the next trains to this stage, informs the drivers of all odd (even) trains about the “push” and road master(to the foreman of the path).

Drivers of following trains, having received a message about the presence of a "jolt", are obliged to follow the indicated place at a speed of no more than 25 km / h with special vigilance and readiness to stop. Shortcomings identified at the site of the obstacle are reported by radio to the drivers of the following trains and the station attendant, and if a malfunction is detected that threatens traffic safety, the train is stopped. The movement is resumed only after the malfunction is eliminated.

The road foreman, and in his absence, the foreman of the track, on the first train sent from the station, leaves for the stage and takes the necessary measures to eliminate the malfunction. If the “push” was announced at night and the workers who checked the path did not find a malfunction, then the speed limit continues to operate until the second check during daylight hours.

senior auditor of the locomotive service
southwest road

No. TsT-56r dated April 2, 2013 - On approval of the Directive on the procedure for training and appointment as a locomotive driver and assistant driver

Instruction on the procedure for training and appointment as a locomotive driver and assistant driver

1. General Provisions
1.1 The locomotive crew includes employees who manage and maintain locomotives: a driver, an assistant driver.

1.2 A locomotive driver can be appointed a driver candidate who has a certificate for the right to drive a locomotive of the form TU-123, issued in accordance with the order of November 11, 1997 No. 23 / Ts of the corresponding type of traction, as well as the conclusion of the instructor driver on admission to independent control of the locomotive at specific sites and railway stations.

1.3 An assistant driver of a locomotive may be appointed a candidate for an assistant driver who has a certificate of form TU-153 of the corresponding type of traction, issued in accordance with order No. 39/Ts of 28.10.1999.

1.4 The certificate of the driver of the locomotive form TU-123, the assistant driver of the form TU-153, issued by organizations that are not part of the Russian Railways system, regardless of their departmental subordination and forms of ownership, does not give the right to enter public railway tracks.

1.5 The locomotive crew is formed from a locomotive driver, an assistant locomotive driver.

1.6 When hiring again, in order to perform the stages directly related to the internship and practical training of professional skills at the workplace, the head of the operating locomotive depot must conclude a fixed-term employment contract with a candidate for an assistant locomotive driver, for a period of not more than one month (Article 59 TC RF).

2 Appointment as assistant locomotive driver

2.1 To be appointed as an assistant locomotive driver, a candidate for an assistant locomotive driver must:

Have a certificate of an assistant locomotive driver of the form TU-153 (the procedure for issuing a certificate of the form TU-153 is regulated by order No. 39/C dated October 28, 1999) and the qualification of a mechanic for the repair of locomotives is not lower than the 3rd category;

Have a conclusion of the medical expert commission on fitness for work as an assistant locomotive driver;

Have a conclusion on psychological professional suitability based on the results of professional selection;

Have a conclusion from the locomotive driver who conducted his internship as an assistant locomotive driver on admission to independent work in this type of traction;

Have an act of testing in the commission of the operational locomotive depot when appointed to the assistant driver.

2.2 A candidate for an assistant locomotive driver undergoes practical and theoretical training as an understudy assistant driver. During the internship, a candidate for an assistant driver must complete at least six trips (shifts) at serviced areas (stations).

The labor protection engineer of the operational locomotive depot develops an internship program, which is issued to the head of the internship (the driver who trains the candidate).

During the practical training of a candidate for an assistant driver, the driver who carries out the training familiarizes the candidate for an assistant driver with the regulatory documentation (including labor protection), technical and administrative acts of the stations of the serviced areas, procedures for dealing with non-standard situations, design and operation features locomotive in the required volume in the circle of performance of official duties.

2.3 After completion of the internship with the candidate for assistant driver, the driver-instructor conducts an interview with him in the presence of the driver who conducted his practical training. Based on the results of the interview, the locomotive driver, who conducted the practical training of the candidate for assistant locomotive driver, issues him a conclusion (Appendix A) on admission to independent work at specific sections and stations.

2.4 If a candidate for an assistant driver of a locomotive has a psychologist’s opinion, a conclusion of the driver of a locomotive who conducted practical training for a candidate for an assistant driver, on admission to independent work at specific sections and stations, the candidate for assistant driver is allowed to be tested in the commission of the operational locomotive depot of knowledge of the Rules technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation, other regulatory acts of the federal executive authority in the field of railway transport, regulatory documents of Russian Railways JSC on ensuring traffic safety by employees hired by Russian Railways JSC for work related to the movement of trains and shunting work.

The test results are documented in an act (Appendix B) upon appointment of an operational locomotive depot as an assistant locomotive driver.

In the event that an employee during the test twice showed unsatisfactory knowledge, the action of an urgent employment contract terminates upon expiration. The employee (a candidate for an assistant driver) must be warned in writing about the termination of an employment contract due to its expiration at least three calendar days before dismissal.

2.5 The driver-instructor introduces a candidate for assistant driver who has undergone practical training and tests in the commission of the locomotive depot to the deputy head of the operational locomotive depot for an interview (Appendix B).

Based on the results of the interview, the head of the operational locomotive depot, in agreement with the deputy head of the locomotive depot for operation, issues an order to appoint an assistant locomotive driver and concludes an employment contract.

2.6 When assigned to independent work as an assistant locomotive driver, the driver-instructor controls the issuance of the following documentation:

The service form of the assistant driver;

technical form;

Extracts from the order of the head of the railway on the established speeds of movement in the service area;

3 Appointment as locomotive driver

3.1 When appointing a locomotive driver, the candidate must have the following list of documents:

Certificate of form TU-123 for the right to drive a locomotive of the corresponding type of traction;

The conclusion of the medical expert commission on the suitability for work as a locomotive driver, the conclusion on the psychological professional suitability based on the results of professional selection;

The act of testing in the commission of the operational locomotive depot of a candidate for machinists, upon appointment as a locomotive driver;

The conclusion of the driver-instructor of this column of locomotive crews, on admission to independent control of the locomotive at specific sections and stations.

The driver-instructor selects candidates for training and subsequent appointment for independent work as locomotive drivers from among the assistant drivers who have a certificate for the right to drive a locomotive of the corresponding type of traction.

On the recommendation of the driver-instructor (Appendix D), a candidate driver for the period of training for training in the mode of driving trains, controlling automatic brakes, studying the profile of the railway track and the location of signals, approved by order of the head of the operational locomotive depot, is assigned to an experienced driver with a qualification class of at least the third and work experience as a driver for at least three years with a separate indication of the procedure for conducting an initial briefing on labor protection at the workplace for this employee, as well as the leader and the number of internship shifts. The labor protection engineer of the operational locomotive depot develops an internship program, which is issued to the candidate, the head of the internship (the driver who trains the candidate). During the specified period, the candidate driver is allowed to drive the locomotive under the direct control of the driver, about which a corresponding entry is made in the service forms of the candidate and the driver (Appendix D).

Practical training of candidates for work as machinists is carried out all year round and must be at least three months in duration. When preparing a candidate for the first winter, during preparation, special attention is paid to issues related to work in winter conditions.

Based on the results of the training, the locomotive driver issues a written recommendation to the candidate driver (Appendix E).

If the candidate driver had previously worked as a locomotive driver in the structure of Russian Railways and the break in work as a locomotive driver is less than five years, then at the request of the attached instructor driver, it is allowed to reduce the period of practical training to two months.

3.2 During the practical training of a candidate for locomotive driver, the driver-instructor for training employees of locomotive crews, and in his absence, the driver-instructor of this column of locomotive crews, conducts a study with the candidate for driver of the regulatory documentation, technical and administrative acts of the stations of the serviced sections, the order actions in non-standard situations, design features of the locomotive and issues a written recommendation (Appendix G).

Training is carried out according to the approved program and according to the schedule, which are developed in each locomotive depot separately, taking into account local conditions.

The course of the program is 40 hours of study.

The development of practical skills and the testing of the knowledge of the candidate driver are carried out by the driver-instructor on simulators and operating locomotives.

3.3 After completing the training and education of the candidate driver, the driver-instructor conducts an interview with him with the participation of the driver who trained him.

3.4 If there is a written application from the candidate (Appendix 3) for the driver, the conclusion of the psychologist, the positive recommendation of the driver who conducted the practical training of the candidate for the driver, and the positive recommendation of the driver-instructor for the training and education of workers of locomotive crews, and in his absence, the driver-instructor of this columns of locomotive crews, a candidate for machinists is allowed to pass tests in the commission of the operational locomotive depot.

The test results are recorded in the act of testing an assistant locomotive driver upon appointment as a driver (Appendix I), with an entry in the log form RBU-10.

3.5 Based on the results of the tests, by order of the head of the operational locomotive depot, the driver-instructor of this column of locomotive crews conducts control and final trips (hereinafter referred to as KZP) with the candidate driver, at the rate of at least one trip for each service arm in both directions (Appendix K). During the KZP, the composition of the locomotive brigade consists of an assistant driver - a candidate and a driver who trained him.

3.6 Based on the results of the KZP, the driver-instructor submits to the head of the locomotive depot a conclusion on the possibility of admitting the candidate to independent work as a driver, which is then transferred to the personnel department of the operational locomotive depot (personnel management specialist) and invested in a personal file this employee(Appendix JI). The conclusion is also recorded in the service form of the driver form TU-57 (Appendix M).

3.7 The driver-instructor of this column of locomotive brigades introduces a candidate for machinists who has passed practical training and passed tests in the commission of the locomotive depot to the head of the operational locomotive depot for an interview with him. The results of the interview are recorded in the driver's service form (Appendix H). Based on the results of the interview, the head of the operational locomotive depot, in agreement with the deputy head of the locomotive depot for operation, issues an order to appoint a candidate as a locomotive driver (Appendix O).

3.8 For independent work as a driver, driver-instructor, taking into account the recommendations of a psychologist, a new locomotive crew is formed on the first joint trip, in accordance with the requirements of the “Regulations on the locomotive crew of Russian Railways” dated December 29, 2005 No. TsT-40. Before the first joint trip, the newly formed locomotive crew is instructed in the prescribed manner by the head of the operational locomotive depot or his substitute with an entry in the service record (Appendix P).

3.9 When assigning a locomotive driver for independent work, the driver-instructor controls the issuance of the following documentation to the driver:

Service form of the driver;

technical form;

Warning card for traffic safety;

Warning card for labor protection;

Service certificate with a mark on the delivery of management rights to the personnel department;

Certificates of admission to work on electrical installations with the assignment of the appropriate electrical safety group;

An extract from the order of the head of the railway on the established speeds of movement in the service section, the location and TPA of stations in these sections, regime maps and the service train schedule.

3.10 The following drivers are allowed to work without an assistant locomotive driver:

On the basis of a personal application (Appendix P) on consent to work without an assistant driver;

In passenger traffic - having a qualification class not lower than the second and work experience of at least two years in passenger traffic;

In export traffic - having a qualification class not lower than the third one with at least two years of work experience in freight traffic;

In the shunting movement - having a qualification class not lower than the third with at least one year of work experience in the shunting movement;

Having the conclusion of the medical expert commission on suitability for work without an assistant driver;

Having a conclusion on psychological professional suitability based on the results of professional selection;

Additionally, those who have completed advanced training in special-purpose courses for working without an assistant driver in a technical school (training center);

For the last six months, they have not received penalties for violations of the current instructions for the work performed and labor discipline.

Based on the submitted documents, the list of candidates for locomotive drivers working in "one person" is approved by order of the head of the operational locomotive depot.

The driver-instructor conducts the KZP on time and on the shoulders of the serviced sections in even and odd directions.

After the control and final trips, the driver-instructor makes a corresponding entry in the service form (Appendix C) of the driver and gives a written opinion (Appendix T) on the possibility of independent work in "one person".

Those who have passed theoretical and practical training are interviewed by a commission chaired by the head of the operational locomotive depot. The Commission must submit the following documents:

Personal statement of the locomotive driver;

The conclusion of the medical expert commission on the suitability for work as a driver; *

Conclusion of a psychologist on professional suitability;

Report on the implementation of the KZP with the driver-instructor at the service sites (Appendix K);

Certificate of completion of advanced training at special-purpose courses for working as a machinist in "one person".

The conclusion of the driver-instructor on the possibility of working as a locomotive driver in "one person".

After passing the interview, an order is issued by the head of the operational locomotive depot on the admission to work of this driver in "one person".

3.11 When moving to a new service area and changing the type of movement, the locomotive driver is allowed to independently drive trains (shunting work) after completing the KZP with him, receiving the conclusion of the instructor driver and passing tests in the commission of the operational locomotive depot according to the knowledge of the TR and the location of the station, track profile of the service area.

In the event of a driver switching to work on locomotives of the same type of traction, but of a different series, type of current or transmission system, he must undergo advanced training at special-purpose courses. Based on the results of the training, pass verification tests at the commission of the operational locomotive depot in knowledge of the design features of this locomotive.

The driver-instructor draws up a re-conclusion for the driver when his work is interrupted for more than six months at the serviced area, station in shunting work.

3.12 In case of a break in the work of the locomotive driver for more than one year, admission to independent work is carried out in accordance with the procedure specified in clause 3.1 of this instruction.

3.13 When changing the type of traction or movement again (from cargo to passenger or shunting, from passenger to cargo or shunting, from shunting to freight), at least six familiarization trips are assigned. and odd directions with the subsequent issuance of an opinion

3.14 In the case of the transfer of drivers to service unsecured sections and in order to train seconded workers of locomotive crews for independent work on serviced sections in the locomotive depot, theoretical classes are held to study the plan and profile of serviced sections, the location of separate points and stations, traffic lights, signal indicators and signs, tunnels, bridges and other technical facilities, features of driving trains on sections and working at stations, TPA stations, established speeds, etc. For seconded locomotive crews, the course of theoretical training should be at least 6 hours. Locomotive crews are issued regime maps, with a track profile, diagrams and extracts from the TR A stations of the served section.

After conducting theoretical classes with employees of locomotive crews, they are sent to pass an exam and check the quality of theoretical knowledge to a commission chaired by the head of the operating locomotive depot. The test results are recorded in the journal RBU-10. Based on the results of the tests carried out, an order is issued by the head of the operational locomotive depot to conduct an internship. The order appoints a driver who has a qualification class and work experience as a locomotive driver in this section for at least three years, who will conduct an internship at a new service site.

Internship is done:

1st trip as an understudy driver, while an assistant driver is temporarily assigned to the driver performing the break-in, who will later work with the seconded driver;

The 2nd trip is performed by the driver's understudy independently under the control of the driver, while working out the interaction with the driver's assistant, with whom he will work in the future.

The internship is performed on a full-time basis for each service area in both directions.

In shunting and economic traffic, the training is carried out at each service station, where it is planned to work with locomotive crews for at least 2 shifts.

After the internship and receiving a written opinion (recommendation) from the driver for independent work, the attached driver-instructor conducts a full-time KZP with the driver’s understudy for each service area in even and odd directions or at each station during a full shift (covering all paths not in common use). Based on the results of the KZP, the driver-instructor draws up for the driver a conclusion on admission to independent work in a new service area with a mandatory entry in the service form of form TU-57, the conclusion form is stored in the employee’s personal file in the personnel department of the operational locomotive depot.

driver assistants are required to:

1.1.1. Know and accurately comply with the requirements of the rules, instructions, orders and other regulations specified in paragraph 1.2. of this Instruction.

1.1.2. To be at work on time, determined by the work schedule or on call of the on-duty enterprise owner of the machine.

1.1.3. If it is impossible to appear at work by the deadline, immediately report this to the duty officer of the enterprise.

1.1.4. Undergo a pre-trip medical examination and briefing on traffic safety and safety in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Railways. At stations where a medical examination of locomotive crews is organized, the driver of the machine and his assistant are required to undergo a pre-trip medical examination in the manner established for employees of locomotive crews, with a stamp in the route sheet signed by a medical worker indicating the date and time of the examination. Before departure from stations where there is no medical examination, as well as in the case of departure to eliminate damage to structures and devices, control over the performance of the driver and his assistant is assigned to the station duty officer, stamped and signed in the route sheet.

1.1.5. At work, bring with you:

Driver - a certificate for the right to drive a machine or an identity card with a mark on the delivery to the personnel department of a certificate for the right to drive a machine, a route sheet and a driver's form, a warning coupon, an RBU-9 form certificate, an act of a semi-annual (annual) control and technical inspection, a technical log the condition of the machine of the form TU-152, the register of work and periodic technical inspections, the train schedule, extracts from the TPA stations, the established train speeds on the serviced section;

Assistant driver - a certificate of an assistant driver, a warning ticket, an extract on the established speeds of trains on the serviced section.

1.1.6. Carry out operational orders of the person on duty at the enterprise - the owner of the car, the driver-instructors serving this section.

1.1.7. Before leaving, the driver must make sure that the machine and trailer units are in good condition, paying special attention to the operation of the brakes, the condition of the engine, running gear, spring suspension, braking equipment, the correct coupling with wagons or trailers, the correct loading and securing of cargo and working bodies in the transport position , ensuring the dimensions of the rolling stock and cargo, check the presence of a train signal, as well as signal accessories, spare parts and tools, a first aid kit with a set of medicines and dressings for first aid, and radio communications.

1.1.8. Cars sent to the haul are considered as a train and are sent by the station attendant with the permission of the train dispatcher. When sending them from the initial stations, the station duty officer checks that the driver has:

Certificates for the right to manage;

Form of the machine form TU-57;

RBU-9 form certificates;

The act of semi-annual (annual) control and technical inspection, including the trailer in case of departure with a trailer load;

Quarterly technical inspection act with a stamp-certificate for the right to use continuous-type automatic locomotive signaling devices and control of the driver's vigilance, a drawn up route sheet issued by the machine home company;

Permits for the right to travel on the railway network.

The serviceability of the radio communication must be checked by direct negotiations between the driver and the duty officer at the departure station and confirmed in the route sheet with a stamp and signature of the station duty officer. In the event of a malfunction or lack of means of communication, the driver, in the event of a forced stop on the haul, communicates with the station attendant or the train dispatcher, in the manner prescribed by the PTE.

1.1.9. When accepting and handing over the car, as well as at parking lots along the way, carry out maintenance of the car, strictly observing the established requirements of regulatory documents and local acts on this issue.

1.1.10. Do not allow the operation of the machine with expired checks of the bypass device, train radio communication, automatic locomotive signaling of a continuous type and other safety devices (if any), as well as the departure of the machine in the event of a malfunction of at least one of these devices.

1.2. When driving the machine and performing shunting work, the driver of the machine and the assistant driver must:

1.2.1. Execute the established railway the rules of negotiations between the driver and the assistant driver, between the crew of the car and the train dispatcher or those on duty at the stations of mutual monitoring of performance and other forms of checking vigilance.

1.2.2. Comply with rational modes of driving cars, ensuring the implementation of the schedule and traffic safety requirements. Do not allow driving machines with excess trailer load, overloading of units and assemblies of the machine.

1.2.3. Follow orders, operational orders of dispatchers, station attendants and others officials responsible for organizing the movement of trains and performing maneuvers at the serviced section and stations.

1.2.4. Control the operation of safety and radio communication devices, components and assemblies of the machine in the prescribed manner, check their condition, including fire safety. Particular attention should be paid to checking the condition of the parts of the undercarriage and axle box of wheel sets, fastening the working bodies of the machine in the transport position when parking at intermediate stations.

1.2.5. If a malfunction of the machine is detected, take all necessary measures to eliminate it as soon as possible, and if it is impossible to eliminate it within the established time limit, release the stage, preventing a failure of the train schedule.

1.2.6. Do not allow unauthorized persons to interfere in the operation of devices and security systems installed on the machine.

1.2.7. Do not leave the control cabin when following a prohibitory traffic light, being especially vigilant.

1.2.8. Use fuel and energy resources, lubricants and other materials economically, keep inventory, tools and personal protective equipment in good condition.

1.3. At the end of the shift, the driver and assistant driver must:

1.3.1. Clean the machine from dust and dirt, drain the condensate from the moisture-oil separators, turn off the engine. When leaving the machine, brake it with a hand brake, close the cab with a key, put brake shoes on both sides. The driver is not allowed to leave the cab of the machine without the consent of the station attendant. The parking of the car on the station tracks and at dead ends must be agreed with the station attendant.

1.3.2. Submit the driver's itinerary, the driver's form, warning forms for speed limits, the keys to control the machine and from the driver's cabs to the duty officer of the enterprise owner of the machine in the prescribed manner

1.3.3. On all identified shortcomings that threaten traffic safety, make an entry in the logbook and report to the duty officer of the enterprise.

1.3.4. In case of defects in train and shunting work, failures of machine components and assemblies, violations of the traffic schedule - provide the head of the enterprise-owner of the machine with a written report reflecting the circumstances and causes of the incident

1.4. The driver of the machine must:

1.4.1. Ensure traffic safety in accordance with the requirements of the PTE, other rules, instructions, orders, instructions and other regulatory acts of the Ministry of Railways.

1.4.2. Supervise the work of persons who are part of the machine brigade, control their actions, ensuring the performance of work without violating the train schedule and the shunting work plan.

1.4 3. Follow the established technologies for driving machines and shunting operations.

1.4.4. Ensure the accuracy of the data entered into the driver's route and other accounting documents.

1.4.5. The chief driver is additionally responsible for training the crews attached to the vehicle in advanced methods of driving vehicles, performing shunting work and maintaining vehicles, and monitoring the quality of their performance of their duties.

1.5. The assistant driver of the machine must:

1.5.1. Ensure traffic safety in accordance with the requirements of the PTE, other rules, instructions, orders, instructions and other regulatory acts of the Ministry of Railways.

1.5.2. Timely and accurately fulfill the instructions of the driver to care for the machine, and maintenance, components and assemblies of the machine, securing it from spontaneous departure, and also monitor the passage of oncoming trains.

1.5.3. When following a traffic light prohibiting signal, inform the driver of the signal indication, the pressure in the brake line. In the absence of actions on the part of the driver to stop the machine, take measures to prevent the prohibition signal from passing.

1.5.4. In the event of a sudden loss by the driver of the ability to control the machine, stop the machine, secure it in the prescribed manner from spontaneous departure, transmit a message about this to the drivers of the nearest trains, the train dispatcher or the station attendant by radio. Order further action in such cases, it is determined by the train dispatcher based on specific conditions.

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