Get taxi courier service. Gett courier: conditions, tariffs, where is it available? And how much do these services cost?


Our company offers individuals and legal entities an inexpensive service of courier delivery by taxi. We have low prices, fixed rates, discounts, bonuses. Call!

The service "courier delivery by taxi" is very popular among residents of the metropolis. The Vitaxi company delivers parcels, packages, letters, documents and much more in Moscow or the region at a reasonable price. This is a very convenient service, as it saves customers from having to wait for a courier from a delivery service. It is enough just to call a taxi by phone number, the car will arrive at the time specified in the order, and your package or parcel will be delivered the same day. The cost of the service is calculated according to the city or fixed tariff plus an additional fee for courier delivery. Payment for this service is carried out at the first address, which is also very convenient, because you will be sure that the recipient will not pay anything extra for the gift or parcel you sent. Sometimes, our clients are interested in what can be sent by courier by taxi. Almost anything. You can send personal items, documents, a gift, and even food. In the summer, when many parents send their children with their grandparents to the dacha, you can send children's toys, bicycles, and food by taxi. You don't have to take time off from work or take a day of unpaid leave. Our driver will deliver any parcel the same day. Courier delivery is a very popular service in our service because it is inexpensive and convenient.

Courier delivery for legal entities

Courier delivery is also in demand among corporate clients. For example, to deliver documents or product samples to business partners. It is important to note that when ordering a service from our company, you can be absolutely sure that the parcels will be delivered to the addressee at the strictly specified time and without delay. The cost of the service will be determined based on the terms of the corporate agreement. You can also order inexpensive courier delivery to several addresses, for example, deliver packages with documents to several partners. Take advantage of our offer and you, order courier delivery in our company. Believe me, you will be satisfied with the quality of our service and low prices!

Time has now become an incredibly valuable resource. The rhythm of life of a modern person is such that the lion's share of time is devoted to solving various business problems. Sometimes all this absorbs so much that there is no free minute left to buy groceries for a week or to please a visit of a loved one - work always comes first. Courier services are a new area in the taxi and transportation business. Our company is ready to come to your rescue in any life situation by delivering the parcel to the specified address.

Taxi courier is profitable and convenient!

The company "Cheap Taxi" provides courier services that have a number of advantages:

  • Delivery is carried out around the clock.
  • The customer has the option to specify the required delivery time.
  • Delivery is carried out in the shortest possible time.
  • Our courier services are the most profitable in Moscow and Moscow Region.

In addition to documents, correspondence, small-sized cargo and letters, we offer you such a service as courier delivery of flowers and gifts: please your loved ones by bringing bright colors to the gray working days of Moscow.

We carry out courier delivery around the city and region, choosing the shortest routes, so we comply with the delivery time, regardless of the time of day and the situation on the roads.

Taxi courier is a service that is not only convenient for your business, but also the most profitable, since our rates are the cheapest in the city. For legal entities that have concluded a contract with us for the provision of services, a system of discounts and a fixed cost of payment for delivery is provided. Contact us and you will be able to solve personal issues without wasting time on long trips and at the best price!

Taxi for everyday tasks

Courier services are of great interest to people who are not connected with business. Suppose you have to work overtime every day. You leave the office almost at night, and therefore there is no time or energy left to go to the store. By contacting us, you can order the delivery of products to your office! We will purchase goods in full accordance with your requirements and deliver them to the specified place clearly at the designated time. No need to turn to relatives or acquaintances, who, quite possibly, are also bogged down in a work routine. Courier services from our company will save you from this problem!

Courier services in Moscow help add romance to your relationship with your loved one. Do you want to please your other half with a gift, but you can't find time to buy a bouquet of flowers or a toy? Contact us! We are ready to purchase a bouquet, and then deliver flowers to you anywhere in Moscow, or not only buy a gift, but also deliver it to the addressee! It is guaranteed that such a sign of attention will not go unnoticed - at home they will wait for you with sincere joy.

Delivery in Moscow by taxi

Honesty, efficiency, attention to each client - these are the main principles of our work. Being engaged in the delivery of your parcel, we are responsible for its safety and strict adherence to deadlines. We will be happy to answer your questions, please contact us!

02/25/2016, Thu, 15:22, Moscow time , Text: Tatyana Korotkova

Gett - an international service for ordering taxis and other everyday services through a mobile application, operating in 58 cities around the world - announced the launch of a new service - "Gett Courier". Within 20 minutes after the order, one of the specially trained Gett drivers will come to the user and pick up the package. The service will operate in Moscow from 9:00 to 21:00 on weekdays and weekends, and its cost will be p 400 within the Third Ring Road and p 600 within the Moscow Ring Road, Gett told CNews.

In order to use the service, you need to select the "Courier" class in the Gett mobile application, specify the sender's address, phone number and recipient's address. Delivery is carried out by specially selected and trained Gett drivers, the company emphasized. A special branded package has been prepared for each shipment. The courier will pick up the parcel within 20 minutes after placing the order and quickly deliver it without additional stops. It will be possible to track the entire delivery route in real time in the application itself, and upon arrival at the place, the courier will call the recipient at the specified phone number. Departure and delivery of parcels is possible from any point within the Moscow Ring Road, while only bank cards are accepted for payment.

“Over the years, Gett has managed to reduce the delivery time and the minimum cost of the trip. Our technologies and experience have given users the opportunity to save time, get the necessary services in a matter of minutes. The launch of “Gett Courier” will help solve many problems, whether it is sending a bouquet, a gift or important documents, the CEO of Gett in Russia is sure Vitaly Krylov. - The service will be in demand not only among private users: now we are developing a courier service for Gett corporate clients, and in the future - a unique service for our market - delivery of purchases from online stores within an hour.

At the end of April 2015, Gett launched new services in a single mobile application and allowed users to quickly receive many necessary services in everyday life. Among the main categories of services that Gett plans to develop are transportation, food, beauty, medicine and home services. Since July 2015, the Gett Sushi service has been available to Moscow users in the Gett app. In November Gett

Not many people know about the existence of such an addition to the service. But, recently, the courier Gett began to gain fame, including on the Russian market, without feeling serious competition. Especially against this background, the absence of a coherent courier service from other aggregators presented on the Russian market stands out. Yes, and if you study the reviews of drivers, many people like the combined form, when you can choose both a simple order with a passenger, and take the goods to the specified address. In the future, we will take a closer look at the very principle of the Gett courier, as well as its advantages. In addition, we will learn firsthand how to use the service, what is needed for this, as well as the rules for processing a “package”.

How to use the Gett courier service?

You can use the Gett courier option through the application. Moreover, this is the same software as for regular car orders for a trip. How to order:

  • Open the application, in the corresponding menu indicate that you need delivery.
  • Next, choose the address of the parcel and where you want to deliver it.
  • Fill in additional fields for information, for example, whether you need a lift to the floor. By the way, you will have to pay extra for the latter, about 150 rubles. But, in general, about tariffs, a little later.
  • Finally, click on the "Create" tab.

Then you just need to wait until one of the drivers takes the order. Sometimes the waiting time can be longer, but as a rule, this happens during rush hours, when the taxi is working in an enhanced mode or the package is on the outskirts or even outside the city. But, nevertheless, your application will not be left without attention.

Tariffs and rules Gett courier

Gett courier works on tariffs, with a fixed minimum rate. So, taxi Gett courier rates:

  • The base cost, regardless of the day of the trip, is 150 rubles. That is, the price is included here, both for 1 km and 1 min.
  • But, it is worth considering that in certain time frames, the tariff increases. So, on any day, from 7:00 to 9:59, the minimum cost will be 225 rubles.
  • Additionally, it provides 5 free minutes of waiting.
  • Additional kilometer 8 rubles.
  • A minute is also 8 rubles.

Where is the service available?

To date, the work of the Gett courier service is only being tested in the Moscow region, more precisely the city of Moscow, as well as the nearest suburbs (TTK). Soon, the company promises to launch similar options in other regions, primarily St. Petersburg and Kazan, as the two unspoken capitals of Russia.

In addition to the transportation of parcels, the service works with various restaurants, cafes, bars, so you can also use such a service as Get's "food products". More details about this can be found on the official website of the company. Also, when ordering food in a restaurant, you will be offered the option of delivery through the Gett aggregator.

How to order Gett Delivery?

Courier delivery within the TTK is available if the weight of the parcel is not more than 20 kg. In addition, the dimensions in three dimensions should not exceed 170 cm. Express delivery is packed in special safe packages, so you don’t have to worry about safety and integrity.

As for the cost, it is fixed in the application, according to the chosen route. But, keep in mind that the minimum tariff is 150 rubles, as already mentioned within the TTC. Additionally, the price is calculated based on the mileage and the time spent waiting.

Almost every person who lives in a big city has at least once faced the fact that he needs to transfer some things, documents or well-aimed household appliances to a person or organization on the other side of the city. Everything would be fine, but we live in Moscow and you can drive a car on your own for an infinitely long time, but you still have to get back. If you take the metro, it will turn out much faster, but you will lose at least 2-3 hours. If you don’t want to waste time, order a taxi with Courier service in Moscow.

Courier delivery services are not expensive for our customers. After all, ordering a one-way taxi is much cheaper than taking something by taxi on your own and paying for a trip in one direction and the other.

The provision of courier services is ours. We are primarily a taxi service. But if you need to take things and not a person, we will be happy to help. Let's figure out when our courier service may be needed?

  1. Transfer things to your parents or friends on the other side of the city;
  2. Send flowers and a box of chocolates to your girlfriend;
  3. Transfer documents to a work colleague;
  4. and in many other cases;

We do not transfer: Money, jewelry, illegal drugs and substances, flammable liquids. Also, we do not buy groceries, medicines and do not put money on the phone.

The cost of courier delivery in Moscow in our taxi service is +100 rubles. to the estimated fare of the trip.

We provide urgent courier services. Delivery of the car after the order is 15-20 minutes. Not a single courier service will be able to send a courier to you in such a short period of time, because the system of taxi and courier service is very different. No courier service in Moscow will deliver your parcel at night. But we are not a courier service - we are a taxi, and we work around the clock. We will take your order at any time and deliver it as soon as possible. Well, if you need to transfer things around Moscow - what difference does it make to you who will transfer them: a taxi driver or a courier?

How to order a courier service in Moscow?

You can order a courier service in Moscow by calling our taxi service

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