Passages of prohibiting signals in the year of Russian Railways. Passenger Transportation. Rapid passenger transportation


A round white-moon flashing signal, located at a railway crossing, allows movement Vehicle through the move. When the flashing white-moon and red signals are turned off, movement is allowed if there is no train (locomotive, railcar) approaching the crossing within sight. Turned off signals are permissive signals provided by the traffic light mode, in contrast to traffic lights at intersections, where turned off signals indicate that the traffic light is not working. The fine for running a red signal through a railway crossing is established in Article 12.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 1.

To trip

Home Railway crossing - territory heightened danger. Rules of the road (SDA) Russian Federation prescribe a clear algorithm for the driver's actions when crossing this zone.
And the "Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (CAO RF) regulates the punishment for their violation. Penalty for running through a red light Passing through a railway crossing through a red light, even if the train has already passed or the barrier has just begun to rise, is prohibited (Article 15.3.
traffic rules of the Russian Federation). For a violation that did not entail serious consequences, depending on the degree of danger of the maneuver for others, it is provided

  • a fine of 1000 rubles or
  • deprivation of a driver's license for 3-6 months. (art.

Crossing a railway crossing at a red light

Depending on how it is equipped, the driver must stop the car:

  • At the stop line or traffic lights, if any.
  • If there is no traffic light, then 5 meters before the barrier.
  • If there is no barrier, then 10 meters from the rail closest to it.

The rules are quite understandable, but they are the leaders among this group of violations - passing a traffic light or trying to "slip" under a barrier that has not yet closed. Ideally, railway crossings should be equipped with automatic barriers, then reckless drivers will not have the opportunity to jump out at the crossing and create an emergency.

But there are still crossings regulated exclusively by a traffic light or an attendant, and therefore there are no fewer people who want to “slip through”. A relatively small fine of 1000 r.

Penalty for running a red light on a railway crossing 2018

You can try to mitigate a fine of 1000 rubles for violating the rules by writing in the protocol that the barrier was open and the permissive signal was on. REFERENCE.1. A fine for traffic violations can be paid with a 50% discount if done within 20 days after receiving it.


With the exception of the minimum fine (500 rubles) and fines for gross violations (driving while intoxicated, running a red light, etc.).2. If the amount of debts for fines exceeds 10,000 rubles, the VU may be suspended.

In the traffic police database, the driver's license will be temporarily invalid. Continuing to ride with them, you can fall under Part 2 of Art.

What are the penalties for violations at the railway crossing.


At the intersections of the directions of traffic participants Forbidding signal - red in combination with yellow Most often we see traffic lights at the intersections of the directions of traffic and pedestrian flows. Forbidding signals:

  • The yellow signal prohibits movement, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 6.14 of the Rules, and warns of the upcoming change of signals;
  • A red signal, including flashing, prohibits movement.
  • The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming green signal.

The prohibition signal may extend to a specific direction or directions:

  • The switched off signal of the additional section or the switched on light signal of the red color of its contour means the prohibition of movement in the direction regulated by this section.


Railway crossing fines

To regulate the movement of vehicles on the lanes of the carriageway, in particular those on which the direction of movement can be reversed, reversible traffic lights with a red X-shaped signal and a green signal in the form of an arrow pointing down are used. These signals respectively prohibit or permit movement in the lane above which they are located.

The main signals of a reversing traffic light can be supplemented by a yellow signal in the form of an arrow, tilted diagonally down to the right or left, the inclusion of which informs about the upcoming signal change and the need to change lanes to which the arrow points. When the signals of the reversing traffic light, which is located above the lane marked on both sides with markings 1.9, are turned off, entry to this lane is prohibited.

Penalty for driving at a red traffic light in 2018

Read more about violation of the railway crossing rules here. How they work So, in addition to the barrier operating in manual, semi-automatic or automatic mode, the adjustable crossing is equipped with a traffic light. Two types of traffic lights can be installed at crossings:

  • the first type consists of two red signals located on the same horizontal line. If the traffic lights flash alternately, then further movement across the tracks is prohibited. If the traffic light does not give signals, then the movement is allowed;
  • the second type of traffic lights consists of three signals: two red ones located horizontally and one white one, which is located above and in the middle of the red signals.

With this type of traffic light, traffic is allowed if the white light is on and prohibited if the red signals flash alternately.
However, when using photo or video recording cameras, it is almost impossible to challenge the violation. Whether they can deprive a driver's license The type and amount of punishment depends on many different factors:

  • the severity of the offense committed;
  • the consequences of the violation;
  • the presence / absence of aggravating circumstances, for example, alcohol intoxication;
  • the presence/absence of extenuating circumstances, and so on.

If the violation of the rules by the driver did not lead to serious consequences, that is, there was no accident at the crossing, there were no victims, and so on, then an administrative fine is usually imposed for driving at a red semaphore signal.
If the violation of traffic rules led to a road accident, then the driver is subjected to a more severe punishment for driving on a red signal, that is, he is punished with deprivation of rights.
Parking is prohibited not only at the crossing itself. But closer than 50 meters from him. The Code of Administrative Offenses does not contain a separate article specifically about stopping at a crossing, and therefore Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, common to all violations of this kind, applies:


    Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles, with the exception of cases provided for by Part 1 of Article 12.10 of this Code and Parts 2-4 of this Article, - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred roubles.

Certainly. hardly anyone will dare to voluntarily stand in the way. But violation of the fifty-meter zone is not uncommon.

Despite a small fine. Do not forget about the possible evacuation, if the car interferes with the passage of other vehicles, then the costs will no longer seem insignificant. Back to Table of Contents ○ Nuances and resolution of contentious issues.

Passing a prohibition signal on the railway 2018

If necessary, you can require the measurement of the width of the crossing.

  • Overtaking is allowed immediately after the railway crossing, if there are no prohibitory markings or signs.
  • Features and points of contention 1. When a driver is forced to stop at a railway crossing, for example, at a multi-track crossing with a length of more than 7 meters, when the car following in front suddenly stops, you can fall under Part 2 of Art. 12.10 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation and receive a fine of 1000 rubles. To avoid it, it is necessary to indicate in the protocol the forced stop due to a sudden obstruction to traffic. And the fact that the driver took the necessary measures provided for in clause 15.5. traffic rules of the Russian Federation. 2. The final measure of punishment determined by the court may be influenced by extenuating circumstances (part 1 of Art.

The railway crossing is one of the most dangerous sections of the road. Violation of the rules for crossing it is life-threatening, because after a collision with rolling stock, the chances of survival of the driver and passengers are not great, and serious injuries are simply guaranteed, and this is not counting the violation of the railway traffic schedule. Therefore, the penalties for such violations can be very severe. Let's try to figure out what violations can be when crossing a railway crossing, what is the responsibility for them and how to avoid it. Contents of the article ○ Driving on a prohibition signal. ○ Overtaking at a level crossing. ○ Stop and parking. ○ Nuances and resolution of controversial issues. ○ Legal advice: how to avoid a fine. ○ Video. ○ Driving on a prohibition signal. Clause 15.4 of the SDA determined the procedure for crossing the railway crossing.
Passage of the prohibiting signal at the station. Komsomolsk-Sorting Far Eastern Railway February 5, 2018 Situation with ensuring traffic safety on the railway network does not stabilize, the ongoing preventive work with locomotive crews on violations of the rules of service negotiations does not bring positive results. When performing shunting movements and following with trains, locomotive crews are not convinced of the presence of permissive indications of floor traffic lights, and do not control each other's actions. The leaders of T and TSE did not take exhaustive measures to prevent gross violations traffic safety. As a result of unsatisfactory work on the study by locomotive crews of the requirements of Order No. 1258r of Russian Railways dated July 4, 2017, in February 2018, 3 cases of passing traffic lights with a prohibitory indication and 1 case of collision of rolling stock during shunting movements were made.

You can build innovative wagons and locomotives. You can report an increase in loading. There will be no sense from all this until conditions are created for the normal operation of the one who drives and carries all this - the driver.

One year and two days ago April 8, 2017, at the station Kuntsevo-IMoscow road due to a series of illiterate actions of the driver, the train rolled down and collided with the electric locomotive passenger train. And only thanks to the actions of the assistant driver, which he took himself, without anyone's instructions, in the cars that turned into a pile of iron there were no more passengers.

AT Russian Railways, as usual, a telegram was issued. It contains measures to be carried out in all depots of the country. The trouble is that event causes- stupid actions of the driver, flavored with panic, and the prescribed measures are aimed at completely different goals.

As statistics show, from year to year the number of events on the road network related to the actions of drivers does not decrease. What's the matter?

Tell me, are there any other places in the world where 2/3 of the workers are guilty of something every month? The answer is obvious.

Somehow, the deputy for the operation of a large St. Petersburg motor-car depot named a figure at a glider meeting: violation rate for the next month - 0.66. This means that two-thirds of the machinists and assistants, at least in some way, were guilty. Most of them did not bring part of the bonus home - the already low salary lost weight. Tell me, are there any other places in the world where 2/3 of the workers are monthly to blame for something? The answer is obvious.

The same depot Petersburg given as an example. We are sure that the situation is similar for all depots.

So, two-thirds of the workers did something wrong. There are two possible reasons: either the expectations from the qualifications of employees are too high, or the requirements 100% impossible. Something tells me that the second option is closer to the truth.

From month to month, the wording of the violations is the same: he did not produce TO-1 of the rolling stock (he did not do it in full), did not comply with the rules of negotiations, formally familiarized himself with the briefing materials, allowed hitchhiking, was at work not in uniform. The vast majority of impacts do not charge 10-100% premium, occasionally - assign technical classes or make an entry in the form.

Only the lazy did not talk about the inconvenience of uniforms, and one who had never been in the cab could dress the driver in a white shirt. Most depot leaders - former machinists. Who, if not them, should know that to completely produce TO-1 of the same train, without being able to change and then wash, it is physically impossible, and such an amount of different rubbish falls out on the briefing that it is easy to miss something.

In the language of psychologists, this situation is called " learned helplessness syndrome”: no matter how hard you try, you won’t do everything, and if so, there’s no need to try.

The same is in telegrams on cases of violation of traffic safety (in other words, on passages of prohibiting signals). The reasons are non-observation (in "carts" this word is written separately - after all, the word emphasizes continuous spelling) behind the signal, failure to comply with the rules of negotiations, failure to understand the shunting work plan, etc. For each telegram, the machinists make an entry in the form, after which they sign in the daddy that they have learned the briefing.

Approximately ten years ago, the entire road network was certified for compliance ISO 9001 - This international standard in the field of quality. The standard obliges to conduct a corrective action analysis (CA), i.e. actions aimed at eliminating the causes of non-compliance. We paid attention - you need to work with the reasons, and not indiscriminately punish the performers. If the discrepancies are repeated, then the design documentation is recognized as ineffective, and the head of the unit where the discrepancy is revealed must develop new ones. We recall the repeated wording from the order. I wonder what they are waiting for in the depot, applying punishments instead of determining the cause of inconsistencies and eliminating them? Curiously, deputies for operation held in hand ISO 9001?

A couple of years ago, one deputy head of the profile directorate in St. Petersburg demanded that the train crew remove the newspapers that they stuck with tape to the windows instead of the missing sun shades.

The other side of the issue is the attitude towards the driver. The head of the repair depot writes to the head of the maintenance depot: “I ask you to organize the wet cleaning of electric trains at the Volkhovstroy station by the forces of the locomotive brigade.” We don’t know what the head of the depot answered his colleague, but the very possibility of such a proposal is mind-boggling. A couple of years ago, one deputy head of the profile directorate in St. Petersburg demanded that the electric train brigade the guys put away the newspapers, which they stuck with electrical tape to the windows instead of the missing sun blinds - “disgrace the road.”

Further more. “For locomotive drivers […] to press the RB handle at the moment of visibility of the railway crossing and again at the moment of passing its axis, […] to make an explanatory note according to weather conditions […]”. This is the traction department (locomotives). And so the driver, whose head is already stuffed with impossible demands, must remember these unfortunate crossings, the visibility of which is not his concern at all, but poor helper writes the time and weather on the back of the warning form. The authors of such telegrams probably do not know about the need to look ahead and monitor the instruments.

"List of nonsense" one can continue indefinitely, it is limited only by the flight of fancy of the bosses who have lost touch with life. We greeted each other with our hands, flashed buffer lights, did you press the RB at the pre-entry signal? What else to think...

Russian Railways tells the media which super locomotives appear on the network. It's great, of course. Only those that already exist look a little different. Several photographs eloquently testify to the true attitude towards the driver.

Well, the cherry on the cake. This work deserves to be published in its entirety:

We received this masterpiece from Gorky road.

We think the picture of the working conditions of the driver is clear. To do what?

Start with change regulatory framework regarding the duties of locomotive crews: it must be understandable, justified both technologically and from the point of view of common sense. To meet the requirements, there must be physical conditions. It will not hurt to adopt the experience used in civil aviation all over the world: an instructor pilot comes to the cockpit not to check, but to work. For the duration of the check with the aircraft commander, the co-pilot is not included in the plan, and the instructor pilot takes his place. The same is true if you need to fly for a test with a co-pilot: the instructor will come to the cockpit as a commander. He will control the performance of duties by doing the work of another crew member. Most airlines fly all the way up to the leaders, if they are pilots.

Of course, impracticable and unreasonable demands will disappear from the list of duties very soon, because now they are written by those who know for sure that they cannot fulfill these requirements.

This state of affairs will exclude those who went there, escaping from hard train work, in instructor and leadership positions. "Chiefs" will not lose skills management, which is now very close, and it will be possible to turn to them for practical advice. Of course, impracticable and unreasonable demands will disappear from the list of duties very soon, because now they are written by those who know for sure that they cannot fulfill these requirements.

A year and a half ago, this proposal was included in one of the reports at the conference “Locomotives. XXI century" in PGUPS, and the substitute CEO(then Vice President) Russian Railways - Head of the Traction Directorate Oleg Valinsky in an interview with the road Oktyabrskaya highway” confirmed the need to discuss such an approach. Alas, it hasn't come to fruition yet.

Well, for now... Hold on for now brother machinist, and try not to mess up, like our friend in Kuntsevo-I.

Sergey Vershinin, St. Petersburg
Photo by RIA Novosti, Evgeny Biyatov

26.01.2018 Newspaper "Northern Highway" (Northern Railway)

Honest communication

Head of SZD Valery Tanaev continued a series of meetings with locomotive crews. The other day he visited the revolving locomotive depot Rybinsk.

Starting the conversation, Valery Tanaev stressed that he was set for an honest, open dialogue. He informed the staff of the depot that, according to the Management Board of Russian Railways, the Northern Main Line worked steadily over the past year. The main indicators were met with the exception of sectional speed.

As a result of the past days of January, the road gained a good pace and this moment is on the first positions in a network rating, - the head of the road noted. - This is an indicator that our work is systematic, funds for infrastructure development are targeted and used effectively.

However, Valery Tanaev recalled that last year there was a wreck on the highway at the Lost station and stressed that the cost of just one mistake due to banal carelessness is very high.

Vladimir Proskurdin, head of the Northern Traction Directorate, informed that the situation with traffic safety requires special attention of the company. According to him, since the beginning of the year, four passages of prohibiting traffic signals have already been allowed on the road network due to the fact that drivers perceive the receipt of a shunting work plan as a signal to move. So far, among the violators there are no employees of the Northern railway. However, last year, drivers of operational locomotive depots Ivanovo, Isakogorka, Yaroslavl, Bui, and Losta allowed passage of the prohibition signal.

Vladimir Proskurdin also noted an alarming trend towards a reduction in the number of machinists working without violations.

SZD is currently the leader in the number of hitchhiking braking, and this happens with fairly experienced drivers. It is unacceptable that a specialist with a high qualification class is not able to respond correctly to a non-standard situation.

This topic turned out to be especially relevant for the depot. In 2017, there was a noticeable increase in the number of violations committed by locomotive crews, and the lion's share of them falls on violations in the control of the brakes. In this regard, Valery Tanaev once again called for attention to the work of instructor drivers and instructed the leadership of the Northern Traction Directorate to develop criteria for evaluating their work.

Sergey Trifanov, Head of the Locomotive Locomotive Depot Rybinsk, described the work of the enterprise in 2017. The depot team exceeded such indicators as average daily productivity and locomotive mileage, average weight trains, technical and district speeds. It was possible to reduce the number of violations of labor discipline and staff turnover.

Among the main tasks for the current year, Sergei Trifanov named a reduction in the number of overtime hours of work of locomotive crews by at least 5%; prevention of events and failures due to the fault of depot workers; reducing the number of violations committed by drivers; compliance with the train schedule; execution of technical speed.

An important topic has been rational use locomotive crews. This issue was discussed by depot workers during the "round table", the results of which were reported at the meeting. Drivers are aimed at developing proposals to reduce the number of passengers following locomotive crews, changing locomotive crews on the line and driving in reserve. This is especially true for the section Sonkovo ​​- Rybinsk - Yaroslavl. By the way, most of the questions that the members of the locomotive crews asked the head of the road were also devoted to these problems. Due to the fact that the leaders of the Northern Directorate for Traffic Control, the Northern Directorate of Traction and other related structures took part in the dialogue, it turned out to be productive. Valery Tanaev instructed the responsible persons to take into account the proposals of the depot employees on organizing the work of locomotive crews on the designated section and prepare proposals for changing the technology within a specific timeframe.

At the end of the meeting, Valery Tanaev awarded the best depot workers and veterans.


Cases of violation of train traffic safety in 2017 (travelling) in relation to 2016.

Over the past period 2017 year on the road network allowed:


for the same period 2016 allowed on the road network

Passages of prohibiting signals.

Material on passages of prohibiting signals.

Passages are allowed by employees of the locomotive complex

In the production of shunting work - 8 cases.

During train work - 1 case.

in the morning hours of the day - 1 case:

Between 05:00 and 07:00 - 1 case

In the daytime admitted - 4 cases

in the evening hours of the day - 4 cases of them:

in the period from 18:00 to 01:00 - 3 cases;

In the period from 01:00 to 05:00 - 1 case





January 1, 2017 at 19-45 Moscow time in the odd neck of the fleet "B" of the Novokuznetsk-Vostochny railway station during the production of shunting movements of a single electric locomotive 2ES6 No. 221 of registration
TChE Taiga of the West Siberian Traction Directorate under the control of the locomotive brigade TChE Novokuznetsk as part of the engineer Bakaenko S.A. and assistant driver Galeev V.V. the passage of the limit column was allowed, followed by the cut of turnout switch No. 57.

The reason was the violation by the locomotive crew of p.p. 26, 35 of the PTE on setting the locomotive in motion without a message received from the station attendant via radio communication, non-observation of the position of the arrows in the route and failure to ensure the safety of maneuvers.

TsZ-TsT of Valinsky O.S., protocol dated February 7, 2017 No. TsT-91/pr
Acting TsT Krivonosova V.A.).

Kuibyshev Traction Directorate

January 13, 2017 at 20-19 on the tracks of the PTS of the Samara station, during the production (execution) of shunting work by the diesel locomotive ChME-3T No. 7058 registered TChE Samara Kuibyshev Traction Directorate, under the control of the driver TChE Samara Uryupin G.V. at a speed of 2 km / h, the passage of the mast shunting traffic light "M-37" is allowed with a prohibitory indication and the subsequent derailment of the 1st and 2nd wheelset of the 1st diesel locomotive bogie
ChME-3T No. 7058 on wheel-resetting shoe 1SB.

The reason was a violation by the locomotive brigade
Clause 35 of Appendix No. 6 to the PTE for non-observation of the indication of the shunting traffic light and the position of the wheel-dropping shoe during shunting work and clause 24 of Appendix No. 11 to the IDP for not being convinced that there is a permissive indication of the shunting traffic light before leaving the centralized arrows.

(Telegraphic instruction dated February 2, 2017 No. ISH-1943
TsZ-TsT of Valinsky O.S., protocol dated February 7, 2017 No. TsT-91/pr
Acting TsT Krivonosova V.A.).

Northern Traction Directorate

February 11, 2017 at 03-16 Moscow time at the Yaroslavl Glavny station of the Yaroslavl Territorial Administration of the Northern Railway, by train No. 3812, consisting of 53 cars, 212 axles, weight 2839 tons, diesel locomotive 2TE116UD No. 037 (registration TChE-5 Ivanovo), under the control of the locomotive brigade of the same depot, as part of the driver Kuldoshin I .O. (without qualification class, work experience since December 1, 2014, UDPK-1) and assistant driver Karpova N.V. (work experience since October 1, 2012, UPDK-1, with driving rights), while moving, shunting, from one station park to another, at a speed of 24 km / h, the passage of the prohibiting indication of the shunting traffic light M804 (dwarf) is allowed followed by a cut of turnout switch No. 828.

The reason was the failure of the locomotive crew to comply with the requirements: paragraph 17 of Appendix 9 to the IDP in terms of not stopping before the exit traffic light with a moon-white light in the absence of information from the station duty officer about the non-stop passage of this traffic light;
paragraph 22 of Appendix 20 to the IDP in terms of non-compliance with the regulations for official negotiations between the driver and the driver's assistant about the position of each switch along the route.

(Telegraph instructions dated February 14, 2017 No. ISH-2645
TsZ-TsD Ivanov P.A., TsTZ-1 Krivonosov V.A., dated February 16, 2017
No. ISH-1995/TsT acting TsT Krivonosov V.A., protocol dated March 2, 2017
No. ______ TsTZ-1 Krivonosov V.A.).

October Directorate of Traction


February 15, 2017 at 08-29 Moscow time at the railway station Moscow-Passenger of the Moscow Territorial Administration of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, during the production of shunting movements by the diesel locomotive TEM18V No. 028 of the registration of the operational locomotive depot Bologovskoye of the Oktyabrskaya Traction Directorate, under the control of the driver of the operational locomotive depot of the Moscow Oktyabrskaya Traction Directorate Popov S.K. at a speed of 10.5 km / h, the passage of the shunting traffic light M-13 with a prohibitory indication is allowed.

The reason was the violation by the driver of paragraph 35 of Appendix No. 6 of the PTE, non-observation of the signals given and the position of the arrows. This case of violation of traffic safety was facilitated by systemic violations in the work of locomotive crews and employees of the Moscow-Passenger railway station in compliance with the regulations for official negotiations when performing shunting work.

The concomitant cause was the violation of the duty officer at the Moscow-Passenger station (DSP) by Stepanova Yu.M. the requirements of paragraph 1 of Appendix No. 9 of the Instruction on the movement of trains and shunting work on the railway transport of the Russian Federation for not stopping maneuvers with access to the route for receiving train No. 7103, rearranging the shunting train from track No.
8 hours 26 minutes.

Far East Traction Directorate


On February 5, 2017, at the Khabarovsk-2 station of the Far Eastern Railway, when performing shunting movements on the 31st track of the park G of the station, the diesel locomotive TEM18DM No. 766 TChE Khabarovsk-2 of the Far Eastern Traction Directorate under the control of the driver of the same depot Siverin (in position since 03/11/2016, 3 class, professional selection group - 1) passage of the shunting traffic light M404 with a prohibitory indication, followed by the cut of turnout switch No. 510, is allowed.

The reason for the passage was the violation by the driver of paragraph 35 of Appendix No. 6 of the PTE, non-observation of floor traffic signals during shunting movements.

West Siberian Traction Directorate


January 8, 2017 at 08-26 at the Inskaya station of the West Siberian Railway when performing shunting movements on the odd marshalling yard by electric locomotive VL10 No. 1698 of the Omsk operating locomotive depot of the West Siberian Traction Directorate under the control of the locomotive brigade of the Novosibirsk operating locomotive depot as part of the driver Chasovskikh (in position since April 29, 2014, without qualification class, professional selection group - 1) and assistant driver Dobrynchenko (in position since August 28, 2012, professional selection group - 1) at a speed of 20 km / h, shunting (mast) traffic light M-66 was allowed to pass with a prohibitory indication, followed by a cut of turnout switch No. 64.

The reason for the passage was the violation by the locomotive crew of the requirements of paragraph 35 of Appendix No. 6 of the PTE, non-observation of floor traffic signals during shunting movements.

(Telegraphic instruction dated ... .. March 2017 No. ISH- ... ...
TsZ-TsT Valinsky O.S. PROJECT).

Transbaikal Traction Directorate

March 17, 2017 at 09-30 Moscow time at the Magdagachi station of the Trans-Baikal Railway by a locomotive crew consisting of the driver R.L. Vorobyov. and assistant driver Dyachuk A.N. TChE Amurskoe ZAB T, when shunting with electric locomotive EP1 No. 221, the shunting traffic light M32 was allowed to pass with a prohibitory indication at a speed of 38 km / h, followed by an incision of arrow No. 18 and exit to the route of receiving train No. 4402.

The reason for the passage of a traffic light was the inconsistency of actions between the driver and the station attendant.

Volga Traction Directorate

March 22, 2017 at 22-30 at Saykhin station of the single-track non-electrified section Krasny Kut - Verkhniy Baskunchak, the exit traffic light Ch3 (dwarf) was allowed to pass with a prohibitory indication and the subsequent cut of turnout No. 1 by a shunting train of 13 rolling units (class car, crane UK-SP and 8 platforms with equipment) with a diesel locomotive 2TE116 No. 1332 registered TChE Astrakhan under the control of the driver of the same locomotive depot Romanenko.

Kuibyshev Traction Directorate

January 5, 2017 at 23-43 Moscow time when a group of 14 wagons is settling forward by cars from the shunting traffic light M26 to track No. 9 of the Kashpir station, at the command of the train compiler Akhmetzyanov E.A. locomotive series TEM2
No. 6446 of registration TChE Ulyanovsk of the Kuibyshev Traction Directorate under the control of the locomotive brigade TChE Oktyabrsk as part of the driver Malakhov E.A. and assistant driver Zubkov D.G. at a speed of 18.5 km/h, a collision was made with a group of 9 wagons standing on track No. 9 of the station, followed by a derailment of 3 wagons (tanks).

The cause of the collision was the violation by the locomotive brigade of clause 42 of Appendix No. 11 to the IDP for following with special vigilance and speed, which would ensure a timely stop when an obstacle appeared for further movement, when following a busy track.

Krasnoyarsk Traction Directorate

February 4, 2017 at 15-35 Moscow time during shunting movements along the non-public railway track No. 17 PTOL Mariinsk at turnout No. 702, a lateral collision of a 1.5VL80 R series locomotive No. 1569/1729 (bogotol home depot) was allowed, under the control of an electric locomotive driver engaged in heating Besilnykh V.A., with locomotive series 1.5 VL80 R No. 1648/1694 (bogotol home depot), under the control of the locomotive crew of the operating locomotive depot Bogotol, as part of the electric locomotive driver Denisenko V.L. and assistant driver Tsozik E.A., followed by the gathering of three wheelsets of section No. 1729.

The reason was the violation of the requirements of paragraph 35 of Appendix 6 to PTE dated 21.12.2010 No. 286 during shunting, the driver did not monitor the location of the railway rolling stock, did not ensure the safety of shunting work and the safety of the railway rolling stock.

Transbaikal Traction Directorate

February 23, 2017 at 22-44 Moscow time. temp. at Khilok station during shunting work at a speed of 2-3 km/h on the interswitch section
22-28 allowed lateral collision of an uncontrolled locomotive of the series
EP1 No. 241 and a locomotive of the EP1 No. 322 series under the control of the locomotive crew of the Khilok operational locomotive depot of the Trans-Baikal Traction Directorate, consisting of the driver Pisarenko I.G. and assistant driver Veliyev A.N. followed by a descent of 4-wheel pairs from the left side of the electric locomotive EP1 No. 241.

The reason was the failure of the locomotive crew to comply with the requirements of paragraph 35 of Appendix No. 6 to the PTE, the failure to ensure the safety of maneuvers and the safety of railway rolling stock.

Northern Traction Directorate

January 16, 2017 at 13-10 Moscow time in the production of shunting movements for the rearrangement of the locomotive 2TE10M No. 877, registration of the Ivanovo operational locomotive depot of the Northern Traction Directorate, under the control of the driver of the reverse locomotive depot Kostroma
Karpovich M.V. on the 7d track (the first repair position of the PTOL Kostroma), on a manual anti-shear turnout No. 120, at a speed of 5 km / h, 4, 5 and 6 wheel sets of the second section of the locomotive in the direction of travel were allowed to come off. In the descended state, the locomotive proceeded 8 meters. At 18-30 the locomotive was lifted by rolling equipment.

The reason for the derailment was the running of the wheel on the left wit, followed by a failure in the rut due to the presence of pressed snow and ice between the frame rail and the wit of turnout No. 120.

Sverdlovsk Traction Directorate

March 2, 2017 at 4:50 pm Moscow time when fixing the rolling stock of 53 cars on the stationary brake stop of the UTS-380 brand with the electric locomotive VL11 No. 292AB-293B of registration of the operational locomotive depot
TChE-17 Perm-Sorting, under the control of the locomotive crew of the operating locomotive depot TChE-9 Berezniki, as part of the engineer Striganov R.G. and assistant engineer Khristoforov M.V., on the 11th track of park "O" of the Berezniki-Sortirovochnaya railway station, the first knee pair was allowed to come off in the direction of the first train from the head of the car
№ 95303541.

The driver, in violation of the requirements of paragraph 35 of Appendix 6 of the PTE, did not ensure the safety of shunting work. The reason for the derailment of the 1st wheelset of car No. 95303541 was the rolling of the right wheel flange in the direction of the train along the supporting surface of the skid of the brake stop UTS-380, followed by extrusion of the stop pad and the first wheel set moving to the right due to the failure of the automatic couplers between the locomotive and car No. 95303541 to disengage when uncoupling the locomotive from the train.

South East Traction Directorate

The case is under investigation.

Sverdlovsk Traction Directorate

January 9, 2017 at 09-16 Moscow time on 139 km pc 6 of the even track of the Vsevolodo-Vilva - Kopi section of the Sverdlovsk railway, due to the operation of auto brakes, an emergency stop of freight train No. 823AB-767A-492B TChE Perm sorting under the control of the locomotive team TChE Berezniki as part of the electric locomotive driver Vasiliev V.I. and assistant driver Galkin E.V. with a pusher locomotive in the tail 1.5VL11
No. 119AB-195A TChE Perm Sorting, under the control of the locomotive team TChE Berezniki as part of the electric locomotive driver Shekhovtsov SP. and assistant driver Varushkina A.R.

When performing a routine test of auto-brakes for 140 km of the Vsevolodo-Vilva-Kopi section in the auto-brake release mode at a speed
30 km / h there was a pressure drop in the brake line, followed by a stop of the train. During inspection by the locomotive brigade, a break in the passing automatic coupler was found at the 56th car from the head of the train
No. 59044891 and damage (crack in the throat) of the oncoming automatic coupler at the 57th train from the head of the train car No. 59583245, the distance between the cars was 42 meters.

The reason for the breakage of the passing automatic coupler was an instantaneous brittle fracture in the section of the traction surface of a large tooth with sharply arising longitudinal-dynamic reactions in the composition of a moving train, due to a violation of the mode of driving a train and controlling the automatic brakes by a locomotive crew on a critical track profile.

Transbaikal Traction Directorate

January 17, 2017 at 02-34 Moscow time at the exit arrows of the Adrianovka station of the Trans-Baikal Railway at 6316 km pc 2, due to a pressure drop in the brake line, a freight train No. 2514 was stopped, traveling in traction mode, weighing 5979 tons, 67 cars, 268 axles, with an electric locomotive of the VL85 series No. 137 of the registration TChE Nizhneudinsk East- Siberian Traction Directorate, under the control of the locomotive brigade TChE Borzya of the Trans-Baikal Traction Directorate, driver Shadrin A.V. and assistant driver Dudin SM., when following on a double traction with an electric locomotive ZES5K No. 616 of the registry TChE Chita of the Trans-Baikal Traction Directorate under the control of the driver of the operational locomotive depot Karymskaya of the same directorate Necheukhina M.A.

Ignatiev A.N., the inspector of the cars, reported about the breakage of the traction clamp at the 24th car No. 54370127 on the western side of the car. the gap between the cars was 35 m.

The reason for the break of the wedge and the breakage of the traction clamp at the 24th from the head of the train of car No. 54370127 was a violation by the driver of the operating locomotive depot Borzya Shadrin A.Yu. the requirements of paragraph 9.4 of the "Recommendations for the Prevention of Cases of Breaks in the Automatic Couplers of Freight Cars", approved by the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated November 2, 2010 No. 2260r, regarding the inclusion of traction on the second locomotive simultaneously with the lead locomotive, in conjunction with the track profile and weight trains practically corresponding to the maximum allowable in accordance with the Instruction on preparing for following, driving and pushing trains at the Adrianovka - Buryatskaya, Borzya - Kharanor, Kharanor - Soktui crossing sections, approved by the order of the Trans-Baikal Railway dated March 4, 2015 No. Zab-71 and the order November 8, 2016
No. TsT-227 "On the establishment of norms for the masses and lengths of passenger and freight trains on sections served by the Trans-Baikal Traction Directorate."


Kuibyshev Traction Directorate

January 28, 2017 at 21-10 Moscow time at the Syzran-1 station of the Kuibyshev railway, the 10th car from the head of the train was uncoupled from the passenger train No. 65 on the Togliatti-Moscow route. Train 842 tons, followed in the composition of 15 cars and locomotive ChS-7 No. 201 of registration of the operational locomotive depot Moscow - Passenger Kurskaya of the Moscow Traction Directorate, under the control of the locomotive brigade of the Ruzaevka operational locomotive depot of the Kuibyshev Traction Directorate, consisting of the driver Shuvalov O.V. , assistant driver Khripunov A.V.

The reason was the formation of sliders on the rolling surface of wheelsets, due to a violation by the locomotive crew of the procedure in case of overpressure in the brake line of a passenger train
clause 12.1 of the Regulations approved by the order of Russian Railways JSC dated
December 30, 2010 No. 2817r.

Transbaikal Traction Directorate

January 2, 2017 at 4:32 pm Moscow time on the Kirga – Semistochny section of the Far Eastern Railway during the relocation of the VL80S locomotive No. 1452/2169, for repairs in the service
locomotive depot Dalnevostochnoye LLC TMH-Service, branch Dalnevostochny, a break of the spring suspension clamp was allowed, followed by a fall on the track of 7 sheets of spring suspension of the 8th wheelset of electric locomotive VL80S No. 1452.

The reason for the formation of a crack in the clamp of the spring suspension and its subsequent destruction is the stress concentrator, which was obtained in the process of cleaning operations in the manufacture of the casting. The destruction of the clamp occurred as a result of the impact of regular loads. The crack was formed during the operation of the clamp and existed for a long time (more than three years).

The employees of the Obluchye service department, in violation of the requirements of the Manual for the maintenance and current repair of AC electric locomotives VL80 IO 31.12.2004, did not ensure compliance with clause 8.2.2. while doing Maintenance in the scope of TO-2, regarding the inspection of the spring suspension for cracks.

The heads of the TChE of Chita and the Trans-Baikal Directorate of Traction, in violation of the requirements of paragraph 1 of Appendix No. 5 to the PTE, did not ensure the timely completion of the factory type of repair in the scope of the KR electric locomotive VL80S
No. 1452/2169, allowed operation with overrun from the factory type of repair in the amount of KR more than 300,000 km. As a result, the spring suspension clamp of the 8th wheelset of the VL80S electric locomotive No. 1452 was not checked in a timely manner by the instrumental method provided for by the technology during the overhaul, which did not allow timely identification of internal progressive microcracks.


cases of violation of train traffic safety in 2017 (travelling) in relation to 2016.

Over the past period 2017 year on the road network allowed:

9 passages of the prohibition signal ,

for the same period 2016 allowed on the road network

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