Granulated chicken manure as fertilizer. The use of chicken manure as a fertilizer. What mineral fertilizer did you use


" Equipment

To grow a good crop of crops, it is necessary to constantly replenish the soil with the reserves of nutrients that it gives away with the crop. Otherwise, the upper fertile layer will be depleted. To take something, you must first give something. In this case, endlessly harvesting without saturating the soil with substances is a thoughtless and mismanagement of our land-breadwinner.

Both mineral and organic fertilizers can be applied to the soil. It is better to do it comprehensively. However, mineral fertilizers are expensive. As a way out, you can use organics prepared in a certain way. Excrement of domestic animals acts as organic nutrients- manure and, for example, chicken manure. If you keep chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys in your backyard or in your country house, better fertilizer than litter from this poultry for plant nutrition is not found.

The main constituents of chicken manure are:

  • nitrogen compounds;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • various macro- and microelements;
  • lime;
  • phosphoric acid;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • potassium oxide;
  • biologically active compounds;
  • other elements.

Bird droppings contain several times more phosphorus than cow dung. in its composition it has nitrogen up to 2%, which is three to four times more than in the above organic fertilizer. Ammonia compounds in it are so concentrated that it is impossible to introduce this organic matter into the soil directly for plant nutrition in its pure form.

How to collect and store

Due to the fact that chicken manure contains a large amount of gases (methane, ammonia), there are special methods for its preparation, storage and application to the soil.

As a rule, chicken manure is collected from the chicken coop along with a small amount of bedding (straw). If the chickens are kept free-range in an open-air aviary, then you can rake it along with a small layer of earth. We do not perform any special cleaning. The most common storage methods:

  • in a heap in bulk;
  • compost heaps or pits;
  • Dry granules or powder.

The first storage method is the easiest, common, but it gives the least effect. With this method, when cleaning the chicken coop, chicken manure is simply raked into a pile and put in a corner of the garden or garden plot. At best, cover with a film until it is introduced into the soil. Main disadvantage: litter dries quickly, forming clods and layers. In addition, during the drying process, we lose most of the nitrogen in the form of ammonia.

Heap of chicken manure

The most acceptable and reasonable way to store litter at home is preparing compost heaps or pits. This is done in the following way: a small layer of manure (10-15 cm) is spread on a straw bedding 15-20 cm thick. Next, alternate layers from what is at hand. It can be peat, earth, cow dung, straw again, etc. All this is formed in the form of a heap or folded into a pit, hermetically covered with a film on top to enhance anaerobic processes and increase the temperature inside the heap or pit. After three or four months, you can check the contents. If the compost is ready, it is applied in certain proportions, which we will discuss below. To speed up fermentation and processing processes You can use EM preparations that contain bacteria in a concentrated form.

The third way to store litter(dry granules or powder) is used mainly in the factory. Dried at a temperature of about 600 ° C, the litter is freed from pathogens and weed seeds. In addition, the dry mix does not have a specific odor. You can buy fertilizer made in this way in stores. Packaging is convenient - from several hundred grams to several tens of kilograms.

What plants are suitable for

Chicken litter as a fertilizer is suitable for almost all crops: cereals, vegetables, berries, fruit trees. The exception is onions, garlic, and other herbs during active growth. From vegetables, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants respond well to the introduction of litter. Berry and fruit trees have no exceptions in the positive effect of their use.

Table of fertilizer application rates for different crops, t/ha

Name of culture litter
dry litter natural humidity from compost heaps or pits
cereals 3-4 8-12 7-9 18-22
potato 3-4 9-13 8-10 20-24
fodder root crops 5-6 12-16 9-12 25-30
vegetable crops 6-8 20-25 12-17 30-40
berry 8-10 20-25 17-20 40-50
fruit 10-12 25-30 20-25 45-55

The consumption rate can vary from 1 to 50% depending on the culture, stage of plant growth.

The use of chicken manure in granules, how to breed

To apply dry manure in granules, it is first diluted in any container with water(barrel, bucket). The proportion is maintained at 1:25, unless otherwise written on the packaging when buying fertilizer. Be sure to insist for 50-70 hours. Fruit trees are fertilized in tree trunks. Vegetables are watered directly on the beds. It is advisable to wash the leaves of plants if the solution gets on them. Approximate application rates are shown in the table above. Watered with this solution 2 or 3 times per season.

If in doubt what rate of fertilizer to apply under specific culture, it is better to give the plant less than more. In the first case, the situation can be corrected due to the frequency of application, and in the second, the plant may die.

How to use dry bird droppings as fertilizer

Dry litter can be used in two ways:

  • If it is very fine fraction or powdery, it can be scatter on the soil in deep autumn before winter in moderate amounts(about one and a half to two times more than would be required for growing plants). In this form, dry manure can also be applied to holes for vegetables, shrubs or trees. The consumption rate is indicated in the table.
  • Fertilize with a solution. Just as in the case of the use of granules, it is first diluted in any container with water. The proportion is maintained at 1:25, unless otherwise written on the package. Insist for two or three days.

How to apply manure from compost heaps

Before applying the fertilizer stored in the above way, you need to dilute in containers. A bucket is not suitable for this purpose. You need to choose a vessel with a volume of 20 liters or more. Bedding manure should ferment longer. This will take more time. Manure from compost heaps is almost ready for use. It is enough to insist on water for several hours.

You can also apply the technique of spreading it over the site. This is done in the fall after harvesting all crops. In the spring, with melt water, the main part of the nutrients will enter the soil. The remaining solid mass will serve as an excellent tool for structuring the soil itself.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of chicken manure in the cultivation of crops has positive action:

  • On the structure and properties of the soil: is an excellent leavening agent. In addition, it saturates the fertile layer with nutrients for microflora and plants. Due to the introduction of manure into the soil, aerobic and anaerobic processes are enhanced;
  • For the plants themselves: they take additional nutrients in a digestible form for building green, tuber or fruit mass (depending on the crop);
  • For fruit ripening: we get an earlier harvest;
  • In terms of duration of use it as a fertilizer applied to the soil for two to three years;
  • On the medium pH recovery soil;
  • For promotion plant disease resistance.

In addition, chicken manure is cheaper than mineral fertilizers. Therefore, in part, it can replace them.

However, this substance has one drawback. Since manure in a concentrated amount contains many elements, its excess in the soil negatively affects the growth and development of plants, up to their death. Therefore very it is important not to overfeed vegetables, berries and other crops.

Like any substance, it can be both a medicine and a poison. The same applies to chicken manure as a fertilizer.

Nature itself gives us the means and ways for its own provision. It is not necessary to use "chemistry", to invent genetically mutated organisms for our life and development. It is important to rationally use the available wealth, not forgetting about their replenishment through reproduction.

Natural top dressings are necessary for plants along with agrochemicals. Unlike the latter, they structure the earth, and not only benefit plants. Chicken manure has been used in the garden for centuries, as this fertilizer perfectly nourishes garden crops with the necessary substances.

Fertilizer composition

Chicken manure feed contains more nitrogen than other types of bird guano. In addition to nitrogenous compounds, other trace elements are also found in chicken excrement. In its action, litter is no different from complex agrochemicals. However, it surpasses them, as it contains biologically active substances.

Note! Trace elements in chicken manure are contained in high concentrations, so the fertilizer is pre-diluted with water.

Gardeners should be aware that if stored improperly, nitrogenous substances quickly turn into ammonia. Firstly, it does not benefit plants, and secondly, it poisons the soil with poison. When collecting chicken manure, you need to take care of its proper preservation - you need to scatter peat crumbs in the chicken coop. Peat will keep nitrogen from decay even during long-term storage.

Benefits of chicken manure fertilizer:

  • structures the soil;
  • promotes water exchange in the soil;
  • protects plants from moisture loss during dry periods;
  • strengthens plant immunity to diseases;
  • protects the soil surface from mold;
  • accelerates the growth and fruiting of seedlings;
  • accelerates photosynthesis;
  • stays in the soil for a long time.

In addition to positive characteristics, kuryak also has negative ones. The disadvantages include:

  • not suitable for feeding greens: parsley, onion, dill;
  • can not be fertilized after the appearance of fruits;
  • fresh manure may contain helminth eggs and weed seeds;
  • arsenic is found in the litter in small quantities: it can accumulate in the soil;
  • there is lime in the manure, which decomposes in the soil with the release of methane;
  • bird droppings may contain salmonella and antibiotics (if given to chickens).

Important! Chicken manure releases a lot of ammonia when it decomposes, so it cannot be used to heat greenhouses.

Remember that an excess of kuryak is dangerous for plants and humans. Apply fertilizer according to the specific dosage. When collecting raw materials, wear a respirator, gloves and special clothing.

How to cook chicken manure

Kuryak is used both fresh and dried. Well-dried fertilizer is stored in plastic containers with air access. So that the chicken does not lose useful nitrogen, it is dried along with peat.

Dry raw materials can be stored in a pit no more than a meter deep. The bottom of the pit is lined with straw or corn leaves, litter is poured on top and rammed. The pit cannot be dug deep, as soil microorganisms will die from a lack of oxygen, and the fertilizer will begin to rot.


This fertilizer is prepared by layer-by-layer alternation of manure with organic additives - hay, peat, straw. The height of the layer should not exceed 20 cm, and the height of the pile should not exceed 1 m.

Compost layers:

  • base - straw;
  • the first is bird droppings;
  • the second - sawdust / straw;
  • the third is peat.

Instead of peat and straw, you can put a layer of weeds, kitchen waste (rotten fruit, beet tops), tree branches, shavings or fallen leaves. To enrich the compost with bioactive substances, add:

  • wood ash;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • phosphate flour;
  • potassium salt;
  • medicinal herbs (chamomile, etc.);
  • corn silk.

For density, clay or sod can be added to the compost. Gardeners add animal manure to the compost heap.

The pile is covered with oilcloth, pre-moistened. If the raw material begins to dry out, you need to periodically moisten the pile. After a couple of weeks, the pile is pierced with a pitchfork or turned over with a shovel - this is necessary for the uniform ripening of the raw materials. After 3-4 months, the compost will be ready for use.

Important! Litter will "burn" if the pile is made above one meter.

How to determine the readiness of compost? If the heap smells of ammonia, then the raw material is not yet ripe for use. The rotted compost will not smell like ammonia. Well-ripened material has a crumbly structure and smells of earth.

liquid fertilizer

A concentrated solution is prepared on the basis of water. The volume of water can be different: 10 or 20 parts of water are taken for one part of manure. Gardeners do not have a common opinion on this matter. Consider three ways to prepare the concentrate.

Method number 1

In a bucket, dissolve the litter with water in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:20. We put the container in a dark place for a couple of days. The concentrate is then mixed well and diluted by half with pure water. The beds are irrigated with this solution: a bucket of 2-4 square meters.

Method number 2

Fermented chicken manure has its advantages over fresh. For cooking, you need to dilute fresh chicken with water (1: 1) and leave to ferment for 5 days, tightly closing the lid. For watering, dilute 2 cups of infusion in a bucket of water.

Method number 3

This solution should be used for seedlings that do not like acidic soil. For one measure of water, two measures of bird manure are taken and insisted for a couple of days. The liquid is carefully drained and diluted with water. 20 liters of water are taken per liter of infusion and left to ferment for 7 days (no need to cover). After that, the seedlings can be watered with a solution without additional dilution with water. For the convenience of preparing the concentrate, the kuryak is placed in a canvas bag and immersed in water. The bag is then removed from the water and the liquids are allowed to drain. This is a very convenient way.

Method number 4

Place fresh manure in an iron or plastic barrel and fill with settled water (proportions 1:1). The contents are thoroughly mixed with a wooden stick and covered with a lid or boards. The barrel is set in a shady spot for a couple of weeks, as the sun's rays speed up the fermentation and the mixture becomes too concentrated. You can install a barrel under a tree or under a canopy.

Before watering, a liter of infusion is dissolved in 10 or 50 liters of water, depending on the purpose. For feeding garden trees, a more concentrated solution is taken, and for irrigating vegetable crops, top dressing is used in a minimum concentration. A bucket of solution is poured under a large tree, about five liters are spent under berry bushes. Previously, trees and bushes are watered with ordinary water - it will protect the root system from burns.

Method number 5

For emergency feeding of horticultural crops, you can make a working solution from a handful of dry chicken diluted in a bucket of water. The contents are well mixed and put in a warm place for half an hour or an hour. Then the solution is used for irrigation of vegetable crops - a tablespoon of fertilizer is spent on one seedling. After top dressing, the earth is watered abundantly so that the nutrients are better absorbed by the earth and do not burn the roots of the plants.

Chicken coop bedding

Chicken coop bedding is also widely used in crop production. The combination of straw and bird droppings is quite a nutritious mixture. Peat can be added to them, which retains nitrogenous substances in the litter well. Some gardeners supplement the litter with ashes. Sawdust is not recommended: they have few useful substances.

Note! The litter well protects the berry bushes from freezing in the harsh winter.

You can make compost from the bedding, or you can simply spread it around fruit trees and berry bushes. The litter is also used for fertilizing vegetable and melon beds. To do this, the litter is mixed with the ground and introduced into the soil after autumn digging. Especially love the litter of zucchini and cucumbers.

How is the pad made? First, a layer of straw or peat is laid out on the cleaned floor in the chicken coop, after the flooring is dirty, a second layer of straw or peat is laid out. When the height of the litter becomes about half a meter, it is removed from the chicken coop and used for its intended purpose. If you lay out such a litter on the ground in the garden, the litter will soak into the ground during rains or watering.

Composted litter is used for fertilizer when planting trees. To do this, excrement mixed with the ground is laid out in the landing hole and dug up. Fertilizer consumption per 10 square meters - 5 kg.

Granulated kuryak

In gardening stores, you can buy ready-made fertilizer from chicken manure. The production of granules is carried out according to a special method: the litter is cleaned of dirt and dried at a temperature of 600C. High temperature destroys worm eggs, pathological bacteria and weed seeds. There is another method for the production of granules - drying at a temperature not exceeding 100C. In this case, all biologically active components are preserved in the raw material.

Note! The acidity index pH during drying of the kuryak is significantly reduced.

How to use chicken manure pellets? To do this, place the granules in a barrel (the dosage is indicated in the instructions) and fill with water. The mixture should ferment for a couple of weeks; before watering, a solution is made in a ratio of 1:20. Up to 0.5 liters of working solution is consumed per seedling.


How to use chicken manure in the garden? Since the concentration of nutrients in chicken manure is very high, it must be applied very carefully. An overdose of kuryak can destroy the root system of plants. To protect the seedlings from burns, the aisles are watered with a liquid solution.

Terms of use:

  • seedlings should be watered in cloudy weather or at sunset / dawn;
  • before fertilizing, the beds should be well irrigated with water; it is not recommended to water dry soil;
  • contact of dry manure / granules with the roots of seedlings is unacceptable;
  • if the solution gets on the leaves of the seedlings, it should be washed off with water.

How many times per season and how to use chicken manure? Gardeners do not recommend treating seedlings with kuryak more than 4 times a season.

Autumn digging

Autumn application of rotted chicken manure is recommended on soils with a heavy composition. During the winter period, soil microorganisms will process the raw materials, converting it into components that are easily absorbed by plants. How to fertilize the ground with chicken manure? It is necessary to evenly scatter over the site (per hundred square meters - 1 kg of fertilizer) and dig.

Consideration should be given to the condition of the raw material. If you are using dry compost, take a little less than a kilogram. If you are using wet raw materials, take a kilogram. Kuryak can be applied to the soil along with ash and other fertilizers. It is allowed to simply scatter the kuryak around the site without digging.

Important! Copper sulphate can eliminate the unpleasant smell of litter. About 300 g of chemical is spent on a barrel of fertilizer.

Fertilizer in early spring

In the spring, chicken manure fertilizes the lungs according to the soil structure. You can make a chicken before the spring digging of the site, when the beds are marked. In this case, the rotted fertilizer is spread in an even layer (1 kg of humus is taken per hundred square meters) and dug up.

You can make kuryak before planting seedlings. In this case, the raw material is mixed with straw and laid out in the aisles.

Note! The use of fertilizer from fresh litter during fruit ripening is unacceptable: you can become infected with helminthiasis.

fresh litter

Fertilizer is applied at the rate of 1 cup per square meter. If dry manure is used, half a glass is enough. In no case should fertilizer be poured under the roots of plants - only around the hole or in the aisle. To evenly distribute the kuryak over the soil, it is pre-mixed with ash or peat. You can also mix manure with sand or other organic/inorganic substrate, including regular soil.

dry kuryak

This type of litter is used in autumn or spring. Chicken droppings are used in autumn before digging - first they scatter the substrate on the ground, then dig it up. Dosage: 5 kg of manure per 5 m2 of land. Compost is recommended in spring.

Plant nutrition


A one-time application of kuryak helps to increase the yield and size of tomatoes. Decayed litter is laid out around the holes in the spring. The consumption of raw materials is about 4 kg per square meter. You can also feed the bushes during the growing season. They make a liquid solution, consumption - a couple of liters per bush. If the stems of seedlings begin to pour, watering is stopped.

Top dressing of cucumbers

Feeding with chicken manure helps to get rid of barren flowers. Seedlings are watered until the first flowers appear. When irrigating cucumbers, make sure that the solution does not get on the roots. Before watering, it is recommended to keep the working solution in the air for several hours so that uric acid comes out. As soon as the cucumbers bloom, stop feeding.


How to fertilize potatoes with chicken manure? Kuryak does not directly affect the size of tubers and yield, however, it increases leaf photosynthesis. Thanks to strong stems and leaves, the fertility of the bushes also increases. Also, litter increases the resistance of potatoes to diseases and mold.

Fertilizer is applied before autumn digging, adding potassium - for 10 measures of humus, one measure of potassium agrochemical is taken. The fertilizer is mixed and evenly scattered over the site (50 kg per hundred square meters). When the tops have grown by 15-18 cm, irrigation is done with a solution - once per season. After the formation of buds, gardeners recommend feeding the potatoes with wood ash, which is sprinkled on the ground around the bushes.


Garden strawberry bushes are fertilized after the appearance of the first leaves. It is necessary to make a recess between the rows and fill it with a working solution. Then the recess is covered with earth. Bushes are fertilized only before flowering, after the appearance of flowers, kuryak cannot be used. On clay soils, rotted manure is used instead of a solution - spread between rows. Gardeners say that one irrigation is enough for strawberries to get everything they need for high-quality growth.

Fruit trees

How to use chicken manure to feed garden trees? To do this, you need to dig a shallow trench around the tree (the radius is equal to the projection of the crown) and fill it with a solution of kuryak. One tree takes about a bucket of liquid fertilizer.


Chicken fertilizer is an excellent top dressing for garden plants. It contains all the necessary elements in a concentrated form. However, this fertilizer should not be applied too often due to the high content of nitrogenous substances. It should also be borne in mind that arsenic is in the litter, and ammonia and methane are released during decomposition. Despite the complex composition of trace elements, one chicken manure is not enough: it is mixed with wood ash, peat and agrochemicals.

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Bird waste is a fairly common and effective top dressing for plants. Almost every summer resident knows how to use chicken manure as a fertilizer. In many respects, it surpasses animal manure in many respects. Due to the fact that, being in the ground, useful elements are released gradually, it is possible to fertilize the soil no more than once every few years.

The value of chicken manure

Chicken manure as a fertilizer is very valuable. It accelerates the development of plants, and hence the ripening of the crop, improves its quality and quantity, protects the soil from many diseases, molds and weeds. Due to the content of lime, the acidity of the soil decreases. The chemical composition of humus includes the following elements: zinc, cobalt, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, boron and others.

Unlike mineral fertilizers, phosphorus does not form compounds in the soil and is completely absorbed by plant roots. In addition, auxins and other biologically active components can improve the quality and quantity of crops.


Despite all beneficial features, chicken droppings can bring significant harm to both the plant and the person himself. But this happens only if the product is used incorrectly or if the standards of personal safety and hygiene are not observed. The main disadvantage is that it is not recommended to introduce fresh chicken manure into the soil.

Fertilizer is very long weathered from free ammonia. Therefore, it is better to make infusions and solutions for irrigation from fresh biomaterial. When chicken manure is purchased at poultry farms, the chance of catching salmonellosis, E. coli and other diseases is reduced to zero, unlike private farmsteads. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in some cases growth stimulants and antibiotics are sprinkled into the feed for chickens. In small doses, they do not cause much harm, but the abuse of these substances in plant nutrition negatively affects the environmental friendliness of the crop. The fertilizer also contains arsenic and lime. In acceptable concentrations, they do not cause danger. But in large quantities they accumulate in the soil, gradually poisoning it.

Inexperienced summer residents use chicken manure as a biofuel in greenhouses, laying it in warm beds. It is absolutely impossible to do this, since when heated, it releases ammonia into the surrounding air and has a depressing effect on vegetation.

For which crops is it used

You can use bird droppings for many garden, garden, and indoor plants. The list of allowed botanical crops includes: eggplant, cabbage, cucumbers, grapes, tomatoes, raspberries, apricots, apple trees, beets, flowering ornamental species, various root crops. But for potatoes, strawberries, strawberries and greens (onions, basil and others), this fertilizer is recommended to be used with caution so as not to spoil the taste.

Types of dressings

You can use fertilizer in any form, but with mandatory accounting individual characteristics specific plant. Fresh is suitable mainly for autumn incorporation into the soil. By spring, it will significantly increase the fertility of the soil and provide the plant with the necessary nutrition for the entire period. It is impossible to collect droppings from domestic chicken coops without impurities of sawdust, straw and other elements. Therefore, its number is doubled.

Purchased at a poultry farm or in a specialized store - does not contain unnecessary components. Aqueous infusions and solutions are used quite often. They can fertilize the plant without worrying about burning the roots. In addition, useful trace elements reach their goal faster.

Dry chicken manure - in fact, is a strong concentrate that is dissolved in water. In addition, they can be sprinkled with compost. Also, dry fertilizer is subject to long-term storage, it is convenient to transport it. The granular look is even more convenient to use. It has already been cleaned and processed from dangerous microorganisms and excess impurities. Compost with chicken manure is rarely used. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that with a long stay in the open air, nitrogen is washed out by rains, and there is little benefit from such fertilizer. To preserve microelements, it is recommended to cover the composter (heap, pit) with polyethylene.

How to make manure fertilizer

Fresh biomaterial can be applied in spring or autumn, followed by digging the soil. Before spreading it, be sure to clear the beds of weeds. They absorb a large amount of useful elements from the fertilizer, and when they grow, they form a shadow and contribute to the growth of bacteria in the garden. Preparation of an aqueous solution is not a laborious process. Depending on the substance used - fresh or dry, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:30 or 1:20.

Stirring occasionally, the composition is kept in a darkened room for 2-3 days. After that, the solution must be filtered and used immediately, as it is unsuitable for storage. It is possible to prepare a concentrated infusion, which is enough for the entire summer season. To do this, it is recommended to breed chicken manure in a 1: 1 ratio with water and leave for three days. After this time, the infusion is filtered and poured into a plastic container with a tightly closed lid. If necessary, 1 liter of the resulting substance is diluted in 10 liters of clean water for irrigation. Granular fertilizer is applied in various ways.

You can scatter for digging in spring or autumn, or prepare aqueous solutions. The dosage indicated on the package is usually as follows: in dry form, apply from 100 g per 1 m² of land, for dilution in water - mix 1 part of the substance with 50 parts of the liquid.

Application of fertilizer

When to fertilize

The use of fresh humus in the spring is not recommended. Such fertilizer is applied after harvesting the entire crop and preparing the garden for wintering. In spring, you can use a disinfected product (powder, granules). Depending on the type of plants, top dressing can be carried out 2-4 times until harvest.

Application rates

Practical summer residents often use chicken coop bedding, laying it in the ground. As the soil rots, it is fertilized by particles of chicken manure and organic waste (straw, sawdust). You can use humus for adult plants, and for seedlings. For potatoes and other root crops, fertilizer is safe only when applied in the fall. To do this, scatter 3-4 kg per 1 m² of land. Liquid top dressing is watered in an amount of about 4 liters.

For cucumbers, an aqueous solution of a light unsaturated color is used three times per season (when adult leaves, flowers and then fruits appear). You can also fill the bed with a small layer of compost. For grapes, both humus and liquid fertilizer are used. To do this, you need to dig ditches along the bushes or small holes at a distance of half a meter from the plant. Top dressing is carried out several times before harvesting the fruit:

  • immediately after the snow melts;
  • a week and a half before the flowering of the grape bush;
  • when the fruits reach a diameter of 0.5-0.7 cm;
  • 7-10 days before the full ripening of the grapes.

The preparation of an aqueous solution is carried out as follows:

  1. Dilute 1 kg of manure in 20 liters of water.
  2. Leave for two days. This time is enough for the fermentation process.
  3. Before watering, the resulting infusion must be re-diluted in clean water until the color of weakly brewed tea is obtained.
  4. Grooves or pits with fertilizer should be sprinkled with dry soil.

For strawberries and strawberries, the preparation of beds in the fall is recommended. You can make dry manure, granules, compost, followed by digging. In the spring, the finished bed is watered with a liquid solution of manure, having prepared it in a ratio of 1:20. For other crops, it is common to apply fertilizer to the holes or sprinkle the soil around the planted plant. To do this, use 1 bucket of litter per 5 m². For an adult fruit tree they spend 2 buckets of liquid fertilizers, for a young one - one. Cabbage, pumpkin and tomato beds can be dug up using 2-3 kg of dry top dressing per 1 m².

Precautionary measures

Depending on the type of chicken manure, certain personal safety standards must be observed. Raw fertilizer may contain pathogens of dangerous diseases. Therefore, working with it involves wearing thick rubber gloves and a respirator. Inhalation of particles of dry litter can adversely affect the functioning of the human respiratory system. In the absence of a respirator, a self-made mask made of gauze folded several times is perfect.

Smoking and eating near the fertilizer is also not recommended. And with a confirmed mass incidence of salmonellosis, bird flu or suspicion of them, the use of chicken manure in the garden is strictly prohibited.

Storage of chicken manure

It is advisable to store chicken manure separately from a residential building, in well-ventilated dry rooms. The rotted material is stored in a concentrated semi-liquid form (season 1). To do this, mix litter and water in equal proportions. And with further use, dilute the concentrate with water in a ratio of 1:15.

You can also layer the litter with peat and put it in containers with holes for ventilation. In powder and granular form, fertilizers are stored strictly according to the expiration dates indicated on the factory packaging. The compost quickly uses up the nitrogen compounds present in the litter. Therefore, long-term storage in this form is undesirable. If there is no other way out, then superphosphate powder should be added to the compost heap and covered with a small layer of earth.

Chicken manure is one of the most affordable and effective fertilizers. It can be collected with your own hands in the country, keeping 5-10 chickens. Due to the fact that the use of manure is possible in various forms (application for digging, on the surface of the soil, in liquid form), it is suitable for almost all types of plants. Subject to the recommended proportions, any novice farmer can get a plentiful, early and environmentally friendly harvest.

In order for tomatoes to ripen faster, have a beautiful shape and bright skin color, most gardeners resort to fertilizers. One of the most popular fertilizers for feeding tomatoes is chicken manure.

In terms of benefits, it bypasses many mineral and organic supplements. Kuryak has a completely natural composition and is easy to use, and the result from its use will be noticeable immediately.

Advantages and disadvantages

The fertilizer contains a large amount of nutrients that tomatoes need for full development. Chicken contains potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and, of course, nitrogen. The main purpose of the additive is the formation of powerful stems and healthy shoots, as well as the formation of ovaries and early fruit ripening. Chicken manure has several advantages over other fertilizers:

The disadvantages of the additive include its specific unpleasant odor. However, experienced gardeners easily solve this problem by adding copper sulfate powder to the fertilizer. The smell becomes less pungent and not so felt. The second disadvantage of kuryak is its too active action. With improper dilution of the additive and frequent use, the tomatoes do not tie, and the bushes themselves may begin to fade over time. Seedlings will be destroyed without the possibility of recovery.

Application methods

Chicken manure is used both fresh and dry. A dry additive is usually applied in autumn or spring, during the preparation of the soil for planting. It takes 3 kilograms of fertilizer per 1 square meter of land. It is distributed evenly over the ground, and then dug up with the rest of the soil. Such top dressing of the soil is done 1 time in 2-3 years. In spring, chicken manure is applied 2-3 weeks before planting tomato seedlings. By the time the tomatoes are planted, the soil is already saturated with minerals, which will have a beneficial effect on the plants.

Important! Work with chicken manure is carried out with gloves and goggles.

Liquid chicken is of particular value during the growth of tomatoes. To prepare the supplement, use 1 kilogram of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. Leave the mixture to infuse for 1-2 days, and then water the seedlings under the stem. One plant should take no more than half a liter of top dressing. The first watering is carried out 2-3 weeks after planting. The nitrogen contained in the fertilizer will give strength to the stem and activate the formation of new shoots and leaves. Re-feeding with chicken is done before and during fruiting.

Chicken is also used to make compost. It combines well with peat, forming a nutrient mixture that has an effective effect on seedlings. To prepare compost, take several buckets of sawdust, pour them into a large container. Kuryak is laid on top of the sawdust, its layer should be at least 20 centimeters. The next layer is sawdust or straw, they reduce the unpleasant odor coming from chicken waste. Cover the pile with foil to create a greenhouse effect. The compost will be ready in 5-6 weeks. They can mulch the soil: compost has a rich organic composition and perfectly retains moisture in the ground.

The compost is diluted with water, the resulting mixture is used to irrigate the plants. A bucket of water will require about a kilogram of compost. The mixture is stirred until smooth and poured into a spray bottle or irrigation is carried out from a hose. Water the tomatoes under the root with liquid compost. Top dressing is carried out during fruit set.

The resulting substance can not only be used for top dressing and mulching, but added to the ground before planting tomatoes. This must be done in advance (preferably in early spring or late autumn), so that the compost has already decomposed in the soil by the time of planting.

Chicken manure in granules

For urban residents, it is not so easy to obtain valuable fertilizer. When possible, it is bought from farmers. If this is not possible, then do not despair, since chicken manure in granules has long been sold in stores. The fertilizer is obtained by drying and granulating fresh poultry waste. In terms of properties, it practically does not differ from the usual one. Granular litter has many advantages:

It is necessary to dilute the additive in strict accordance with the attached instructions. If there is no instruction, then 100 grams of granules are taken for 10 liters of water. The granules immediately begin to swell in water, and then make the solution slightly viscous. Water with the addition of tomatoes before noon, immediately after planting seedlings, and then after the formation of ovaries.

Attention! Water is used for breeding room temperature. Too hot or cold water reduces the activity of the prepared additive.

Granules, like fresh chicken, can be added dry to the ground 2 weeks before transplanting a vegetable crop. The application rate per 1 square meter is 100-200 grams of granules.

When feeding tomatoes with chicken, one should not forget about the additional use of additives. Kuryak has a positive effect on the growth of tomatoes, however, potassium supplements are used to improve the quality of the fruit. Potassium is sometimes added to a liquid solution of chicken, the components enhance each other's action. Instead of potassium, boric acid is added to the fertilizer. In addition to nutrition, acid prevents infection with various viral diseases and fungal spores.

Sometimes inexperienced gardeners are faced with a problem - the seedlings were fed with chicken droppings, as a result of which a lot of foliage was formed, the tomato stems are powerful and thick, and the fruits are not tied. This is due to an excess of nitrogen in the earth. In this case, you need to feed the crop with any potash fertilizer that does not contain nitrogen components. It could be potassium sulphate. The problem will be solved in a few days.

To make liquid chicken especially nutritious and healthy, it is recommended to infuse it for at least 3 days. During this time, the components decompose well, and their strength increases significantly. To further accelerate decomposition, Tamir and Baikal M preparations are used. The resulting kuryak concentrate must be diluted with water another 5 times before use, since the initially obtained solution can cause root burns. Watering with infusion has an effective effect, the result of which will be noticeable in a couple of weeks.

To get rid of possible diseases and helminth eggs in fertilizer, chicken manure is washed several times with clean water. Soak the right amount of fertilizer with water for a couple of hours, and then drain the water. Repeat the procedure 2 more times. You can add a few crystals of potassium permanganate to the water until a pink solution is obtained. Potassium permanganate kills pathogenic microorganisms and will help clean chicken.

To activate biological processes in the soil, chicken is simply necessary. In its strength, it is three times superior to cow or horse dung. The minerals and organic matter obtained by the earth as a result of top dressing remain in the soil for a long time. This nutritional composition is enough to grow two more tomato crops at this place. The main advantage of chicken manure is its 100% naturalness. You can be sure that delicious tomatoes were grown only in healthy soil, and their pulp has many benefits and does not contain nitrates and other harmful compounds.

Self-production of fertilizer is a guarantee of obtaining a quality product and protection of harmful chemical elements. Chicken manure as a fertilizer is not only economical, but also most effective in growing various horticultural crops.

chicken manure

The advantage of chicken manure is that it is an organic fertilizer.

Chicken manure contains nitrogen and phosphorus and is almost always readily available. Such a useful fertilizer appears during the life of chickens.

The waste products of living organisms have always been food for the earth and guaranteed crops without synthetic additives. Regular application will ensure plant growth.

  1. The main plus is the preservation of properties (up to 3 years), the ability to effectively kill mold in the soil, and the saturation of plants with nitrogen.
  2. Such a tool raises the quality and quantity of products of representatives of the plant world, accelerates the processes of fruit ripening, if applied following the recommendations.
  3. Litter for plant nutrition is economical, material consumption is negligible. The presence of useful elements in it and their composition is determined by nitrogen and phosphorus.
  4. The fertilizer must be diluted. The use of fresh chicken manure is dangerous - the roots are affected.

It is important to observe the correct proportions: litter for digging should be diluted with water (1:10 or 1:20). If you take less water, the solution will be highly concentrated.

Cooking methods

You need to know how to breed bird droppings for feeding. Use requires strict observance of all necessary conditions.

Gardeners immediately use 3 effective options for preparing liquid top dressing.


It is necessary to dilute fresh chicken afterbirth in a barrel of water. The resulting infusion of chicken manure should be similar to unsaturated tea. It is important that the color is not too dark. If the mixture turned out to be darker, then water is added to it so that the concentration of nitrogen substances is reduced.

The resulting solution is infused for 2-4 days, then it is mixed with liquid (1:2) and placed in the wells.

Use of already fermented placenta

You can dilute chicken manure for plant nutrition at home. It is necessary to mix manure and water in equal quantities. The mixture is closed and not touched for 5 days.

The result of fermentation is a concentrate to be diluted with water. Fertilizing with such a mixture costs 300-500 ml per bucket of water.

Dry fertilizer

Dry chicken manure requires a longer cooking time, but does not lose its positive properties and is excellent for spring and autumn soil fertilization after preliminary processing.

Using a compost pit is a very easy way. In addition, this is a great opportunity to get rid of unnecessary organic waste, weeds and sawdust.

In the chicken manure compost pit, fall asleep rotted bird droppings, weeds, mowed grass, sawdust, organic waste. They adhere to a layer thickness of 15-20 cm. Humidity matters: if the components are dry, they are watered. The pit is closed and isolated from oxygen for 3-4 months.

Manure is spread over the land in an equal layer. Then it is dug up. During autumn and winter, chicken excrement will give nutrients to the moist earth. By spring, the soil will be saturated with nitrogen and ready for planting.

Dry top dressing is covered under the roots of seedlings or fruit trees and bushes. At the bottom of the pit ready for planting, there should be an afterbirth, it is covered with a layer of soil, then plants are planted.

The use of fertilizer from chicken manure must be careful, exceeding the concentration can make it poisonous. General application rates:

  1. In autumn, before plowing the site, the ground is covered with dried manure within 2 kg / m² of land.
  2. Use during planting: 10 kg of quail afterbirth for each planting hole.
  3. For fruit trees, 2 kg of placenta (for each) or 500 g of solution will be enough.

How to remove acidity

One can remove acidity in a simple way. Fertilizer is poured into a cloth bag, dipped in water. The optimal ratio is 2:1. The bag is left for 48 hours. A liter of infusion is mixed with 20 liters of water, continue to store for another 7 days. Then the beds are fertilized.

To achieve the desired result, fertilizer is applied to well-moistened soil, this ensures that the plants receive equal nutrition.

What plants to fertilize

Chicken manure has a rich composition of useful elements, due to which it provides good yields.


The main lover of nitrogen fertilizers is grapes. For him, the organization of all conditions is important.

Grapes grow on clay soil, they need support and an uninterrupted supply of vitamin products. The bottom of the planting pit is tamped with decayed litter, covered with earth cover, moistened and planted. Humus consumption - a bucket in a pit.


Chicken manure is useful for tomatoes, will ensure their productivity. It is better to introduce useful components as compost in compliance with dosages of 3-4 kg per sq.m. The infusion is used for the entire period of maturation, 5 liters each. After watering, the tomatoes will show good growth and produce many fruits.


Cucumbers are fed with a solution of bird droppings after it has fermented. Particular attention should be paid to concentration - the color of the liquid should be almost yellow.

The best time for top dressing is shortly before the flowering of cucumbers. After fertilization, the fruits will be well tied, and the empty flowers will be an order of magnitude smaller. for cucumbers guarantees results.


Useful top dressing with chicken manure for potatoes. It is best to pour dry manure under the potato tubers. Training land plot autumn will give good results. But getting high-quality potatoes using only such measures will be difficult.

Chicken manure is complexly used with other means, urea is well suited. Additionally, bird droppings are diluted with dry ash, which helps to get rid of the wireworm, fight worms and treat tuber diseases.

Fruit trees

A good source of vitamins for apple trees and other fruit trees will be chicken manure fertilizer. One seedling consumes a norm of 8-10 liters. It is recommended to fertilize in spring and autumn at the end of the harvest.


Suitable fertilizer from chicken manure strawberries. When achieving the desired goal, it is important to follow some rules.

Watering strawberry bushes for feeding is prohibited. This can cause damage to the leaves and death of the bushes. The solution is poured into the furrow near the plant. The roots will provide the bush with the right amount of vitamins.

Blooming strawberry bushes should not be fertilized like that.


You can use chicken manure to feed the pepper in the greenhouse, this must be done before the fruits ripen. For watering plants use 500 ml of liquid.


A solution of chicken manure, which contains nitrogen, phosphorus, nucleotides and phosphorites, must be used to plant garlic.

Avoiding the use of fresh manure will help protect garlic and its flowering from the harmful aggressive influence of the placenta.

To make chicken manure to fertilize the garden, it is soaked for two days and diluted with water, applied around the roots.


Roses are often nitrogen deficient. Therefore, when feeding this plant with chicken manure, it will delight with lush and long flowering and a pleasant aroma.

Feeding roses in the summer while it blooms is not recommended. Autumn and spring are ideal for this.


Currant loves chicken manure. It will saturate the bushes with the necessary nitrogen.

Currants are fed with humus from chicken manure when planting a bush. Raspberries are fed with chicken manure in the same way. Fertilizers can be applied in spring and autumn.


Carrots are fertilized in early spring. It is impossible to saw fertilizers on the green part. A hole is dug along the rows of carrots, into which the solution prepared in advance is poured. Then it is recommended to moisten the root crop plantation. Watering will contribute to an even distribution of nutrients. Carrots are also sprinkled with ashes.

Vegetables tolerate fertilizing with fertilizers based on chicken manure in different ways. Greens, lettuce are not advised to fertilize in this way. Nitrogen will give an unpleasant specific aftertaste.

Purchased chicken manure

Elements in the Composition of chicken manure provide the gardener with cucumbers.

Production rules: the raw organic product is dried at a high temperature and granules of different sizes are formed. They do not smell, their smell is neutral, they are prescribed to be stored dry.

Thanks to special processing, purchased manure-based fertilizers are not infected with helminth eggs, and most importantly, it is easy to transport. It contains natural ingredients, its shelf life is quite long.

Industrial preparation of chicken manure provides additional opportunities for consumption. Lack of smell allows you to lay granules for feeding flowers, roses and houseplants. They should only be soaked in water, and after swelling, apply for irrigation. Soaked in water, the product will contribute to the processing of seeds before planting.

It is not necessary to soak the granules; dry granules are laid directly under the plant in a moistened earthen mixture. As you water, the granule will gradually dissolve.

Suitable excrement

You can fertilize the garden with chicken manure, but farmers are also trying to use other effective fertilizers.

Not so long ago, people began to use pigeon, quail and goose droppings to process various crops and seedlings.


Pigeon afterbirth is used with strict observance of the norms established for the afterbirth of chickens and chickens. Does not differ from manure obtained from chickens.

The use of fresh pigeon manure is prohibited. It is prepared for use by composting, soaking and steeping.

It is possible to use the droppings of only those pigeons that live at home and eat natural feed.

It is dangerous to collect the afterbirth of pigeons living in big cities. Such pigeons find their food in landfills. The waste products of such birds may contain harmful and dangerous substances.


Not only chicken manure is suitable for the garden. You can also use goose excrement. Goose droppings are more nutritious. The components of such a fertilizer are quickly absorbed by the plant world. Accordingly, the desired result of plant growth is achieved much earlier. Goose Litter is not very common and purchasing it can be problematic. This fact is the main disadvantage of such an experimental manifestation.

The breeding of birds such as quails is becoming more and more popular. A distinctive feature of these birds is the economy of their maintenance, but a lot of litter is obtained. In terms of toxicity, quail manure is softer, it is not infected with helminth eggs (they die due to high body temperature).


It is necessary to use chicken manure as a fertilizer in compliance with all the subtleties. Due to the increased level of nitrogen, it is important to adhere to acceptable dosages.

The composition of chicken manure is such that the content of all the necessary substances makes it possible to feed vegetables and other crops. It is not necessary to make efforts to store the fertilizer.

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