How to take great vacation photos without spamming social media. Vacation photography How to take beautiful vacation photos


And we highly recommend that you take an example from the girls, because they know how to take a bright and unusual photo on vacation. But, unfortunately, most vacationers, having seized upon the sea and the sun, eventually bring a million of the same type and banal photos from the trip a la “I am near a palm tree”, “a flower in our flowerbed”, “I am so sexy lying on the sand, and I caress the waves of the sea" and stuff like that. So if you are going on vacation - and you are definitely going there - here are our tips on what photos to NOT take and how NOT to be photographed:

Your plane ticket

Such photos do not carry any information for the rest. Well, yes, you are flying to Turkey on vacation in economy class and sitting at the tail of the plane. Cool, what is there. But why take such a photo? Yes, of course, if you have a ticket to Miami in business class, then you can boast. But you should not issue a ticket for a charter in economy class.

View from the plane

Alas, many tourists sin with this, and not only Russians. There will definitely be a person on the plane who will start filming something out of the window. And be sure to capture the wing of the aircraft. But, believe me, there is nothing exciting in such photos. Well earth and earth. You know that there, under you, in this photo is an endless ocean. And the rest is unknown and generally on the drum.

I'm at the buffet

I am at the palm tree

A passionate beauty squeezing a palm tree is, of course, a classic. But if the beauty is far over 20 and not only seductive forms protrude from under the palm tree, then it is better to refuse such photos again. Moreover, whom do you hope to surprise with this palm tree? They are the same everywhere.

Your feet against the sea

Well, this is generally an accordion of button accordions. The fashion for sausage legs has already passed three or four years ago. Therefore, even if it seems to you that the composition “legs-chaise lounge-sea-cocktail” looks damn chic and exudes luxurious life from it, then you are mistaken.

You are in a sexy position on the bow of the yacht

For some reason, every self-respecting tourist, having gone to Turkey or Egypt on a boat trip-excursion, considers it his sacred duty to take such a shot. As a result, from the endless stream of photos, it seems that the yacht is the same, and the people on it just take pictures in turn. Whether this is due to the fact that the yachts there really look like two drops of water, or because people have problems with fantasy. By the way, the photo with towel swans on the head, which Egyptian guides love to do so much, is from the same opera.

Sun in hands

There is no need to write anything here. This fiction is already a hundred years old, and maybe once this idea seemed interesting, but it was a very long time ago and not true.

I'm in pareo

Girls, if you have a pareo in your beach wardrobe, we highly recommend that you throw it away. Well, or hide it until better times and NEVER, you hear, never wear it to the beach, much less take a photo in it. Pareo is one of the most mysterious items of women's wardrobe. It is not clear why to wear this impromptu skirt on the beach. To cover something? Or to make it clear that you have something to hide? If the pareo is not on you, but is fluttering in the wind in your hands, then this is unlikely to save the situation, so it is better to abandon this idea.

Screenshot of the weather forecast

With the advent of smartphones, such photos filled the albums of vacationers. It's great, of course, that you had +35 degrees and it was sunny, but such screenshots only irritate those around you. Especially if you have -20 and snow in your homeland now.

Photo at / in the pool

Another creepy bug. You may think that in the pool or near the pool you look terribly sexy, but still such a photo looks very corny. Like palm trees, pools are the same everywhere.

By the way, last year social media users were asked which vacation photos annoy them the most. And, in addition to the already mentioned screenshots of the weather forecast, there were selfies on the list, as well as selfies in which the vacationer photographs limbs against the backdrop of the pool to show how tanned he / she is. And the full list contains any photos that a person can take on vacation.

How to take interesting photos, you ask? Here you can find 18 rules for really good travel photos. Some good advice is to take pictures of people, include price tags and ordinary street signs in your photos, as well as go to local markets and bazaars, make photo stories, shoot local dishes and “work” with monuments. Happy holidays and photos!

Nowadays, if someone just comes back from vacation, he is immediately overwhelmed with questions like: “Show me the photos faster!”. Yes, it was like that before too. There is nothing surprising in this. After all, only technologies change, and human psychology remains practically unchanged. Everyone wants to see how their friends rested. And photography gives us a great opportunity for this!

In general, if you succumb a little to reflection, photography is perhaps one of the most remarkable inventions of mankind. Photography is a real miracle. This miracle allows us to relive those moments again and again, those sensations that, it would seem, have irrevocably gone into the past. Photography resurrects in us memories of past days and years of life. And, moreover, not only our own lives, but also pictures from the lives of people close to us, our friends and relatives, who may no longer be with us in real life.

But, however, today is not about that. Today is about how to take good photos while on vacation, relaxing in distant lands and uncharted places. Unfortunately, it often happens that when we come back from vacation, we look at the photographs taken and see on them not the hot endless sea, not the misty mountain peaks, not the palm trees and cypresses that impressed us so much in reality, but only a pitiful semblance of all this ... Then there is, and you yourself and other viewers will see in your photographs not a palm grove, but the most ordinary and nondescript forest, a gray spot, and not the vast expanse of the sea surface, incomprehensible points in the sky, and not a crane wedge under the moon ...

How to avoid all this? How to make vacation photos interesting? That's what we will tell you in our today's article.

Council the first. Get ready for vacation ... to work!

If you decide to take really good photos during your vacation, then you need to properly prepare for this. Prepare at least for the fact that you will have to photograph a lot and often. After all, each of us, if we suddenly find ourselves in a distant, exotic and unknown country, wants to photograph literally everything! And people, and plants, and buildings ... Naturally, everything is not the same as ours! That is why we recommend that you first of all take care of a large memory card at the stage of preparation. Shoot something, we repeat, you will want a lot! It would be better to take not even one, but several flash cards with you. You can, of course, take a laptop with you and throw off the footage on it. Again, viewing photos on its relatively large screen is much better than on the camera's small display. But not everyone wants to carry this bulky and fragile box with them ... And don't forget about spare batteries! Some, by the way, even manage to leave the charger at home ... Do not follow this example.

For the camera, we recommend purchasing a soft and reliable case. Well, if it is also waterproof. Take all the lenses you have with you. And a box for underwater photography. Take everything. Everything will come in handy. Don't forget the little things like filters. In the southern regions, polarizing filters are especially useful, which eliminate various glare in the image. Take a flash too. You do not know what awaits you in a distant and mysterious country where you will rest. Maybe you will be invited to some national restaurant where ethnic ensembles in bright and unusual costumes will perform. In such conditions, without a flash, photographing will be very problematic.

In short, take with you all the shooting equipment that you have available. Nothing will be redundant. True, the weight of the luggage increases, and the risk of losing property too ... But - what can not be sacrificed for the sake of good pictures!

Tip two. Be creative!

When a person is resting, he is overwhelmed with feelings of joy, fun, pleasure. And you, the photographer, need to try to convey all these emotions as real as possible, to convey them brighter in your pictures. How to do it? Try to get started when photographing your family and friends to get away from the usual, classic poses. For example, do not place them with your arms outstretched at the seams in front of some landmark. Such pictures have already, as they say, set the teeth on edge. They have long seemed too simple and in some ways even boring and naive.

Don't you think that it's high time to come up with something new in this regard, interesting, unusual? Well, at least make those whom you decide to photograph make funny faces, dance, jump, fool around like children! Going off scale, going beyond what is permitted, of course, is not necessary. You are adults... Enjoy the process of taking pictures, involve everyone around you in this process. We assure you, the pictures in this case will be very interesting!

Tip three. Try to be invisible!

In some cases, pictures in which people are posing look good, dynamic and bright. But those photographs in which the characters are photographed unexpectedly also have their merits. It is these pictures that convey the state of a person, his mood, his emotions much more realistically. And during vacations, holidays, travels and adventures, these emotions are, of course, only the most good and joyful!

A person photographed unexpectedly will look natural in the photograph, he will not be tense, there will be no artificial smile on his face, he will not play the role of a fashion model. He will be what he really is, in real life! Children are especially good at such pictures. And in general - take pictures of everyone! Old friends who came to rest with you, and new friends whom you met on the trip. Take pictures of the locals. This is also very interesting. Of course, take pictures of nature, landscapes, cities you have visited, their places of interest and monuments.

Council the fourth. Find the right place to shoot!

The place where you are shooting from is of great importance in photography. The choice of this place must be taken very seriously and carefully, and at the same time creatively and responsibly. Choose an interesting angle for shooting. Angle is the angle at which you are photographing. If you always shoot "head on" - it will not be very interesting. Try shooting sharply to the left or sharply to the right. Bottom or top. Do not be afraid, if necessary, lie down on the ground in order to make a profitable shot. Or climb something higher and take a picture from above. We assure you, quite ordinary and familiar scenes will sparkle in your pictures with new bright colors!

Tip five. Seize the moment!

Make sure you carry your camera with you when you are on holiday. Indeed, at any moment you can become a witness to something unusual, an eyewitness to an interesting situation on the streets of an unfamiliar city, some kind of incident. Maybe you will meet some unusual animal or person in a bright, unfamiliar national costume for you ... If you don’t have a camera with you, how you will regret it later! Imagine, for example, such a picture: a man is walking along the embankment, who has on a leash not a poodle familiar to our eyes, but some kind of porcupine or monkey!

And in this regard, I would like to give one more piece of advice: Look around more often! One experienced photographer who constantly wears glasses once jokingly said: “I see worse than some, but much more than other people!”. In short, if you're not careful, you might miss the elephant on the clown's string! And, perhaps, deprive yourself of the main prize at a prestigious photo contest (Joke. Or maybe not ...). As they say, the most interesting things usually happen right in front of our eyes, and we do not notice it ...

Tip six. Pick the right time to shoot

If we come to some distant and unknown country for us, what do we photograph first of all? Of course, the sights of this place! Beautiful historical city buildings, bridges, monuments… Absolutely everyone does this. It has become a habit, a kind of instinct. For example, to visit the Eiffel Tower and not take a picture of it is, one might say, just blasphemy. It is for this reason that crowds of tourists who have come to this small spot from all over our planet usually gather near the sights. And everyone takes pictures, crowds follow guides, police officers and various photographers and merchants scurry around, carrying various trifles and goodies ... Well, how can you take a beautiful and interesting picture of the sights and your friends against its background in such conditions?

Remember one immutable truth. Even a kind of law. Tourists are activated in the afternoon. On all sorts of excursions, they get out after a good night's sleep and dinner. Therefore, it is very easy to draw a simple conclusion: in order to calmly photograph a landmark and yourself against its background, you need to come to this attraction at an inopportune time. That is, when there is not a large influx of onlookers around her. And that means early in the morning or late in the evening. Moreover, in the summer, when everyone has holidays, the daylight hours are quite long.

Tip seven. Adapt

On vacation, you will probably take pictures at different times of the day and under different weather conditions. In the morning, in the evening, on a bright afternoon, in rain and fog ... And in each case, the lighting, of course, will also be very different.

In order to get good, high-quality beautiful and interesting photos, you need to thoroughly understand all the modes of operation of your camera in advance, maybe even at home, and figure out for yourself in which mode you will be photographing on the beach, in which mountains, in which you will shoot a night panorama of the resort town, and in which you will have a fun party in a restaurant. All this is necessary in order to adapt as quickly as possible to new and unexpected shooting conditions for you, in order to orient yourself in a matter of seconds and have time to set the camera correctly at the right time. If you master all these tricks, and do not rely on your camera and shoot in full automatic mode, then your photos should turn out to be almost professional.

Well, in conclusion of the article, as an example, we will tell you what you can see and shoot, well, at least in the Crimea. First of all, of course, these are the sights of this wonderful peninsula, which are located on the southern coast of the Black Sea. This is the famous Massandra, the Vorontsov Palace, and, of course, the Swallow's Nest, which has become a symbol of the Crimea. In Crimea, you can also visit Sevastopol, Bakhchisaray and Kerch. In these ancient cities, you can see and photograph traces of the settlements of ancient people. There are also ancient cave cities in Crimea. Once each of these cities was an independent state. Another attraction of the peninsula is the Crimean Mountains. These mountains, of course, are not at all high, they are far from the Caucasus, but in them you can perfectly do not only photography, but also rock climbing. Hiking in the Crimean mountains and their caves is a great opportunity to take beautiful photos. And, of course, take pictures of yourself and your friends against their background.

Summer is in full swing, which means it's time to go on a long-awaited vacation, while taking everything you need, including a camera. Few ordinary people can afford to go on a safari trip or to distant tropical countries, but despite this, any trip and trip with the family can be made exciting, interesting and memorable.

In this short lesson, we will clearly demonstrate how a vacation can be fun and bright, and how to capture it correctly and successfully with your camera. The emphasis in the article is on the photographic component of your holiday.

Don't focus on photography

No matter how surprising it may sound, but we urge you not to focus your attention only on photographing. Arriving in a new place, every enthusiastic photographer strives to photograph as much as possible, depicting the object from all possible angles and angles. But this is not entirely true. All the brightest moments of the rest, one way or another, will remain in your memory, which means that you don’t spend all your time taking pictures. The automatic framing inside your camera can significantly narrow the field of view that actually opens up in front of you. Also, don't shoot the same thing all the time, so when you get home, you can find hundreds of identical sunset shots on your memory card, taken just on different days. Only at home you will realize that it would be much more reasonable to choose one evening and photograph the sunset.

Constantly shooting and not letting go of the camera from your hands can deprive you of pleasant moments of relaxation with your family.

Get up early - walk longer

Despite the fact that most people associate holidays with doing absolutely nothing, sleeping in and relaxing, good photos don’t come out that easy. It is known that the best time to photograph is at dawn or at sunset, when the light is soft and warm. Perhaps, in order to capture beautiful urban or natural landscapes, you will have to get up early one of the days, so as not to miss the golden time of photography. After a few hours of filming, you'll be in time for breakfast with your family.

Involve children in the shooting process

Not all children like to be photographed - this is a fact, they often feel constrained and insecure in front of the camera, but the process of shooting and the opportunity to photograph something on their own would surely captivate every child. Tell your child about your shooting idea, and he will be interested in walking and taking pictures with you. It would be better to give the baby a compact camera, no matter what it is very heavy for the child.

Avoid staged shots

If you want to make beautiful, sincere and memorable shots of your family, treat the shooting like a photojournalist. Take photos casually and imperceptibly. As practice shows, it is spontaneous and not staged photographs that look the most attractive.

Take pictures fast and quickly

Don't delay filming. If you are photographing your family, try to take a picture quickly so that the process of photographing does not bore your loved ones. People quickly get tired of taking pictures, having to sit in one position and waiting for the notorious "bird" that flies out when taking a picture. Make the process fun, perhaps comical or even playful, so that all participants in the photo shoot enjoy the process


In conclusion, I would like to ask all vacationing photographers not to forget that a vacation is, first of all, a pleasant pastime with the family, which means that photography should be just a pleasant addition, and not the main purpose of the vacation. Shoot for your pleasure and the pleasure of loved ones. Do not bother or burden your loved ones with endless photos and trips along photo routes.

Each of us going on vacation, takes a camera with him, or, in extreme cases, uses the camera that is built into the phone. But here's the problem, why a friend's photo is always brighter, more colorful and emotional. The first thought is that it's all about technology. In fact, it's all about hands and patience.

How to take a beautiful photo, which will convey the emotions, color and atmosphere of the place that you are shooting, we will talk about this. For this, it is worth observing basic photography rules. We will share how to photograph properly based on generally accepted standards.

Photography Rule #1. If you are not a professional, but want to get the most out of your camera, then take pictures of everything, everywhere and always. Don't limit yourself to just staged photos near the sights, shoot everything that is happening around.

To your surprise, you will get a lot of decent photos. Moreover, you will be able to convey the mood of everything that happens.

Photography Rule #2. The best time for successful photos is morning and evening. The light, at this time, is not so bright, it is still or no longer hot outside. In addition, there are much fewer people, respectively, there is an opportunity to concentrate on “capturing moments”.

Photography rule number 3. One of the most important factors in a vacation is emotions, not attractions, hotels, cars and restaurants, but the emotions that you experience from visiting them. In order to capture a genuine emotion, you will need to ruin a lot of shots and have iron patience and endurance.

Also, it is worth doing everything so as not to be noticed. If this is still difficult for you, then ask your friends or relatives to make faces, jump, stretch out their arms and smile wide, wide. At first it may seem silly and funny, but when you go back and look at the photo again, you will realize that this is perhaps the best work.

Photography rule number 4. It is worth remembering that getting a good shot is like winning first place in a beauty contest. To do this, you need not only to dress beautifully, to choose the light and the place. Here you need to think, calculate and remember that the most colorful places are far from the sights and large crowds of people.

Also, patience is needed. For example, if you are photographing a duck on a lake, it is best to wait until it swims as close as possible, or turns in the direction you want. Try to think outside the box, then the photos will be unique.

Photography rule number 5. It is important that the person viewing your photograph understands the size of the subject you are photographing. For example, you went on vacation fishing and became the owner of a chic catch. It's just a sin not to brag to your friends. Don't just photograph the fish, compare its size to something like your hand.

Also, if you are photographing mountains or cliffs, frame houses or trees so that you can imagine the actual size of the beauty you want to show.

Photography rule number 6. It is best to hold the camera level, without tilting or turning it upside down. It's even better if you have a tripod and know how to shoot with shutter speed. Such photos can become real masterpieces.

Photography rule number 7. You need to be alert. Every second something unexpected, unpredictable and amusing can happen. For example, you are in India, walking around the temples, and then a monkey stole a banana and rushes with it in his teeth. Try to photograph her in motion, but without frightening her.

Try to take pictures in such a way that people would later say: “When did you manage to do this? I didn't notice anything. Class!".

Photography rule number 8. Be sure to follow the background of the photo, especially if it is a portrait. There should be nothing superfluous in the background. For example, you want to photograph your beloved against the backdrop of the endless sea, and against the background of a couple who are sunbathing on a topless mattress. I don't think you need these shots.

Photography rule number 9. Remember that a rare and successful shot will turn out exactly when you least expect it and when the weather is not very good, and exactly when there is no mood at all to photograph.

Photography rule number 10. This is the most useful rule of all. Do not stick to stereotypes, do not go deep into the instructions of experienced photographers and do not strictly follow the established rules and boundaries. Act the way you want, the way you like and the way you feel best. Photos that are taken from the heart and with love will be the most successful.

At the same time, everyone, before photographing everything in a foreign country, get acquainted with its culture, rules and traditions. Taking pictures of tribal people in Central Africa is worth it only with their permission, which is not so easy to get, since you have to explain it on your hands.

For them, a photo is a theft of the soul, for which they will demand a fee. And in Rome, you should not take pictures of police officers, for this you can go to jail.

bring perfect vacation photos not difficult if you approach the process with a soul. , is a difficult question to answer. The fact is that creativity has no boundaries and does not have clear definitions of what is right and what is not.

So go on vacation and take photos to your health the way your soul desires.

Dear reader, if you did not find the information you are interested in on our website or on the Internet, write to us at and we will write useful information just for you.

A vacation trip or even a day trip always encourages us to grab a camera. Here are some tips on how to do it better photo story about your trip.

Tell a story

Create a whole story about your trip. A vacation is not a sequence of separate events, but a real adventure. Show the departure, then the key events as they unfold, and finally record the return home. Make a separate album, a selection of "slides" where the whole trip will be described.

Start the photo story from the moment of departure, for example, from boarding the plane:

holiday photo story

You can see an example of a photo story:

On the beach

The beach is a great place to take pictures. Show your family and friends enjoying swimming, kids building sand castles or trying to bury dad in the sand. Successful shots will be obtained when shooting from a low point.

  • Carefully! Try to keep your camera clean and don't get wet.

The plastic cover allows you to use all the buttons without fear of water or sand getting into the camera

Many places are not very good for cameras. Sand, dust, and water can seriously damage fragile equipment, so be sure to protect your camera beforehand.
You can purchase special covers or use a plastic bag. You can purchase a disposable camera or a camera specifically designed for underwater photography.
The covers come in different sizes. With some of them you can even dive.

Watch out for shadows!

The bright sun leads to the appearance of hard shadows and increased contrast. Use fill-flash to illuminate shadow areas for more vivid photos. If your camera does not have a fill-flash mode, take one shot with flash and another without it to choose a better option. Remember that the flash is indispensable for getting good results if the sun is behind the subject.

The photo on the left was taken without a flash. The photo on the right was taken using a flash to even out the bright backlight.

Shooting of architectural monuments

Don't forget to take pictures of the sights! This will help you convey the atmosphere of the place, and if you have friends or family members in the frame, it will turn out even more interesting.

Including people in the frame helps to better feel the scale (a small person is a huge monument).
In the photo below, the photographer was shooting the Eiffel Tower in Paris in the evening.
The next day, the photographer returned to climb the tower with a ladder! Shooting down the stairs helped to get a feel for how high up the shooter was. Tiny figurines of people on the ground help the audience to feel the huge height.


Don't Forget the Details

Leisure parks are another favorite place to visit on vacation; they are just full of colorful scenes. Use the information leaflets for the details of the day's program. This way you will know if there are any special performances, shows or events coming up and you can be in the right place at the right time.

In some theme parks, zoos and national parks, you will find pre-marked locations for successful shooting. Stand there, and you are guaranteed to provide photos with a good composition. Make sure you're shooting with the right lighting, and don't forget to have something special in the foreground.

When the sun goes down...

Many people put their cameras away when the sun goes down, but don't! Sunsets can be very successful, especially in exotic locations. Even when the sun dips below the horizon, it's possible to catch some stunningly good moments.

But remember that the camera should not move when shooting night shots, because the camera will need a slow shutter speed. Take care of the support - put the camera on something or use a tripod.

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