How to distinguish rabbit droppings from the rest. Proper use of rabbit manure for the garden and cottages. What grows on rabbit manure


Of all types of manure that are obtained from domestic animals, rabbit droppings are considered the most valuable. Its composition is several times higher than the amount of nutrients obtained from horse, bird or cow manure.

Rabbit manure as a fertilizer, composition and useful properties

Rabbit manure is rich in various organic compounds and trace elements, and due to the special secretion of the eared organism and the special diet, these substances are easily absorbed.

One kilogram of litter contains:

  • nitrogen 6 g;
  • calcium oxide 4 g;
  • magnesium oxide 7 g;
  • potassium oxide 6 g.
If in the manure of other animals there is a predominance of any one element (either nitrogen or potassium), then in rabbit droppings these substances are contained in almost equal proportions. Thanks to the above elements, phosphoric acids and other compounds, rabbit manure can replace three 3 kg packages of mineral fertilizers: ammonium sulfate, superphosphate and potassium salt.

Rabbit manure as a fertilizer is also useful in that it is able to soften, loosen, warm and saturate the soil more than others. In some cases, it can be used without prior composting, since the substrate does not contain viable plant seeds. Even heavy clay soils after a three-year treatment with this raw material become loose and lighter.

How rabbit manure is used, types of fertilizer

The use of rabbit manure as a fertilizer has a wide range on an industrial scale. Raw materials are used:

  • in greenhouses ( in the mass cultivation of different crops);
  • in floriculture ( including home);
  • when growing champignons and other mushrooms;
  • when growing fodder crops;
  • in the production of humus and breeding of worms and other baits for fishing.

Rabbit litter contains less moisture than, for example, cow litter, so it is easier to transport.

fresh look

Fresh manure from rabbits is rarely used as a fertilizer. Immediately after harvesting before winter, you can scatter fresh manure around the site (field) to feed depleted or poorly saturated soil with nutrients.

During the winter period, the manure will have time to freeze and decompose, while losing decay products. In the spring, during the melting of snow, water will dissolve and deeply saturate the soil with useful elements. If you cover the soil along with the bedding, the hay after spring plowing will work like a mulch and, decomposing even more, will “feed” the soil.

Important!It is not advisable to fertilize with untreated planting manure: its decay products - ammonia and methane - will burn the young shoots.

manure composting

If you composted in early spring, you can use the prepared rabbit droppings as fertilizer for next winter. The compost is spread over the soil and dug up, thus, before spring sowing and planting, the earth is saturated with nutrients and becomes looser.

Compost is diluted with water for fertilizing fruit and berry crops and root crops. Often used as mulch to prevent the soil from drying out and weeds. Garlic planted before winter is “covered” with compost, thus protecting it from freezing.

dry look

Rabbit manure is the only type of organic matter used in dry form. Litter balls are either burned out or dried well under the sun, crushed into powder and mixed with soil. A tablespoon of powder is added to three kilograms of earth. With the use of dry powder, liquid dressings are prepared for indoor or garden tender plants. In floriculture, slightly different proportions are observed. For an earthen mixture, take a teaspoon of powder, for liquid - also, mixing with water (3 liters).


Humus is a decomposed compost-dung heap, loose and homogeneous, in consistency reminiscent of fertile black soil. Quality humusit is, first of all, a product of processing by earthworms, these invertebrates significantly improve the friability of any soil. Many farmers claim that rabbit dung humus has virtually no unpleasant odor when applied. Humus to saturate the soil is scattered over the site and dug it up.

Did you know?One day, a girl from the Aztec tribe noticed that a rabbit that had eaten agave was running around the field in a strange way. So the fluffy rodent helped discover the "magic" effect of alcohol. Until now, in Mexico, the indigenous people, before drinking alcoholic beverages as a sacrifice to the rabbit, splash out some of the contents from the glass on the floor.

How is rabbit manure used?

Purchasing rabbit manure, you need to know how to apply it correctly. Let's start with compost:

  • in autumn, when digging, they are added to the soil to prepare for spring planting;
  • put directly into the holes before planting (every 2-3 years);
  • use as mulch, mixed with straw;
  • used as top dressing, diluted with water.

Attention!Liquid top dressings with compost should be used with the utmost care, no more than twice a year, no more than two liters per square meter.

Let's figure out how else to use rabbit droppings. In dry form, they are used by introducing the powder into the soil for fertilizer before planting. Apply the powder, diluted with water (floriculture) as top dressing. Humus is very popular when planting winter crops. Liquid top dressing is applied during plowing, top dressing of different crops. Rabbit manure significantly enriches depleted soils before planting legumes, potatoes and other root crops, berries and nightshades.

Manure preparation and storage

Consider the two main types of harvesting rabbit manure:composting and feed.

To compost rabbit manure, other organic matter is added to the compost pit to this substrate: manure of other animals, food waste (without mold), dry fallen leaves. From time to time, the pile in the pit is turned over with a shovel so that it rots evenly. So that the worms do not eat the compost, but are processed to the desired consistency, they must be removed.

When you turn over the compost in the pit, remove the bottom layer (it has the most worms) and put it away. The manure pit should be in the shade, in addition to "mixing", the compost must be moistened. For the winter, the pit is covered with sawdust and tarpaulin.

Bait is being prepared in the following way: for 12 liters of water give 2 kilograms of fresh manure. The mixture should be infused, stir the solution periodically. The solution will be ready when the mass becomes completely homogeneous. Dry version of the preparation: dried balls of litter are ground in a mortar into powder. The powder is stored in a dry, dark place. When storing unprocessed litter, care must be taken to ensure that it does not dry out. If this does happen, use it in liquid solutions.

Interesting!Some of the achievements of furry pets are listed in the Guinness Book of Records. A rabbit named Nippers Geronimo is known as the owner of the longest ears - 79.05 cm; the most well-fed rabbit weighs 12 kilograms; the species of the long-eared North American rabbit is considered the smallest, its weight is only 350 grams.

What is the best way to fertilize the soil? Now there are many types of fertilizers, organic and inorganic, for each there is a use. Among the organic, an important role is played by manure, which is obtained from various animals. And among all its species, it is rabbit manure that stands out. It is believed that in its qualities it is superior to bird and cow, it has much more nutritional qualities.

Composition and benefits

Rabbit dung is especially useful and valuable. Thanks to a special secret that is secreted in the intestines of rabbits, it dissolves more easily and quickly in the soil and is processed in it. It contains many essential trace elements and organic compounds that are not found in other types of manure.

For one kilogram of rabbit manure you have:

  • nitrogen 6 g
  • calcium oxide 4 g
  • magnesium oxide 7 g
  • potassium oxide 6 g

This is the most optimal ratio. Thanks to this, a kilogram of such litter successfully replaces mineral fertilizers. In addition, it is also good because it is able to naturally warm up, loosen and enrich the soil.

Thanks to the processes taking place in the intestines of the rabbit, its droppings do not contain undigested food particles and weed seeds, so in some cases it can be used directly in the soil without composting.

They can fertilize the land constantly. After 3-4 years of its use, even the most loamy soils become softer and looser.

It is used in many cases:

  • in greenhouses
  • in floriculture (including home);
  • when growing mushrooms on an industrial scale and at home
  • when growing fodder crops;
  • in the production of humus when breeding baits for fishing

Rabbit manure itself has a drier consistency than bird or cow manure, so it is easier to transport, and less mass per unit area is required.

Terms of Use

Rabbit manure is very concentrated, it contains a large number of compounds that, when decomposed, turn into aggressive urea. It can greatly increase the temperature of the soil and simply "burn" the roots of plants. Therefore, this manure cannot be applied in the spring, before planting crops, or in those areas where winter crops will be planted.

Fresh manure is best scattered around the site before winter. Then he will have time to dissolve in the soil before frost, and the melt water will distribute it evenly throughout the mass of the earth.


This is rotted manure with grass or food waste. It is a homogeneous crumbly mass, similar to.

To properly prepare it, you need to mix equal parts rabbit manure with cow or horse, sheep, and mix it all with straw and food waste. Compost is ready within a few months. Ready compost can be used not only in the season of preparation, but also in the next.

Not completely rotted manure can be applied to the ground only in late autumn, it can also be scattered over the snow, but only in a very thin layer - it will dissolve and mix with the ground, fertilizing it well. You can carry out such a procedure no more than 1-2 times during the winter.

For faster and better preparation, the compost heap needs to be turned over and mixed from time to time.

There are a few more rules for using rabbit droppings.

  • in autumn - after harvesting, they are added to the soil and dug up, preparing the land for spring plantings
  • mixed with straw and mulched
  • diluted with water and used for feeding

It is most convenient to lay several compost heaps, with a break of a week. Then, throughout the entire garden season, fresh, high-quality fertilizer will be ready.

Compost decomposes more quickly when it is wet. That is why it must be turned over and added a little moisture. It can be replaced by food waste. Heaps can be covered with straw, then the compost will better keep the temperature and cook faster.

Dry rabbit manure

Rabbit manure is the only type of manure that is also used dry. It is made in two ways - either dried under the sun or burned out. Then the dried balls are crushed into powder.

Dried manure is stored at room temperature in a dark place. It is mainly used for plant nutrition, in particular in floriculture.

In order not to burn the roots of plants, take 20-25 grams of powder per 3-3.5 kg of earth and mix well. For top dressing, dissolve in 3 liters of water a tablespoon of the finished dung-earth mixture - for vegetable crops and 1 teaspoon per 3 liters of water for flowers. Top dressing is done no more than once every three months.


Humus is a rotten compost-dung mixture, very loose and homogeneous, similar in consistency to black soil. High-quality humus is also well processed by worms, it is very loose and greatly increases the fertility of any soil. Rabbit humus is odorless and very easy to apply. You just need to scatter it around the site and dig it up.

Humus is used at the end of the garden season, after harvesting before planting winter crops. First, humus is introduced into the ground, and after a week, the ground is dug up again and winter crops are planted.

in liquid form

A mixture of manure and earth is mixed with wood ash in equal proportions and dissolved in water. About 10 liters of water is needed per kilogram of this mixture.

There is another mixture - for 10 liters they take 2.5 kg of manure and 7.5 liters of water. It is insisted in a warm place for 3-4 days. During this time, almost all ammonia will evaporate from such a mixture, it will be possible to feed plants with it during the off-season.

This mixture is poured over the plot as bait at the rate of 1 liter per square meter. Pour directly into holes. You can do this top dressing no more than once a year. Such a mixture will quickly deliver nutrients directly to the roots of the plant. Water at the same time should be low temperature, about 20 degrees.


Rabbit litter is not as easy and safe as it might seem at first glance, and there are some nuances when using it.

  1. Rabbit manure is sensitive to aggressive temperatures. Some gardeners "for disinfection" of rabbit manure process it with boiling water. This should not be done - under the influence of high temperature, most of the useful compounds will be destroyed, they will simply go into another form and be washed out of the substrate.
  2. Frost is just as dangerous - it destroys nitrogenous compounds. Therefore, such manure should be scattered after harvesting and before the onset of cold weather, so that it has time to dissolve in the ground.
  3. A little more than half of the original amount of nutrients remains in dried manure. It's easy enough to restore. The dried mixture must be dissolved in water and then used as a top dressing.

Liquid manure must be insisted in non-metallic dishes, because when combined with metal, they will pass chemical reactions, which will change the characteristics of manure and make it practically useless. Glass or plastic dishes are suitable, there may be an enameled bucket without cracks and chips.

Feeding different plants

Rabbit manure is good because it can be sprinkled under all kinds of plants. However, fresh manure cannot be added every year to the same place, it is necessary to take breaks of 2-3 years.

Trees and shrubs

Make a groove 3-5 cm deep around the tree at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Prepare a solution - 1.5 kg of manure per 10-12 liters of water. Pour the groove with this solution, about 1 liter will be needed for each tree. This will feed the tree and at the same time protect it from many fungal diseases and other pests. They do the same when fertilizing roses and perennial flower bushes.

cucumber seedling

Two weeks before planting seedlings, it is better to warm up the bed. To do this, grooves are made in the place intended for planting cucumbers, they are watered with infused rabbit manure. Then slightly dig and cover with a film. Two weeks later, the bed is dug up again and cucumbers can be planted. In the same way, you can plant tomato seedlings, zucchini, pumpkin.


Before planting cabbage seedlings, it is necessary to fertilize the land, then its productivity will increase significantly, and cabbage will hurt less - rabbit manure destroys a large number of bacteria that damage all types of cabbage.

You can also feed it once a season - pour it with a solution of manure with water. In this case, 10 parts of water are taken for 1 part of rotted manure. It is necessary to water in the evening so that it is not hot. This method is not suitable for early cabbage.

Strawberries and wild strawberries

Feeding these berries has its own characteristics - if they are "overfed", especially in early spring, then directly opposite results can be achieved. There will be fewer berries, they will be smaller, and the bush itself will hurt. It is also important not to miss the feeding time - it can be early spring, when the air temperature is stable at 1-5 degrees Celsius, or already late autumn, at the same temperature.

In the first year after planting the bush, the very first dressing is best done in the fall. The plant, even the youngest, is depleted, especially if there was abundant fruiting. The yield depends on how well the bushes received top dressing. next year. In winter, the manure will rot, and in the spring it will serve as a good source of nitrogen and serve as protection against the formation of weeds.

After fertilizing, the soil is dug up.

You need 2 kg of manure per 1 square meter.

It is also required to fertilize the land during the planting of bushes. To do this, make a special mixture of rotted manure. The proportion is 1 part manure to 20 parts water.

in greenhouses

In greenhouses, you can grow vegetables almost all year round. It is sprinkled under all kinds of vegetables and root crops - they grow very well and do not differ in their useful qualities from those that have grown in the open field.

Before planting seedlings, the ground is prepared - mixed with, warmed. After its introduction, they wait two weeks until the manure dissolves in the ground. After that, you can already plant seedlings.


Flowers also need to be fed and deserve to grow in good fertile soil.

Before planting annual flowers, the ground can be warmed, as is done before planting cucumber seedlings. Also in the middle of the season, flower beds may need to be fed - so the flowers will last longer and be brighter and stronger.

For fishermen

Decaying manure can also be improved by placing worms in it. They pass it through themselves, forming the humus necessary for the soil, and the fishermen receive an unlimited amount of bait. To obtain the necessary substrate, manure must be mixed with earth and grass. A particularly important condition - the compost must be very wet - about 70%. If the humidity drops below 30, the worms will die. Also, ash should not get into it.

The resulting humus is an excellent fertilizer, it can be used in the garden, and in the place where the worms grow, add an additional amount of a mixture of manure in the ground and grass. During the season, the worms will do an excellent job of processing this substrate.

Also, worms can be launched into the ground for planting - they will also help improve the soil and fertilize it.

Rabbit food

Manure is an excellent organic fertilizer. But only its quality depends on how the animal ate. And for it to be of high quality, the food must be complete, contain all the necessary minerals and trace elements. Then they will be present in the “final product”, and they will get into the soil, enrich it. Then there will be more of these trace elements in the grown vegetables, they will be more useful and richer.

This applies to any manure, including rabbit.

Rabbit droppings must also be properly collected. It should not accumulate inside, otherwise it will lead to diseases of rabbits and a deterioration in the quality of the litter itself. In the bottom of the cage you need to make special slots. You can also use gratings with small cells, and substitute pallets at the bottom, in which the manure will be collected.

It is also convenient to collect the straw rabbit bedding from the cage as needed and put it in a compost heap to rot.

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In order for garden and garden plants to develop well and give a large and stable harvest, they need to be fed periodically. Organic fertilizers are often used for this purpose. There are several varieties of such dressings. One of the best, according to gardeners, is rabbit manure. It contains much more substances useful for plants than even horse and cow. But of course, it should be used correctly in the beds in the garden.

Rabbit gardeners reviews

The usefulness of this organic matter by the owners of gardens and orchards has been noticed for a very long time. For plant nutrition, such manure is used in all countries of the world. Crop farmers and summer residents who grow even call it "rabbit gold".

The advantages of such manure include:

    The presence of a huge amount of nutrients. For example, farmers calculated that 100 kg of simple rabbit manure could replace three three-kilogram packages of mineral fertilizers at once. different types: superphosphate and

    No viable seeds. Rabbits eat mostly only the stems and leaves of plants. Therefore, even the unrotted manure of these animals cannot cause the spread of weeds in the garden.

    The ability to soften soils. Even loamy and clayey soils become loose and fluffy after three years of applying rabbit manure.

    Possibility of making high quality compost. Cage straw soaked in urine is usually used along with rabbit manure. Thanks to this, the finished compost has simply unique characteristics.

Disadvantages of rabbit manure

Thus, rabbit manure as a fertilizer reviews gardeners deserved just excellent. There are practically no disadvantages to using this type of organic matter. Experienced farmers do not advise using it only in its pure form. Using rabbit manure can cause burns to parts of the plants.

From all of the above, it is easy to draw one simple conclusion. The answer to the question of novice gardeners, often found on the net, about whether it is possible to use rabbit manure as a fertilizer, is simple: it is not only possible, but necessary. However, only in recycled form.

Ways to use

Of course, due to the availability, summer residents most often use cow dung in the garden to fertilize plants. Rabbits are small animals and don't eat too much. Consequently, a very large amount of manure cannot be obtained from them. Therefore, gardeners use it mainly only for some plants - those that have survived the disease (for support), for those from which they want to get the best harvest, etc.

Actually, compost can be used in several ways:


    as humus;

    in the form of compost;

    in the form of a goo.

Gardeners' reviews about dry use

Rabbit dung is the only organic material that can be used in this way. In this case, the pellets are first dried in the sun, and then thoroughly rubbed. The resulting powder is mixed with soil in a ratio of 1x3. Especially good feedback about such a tool are available from lovers of indoor flowers. This fertilizer is usually added to the soil when planting. In this case, the flowers subsequently grow better and do not get sick.

Use as compost

Thus, rabbit manure, according to summer residents, should be processed if it is necessary to introduce good organic matter (albeit in small quantities) throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden. For the preparation of compost, "pellets" with straw from the cells are used. Horse or cow dung is also added to the mass. You can throw in a pile and food waste. Manure should be composted in the shade. A good solution, for example, would be to choose a place for him under a tree.

The site (about 2x2 meters) must be cleared of weeds, bushes, thick roots of plants and remove a layer of earth from it on a shovel bayonet. Next, a layer of peat is laid on the bottom of the resulting hole. 20 cm will be enough. This is necessary so that the nutrients from the heap do not seep into the soil. Instead of peat, you can use straw or dry foliage. Actually, the components of the future fertilizer themselves should be folded in layers in any order. During composting, you need to ensure that the heap does not dry out. On hot days, it needs to be watered and shoveled.

The use of rabbit manure in the form of compost is possible both in autumn - for digging, and in spring - just before planting. It is allowed to make it under fruit trees, and in beds with vegetable crops.

In the vastness of our Motherland, it is often difficult to find something that grows here and is produced in abundance. For example, buy duck fat without duck, fresh asparagus or green peas, rabbit droppings. If you go to the sites or forums of rabbit breeders, then the topic of the merits of litter as a fertilizer is often discussed there. Rabbit manure as a fertilizer receives extremely positive reviews.

Its most valuable properties for agriculture have long been noticed and tested. But there is no wide distribution of rabbit manure, although rabbit breeders simply do not know where to put it. Cow dung is used everywhere.

It went on sale not too long ago. Rabbit droppings are undeservedly overlooked. Although in the US it is considered the most valuable among other organic fertilizers.

Fertilizer composition

One rabbit weighing 4 kg produces 100-150 kg of litter per year. The rate of manure application per 1 acre is from 300 to 550 kg. One rabbit and four female rabbits can produce 80 rabbits per season. This is a small number of rabbits for an average farm.

This number of animals is capable of producing manure for a plantation of 30 acres. If we take into account that manure nourishes the land for several years, then there will clearly be excess fertilizer on the farm.

In rabbit droppings, the main useful elements are present in equal amounts, they are easily digested. In addition to nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus salts, it contains the following macronutrients:

  • calcium and magnesium;
  • natural salts and acids;
  • trace elements;
  • vitamins.

It does not contain weed seeds and, therefore, its application does not clog the garden.

Another valuable property of rabbit pellets is the ability to loosen and soften the soil. The earth becomes soft and loose. Unlike bird droppings, rabbit manure is used on clay soils, it changes the soil structure for the better.

Folk age-old wisdom says: “Put manure thickly - it will not be empty in the barn”, it fully reflects the real benefits of using natural fertilizer. It gives results that you never expect from mineral fertilizers.

Uses of rabbit manure:

  • enriches the earth with a full range of useful substances;
  • makes the earth light and loose;
  • does not litter the ground with weed seeds.

Ways to use

“The earth is mother, and manure is father,” says a folk proverb. The results of the use of rabbit manure convince any gardener that she is right.

Use it in any form:

  • fresh;
  • dried;
  • composted;
  • in the form of humus;
  • in the form of humus;
  • in herbal infusion.

The use of fresh manure is not practiced; it can easily burn the roots and leaves of plants. But this is true for bird and animal manure. The experience of rabbit breeders has shown that fresh rabbit pellets are used not only on empty beds, but also with growing plants. Despite the high concentration of active substances, it rarely burns the roots of plants.

Fresh manure can be immediately scattered around the garden or diluted with water for irrigation. The best use is to close it in the beds for digging. By spring, he manages to rot and give all the useful substances to the soil.

Important! Rabbit manure is used to fertilize high beds, since when it decomposes, the soil temperature does not rise.

In high beds, not only pure manure is used as biofuel, but also its mixture with straw. She is taken six times more than the litter itself, it turns out economically.

Dry manure is simply buried in the ground. Or soak, adding to herbal infusion. Or ground into powder, mixed with the ground and received an excellent fertilizer for indoor plants.

An infusion of dry or fresh litter is made by filling it with water in a ratio of 1:10. The infusion should ferment within 2-3 weeks. It is filtered and the litter is used as a liquid top dressing. It is enough to water the plants twice a season to provide them with good nutrition.

Most effective method use of rabbit manure - composting. Not far from the beds, in the shade, arrange a compost heap. Its height is 1-1.5 meters. Sawdust or tree branches are placed at the bottom. It consists of a pile of vegetable and manure layers. A content of 10% of the litter of the total amount of material in the compost is enough to get a quality fertilizer.

It is good to add corrugated cardboard to the pile. Earthworms like to settle in it. In dry weather, the heap must be spilled with water so that the rotting process does not stop. Composting occurs due to the presence of bacteria and fungi.

With the use of enzymatic agents, the compost will be ready twice as fast, after 3 months. The usual ripening period is by next spring. For the winter, the compost heap is covered with earth so that the nutrients from the manure are not washed away by water. Ready compost is a loose dark brown mass with a pleasant earthy smell without plant inclusions.

Vermicomposting - recycling organic waste earthworms. With its use, a double benefit is obtained - breeding worms for fishing and farming, and the acquisition of high-quality humus. Composting takes place with the participation of earthworms instead of bacteria.

The disadvantage of biocomposting technology can be considered that in addition to the manure and worms used, a special room is needed for this process.

In addition to compost, humus can be obtained on the site. To do this, manure is laid for maturation for 2-5 years. Speed ​​up the process by adding sawdust, peat, earth to the manure. High-quality humus is a loose mass with a pleasant smell of spring earth. Humus is used in the same way as compost: adding to planting pits, digging into beds, using as mulch. Humus also improves the structure of infertile soils.

Important! After three years of application of rabbit manure, the clay soil becomes loose and light.

Top dressing from the infusion of grass and manure is a classic gardening art. This inexpensive tool gives amazing results in increasing the yield of any garden crops. Before use, test the effect of the tincture on fresh herbs. If it has not turned yellow in a day, then the concentration of the infusion is correct.

The scope of use of rabbit manure in the garden:

  • autumn fertilizer beds;
  • summer feeding of growing plants;
  • creation of "warm" beds;
  • preparation of compost and vermicompost;
  • getting humus;
  • strengthening the action of herbal infusion;
  • fertilizer for houseplants.

You can use rabbit manure not only in garden beds, in greenhouses, for fertilizing berry bushes and fruit trees. In addition, it is used in the cultivation of mushrooms, for breeding worms, in the cultivation of perennial fodder grasses and flower crops.

Application and storage

The advantages of rabbit manure over the animal are that it is less moist, does not have a strong odor, and is "granulated" in nature's workshop. It does not contain weed seeds, it does not contain worm eggs. Unlike bird droppings, it is not dangerous to health, it does not contain infections.

When using liquid fertilizer, they do not need to water the vegetables every 10 days, as is the case with mineral fertilizers or herbal infusions. It is enough to feed the plants twice a season.

During the flowering of cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes, manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. During fruit ripening, a solution of 1:10 is needed.

This is an excellent fertilizer for cucumbers, squash, zucchini and pumpkin. All types of cabbage are planted in the garden first after manure is applied.

If the most valuable vegetable crops are fed with droppings: asparagus, artichokes, cauliflower, broccoli, then the cost of the vegetable harvest will exceed the proceeds from rabbit meat and fur.

Raspberry and all stone fruit crops respond well to rabbit droppings: apricot, cherry, sweet cherry, plum, cherry plum. When making 3 kg of manure under a raspberry bush and 7 kg under a tree, you can count on doubling the yield.

Storage of rabbit manure without losing its qualities is reasonable only in a dry form. It is even better to put it on the manufacture of humus or compost.

Dacha life is full of unexpected discoveries, research and observations, constant exchange of experience. Harmony and expediency in nature, the circulation of useful substances, the self-sufficiency of living elements is admirable. And one of the wonders of nature is the domestic rabbit and everything connected with it.

These pets are considered useful and highly productive. Animals are grown not only for meat and skins. They also produce manure, which is used in vegetable gardens as a fertilizer composition. Rabbit dung is considered by many to be the most beneficial species, gardeners jokingly call it rabbit gold. The use of this type of manure is widespread everywhere; fertilizer compositions are produced on its basis in industrial volumes.

Manure contains a large amount of organic substances and microelements, which are perfectly absorbed.

For one kilogram of litter you have:

  1. nitrogen- 6 grams;
  2. oxides:
  • calcium - 4 grams;
  • magnesium - 7 grams;
  • potassium - 6 grams.

And if any one component prevails in the manure produced by the rest of the animals, then in rabbits these substances are contained almost at the same level.

The presence of these elements, to which it is necessary to add phosphoric acid and other compounds, manure can become a replacement for three three-kilogram packages of mineral fertilizer composition- ammonium sulfate, potassium salt, superphosphate.

Rabbit gold as a fertilizer is useful in that it softens, loosens, warms up and saturates the soil composition. Sometimes it is used without prior composting because there are no plant seeds in the substrate that can germinate.

Even clay soils, which are considered the heaviest, will become lighter and looser after three years with the use of rabbit manure.

Application in practice

Rabbit feces as a fertilizer composition are used in large volumes in almost every region of the country. It is great for greenhouses, It is used for cultivation of flowers and mushrooms, fodder plants, cucumbers and tomatoes.


This mark is rarely used. Having harvested in the autumn, fresh rabbit manure is scattered on the beds, feeding the depleted soil with nutrients. In winter, the feces freeze and decompose, losing decay products at this time. With the onset of spring, melt water and rain dissolve and deeply nourish the soil with useful components. If you cover the soil along with the bedding, the hay will act as mulch, decompose and “saturate” the soil even more.


If you lay it with the onset of spring, then next winter rabbit droppings can be used as fertilizer. Compost should be spread over the surface of the beds, dig, which will enable the earth to be saturated with useful components.

Compost can be diluted with water and fed with this composition of fruit and berry trees and root plants. It is used as a mulch, which helps keep the soil moist and kills weeds. Compost can cover beds with garlic planted before winter, protecting it from frost;


Rabbit feces are considered the only type of organics used in a dry state.

Litter balls must be burned or dried under the sun, crush into powder, mix with the soil, spending one spoon per three kilograms of soil.

From this powder, you can prepare liquid top dressing for indoor and garden flowers;


This is a pile of decomposed manure, characterized by a loose and uniform consistency, similar to fertile black soil. Humus becomes high-quality after it is processed by earthworms. It should simply be scattered on the site and dig up the beds.

How to prepare and use fertilizer yourself?

Every livestock breeder who breeds rabbits knows how to equip cages. But briefly recalling their structure will be useful.

To prevent droppings from accumulating inside, the floors are equipped with slots or holes so that rabbit droppings can freely fall down. Experts recommend using metal grates with small cells for this purpose, placing trays under them to accumulate litter.

Having collected the litter of rabbits, it should be mixed with cow, sheep or horse. To make composting faster and looser, organic food waste should be used. But at the same time, you will have to periodically transfer the entire pile with a shovel. The mass itself will declare the readiness of the compost, which should become crumbly and homogeneous.

Prepared fertilizers are used:

  • in autumn time, adding it when plowing. In spring, the land will already be saturated with all the necessary components and fully prepared for planting crops;
  • him directly mixed into the planting hole;
  • mixed with straw, used as mulch;
  • apply as bait;
  • used as a fertilizer composition. Mixing it in a ratio of 1 to 1 with wood ash, manure must be insisted so that it ferments. Then such top dressing is diluted with water at the rate of 1 to 10.

To prepare bait, you need to take one and a half - two kilograms of fresh litter, pour it with a bucket of water. The mixture should be infused until completely dissolved. Such bait is introduced into the landing holes in the amount of two liters per square meter. This fertilizer method is allowed to be applied once or twice a year.

Organizing the storage of manure, you should protect it from drying out. And if this happens, there is no need to throw out the dried-up litter. It still contains about fifty percent of the nutritional components, so rabbit dung can be beneficial. A liquid bait is prepared from it, which is very effective.

The experience of livestock breeders and gardeners proves that rabbit droppings can be a good option for nutrition and activation of useful components for each plant, which will have a great effect on the expected yield. The composition of this manure is not inferior in quality to cow or horse organic matter. Its consistency is drier and denser, which greatly facilitates transportation.

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