Job description of an electrician of the contact network rks. Contact network electrician. Safety requirements in emergency situations


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Instructions for the position " Electrician contact network 4th category", presented on the site, complies with the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY qualification characteristics occupations of workers. Issue 87 public utilities settlements. (Taking into account the applications approved by: order of the State Committee of Ukraine on Housing and Communal Services of 09.07.2004 N 132, order of the State Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine on 22.11.2004 N 210, order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of 08.12.2009 N 387, order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine on December 23, 2010 N 464), which was approved by the order of the State Committee for Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of Ukraine on June 14, 1999 N 144. Agreed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine.
The status of the document is "valid".

Preface to job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Document approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Electrician of the contact network of the 4th category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualifications- complete or basic general secondary education. Vocational education. Training. Work experience in the profession of an electrician of a contact network of 3 categories - at least 1 year. The presence of a certificate of assignment of the IV group for electrical safety.

1.3. Knows and applies:
- power supply schemes and sections of the contact network and power supply devices;
- types of p_dv_shuvan contact network;
- designs and types of metal, reinforced concrete supports and methods of their installation;
- designs of current collectors and their effect on the contact wire;
- places of outputs and numbering of supply lines;
- power supply circuits for high-voltage lines, waveguides suspended on contact network supports;
- properties of explosives, the procedure for preparing and conducting thermite welding and explosion welding;
- the structure of the rigging equipment and the rules for its use;
- signaling during rigging;
- rules for the maintenance and repair of contact networks in the scope of their duties;
- rules for the safe performance of work.

1.4. An electrician of the contact network of the 4th category is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The electrician of the contact network of the 4th category reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The electrician of the contact network of the 4th category directs the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.7. The electrician of the contact network of the 4th category during the absence is replaced by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Mounts, dismantles the equipment of contact networks of tram and trolleybus lines, broken down according to drawings and sketches of straight parts.

2.2. Carries out scheduled preventive maintenance of contact networks of direct and alternating current.

2.3. Installs and replaces prefabricated supports, flexible beams, crossbars, consoles, brackets, clamps, sectional insulators and suspension parts.

2.4. Checks the operation of sectional disconnector drives with remote control, insulation of guy wires of anchor supports and operation of the pantograph.

2.5. Installs and installs remote control equipment.

2.6. Looks after and repairs high-voltage lines, automatic blocking, waveguides suspended on the supports of the contact network and on individual supports.

2.7. Participates in the welding of wires by the thermal method and by the explosion method.

2.8. Bypasses power lines and inspects lines and devices from the driver's cab of a trolleybus, tram.

2.9. Examines the state of foundation structures, braces and the bottom of supports without soil excavation.

2.10. Establishes permanent signal signs on the support of the contact network.

2.11. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.12. Knows and fulfills the requirements of regulatory acts on labor and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The electrician of the contact network of the 4th category has the right to take actions to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. An electrician of the contact network of the 4th category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. An electrician of the contact network of the 4th category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and exercise of rights.

3.4. An electrician of the contact network of the 4th category has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The electrician of the contact network of the 4th category has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. An electrician of the contact network of the 4th category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his duties and orders of the management.

3.7. An electrician of the contact network of the 4th category has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The electrician of the contact network of the 4th category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. An electrician of the contact network of the 4th category has the right to get acquainted with the documents defining the rights and obligations for the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The electrician of the contact network of the 4th category is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the rights granted.

4.2. The electrician of the contact network of the 4th category is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. An electrician of the contact network of the 4th category is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise / institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The electrician of the contact network of the 4th category is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal normative documents organizations (enterprises/institutions) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The electrician of the contact network of the 4th category is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The electrician of the contact network of the 4th category is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise / institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The electrician of the contact network of the 4th category is responsible for the misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

5. Examples of work

5.1. Checking the resistance of the ground loop.

5.2. Measurement of wear and seasonal regulation of contact wires on tram and trolleybus lines.

5.3. Checking on poles, foundations of poles of resistance and current leakage.

5.4. Switching disconnectors of the contact network within the serviced distance and in the adjacent one.

5.5. Preparation and tensioning of transverse cables.

5.6. Overview of suction and supply lines, overhead lines crossing the contact network, cantilever fixing risers, traverses with pins for waveguides.

Job Description. Maintenance and repair of direct and alternating current contact network, overhead lines suspended on contact network supports or on independent supports on bypasses at height with stress relief and grounding away from live parts, under the supervision of a higher-skilled contact network electrician. Dismantling of the contact network of railway lines and dismantling of fittings removed from the line. Installation and dismantling of the contact network on railway lines with rolling along the track. Repair of tools, fixtures, inventory, protective equipment, portable grounding. Participation in the installation and dismantling of substations.

Must know: appointment and arrangement of individual elements of the contact network and transformer substations; device and principle of operation of rigging mechanisms and units; basic properties of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, insulating materials; brands and sections of wires, cables and wire; conditions for the use of rigging devices and mechanisms; classification and basic properties of soils; support types; rules for the use of control and measuring instruments and simple measuring instruments; purpose and procedure for the use of protective and mounting devices.

§ 97. Electrician of the contact network (3rd category)

Job Description. Installation, maintenance and repair of direct and alternating current contact network, overhead lines suspended on contact network supports or on independent supports on bypasses as part of a team at a height with voltage relief and grounding, under voltage with insulating rods when clearing ice. Inspection and repair of electric traction rail circuit. Perform work away from live parts. Installation of the contact network of railway lines of direct and alternating current, overhead lines suspended on the supports of the contact network, as part of a team. Performing operations with the wires of the contact network during the wiring and summary of bridges. Switching disconnectors and other switching devices of railway lines within the service area. Fencing the place of work with signals.

Must know: rules for the device of the contact network; appointment of contact network devices; rules for the operation of signaling, centralization and blocking devices; power supply schemes and sectioning of the contact network and other power supply devices within the serviced area; ways to eliminate damage and malfunctions of contact network devices; permissible loads on wires; methods of connecting and fastening wires; the procedure for fencing during work on the contact network; rules for the device, technical operation and technology for the maintenance and repair of the contact network; the principle of railway communication; fundamentals of electrical engineering.

§ 98. Electrician of the contact network (4th category)

Job Description. Installation, maintenance and repair of direct and alternating current contact network, overhead lines suspended on contact network supports or on independent supports on bypasses as part of a live work team, near live parts, within the power supply distance. Performance of work away from parts under voltage and with the removal of voltage from the contact network and grounding within the area of ​​​​the contact network. Installation, dismantling of contact network equipment according to drawings and sketches. Maintenance of technical documentation on the work performed, incl. using an automated workstation. Participation in the technical maintenance of transformer substations for powering automatic blocking devices and non-traction consumers. Supervision of the members of the brigade during work on the contact network, switching disconnectors and other switching devices of railway lines within the power supply distances.

Must know: power supply schemes and sectioning of the contact network and other power supply devices within the distance; rules for the use and testing of protective equipment used in contact network and power supply devices; types of contact network suspensions; types and designs of metal, reinforced concrete supports and methods of their installation; designs of current collectors and methods of their influence on the contact wire; the device of rigging equipment and the rules for handling it; signaling procedure during rigging.

§ 99. Electrician of the contact network (5th category)

Job Description. Performance complex work(a consolidated team of several areas of the contact network, using a repair train of several hoisting machines, etc.) for the maintenance and repair of the contact network of direct and alternating current, overhead lines suspended on the supports of the contact network or on independent supports on live bypasses, near parts under voltage, within the serviced area. Management of work on the maintenance and repair of the contact network of direct and alternating current, overhead lines suspended on the supports of the contact network or on independent supports on bypasses under voltage, near parts under voltage, within the serviced area. Participation in rounds with inspection of contact network devices to assess their condition. Participation in the brigade in the performance of riding diagnostics of contact network devices and power lines with a voltage above 1000 V, passing through the support of the contact network. Management of work on the contact network in dangerous places within the serviced area. Supervision of teams working in electrical installations of any voltage. Adjustment of adjustable devices on bridges. Technical content of transformer substations for powering automatic blocking devices and non-traction consumers. Implementation of operational work at the railway station docking DC and AC.

Must know: rules for the technical operation of railways Russian Federation; instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation; technical standards for operational maintenance of contact network devices, traction rail circuit; ways to prevent and eliminate damage and malfunctions of contact network devices; rules for reading drawings and diagrams of devices, assemblies, parts and fittings of the contact network; rules for the operation of draw devices on bridges.

§ 100. Electrician of the contact network (6th category)

Job Description. Performing complex work (by a combined team of several areas of the contact network, using a repair train of several hoisting machines, etc.), maintenance and repair of the DC and AC contact network, overhead lines suspended on contact network supports or on independent supports on detours under voltage, near live parts, within the power supply distance. Bypass with inspection of contact suspension. Unscheduled detours with inspection of the contact suspension, detours with checking the current collection, detours with inspection of the contact suspension. Inspection of crossings of power lines through the contact network. Bypass with an inspection to assess the condition and scope of repair of the contact suspension. Leading a team in the performance of riding diagnostics of contact network devices and power lines with a voltage above 1000 V, passing through the contact network supports. Establishing the causes of disruption in the operation of power supply devices. Breakdown of contact network supports of all types on new lines on straight and curved sections. Installation and dismantling of all types of adjustable devices on bridges. Management of work on the contact network within the power supply distance.

Must know: ways of breaking down the supports of the contact network and methods of their installation in pits; structures and types of foundations, supports; technological requirements for the maintenance of devices, equipment, fittings used in the operation and repair of the contact network; installation of traction substations and electric rolling stock in the required volume.

§ 101. Electrician of the contact network (7th category)

Job Description. Testing and measurement of contact network devices using portable and stationary diagnostic equipment. Analysis of the measurements taken. Diagnostic inspection of power supply devices from railcars. Organization of work on the maintenance and repair of contact network devices in areas with high-speed traffic.

Must know: circuit diagrams diagnostic devices; mechanical and electrical characteristics of the diagnostic equipment used; the order of operation, adjustment and troubleshooting of serviced devices; rules for the device, technical operation, maintenance and repair of the contact network in areas with high-speed traffic.

§ 102. Electrician of the contact network (8th category)

Job Description. Installation of a contact network, performance of complex works (by a combined team of several areas of a contact network, using a repair train of several hoisting machines, etc.), maintenance and repair of a contact network and overhead lines on high-speed DC and AC lines, overhead lines, suspended on contact network supports or on independent supports on bypasses, in dangerous places within the power supply distance. Setting up microprocessor systems for diagnosing. Production of work on testing and measuring devices of the contact network using microprocessor-based portable and stationary diagnostic equipment. Deciphering the received information using personal computer. Performing work in dangerous places for the maintenance of contact network devices in areas with high-speed train traffic.

Must know: the principle of operation of microprocessor electronic diagnostic tools; the procedure for operation, configuration and troubleshooting of serviced devices and diagnostic systems; rules for the device, technical operation, Maintenance and repair of the contact network in areas with high-speed traffic.

Note. Tariff categories electrician of the contact network must comply with the electrical safety groups of electrical (electrotechnological) personnel and the requirements for them provided for by the labor protection rules (safety rules) for the operation of electrical installations: the electrician of the contact network of the 2nd category must comply with the requirements for personnel of group II on electrical safety; 3rd category - III group for electrical safety; 4th category - IV group for electrical safety; 5, 6, 7, 8 categories - V group for electrical safety.


The form has been prepared using legal acts as of 31.10.2008.

Supervisor "____________"
____________ (____________)
"__"___________ ______ G.
overhead line electrician
high voltage and contact network of the 6th category
(for organizations performing construction,
assembly and repair works)
1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the line electrician for the installation of high voltage overhead lines and the contact network of the 6th category "_______________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").
1.2. The line electrician for the installation of high-voltage overhead lines and the contact network of the 6th category is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the Head of the Organization.
1.3. The line electrician for the installation of high voltage overhead lines and the contact network of the 6th category reports directly to the ____________________ Organization.
1.4. A person with a secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty of ____ years (without presenting requirements for work experience) is appointed to the position of an electrician-liner for the installation of high-voltage overhead lines and a contact network of the 6th category.
1.5. The line electrician for the installation of high voltage overhead lines and the contact network of the 6th category must know:
- methods for assembling poles of overhead lines and structures of open substations weighing over 10 to 25 tons;
- methods for installing supports and structures of open substations weighing over 5 to 20 tons;
- rules for the installation of transpositions of wires on overhead lines with voltage up to 750 kV;
- methods of connecting wires with a cross section of more than 800 mm2;
- rules for the installation of wires and cables at crossings;
- methods of compensated anchoring of the contact wire and the carrier cable;
- installation methods for chain suspension braces, anchor sections, air arrows, contact network in artificial structures, sectional insulators;
- methods of installation and alignment of supports on the main and station lines of railways;
- types of portable radio stations and rules for handling them;
- types of theodolites and invelers and rules for using them.
1.6. During the period of temporary absence of an electrician-lineman for the installation of high-voltage overhead lines and a contact network of the 6th category, his duties are assigned to _____________________.
An electrician-lineman for the installation of high-voltage overhead lines and a contact network of the 6th category performs particularly complex work on the construction of overhead power lines of contact networks and open switchgears.
Example types of work:
Assembly of overhead line supports and structures of open substations weighing over 10 to 25 tons.
Installation and dismantling of supports for overhead lines and structures of open substations weighing over 5 to 20 tons and supports on guys, hingedly mounted on foundations, weighing up to 15 tons.
Connection of wires with a cross section of more than 800 mm2.
Installation and alignment of reinforced concrete foundations.
Installation of wires and cables on transitions.
Rolling and lifting of wires on the supports of overhead lines with a voltage of over 750 kV.
Installation of a load compensation unit for the tension of contact wires.
Compensated anchoring of contact wire and carrying cable.
Installation of fixing braces of a chain suspension, mates of anchor sections, air arrows, contact network in artificial structures, sectional insulators.
Installation of supports on the main railways in operation.
Tensioning and adjustment of wires and cables on overhead lines with voltages over 150 kV to 750 kV.
Installation of wire transpositions on overhead lines with voltage up to 750 kV.
Breakdown of the route of overhead lines with voltage up to 20 kV.
Editing of supports of overhead lines with voltage over 20 kV.
The line electrician for the installation of high voltage overhead lines and the contact network of the 6th category has the right to:
3.1. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the line electrician for the installation of high voltage overhead lines and the 6th category contact network.
3.2. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within the competence of an electrician-lineman for the installation of high-voltage overhead lines and a contact network of the 6th category.
The line electrician for the installation of high voltage overhead lines and the contact network of the 6th category is responsible for:
4.1. Failure to fulfill their functional duties.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Head of the Organization.
4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.
4.5. Failure to comply with labor discipline.
5.1. The mode of operation of an electrician-liner for the installation of high-voltage overhead lines and a contact network of the 6th category is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Organization.
5.2. In connection with the production need, the line electrician for the installation of high voltage overhead lines and the contact network of the 6th category is obliged to travel to business trips(including local importance).

I am familiar with the instruction ______________ / _______________ /
(signature) (full name)
"___"____________ ____ G.

Russian FederationTI

TI-021-2002 Typical instruction on labor protection for an electrician of a contact network

set a bookmark

set a bookmark



1. General safety requirements

1.1. This instruction provides the basic requirements for organizing and conducting safe work electrician of the contact network during installation, dismantling, maintenance and repair of the DC contact network.

1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed:

  • vocational training and having an appropriate certificate in the profession and a certificate of assignment to him of an electrical safety group;
  • preliminary medical checkup and who have received a certificate of fitness for a given profession related to work at height and electric current;
  • introductory briefing on labor safety, fire safety and provision of first aid to the victim;
  • initial briefing at the workplace and trained in safe methods and techniques for performing work.

1.3. Electrician of the contact network, employed at work, where the organization of labor provides for the combination production professions, must undergo training in all types of work, pass exams and obtain a permit.

1.4. The electrician of the contact network must pass:

  • periodic medical examinations - annually;
  • repeated briefing on labor safety - at least once a quarter;
  • training in safe methods and techniques of work and testing their knowledge in the scope of the program approved by the administration of the enterprise - once a year;
  • training and testing knowledge of the requirements of the Intersectoral Rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations - once a year;
  • unscheduled and targeted briefing on labor safety - as needed.

1.5. An electrician of the contact network with signs of obvious malaise, in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, is not allowed to work.

1.6. The electrician of the contact network is obliged: to comply with the internal regulations and labor discipline; timely and accurately execute the orders of the administration; comply with technological discipline, requirements for labor protection, safety precautions and industrial sanitation; take care of the company's property; observe the order of movement on the territory of the enterprise and railway tracks; know the meaning of the safety signs, sound and light signals used at the enterprise, be attentive to the signals given and comply with their requirements.

1.7. Each incorrectly given or incomprehensible signal should be perceived as a "Stop" signal.

1.8. If any questions arise during the work related to its safe performance, you must immediately contact the employee responsible for the safe execution of work (foreman or shift supervisor).

1.9. During the entire work shift, the regime of work and rest established by the administration should be observed.

1.9*. Resting and smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas.


* The numbering corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

1.10. For drinking, use water only from saturators, drinking fountains, drinking tanks. Use of other, random sources is not allowed.

1.11. Eating should be done only in specially equipped rooms (places).

1.12. When servicing the contact network, such dangerous and harmful factors of production as: moving machines and mechanisms; rolling stock of railway transport; increased dust and gas content in the air of the working area; performance of work at height; increased noise level; general vibration; increased voltage in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body.

1.13. The administration of the enterprise must provide the electrician of the contact network with the means personal protection in accordance with the current industry standards for the free issue of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment:

  • cotton suit - 1 set per year;
  • leather boots - 1 pair per year;
  • combined mittens - 6 pairs per year;
  • protective helmet - 1 pc. for 2 years;
  • rubberized raincoat - 1 pc. for 3 years;
  • dielectric gloves - on duty;
  • safety belt - on duty;
  • signal vest - until worn out.

In winter additionally:

  • jacket with insulating lining - 1 pc. for 2 years;
  • trousers with insulating lining - 1 pc. for 2 years;
  • felt boots - 1 pair for 2.5 years.

1.14. An electrician of a contact network without work clothes, special footwear and other personal protective equipment and safety devices that are required by the conditions of production is not allowed to perform work.

1.15. The electrician of the contact network is obliged:

  • comply with fire safety requirements at work, as well as comply with and maintain a fire-fighting regime;
  • observe safety precautions when working with flammable and combustible liquids, flammable gases and other flammable and explosive substances, materials and equipment;
  • know the location of the main and emergency exits from the workshop and the evacuation routes from the area of ​​fire or accident;
  • know how to use primary fire extinguishing equipment.

1.16. It is prohibited to use primary fire extinguishing equipment, non-mechanized fire tools and equipment for household and other needs not related to fire extinguishing.

1.17. The electrician of the contact network must have an electrical safety group, depending on the work performed (II-V group). The presence of these groups on electrical safety entitles the electrician of the contact network to carry out maintenance and current preventive repairs only within job description in the assigned area.

1.18. It is forbidden to touch the metal parts of the contact network hangers and the contact wire under voltage, as well as high-voltage lines supplying the contact network or other electrical equipment.

1.19. About cases of injury and all malfunctions in the operation of mechanisms, equipment, violations of technological regimes, deterioration of working conditions, the occurrence of emergencies, the electrician of the contact network must inform the foreman (chief) of the shift and take preventive measures according to the circumstances, ensuring their own safety.

1.20. In case of illness, poisoning or an accident, the electrician of the contact network must stop working, notify the foreman (chief) of the shift and seek medical help.

1.21. In case of an accident with other workers, it is necessary: ​​to provide the injured person with first aid, observing the measures of their own safety; if possible, preserve the situation of the case and report the incident to the foreman (chief) of the shift.

1.22. In the process of work, the electrician of the contact network is obliged to observe the rules of personal hygiene: wash hands with soap and water before eating; Maintain cleanliness of the workplace, overalls and personal protective equipment.

1.23. As the contact network electrician's overalls get dirty or worn out, they must be dry-cleaned, washed or repaired at the expense of the enterprise.

It is not allowed to process and wash contaminated overalls at home by the workers themselves, as well as the use of explosive and flammable substances for this purpose.

1.24. Responsible for the organization of work and safe execution are:

  • workers issuing a work order or giving an oral order for the production of work;
  • duty power manager;
  • performance Manager;
  • watching;
  • brigade members.

1.25. The employee issuing the work order establishes the need, volume and category of work, the boundaries of the workplace and is responsible for the possibility of safe performance of work, the adequacy of the qualifications of the work manager, supervisor and team members.

1.26. The energy dispatcher on duty who issues an order or work permit is responsible for the correctness and adequacy of the measures taken by him to ensure the safety of workers.

1.27. The head of work, in whose name an order or order is issued, is responsible for the correct and safe organization of work and compliance with their technology, for the suitability of the protective equipment, devices and tools used, for proper instruction of workers assigned to perform work, for employees to comply with safety rules, this instruction and ensuring the safety of train traffic.

1.28. The Supervisor is appointed for the entire time of work, supervises the workers and is responsible for their compliance with safety regulations and their safety.

The observer is prohibited from:

  • combine supervision with the performance of any work;
  • leave the place of work;
  • be distracted from the supervision of workers;
  • transfer their duties to another person.

Its electrical safety group must be at least IV - when performing work under voltage or partial de-energization, and not lower than III - with complete de-energization.

The supervisor's instructions regarding compliance with safety rules are mandatory.

1.29. Team members are responsible for their compliance with safety rules. of this manual and instructions received during the briefing, and are obliged to take the necessary measures if they notice a violation of safety rules by other members of the brigade.

1.30. In each service (section) of the contact network, places that pose an increased danger during work should be identified and fenced off with warning signs and posters. List of places heightened danger, their schemes and measures to ensure the safety of work in these places, approved by the head of the service (section) of the contact network, must be posted in a conspicuous place in the premises of the service and studied by the service personnel.

One copy of the list of places of increased danger for each service (section) must be kept by the energy dispatcher.

1.31. For failure to comply with the safety requirements set forth in this instruction, depending on the nature of the violations committed and their consequences, the electrician of the contact network bears disciplinary, material or criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Inspect, tidy up and put on overalls. Fasten and tuck it in so that it does not have hanging and fluttering ends.

2.2. Make sure that personal protective equipment is in good condition and complete.

When performing work on railway tracks, put on a signal vest of yellow or bright orange color, a helmet over the overalls.

2.3. Obtain information from the electrician handing over the shift about the malfunctions that occurred during the shift, about the sections of the contact network operating with deviations from the normal mode, and about the sections of the contact network that are under repair.

2.4. Pass a pre-shift medical examination. Receive a task from the foreman (chief) of the shift to perform the work and safety briefing related to the specifics of the work, which should indicate:

  • conditions for the production of works;
  • the exact boundaries of the area where the work should be carried out;
  • location of parts of the equipment remaining energized (when working on disconnected and grounded lines and devices), as well as the location of grounded parts (when working under voltage);
  • sectioning places;
  • places where work is prohibited, as well as places of increased danger;
  • places for installation of grounding rods with the allocation of special workers for their installation;
  • features in the fencing of the place of work;
  • order and conditions of passage to the workplace.

After the briefing, all members of the brigade sign attire.

2.5. Get acquainted with the scheme and mode of operation of the contact network in your area, records and orders for the time that has passed since the last duty.

2.6. Check and accept tools, dielectric protective equipment, keys from disconnector drives, protective earthing switches, earthing rods.

If defective protective equipment or equipment with an expired test time is found, they should be removed immediately. Defective means, if they are not subject to repair and re-testing, must be destroyed in the prescribed manner.

2.7. To issue a shift acceptance with an entry in the shift acceptance-delivery journal.

2.8. Report to the shift supervisor (dispatcher) about joining the duty and about the problems noticed when accepting the shift.

2.9. Acceptance and delivery of a shift during the liquidation of an accident, the production of switching or operations to turn on and off the contact network is prohibited.

2.10. During the period of his duty, the electrician of the contact network is operationally subordinate to the energy dispatcher.

2.11. How to get to and from work:

2.11.1. To the place of work, electricians of the contact network, as a rule, are delivered by means of track mechanization to DGKu, AGV, DM, AGMU, ADM or equipped vehicles.

2.11.2. When moving a team of electricians of the contact network to and from work on foot, a leader or signalman must be appointed, who must have signal flags (red and yellow), at night - a signal light.

2.11.3. It is not allowed to crawl under the wagons and drag tools, installation devices and materials under them, walk along automatic couplers, sit on the rails, the ends of the sleepers and the ballast prism.

2.11.4. Going down and up in the quarry from ledge to ledge should be done only on the established ladders or ramps.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. Bypasses and inspections of the contact network and its devices without climbing the support are allowed to be carried out solely by the electrician of the contact network with an electrical safety group of at least IV.

3.2. An electrician of the contact network inspecting the contact network must always assume that the inspected contact network and its devices are energized. Even in the case when it is known that the contact network is disconnected, it should be considered energized, because. it can be turned on at any time.

3.3. When bypassing and inspecting the contact network and its devices, it is forbidden to perform any work, as well as climb the supports of the contact network lines and supply lines.

3.4. An employee who bypasses (inspects) the contact network must notify the energy dispatcher of the beginning and end of the bypass (inspection).

3.5. The switching on and off of the disconnectors must be carried out by an electrician of the contact network, having an electrical safety group of at least III, by order of the work manager.

3.6. The electrician of the contact network, who received the order to switch, must repeat its content to the foreman. If the content of the order is not clear or in doubt, the electrician of the contact network must demand an explanation from the work manager. The foreman, making sure that his order is understood correctly, signs it with the stamp "I approve" indicating the date and his last name. An order that is not approved by the manufacturer of works is not subject to execution.

3.7. The electrician of the contact network, which switches the disconnectors manually, must:

  • make sure, by the inscription on the drive, that the name of the disconnector corresponds to its name in the order;
  • make sure by inspection from the ground that the disconnector is in good condition, that the drive is grounded and in good condition;
  • make sure that the initial position of the disconnector corresponds to the position specified in the order;
  • open the lock, perform a switchover and close the drive lock. Switching should be carried out with dielectric gloves;
  • make sure that the switching is performed correctly according to the position of the disconnector and notify the dispatcher. The dispatcher, having accepted the notification, must call it serial number, time and your last name.

3.8. Disconnector drives must be locked with locks, and the keys to them must be stored in a designated place and handed over by shift.

3.9. Work from a ladder at a height of more than 1.3 m from ground level to the feet of the worker should be carried out along with the use of a safety belt and under the supervision of the work manager or a specially assigned observer, who should be at a distance no further than the mast span from the worker.

3.10. Before lifting on the structures, the supports should be carefully checked for their condition and reliability of fastening, as well as the serviceability of the grounding of the structures.

Check wooden supports for rotting. When checking, wood hidden in the ground should be dug out to a depth of 0.3-0.5 m. Measurement of the depth of decay of the support should be done with a probe inserted into the wood by pressing the hand. The support is considered unsuitable if the depth of decay is 20% or more of its full cross section.

3.11. During work at height, fasten with a carabiner or a safety belt sling to a support and other securely fastened structures.

3.12. It should be fastened with a carabiner or a safety belt sling in such a way that it is impossible for an electrician to approach, if he accidentally falls at a distance of less than 1.5 m, to live parts when working with voltage relief or to grounding parts when working under voltage.

3.13. You can unfasten the carabiner to attach it to a new point only when there is a reliable support. It is forbidden to remove the belt before descending to the ground.

3.14. It is allowed to lift up and lower fixtures, parts, tools weighing up to 25 kg with the help of a "fishing rod", and over 25 kg - with a chain hoist. The tool, fixtures or parts must be tied to the middle of the rope. The second end of the rope should be in the hands of a standing worker to keep the lifted tool, parts, fixtures from swinging. It is forbidden to toss any items for serving to those working above.

3.15. During a thunderstorm or when it approaches, work at height to maintain the contact network, supply, suction lines and related devices is prohibited.

3.16. Work on the contact network, high-voltage line and related devices, in relation to security measures, is divided into the following categories:

  • with complete stress relief;
  • with partial stress relief;
  • under tension;
  • near live parts;
  • away from live parts.

3.17. The head of work during the removal of voltage must have an electrical safety group not lower than IV, and when performing work with partial removal of voltage - not lower than group V.

Electricians of the contact network appointed for the direct performance of work must have an electrical safety group of at least III - when working with complete stress relief and not lower than group IV - when performing work with partial stress relief.

3.18. When working with partial stress relief and when working near live parts, it is prohibited:

  • approaching (including during ascent and descent) to energized devices and wires at a distance of less than 0.8 m;
  • work in a bent position if the distance from the worker, when he is straightened, to wires and live parts is less than 0.8 m;
  • work in the presence of voltage on both sides at a distance of less than 2 meters from the worker;
  • work on live elements;
  • use metal ladders.

3.19. Insulating removable towers intended for operation under voltage and insulated railcar platforms must be equipped with two puncturing rods.

The length of the cable of the rods and the places of their fastening should exclude the possibility of overlapping the insulation of the working towers of the railcar or the upper shunting belt at the insulating removable towers when the shunting rods fall. No more than 3 electricians of the contact network can be present at the isolated working platform of the railcar at the same time, one of which must have an electrical safety group of at least V (work manager), and the rest - at least group III.

3.20. The head of the work, when working without the use of isolated sites, near live parts, must have an electrical safety group not lower than V, and when working away from live parts, not lower than IV. Electricians of the contact network appointed for the direct performance of work must have an electrical safety group of at least IV - when working near live parts, and not lower than group II - when working away from live parts.

3.21. Work near live parts must be carried out during daylight hours with the permission of the energy dispatcher. The team must have a grounding rod at the work site, attached to the traction rail and prepared for hanging on the wires.

3.22. When performing work near live parts, it is necessary to perform work and move from one place to another with the permission and at the command of the work manager or supervisor (when working with a deployed front).

3.23. When painting supports with a paint sprayer, use personal protective equipment (protective gloves, overalls, goggles). It is forbidden to direct a jet of paint on wires and insulators.

3.24. Work on the suction lines must be carried out according to the orders of the foreman, consisting of at least two electricians of the contact network. At the same time, the work manager must have an electrical safety group not lower than IV, and team members (performers) - not lower than III.

3.25. Work on air suction lines without a complete break in their circuit can be performed without shutting down the traction substation, provided that they are grounded at the work site. Grounding must first be installed on the support, and then on the suction wire. Remove grounding in reverse order. Beforehand, it is necessary to check the reliability of the grounding of the support on the rail by external inspection.

3.26. Breaking the circuit of suction feeders without preliminary installation of a shunt jumper is allowed only after the traction substation has been switched off. It is allowed to inspect the places where the suction feeders are connected to the rail without shutting down the traction substation, with the obligatory installation of a copper bypass shunt with a cross section of at least 95 mm on each core.

3.27. Repair of protective grounding without climbing to the support, checking, replacing the spark gaps of the supports is carried out without a work order by a team of at least two electricians of the contact network. The work supervisor must have an electrical safety group of at least III. Both workers must be on the same side of the track, while one of them is obliged to observe the movement of trains.

3.28. Before disconnecting and connecting protective grounding, it is necessary to install a shunting portable grounding with a cross section of at least 50 mm, securely connecting it first to the traction rail, and then to the working grounding or to the support itself. The shunting portable grounding should be removed in the reverse order, after it is securely fastened to the rail.

3.29. The current collectors of the rolling stock are allowed to be inspected without an order, by order of the duty energy dispatcher. It is prohibited to carry out any work with lifting onto the roof of an electric locomotive under voltage of the contact network of the central and lateral current collection.

3.30. The electrician of the contact network, who inspects the pantographs of the rolling stock, must have an electrical safety group of at least IV, while it is necessary:

  • present to the driver of the rolling stock a certificate for the right to carry out work on the contact network;
  • by external inspection from the ground, make sure that all pantographs are lowered and the contact network is grounded;
  • require the driver of an electric locomotive to open a ladder or a hatch for climbing to the roof;
  • climb onto the roof of the electric locomotive together with the locomotive driver.

3.31. Work on the side contact network is allowed to be carried out from ladders from special isolated platforms mounted on railcars of the DM, AGV, ADM type, and a support carrier.

3.32. Work on the side contact network should be carried out only when the voltage is removed from the network and its grounding.

3.33. An electrician of a contact network working from a ladder must comply with the requirements:

  • install the ladder in such a way that it does not tip over. The ladder is placed at an angle of 75 °;
  • serve a tool for work with a rope.

3.34. When working from ladders, it is prohibited:

  • connect the contact wire on the stairs and work in the span of the side contact network;
  • climb the stairs to the second person.

3.35. When working on the contact wire near the supports (at a distance of less than 2 m from the retractable platform to the support bracket), a shunt (copper cable with a cross section of at least 50 mm) must be installed between the support bracket and the contact wire for the entire period of work. The shunt must be installed only after the installation of the grounding rod during works with partial de-energization.

3.36. Checking insulators, without removing voltage from the contact network, must be carried out using a universal measuring rod by a team of at least three electricians of the contact network: a work manager with a qualification group V and two electricians with an electrical safety group of at least IV. Work must be carried out according to order, without the dispatcher's order, but with notification of the place of work.

3.37. Start checking the insulators from the first (lower) insulator of the garland from the contact network, then check the last (upper) and then the middle insulators.

3.38. Checking insulators during a thunderstorm, snowfall, as well as at night is prohibited.

3.39. Checking of insulators must be carried out from an insulating removable tower, an isolated mounting platform for railcars with the obligatory installation of shunt rods on the current-carrying parts.

3.40. When checking insulators using a removable insulating tower, it can contain one electrician of the contact network with group V for electrical safety or two electricians of the contact network with groups V and IV for electrical safety. A removable insulating tower must be installed on the railway track, the insulators and suspensions of the contact network of which are being tested.

3.41. When working with a measuring rod, the insulating part of the latter must be located so that the possibility of its overlapping on adjacent current-carrying parts of the structure is excluded. Care must be taken to ensure that the lacquer coating of the rod is not damaged. The lower part of the insulating rod at the point of grip by hands must be separated from the insulating rod by a stop in the form of a restrictive ring. When performing work, it is forbidden to touch the bar above the restrictive ring.

3.42. In case of malfunctions noticed in the operation of the rod, it is necessary to immediately stop work and hand over the rod for an extraordinary test.

3.43. Work with insulating rods on live power lines must be carried out by a team consisting of at least two electricians of the contact network, one of which (the work manager) must have the V electrical safety group, and the rest of the team members - not lower than III. Work must be carried out according to order, without the dispatcher's order, but with notification of the place of work.

3.44. Electricians of the contact network who have permission to work with power tools are allowed to work with power tools and hand-held electric machines.

3.45. Carry out work with cranes and mechanisms for moving cargo in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Cranes.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. IN emergency situations that do not tolerate delay (in case of accidents with people, broken wires, falling poles, etc.), disconnecting disconnectors is allowed without an order, but with immediate notification of the dispatcher. Switching on the disconnector disconnected in such cases should be carried out only upon agreement with the dispatcher. Switch disconnectors should be in the absence of load current.

4.2. An electrician of the contact network who has discovered a malfunction of signals, tracks and other railway structures that threatens traffic safety must immediately inform the dispatcher (station duty officer) about this and take all possible measures to protect the dangerous place and immediately eliminate the malfunction.

4.3. Having noticed a danger threatening people or an enterprise (malfunction of railway tracks, machines, mechanisms, electrical networks, signs of possible landslides, collapses of ledges, fire, etc.), along with taking measures to eliminate it, inform the foreman, dispatcher or other official about this.

4.4. If unexploded cartridges or electric detonators are found in the rock, immediately stop work and report this to the technical supervision worker. Start work only after obtaining permission from the technical supervisor.

4.5. A contact network electrician who has discovered safety violations or malfunctions of the contact network, high-voltage line and related devices * is obliged to take all possible measures to protect the dangerous area and immediately report them to the foreman, dispatcher.


* The text corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

4.6. In the event of a break in the wire of the contact network or power line, it is forbidden to approach a dangerous place at a distance closer than 8 m. Measures must be taken to prevent other workers from approaching the wire. If a broken wire interferes with the movement of trains, then take measures to stop the trains. Report all cases of wire breakage to the dispatcher and act according to his instructions.

4.7. Work on the prevention of accidents and the elimination of its consequences must be carried out by electricians of the contact network along with or by oral order.

4.8. Emergency recovery work in the daytime and at night is carried out with complete stress relief.

4.9. If a fire is detected, start extinguishing the fire with the available fire extinguishing equipment, inform the dispatcher or shift foreman (chief) about this.

4.10. To extinguish small beginning fires resulting from the ignition of combustible solid and liquid substances, use foam fire extinguishers. When using a foam fire extinguisher, do not allow foam to come into contact with human skin. It is forbidden to use foam fire extinguishers to extinguish fires at energized electrical installations, due to the electrical conductivity of the foam and the possibility of electric shock.

4.11. Use carbon dioxide fire extinguishers to extinguish electrical fires.

4.12. If fuels and lubricants catch fire, cover the flame with a tarpaulin, felt mat, cover it with sand or other loose non-flammable materials, or use foam fire extinguishers. It is forbidden to use water to extinguish fuels and lubricants.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. Inspect and clean work area.

5.2. To familiarize the electrician accepting the shift with all the malfunctions that occurred during the shift, indicating the sections of the contact network that work with a deviation from the normal mode and are under repair.

5.3. Hand over the tool, materials, keys to the locks of disconnectors, protective equipment and operational documentation to the electrician of the contact network accepting the shift.

5.4. To issue the change of shift by writing in the log of the acceptance and delivery of shifts.

5.5. Leave work clothes in the dressing room for soiled clothes and take a shower.

5.6. Put on personal clothes in the dressing room for clean clothes.

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