Landscaping of a plot with a greenhouse. The best greenhouses for a garden plot: choose the right one. Interior space planning


One of the important elements of the garden plot is the greenhouse. If you install a heated structure, it will be possible to harvest all year round. It is hardly possible to find that person who regretted that he had installed a greenhouse. It is quite possible to build a greenhouse with your own hands, and it can be foldable, mini, and also completely resemble a greenhouse.

How to build a greenhouse on the site

Arrangement of a personal plot should be done not just by own will but thoughtfully.

Consistently and strictly according to:

  • pre-created project;
  • Compliance with the installation technology from foundation to coating with material;
  • Clear conduct of each stage, which affects the strength and durability of the structure.

First of all, you need to pay special attention to the foundation, as weather conditions, the effects of wind, snow and rain can damage the structure. Naturally, it is much easier to install a greenhouse without a foundation, and this will require much less effort, time, and money.

However, a greenhouse without a strong base should not be too high, wide, and it is strictly forbidden to use heavy material such as polycarbonate for covering.

For a large and heavy structure, the installation of a strip and shallow foundation will be required, which will ensure maximum strength. The support must be stable, and it is on it that the frame of the structure will be attached. In addition, the presence of a foundation is an additional layer of insulation that can protect plants from severe frosts. The depth of the trench is on average 40 cm, half of this distance is filled with a pillow of sand and gravel. After that, formwork is installed, which should be at least 30 cm above ground level. Reinforcement will be required from which the frame is knitted. Reinforcement thickness 8mm. Support poles are installed in increments of 1 m.

If you need to spend less budget, then you can fill the support posts with concrete. To do this, you need to make pits that will be filled with a mixture of sand and gravel to a height of 20 cm. After that, formwork is made, for which roofing material can be used. The rack for the frame is installed only vertically, they should consist of 3-4 reinforcements connected across with one more reinforcement by connecting welding. Next, the foundation is poured with concrete marking M350.

Universal garden greenhouse that does not need to be registered

Landscaping in the garden is not just a decoration, but a carefully thought-out arrangement that not only pleases the eye, but also makes the site beautiful, attractive and, most importantly, cozy. The garden can decorate not only greenhouses, but also greenhouses.

A flower garden and a greenhouse are two different things. Therefore, they should not be confused with each other. Namely, greenhouses provide an opportunity to grow various crops, and in large quantities, especially very thermophilic ones.

A greenhouse can protect a plant from:

  • rain;
  • Zamorozkov;
  • snow;
  • Strong gusts of wind;
  • direct sunlight.

Greenhouses can be made beautiful and comfortable, which will give pleasure both from operation and from the view. As a rule, greenhouse structures have small compact dimensions, and there are no additional communications in them.

Greenhouses are divided into:

  • Mobile;
  • Collapsible;
  • Constant.

Regarding the greenhouse, the greenhouse is much cheaper, installed faster and does not require special professionalism. On average, for a regular plot of 8 acres, 3-5 greenhouses with dimensions of 1.2x4 are enough to get a fairly large crop.

What opportunity gardeners provide garden greenhouses

Any garden greenhouse, regardless of what material it is made of: glass, polycarbonate or film, allows you to grow a high-quality and large crop. Greenhouses coated with polycarbonate are considered particularly durable and weather-resistant. However, they require a more serious approach in the arrangement of forces and costs. Even if the greenhouses are not supplied with heating, they can grow crops from the beginning of February to the end of November.

By installing a greenhouse on your site, it becomes possible to start collecting greens, radishes and even onions even in winter. The advantage of growing greens in a greenhouse is that they are the least exposed to pests.

This design has an incredible amount of advantages and it consists in the fact that the most heat-loving crops, such as cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and eggplants, will feel as comfortable as possible, they will not get sick and will not freeze during spring and autumn frosts. Vegetables will ripen much faster, and the leaves will not be covered with yellow spots or even holes that appear from the rain.

Advice! When growing tomatoes in greenhouses, it is worth using liquid compost from real cow dung, nettle decoction, and it is also acceptable to spray plants with natural garlic decoction to eliminate the occurrence of pests. Experienced gardeners believe that it is in the greenhouse that such care will have a much greater and extremely positive effect.

The greenhouse is also suitable for lovers of annual flowers who need a lot of time for germination and stem development. Thus, you can independently grow a tender and heat-loving begonia. The most important thing is that plants and flowers are grown exclusively in an ecological way, since a greenhouse is a kind of border or barrier that protects all crops from external factors. It is acceptable to plant seeds in early February, just like many do on windowsills. The effect will be exactly the same as from growing seeds at home, of course, under the conditions that the greenhouse will be equipped correctly and without drafts.

How the greenhouse is installed in relation to the design of the site

Install the greenhouse so that it is in the light, located in length from east to west, as close as possible to the fence, in order to use the space of the site as carefully as possible.

Thus, the greenhouse and the plants in it will always be under the influence of sunlight.

It is especially important that tall trees are not located nearby, as they will block the light. Be sure to remember about ventilation, and equip the greenhouse with vents that will be tightly fixed on the racks, which will prevent slamming. This is how you can avoid overheating of the air, which adversely affects the development of plants.

What are greenhouses for a garden plot (video)

Some gardeners prefer to install the greenhouse near the house and so that one of its sides closely adjoins the walls, if possible. Thanks to this, there will be additional heating in the greenhouse, which will positively affect the crops.

The hassle is getting the greenhouse out polycarbonate: photos of finished buildings and reviews of happy summer residents can often be found on the net. Relatively recently fragile glass and impractical film for greenhouses have given way to a more suitable and rational material that perfectly copes with the task entrusted to it - polycarbonate. The uniqueness of this material made it so popular that today greenhouses are not only bought from it, but also made do it yourself: what summer residents and farmers will not do to increase their harvest!

Polycarbonate greenhouses: features and specifications

Polycarbonate for a greenhouse should be considered one of the most practical options, since this material combines all the advantages inherent in previously used glass and film, and also complements them with some rather important qualities. Among the characteristics of the material, it is worth noting the following:

  • The weight of polycarbonate is 16 times less than the weight of glass, which allows it to be used for the construction of fairly complex shapes.
  • With a low weight, this material is highly durable, which is a guarantee of a long service life of a greenhouse built from it. Rain, hail, physical impacts - all these difficulties, which are so dangerous for glass, are not problems for polycarbonate.
  • Polycarbonate perfectly retains heat, which saves on heating buildings and guarantees perfect well-being plants. Polycarbonate farm and country greenhouses are ideal for growing even the most capricious plant varieties.
  • The high light transmission of the material, which does not decrease over time, is combined with the absence of a lens effect. Such characteristics guarantee the penetration of a sufficient amount Sveta, while the rays are distributed evenly and do not harm the plants.

Fact! A special coating on the polycarbonate surface protects the delicate sheets of greenhouse plants from the harmful effects of UV rays and sudden temperature changes.

  • The plasticity of the material opens up wide opportunities for the construction of complex arched structures, so popular with summer residents and farmers.

Greenhouses and greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate are actively exploited not only in the private sector for growing two tens of kilograms of cucumbers, but also on an industrial scale: for example, in large farms. Of course, the size of polycarbonate greenhouses for large farms is much larger than those that have private summer cottages. But the essence of the structure is the same, as well as the features of caring for it. The practicality of the material makes it a profitable solution for those who want to get the maximum of useful qualities from the greenhouse being built.

Features of working with polycarbonate greenhouses

With all the advantages of polycarbonate buildings, it is possible to grow an excellent crop in them only if you follow all the recommendations and take into account the nuances of planting in polycarbonate greenhouses. Experts advise starting work in such a greenhouse with growing any one crop that is not too whimsical in order to understand the characteristics of the conditions. At the same time, those plants that need similar conditions should be grown in the same room: for example, tomatoes and peppers.

Before planting, the soil in the greenhouse is leveled, beds are formed and a place is determined for each plant. Experts advise to carry out a number of mandatory procedures with the soil: add organic and mineral fertilizers and treat the soil with disinfectants.

Watering in a polycarbonate greenhouse can be carried out in several ways:

  • Manually. This method is used either in the case of a small number of plants in need of watering, or in the absence of a stationary watering installation.
  • With the help of homemade irrigation systems. Craftsmen mount irrigation systems using gravity, placing pipes above the beds or in the soil.
  • Using automatic systems. Similar systems are used for watering industrial quantities of plants: on farms and in large farms. Such systems, in addition to direct irrigation, are used to fertilize the soil, maintain a certain microclimate, and also provide ideal conditions for plants.

The tallest plants are best located on the north side.

The middle strip of the site is assigned to the bush.

Chicken coop from a sea container. DIY // FORUMHOUSE


Sergei Pravdorub writes: Well done man, everyone would be like that 🙂

Alexander Machtin writes: Good greenhouse, chickens have a hell of a place, not like in poultry farms, they grow like flowers in cramped cages (

Alexander Lebedev writes: A good man, he told everything interestingly. Thanks

pavel luzin writes: A good solid chicken coop. It's good when the hands are out right place are growing. Thanks for your videos and tips.

Nadia Eremenko writes: cool everything is done. well done boss! good luck with everything.

Landscaping involves a more natural and natural placement of trees and flowers.

Increased attention is paid to aspects of the relief.

If there is a hillock in the summer cottage, you should not smooth it out. Try to beat the composition that nature has already created for you.

Mini greenhouse


My cozy home writes: Mini greenhouse

Violetta Pavlyuk writes: mini-greenhouse for giving

My cozy home writes: Mini greenhouse

Violetta Pavlyuk writes: mini-greenhouse for giving

Greenhouses in landscape design with a metal profile frame look more attractive than aluminum solutions.

However, the cost of their manufacture and installation is much more attractive.

Such greenhouses are easy to transport due to the modular design.

The only disadvantage of the metal base is the susceptibility to deformation under heavy loads (for example, when a thick layer of snow falls).

The most common coverings for greenhouses are made of glass (transparent or tinted) and cellular polycarbonate. The advantages of these materials include good light transmission, sound insulation, thermal insulation, strength and aesthetic appearance.

Greenhouse with your own hands. MK

Every novice gardener has to face the question of how to make a greenhouse on his own plot. This design allows you to easily start growing natural, fresh vegetables and herbs in early spring, even at negative night temperatures. In addition, the greenhouse is able to protect delicate plants from strong precipitation, wind and direct sunlight.

If you choose the right construction material and optimal design, you can get an indispensable garden helper.

Greenhouse, greenhouse and their differences

In natural usage, greenhouse and greenhouse are often used interchangeably. However, this is not entirely true. The greenhouse is a large-sized building equipped with the main communications, namely heating, an artificial irrigation system, and ultraviolet lighting.

The design of the greenhouse allows you to grow various crops throughout the year. Many greenhouses are built on a foundation, and the height of the structure allows a person to calmly carry out work to his full height.

If you take a look at the photo of the greenhouse and the greenhouse, it will immediately become clear that the first one does not have any communications, its size is small. The main purpose of a greenhouse is to protect plants from aggressive natural conditions early spring and cold autumn.

Structural features and assembly type make it possible to divide all greenhouses into several classes: portable, permanent (possibly installed on a foundation).

When it comes to choosing between a greenhouse and a greenhouse, it should be borne in mind that installing a greenhouse is considered a costly affair, in which professional farmers invest more effort and money than amateur gardeners.

If you organize a greenhouse in the garden standard size, then it will be quite enough to provide the average family with a harvest. A greenhouse can be a good alternative to a greenhouse design.

It will not be difficult to prepare seedlings in winter in cups on the windowsill, and in the spring to plant them in a greenhouse. An early harvest will please any family.

Types of greenhouses

Not only the design, shape and material used for shelter allow us to talk about the varieties of greenhouses. Their location and main purpose also allow us to distinguish several types.

Seedling greenhouses have a small height, due to which they are able to retain heat well during frosts. In such greenhouses, you can grow seedlings immediately, without going through the stage of using cups where seeds are planted.

In addition, in a greenhouse, plants receive a kind of hardening, subsequently having greater endurance than at home. A seedling greenhouse can accept and grow any kind of vegetables, herbs and even flowers. It is a good greenhouse for giving.

Home greenhouses are built on balconies or window sills and do an excellent job of growing a full-fledged crop. True, it is necessary to select such varieties of vegetables and herbs that are adapted to growing indoors (cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, etc.). Having thought over the multi-tiered design, you can save a lot of space.

Mobile greenhouses have an advantage over stationary ones, since they can be moved around the site as needed (for example, to free up space, or expose the structure to the sun's rays). At the end of the season, the greenhouse is easily removed from the territory, saving space.

Small greenhouses make it possible to work with a small amount of seedlings. The design can be disassembled, thereby changing the size of the beds.


All parts of the dismantled structures at the end of the season must be cleaned of dirt and dust. To do this, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate or mustard. After that, they are thoroughly dried and cleaned in a dry, weather-protected room.

In the case of fixed structures (with a foundation, glass or polycarbonate), seasonal maintenance should be carried out more thoroughly.

To exclude the reproduction of pests, the walls of the greenhouse are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, the old soil is removed by 10-15 cm, after which a new one is added, and ash, sand, humus, and sometimes wood are added to it. Then it is carefully dug up and processed with a sulfur checker.

A greenhouse ready for the new season is left open until frost sets in or until the first snowfall. In winter, it is advisable to close the greenhouse tightly to protect it from snow and gusts of wind.

It will be useful to leave some snow in the greenhouse. In the spring, melt water can have a beneficial effect on soil quality. With heavy snowfalls, the greenhouse should be cleaned with a shovel or a broom; in case of moderate precipitation, it can be left alone.

Greenhouse material

Unlike a greenhouse, greenhouses are easy to manufacture. To independently mount a greenhouse, you will need ingenuity, certain building skills, and financial costs. But you can even make a greenhouse with your own hands, if you use improvised and, accordingly, inexpensive materials.

Most greenhouses are covered with polyethylene film (sometimes reinforced). The material is easy to find in any hardware store, its price is low. Non-woven lutrasil or spunbond is also suitable.

Due to the high cost, cellular polycarbonate and glass are not often used. If you make a greenhouse from window frames, then the issue with covering material is already resolved, provided that the glass is intact.

The basis of the greenhouse is a frame, which can have a different shape: in the form of an arc, a triangle, like a miniature greenhouse. The material for the frame can be polypropylene pipes, metal or fiberglass fittings, glued wooden bars, window frames and balcony doors.

Having competently organized the arrangement of the greenhouse on the site, you will no longer need to spend your energy on transplanting plants after the next frost.

It will not be difficult to get a fresh harvest for many years before everyone else, if the design turns out to be of high quality and reliable.

Greenhouse photo

Each gardener usually evaluates the greenhouse in terms of its functionality and very rarely in terms of attractiveness and how the structure fits into the landscape of the garden plot. Perhaps, only designers, residents of Europe and absolutely picky summer residents will look first of all at how the house for plants in their garden will look like. However, in fact, the aesthetic beauty of any structure in the country is also important for the owner of the garden plot. And interesting, unusual and simply beautiful greenhouses are not a myth, and it is not always as difficult to make them as it seems.

First, let's figure out what the beauty of the greenhouse really is. The fact is that this concept is relative. One person likes simple and neat designs, another will be delighted with a small building in the Gothic style, a third will call beautiful only that greenhouse that has an unusual shape or is made of unusual materials. But still, any of these greenhouses will have common signs of beauty.

A beautiful greenhouse is:

  • the design, made carefully and with some diligence, has no flaws, is even (unless its curvature is the builder's idea);
  • construction made of high-quality modern materials;
  • a clean and possibly decorated structure;
  • design harmoniously combined with all the buildings surrounding it;
  • a greenhouse that is looked after, taken care of.

Also, the greenhouse can be beautiful from the inside - it can be turned into a cozy holiday house with transparent walls, a greenhouse or winter Garden. As a rule, the last two types of structures are created by people who cannot live a day without their favorite plants and do not want to do gardening only in the summer.

Another beautiful greenhouse can have a non-standard roof shape - for example, this part of it can be made in the shape of an “onion”, be round, reminiscent of the roof of a Chinese house. There are also such structures that resemble a Russian tower or, for example, or a ball.

At the same time, remember that for each site you can choose your own style of greenhouse. Gothic, retro and Victorian style - the perfect solution for a traditional manor. And for a modern house, geometrically correct and more concise forms of the structure are suitable.

On a note! The main greenhouse designer for your garden plot is your imagination. Do not be afraid to give it free rein - sometimes the craziest ideas can be realized. The main thing is to think carefully about how to implement them.

Due to the detailed frame and a large number of windows, the greenhouse gives the impression of an openwork and elegant design. It is in such a “house” that, in addition to growing plants, you can relax - put a couple of sun loungers and enjoy the rays of the warm sun.

Polycarbonate prices


Dome greenhouses

Another very beautiful shape that a greenhouse can have is a dome. And if the English one is something classic and stylish, then the domed greenhouse is just a modern and even somewhat “space” building. It is perfect for those who love new design styles such as high-tech.

A domed greenhouse (or geo-dome) is similar to a sphere consisting of segments that resemble honeycombs. Or rather, not even a ball, but a hemisphere standing on the ground. The window segments that make up the greenhouse can be triangular or hexagonal. The design strongly resembles a gazebo and looks like something cosmic, but at the same time very interesting, therefore it is often able to decorate a summer cottage itself.

The frame of the dome greenhouse can be made of plastic, wood, metal. At the same time, it can be covered with film, glass and polycarbonate.

Such a greenhouse, in addition to beauty, has a lot of advantages:

  • well lit from within;
  • very reliable and not afraid of either winds or snowfalls;
  • retains heat well;
  • it is easier to create an optimal microclimate for plants in it;
  • if the greenhouse is of sufficient size, then it is very convenient to work in it - the side walls do not press and do not interfere.

If you like modern styles, then a domed greenhouse is definitely your option. Interestingly, the larger the design in size, the easier and faster it is to create.

Outwardly, it is very different from the usual arched or gable long structures. Such a greenhouse is very attractive, quite compact, and most importantly - convenient and practical, as summer residents say.

Unusual designs

Have you ever thought that a greenhouse can be not only beautiful, but also unusual? And often it is in the non-standard appearance that its beauty lies. Let's get acquainted with several unusual types of houses for plants.

  1. Greenhouse-pyramid appearance is an exact copy of the ancient structures - Egyptian pyramids in which the pharaohs were buried. Building it is quite simple, so those who are not very familiar with construction business and design, but wants an unusual and beautiful greenhouse, they may well choose this type of construction. Interestingly, many believe in the miraculous power of such structures: they say that plants grow and bear fruit better in pyramid greenhouses.

  • Greenhouse-bus ... However, why not? An old rusty bus may well fulfill the role of an almost finished frame. Remove seats from it, form beds - and you can plant plants. To last enough light, glaze the roof. A beautiful design will make an updated layer of paint.
  • A figured greenhouse is a very complex structure, the creation of which an ordinary gardener is unlikely to cope with. But she looks, of course, impressive and bewitching.
  • A polygonal greenhouse is usually octagonal, although some may wish to have more angles. Its charm is in symmetry and precision. Such a design is extremely rare due to the fact that creating it with your own hands is quite difficult.
  • Scheme of the winter greenhouse "Siberian Pepelats"

    Homemade greenhouse "Siberian Pepelats"

    We create a beautiful greenhouse with our own hands

    And now let's get acquainted with the instructions for creating the original and beautiful greenhouse wood and polycarbonate. It has a very interesting shape and is somewhat similar to a tunnel. We will not only twist / knock it together, but even glue it.

    Step 1. So, first you need to create a project or drawing, which will reflect all the dimensions of the structure.

    Step 2 Then, according to the drawing, it is necessary to make a template for assembling bent glued arcs from wooden boards.

    Step 3 Now, from a bar 3 m long, using a circular saw, you need to cut 72 strips with a thickness of 7 and a width of 45 mm.

    Step 4 A previously made template is taken and the process of gluing sawn wooden strips onto each other begins on it. You can glue them with PVA building glue.

    Step 5 Elastic bands, which are easy to cut from an old car inner tube, will help to pull the boards together and fix them until dry.

    Advice! In order to be able to fix the elastic bands, 20 small pieces of boards are placed perpendicularly under the first board.

    Step 6 After the arcs have dried, on their lower parts, overlays of two polycarbonate tapes and a wooden spacer tape between them are fixed with self-tapping screws.

    Step 7 At the next stage, a simple foundation strapping is assembled from a bar connected by metal corners. The foundation is attached to the ground with reinforcement.

    Step 8 It's time to collect all the arches. The left and right parts are connected to each other in the upper part with the help of rails. For convenience, during assembly, you can use wooden supports. In the lower part of the arc, they are attached to the foundation with long self-tapping screws. On the roof to strengthen the frame from the inside of the arches, you can fill the longitudinal screeds.

    Two arches are already assembled. Visible wooden supports

    Step 9 After the frame of the greenhouse has been assembled, the most interesting comes. It's time to cover the greenhouse with polycarbonate, the sheets of which are cut into pieces equal in width to the distance between the wooden spacers on the arcs. Then these pieces are simply inserted into the resulting grooves.

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