HR manager courses. HR courses. Learn more about the unique benefits and results of the HR training program at the presentation


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HR courses





32 hours
8 lessons





40 hours
10 lessons

32 hours
8 lessons

16 o'clock
4 lessons





48 hours
12 lessons

256 hours
no classes are held

For those who wish to master the profession of a personnel manager "from scratch", a training course "Organization and management of personnel service" is presented. The curriculum is aimed at students who do not have initial knowledge and experience in this field. Therefore, almost all study time, students will learn the basics of personnel management, starting with the basics of organization and standardization, ending with a detailed study of the functions of the personnel service in accordance with the legislation and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The practical part of the course is aimed at solving case problems from the practice of modern personnel management of companies of various forms of ownership. At the last lesson, students take a qualifying exam. Graduates receive a document on completion of training: a certificate of the established form and they are awarded the qualification: personnel manager.

Modular training programs "Organization and management of the personnel service with the study of 1C: Salary and personnel management" are built on the basis of the course of personnel managers described earlier. The curriculum is supplemented by the stage of practical training of students in working in 1C: Salary and personnel management, which is a useful tool for the personnel manager and personnel officer. The ability to work in this 1C computer program will automate payroll and implement the organization's personnel policy, which will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the personnel service specialist. Graduates receive a certificate of the established form.

Our educational center offers an advanced training course for HR managers and personnel officers with work experience, as well as for students who have completed training in the course "Organization and management of personnel service". The curriculum is built on the study of more professional and specialized material. Attention is focused on the development of managerial activities in personnel management, the study of personnel technologies, models and methods of personnel management. The practical part of the training consists of solving various case problems for the problems of modern realities of the personnel management service and developing practical work skills. The course ends with a qualifying exam. Graduates receive government-issued certificate and they are qualified as: HR manager (training).

In accordance with the Unified Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees (CEN), the main requirements for the position of a manager include:

  • higher education in the specialty "management" or higher education in other specialties with additional training in management;
  • 2 years experience in position.

For those who choose the profession of "HR manager", studying at a university in the specialty 38.03.03 will help acquire the necessary knowledge to start building a career in this area of ​​management.

Moscow offers training in the specialty "HR manager" in universities that provide high quality training in this profile:

  • RSUH;
  • Moscow State Pedagogical University;
  • REU them. Plekhanov;
  • RSSU;
  • MGOU.

For those who have received a non-core education, but would like to develop in the field of human resource management, additional courses will help to obtain the necessary knowledge. One of the most popular options for such training is the “recruitment manager” course, training in which will allow you to quickly gain knowledge and skills in searching, selecting and evaluating candidates for positions. You can go through them in person or remotely.

A HR manager can receive distance learning both in his city and in the best educational retraining centers located in major cities of the country. These programs include:

  • classroom classes in the form of seminars, webinars, lectures, which are conducted using Internet technologies;
  • practical exercises with analysis of real working situations;
  • individual consultations with course instructors;
  • independent study of professional literature, which is provided by the organizers through access to their own electronic libraries.

Completely independently, the HR manager can study online (free of charge) at the largest educational sites:

  • EduMarket.Ru;
  • Coursera;

All these resources contain online courses, the structure of which includes:

  • video recordings of seminars from leading experts;
  • business case solutions;
  • presentations on specific academic disciplines;
  • tests for self-checking and assessing the level of assimilation of the material.

professional standard

Since 2015, it has been put into effect, approved on 10/06/2015 by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. Unlike the CEN, the standard defines several positions of specialists and service managers, taking into account the specifics of their functions.

The general composition of positions with a detailed description of qualification requirements, job functions, knowledge and skills necessary for their performance includes both positions without functional specialization and a number of narrow-profile positions:

  • HR specialist;
  • specialist in documentary support of work with personnel;
  • personnel documentation specialist;
  • recruitment specialist;
  • personnel assessment and certification specialist;
  • personnel development and training specialist;
  • career development specialist;
  • specialist in rationing and remuneration;
  • specialist in organization and remuneration;
  • compensation and benefits specialist;
  • social program specialist;
  • specialist in work with representative bodies of employees;
  • specialist in corporate social policy.

This approach allows enterprises to reflect in the title of the position the priority areas of work of the employee and form the functionality of the position, taking into account specialization.

For managers working in consulting companies engaged in the selection of personnel for clients - legal entities, a separate one has been developed, approved on 10/09/2015.

The application of the professional standard is not a mandatory requirement, since all the positions listed in the standards do not belong to the category of harmful professions or types of professional activity that provide the right to receive additional benefits from the state.

Nevertheless, when developing functionals and job descriptions, you can refer to the text of the standard in order to create a high-quality document that fully and structuredly describes the duties and requirements for employees.

The difference between a personnel officer and a "personal manager"

Human Resources Managers are responsible for preparing and maintaining personnel documentation in accordance with the requirements of labor legislation. "Personal workers", as a rule, perform the duties of registering the admission or dismissal of employees in addition to their specialized functionality for the search, adaptation, evaluation or development of employees of the enterprise.

Who is in charge of staff training?

To increase the level of competence of employees of the enterprise, companies hire employees for the position of "training manager", whose duties are related to assessing the needs of employees in obtaining new knowledge and preparing training programs. Also, the functions of the personnel training manager include the search for partner companies, trainers who can improve the knowledge and skills of the employees of the enterprise, the development of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of seminars or trainings.

Another employee of the HR department, who ensures the fulfillment of tasks to increase the competence of employees, is the manager for training and development of personnel, whose duties are not only related to the administration of the training process, but also to the preparation of employee development programs based on learning outcomes. Its functionality includes:

  • development of individual development plans for employees;
  • participation in the processes of formation of the personnel reserve of the organization;
  • assessment of the dynamics of changes in the results of the work of employees after the programs completed;
  • selection of candidates from the internal reserve for appointment to new positions.

KPI manager for training and development of personnel, with the help of which the effectiveness of his work is assessed, includes indicators:

  • implementation of the training plan;
  • the effectiveness of the training provided - an increase in labor productivity or the quality of the performance of functions by employees after training;
  • quality of the personnel reserve: the number of reservists transferred to reserve positions and successfully passed the probationary period, to the total number of employees appointed to reserve positions.

Not everyone is able to cope with such tasks without additional training, and additional education may be required to form the necessary competencies and gain knowledge. Additional courses "Manager for training and development of personnel" can be taken, for example, at the training center at the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman or the Institute of Professional Personnel Officer.

In order to assess the demand for this profession, just look at the offers of employers on any job search site. At the request in the search line “personnel training manager, vacancies, Moscow”, more than 100 vacancies per month regularly appear with a salary of 30,000 rubles or more. for beginners up to 100,000 rubles. for professionals with experience. As for the regional labor market, the need for employees of this profile is growing every year. Jobs in this professional specialization can be found not only in the capital, but also in any city in the country, as companies are ready to actively develop their human resources potential. And for the qualitative organization of this process, people with the necessary professional training and experience are needed.

Who is HR

HR-specialist - a professional with competencies in all areas of human resource management.

Such generalists are invited to the company in two cases:

  1. The employee will work in a single person in a small organization.
  2. A high-class professional is required who will lead all the work on managing the employees of the enterprise and narrow-profile HR managers will be transferred to his subordination. As a rule, in this case we are talking about an HR partner who solves not only tactical tasks related to hiring, adaptation, evaluation, development and motivation, but also builds the entire strategy for managing the organization's employees.

The HR Academy program is aimed at expanding practical skills, improving qualifications and gaining new knowledge in the field of personnel management. The program includes 9 modules, which are held both in an open and in a corporate format. When the Client chooses a corporate format, the content of the modules and their number are discussed with the Client depending on his needs. There are two options for conducting a training program for personnel management:

    HR training on one or more modules of the program, including theoretical and practical parts (interactive cases and exercises);

    HR training for one or more modules of the program, including project work, analysis and evaluation of its results, as well as a final assessment of the learning outcomes for selected modules. (Complex program)

open format The program provides for participation in any of the modules, the content of which does not change.

  • HR management courses are designed for specialists in HR and consulting services, HR managers, HR directors and company executives, as well as all those who are faced with the selection, evaluation, training and development of personnel, motivation and improving the effectiveness of HR. You will receive skills and tools, the effectiveness of which has been proven in practice. You will learn how to increase the productivity of HR departments, understand how to work with HR analytics, study methods and approaches that allow you to build an effective system of material and non-material motivation of employees, and learn new trends in the field of talent retention.
  • In the program of the course for personnel managers, the teachers included all the issues that are relevant today.
  • Learn more about the unique benefits and outcomes of the HR training program at presentations!

    The target audience

    • Heads and employees of HR departments
    • Heads of business units who would like to expand their knowledge in the field of human resource management and labor law.

    What do members get?

    • Practical skills on topics included in the HR Academy program, which can later be successfully implemented in your daily activities and work projects
    • Knowledge of the best Russian and international practices, the latest trends, the latest tools and approaches in the field of HR
    • Ability to solve complex and non-standard tasks using an integrated approach
    • Ability to identify and address existing gaps in knowledge.


    Register for a presentation


    “A rare case of the ratio of completeness, simplicity, quality and material, and its presentation. (About the HR-analytics module)»

    Oksana Shvets Head of HR Department, Goznak

    “Systemic approach, many examples from real life, taking into account modern trends, world practice. (About the HR-analytics module)»

    Nadezhda Goleneva Head of Human Resources Department, Dymov

    “Great, exceeds expectations. Lots of ideas for practical application, for research. (About the HR-analytics module)»

    Natalya Shkred Lead Compensation and Benefits Specialist, Dymov

    “Very structured presentation of the material and good coverage of topics, interesting real cases. I would especially like to cancel the importance of the following topics: technology and the need to form a personnel reserve.

    (About the module "Talent management in the modern world")

    The program makes you think: am I doing everything right? Allows you to see the risks and weaknesses in the system that we have. A very useful training that touches on global changes and the transformation of learning!

    Elena Dobrodeeva Specialist of the Human Resources Department, PJSC "Transcontainer"

    “Especially useful - trends and trends in the field of remuneration + opportunities for combining different tools.

    Nadezhda Milekhina

    “Very positive atmosphere, experience supported by examples from work situations!
    It is very useful that theoretical information is supported by practical examples. There is an opportunity to discuss the material in a group discussion, not just a theory is given.
    (About the module "Remuneration and motivation")»

    Ekaterina Sokolova Head of Human Resources Group, Volkswagen Group Rus

    Dobrodeeva Elena PJSC "TransContainer"

    “The topic was covered in full, and most importantly enough time was allocated for the practical part! The materials on the reward system and work with different generations, motivations of different generations were especially useful for me.

    (About module 5 "Remuneration and motivation") »

    Yeletskaya Oksana

    “Very clear, logically structured training! Pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Everyone liked it very much! I discovered new interesting details on the organization of the interview process, assessment on competencies!! I will think and try to implement them in my company! Many thanks to the coach!

    (About the module "Selection and adaptation of personnel")»

    Svetlana Puchkova Senior HR Specialist, HAVI Logistics

    "Great presentation style! The trainer dynamically, lively, skillfully involved and initiated the discussion!

    (About the module "Talent management in the modern world") »

    Shotina Alexandra Recruitment Manager, Siberian Generating Company LLC

    “I would like to thank the trainer, an excellent teacher for a strategic (helicopter) look at the L&D field. The seminar is filled with comprehensive information on mega-trends, training needs analysis, performance evaluation! Content exceeded expectations!

    (About the module "Personnel training and development") »

    Alexandra Tsyganova Personnel Training and Development Specialist, Volkswagen Group

    “I really liked the teacher from a professional point of view and in terms of personal qualities! Particularly interesting and useful was the topic Competency Interview!

    (About the module "Selection and adaptation of personnel")

    Thank you very much for the interactivity, the use of mobile applications, international practice, the balance of theory and practice! Separately, I would like to note the topic of global challenges and skills for the future!!

    (About the module "Personnel training and development") »

    Venera Fakhrutdinova Talent Management Department, Vnesheconombank

    “A very practical and informative course, closely tied to modern business realities! Very useful information about grading and building a bonus system in companies

    (About module 5 "Remuneration and motivation") »

    Dobrodeeva Elena PJSC "TransContainer"

    Human capital is the basis of business. HR courses at the Russian School of Management will help you learn how to manage human resources. You will be able to apply knowledge in practice, improve communication skills and begin to understand people. Learn to build a model of personnel management in accordance with the specifics of the business. Courses for HR managers provide up-to-date information on managing a company's personnel policy.

    Learning Outcomes

    The personnel management courses included theoretical and practical blocks. Training takes place in the format of seminars and trainings and includes work with methodological materials, role-playing games, studying company cases.

    Students of effective HR courses will learn:

      Develop and implement a personnel motivation system.

      Develop and implement corporate culture.

      Understand labor laws.

      Select wage systems taking into account the specifics of the company.

      Work with candidate profiles.

      Conduct interviews.

      Organize a personnel assessment system.

    Who can benefit from HR courses?

    RSU invites HR managers to courses in Moscow. They will be helpful:

      Managers, HR managers and HR staff.

      HR directors.

      Recruiting agency staff.

      Corporate psychologists.

    Personnel courses will be of interest not only to specialized specialists, but also to managers who want to develop an effective personnel policy. Training in personnel management at RSU is an opportunity to gain the necessary experience and knowledge that will increase your competitiveness in the labor market.

    "Personnel service and personnel management of the enterprise", 2013, N 2


    An HR manager who has stopped in professional development does not have career growth, so you need to constantly learn, acquire knowledge and master new techniques. But this must be done thoughtfully. To improve one's professional level, not all methods and methods of training are applicable.

    If we analyze the labor market, that is, count the number of vacancies and resumes on well-known "job" portals, such as hh. ru and superjob. ru, it can be established that there are several resumes for one vacancy in the field of personnel management. An average of four or five. You may get the impression that the market is saturated, there are too many HR managers, and, accordingly, there is not enough work. This means that it is difficult to find a job and grow your career in this area. However, this picture is illusory. Employers turn down many candidates. The reason is the low qualification of applicants and lack of professional experience. Moreover, often a negative decision awaits applicants who already have work experience. You can, of course, say that employers are to blame for everything, who themselves do not know what they want, but in fact the reason that HRs sometimes look for work for a long time is banal - this is a lack of knowledge, skills and abilities.

    Despite the fact that the HR manager is not the most well-paid specialty, the requirements for it are quite high. This is especially true for the positions of specialists in training and development, specialists in motivation, in the field of selection of top personnel.

    The job market is "overheated" resumes also because the position of HR attracts many applicants who do not have serious work experience. These are graduates of various economic and "managerial" faculties. It is difficult to say why they liked the work of a personnel manager so much. Currently, the most popular and "monetary" are vacancies in the field of sales and working specialties. The former student does not have a working specialty, he does not want to sell and provide services, but he wants to "manage people", command and decide destinies. And this is in some bizarre way connected in the minds of yesterday's student with personnel management.

    Be that as it may, the quality of training of HR managers remains rather low. In general, this does not come from the fact that HRs are so lazy and do not want to learn, but because the profession of an HR specialist is difficult. Educational institutions, of course, train personnel management specialists, but how do they meet the requirements of employers?

    Let's start with the fact that there are specializations in the field of personnel management itself. And these industries are voluminous in themselves. Take, for example, staff training. In the field of personnel development, there are at least two positions - a training specialist who deals with training programs, organizing the educational process (a kind of head teacher in an organization), and a teacher or business coach. To master these specialties, you need to have teaching experience, that is, be able to teach. And as we know, teaching people is a separate profession, which is obtained at a pedagogical institute.

    And if you take motivational specialists? Not a single university prepares such people at all. This specialty involves knowledge of finance, economics of the enterprise and at the same time - the psychology of motivation. In general, the problem of professional training of personnel managers is objective. This is such a vast branch of knowledge that it is not possible to learn everything. But you need to study. First, it is necessary to raise the prestige of the profession. Secondly, to successfully compete in the labor market. And this applies to both beginners and experienced HRs.

    Where to study?

    So, we study, improve our qualifications, the prestige of the profession and the level of wages. Where and how to study? We will stipulate right away that higher education in the specialty "Personnel Management" does not provide the necessary practical skills. However, as well as theoretical knowledge. This is true at least for those who have at least a little experience in personnel management. However, some HRs make the mistake of pursuing a second degree in human resources management.

    For a young person, of course, it is better to have such a higher education than not to have any. For those who do not have work experience, this is useful, because a diploma, regardless of the specialty, is a pass to new professional and career opportunities. In addition, such training gives an idea of ​​the future responsibilities of an HR manager (although this could be done in a much shorter time): after all, a student who has some cognitive activity will at least imagine that the personnel management system includes several subsystems ( training, selection, etc.).

    Learning from the more experienced

    It is best to get knowledge from experienced people: nothing can replace this format of learning. Only in direct contact can one master specific methods and techniques for solving problems.

    Example 1. Natalia F. came to work in the HR department as an assistant recruitment manager. At the very beginning of her HR career, she understood little and could only print resumes received by e-mail. But Natalia had a good mentor - Vera K., head of the service. She could explain what to look for when reading a resume, how to deal with aggressive candidates, what questions to ask during an interview, so that the candidate freely talks about himself without "squeezing" and not trying to embellish his merits, how to talk with department heads . As a result, Natalya received very good training, and when another employee appeared in the department, a graduate in the specialty "personnel management", Natalya not only did not feel less qualified, but could also give a head start in terms of professional training.

    The problem is that the university does not teach just such nuances, university training sometimes even harms. Because yesterday's student who came to work mistakenly thinks that he has the necessary skills, and this, as we see, is often not true.

    Example 2. Vasily, a university graduate with a degree in personnel management, got a job in one of the companies. He was instructed to carry out the certification of personnel. This was one of the tasks during the trial period. At the university, Vasily was armed with a variety of knowledge, including how to conduct personnel certification. He was familiar with 360-degree methods, competency interviews, etc., but had little idea of ​​how to work with staff. It was necessary to certify forwarding drivers, they were, as they say, the “weak link” in the company, because they accounted for the largest number of disciplinary violations, errors in paperwork and other things unpleasant for management. Vasily was appointed secretary of the commission, he had to first conduct a survey among forwarding drivers, using the company's standard methodology, on knowledge of procedures, rules, etc. When the employees saw Vasily, they began to mock him and provoke him to reciprocal aggression. Some forwarding drivers doubted Vasily's professional competence, while they said so: "The smartest one came here to check us."

    Vasily, unfortunately, did not have experienced mentors, he succumbed to provocations. At first, he tried to "put himself" in front of the employees, threatening them with all sorts of punishments, up to and including dismissal, which caused a new wave of ridicule and bullying. And then Vasily threw a hysterical scandal in the office of the general director, which did not protect him from the cynicism of "these hard workers." It all ended with disciplinary measures, as Vasily threatened. But only for himself - he was fired as not having passed the probationary period.

    Some HRs who decide to change their specialization, for example, to retrain from recruiters to business coaches, make the following mistake: they go to all sorts of courses and trainings. It is much better to work in this case, for example, as an assistant business coach, look at the process from the side, try to conduct classes on certain topics. And then, having oriented, you can learn from some trainings. Learning from more experienced people is the most effective way to improve your skills.

    Learning by ourselves

    Nowadays, learning is easy and interesting. Previously, 20 years ago, in order to prepare an abstract, a report, one had to go to the library and look for books on the relevant topics. If these books were "on hand", then it was necessary to wait or look for literature and documents of interest in other libraries. Now everything is much easier. Books are available, and if they are not in the library, they can be bought in a store or ordered online with delivery from any country.

    Self-education is also a good way of learning for an HR manager. You can study classic textbooks on management by American, Russian, Japanese and other authors and communicate on thematic forums on the Internet. The problem is that there is a lot of "water" in all this, that is, a mass of information that is not useful in the realities of Russian traditions of personnel management. For example, American textbooks are full of information that different people should work in a company - different races, sexual orientations, nationalities, etc. And one of the fundamental works of an American practice on personnel assessment contains information about the all-American grading system, which is supported by many organizations, including non-governmental ones. For Russian HR, this is of little use. For our HR manager, it is important not so much to know the personnel assessment procedure and the grading structure, but to be able to show the importance of all this to the management.

    If you really have to learn on your own, then one of the most effective methods is the study of regulatory documents, various provisions, and guidelines. Work instructions provide excellent tools for HR, both novice and experienced. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to study the documents governing the management of human resources of another organization, you need to grab it with both hands. But it is important to study these documents, and not to launch them into work, quickly changing the names of organizations and departments. By the way, this is a common mistake of HR managers.

    Example 3: A company's HR department was tasked with developing and implementing a grading system. Without thinking twice, the head of the service turned to his colleague from another company with the aim of "taking to read the documents for the exchange of experience", regulating the motivation system. The documents were received, slightly modified and "launched" at their own enterprise. Nothing, of course, did not work out, the idea of ​​​​assigning ranks was criticized. Grading is a complex process, which should include both heads of departments and ordinary employees, just copying documents is clearly not enough.

    Learn from seminars and trainings

    There are many companies involved in training, however, they are mainly located in large cities. There are few such organizations in settlements of less than half a million, so business coaches from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities are often invited to conduct seminars.

    What are the pros and cons of trainings and seminars for HR? A significant advantage is that at the seminars you can exchange experiences with colleagues. Another plus is the ability to practice skills, especially if a video camera is used for video analysis. Some types of work are difficult to master just by reading literature. This, for example, concerns conducting an interview when applying for a job or an attestation interview, and it is generally impossible to learn how to conduct business training from books. This is where training video analysis technologies come to the rescue.

    In other words, trainings are good when you need to learn specific behavioral skills: gesticulate correctly, express thoughts, control the body (i.e., monitor and correct non-verbal behavior).

    The disadvantage of the seminar and training format is that trainers and teachers take decisions from the same textbooks as HRs. It’s interesting for a beginner, but for a person with a solid base of decisions, it doesn’t make sense to study, no matter what business coaches say about the fact that it’s always useful to “look at yourself from the outside” and “bring into the system what you already know.”

    Example 4. The head of the organizational development sector of the personnel service of a large regional company, Andrey V., was sent to Moscow for training. The course was devoted to business process management. Andrei liked the presentation and structure of the material, but even before the training, he prepared a list of questions that he would like to receive answers to, but there were no answers. According to one of the participants in the training course, the trainer answered the questions in a standard way, "like in a textbook", which Andrey, of course, did not like, because training should help develop practical solutions to problems, and not give a general theoretical basis.

    In general, a significant disadvantage of seminars and trainings is that they, presented in a large number on the consulting services market, provide an "overview" knowledge, without reference to specifics, and for a personnel manager, it is applied solutions that are needed, and not knowledge of general patterns.

    At the same time, seminars conducted by the developers of one or another author's method or set of methods have a rather high practical value. Some companies offer proprietary application tools ready to use (document packages, payroll spreadsheets, checklists, etc.), others offer software to improve management efficiency. All of the above courses are similar to training 1C users when there is a specific tool (in this case, a program); it can be taken as a basis and applied, and teachers simply teach how to use this tool. But it makes sense to study a personnel manager at such seminars only if the management plans to introduce a particular methodology or system. Otherwise, it will result in a waste of time and money.

    "Academic" education

    We talked about the pros and cons of university education earlier. Now there are a lot of different courses lasting up to a year, at the end of which certificates are issued. The value of these certificates is questionable.

    The HR manager profession is similar to the salesperson profession in that when hiring, the employer evaluates the candidate's behavior, experience, and specific achievements. If the seller has fifty certificates and certificates, but if he cannot talk about the product and does not show the rules of elementary courtesy towards the client, then this pile of pieces of paper is absolutely worthless. It's the same in the HR profession - experience outweighs formal education.

    Useful Skills

    There is a very useful group of support skills that an HR manager needs. They greatly facilitate professional development. This is the ability to speak in public, writing and understanding business processes.

    The ability to speak in front of an audience is very important. From how relaxed and competently a HR manager can speak, how he feels the mood of people and controls his emotions, his career depends. Some employers generally consider this to be a core skill that HR should have. It's easy to learn - it takes constant practice. By the way, behavioral training in public speaking can help with this. There is a good literature on oratory.

    Written speech in the work of the personnel manager is also very important. Some, especially novice specialists, cannot write a regulation, instruction, regulation just because they do not understand how to arrange words in order to express their thoughts on paper. Actually, the art of correct writing consists of several components:

    1) correct spelling, grammar and punctuation;

    2) a fairly extensive vocabulary, general erudition;

    3) ownership of the style of presentation (documentary, fiction, etc.).

    The school course of the Russian language can be refreshed using various Internet resources, and it makes sense to master vocabulary and style in practice - by reading and delving into working documents. In addition, to acquire writing skills, it is extremely useful to read the works of the classics and constantly practice, for example, keep your own blog, as well as compose analytical materials (references, reviews), building the text in accordance with a pre-written plan.

    Business knowledge. Many HRs lock themselves into their narrow area of ​​specialization. This is especially the fault of human resources inspectors, who believe that they should only know the requirements of labor legislation, although they claim career growth and dream of wage increases. An HR manager needs to know how "money is made" as well as basic economic concepts. Some HRs have difficulty understanding how management accounting differs from accounting, and this causes a condescending attitude from other managers of organizations. Of course, you need to know the principles of graphical representation of business processes, the ideologies of IDEF0, DFD and others.

    Such knowledge can be easily acquired within the walls of the native company, communicating with employees of other departments and studying the regulatory documents of the organization.

    E. Mamonov


    for personnel management

    Signed for printing on 18.01.2013

    • Education, Development, Trainings


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