Safe work of increased danger. Nine basic conditions for safe work. work under the roof



  • POT RO 14000-005-98 Regulation. High risk work. Organization of the event.
  • SNiP 12-03-2001. Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.
  • "The rules of the fire regime in Russian Federation».
  • MDS 12-53.2010. Guidance document. Models of administrative and regulatory documents of the labor protection management system of a construction organization.

Basic concepts and features:

  1. Works with increased danger - work, before the start of which, it is necessary to carry out a number of mandatory organizational and technical measures ensuring the safety of workers during the performance of these works.
  2. Work permit - an assignment for the production of work, drawn up on a special form of the established form, and defining the content, place of work, time of its beginning and end, conditions for safe conduct, composition of the team and persons responsible for the safe performance of work in hazardous areas production factors, the implementation of which is not related to the nature of the work performed.
  3. Sketches of protective devices and devices, schemes for installing warning signs, etc. may, if necessary, be attached to the permit.
  4. The system of work permits does not cancel the development of work organization plans (POR) for construction, installation, repair and other work.
  5. The work permit is issued for the performance of work in areas of hazardous and harmful production factors and when performing work of increased danger. Construction, installation, commissioning, repair and other types of work performed by construction organizations on the territory of an operating enterprise are classified as high-risk work and are carried out according to work permits.
  6. An approximate list of high-risk work performed in the organization must be approved by the head.
  7. The list of high-risk work, the performance of which requires a work permit, the development of a work plan, is annually reviewed by the chief engineer and approved by order of the director.

Responsible for safety when performing work on work permits are:

  • The person issuing the permit.
  • Responsible manager of work on the work permit.
  • Responsible executor of work on the work permit.
  • Members of the brigade performing work on the permit.

The following combination of duties of responsible persons is allowed:

  • The person issuing the work permit may at the same time be the responsible work manager with the right to issue the work permit;
  • The responsible work manager can be simultaneously the responsible work executor without the right to issue a work permit.

Note: the person issuing the work permit cannot be the responsible work executor at the same time.

Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, trained in a special program and certified by a permanent examination commission are allowed to work with increased danger.

Requirements for the personnel of the organization responsible for the organization and performance of high-risk work:

Persons entitled to issue work permits, as well as responsible work managers, responsible performers of work on work permits, must be trained and tested on occupational safety in accordance with the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 13.01.2003. No. 1/29, and when working with facilities controlled by Rostechnadzor bodies, also in accordance with Rostechnadzor Order No. 37 dated January 29, 2007 "On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision”.

The list of officials entitled to issue work permits for the performance of work with increased danger, and persons who can be appointed responsible managers and responsible executors of work is updated annually (or as necessary) and approved by order of the director of the organization. Each head of the unit must have lists of responsible managers and performers of work when performing work on work permits.

The responsible executor of the work on the permit may be the employees of the unit from among the repair personnel who are well aware of the equipment on which the work will be carried out, able to explain the task to the members of the team, able to provide supervision over their actions during the production of work, certified and admitted to these works in in the prescribed manner.

Before performing work on the territory of an operating enterprise, the person issuing the work permit, the responsible work manager, the responsible work executor must familiarize themselves with the requirements normative documents for labor protection this enterprise.

Control over the performance of work on the work permit is carried out within the framework of their official duties the person who issued the work permit, and the work manager to whom the work permit was issued.

The procedure for issuing a work permit

  • Attire - permission to perform work with increased danger is issued prior to the commencement of these works.
  • The work permit should be issued in the unit where work with increased danger will be carried out. The work permit is drawn up by a person appointed by order of the director of the organization responsible for issuing work permits in the unit (at the site, at the facility).
  • The work permit is drawn up in two copies, one copy of the work permit remains with the person who issued the work order, and the second - with the responsible work manager. Along with the permit, a number is assigned, and under this number it is registered in the "Journal of the issuance of work permits for the performance of work of increased danger." The journal is maintained and kept by the person issuing the work permit. The magazine must be laced, numbered and sealed. The journal, blank forms and closed permits must be kept by the person issuing them. The period of storage of the log is 6 months after the last entry in it. The work permit is stored for one calendar month after its closure.
  • The work permit is issued for the period necessary to complete the specified scope of work. In case of non-fulfillment of work at the time specified in the work permit or a change in production conditions, changes in the composition of the work team are terminated, the work permit is closed, the resumption of work is allowed after the issuance of a new work permit. The extension of the work permit can be issued and carried out by the person who issued the work permit.
  • The number of work permits issued to one responsible work manager is determined by the person issuing the work permit, based on the ability of the responsible managers to fulfill their duties. At the same time, the responsible work manager should not have more than three open work permits at the same time. The responsible executor can be issued only one work permit (for one brigade / for one workplace).
  • When performing work of increased danger, the team must consist of at least 2 people, including the responsible executor of the work. The total number of employees working under one work permit should not be more than 10 people. When determining the strength of the brigade, the conditions in which the work will be performed (dustiness, poor visibility, noise, saturation with technological equipment, work on different levels etc.) Based on the above, the number of workers included in the work permit must be reduced to a reasonable number, namely: the responsible work executor must constantly monitor all members of the team.
  • When performing work with increased danger by the forces of two or more teams at the same facility, the work permit must be issued to the responsible work executor for each team signed by one person. When issuing work orders - tolerances, measures should be developed to ensure the safety of workers, taking into account the joint nature of the work performed by teams
  • For work with increased danger performed by contractors, work permits must be issued by authorized persons of these contractors. Such work permits must be signed by the relevant official departments where this work will be carried out.
  • When performing work in the security zones of structures or communications, a work permit should be issued with the written permission of the organization that owns this structure or communication.

The procedure for the production of work with increased danger

  • The procedure for admitting employees to work in the coverage area of ​​equipment, utilities on the territory of an operating enterprise is established by the written consent (permission) of the head of the enterprise, the owner of the facility and the corresponding signature in the work permit.
  • Production sites, technological lines, etc. which is completely discontinued manufacturing process, as well as buildings and structures located outside the operating divisions of the organization, allocated for the performance of work with increased danger by the forces of the contractor or other division, must be transferred to them for production under the act.
  • Before performing work on the territory of an operating enterprise, the person issuing the work permit, the responsible work manager, the responsible work executor must know the requirements of regulatory documents on labor protection at this enterprise, comply with them and demand compliance from subordinate personnel.
  • Responsible managers and responsible performers of work do not have the right to carry out the admission of the brigade to work for which a work permit is required, if the work permit has not been issued to them.
  • Responsible managers and responsible performers of work do not have the right to accept work permits, carry out admission of the brigade and start work if the nature and conditions of work, safety requirements are not reflected in full and do not comply with the requirements of labor protection instructions.
  • Before allowing members of the brigade to perform work with increased danger, the responsible work manager must:
  1. In the presence of the responsible executor, check the implementation of the labor safety measures provided for in the work permit, readiness for work;
  2. Check according to the certificates for the compliance of the composition of the brigade by position (profession) and qualifications with the entries in the order - admission. Give the brigade the name and position of the responsible work executor;
  3. If, when checking the implementation of labor safety measures, the responsible manager or contractor has doubts or ambiguities in ensuring safe working conditions for the members of the team, they must require clarification from the person who issued the work permit;
  4. Conduct targeted briefing with members of the brigade at the workplace with an entry in the “Targeted Briefing Registration Log”, the form of which is presented in Appendix No. 8 of this Procedure, and in the work permit;
  5. Sign the work permit and transfer it to the responsible executor;
  6. When work is resumed after a break (for lunch, on a day of rest, on a holiday, etc.), the responsible work manager must personally verify that the conditions for their production have not changed, and only after that return the work permit to the responsible work executor. Resumption of work without a work permit is prohibited.
  • The responsible contractor is required to:
  1. In the presence of the responsible work manager, check the preparation of workplaces, compliance with safety requirements, and the availability of the necessary funds for the team members personal protection, equipment and tools;
  2. Determine for each member of the team his workplace;
  3. To carry out hot work (fire heating of bitumen, gas and electric welding, gas and electric cutting work, gasoline and kerosene cutting work, soldering work, cutting metal with a mechanized tool) at temporary places (except for construction sites and private households), a work permit is issued for the performance of hot work by the director or the person responsible for fire safety.
  4. Constantly be at the place of work and carry out constant supervision of all members of the team;
  5. Do not allow members of the brigade to leave the work area without permission and perform work not provided for by the work permit;
  6. Remove team members from the place of work for a break during the work shift. At the same time, the work permit remains with the responsible performer of the work. Resuming work after a break is allowed only after a personal inspection of the workplace;
  7. At the end of the shift, work, as well as during breaks in work for holidays and rest days, the responsible performer of the work is obliged to transfer the work permit to the responsible work manager (the person who issued the work permit) for storage;
  8. Resumption of work without a work permit is prohibited.
  • Work must be stopped, the work permit is withdrawn and returned to the person who issued it, in the following cases:
  1. When a discrepancy is found between the actual state of the conditions for the production of work and the safety requirements provided for by the work permit.
  2. When changing the volume and nature of work that caused changes in the conditions for the performance of work.
  3. If the responsible work manager or other persons exercising control over the state of labor protection detect violations by employees of labor protection rules.
  4. When changing the composition of the brigade.

Interrupted work can be started only after the elimination of deficiencies and the receipt of an order - admission.

  • Upon completion of high-risk work:
  1. Materials, tools, fixtures are removed, people are removed from the place of work, the work permit is handed over to the responsible work manager or the person who issued the work permit.
  2. Closing of the work permit is formalized by the signatures of the responsible manager (responsible executor) of the work and the person who issued the work permit.
  3. Until the closure of the work permit - it is prohibited to put into operation an object where work with increased danger was performed.
  4. If an accident or an accident occurred during the performance of work on an order - admission, this order - admission should be attached to the materials of the investigation of the causes and circumstances of the accident or accident.
  • When performing work of increased danger, workers must be provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with industry standards and taking into account the dangerous and harmful production factors acting on them.
  • Combined works:
  1. For work with increased danger, in the performance of which several sections and services of the organization take part (for the so-called combined work), work permits are issued by the chief engineer or, by his order, by the head of the unit in which the combined work is planned.
  2. The recommended form of work permit for combined work is given in Appendix No. 5.
  3. The person who issued the work permit for combined work must additionally ensure that the combined work is coordinated in terms of scope, timing and security measures with the head of the unit where these works will be carried out.
  4. The head of the unit in which the combined work is supposed to be performed must allocate a zone for the production of work and ensure the implementation of measures for the safety of workers determined by this work permit.
  5. In case of combined work, the head of the unit in which the combined work is supposed to be performed, together with the responsible manager and the responsible executor of work on the work permit, must organize control and ensure the implementation of the activities determined by the work permit.
  6. Controversial issues arising in the course of organizing and performing combined work should be resolved by the managers of CJSC ChelyabStroyKomplekt, who are subordinate to the units engaged in the production of combined work.
  7. When performing combined work, a permit for the performance of work with increased danger must be issued in the work permit with the signatures of the responsible work manager, the responsible work executor and the head of the unit in which the combined work is performed.

First condition safe work- the correct selection of workers and engineering and technical workers who are obliged to ensure the safe operation of facilities, equipment, and tools that meets the requirements and Rules.

It further follows from the first condition that the procedure for preliminary, pre-employment, and periodic medical examinations employees (including those involved in the maintenance of facilities and work at heights). In addition to other positive indications of health, they should not have diseases and injuries that interfere with normal and safe work. Of particular importance are visual acuity, hearing, the absence of dysfunctions of the vestibular system, excellent orientation in the environment, quick reaction and other similar qualities, since not only the performance of the task and the performance of other parts of the technological process depend on these workers, but also, most importantly, safety personnel. A specific list of contraindications that prevent admission to a particular job in the organization has been determined.

The second condition for safe work is good theoretical and excellent practical training, high professional skills, sufficient knowledge of production, serviced equipment, technological processes and the requirements of the Rules of labor protection, ensuring highly productive and safe work. The fulfillment of this condition must be ensured by the training system in the organization, and the rules for conducting briefings, training before admission to independent work and a quality internship before the appointment of personnel by order, provided for by the relevant provisions and Rules on labor protection.

Instruction is mandatory for all employees, regardless of their qualifications, length of service, experience, and knowledge of labor protection issues.

General management and responsibility for conducting all types of briefing and training of workers rests with the chief engineer of the enterprise, for the timely and high-quality implementation of this work by order of the organization rests with the heads of workshops, departments, services, laboratories, and other managers. Conducting all types of briefing at the workplace is assigned by the same order to foremen, senior foremen, heads of sections and workshops, and other direct supervisors directly responsible for labor protection and production.

Conducted at the beginning, an introductory briefing, followed by a briefing at the workplace. Briefing at the workplace, in turn, is divided into primary, repeated, targeted and extraordinary.

The conduct and accounting of the briefing is recorded in the logs. The occupational safety specialist keeps records of introductory briefings in the briefing log. Other types of briefings are carried out and recorded by the engineering and technical employees of the organization appointed by order.

Training in labor protection issues and theoretical training of all personnel should be as close as possible to the conditions of production. In the course of practical training and internships at the facilities, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the Rules and instructions on labor safety measures, the terms of training, internships, etc. The organization must develop a procedure for performing duties related to the maintenance of complex units, installations and mechanisms or fulfillment of other responsible and hazardous work, as well as the duties of engineering and technical workers, production managers, regardless of the importance of the site, only persons who have passed special education by profession and on labor protection issues, who have passed the examination of the qualification commission of the organization and received a certificate for the right to work independently (or manage work) and appointed by the relevant order, order. All employees are allowed by the order of the organization "on admission to independent work."

The third condition for safe work should be considered to be the determination by the regulations approved in the industry and in the organization (taking into account the specifics of production and local conditions for the production of work), the main functional duties in the field of labor protection: the head and chief engineer of the enterprise, their deputies, chief specialists, heads of workshops and departments, all other engineering and technical workers and employees of the organization.

The fourth condition for safe work is the full compliance of buildings, structures, workplaces, equipment, machines, equipment, tools, all other means of production and technological processes with the requirements of the relevant Labor Protection Rules, state standards And specifications. The most important measure in solving this issue is planned, persistent work on the constant development of technical progress based on the achievements of science and technology, best practices, the improvement of culture and aesthetics, which are crucial for creating comfortable and safe working conditions, preventing accidents and accidents.

The fifth condition for safe work is one of the main, determining - high level the state of labor protection conditions of the organization.

What is labor protection?

Occupational safety is a legal, socio-economic, sanitary-hygienic and therapeutic and preventive measures and means aimed at preserving the life, health and ability to work of a person in the conditions of labor activity.

Occupational safety, based on the system of labor safety standards (SSBT), the Rules, the achievements of science, technology, best practices, is designed to prevent accidents and accidents under any circumstances, errors or violations, to make them impossible. The policy of the organization should not only exclude the need for a person to stay in a hazardous area - or a workspace in which conditions that present a direct or potential danger constantly operate or may arise, but also exclude the very existence of such dangerous places and working conditions. The solution of this most important task begins with the direct decisions of designers and technologists who are obliged to create the appropriate production, machines and conditions for their operation.

This task is solved:

– organization and safe conduct of production in full compliance with the requirements of the SSBT, Safety Rules,

— active introduction of new equipment, advanced technology and ergonomics;

— mechanization and automation of processes;

– the use of remote monitoring and control, radio and television, radioscopy and ultrasound,

- perfect fencing and protective equipment, safety, blocking, braking, signaling devices; color finish;

- individual and collective means of protection;

– ensuring the reliability and strength of structures, machines,

— the use of other effective means and security measures,

- an active transition from safety requirements to safe technology.

The sixth condition for safe work is a high organization of safe work based on special requirements and precise safe performance of work.

In an organization operating high-risk facilities, based (taking into account local production conditions) complexes of organizational and technical measures should be developed and implemented to ensure normal working conditions and safety of personnel performing these works.

The organization draws up a list of professions of employees whose activities in production are associated with work of increased danger or combined with it when performing work in the main profession. The right to be admitted to work associated with work of increased danger is given by a certificate issued by the qualification commission on proven knowledge of labor protection, as well as by an order from the organization on admission to such work.

An expired certificate is considered invalid. All types of professions and personnel indicated in the list must annually undergo a re-test of knowledge in the organization's commission and an extraordinary test of knowledge on labor protection - in cases established by the Rules. Engineering and technical workers undergo a knowledge test once every three years.

Works of increased danger are carried out after the issuance of a work permit. The Ministry and departments have developed and put into effect provisions on the application and form of work permits for the performance of work with increased danger. The conditions for the performance of such work are only subject to the measures specified in the work permit.

The seventh condition for safe work is a high level of planning, high-quality, timely preparation and organization of production, ensuring the achievement of one of the main goals - the rhythmic operation of the enterprise, which is crucial not only for meeting the technical and economic indicators of the plan, but also for preventing accidents and accidents . It is also very important not to load auxiliary shops, repair services with work unusual for them to the detriment of their main activity; maintain buildings, structures, equipment, etc. in an exemplary manner. Conduct timely control of safe work.

The eighth condition for safe work should certainly be considered high-quality, creative planning audit, the full content of preventive work at the enterprise and control. Constant, persistent improvement of labor protection, increase in the level of combating violations, accidents, injuries, further improvement of working conditions, life and culture at work.

Particular importance is attached to monitoring the implementation of security measures that ensure the timely implementation of preventive work plans.

The ninth condition for safe work is due joint organization comprehensive control by employees of the enterprise and state supervision bodies.

One of the most important preventive measures in the organization of control is the so-called stepwise method of control, involving practical activities the whole team - from the worker to the head of the enterprise. The stages of such control are the links of one chain, and each of them is closely connected with the work of the trade union organization or the established commission on labor protection in the organization.

In the work to fulfill the conditions that ensure accident-free and safe work, the level of daily control over the creation of safe working conditions, strict observance of the rules by workers, and verification of task performance are of particular importance. These issues can only be resolved under the condition of joint, purposeful efforts of the heads of departments, trade union organizations and state supervision bodies, persistent work with the asset, tireless monitoring of the shortcomings of safe production; high exactingness, efficiency and adherence to principles, education of conscious discipline and responsibility in all links of production.

2. Work under the agreement is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements for the safe conduct of work related to the use of subsoil, protection of subsoil, the environment and public health. At the same time, the agreement provides for the obligations of the investor to:

granting Russian legal entities a pre-emptive right to participate in work under an agreement as contractors, suppliers, carriers or in any other capacity on the basis of agreements (contracts) with investors;

(see text in previous edition)

attraction of employees - citizens of the Russian Federation, the number of which should be at least 80 percent of the composition of all attracted employees, attraction of foreign workers and specialists only for early stages works by agreement or in the absence of workers and specialists - citizens of the Russian Federation of relevant qualifications;

the acquisition of technological equipment, technical means and materials of Russian origin necessary for the geological study, extraction, transportation and processing of minerals in the amount of at least 70 percent of the total cost of those purchased (including under lease agreements, leasing and on other grounds) in each calendar year for performance of work under the agreement of equipment, technical means and materials, the costs of the acquisition and use of which are reimbursed to the investor by compensatory products. At the same time, for the purposes of this Federal Law, the equipment, technical means and materials are considered to be of Russian origin, provided that they are manufactured by Russian legal entities and (or) citizens of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation from units, parts, structures and components, at least 50 percent in value terms produced on the territory of the Russian Federation by Russian legal entities. persons and (or) citizens of the Russian Federation;

(see text in previous edition)

(see text in previous edition)

implementation of measures aimed at preventing the harmful effects of these works on the environment, as well as to eliminate the consequences of such effects;

(see text in previous edition)

liability insurance to compensate for damage in case of accidents resulting in a harmful impact on the environment;

(see text in previous edition)

liquidation of all structures, installations and other property upon completion of work under the agreement, as well as on cleaning up the territory where work was carried out under the agreement from pollution.

The parties may agree on the application of the requirements generally accepted in the world practice for the exploration and production of mineral raw materials for the safe conduct of work related to the use of subsoil, protection of the subsoil, the environment and public health, as well as standardization documents in this area adopted in accordance with the law Russian Federation on standardization.

(see text in previous edition)

The parties must stipulate in the agreement that at least 70 percent of the technological equipment in value terms for the extraction of minerals, their transportation and processing (if provided for by the agreement), purchased and (or) used by the investor to perform work under the agreement, must be of Russian origin . This provision does not apply to the use of trunk pipeline transport facilities, the construction and acquisition of which are not provided for by the agreement.

(see text in previous edition)

The provisions of this article that are in conflict with the principles of the World trade organization, in the event of the accession of the Russian Federation to the World Trade Organization, shall lose their force or must be brought into line with these principles in the terms and in the manner provided for by the documents of the World Trade Organization and the agreement on the entry of the Russian Federation into the World Trade Organization.

3. When performing work under an agreement at facilities located in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, the investor is obliged to take measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation to protect the original habitat and traditional way of life of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as to ensure the payment of appropriate compensation in cases and in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(see text in previous edition)

4. The organization of the performance of work under the agreement, including accounting and reporting in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of this Federal Law, is carried out by the investor or, on behalf of the investor, by the operator of the agreement. As such an operator, the scope of which should be limited to the organization of these works, may be branches created by the investor for these purposes on the territory of the Russian Federation or legal entities or legal entities attracted by the investor for these purposes, as well as foreign legal entities operating in the territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the investor bears property liability to the state for the actions of the operator of the agreement as for his own actions.

Anyone of working age can get a job. But there are so many different professions that require a person to perform certain actions in a particular place. It often happens that people of exactly the same profession, working at different enterprises, have completely different working conditions. But what is meant by this phrase? Let's look at examples to clarify this concept.

Mode of work and rest

Getting an official job, a person must pass an interview and get acquainted with his future place of work. But first, consider the working conditions associated with the regime. Suppose a shift starts at 8:00 and ends at 17:00. Lunch break - from 12.00 to 13.00.

This is one of the working conditions. Now imagine that an employee in the same position works on a different schedule due to a complex technical process. His shift starts at 13:00 and ends at 22:00.

Indoors or outdoors

Now consider the example of a real estate agent. Unlike, for example, a teacher or a bank employee, this specialist often moves from one area of ​​the city to another.

Occasionally appears in the office. Accordingly, the working conditions of the teacher and bank employee more calm - in any weather they are warm and under the roof. A realtor, on the contrary, in any weather must visit one or another object.

work under the roof

Also under the working conditions should be understood the parameters of the room:

  • microclimate (hot / cold, presence / absence of air conditioning / heating systems);
  • the presence of a bathroom;
  • illumination;
  • condition and quality of furniture;
  • serviceable and appropriate tool;
  • comfortable uniform (if necessary);
  • availability of places for a break;
  • lack/presence of repair;
  • coolers / vending machines with drinking water.

Of course, all this is the conditions in which the worker must work.


There are enterprises and professions associated with harmful and dangerous working conditions. Let's look at a few examples. Let's start with the foundry worker. The fact is that the room is constantly hot, there is a combustion process. As a result, not only heat is released into the room, but also harmful vapors of metals, plastic and other products. That is, a person has to work in difficult conditions the entire shift. But foundry workers are paid extra for harmful working conditions, they are sent to retire earlier.

Employees of the railway transport, subway and pilots are also at risk. This can also include:

  • electricians;
  • submariners;
  • firefighters;
  • ambulance workers;
  • builders, etc.

In fact, these professions require constant concentration and vigilance.

military, workers nuclear energy miners are constantly in mortal danger. Therefore, their working conditions can be considered one of the most dangerous, as trouble can happen at any moment. And their lives depend on dexterity, ingenuity, professionalism and attentiveness.

Management and team

Working conditions may also depend on superiors and colleagues. Often we hear a phrase, for example: “It is impossible to work with them in such conditions!” What is meant here? For example, the boss requires a report. Employees compose it competently and on time. In fact, there is nothing to complain about.

But the manager doesn't like the whole document because he's in a bad mood. Accordingly, it is difficult for workers to work in such conditions. But if the boss is always in a good mood, adequate, then everyone's work will go smoothly.

Thus, working conditions are the whole characteristic of activity in a particular profession that requires the fulfillment of certain requirements.

One of the main areas of labor protection management is to ensure safety in the area where a person's work is directly related to a certain risk to his health and/or life.

First of all, these types professional occupations due to the performance of which the employee is exposed to danger during the performance of his labor and functional duties. The implementation of such activities may lead to a deterioration in the health of the employee or to his injury.

That is, for example, work at heights or activities related to labor in mines should be regulated at the level of the entire state by regulatory legal acts.

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Application area

The list of works associated with increased danger is mandatory for use in any production. That is, by establishing at the local level certain working conditions, the size and procedure for payments wages and various compensation payments, the employer, namely the head of an enterprise, organization or institution, is obliged to take into account and take into account this list.

In particular, when deciding on the issue of establishing a list of high-risk work in a particular production, the employer is obliged to specify all points related to hazardous working conditions.

It should also be said that any conditions of production associated with a risk to health / life must be negotiated and approved with the relevant trade union organization.

Legislative framework

At the state level, the issue of hazardous work conditions is regulated in sufficient detail, since it is directly related to the labor protection of the population. In particular, there is a Regulation on the list of hazardous working conditions, approved by the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.

In addition, this normative act is based on the legislation on state standards for labor protection requirements in the Russian Federation. The methodological instructions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, which relate to labor protection, should also be taken into account.

All these requirements are valid throughout the Russian Federation and are mandatory for the entire population of the state, including employers. The procedure for carrying out these types of labor may be regulated by special rules established in a separate production.

List of working conditions with increased danger

According to the current legislation, increased working conditions are:

  1. Work at height.
  2. Installation, dismantling of buildings, structures and their parts.
  3. Explosive and diving operations.
  4. Work in electrical shops.
  5. Gas hazardous services (for example, installing a plug on a gas pipeline).
  6. Installation of power lines (as well as dismantling).
  7. Production related to the use of cranes in places where there are many power lines, other electrical installations.
  8. In wells, pits, trenches and pits with a depth of more than 2 m.
  9. Labor at the logging site (including the transportation of timber and its rafting).
  10. Chemical and fire-resistant protection of wood and wooden products.
  11. Any kind of working conditions associated with construction, if there is a risk factor in this enterprise.
  12. If performed near the carriageway of roads or railways (determined in each case, taking into account the requirements of current legislation).
  13. Performing any actions in wells, pits, closed and hard-to-reach spaces.
  14. Working near flammable or combustible liquids.
  15. Glass melting.
  16. Chemical cleaning of equipment.
  17. Drilling of the wells.
  18. The device of metal coatings.
  19. Disposal of weapons.

This is not the whole list of industries with increased danger. In addition, even the entire list contains certain vague concepts, according to which it is necessary to determine whether there is a danger during the performance of a particular type of labor on the spot, that is, in each specific case, taking into account the situation and conditions of production or the performance of functional duties of workers.

Admission procedure

For certain types of hazardous conditions, a work permit must be issued. This type of document establishes the content of these actions, the deadline for their implementation, the composition of the team that performs them, and also indicates the persons responsible for observing the implementation safety rules.

The work permit is issued in accordance with a certain form. It is issued only for the period that is necessary for the implementation of these works.

When issuing a work permit, a safety briefing of the entire brigade is mandatory. It is issued in several copies:

  1. In two, one of which should be with the employee directly, and the other with the manager who is responsible for safety.
  2. In three, if the work is carried out on the territory of an existing enterprise. Then the third copy is given to the employee of this enterprise.

Any changes to the conditions must be reflected in the appropriate document.

Carrying out work activities with increased danger

Any such work carried out must comply with applicable laws, regulations, instructions. In this case, in each case, it is mandatory to conduct a briefing, as well as the development of appropriate instructions.

This is due to a wide variety of work related to danger, because it is impossible to regulate all the nuances at the legislative level. Responsible person for safety to indicate to each member of the brigade to indicate his workplace. After completing the work, he is also obliged to withdraw the entire team from the place of production activities.

Occupations of workers associated with hazardous working conditions

Hazardous jobs include:

  1. Car driver.
  2. Electric and gas welder.
  3. A carpenter.
  4. Locksmith.
  5. Truck crane operator.
  6. Lifter.
  7. Fireman.
  8. Forest feller.

The list of production activities of increased danger, for which it is required to issue a work permit.

The work permit is issued for certain types of hazardous work, namely, these include:

  1. Gas hazardous work, such as launching gas into gas pipelines, refueling gas-balloon machines, repairing wells, draining gas from tanks, disconnecting from the existing network, purging gas pipelines, etc.
  2. hot work, namely all types of gas welding, electric welding with the use of fire.
  3. Work in electrical installations, on cable and overhead power lines.
  4. Production related to operation, use and repair of heat installations, heat-using installations.
  5. Work on overhead cranes.
  6. Electric welding.
  7. Activities related to chemicals(for example, with toxic substances).

Features of the organization and safe production of combined production

The production of combined work is associated with the performance of the functional duties of two work teams at the same site or facility, the working areas of which are in contact or completely coincide. These are always construction and installation works that are associated with risk.

The organization of the safety of combined production activities is an important requirement for the labor protection of workers. The organization of this process is mainly entrusted to the general contracting organization, which is also responsible for the safety of employees of all organizations working in this area.

The manager must organize in such a way as to ensure the safety of all his employees, in particular, indicate to each team construction sites who are their place of work.


If we talk about the responsibility for the organization of combined work, then it lies mainly with the head of the general contractor. At any work associated with hazardous factors, there is a person responsible for organizing safety during the performance of labor functions by employees.

Thus, any production related to the implementation of hazardous labor functions should be regulated in detail not only by legislative acts, but also by local acts of enterprise management, as well as work permits.

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