What kind of vision should a train driver have. Assistant driver: training, duties and functions. Subway driver - requirements by personality type


A feature of the work of machinists is the lack of a certain rhythm in work: the beginning and end of the shift at different hours, the absence of a regulated break during the work for rest and eating.
Labor activity is not accompanied by significant physical effort, however, it requires significant neuro-emotional stress, immobilization of the motor apparatus and visual, auditory, and analyzer stress. IN labor process there is a danger of a decrease in working capacity, namely the appearance of fatigue. This is facilitated by the monotonous appearance of the oncoming railway track, the flickering of support pillars, the monotonous noise of mechanisms, the uniform swaying, and the rhythmic clatter of wheels.
While driving the train, the driver simultaneously monitors many objects: the profile and condition of the railway track, track signaling, foreign objects that threaten traffic safety. In addition, he monitors the readings of instrumentation in the cab, the voltage in contact network, locomotive signaling. During the movement of a train at an increased speed, the driver must not only perceive a certain signal in the shortest possible time, but also correctly comprehend it, make and implement the appropriate decision in the form of a necessary motor act. The higher the speed, the shorter the period of time for the implementation of the specified cycle, i.e. it is necessary to solve a task with increased responsibility in conditions of not only lack of time, but also information.
Work related to ensuring traffic safety requires constant attention from the driver. During short stops (for 10-20 minutes), the driver practically does not rest, because he is always busy with various duties and preparing the train for movement.
While driving, the driver constantly receives information from the path, i.e. constantly monitors stationary objects (traffic lights, semaphores, crossings, station signals, warning boards, designations of permissible speed, railway track profile), as well as the movement of moving objects (pedestrians, vehicles, animals).
Another type of information is a signal about the operation of aggregates and units of the locomotive. The driver receives these signals by observing the readings of instruments and auditory perceptions about the operation of machines and mechanisms.
The main load of information processing falls on the visual analyzer (about 90%). The driver must have a good visual memory, correctly determine the distance (to determine the stopping distance), and also develop the skills to quickly identify the causes of technical problems and quickly determine the method of their elimination. Along with this, information comes in sound (speech, noise) and vibration (from working units, locomotive movement) form. There is a tension associated with a subtle visual difference (color separation, the difference between railway track objects, etc.)
The activity of the driver is accompanied by constant and significant neuropsychic stress, due to personal responsibility for the lives of passengers and material values, for the danger of passing prohibiting signals, ensuring movement according to the schedule. The driver must be ready at any time to respond to signals that suddenly appear.
The design of the diesel locomotive relieves the driver of the significant physical effort required to control the locomotive. Control movements are simple. The work is mainly characterized by a forced sitting position (electric locomotive) or standing position (shunting locomotives) with limited mobility and the need for constant static stress, although without significant physical effort. This is a typical managerial and operational activity. In terms of physical difficulty, it can be classified as easy, but at some points it is equated with moderate severity due to tension and uncomfortable posture.
The activity of the driver is carried out in a confined space of the cab of the electric locomotive. Under such conditions, it is exposed to noise, vibration, radiation energy, electromagnetic field, adverse meteorological factors. Also, the cabin of an electric locomotive can be polluted with dust.
The main source of noise is the generator, traction motors, fans, wind blowers, chassis. In the cabin of an electric locomotive, while moving at a speed of 20-100 km / h with closed windows, the level of equivalent sound pressure is 47-72 dBA, during parking with the engine running 52-63 dBA, while the driver is talking to the dispatcher 61-78 dBA, in the engine room while driving up to 78dBA.
The main source of infrasound in the frequency range 4-16 Hz is the interaction of the wind flow with the locomotive that is moving.
Vertical and horizontal rocking of the locomotive body are sources of low-frequency and high-frequency vibration. The low-frequency components correspond to the body's own swaying, the high-frequency ones are due to the vibration of the wheel sets through the spring system and the body support system on the chassis, as well as the influence of the vibration of the power plants.
Vibration, which is recorded on the seats of the driver and his assistant on an electric locomotive, under certain conditions, may be above the permissible level. The frequency of the main oscillations does not exceed 5 Hz. At the workplaces of the LB (on the floor, on the seat) of an electric locomotive, the vibration exceeds the maximum control limit mainly in the middle and lower parts of the geometric mean frequency spectrum from 1.5 to 14 times in vertical components and from 1.1 to 10 times in horizontal ones. Due to the combined effect of noise and vibration, the attention of the drivers is significantly reduced, the reaction slows down, the sensitivity of vision and light perception decreases.
The LB of an electric locomotive operates in the zone of electromagnetic fields, however, information about their actual level indicates that the workplaces of the driver and assistant driver are shielded from the influence of the electric field of the contact wire of the grounded structure of the electric locomotive cab.
The alternating current voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz at the workplaces of the LB of an electric locomotive is ten times lower than the MPE. The levels of electromagnetic fields of the radio frequency range and magnetic fields existing in the cabin are not adverse factors working conditions, however, they should be taken into account in combination with other factors.
The natural lighting of the cab complies with hygienic requirements. Artificial lighting is represented by adjustable general and local.
In summer, the air temperature in the cabin does not differ significantly from the outside. In winter, the cabin of the electric locomotive is equipped with electric heaters.
The presence of an electric furnace makes it possible to maintain a stable temperature in the cabin within the limits of hygienically acceptable values ​​in the conditions of the cold season.
On a shunting locomotive, the unfavorable microclimate is due to the need to work with open windows. Due to strong cooling (at low outside temperature), the driver tries to close the windows as much as possible. This leads to a rapid rise in temperature. During the hour, the temperature can change with significant differences. Creation of favorable temperature conditions on a shunting locomotive with open windows is impossible.
The vertical temperature difference between the level of the driver's head and legs is 6-15°C. Relative air humidity in cabins in winter is from 15 to 40%. Air speed at open windows does not exceed 0.5 m/s. In summer, the temperature in the cabin rises to 33-34°C, in winter it drops to 5-10°C.
Exhaust gases emitted by powerful engines can enter the cabin and pollute the air with toxic substances: carbon monoxide, nitrogen, sulfur, aldehydes, soot. Exceeding the MPC is observed in rare cases.

<*>Explanations to section V B.

Article 82. In group I, the necessary visual acuity is taken into account both with and without correction. Determination of visual acuity in applicants, students, applicants and workers in the professions of subgroups 1.1 and 1.2 (except for the profession of a fireman of a steam locomotive in a depot) is carried out according to the rings of the Landolt tables, other professions - according to the letter optotypes of the Golovin-Sivtsev tables.

For professions of groups II - VI, in cases where visual acuity correction is not allowed, an expert opinion is issued under the "without correction" section; when correction is allowed - according to the section "with correction" or "without correction".

If spectacle or contact correction is required, the conclusion states: "good for glasses (contact lenses)". Admitted under these conditions must have a spare pair of glasses or lenses, control over their wearing (and the availability of spare optical aids) is carried out by the instructor staff and medical staff health centers of the locomotive depot.

Refraction among applicants, students and applicants is determined under cycloplegia: in the professions of group I (except for the profession of a fireman of a locomotive in a depot, a machinist and an assistant machinist of a railway - construction machines) ametropia up to 0.5 D is allowed, in the professions: turnout duty officer, signalman, train compiler, train compiler assistant (including the senior), freight train conductor (including the main one), wagon speed controller, electric welder, electric and gas welder (working on the tracks) ametropia up to 1.0 D is allowed.

Presbyopia correction is permitted for all occupational groups. Optical correction of anisometropia is allowed with a difference of no more than 2.0 D, provided that it is well tolerated.

After keratotomy or infrakeratoplasty, applicants, students and entering professions of group I, as well as employees assigned and employed in train work "in one person" are not allowed. Applicants, students, applicants and workers of other professions are allowed while maintaining professionally significant functions and without complications. It should be borne in mind that after refractive surgery, visual functions are restored on average after 1 year.

The initial myopic or hypermetropic refraction before surgery can be no higher than 4.0 D in workers of group I. For applicants, students, applicants and workers of groups II-VI - no higher than 6.0 D (in the absence of data on the state of refraction, ultrasound biometry is performed: if the length of the eye axis is more than 26.0 mm or less than 22.0 mm, the examinee is considered unsuitable).

Article 83. Unstable position of the IOL, a tendency to dislocation into the anterior or posterior chambers, hypertension in a pseudophakic eye, a cystic filtration pad are contraindications for admission to all professions. Employees of all professions after pseudophakia undergo mandatory medical examinations with a frequency of 1 time per year.

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Deputy will answer you CEO driving school "Mustang" for academic work

High School Teacher, Candidate technical sciences

Kuznetsov Yury Alexandrovich

New list of diseases prohibiting driving

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work, during the performance of which preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in hard work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions "from January 01, 2012 of the year, subparagraphs 11, 12 (with the exception of 12.2, 12.11, 12.12), 13 of Appendix No. 2 to the order of the USSR Ministry of Health of September 29, 1989 No. 555 "On improving the system of medical examinations of workers and drivers of individual Vehicle». (http://www.xn--80aaaaaq6azamaccckfprc6hzfvc.xn--p1ai/blog/faktory_provociruyuschie_dtp/perechen_zabolevaniy_zapreschayuschih_vozhdenie/11-176 ).

According to paragraph 28 of Appendix No. 2 to this order (you can find the full text of the Order on our website in the "Legislation" section), the following requirements are established for drivers of ground vehicles.

28. Driving ground vehicles:


1 time in 2 years

Laboratory and functional studies

Height, weight, determination of blood type and Rh factor (with the passage of a preliminary medical examination) Audiometry Examination of the vestibular analyzer Visual acuity Color perception Determination of visual fields Biomicroscopy of the media of the eye Ophthalmoscopy of the fundus

Corrected visual acuity below 0.6 in the best eye, below 0.2 in the worst. Permissible correction for myopia and hyperopia 8.0 D D D D .

Central scotoma absolute or relative (with scotoma and the presence of changes in visual function not lower than the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in paragraph 1 of this column of the subparagraph - tolerance without restrictions).

Condition after refractive operations on the cornea (keratotomy, keratomileusis, keratocoagulation, refractive keratoplasty). Persons are allowed to drive 3 months after surgery with visual acuity with a correction of at least 0.6 in the best eye, not lower than 0.2 in the worst.

Permissible correction for myopia and hyperopia 8.0 D , including contact lenses, astigmatism - 3.0 D (the sum of sphere and cylinder must not exceed 8.0 D ). The difference in the power of the lenses of the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D , in the absence of complications and initial (before surgery) refraction - from +8.0 to -8.0 D . If it is impossible to establish preoperative refraction, professional suitability issues are resolved positively with an eye axis length of 21.5 to 27.0 mm.

An artificial lens, at least in one eye. Experienced drivers are allowed with visual acuity with a correction of at least 0.6 on the best eye, not less than 0.2 - on the worst. Permissible correction for nearsightedness and farsightedness 8.0 D , including contact lenses, astigmatism -
D (the sum of the sphere and the cylinder must not exceed 8.0 D ). The difference in the power of the lenses of the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D , normal field of vision and no complications within six months after surgery.

Chronic diseases of the membranes of the eye, accompanied by a significant impairment of the function of vision, persistent changes in the eyelids, including their mucous membranes, paresis of the muscles of the eyelids that impede vision or limit the movement of the eyeball (after surgical treatment with a positive result, admission is carried out individually).

Chronic inflammation of the lacrimal sac that does not respond to conservative treatment, as well as persistent, lacrimation that does not respond to treatment.

Paralytic strabismus and other concomitant eye movement disorders.

Persistent diplopia due to strabismus of any etiology.

Spontaneous nystagmus with pupil deviation of 70° from the middle position.

Limitation of the field of view by more than 20 0 in any of the meridians.

Violation of color perception.

Diseases of the retina and optic nerve (retinitis pigmentosa, optic nerve atrophy, retinal detachment, etc.).

Compensated glaucoma (normal fundus; change in visual acuity not less than 0.6 in the best eye, not less than 0.2 in the worst) (allowed with re-examination after one year).

Absence of one upper or lower limb, hand or foot, as well as deformity of the hand or foot, which significantly impedes their movement. As an exception, persons with one amputated lower leg may be allowed if the amputation stump is at least 1/3 of the lower leg and the mobility in the knee joint of the amputated limb is fully preserved.

Absence of fingers or phalanges, as well as immobility in the interphalangeal joints:

the absence of two phalanges of the thumb on the right or left hand;

absence or immobility of two or more fingers on the right hand or complete reduction of at least one finger;

the absence or immobility of three or more fingers on the left hand or the complete reduction of at least one finger (while maintaining the grasping function and strength of the hand, the issue of access to control is decided individually).

Shortening of the lower limb by more than 6 cm - examined can be considered fit if the limb has no defects on the part of bones, soft tissues and joints, the range of motion is preserved, the length of the limb is more than 75 cm (from the calcaneus to the middle of the greater trochanter of the thigh).

Absence of an upper limb or hand, absence of a lower limb at any level of the thigh or lower leg with impaired mobility in the knee joint.

Traumatic deformities and defects of the skull bones with severe neurological symptoms that prevent driving. In the presence of minor neurological symptoms, admission is carried out individually with a re-examination after one year.

Complete deafness in one ear when perceiving colloquial speech to the other at a distance of less than 3 m, whispering speech - at a distance of 1 m, or perception of colloquial speech in each ear less than 2 m of the year).

Chronic unilateral or bilateral purulent inflammation of the middle ear, complicated by cholesteatoma, granulations or polyps (epithympanitis). The presence of a fistula symptom (after surgical treatment with a good result, the issue is resolved individually).

Chronic purulent mastoiditis, complications due to mastoidectomy (cyst, fistula).

Diseases of the endocrine system of a progressive course with persistent, pronounced dysfunctions of other organs and systems (permission to drive is decided individually, subject to annual re-examination after examination and treatment by an endocrinologist).

III Art., high-grade heart rhythm disturbances, or a combination of these conditions (permission to drive is decided individually, subject to annual re-examination after examination and treatment by a cardiologist).

Hypertension II I stages, 3 degrees, risk 1 V (admission to drive is decided individually, subject to annual re-examination based on the results of treatment and the recommendations of a cardiologist)

Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system with symptoms of respiratory failure or pulmonary heart failure 2-3 tbsp. (Admission to driving is decided individually after examination and treatment by a pulmonologist).

Additional medical contraindications

Additional medical contraindications

Visual acuity below 0.5 in the best eye and below 0.2 in the worst eye (corrected); lack of vision in one eye with visual acuity below 0.8 (without correction) in the other.

Complete deafness (for deafness, deaf-mutism, admission is carried out individually with re-examination after one year).

Absence of an upper limb or hand, absence of a lower limb at any level of the thigh or lower leg with impaired mobility in the knee joint.

Diseases of any etiology that cause dysfunction of the vestibular analyzer, dizziness syndromes, nystagmus (Ménière's disease, labyrinthitis, vestibular crises of any etiology, etc.).

Prolapse of the uterus and vagina, retrovaginal and vesico-vaginal fistulas, perineal ruptures with violation of the integrity of the rectal sphincters, dropsy of the testicle or spermatic cord, hernia and other diseases that cause restrictions and pain in movements that prevent driving.

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in paragraph 3-25 of this column of subparagraph 28.1.

Decreased visual acuity below 0.5 in the best eye and below 0.2 in the worst eye (corrected).

Loss of vision in one eye with visual acuity below 0.8 (without correction) in the other.

For taxi drivers and drivers of vehicles of operational services (ambulance, fire service, police, emergency rescue service, military automobile inspection), corrected visual acuity is below 0.8 in one eye, below 0.4 in the other. Permissible correction for myopia and hyperopia 8.0 D, including contact lenses, astigmatism - 3.0 D (the sum of the sphere and cylinder should not exceed 8.0 D). The difference in the power of the lenses of the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D.

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in subparagraph 28.1 of this column.

Condition after refractive surgery on the cornea) - allowed to drive a person 3 months after the operation with visual acuity with a correction of at least 0.6 in the best eye, not lower than 0.2 - in the worst.

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in subparagraph 28.4.

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in paragraph 3-25 of this column of subparagraph 28.1.

Corrected visual acuity below 0.8 in one eye, below 0.4 in the other. Permissible correction for nearsightedness and farsightedness 8.0 D , including contact lenses, astigmatism -3.0 D (the sum of sphere and cylinder must not exceed 8.0 D ). The difference in the power of the lenses of the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D.

Loss of vision in one eye with visual acuity below 0.8 (without correction) in the other. An artificial lens, at least in one eye.

Perception of conversational speech in one or both ears at a distance of less than 3 m, whispered speech -on distance 1 m (with complete deafness in one ear and perception of spoken language at a distance of less than 3 m in the other ear or perception of spoken speech at least 2 m in each ear, the issue of admission of trained drivers is decided individually during the annual re-examination).

The absence of one upper or lower limb, hand or foot, as well as the deformity of the hand or foot, which significantly hinders their movement, is not allowed in all cases.

The absence of fingers or phalanges, as well as immobility in the interphalangeal joints of the hands, are not allowed even with intact grasping function.

Traumatic deformities and defects of the skull bones with severe neurological symptoms.

Ischemic heart disease: unstable angina, exertional angina, FC III , high-grade cardiac arrhythmias, or a combination of these conditions.

Hypertonic disease II-III Art. Hypertensive disease 1 tbsp. admission is carried out individually, subject to an annual survey.

Diabetes (all types and forms).

Growth below 150 cm (the issue is decided individually), a sharp lag in physical development.

Additional medical contraindications

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in paragraph 3-25 of this column of subparagraph 28.6.

Additional medical contraindications

Additional medical contraindications

With speech defects and logoneurosis (stuttering) in severe forms - for drivers of passenger transport, admission is carried out individually.

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in subparagraph 28.6. of this column.

28.12. Tram, trolleybus

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in subparagraph 28.6 of this column.

Tram and trolleybus drivers with implanted artificial pacemakers are not allowed to work.

28.13. Tractors and self-propelled machines

Additional medical contraindications

28.14. Mini tractors, walk-behind tractors, forklifts, electric cars, traffic controllers, etc.

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in subparagraph 28.4 of this column.

The subcategories of vehicles specified in the Order have not yet entered into force.

The health status of transport workers is given a lot of attention. great attention, that's why for machinist medical board is mandatory. Each work shift of the driver is associated with a great load on hearing and vision, with a huge sense of responsibility for the safety and life of people.

Along with the listed psychophysical loads, “iron horse drivers” are under the constant influence of vibrations, electromagnetic radiation and dusty air.

In the metro, the distances between trains are short, and the driver must strictly observe the timetable and at the same time monitor the environment as closely as possible.

From the driver of railway locomotives, the ability to carefully monitor the road and the ability to instantly make the right decision in the event of an unforeseen situation along the train route is also required.

Therefore, there is a strict selection of candidates for training in this specialty.

The path to the chair of the "electric train captain" begins with the passage.

Its mandatory steps are:

  • vision test (it must be perfect!);
  • examination of the fundus;
  • taking an audiogram (hearing test);
  • bicycle ergometry (study of the reaction of the heart to physical activity);
  • fluorography;
  • analyses; availability of a certificate of vaccination;
  • extract from the medical card;
  • medical examinations by specialists.

If successful, psychological testing follows. Specialists are obliged to make sure that a person is not only ready, but can also be responsible for the lives of people entrusted to him. He must have increased emotional and stress resistance. Engineers must have an instant reaction to unforeseen situations and be able to make decisions in a split second.

Attention to the health of specialists in this difficult and responsible profession has not weakened throughout their careers. Upon reaching the age of 40 driver medical board required twice a year.

Each work shift of the driver begins with a visit to the doctors: measuring temperature, pressure, checking cardiac activity, testing for alcohol - these procedures become an integral part of the life of these specialists.

All data from medical examinations and examinations are recorded in a special card.

Taking care of the health of specialists in this profession is one of the components of passenger safety.

First stepmedical board

In the subway and commuter trains every now and then they announce the hiring of machinists. Quite modest initial requirements (it is enough to be a man under 40 with a secondary education) and a good salary attracts many, but the path to the chair of the "electric train captain" turns out to be long and full of obstacles...

The driver needs to have iron health: driving an electric train is a harmful job. This is a big load on vision and hearing, exposure to electromagnetic radiation and vibration, dusty air (including metal dust, especially in the subway). It is no coincidence that the driver's working day (or night) begins with a mandatory medical examination: checking pressure, temperature, cardiac activity, and an alcohol test. Therefore, no matter where you decide to study: in one of the electric depots (if we are talking about the subway) or at a college (for working on electric trains), the first thing you will have to face is a harsh medical board. First, doctors will carefully check your health, then you will undergo a psychological test to find out if you are ready to be responsible for hundreds of people, to be collected and attentive for a long time, to make decisions in just a split second.

In some educational institutions x, for example, in the specialized Railway College N 52, the requirements are softer: it is enough to bring a regular medical certificate (086-y). However, before the last - train - practice, you still have to go through a medical examination in full: after two years of study, health may deteriorate (vision - due to computers, hearing - due to players, etc.). And if some indicators turn out to be below the norm (most of the candidates are eliminated at medical examinations), then you will not be a machinist - you will have to be content with the profession of a locksmith and repair cars.

The main stages of the medical examination:

    vision test (it must be perfect), fundus conditions

    audiogram (hearing test)

    bicycle ergometry


    tests, vaccination certificates, extract from the medical record

    examine medical specialists: a surgeon, a neurologist, a dentist, an otolaryngologist, a general practitioner.

If there is a deferment from military service, then it should not be related to health. Drivers undergo a medical examination once every three years.

The machiniststhrough college

If everything is in order with health and psyche, you can start training. Electric train drivers in Moscow are trained by two educational institutions: Railway College N 52 and Moscow College of Railway Transport. Here, within the framework of primary vocational education (VET), one can learn to become an assistant driver in ten months (after grade 11) or in two years and ten months (after grade 9). In principle, this may be enough to start a profession, but it is better to get deeper knowledge and an average professional education(SPO), enrolling in the specialty "Technical operation of the rolling stock of railways". The study will take two years and ten months after the 11th grade and almost four years after the 9th, but college graduates receive more highly qualified"technician".

To enter the Railway College N 52 after the 9th grade, you need to pass an exam in physics and the Russian language (dictation), after the 11th - in mathematics and Russian (exposition). At the Moscow College of Railway Transport, Russian (dictation) and mathematics (oral) are waiting for you.

During your studies, you will receive the rank of a rolling stock repairman (having passed the exam after industrial training), and then proceed to the study of the main disciplines: Maintenance electric trains, auto brakes, etc.

To study in the underground

Colleges train universal specialists for both suburban trains and subways, but those who want to work in the subway usually prefer a different path: they choose a depot (subway line), go to the appropriate personnel department and declare their intention to become a machinist. The Depot sends the candidate for training to the Training and Production Center (UPC) of the Moscow Metro.

Studying is rich: first you need to go through a mandatory locksmith practice and get a grade, then study the equipment of an electric train, get acquainted with numerous instructions and professional terminology.

Vyacheslav Garanin, Head of the UOC of the Moscow Metro:

- Behind Lately we managed to significantly reduce the training time: now we train assistant drivers in one month, and drivers in six months. This was achieved through the introduction modern technologies: computer programs that allow you to study in detail the equipment of wagons, educational films (to see with your own eyes how, for example, wagons are assembled, you don’t have to go to the factory), unique simulators, ready-made illustrated notes for each student (they save 70% of the teacher’s time) .

The final of the first stage of training is train practice. It runs for several weeks on an electric train along a specific route. An important condition is that by this time the student must already be 18 years old. After successfully passing the exam, the graduate is awarded the qualification of "assistant driver". He will have to work in this position from several months (on the subway) to two years (on suburban trains): check the technical condition of the train, observe the landing, respond to requests via the “passenger-driver” connection and, of course, learn from the driver the experience in electric train control.

Here, locomotive control is learned at a new level: future drivers are engaged in simulators that imitate train control, learn to get out of emergencies. Training lasts four to six months, after which the graduate receives the right to drive an electric train.

Finally, the "fired" newcomer sits down at the driver's controller - the main train control lever. He must gain experience, grow from a 4th class driver to a 1st class driver, and then take the position of an instructor driver. To increase the rank, the driver again undergoes training and takes an exam.

For those who have proven themselves well, the depot can offer free education at the Moscow State University of Railway Transport, and a specialist with a higher engineering education railway much more room for growth. So, in the administration of JSC Russian Railways or in the Office of State Railway Supervision there are leaders who once worked as machinists.

Career and salary

Volume passenger traffic is constantly growing, the lines are developing. therefore suburban trains and subways are in constant need of drivers and assistants. But, before you connect your life with driving an electric train, you should know: this is not a job for a year or two. In order to become "their own" on the railway, she will have to devote most of her life. The salary of the driver's assistants is from 15 thousand rubles, experienced drivers, receiving bonuses and allowances, earn up to 25-30 thousand rubles.

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