Organization of joint purchases where to start. "Even the kids help." Purchases remotely - it's possible



Mother, wife and successful organizer joint purchases: how to combine everything? The answers are in the interview!

Alexandra Shilova from Nadym has been organizing joint purchases since 2012, but this work became her main source of income only a year ago. Today, the wife and mother of two children spends all their free time collecting and sending orders, and the customer base from a small town in the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region has several thousand people.

We spoke with Alexandra to find out how she's been successful and why honesty is the best way to deal with collaborators.

Story: Alexandra works as a printer. She applies images to business cards, certificates, t-shirts and mugs. Piece work - salary depends on the amount of work performed. For more than a year there have been practically no orders for printing, so joint purchases for it - the only way bring money to the family.

“The first client is myself!”

- Alexandra, when did you organize the first joint purchase in Sima-land?

I started working with Sima-land in 2012, but at first it was not a joint purchase, but my own order. Then the daughter went to Kindergarten. On behalf of the parent committee, I needed to buy stationery and toys somewhere.

I opened a search engine to find a store with low prices, and accidentally came across Sima Land. I liked the assortment and the fact that the store is located in the Urals, not very far from us, which meant that purchases would be delivered quickly. I ordered everything for the kindergarten and some little things for myself.

- Then it seemed to you a one-time purchase? How did it happen that you became an organizer?

I told at work about good prices, the girls looked at the site, they found something. We decided to get together. I made a joint order - because I already knew how to organize a joint purchase.

Further - in the same way: she walked through her own, asked who needed what, told about Sima-land. People liked the idea: all goods are available in our city, but shops buy them in the same Sima-land, and sell them for 2-3 times more. Then I began to perceive the joint venture as a hobby - I like to do purchases, help people save money.

- How did you start making money on joint purchases?

I worked for friends and acquaintances, but then I thought, why not start taking orders from other people? It became interesting to me. One client advised me to create a group and attract people there, advertise in all the communities that we have in the city.

Together we made a plan, and for this he asked for only one thing - not to take an organizational fee from his orders, that is, to give him goods at the price of the site. I agreed. My group began to grow and prosper, people began to recognize me and recommend me to friends. It's nice when a person, contacting me for the first time, says that he was recommended to call here.

“There are many clients, everyone needs help”

The boxes barely fit in the stairwell.

You say that twice a week you send an order and receive a car. How much time does it take to collect orders, receive, sort, issue?

All free time. My husband goes to work, and I work from home in the same way. I sent the children to kindergarten, finished household chores, sat down at the computer. Processing an order takes time, because there are a lot of applications, everyone needs to respond and accept the order. And write every day!

On the day of sending the order, I can sit down at the computer at 12 noon and work until 17:00 until the application is completed, agreed with the manager and sent for assembly. In fact, it all takes a very long time. You need to find contact with each client: help someone choose a product, advise someone what is best. And, of course, I can’t refuse, it’s my job to help people! It seems to me that I will let all my customers down if I give up joint purchases.

- Is it difficult to reach the minimum order amount?

No, this hasn't been a problem for a long time. Previously, I had to order something for myself, adjust to the schedule of salaries, advances, collect orders irregularly. Then I started to send an order once a week, and with the advent of a remote warehouse, twice, so that I could receive and issue purchases faster. Now there are many participants, the order amount is always much more than the minimum. When the customer base has been developed over the years, then the volume of purchases is large.

- And who are your customers and what do they order most often?

Clients are different, but mostly - women. There are many mothers - both experienced and those who are just about to give birth. That is why they order a lot of children, especially before the New Year - everyone wants to buy gifts. This is the pinnacle of work. Then - February 23, March 8, Victory Day.

But in fact, all customers are different. There are even children! I communicate with them, I ask if my mother knows or not. It was such that one girl of 13 years old made an order with me and I called up her dad to find out if he was aware that his daughter was making online purchases? It turned out that yes, everything is in order, the order will be paid and I don’t have to worry! And the girl chose something for herself from the office and a gift for her mother on March 8.

What service do you offer to your customers? Do you deliver goods?

No, we don't have a car, but now we are thinking of expanding. All products are collected from my home. But it's convenient for them. I give out purchases in convenient packaging so that a person does not have to stand, wait, freeze or sweat.

There is a secret of excellent service - a good attitude towards the client. I am always friendly, never go to conflict. Everyone can agree. And I can do it, although the conditions are the same for everyone!

"Even the kids help"

- Is it difficult to accept bulk orders? Who helps you unload the cars?

My husband helps, because usually I get 40-50 boxes of different sizes and weights. AT pre-holiday days comes out 50-70 boxes.

With him, we get it all and raise it home. We have no assistants, sometimes a neighbor, a young high school boy, brings in a few boxes for a small fee.

It was also such that they received 2 cars with a load on the same day. It was just before the New Year, one car was running late, the other ahead of schedule. It turned out that they arrived on the same day. But it’s good that we didn’t receive them immediately, but at different times ... We managed to take a break. In general, work is not always easy, but this is a favorite thing that brings money.

- Do you manage to combine the duties of mother and wife with the role of the organizer of the joint venture?

It takes a lot of time, but I manage to do my homework with the child, take the youngest to kindergarten, cook food, clean up. In principle, there is enough for household chores. And the children also help me - they are very interested when we receive the goods, because I want to touch and see everything. Here we use them.

“All difficulties can be solved with the manager”

- What difficulties do you face in your work?

There are unpaid orders. A person simply does not pick up his purchase. But I do not lose heart, but just sell it through social networks.

The big difficulty is if marriage comes. The solution of this issue is sometimes delayed for a long time, the problem must be monitored all the time. You need to wait for the decision of the company, and then send the defective product back, wait until it arrives at the warehouse until it is accepted. And only then the money is returned to my account, which I then send to the client.

Sometimes accounts get lost. We have to wait and check documents, request new ones. But the most important thing is the return of the goods. The claim can be considered for a long time, and then denied. But we'll fix it. Moreover, my wonderful manager helps to deal with all the problems.

Order sorting takes several hours.

Do you support the opinion of Yuri Ilyaev (an experienced organizer of joint purchases from Yekaterinburg, the hero of our publication) that the organizer should never change his personal manager?

Yes. I completely agree with him. My manager - Gleb Esipov - knows me inside and out. He knows how and on what days I work, when I send an order, where the car should arrive and what problems may arise.

Once I placed an order and they sent me the wrong bill with double the amount. I could not solve the problem, because the order had already been transferred for delivery. Gleb was not there, but the next day he fixed everything - quickly and without any difficulties.

By the way, about placing orders. You managed to register in the new joint purchase service and even posted in your group on VKontakte a self-made instruction on how to work in it. Did you like him?

The service is convenient, I use it, but I’m not ready to switch to it completely yet, because I have a lot of regular customers in social networks, they are used to working with me there.

It would be great if you could communicate with the client within the system - chat, calls or something else to communicate with the participant. If you improve the service, it will be great.

"Being honest is the secret"

- How do you want to develop as an organizer?

I want to change the place of issue, because with two children, the reception of goods often turns into a complete mess. Although it will not be convenient for everyone to come to the office - employees often pick up their orders in the evening, at hours when I will no longer be sitting in the office.

- What should the organizer be like so that customers come back for shopping again and again?

He must inspire confidence. It is important to explain well all working conditions and non-standard situations. For example, for purchases from a remote warehouse. This is a product that is out of stock and needs to be waited for. People believe me, they order, pay and wait for their item with me. And no one is worried that I took the money and spent it somewhere. They paid for their purchase and are waiting, and I always notify you that the goods can be picked up!

And you also need to take marriage and re-grading seriously (the case when the wrong product arrives that the buyer needs). When the goods arrive in the wrong quantity, I immediately put the person on the next purchase and be sure to return the money for what did not come. I didn’t have such a thing that I hold up somewhere, hide, overestimate prices.

How to become a popular organizer of joint purchases: advice from Alexandra Shilova

  • Tell your loved ones about the opportunity to buy quality goods at low prices.
  • Create a social media group and run a raffle to let people know about you.
  • Handle all applications diligently. Customers appreciate the organizer's timely responses.
  • Know the needs of your customers and negotiate with each so that it is convenient for both of you.
  • Arrange for convenient pickup or delivery. Remember that people don't like to stand in line, wait, or get cold.
  • Be honest, always listen to the client and tell him about all the nuances of the purchase.


Have you already decided to repeat the success of the hero of the article? Read more about the new service of joint purchases, which allows you to collect applications from participants directly on the site, register and earn!

Before talking about how to organize joint purchases, it is necessary to define what this activity is. JV - joint purchase - is a grouping of people who want to purchase goods at a reduced cost. Such people unite and make a purchase at a wholesale price. This option can also be considered as a way to earn money.

How to organize joint purchases? The main idea of ​​such a business is to provide customers with the opportunity to save costs on the purchase of a particular product. In addition, you save time, as you can buy without leaving your home. Savings occur on the delivery of goods. Basically, people choose goods in foreign online stores in order to purchase goods at a lower cost, but often the price for its delivery is too high. Therefore, it is beneficial to know how to organize joint purchases in your city, so that by finding people who want to skimp on your supplier, you can reduce the cost of transporting the purchase.

By gathering people who want to buy goods with you, you can understand how to organize joint purchases from scratch. At the same time, you act as the organizer of the joint venture, the coordinator. You will contact the supplier, as well as place an order, collect money, pay and receive the goods. Your task will be to distribute it to all participants. Such activity is beneficial in that the goods will be purchased from the warehouse at a bargain price. The coordinator puts a commission fee into the cost and receives his profit. This business is very easy to set up and run. The coordinator gets the opportunity not only to save on the purchase of things and their delivery, but also secures a stable income.

The organizer sets a percentage for their services. As a rule, from 5 to 25%. The more orders you get, the more you can earn. Of course, one cannot become a millionaire in this way. But if desired, correct use information on how to organize a joint purchase, you can earn about 20 thousand rubles a month or more. The amount largely depends on the goods being sold, on the manufacturer, the conditions of the supplier and other factors.

Where to begin

Before proceeding with joint purchases, it is necessary to select a site for the search for participants. To do this, you can use the page in social networks or any site where you can get good rating. On the page, you need to make a kind of showcase by posting photos of the goods that are offered for purchase. The best option for providing the product will be its photo from all sides and a description of the offer, including its main characteristics.

Useful advice: Before organizing a joint purchase in a contact, it is advisable to take part in it as a buyer. This will help you quickly understand the conditions of such activities. In addition, a look from the other side will allow you to understand the needs of customers and think over an interesting offer for them.

What to sell

One can think , how to organize joint purchases in classmates or on another site, but initially you should decide on the idea of ​​​​a joint venture. You need to find out which product will be in demand. The most profitable option is the sale of clothes for children, books, toys. There are many brands of quality children's clothing, toy manufacturers. The supplier is easy to find, having decided on the manufacturer.

Features of cooperation with the supplier

Choosing a supplier is a responsible and not easy task. Many well-known manufacturers are unwilling to work with individuals or collect parties at their discretion. It is necessary to contact the representative of the brand (brand) and find out all the information: the conditions of the order and delivery, there are guarantees, the possibility of an exchange, is it possible to find out the prices for wholesale lots. In general, all conditions of cooperation. If you are interested in how to organize joint purchases from China, then you can search for suppliers from this country on the websites. You can also find manufacturers based in your region. This solution has many advantages, in particular the simplification of delivery (saving time, money).

When choosing a manufacturer partner for long-term cooperation, be sure to find out how long it has been working, what reviews about it. Also specify the delivery time, monitor the prices of suppliers of similar products. On the issue of cost, it is worth remembering that the cheapest supplier, like the most expensive, is not the best option. Find out if it is possible to return the marriage, if so, how this process takes place.

Another important point: if the supplier offers small wholesale, lots of two or three pieces, then most likely he is an intermediary and a percentage for his services will be included in the price of the goods. This option does not suit you - you need to work directly with the manufacturer, who offers wholesale lots.

Helpful information

It is not difficult to organize joint purchases, but you need to take into account when concluding an agreement with a supplier that unforeseen circumstances may arise in the process of cooperation. Delay of goods, marriage, re-sorting, refusal of the product by the buyer. To avoid unnecessary hassle and problems, all these points should be discussed in advance. It is the coordinator who is responsible for communication with the supplier, for payment, delivery of goods. Marriage, transportation difficulties, re-sorting are risks shared between all participants in joint purchases. The task of the organizer is to inform the customers about this in advance.


Before you organize joint purchases from scratch, you need to think about how to interest potential customers. That is, you need to draw attention to your activities. You can start with close acquaintances, relatives, friends, and so on. Information about the opportunity to make purchases can be posted on forums, specialized sites. As a rule, everyone gathers at such sites: coordinators, participants, and even suppliers. Please note that each service has its own rules and requirements, agreeing to them, you must strictly adhere to them.

Some services set a certain percentage of the organizational fee for the right to work on the site provided. Forums are a great option for selling unpurchased orders, for posting lists of unscrupulous customers. Here you can easily and quickly find and interest participants for your joint venture.

You can work on your own site, but this way of organizing requires some expenses. For the creation of the site, as well as its promotion on the network, you need to pay. The best option is to create a group on a social network (VK, classmates, etc.). Such a solution is available to everyone, it is convenient to work through a group and advertising will not cause trouble. After creating a group, you should take care of a competent description of the product, placement of a photo, as well as a description of the conditions for cooperation with your joint venture. It is necessary to indicate the minimum batch size, the organizer's margin, the terms of payment and delivery, the possibility of sending to other cities, and be sure to indicate whether it is possible to exchange defective goods.

Collection and other important points

Regarding the organizational fee, there are several options for maintaining a joint venture. As a rule, a markup is set in the amount of 10-25% of the value of the goods. The fee includes shipping costs, transportation costs, transfer of funds, calls and, of course, the profit of the coordinator of joint purchases.

If the delivery costs are shared between all participants, then the organizational fee is less. If the delivery is organized by the coordinator of the joint venture, then about 10% of the price of the goods should be included in the costs. If the duties include only the purchase, then the cost of the goods increases by 10-20% - this is a commission for organizational services. It is advisable to take 100% prepayment from buyers. Thus, it is possible to organize joint purchases without initial investments, and it is guaranteed to make a profit.

How is the collection, payment and delivery

It is better to enter all incoming orders in a table file. For greater convenience, you can develop a special form with which buyers will place an order. In order for customers to make purchases, you should answer their questions as quickly as possible, if necessary, check with the supplier Additional information regarding the quality of the goods and other nuances. Please note: the main factor of a successful JV is a simple and comfortable cooperation.

So, when you collect the required number of participants, you need to take their coordinates and send them invoices to pay for the order. There are several options for receiving funds for the goods. But, nevertheless, it is desirable to work with a 100% prepayment, as manufacturers usually require the entire amount. You can work on other conditions - accept cash on delivery (upon receipt) or take money when distributing the delivered goods, but in this case, all risks are borne by the organizer.

An excellent option is a payment notification - the coordinator needs to prepare a general summary table in which each participant can see the amount to be transferred for his order. The table must include the period of receipt of funds, the bank card number of the organizer of the joint venture. When all the money for orders is collected, it is necessary to transfer them to the supplier's account. You should also find out and inform customers about the date of dispatch, delivery time and wait for the parcel within the specified period.

Possible difficulties

Upon receipt of the goods, it must be immediately checked against the invoice for compliance with the order you made. You also need to check its quality and the absence of marriage. Then you can start distributing it or sending it by mail. In the process of work, you will have to explain to potential participants the essence of joint procurement more than once, write them the terms of cooperation, tell them all the subtleties, risks and answer many other questions. Many still do not know how the joint venture works, but who knows general information, the features of his work are not known. Therefore, often there is a misunderstanding on the part of the participants, they make various kinds of claims. To organize joint purchases and conduct successful activities in this direction, you need to have patience and be ready to clearly explain and communicate a lot.
And one more thing - be prepared that the goods will not be taken away from you immediately, that is, you need to have a place to store it. To prevent this from happening, you should determine the time frame for receiving the goods. Many coordinators immediately discuss that a certain percentage is set for the storage of the order. This encourages customers to pick up their purchases on time.

Few people know how to organize joint purchases and in general what such an activity implies. At the same time, foreign online stores have been working according to this simple scheme for a long time. As in any undertaking, organizing a joint venture at first will not provide you with a high income, you will also have to spend a lot of time and effort searching for client base, relationships with suppliers. But after some time (on average after six months) you can achieve a result comparable to the usual office work. At the same time, all activities will be carried out at home, without separation from family and children.Joint shopping is a good option to buy things for the home, family with a minimum margin. And also in order to develop the skills of an entrepreneur with minimal risks and without investment.

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I am a former organizer of the joint venture. Although it’s probably impossible to call me “former” ... After all, now I also continue to engage in purchases, but I have significantly slowed down. But more on that later!

My “career” as an organizer of joint purchases began for two reasons:

  1. At that time, my daughter was 1.5 years old - and they stopped paying me maternity leave. And to the extra money for all sorts of girly little things, at that time, oh, how I got used to it!
  2. Having ordered and received the goods in the joint venture, I was perplexed by the percentage of the organizing fee! 40%, in my opinion, was already too much ...

Created a new page in Odnoklassniki. I started with Aliexpress products - then I already had about 50 orders, i.e. some experience, but was (now there are almost 2000)! Watches, underwear, children's trifles... And the orders went... Having earned 200 rubles in the first 2 days, I realized that I would definitely continue!!!

She invited people from her city, many refused "friendship". And many of those who agreed did not dare to order ... Then I decided to lure customers ... Now I understand how disgusting it really was ... But then I went over the heads ... Just to get promoted, create my own circle of clients.

The promotion lasted about a month.

What was mine monthly income- I can’t say for sure, but definitely it was no less than 15-20 thousand rubles. I can’t say for sure, because. my cashier was a card. I always paid with it in stores (grocery), and also in every purchase of goods, of course, I ordered something for myself (personally, for me, for my child, for my husband, for my parents, for my nephews, for my brother, etc., etc.). Therefore, I do not have a clear single-valued amount!

Main advantages

member of the joint venture:

The price of the goods is much less than in stores;

No need to run around the shops and look for goods - you can sit at home and sip tea, calmly choose what you need;

You can pick up at a convenient time for you from the organizer;

Huge assortment - you can find anything you want;

JV organizer:

Possibility to order goods at the price of the site using the “welded” money;

Always have money in your pocket / on the card.

Main cons

member of the joint venture:

You can’t try on = you can “fly” with the size;

Sometimes there is a re-sorting (the color is not the same, the ornament, etc.);

JV organizer:

Stop and send the purchase mainly at night, because until late in the evening there will definitely be those who did not have time / missed / forgot to leave their order during the day (on time). Therefore, it is easier to wait for all additional orders, and when everyone goes to bed, calmly proceed to the calculations;


It’s hard to go for bags / boxes of goods to the transport (that’s why I always placed orders for my husband, so as not to look for someone to leave the child, I calmly sent my husband for the goods);

You need to have, depending on the turnover, about 20-40 thousand rubles. “superfluous”, because during the time of work with many girls friendly relations develop, everyone has their own good reasons and often many ask to postpone the date of payment, promising to pay tomorrow / the day after tomorrow / in salary / in advance, etc .;

Some girls are sometimes difficult to work with because of unfounded grievances;

At the appointed time for the distribution of goods, it is impossible to leave anywhere;

A bunch of unanswered messages and comments, often while you answer everything (for example, from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m.), you get to the stop (invoicing on an order) by 5-6 in the morning - hence ETERNAL LACK OF SLEEP!


After maternity leave I went to work... It was very difficult for me to combine work and joint venture! You always need to be “in the know”, always answer questions online, promptly send orders ... It got to the point that I slept for 2 hours a day.

Decided to "bind". Wrote to clients...

Now orders are coming - of course, not in such volumes ...

I made friends with the organizing girls, I send them my orders (3-5 thousand in each purchase) - they usually charge me only transport and bank fees (up to 5% in total).

The interest earned (this is about 500-900 rubles from each purchase) is spent mainly on orders for something for your family.


My favorite sites (for individuals):


How the joint venture influenced my life - only positively!

Thanks to the JV, my husband and I (during my maternity leave) saved almost the entire amount for our first car.

Thanks to the joint venture, I always had money, again during maternity leave - when maternity was no longer paid.

Thanks to the joint venture, we have a lot of goods that I might not have stumbled upon in the store.

Thanks to joint purchases, I got sooooo many clothes, bedding, towels, dishes, toys and all sorts of other good things!

Thanks to the SP, my child is equipped with things "from and to" - after all, when I was actively involved in the SP, I gained a lot of things over the top. Even now, when I have been passively doing SP for 2 years now, we still have a lot of big things in the box.


If you are ambitious, resolute, active, if you have "everything in your hands", if you want to earn extra money, if you have free time (well, at least daytime children's sleep to get enough sleep) - I RECOMMEND YOU TO BECOME A JV ORGANIZER!

If you just want to buy things at a profit and at prices that are significantly different from market prices, you are here - in the ranks of the participants in the joint venture! The main thing is to find a decent organizer. Order one thing, get your order = make sure the org is decent!!! And forward for orders for shopping)))) !!!

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we will touch on a topic that is of interest to many, namely how to pay taxes if you are engaged in joint purchases, and whether they should be paid at all. Let's start with what is "joint purchases"? For simplicity, they will be further abbreviated to SP.

What is a joint venture and are they entrepreneurial activities

So, a joint venture is a purchase by a group of individuals of any goods. What is typical for SP? The JV has an organizer who invites other people to get together and buy some products in bulk directly from the manufacturer. Products, in principle, can be very different - from children's goods to materials for creativity.

For example, there is a manufacturer who is ready to sell goods in bulk, the minimum lot is 20 units. The organizer invites acquaintances and not so familiar people to unite to buy products at a lower price than in ordinary retail stores. A group is assembled to provide an order of 20 units. Then the organizer collects money from them, transfers them to the supplier, receives an order from the last one, and distributes the products to the purchase participants.

Is this a business activity?

In almost all cases, it can be argued that such actions of the organizer are entrepreneurial activities. I am almost 100% sure that after the publication of this article there will be readers who will write in the comments something like: “Yes, we once organized such a purchase and that’s it”, “Yes, we don’t take anything for ourselves, we have no income” and etc. Of course, there are cases when the joint venture was organized only a couple of times exclusively for personal purposes, as participants they gathered relatives and friends and did not have their own benefits, except for products at a wholesale price. But this is rare.

No procurement organizer will work just like that, but he does. He spends his time communicating with the supplier, collecting participants and money, leads some forum or group on the social network, where this whole process takes place. The organizer's income is % from each purchase. For example, the organizer of the purchase offers to purchase certain products for 1100 rubles per 1 unit, of which 1000 rubles - Wholesale price supplier, and 100 rubles - remuneration of the organizer.

As a result, everyone benefits: the supplier sold his products, the organizer received his income in the form of% from orders, and the participants in the joint venture bought the goods at a lower price.

criterion entrepreneurial activity is its systemic nature in order to generate income. In the case of a joint venture, this criterion is clearly met: the organizer periodically places a set of clients in the joint venture in order to receive his remuneration. Well, since the joint venture is an entrepreneurial activity, it is quite natural that the organizer must pay taxes.

Opinion of the tax

JV as a phenomenon in our country appeared relatively recently, but it is developing very quickly. In almost every group in social networks, you can stumble upon an offer to take part in the joint venture. Well, as the turnover of this activity is growing, the interest in it from the tax authorities is also growing.

For those involved in the joint venture, I advise you to read the letter of the Federal Tax Service No. AC-3-2 / [email protected] dated 06/07/2013, where both the opinion of the tax authorities and the measures to be taken are quite clearly indicated. According to this letter, the organizer of the purchase is obliged to pay tax on the income received. Moreover, if he receives it on a systematic basis, he needs to register as an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes in accordance with the chosen one, if the joint venture was held once, then the organizer must declare his income and pay personal income tax.

Of course, if you organized purchases once and your remuneration is small, then it is unlikely that the tax authorities will be interested in you. But for those who are engaged in JV on a regular basis, it is better to pay taxes and, as they say, "sleep well." How can the IRS find out about the JV you are running? Here are just two of the most common ones:

  1. From social networks, media, messages of other citizens.
  1. From other sources that are required to carry out certain control measures.

Here, in fact, everything is also simple. Most organizers collect money from individuals to their bank card, and this is fraught with the fact that the bank considers these transactions suspicious, blocks the card and informs the relevant authorities about suspicions of your business activities. By the way, we already wrote about the consequences of using a personal bank card in this way.

What to do and what tax regime to choose

It is best for the organizer to register as an individual entrepreneur; in this case, there is no point in registering. It will also be necessary to open a current account in the bank, the procurement participants will transfer money to it. You can read about choosing a bank to open a current account.

Now there is another important point that you need to immediately decide. JV can be carried out according to two schemes:

Option number 1 - trade: you buy goods in bulk, and then sell them to the participants in the purchase. The price of the goods for the end buyer includes the % of the organizer.

Option number 2 - the provision of intermediary services: you, for a fee, on your own behalf in the interests of the customer, purchase the goods, and then transfer it to the ownership of the customer.

Depending on which option you prefer, you choose OKVED codes for your activities.

Now about taxation. If the joint venture is considered in the light of option No. 1, then it will be Internet trading, well, or distance trading, and in the light of option No. 2 - mediation. In both cases, neither UTII nor a patent are suitable as taxation systems, it remains only to choose between the general regime and the simplified tax system. For individual entrepreneurs, of course, it will be easier to work on the simplified tax system.

But on the simplified tax system, we are again faced with a choice: “Income” or “Income minus expenses”? It is more profitable to use the simplified tax system with the “Income minus expenses” base under option No. 1: here all receipts from procurement participants will be income, and expenses will be the cost of purchasing goods from the manufacturer and other costs associated with the implementation of activities. It is more profitable to use the simplified tax system with the “Income” base for option No. 2: in this case, the income will be the organizer’s remuneration, that is, the% that he keeps for himself.

At the same time, the most suitable and even profitable option is option number 2, which involves the services of an intermediary. Why exactly?

Think for yourself, option number 1 is a trade, and this, in turn, means that at the time of the fact of buying and selling a unit of goods, this product must belong to the seller. In practice, the JV scheme does not provide this condition. The seller, that is, the organizer of the purchase, actually does not have the goods on hand, he pays and receives it only after he recruits a group of participants and receives payment from them. That is why the joint venture is easier to describe as intermediary service, which is the placement by the organizer of an order with a wholesale supplier in your interests.

As for the moment of "benefit", then the following should be taken into account. With any tax calculation base, you pay tax, fixed contributions to the funds for yourself and an additional contribution to the Pension Fund if your income exceeds 300 thousand rubles.

Fixed contributions are not taken into account, they are the same for everyone. We will not compare tax amounts either, here it is already clear that you need to choose the option where the tax will be less. But what about the add. contribution? You really have to count here. With the simplified tax system "Income", only the organizer's remuneration is included in the base, respectively, this fee will be calculated from this amount. And in the case of the simplified tax system “Income minus expenses”, the contribution will be considered from all income, expenses will not matter here. Compare two numbers: income in the form of managerial % and all income in the second option. Of course, from the point of view of reducing the burden on individual entrepreneurs, it is more profitable to use the simplified tax system "Income" - in this situation, for some, the income will not exceed 300 thousand rubles at all. and you won’t have to pay any additional contribution to the FIU at all.

Intermediary contract with a procurement participant

The option with income in the form of an organizational percentage has its own characteristics, the main of which is an intermediary agreement with those who participate in the purchase. Why is it important? Without an agreement, in the event of an audit, the tax office will insist that all receipts on your current account, and not just part of them, are income. How is this problem solved?

The intermediary provides services on the basis of a commission agreement, commission or agency agreement. Depending on the type of agreement, the JV organizer can act both on its own behalf and on behalf of the JV participant, but always in the interests and at the expense of the latter. Signing a paper contract with each client is unrealistic - there are many of them and they are located in different places. In practice, most often this is implemented in the form of a public contract-offer. Since the largest part of the JV is held in social networks and forums, it is not difficult to post a public offer. The main thing that needs to be provided for in it is the obligations of the parties and the amount of the organizer's remuneration. It is important that, according to the text of the offer, it is written that by transferring funds to the organizer, the participant of the joint venture agrees with all the terms of this agreement. In turn, the organizer upon receipt of these Money to his current account also becomes obliged to perform all actions for the acquisition and transfer of goods to the participant. The offer must contain all the essential points for the parties. The amount of remuneration can be specified both in a fixed amount and as a percentage of the amount.

The presence of a public offer will be proof that your income as an organizer is solely the amount of remuneration, and not all the funds received from the participants in the joint venture.


Register on one of the popular forums in your city, find a group there that is close to joint purchases. You should carefully analyze the existing assortment and think about what is missing, what you would like to purchase for your own use. It can be unusual, natural, oil perfumes, European brands and so on.

Find a supplier. Having decided on the product, you need to find a suitable supplier company. It's simple - just type in a search engine, for example, " Arabic"And read the list. Having chosen a site, you need to establish contact with the supplier, get catalogs, price lists, minimum order conditions and find out the possibility of working with individuals. For greater certainty, you can compare offers with others.

Create a topic in the selected forum. Here it is important to give the offer a presentable graphical and grammatical appearance, post a photo of the goods, indicate the minimum amount, indicate the percentage of the organizational fee, payment terms, the “STOP” date - when the order should be collected. Compilation of tables with the range of goods, photos, cost, sizes (if it is clothes) and constant updating of information, if necessary, will create favorable conditions for forum visitors to choose the right product.

Place an order for the minimum amount. Each participant in the purchase must be sent in a personal message the entire order and its cost for subsequent confirmation. The date and method of payment for the order must be assigned, for example, to a bank card.

Send all data regarding the order to the supplier. Only after confirmation of the order by the supplier and invoicing, you can pay for it on time. When specifying the method and amount of delivery with the supplier, be sure to notify the participants of this, so that after receiving the invoice, the cost of delivery will be divided among all.

Accept the shipment at . We need to wait for a call from representatives courier service, find out the dimensions of the cargo, as well as its amount and the approximate date of delivery. At the office of the transport company, you must pay for the delivery and receive the goods.

Pass the order to all participants in the purchase. At home, sort the entire order into packages, inform the participants about the availability of goods and discuss the date and place of the meeting for the distribution of the order.


It happens that not all the goods came in a common package - then the money of the participants who did not receive their orders is returned.

In the age of the Internet, there are many ways to refresh the seemingly simple mechanism of buying a product. In addition to well-known online stores, the consumer today can take advantage of such an option as a joint purchase.


Joint purchases were organized in the middle of the 19th century. Their main difference was in local distribution - with the underdevelopment of communications, the circle of buyers was narrow - friends, neighbors, acquaintances. The advent of the Internet brought business to a new level - it became possible to make purchases in the society of previously completely unfamiliar people and extremely quickly find the best way order.

This service was first tested in the US in the 1990s, but wide access to products from around the world in retail chains did not allow joint purchases to take shape in a separate culture. The Russian consumer discovered new sphere commerce in the mid-2000s, along with the widespread use of fast Internet networks. On the this moment almost every city has its own forum where people negotiate deals. Due to a lower level of income (compared to European countries and the USA) and not the best level of service in outlets countries are successful, being an opportunity to purchase goods relatively inexpensively, which is either impossible or extremely difficult to find in Russia.

The essence of the process

The organizer selects the product, product options, delivery method from the wholesale supplier. A group of buyers is recruited, after which the organizer makes an order. Having received a check from the supplier, the organizer begins collecting money from buyers (after receiving the check, a kind of point of no return comes - if before receiving it is possible either to change the version of the product or refuse altogether, after the refusal, in fact, destroy the entire purchase scheme). Money is accepted in a non-cash version (if possible, in cash). The organizer makes the payment, waits for the goods, and upon receipt transfers them to the customers. In this case, the organizer receives a percentage of the sale (negotiated separately, or not present at all). This procedure is in most cases transparent - the forum keeps a report on the process, customers may require recalculation.


The benefit is obvious - orders are carried out in wholesale networks, and wholesale, as you know, is cheaper. Due to the absence of a huge number of side costs ( great staff, store space rent, other expenses) wholesalers, who most often have only a warehouse with goods, offer a lower price than retail chains. Besides, separate categories goods in Russia are not available at all, so the option of joint purchase via the Internet will be a salvation for those who wish to purchase a scarce product.

Possible risks

Of course, there are also risks. Firstly, a joint purchase rests only on the collective responsibility of customers - if at least one link falls out, the deal fails. A variant with deception on the part of the organizer is possible - overpriced, defective goods. If the delivery is not carried out by express services, the waiting process may take a long time. But most of these shortcomings will disappear if the buyer is attentive and controls the progress of the case.

Those who are just thinking about starting their own clothing business do not want to spend a lot of time and money working in the fashion world. However, in order to get started, there are simple tips: order things remotely and choose clothes based on existing customers.

Purchases remotely - it's possible

There is an opportunity to order clothes from the factory without going directly to or country. It is only necessary to take into account that for a start (namely, for small wholesale purchases) it is worth choosing a ready-made clothes factory. Unless, of course, you want to wait several months for your clothes to be made to order. As for prices, it is better to check them through an agent. On the websites of factories, as a rule, retail prices are indicated. You can request by e-mail catalog with price list. By the way, in this way you can already start creating demand for your offer, namely, show this catalog to your acquaintances, relatives, friends, and place an order based on their preferences. True, not all articles may be indicated in the catalog - it is calculated on the seasonality of its sale. Be careful - some things are positioned by the factory as bestsellers, but experience shows that this is not always a successful product.

If the factory is not able to provide a catalog, you can ask to take a photo of the products and make an order based on the photos. This option only seems simple, because many factories are afraid that things will start to be copied. Therefore, a person specially involved for this purpose should take pictures. Another negative is that because the photos are taken unprofessionally, things look ugly in them, so potential clients it is better not to show such pictures.

Another way is to make a purchase via Skype. Of course, you must have a "person" who will come to the factory, call you from a laptop, tablet or phone, and with the help of a video link you will be able to examine the products yourself. The upside is that you can ask for clothes to be turned, turned inside out, wrinkled, and so on. True, not all factories allow you to order via Skype, especially if you are buying clothes for the first time. The worst option is to trust someone to go to the factory without you and make a purchase according to their own ideas about fashion. Such things may be of completely inappropriate quality and style, which you simply cannot sell.

What to buy

If you have just decided to start own business, focus not on people in general, but on your acquaintances. It is important to know who will take from you those things that you buy on. Based on this, decide on the size, style and price. Ideal to match the clothing factory according to the requests of your customers. In this case, you practically do not risk being left with a bunch of unsold goods.

Remember that everyone has different tastes, and if you focus only on your preferences (and this often happens among beginners), sooner or later all things can migrate to your closet. Consider seasonality. In winter, factories, as a rule, produce winter clothes, in summer - summer clothes.

For a joint purchase, it is necessary to unite as many people as possible. Thus, there will be a wholesale purchase of goods, the price, respectively, will also be lower than the retail one.

The association of people participating in joint purchases takes place on special sites or in groups on social networks. Usually, residents of one city or several nearby settlements participate in purchases.

The main character in this event is the organizer of purchases. He finds a supplier from whom the goods will be purchased. He also creates the theme of the purchase on the site.

Participants view the topic, mark the product they like, the organizer sees this data. He, in turn, makes a list for a certain time, after which the so-called "Stop" occurs. After that, participants cannot refuse to participate in the procurement.

The organizer sends the generated list of orders to the supplier, who checks the availability of the necessary goods and issues an invoice to the organizer. It happens that some positions are missing, in this case they say that the order has not been redeemed.

When the organizer receives an invoice, he puts the details for payment on the site. Participants pay for the ordered goods by bank transfer. Usually to a checking account.

The organizer receives the funds and transfers them to the provider. The latter completes the cargo and sends it through a transport company.

When the cargo arrives at the organizer, he starts sorting, puts the items of each of the participants into packages. This usually takes several days. After that, the organizer writes on the website that the orders are ready for delivery. In some cases, the goods are sent to the participants by mail, and in others they are handed over to special pick-up points, from where the participants pick up their orders with their own hands.

The whole process of joint purchase takes about a month. The advantages of these events are that you can buy goods at a lower price than in retail, as well as goods that are not found in stores. Disadvantages of joint purchases - it is impossible to inspect the goods before buying, so you can make a mistake with the size or get a marriage. In the latter case, the supplier returns the money, or exchanges the product for a quality one.

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