Why a passenger may need to communicate with the head of the train. Duties of the head of the train and conductors of passenger cars along the route The head of the train in modern times


Job description of the head of the passenger train [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions and other regulations governing labor relations in Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The head of the passenger train belongs to the category of leaders.

1.2. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and at least 1 year of work experience in organizing passenger service or a secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in organizing passenger service for at least 2 years is appointed to the position of head of a passenger train.

1.3. The head of the passenger train is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by the head of the enterprise and reports directly to [fill in the right one].

1.4. The head of the passenger train must know:

Regulations on the discipline of railway workers;

Rules for technical operation railways, Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on railways, Instructions for signaling on railways in terms of duties;

Charter of the enterprise;

Decrees, orders, instructions and other regulatory and methodological materials related to passenger service;

Arrangement and operation of passenger cars and their equipment;

Standards for the maintenance of passenger trains;

Rules for the carriage of passengers, luggage and cargo luggage by rail;

Rules for recording and transmitting information about free and vacant seats in passenger trains;

Schemes for the formation of passenger trains;

The procedure for equipping, receiving and handing over the composition, time standards for these operations;

Schedule of passenger trains;

The scheme of the railway network;

Forms of travel and transportation documents and rules for their execution;

Planning and implementation of complete linen, tea, products for trade;

The procedure for maintaining the route of the train crew;

Internal labor regulations;

Regulations on working hours and rest time of railway workers;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and production;

Basics of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

Techniques and methods of providing first medical aid to passengers;

- [fill in as needed].

2. Job responsibilities

Head of the passenger train:

2.1. Provides technical supervision and proper maintenance of passenger train cars and their equipment, its trouble-free and reliable operation, which guarantees the safety of passenger train movement along the route.

2.2. Organizes the acceptance of wagons prepared in proper sanitary and technical condition.

2.3. Checks the quality of the repair and equipment of the cars included in the passenger train, the compliance of the formed composition with the established scheme, serviceability heating system and electrical equipment, supply of cars with fuel and water, availability of fire extinguishing equipment and medical assistance, security bed linen, tea, products for trade, periodicals, removable inventory and equipment necessary for servicing passengers en route.

2.4. Provides timely and high-quality preparation of the composition at the turnaround point.

2.5. Supervises the work of the train crew, their observance of labor discipline and the implementation of official duties.

2.6. Provides training on safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.7. Together with the brigade achieves high level servicing passengers en route, takes measures to increase the volume of paid services provided to passengers.

2.8. Ensures stable operation of the train radio station.

2.9. On a section with a non-automated ticket sales mode, it keeps a record of the train population and promptly informs the stations along the train route about the availability of free and vacant seats on the train.

2.10. Organizes timely boarding and disembarking of passengers.

2.11. Controls the correct placement and passage of passengers on the train according to travel documents, as well as the carriage of hand luggage and hand luggage by passengers;

2.12. Provides assistance in creating better travel conditions for the disabled, the sick, the elderly and passengers with children.

2.13. Ensures public order in the cars, takes appropriate measures against its violators.

2.14. AT emergency situations organizes work to eliminate the consequences and provide assistance to the victims.

2.16. Carries out operations on border and customs registration of documents of passengers;

2.11. Controls the observance by passengers of the rules when following the train in the border area.

2.18. Participates in the delivery of wagons for repair.

2.19. It studies and implements best practices in the practice of the train crew.

2.20. [Enter as required].

3. Rights

The head of the passenger train has the right:

3.1. Submit proposals on the issues of their activities for consideration by the management.

3.2. Receive from managers and specialists structural divisions information related to their activities.

3.3. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.4. Require the management of the institution to assist in the performance of their duties.

3.5. [Enter as required].

4. Responsibility

The head of the passenger train is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description, within the limits specified labor law Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. [Enter as required].

The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Head of structural unit

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Familiarized with the instructions:

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]



On May 13, 2005, at 7:59 am, freight train N 3012 was allowed to depart from the Ulruchi station of the Svobodnensky branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway to a busy stage.
In accordance with the telegram of the head of the Svobodnensky department Timofeev A.N. dated 13.05.2005 N 121 and by order of the train dispatcher Plotnikov S.G. dated 13.05.2005 N 253 at 6:10 am the second track of the Ulruchi-Angarich haul due to production track works along the alignment of the track was closed to the movement of all trains, except for economic ones. Kuznetsov A.I., deputy head of the Taldan distance of the track, was appointed the head of the track work; no persons responsible for ensuring the safety of train traffic were appointed.
At 6:15 a.m., S.V. Pikhtovnikova, duty officer at the Ulruchi station, sent three connected utility trains to the second haul track and after receiving train N 5401 from the odd haul track, without coordinating her actions with the train dispatcher, she prepared the departure route for train N 3012 along the second track of the Ulruchii - Angarich haul. In violation of the requirements of the technical - administrative act of the station (hereinafter referred to as TRA), the station duty officer Pikhtovnikova S.V. removed the red caps from the 4-2 exit button and at 7:59 sent train N3012 to a busy run.
Duty officer at Angarich station Konokhova S.A. upon receipt of a message from the duty officer at the station Ulruchi Pikhtovnikova S.V. about the time of the passage of train N 3012 along the correct even track, she reported that she allowed the departure of train N 3012 to the closed track of the haul.
Pikhtovnikova S.V., duty officer at Ulruchi station called the driver of train N 3012 by radio and gave the command to stop the train. After the train stopped at the second section of the removal, the station attendant Pikhtovnikova S.V. in violation of paragraph 7.15 of the Instruction on the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation of October 16, 2000 N TsD - 790 (hereinafter - IDP) gave the command to the driver of train N 3012 to return the train to the station without agreement with the train dispatcher.
During the analysis of the case of the dispatch of freight train N 3012 to the busy Ulruchi - Angarich section of the Svobodnensky branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway on May 21, 2005, it was established that the work on ensuring the safety of train traffic on the Trans-Baikal Railway was unsatisfactorily carried out on the Trans-Baikal Railway in the transportation economy, not effective measures are being taken to improve the level of work of heads of transportation services, train dispatchers and heads of transportation departments. In 2005, 3 cases of marriage were admitted in the transportation sector of the Trans-Baikal Railway, all at the Svobodnensky branch, of which 2 were special records.
Station chief Ulruchi Abramova V.A. in the event of an unusual situation during the track work on the Ulruchi - Angarych stretch, she did not control the actions of S.V. and did not prevent the departure of train N 3012 to a busy stage, in violation of the requirements of order N28Ts of November 17, 2000, she allowed S.V. Pikhtovnikova to work as a station attendant. without passing the exams for the TRA of the Ulruchi station, did not fully comply with the standards for participation in the organization of ensuring the safety of train traffic.
Train dispatcher Plotnikov S.G. in violation of paragraph 10.12, before transmitting the order to close the second track, the IDP did not inform the officers on duty at Ulruchi and Angarich stations about the procedure for passing trains along the first odd track during the period of the "window", did not control their actions to organize the passage of trains, did not transmit an instruction to issue warnings on the speed limit on the first track of the Ulruchi - Angarich stretch.
The auditor of the movement of the transportation department Akimov L.A. did not pay due attention to the issues of organizing the movement of trains during the period of track work and monitoring the elimination of shortcomings in the organization of ensuring the safety of train traffic identified by the commissions of the Central District Hospital and the Central House.
Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the Transportation Department of the Svobodnensky Branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway Klopov A.A. weakened control over the work of station chiefs and traffic inspectors of the transportation department in terms of their compliance with the requirements for ensuring the safety of train traffic.
Deputy Head of the Svobodnensky Branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway - Chief Auditor for Traffic Safety Lazarev A.N. did not impose due demands on the auditors of the movement of the transportation department, did not exercise control over their implementation of preventive work to prevent accidents in the transportation economy and strengthen labor and technological discipline.
Timofeev A.N., head of the Svobodnensky branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway weakened control over the work of his deputies and heads of departments on their fulfillment of the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated 08.01.1994 N 1 / C and others normative documents Ministry of Railways of Russia and JSC "Russian Railways" to ensure the safety of train traffic.
Head of the One dispatch center Nasonov N.A. of the Transbaikal Railway Transportation Department unsatisfactorily carried out preventive work to prevent accidents, organized the work of the dispatch center and technical training of train dispatchers at a low level.
Deputy Head of the Trans-Baikal Railway - Head of the Transportation Service Albitov S.M. did not provide control over the work of the transportation service and the fulfillment by the heads of the transportation departments of the Trans-Baikal Railway departments of the requirements for ensuring the safety of train traffic.
JSC "Russian Railways" takes note that by order of the head of the Trans-Baikal Railway dated May 20, 2005 N 202, for the low level of preventive work and failure to comply with the requirements of regulatory documents of the Ministry of Railways of Russia and JSC "Russian Railways" to ensure the safety of train traffic, a number of employees of the Trans-Baikal Railway were involved in disciplinary liability.
In order to improve traffic safety in the railway transportation sector:
1. Heads of railways and heads of railway departments:
a) within 3 days, familiarize the employees involved with the circumstances of the departure of train N 3012 to the busy Ulruchi - Angarich section of the Svobodnensky branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway;
b) study the requirements of chapters 8, 10 of the IDP and 16 of the PTE, the circumstances and reasons for the departure of train N 904 to the busy haul of Taidut - Mogzon of the Trans-Baikal Railway, the departure of freight train N 2821 to the busy section Zhuravka - Mitrofanovka of the South-Eastern Railway and passenger train N 940 to the busy section Mitrofanovka - Zhuravka of the South-Eastern Railway;
c) perform checks every 10 days of organizing the passage of passenger trains during the period of summer track work, paying special attention to the implementation of the rules of negotiations and the technology of actions of station attendants and train dispatchers in the production of track work on railway tracks;
d) until July 25, 2005, equip the buttons for output signals on the control panels of the electrical centralization posts of those on duty at the station with mechanical latches.
2. Director of VNIIZhT Besedin I.S. (by agreement) by July 30, 2005, prepare proposals excluding the opening of the output signal for a closed or busy haul at the electrical centralization consoles.
3. For weakening the exactingness to strengthen labor and technological discipline, failure to ensure control over the implementation of preventive work by traffic safety auditors to prevent accidents in the transportation economy and the admitted case of a train leaving for the busy Ulruchi - Angarich section of the Svobodnensky branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway, reprimand the deputy head of the Svobodnensky branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway - to the chief auditor for traffic safety Lazarev A.N.
4. For failure to ensure the safety of train traffic in the transportation economy of the Svobodnensky branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway, the lack of control over compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents of the Ministry of Railways of Russia and JSC "Russian Railways" on ensuring the safety of train traffic by the deputy heads of the department, heads of the transportation department and the admitted case of the train leaving for a busy haul Ulruchii - Angarich of the Svobodnensky branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway to reprimand the head of the Svobodnensky branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway Timofeev A.N.
5. For the insufficient level of management of the dispatching apparatus, the failure to fully comply with the standards for participation in the organization of ensuring the safety of train traffic and the admitted case of the departure of the train to the busy stretch Ulruchi - Angarich of the Svobodnensky branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway, reprimand the head of the Unified Dispatch Center for Transportation Control of the Trans-Baikal Railway Nasonov N .BUT.
6. For the weakening of the exactingness to the heads of the transportation service and transportation departments of the Trans-Baikal Railway when carrying out preventive work related to ensuring traffic safety, and the admitted case of the departure of the train to the busy Ulruchi - Angarich section of the Svobodnensky branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway, reprimand the Deputy Head of the Trans-Baikal Railway - to the head of the transportation service Albitov S.M.
7. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Head of the Transportation Management Department of Russian Railways Ivanov V.K.

I approve

Deputy Minister

means of communication

Russian Federation



1. General Provisions

1.1. The job description of the head of the passenger train (hereinafter referred to as the head of the train) defines his main duties at the point of formation during the preparation of the passenger train for the flight, along the route of the passenger train and upon arrival at the turnaround point, additional duties of the head of the train of international traffic and the head of the tourist and excursion train, as well as the rights and responsibilities of the head of the train.

1.2. An employee with a higher professional education and work experience in organizing passenger service for at least 1 year or secondary vocational education and work experience in organizing passenger service for at least 2 years (in high-speed trains for at least 3 years), who has completed a special training course at work or in educational institution according to the established program and passed the exams. Persons appointed to the position of the head of the train undergo a medical commission in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia to determine their suitability for this work.

1.3. The head of the train must ensure:

Fulfillment by employees of the train crew of the duties established by orders and other regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Railways of Russia and job descriptions;

Taking measures within the scope of their duties for the passage of a passenger train on schedule, ensuring traffic safety and fire safety;

High level of passenger service and wagon maintenance;

Correctness of accounting, completeness and timeliness of the transfer of information about free and vacant places;

The passage of passengers on the train only with travel documents (tickets);

Proper maintenance of the devices in the cars, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;

The completeness of cash receipts from passengers for the services provided to them, its safety and timely delivery at the point of formation;

Preservation of internal equipment, removable inventory in cars, personal safety of train crew workers.

1.4. The head of the train in the performance of his duties must be guided by the requirements:

This job description;

Rules for the technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation;

Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation;

Instructions for movement and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation;

Regulations on the discipline of employees of the railway transport of the Russian Federation;

Rules for the carriage of passengers, luggage and cargo luggage on railway transport;

Fire safety rules for railway transport; Instructions for ensuring fire safety in carriages of passenger trains;

Instructions for the maintenance and operation of structures, devices, rolling stock and the organization of traffic in the areas of circulation of high-speed passenger trains;

Instructions for the maintenance of the heating installation of a passenger car;

Instructions for the maintenance of equipment for passenger cars of mainline railways;

Sanitary rules for the preparation of passenger cars;

Instructions for organizing communication between the head of the train and the driver of the locomotive;

Rules for the operation of train radio communications;

Model technological process preparation and equipping of passenger cars for the flight;

Regulations on the investigation and recording of accidents in railway transport;

Regulations on the working and rest time of railway workers;

Instructions on the work of controllers-auditors of passenger trains and auditors-instructors;

Instructions on the procedure for collecting fines imposed administratively on railway transport;

Rules for the operation of dining cars;

Regulations for the actions of train crews when driving a train by one driver;

Other regulatory legal and other acts related to the activities of the head of the train.

1.5. The head of the train must know:

All forms of travel documents for domestic and international communications, the procedure for filling them out;

Documents giving the right to audit and commission inspection of a passenger train;

Location of railway stations and transfer points on the served direction;

Responsibilities of train crew members.

1.6. The head of the international train must additionally know:

Foreign language to the extent necessary to communicate with passengers and employees of foreign railways along the train route;

Agreement on International Passenger Transport (SMPS) and Service Instructions to SMPS;

International Passenger Tariff (IPT);

Interstate Passenger Tariff (MGPT);

Phones and addresses of permanent representative offices of the Ministry of Railways of Russia abroad;

Requirements of passport, customs, currency regulations in force in the states where the train follows, as well as transit states.

1.7. The head of the train reports to the head of the enterprise where he works, and on the way (in an operational manner) - to the heads of railway departments in charge of passenger traffic. The head of the train is directly subordinate to the train electrician and the conductors of passenger cars included in the train crew.

1.8. On execution official duties The head of the train must be in the established uniform. The head of the international train and the company train on the left side of the uniform must wear business card established pattern.

1.9. During the rest period of the head of the train, the train crew is managed by the train electrician (TEM), and in his absence - by the conductor of the staff car.

1.10. In the absence of a train electrician, the connection and disconnection of the high-voltage line from the electric locomotive is performed by the head of the train.

1.11. The train leader must be able to:

Use the train radio station, radio point, train radio communication complex;

In the cases established by the regulations of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, calculate the cost of the passenger's travel along the route of the passenger train and issue the fare;

Use the indicator of passenger routes, service books of the schedule of passenger trains;

Resolve conflict situations between train crew members and passengers.

2. Duties of the head of the train in preparation

passenger train in flight

When preparing a passenger train for a flight, the head of the train is obliged:

2.1. Come to the reserve of conductors at the appointed time and receive from the instructor (contractor) uniform forms for keeping records of the population of the car and the consumption of linen, free and vacant seats, telegram forms and other necessary documents, familiarize yourself with the orders received between flights and orders of the administration of the formation point trains, as well as new regulations.

2.2. Gather the employees of the train crew for a glider meeting, make sure that they are working, check the established form of clothing, conduct a briefing on the safety rules, fire safety, about the upcoming work and its features, familiarize the conductors of the cars with new orders and instructions of the administration of the train formation enterprise, against signature, organize the arrangement of conductors in the cars and familiarize them with the duty schedule for the entire flight. Check with the conductors of the tail cars for the availability of certificates for the right to service them.

2.3. According to the inventory, take inventory, equipment, documentation from the head of the train from the head of the train, located in the headquarters compartment, check the serviceability of the train radio station.

2.4. Personally control the acceptance of wagons by conductors.

2.5. Check the quality of the sanitary and technical preparation of the cars for the trip, the completeness of the equipment of the cars with fuel, bedding, tea products, other equipment and materials necessary for servicing passengers. Receive reports from carriage conductors on the availability of first aid equipment, plates with serial numbers wagons and route boards, signal accessories for tail cars, serviceability of automatic fire alarms, electrical equipment, air conditioning, ventilation, radio broadcasting, communication equipment, fire extinguishing, correct formation of the train composition, memos to the passenger, train timetables, memos to the duty conductor on fire safety measures and actions in case of emergencies or Instructions for ensuring fire safety in passenger train cars, as well as from the train electrician on the availability of spare parts and tools.

2.6. To control the timely delivery of a passenger train for boarding passengers.

2.7. The head of the international train is additionally obliged to:

Before the departure of the train, receive service passports for the train crew with the right to travel abroad, international routes, road lists, reserved seat, receipts of additional payments, currency according to the sheet;

Check for the presence of signs and inscriptions on the cars and route boards that comply with the Rules for the Use of Carriages (RR) and the Rules for the Use of Passenger Cars (RR).

3. Duties of the head of the train when boarding passengers

After the passenger train has been brought to the platform for boarding passengers, the head of the train must make sure that all the attendants of the passenger train are at their workplaces and provide guidance for the boarding of passengers.

4. Duties of the head of the train on the way

passenger train

After the departure of the passenger train, the head of the train must:

4.1. Announce by train radio communication the route of the passenger train, the time of arrival at the final railway station, familiarize the passengers with the employees of the train crew, the rules of conduct and fire safety along the way, inform about the location of the restaurant car (cafe-buffet) and its work schedule.

4.2. To control the filling of forms by the conductors of the carriages for accounting for the population of the carriages and the consumption of bed linen.

4.3. Compile telegrams in a timely manner and hand them over against receipt to the station attendant at the railway stations established by the Rules for Accounting and Transferring Information on Free and Vacant Seats.

4.4. Ensure control of the train crew workers over the technical condition of the car equipment, over a systematic check of the axle box heating control system.

4.5. Keep the radio station permanently switched on for radio communication with the locomotive driver and check it every time you change the locomotive with a note in the radio station log.

4.6. In the absence of a train electrician, carry out maintenance work on the electrical equipment of the cars.

4.7. To control the performance of the conductors' official duties, compliance with the uniform, duty schedule, ensuring Maintenance wagon equipment.

4.8. Monitor the equipment of cars with fuel and water, provided for along the route of the passenger train.

4.9. Periodically check the sanitary and technical condition of the wagons and compliance with the temperature regime in them.

4.10. Take measures to provide first aid to sick passengers, calling, if necessary, medical workers from among the passengers or from the first-aid post of the nearest railway station.

4.11. At the request of passengers, issue a book of reviews and suggestions.

4.12. In case of failure of the stop valve in the car, identify the reason for the stop of the passenger train, draw up an act on the circumstances and reasons, and seal the stop valve handle.

4.13. Record in the Journal of acceptance, delivery and technical condition of passenger car equipment (form VU-8) the technical malfunctions of cars found along the way and draw up an application for the repair of cars at the point of turnover or formation.

4.14. Ensure the work of the train radio station in accordance with the approved schedule. Transmit via train radio:

Information about the rules of travel, compliance with fire safety by passengers, about free and paid services provided to passengers;

Announcements about the time of arrival, departure, the duration of the stops of a passenger train at railway stations, about the possible reduction in the stops of a passenger train if it is late.

4.15. When conducting audits by controllers-auditors and other officials check that they have the relevant documents for the audit, provide a trip log to record the names of the inspectors, numbers of open sheets or official identification cards and instructions, and then take part in the audit. Ensure that the results of the audit are reflected in the flight log signed by the inspectors and their own signature; in case of disagreement with the inspectors, write down your opinion.

4.16. If the employees of the train crew detect stowaways or carrying excess hand luggage, collect a fine from the passenger, the fare or the cost of carrying excess hand luggage.

4.17. At the end of the trip, collect the cash proceeds from the conductors of the cars received for the sale of services, draw up a report on the provision of services, the collection of travel fees, surcharges and fines.

4.18. The head of the international train on the route is additionally obliged to:

Check the proper storage of documents with the conductors of the cars;

Control the rearrangement of wagons at the transfer points;

To assist border and customs authorities in carrying out control and inspection;

Before arriving at the railway station of border and customs control, warn passengers about the upcoming closure of toilets and compliance with the sanitary regime;

Provide assistance in filling out customs declarations by wagon attendants and passengers.

5. Duties of the head of the train upon arrival

passenger train to the turnaround point

At the turnaround point, the head of the train must:

5.1. Check the scheme for the formation of a passenger train with the data available in the Departmental Bureau for the Accounting and Allocation of Seats in Trains (LBK) or the Joint Bureau for the Allocation of Seats in Trains (ODB).

5.2. Record in the repair book at the wagon maintenance point (PTO) the faults found in the wagons along the route and monitor their elimination.

5.3. Establish a duty schedule for wagon conductors during the parking period and monitor its implementation.

5.4. Submit an application in accordance with the established procedure for equipping the wagons with fuel and water.

5.5. Check the quality of sanitary preparation of wagons.

5.6. Seal bags with used linens.

5.7. In accordance with the established procedure, obtain a certificate of the occupancy of the carriages, warnings about the boarding of passengers along the route, familiarize the conductors of the carriages with them before boarding passengers.

6. Duties of the head of the train upon arrival

passenger train to the point of formation

Upon the arrival of a passenger train at the formation point, the head of the train must:

6.1. Write down in the repair book at the PTO the malfunctions found in the cars along the route, according to the entries in the journal of form VU-8.

6.2. In accordance with the established procedure, hand over the cash proceeds for the flight and report to the accounting department of the train formation enterprise.

6.3. Make marks in the route sheets of the conductors of the cars, PEM.

6.4. Report the results of the voyage to the head of the reserve of conductors, receive Additional information or instructions for the next flight and instruct the conductors of the cars about this.

7. The procedure for the head of the train

in extreme situations

The head of the train is the person responsible for organizing work in the event of emergency situations in a passenger train. In the event of an emergency, the head of the train must:

7.1. In the event of a fire in a train, act in accordance with the Instructions for Ensuring Fire Safety in Passenger Train Cars.

7.2. When the train stops after the axle box heating alarm or the emergency axle box heating detection device (PONAB) is activated, immediately arrive at the car, by external signs and by touch determine the axle box heating, its technical condition, decide on the possibility of further carriage with the train; if it is impossible to move further, block the train.

7.3. If technical faults are found in one or more cars, together with the PEM, determine the possibility of the train running with full traffic safety to the nearest point for troubleshooting, changing wheel sets or uncoupling the car and inform the locomotive driver about this.

7.4. If a breakdown, damage to internal equipment and property is detected, draw up an act to recover the cost from the perpetrators.

7.5. When uncoupling a wagon en route:

Allocate conductors to protect the property of the uncoupled car, instruct them on the procedure for their actions before sending the car to the home point, if the car is uncoupled from the radio compartment, then seal the radio compartment;

Together with the head of the railway station for uncoupling the car, draw up an act in 3 copies indicating the reasons for the uncoupling and data on the car (serial number, timing of scheduled repairs and a single technical audit). The act is signed by the head of the train, the head of the railway station (duty officer at the railway station), the locomotive driver, the wagon inspector. One copy of the act is kept until the end of the trip and then is handed over by the head of the train to the administration of the train formation enterprise;

To place the passengers of the uncoupled car into empty seats in other cars of this passenger train; when transferring passengers from an uncoupled car to other cars, together with the head of the railway station, it is necessary to organize the carrying of passengers' hand luggage, take measures to ensure the safety of passengers;

In the event that it is impossible to place passengers in other cars, temporarily place passengers in vestibules and corridors of cars, inform personally or through the head, the duty officer at the railway station or the train dispatcher to the nearest train formation point about the need to attach another car instead of the uncoupled one or transfer passengers to another passenger train;

Send a telegram about the uncoupling of the car to the train formation company and to the passenger (carriage) service of the corresponding railway.

7.6. When a passenger train deviates from the original route:

Having received information from the duty officer at the railway station or the duty officer at the station about the new route, establish the points through which the train will not pass, inform passengers traveling to these railway stations about the transfer procedure, make the necessary notes about this in travel documents (tickets);

Control the disembarkation of passengers at railway stations, the issuance of travel documents (tickets) to them with a note: "The trip was interrupted at the station - due to the deviation of the train from the original route."

7.7. Upon receipt of the "Brake" signal from the locomotive driver, immediately take measures to activate the hand brakes of the wagons by the wagon attendants.

7.8. In case of self-uncoupling of automatic couplers in a passenger train, the head of the train, together with the locomotive driver, check the operation of the automatic coupler mechanism and decide on the possibility of coupling and further movement or the need to replace automatic couplers.

7.9. When a passenger train turns around on the way or departure from a transit point, a turnaround point with a change in the order of the wagons in the composition, inform by telegram to the address of all ODB (LBK) and major stations along the route of the passenger train, mentioning this each time when submitting information.

7.10. In case of a long stop of a passenger train at a railway station or a stretch, find out the reason for the stop of a passenger train, the estimated time of departure (in the daytime, inform the passengers of the train about this by train radio communication).

7.11. When a passenger train is stopped by a conductor due to the appearance of extraneous noise under the car, take measures to detect and eliminate malfunctions, load the dismantled unit into the car, inform the locomotive driver of the reason for the stop, and in case of breakage and loss of car nodes, transmit information about the incident through the locomotive driver and train dispatcher drivers of locomotives of other trains to follow this section with special vigilance.

7.12. In the event of the appearance of passengers in a state of intoxication or violating public order, in a calm, polite manner, make a remark to the passenger, offer to take their seat and not violate public order, if necessary, call a police officer.

7.13. If suspicious persons or objects are found in the carriages, one should be guided by the Memo for Railway Transport Workers on Actions in Case of Anonymous Reporting of Terrorist Acts, Detection of Explosive Devices, Suspicious Persons and Objects.

8. Additional responsibilities of the boss

tourist-excursion train

8.1. The acceptance of the train by the head of the train is carried out jointly with the commission of the administration of the enterprise for the formation of the train in advance, before its departure.

8.2. The head of the train is obliged to make sure that the travel documents (tickets) are issued correctly before boarding the tourists.

8.3. The head of the train upon arrival at the railway station of the parking of the tourist-excursion train is obliged to clarify the time of the parking of the passenger train.

8.4. If stowaways are found in tourist-excursion trains or persons who are not employees of an organization renting a passenger train, the head of the train is obliged to collect a fine for stowaway travel, the fare from the railway station of departure to the railway station of the nearest parking of the tourist-excursion train, where the passenger should be dropped off from a passenger train.

9. Additional duties of the head of the train

in case of maintenance of a train locomotive

one machinist

When servicing locomotives of passenger trains by one driver, the head of the train must:

9.1. At passenger stations where wagon inspectors are not provided, and on hauls, at the direction of the locomotive driver transmitted by radio, organize and control the implementation of a reduced test of the brakes.

9.2. Before setting a passenger train in motion at a railway station or stage, notify the locomotive driver by radio communication or by hand signals that the passenger train is ready for departure.

9.3. In the event of a forced stop of a passenger train, including when disconnecting (self-uncoupling) the carriages of a passenger train, at the direction of the locomotive driver transmitted by radio, organize and control the securing and fencing of the train; checking the condition of couplers in disconnected wagons, replacing brake hoses.

10. Rights of the head of the train

The head of the train has the right:

10.1. Check travel documents of passengers, identity cards of passengers traveling on official travel documents, as well as documents for the right to conduct an audit with inspectors.

10.2. Issue an additional payment to passengers when a passenger transfers to carriages of a higher category.

10.3. Suspend a train crew worker from duty for a shift if he is found in a state of intoxication, in a state of narcotic or toxic intoxication, as well as for unauthorized disconnection of the axle box heating alarm along the route.

10.4. Use free of charge all types of railway communication.

10.5. To resolve a conflict situation over the technical condition of wagons at railway stations along the route and at points of turnover, require the presence of a higher official.

10.6. Demand from the conductors of all wagons attached to a passenger train, including postal, service and others, as well as from baggage acceptance officers in baggage wagons and employees of restaurant cars (cafe-buffets) to comply with instructions on ensuring traffic safety, fire safety, passenger service , compliance with the timetable of the passenger train and accounting for seats in the cars. The instructions of the head of the train are binding on these persons.

11. Responsibility of the head of the train

The head of the train is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of this Job Description in accordance with the Regulations on the Discipline of Railway Workers and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The standard instruction for the head of the train (mechanic-foreman), approved by the Ministry of Railways of the USSR on 12.07.90 N TsL-4811, is not applied on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Association assists in the provision of services in the sale of timber: at competitive prices on an ongoing basis. Timber products of excellent quality.

The profession of the head of the train is very interesting and responsible, of course. There is one significant plus in it - it is more stable than ever. Even in the most critical periods of the life of the state, severe economic or political crises in the conditions of the closure or bankruptcy of many large industrial facilities, the railway will always function. The transportation of goods and passengers is a process that can only be disrupted in war conditions. But let's not talk about the terrible. Let's look at the profession of a train chief in peacetime.

About the manager category

This profession is reminiscent of a captain, only there are not endless sea spaces ahead, but rails stretching almost from the very horizon. The chief performs his in a cramped compartment. He does not have a spacious office.

Train chiefs in Russia work for Russian Railways. This is such a well-known abbreviation. It stands for Russian Railways. The workers themselves reveal it in their own way, with a share of professional humor: "We rarely live at home." And it is true. Flights in duration can take from one day to several weeks. The entire professional life of a railway worker is spent on the road, and not only professional, but simply life. As a rule, such a profession is chosen by those people who are comfortable from frequent moving, changing hourly policies, etc. We can say that railway workers are real adventurers. But this is a lyric...

What does the head of the Russian Railways train do?

As already mentioned, given profession belongs to the category of leaders, therefore, everything related to the movement of the train and comfortable travel in it is in his department. All conductors, as well as train personnel, who are responsible for restoring any technical problems, are under his strict subordination, the head of the train is responsible for the arrival or departure of the train (without delay), comfort and safety, and sorts out conflict situations that may arise on the road.

Educational qualification

A person who has higher education by profession and the period of work in an organization serving passenger transportation, from one year or secondary education by profession and the duration of work, respectively, from two years. This position is appointed, and also dismissed from it only by the head of the enterprise that carries out transportation. There is a special document that sets out a list of what the employee holding the position should know, their duties, rights and responsibilities. This document is called the job description of the head of the train.

Job Responsibilities

The duties of the head of the train are quite extensive, since he controls everything that happens to the train (both external and internal factors). Here are the main ones:

  • holds technical control proper functioning of the wagons in the train;
  • builds the process of receiving wagons in good condition;
  • controls results repair work wagons, commensurate them with the established quality standards, serviceability of the heating system, timely supply of train wagons with water and fuel, equipping the train with means to ensure fire safety, medical care;
  • creation of conditions for comfortable accommodation of passengers: the availability of linen for sleeping, tea, some products for exercise trading activities, printed publications from the field of periodicals, etc.;
  • control the activities of the train crew, monitor the activities of each in order to prevent cases of violation of labor discipline;
  • instructing employees and passengers on safety on the train;
  • convey to the brigade the idea of ​​the importance of achieving a high level of passenger service;
  • prevent failures in the operation of the radio station of a passenger train;
  • timely submit information to stations on the number of free and vacant seats in a passenger train on the route;
  • to ensure that the train moves in accordance with the schedule;
  • inspects the placement of luggage in the carriages, as well as those persons who use the ticket;
  • monitor the comfortable accommodation in the carriage of persons of a certain category (disabled people suffering from serious illnesses, the elderly, women with small children);
  • stop violations of the order and rules of conduct on the route;
  • provide assistance to victims in the event of an accident;
  • carry out operations on the preparation of documents when crossing the border by a passenger train;
  • exercise control over the activities of passengers when crossing the border, as well as in the border area;
  • hand over wagons for repair work;
  • seeks to introduce innovative methods in the work of passenger service.

Rights of an official

The work of the head of the train includes not only duties, the head has a number of rights. In particular, he has the right:

  • actively present their proposals to their management to improve the process of servicing passengers on the route;
  • be informed, that is, receive information from management on issues of their activities;
  • maintain documentation within the framework of his position;
  • assist in the activities of senior management.

Responsibility of an official

The job description implies both the rights and obligations in this position, as well as the responsibility of the person to the management. As you know, there are no rights and obligations without responsibility. Here are some of them:

  • punishment is expected for non-compliance with the rules in the performance of the duties assigned to him, which are provided for by the job description of the head of the train;
  • for violation of rights in the course of their direct professional activity;
  • punishable for damages.

What types of trains are there?

In their arsenal they have a wide range of high-speed, ambulance, passenger, electric train, tourist, recovery, fire and so on. For example, not everyone understands its purpose. Its purpose is to eliminate the consequences of accidents that occurred on the railway tracks: collision of locomotives, derailment. The leader of this type of transport is the head of the recovery train.

Such trains are always equipped with a crane, other devices for lifting large and rather heavy loads, tractors, bulldozers, welding equipment, and even have their own power plants (to restore electricity supply). The train can even participate in extinguishing the fire, but special trains have been created for this purpose. That's what they call firefighters.

The area of ​​professional activity of the head of the fire train includes: conducting reconnaissance operations in the field of fire, monitoring the release of permissible amounts of toxic substances during a fire, directly implementing fire fighting measures themselves, providing necessary medical assistance to victims, and so on.


No matter what type of cargo, freight, ambulance, fireman, etc.) the official is, it is necessary to remember the responsibility not only to himself, but also to a huge number of people. The requirements for the position of the head of the train are very high, the leadership for the selection of the position holds a whole competition. And you always have to remain a man, no matter what boss he is!

1. General provisions

1.1. The job description of the head of the passenger train (hereinafter referred to as the head of the train) defines his main duties at the point of formation during the preparation of the passenger train for the flight, along the route of the passenger train and upon arrival at the turnaround point, additional duties of the head of the train of international traffic and the head of the tourist and excursion train, as well as the rights and responsibilities of the head of the train.

1.2. An employee who has a higher professional education and work experience in organizing passenger service for at least 1 year or a secondary vocational education and work experience in organizing passenger service for at least 2 years (in high-speed trains for at least 3 years), who has passed a special training course at work or in an educational institution according to an established program and who has passed the exams. Persons appointed to the position of the head of the train undergo a medical commission in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia to determine their suitability for this work.

1.3. The head of the train must ensure:

  • fulfillment by employees of the train crew of the duties established by orders and other regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Railways of Russia and job descriptions;
  • taking measures within the range of their duties for the passage of a passenger train on schedule, ensuring traffic safety and fire safety;
  • high level of passenger service and wagon maintenance;
  • correctness of accounting, completeness and timeliness of the transfer of information about free and vacant places;
  • the passage of passengers on the train only on travel documents (tickets);
  • proper maintenance of the devices in the cars, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;
  • the completeness of cash receipts from passengers for the services provided to them, its safety and timely delivery at the point of formation;
  • safety of internal equipment, removable equipment in cars, personal safety of train crew workers.

1.4. The head of the train in the performance of his duties must be guided by the requirements:

  • this Job Description;
  • Rules for the technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation;
  • Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation;
  • Instructions for movement and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation;
  • Regulations on the discipline of employees of the railway transport of the Russian Federation;
  • Rules for the carriage of passengers, luggage and cargo luggage on railway transport;
  • Fire safety rules for railway transport; Instructions for ensuring fire safety in carriages of passenger trains;
  • Instructions for the maintenance and operation of structures, devices, rolling stock and the organization of traffic in the areas of circulation of high-speed passenger trains;
  • Instructions for the maintenance of the heating installation of a passenger car;
  • Instructions for the maintenance of equipment for passenger cars of mainline railways;
  • Sanitary rules for the preparation of passenger cars;
  • Instructions for organizing communication between the head of the train and the driver of the locomotive;
  • Rules for the operation of train radio communications;
  • Standard technological process of preparing and equipping passenger cars for a flight;
  • Regulations on the investigation and recording of accidents in railway transport;
  • Regulations on the working and rest time of railway workers;
  • Instructions on the work of controllers-auditors of passenger trains and auditors-instructors;
  • Instructions on the procedure for collecting fines imposed administratively on railway transport;
  • Rules for the operation of dining cars;
  • Regulations for the actions of train crews when driving a train by one driver;
  • other regulatory legal and other acts relating to the activities of the head of the train.

1.5. The head of the train must know:

  • all forms of travel documents for domestic and international communications, the procedure for filling them out;
  • documents giving the right to audit and commission inspection of a passenger train;
  • location of railway stations and transfer points on the served direction;
  • duties of train crew members.

1.6. The head of the international train must additionally know:

  • a foreign language to the extent necessary to communicate with passengers and employees of foreign railways along the train route;
  • Agreement on International Passenger Transport (SMPS) and Service Instructions to SMPS;
  • International Passenger Tariff (IPT);
  • Interstate Passenger Tariff (MGPT);
  • phone numbers and addresses of permanent representative offices of the Ministry of Railways of Russia abroad;
  • requirements of passport, customs, currency regulations in force in the states where the train follows, as well as transit states.

1.7. The head of the train reports to the head of the enterprise where he works, and on the way (in an operational manner) - to the heads of the railway departments in charge of passenger transportation. The head of the train is directly subordinate to the train electrician and the conductors of passenger cars included in the train crew.

1.8. When on duty, the head of the train must be in the established uniform. The head of the international train and the company train on the left side of the uniform must wear a business card of the established sample.

1.9. During the rest period of the head of the train, the train crew is managed by the train electrician (TEM), and in his absence - by the conductor of the staff car.

1.10. In the absence of a train electrician, the connection and disconnection of the high-voltage line from the electric locomotive is performed by the head of the train.

1.11. The train leader must be able to:

  • use the train radio station, radio point, train radio communication complex;
  • in cases established by the regulations of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, calculate the cost of the passenger's travel along the route of the passenger train and issue the fare;
  • use the indicator of passenger routes, service books of the schedule of passenger trains;
  • resolve conflict situations between train crew members and passengers.

2. Duties of the head of the train when preparing a passenger train for a flight

When preparing a passenger train for a flight, the head of the train is obliged:

2.1. Come to the reserve of conductors at the appointed time and receive from the instructor (contractor) uniform forms for keeping records of the population of the car and the consumption of linen, free and vacant seats, telegram forms and other necessary documents, familiarize yourself with the orders received between flights and orders of the administration of the formation point trains, as well as new regulations.

2.2. Gather the employees of the train crew for a glider meeting, make sure that they are working, check the established form of clothing, conduct a briefing on the safety rules, fire safety, about the upcoming work and its features, familiarize the conductors of the cars with new orders and instructions of the administration of the train formation enterprise, against signature, organize the arrangement of conductors in the cars and familiarize them with the duty schedule for the entire flight. Check with the conductors of the tail cars for the availability of certificates for the right to service them.

2.3. According to the inventory, take inventory, equipment, documentation from the head of the train from the head of the train, located in the headquarters compartment, check the serviceability of the train radio station.

2.4. Personally control the acceptance of wagons by conductors.

2.5. Check the quality of the sanitary and technical preparation of the cars for the trip, the completeness of the equipment of the cars with fuel, bedding, tea products, other equipment and materials necessary for servicing passengers. Receive reports from the conductors of the cars on the availability of first aid equipment, plates with serial numbers of cars and route boards, signal accessories for tail cars, serviceability of automatic fire alarms, electrical equipment, air conditioning, ventilation, radio broadcasting, communications, fire extinguishing, correct formation of the train composition , memos to the passenger, train timetables, memos to the conductor on duty on fire safety measures and actions in case of emergency or Instructions for ensuring fire safety in passenger train cars, as well as from the train electrician about the availability of spare parts and tools.

2.6. To control the timely delivery of a passenger train for boarding passengers.

2.7. The head of the international train is additionally obliged to:

  • before the departure of the train, receive service passports for the train crew with the right to travel abroad, international routes, road lists, reserved seat, receipts of additional payments, currency according to the sheet;
  • check the presence of signs and inscriptions on the cars and route boards that comply with the Rules for the Use of Carriages (RR) and the Rules for the Use of Passenger Cars (RR).

3. Duties of the head of the train when boarding passengers

After the passenger train has been brought to the platform for boarding passengers, the head of the train must make sure that all the attendants of the passenger train are at their workplaces and provide guidance for the boarding of passengers.

4. Duties of the head of the train along the route of the passenger train

After the departure of the passenger train, the head of the train must:

4.1. Announce by train radio communication the route of the passenger train, the time of arrival at the final railway station, familiarize the passengers with the employees of the train crew, the rules of conduct and fire safety along the way, inform about the location of the restaurant car (cafe-buffet) and its work schedule.

4.2. To control the filling of forms by the conductors of the carriages for accounting for the population of the carriages and the consumption of bed linen.

4.3. Compile telegrams in a timely manner and hand them over against receipt to the station attendant at the railway stations established by the Rules for Accounting and Transferring Information on Free and Vacant Seats.

4.4. Ensure control of the train crew workers over the technical condition of the car equipment, over a systematic check of the axle box heating control system.

4.5. Keep the radio station permanently switched on for radio communication with the locomotive driver and check it every time you change the locomotive with a note in the radio station log.

4.6. In the absence of a train electrician, carry out maintenance work on the electrical equipment of the cars.

4.7. To control the fulfillment of official duties by the conductors, compliance with the uniform, duty schedule, maintenance of wagon equipment during the journey.

4.8. Monitor the equipment of cars with fuel and water, provided for along the route of the passenger train.

4.9. Periodically check the sanitary and technical condition of the wagons and compliance with the temperature regime in them.

4.10. Take measures to provide first aid to sick passengers, calling, if necessary, medical workers from among the passengers or from the first-aid post of the nearest railway station.

4.11. At the request of passengers, issue a book of reviews and suggestions.

4.12. In case of failure of the stop valve in the car, identify the reason for the stop of the passenger train, draw up an act on the circumstances and reasons, and seal the stop valve handle.

4.13. Record in the Journal of acceptance, delivery and technical condition of passenger car equipment (form VU-8) the technical malfunctions of cars found along the way and draw up an application for the repair of cars at the point of turnover or formation.

4.14. Ensure the work of the train radio station in accordance with the approved schedule. Transmit via train radio:

  • information about the rules of travel, compliance with fire safety by passengers, about free and paid services provided to passengers;
  • announcements about the time of arrival, departure, duration of stops of a passenger train at railway stations, about a possible reduction in the stops of a passenger train if it is late.

4.15. When conducting audits by controllers-auditors and other officials, check that they have the relevant documents for the audit, provide a trip log to record the names of the inspectors, numbers of open sheets or official identification cards and instructions, and then take part in the audit. Ensure that the results of the audit are reflected in the flight log signed by the inspectors and their own signature; in case of disagreement with the inspectors, write down your opinion.

4.16. If the employees of the train crew detect stowaways or carrying excess hand luggage, collect a fine from the passenger, the fare or the cost of carrying excess hand luggage.

4.17. At the end of the trip, collect the cash proceeds from the conductors of the cars received for the sale of services, draw up a report on the provision of services, the collection of travel fees, surcharges and fines.

4.18. The head of the international train on the route is additionally obliged to:

  • check the proper storage of documents at the wagon attendants;
  • control the rearrangement of wagons at the transfer points;
  • assist border and customs authorities in carrying out control and inspection;
  • before arriving at the railway station of border and customs control, warn passengers about the upcoming closure of toilets and compliance with the sanitary regime;
  • provide assistance in filling out customs declarations by wagon attendants and passengers.

5. Duties of the head of the train upon the arrival of the passenger train at the turnaround point

At the turnaround point, the head of the train must:

5.1. Check the scheme for the formation of a passenger train with the data available in the Departmental Bureau for the Accounting and Allocation of Seats in Trains (LBK) or the Joint Bureau for the Allocation of Seats in Trains (ODB).

5.2. Record in the repair book at the wagon maintenance point (PTO) the faults found in the wagons along the route and monitor their elimination.

5.3. Establish a duty schedule for wagon conductors during the parking period and monitor its implementation.

5.4. Submit an application in accordance with the established procedure for equipping the wagons with fuel and water.

5.5. Check the quality of sanitary preparation of wagons.

5.6. Seal bags with used linens.

5.7. In accordance with the established procedure, obtain a certificate of the occupancy of the carriages, warnings about the boarding of passengers along the route, familiarize the conductors of the carriages with them before boarding passengers.

6. Responsibilities of the head of the train upon the arrival of a passenger train at the point of formation

Upon the arrival of a passenger train at the formation point, the head of the train must:

6.1. Write down in the repair book at the PTO the malfunctions found in the cars along the route, according to the entries in the journal of form VU-8.

6.2. In accordance with the established procedure, hand over the cash proceeds for the flight and report to the accounting department of the train formation enterprise.

6.3. Make marks in the route sheets of the conductors of the cars, PEM.

6.4. Report the results of the trip to the head of the reserve conductors, obtain additional information or instructions for the next trip and instruct the conductors of the cars about this.

7. The order of actions of the head of the train in extreme situations

The head of the train is the person responsible for organizing work in the event of emergency situations in a passenger train. In the event of an emergency, the head of the train must:

7.1. In the event of a fire in a train, act in accordance with the Instructions for Ensuring Fire Safety in Passenger Train Cars.

7.2. When the train stops after the axle box heating alarm or the emergency axle box heating detection device (PONAB) is activated, immediately arrive at the car, by external signs and by touch determine the axle box heating, its technical condition, decide on the possibility of further carriage with the train; if it is impossible to move further, block the train.

7.3. If technical faults are found in one or more cars, together with the PEM, determine the possibility of the train running with full traffic safety to the nearest point for troubleshooting, changing wheel sets or uncoupling the car and inform the locomotive driver about this.

7.4. If a breakdown, damage to internal equipment and property is detected, draw up an act to recover the cost from the perpetrators.

7.5. When uncoupling a wagon en route:

  • allocate conductors to protect the property of the uncoupled car, instruct them on the procedure for their actions before sending the car to the home point, if the car is uncoupled from the radio compartment, then seal the radio compartment;
  • together with the head of the railway station for uncoupling the car, draw up an act in 3 copies indicating the reasons for the uncoupling and data on the car (serial number, timing of scheduled repairs and a single technical audit). The act is signed by the head of the train, the head of the railway station (duty officer at the railway station), the locomotive driver, the wagon inspector. One copy of the act is kept until the end of the trip and then is handed over by the head of the train to the administration of the train formation enterprise;
  • to place the passengers of the uncoupled car into empty seats in other cars of this passenger train; when transferring passengers from an uncoupled car to other cars, together with the head of the railway station, it is necessary to organize the carrying of passengers' hand luggage, take measures to ensure the safety of passengers;
  • in the event that it is impossible to place passengers in other cars, temporarily place passengers in vestibules and corridors of cars, inform personally or through the head, the duty officer at the railway station or the train dispatcher to the nearest train formation point about the need to attach another car instead of the uncoupled one or transfer passengers to another passenger train;
  • about the uncoupling of the car, send a telegram to the train formation company and to the passenger (carriage) service of the corresponding railway.

7.6. When a passenger train deviates from the original route:

  • having received information from the officer on duty at the railway station or the officer on duty at the station about the new route, establish points through which the train will not pass, inform passengers traveling to these railway stations about the transfer procedure, make the necessary notes about this in travel documents (tickets);
  • control the disembarkation of passengers at railway stations, the issuance of travel documents (tickets) to them with a note: "The trip was interrupted at the station - due to the deviation of the train from the original route."

7.7. Upon receipt of the "Brake" signal from the locomotive driver, immediately take measures to activate the hand brakes of the wagons by the wagon attendants.

7.8. In case of self-uncoupling of automatic couplers in a passenger train, the head of the train, together with the locomotive driver, check the operation of the automatic coupler mechanism and decide on the possibility of coupling and further movement or the need to replace automatic couplers.

7.9. When a passenger train turns around on the way or departure from a transit point, a turnaround point with a change in the order of the wagons in the composition, inform by telegram to the address of all ODB (LBK) and major stations along the route of the passenger train, mentioning this each time when submitting information.

7.10. In case of a long stop of a passenger train at a railway station or a stretch, find out the reason for the stop of a passenger train, the estimated time of departure (in the daytime, inform the passengers of the train about this by train radio communication).

7.11. When a passenger train is stopped by a conductor due to the appearance of extraneous noise under the car, take measures to detect and eliminate malfunctions, load the dismantled unit into the car, inform the locomotive driver of the reason for the stop, and in case of breakage and loss of car nodes, transmit information about the incident through the locomotive driver and train dispatcher drivers of locomotives of other trains to follow this section with special vigilance.

7.12. In the event of the appearance of passengers in a state of intoxication or violating public order, in a calm, polite manner, make a remark to the passenger, offer to take their seat and not violate public order, if necessary, call a police officer.

7.13. If suspicious persons or objects are found in the carriages, one should be guided by the Memo for Railway Transport Workers on Actions in Case of Anonymous Reporting of Terrorist Acts, Detection of Explosive Devices, Suspicious Persons and Objects.

8. Additional duties of the head of the tourist and excursion train

8.1. The acceptance of the train by the head of the train is carried out jointly with the commission of the administration of the enterprise for the formation of the train in advance, before its departure.

8.2. The head of the train is obliged to make sure that the travel documents (tickets) are issued correctly before boarding the tourists.

8.3. The head of the train upon arrival at the railway station of the parking of the tourist-excursion train is obliged to clarify the time of the parking of the passenger train.

8.4. If stowaways are found in tourist-excursion trains or persons who are not employees of an organization renting a passenger train, the head of the train is obliged to collect a fine for stowaway travel, the fare from the railway station of departure to the railway station of the nearest parking of the tourist-excursion train, where the passenger should be dropped off from a passenger train.

9. Additional duties of the head of the train in the case of servicing a train locomotive by one driver

When servicing locomotives of passenger trains by one driver, the head of the train must:

9.1. At passenger stations where wagon inspectors are not provided, and on hauls, at the direction of the locomotive driver transmitted by radio, organize and control the implementation of a reduced test of the brakes.

9.2. Before setting a passenger train in motion at a railway station or stage, notify the locomotive driver by radio communication or by hand signals that the passenger train is ready for departure.

9.3. In the event of a forced stop of a passenger train, including when disconnecting (self-uncoupling) the carriages of a passenger train, at the direction of the locomotive driver transmitted by radio, organize and control the securing and fencing of the train; checking the condition of couplers in disconnected wagons, replacing brake hoses.

10. Rights of the head of the train

The head of the train has the right:

10.1. Check travel documents of passengers, identity cards of passengers traveling on official travel documents, as well as documents for the right to conduct an audit with inspectors.

10.2. Issue an additional payment to passengers when a passenger transfers to carriages of a higher category.

10.3. Suspend a train crew worker from duty for a shift if he is found in a state of intoxication, in a state of narcotic or toxic intoxication, as well as for unauthorized disconnection of the axle box heating alarm along the route.

10.4. Use free of charge all types of railway communication.

10.5. To resolve a conflict situation over the technical condition of wagons at railway stations along the route and at points of turnover, require the presence of a higher official.

10.6. Demand from the conductors of all wagons attached to a passenger train, including postal, service and others, as well as from baggage acceptance officers in baggage wagons and employees of restaurant cars (cafe-buffets) to comply with instructions on ensuring traffic safety, fire safety, passenger service , compliance with the timetable of the passenger train and accounting for seats in the cars. The instructions of the head of the train are binding on these persons.

11. Responsibility of the head of the train

The head of the train is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of this Job Description in accordance with the Regulations on the Discipline of Railway Workers and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

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